This edit includes all of Scott and Dom's and Lucy's scenes during this time frame. It contains Dom talking Scott then Lucy into the surrogacy, Lucy becomes pregnant, Dom's illness advances and she dies, her funeral and the aftermath. This does not include Dom finding out she is dying as that happened previous to this edit.

Scotty & Dominique and Serena's Birth, Scott's Departure

Scott & Dominque (Dom's Death)  March 11- May 14, 1993 - 8 hours
3/11-4/8 episodes - includes trip - Scott & Dominque play at a seaside resort. She asks him not to put her on life support when the time comes, she already knows she is dying from inoperable brain cancer. They share a campfire on the beach. Dom suggests they have a baby using a surrogate mother, he resists the idea. Dom cries out as she suddenly loses her eyesight. Back at GH, Dom is relieved when her sight returns. Back home, Dom tries to convince Scott that they should have a child. He worries though whether he is capable of raising a child by himself. Scott later plays with little BJ and Lucas. He then talks to Lee who reminds him that he raised Scott by himself before he met Gail and he would do it all again. Lee encourages Scott to listen to his instincts. Julia and Dom talk, Julia is her best friend. Scott tells Dom that he wants to have a baby with her. Scott has a busy day at kelly's, first he updates Lucy on Dom's condition, then he tells Mrs. Wexler about their plans to have a baby, then he tells Sly about Dom being sick.
Dom asks a shocked Lucy to be her surrogate. Lucy rightly thinks Scott will hate the idea of Lucy's involvement and Lucy is obviously afraid of the whole idea, not just Scott's reaction. Dom tells her she doesn't want an answer today but she isn't going to ask anyone else that she knows Lucy is the right person. Dom tells Scott she wants Lucy and he says no way!

(Note: when Lucy was married to Alan, Lucy had an affair with Scott and tried to pass the baby off as Alan's. She lost the baby.) Lucy has flashbacks to her earlier relationship with Scott. They run into each other at the park and talk about Dom's idea. Lucy honestly tells him she felt that her lie about the baby was in some way responsible for her miscarriage. This would be a way that not only she could help Dom but make that up to Scott. He just gets annoyed at the reminder of their history and gets sarcastic. He can't believe he almost let Dom talk him into it and he stalks off after telling her that he will never let her near his child!     

Dom asks Lee to talk to Scott about Lucy. Lee tells Scott that Lucy is Dom's first choice, that Lucy is a good friend to her and that Scott should consider Dom's feelings. Scott tells Lee that Lucy drives him crazy and he would kill her. Meanwhile, Lucy tells Dom there is no way she could do this considering Scott's reaction. Scott goes to see Lucy, he apologizes profusely. He asks her to think about carring the baby and she says no! He apologizes again and his sincerity starts to melt her. Scott tells talks her into it and Dom arrives in time to hear Lucy say she will do it. They all gather in Tony's office, he tells Lucy there is a slight chance that cancer cells could also be inserted into her. Dom and Scott are adamant against exposing Lucy to any risk, Lucy points out the risk is slight and it is her choice to make and she wants to do this. Great music montage as Lucy thinks back over the men in her life. This is followed by a great Scott montage as he thinks back over the women in his life. The invitro process is next, they harvest Dom's eggs, collect Scott's sperm, fertilize the egg, and then implant it into Lucy.

GH 30th Anniversary promos for Tony, Lucy, Julia Barrett, and Bobbie's flashbacks.
4/9 Dominque falls ill, is hospitalized, cries in Scotty's arms
4/12 Dom is told she will die
4/13 Dom wants Scott to take care of Lucy and the baby (if she is pregnant). Tony tells Scott there is nothing they can do to save Dom.
4/15 Scott & Dom debate baby names. Lucy wants to know if she is pregnant, and has to wait 24 hours to find out. Julia & Scott surprise Dom with a romantic dinner.
4/16 Lucy & Scott have breakfast at Kelly's, Dom is anxious to find out whether Dom is pregnant. Mac has been hiding out with Felicia from Ryan but sneaks into GH to see Dom, Sean is furious with him. Lucy has a pregnancy test and its positive!
4/20 Dom is home at the brownstone. Dom & Scott look at pictures and have flashbacks
4/21 Dom gives Julia a broach she bought in Italy. Julia is sad, feels like Dom is saying goodbye. They tell Lee that Dom is pregnant
4/22 Dom writes a letter to Scott. Later, when Lucy visits Dom tries to teach her to knit. Dom & Scott have a romantic parisian dinner on the roof
4/27 Scott visits Mac in the hospital. Dom visits Felicia who is hiding in the attic
4/29 Lucy makes a video of Do for the baby. Scott visits Felicia.
4/30 Dom takes a turn for the worse, and goes back into GH. Lucy cries on Tony's shoulder.
5/3 Dom gives Lucy her blessing for Scott and Lucy. Tony does ultrasound so Dom can see the baby
5/4 Dom dies in Scotty's arms in the gardne
5/5 Flasbacks of Dom and Scott, he picks out her dress for the funeral.
5/7 Dom's funeral. Lucy gives Scott, Dom's poem
Serena's Birth, Scott's Departure  December, 1993
This is a tape of complete episodes around Serena's birth in the mountain cabin, through her kidnapping, and up through Scott's goodbye to Lucy at Dominque's grave and his & Serena's departure from PC.  Joan will skip episodes when Scott & Lucy aren't featured so this will all fit one one tape. This is not an edit but complete episodes, usually with no commercials.

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