Luke #14 and Luke #15 
[descriptions for Edits #1-3, Edits #4-6, Edits #7-11, and Edits #12-13]

Luke  #14 - Aftermath of Laura's disappearance, Luke finally accepts her death, Blackie Parrish, Laura Templeton found, David Grey Storyline - 8 hrs
Luke continues to look for Laura; he meets Blackie for the first time. Blackie has Laura's purse and wallet. Robert urges Jackie and Luke to work together to find her sister and his wife. Luke, Jackie, Robert head to an outdoor mall searching for Laura T. Luke rescues Jackie when an out of control roller skater knocks her over the bridge and she is dangling by her fingertips. A tiger with sapphire eyes is stolen and Robert chases the thief down, just as Jackie spots her sister and Luke helps her give chase. Luke winds up hanging on the roof of their car till he is thrown off.
Next, Luke is lured aboard a private charter as David has purposely left false clues that she will be aboard to get Luke out of his hair. Luke suspected a set up and took a parachute with him and jumps out of the airplane. Laura T. contacts Luke to tell him that he and Jackie are in danger from David Grey. Luke insists she take a lie detector test, which she passes. Luke tracks down Laura's necklace, which is pawned, they find the boat captain. The captain tells Luke that his boat hit a cabin cruiser five days after Laura disappeared, and he found this necklace floating in the water. Everyone thinks Laura drowned in the accident. The museum caper begins, as Robert is involved in setting up security for the exhibit from Malcouth. David is planning on stealing the artifacts and having Mel project a hologram so the theft isn't immediately discovered. Luke winds up in possession of David's medallion and begins researching its significance.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Luke #15  May - June, 1982 - 8 hours - Museum Caper, Conclusion of David Grey storyline
This edit is action packed with the conclusion of the David Grey storyline. Robert is in charge of museum security for the Malcouthian exhibit. He and Luke stake out the museum expecting the heist. David Grey and his goons show up, hypnotize the guards and steal the sword and helmet. When Luke and Robert realize what is going on and try to stop them, they are taken captive. Jackie realizes the statue that Laura is carrying around is ticking. She grabs it and throws it off of the boat just as it explodes! The girls head over the museum to warn Luke and Robert and are unable to get in. Jackie breaks a windown, triggers the alarm which breaks the spell over the guards. A fight breaks out, David is trying to escape, Luke enters his getaway van and is able to wrestle the sword away from David. David is despearate to get retrieve the sword and sets up plants all over town to search for the sword. Finally he takes over the yacht and takes everyone captive. He threathens Jackies' life and forces Luke into retrieving the sword. Luke and David have a big show down at the museum and Luke holds the sword and the strenght of his psychic powers sends David flying out a window to his death below.  Click here to read the full edit description.

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