Complete GH Episodes,
The GH 1986 episodes are good quality original episodes unless otherwise noted. Most of these episodes do not have commercials. These write ups have been done by Norm Fisher, who has been a
tremendous help in getting these episodes dated and described and without
his help this page would not be possible! For additional
classic GH epsiode information check out the Scorpio
Files Episode Guide section to find write ups for 1985-1991.
1985 - January 6, 1986: 12/31/85, 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/6 [Episode
January 7-13, 1986: 1/7, 1/8, 1/9, 1/10 Bobbie released, Terry is
given sodium pentathal, Ron Hayes as Buck Taylor, 1/13 [Episode
January 14-20, 1986: 1/14, 1/15, 1/16, 1/17 Patrika Darbo near end,
1/20 [Episode Descriptions]
January 21-27, 1986: 1/21, 1/22, 1/23, 1/24 Anna shoots Russell, 1/27, (no
show 1/28 shuttle explosion) [Episode
January 29 - February 4, 1986: 1/29, 1/30, 1/31, 2/3 Dimitri Cassidine
arrives, 2/4 [Episode Descriptions]
February 5-11, 1986: 2/5, 2/6, 2/7, 2/10, 2/11 [Episode
February 12-18, 1986: 2/12, 2/13, 2/14, 2/17 Terry & Kevin's
Laurelton Wedding begins, 2/18 wedding continues [Episode
February 19-25, 1986: 2/19 (glitch), 2/20, 2/21, 2/24, 2/25 [Episode
February 26 - March 4, 1986: 2/26 Celia leaves Jimmy Lee, 2/27, 2/28,
3/3, 3/4 [Episode Descriptions]
March 5-11, 1986: 3/5, 3/6, 3/7 Bobbie finds Terri's medallion, 3/10
cm (bad spot during last half of epi), 3/11 cm [Episode
March 12-18, 1986: 3/12, 3/13, 3/14, 3/17 Jennifer Talbot disappears,
3/18 [Episode Descriptions]
March 19-26, 1986: 3/19, 3/20, 3/21 Frisco finds Jennifer's body, 3/24
(:20 pre-emption), 3/25, 3/26 [Episode
March 27 - April 2, 1986: 3/27, 3/28 Kevin is arrested, 3/31, 4/1, 4/2
[Episode Descriptions]
April 3-9, 1986: 4/3, 4/4 Jake agrees to defend Kevin, 4/7, 4/8, 4/9 [Episode
April 10-16, 1986: 4/10 Kevin's trial begins, 4/11, 4/14, 4/15, 4/16 [Episode
April 17-23, 1986: 4/17, 4/18 Jake breaks Lucy's testimony, 4/21, 4/22
Kevin found not guilty, 4/23 [Episode
April 24-30, 1986: 4/24, 4/25, 4/28 Buzz is injured on the waterfront,
4/29, 4/30 [Episode Descriptions]
May 1-8, 1986: 5/1 Kevin goes to see Lucy, 5/2 Kevin steals his key
back, he & Teri leave for Laurelton, Jake is suspicious, 5/5 Buzz's
operation, Jake tells Frisco his suspicions, 5/6, 5/7, 5/8 [Episode
May 9-15, 1986: 5/9, 5/12 Anna & Jake arrive in Laurelton just as
Kevin & Teri leave, 5/13 Frisco finds the black stockings at Lucy's,
5/14 Lucy tells Frisco about her involvement with Kevin, 5/15 [Episode
May 16-22, 1986: 5/16 Catalina Island adventure beings, 5/19, 5/20,
5/21, 5/22 [Episode Descriptions]
May 23-29, 1986: 5/23, 5/26, 5/27 Anna & Jake, Kevin & Teri,
Rick & Ginny, 5/28 Anna searches, Jake tells Teri Kevin killed her
grandmother, 5/29 Felicia visits Frisco in his hospital room [Episode
May 30 - June 5, 1986: 5/30 Kevin killed by fall, 6/2, 6/3, 6/4, 6/5 [Episode
June 6-12, 1986: 6/6 Policeman's Ball to honor Anna, Duke arrives and
meets Anna, 6/9 Duke shows up at Anna's, 6/10, 6/11, 6/12 [Episode
June 13-19, 1986: 6/13, 6/16, 6/17, 6/18, 6/19 [Episode
June 20-26, 1986: 6/20 Frisco & Felicia's wedding, 6/23 Wedding
continued, 6/24, 6/25, 6/26 Jake & Bobbie get engaged [Episode
June 27-July 3, 1986: 6/27 Mr. Big arrives in PC, 6/30, 7/1,
7/2, 7/3 [Episode Descriptions]
July 4, 1986 - January 2, 1987
31, 1985 - January 6, 1986: 12/31/85,
1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/6
December 31,
1985 - Ginny has had no word from Mike. Amy and Rick try to comfort her.
Anna and Burt work to find Earl Moody. Rick, Ginny and Derek discuss Mike.
More training for Frisco at the PCPD academy. Jennifer is pleased to hear
about Terry and Kevin's engagement. Ruby calls Ginny to come to Kelly's and
see Mike. It's the perfect opportunity since Claudia is there to discuss
business anyway. Ginny shows up and Mike says barely a word to her before
going to his room. Monica offers Rick a shoulder to cry on. Burt shows up
for some observation in the cadet training lessons. Frisco throws Sam over
his shoulder in some fight training maneuvers, and in the process Sam falls
against Burt. Burt is admitted to GH. Buzz helps Anna and Robin during their
move. New Years Eve celebrations all around PC. The Brownstone group
celebrates with Frisco singing songs. Terry begins gulping down champagne
unknown to everyone. Anna finds an inscription in Terry's music book that
states, "You will never forget the Valentine's day dance". Anna
wonders what it means. Later, Anna discovers that Earl Moody disappeared the
night of the Valentine's day dance in Laurelton three years earlier.
January 1, 1986 - Buzz and Anna discuss Terry's mental state. Alan tells
Monica he won't press her sexually anymore. But Monica is not interested in
attending the social function with him or the rest of the Q's. Flowers
arrive for Monica from Sean. Tony, Frisco, Jake and the Brownstone gang
watching the Rose Bowl. Monica sneaks out of the house for a love
fest with Sean, while the other Q's are at a party. Anna worries about
losing her job if she can't solve the Brownstone murder. Buzz and Anna barge
into the Brownstone New Years party to question Terry. Sean and Monica
getting very lovey dovey at the Penthouse. Anna asks Terry about the St
Valentine day dance and if she knows Earl Moody. Terry becomes emotionally
unstable. The Q's return home and Alan spots Monica just coming in and
sneaking upstairs. Monica lies that she went to Sean's to do some
"spying" for the family.
January 2, 1986 - Tape starts jumping - Bobbie comforts Rick who's still in
a tail spin after telling Mike who is real father is. Frisco, Felicia, Buzz
and Anna all at police headquarters discussing the Laurelton Case. Ken
Morgan tells Anna that he's getting pressure from the higher ups for
allowing a woman, Anna, to take over as co Police Chief, and for being in
charge of the Brownstone murder. Ted and Jennifer try to rush Terry and
Kevin's marriage, hoping that the event will keep a hold on her returning
memories. Mike returns home and runs in to Ginny who tries to talk with him.
Steve overhears Rick chastising Patrick for being drunk the night before
when he was out with Amy. Bobbie and Jake tell Jennifer that she doesn't
think that Terry is stable enough for marriage to Kevin. Frisco at the
Academy. Frisco apologizes to Sam for the incident with her brother Eric
that got him expelled. Anna and Patrick and Kevin discussing Earl Moody and
his disappearance at the Valentine's Day dance 3 years before. The
report comes back that proves the glass eye found on Neil's body was in fact
from Earl Moody. At last Anna has something to go on. Felicia meets
Frisco's sexy new partner Samantha. Yank asks Jade if they have a future
together? Bobbie asks for some time off so she can go to Laurelton to do
some snooping. Frisco, Sean and Buzz helping Anna and Robin with the
wallpapering of her new digs. Jake tries to stop Bobbie from going to
Laurelton but it's too late. Ted and Jennifer start plotting.
January 3, 1986 - Sean calls Monica for another dinner date. Alan spies on
her. Anna and Buzz arrive at the Brownstone looking for Bobbie. Jake tries
to prevent them from finding out she's in Laurelton. Bobbie arrives in a
town close to Laurelton and takes a taxi the rest of the way, hoping to
throw off anyone following her. Jennifer and Ted dining with Kevin and
Terry. Bobbie has the driver leave her off at the Laurelton Cemetery
(location shoot). Anna's getting impatient waiting for Bobbie and Jake
finally confesses to her where she is. Anna is furious and tells Jake that
Bobbie's in terrible danger in Laurelton. Bobbie enters the cemetery and
finds the Earl Moody family plot. A short distance away, and hearing
noises, she finds a trio of men digging a grave. Bobbie foolishly kicks a
can, alerting the men who bind and gag her. Alan tells Edward that Monica is
dining with Sean and will start feeding him false information. If Monica is
rally on their side than why is he not sleeping with Alan, Edward wonders?
Jennifer overhears Anna talking to Jake about Bobbie's trip to Laurelton.
She tells Ted that she hopes the men she hired will hurry up and finish
before Bobbie finds them.
January 6, 1986 - Bobbie lies bound and gagged in a shack. Monica tells Sean
that she's chosen sides and it's NOT with the Q's. Monica and Sean dance to
romantic music and share a kiss. Monica and Sean plot to feed a bunch
of lies to Alan and Edward. Bobbie's still tied up and watched over by
Russell and Sarah. Buzz and Anna trace Bobbie's steps to the Laurelton
airport where she has completely vanished. Jennifer gets a call from Russell
saying that they have Bobbie tied up. Monica feeds the Q's false information
that Sean is planning a major corporation take over. Bobbie wakes up
but her eyes are covered and she begins screaming for help. Edward, Jimmy
Lee, Alan and Celia try to figure out Monica's clues to Sean's takeover.
Buzz and Anna arrive in Laurelton looking for Bobbie. Alan tries to force
himself sexually on Monica but she's not interested and goes up to bed,
January 7-13, 1986: 1/7, 1/8,
1/9, 1/10. 1/13
January 7,
1986 - Anna summons Jake to join her and Buzz in Laurelton. Buzz asks one of
Terry's former Doctors about his former patient, while Anna deals with the
not so helpful Sheriff Broder. Jake tells Anna that Bobbie booked a flight
close to Laurelton, which is why they lost her trail. Amanda is named the
first Star of the new commercials for Lorena's ailing Spa. Derek enlists
Mike to follow Amanda around with his movie camera as a test for the
stations regular camera man. In order to depart for Laurelton, Jake confides
in Patrick the reason for his leaving. Blabber mouth Patrick then leaks the
information to Terry who screams and faints. Tony summons an ambulance for
the sick young girl. Visiting the local library, Anna learns about Earl
Moody and his housekeeper Sarah. Buzz has to go back to PC and tend to
Terry. Jake arrives in his place and helps Anna out. Sheriff Broder learns
that Anna's been snooping around the library newspaper morgue and is not
pleased. Tony tends to Terry, who's totally unglued since finding out Bobbie
went to Laurelton. Russell begs Jennifer to hide him in PC. Jennifer orders
Russell to keep Bobbie tied up for now.
January 8, 1986 - Alan begs Monica to be let back into her bed. Buzz returns
to PC and urges Terry to see Dr Stone, the resident Psychiatrist. Stone
thinks the only solution to Terry's problem is sodium pentathol, the truth
serum. Ramsey in the Hospital, receives a death threat from the Brownstone
killer. Sean contacts Dimitri Cassidine, and offers to buy out his
floundering ship company. Dimitri is only the 10th cousin to the wealthy
family and doesn't share in the wealth that the other Cassidine's do. Frisco
and Sam are assigned to guard Chief Ramsey. Patrick and Kevin argue over
Terry in her own Hospital room. Sean fills Monica in on his Cassidine caper.
Monica agrees to front the expense for Sean in return for the deed to his
place in Mexico. Mike runs into problems on his second shoot for Derek.
Bryan fumes when the young lad orders him off the shoot in his own home.
Bryan later blabs to Rick of the youth's rude behavior in his own home!
Kevin orders Patrick to stay away from Terry. Monica tells the Q's about
Sean's merger with the Cassidine shipping fleet. Terry agrees to let Buzz
administer the truth serum.
January 9, 1986 - Kevin is not too happy to hear that Terry is going under
truth serum. Alan is excited about the merger with Sean and the Cassidines.
But Celia is suspecting that Sean might be feeding Monica a bill of goods.
She and Jimmy Lee are later satisfied when they break into Donely's office
and steal the blueprints for the merger. Alan is excited by Monica but she
continues to reject his sexual advances. Anna and Jake meet the cab driver
who dropped Bobbie off at the cemetery. He takes them to the exact place
where he last saw her. Anna and Jake find the freshly dug grave and fear the
worst! Thinking that Bobbie's buried alive, they race to get shovels
and start digging. Jake however, only finds nothing but traces of an old
burlap bag in the freshly moved earth. Anna takes a casting of the prints.
Anna tries to convince the Sheriff to organize a search party, but the
unhelpful man only wants Anna out of town on the next flight. Sheriff later
reports to Jennifer what's been going on. Jennifer later tries to stop Buzz
from giving Terry the truth serum.
January 10, 1986 - Sheriff Broder finally agrees to help Anna and get a
search party going. Bobbie is still bound and gagged. Kevin comforts Terry
as she prepares for the drug. The only thing that Buzz is able to learn is
that she was kicked out of Grandma Jennifer's house 3 years ago after the
Valentine day dance. Buzz asks Jennifer about it and she brushes it off as
some boy/girl thing. Lorena recruits Buzz and Rick to be in her Spa
commercial. RIck declines, but Buzz takes her up on it on one condition.
Lorena help the terminally ill patience by making them look beautiful with
her cosmetics. Sheriff Broder confronts Sarah and arranges for her to drop
Bobbie off where Jake can find her. At the copper classes, Frisco continues
to be distracted by Sam's physical charms. Wandering around the cemetery,
Jake finds Bobbie on the ground. She's all right and the two pledge their
love for each other. Anna later learns what happened to Bobbie, and that she
can identify one of her attackers, Russell! Anna organizes a bloodhound
search for Russell. Later, Russell gets a call from Sheriff Broder, who
tells him that he can safely go to PC. Bobbie never saw him. Bobbie has
lied to the Sheriff that she never saw her attacker.
January 13,1986 - Jake serves Bobbie breakfast in bed. Terry relieved that
Bobbie is safe, makes a recovery at GH. Anna gets a bloodhound and is after
Bobbies attacker. Anna gives the pooch the piece of dug up burlap sack, and
the dog heads straight to a factory on the site of Purity Water, where Anna
makes the grisly discovery of a body. Bobbie and Jake realize they are in
love. Edward's spy in Brazil tels him that Dimitri Cassidine is a poor
relation to the main family. And his whole fleet consists of burned out hulk
of a ship. The Q's feel like they have been had! Sean tells Monica he
wants Edward to find out all can about Dimitri, it's part of his plan. The
coroner identifies the body to that of Earl Moody, who disappeared 3 years
earlier. Anna pushes for an autopsy against the protests of Sheriff
January 14-20, 1986: 1/14,
1/15, 1/16, 1/17, 1/20
January 14,
1986 - Frisco and Sam at the academy. Anna arrives with Sheriff Broder to
hear the autopsy report. Early Moody was strangled and has been dead at
least 3 years. Who put him in the unmarked grave? Evidence shows
that Earl Moody's glass eye was removed from the body only recently. Anna
wants to know more, but the Sheriff insists she leave Laurelton
immediately. Anna spies a note from a deputy outside the coroner's office. The
note says "Sarah called". Eric apologizes to Frisco. Soft hearted
Frisco says he will talk with Anna with hopes of getting him back on the
force. Bobbie learns that Tanya's Brownstone keys were missing shortly
before the murder occurred. Mayor Ken Morgan chews out Ramsey who's
still in the hospital. Why is Anna "playing" around in Laurelton.
Burt defends Anna to Morgan. Half the force is out on sick leave and the Co
Police Chief is not around. Anna pays a call to Sarah and asks her questions
about Earl Moody. Sarah tells her that she was his housekeeper and totally
devoted to the wonderful man. Rick tells Mike he's not ready to go back to
the Soccer team yet because his ribs have not healed. Mike is furious and
demands a second Dr's opinion! Ramsey has Guy pull Frisco and Sam off the
academy and out on special assignment for Anna. Anna learns all about
the Brownstone corpse, Neil Johnson from Sarah. Neil was Earl's nephew. Anna
shocks Sarah by telling her that Neil was murdered in PC right before Xmas.
Sarah faints just as Sheriff Broder walks in! Lorena cheers Mike up at the
spa. She's able to get him to join her and Derek for dinner. Jimmy Lee tells
Celia he's got a construction job in Brazil. But this is really a cover for
papa Eddie Q, who's sending Jimmy Lee on assignment to find out all he can
on Dimitri Cassidine. Tony and Tanya interrupt Frisco in a compromising
position with Sam at his apartment. (Felicia is away visiting her sick
Grandmother) Anna calls the rival town of Laurelton's newspaper with a
story she wants to make sure hits the front page, a description of Russell,
Bobbie's kidnapper!
January 15, 1986 - Edward and Alan see Jimmy Lee off to Brazil. Celia is
pouting that she could not go. Frisco and Sam at the academy. Ramsey enlists
Frisco to question Tanya about her missing keys. They need to find out if
the murderer used her keys to get in the Brownstone the night of Neil's
murder. Monica overhears Edward discussing Jimmy Lee's Brazil spying on
Dimitri, and tells Sean immediately. Later Monica feels bad that she has to
betray her family to Sean, but some afternoon kisses from Lonely, convince
her otherwise. Frisco's injured his leg accidentally when Sam falls on
him during a training session at the Academy. Tanya tells Frisco later on
that the last time she saw her keys was right before the murder. Patrick's
been summoned to Laurelton for the reading of Neil Johnson's will. Tony
breaks up an argument between Patrick and Terry.
January 16, 1986 - Jake shows Bobbie an artists sketch of the man that
kidnapped her. Anna was able to get the rival Laurelton newspaper to print
it. Bobbie however calls Anna to tell her that the picture doesn't look
anything like the man, (Russell) that kidnapped her. Anna agrees to let
Ginny put Bobbie on TV and have a new artist sketch made. Jake is worried
that this will draw the man out of hiding and put Bobbie's life in danger.
Sheriff Broder is furious with Anna when she's found paying off the rival
newspaper for putting that picture on the front page. Later, Anna over hears
a customer complain that there is no Purity Water in the hotel. Anna snoops
around the pantry and finds plenty of bottles of the water. Anna is shocked
to find Terry's face promoting the water on the labor. She pockets one of
the bottles and heads off to Sarah's. Patrick, Jennifer, Ted and Kevin
are off to Laurelton for the reading of the will. The Sheriff
interrupts Anna's questioning of Sarah. Anna shows him the bottle of water
with Terry's picture. Ted and Jenner watch in horror as Bobbie goes on
Ginny's show and gets an accurate description of Russell.
January 17, 1986 - Mike arrives at the Webber's and lifts his report
card from the mailbox. He doesn't want Rick and Ginny to see that his
failing grades. Jennifer, Ted Patrick and Kevin, and Anna arrive for
the reading of the will for the late Early Moody. Jake and Bobbie
discussing the murder. Patrick is hurt when all of Laurelton ignores him and
praises Kevin. Anna calls Burt and gets filled in on all the goings on
in PC. Mike tells Ruby that he doesn't want, nor need the Webber's love.
Russell calls the Brownstone just as Bobbie answers. Ginny and Rick confront
Mike. They want his report card. Mike is cold and angry and when he
tells him mother that she probably slept with every sailor that came to
port, Rick slaps the young brat! Mike runs away crying. The reading of
Earl Moody's will provides some big shocks. The biggest of which is
when wealthy Neil has left everything of great wealth to, Patrick O Connor! Patrick
is now the #1 suspect in Neil's murder. Anna confronts Patrick demanding to
know where he was the night of the murder. His story doesn't wash. Russell
calls Jennifer and tells her that he needs help hiding out. She agrees to
meet him and pay him off, so he can leave town. While in the park, Bobbie
sees Russell and recognizes him! Patrika Darbo near end.
January 20, 1986 - Ginny tells Rick that if she has to go to court to get
Mike back she will. Jake tells Bobbie that he's changed all the locks on the
Brownstone doors. Jennifer questions Bobbie about the man she saw in the
park. Frisco and Anna discuss the Brownstone murder. Mike asks Derek for
some money so he doesn't have to move back in with Rick and Ginny. Derek
refuses. Kevin is still acting cool toward Patrick since the reading of Neil's
will. Frisco keeps questioning Tanya hoping to jar her memory of the night
she lost her keys. Terry feels sympathy for Patrick who is now the #1
suspect in the Brownstone murder. Ted and Jennifer are furious that
Russell has been revealed in PC. All concern now for Bobbie's safety is on
red alert. Jake is watching over her and so is a police body guard. Anna is
at GH discussing the case with Jake and Bobbie when Amy hands Bobbie a note.
The note just happens to have been left off by her attacker! Frisco shows
Russell's picture to one of Tanya's patients at GH, and the old woman
recognizes him as one he saw the night before the murder. Patrick blows his
top at Jennifer and Ted when they make accusations that he might be a
killer. Anna questions Jennifer and the Laurelton gang asking for a list of
all the board members of Purity Water Corp. Anna wonders why the late Earl
Moody is still on the list. Patrick taunts Jennifer with the news that he's
now taken over the share of his Uncle Earl's share. Jennifer urges Anna to
arrest Patrick for murder! Anna sends Frisco and Sam undercover in Laurelton
to get pictures of the board members of Purity Water.
January 21-27, 1986: 1/21, 1/22, 1/23, 1/24 Anna shoots Russell, 1/27, (no
show 1/28 shuttle explosion)
January 21,
1986 - Edward receives a letter from Jimmy Lee in Brazil. Monica pays close
attention. Frisco and Sam arrive in Laurelton posing as two country bumpkins
looking for work. Sarah is fooled. Jimmy Lee's letter only confirms
what Edward already knew about Dimitri Cassidine. He's just a poor relation
of the Cassidine family. Anna, Jake and Bobbie. Bobbie tries to get a
better artist to make a rendering of the man she saw in the park. Frisco and
Sam are snooping around when Sarah is in the back room. Frisco spies a
picture of Russell on the wall and recognizes him as the man fitting
Bobbie's description. Kevin and Terry bury the hatchet with Patrick.
Monica and Sean smooching. Sarah spies Frisco taking Russel's picture
off the wall. He plans to have it wired to Anna for a comparison of the
artist sketch. Celia bumps into Monica, who's just coming out of Sean's
office for a little afternoon delight. Sarah has alerted Sheriff Broder
about Frisco stealing the picture. Broder has the entire town looking for
Frisco. Anna receives the picture and has positively identified Russell as
the man who abducted Bobbie. Rick is discussing his problems of Mike to
Bobbie and Jake. Anna questions Terry about her connection with the Purity
Water business. Terry admits that the night she was crowned Miss Purity
Water, she got drunk and passed out and the night was a blur. The next thing
she remembers in Grandma Jennifer evicting her. Anna gets an anonymous tip
that Russell's been seen in a seedy hotel room. Anna runs over to the place
and kicking down the door, she only finds that Russell has slipped out the
January 22, 1986 - On orders from Anna, Burt calls Frisco and Sam out of the
Academy. Ted tells Jennifer he's to meet Russell and front him enough
money to get out of town. Burt chews Frisco out for not completing his
assignment, which was to find out what happened to Tanya's keys. Mike shows
up at GH for a second opinion to his health. He finds out that Rick told him
right. That hes not yet healed enough to go back on his sports team. Mike
tells Rick that he just wanted to make sure that he was not keeping him out
of his team because of the family squabble. Jake is driving Bobbie crazy
following her around everywhere. Rick is talking to Ginny on the phone when
suddenly Rick Jr starts choking. Rick calls the medical van and they are
there in seconds. Rick Jr is admitted to GH, where Buzz and Yank work
feverishly to relieve the boy's throat. Frisco makes contact with some
old friends on the waterfront back when he was undercover during the Asian
Quarter. His investigation takes him to the "Bucket of Blood" on
the waterfront. Unknown to Frisco, Russell is there too waiting to meet
Ted. Derek and Lorena bring Mike to GH to see his brother. Rick Jr is fine
and Rick pleased to see Mike show some emotion toward them. But soon another
argument ensues with Derek joining in disagreement with Rick. Frisco
couldn't trace Tanya's lost keys at the Bucket of Blood, but does spot
Russell. Russell knocks Frisco down and takes off just as Ted arrives.
Frisco loses his prey and immediately calls Anna.
January 23, 1986 - Ted assures Russell that he needs to stay put for
now. He will bring him money at the Hotel. Ted and Jennifer are constantly
interuped in their room by the other Brownstone gang. Anna's getting
pressure from the Mayor to wrap up the Brownstone murder. Burt's getting
antsy about getting out of the Hospital, but Yank tells him he's not ready.
Frisco and Sam are trapped briefly in a crowded elevator with more
"comical" misunderstandings between them. Anna questions the
desk clerk at the Croydon Hotel about Russell. But no one by that name is
registered. When Frisco shows him the photo of Russell, the desk clerk has
no choice but to show them upstairs. Unfortunately, Russell has chosen that
time to walk into the lobby. He makes a bee line to the door. Anna and
Frisco search Russell's room. Frisco finds Tanya's keys! Audrey and
Lorena at the spa. While at the Croyden, Anna gets a call from Robin's
school. Seems the heater broke, and all the kids have to go home. Anna later
tells Buzz privately that it's becoming harder and harder to be a mom as
well as co police Chief. Terry is downstairs in the basement changing the
light bulbs when Russell wanders in. Terry screams at the top of her lungs!
January 24, 1986 - Terry is screaming at the top of her lungs. Patrick
arrives and rescues her, but not before Russell knocks her over the head
with a bottle. Russell escapes. Patrick takes Terry upstairs and the two
become friends again. Terry forgives Patrick for all her anger toward him. Anna
is alerted of Russell's latest sighting and she puts out an APB on him. Russell
heads for the bus station and again calls Jennifer and Ted hoping to get
some money to get out of town. Frisco and Sam posing as lovers just happen
to walk into the bus depot and spot Russell immediately. Rick and Ginny
argue over the baby. Rick storms out and the two carry their argument to the
spa, where they involve Derek as well. Sean and Anna arrive at the bus
depot. Russell pulls out a gun and fires but Anna gets the upper hand.
Russell falls. Anna asks him if he killed Earl Moody? Russell moans and dies
before giving an answer.
January 27, 1986 - Felicia returns home and finds Frisco mumbling out
Samantha's name in his dreams. Felicia hits him with a pillow.
Tony and Tanya welcome back Felicia. Sean shows Anna the morning paper. The
papers declare Russell as the killer. Anna is not so sure. Ted and
Jennifer are shocked to read of the incident. Jennifer really thinks Russell
killed Neil Johnson. Terry and Bobbie are delighted the nightmare is over.
Anna asks Kevin in for questioning. SHe grills him about his job at Purity
Water. Kevin admits he never saw Russell (the foreman) at Purity water
the whole time he worked there. Anna tells Sean she's convinced that
Russell was not the killer. Everyone at the Brownstone prepares for Terry's
upcoming wedding. It will be held in Laurelton on Feb 14th---Valentine's
day. Ted and Jennifer worry about the ghosts from the past.
Celia spots Monica getting all lovey dovy with Sean. Monica tells Celia to
shut up, or she will evict her from the Cottage. Later that night at
the Brownstone, a gloved hand removes the floorboards and reveals Neil
Johnson's wallet. It's the killer! Frisco and Felicia investigate the
noise and find nothing but the loose floorboard. Down in the cellar
they smell burning"rubber" which is actually the killer who was
burning Neil's wallet. Later when the twosome leave, the killer takes the
medallion and stows it away in a secret compartment.
January 28, 1986 - NO SHOW Aired due to Space Shuttle Explosion
January 29 - February 4, 1986: 1/29, 1/30, 1/31, 2/3 Dimitri Cassidine
arrives, 2/4
January 29, 1986 - In Brazil, Jimmy Lee walks into a villa and spies on
Dimitri Cassidine and his girlfriend Pilar. Anna tells Buzz that she is
still has doubts about the murder. Bobbie calls Jake. She hears strange
noises in the celler. The noises belong to the killer, who is wearing dark
gloves and filing away at the name on the Purity Water medallion. Jake
is too tired to investigate the noises. Suddenly the noises stop and Kevin
and Patrick arrive wondering what's going on. Jimmy Lee calls home and
reaches Celia. All the Q's converge on her hoping Holt has news on his
meeting with Cassidine. Pilar is attracted to Holt, and daddy dearest Edward
tells him to use his charms on her to get information. Bobbie and Jake
investigate the noises but find nothing. Shortly after they leave...the
gloved hand comes back out and begins filing at the locket again. Later, the
gloved one tosses the locket in the trash outside the Brownstone. Derek and
Brett discuss the idea of Derek getting full custody of Mike. On Buzz's
advice, Anna decides to keep the murder case open and go to Laurelton
looking for clues. Outside the Brownstone, a bum finds the Purity Water
locket and steals it.
January 30, 1986 - Kevin and Terry at Kelly's. Jennifer calls Sheriff Broder
to warn him that Anna's arriving in town for more questions. He's to keep
her busy while Jen talks to Russell's widow. Anna arrives and as usual the
Sheriff gives her a hard time. Frisco and Sam at the Academy. Ted, Sarah and
Jennifer call Russell's widow, Janet, and demand a meeting with her. Bobbie,
Tony, Patrick and Yank at GH. RIck tells Bobbie that he got a call from the
principal of his school. Mike has skipped class today. Meanwhile, Mike is at
Kelly's dining with Derek and Lorena. Rick calls Kelly's and is even
more upset to learn that Mike is with them. They mystery gloved figure hides
a letter that he stole off of Neil Johnson's body. The letter is for Patrick
and proclaims that he will find Earl's body in a shallow grave in
Laurelton. The killer hides the letter in the floorboards of the
Brownstone. The bum who stole the locket, tries to pawn it off at the shop. Frisco
and Sam have perfect timing and step in to the same store. When Frisco
gets a look at the locket he remembers it's the same one that Russell was
wearing before he was killed. WHen Frisco confronts a bum, a brawl begins
and the bum takes a hike. Frisco can't keep up. He later calls Anna and an
APB is put out on the bum. Anna is upset when she tries to question Janet,
who clams up at all her questions. Rick confronts Mike at Kelly's and gets
into an argument with Derek in the process. Mike screams at Rick to leave
him alone.
January 30, 1986 - Monica and Sean having lunch. Sean tells her that Dimitri
is on his way to PC. Anna shows Frisco a piece of the chain that she
confiscated from Russell's body. If they can find the bum with the locket
and match it to Russell's they have enough evidence to keep the case open
and the Mayor off their backs. Anna and Frisco decide to pay a call on Benny
the fence. Grumpy Edward tangles with Buzz, who's helping to store the
presents for Terry's wedding shower in the GH lounge. Edward demands all
this "junk" leave the Hospital immediately! Later JimmyLee calls
Edward with news that Dimitri is on his way to PC. Anna and Frisco check out
the lockets that Benny has in his stockroom. They hit paydirt and find the
locket that the bum stole! Now all they have to do is match this to the
chain found on Russell. Problem is they notice that recently someone
filed off the name of who the medallion belonged too. Anna decides to run
the locket through a series of chemical tests to see if the name can be
raised from the locket itself. Meanwhile, Tony and Buzz are treating the bum
who's dying from dehydration. They admit him to GH. Anna finds out from a
policeman, and she quickly heads to GH and gets into a furious argument with
Buzz, who won't let her see his patient. Felicia helps mend the tension
between Jade and Yank.
February 3, 1986 - The man of the hour is Dimitri Cassidine who arrives in
PC and is treated like a King by the Q's. Sean meets with Dimitri first
however and puts him on Q alert! Frisco and Anna question the bum, AKA Mr.
Delancey, and have to shell out 40.00 for information pertaining to the
locket he found. He says he found the medallion in the garbage can outside
the BRownstone. Anna bets the murderer may have tried to shave off his own
initials from the locket in the house. There must be shavings still
somewhere to be found. During Terry's joyous Bridal shower, Anna sneaks
into the furnace room thanks to Frisco's help and begins snooping around.
She finds the filings on the floor and sweeps them up. Tests indicate that
the shavings do indeed belong to the locket. Sean shows Dimitri a series of
slides on each of the Q's. He's most smitten with Celia. Pilar is instructed
to use her "body" on Jimmy Lee and get as much information from
him as she can. Later that night while everyone is asleep at the Brownstone,
Terry hears noises coming from a deserted hallway, this is actually the
killer playing around again with the floorboards and hiding more evidence.
Later, everyone comes out in the hall and speculates as to what the noises
were. Anna is dreaming, she thinks back to when Kevin told her that he
worked for Purity Water but then had no clue as to who Russell was. Annna
wakes in a cold sweat. Se thinks she caught Kevin in a lie!
February 4, 1986 - More problems for Rick. A ghoulish freak car accident
with a boy named Jeff Fellows. Jeff is a teenager who was named after his
brother Jeff Webber because they were friends with the boy's parents. Now
both parents are dead and the boy is an orphean. Rick feels a certain
responsibilty toward the youth and with Ginny's approval agrees to let him
stay with him - in Mike's old room! Anna shows Frisco the shavings
from the pendant. She tells him that she caught Kevin in a lie. He said that
he never knew Russell the Purity plant manager, yet worked for the company
during one summer. Anna informs the mayor she has enough evidence to re open
the case as proof can now be found that Russell didn't kill Earl Moody or
Neil Johnson. Anna confronts Kevin that he lied. Kevin only tells her that
he was a delivery boy and never met Russell. Jennifer soon learns about
Anna's aquisations and orders her to leave Kevin alone. The mayor calls Anna
and tells her he's having second thoughts about letting her pursue the
investigation. Anna decides to take Frisco to Laurelton and investigate
Kevin's story.
February 5-11, 1986: 2/5, 2/6, 2/7, 2/10, 2/11
February 5, 1986 - The Q's, Edward in particular, order Celia to seduce
Dimitri (all for the good of the family that is) to get information. Kevin
and Terry unload their frustrations to Felicia about Anna's re opening the
case. Felicia gets bad news in a letter. Frisco has left for Laurelton on
special assignment. Dimitri and Celia get close and Celia tells Dimitri
about Jimmy Lee's financial woes. Monica tells Alan that she may never want
to be his wife again. Sean tells Dimitri that he plans on a
"special" letter to arrive for him at the Q party and he wants
Edward to get a glance at them somehow. Mike arrives to visit Jeff at GH.
Rick shows him the way. Ted and Jennifer are upset that Anna's getting
closer to the truth of Laurelton. At the Q party, Celia continues to get
chummy with Dimitri. Edward treats Dimitri like a King. Felicia confronts
Sam with where Friso went. As planned the papers arrive for Dimitri at the
party. Edward orders Monica to get them. Monica spills wine on Dimitri's
coat and as Edward takes the coat into the hall he gets a glance at the
letter, before Dimitri returns. Edwards keen eyes tell him all he needs to
know. He informs Alan that Dimitri has a file number to the assay office and
Jimmy Lee can check it out! Felicia learns from Ramsey where Frisco went and
decided to head to Laurelton to help out.
February 6, 1986 - Felicia arrives in Laurelton and asks directions to
Jennifer Talbot's home. Unfortunately the person that she chose to ask is
none other than Janet, Russell's widow. Janet calls Jennifer who in turn
calls Sheriff Broder. Felicia finds Jennifer's home and breaks in.
Posing as the Purity Water Plant man, Frisco tells Sarah to call it a day as
they have troubles with the machinery. Snooping around the confidential
files, Anna and Frisco learn that Russell was on medical leave the summer
that Kevin worked for him. So he didn't lie. Kevin never knew Russell. Sean
and Dimitri are delighted that everything went according to plan with the
Q's. While snooping at Jennifer Talbot's home, Felicia hides in the
closet, when Sheriff Broder comes by. Sheriff finds a Felicia, but not
before she finds a box that contains Jennifer's Purity Water medallion.
Monica and Alan continue bickering about personal affairs of the heart. Anna
and Frisco learn that Felicia has been arrested. Arriving at the Laurelton
Police station, Anna quickly thinking tells Sheriff Broder that she's part
of their private undercover team. The Sheriff springs Felicia on that flimsy
story. The trio Frisco, Anna and Felicia head back to Jennifers and Frisco
finds the identical medallion in the closet. Monica and Sean burn up the
February 7, 1986 - Rick, Bobbie and Buzz at GH. Jeff's mother goes
into cardiac arrest and Rick is unable to save her. Frisco and Felicia in
bed. Jeff's mother is dead. Rick wants Jeff to stay with him. With Ramsey's
support, Mayor Ken Morgan agrees to let Anna keep the case open based on the
evidence she found in Laurelton. Amy tells Mike that Jeff's mother is gone
and Rick is going to let Jeff stay in his old room. Lorena thinks that Derek
should capitalize on Mike's vulnerability and urge him to move out of
Kelly's and into his own bachelor pad. Anna invites Laurelton's finest
to her office and says that the case is almost wrapped up. While a
silversmith at her home is filing away at Jennifer's medallion, Anna learns
from Ted Holmes that each of the Laurelton board members received the
medallion's as a gift for the 50th anniversary. Everyone except Patrick has
one. Anna unveils a "special" machine to the Laurelton gang. This
machine is capable of raising the initials on the medallion and that way she
can identify the killer! After the group leave, Anna reveals the
machine to be an ordinary meat grinder! Frisco catches on to her plan. Using
Jennifer's medallion as bait, she is hoping the killer will break into the
PCPD and steal it hoping to keep their identity a secret. Jennifer's
medallion has been altered to look like Earl Moody's. Mike scribbles a
"just moved" letter that Ginny happens to find. Ginny freaks out
and she tells Rick. Jake warns Ginny that if they don't try to get Mike
back, the courts might mis construe their lack of action as abandonment.
Thus opening the way for Derek to gain complete custody. Ginny and Rick
corner Mike and demand he come back home.
February 10, 1986 - It's not all home sweet home for PC's nuclear family of
Rick and Ginny and Mike. Mike is hostile, slamming doors and sharing a room
with Jeff who he doesn't want near him. At Mayor Morgan's request, the PCPD
Academy cadets are running the station for a day. Anna expects to catch the
killer very soon. Frisco is playing desk Sgt, and dealing with a whole host
of trouble issues. The gloved killer steals Frisco's uniform newly
picked up by Patrick as a favor to Felicia. He (the killer) sneaks
into the PCPD, and steals the medallion right under Eric and Sam's nose. The
gloved one pulls the fire alarm and makes off with the medallion. Anna
berates Frisco for being so stupid as to let the killer slip away unnoticed.
Later they find the chain and the uniform he used to sneak into PCPD outside
stuffed in a manhole cover. Frisco is shocked to learn that the uniform
belongs to him! Later, Felicia tells Anna and Frisco that she had Patrick
pick up the uniform from the dry cleaners. Terry gets a note inviting her to
an empty apartment. Entering the apartment she thinks that Kevin is playing
a joke on her. But Patrick emerges from the shadows and begins advancing on
her with a wild look in his eyes.
February 11, 1986 - Anna, Felicia and Frisco can't believe that Patrick is
the killer. Patrick approaches Terry very mysteriously. Terry gets scared.
Suddenly Patrick breaks out in a laugh. He only wanted to surprise Terry!
He bought the apartment for for her and Kevin as a wedding gift. Terry is
relieved. Pilar and Jimmy Lee become fast friends. Especially when Pilar
lets Holt peruse the phony assay papers which she tells him she's stolen
from Dimitri. Jimmy Lee calls Edward who directs Holt to buy all the stock
he can. Meanwhile, Monica is ignoring Sean's calls and flowers. She's tired
of being his spy in and out of bed. Anna enlists Sean's help with finding
out whose initials are on the scratched out medallion. Sean suggests
contacting Ballantine of the WSB. Patrick's paranoia is growing as he is
fast becoming a murder suspect again. Frisco accuses Patrick of
impersonating him by stealing his police uniform. Patrick denies any
knowledge of this stolen uniform. He dropped off his uniform and then went
to a med class with Rick. Anna checks out his story with Rick. Rick
can't confirm Patrick was in class because they were giving a slide show
presentation in the dark. Kevin, Terry, Jennifer and Ted prepare to leave
for Laurelton. It's Terry's wedding day! Monica tells Sean she can't cope
with her affair with him. Anna thinks back to when Terry was running around
the Brownstone with a kitchen knife. She's determined to stop the wedding
because she firmly believes that one of the Laurelton gang is a killer.
12-18, 1986: 2/12, 2/13, 2/14, 2/17 Terry & Kevin's Laurelton
Wedding begins, 2/18 wedding continues
February 12,
1986 - Anna shows Ballentine the necklace. Ballantine has his top men
involved to decipher the scratched off name but it's going to take two days
max! Anna can't wait that long. Terry is getting married in 2 days on
Valentine's day. Kevin and Terry arrive in Laurelton. Terry finds that
memory lane is a mean street. The town crones whisper about her. Old
acquaintances greet Kevin but treat Terry like dirt. Bobbie and Jake enlist
the Brownstone gang to renovate the attic for Kevin and Terry's return home.
While touring the Purity Water plant, Terry remembers the day in 1983 when
she was crowned Miss Purity. Patrick's roomate at the time, Dave, spiked
Terry's drink. During a party with the town Hall, Terry, crocked out of her
mind, began singing a song and dancing very provactively. Earl Moody became
enraged and called her a tramp. Terry also remembers the 1983 Valentine's
dance when she caused further embarresment for all of Laurelton. Frisco
tells Felicia he does want to marry her but only after he makes good with
the police department.
February 13, 1986 - Patrick panics when he learns that Anna is in Washington
on important business. Terry is upset when she learns that Jen is going to
hold her wedding at the Talbot home. Terry balks, she wants it at the town
hall. Frisco at the academy. Patrick confronts Frisco with Anna's
investigation in Washington. After a night of dancing, Bobbie finally lets
her guard down and allows Jake to make love to her. At Laurelton, Kevin and
Terry meet with the Reverend and plan the ceremony. When the Reverend
asks Terry if she thinks wearing white would be "appropriette" for
her, Terry storms out. Kevin calls him a hypocrite and tries to convince
Terry to elope with him. Terry later flashes back to another memory from the
past. The 1983 Valentine's day dance when she moved provocatively on the
floor with Dave and Patrick, under the suspicious eye of Sarah and Earl
Moody. Felicia is disappointed, Frisco is going to be up all night with Sam
working on assignments given to them by Chief Lewis. Kevin confronts Sheriff
Broder who's been following he and Terry all over town. Kevin and Terry plot
an elopement.
February 14, 1986 - Anna's nursing a sick Robin who has the flu. Patrick
arrives causing quite a scene when he yells at Anna demanding to know what
she was doing in Washington. Buzz arrives and tosses Patrick out on his
rear. The Brownstone gang plans to go to Laurelton for the wedding.
Meantime, Kev and Terry still plan to elope. Anna needs to go to Washington
to see the results of the locket test that Ballentine was going to do. But
Buzz tells her that Robin is too sick for her to leave. (Where is Filomena?)
Yank complains to Steve that he never has enough time to spend with Jade.
Steve helps out by arranging Jade to accompany him on his rounds. Later,
Steve finds Jade and Yank necking in the closet! Mike argues with Ginny when
he finds Jeff wearing his clothes. Kathleen O Conner sits Terry down and
convinces her that to elope would be tantament to admitting that she's
guilty about the past. Mrs. O'Conner also tells the wary bride that she
won't let her ruin Kevin the way it ruined Patrick. Jake, Bobbie, Frisco and
Felica with Tony and Tania all arrive in Laurelton just in time for the
wedding rehearsal. Terry and Kev get an uninvited guest. A drunk Dave who
arrives wanting to kiss the bride. Kevin decks him! Buzz and Anna call a
truce. Terry tells Kev that not only is she going to get married in the town
hall, but she plans to walk down town square with her head held up high.
Grandma Jen overhears and is horrified at the idea. Anna falls asleep on
Buzz's shoulders as he tries to fix her broken washing machine.
February 17, 1986 - It's wedding day for Kevin and Terry! Anna arrives in
Washington for the results Ballentine has on the locket. The WSB lab men
have only been able to raise one filed off initial in the name. This is good
enough for Anna who heads next to Laurelton. Anna calls Frisco and tells her
to delay the wedding as best he can till she arrives. Jen tries to convince
Terry not to walk down main street. Frisco hoping to delay the proceedings,
pockets the wedding ring. Jennifer finds a quick solution. She simply has
Ted run to the local jeweler and buy a similar one. So much for the
diversion! Anna sends a telegram to the minister of St James Church to
stop the wedding, but Jennifer orders him to ignore it. Jennifer blocks all
calls from Anna to Bobbie and the PC gang by taking the phone off the hook.
Later Sheriff Broder makes sure to eliminate all transportation at the
airport and the train depot. The sheriff makes his own contribution to the
planned snafu. He tells the station manager to send Anna to the wrong church
as soon as she gets off the train. Anna tries to call the Talbot's, but
Jenniferhas taken the phone off the hook. The bridal procession begins
as Jake escorts Terry to the church (nice location footage). Anna gets off
the train and finds no transportation waiting for her! While driving to the
town hall, Terry freaks and tells Jake to stop the car. Getting out she has
another flashback, remembering the time that she was running naked in the
street with Patrick calling her from a seedy motel. The blast from the past
convinces Terry to walk the rest of the way. Terry creates an unforgettable
figure singing gospel in her white dress as she proudly walks to the church. The
Laurelton townsfolk stare at her in disbelief. Anna is running to the church
but unaware it's the wrong one! Arriving at the wrong church, she gets
directions from an old woman and immediately starts runnning off to the
right one. Kevin and Terry's wedding begins.
February 18, 1986 - Terry faints just as she is about to go into the
chapel. Regaining her composure, Terry struggles to walk down the aisle.
Anna near exhaustion, continues her run to the church. But by the time she
arrives, Kevin and Terry are married. Anna lays low at the reception, but a
mysterious figure fishes among the wedding gifts and matches the handwriting
on the letter carried by late Neil Johnson to that of the wedding gift
from Sarah. Sarah is the one that tried to inform Patrick where his Uncle
Earl was buried. She gave a note to Neil Johnson to deliver to Patrick and
he was murdered at the Brownstone before giving it to him. Anna tells Frisco
that one of the O Conner boys is the killer! The WSB raised the one
initial on the medallion: The letter "O". Anna gets the cold
shoulder from everyone at the wedding. Sarah is skipping the reception and
tells the Sheriff that Earl would never have approved. Bobbie tells Ted and
Jennifer that she's renovated the Brownstone attic for newlyweds Kev and
Terry. Jennifer is upset and tells her that Terry will NOT be living at the
Brownstone. The Sheriff finds a note on his dashboard proclaiming that Sarah
is the weak link! After the garter tossing and bridal bosquet catching, Kev
and Terry make plans to leave. Frisco tells Anna that Terry was in a trance
while walking down town square. The Brownstone gang all depart Laurelton for
PC, all except Anna who stays behind. Sheriff Broder calls an emergency
meeting of the board members. Anna makes plans to attend.
February 19-25, 1986: 2/19
(glitch), 2/20, 2/21, 2/24, 2/25
February 19,
1986 - Celia's rich papa Quentin arrives in PC newly divorced from Celia's
money grubbing step mother. He's got great news for Celia. He has reinstated
her as sole heir to his fortune and upped her annual trust fund. He gives
her his blessing as she trots off to give her hubby Jimmy Lee the great
news. Anna slips into the board meeting room and hides behind a curtain. The
Laurelton gang arrives and immediately start arguing with each other.
In NY, on their way to the Caribbean, Kevin can't wait to make love to his
blushing bride, and forces himself on her. Terry pulls back, and later Kevin
almost chokes her when he puts on her necklace. Ted and Jennifer brow beat
the Sheriff for allowing Anna into Laurelton. The Sheriff informs all that
Sarah has been leaking vital information to Anna. Patrick storms into the
meeting, demanding answers. But the Laurelton gang remind him of the
disgrace he brought to town 3 years ago. The Sheriff finds Anna
snooping behind the curtains and orders her out of town. Edward is disturbed
that Celia's regained her inheritance. He thinks that Jimmy Lee will leave
his "post" if he finds out. Monica reports to Sean and their
romance cools for the moment. Donely arranges with Dimitri to outbid a
government official in San Pablo, when Dimitri tells him that Jimmy Lee is
prepared to do the same now the suspects the mineral deal is a phony.
When Kev starts to make love to Terry she flashes back to the night she made
love to Patrick. Donely and Dimitri plot to have Pilar drive a wedge between
Celia and Jimmy Lee.
February 20, 1986 - After a loveless night, Kev tells Terry they have their
whole night to make love. Terry promises to work on it. Anna tries to pry
the truth of Terry and Laurelton from a shaken Sarah. Frisco and Felicia in
bed. Frisco's late for the academy. Trying to rush around to get ready, he
strains his back. Jennifer returns to the Brownstone, to Bobbie and Jake's
disappointment. While she can't bare to have Terry stay with them, she
decides to inspect the attic love next they have prepared. Alone, Jennifer
falls off a ladder spraining her ankle. This forces Terry to cancel her
honeymoon and head straight home! Ginny catches an argument between
Mike and Jeff. Bryan brings over a social worker to the nuclear family to
see if it's all one big happy family. When push comes to shove, Mike tells
the social worker that he doesn't mind having Jeff stay with them. The
Sheriff finds Anna grilling Sarah, and forces her to leave town. Ginny and
Derek argue when Derek threatens her with legal action over Mike. Anna
arrives back in PC and fills in Frisco.
February 21, 1986 - Burt, Anna, and Frisco discussing the possibility of
Kevin being the killer. Kev and Terry return from NY to tend to Grandma Jen.
Bobbie tells Jake she thinks that Jennifer fell on purpose to get Terry
back. Celia arrives in San Pablo and meets with Dimitri. She wants to see
Jimmy Lee. Dimitri stalls her while Pilar is able to get cozy with Holt. She
starts rubbing his neck and in no time she is kissing his lips, but Jimmy
Lee pulls away saying he's in love with Celia. He orders her to go while he
takes a shower. Upon Patrick's arrival to greet Kevin and Terry, Kevin decks
him one for making love to Terry 3 years ago and keeping it a secret. It
takes Frisco and Jake to break up the battling O' Conner clan. Sean and
Robin visit Anna at PCPD headquarters. While planting mouse traps around the
Brownstone, Frisco finds the letter underneath the loose floorboards. The
letter that Sarah wrote and was lifted from Neil's body by the killer. When
Jimmy Lee comes out of the shower he finds Pilar in his bed. Naturally
this is just the time that Celia walks in and misunderstands the situation.
Celia runs crying out while Jimmy Lee yells for her to come back. Frisco
shows Anna the letter, and now more than ever she's convinced that either
Kevin or Patrick is the murderer.
February 24, 1986 - Anna tells Burt that she made two copies of the letter
that Frisco found. She's convinced that Neil had the note and that's why he
was murdered. Bobbie blabs to Buzz of Terry's latest memories of Laurelton. Buzz
wants Terry to undergo another hypnotic session. Ms. Spencer will see what
she can do. Frisco and Anna forges two copies of the letter and
plants them under the doors of Kevin and Patrick to get their reaction.
Ginny is on the docks taping footage of derelicts and waterfront sleaze.
Enter Derek for a pow wow. She blames Mike's erratic behavior on him. When
Ginny and Derek view the footage taken on the waterfront, they are shocked
to find Mike and Jeff wandering the dangerous streets (they decided to cut
class). Terry gets upset at Bobbie's suggestion to undergo the therapy
with Buzz. Finally Terry agrees. Burt tells Anna that tests show the
handwriting on the letter doesn't match with anyone else's at the
Brownstone. Meanwhile, both Kevin and Patrick find the letter and both men
burn it. Anna and Frisco find the ashes and are puzzled. Are Kevin and
Patrick both killers and in cahoots with each other to protect Terry? Rick,
Ginny and Derek confront Mike and Jeff. Terry under hypnosis reveals to Buzz
another clue. She remembers her hands on a throat, then a body, a cold body
falling on her! Buzz stops the recording and brings Terry out of it
when she becomes hysterical. Burt, Frisco, and Felicia pour over all the
wedding gift cards looking to see if the handwriting matches the mysterious
letter. Finally they hit paydirt! The handwriting matches Sarah's to
perfection. Anna arrives at Buzz's place and demands the tape he made of
Terry's session. Buzz refuses due to patient and doctor confidentiality.
February 25, 1986 - Anna continues arguing with Buzz. She wants the tape. Terry
is recovering in the bedroom and overhears the argument. Buzz gets
distracted by the phone, and Anna tries to rewind the tape. As Buzz tries to
stop her Anna hears a bit of Terry saying she saw Earl Moody's body the
night of the murder. Anna plans to take Buzz to court to get the tape. Anna
confronts Kevin and Patrick. Why did they destroy copies of the letter she
planted under their door? Both furious Anna tried to trap them, refuse to
answer her questions without a lawyer present. Terry tells Jennifer she
knows something happened to her at the Town Hall the night that Earl Moody
was murdered. Rick and Ginny sternly lecturing Mike and Jeff about cutting
class. Rick accuses Ginny of spending so much time with Derek. She's been
neglecting her motherly duties to Mike. Ted tells Jen that they must get
that tape from Buzz. Terry's thinking the same thing, and breaks into Buzz's
pad while he's next door with Anna. Suddenly Buzz, Frisco and Felicia come
over with Robin to help her hang up her drawing she made for Buzz. Terry
hides in the bedroom. After the group leaves, Terry finds the tape in
the drawer and steals it. Before Terry can play it, she accidentally breaks
her tape recorder when Kevin comes home and wants to make love to her.
February 26
- March 4, 1986: 2/26 Celia
leaves Jimmy Lee, 2/27, 2/28, 3/3, 3/4
February 26,
1986 - LAST SHOW FOR SHERYLN WOLTER - Kevin and Terry have finally made
love. It was okay sex Kevin tells her but Terry promises to work on getting
better. Frisco heads to Laurelton, with Felicia in tow. They serve a
subpoena to the accountant of Purity Water. Anna believes that the ledger
entry which recorded that Russell embezzled money from Purity, was a ruse by
Jennifer, to make them believe he had a motive for killing Neil and Earl.
Later, Frisco purloins the tampered record from the petrified Sarah, who is
under orders from Jen and Ted not to part with anything, subpoena or not!
Celia returns home in tears. She packs her bags and tells Jimmy Lee it's
over. She's going back to Long Island. Despite Jimmy Lee's begging that
nothing happened between him and Pilar, Celia still walks out on him. Holt
is devastated. Jimmy Lee later drowns his sorrows in booze. Lorena and Derek
find him collapsed at the Rib, and take him home. Anna has to comfort
Robin when she overhears an argument with her and Buzz. Anna later vows to
Frisco to get that tape one way or another.
February 27, 1986 - Kevin finds a new tape recorder that Terry just bought.
He wonders what happened to the old one. Terry is trying to get her hubby
out of the house so she can hear the tape. Later, when he's gone, Terry
starts to play it but gets interrupted by Felicia, Bobbie and Jake. Anna
gets Frisco in a little trouble with Chief Lewis for pulling him constantly
out of class for help on the murder case. Anna and Buzz head to court to
haggle over the tape. Before the judge can hear each side, media maven Ginny
Webber nails Anna. How about a story? Buzz hits the roof! Ginny
still wants the scoop, relenting only when Anna promises to give her
exclusive rights when the story breaks. Webber settles for this and departs.
The judge wants to hear the tape before the hearing, but Buzz says he
refuses based on patient and Dr confidentiality. Enter Ted to offer his two
cents worth about keeping the tape in secret due to Terry's mental state. The
Judge later sides with Buzz, giving him sole responsibility of the tape.
Back home, Buzz and Ted find someone has stolen his tape! Buzz alerts
Anna, and they both think Terry is the culprit. Frisco calls Felicia to get
Terry out of the attic so he and Anna can search her room. Jen also guesses
that Terry has the tape and sends Ted to steal it. Ted hides in the bathroom
when Frisco and Anna come by. Finding the tape, Anna plays a bit of it and
they both listen in horror as Terry almost admits to killing Earl Moody. Ted
is furious with Jennifer since she kept this secret from him and the rest of
Laurelton. Terry returns and can't find the tape.
February 28, 1986 - Audrey is showing around the student nurses when an
emergency hits GH. There's been a gang shootout on the waterfront and
the Dr's are overrun with casualties. Anna orders a quick arrest of every
gang leader. The Mayor arrives and immediately upset with Anna for chasing
shadows in the BRownstone case and neglecting her main duties. Terry arrives
in a panic at GH wanting to see Buzz. Kevin argues with Patrick for making
Terry a basket case in bed for what he did to her 3 years ago. Buzz is too
busy to help Terry, so Bobbie orders her to go home. With the mayor on her
back, Anna shows him the letter found in the Brownstone and that makes him
change his mind. Ginny and Derek get into a fight about Mike. She
wishes he would leave town. Derek asks Ginny to tell Mike about the blood
tests he had at one time to prove he wasn't the father of Rick Jr. Once
again, Derek doesn't want Mike to hear it through the grapevine. Jeff
Fellows hears it however, and tries to get Mike to trade his video camera
for a "dark secret" he heard. Rick doesn't want Mike to know
either, but Derek means to tell him. Anna convinces the Mayor that Terry
could be the murderous after they both listen to the tape. Ted gives Terry
some sleeping pills to both Terry and Jen and goes for a long walk. Terry
dreams of Earl Moody and screams herself awake. Still groggy, she turns on
the kettle and doesn't see that the burner hasn't lit. The gas escapes.
March 3, 1986 - Burt and Buzz question Bobbie as to Terry's whereabouts.
When Bobbie learns about Terry's incriminating tape made by Buzz under
hypnosis, she calls Jake. The gas is still escaping in Terry's room. Anna
tells Frisco they need to find out the name on the scratched out medallion.
They plot to find out what was engraved on each medallion issued to the
Purity Water executives. Jennifer calls upstairs but Terry doesn't
answer. Having taken Jeff up on his bid to trade the video camera that Derek
gave him, Mike can't believe his ears when Jeff tells him that Ginny slept
with Derek the night his baby brother was conceived. Rick is still
giving Ginny the cold shoulder. Bobbie and Jake plead with Anna to drop her
case against Terry. Burt plays Terry's tape for Bobbie and Jake and
listen in horror. Ginny admits to Mike what Jeff told him is true and Ginny
is in tears as Mike storms out after calling her a tramp. Frisco and Sam
find out from the engraver that Jennifer ordered Terry;s medallion to read:
TERRY O BROCK. With the O standing for Olivia her middle name. Frisco sadly
reports to Anna who makes plans for Terry's arrest. Anna arrives at the
Brownstone with warrant in hand. Ginny and Derek tell a horrified Rick that
Mike knows everything. Frisco finds Terry passed out in her room with the
gas running.
March 4, 1986 - Frisco, Jake and the Brownstoners try to revive Terry who's
overcome with gas fumes. Mike and Jeff hide from their parents on the
waterfront. Buzz arrives to help Terry. Tony breaks up a fight with
Patrick and Kevin. Kevin blames Patrick for Terry's "suicide"
attempt. Rick, Derek and Ginny arrive at the PCPD to report a missing
person's on Mike. But he's not been missing for 24 hours, so the desk clerk
won't help them. Terry is rushed to GH. Jennifer is upset with Ted and
accuses him of pushing Terry over the edge. In light of Terry's near death,
Frisco and Felicia pledge their love to each other. Bobbie and Jake stand
vigil over Terry's bed. Mike and Jeff take refuge in a deserted shack.
Bobbie and Jake along with Kevin and Jennifer lash out at Anna, who's at GH
to visit Terry. They tell the nosy police chief to BACK OFF!
March 5-11, 1986: 3/5, 3/6,
3/7, 3/10 cm (bad spot during last half of epi), 3/11 cm
March 5, 1986
- Buzz tells Bobbie that Terry is getting better and stronger, but she might
suffer 'brain' damage. (who would notice!) Anna continues listening to the
tape made by Terry, especially the part about the "dead" man's
hands falling all around her. Kevin bursts in screaming at Anna that if
Terry dies, he will hold her responsible. Filomena reports to Anna she has
to tend her sick relation and needs to leave for a while. Anna must now cope
with entertaining Robin while trying to get her job done. Frisco and Ted get
into an argument over Terry. Lorena in a panic tells an unconcerned Edward
that Jimmy Lee has been missing for days since being dumped by Celia. Rick,
Ginny and Derek are going through their own missing person's dilemma. Buzz,
Patrick and Tony get some good news from Terry's reports. Dan reports to
Anna that Terry's near death by the leaking gas was accidental. Anna later
fends off attacks from Bobbie and Jake who demand she back off from Terry's
case. Anna tells them that Jen ordered a medallion for Terry with her middle
initial of O, which matches the letter seen on the scratched out medallion
that was removed from the body of Neil Johnson. Considering Terry's mental
state of sleepwalking with knives, she can only come to the conclusion of
Terry's guilt. Bobbie and Jake vow to find Terry innocent and question the
Laurelton looneys. Rick, Ginny and Derek drag Anna into their private
affairs. Frisco and Sam on routine patrol in the park come across a cop
taking money from a hood named Vinnie. Mike and Jeff also catch the lowdown.
Anna is overwhelmed by her work and cries on Sean's shoulder. Buzz
reports to the Laurelton gang that Terry will be fine.
March 6, 1986 - Sean has Felicia book him a flight to Manhattan. Anna drops
in on Buzz checking in on Terry, who's still unconscious. Frisco is pestered
by some former fans who think he's sold out by becoming a cop. Alan meets
with Lila to plan his and Monica's anniversary. Bobbie and Jake question
Jennifer and Ted about Terry's medallion. But only succeed in making
Jennifer a nervous wreak. Sarah show up on Jen's doorstep and Jake overhears
them arguing. She wants Jen to return to Laurelton and clear her name with
the Sheriff. Later, Bobbie and Jake report to Anna what they know. Monica's
not looking forward to her anniversary with Alan. Sean in Manhattan meets
with an old friend reporter for a newspaper. He writes a financial column on
Sean's behalf indicating the Donely/Cassidine merger is going public. Monica
makes plans to go and meet Sean. Sarah finally admits to Anna that she did
indeed write the note that Neil was taking to Patrick. The same note found
on his body in the Brownstone. Sarah was only trying to tip off Patrick as
to where his Uncle Moody's body was secretly buried. But Neil was
murdered by someone before delivering the note. Sarah admits she had nothing
to do with that. A booze swilling punk named Vinnie has come across Mike and
Jeff and recognizes them as the runaways on TV. He wants to cash in on their
March 7, 1986 - Frisco and Sam consult with Lewis about their seeing a cop
on the take. Bobbie and Jake report to Anna they are off to Laurelton
to prove Terry innocent. Patrick has informed them that Terry's medallion
might be still in the fountain at the park. (It was tossed in there by Terry
3 years earlier) Jade wins an achievment award for performing emergency
tracheotomy on a boy and saving his life. Later Jade is shocked to read that
her grandfather the nefarious Mr Wu has jumped bail. Monica and Alan's
wedding anniversary and Alan is determined to win back his lady love. Every
hour he sends her a dozen red roses. Meanwhile, Edward reads the planted
information by Sean about the Cassidine and Donely merger. Now Edward
is determined to find Jimmy Lee! Mike reveals to punk Vinnie that he's
a clever business man and offers him more money by videotaping the cop on
the take. Vinnie is game and they tape the pay off for them. Meantime Frisco
and Sam are undercover as bums hoping to catch the crooked cop. Terry wakes
to find Kevin by her bedside. Jake and Bobbie comb the bottom of the
Laureton fountain and finally find Terry's medallion, but then they are
arrested for trespassing. The lovers spend a night in jail. Frisco spots the
Officer Brown taking the payoff. But later loses him. They later find the
shoulder brace from Mike's video camera nearby. Alan and Edward find Jimmy
Lee and set about sobering him up. The latest move has Alan postponing his
anniversary to Monica, which turns out to be fine by her.
March 10, 1986 - Jake uses his one phone call to PC and muscles Jennifer
into springing them from the jail. Based on the fact they found evidence
that can clear Terry of murder. When Vinnie shows up at Kelly's with Mike's
camera, Ruby recognizes it as Mike's. Vinnie drops it and runs. Bryan gives
Rick some bad news. Now that the Webber's have advertised the missing Jeff
on TV, the courts want to put him in a foster home when the boy is found.
Jake and Bobbie free from jail, next visit Kathleen O Conner to get their
son's medallions. But Kathleen is certain that they are not in the house.
But it's obvious to Jake that she's not going to give them up so easily.
Frisco and Anna view the tape Mike made of the payoff. But Anna informs him
that she knows all about it. She's working with Officer Brown who himself is
undercover to catch the ring of thieves! Once Anna tells Terry that
she's clear of murder, Terry wants to undergo more hypnosis to unlock her
past. Much to Kevin's dismay.
March 11, 1986 - Under hypnosis, Buzz gives Terry another session which
produces a memory block right at the point that Earl Moody's body fell on
her. Terry screams and Kevin pacing in the halls runs in ordering Buzz to
stop! Jennifer apologizes to Jake and Bobbie and are grateful to have
their help in proving Terry's innocence. Kathleen and Jim arrive in PC. The
O Conner boys are less than thrilled. Buzz tells Anna that Kevin interrupted
him at a crucial moment when Terry might have revealed more. She orders him
to get permission to have another session with Terry. Buzz and Anna
watch Brett Madison blast her for her lousy performance as police chief. Tim
wants his son Patrick to give him power of attorney for his Purity Water
stock. And MRs O C wants Terry to come back to Laurelton to live. Frisco
alerts Ginny and Rick t some hot tips to where Mike is hiding. Another
session with Buzz reveals more mental blocking. Anna's beyond
March 12-18, 1986: 3/12,
3/13, 3/14, 3/17 Jennifer Talbot disappears, 3/18
March 12, 1986
- Frisco makes breakfast for Felicia. Anna has a fateful meeting with the
new DA Brett Madison and Mayor Morgan. The Mayor is tired of the Brownstone
murder and thinks that Anna is wasting her time. Ruby traps the young
runaways at Kelly's and agrees to let Mike stay over for one night. Morning
comes and Mike breaks his word. Bobbie and Tony are having breakfast and
Mike seeks them out as impartial judges. On Mike's behalf, Bobbie approaches
Rick and Tony approaches Ginny. Ginny is devastated when she learns
that Mike wants to live with Rick but not her! After hearing Bobbie's
version of the same story, Rick tells her that Mike is a selfish brat!
Edward and Alan have sold most of their stocks to buy half the Donely and
Cassidine shipping business. Monica is alarmed and thinks that it's
premature of them to think of the San Pablo mineral strike as the new gold
rush. Edward and Alan want Monica to take out a mortgage on the mansion but
she refuses. Rick gives in per Steve Hardy's advice and will move in with
Mike at Kelly's just like the old days. Jade tells Yank she loves him.
Monica is upset with Sean for talking the 'joke' too far with the phony gold
mine news. She won't see the Q's broke. Robin's devastated that Anna's
priorities at work kept her from the parent teacher conference.
March 13, 1986 - Ginny packs a bag for Rick. He's moving back to Kelly's
with Mike. Burt and Anna read the headline in the paper, "CITY HALL
Terry home. Bobbie and Jake and Frisco/Felicia march over to Anna's and
demand and explanation. Anna doesn't feel she owes one. The headline says it
all. Edward and Alan are selling all their assets to invest in Donely's fake
southwest border scam. Anna extends a surprise lunch invitation to Jennifer
Talbot. The dowager is too curious not to go and listen impatiently to
Anna's apology about harassing Terry. Why talk about it now that the case is
closed? Anna assures her that the case is still open. She asks
Jennifers help in getting through to Terry and discuss her nightmares. Jen
tells her how she used to calm Terry and she would always spill her guts
when she mixed a special blend of Brandy and milk. Sean asks Monica to meet
him at his Penthouse. When she refuses he kisses her. Monica changes her
mind. Rick worries that if Derek finds out that Mike doesn't want to live
with his mother, he might file for custody of his son.
March 14,1986 - Jennifer taking Anna's advice clears the Brownstone by
tossing a big bash. At the last minute, Jennifer fakes illness but sends the
Brownstoners all to the private party in her absence. Terry naturally stays
with her grandmother. Frisco and Felicia still have a hard time with the
fact that Anna has dropped the murder case. The BRownstoners all dressed up
to the 9's arrive at the PC hotel for Jennifer's bash. Jennifer is able to
get Terry in a mood to talk about the past. She makes the special blend of
Brandy and Milk and soon Terry is drifting off and spilling her guts. After
a while of this, Terry is up and about singing and sleepwalking up a storm.
The Brownstone intercom is pushed and her singing goes on throughout the
place. Kevin at the party calls and checks up on his bride. Terry tells
Kevin that she's okay, just pouring over old memories with Jennifer. After a
while a plastered Terry tells her everything she wants to know, including
the name of the murderer! The Brownstone party is winding down. Unknown
to Jennifer the intercom is still on when she makes a phone call to Ted and
tells him she knows who killed Earl Moody and Neil Johnson. She can't tell
him on the phone, she makes plans to meet with him in Laurelton. The
Brownstone party arrives home and an unknown shadow listens to everything
that Jennifer has to say..
March 17, 1986 - At GH, Rick informs Bobbie of his latest dilemma with Mike.
Terry wakes from her sound sleep and cant' find Jennifer anywhere. Where is
she? Laurelton's first Miss Purity has disappeared with the name of the
murderer on her lips. Kevin, Terry and Bobbie and Tony discuss her
disappearance. Terry calls Ted but he has not seen her either. Derek finds
that Mike is living outside the Webber home and confronts Rick about it.
Sean presents Monica with some shamrock and wants to take her to the St
Patricks day Parade. Patrick admits to Terry that he offered to drive
Jennifer to the airport. He drove her and dropped her off but that was the
last time he saw her. Ted reports to the Sheriff that Jennifer knows who the
killer is and her life may be in danger. The St Patrick's day Festival is
held at Kelly's. Mike blows up when he overhears Rick and Derek
discussing his own future. Mike agrees to come back to work for Derek at the
studio. Sean takes Monica to the pub run by Red O' Flynn. Lots of
partying good times and fun at the pub. Ted and the Sheriff
find Jennifer never made it Laurelton. Kevin and Terry make love.
March 18, 1986 - Ted is in a lather and arranges a meeting with the Purity
Council. They all realize that with Jennifer missing, and knowing the
killers identity, her life may be in danger. Terry is in a panic and near
her 19th nervous breakdown with Jennifer missing. Bobbie and Jake try to
pacify her uneasy mind. Anna calls Terry to check up on her wand learns that
Jen gave her some Brandy and Milk but she has no idea what she told Jennifer
that night. Anna's now worried with Jennifer up and missing. Sean decides to
use Felicia as leverage against the Q's. Frisco at the academy. The class is
going to be going on a survival mission in the woods. Frisco is uneasy
about being partnered up with Sam and he's afraid what Felicia will do when
she finds out. Terry becomes even more unglued when Ted informs her that Jen
never made it to Laurelton. Kevin, Patrick, Bobbie and Jake search
Jennifer's room. They find a letter inviting her to an old class reunion.
The group wonders if she perhaps has gone to this party after all?
Frisco and Felicia have a spat over his camping out with Sam.
March 19-26, 1986: 3/19,
3/20, 3/21 Frisco finds Jennifer's body, 3/24 (:20 pre-emption), 3/25, 3/26
March 19, 1986
- Frisco and Sam are preparing for the PCPD Academy survival trip. Frisco's
embarrassed when Felicia brings him his shaving kit during class. Jake tells
TErry that Jen never checked into the hotel for her class reunion. Terry's
even more upset when she learns that Jen never showed up for it either.
Terry calls Ted frantic. Ted realizes that something awful may have happened
to Ms Talbot. The keepers of the Purity water flame, including Sheriff
Broder decide on joining forces with Anna to help find Jen. A jealous
Felicia unloads her problems on Sean. Edward and Alan appear at Sean's
warehouse and are prepared to buy Donely shipping. Felicia just playing,
offers the bait. She wants to sell her shares in Donely's old company to buy
into a new merger. Sean strenuously objects which makes the Q's pant for
their shares. But Sean and Felicia have set up the entire story. Alan
instructs Monica to lure Sean out of his office so they can bargain with
Felicia without interference. Rick and Ginny have a romantic evening
together. Jennifer's been missing for too long. Anna finally puts out a
search for the wayward grandmother. Ted and Sheriff Broder arrive in PC and
inform Terry that they suspect foul play because Jennifer knew the identity
of the killer, this news shocks Anna as well as Terry.
March 20, 1986 - Everyone stares daggers at Patrick in light of Jen's
disappearance. FOr he was the last person to see her before she vanished.
Jake appears on Ginny's news show, and Ginny hopes the dramatic turn of
events concerning the missing Talbot woman will boost her shows sagging
ratings. Anna declares she has reason to re open the murder investigation.
But Mayor Morgan while unwilling to betray his suspicion that Anna is right,
insists she turn up a body before he will let her re open the case. Monica
lures Sean out of his office and into her bed, while Edward and Alan bargain
with Felicia. Felicia proves herself a tough cookie stalling Alan Q for so
long that he ends up offering her 20 times the market value of her stock.
Terry tells Anna all she remembers about Jen's last night seen alive. She
remembers the brandy and milk and then blacked out everything. Mayor Morgan
calls Anna with a change of heart. He allows her to reopen the murder case.
March 21, 1986 - On police assignment, Frisco wakes up in a warehouse with
Sam and begins calling Felicia's name. Patrick blows up at everyone at GH
when the local headline reads that he was the last person to see Jennifer
alive. Anna arrives at the Brownstone and Terry flips out when she suspects
her Grandmother is dead. Derek's pleased with Ginny. Her ratings went
up with the Talbot story. Ginny's happy that this turn of events has let her
forget her own problems with Mike. Anna with Sheriff Broder in tow,
questions Tanya, Bobbie and and later Tony and Patrick. Patrick becomes so
angry at Anna that he starts to storm out. Anna lashes out that if he walks
out that door, she will arrest him for murder. Tony has to calm Patrick down
before he loses his cool. Frisco and Sam pass the first action packed test
in a deserted warehouse. Patrick declares to Anna that he dropped Jen off at
the airport and that was the last time he saw her. Anna and Sheriff
Broder follow Jennifer's trail to the PC airport. Frisco and Sam are out on
a survival course in the woods. They play the hunted, waiting for the
hunters. After coming across an old drain pipe not far from the PC airport,
Frisco decided to investigate it as a possible hiding place. After
crawling inside he screams in fear, as inside stuffed in the pipe like a
pickle is the missing Jennifer Talbot!!!!!
March 24, 1986 - Sean and Monica are getting frisky at the spa. Lorena
overhears Sean and Monica planning their first overnight tryst. Frisco
and Anna break the news to Terry and the Brownstone group that Jenn has
been found, she's dead. Terry nearly has another seizure. Bobbie wants
Patrick arrested immediately, after all, he was the last person to see her
alive. Patrick proclaims his innocence. Mike gets into a new snit when he
can't get any of his parents (3 total) to go with him to the ball game. Rick,
Ginny, Derek all find other excuses and cancel on him at the last minute.
Jen's death hit's Terry hard. Sedatives are the only thing to calm the poor
girl. Rick is off to a medical convention and says goodbye to Ginny. The
coroner's report on Jennifer reveals that she was killed by a blow to the
head. The lethal twist came when the killer injected air into her artery
inducing an embolism. Only an MD would know how to do this. Ted accuses
Patrick of murder. Ginny is pestering Anna for a suspect in the murder.
Anna's not that quick to name Patrick as the killer.
March 25, 1986 - Jimmy Lee returns from Brazil predicting that the family
coup of Donely/Cassidine stock will make them richer than ever before. Alan
tells Monica he couldn't have done it without her. Monica is not interested
in Alan's opinion. Lorena tells Monica not to lose much beauty sleep,
it's starting to show on her! Monica suspects that Lorena is on to her and
Sean. Patrick swears up and down that he didn't kill Jennifer. He only
dropped her off at the airport. Bobbie orders Patrick to pack up and get
out. The coroner confirms to Anna that Jen died not of the blow to the head
but from a heart attack brought on by the air injected into her artery. Anna
finds that the two syringes from Patrick's bag were found near the crime
scene. Patrick is stunned beyond belief and Jake is the only one to take up
Patrick's defense. Anna confirms with GH that the syringes used on Jennifer
in fact came from Patrick's bag.
March 26, 1986 - Ted and the Sheriff put pressure on Burt to follow up on
the leads in Jen's murder. Everyone in town is telling Monica she looks
awful. Alan tells Monica she needs to go to bed with him. Monica tells Alan
NO DICE! And a rejected Alan works on his next move. Mike continues to
act cold toward Derek and Ginny. Edward and Lila try to cheer up a sullen
Jimmy Lee still reeling from Celia's estrangement. Lorena admits to Derek
that she's only been using him to get to Jimmy Lee. That's OK by him as he's
been using her to get to Ginny! Alan unlocks the door to a sleeping
Monica, who's finally hit the sack. Alan slips into her bed to collect his
sexual favors, but the exhausted Monica will have none of it. Furious she
kicks him to the road and tells him to get lost!
March 27 -
April 2, 1986: 3/27, 3/28 Kevin
is arrested, 3/31, 4/1, 4/2
March 27, 1986
- Jake and Patrick watch in horror as Ginny broadcasts a news report about
Patrick's possible involvement in Jen's murder. All of this pressure sends
Patrick way over the edge. While in the laboratory mixing patient
medications, a reporter barges in to take pictures. Patrick slams him to the
floor and during the scuffle, some medications get reversed. Later, Patrick
nearly gives a patient the wrong medication. The woman just happens to be
the wife of the President of the county medical association! Yank is able to
save the day but Patrick's name is dragged through the mud. Jake cannot
convince Anna to drop the case on Patrick. Jimmy Lee is working on his pecs
at the Spa. Ginny thanks Brian and Claudia for taking Mike to the game the
other night in her place. The DA is pressuring Anna to convict Patrick. Anna
has camped out in Steve Hardy's office and is conducting a semi inquisition
on Patrick's possible guilt in the murder. Derek presses Lorena to make love
to him. But Lorena is still pining away for Jimmy Lee, who's still pining
for Celia.....it's a no win situation for all of them. Lorena makes her
feelings known to Jimmy Lee, but he can't think of getting involved with
anyone right now. The forensic tests show Anna that the left rear tire print
of Patrick's car doesn't match that of the murderer's car...things are
looking better for Patrick.
March 28, 1986 - The PC Brownstoner's are in Laurelton for Jennifer Talbot's
funeral and reading of her will. At Jen's last rite's, Terry maintains her
cool, but Ted loses his when he reads the reading of the will. After first
leaving 90% of her estate to her grand daughter Terry, Jennifer also
included a handwritten codicil to her will, naming Terry and Kevin as co
owners of Purity Stock. Sean tries to boost Anna's morale and gives her
advice on the case. He says that while talking to his buddy Red Flynn owner
of the Pub on the waterfront, he thinks he has a lead on the murder case for
her. Jimmy Lee meets Lorena for drinks at the Pub. She wants him to be more
social but Jimmy Lee is too excited about the upcoming announcement from the
Q's on the Donely/Cassidine merger. The hospital board meets to decide
Patrick's fate. Naturally Edward wants the young intern booted out on his
rear. But it's Yank who saves the day. He track's down the slimy
reporter and the man confesses that he goaded Patrick in to the fight. All
charges against Patrick are dropped, at least as far as GH is concerned.
Meanwhile Anna and Sean are talking with Red Flynn at the Pub. Red
admits he saw Jennifer and a young man arguing at the airport right before
she disappeared. Anna shows Red a picture of Patrick and is ready to throw
the book at him, when Red admits that Patrick is not the one he saw.
Frustrated, Anna shows him another picture and Red instantly picks the man
out, finally Anna has her killer! Before leaving back to PC, Kevin
prevents Terry from walking down Town Hall for another blast from the past. When
Patrick shows up at the airport to meet the Brownstone group, he runs into
Anna and two armed policemen. Thinking that this is it, he holds out his
hands but Anna tells him that she's not there to arrest him. The PC gang
arrives and Terry wants to know if Anna got the killer. Anna says she
has and turns to Kevin and handcuffs him for the murder of Jennifer Talbot!
March 31, 1986 - Terry is a wreak following Kevin's arrest. Kevin is
booked and fingerprinted. Bobbie berates Anna for Kevin's arrest even though
an eyewitness has identified him. Frisco receives a lousy score on his
criminal law test. Frisco and Sam are put on probation. Kevin tells Anna she
will never be able to show her face in town again because of the mistake
she's made. Tony and Tanya tell Ruby she's going to have a baby! Burt tells
Jake and Bobbie and Anna that Jennifer had a clause in her will leaving
everything half of everything to Kevin if if anything happened to her.
Kevin's parents hire a big shot NY attorney to defend Kevin. But Kevin wants
no part of it, he wants blue collar Jake Meyer! Bobbie and Jake question Red
Flynn about his supposed eyewitness testimony. Jake is not too
convinced of Kevin's innocence. Bobbie is really upset with him. Anna
question's Kevin's professor about Kevin's whereabouts the day of Jen's
murder. The professor tracks down the class attendants that day and keeps a
record of all students signatures who attended that day. Anna confirms the
signature of Kevin's is not quite a match and appears to have
April 1, 1986 - Terry visits Kevin at the Police Headquarters. Kevin's
professor allows Anna to question each of his fellow students to see if
Kevin really attended class that day. Frisco joins Anna in the
investigation. Frisco finds a student that confirms Kevin attended class
that day of Jen's murder. But Kevin's friend is muddy on the dates after
Anna gets done with her questions. He can't confirm the actual day of Jen's
murder if Kevin was indeed in class. Sean is working up a sweat in Lorena's
spa. Lorena spies on Sean and Monica who later agree to meet at the
PUb. .After questioning many of the students in Kevin's class. none of them
recall seeing Kevin in class that day. Lorena and Derek at the pub, spot
Felicia and Sean arriving together. She thought for sure Monica was going to
join hm. Derek tells her to butt out of Monica's affairs. Jake and
Kevin go over the evidence against him. Anna runs into Patrick at the
student library conducting his own investigation for his brother. Sean
and Monica rendezvous at the Pub after Lorena has left. The librarian on
duty confirms the student librarian on duty the day of Kevin's absense was
Lucy Coe. Ms. Coe is currently on vacation till next Friday. Anna gets
Lucy's address. A student informs Burt and Anna that he signed for Kevin the
day he didn't show up in class. He did it as a favor. One more nail in
Kevi's coffin, Anna's delighted. Kevin stands up in a line for Red Flynn.
Red positively identifies him as the man he saw with Jennifer the morning of
her murder.
April 2, 1986 - Edward congratulates Monica on her infiltration of Sean's
empire. Dimitri Cassidine shocks Sean with his plans to retire on 50% of the
Q fortune already given to him. Donely is ready to go for the jugular, and
he lets Cassidine go after securing his power of attorney. Donley tries to
convince the Q's that they have been swindled and stand to lose their
fortune, but later changes his mind. He decides to nail the Q's for a
mint. Naturally he does not tell Monica his partner in crime. Tony prepares
a romantic evening for he and Tanya. Monica tries to convince Edward of
Sean's story But the pigheaded Eddie Q doesn't believe her. Alan and Lila
abstain from the vote. Jimmy Lee and Eddie decide to sell the other 50%
stock to Cassidine, thereby assuring their financial ruin.
April 3-9, 1986: 4/3, 4/4 Jake
agrees to defend Kevin, 4/7, 4/8, 4/9
April 3, 1986
- Felicia is cold toward Anna when she calls for Frisco. Frisco's cleaning
of Kevin's apt uncovers fibers from a sweater. The same fibers found on
Jen's body. Clueless Felicia is livid that Frisco is pursuing Kevin since
Terry is their best friend. Another Terry and Kevin tearful reunion in jail.
Patrick and Ted try to convince Jake he's not right to defend Kevin. But
Jake is not so sure that Kevin's innocent anyway. Ginny, Mike and Derek at
the spa. Mike is getting closer to Ginny and she feels he's almost ready to
move back. Frisco and Jake commiserate with each other. Their woman hate
them for thinking Kevin is guilty. Ted and Mrs O Conner watch Ginny's
interview with Sheriff Broder who berates Anna's mishandling of the whole
Kevin ordeal. Court is in session: Brett Madison conducts the
trial for the state of NY. While Ted starts out trying to defend Kevin. The
Judge announces that enough evidence in the case to conduct a trial and hold
Kevin without bail. Robin is disturbed to see the Sheriff blasting her mommy
on Tv. Terry pleads with Jake to take Kevin's case. Ted is not qualified.
Jake continues to think Kevin guilty.
April 4, 1986 - Anna and Robin walk through the park and an elderly
woman chastises Anna for convicting that "fine young boy" Kevin.
Jake tells Bobbie he can't defend Kevin, he doesn't believe him. Buzz goes
to Ginny hoping to defend Anna's honor. Ginny offers him a rebuttal to
Sheriff Broder's attacks on Anna. Buzz pretapes an interview and Anna is
moved to tears by Buzz's praise. Kevin tells his parents he still wants Jake
to defend him. Anna speaks at Frisco's class about honor and duty to one's
job. The pressure from Jake's friends are too much. He goes to see Kevin and
asks him outright if he killed Jennifer, Earl and Neil. Kevin shouts NO! The
evidence is so overwhelming, but Jake agrees to defend him. He can't promise
him a miracle though. Kevin's delighted. Frisco tells Anna that she and
Felicia think Kevin's innocent. They unfortunately won't be on her side in
this trial. Terry's delighted to have Frisco and Felicia on her side again.
Jake announces to Bobbie and the Brownstoners that he will defend Kevin. At
last the Brownstone group is once again a happy family. First order of
business for Jake is to find Lucy Coe.
April 7, 1986 - Where is Lucy Coe??? Who is Lucy Coe??? That's
the question of the hour and Kevin swears that Lucy will testify he was at
the library studying the morning of the murder. Patrick is subpoenaed to
testify against his brother. Brett Madison tells Anna he can't start the
trial until Lucy Coe is questioned. After reading a book called
"Corporate Bandits", Jimmy Lee decides Sean is deceiving them and
the family, and tries to convince Edward, who wants no part of it. Lorena
tells Holt that she believes that Monica is having an affair with Sean.
Jimmy Lee is furious and doesn't believe her, at first. But later realizes
that Lorena might be right. Anna aks Sean advice on the best way to
nail Kevin. He suggests starting with the weakest link in Laurelton, Sarah!
Buzz convinces Anna to go to dinner. His motives are to get them closer and
he suggests that they become more than friends. Anna keeps her distance for
the time being. Anna and Buzz run into Monica and Sean at the Pub. Both make
excuses about bumping into each other.
April 8, 1986 - Patrick, Terry, and Felcia at Kelly's going over the
day's detective work for Kevin. Jake asks Frisco if he thinks that Kevin is
really innocent. Especially when he learns about the planted note
proclaiming each other "guilty of murder", that he and Anna left
in Patrick and Kevin's room. (Patrick and Kevin both burned it) Jake and
Bobbie in bed. Jake calls Anna, no sign yet of Lucy Coe. Bryan tells Rick
that Jeff ran away from the orphanage and wants to come back to live with
him. Jimmy Lee tries to convince Alan of Monica's affair with Sean. Alan
can't believe it. But does hire a Private investigator named Chuck Morrison
to tail Monica. Anna and Brett watch a tearful interview with Terry and
Ginny on TV. Terry firmly believes her husband innocent and says so on tv.
Frisco is questioning tow co-eds who know Lucy Coe. Anna agrees to let Jake
accompany her to Laurelton. Meanwhile, Lucy's landlady calls and says that
Lucy's coming back to town on Friday.
April 9, 1986 - Alan has Chuck tail Monica. Monica's spooked to find a
sleazy looking man in a cheap suit following her around the hospital.
Patrick and Terry visiting Kevin in jail. Anna and Jake fly to Laurelton
where Anna calls a meeting at the town hall, the site of Earl Moody's
murder. The Purity Water group Board of Directors arrive one by one. Ted,
Tim, Kathleen, Sheriff Broder and last but not least Sarah. Anna plays
Terry's hypnosis tape for them and the group is speechless. Anna lays her
cards on the table. You all know that Earl Moody was murdered in THIS room.
So who is it? She reminds them the killer is focusing on the board of
directors, a fact that they are fully aware. They convene privately to
discuss their strategy. Sarah is all for telling Anna the truth of what she
knows. Chuck reports to Alan and Edward that Monica is seeing Sean
today at the PC Hotel. Alan is furious and runs over. Edward and Chuck
follow to prevent any homicide! Eddie and Chuck arrive at the PC hotel
and find Monica having lunch all right but with her sons! Alan barges into
Sean's apt and find he's taking a shower with a woman. Sean walks out of the
bathroom with a woman named Wendy. Alan with foot in mouth disease
apologizes profusely and leaves. Anna takes Sarah back to PC where the woman
wants to spill her guts. The Purity Water group vow to not let her say a
April 10-16, 1986: 4/10
Kevin's trial begins, 4/11, 4/14, 4/15, 4/16
April 10, 1986
- Frisco, Jake and Bobbie at Kelly's preparing the day's work for
Kevin's defense. Patrick gets into hot water at GH when a nosy reporter asks
him what it's like to have a murderer for a brother. An elderly patient
overhearing this goes into cardiac arrest. Steve orders the reporter removed
from the Hospital. Buzz and Steve later visit the judge who severely
reprimands the newspaper man. Alan and Monica having breakfast at Kelly's,
get into an argument when Sean arrives complaining about the incident in the
hotel last night. Monica storms out on Alan pushing him farther out of the
picture. Frisco and Felicia at Kelly's conducting their individual
investigations of the co-eds at Kevin's campus. Kevin's trial begins with
opening remarks from Brett Madison and Jake Meyer. First witness for the
prosecution is is the coroner who rehashes the grisly details of Jen's
murder. Next up, Patrick. Brett tries to establish Patrick as Kevin's alibi.
April 11, 1986 - Brett and Anna are ready for round two of Kevin's trial.
Jake tries to shake up the next witness Red Flynn owner of the Pub. Jake
tells Red that there is no way he could have positively identified Kevin in
a crowded airport and learns from the pub owner that he saw Kevin before the
plane landed at a newsstand with a leggy curvaceous looker in high spike
heels. Who could that be?? Jake wonders. When Sarah next takes the stand,
her Purity cohorts sweat bullets wondering how many of her guts she is going
to spill. Jake is dealt a cruel blow when Sarah reveals how Neil Johnson
found Earl Moody's strangled corpse in an unmarked grave with a chain and
medallion twisted around his neck. What was inscribed on the medallion?
D. A. Madison asks. The initials "K.O", the courtroom goes wild.
Sarah later tries to alter her story after the Purity Water group harasses
her. Neil Johnson said he only saw one initial on the medallion, an
"O", she lies under oath. The Purity Pack is satisfied, the
Brownstoner's are relieved, and Madison is in despair until his star witness
makes a late entrance. Ladies and Gentleman of the jury, meet Miss Lucy Coe.
Are you ready Kevin???
April 14, 1986 - Kevin's alibi is useless without back up from Lucy Coe, but
the shy frumpy librarian doesn't remember seeing him in the library on the
morning of the murder. Brett Madison is elated; Jake is dejected. He's got
to find a way to destroy her testimony. Enter Frisco, who by the way, passes
his penal code exam. Buzz, Patrick and Rick work feverishly to save the life
of the elderly woman who went into cardiac arrest after being shocked by the
reporter at GH. The woman dies. Patrick is blaming himself for letting
the reporter walk the halls of GH so freely. Amy informs Monica that a
patient of hers is waiting for her in her office, Sean Donely! Anna,
Frisco, Buzz and Robin at Kelly's discussing the latest developments with
Lucy Coe. Steve and Audrey lecturing the student nurses along with Jade and
Yank on the ordeal of what happened to Mrs McCormick and the reporter. Monica
tells Sean she wants to see him at Kelly's as soon as possible. She's come
to the momentous decision to divorce Alan! Sean is less than enthusiastic
about the prospect of Monica being free for him. He tells her that he's
worried about his financial future and the possibility that she could lose
the custody of her son. Monica doesn't care. Rick talks with the couple
that want to take Jeff in as legal guardian. Frisco and Felicia reports to
Jake that she got the goods on Red Flynn. A star from the PCU basketball
team named Stretch tells her that Flynn lost his coaching job because he was
guilty of bribery. Patrick is at the pub blabbing about seeing Kevin at
the airport with a good looking chick. Unfortunately, Red blabs to a
gossip reporter going under cover. The reporter runs out to file her story
and Patrick is ready to knock Red's block off. Kevin tells a horrified Terry
that with Lucy Coe in the picture, he might be able to get Kevin acquitted.
April 15, 1986 - Monica announces to Alan her plans to divorce him. He
thinks he can make her come back to him by moving the family into a new
house for which they will pay with their killing on the Donely/Cassidine
stock. The house costs three point two million. Frisco pays a call to
Lucy at the Library and gets very friendly with the frumpy librarian.
Services are held at GH for the woman that died as the result of the fall
out of Kevin's murder trial. Kevin's trial continues: Jake refutes the
testimony of witness John Hudson, the classmate who signed Kevin in for the
slide presentation, but who told Anna that he never showed. Thanks to Ruby,
who was serving Hudson breakfast when he was supposed to be in class, Jake
is able to probe that Hudson got a call from the defendant saying he would
be late, then signed Kevin and himself in, and headed to Kelly's for hash
and eggs. Felicia learns from the guilty party involved with Red Flynn
that Flynn offered players a free car if they lost a game. More amazing but
also true, the man looks exactly like Kevin! Could Red be prosecuting
Kevin because he looks so much like the man that once cost him his job? After
meeting with Jeff's foster parents, Rick convinces Jeff to go back to the
Lane family. Debbie admits to Bryan that she's fallen in love with him but
what about Claudia?? Anna and Madison are embarrassed at the way things
are going in court. Jake can't shake Lucy's testimony. In fact, she
remembers more. She remembers seeing Kevin in the library on March 12 with a
flashy girl wearing a red headband, like the girl Red Flynn saw at the
airport. He was reading a book or criminal forensics and turned down the
corner of a page. He also signed to take out a reference on March 17 but
never came to pick it up. Buzz, Anna and Robin at dinner discussing the
day's events. Lorena threatens Monica with revealing everything she knows
about her affair with Sean. Lorena's getting back at her for being matron of
honor at Jimmy Lee's wedding.
April 16, 1986 - Kevin's trial: Jake calls Kathleen O' Conner to the
stand. Kevin's mother Kathleen paints a rosy picture of her son that would
never hurt a fly. Jake calls Patrick to the stand next. Patrick simply
confirms he would trust Kevin with his life. But Madison counteracts
that testimony by bringing up Patrick's past differences with his brother. He
admits that Kevin did fly into a rage when he found out Terry had a fling
with Patrick. Jake next calls Sheriff Broder. Sheriff admits under oath
that he never had any reasons to arrest Kevin. He always kept his nose clean
in Laurelton. Alan, Edward, Lila and Jimmy Lee discussing Monica's divorce
filings with Alan. Frisco at the library presents Lucy with a rose. He
tries to get closer to her and offers to drive her home. Jake puts Hudson
back on the stand, and the youth admits that he can't be absolutely certain
that Kevin was not in class the day of Jen's murder. Madson is
discouraged at the turn of events. Claudia blasts Debbie at GH. She orders
him to keep her hands off her husband. Frisco charms his way into Lucy's
apartment. Inside he finds a Laura Ashley style apartment. There he uncovers
steamy love poems written on lilac paper, love poems written to Kevin!!!
Jake gets Red back on the stand after testimony from a disgruntled student
announces Red once took bribes. Red continues to admit that he saw Kevin at
the airport. Jake tries to tie in Red's anger toward the student (who looks
like Kevin) as the reason he is railroading Kevin O' Conner. Monica
tells Alan to go to hell and don't even think twice about getting custody of
her son. Rick comes by the mansion to try to get Alan and Monica to
patch things up for the good of GH. Jake tells the celebrating
Laurelton gang at Kelly's that tomorrow could be Kevin's downfall as Lucy
Coe is going to once again take the stand.
April 17-23, 1986: 4/17,
4/18, 4/21, 4/22 Kevin found not guilty, 4/23
April 17, 1986
- Frisco arrives at Lucy's in the morning to help walk her to work. A shy
Lucy invites Frisco inside. Frisco does more snooping. Monica and Sean in
bed. Felicia and Jade follow Lucy and Frisco to the library. Felicia is a
bit jealous. Bryan tries to apologize to Debbie for Claudia's outburst.
A gossipy Amy spies Monica and Sean at GH. Buzz takes Monica aside at
GH and tries to offer his two cents about the divorce proceedings with Alan.
Kevin's trial: Jake puts Lucy on the stands and Lucy once again admits
to seeing Kevin at the library with a woman and the two of them were
becoming very chummy. Kevin jumps up and calls Lucy a liar! Kevin
takes the stand and admits under oath that he was not with any woman and was
never reading a book on criminal law. Jake and Bobbie at the libary
with Mrs. Crocket the head librarian. Bobbie finds the book with the turned
down page that Kevin creased but its about the inner ear and not criminal
law. Jake's next going to put Bertha on the stand to discredit Lucy's
testimony. Frisco while at Lucy's pockets some of her steamy poetry. Monica
and Sean enjoying each others company in bed. Frisco presents the
poetry found at Lucy's apt to Jake. Jake tells Terry and Patrick they
finally have a fighting chance for Kevin's acquittal.
April 18, 1986 - At ELQ, Edward and Lila trying to use a computer. Lila and
Edward sign the papers for the new 3 million dollar mansion. Kevin's
trial: Lucy Coe takes the stand again. Jake whips out a piece of lilac
paper. Seeing it, Lucy begins to wig out. You stole my poetry she shouts at
Jake. Monica and Sean discretely seeing each other at GH. Amy spies
the two of them. Lucy on the stand cries out in frothy desperation. Jake has
memorized some of Lucy's sexy poetry. Jake reveals that the lovelorn
librarian's secret lust for Kevin has driven her to the brink of madness.
Kevin is floored. Brett is nauseous. Anna is flabbergasted. Jake is
joyous. Frisco is later ashamed for having stolen the poems in the first
place. But the truth must be told. Monica on a secret rendezvous
with Sean in the park. Monica meets Lila and Alan and Edward at ELQ.
Edward informs Monica that the stock for the Donely/Cassidine is going
public today. Alan gets a call from their broker.. Dimitri Cassidine
has fled to Brazil. The stock is worthless, the Q's are flat broke!!!!!
Monica is stunned. Jake shakes Lucy to her frustrated foundation.Crackling,
the mousy librarian tells the courtroom how she lied about everything. She
tried to get even with Kevin for not looking at her and marrying Terry.
April 21, 1986 - At ELQ the fallout of the Q's losing their fortune. Monica
is shocked the group put all their money into the Cassidine stock. Anna
arrives with Brett informing her of Lucy's latest testimony. Felicia is
delighted, Frisco is suspicious. Lucy continues to testify that she
memorized Red Flynn's testimony and wanted Kevin to pay for Jen's murder
because he hurt her. Now Kevin will be let off the hook??? Realizing
that filet mignon is no longer part of their reality, the Q's clip coupons
for Lean Cuisine. Lila's looking on the bright side of things. Bus fair is
free for senior citizens. Lila wants to sell her jewelry and Monica offers
to buy it from her so she can later buy it back. Buzz offers his advice from
Sean. He wants to get closer to Anna. While at Sean's office, Monica
notices a file labeled Donely Holding Company. She asks Sean what it is, but
Sean replies nothing and and distracts his lover with passionate kisses. Meanwhile,
Edward wants the bumbling gumshoe Chuck to find Dimitri Cassidine. Frisco
and Felicia feeling bad for Lucy invite her to Kelly's. Terry and Kevin
have a tearful reunion in Jail. Lucy faces a charge of purge, but does
not change her testimony. The jury is dismissed by the judge to
deliberate the case.
April 22, 1986 - Terry and Kevin in jail. Frisco confides to Anna that
he's not so sure he did the right thing with Lucy. Anna assures him
that her gut instinct tells her that Kevin is guilty. Rick, Mike and
Ginny at home. Mike introduces them to his "girlfriend" Jamie. Sean
comes by GH looking for Monica. Rick tells her she's in OR. Buzz tries
to shake Jimmy Lee out of his coma for Celia. The jury is back in the
court with the decision. They decide to aquit Kevin of first degree murder.
Anna and Brett are defeated. Celebration and thanks are in order among
the brownstoners and for Jake, who receives a vacation in Paris from
Patrick as a token of appreciation. Bobbie's taking empty suitcases to the
City of Lights to loot the stores. Kevin wants to move out of the Brownstone
but Terry is reluctant. Anna confides her frustrations to Sean. Anna
berates herself for letting the real killer go free while she pursued the
wrong man. Buzz tries to cheer Anna up. The Brownstoner's and the
Laurelton looney's enjoy a party for Kevin's freedom.
April 23, 1986 - Anna and Buzz enjoy a proper date. Does Buzz stand a chance
with her?? Maybe. Although she's not interested in a serious relationship,
his kiss does make her feel like a woman again. Even Robin is dropping hints
that her mother has made going it alone a tedious crusade. She would like a
brother or sister. Buzz is ideal daddy material she tells Anna. Lila,
Alan and Edward pouring over their losses. Jimmy Lee is informed of
thier newly lost finances. Alan yells at Jimmy Lee and blames him for their
losing their money. Jimmy Lee punches Alan in the jaw. Rick, Ginny,
Mike and his girlfriend Jamie. Buzz is about to get lucky with Anna
when Frisco and Felicia interrupt.
April 24-30, 1986: 4/24,
4/25, 4/28 Buzz is injured on the waterfront, 4/29, 4/30
April 24, 1986
- Anna apologizes to Buzz for last night and tells him she's not ready for a
serious relationship at the moment. Terry and Kevin in bed. Terry misses her
Grandma Jen. When she can't sleep, tries to remember the blend of special
drink that Jen used to fix for her. Terry flashes back to the night she
walked naked in the streets of Laurelton. Patrick returns to Laurelton to
settle some business with the Purity Water Company. Earl Moody's house is
now his. The Moody drudge, Sarah, is still sweeping and Patrick makes
her an offer. She can live in the Moody house for the rest of her life if
she can keep the business of the Purity Water meetings he can't attend by
sitting in his place. Sarah wants to talk about the initials on the
medallion but Patrick wants to leave the past alone. Anna, Buzz and Robin at
breakfast. Sheriff Broder and Tim O Conner reminisce about the night
they were in Town Hall and Earl Moody fell dead across Terry Brock.
Later, they and ted Holmes are enraged when they hear that Sarah is going to
be around and important for a good long while. Anna is at Kelly's and Kevin
stairs daggers at her. Terry mixes the blend of brandy and milk that
Jennifer used to make for her. However she forgets the Brandy. Terry
knows she will never be happy till she remembers who killed Earl Moody.
Kevin is giving a hard time to Anna when Buzz intervenes. Terry finally
remembers the Brandy and sneaks into Patrick's to get some. Patrick stops
April 25, 1986 - Terry confesses to Felicia that she is a zombie in the sack
with Kevin. Although Kevin is a free man, he feels the stigma of having
stood trial. Patients recognize his mug from the newspaper and his old
buddies at the hospital act cold toward him. Rick tries to make peace
with Kevin and his co workers. Frisco is put to the test on a mock
robbery but fails, when Chief Lewis shows him the mistake he just made in
bust. Amanda and the GH board of directors call a meeting wondering if
Kevin's reputation might hurt the Hospital. Felicia embarrass Frisco when
she walks into one of Frisco's training exercise's and shows off the right
procedure in disarming a suspect. Terry visits Lucy at the library to
see what makes Ms Coe tick. Later, Frisco decides he wants to be friends
with Lucy. Cute scene at Kelly's with Felicia and Frisco playing around with
his handcuffs. Patrick shows up at the library, to thank her and then
asks her out on a date. Lucy knows just what to do with all the attention,
chuck her wall flower outfit and let down her hair. In black stockings
printed with butterflies, Lucy paints her mouth in vivid red. There is a
knock on the door. Lucy opens the door to a gloved man and calls him says
"Hello Lover!"
April 28, 1986 - After a night of sex, Lucy's lover departs and she
delights in the events that just occurred. Lucy is no wall flower, but
a sex kitten!!! Frisco and Felicia plan a June Wedding. Buzz
gets a boo boo. It's a big one. While ministering to a needy on the
waterfront, the pioneer of Port Charles Medical Van tries to break up a
fight between two hoods. He's clobbered on the skull with a tire iron. Unconscious,
he is rushed to GH where Tony and Rick tend him. Anna arrives. Tests reveal
that Buzz has a subdural hematoma, and is found with cigarette burns all
over his body, and a steel plate in his head which no one never knew about. Was
Buzz a prisoner of war? Anna orders an all out man hunt for Buzz's attacker. Jimmy
Lee is at Lorena's when he hears of Buzz's attack. Anna tells Frisco she
cares about Buzz but doesn't love him. He's everything a woman could want in
a man but he's just not a lover like Robert Scorpio Frisco tells her. Anna
agrees. Kathleen and her son Patrick get into furious argument.
Kathleen can't understand why Patrick would allow Sarah to take over for him
at the Purity Council. Jimmy Lee blames himself for Buzz being in the
Hospital. If he only hadn't brought him to town, Felicia goes a little off
the wall in light of the trageties with Buzz and the fact the killer is
still on the loose. Felicia wants Frisco to give up the PCPD. Lucy gets a
call from her mystery lover. She's still exhausted from their marathon sex
session. She tells him she can't wait to see him again. Anna sits by Buzz's
bedside with Robin.
April 29, 1986 - Next Day, Steve, Tony, and Rick discuss Buzz. With the
metal plate in his head, Buzz regains consciousness and is in great pain.
Alan consults with Chuck. He's still trying to get the goods on Monica.
Edward is in South Hampton trying to sell their old mansion. Rick and Tony
decide Buzz needs immediate surgery. Alan goes to Derek with an offer he
can't refuse. Alan wants him to purchase the old South Hampton mansion.
Amanda tries to by Lila's jewelry but Monica stops her by bidding over what
Amanda offers. Monica may have saved the family jewels...but Lorena is
still harping on her and threatening to expose her lover affair with Sean.
Mike asks Rick and Ginny to toss a surprise Birthday bash for his girl
Jamie. Lila warns Monica that if she tries to divorce Alan it might re
kindle old feelings of the homicidal temper he has.
April 30, 1986 - Something is very wrong in the O' Conner marraige. Terry
can't perform in the sack for Kevin anymore. She offers a marriage counselor
might help, but Kevin wants no part of it and storms out. Later the two
fighting newlyweds make up. Patrick, Rick and Tony tend to Buzz who goes
into a seizure. Anna is devastated. Derek tells Lorena he's
considering the purchase of the mansion that Alan offered him. Frisco tells
Lucy the grand jury may prosecute her for purge. Patrick visits Lucy as
well to get to know her better. Tony and Rick tell Anna that Buzz requires
immediate Brain surgery. Patrick punches out a fresh student who is
bothering Lucy. Robin thinks Lucy could be very beautiful if she only
"let her hair down". Anna spends a tearful day at Buzz's bedside.
Rick tells her to prepare for the worst.
May 1-8,
1986: 5/1, 5/2, 5/5, 5/6, 5/7,
May 1, 1986 -
Bobbie and Jake return from Paris. Bobbie learns of Buzz's fate. Terry
and Kevin had another sexless night. Jake meets with Lucy who suggests
she plead guilty of perjury. It might help her case. Frisco, Felicia,
and Patrick feeling sorry for Lucy support her plight. Edward returns
and reports to Lila and Alan that he successfully sold the South Hampton
estate. Lila also sold her jewelry to Monica to help the Q's stay afloat.
Lucy secretly places a call to a mystery person telling her that her trial
went well and she makes plans to meet later. Frisco and Sam at
PCPD academy passed an important test. But Frisco is moody. He wants to
work undercover. Lucy dressed in her sexy nightgown meets her lover, Kevin!!
Rick and Bobbie at Kelly's discussing their personal trials and
tribulations. Kevin may have slipped up, a plumbing problem attended to by
Jake reveals an important clue. Inside the toilet tank, he finds a key on a
string. He pockets it. After an afternoon of sex, Kevin leaves Lucy.
Lucy wants him forever. Terry is only a temporary problem. The groom plans
to do in Terry when they go on a second honeymoon. Later, Kevin finds
the key is missing from the tank. Kevin shows Frisco the key and the
two are at a loss to understand it. The letter on the key is
May 2, 1986 - Anna at GH with Buzz. A new neurosurgeon arrives to perform
the delicate brain surgery on Buzz. Jake ponders the key with the
letter "B" found in Kevin's commode tank. Kevin and Terry plan a
second honeymoon. Terry is thrilled. Sean picks up Robin from school to
be with Anna at GH. Kevin searches Jake's office in a panic looking for the
key. He finds it in a cup. But Terry nearly finds him snooping around Jake's
office. Rick assures Anna the surgery on Buzz is necessary. Jake arrives at
Lucy's to present her with information regarding her case, but Lucy is not
at home. The cleaning lady lets Jake into her apt to leave her a note. The
cleaning lady notices that Lucy forgot to take the trash out. Jake offers to
help. He takes it out the back door and when dumping the trash, he notices
that Lucy's back door is labeled "B." Tony, Rick and the
neurosurgeon prep Buzz for surgery. Jake can't find the key in his desk.
Bobbie is puzzled by what Jake is talking about. Jake learns that Terry and
Kevin just departed for their second honeymoon. Jake realizes that he just
made a terrible mistake.
May 5, 1986 - Kevin and Terry on their second Honeymoon first arrive at
Jen's old place in Laurelton. Terry wants to sort through Jen's personal
effects. Kevin wants to start work on the Jen Talbot Wing of the Laurelton
hospital. No one in Laurelton wants them there. Tim O'Conner tells Kevin his
wife is a ticking time bomb. Ted tells him to get Terry out of Laurelton
now! Jake tells Frisco about the theft of the key and the fact it belongs to
Lucy's apt. Jake thinks Lucy was involved with Kevin. Frisco can't believe
it's true. Tanya comforting Jimmy Lee and Ginny who await the fate of
Buzz. Tanya helping Felicia plan her upcoming wedding to Frisco. Jake
reaches Terry at Laurelton on the phone. Everything is fine up to now. Terry
is very happy. Everyone at GH is happy. Buzz came through the surgery with
flying colors. Jake and Frisco are closing in on the lusty librarian Lucy
Coe. At the library, Jake and Frisco pour over the books that Kevin was
working on before the trial. Rick and Ginny out to dinner with Tony and
Tanya. While massaging Terry's neck, Kevin nearly choke's her to
death. Frisco reluctantly agrees to go "undercover" to find
out if Lucy is lying.
May 6, 1986 - Derek Barrington arrives at the Q's with an offer of 1.7
million for the gargantuan new mansion they've bought. The offer is firm,
until Lila announces a surprise call from estranged Celia, who says that she
wants to move back to PC and can spend 2.5 million on Edward's white
elephant. Derek ups the ante to 2.7 million, Celia to 3, Derek to 3.1. Celia
decides to withdraw her offer. After Derek leaves with the house he wanted
but not at the price he wanted to pay, Lila spills the beans that Celia
never called. It was Alan on the phone the whole time! Sean finds Anna has
spent the night at the hospital next to Buzz. Buzz is still unconscious.
Burt tells Anna they have some leads as to who attacked Buzz on the
waterfront. Felicia secures a job at the University to make some fast cash
for her upcoming wedding. Kevin calls Lucy secretly and tells her he can't
wait to be with her. But to be careful around Frisco. Monica tells
Sean that she can't see him for a while. Alan tells Monica that he increased
the life insurance policy in case anything happens to him. Monica agrees to
let the Q's live in the mansion at least till the summer. Jake wonders
if Kevin could have defaced a book on criminology as well as one on the
human ear. He also meets with Bea Duncan, Lucy's nosy neighbor, who tells
him that Lucy's been burning the midnight oil, and dressing in sexy outfits
when meeting a particular gentleman caller. Frisco and Felicia planning
their future. Patrick smitten with mousy Lucy asks Lucy out to dinner. Burt
spots Lucy and Patrick in a cozy position at GH and reports to Anna.
May 7, 1986 - In Laurelton going over Jen's things, Terry finds a musical
valentine in one of Jen's photo albums. The shaky bride's twisted mind reels
backward in time to a murky past. She remembers a valentine falling to her
feet. Stop your memory right there says Kevin. Bobbie is puzzled by Jake and
Frisco looking for a pair of black lace stockings. Kevin books a flight
to Los Angeles and a room at Catalina Island to start the second honeymoon. Rick
asks Alan if he's heard of Grant and the Hospital ship, nothing yet. What is
Sean up to with that? Sean reports to Felicia that the Medical ship that
Grant was on has been sunk, possibly by terrorists. Grant won't be
coming back to PC, he took a job in an Egyptian Hospital. Felicia
tells Sean she is starting her own job at the University. Jake goes to see
Red Flynn at the Pub. He shows her a picture of Lucy but Red can't be sure
Lucy is the one in the picture. This girl had legs that went on forever.
Out of luck, Frisco gets an idea. He pays off one of the pretty bar maids to
put on the stockings. One look from Red at the pair of long legs in the
black stockings prods Red's memory, they're the same leggings he saw on the
girl in the airport with Kevin! Sean reports the news of the medical
ship to Alan and Jimmy Lee. Jimmy Lee smells a scam but Donely admits it's
true. Holt calls Grant and confirms the truth. He also breaks the news to
him that he and Celia split up. In search of Lucy's sexy stockings,
Frisco is caught by the mousy librarian's landlady Gladys. Fumbling for
excuses, he says that he's just an innocent police cadet there to shut
Lucy's window's before the imminent May hurricane, Lucy asked him to do
that. Gladys calls the police after he leaves. Ted comes by in a raging
storm in Laurelton and meets with Kevin and Terry. Terry is too distracted
about the valentine card. Jake making sure everyone's room secure
during the hurricane finds Kevin and Terry left their windows open. Cleaning
up the mess, Jake sees a piece of loose wallpaper. Trying to press it back
in place, Jake finds an envelope underneath. The paper enclosed is from a
law book talking about "double jeopardy." Now Jake knows how Kevin
set him up!
May 8, 1986 - Anna is with Buzz when he awakes from his coma. Jake feels
like a jerk. Later he finds the missing book with the torn out page from his
own law book, from his own shelf! Jake fills in Frisco. Kevin committed the
perfect crime and got off. He can't warn Terry, though, because the
hurricane has knocked out the power lines. Buzz wakes up. Rick tells
Anna that he's called her name. Buzz in a daze tells her not to leave him. Derek
soaking wet shows Lorena the deed to the mansion he bought from the Q's.
Trapped at the spa, Derek and Lorena make love. Ted tells Kevin that
the Purity water board wants Terry out of Laurelton as soon as possible. No
problem. Kevin can't wait to get Terry out of the house. Frisco takes Lucy
home during the storm. The electricity goes out and Frisco tries to snoop
around while looking for the candles. Coming out of the bathroom, Frisco is
stunned to see Lucy with her hair down and those legs that Red identified in
the black stockings. Burt reports to Anna that Lucy is seeing a lot of
Frisco. They both consider it strange that Jones wouldn't report to them
what is going on. Frisco is trying to pump Lucy for information when
interrupted by the landlady. Gladys reports to Lucy that the same young man
was snooping around her apt the other day. Lucy burns all of her sexy
stockings and anything else connected with her and Kevin. Later, Jake
arrives back at Lucy's and she's all dressed back up in her mousy outfit.
She tells the lawyer that Frisco was snooping around her apt. On his way out
he finds a part of a necklace on the floor by the fire. Anna brings Robin
around to cheer up Buzz. Burt tells Anna that Jake and Frisco are
poking around Lucy's apt.
May 9-15, 1986: 5/9, 5/12,
5/13, 5/14, 5/15
May 9, 1986 -
The storm rages on. Edward tries to talk Monica into funding a business deal
for him. Monica refuses. Jake and Frisco are still trying to get a
hold of Terry but the lines are still down. Anna arrives at the Brownstone
and scolds Jake and Frisco for taking the law into their own hands. They
fill her in all all the happenings with Kevin and how he got off with
murder. Edward is worried about Lila, she returns furious that she's been
house hunting in a storm. Sean calls Monica at the mansion. He's about to
tell her some great news when the phone goes out. Later, Monica meets
with Sean and he tells her that he's back in the $$$$ again. He sold a ware
house in Hong Kong for a huge fee and made a fortune. Monica is happy
and the two lovebirds start to rekindle their old romance. Jake, Frisco and
Anna try to convince Bobbie that Kevin is the killer. Finally confronted
with the truth, Bobbie is horrified. Kevin and Terry plan to leave Laurelton
but are waiting for a break in the storm. Ted tells Kevin to get her out of
town now even if they have to swim all the way to Los Angeles. Sarah
comes over and pulls out the valentine. Terry begins having more flashbacks.
Anna puts a call into Sheriff Broder. Kevin gets Anna's message over the
short wave and tells her that the Sheriff is not there. Recognizing the
voice as Kevin's, and they realize that Kevin now knows that they are onto
him. Jake and Anna agree to fly to Laurelton in the eye of the storm
to save Terry, Bobbie stays grounded and is bummed. Terry braves a
hurricane to visit town hall. She remembers being there for a Purity Water
meeting. A musical valentine fell to the floor. Then she saw Earl Moody yank
the Purity Water chain off his neck and throw it to the floor. Then Earl
fought with another man, who slipped his own chain around Moody's neck and
strangled him. Moody's corpse fell on Terry. She looked up and saw
Kevin standing over her. Terry screams into the night.
May 12, 1986 - The storm rages on. Bobbie is still trying to get through to
Laurelton. In Town Hall, Terry is still screaming. Kevin asks Terry what's
wrong. She says she saw him kill Earl Moody. Bobbie picks up Robin at GH and
takes her home. Jake and Anna are trying to get the first flight out to
Laurelton but the storm is delaying them. Kevin in a panic tries to convince
Terry that she's been hallucinating. He didn't kill Earl. Suddenly the
entire Purity Water group walks in and Terry faints. Ted thinks that Terry
remembers everything. They think Terry saw the killer and don't even suspect
it's Kevin. They all have been covering up Terry's nightmare for years. Terry
is brought back to the O'Conner home and everyone convinces her that she was
hallucinating. They tell her that the Town Hall is being torn down for the
Jennifer Talbot wing. Terry is convinced she was only sleepwalking. SHe
can't remember Kevin murdering Earl. With bags packed Kevin and Terry say
their goodbyes too the O'Conner's. Anna and Jake arrive in Laurelton just
minutes after Kevin and Terry catch the next flight to Los Angeles.
May 13, 1986 - Frisco and Felicia in bed. The storm is over. Jake calls Tim
O'Conner and learns that Kevin and Terry have already left. Brian
escorts Lucy around to her first day's work of community service at GH.
Brian warns Amy to leave Lucy alone and stop gossiping about her. The
O'Conner's show Jake the news that Town Hall was just torn down this
morning. Not wanting to inform the O'Conners just yet about Kevin, Jake
calls Anna and tells her that Kevin's trip is very secretive. They don't
know where he went. Lorena and Derek plan another romantic rendezvous.
Derek wants Lorena to live with him in the new mansion and to marry him.
He's not in love with her, but Mike's crazy about her. With the spa queen as
his wife, he can make a decent case for fatherhood. Ginny is not happy with
the latest turn of events and informs Rick. Burt tells Frisco that he
will keep Lucy occupied at GH while he searches her apt. However,
Lucy's landlady blows Frisco's cover and tells Lucy that she caught Frisco
snooping around her apt. Lucy can't leave GH or she breaks probation.
Frisco searching frantically in Lucy's apt. Mike is going to be best
man at Derek and Lorena's wedding. Ginny is really livid. Rick and
Ginny arrive to drag Mike away from Derek, but Mike puts up a fight. Jake
lies to the O'Conner's that Kevin has been recommended for a fellowship to
the hospital. Where is he? All of his scuba diving equipment is missing. Sheriff
Broder is being his usual snotty self when he catches Anna in town and
escorts her over to the O'Conner's. Anna tells them that Kevin is a suspect
in Jen Talbot's murder. Shock. Outrage. Thrown out of town, Jake and Anna
fly to Atlanta next after finding a note which lists a flight to the Georgia
May 14, 1986 - Buzz is learning to talk once again with Tanya's help. Bobbie
brings Robin around to see him. Frisco finds the sexy stockings in Lucy's
laundry hamper. Confronted with the truth, Lucy spills her guts about
Kevin's plot to get off on double jeopardy. But she didn't know that he
killed Jennifer till after the fact. All she knows is Kevin was to take
Terry away to kill her but she doesn't know where. Frisco tries to get
in touch with Anna. Anna and Jake find Atlanta a dead end. Terry and
Kevin booked no connecting flights under their own names but changed a
flight to LA under Terry's maiden name. Derek tells Rick and Ginny
that they are taking Mike to Atlantic City where he will marry Lorena.
Reluctantly the dysfunctional parents have no choice but to let Mike go.
Anna calls Buzz to check in on him. Later calls Frisco and learns what he
knows from Lucy. She and Jake are going to stay in Atlanta because
Terry and Kevin are scheduled to depart at 1:00 tomorrow.
May 15, 1986 - Bungling detective Chuck Morrison blunders again when he tips
off the Q's that this time he can prove Sean is having an affair with
Monica. Monica tells Sean that he has left his entire life insurance
policy to her if anything happens to him. Sam, Burt and Frisco arrive to
pick up Lucy. Burt tells Frisco that forensic shows that it was Lucy's
car that has matching tire tracks found at the Jennifer murder scene. Jimmy
Lee tends Buzz. When Robin comes to see him Buzz delirious says that
his OWN little girl used to come and visit him. Holt is bewildered and
wonders if Buzz has a daughter? Robin shocks Anna when she says that
Buzz wants to marry her! Kevin and Terry elude Anna and Jake when they
take an earlier flight out of Atlanta. Kevin's latest plot is to drug Terry
and make her convinced that she killed Earl Moody. Frisco catches Lucy
talking to Kevin at GH and threatens to toss her in jail unless she tells
them where he is.
May 16-22, 1986: 5/16
Catalina Island adventure beings, 5/19, 5/20, 5/21, 5/22
May 16, 1986 -
Frisco and Sam grill Lucy about his phone call with Kevin. Lucy keeps
shut for as long as she can, until the thoughts of prison enter her mind.
She tells them that Kevin is flying to LA. Kevin is drugging Terry. Jake
and Anna are pouring through piles and piles of airport vouchers. Finally
they find Terry's maiden name on one of the tickets. Jake and Anna
learn that they booked a flight to Los Angeles. Kevin calls Patrick
and tells him the honeymoon is in trouble. Could he fly out? At the
airport Kevin tells his brother that Terry swears that she murdered Earl
Moody. He's scared for his life or that she will hurt herself. Edward
plants a bug in Sean's warehouse where the adulterers lunch. By the
time the Q's pick up the right frequency to listen in, Sean spots the bug
and switches the conversation from naughty to nice. Conversation to Great
Architecture, Pompeii to St. Paul's Cathedral. Frisco continues to grill
Lucy but she can't remember where exactly in Los Angeles that he was taking
Terry. She pulls out the travel brochures that Kevin was looking over.
Frisco finds the secluded island of Catalina. He reports to Burt who
tries to get Anna on the plane. Frisco heads for Catalina himself.
May 19, 1986 - Felicia wakes up alone and finds Frisco has written her a
note. He's off to Catalina to find Kevin and Terry. Felicia is ticked off! Burt
reports to Anna that Frisco is off to find the duo in Catalina. Jake is
trying to get a flight to Catalina but there isn't one out for 2 hours. Anna
pulls her authority to take a helicopter out. LOCATION FOOTAGE: Frisco
wanders around sunny Catalina Island and keeps missing Kevin, Patrick and
Terry who are out sightseeing and having a grand time. Some spectacular
underwater footage is shown with Kevin and Terry and Patrick scuba diving. Frisco
rents a jeep and spots Kevin and Terry on the beach. Unfortunately, his
jeep gives out and Frisco is forced to run on foot. Making it to the beach,
Frisco grabs a spare scuba mask and heads for the water just as Kevin and
Patrick are diving in. Kevin spots Frisco and sending Terry away, he
then grabs Frisco from behind ripping off his mask. Frisco suffocating,
makes his way to the top and collapses on the beach.
May 20, 1986 - Anna and Jake arrive at the hotel and find Frisco is not
there but he left a note where he's going. Lousy timing for Anna and Jake
who get caught in a wild goose chase over Catalina trying to find Kevin. Kevin
stages a number of suspenseful life threatening scenes with the help of his
sharp scuba knife and his handy vial of drugs to make dim witted Patrick
think that Terry is trying to kill him. He slashes the buckle off his
weight belt and Patrick thinks that Terry did it. He slashes the air hose on
his scuba mask and Patrick thinks that Terry did it. Anna and Jake are
now trying to find a missing Frisco! They learn that he was headed for
the beach. Frisco's unconscious and laying on the beach.
May 21, 1986 - Bobbie and Robin at Kelly's. She is joined by Tony. Frisco's
been admitted to a local hospital as a John Doe. Derek drops Mike back off
at the Webber's. He's returned with Lorena from Atlantic City. Patrick
thinks that Terry is trying to kill him. Kevin is "sticking" up
for Terry saying that she's fine. Edward overhears Steve say that Bobbie is
taking a leave of absence. With Kevin and Patrick gone too, what is
going on here? Edward makes his feelings known at the latest GH board
meeting. Kevin continues planting condemning evidence that Terry's a killer
while he and Patrick are out scuba diving. Ginny helps Rick out by
taking care of Robin so Bobbie can assist him in surgery. Ginny learns
that Mike has his own room at Derek's mansion. Kevin shows Patrick a note
"written" by Terry admitting that she killed Earl Moody. Patrick
wants to go back to PC, but Kevin convinces him to wait. Patrick learns
of a sanitarium on the island and thinks Terry should be admitted for a few
days rest. Later, Kevin in bed with Terry drugs her some more planting
more murderous thoughts in her head.
May 22, 1986 - The clerk at the local scuba shop finally admits that he led
Anna and Jake on a wild goose chase because Kevin paid him off to do so.
Terry has become a basket case. She's now convinced more than ever that
she's a killer. Forced by Monica, the Q's have to move out of the mansion
and not only that she's filing for divorce this morning. The Q's make
the only home they can under their budget. Kelly's diner! With no word
from Frisco, Jake and Anna call the police. Lorena hears about Monica
tossing the Q's out of the house. She tells him about Celia (really Alan)
overbidding on the mansion when Derek was making his offer. She's shocked to
learn that Celia had no intention of coming back to town and they were not
getting back together. Too late, Lorena's already married Derek. Alan
gives Monica a hard time when they have packed all their bags ready to move.
The mansion is all Monica's. Monica is really worried about Lila, but Alan
laughs at her concern. Bobbie and Felicia learn that Frisco is missing
when they call the local desk clerk. Felicia is distraught. Tony
and Rick discuss Buzz's latest dilemma. They think he's being hooked on
drugs. The local police tell Jake and Anna that Frisco's in the
Catalina Hospital. Arriving at the hospital, Frisco comes to and lets
Jake and Anna know the latest. Drugging Terry's tea once more, Kevin plants
the cursed knife in her hand while she's sleeping. Then tells her that she's
sick and might as well kill herself. He might have something here. Anyway,
next day at the poolside, Terry sleepwalks over and jumps into the chlorine
with the knife. Patrick saves her. The hotel manager rules this attempted
suicide and calls the local doctor. The Dr. after seeing Terry says she
needs to be admitted to the local sanitarium. Kevin faking concern agrees to
take her there. Anna and Jake finally get a beat on where Terry and Kevin
are staying but of course they are too late as usual. The duo have
already left. Before leaving, Terry scrawls on the mirror that "she's a
murderer, please help."
May 23-29,
1986: 5/23, 5/26, 5/27, 5/28,
May 23, 1986 -
Seans drops in on Burt for a status report on Anna. Burt fills him in on
Kevin's murderous activities. Kevin and Patrick admitting Terry to a
sanitarium. Kevin "plays up" to Patrick, feigning grief over
Terry's condition. The desk clerk tells Jake and Anna that Terry, Patrick
and Kevin checked out this morning. The clerk won't allow Anna into the room
until the Catalina police chief gets back. Jake and Anna try to head off the
trio at the Ferry. Edward takes Alan and Lila to Kelly's, their new
residence! Alan is appalled, but the Q's are so broke they can't even afford
a decent hotel. Alan wants to win Monica back, but Monica is
entertaining Sean at the mansion. Sean gifts Monica with some expensive
gifts of clothes and jewelry from a Hong Kong sale. Monica feels guilty and
cant's accept them. Monica wants Sean to level with her, is he trying
to buy her affections? Later, Monica apologizes to Sean, and feels bad
about her family being broke while she's living the life. The duo are
just ready to make out, when Alan shows up furious when he sees them
kissing. Finally seeing with his own eye's of Monica's betrayal. Sean
and Alan are about to tear each other apart when Monica breaks them up. Jake
and Anna just missed the Ferry that took Patrick, Kevin and Terry. Making
their way back to the hotel, they meet the chief and search the cabin.
While driving to the sanitarium, the jeep carrying Kevin, Patrick and Terry
breaks down. Terry sneaks away from the duo who are in hot pursuit of the
runaway girl. Jake and Anna finds Terry's scrawled message on the mirror
declaring she's a murderer. The O'Conners finally catch up to Terry.
Catching a lead on the trio, Jake and Anna only know they were on the Ferry
but where is their destination?
May 26, 1986 - Alan informs Lila and Edward of Monica's infidelity with
Sean. Felicia makes it to Catalina to be with Frisco in the hospital. The
O'Conner's and Terry arrive at the Seaview sanitarium. Rick shows Mike
two tickets to the ballgame but Mike has other plans. He's going to be
visiting Derek. Anna, Jake, Frisco and Felicia try to figure out where
Kevin has taken Terry. At Seaview, Terry becomes even more emotional,
especially when Kevin makes plans to leave her there. Lorena tells
Monica that she better be nice to her if she wants her support in her
upcoming divorce. The Q's get an invitation from Monica for a cocktail
party at the Floating Rib in honor of Lorena's marriage to Derek. Burt
tells Guy that he's been promoted to Captain. Guy is in charge of the
investigation on Buzz's attackers. A gloating Monica pays a call to Alan and
Edward's table. Alan grabs Monica and tells her she's in for a nasty
divorce battle with her lover boy. Kevin cuts the main phone wires for
the Sanitarium. The Doctor attending Frisco takes a call while checking in
on Frisco. The call is from the Dr at the Seaview sanitarium. Hearing O'
Conner's name being mentioned Frisco is informed where Terry is. When he
tries to call back he can't get through because Kevin has cut the lines. Kevin
then starts giving Terry some drugs. But when he leaves the room, she
drops the pill. Frisco informs Jake and Anna of Terry's whereabouts.
May 27, 1986 - Rick not wanting to take anymore emotional blackmail from
Mike, informs Ginny that he has allowed Mike to move out and move in
with Derek. He tries to impress upon Ginny that Mike should really get to
know is real father. The Q's have a restless night at Kelly's. Terry,
groggy, awakes and Kevin informs her to not tell anyone that he gave her a
tranquilizer. Alan gets a start on his divorce and begins looking for
witness's that may have seen Monica in Sean's arms. Ruby tries to
assure Bobbie that Terry will be all right. Tony reports the latest with
Terry in Seaview. Jake and Anna charter a plane to Seaview. Monica tells
Rick of Alan's plans for divorce. Kevin talks Patrick into leaving the
island. The Dr thinks Patrick should see Terry before he leaves. Kevin
panics when the Dr will only allow Patrick to see Terry alone. Terry's about
to say something about Kevin, when Kevin suddenly bursts in saying that the
Dr is ready for her therapy session. Dressing, Terry finds the pill that
Kevin gave her has fallen in her shoe. She clutches the pill in her hands
all through her session with the Dr. Terry is confused. Kevin later lies to
Terry that Patrick intends to have her arrested when they get back to PC.
Kevin feeds her more drugs. He puts the pill in her mouth and has her
swallow it. But Terry fakes it, and spits the pill out when he's gone. Jake
and Anna arrive at Seaview and get in to see Dr Montgomery. Edward gets
a telegram addressed to Alan. Snoopy Edward opens it, and shows Alan. It's
from his marriage counselor. He should show the counselor that Monica
is really a tramp and he's got a great chance of winning his case. The
Dr at Seaview wants to see Anna's police badge, but she's left it at the
hotel. The Dr, protecting Terry won't allow Jake and Anna to see Terry. Anna
then goes off to look for Kevin. Bursting into his room at gunpoint, Anna
finds no trace of him.
May 28, 1986 - Ginny calls Rick at GH. She's depressed that Mike is moving
in with Derek. Mike hugs Ginny and bids her farewell. Rick tells Monica
that she should go to the marriage counselor that Alan has arranged. It's in
her best interest. During the session, ALan and Monica begin almost
immediately arguing in front of the counselor. Monica is shocked when
Alan is asking for alimony! Monica and Alan begin a furious argument.
The counselor gives them soft baseball bat. They each go at it pounding the
daylights out of each other. (Very funny scene) Dr Montgomery
won't let Jake and Anna see Terry until the phone lines are back and he
confirms who they are. Anna searches Kevin's room. The Dr informs Terry
that Jake is here to see her. Jake informs Terry that Kevin killed Jennifer
and is trying to gas light her. Terry can't believe it at first until
Jake assures her he wouldn't lie to her. Terry becomes emotional and the
nurse orders him out. Kevin is stunned to find Anna has arrived looking for
him. Anna tells the Dr that his phone lines have been cut by Kevin
who's a killer. The dimwit Dr can't believe she's telling the truth.
Searching Kevin's room again Anna finds a vile. Showing it to the Dr, he
can't identify what drug it could be except an hallucinatory one. The
phone lines restored, the Dr finally gets a hold of Burt who confirms what
Anna's been saying. The group heads off to find Kevin. Terry dismisses
her nurse. Getting dressed she sneaks out of the sanitarium and runs
straight to Kevin. Kevin takes Terry away.
May 29, 1986 - Frisco and Felicia still at the hospital. (Jack Wagner had
hurt his arm at one of his concerts, so his injury was written into the
story) The nurse reports to Anna that Terry and Kevin are gone. Terry
and Kevin are running through the hills of Catalina. Kevin still trying to
convince Terry that she's a killer. He gives her a gun and tries to make her
commit suicide. But Terry turns the gun on Kevin confronting him with all
his crimes. Terry fires the gun, causing Anna and Jake to hear the noise.
Terry orders Kevin to start walking. Terry fires the gun again and Jake and
Anna head out into the hills. They find a torn piece of Terry's shirt on a
barbed wire fence. Terry chases Kevin through the hills at gunpoint.
Terry chases Kevin and tortures him into confessing his crimes. He murdered
Jennifer, Earl Moody and Neil Johnson. Terry wants Kevin to start
crawling. Terry fires another shot at Kevin. Anna and Jake are nearby, but
Anna twists her ankle slowing them down. Patrick arrives back at the
Brownstone where Bobbie fills him in on Kevin's murderous activities. Patrick
is disbelieving. Kevin taunts Terry and she fires another shot missing him.
Kevin now knows that Terry is out of bullets. He picks up the gun and loads
it. Terry is running for her life.
May 30 - June 5, 1986: 5/30
Kevin killed by fall, 6/2, 6/3, 6/4, 6/5
May 30, 1986 -
Patrick still can't believe Kevin's a killer. Frisco and Felicia arrive back
home. With Frisco's evidence, Patrick finally believes it's true. Jake
and Anna following Kevin's trail. Terry makes her way to a deserted barn.
Kevin is right behind her. Terry makes her way up to a loft. Patrick goes to
Lucy and he yells at her for planting lies in everyone's head. Lucy tells
him the truth. Thinking Kevin has gone, Terry makes her way down from
the loft and while taking a drink, Kevin comes up from behind her. He
drags her back into the barn when a helicopter approaches. Jake and Anna
arrive at the barn. Anna's ankle is too sore to move, so he leaves her there
and runs ahead. Kevin grabs Terry to silence her. Anna hears a muffled cry
from the barn and investigates. Kevin knocks Anna out with a bail of hay.
Terry tries to convince Kevin to give himself up. But Kevin is convinced he
can make everyone believe that Terry committed the murders, once she kills
Anna! Kevin knocks Terry out and carries her through the hills. Anna
comes to as Jake arrives. He orders him to go after Terry. Kevin takes
Terry to a secluded hilltop. Pushing Terry over the edge, the helpless woman
grabs onto a drainpipe. Jake arrives and gets into a battle with Kevin.
Terry makes her way up, and hits Kevin over the head with a rock. Kevin
falls over the hill to his death. Jake tells Terry that everyone must know
that he killed Kevin in self defense.
June 2 1986 - The next day the news of Kevin murderous ways, makes the PC
papers. Patrick is still dazed at knowing the truth. Jake and Terry
arrive home. Bobbie clings to Terry in a loving embrace. Anna pays a call on
Frisco congratulating him on a fine job he did on the case. Buzz is up
and around with Jimmy Lee's help. Tony and Tania tend to the moody patient. Jake
continues to pledge to Terry that they keep the secret and allow everyone to
think he killed Kevin. Robin and Anna pay a visit to Buzz. Patrick
confronts Terry and asks her if there was anyway she could have helped save
Kevin. Jimmy Lee gets a letter from Pilar saying that Dimitri Cassidine has
dumped her and she wants to confess the truth. She arranged the bedroom
farce that ended his marriage to Celia. Edward is delighted as this is proof
of Donely's plot to steal their money. Edward has a plan to get the
goods on Sean. He knows of a woman that can get the truth from him. Anna
meets with Jake and Terry to get their statement on Kevin's final moments.
Frisco and Felicia in bed.
June 3, 1986 - Terry and Patrick fly to Laurelton for Kevin's funeral. The
O' Conner's are naturally not happy to see Terry. Terry tells them that
it's they who turned Kevin into a killer. Patrick defends Terry to his
parents. Guy tells Anna that investigation into Buzz's attackers show
an increased gangland activity on the waterfront. Anna puts Burt
and Guy in charge of the case. Amanda argues with Derek about his
marraige to Lorena. Lorena is going off about Ginny too. Ginny
accuses Derek of bribing Mike with expensive gifts. Jake brings Lucy into
the station for her statement. Sarah stuns Patrick and Terry when she
says that she knew all along Kevin was the killer but she didn't come
forward because she was afraid. Patrick confronts the Sheriff and Ted
about the fact they knew Earl was murdered and tried to cover it up. Ginny
asks Lucy for an exclusive interview. After the interview, feeling sorry for
Lucy, she takes her home and has her tend to Rick Jr. After Lucy's tearful
testimony and her interview with Ginny, the DA decides not to prosecute her. The
Mayor tells Anna that she's going to be honored for her work on the
Brownstone murder with a gala party Friday night.
June 4, 1986 - Lila and Ruby are pouring over her vintage recipe's. Ruby has
an idea! How about cooking up some of these old time confectionaries
for the customers? Patrick and Terry return home to the Brownstone. Frisco
and Sam patrolling the waterfront. They come across a man that was just
mugged. The only thing Frisco can find out from the man is his mumbling
of the name "Angel Moran". Jimmy Lee looking for work on the
waterfront. He rounds up a job as a loader on the docks for one of
Sean's companies, and Sean happens by overhearing. Sean later reports the
incident to Monica. Felicia enlists Terry to help her with her
upcoming wedding. Buzz is talking with Lucy when he's stricken with a
tremendous amount of pain. Tony orders a round of tests. Frisco
thinks Buzz's attack is linked to Angel Moran. Terry and Bobbie visit Buzz.
Jimmy Lee tells Anna about Donely's involvement in his marriage break up.
Alan and Monica have their second session with the counselor. Alan and
Monica argue over the custody of their respective children. The discussion
turns into another argument and Alan calls Monica a tramp. Patrick and
Terry tell Bobbie that Ted wants to retain his Brownstone apartment when he
comes to town on business. Jake and Bobbie in a romantic mood. Felicia
asks Sam to be one of her bridesmaids. Frisco and Felicia agree to an old
fashioned marriage, which means separation and no sex till the wedding
night. Frisco is finding it difficult to hold out.
June 5, 1986 - Guy reports to Anna he may have a lead on Angel Moran. Monica
overhears Sean telling his bankers to move some money out of his Swiss bank
account. Frisco sneaks into Felicia's bedroom and crawls into bed. But
she wants no sex till the wedding night. (Felicia is staying with Tony and
Tanya) Jimmy Lee takes a call from Hong Kong for Sean but loses connection
before the message is delivered. Ginny meets Lucy at GH. Her babysitter
flaked out and Lucy agrees to sit with Rick Jr for the night. Frisco and Sam
undercover on the waterfront looking for Angel Moran. They ask Jimmy Lee for
help, but Holt clams up because the first rule of order on the waterfront is
to keep your mouth shut or you lose your job. Frisco questions the man that
was beatin up, but he finds that he won't talk for fear of his life. Frisco
has Alan release the man so he can follow him to Angel Moran. The man
does just that, and Frisco is able to nab Moran. Buzz goes into another
attack when he learns he can't get anymore medication for at least an hour.
Jimmy Lee asks Lucy for a date. Later at GH, Patrick snubs Lucy, but
Ginny tells her that time will heel all wounds. Frisco again tries for some
smooching with Felicia but she turns him away. Anna has Angel in
custody, Guy tells Anna to go to her reception and not worry about a
June 6, 1986 - Tonight's the night of the Policeman's Ball, which also
is a tribute to Anna. Robin is practicing being a flower girl for
Felicia's wedding. Buzz's temperature is rising. Yank, Rick and Tony
tend to him. Sean and Monica arrive to pick up Anna and Robin.
Rick and Ginny are going to. Lucy arrives to babysit for Rick Jr. Alan
can't wait to catch Sean walk in with Monica in his arms. But to his
surprise, Sean arrives with Monica, Robin and Anna. While at the bar, a
mysterious man with a Scottish accent picks up Anna's rap. When she turns
her head, he's vanished. Later, Anna receives a group of heather from
the strange man. When Anna tries to show Tanya, he's vanished again. Alan
stares daggers at Monica with Sean. The mystery man asks Anna to dance.
The two take the floor as if they are dancing on air. The mayor presents
Anna with plaque for her work on solving the murder case. Frisco tells Anna
that Guy called and needs her at the station right away. Lucy alone at
the Webbers, lets her hair down. Jimmy Lee shows up looking for Rick. He
notices sexy Lucy with her hair down. Holt intrigued asks Lucy to dance. Guy
tells Anna that Angel's high priced lawyer has gotten him off. Anna can't
understand how Angel can afford such a high priced attorney. Just then, the
Scottish man arrives and says that he's the one that sprung Angel. He
introduces himself as Duke Lavery. Duke's club is one of the places that
Anna has on her list to investigate. Frisco again tries to get amorous
with Felicia. Buzz is not responding to the antibiotics, more surgery for
Buzz. Anna warns Duke that she will be keeping an eye on Mr Moran, and his
club. Duke charmingly tells her that he hopes she will.
June 6-12, 1986: 6/6 Duke
arrives and meets Anna at Policeman's Ball, 6/9, 6/10, 6/11, 6/12
June 9,
1986 - Frisco and Felicia. Frisco wants to make love but gets interrupted by
Sam and her brother. Tony, Rick, and Yank bring Buzz in for immediate
surgery to stop the infection. Duke shows up at Anna's with a bottle of
wine. Anna is annoyed by Duke's persistent pursuit. Duke turns on some
romantic music and want to finish the dance from the ball. Anna keeps
resisting him but finds it hard. Ginny arrives back home surprised to
find Jimmy Lee and Lucy dancing in the living room. Duke and Anna have been
talking practically all night. Robin wakes up and meets Duke. Derek and
Lorena inform Rick and Ginny that they have decided to leave town and move
to Omaha. Rick and Ginny are adamant about Mike staying with them. But
Derek will not have any of it. Mike goes with him to Omaha, and that's
final. Anna consults the computer for more information on Duke. Angel is
Duke's right hand man. Duke asks Angel for all the information he can
get on Anna Devane. Anna, Frisco, Felicia and Jimmy Lee stand over
Buzz's bedside. Buzz keeps repeating the name Sandy over and over. The
Mayor tells Anna that he wants the waterfront cleaned out of all criminal
element for new development of business. Duke keeps sending Anna
flowers but she keeps rejecting them.
June 10, 1986 - Sean gifts Monica with an expensive bracelet. Alan
arrives at the Q mansion and is greeted by Jennings the Butler. (First
appearance for this long running character) Felicia agrees to allow Monica
to use their mansion for her upcoming wedding. Bobbie is unable to swallow
her disappointment at not having the humble dwelling as the place to party.
Jimmy Lee is trying to get through to Buzz who admits his daughter is Sandy.
He hasn't seem her or her mother for a long time and doesn't want to. Alan
and Monica back for another round of marriage counseling. Frisco and
the cadets graduate the academy and receive their weapons. Frisco has
been assigned a beat with Burt Ramsey, who promised Robert Scorpio he would
be a guardian angel to the rookie. Alan and Jimmy Lee plot to discredit
Monica. Alan notices the 15k bracelet that Sean gave her. Holt is enlisted
to sneak into Sean's office to find out where he got that much money to pay
for that bracelet. Alan hopes that Monica will come back to their side once
she finds out that Sean is spending the Q fortune. Monica asks Sean out
right but Sean lies and says that the Q money was not used. Felicia annoyed
that Frisco is paying too much attention to the academy, calls off her
wedding. Lila and Ruby step up plans for a new relish based on her
grandmother's recipe. Brian is the first to try the new concoction and he
loves it. Jimmy Lee sneaks into Sean's office, but Sean catches him
before he finds anything incriminating. He puts all information on the
Q's in a secure place. Later, Sean reports to his boss on the docks (who
Jimmy Lee works for) that Holt was sneaking around, but tells him to
let him off the hook this time. After a talk with Tanya, Felicia comes
to her senses and decides to hold the wedding in the Brownstone after all.
Lorena tells Claudia that she is leaving town. Jimmy Lee tells Alan
that all he saw was a name of a French bank account.
June 11, 1986 - Anna shares with Burt that she's intrigued and concerned
about Duke Lavery, all the flowers that he's sent her have wound up in her
trash can. Sean on the waterfront is examining some of his crates. He
removes the import tax sticker on top and posts it on the inside of the box. Jimmy
Lee thinks he's pulling a fast one on Sean, when he summons Anna to the
warehouse to arrest his nemesis for allegedly smuggling artifacts into the
country. His allegations prove false when Donely shows Anna the import
sticker on the inside of the crate. Boy does Jimmy Lee's face turn red. It
turns even redder when Sean's right hand man Pete has his men rough up Jimmy
Lee for stirring up trouble. Bobbie visits Buzz who's doing much
better. Lucy drops by with her concern, but Bobbie is not fooled by her act,
and tells off Ms Coe in the lobby. Lorena tells Ginny that she is
leaving for Omaha to help Derek on some business. Can the Webber's take Mike
temporarily till she and Derek conclude their business? This may be
the golden opportunity for Rick and Ginny to win Mike's affections back.
Patrick wants to get to know Lucy more. He's interested into wha his brother
saw in her. Bobbie warns him to beware. Anna and Burt call in the man that
took a beating on the docks. He refuses to press charges against Angel
Moran. Duke tries everything he can to ask Anna out to dinner but
Ms Devane keeps refusing. Rick, Dan and Brian inform Ruby that Kelly's
passes inspection and she's allowed to produce Lila's relish recipe. Lila
gets the great idea to call it Pickle Lila! Lorena bids Jimmy Lee a fond
June 12, 1986 - Tony and Jake prepare for Frisco's bachelor party. Jimmy Lee
has been beaten up by his employees for giving Sean a hard time. He displays
his bruises to Monica, who asks Sean why he's beating up on her family. Sean
tells his lover whom he has just given a diamond bracelet that dockworkers
don't like stool pigeons, unaware that Pete Barnes arranged the assault. Monica
completely fooled allows Sean to take her to bed. Felica helping Anna, Tanya
and Sam to pick out their dresses for the wedding. Lots of activity at
the Spa. Jake surprises Bobbie, Patrick and Yank with news of a surprise
stag party for Frisco. Tanya Bobbie and Sam are arranging the same thing for
Felicia. Jimmy Lee asks Anna to find Sandy Stryker. Anna turns up that
she's 19 and now living in NY. Jimmy Lee tells Tony that he's going to
contact her. Buzz is not pleased to learn that Jimmy Lee is looking for
Sandy. Terry is not pleased to learn that Patrick is getting close to Lucy
Coe. Terry tells off Ms Coe and warns her to leave Patrick alone. Lucy
tells Terry that if she wasn't so afraid of sex, Kevin never would have
turned to her! (ouch!) Buzz is depressed when Anna won't admit that he
loves him. She only wants to be his friend. Later, he pops pain
pills from a bottle he's stashed under his bed. Lucy gets all dolled up for
her date with Patrick. Patrick is impressed by her sexy good looks.
June 13-19, 1986: 6/13,
6/16, 6/17, 6/18, 6/19
June 13, 1986
- Buzz is going through an ordeal. He keeps popping pain pills hidden under
his bed. Anna shows Burt the dossier she compiled on Duke Lavery. Why such
an interest in this man Burt wants to know? Duke tells Angel all about
Ms Devane's history with Robert Scorpio. He looks forward to getting to know
Anna more. Anna arrives at Duke's but he's not there. She starts snooping
through his papers when Duke comes by. Burt and Frisco are out on their
first beat together on the waterfront. Jimmy Lee tells Rick and Tony
that he's located Buzz's daughter. Duke hires Felicia to watch over his
books at the waterfront club. He's counting on this latest development to
further confuse Anna. Alan oversees an amnesia victim at GH. He's intrigued
when a nurse tells him about her workings with a recent victim of the
disease. Amy tells Rick and Tony that pain killers are missing from the
med cabinet. Buzz has a key to the cabinet and Tony and Rick wonder. Duke is
all for recapturing his talk with Anna, asks her to dinner but Ms Devane has
no appetite especially for the mysterious Mr Lavery. Rick and Tony search
Buzz's room while he's going in for X ray's. The only thing they find
is the key to the medicine cabinet. Duke shows up and brings dinner
over to Anna's. He gets to know Robin pretty well and learns from
Robin that Buzz wants to marry Anna! Enter Sandy Stryker. Sandy walks
into Buzz's room and tells her to get out. Anna and Jimmy Lee are
shocked at the latest developments. Buzz screams at them to get out. Anna's
surprised to find Duke invited himself in to make dinner. Having no
choice she must dine on Mr. Lavery's meal.
June 14, 1986 - Duke tells Angel that he's completely smitten with Ms
Devane. Anna and Jimmy Lee discuss Buzz and his estranged daughter. Sandy
tells them he thought her father was dead all these years. Tony and Brian
inform Steve of the drug theft and Buzz is the first suspect. Frisco
and Felicia planning the wedding. Anna is special guest for Captain Lewis's
training session. Anna shows them how to carry a second key discreetly in
their pockets so if they are ever handcuffed by a criminal. Sandy tries
once again to reconcile with Buzz. He welcomes her with open arms this time. Anna
attends a meeting with the Mayor for the upcoming waterfront development.
Anna's shocked when a new benefactor shows up for the meeting, Duke Lavery.
Duke has spent a considerable amount in funding the upcoming development. Anna's
annoyed but can't take her eyes off the mysterious Lavery.
June 17, 1986 - Felicia joins a group of Policeman's she becomes fast
friends with Nina Viscotti. The wife of Frisco's cop friend Vince Ruby and
Lila hiring some local kids to distribute Pickle Lila. Edwards returns from
his trip in which he was searching for his mystery lady. Mike is not having
a great time staying with Rick and Ginny. He misses his real father. Derek
arrives back in town and Mike is pleased as punch to see him. Rick is hurt,
but tells Ginny they did make the agreement to let Mike live with his real
father. Steve, Rick, Ginny and Brian arrange for Lucy (with the judges
permission) to let Lucy take charge of Rick Jr, while she and Ginny take a vacation. Lucy
asks Patrick out on a date. But Patrick has Frisco's surprise bachelor
party. Patrick does agree to stop by before the party. Edward shows Alan an
article about Sean investing in the waterfront revitalization. Alan wants a
final showdown with his rival. Preparing for their vacation, Rick and
Ginny are held at gunpoint by a group of thugs. One of the men is suffering
from a gunshot wound. Rick can't operate without his instruments but he has
to improvise when Ginny and Rick Jr's life is at stake. Alan drops by to
have it out with Sean but listen's in on a sexy love session with Sean and
Monica. Frisco and his partner stopping by the Webbers are tied up and
taken hostage as well. Frisco breaks his walkie talkie so the robber's can't
hear the latest on their escape. For his heroic efforts he is beat up.
June 18, 1986 - Maria arrives in PC and surprises Felicia. Anna and
Burt are out and about looking for the escaped crooks. Frisco, Ginny, Lucy
and Rick are still held hostage. Meanwhile Frisco's buddies are waiting
for him to arrive for his bachelor party. The doorbell rings and
Patrick shows up for his date with Lucy. The crooks take him hostage as well
to assist Rick with the surgery on their partner. Frisco discretely
finds the key to his handcuffs in his shoe. Derek goes on TV and
annouces the escape of the robbers as the group listens in. Frisco's
friends wonder where Patrick and Frisco have gone. They are not showing up
for the party. Felicia and her friends hold their own party for the bride.
Brian calls the Webbers on Jake's advice, and Lucy at gunpoint says that
she's not seen Patrick or Frisco. Burt and Anna learn that the getaway van
has been seen in the Webber's neighborhood. Anna can't keep a secret
from Felicia, Frisco may be in danger. Anna and Burt arrive at the Webber's
for a showdown with the criminals. Rick and Patrick are used as cover
by one of the thugs and ordered to evacuate the area. Frisco's able to
untie his handcuffs. Rick, Patrick and Frisco engage in a battle and
subdue the crooks. But Frisco is wounded in the ordeal by a gunshot. It's
only a flesh wound, but Felicia seeing the danger of her future husband,
runs away from him.
June 19, 1986 - Frisco's a hero with the brownstone group. But Felicia won't
talk to him. He's got to calm her down because she wants to call off the
wedding yet again. Frisco informs Jake, Bobbie, and Maria that the
wedding is off. Mike runs to Ginny's arms when he finds his mother is
safe from the hostage ordeal. In a tearful scene, Mike and Ginny bury the
hatchet. Maria and even Terry have a heart to heart talk with Felicia
hoping to change her mind. Even Sean stops by to console his Princess. Sean
mediates peace talks with the two young newlywed hopefuls. Felicia is
touched when Frisco's cop buddy Vince and his wife Nina have their baby at
GH. The baby is named after Frisco. But this still doesn't change Felicia's
mind. Later, upon graduating fro the Academy, Felica shows up and has a
change of heart. The Wedding is back on!
June 20-26,
1986: 6/20 Frisco &
Felicia's wedding, 6/23 Wedding continued, 6/24 honeymoon, 6/25 honeymoon,
June 20, 1986
- Burt stops by Anna's with news about Duke. Anna tells Burt that Frisco and
Felicia called off the wedding. It's Frisco's Birthday, and Felicia says the
wedding is on again! Everyone at the Brownstone is over joyed and sings
Happy Birthday to Frisco over the intercom. At Kelly's, Alan and Edward plot
to catch Monica in a tryst with Sean. Patrick tells Rick, Sean and Monica
that the wedding is back on. When Felicia realizes that that she canceled
the caterers -- Ruby, Brian, Claudia, Dan and Lila prepare all the goodies
at Kelly's themselves. Frisco tells a delighted Robin and Anna the wedding
is back on. Jake and Terry comfort each other over the recent incident with
Kevin. Bobbie wonders what secret the two might be hiding. Felicia panics
once again when she remembers that she also canceled the minister too!
Convinced that Monica is preparing Sean's Penthouse for a romantic tryst,
(It's really for F and F) Alan hides in waiting with snoopy Chuck Morrison
and his camera. Frisco talking to Felicia over the intercom tries to assure
her that Jake will find a minister. Not long after, Burt arrives and saves
the day when he finds a Reverend on the Tennis courts. The wedding begins
with Robin as the flower girl. Samantha, Anna and Tanya as Bridesmaids. Sean
escorts Felicia down the aisle.
June 23, 1986 - As the wedding begins, sirens are heard all around. Everyone
holds their breath until Guy enters with the Police Honor Guard! Frisco and
Felicia finally say their vows in front of all their friends. The ceremony
ends and all their friends great the bride and groom. Burt tells Anna
that she was right, Duke came to the wedding. Frisco and Felicia take the
dance floor and Frisco sings "LADY OF MY HEART". Alan and
Chuck uncover a Harum tent and all surroundings in the penthouse. Alan can't
believe Monica has fallen for such a corny environment. Anna grills
Duke as to why he showed up at the wedding. Sean later catches Anna spying
on Duke. Frisco and Felicia cut the wedding cake and Tony makes the toasts.
Alan and Chuck break into Sean's safe and find a Swiss Bank account with a
large deposit that matches the deposit that he and Edward lost. Alan jots
down the bank account. Frisco and Felicia prepare to depart but not till
they toss the bouquet and garter. Felicia tosses the garter and Anna
ends up catching it. To make matters worse when Frisco tosses the garter it
lands in Duke's hands! Monica tells Sean that she fears that Alan and
Edward are plotting something. Felicia & Frisco arrive at the
Penthouse amid with all the Arabian decorations. Chuck and Alan are still
outside the Penthouse. While the two lovers get dressed up in their harum
outfits and are about to make love, Alan and Chuck burst in taking pictures.
A shocked and flustered Alan make quick excuses and a hasty exit!
June 24, 1986 - Frisco and Felicia awake from their Honeymoon Arabian
fantasy with lots of smooching. Robin wants to know what Anna is going to do
with the Bridal bouquet. She thinks that mommy's going to marry Duke! Duke
tells Angel that nobody, least of all Anna will figure out what they are up
to. Rick and Ginny tell an embarrassed Lucy that they will go to bat and
write a letter of gratitude to her probation officer in light of Lucy's
heroism in the recent hostage situation. Lucy Coe gets a beauty make
over by Ginny's make up man. Lucy likes it very much. Bill asks Amy to move
in with him. Lucy becomes interested in Patrick when she overhears from Amy
that Patrick's late Uncle left him a fortune. Frisco gets dressed up in
his uniform. It's his first day on the beat. Maria bids the two lovers
goodbye, she's going off to Texas. Duke calls Felicia and tells her
that he has to postpone her first day at work until after his meeting with
the Mayor. Duke has Angel get a job on the docks as one of the workers. It's
all part of Thier operation and it has to be ready by the end of the week as
that's when the infamous Mr. Big will be arriving. At the renovation
committee meeting, Duke plays with the garter in front of Anna. They
take opposing sides on the waterfront renovation. Anna thinks it will bring
in organized crime, but Duke points out it will open new jobs and benifit PC
in many ways. When the committee takes a vote, Anna loses by a landslide.
This time she's a sore loser and when Duke gives her a hard passionate kiss,
she's a furious, aroused woman!
Angel bribes the dockworkers to spread the word
that unemployment is on the rise. Frisco and his partner spot Angel getting
a job on the docks. Frisco remembers when he busted Angel on a beating and
Duke got him out of jail. Rick is called in when a nurse tells him that Buzz
has been demanding more pain killers. Patrick tells Frisco he can't
understand what Kevin saw in Lucy. When Ginny brings the newly made over
Lucy to GH, Patrick and Rick are blown away by Ms. Coe's beauty. Patrick
especially and asks Lucy to dinner with him! Buzz asks Sandy to take some
nurse training at GH. Later Buzz is shaking on his drug withdrawal and
tosses a tray against the wall. Jimmy Lee tries to assure Sandy that her
father will be fine.Robin shows off her latest toy. A set of bagpipes, a
gift from her "Uncle Duke!" When Anna calls Buzz at GH, a
jealous Buzz hangs up on her when he hears Robin talking about mommy's new
"boyfriend" Duke. Part two of Frisco and Felicia's honeymoon. This
time the two relive a romantic French Paris fantasy out of the 40's.
June 25, 1986 - Felicia tells Sean about Alan and Chuck interfering with
their Honeymoon. Sean is angry to hear that Alan had broken into his
Penthouse. Sandy tells Jimmy Lee she has reservations about being a
nurse at GH. When a dockworker named Stan, who is in cahoots with Duke
runs around the waterfront with a brown paper bag of laundered money for an
associate of Lavery's named Mr Big, Frisco chases him, but loses him on the
trail. Stan drops the package and a drunk realizes he's been sleeping on a
fortune. Too late says Stan. The drunk tells Jimmy Lee that the package
came from Sean Donely's warehouse. Alan has revised his plan of revenge
on his wife. He is going to fake amnesia and disappear so that everyone will
think he's dead and then frame Sean for the murder! Meanwhile Monica hires
Jake as her divorce lawyer. Sandy visits Audrey and she gets an
interview for a nursing position. Ruby is shocked to hear that two of
her regular diners lost their jobs as dockworkers. Edward and Lila at
Kelly's. Edward tells Lila that he can't wait to move out of Kelly's. Stan
reports to Angel that he got chased by the cops and dropped the package with
a bum. Alan sneaks into Sean's Penthouse while Sean is upstairs. Alan
pockets one of Sean's teacups from his tea set. Monica arrives shortly after
and Sean tells her about Alan's hiding on the balcony the night of Frisco
and Felcia's honeymoon. Monica and Sean kissing. Alan, Edward, and
Jimmy Lee at Kelly's. Alan tells them of his findings of the Swiss Bank
account and the Amnesia plan to frame Monica and Sean for murder. He's got a
double indemnity clause in his will. Part 3 of Frisco and Felicia's
honeymoon. This time it's a Greek fantasy.
June 26, 1986 - Steve, Rick and Tony discussing Buzz's addiction to drugs. Amy
talking with Georgia about ALan and Monica's split. Alan has engaged
Brett Madison the ex DA as his lawyer to win him custody of both his sons.
Jake proposes to Bobbie and she accepts! Lucy Coe gets a set of flowers from
Patrick with an invitation to dinner. Lucy likes the fact that Patrick is
liking her new look. When she hungrily kisses Patrick on the mouth, Terry
suspects they are having an affair. Cold Turkey has gotten Buzz on the run.
His hands are shaking so badly he can't hold a fork. When Sandy runs in
tears after Buzz has an argument with her, Rick, Steve and Tony have no
choice but to admit that Buzz is an addict. Burt brings by some flyers to
leave with Ruby asking for support to stop the waterfront project so that
organized crime doesn't move into town. Angel overhears. Bobbie tells an
excited Ruby that she and Jake will marry. Rick and Steve also congraduate a
delighted Ms. Spencer. Georgia catches Buzz stealing drugs from the
medicine room. Alan and Monica argue and they both threaten each other
in front of their lawyers. Terry cries on Jake and Bobbie's shoulder
that Patrick has rejected her for Lucy she cries. Patrick and Lucy at dinner
discussing Kevin. Lucy wonders if the problem that Kevin had runs in the
family. When Lucy turns on the sex appeal to Patrick, he starts to become
aroused and when Lucy kisses him he gets caught up in the moment. Lucy pulls
away and tells him to get out if that's what he only expects to get from
her! Later, Patrick apologizes to Terry telling her only that he went to see
her to find out why Kevin was attracted to her and she influenced him to
27 - July 3, 1986: 6/27 Mr. Big arrives in PC, 6/30, 7/1,
7/2, 7/3
June 27,1986 -
Frisco and Vince fresh from their beat, drop in on Felicia at Kelly's. Anna
tells Burt that she has a whole file of facts showing that organized crime
has moved in on the waterfront. Duke is in for fight and she's just the
one that's going to do it! Duke tells Angel that she's going to use Felicia
as a front to show the mayor he's on the up and up. Frisco runs into Jimmy
Lee and Sandy on the docks. Holt tells Frisco that no offense, he's learned
to keep his mouth shut on the docks. Rick, Steve and Tony discuss
Buzz's theft of the pain killers. They consider admitting him to an
institution. When confronted, Buzz admits that it was a mix up, he's not
addicted to drugs, but later he breaks down and admits he was an addict in
Vietnam, but not now. Anna arrives at the Mayor's for a meeting on the
waterfront development. Duke is in favor of waterfront development, Anna's
opposed because of the rise in crime. She's got the facts, but Duke has the
emotion to sway Anna's friends, including Bryan, Ruby and Dan. Even Sean's
for the development! When the committee votes, Anna loses by a
landslide. This time a sore loser, and when Duke gives her a hard,
passionate kiss, she's a furious aroused woman. Angel catches Felicia
and Frisco in Duke's office. Angel gives Felicia the day off. After she
leaves Angel takes a call from a "chief" who makes plans to meet
with Duke later. Frisco and Felicia spend the day in the park. But their
lovemaking is interrupted when Frisco spots the guy that ran away from
him on the docks yesterday. Frisco lets the hood go after memorizing his
face. Felicia is ticked that Frisco is playing cop on his day off. Buzz
passing a medical tray swipes some pain killers. Anna tells a surprised Burt
that Duke won the victory by a landslide. Anna tells Burt she's so upset
with Duke that she's going to bust him. But Burt thinks Anna's more
attracted to Duke than anything else. Later, Duke gets a visit from the
"chief" who informs him that they are all set for phase two
of the waterfront plan. Anna however might be an obstacle.
June 30, 1986 - Jesse and Dan inform Rick that more drugs, pain killers, are
missing and the first person fingers are pointed at is Buzz. Rick is
furious. Buzz is clouding his salad with vinegar to cloud his urine so
the painkillers he stole from the medication chart won't show on any tests. Rick
confronts Buzz, but he denies guilt. Anna is disgusted that Robin is fawning
all over Duke. Angel gives Duke and update on Anna including her entire
personal history. Robin calls Duke and wants to see him. Duke knows how
to pull Ms. Devane's strings and it's through Robin. A man who runs a
bait and tackle shop on the waterfront tells Derek and Ginny that unknown
parties are trying to take over his business as well as the entire area. Ginny
and Derek agree to let the man air his grievances on the news. Rick,
Jesse, Brian and Dan meets on Buzz's fate. Anna learns about the drug theft
in the hospital and she is aghast that Buzz is the chief suspect. On behalf
of the doctors, she tries to convince her friend to take a blood test, but
he bristles at the idea. When Tony tries to force the test, Buzz knocks the
tray out of the nurses hand. Amy is curious about Lucy and Patrick's
relationship. On Ted's advice, Patrick does some investigating on Lucy. The
"Chief" tells Duke to put phase two in order. Duke's to run for
president for the dockworkers union in the upcoming election. Lucy is
approached by a top notch publisher. He wants Lucy to write the juicy
details of Kevin's murderous affairs. She could make a lot of money, Lucy
thinks about it. Mike's in town for a bit to visit Ginny and Rick. Both
parents couldn't be happier. Anna's not happy to find Duke having lunch
with Robin at her home, but against Anna's judgment, allows Duke to take her
and Robin to the zoo. While talking, Anna is surprised that Duke knows
so much about her past.
July 1, 1984 - Angel reports to Duke that another "shipment" is
coming in today. Anna can't believe when Buzz refuses to take a drug test.
Lucy's offered an advance of 5,000 for the start of the book on Kevin.
Patrick is checking up on Lucy's high school background and or living family
members. But the history of Lucy is a mystery. There are no family members
mentioned. Duke arranges for Felicia to pick up a book of poems for
Anna. Felicia promises to drop by the book store. While walking the beat
with Frisco, Burt recognizes an old and dear friend of his, Tessie. Tessie
saved Burt's life when he was rookie cop. Gossipy Amy informs Lucy that
Patrick is checking up on her past. Frisco and Burt spot Angel on the
docks. A pass is made and Angel receives a package laundered money. When he
spots Frisco, he drops the bag in wastebasket. Burt tells Frisco that
Angel is doing nothing wrong and as they walk away, Angel picks up the
package. Anna is trying to speak to Buzz on the phone but Robin is
practicing her bagpipes and she can't hear a word he says. Filomena
arrives home temporarily distracting Robin from the bagpipes. Patrick brings
flowers for Lucy for an apology. She believes she's on the up and up.
Privately, Lucy tells Patrick that Kevin killed Earl Moody because he called
Terry a tramp after she went off to that motel room with Patrick 3 years
ago. Lucy also reveals that Kevin always thought Terry was sluggish in bed
because she was really in love with him (Patrick). A worker of Duke's
named Stan tells Angel and Duke that he can't launder any more money till
things cool down on the waterfront. Duke asks Felicia to take 100,000 to the
bank and open up 6 bank accounts. Felicia's worried, but Angel will be her
bodyguard. Felicia's is actually helping to launder money! Buzz delay's
his blood tests, and aggravates Tony, who knows Buzz stalled so there
wouldn't be a trace of drugs in his blood. Tony reports to Anna who's
finally believing that Buzz is an addict. Duke presents a blushing Anna
with a book of poetry by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Anna's favorite. Filomena
notices the closeness of Duke and Anna, she sees the same look in Anna's
face that she once had with Robert.
July 2, 1986 - Terry helping Jake with Alan and Monica's divorce preceding.
Lucy meets with the publisher who agrees to up the price if she will just
change her mind. Patrick has lunch date with Terry. Jimmy Lee considers
running for dockworkers president against Duke, on advice from a buddy on
the waterfront. Amy blabs to Lucy that Patrick is on a date with Terry
at Kelly's. Bobbie is furious that Amy is giving out information like
that on the phone. Bobbie's not a fan of Lucy anyway. However armed
with this information, Lucy makes plans to meet with Ted Holmes to discuss
the book on Kevin at Kelly's too, just to get one dig under Terry's skin. Alan
has revised his plan of revenge on Monica. He will fake amnesia and
disappear so that everyone will think he's dead, then frame Sean and Monica
for murder. Meanwhile, Monica hires Jake as her divorce lawyer, Alan engages
ex DA Brett Madison to win him custody of both sons. During a meeting
with Bret and Jake, Alan goats Monica into an arguement causing Monica to
grab Alan and threaten to kill him. Jake and Brett are shocked.
Patrick and Terry are surprised to find Ted at Kelly's and even more so to
learn that he's there to meet Lucy for some legal advice. Jimmy Lee
tries to get Sandy some work on the docks, he also tries to teach the young
brash lady some manners. Patrick and Terry are brought into Lucy's
meeting with Ted. They are shocked to learn of the book on Kevin. Terry is
so appalled she walks out. Patrick and Ted try to by Lucy off to not write
the book on Kevin, but she says that all proceeds of the money made off the
book will be donated to the Jennifer Talbot memorial wing. Lucy tries
to show them she's not doing this book for the money. Ted and Patrick are
surprised, but as long as they have control of the contents of the book,
they agree to let her write it.
July 3, 1986 - Duke is watching Derek's interview with Tom Green on the
local news. Tom's shop is being forced out of business due to the new
waterfront developing. Duke wants Angel to pick up the man for a talk. Frisco
is having lunch with Robin (in her Scottish Quilt) at Kelly's. Frisco is
watched by the hood working for Angel. Angel has the man keep an eye on
Frisco. Duke meets with Tom Green who's not happy that Duke is stealing his
business, but Duke wants to help the man. He offers him a new location for
his business. Tom is made an offer he can't refuse. Edward agrees to
back Jimmy Lee and help him with his campaign. Angel has overheard the whole
thing and reports to Duke. Frisco on patrol meets Jimmy Lee. Holt and
Frisco find the bum that found the bag of money. They want to know if he can
identify the guy that dropped the money. The bum runs away and the hood
working for Duke picks him up by force. He takes him to Kelly's where Angel
pays him off to not say anything to the cops. Duke, Anna and Robin at
the zoo. Anna is called in by Tony at GH to trap Buzz into proving he's
an addict. Against Tony's permission, Buzz gives his authority to
release himself. Bobbie plants the keys to the medicine room on his bed.
Buzz takes the bait and swipes them. Heading straight for the medicine
room, he grabs the pain killers but drops them on the floor. As he's picking
them up, Anna walks in and says she very sorry she had to do this. Sandy
and Buzz agree that he should go into rehab. Anna walks in and Buzz
screams for him to get out of his life. Anna is hurt and tries to regain her
composure. Duke is there waiting for her at the Hospital. She cries in his
July 4-10, 1986: 7/4, 7/7, 7/8, 7/9,
July 4, 1986 -
Felicia wakes a groggy Frisco. It's July 4th time for the annual PC picnic
in the park! (whatever happened to those?) Sean reports the scuttlebutt on
the waterfront concerning Duke to Anna. It seems that Duke is going to set
up Tom Greene with new place to run his bait shop. Duke later arrives
to pick Anna and Robin up. Jimmy Lee and Sandy escort Buzz to his new
quarters at the rehab hospital. Buzz asks Jimmy Lee to take Sandy to
the PC picnic. When the two leave, Buzz goes through withdrawal pains.
Bobbie shows off her engagement ring at the park picnic. Bobbie and
Jake notice the closeness with Patrick and Terry. Angel reports to
Duke he has a plan to get Frisco off their tail. Alan tells Lila that
he's going to be taking flying lessons. It's all part of his plans to frame
Sean and Monica. (But Lila doesn't know this) Anna visits Buzz at the rehab. Buzz
tries to apologize for his behavior the other day. He realizes that she had
to expose him as a druggie. Buzz starts getting withdrawal pains and
hustles Anna out. Everyone at the park enjoying the festivities. Alan is
furious to see Sean with Monica, and Edward has to hold him back from
throttling Donnelly. At the Picnic, Tom Greene stands up and announces
that he fully supports Duke and he thinks that everyone should vote for him
as president of the Dockworkers union. Anna tells Frisco that Duke is using
Tom as a cover to gain support. Filomena tries to convince Anna that
she's wrong about Duke, he reminds he of Robert. Jimmy Lee and Duke get into
a tug of war at the picnic, but in it's a draw when the rope breaks and both
teams are evenly matched. Bobbie and Jake next pay a call on Buzz. All
through the conversation, Buzz is sweating and shaking up a storm.Robin
holds an after picnic party back at Anna's for some her her friends and
godfathers. She announces Duke as her mommy's new best friend.
July 7, 1986 - Burt tells Anna that so far everything is on the up and up
with Duke Lavery. He tries to tell her nicely to stop investigating Duke. Duke
tells Angel that he's going to win the election, his future depends on it.
Frisco and Vince patrolling the docks. Burt meets up with them. Burt pulls
out a tape recorder to remind himself of a meeting. Frisco comments on the
tape recorder and gets and idea. Buzz is going through severe withdrawal
pains when Anna drops by to visit him with some new drawings Robin made for
him. He inquires about her new friend, Duke Lavery. Felicia helps
Duke with a slogan for his campaign. She comes up with THE DOCK NEEDS DUKE!
Duke loves it. Angel tells Duke that Stan is getting nervous because of
his constant run ins with Frisco. Anna tells Sean what she thinks about the
upcoming election, she's all for Jimmy Lee. Sean notices that Anna is trying
to hide her feelings for Duke. On the docks, Frisco notices a guy that
looks like Stan and stops him. Vince assures Frisco that he's getting too
preoccupied with busting that hood Stan. Sean and Tony stop by and
visit Buzz. Felicia attends another one of those cops/wives meetings.
Felicia daydreams about Frisco being the Police commissioner. Frisco is
getting tired of walking the beat. He wants to move up and do something
more. Frisco daydreams about busting the mob in a Bogart/Casablanca type
setting. Later, Frisco buys a tape recorder and starts reporting his
activities. Anna is getting really tired of Robin and Duke's closeness. But
when Duke calls her "love" like Robert does, Anna forbids him to
ever say that again.
July 8, 1986 - Edward decorates Kelly's with posters for Jimmy Lee's
campaign. He even goes so far as to remove Duke's posters. Sean drops in on
Anna to take her to lunch on the waterfront. Duke is making friends on the
docks. Duke and Jimmy Lee get into a contest on the docks. A match to see
who can load the most crates. Duke wins the macho contest, unloading crates
off the ledgers and onto the pallets faster than Holt, fueled in the last
few minutes by Anna's arrival. Duke charms Anna enough to ask her back to
his office to lunch. Angel overhears Frisco and Burt talking at
Kelly's. Angel assigns Toughie to keep an eye on Frisco and distract him
from Stan so the next "shipment" can come in. Frisco's
desire to be promoted his getting him into hot water. When he spots Stan, he
gives chase and an old waterfront gal named Tessie, who is transporting
laundered money in a picnic cooler for Duke, trips Frisco who crashes into a
lever of a large crane which drops all of Donely's cargo into the harbor. Burt
chews Frisco out and when they look in the cooler, find it's filled with
nothing but beer. Not only did Frisco drop Donely's cargo, but he
knocked over a man's peanut vendor's cart as well. Sean and the peanut
vendor are about the pull Frisco's head off when Anna intervenes. Anna
tells Frisco that he might be better off working for the WSB. Frisco
decides to stick it out with the PCPD. Frisco meets Toughie on the
docks. Toughie wants to "help" Frisco out. He invites him to a
poker game on the docks which will help him break the ice with the
dockworkers. Jimmy Lee happens by when a Postal worker tries to drop by
a letter. Holt notices that the letter is from a Swiss PO box. When the
man shoves the letter in the drop box, Holt puts on gloves and picks the
lock. Frisco drops by and spots Jimmy Lee and nabs him! Frisco is interested
when he learns that Sean has stolen the Q fortune and it sits in a Swiss
bank. When the alarm is tripped Frisco covers for Jimmy Lee and hustles him
out. Frisco bluntly comes out and asks Sean if he stole the Q fortune.
Donely is upset that Frisco has broken into his warehouse and is going
through his mail. He can't believe that he would take the word of the Q's
over him. He threatens to report him to Anna unless he backs off.
July 9, 1986 - Duke enlists Felicia to help with his rally at the end of the
week. Anna and Guy discuss Frisco's future with the PD. On the docks,
Frisco daydreams about being a cop hero. Jimmy Lee informs Edward of
his discovery of the Swiss bank letter with the code name HEATHER in
Sean's warehouse.An awkward situation at Kelly's when Jake and Terry bump
into Lucy and Patrick on a lunch date. Alan comes out and asks Monica
where Sean stashed hid the Q money. Monica thinks she's crazy. Monica
slaps Alan when he tells her she's desperate to be sleeping with a man who's
laughing at her behind her back. Frisco notices Duke's sharp looking
computer in his office. Later, Frisco sneaks into Anna's office and has
Felicia help him use the computer to check up on Jimmy Lee's charge
that Donely swindled the family fortune and put it in a Swiss bank account.
Anna catches him and threatens suspension without pay if he keeps it up. Alan
comes through, he gets the number of Donely's Swiss bank account and Edward
phones the bank. Posing as Sean Donely he gives them the account with the
code name Heather. But Edward is in shock when he finds out there is no such
account. Sean's once again one step ahead of them. Jake tells Monica
that her reputation must be immaculate if she is to have the best chance of
winning custody of her son. Frisco and Felicia entertain Vince and his
wife at dinner. Jake and Bobbie discuss the upcoming wedding plans with
Ruby. Terry goes off the deep end when she reads the latest
developments on Lucy's book on Kevin. Felcia daydreams about Frisco
becoming Police commissioner.
July 10, 1986 - Patrick makes a date with Lucy for a meeting and interview
on Kevin's book only. Monica is staving off advances from Sean on Jake's
advice. Amy wonders why Monica is so annoyed with Sean. Lucy prefers to stay
out of it. Duke gives Billy the peanut vendor a loan so it will take
the heat off of Frisco for destroying his peanut cart. But Anna arrives and
intervenes. She offers Billy the same offer of payment. Billy offers to take
half of Anna and Duke's payment. Patrick and Yank visiting Buzz at the
rehab. Buzz introduces Sandy to Patrick and Yank. Sean shows the
postermaster the letter that was given to him by mistake. The same letter
that Jimmy Lee thought was the Swiss bank account Sean stashed the Q money.
Anna is witness to Duke's heroics on the docks, when he saves the life of a
worker when a heavy crate falls on top of him. Lucy meets with Brian. Her
probation is nearing an end. Sean can't understand why Monica is
avoiding his phone calls. Patrick and Lucy caught up in the moment share a
kiss. Patrick says she's one of the most sexiest women he's ever met. The
two start to make out on the Webber couch, but stops and leave when trust
starts to set in. Duke appears to be opening up to Anna. He tells her
of his poor childhood, and how he saw his father die the same way. Finally
moved by his apparent sincerity, Anna relaxes long enough to have dinner and
accept his surprise kiss.
July 11-17, 1986: 7/11 Robin leaves
for Australia, 7/14, 7/15, 7/16, 7/17
July 11, 1986
- Robin's delighted when she learns Anna had dinner with "Uncle"
Duke. Angel and Duke stash the laundered cash behind Duke's private safe.
Jimmy Lee offers free food at a BBQ to drum up support for his campaign.
Frisco meets Tessie at Kelly's. Frisco asks Tessie's help on the
waterfront. But she clams up when Burt comes by. Sean brings by the local
paper. Duke's heroism makes the front page. Edward and Sandy help Jimmy
Lee with his speech during the BBQ. During his speech things go bad
when the food turns out to be garbage. Duke shows up with Robin playing
the bagpipes, and all the men head over to Kelly's when Duke offers up a
feast. Robin decides to go visit Robert and Holly in Australia. Frisco
tells Anna and Burt that Toughie Richards has invited him to a poker game on
the waterfront. Since they both know it's illegal for him to do this, Anna
tells Frisco to inform them when the game will start so they can substitute
an experienced player. Frisco says he will obey the order, but now that he
knows that Donely doesn't have a Swiss bank account and that someone else on
the waterfront does. Duke and Anna growing closer. They kiss on the
waterfront. Later, Toughie reports to Duke about the poker game with Frisco.
Duke looks at Anna's picture in the paper. Anna has flashbacks of her
wedding to Robert when she finds some material that she wore during that
Greek ceremony.
July 14, 1986 - Filomena continues telling Anna that Duke is the next best
thing since Roberto. Toughie prepares the poker game with Frisco. Duke
Lavery challenges rival Jimmy Lee to a debate. Sean sneaks into Monica's
room at the mansion. Monica can't resist Donely's clutches and the two end
up in bed. Alan surprises his estranged wife with a visit and is announced
by Jennnigs the butler. Stashing her lover in the closet, Monica throws on a
robe and opens the door. Spotting Sean's shoes next to her bed, Jennings
later tells Alan, Madam has company. Alan asks the servant to testify for
his side in the divorce trial. Jennings agrees. At the Poker game,
Frisco is aware that Toughie and company are letting him win big at these
after hours poker games. Felicia is aware that her husband is lying when he
says that he is on a special assignment. Anna is aware (via Felicia) that
Frisco is diobeying orders. Later, Frisco sneaks into bed with Felicia but
she finds the wad of bills that Frisco brought home from the poker game.
July 15, 1986 - Duke arrives to see Robin off to Australia. Next
morning, Frisco can't find the money he won in the poker game but finds
instead that Felicia has found out everything. A female tug of war is Lucy's
favorite game, when Bobbie and Rick discuss her recent pattern of mistakes
in the OR. Lucy leaks the scoop to Steve Hardy. It doesn't take long for Ms
SPencer lto figure out who did this and she corners Lucy in the elevator
promising to destroy her. Derek arrives back in town to pick Mike up
for a return trip back to Omaha. Anna chastises Frisco for wandering off to
the poker game without letting her know. Felicia confides to Tony that
Frisco is lying to her. Later, Duke arrives at Anna's for a romantic dinner.
Anna dances with Duke. She has a mixture of feelings. Desire, Arousal,
Hesitancy. Desire and arousal win as she almost let's her enigmatic lover
take her to bed, but Duke leaves quite suddenly, causing much confusion with
July 16, 1986 - Duke Lavery challenges his rival Jimmy Lee to a debate at
the Pub. When the Scotsman tells the dock workers about his humble working
class background, they are impressed and see him as a harbinger of
prosperity. Jimmy Lee's salt of the earth approach proves lackluster and he
loses the debate. Ginny's TV crew arrives for the taping. Alan arrives
at Jimmy Lee's debate wearing a pilot outfit. Jake comforts Bobbie in her
war with Lucy. Anna tells Duke that she's aware of criminal activity in the
dockworkers union. Duke and Anna share a kiss.
July 17, 1986 - The morning paper flashes the front page headline,
"Anna Devane endorsing Duke Lavery in his election". Lavery is
incensed and calls the paper to complain. Buzz sees the cozy picture of Anna
and Duke on the front page and tears it to shreds. Patrick brings Lucy
over to the Brownstone to meet with Jake. Lucy overhears an argument with
Bobbie and Jake. Jimmy Lee is furious at Sandy when she enlists the wives of
the dockworkers to support equal rights for woman. During Duke's
therapy he goes ballistic when he brings up his betrayal by the woman he
loves, Anna. Sandy reports to Anna who heads over to the rehab and
tries to convince him there was nothing to the picture of her and Duke in
the paper. Anna says she needs him, and Buzz grabs her hand and kisses
it. Later, Buzz is happier and even starts joking with Sandy and Jimmy
Lee. Bobbie maligns Lucy at her probation hearing. Bobbie clearly in the
minority on this score as Ted Holmes, The Webbers and Steve Hardy bolster
Lucy's reputation in the eyes of the law. When the judge rules that Lucy is
a free woman, she is relieved but privately tells Bobbie Spencer that she
has bought herself an enemy for life.
July 18-24, 1986: 7/18 Duke wins the
election, Duke & Anna make love, 7/21, 7/22, 7/23, 7/24
July 18, 1986
- Burt and Anna wonder where Frisco was the other night. The renegade cop is
acting on his own. Toughie tells Frisco that he expects to see him tonight
at the poker game. Frisco will be there. Felicia is put off by Frisco's
attitude. Damon Grenville arrives to meet Duke. (Damon is Mr. B's right hand
man) Damon brings up Duke's burgeoning friendship with Ms Davane. Mr. B
is worried. Duke tells him there is nothing to worry about. Burt
questions Tessie about the new dockworkers that have shown up in town. Frisco
meets Toughie and the gang and begins the game. Frisco excuses himself to
get some beer. Alan, Edward and Jimmy Lee prepare for the Election
returns. Will Jimmy Lee or Duke win the Dockworker's Union president?
Alan details his plan: He will fake his death during the election and frame
Monica and Sean for it. Alan decides to hangout in a little town in upstate
NY till Monica and Sean go to jail. Duke tosses out the PC Herald
reporter that put the gossipy article on he and Anna in the paper. Burt
can't find Tessie anywhere. He later finds her outside and asks her to keep
her eyes open for trouble. One of Mr. B's men overhears....The Election
returns are in and Duke wins by a landslide. In Duke's speech he pledges
that there will be plenty of jobs for everyone on the docks. Toughie
and the gang are allowing Frisco to win, a plan that Frisco is all to aware. Frisco
overhears Toughie meet a colleague on the phone. He later excuses himself
from the game to "get some air". Anna meets Damon and Duke
introduces him as a financial advisor. On the dock's Frisco looking for
Toughie, spots the thug that he had a run in with at the park. Frisco tails
the thug to Tessie's boat. There he witnesses the exchange of money between
Stan and Tessie. Before he can report to Anna, he finds himself locked on
board with the boat setting sail. Stan drops the money off with Angel.
Anna dances with Duke back at her place. Desire, arousal, hesitancy, Desire
and arousal win, as she lets Duke take her to bed.
July 21, 1986 - Bobbie can't sleep. She is still worried about the fight she
had with Jake over Lucy Coe. Jake tells her she's wrong for trying to
disrupt her hearing. Jake admits to Bobbie that he loves her. He kisses
her passionately. Anna in Duke's arms tells him that she never thought she
would be attracted to another man after Robert. Frisco soaking wet arrives
home after jumping Tessie's ship he swam back to shore. Felicia really wants
to help Frisco in his investigation. She sketches the man that he saw on
Tessie's boat. The thrill of winning the union presidency wears off
very fast for Duke when Damon communicates the newest plan for Mr. B. Not
only does Mr Big want Duke to launder his cash through the union pension
fund, he also wants him to make sure that his construction firm wins the bid
to build the Fisherman's Village on the waterfront. Duke complains to Angel
that he expected some control out of his association with Mr B. Frisco
and Felica take the sketch to Ruby's and she posts it as Kelly's. Sandy has
just come from seeing Buzz. He's making great progress. She excitedly drops
by on Anna with the news, who agrees to visit Buzz. Anna visits Buzz who's
delighted at the prospect of a future "date" with her on an outing
on the grounds. Sandy is trying to play matchmaker. Anna drops in on a
meeting with Damon and Duke. She sneaks his watch to him while Damon is not
looking. Felicia offers to Duke that he update his entertainment at the
club. Something to attract the younger crowd. She recommends Terry for a
singing position. Burt and Frisco are on the beat. Burt tells Frisco that
Tessie was at one time more than a friend to him. Duke wants Angel to
arrange another game with Frisco so they can make a pass of more laundered
July 22, 1986 - Lucy asks Patrick out to dinner but he postpones it because
he's having dinner with a "friend". Ruby tells Felicia her
sketch of the man Frisco's been tailing looks familiar. Angel reports news
to Duke about Frisco. He left the poker game early and may have seen money
passed between Stan and Tessie. Felicia tells Terry she's arranged for her
to sing at the benefit for the Policeman's ball at Duke's. Terry
hesitatingly accepts. Lucy tells Ginny that she and Rick have the most
perfect marriage. The phone rings and it's Amy calling to say that Rick's
surgery was postponed so he will be home for dinner. Lucy tells Ginny it was
a wrong number. Ginny leaves the house to do an in depth interview with
Duke. Rick is surprised to come home and find veal roast dinner cooked by
Lucy. Lucy lies to Rick had already left when his message came in.
Rick loves Lucy's cooking. Ginny interviews Duke and later Felicia at
Kelly's. Felicia spots Stan outside the window disrupting the interview and
stopping tape. Later, when Ginny comes home, Lucy tells the same lies
she told to Rick. That's 3 lies for Lucy. Tessie calls Stan from
Atlantic City. She tells him that she knows someone was stowed away on her
boat. They believe it's Frisco. Felicia interrupts an argument with Duke and
Angel. Duke is upset that his world is crashing down due to Frisco Jones. He
prays that Frisco was not on Tessie's boat. He's beginning to like the young
July 23, 1986 - Alan asks Jennings, Monica's butler to plant a bug on the
back of her headboard. Felicia asks Frisco to sing at Duke's benefit. Anna
lectures Frisco on his gung ho activates as rookie cop. Toughie reports to
Duke that a poker chip with the initials TJ was found on Tessie's boat.
Frisco's been snooping around, Duke's in a panic. Toughie calls Frisco
for another round of poker. Frisco postpones it. Duke hires Terry to sing at
his victory celebration at the club. Duke and Anna find time for a
little romance when he pays a call on her at the office. Later Duke and Anna
resume snuggling at her place. Felicia tells Frisco of her spotting
Stan by Kelly's during the taping. Frisco thinks Stan's image could be on
the tape that Ginny shot.
July 24, 1986 - Ginny and Frisco pour over the tape shot at Kelly's. The air
is out at the Brownstone. The repair man recognizes Terry from her picture
in the paper and starts to comment on the Kevin case. Patrick and Jake
almost deck the guy! Terry wants to move away from PC, but Bobbie talks
her out of it. Derek talking with Anna and Sean tells Anna that Frisco has
been taking a lot of time at the studio studying tapes. Anna's intrigued
what Frisco might be up to? Patrick notices that Lucy is giving him the cold
shoulder. Frisco finds Stan in the window of Kelly's just as Anna
walks in. Burt and Anna are furious at Jones's taking the law into his
own hands. But Anna does agree to bring in a police artist to get a better
description of the man. Alan plays for his estranged wife a tape of her most
recent lovemaking session with Sean. If she doesn't give him custody of Alan
Jr, he'll play it for their son says that revenge minded doc. Monica
threatens to kill Alan and knocking him to the ground tries to strangle him.
Their divorce lawyers Jake and Brett walk in on this spat, Alan's attempt to
portray Monica as a maniac succeeds. Later, Jake hears Terry singing her old
gospel songs and drinking like the old days. But Jake makes a horrible
mistake. Terry was only drinking iced tea. Bobbie and Terry trade insults
and threats at Lucy. Anna and Burt are pleased that Frisco was able to get a
clear sketch of Stan, the thug he's trying to capture. One minute Lucy
is coming on to Patrick and the next she's cold. Patrick can't understand
her ways. Amy spies on Lucy and is on to her game. Edward and Jimmy Lee put
on a show for Brett. With Edwards urging, Alan makes Edward his beneficiary
if anything happens to him. With Bobbie studying 12 hours a day, Jake
is having fun and developing an eye for Terry.
July 25-31, 1986: 7/25 Alan fakes
his death in a plane crash, 7/28, 7/29, 7/30 Tiffany returns, Edward hires
her to seduce Sean, 7/31
July 25, 1986
- last part of episode jumpy - Alan, Edward and Jimmy Lee prepare for Alan's
"death". Duke's victory celebration is in full force. Brian, Rick
and Dan head an organization to help Buzz out of his doldrums. Claudia tells
Ruby that things are getting worse for she and Brian. Alan stages his plane
crash. Jimmy Lee rescues him from the lake after he jumps out of the plane.
Alan changes into drag as Mary Lou Blaine! He then leaves town as arranged.
Hours later, his plane operating on automatic pilot crashes and Anna reports
to the Q's about Alan's plane and they all feign shock, even Lila even
though she never wanted to go along with the plan. Anna next tells Sean the
grim news that no body was found. Monica who's hiding in Sean's bedroom
slumps against the wall. At the PAL benefit Duke is staging to keep Frisco
busy singing while Tessie and Stan deliver new money, the former rock star
switches schedules with Terry, who's making a new career with her music.
Frisco heads out to the waterfront to catch Toughie and Stan in with the
laundered loot! Suddenly a poker chip falls to the floor as Stan's goons
surround Jones preparing to attack!
July 28, 1986 - Jimmy Lee informs Stella and Ruby of Alan's
"death". Sean and Anna come to Monica's aid after hearing the
news of Alan. Before the thugs can serve Frisco a knuckle sandwich, Anna's
back up team of Burt Ramsey, and Chief Lewis save him. The thugs scram and
Frisco faces the music. He evades Ramsey's questions as to just what he was
doing on the waterfront. But Anna is having none of his secrecy or
disobedience. She pulls him from the beat to stand guard in front of the
precinct house! Frisco shocks Burt with news that his old friend
Tessie is passing something illegal to Stan every time her ship comes into
port. Damon reports to Duke that Frisco is getting too close to the
operation and he must be silenced but Duke tries to call off the heat.
Monica still in shock swallows her pride and comforts the Q's on Alan's
passing. Burt and Anna trace the license of the car the thugs were
driving. The Q's move back into the mansion on Monica's request.
Brett tells Jimmy Lee and Edward that he never got to draw up the change in
his will to make Edward his beneficiary. Reluctantly, Burt questions Tessie
about her business, why has she been checking into town so often? She
doesn't recognize the picture of Stan. Frisco and Felicia snuggling discuss
his future with the force.
July 29, 1986 - Edward and Jimmy Lee still faking the grief for Alan. They
tell Jake that they blame Monica for everything. Although they can't
understand why the other evidence they planted around the crash site have
not been found yet. Jimmy Lee decides to light a fire under Anna hoping
she will arrest Monica. News of Alan's plane missing in action hits GH hard
with Steve, Patrick, Amy and Audrey. Felicia visits Frisco who's on his
first day of guard duty. Audrey and Bobbie visit a "bereaved"
Lila. Alan still dressed in drag and posing as Celia, returns his
rental car and head for the small town in upstate NY. The search party
reports to Anna and Sean that so far no trace of Alan can be found. The
current would have washed his body out to shore. Frisco sneaks into
Anna's office to use the computer. He's checking up on the license of the
car with the thugs. It's an abandoned car found on the waterfront. Frisco
and Felicia offer their support to Monica. The boys are away at camp. They
offer to go to the boy's camp to inform Alan jr and Jason in place of
Monica. Alan takes off his disguise and casually walks out of the bus
depot. He deposits his female disguise in a trash can. Sean finds
Monica drinking her troubles away at the gatehouse. She calls her self a
lousy mother and blames herself for Alan's death. Frisco and Felicia
discuss the possibility of having children.
July 30, 1986 - Alan arrives in Pawtuck and at the General store run by
Charity Gatlin and her 8 year old boy. He goes by the name of Simon
Alexander. Brett tells Anna and Burt that Alan died with Monica as his soul
beneficiary. A mystery lady in black arrives in town for Edward and meets
him at ELQ. The mystery lady is none other than TIFFANY HILL! Pawning
her last diamond to get to America and help Edward in his battle with Sean
and Monica, Tiffany, ever so ultra theatrical, is horrified to find Edward
broke and she is most uncomfortable and grungy in the Q boathouse. Edward
wants Tiffany to get close to Sean. News of Alan's death is all the
Brownstoner's Jake, Tony a very pregnant Tanya and Bobbie can talk about.
Anna tells Brett and Jimmy Lee that a substance was found in the fuel line
of Alan's plane. This resulted in the crash. Alan (Simon) takes a
liking to Charity and visa versa. Charity hires Simon to work at the store.
July 31, 1986 - Frisco disappointed is starting his first day as
guard duty. Felicia has another lunch meeting with the cops wives.
Frisco wants Felicia to snoop around and see if they know anything about
Stan. Jimmy Lee tells Monica that Anna's starting to wonder about her,
especially why she gave Alan flying lessons on his birthday. Anna meanwhile
is visited by her knight in shining armor Duke at the station. Anna
refuses to call off the search for Alan and Guy brings in the latest
developments. Alan's wallet was found near the crash. and the police lab
finds sugar in the plane's fuel line. Brett Madison tells Anna of Jimmy
Lee's acquisitions toward Monica. Tiffany is miserable at the Q hideout
eating food from a can. Monica consults with Jake in case she needs a
lawyer. Alan is doing quite a good job since taking over the General Store.
Business is up. When Alan's scarf, helmet and wallet show up, Anna
calls off the search for him. She calls Monica and asks her to come in for
questioning. Monica with Jake present identifies the items as Alan's. Monica
is terrified that the tape of she and Sean making love will turn up and
become public domain. Monica is now the prime suspect. Duke and Anna
snuggling. Jimmy Lee demands answers from Anna but so far Anna has no proof
to charge Monica with Alan's death. Frisco and Felicia walking the
docks spot Toughie, but Frisco wants to stay hidden. Damon is watching