Luke, Holly & Robert #24  June 14 - July 12, 1983 – 8 hrs

#24A  Scorpio is awakened at five am by the shocking news that GH is under siege by a madman. Steve and Audrey get the news a few moments later. Rick tells Alan and Ruby that Monica and Bobbie are being held hostage by a patient's husband, that he took them hostage after his wife died during surgery. Monica tells the Larick that Brian isn't a doctor and she begs him to let Brian go. Robert arrives and tries to talk the psycotic young man into to putting his gun down, but he calmly tells Robert that he only needs 24 hours. It took 24 hours for his wife to die and that's how long it will take Monica and all who assisted in her surgery to die too. News of the hostage crises airs on the radio at Kelly's and everyone is horrified by the news. Hearing that Bobbie is beind held hostage, Brock races to the scene. Brian is shot by Larick when he tries to grab the gun. Connie receives word from the WSB that she needs to step up her plans for Gerald's protection at all costs. Larick allows Brian to be taken out of the cafeteria to have surgery. Still holding Bobbie and Monica, Larick assures them they will both die. 

Luke arrives at GH confronting Robert about what he is going to do to get his sister out of danger. Luke starts putting together his own schemes. Fed up with Robert's lagging, Brock grabs a bullhorn and offers Larick a million dollars to free the hostages. In response, Larick throws Monica and Bobbie to the doorway and says no price is worth his wife's life. As time drags on, Larick starts to nod off. Bobbie and Monica tip toe to the doorway but a shot rings out and Larick shouts he will shoot the other one! Ramsey and Robert have to restrain an upset Luke and Alan. Gerald lets slip to Natalie that they are installing a new security system at his lab. Natalie reports to Yuri that they have to figure out access past the new system. She also reports that she is using the hostage situation to continue to drive a wedge between Robert and Luke and inflame their hostility towards one another. Desperate to find out who's been hurt, Robert goes in to take Larick his coffee. 

When Holly hears of the hostage crises and the danger Robert is in, she races to GH. Holly and Alan commiserating with each other during the crises. Robert tries in vein to get Larick to surrender but now he is a hostage himself. Robert tries to get Larick to understand that Monica's husband doesn't know if she is dead or alive, and that Bobbie's family is also worried. He talks him into calling Burt and telling him both of the ladies are okay. Luke is becoming more impatient at the lack of word or any progress in getting Bobbie released. Holly and Ruby sit together worrying over their loved ones. Robert continues trying to reach Larick who tells Robert about shooting the surgeon who killed his mother, shattered his arm so he could never operate again. They have been counting the number of times Larick has fired his gun and Luke believes he is down to three bullets, hoping he didn't bring additional ammunition with him. 

Larick continues to threaten Bobbie and Monica and that he intends on killling them when the time is up and suggests that Robert count the minutes. Monica tries to reason with Larick that had he brought his wife in two or three years earlier that she might have had a chance. Larick becomes incensed at the suggestion that his wife's death is his fault, that he neglected her. Luke taking matters in his own hands, smashes the cafeteria window, hoping to cause a diversion for Robert. But Larick is too quick and Robert is shot in the process. Larick shouts he just shot the Police Commissioner! 

A furious Holly lashes out at Luke and tells him this is all his fault and slaps him across the face! Holly asks if he is satisfied now, that if Robert dies it will be Luke's fault. Luke tells Brock that they are running out of time and they have to do something now and the two go off to plot together. 

Holly begs Burt to go into the cafeteria, to do something. He refuses as Larick still has two bullets left and he can use them to shoot Monica and Bobbie. Holly is desperately worried about Robert but Alan convinces her to return to the Nurse's Station to leave Burt to work. Privately, Luke worries to Brock that he may have gotten Robert killed. Luke tells Brock that he has a plan and then asks him to find Natalie as he needs another person. Holly confronts Luke again and suggests that maybe Luke would be happy if Robert died. Luke assures her that he doesn't want Robert dead. She accusses him of being impulsive and that it could have gotten her husband killed. Luke tells Holly that he knows Robert and he was trying to create a diversion to help Robert. Luke swears to her that he is going to get Robert out of there. Monica tries to help Robert and begs Larick for a medical kit and warns him that without the proper instruments that Robert will die! Larick doesn't care whether the cop lives or dies. Robert wakes up and signals to Monica to play along without letting on that he is conscious. 

Fletcher has folllowed Grant on his honeymoon and asks him what he saw in Dr. Gerald's office? Ceilia interrupts before Grant can fill him in. Later in bed with Celia, he has more visions of his training as a spy during his youth and the training to learn his cover story as an American. He later meets with Fletcher again. Grant is informed by Fletcher that the disc that Gerald has created is a super powerful new form of energy called the Promethius Disc. He tells him that he plans on demonstrating it publicly and they have to be ready to steal the disk after it is finished but before it is tested publicly. Grant tells Fletcher about the lab setup and where the professor keeps his notes. 

Luke confers with Natalie and Brock and fills them in on his plan. Burt, Steve Hardy, and Dan consult about what the best way is to launch tear gas in the room. They are discussing the merits of launching the canisters through the door, but Burt suggests that using the air ducts might be less dangerous to the hostages. Natalie interrupts and suggests to Steve that she have a gurney ready and standing by the cafeteria, he agrees and off she goes. Luke asks Ruby to get a bucket out of the maintenance closet and to place it in the hallway. Meanwhile, Larick informs Monica and Bobbie that it is almost time. When Larick tries to stop Monica from helping Robert, she tells him that it is her duty to help him and that if he has a problem with it that he should just shoot her now. 

Natalie positions a gurney outside the cafeteria, and then creates her diversion for the guards by throwing a metal bucket down the hallway! (LOL!) The officers in the hallway run towards the bucket, even the ones who can see it is just a bucket! Luke and Brock run down the hallway and Luke dives on the gurney as Brock pushes him inside the cafeteria. Larick is taken by surprise and Robert and Luke (like old times) are able to subdue the man. For a few seconds Luke and Robert are a team again, but when Holly rushes to her husband's arms, it's back to status quo for them. A reporter also enters and wants a statement and asks Robert if it is like old times? Robert sadly admits, "Not quite". Robert thanks Monica for her help and tells her that she works well under pressure. A relieved Ruby hugs Luke, which is followed by a big hug from his grateful sister. Luke asks Brock to take care of Bobbie and tells Luke admiringly that he is a man of many talents. Yuri reports to Natalie that because of their lagging in retrieving the disc, the DVX has decided he is being replaced by a superior, Gregory Malko. In fact, Gregory will be arriving in PC soon to take over the operation. Holly weeps tears of joy that Robert wasn't seriously hurt. Overwhelmed with love and relief over her husband's safe return, Holly rejoins her husband in bed. First time hearing Stevie Wonder's "How do We keep The Music Playing". Alone Luke wanders the docks. 

(Scenes from the next episode are glitchy) Tiffany returns from NY and shows Luke the article about him once again being a hero splashed across the front page. Luke fills her in on the action. He tells her that Robert was laying on the floor, probably faking it a bit, and Luke came bursting through the door on the flying gurney and Robert leapt up and took his chance to overpower the gunman. Tiffany observes it is just like old times, him and Robert helping each other out of a scrape. Luke gets defensive and says he just went in to get his sister and Robert just happened to be there. A relieved Holly is happy to have her husband home safe and sound. As her and Robert are kissing, Dr. Gerald calls and tells him that he has very important news, that he had a creative breakthrough and has finished the Promethus Disk. Robert tells him security now is more important than ever. The doc tells him that he does have to still test the disk. Robert immediately heads over to his lab, though Holly objects and suggests that he should take the day off to recooperate from his gunshot wound. 

Fletcher tells Grant that he wants a detailed map of Dr. Gerald's lab. Brock and Bobbie show up and invite Luke and Tiffany to go out to breakfast at Kelly's to celebrate. Dr. Gerald shows Robert the disk and tells him that it maximizes energy to such an extent that it can propel a rocket or a satelitte into orbit. They discuss possible applications for this new technology and the danger if it falls into the wrong hands. Robert tells the professor that he will feel better once the disk is safely away at the WSB. The professor wants to first finish conducting his tests to be sure it will work. Robert asks if anyone can duplicate the disk without his notes? The professor says no it would be nearly impossible. Robert says he will feel better with the notes sent to the WSB. Robert takes the notes, has them put on mircrofilm and then enlists Holly's help since Connie is away in NY. He asks her to go to Wyndham's and then at the make up counter to remove her hat, turn away for a minute, then turn back and put her hat back on. She looks at him, puzzled, expecting something more dramatic. He tells her the less she knows the better. 

While she is getting ready, he inserts the microfilm into the band of her hat. Townfolk arrive at Kelly's and congratulate Luke on his latest heroics. After Luke leaves, Bobbie suggests they have a welcome home party for Luke and her and Tiffany begin planning it. Natalie makes her excuses that she would love to help but she has to get back to the hospital. They decide to make it a surprise party. The agent retrieves the film from Holly's hat and meets Robert at Valentine's office. After they leave, Valentine's secretary writes a mystery message with a large circle on it (obviously a double agent!). Grant and Celia run into Fletcher again, Celia groans as this lonely guy intrudes once again. Fletcher tells Grant that the professor has finished the disk and Grant has to get back to Port Charles immediately. Grant agrees but doesn't know how he can abruptly shorten his honeymoon without a reason. The mysterious note is delivered to Natalie, her clue that the disk is completed. Connie arrives at Robert's and he fills her in. 

Natalie demands that Grant tell her exactly how he plans on retrieving the disc. Luke's friends plan a surprise party for Luke at Kelly's. Tiffany fails to get him to go to the planned party when he heads out for a date with Connie. Learning that a surprise party for Luke is being held at Kelly's Holly quickly decides on a better idea, a dinner engagment with Grant and Celia at the Versailles Room. Grant hopes to get closer to Gerald during dinner with Scorpio and Celia. Shirley and Jed arrive in PC to surprise Luke. Alone in his lab, Dr Gerald is hit from behind by a young man looking for drugs. Luke arrives at Kelly's looking for Blackie, but Rose and company are not ready yet for him. Jake puts on an act to make it look as if he and Rose were just got out of bed. Luke goes away and Rose is embarrassed and relieved at the same time they were able to get rid of Luke. Grant takes advantage of a few stolen moments to search Dr. Gerald's coat for the disc before he calls for help for the unconscious man. Tiffany and Blackie go to Benny the Fence to get Luke a gift. Robert learns of the professor's mugging and leaves Holly and Celia at the dinner table alone. Luke finally arrives at Kelly's and all his friends surprise him with the party. Connie heads over to the lab with Robert. Grant finally arrives to see Natalie, and she asks him point blank did he get the disc? 

Aftermath of Luke's party: Brock, Bobby, Tiffany and Luke. Brock thinks Luke is so naturally loved that he should run for Mayor! Robert and Connie break into Gerald's safe to see if the disc is still there and fortunately is is! Unfortunately for Grant, he failed to retrieve it. Natalie is not upset but informs him that Gregory will be in town soon and they are both in trouble unless they get it. Robert questions the junkie and thinks that he was a ringer being used by the DVX to get into Dr. Gerald's lab. Celia and Holly having an after dinner drink at the town home. Robert and Connie visit Gerald in the hospital and assure him the disc is safe. Robert and Connie stress to the professor that no one can have access to his lab, not even someone he trusts with his life. Dr. G gets the message and thanks Grant for saving his life but also tells Grant that nobody will have access to the lab, not even his good friends. Robert questions Grant as to what he was doing in the lab when the professor was mugged. Later, Robert and Grant arrive to find Celia and Holly getting tipsy from drinking too much wine. Brock continues to press Luke to run for mayor. Luke agrees to think about it. 

Robert returns home and puzzles over the situation, something is nagging at him. Holly encourages him to put work aside and they lean into kiss. Robert and Holly start getting romantic when he is interrupted by Ramsey on his monitor. THe lab tests show the student was indeed just a drug addict and nothing more. Robert and Holly go off to the bedroom, but Robert suddenly gets the urge to go back to work instead leaving a sullen Holly to think she is nothing more than a pair of shoes. Luke wonders what life as a Mayor's would be like? Robert meets Luke and Brock at Kelly's. He wants to make sure that everything is on the up and up with the casino. Luke refuses to have lunch with Robert so they agree to meet at the Versailles Room more as a business meeting. After Robert leaves, Luke really doesn't want to meet with him and tries to get out of it. Brock urges him to put aside his pride, go to the meeting and do what needs to be done for the sake of the casino and Brock isn't giving up on his dream of Luke becoming mayor. Back home, Robert vents to Holly about Dr. Gerald's lack of caution and how important security is for him now. Holly wishes Robert could tell her more about what he is involved with. He somberly tells her that he wishes he could but he can't for her own safety. He then tells her his concerns about the gambling being rigged. Holly is suprised by these suspicions as he knows how honest Luke is and that he would never do that. Robert states he just has to be sure. Holly puzzles that this isn't about his concerns over the casino and asks Robert why he is hassling Luke? 

Gerald is being checked out of GH and Grant and Celia arrive to see him out. Dr. G is touched by Grant's concern over him and tells the Dr he and Celia mean the world to him. Spy talk at GH with Grant and Natalie. Luke hires Shirley to work at his upcoming casino. He warns Jimmy Lee that Shirley is a mountain girl and to be careful around her. Over lunch, Brock and Luke assure Robert that the gambling will strictly be on the up and up. 

Grant continues sticking close to Dr. Gerald, so close in fact that he is ignoring Celia who wonders why Grant is so infatuated with hanging around Dr. G. Natalie is upset that Celia is constantly interrupting his work at retrieving the disc and warns Grant that she needs to be dealt with. Grant sees Dr. Gerald off from the lab and after the Dr leaves, Grant enters the lab. Luke and Connie get romantic. Robert confronts Luke and the two get into a battle of wits. Luke tells Robert if he doesn't like his bid for mayor to not vote for him. Robert can't believe that Luke is this desperate to get revenge on him for marrying Holly. Luke scoffs at the idea and accuses Robert of being paranoid and says he is running because this is his town and he cares about it. Robert insists that this is his town as well and if Luke really cared about it that he wouldn't be supporting gambling. Luke can't believe that Robert is calling PC his town and reminds Robert that he wouldn't even be there if it wasn't for Luke. Tiffany worries about the destruction of the former friends. A man arrives to apply for the job as piano player at Luke's casino. Tiffany is delighted to see her old friend from Monte Carlo and introduces Luke and Connie to Gregory Malko! 

Holly assures Robert that Luke is not a threat to their marriage anymore and he doesn't need to badger him for running for Mayor. Robert gets annoyed at Holly's suggestion that Robert is opposing Luke because of his feelings for Holly. Robert is indignant and insists that he is opposing Luke as he believes that gambling would be bad for Port Charles and that is the only reason! He slams out of the room and goes into the sauna. Holly follows him and asks him not to be mad at her. She says she was only voicing her wifely concern for him. He says that he can't be angry at her when she is looking all steamy and delicious and tells her how much he loves her. He admits that everything he does in his life involves Holly as there wouldn't be much point in going through his life if she wasn't beside him, that without her nothing would mean as much. He tells her that he values her opinion and then asks her who she will vote for? She laughs and tells him that is not his concern. 

Grant and Celia are having some romantic time together at The Rib. Natalie walks in and Celia asks him to just ignore her so they can be alone together. Grant makes excuses that Natalie has already seen him and he will just briefly say hello to her and then rejoin Celia. He tells Natalie that he got into the lab, but was unable to crack the code to the safe. Natalie tells him that he better get results as Gregory has arrived in town. Meanwhile over at the casino, Tiffany is enjoying her reunion with Gregory as he plays piano and they sing together. 

#24B  The conversation between Luke and Robert almost ends up in a shouting match with Luke and Robert. Luke agrees to give life as the Mayor a shot. Luke heads to GH and asks Natalie for her opinion on what she thinks of him running for mayor. She is less than enthusiastic and tries to act supportive but says she isn't sure that it is best for him to be in the public eye. Luke then approaches Bobbie with the news and she is also less than enthused. Bobbie is concerned that her past and Ruby's past will be brought up in the election. Grant arranges for Celia to go on a shopping spree with Holly (in order to get rid of Celia). He actually calls Holly and invites her to meet Celia at Delphina's for a big sale. Holly, Celia, and Claudia all meet there. Grant is at the lab with Dr. Gerald. He wants to stay as close to the flustered scientist that he can. Bobbie tells Ruby that Luke is going to run for Mayor. She worries that the digging in their past might uncover her past as a hooker. Bobbie supports Luke's decision and offers to volunteer for his campaign. Robert assures Holly he is not out to get Luke that he would treat any new gambling organization the same way. Dr. G is about to enter the lab, but at the last moment he feels he is too weak to continue his work. Defeated, a sullen Grant escorts the doctor out. 

(Scenes from next episode are glitchy) Luke holds a press conference announcing he is running for mayor and he is supporting legalized gambling in Port Charles! Reporters ask Luke isn't it a conflict of interest for him to be mayor and run a casino? He agrees that if elected as mayor that if he is elected that he will divest himself of all interest in the casino. GH is a buzz with the news. The news even interrupts Robert and Holly in bed while they are enjoying each other's company. Robert is furious and thinks Luke is running for mayor just to get back at him. He rages at Holly for Luke's decision and the motivations behind it. Holly isn't enraged and Robert disbelievingly asks if she is supporting Luke? She says that no she isn't but tries to stay neutral. Luke meets Brock, Jimmy Lee, Shirley, Tiffany at Kelly's and they all celebrate his decision. Bobbie and Ruby call and are also now caught up in the excitement. Connie arrives and tells him how impressed she is with his press conference but then pulls him away for work that needs done at the casino that is supposed to open in a week! 

On Fourth of July, there is a big rally going on in the park. The whole town is gathering for the holiday celebration. Brock plans Luke's first speech to the public and arranges for the current mayor to introduce him. Grant is still trying to figure out his combination to the safe. Natalie wants Grant to sneak away from the picnic for a meeting. He complains that his entire family will be at the picnic and he has been doing a lot of sneaking away lately. Tiffany is running a kissing booth. Robert, Holly, Steve, Audrey, Brian and Claudia, Scotty, Lee, etc. Luke makes a big impression with his first speech in which he promises to take care of the waterfront people with making public buildings for them to reside in. Scotty turns white as a sheet. He confronts Brock and Luke and tells them that he owns the land and there is no way that Luke is turning it into low cost housing. Luke insists that Scotty stole it and that land belongs to the people and Luke is taking the land back. Scotty warns Luke that he is going to stop him! Robert is interviewed by Ian about his opinion of Luke's candicacy. Robert insinuates that Luke is only running for office to insure the gambling referendum is passed. Holly stands beside her husband and supports him. She later runs into Luke, she drops her purse and Luke picks it up and says, "Anything for a vote". 

Grant slips away from Gerald and Celia to meet with Gregory and Natalie. Gregory works out a code if either of them need to meet with him and how they can contact him at the casino. Grant has the first two numbers to the safe, he just needs the final two. Everyone gathers at Kelly's after the picnic, Brock asks Luke what he thought about his first day on the campaign trail? When Luke complains it was long, Brock warns him that he has a busy schedule coming up. Bobbie and Tiffany are both concerned about Scotty as he is very upset as he has everything tied up in his development project. 

The day of the casino opening, a messenger arrives at the Scorpio residence with an invitation for them for that evening. Holly insists she wouldn't go if she had been invited a month ago! Holly is surprised when Robert says he has to go and feels that it is part of his job to be there. He believes if he doesn't show up that it will look like he has given up. He wants to send the message that he will be keeping an eye on their gambling operation. Holly tells him she doesn't want to go as there are too many memories. Robert encourages her to put the past and the pain it has caused her behind her. He tells her that he would really like to walk in there tonight with his wife on his arm. 

Luke briefs the staff on opening night. Connie practices her skills as a Blackjack dealer. Luke catches one of his Blackjack dealers making a mistake on his dealing and fires him. Grant tells Natalie that tonight's opening at Luke's is the perfect time to grab the disc and they will then be on their way across the Atlantic. They go over the timing, and Natalie instructs him that they have to wait until Dr. Gerald completes the tests on the disk but their window will be very short from the time the disk is finished and when it will be sent off to the WSB. Grant urges Natalie that his alibi has to be airtight as he has been so closely associated with the professor that when the disk disappears, they will look at him. Grant visits the professor and learns that he has finished the testing and his project is successfully completed. Grant insists that Gerald will join him and Celia in attending the casino opening that night to celebrate. Grant tells Natalie that the disk is completed ad then instructs her to make the Talbert boys appointment around 6:00. Grant blows up at Natalie when his patient cancels on him as that is his cover for leaving the casino and now he won't be able to sneak out and steal the disc. After great difficulty, Natalie is able to convince Grant's patient to come by for a check up. Natalie arrives at the casino and gives the okay to Gregory. Grant makes excuses to Celia that he will be slightly late to meet her at the Casino. Celia wants to go to the University to pick up her schedule which conflicts with the timing of his plans to steal the disc. Fortunately, he convinces her to postpone her trip and just go to the casino. While Grant and Natalie work on his patient they put him out for short time. Grant sneaks out of the hospital and heads for the lab. 

Holly has second thoughts about attending the opening. Robert insists that he needs her by his side. He is dissapointed and says he thought she had put her feelings for Luke behind her. She doesn't want to face Luke in such a public way, that everyone there will know what has happened between the three of them. She says she feels like a trophy he is displaying. He promises that she is not his trophy but his wife and he would like her there with him but he won't insist she attend with him. She agrees to go. 

Professor Gerald arrives at the Scopio residence. Robert receives a message from the WSB on his computer. A spy from the DVX is on a flight from NY headed to PC and he poses a threat to the disc. Robert receives a fax with the agent's picture. Robert calls Connie, and then Ramsey to put constant serveilence on the DVX agent. Grant gets into the professor's lab and gets into the safe and he fiinally has the disc! In the process of putting the empty box back he knocks over a testube of liquid. 

Robert and Connie head to the lab. Opening the safe, they find the disc is missing. Grant arrives back at GH, just as his patient wakes up. Grant shows Natalie the disc. Celia notices the stain on Grant's sleeve. She finds the disc in his pocket and Grant sneaks up behind her ready to choke her with a tie should she realize what she is holding. When she asks what it is? He tells her that it is his "lucky piece". 

Everyone arrives at Luke's opening, and Luke greets the guests as they arrive. The whole town comes out in force to celebrate with Luke and to try their luck. Ramsey's got the DVX spy being tail and he reports in to Robert. Scotty arrives at the opening ready for a fight with Luke but Brock intercedes. Robert has the professor escort Holly to the opening while he and Ramsey track the spy. Luke opens the casino and the place is a buzz with activity. Holly arrives and Luke can't help but notice and comment on her glowing beauty. Tiffany sings a song with Gregory on piano. Grant tells Natalie that Holly reported that Robert couldn't be there as her husband is busy "working on something very big tonight". Grant worries they are onto the missing disk. Natalie reassures him that they couldn't possibly know yet. Grant worries to Natalie when the courier hasn't shown up, he is anxious to pass along the disk. Robert calls Connie and tells her the DVX mole is headed in her direction. When Robert arrives at the casino, Burt tells him he has arrived just ahead of the mole.

Holly is cleaning up at the craps table. Just as she bets the house she loses it all. Robert notices the flirtation between Luke and Holly. Burt and Robert confer and after watching the spy, they believe he is looking around to make contact with someone. Robert tells Burt that he wants to watch him and try to also capture his contact who he believes has the disk. Robert tells Luke that he needs to watch the action on the security camera. After much reluctance, he lets them use the room. Luke observes them watching a guy and wonders what he is wanted for? 

When the mole seems to be heading to the exit, Robert rushes dowstairs. The mole has stopped at the bar. Robert tells Burt that he knows something is very very wrong and that the spy is not going to proceed with the drop that he knows he is being watched. Celia complains to Holly about her husband who is too distracted to even talk to her. Burt arrests the spy as a concerned Gregory, Natalie and Grant watch. Burt pulls drugs out of the guys pocket as his excuse for the arrest. Robert then calls a drug raid and seals off the entire casino. Luke is furious with Robert that he would never allow drugs in his casino and accuses Robert of trying to embarrass him and wreck his business. 

Scorpio's search of everyone at the casino hoping to find the disk but in the process he offends everyone in town. Brock is sure this is a personal vendetta. Grant slips the disc on the poker table and mixes it among the chips. Luke is watching and sees Grant's action and realizes this search is about something bigger than drugs. Luke continues to watch very curiously as Grant is then searched. Throwing a fit about Robert's attitude, Luke flings the poker chips in the air while making sure to hang onto the unusual disc that Grant placed on the table preventing Robert from finding it or Grant from retrieving it.. Robert has the agents search through all of the casino chips but Luke has already affixed the disk to the underside of a table with his chewing gum! 

Robert closes the casino down and Luke is irate and says he isn't responsible and that Luke says he is saying that by closing him down. He asks why didn't Robert bust the guy outside, why did he let him come into the casino and do the bus there? Robert tells the professor about the disk being stolen and he is shocked and very worried. They must find the disc and he reports that when it is exposed to air, that it becomes lethal and will eventually explode with suffcient force to wipe out the city! It could occur anytime from 20 - 90 days. 

Meanwhile, Luke is fingering the disc knowing that Robert's drug bust was a cover for something bigger. Connie joins Luke on the couch and the two make love for the first time. Later while Luke is sleeping, Connie begins searching through all of the chips. Luke catches her and asks what she is doing? She says that she is just cleaning up. He tells her that the security system she installed will protect the place and not to subtly suggests she go back to her hotel. She tries to make excuses to stay but he points out he has no coffee, no shower, no place to sleep as his apartment upstairs isn't ready yet. He tells her to go home and get a good night sleep and furious and perhaps hurt, she grabs her things and leaves. Back at the Scorpio's, Holly reads the article in the Herald that blames Robert for harrassig Luke and the casino. Holly asks Robert what was going on that night? Robert can't tell her for her own safety and annoyed at being left in the dark, she accuses him of setting Luke up for revenge. Robert questions her about the flrtation he noticed between her and Luke the other night. 

Grant meets with Natalia and Gregory and reports that the disk is missing. Gregory is furious that Grant lost the disc at the club but points out that at least they know where the disk is. Meanwhile, Luke is holding the disc with great delight Ballentine arrives from the WSB and Holly is excluded from their discussion. 

Ballentine will retrieve the micro film and Dr. Gerald is ordered to get busy on another disc before the Government expo begins. Grant is ordered to probe Gerald while Gregory searches the casino. Gerald informs Grant he has masses of work to do and won't be able to see anyone for a long time.  

Robert and Ballantine arrive at Luke's casino and Luke gives Ballantine a tour. Luke takes pleasure in showing the article to Ballantine and asks if Robert's grand screw-up is what has brought Ballantine to PC? Luke is curious whether the drug bust has captured the attention of the WSB as he wasn't aware of them being interested in local drug trafficking? Ballantine is sorry to learn of the animosity between Luke and Robert as that isn't the relationship that he remembers. Luke agrees to allow them to search as he continues to hide the disk. Luke smugly enjoys their search knowing it is futile and he revels in having the upper hand. 

Gregory shows up at the casino and watches the search as he plays piano for them. Gregory reports back to Natalie and Grant that Scorpio and Ballantine were busy searching so he believes the disk is still in the casino as they don't know where the disk is either so they still have a chance. He also reports that the spy in Ballatine's office reports that copies of Dr. Gerald's notes are being sent to him on microfilm so that he can begin re-creating his work. They plan on steal the microfilm. 

Celia arrives at Holly's and cries about her dissolving marriage, her distant and preoccupied husband who is very short tempered. Later, Ballantine arrives, and then Connie and they continue to keep Holly in the dark. Holly is annoyed at all of the secrecy and becomes quiet cool. Ballantine reports the courier is on his way with the microfilm. Ballantine demands an explanation from Connie for how the security at Gerald's lab was breached without a breakin. She defends that obviously the code to his lab was broken. He informs her that since Gerald is recreating the disk that she will have to install a new system that he expects to do the job this time! 

The Promethus Disk storyline continued on the Robert & Holly & Luke #25.

**The End**

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