Brenda! Brenda! Brenda! Soapnet Marathon

GENERAL HOSPITAL's torrid Sonny/Brenda/Jax love triangle. I'm offering an edited tape of all 11 episodes edited onto one 8 hr tape (yep deleting commercials actually cuts out 3 hours!) or two 4 hr dvds without commercials.  I did include any GH/Brenda/ related promos on this edited tape so while it doesn't contain commericals it does contain promos.

11 a.m.: Brenda's first dinner with Jax on Valentine's Day (from 2/14/96)

12 p.m.: Jax & Brenda enjoy a Malibu sunset, includes Rodeo Drive scenes (4/8/96)

1 p.m.: Jax & Brenda marry on the yacht, Lily dies in explosion (5/31/96)

2 p.m.: Sonny uses Miranda to spoil Jax & Brenda's wedding day (10/11/96)

3 p.m.: Sonny & Brenda make love in the cave (3/7/97)

4 p.m.: Sonny proposes to Brenda and they practice their vows (8/8/97)

5 p.m.: Sonny's leaves Brenda at the altar (9/22/97)

6 p.m.: Brenda recalls her history with Sonny with flashbacks (9/24/97)

7 p.m.: Brenda & Jax eat s'mores on Thanksgiving (11/27/97)

8 p.m.: Brenda proposes to Jax on the beach in Malibu (5/5/98)

9 p.m.: Jax reminisces after Brenda's presumed death with flashbacks (9/15/98)

See below for the soapnet episode descriptions. I also have some additional expanded descriptions for each episode that I'm working on compiling.

Original Airdate: 2/14/96

Brenda went to see Jax to return the ring he'd bought for Lois and to warn him to stay away from her friend. Jax wasn't easily dissuaded and invited Brenda to dinner so that he could learn more about Lois. Over dinner, Jax found himself intrigued by Brenda and tried to get to know her better. Though Brenda found Jax amusing, she refused to give him any information about herself.

A leak in the pipes led Felicia to the roof to check things out. The door stuck and she was trapped in the bitter cold. She called for help and Tom heard her from his apartment. When he arrived to rescue her however, he let the door close behind him and both of them were trapped on the roof. They huddled together and tried to make light of their situation-and the sexual tension between them. They were relieved when Bobbie came home and rescued them. Tom asked Felicia to his place for a drink, but she declined the invitation.

Luke, Mac, Kevin, and Lucy traveled to San Antonio on the hunt for Damian Smith. Luke had a plan to disguise himself as a rich old man and go the spa where they suspected that Damian was hiding. Luke was pleased when he saw Damian alive and well at the posh spa. He schemed that the way to really get to Damian was to use Lucy as bait. Mac and Kevin's part in the plan was to dress in their old drag costumes so they could keep watch over Lucy. Though Kevin balked at the plan, he eventually agreed in order to make sure Lucy would be safe.

Original Airdate: 4/8/96

Jax surprised Brenda after she was discharged from the hospital by "kidnapping" her and whisking her away for a special trip. Though she begged to know where he was taking her, Jax refused. Brenda was thrilled when they landed in California and Jax drove her all around Los Angeles for sightseeing. They ended the day at Jax' palatial ocean front home.

Bobbie asked Luke for a $30,000 loan which she needed to repay a loan shark. Luke gave her the money without asking any questions, but he insisted on delivering the payment himself. When Luke refused to pay the interest that the man demanded, the loan shark brought out his heavies to intimidate Luke. Luke countered by asking Sonny to step out of the shadows. Fearing Sonny's threat of retribution, the loan shark accepted a lesser payment from Luke. Bobbie later confessed to Luke that she had borrowed the money in order to pay a private investigator to find the daughter she had given up for adoption as a teenager. Luke worried that Bobbie was endangering her marriage by digging up the past and Bobbie ultimately agreed to let sleeping dogs lie. Meanwhile, a mysterious young woman packed up her things and headed for Port Charles.

Edward called Katherine to the mansion to offer her the chance to buy Deception. He had decided to offer it her instead of Lucy because he didn't like that Lucy had a silent partner in Jax. While Katherine took the opportunity to look over the contract, Edward asked Lucy to come over. Lucy was floored when Katherine came out and said she was accepting Edward's deal. She later cried on the docks over the betrayal.

Original Airdate: 5/31/96

Ned and Lois were celebrating their first wedding anniversary, though Edward tried to prevent it by asking him to work. Ned chose to stay with Lois rather than spend the day at the office. Lois was pleased since it would be their last anniversary as a childless couple.

Laura's trial was well underway and Justus was steadily trying to undermine the prosecution's case against her. Justus was slowly proving that the evidence against Laura was circumstantial and Laura and Luke were confident that he would win. After Dara and Justus exchanged one too many barbs, the judge fined them both and adjourned court for the day. Justus conferred with Edward upon leaving the courtroom and Edward expressed his pride in Justus's legal work. Justus couldn't take pleasure in the praise since Edward was working with him to cover up the real guilty party.

Lily worried that Sonny was staying with her out of obligation because she was pregnant. Sonny reassured her that she and the baby were the life that he chose and he wanted no other. Lily called her father to give him the good news, but ultimately decided to tell him in person. She and Sonny made plans to fly to Puerto Rico after they celebrated their pregnancy with their friends in Port Charles.

Jax and Brenda enjoyed their first morning together after making love. Jax reminded Brenda that he needed an answer to his former wedding proposal. Brenda didn't like being pressured, but Jax made her understand that he was offering her the happiness that she had never had. He told her to either meet him at the airport that afternoon or she would never see him again. Later at the airport, Jax's pilot was anxious to take off and asked Jax if they could leave. Thinking that Brenda wasn't coming, Jax said yes. Just as he was ready to leave, Brenda came running in and said she was ready to join him.

With everyone gathered at Luke's to celebrate a successful day in court, Sonny took the opportunity to announce Lily's pregnancy. Though most people were pleased for him, Lois, Robin, and Mike shared a private worry that Sonny wasn't over Brenda. However, Mike offered Sonny his congratulations and told Sonny he was proud of the decisions he was making.

Aboard a yacht in the Mediterranean, Jax and Brenda prepared to marry. Brenda expressed her confidence in her decision to marry Jax and put on the dress he chose for her. Back in Port Charles, Lily was telling a slightly drunk Sonny that she would drive them home. Before getting the car, Lily told Sonny how much she loved him and laughed with happiness. At the same time that Brenda and Jax were toasting their nuptials with champagne, Lily started the car and it exploded.

Original Airdate: 10/11/96

Bobbie and Tony were estranged due to his affair with Carly, but Tony was still protective of her. He warned Stefan to stay away from Bobbie, but Stefan wasn't threatened in the least. Stefan expressed his deep admiration for Bobbie and refused to heed Tony's demands.

Carly arrived at her and Tony's love cabin only to find Bobbie listening to the song that Tony wrote for Carly. Rather than yell at Carly, Bobbie expressed her understanding of Tony and Carly's love. Carly tried to explain that she hadn't meant to hurt Bobbie, but Bobbie didn't want to hear her explanations. She didn't wish Carly well, but she hoped that Carly would someday learn her lesson.

Jax and Brenda prepared for their second wedding ceremony-this one to be celebrated in front of their family and friends. Before they could walk down the aisle, Brenda burst into Jax's room to tell him that she loved him. Though she had married him before because it seemed like the smart thing to do, she wanted him to know that this time she was marrying him because she loved him. Jax was ebullient at finally hearing the words he never thought he would.

Meanwhile, their wedding guests wondered what was taking the couple so long to appear. John seemed particularly upset, but wouldn't tell Jane what the problem was. Katherine fretted to make sure that everything went off without a hitch since she had helped Brenda coordinate and decorate for the wedding.

Katherine asked Mac why she was getting such a negative vibe from him, but Lucy chimed in that it was probably coming from her. Lucy warned Katherine that she had rescheduled the modeling tour for Brenda that Katherine had attempted to sabotage. Mac was dismayed to hear that Katherine was up to her old machinations.

Brenda and Jax descended the stairs after deciding to walk each other down the aisle. Before they could enter the Quartermaine living room to be married, Sonny burst in with a woman in tow. Jax was flummoxed to see Miranda and Brenda was floored when Sonny introduced her as Mrs. Jasper Jacks. Miranda ran out after accusing Sonny of lying to her and Jax ran after her.

Brenda slapped Sonny for ruining her wedding but he explained that he didn't want her to live a lie. Miranda had been presumed death in an explosion that the Jacks family had set in their mines. Jax was unaware that Miranda had been in hiding for years. Brenda was confident that Jax would explain things to her, but when she went outside, she was devastated to see Miranda in Jax's arms.

Original Airdate: 3/7/97

Bobbie questioned Stefan as to why he had married her. She wondered if he was taking pity on her because she had been betrayed by her husband. Stefan surprised her by saying that he married her because he had wanted her for a long time. Years before when Bobbie had to identify Leslie Webber's presumed dead body at the morgue, Stefan had been a masked attendant. He told Bobbie that he admired her strength and compassion and that was why he married her.

Carly took Katherine to her apartment and helped her get settled in. Carly reiterated her promise to get Katherine walking again. Katherine called Miranda for a visit and the two talked about Stefan once Carly left the room.

Laura and Luke made plans to take Lesley and Lulu to Switzerland in order to get Lesley specialized medical care. Luke told Laura that he would make sure they were settled in Switzerland, but he needed to return to Port Charles at the D.A.'s orders. Nikolas came over to see Lesley and was hurt that she was planning on leaving town. He said goodbye to Lulu and Laura cried when he left. Laura was stunned when Lucky told her that he wasn't going to stay with her in Switzerland either.

Jax, Mac, Mike, and Jason searched for clues as to where Harry may have taken Sonny and Brenda. They found Harry's diary and figured out that Harry took them to the catacombs to bury them like they buried Lily.

In the catacombs, Sonny and Brenda expressed their love for each other as they knew they were going to die soon. They apologized for all the hurt they had caused each other and ended up making love. The rescue team arrived at the catacombs and discovered that a bomb had been set to detonate. Jason realized that Harry had probably sealed the caves on purpose and Jax ran around trying to call out to Brenda to get a response. Inside the caves, Sonny and Brenda had fallen asleep, exhausted from lack of oxygen.

Original Airdate: 8/8/97

Stefan was thrilled when Katherine brought Nikolas to Wyndemere. Under advice from Katherine, Stefan didn't pressure Nikolas and Nikolas stayed for a while to ride his horse. While Nikolas rode, Stefan connected with Katherine and asked her to spend the evening with him. Before she could respond, Alexis came in and interrupted them.

Jason found Robin on the bridge before she was due to leave for Paris. The two expressed their love for each other despite the way things had ended. Jason entreated Robin to live a good life in Paris and Robin asked him to do the same in Port Charles. With a final kiss and the memories of their relationship playing through both their minds, they said goodbye.

Lucky stopped by with a music CD as a present for Sarah. He asked her if she would go out with him the following evening and she agreed. Shortly thereafter, Nikolas arrived and asked Sarah if she would like to go riding with him sometime and she said yes. When she gushed about Nikolas to her grandmother, Audrey couldn't hide her dismay.

Sarah's younger sister Elizabeth put on her sexiest outfit and strolled into Kelly's looking for a drink. When Ruby gave her a root beer, the rebellious teen was not pleased. Outside, she took a drag from a cigarette as Lucky came by and extolled the dangers of smoking. She asked who he was and when he told her his name she replied, "You just might be."

In Tiger Key, Sonny and Brenda were being held captive by Rivera and the Tin Man. Sonny taunted Rivera about his role in Lily's death and warned that killing him wasn't going to make it any easier. Rivera gave Sonny and Brenda twenty minutes to say goodbye to each other before they were both to be killed. Once alone, Sonny tried to reassure her that they were worth more to the men alive. Though Brenda didn't believe him, she was distracted by Sonny's declaration of love for her. Brenda was stunned when Sonny told her that once they were safely home, he planned to marry her. Brenda told him that she wanted nothing more than to be his wife. The two kissed as Rivera and his men returned and said their time was up.

Original Airdate: 9/22/97

AJ cornered Carly at the hospital to tell her that he would keep the secret that they had slept together in order to protect the baby. But, he demanded that Carly have a sonogram performed at GH to determine the date of conception. He warned Carly that if the baby proved to be his, all bets were off. A panicked Carly wondered how she was going to keep the truth that the baby was his from him.

Jax and V pulled away from each other without sharing a kiss. Jax thanked V for understanding that his feelings were raw as this was Brenda's wedding day. He assured V that he had no intention of making her his consolation prize and promised that their relationship would remain playful, but strictly professional. Jax turned melancholy as he looked out over the ocean and wondered if Brenda was married yet.

Brenda walked herself down the altar where only Lucy waited-there was no sign of Sonny. When the chapel doors were thrown open, Brenda turned, confident that Sonny was walking in. Instead, it was Jason. Mike asked if Sonny was with him and Jason declared that Sonny wasn't coming. The wedding guests left the chapel and milled around the lobby while waiting for the rain to clear. Lila invited everyone back the Quartermaine mansion, but only a few people took her up on the offer.

At the mansion, Bobbie overheard AJ telling Keesha about his conversation with Carly. Bobbie warned Alan that Carly and AJ seemed to be spending a lot of time together lately. Alan demanded that AJ tell him what was going on.

Brenda refused to believe that Sonny wasn't coming and insisted that Jason take her to him. Jason repeatedly told her that Sonny was breaking things off for good and that he didn't want to marry Brenda. Brenda was devastated when Jason stated that Sonny had told him to tell her it had been "a great ride." Brenda finally believed that Sonny had left her and she collapsed in Jason's arms. Meanwhile, Sonny had his driver take him to the chapel where he observed Brenda from a distance.

Original Airdate: 9/24/97

In the tropics, V entertained Jax by showing him animated sketches of a dog and bird. As they made up a story to go along with the animations, Jax realized he felt better than he had in a while. He informed V that they would be returning to Port Charles.

Katherine woke up alone at Wyndemere and ran into Alexis while looking for Stefan. Alexis was horrified when Katherine intimated that she and Stefan had spent the night together. Alexis later confronted Stefan who insisted that he and Katherine had not made love, they had only slept in the same bed. Stefan confirmed with Alexis that Katherine was indeed his long-lost sister. When they were alone, Katherine asked Stefan why he had been so distant and Stefan declared that he was ready to tell her everything.

Brenda was still reeling from being left at the altar by Sonny. She asked Jason, who was standing guard outside of her hotel room, to take away all the things related to the wedding-including the diamond bracelet Sonny had given her long ago. Brenda cried as she thought back to the first time she met Sonny and all the poignant moments of their relationship.

Jason got into the limo where Sonny waited and gave him a progress report on Brenda. Sonny was dismayed that Brenda had been publicly humiliated, but he maintained that he had done the right thing. He announced his intention to go to Puerto Rico and lay low for a while. Jason thanked Sonny for changing his life and the two said a sad goodbye.

Original Airdate: 11/27/97

Nikolas was invited to Thanksgiving dinner with Sarah, Liz, and Audrey due to his estrangement from Stefan and all things Cassadine. Liz was pleased when Lucky arrived, even though he only came to deliver Audrey's lost cat. Liz was disheartened when Lucky left after spending a few tense moments with Nikolas and Sarah.

Tony and Carly made a surprise visit to Bobbie's to deliver Luca's traditional Thanksgiving gift. Everyone was shocked when Bobbie asked them to stay. Carly became overwhelmed by Bobbie's kindness during dinner and stepped out of the room. Bobbie followed her and Carly praised her ability to bring people together. Carly was pleased when Bobbie said that she wasn't sorry that Carly was there.

Jax arrived at Brenda's cottage expecting the home-cooked meal that Brenda promised him. Unfortunately, Brenda's culinary skills weren't up to par and she hoped that Jax had ordered a catering service as a back-up. When Jax made it clear that he had done no such thing, Brenda improvised and they ended up roasting marshmallows. Remembering the chocolate torte that Jax had brought, Brenda used that and her graham cracker pie crust to make them s'mores. Brenda told Jax that the thing she was most grateful for was him.

Emily visited Jason to invite him to dinner at the Quartermaine's. Though Jason said no, he thought back to Robin once telling him how much he meant to his family, even if he didn't remember or like them. Jason took the turkey to the mansion and was stunned to see that they were being robbed. The robbers fled upon Jason's arrival and knocked the turkey out of Johnny's hands. Jason picked up a note they dropped stating that the robbery was a practical joke that Tracy had arranged. The Quartermaine clan ended up ordering Chinese food after the dogs ate the pizza.

Original Airdate: 5/5/98

Katherine and Stefan shared a romantic waltz in the Cassadine tradition, unaware that Luke watched them from the shadows. Luke and Alexis had used Wyndemere's tunnels to sneak inside and figure out how to plot Helena's demise. Luke was also looking for any incriminating evidence of Stefan's misdeeds. Luke was stunned when he came upon a hidden portrait of Laura where she was wearing a dress very similar to the one Katherine currently wore.

Liz closed down Kelly's to hold a private dinner for herself and Lucky. Ned and Alexis briefly interrupted Liz's plans when they met there to discuss finding a sympathetic judge for Carly. Once they were alone, Liz and Lucky sat down to eat though Liz warned him that her cooking was not exactly gourmet. Though the meal was mostly inedible, Liz was warmed by Lucky's praise of her.

Robin slipped into Jason's room at the Penthouse and gently woke him up. Jason was stunned to see Robin as they had broken up. Robin declared that she was ready to accept his lifestyle because she couldn't live without him. As their reunion kisses turned passionate, Robin pulled out a package of condoms and reminded Jason of the risk he would be taking of being infected with HIV if they made love. Using every precaution, Robin and Jason made love for the first time.

In Malibu, Jax and Brenda spent a romantic day frolicking on the beach. They took bike rides along the pier, Brenda watched Jax surf, and they shared a dance near the ocean. Later in the hotel suite, they made plans to meet on the beach at sunset. Jax arrived to find that Brenda had made a fire and was waiting for him. Citing all the reasons she loved him Brenda proposed. Jax returned her sentiment and said he wanted to marry her and he promised that this time, nobody would leave.

While Robin retrieved Michael from his crib, Jason opened the door and was stunned to see Sonny standing there.

Original Airdate: 9/15/98

Alan had an anxiety attack while romping with Tammy in a motel room. Because of his estrangement from his family and the GH staff, Alan asked her to take him to the free clinic. Alan was stunned when Tony was the attending doctor at the clinic. Alan was even more surprised when Tony and Tammy knew each other from a previous "association." Tony prescribed Alan to get some rest and lay off the pills and Alan countered by warning him to stay away from Tammy.

Jason recounted to Robin his plan to break away from the mob. He told her that he met with the men in his organization and though they didn't understand his decision, he was determined to see it through. He and Robin imagined their new life and future together with Michael.

Liz planned a surprise for Lucky at the boxcar and made him close his eyes while she handed him a guitar. She had found the guitar in the attic and had it tuned and restrung just for Lucky. Liz asked him to play the song he wrote for her and she was overwhelmed when he sang, "Elizabeth."

Jerry took Jax back to the apartment after they had spent the whole day and night searching for some sign of Brenda. Jax found it hard to believe that Brenda was really gone and he asked Jerry for some time alone. Jerry went back to the Brownstone and confided in Bobbie about Brenda's death. He expressed his frustration in not being able to help Jax, but Bobbie advised him to just give Jax his love.

Alone, Jax lost himself in memories of Brenda; from the first time they met to their first and second weddings. He broke down in tears as he remembered dancing with Brenda.

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