Luke, Holly & Robert #19  November 1 – December 24th, 1982 – 8 hours

Luke tries to get information on the trunk saying that he lost his claim check number. He fudges on the name the shipment is under and he is asked for his identification. He suddenly remembers where he left his claim check and leaves to go get it.

Basil shows up to pick up the steamer trunk at the docks, and sees Luke talking to a dockworker. He quickly turns the car around and heads out before Luke spots him. He goes to his girlfriend’s and sends her on an errand to distract Luke. She approaches Luke at a restaurant and tells him that she is a dear friend of Holly’s and she has a message for him. Holly wants to meet him in an hour at the archway. She shows him Holly’s black purse as proof that the message is from her.

Basil has his girlfriend wear a cloak so that from behind she will resemble Holly. She worries that she will never pass for Holly, Basil assures her that Luke will never get that close to her. She doesn’t want any part of murder; he suggests she think of the $2 million and where they can go on that money. Basil waits with a knife for Luke to show up. When Luke doesn’t show up, he accuses her of messing up the message.

Basil is very puzzled that Luke didn’t rush to Holly’s side. As Angela exits one way, Basil walks out the other across the square and finds Luke talking to a cop. He obviously realized the message was a trap set up by Basil. Percy is furious with Basil for bringing in unlaundered money into the country and putting them in such a position. He resolves they will have to leave immediately and sets up another distraction for Robert who is watching the townhouse.

Robert receives a phone call and is put on hold, he is asked to hold, as the information is extremely urgent. Robert becomes impatient with the delay and the line suddenly goes dead. Robert realizes he has been had and runs out, shouting to Luke they have been set up. They arrive at the townhouse to find the Durbin’s have already left town. Luke is frustrated and then remembers Holly sharing a special blend of tea with her nanny and starts searching every teashop in Vancouver to see who carries the blend. After visiting 14 of them, Robert is pessimistic about finding it or finding Holly. Robert wants to go to the Canadian police and turn the matter over to them. Luke has gotten him to agree to give him five days to find Holly.

Basil has retrieved the trunk and takes the money out of the steamer trunk and stashes it in the trunk of a car in a garage. The rest of the family has arrived at their country estate. Charles worries about Holly and wishes she could relax and enjoy herself as the country place used to be her favorite place in the world. He assures her that they are relatively free here. Holly is tired of Basil as she feels like he gets some sort of sick satisfaction of her misery.

Holly insists that the only person who can make her feel better is Nanny McTavish! Her father points out she is a bit old to be running to her nanny. She declares that she should have run off with Luke when she had the chance! He tells her it would never have worked, as her past would have caught up with her. She doesn’t understand why he has given in to the family’s pressure. He tells her he is sorry for all of it, that if he had been a better father that he never would have allowed her to become involved.

Luke enters yet another teashop and when he asks for a special blend, the shopkeeper assures him that is their specialty. He says he made up the very same blend for a customer just last week. Luke is able to get the name and address from the shopkeeper. They head out to nanny’s home, a beautiful cottage. She is told that nanny is headed down to the ferry as she is going out of town to visit her sister in the states and will be gone for 2-3 weeks. They rush out and find Mrs. Smithers down at the ferry. She tells them that the tea wasn’t for her but for her neighbor, Mrs. McTavish.

            Luke finds nanny and she tells him that she hasn’t seen Holly in over a year and hasn’t talked to her in months. He tells her that Holly is in some trouble and he wants to help her but he needs nanny’s help to do so. Luke says that her family is holding her prisoner to keep her away from Luke. She says most likely they are holding her at the country place but it is very secure, no way for Holly to get out or Luke to get into see her.

She puzzles over it and says there is a garden path but it is too dangerous. Then she tells them about a bizarre that Holly’s mother started and it’s a tradition for the family to attend. She vows to visit Holly but Luke discourages her saying he doesn’t want to get her involved. She insists that if Holly is in trouble that she is involved and he can just try to stop her! Luke and Robert leave and arrive to check into their new hotel. Percy tells Basil that he will have the money shipped to Vancouver and he will then distribute it and each member will then go to a location of his choosing to launder their own money.

Luke and Robert walk in nanny’s garden; Luke tells him he has to see Holly. Robert is against it and urges Luke to wait to see her at the bizarre. Luke can’t wait, he takes off and rents a bike and rides by the Durbin country estate. Holly asks for permission to take flowers to her mother’s grave but Percy won’t allow it, as the church grounds will be crawling with people getting ready for the bizarre.

Holly sits down to play the piano while Luke is strolling through the garden whistling, “Come to Me”. Holly hears Luke, recognizes their song and begins playing the same tune on the piano. He hears her playing and knows that she has heard him. She walks out into the garden and they see each other from a distance. Basil immediately calls to her, she waves Luke off, and Basil follows her outside and takes her down to afternoon tea out in the garden as Luke hides.

During tea, Holly gets up to stroll off. Basil follows her and comments that she has been acting very strange today. Nanny and the Vickor arrive, Holly is thrilled to see them. Nanny suggests that they visit her mother’s grave as they always do the day of the bizarre each year. Holly tries to play off that she is coming down with something, as she doesn’t want to leave the grounds knowing Luke is there. Nanny gives Holly a hug and whispers that Luke will be there. She insists that all that Holly needs is some fresh air and some mothering.

Holly can’t believe that Luke found nanny! She says that he found her by tracking down her tea purchase. Holly says she told Luke all about nanny. She tells Holly that Luke will get her out of there and nanny plans on helping him. Holly tells her not to get involved, as it is too dangerous. Nanny is sure that Percy doesn’t condone violence and would never let Basil hurt her. Nanny says she has always hoped that Holly would get away from the family and she is thrilled that she has found a strong, determined man.

Nanny insists on taking Holly with her to visit her mother’s grave and they will go in the Vickor’s car. Luke and Robert are working as groundskeepers at the cemetery. Nanny arrives and tells Holly to wait at the grave for her signal. Nanny finds Luke and tells him that Basil had threatened to kill her father if she didn’t sign the check. Luke had figured it was something like that though Robert doesn’t seem too impressed with the story. Nanny goes back to get Holly and takes her through the cemetery to find Luke. He holds out his arms and she runs into them, she throws her arms around his neck and kisses him. Nanny calls out to her that Basil is there looking for her!

Basil tells her that Percy sent him to fetch her with the car. Holly begs for Nanny to come back with her and Basil also becomes very insistent. Nanny is firm that she prefers to return home and reminds Basil that she has her own way of doing things and he should know that. After she leaves, Basil grumbles that he never liked that woman. Holly says it isn’t surprising, as he never liked anyone besides himself!

Nanny arrives to see Holly and fill her in. Basil comes in and tries to pull Holly away from her not wanting them to conspire. Charles enters and gets upset to see Basil pulling at her. He grabs his head in agony and Holly runs to get his medicine. Percy enters and referees the conflict between Holly and Basil. She wants him to leave her alone and she wants to get her father medical attention. Percy says it is too dangerous right now to draw attention to Charles. Basil sees Charles as a liability.

Percy urges Basil to take care of their business as soon as possible before disaster falls upon them all. Basil and Percy take Charles up to bed, and Nanny quickly tells Holly to go out to the cutting garden and Luke will meet her there. Basil comes back down and snarks that he thought she was worried about her father? She insists that she is and goes up to join him. Basil tells Percy that they no longer need Charles and Holly that their part is done. Percy declares they need Charles to launder his portion of the money. Basil tries to blame the mishap in Port Charles on Charles. Percy comments that Charles has always done his part in the family business and since Basil was in charge of the operation that Percy holds him responsible!

Holly meets Luke in the garden and they embrace. He asks her if she knows where the money is but she tells him they don’t tell her anything. He wants to take her away with him but she says that her father is very ill and she can’t leave him. Nanny calls her and Luke reluctantly lets her go.

Percy and Basil have it out, as Basil wants his share as he wants to leave. Percy knows that Basil would be happy to leave him to deal with Robert and Luke. Percy is not happy that Basil didn’t eliminate Robert and Luke. Basil believes they are still wandering around Vancouver looking for Holly.

Percy tells Nanny that he and Basil will be going out for the afternoon. Nanny leaves Luke a message at the hotel that Holly will meet him there at 3:00. Holly is thrilled to hear nanny’s plan. Basil leaves to meet with his girlfriend. He tells her he is tired of playing by Percy’s rules and that is going to change, as he wants the entire $2 million!

Basil warns the guard on his way out to not let Holly leave the house. Nanny drugs the guard and they sneak out. Luke is thrilled to see Holly arrive and draws her into his arms. He asks her to come down to the beach tomorrow and to bring her father and he will take them both away from here. Holly warns him that the house and gardens are well protected with armed guards who have orders to shoot trespassers.

Downstairs, Robert and nanny get to know each other. He doesn’t believe that Basil threatened Holly into cooperating and that she was involved in scamming an entire town. Nanny assures him that Holly loves Luke and will do anything for him and she wants to know that Luke isn’t just using her to get the money back. Robert assures her that Luke is on the level.

(This next 8 minutes is reduced quality but I felt I had to include it for the content). In a pub in town, Luke rents a rowboat and then meets with nanny to go over the details. Basil calls looking for nanny and is told that she is sitting with a blond curly haired yank. Basil is astonished to realize that Luke has found them! Holly gets her father down to the beach and watches as Luke rows towards them. Her father tells her how dangerous this is but she insists that she can’t live without Luke.

Holly sees a motorboat arriving in the distance and waves Luke off. The boat blocks Luke’s access to the beach, with a visible display of firepower, and he is told to leave the area. Holly is crushed as she watches him row off into the distance. Basil suddenly appears and suggests that they come inside before they “catch their death” outside. (end of reduced quality section).

The next morning, Robert worries that they have lost the element of surprise. Luke is not giving up as he is determined to get in there, get Holly and her father and get out in one piece. Robert asks if Luke is sure if he is able to get in there if she will come with him and leave her family? He says yes, wouldn’t you? Robert continues to worry about retrieving the money. Luke says they have to get Holly out first, and then go after the money. Luke suggests using an ambulance as no one can refuse a medical emergency.

Luke and Robert have followed Basil and his girlfriend and found the Bentley. They find out that cosmetic changes are being made on the car and it is being demanded for the next day. Luke and Robert arrange to rent an ambulance. Back at the house, Charles is very ill and has been confined to his room. Holly is desperate to get him medical attention and pounds on the door. She demands that they get Charles a doctor, as she has never seen him this ill. Percy says that he will have to wait for a few days until he and Basil are safely away with the money. Holly, Charles, and nanny will be kept under house arrest until then.

Luke has hired an ambulance and two drivers, pretending to be Dr.

Spender. He stops and requests the help of a police officer along the way. They arrive and with the officer watching, Luke leads the charge up the stairs and has the ambulance drivers bring the stretcher up to get Charles. Percy and Basil are unable to do anything to stop him. As Angela is leaving with the car, Robert steals the car away from her and drives off with the $2 million dollars! Percy is completely in the dark, as Basil has switched cars and plans to steal the money. He fakes car trouble and leaves Percy standing by the road as he goes to a pub to meet Angela, under the pretense of getting auto service.

Angela tells him about the theft and Basil hurriedly returns to Percy and magically fixes the car, claiming one of the chaps in the pub gave him an idea of what to do. Robert arrives and drives the stolen car onto the ferry. He runs off of the ferry as the ambulance arrives and helps Luke bring Charles on board. They all get on the ferry just as it takes off.

Basil and Percy come racing up to the pier and Basil jumps out and tries to get on the ferry but is unable to. They watch helplessly as Luke, Robert, Holly, and Charles sail off into the distance along with car that has the money! Percy demands that Basil open the trunk of the car, and is not surprised to find that it is empty. When they return home, Percy confronts Basil over his switching the cars and he figures that he meant to strand him on the side of the road and run off with the money. He disowns him! Basil goes to meet with Angela who breaks up with him.

Luke and Holly hide out in his hotel and Luke calls Burt and begins negotiations. He offers the return of the $2 million but wants Holly and Charles free from prosecution. Burt is able to work out a deal for Holly but can’t for Charles. Nanny arrives at the hotel and urgently tells Luke that Basil is in Vancouver and is looking for them. Luke heads down to the car to retrieve the money for safekeeping, realizing that Basil will recognize the car. Burt arrives and waits for Luke to return. When Luke comes back in, he has to report that the money is gone! Robert immediately picks up a seat cushion from the couch and shows them he had put the money in there, as he was worried about leaving it in the garage overnight.

#19B Before they leave, Charles has another attack and Burt has no choice but to leave him there for the Canadian authorities to handle. Nanny stays with him and an ambulance is called. Luke knows how hard it is for Holly to leave her father when he is so ill but she knows her father wants her to go forward to her future with Luke.

They arrive back in Port Charles to a crowd of reporters and much chaos. They make their way to Kelly’s where their friends and family are waiting for them. However, the reception Holly receives is a bit mixed as Rose, and Emma criticize her actions. Holly feels uncomfortable and wants to leave and so Luke takes her back to the Star. Robert and Jackie show up and make sure they know she is welcomed back and they are her friends and will stand beside her. Luke recognizes they are true friends and they toast though Luke suggests Robert keep the toast short tonight, wanting to be alone with Holly.

Jackie gives Robert the cold shoulder and he is clueless why she is upset with him. She tells him that he is afraid of making a commitment and uses any excuse to run away and avoid that particular conversation. He tells her that it isn’t her that he just isn’t sure what he wants. He has lived a life of adventure and doesn’t know if he can ever have a normal life and he doesn’t know where his future lies.

Joe receives word that Charles is going to be extradited Joe asks Luke to come down to Kelly’s so they can talk. He surprises Luke with Bobbie’s return to Port Charles. He is thrilled to see his sister and begin filling her in on his latest adventure. Luke and Holly are both very worried that Charles won’t survive the trip. They ask him to work on stopping the order. He gets Canadian attorneys to work on it from their end. The Canadian police contact Robert to tell him that Basil has been spotted in Vancouver and they expect to pick him up momentarily. They then offer him a job as a special investigator and his first case will be cleaning up the Durbin mess. Jackie is curious when he gets off the phone what the conversation was about but he declines to tell her.

Ian does a hatchet job on Holly and brings pressure on the DA’s office to prosecute the Suttons. A brick is thrown at the Star with a note calling them all thieves. Tiffany has a bad day and blames all of their creditor troubles on Holly. Holly overhears and is hurt and Tiffany later apologizes and asks Holly to forgive her. Holly doesn’t blame her and is grateful that Tiffany is willing to give her another chance.

The DA puts a lot of pressure on Burt to immediately extradite Charles; Joe gets a couple of doctors to block the extradition. Under enormous public pressure to prosecute someone, Holly is arrested! Luke has a fit as they have a deal in writing that she will not be prosecuted and has immunity from any embezzlement charges. Burt informs Luke that Holly hasn’t been charged with embezzlement but with accessory to attempted murder!

At Holly’s hearing, a letter from Steve Hardy declares Holly was not surprised and makes it look as though she could be guilty of murder and attempted murder. She is placed into custody with no bail! After spending a night in jail, Joe argues for her to be eligible for bail that she returned of her own volition and aided in retrieval of the money. The judge is tough and sets bail for $350,000! The gang are devastated by this astronomical amount (remember this was 24 years ago when houses in California were $60,000 and are now $600,000+ so that is the equivalent of $3 million dollars).

After much wringing of hands, an anonymous donor puts up the collateral they just have to come up with the $35,000 in cash. The difficulty in raising the money is over all over the news. Dan Rooney shows up and writes a check for $10,000! Luke doesn’t want to accept his money but Dan insists. Bobbie arrives next with a $15,000 check from Noah Drake. They go through their assets and have a few thousand dollars in liquor they can sell. Tiffany comes in with her remaining jewels and offers to pawn them to raise some additional money. Then Rick Webber comes in and sees all of them trying to come up with the rest of the money and he sits down and writes out a check for the remaining $10,000.

The mysterious donor arrives and it is Scotty Baldwin! Luke orders everyone out. He doesn’t trust Scott and wants to know what he is up to? Scott claims he just wants to help as he feels sorry for the girl and doesn’t want to see her rot in jail as it is no place for her. Scott enjoys having this power over Luke and he is ready to tell him where to shove it but Scott reminds him that he is Luke’s only chance and asks if Luke hates him more than he loves Holly? Luke grudgingly agrees to accept Scott’s help and Holly is released on bail.

Robert was continually suspicious of Holly during the Vancouver adventure, not quite sure whether Luke’s faith in her was deserved. After she was rescued and Robert had evidence of her being kept captive and that her father’s illness is genuine he became one of her biggest supporters. He begins interviewing witnesses from the amusement park, and Mrs. Van Gelder trying to help build a case in Holly’s defense.

Robert receives another call from Canada and they report that the Durban’s are still on the loose that they missed Basil. He is asked again about coming to work for them and he says he can’t make a decision just now, as he has to stay in Port Charles during Holly’s trial. Jackie listens in and when he hangs up she wants to know if they are moving to Canada so she can make plans. Robert is a bit taken aback by her assumption that she would be going with him. Its obvious he isn’t thrilled with the idea and is nowhere near ready to make that kind of commitment to her and calls her on being so presumptuous that not only has he not accepted the job yet and he hasn’t asked her to go with him.

During the hearing, Holly receives an emergency phone call from her father’s doctor. She is told he has stabilized but he had another attack and it is very serious. Holly is afraid that her father is dying and begs the judge to allow her to go to his side. He refuses to allow her to leave Port Charles and says he finds sufficient evidence for her to stand trial.

Luke and Holly take a moment out from their troubles to do some Christmas window-shopping a week before the holiday. Holly tells Luke about her family childhood traditions. (The next 15 minutes or so is reduced quality) The next day, he gives her a Christmas music box like one she told him she had when she was a child. He wants to give her a Christmas season filled with all of the traditions that will make her happy. He tells her that they are going Christmas shopping and she is curious with what money? He tells her there is always credit.

Luke and Tiffany come in and they talk about the future of the Star and being broke. They decide to sell the Star! Holly runs out crying, upset at all of the problems she has caused them. Luke tells her it is time to sell the Star and that Robert has been ready to sell it since the beginning. She worries about Robert moving to Canada for the job. Luke tells her Robert is always threatening to move away and he never does.

Great scene as Robert and Tiffany reminisce again about their past and memories on the Star. They talk about meeting on the yacht back when Luke and Robert had stowed away during the Ice Princess adventure. They talk about Victor, the Mouse, Kurt the Cassidine man, the sterling roses that made them think the Star was haunted. He recalls Magda the gypsy, their psychic show and all of the fun they had on the boat.

Robert sadly says its all part of history now and he just hopes Luke can get a good price for it. Tiffany asks him if he is really going to Canada? He says he doesn’t know and there is Jackie to consider. Tiffany believes Jackie would go with him. She tells him there was a time when she would have followed him to the ends of the earth. She asks if he thinks that Jackie is really in love with him? He says he doesn’t know but he isn’t ready to settle down.

Charles’ doctor calls and tells Tiffany there has been an emergency and he needs to talk to Holly immediately. Robert and Tiffany run off to look for them and find that they have returned and are in their stateroom. They tell her that Charles is worse and to call his doctor. When she calls, the doctor tells her that her father is dying. He is unconscious at the moment but if she will keep the line open that he will put a call through to her when he regains consciousness so that she can talk to him. When she receives the call, she has one final conversation with her father and then he dies.

They go to the judge to ask him to allow Holly to attend her father’s funeral and the judge says no. Luke and Holly confront the DA while he is at lunch. They tell him that the judge denied Holly’s request to go to her father’s funeral. She points out that she has no plans on running away. Luke offers to pay for a police escort to go with her. The DA says he can’t get involved and there has been new evidence against her! Luke loses his temper and accuses the DA of making up the new evidence as a lame excuse and he is only interested in re-election.

After the DA storms off, Holly insists she will be going to her father’s funeral even if she doesn’t have permission and she doesn’t care what they do to her. Luke turns his anger towards her and tells her she will not jump bail and to think of all of those people who posted the bond for her. He arrives back at the Star and apologizes to her.

Joe and Lee enter, Joe has taken a political appointment and will be leaving town for Albany. Lee has offered to take over Holly’s case. The new evidence turns out to be a letter from Holly’s father, a deathbed confession. The judge calls them all in and goes over the letter which completely exonerates Holly of all knowledge or participation in any acts of violence. Lee argues successfully for the dismissal of all charges! She is freed on Christmas Eve. The gang all head over to GH for the annual Christmas party. Blackie leads everyone playing the drums ala the Little Drummer Boy. Steve Hardy reads the annual Christmas story and all is right in the world of Port Charles for a brief shinning moment.

**The End**

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