Luke, Holly & Robert #25  July 12 - August 12, 1983 – 8 hrs

#25A  Robert assures Holly that he is keeping her out of this case to protect her. Things are strained between Robert and Holly, she is annoyed that he is excluding her from the case he is working on. He snarks back that things have changed between them since she discovered gambling! Hurt, she cries that was uncalled for and storms off. Luke and Connie snuggle in one of the rooms of the casino. Gregory arrives and offers his assistance which Luke declines. Gregory quietly shuts the door and goes into the main room and begins searching it. 

The scenes from the next episode are glitchy. Connie and Robert meet with Dr. Jerrold at the lab and Connie shows him the new security system. Robert warns Dr. G that he believes that the thief is mostly likely someone close to him. Ballantine arrives and asks Dr. Jerrold for a complete list of everyone who had visited him in his lab, believing this is an inside job. Dr. J goes through the list of other professors, and then mentions Grant & Ceiia but observes they are above suspicion. Ballentine comments that no one is above suspicion. Ballantine asks Robert if he knows this couple and Robert tells him that yes they are friends and he also believes unlikely suspects. 

Natalie tells Grant that the disk is still missing and they have to steal the mircofilm to prevent Gerald from making a new disk while still looking for the original disk. Natalie warns Grant that he panicked at the casino and he is lucky to still be alive! Grant is ordered to probe Gerald while Gregory searches the casino. Dr. J informs Grant he has masses of work to do and won't be able to see anyone for a long time. 

Jerrold informs Grant that Scorpio is probing his friends for information and he may be snooping around Grant. Dr. Jerrold is worried that Grant would be hurt when Robert begins questioning Grant & Celia. Jerrold is annoyed at the thought of them being investigated and he is worried that Grant will be offended. Dr. Jerrold assures him this is just routine and since Grant and Celia are his closest friends they will be invovled. Grant invites Dr. J to join him for dinner but the professor tells him that he won't be able to socialize with the Putnams until his project is completed as he will be working night and day on it. 

Grant informs Natalie of the background check that they will be running on him. Natalie wonders if he is suspected? He assures her that both Robert and the professor trusts him, that he is one of them. Connie runs Grant's name through the computer. Robert questions Grant about his alibi the night of the disk theft, apologizing that he is just doing his job. He then confirms Grant's alibi at GH and it checks out. Robert also questions Celia about her alibi. Later, the search results on the Putnams turn up normal with nothing suspicious. Connie is stil suspicious especially since Celia's alibi is that she was alone getting ready for the opening at the casino and that she was alone. Robert defends Celia's background while Connie points out that she would be the perfect mole, the typical all American girl and above suspicion. Robert laughs that Celia is a ditz and not at all mole material and they need to focus their attention on more likely suspects. 

Holly is annoyed when a package arrives for Robert and he insists that she leave the room before he opens it. Once she huffs out, Robert opens the package with all of Dr. Jerrold's notes on the Promethus Disc on microfilm. He puts it in his watch. Robert urges to evacuate Port Charles as he is very concerned about the destructive properties of the missing disk. The WSB does not want the information about the disk released to the public and Robert goes on record for opposing this decision. Before he leaves, Holly complains that he is treating her like a child. He tells her again that this is very dangerous and she will find out about it soon enough. She laments that he doesn't trust her enough to tell her what is going on and he tries to assure her that he does trust her. 

Celia heads over to GH and mentions the strange conversation with Robert. Grant questions Celia as to exactly what types of questions Robert asked her? She brushes it off and he asks her pointedly exactly what questions Robert asked her, with exact wording. Grant gets Celia to invite Dr. Jerrold to join them for dinner. She calls the doctor and he turns her down. Grant is livid with Celia that she didn't follow his instructions to go to see the professor when extending the invitation. His reaction is so over the top, Celia is left hurt and puzzled as his increasingly erractic behavior. She calls Holly and asks her to join her for dinner and tells her that she really needs someone to talk to. 

Robert arrives at the professor's lab and gives Jerrold the microfilm. Dr. Jerrold shares Robert's concerns about the disk exploding. Luke points out to Bobbie that the police did not splash the info on the drug bust all over the front page which they would normally be eager to do. He doesn't give her specifics but does tell her that he has what Robert is looking for. Luke tells Bobbie that he is reopening the club that night. Luke is still trying to figure out the disc. He finds the secret opening and discovers the mechanics. 

Holly is frustrated and feeling left out as Robert is spending all the time in his computer room. Brock is lusting for revenge against Robert but Luke tells him he has a big surprise for the commissioner so he needs to be patient. Later, Luke follows Connie to the professor's lab at the University. Quickly making excuses, Connie is a bit put off that he followed her. Robert enters and tells him that she is helping with the security of the lab. Luke meets the professor and beings asking him questions about the Promethus Disk. After Luke leaves, Robert tells Connie that Luke is up to something. 

Celia arrives back at GH, determined to make up with Grant. Natalie excuses Grant's shortness as he has an unusual amount of responsibilites and a very heavy work load lately. Celia makes some comment about his lucky piece that she saw in Grant's pocket the night of the casino opening. Grant quickly ushers Celia away, as Natalie realizes in shock that Celia saw the disk in Grant's possesion. Natalie immediately calls Gregory to report this disturbing news. 

The casino reopens and Holly is back at the craps table. She and Luke stare into each other's eyes as the betting comes fast and furious. The intensity of their past relationship is starting to come out. Later, Holly arrives home with a bundle of cash and Robert is bowled over by Holly's exuberant lovemaking. At the casino, Luke and Connie are also making passionate love. 

Next morning Robert takes the microfilm out of his watch and places it in another piece of jewerly and puts it back in the jewelry box. Holly wakes up and wonders what he is doing. Meanwhile, Luke takes the disc and plants it in the heel of his shoe. Connie comes downstairs and Luke makes remarks about her supposed occupation. Connie later tells Robert that Luke is onto them. When Luke leaves to see Natalie, Connie searches his apartment for the disc but comes up empty handed. Jerrold informs Robert that when exposed to certain elements the disk could explode a lot sooner than normal. Robert doesn't want to start a panic. 

Luke questions Natalie about Grant and she raves about his ability as a doctor. Luke asks what kind of a human being he is? She raves about his personal qualities as well and then becomes curious as to his sudden interest in Grant. Natalie is also beginning to think that Luke knows more than he lets on especially after he mentions Grant's friendship with Dr. Jerrold. They head over to the casino and Natalie tries to get info out of Luke about what he knows. She pretends to have put his questions about Grant and Dr. Jerrold together with the night of the casino raid. Luke is evasive and she asks if he doesn't trust her? He tells her he trusts her more than anyone in the world, the same way he used to trust Robert. Point taken, but she continues to try to get him to confide in her but does it very subtly so as to not raise Luke's suspicions about her. He is about to tell her something as he starts to say something about Dr. Jerrold and at that moment, Connie walks in and interrupts his confession. 

Grant is ordered to kill Celia. When he arrives home, he finds Celia perched by an open window and Grant nearly pushes her out, but stops at the last moment. Reverting to plan B, he begins to drug her. Celia doesn't understand why she is so groggy as Grant keeps handing her more drugs. Grant defies Natalie's orders to kill Celia but accepts her other option. He will penetrate Jerrold's lab with a chemical bomb. She also tells him that she thinks Luke is onto the situation as he is asking questions. The next day, Grant tells Natalie that he doesn't want to continue to drug Celia. He tells her that Celia is the one who talked Dr. Jerrold into dinner last night but she became ill during dinner and it ended the evening early so drugging her is working against their purposes and he refuses to continue to drug her. 

Luke intends to run for a squeaky clean image as Mayor. But Brock breaks this image when during a press conference at Kelly's Lee announces he is running for Mayor against Luke. But during the interview Brock offers Lee Baldwin a shot of booze! Scotty is furious and lunges at DL as photographers go wild. Luke warns DL not to do anything like this again. Celia jokes to Natalie about finding a scar on Grant's face. Natalie orders Grant to reinstate drugging his wife.

Grant gives Celia a different pill, she willingly swallows it but when his back is turned she spits it out. Luke sneaks up on Natalie as she is preparing a gas bomb. Celia feins falling asleep and Grant slips out, but Celia gets up and follows him. She follows him to the University and watches him pick up a canister that Natalie left for him. Grant goes into the cellar and puts the gas bomb in the vent leading up to Dr. Jerrold's office. Jerrold is overcome by fumes of the gas. Grant arrives and insists on taking him to GH. Natalie, wearing a gas mask, breaks into the lab and searches in vain for the microfilm but the Professor has kept it in his belt buckle. 

While Robert and Holly dine with Lee and Gail, Luke and Connie dine with a journalist in the same restaurant. Robert can't help but notice how Holly keeps staring at Luke. Robert is called and told of the breakin at the lab. He calls Connie and immediately heads to GH. Robert tells Dr. Jerrold that this was a rather clumsy attempt to get him out of the lab so they could search it. He presents the microfilm to Robert. Arriving home just before Grant does, Celia listens as her husband explains that he went to pick up a book at the university. As Grant holds Celia close her face reflects her deepening fear. 

Holly is left alone at the dinner table and Luke takes advantage of the situation by bring up old memories between the both of them. Later that night, Robert tells her how much he adores her and how she makes a bad day better when he comes home. He begins kissing her and she pulls away and tells him she needs some time alone. Holly is so torn with her feelings she can't even make love to Robert. She spends the night in her old room. 

A DVX agent arrives and makes contact with Natalie. He's here to see two people, Dr Jerrold and Luke! Luke puts the disc back in his shoe. Luke takes his shoes to the shoemaker for an indefinate stay. Hiding the claim check in an envelope, Luke gives it to Ruby for safekeeping. While Luke is over at the hospital, the spy tears up his apartment looking for the disc. Surveying the damage Luke is livid, and believes that Scorpio must have a hand in this. 

Ceilia takes the pill that Grant tried to slip her into a pharmacist and asks him what it is? She says that she found it and had forgotten what they are for? He tells her this is a very powerful tranquilizer that is usually only prescribed by a pyschiatrist and only rarely. Celia confronts Grant with this and asks him about the pills? He claims he did give her the sedative in order to get her to rest so that she could get better and that in his anxiousness for her recovery, he over prescribed the dosage and made a mistake. He tells her that she is correct that is too strong for her and he wants her to throw them out. Grant has more problems when an old school mate of the real Grant Putnam comes to town, Bunny Willis. 

Luke confronts Scorpio in a rage about his apartment being ransacked. Robert swears he didn't order the search and it was not done by the police. Luke believes Robert as he knows him to be a man of his word. Robert tells Luke to contact Ramsey and they will send someone over. Robert asks Luke what he thinks the person was after? A somber Holly comes downstairs carrying her suitcase. A surprised Luke asks her where she is going? She tells him about Nanny's illness. He knows how much she means to her and he tells her how sorry he is. Robert asks Luke to let the police help him, Luke turns him down and says he will handle it himself. '

After he leaves, both Robert and Holly are somber as the talk of Nanny with Luke remind them both of happier days when the three worked together to free her from her family. Holly thanks him for giving her time to work out her problems and tells him that it shows her how much he respects her. He tells her that Nanny might die and asks if she is prepared for that? He is worried that if that happens and she is there alone. She tells him that she will be fine as she knows she will have him to come home to. He tells her how much he loves her and kisses her softly. 

When Luke returns to the Casino he is bopped on the head by the spy. Gregory comes in and pretends to overtake the spy, who takes a fall for Luke's benefit. Gregory orders Grant to avoid Bunny Willis at all costs. Robert gets word that a deadly enemy, Hendrik Brenich, is en route to PC. Luke answers the door to a returning Jackie Templeton and introduces him to her new boyfriend, Hendrik Brenich! 

#25B  Convinced that Luke is hiding the disc, Robert pays him a visit to the casino. Robert is horrified to see Henrich arm in arm with Jackie. Its obvious that Robert has faced Hendrik before on previous capers as there is a good deal of animosity between them. Robert urges Luke to keep Jackie clear of Hendrik. 

Robert drops in on the apartment interupting Jackie and Hendrik, and Tiffany. Robert again warns Jackie about Hendrick but she doesn't want to listen to him. Robert starts asking questions about how Jackie met Hendrik. Luke awakes and searches through Connie's purse while she sleeps. He discovers she's an agent for the WSB. Luke confronts Connie who admits the truth. She is on assignment for the WSB, but she won't tell him any more than that. 

Bunny insists on joining Celia and Grant for dinner to talk over old times with his friends. Grant stumbles through this disasterous dinner, slipping up with Bunny as he doesn't know all of the stories between the two old friends and the inside jokes. (In the next episode I don't have, Celia must have mentioned the plastic surgery scar to Bunny as he knows in the next scenes). Bunny keeps quizzing Grant on past events in their lives hoping to trip him up. After a workout, a playful Bunny puts Grant in a head lock. He sees the scars that Celia was telling him about. Grant gets angry and tells Bunny to drop it. 

When Bunny runs into Celia at GH, he tells her he got a look at Grant's scar. He questions her about how Grant says he got the scar, if she is sure that it was due to an accident? She says yes that Grant reported taking a bad fall. Bunny mumbles that it looked more like a reconstructive surgery scar. Celia looks shocked at this information and begins to question him. He quickly makes his excuses and leaves obviously not wanting to discuss his suspcions with her. Bunny makes the fatal mistake of telling Natalie that he thinks that Grant is a phony. He is definately not the same Grant he went to school with. Natalie reports to Gregory. 

Luke and Lee speak at the PCU to try to get more votes with the young people. Cute scenes with a very young Blackie as he helps organize the university debate. Natalie and Gregory doing more plotting. Gregory tells Natalie that Connie is a WSB agent. Natalie is annoyed has she has worked very hard to gain Luke's confidence and having him share his bed with an agent is too dangerous. Gregory will have Connie taken care of and plans to use Hendrick to do it. Next, Gregory is worried about Celia's inquisitiveness. She has too many pieces of the puzzle and if she starts putting them together she could disrupt their entire operation. 

Fed up with Connie's lies, Luke fires her. She has 24 hours to pack up and leave. Gregory orders Henrick to take care of Connie. As Luke makes out Connie's final check, he suddenly gets romantic and kisses her. Changing his mind, he decides she can stay only because he wants to keep an eye on her. Connie reports to Robert that Luke knows she is WSB. Robert warns her that the most important thing to Luke is loyalty and she won't last now that he can't trust her. Connie devises a plan to quit her job and that Luke will then work to keep her on. Robert sarcastically wishes her good luck, not believing her plan will work. 

Bunny Willis is missing and Celia and Grant are both concerned. Dr. Jerrold is furious that Robert is not doing anything to recover the disc or inform the public of the danger it poses. Grant is also ticked off at Natalie for removing Bunny as murder was not part of his deal. Natalie cooly tells him that is not his area of expertise but warns him that if he is ordered to take someone out that he will do so! Celia is reading about plastic surgery. Gregory hires an actor to impersonate the dead Bunny Willis in order to appease Grant. Gregory learns that Celia is poking around and researching plastic surgery. 

Luke doesn't like Jackie's editorial because she is favoring Luke and trashing Robert. He asks her if she is doing this to get revenge against Robert for breaking up with her? After Blackie tells Luke that he saw Gregory at the University with Natalie, Luke questions the piano player. Ramsey comes over to cheer up a depressed Robert while Holly is away. The two dine on Chinese take out (a recurring theme with them). Luke keeps an eye on Henrick when he stops by the casino. Jake turns down Luke's offer to come work with him as a legal advisor. 

Someone tampers with Celia's hairdryer while Gregory tells Natalie that he arranged for Celia to have an accident. Connie is next. Celia uses her hairdryer and gets an electrical jolt. Grant saves her life. Hendrik sneakily watches Connie and later fights with Jackie in order to get rid of her. Natalie distracts Luke as Hendrik goes after Connie. While Connie is relaxing in Luke's apartment, Hendrik knocks her out and drags her out the window. Luke runs out in hot pursuit after Hendrik. Jerrold comes to a decision and tells Robert that he must issue a public warning or he will withdraw his work. Later, Robert is thriled when Holly returns home from her trip to visit Nanny. Robert has been relaxing at home and is delighted that Holly is back. But within a few minutes Robert gets the call about Connie's kidnapping. Robert is sorry to have to leave her so soon and kisses her sweetly before he leaves and asks her not to go to bed without him. 

Hearing Connie's screams, Luke bursts into a warehouse and over takes the enemy spy Brenich. With Blackie's help he is able to subdue him. The police arrive and haul Brenich away, leaving Natalie and Gregory to stare at each other in frustration. Everything is going wrong, Ballantine has bad news for Robert. Hendrik has diplomatic immunity so he can't be questioned in this country. Watching her faithless lover be deported Jackie is heartbroken and ticked off at Robert at the same time. 

Unaware of the secret contents they contain, Ruby presents Luke with his boots. Natalie has advised her patient to wear them again for a while. Ruby joins a growing list of people concerned that Luke has gotten over his head in trouble at the casino. 

When Robert overhears Holly make an appointment with Dr. Mason, he is immediately concerned. Holly assures him that she is fine but she has to be careful after the miscarriage. Robert stumbles over his words as he tries to tell Holly how much he wants to have a child with her. Holly says that she also wants their lives to include children but she is not ready yet. 

Having hustled Connie out of his apartment, Luke examines the disc and re-inserts it in his shoe and heads over to the therapy room. When Natalie discovers a nail in his shoe, she is about to send it in for repair but Luke panics and does a make shift repair himself. Holly and Dr. Mason step in to the elevator and run into Luke. Luke overhears the doctor tell Holly that she doesn't forsee any problems, then learns from Amy that Holly was seeing a gynecologist! 

Holly learns what Amy just blabbed to him and moans that Luke must think she is pregnant. Forgetting her lunch with Robert, Holly runs over to see him and clear the air. She presents him with a gift of tea that Nanny gave her. Jackie spying the two former lovers delights in telling Robert of their "tryst". Robert calls the casino and learns Holly is there. Later he confronts his wife as to why she went to see Luke. Furious Holly tells him that she doesn't trust him anymore than Luke did! Robert tracks Holly down at Kelly's and the two make peace over ice cream sundaes. 

Overhearing Grant make a dinner engagement with Celia, Natalie and Gregory put their plan into action. They rig a heavy plant to fall and kill Celia during dinner. The plan goes off, but Celia moves just as the plant falls nearly killing her. Back at the hotel, Grant has to calm Celia who is in hysterics. 

Disk storyline continued on the #26.

**The End**

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