Luke, Holly & Robert #22  March 30 - May 6, 1983 – 8 hrs

#22A  Connie arrives to see Robert, they flirt abit as Holly looks on. Connie asks to use Robert's computer and she teases him at how he used to resist using new gadgets. He boasts that he is quite good and even has Holly using it and offers to demonstrate. Connie nips that idea by pointing out that what she needs to access is confidential spy information. Robert takes her into the computer room and proceeds to do a background search on Connie to make sure she is still on the up and up and on good terms with the WSB. She is a bit insulted that he would doubt her loyalty and he reminds her how many good agents have been turned by the KGB. She says she hates Vodka! She does her info entry but tells him she can't share it with him yet. 

As they leave, Robert tells Holly that he is meeting Connie for lunch at her hotel. He assures her it is just business but Holly reminds him that he doesn't owe her any explanations. At the hotel, Connie is curious out of all of the places he could have chosen to live, how did he get stuck in PC? He reminds her of the Ice Princess caper that brought him there but doesn't go into any details on why he stayed. She asks if he has noticed anything strange going on in town? He is curious what is going on, hasn't noticed anything but not sure what she is asking about. 

Connie gets very suggestive and leans in and kisses Robert. The next scene shows Connie laying in bed, having been rejected by Robert, she seems quite surprised by this turn of events. Robert stares out the window, and tells her that somethings you just can't control. She is surprised that he would let marriage get in the way? She asks him how long he has been married and he says, "Two months". She then chalks it up to bad timing on her part. Later, Connie checks in and gets clearence to not only tell Robert but to get his help! 

Holly meets Bobbie for lunch and they plan on taking a trip together. Holly calls Robert for ideas and he suggests the Carribean. They pick up some brochures and debate their options. Luke is still up in the mountains and he is still in a wheelchair, not yet able to walk. He tells Jed that his muscles aren't responding but don't feel quite so much like jello. Jed encourages him to give the crutches another try. Luke tries again and falls flat on his face again. 

Robert tells Holly that Connie is on her way over for a business meeting. Holly offers to get lost to leave them alone. Robert assures her that isn't necessary as the memories they share were from a long time ago and almost forgotten on his part. When Connie arrives, she fills Robert in on a mysterious connection between four cities that they have intercepted communication between: Los Angeles, New York, Topeka and Port Charles. They don't have the details on what is going on but it is all very cloak and dagger. 

Sitting alone, Luke tries again. This time he is able to stand on his own for a moment and drag his legs almost a full step, he falls again. He throws his crutches and lets out a howl of rage and frustation and throws his crutches. Jed comes running in and is disgusted with Luke's temper tantrum. He tells Luke that he can't stand a quitter. He pulls the chair over into the corner and tells Luke if he wants it that he will have to figure out a way to get to it. Luke calls him a sadist and in the midst of their argument, Jed grabs his chest and falls to the floor. In desperation, Luke crawls to the counter and pulls himself up into a standing position (without the aid of his crutches) to get Jed's pills. 

Holly and Robert meet Celia and Grant for dinner. Holly and Robert share an uncomfortable silence as Grant raves that he hopes that he and Celia will be as happy as Robert and Holly are. Robert plays along and then later at home apologizes to Holly but he didn't have the heart to dissapoint Grant after his raving about the sanctity of marriage. He gives Holly a wedding ring, for appearences sake, but she is touched by his thoughtfulness. Robert tells Holly all about the connection between the four cities (I thought this was classified info?). 

A shaken Jed thanks Luke for saving his life. He observes that a man can live with a whole mess of things being wrong with him as long as he is alive! Luke tells him that his real name is Luke Spencer. He tells him about Ruby, Bobbie, and Holly and how the thief that stole his wallet was killed in the avalanche and they thought it was him. Jed asks if Luke plans on going back home now? Luke says not on crutches! Jed asks what happens when Luke isn't on crutches, will he just stroll back into Holly's life, "Honey, I'm home!" Luke says he knows when he does return home that Holly will be waiting for him. 

Later, Holly offers to make Robert tea and he accepts complimenting that she makes the best tea. He asks if she likes the ring? Does it fit? She says yes that it is beautiful, fits perfectly, but it is so expensive. She admits that it feels awkward to wear the ring, to wear his ring. He says he doesn't ever want her to be embarrassed because of their arrangement and he can't imagine her wearing anything that isn't exquisite and expensive. Tiffany calls and asks if she can stop by to see Robert? Holly laughs that it is so nice how all of his old girlfriends keep in touch! Next, Connie calls and Holly calls "Robbie" to the phone. 

Holly meets Bobbie for lunch and they decide to go to Guadaloupe. Gail stops by there table to say hello and she is there with a doctor from Topeka, Kansas. Holly shushes Bobbie so she can listen into their conversation about the doctor's research. She is eager to get home and tell Robert all about it. He teases her and she laughs as she pushes him into a chair. She teases him as he is riding his stationery bike and he goads her into getting into the excersize routine with him. He suggests that she will need some exercise clothes and then talk to turns to new clothes for her trip with Bobbie. She invites Robert to go shopping with her to Delphina's boutique as she could use a man's eye. He agrees to go with her and seems happy at the idea. While Holly is trying on clothes, Robert asks about excersize clothes and winds up buying her a jogging outfit to surprise her with. 

Luke is really pushing himself now with a completely different attitude. Jed is now trying to get him to slow down as he is pushing himself too hard. Luke keeps pushing himself, falling over and over again, finally lying on the floor in pain but determined to keep trying. His crutch is broken so Jed leaves to get a new one. He returns with the therapist guy from the cliinic. The guy brings a different style of crutch back with him. Luke responds that he can leave the crutch but he should go as Luke doesn't want his help, he refuses to get back to the hospital. The therapist wants him to get leg braces with special orthopedic shoes and use the new crutches. He encourages Luke that him getting any feeling back in his leg is a miracle and one that Luke shouldn't waste. The therapist offers to make sure that Luke has the right equipment to give him the best chance of recovery. Luke hates the idea of special shoes and braces. The therapist gets tired of Luke's resistance and the guys gets fed up and says he should have known this would be a waste of his time and gets up to leave. Luke stops him and agrees to accept his help. 

Back home, Holly enjoys her new clothes. Another package is delivered to her and its the jogging outfit Robert bought. The card isn't signed and he jokes that it is from a secret admirer. She knows it is from him and she is touched by his thoughtfulness. There is a nice camaraderie between them as they settle into life together. She comes down wearing her jogging suit and he teases her about working out. She later comes into the secret room/workout room but doesn't want to disturb him. He assures her that it is fine and she should go ahead and work out. As she stretches and bends, he stares at her bottom! He helps her when she has the weight set at too heavy of weights and adjusts it for her. When she pulls the lighter weights, she goes flying into his arms as it is so much lighter than what she had been doing before. He laughs and then suggests that they work out a schedule for her and offers to help her as she learns the equipment until she finds what is right for her. 

Luke arrives at the clinic and gets fitted for the braces. He is very resistant to the heavy, bulky braces and doesn't see how this is going to help him walk. Luke reasons that if he can't walk without the weights how is he going to be able to move his legs with the heavy braces? The therapist points out that Luke is standing and he just took a step and that is a miracle as the doctors never thought he would walk again. He says anything Luke does from here on in is a further miracle. Luke is in excruciating pain and resists wearing the braces. 

Natalie talks to the therapist guy and Jed and they fill her in on his attitude and how difficult he is to work with. She wants to take over Luke's case and work with him and comments that she is a bit of a hard case herself. Natalie enters the room and Luke is surprised to see her. She tells him that she is his new therapist. He doesn't want her and says his therapist is a guy and he starts screaming for them to get "this woman" out of the room as he refuses to work with her. She closes the door and calls him on his misogny as he doesn't want a woman working with him. She asks him if he was drowning would he care if it was a man or woman who saved his life? She won't take no for an answer and isn't intimidated by him at all, he calls her a dragon lady. 

Holly comments that she plans on doing some grocery shopping. Robert excitedly tells her about a gourmet market that he wants to introduce her to and then suggests that they meet there and have a picnic. They go to the park for their picnic, drink wine, enjoy their lunch and Robert tells her that his philosophy is to work out so that he is able to play (meaning pig out when he wants). Back home, she kisses him on the cheek and thanks him for a lovely afternoon. After she goes upstairs, Robert asks himself what is he doing as he stairs up the stairs after Holly. Later, her neck is sore from the work out and he gives her a massage as she lays on the couch. 

Robert worries when he can't find Holly, she has gone shopping in New York and has left him a note on his computer which he doesn't immediately find. When she returns bearing packages an a make over in a very good mood, she finds a very grouchy husband who grouses that she doesn't care what he thinks! She stares after him in puzzlement as he stomps off. Later she tries again and he admits she looks fantastic and it was almost worth the worry she put him through.

Natalie comes up to the cabin and brings Luke new orthopedic hiking boots attached to his braces. He seems a bit more interested in this more practical footwear, seems a step towards him getting back outdoors on his own. Later, Natalie and Jed come running when they hear Luke screaming for them. He is walking with the aid of only one crutch and is thrilled with his progress though Jed isn't too happy with how Luke scared him. Luke tells Natalie about Bobbie and Ruby. 

Robert is investigating a young girl's death. A witness describes the other young woman that he saw with her just before she died, the description matches Lu. Robert puts together Blackie's request to run Augie's name through his computer. Robert warns him that he believes Augie is responsible for this girl's death and he is back out on the streets. Robert urges Blackie to tell him what he knows about Augie as if he is trying to protect the other girl that she is in great danger. Robert fills Holly in on the girl he believes Blackie is involved with. He tells her that he is sure that Blackie wants to tell him but that the poor girl is so scared that he is sure she is pressuring Blackie not to tell Robert about her. 

Holly arrives at GH to make final arrangements with Bobbie for their impending trip. She learns that Bobbie is hospitalized as several of the nurse's contracted food poisioning. Luke gets a hold of a Port Charles Herald during a therapy session and learns that Luke is the Police Commissioner investigating a murder. He sees ads for Wyndham's and the Floating Rib and he has so much fun reading it. Luke then reads an article about the nurse's getting sick and sees Bobbie's name mentioned. He begs Jed to call and check on her condition and is relieved to learn that Bobbie is recovering and she will be fine. Jed encourages Luke to call and actually talk to Bobbie or Ruby. Luke finally agrees to let Jed call Bobbie and Ruby and tell them that he is alive. Jed also offers to call Holly but Luke says no to that. He changes his mind and tells Jed to leave things as they are, that it is better this way. Natalie offers to go to Port Charles on Luke's behalf and check things out for him. 

Celia has asked Holly to cover for her for the afternoon. Celia's story for Grant is that she is at Holly's cooking dinner for the four of them (she is actually off with Jimmy Lee). Grant is obviously suspicious and asks leading questions throughout dinner. Later Robert comments isn't it odd that during dinner that it seemed like Robert and Holly were the happy couple rather than Celia and Grant (the couple actually in love). Robert gets additional clues about the nature of the link between the four cities, medical research is one of the components listed. 

Natalie arrives in Port Charles as a visiting therapist from the Indian Lake mountain community. She meets with Steve, and while she is there, Bobbie comes in. They wind up talking and then talking more at the cafeteria. Ruby joins them and also meets Natalie. She talks to several of the staff, including meeting Grant. While Holly has lunch with Celia, she mentions Monica traveling to Topeka on ELQ business. This triggers the clue about medical research for Holly and she rushes off to Robert's office. She asks for some research material and shows him that ELQ owns a pharmaceutical company in Topeka, thus creating a link between that city and Port Charles. 

She winds up going to the Floating Rib when she learns that Holly will be there and sits down at the bar next to her. They talk and Holly is saddened with memories when Natalie mentions she is from Indian Lake. Grant and Celia arrive to meet Holly, they are off to join Robert to go to the theatre and they seem like a happy group. Natalie realizes Robert and Holly are married and she orders another drink after Holly leaves. Natalie returns and assures Luke that his friends and family are all doing well. She does not tell him about Holly and Robert's relationship. Luke is so excited to get news from home. He is going through Natalia's homemade lotion like crazy and she laughs at his eagerness now. He points out that she has now met Holly so she can understand why he is so motivated to get home. 

Robert and Holly both attend Claudia and Brian's wedding reception. Scotty causes quite a stir when he arrives with good news. Later that night, they agree that "Rebecca" is one of their favorite movies. Holly asks Robert, "Wouldn't it be fabulous if we could have an old house like Mandala one day?" He gets an odd look on his face as she talks of them spending a future together. After the movie, they sit on the floor and talk about the movie. He has his arm drapped around her shoulders and she tells him about how she used to dream of own wedding. He tenderly asks her if she thought about the wedding when she was at Claudia and Brian's, he seems to feel sorry for her that she didn't get the wedding of her dreams. She tells him how much she appreciates everything he has done for you, that he saved her. He reminds her of her comment about the Mandala type of a house and asks her if she is happy being married to him? She admits that yes she is. He leans in and kisses her for the first time. She looks at him hesitantly afterwards, unsure of her new feelings for him, and then quietly says goodnight and goes upstairs. 

The next morning, Robert brings her breakfast in bed with all of her favorites. When he brings up last night, Holly says it shouldn't have happened. Robert tells her that she knew he wanted to kiss her and they can't just stop there. He reminds her that Luke is dead and she is very much alive and he has feelings for her and what are they going to do about that? 

#22B  During his therapy session, Luke asks Natalie why she would have accepted his case before she even met him. She tells him that she felt she could help him. He agrees that she has but thinks there must be other patients she could have helped. She says that she choose to take him on as he is a real challenge, that he needed more than just physical therapy. He questions though why she is working with him exclusively? He still isn't buying it. She says that he reminds her of someone that was very dear to her that was wounded in Vietnam. She tells him the story of this guy who wound up killling himself and she vowed that if there was anyone she could help that she would do so. 

Robert confronts Holly about her feelings and reminds her that she kissed him last night. She tells him that it was just a kiss and she doesn't want him to make more of it. She does admit that she was so confused that she didn't sleep last night. She tells him that she isn't ready though yet. He holds her as he tells her that she is a young and beautiful woman and she has a right and a need to love and be loved. Robert admits that he is falling in love with her. She knows that Luke is dead and that her life must go on but she doesn't know how long it will be before she can accept that. 

Robert arrives home, turns on the stereo and starts dancing by himself. He encourages Holly to join him and Holly gets caught up in the moment. He plants a kiss on her lips. Robert suddenly walks off leaving a flustered and confused Holly. Meanwhile, Luke has progressed to the point that he can walk without his walker. Robert invites a Government official over to his home to ask him point blank what the intentions are with the Expo. The man admits the project involves a project of highly top secret security. Something huge that will benefit the US. Robert discovers a certain Prof Jerrold is doing classified research at PCU. Jerrold won't tell Robert anything except he answers to TR-733, the agent Robert knows as Connie Townley. Robert learns via his computer that Connie is coming back to town. 

Robert and Holly bump into each other jogging. He asks her to run with him. She puts him off and says she is going back to the house. He offers to go with her and tells her that they need to talk. She puts him off again saying she has a ton of things to do. He tells her how frustrating she can be. When Dr Moreno orders Natalie off of Luke's case, she decides to resign her position. Refusing to let one of the only people he trusts walk out of his life, Luke persuades Moreno that Natalie is essential for his return to PC. Not finding anyone to go jogging with her, Holly takes a sauna. Robert gets the same idea. Draped in towels the two bump into each other once again. Holly gets flustered and tells him not to touch her. He reminds her they are married. She reminds him that it is in name only and she is wearing nothing but a towel. She accuses him of invading her privacy. He begs for just a few minutes with her. She is confused and tells him this is all happening too fast. He tells her that they can't pretend that it is not happening. She makes her excuse to leave and get changed and promises to meet him downstairs once she is dressed. Luke and Natalie meet the local waitress at the mountaintop diner, Shirley Pickett.  

Robert and Holly talk about their relationship and she tells him that she needs time to think. He tells her that he is falling in love with her and he can't go on pretending that he doesn't want her. She asks if that is why he married her? He says no that he married her to give Luke's baby a name. But he can't help how he feels about her, that he didn't plan on falling in love with his best friend's girl. She admits to being very confused about her feelings. He begs her to tell him that she has feelings for him and says he is sure that she has feelings for him too. She is having a hard time admitting she has feelings for him and just keeps saying over and over how confused she is. He tells her that he sees in her eyes that she has feelings for him. She admits she does find him attractive and does think about making love to him but then thinks of Luke. She tells him that in her heart that Luke isn't dead and it is too soon for her to have feelings for Robert. She tells him she has to get away for a few days to have time to think. She wants to go up to the mountains. He doesn't like the idea as the place is full of memories of Luke and he doesn't think that will help. She says she needs to do it, she needs to think about Luke and that she thinks it will help. He tells her that he has something for her to take with her, and he leans in and softly kisses her and asks her to take that memory with her. 

Luke is walking more and more without the aid of the walker or even a cane. Jed comes back to the cabin and finds Luke walking without the cane and wonders what he is doing? Luke happily reports that he is getting ready to head up the mountain! Discovering Holly putting on her hiking boots, Robert learns that she is serious about going to the mountain. Later after Robert's helicopter drops her off, Holly stops by the diner and talks with Shirley. Natalie happens by and she is stunned to see her there. Running back to Jed's, Natalie learns that Luke has already taken off for the mountain. Taking a jeep she tries to head him off before he bumps into Holly. Holly almost runs into Luke on the trail. At the very place Luke decides to stop to rest, Holly stopped there a few minutes before. He finds her dropped handkerchief and smells perfume. The familiar scenet gives him the energy to continue on. Natalie finally tracks Luke down and convinces him to let her drive him the rest of the way. Holly has flashbacks of her first night with Luke up on the mountain. At the edge of the reservoir, Holly shouts out Luke's name and then tosses her half a six pence in the water. Later Luke arrives at the same location just missing her by a few seconds. 

Under pressure, Blackie tells Robert where he is hiding Lou but its too late. Augie has gotten to her first. Hearing Lou's screams, Robert and Blackie break into her dorm. Augie takes off and is gunned down. Lou tells Robert the whole story of how she came to town and got involved with Hand's prostitution ring. E Connie returns to Robert's townhome, and instantly comes on to him. Gently rebuffed, Connie plants a lipstick impression on the towels in the bathroom. Connie slips out and Robert learns a mole has invaded PC.  

Holly returns home and runs in and plants a big kiss on Robert's lips. Robert is floored and now he is the one confused. Robert has a police officer waiting for him in the secret room and reluctantly tells her that he has to get back to work. He later takes a break to come out and talk to Holly. He asks her if she had a good time? She says no, that it wasn't easy. She invites him for lunch but he already has a lunch appointment for a security matter and can't cancel it. They make plans for dinner together, just the two of them and they will talk then. He tells her how glad he is that she is back and she seductively assures him that she is happy as well to be home. 

Robert meets Connie at the Floating Rib to discuss what the security system. She tells him that until they find out who the mole is that they have to keep the professor safe. Holly finds the lipstick that Connie left in the bathroom and storms out. Celia sees Robert having lunch with Connie, who kisses him on the cheek. Celia and Jimmy Lee exchange kisses in the park. Holly happens by and is shocked to see what her friend is doing. Holly asks her if she is crazy (Celiia is engaged to Grant!). Celia tells Holly about her husband who had dinner with an attractive blond in the Floating Rib. Holly asks if she called him, "Robbie". Celia says yes she did. Holly stands up, fuming. Celia is surprised and comments she thought Holly didn't care about Robert? 

Robert returns home after his lunch and finds his wife quite cool towards him. He tells her he missed her and he has been waiting for the day to end so he can get back to her. He tells her that he can't stop thinking about the kiss she gave him when she got home. He asks if maybe she made a decision up in the mountain and figured out a few things? She huffs that she thinks they should leave things just the way they are and stomps off upstairs leaving a very puzzled Robert staring after her. 

The next morning, Robert tells her that he will be out all day. Holly snarks back, "And all night?" and stomps off again leaving an even more puzzled Robert. He tries to talk to her over breakfast and gets nowhere as she is obviously angry with him and he is clueless about the situation. Luke is feeling quite chipper that morning, singing as he makes breakfast. He tells Natalie that he plans on walking right back into Holly's life. Holly isn't feeling well and Bobbie talks her into coming into GH for a check up. Holly tells Bobbie she put the past with Luke behind her on the mountain. 

Robert and Connie question Jerrold about his secret plans. They try to convince him to let them install some security system in his office to protect his work. Shirley the young woman from the General store is delighted to see Luke again and the two make plans to have her cook him a meal at the cabin. Robert realizes that Holly isn't feeling well and insists that she immediately go lay down. She is trying to open a can of soup and Robert says it doesn't look anything like soup. He offers to make her his granny's secret recipe soup. He brings out her soup on a tray, complete with a flower, and then sits feeds her Australia's answer to chicken soup. He later tries to get her to drink a cup of tea and she grumpily tells him that she doesn't want it. He comments that she no longer has a temperature and asks why she is so chilly towards him all of a sudden. She asks if he doesn't have a job to get to? He swears that he isn't going anywhere until she tells him what is bugging her! He says he doesn't understand it, that she is the one who came home from the moutains and was happy to see him and SHE kissed him. She claims it was the bug she caught up on the mountain. He says she caught the second coming of the Ice Age! He asks her again what happened in between kissing him and later when her attitude changed. He is angry as he believes the trip only reinforced her feelings for Luke. She asks what about his relationship with Connie and his little luncheon tryst! The realization dawns on Robert that his wife is jealous of Connie! He laughs with joy as he realizes that is the reason for her coolness, not her feelings for Luke! 

Shirley comes by the cabin and is smitten with Luke. Luke finds Shirley very attractive and starts to fall for the young country girl gently kissing her during dinner. After dinner Shirley begins undressing and starts to take Luke to bed. Luke stops before it goes any further. He tells her about his girl Holly back in PC. Burt is trying to talk to her Robert but he stops him as he orders flowers to be sent home to his wife. Burt continues to try to talk to him, Robert stops him again and orders a bottle of the best champagne to be sent to his home. Burt tries again and then Robert stops him and calls the Versaille Room to order dinner for two to be sent to his home. Burt grows weary of the distracted Robert and says he will just take care of the matter as Robert is obviously busy. Distracted Robert is happy to agree. Jake and Blackie visit Robert. Jake is trying to find a foster home for him. He gives them some brief advice and quickly ushers him out the door. Burt comes back in and tells Robert that he should go home and be with his wife as that is really where he wants to be and he isn't much good to them at the station at the moment. 

At the Scorpio residence, flowers arrive for Holly. Rose accepts the delivery and reads the card to Holly. She tells her to put them in the trash. Rose is surprised and sets them aside. Rose asks about her trip to the mountains. Holly tells her it was difficult but she had the strangest feeling that Luke was there with her. She says she made decisions up there about how she wanted to live her life, then came home and found things were quite different. She is interrupted by a delivery of champagne next. Holly huffs about Robert trying to buy her off. Robert then returns home bearing her favorite chocolates and tells her he has ordered dinner for them. He asks her to put on her best dress as he has a special dinner planned for them. Rose makes her excuses to leave and is stopped by a delivery of a bouquet of balloons. The delivery guy asks if she is Holly Scorpio? She says no but she wishes she were! Holly is going to leave and Rose urges her that whatever is going on between her and Robert that she should stay and talk it out. 

When Holly returns home later, she finds the table set with candles, crystal, china. Robert tells her that the main course is in the oven and says that he will uncork the champagne when she gives the word. She stomps off and returns with the hand towel with Connie's lipstick on it. He asks what it is? She snarks, "Evidence! Connie's lipstick is all over it!" He asks her to join him to eat. She retorts, "You eat and while your dining Robbie dear you can use that as a napkin!" and she throws the towel in his face and stomps up the stairs. Robert calls after her that she is absolutely adorable when she is jealous. Robert opens the champagne and pours a glass as he tells himself this is truly a cause for celebration! He continues talking to himself, "...tonight is going to be a night to remember!" as he grins ear to ear. 

When Holly comes downstairs, he offers her champagne. She rebuffs him and says she is just getting some orange juice. He stops her and asks her to sit so he can explain. He assures her that his luncheon was just a business lunch and the kiss she keeps talking about was just a peek on the cheek. She comments on the lipstick on the towel. He tells her it is obvious that Connie was just trying to make her jealous. He tenderly tells her that he did go to Connie's hotel room, and she did want to make love to him but that he couldn't because of how he feels about Holly. He takes her in his arms to dance to Cole Porter's "Night and Day". Robert kisses her with passion and she returns his kiss. He softly tells her that he has tried to tell her so many times before how he feels about her. He says, "I love you. I love in a way that I have never loved any woman before. I want to take care of you and I want to be with you always. I want you to love me without feeling any guilt or shame." She tells him that she finally realized that she has to put the past behind her and get on with her life. She knows that he can give her back what she had lost. He asks if she really wants him? She says, "Oh yes, I want you!" He gently takes her hand and leads her upstairs, they stop at the top of the stairs to kiss again, then he continues to lead her to his bedroom.

**The End**

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