Luke, Holly & Robert #27  September 19 - October 17, 1983 - 8 hours

#27A  A somber Luke and Connie lay in bed. She is feeling guilt over Dr. Gerald's death. Luke is still reeling over Natalie lying to him about her past. He has discovered her husband who reportedly died is very much alive. Robert and Holly flirt in the computer room. She hijacks his computer and saves his work, insisting he take a lunch break. She winds up seducing him instead. Connie shows up and teases Robert about his noon time activities. She then tells him about Nataliel lying to Luke and how upset he is. She reports that her and Luke are headed to NY to check into Natalie's husband as Luke doesn't understand why she lied to him. Robert traces the connection of Natalie to Grant who was close to the professor and he seems suspicious of Natalie.

Gregory orders Grant to get the Scorpios out of the house that night. A desperate Grant pays a ticket scalper $100 each to obtain four seats for a hit play. Celia's father almost blows his plan when she wants to invite him. Her father is unable to reschedule his flight and Grant barely hides his relief. He then convinces Celia to invite the Scorpio's instead of Alan and Monica. Ceila stops by the Scorpio's and extends the invitation. Robert learns Grant is behind the invite and has Connie do some house sitting for him while they are gone. After his daughter leaves, Quintin confronts Grant about his daughter's distance and sadness and he blames Grant. He confronts him about all of Grant's strange phone calls to get Celia to go visit him and then cancelling the visit. Grant covers saying he was being tested for a fatal disease and he wanted Celia out of town when he found out the news. He claims it is a rare blood disease and he is having some additional testing done. Quintin insists that he tell Celia but Grant begs him not to as Grant wants to wait until he gets more information as he doesn't want to hurt her. Quintin later reassures Celia about Grant as she asked him to get to the bottom of her husband's strange behavior. She believes her father's reassurances.

Grant reports to Gregory the Scorpio house will be clear. Gregory then calls Natalie and tells her it is a go. Robert is suspicious of what he feels is an effort to get him out of the house that night. He asks Connie to house sit while he and Holly go out for the evening as he suspects someone is going to break in to steal the microfilm. Luke and Connie visit Natalie's ex-husband in NY and learn that they broke up because she was a fanatic in anti-American activities. Feeling betrayed yet again, Luke heads to GH to confront her. He doesn't find Natalie but does run into Bobbie. She surprises him with the news that she thinks she might be pregnant and how would he feel about being an uncle? He is thrilled with the news but he comments that it doesn't seem like she is happy about it? She says she hasn't told DL yet and she is afraid of how he will react. She says he has made it pretty obvious that he doesn't want anymore children. Luke assures Bobbie that Brock will change his mind about kids when she informs him of her pregnancy. 

The Putnams and the Scorpios dine together. The Hardy's and the Baldwin's stop by and report that there have been a lot of last minute cancellations for the play as the understudy is doing the role, not the lead. Holly and Celia suggest that they should pass on the play and enjoy an evening at the Scorpio's. Robert observes Grant closely during this exchange and notices the difficulty he has concealing his dismay. Grant covers and says that since a patient gave him the tickets that he feels obligated to go, the patient may call him tommorrow and ask about the production and then what would Grant say. They all agree to attend.  Natalie breaks into the Scorpios and starts snooping around. As Natalie reaches the communication room, Connie enters the house and sees a shadow under the door. The agent gets the jump on Natalie and in the struggle the gun goes off. Connie places an emergency call to Robert at the theatre to report the breakin and that she has learned who the mole is! It is Natalie Dearborn and Connie has just shot her! Robert tells them they have to leave that Natalie has been shot. Luke is also stunned to hear that Natalie was shot at the Scorpio's. Luke passes it along to Gregory on his way out to the hospital.

Robert, Holly, Celia, and Grant all arrive at GH. Jesse fills Grant in on Natalie's injury, as Connie tells Robert privately about the struggle. Robert is eager to talk to Natalie but the surgeon tells him she is headed to recovery and he will have to wait but Natalie is going to be okay. Connie goes to call Ballantine and fill him in. Robert tells Holly that she can't go home as Natalie was shot there and the police won't let her enter the crime scene. A distracted Grant offers to drive the ladies home while Robert waits to question Natalie. Holly asks Robert privately if Natalie is involved with the disk and if that is why she was shot? He asks her to keep her suspicions private and not air them to Grant. Luke arrives at GH and Connie fills him in that Connie shot Natalie and that Natalie is a spy. Luke is shocked but it all fits now for Connie. Luke insists on seeing her now and is irate when Connie won't let him. He begs her for a couple of minutes and they head up to see if it is possible. Gregory moves quickly when he discovers Natalie'a cover is blown. He races to the hospital and steals some scrubs. He listens in as it is obvious her cover is blown. He then calls his superiors and informs them that Natalie is of no use to them anymore.  Back at the Q's, Celia questions Grant what he knows about what is going on? He tells her that he is very scared. Celia panics because she now believe's that Jerrold is murdered. Robert is given the okay to question Natalie but Connie stops him and points out that she will clam up to Connie and Robert but she might to Luke. Natalie tries to make peace with Luke but all he can think about is her lies and how she made a fool out of him and asks her if it was worth it? She shakily points out that he is walking, isn't he?

Luke returns to the club looking so sad that Tiffany assumes that Natalie is dead. He says no but he has lost a friend. She asks if she can do anything? He says that she has already done it as she has never lied to him, never hurt him, never let him down and she is one of the rare ones. Connie comes into the club and sits with Luke and tries to comfort him. He is devastated as he realizes that Natalie used him to get to Port Charles, that she used him to get to know Robert, to be in a position to be able to watch everyone and he feels so stupid, that Natalie faned the fires between him and Robert the whole time. She set him up and he fell for it. Luke says just about every woman he has every known either betrays or leaves him! She says she won't and he says, "not yet". Connie follows  him upstairs tries to comfort Luke who is still feeling betrayed over Natalie's deception. He says he has to know the truth about Natalie and what Connie has been up to, the whole thing.

Robert arrives at the Q's to pick up Holly to take her home. He tells them all that Connie shot Natalie in sef-defense. After the Scorpios head home, Celia demands to know who Connie is? She realizes Grant is involved in something dark and sinister and Natalie was part of it. While Natalie is being moved to another room via elevator, Gregory enters the elevator dressed in scrubs. She watches him without comment, as he injects air into her IV causing her to die from an air embolism.  When Robert arrives home, the WSB inform him that Natalie is dead. After alerting Connie, Robert goes back to the hospital. Connie has to tell Luke about Natalie's death.

(Pre-emption missed about 20 minutes of GH) Back in progress, Ballantine and Steve are questioning Bobbie on who was with Natalie before she died. Ruby shows them the mask and syringe she found in the elevator. Robert is informed that Natalie was murdered. Celia is arguing with Grant demanding more information and he suggests that the head to GH to talk to Natalie. Robert enters overhearing this and says that will be impossible as Natalie is dead!  Robert confronts Grant that he set it up for them to be out of the house with the theatre tickets and accuses him of working with Natalie. Putnam denies having any involvement with Natalie except with their work affliation. Robert leaves and puts a tail on Grant. He tells Connie that he is sure that Natalie's contact killed her and that if they follow Grant that he will lead them to the boss. Robert then tells an insistent Holly that Natalie was a DVX agent. Celia explodes, "Who are you really Grant?" Telling her the reconstructive surgery stemmed from the car crash that killed his parents, Putnam admits he is tied to something deadly. Bobbie lets slip to Luke that Natalie was murdered and Connie knew about it. Furious, Luke blows up at his girlfriend. He feels that he can't trust her either! Hurt and angry Connie walks out. Taking the disc from his suitcase, Luke heads for the mountains. Luke tells Jed about Natalie's death, about her being a DVX agent and her betrayal. Jed assures Luke that Natalie did care about him that wasn't a lie. Luke tells Jed all about the disc and the fact he kept it from Robert for selfish reasons. Luke agrees it was wrong and decides to turn it over to Scorpio.

Grant tries to rent a car from a an agent (played by Jon Linstrom, GH's Kevin) but they are all booked up due to the Expo. It is with great difficulty that Holly accepts Robert's conclusion that Natalie used Luke to get the disc. Robert doesn't believe that Luke is so bitter that he would become an enemy spy but that he believed in Natalie and she used that trust against him. Robert points out that the DVX is very good at infiltrating and they are trained in how to gain people's trust. Holly is disturbed when she realizes that once again Luke has been used and betrayed. Robert needs her to help question Celia about Putnam. Reluctantly, Holly presses her friend about how Grant has been feeling? She suggests that maybe Celia needing someone to talk to that Grant must have been devastated by first Jerrold's death and then Natalie's death. Celia insists that Grant wasn't any closer to Natalie than to any other co-worker. Holly argues that they worked together very closely, like a team.  Celia insists that her life with Grant is just fine and that Holly is acting like a police detective. Celia accuses that its because of Holly's unsavory past that she sees conspriacy where there is none. Holly tries again to get Celia to talk about her problems with Grant. Celia blows up at her and tells her that she isn't her friend. Grant arrives and interrupts the exchange and Holly leaves. Grant tells her he has to leave but he will be back. She doesn't believe him and cries that he won't ever come back.

Back home a miserable tells Robert that she didn't learn anything and that Celia accused her of being a spy for her husband and a crook! Robert consoles her that she is covering for her husband and Celia snapped at her like a frightened cornered animal would. Celia has found a departing Grant at the bus terminal. He tells her to leave, that she can't go with him. She promises that she will follow him where ever he goes. He tells her that she doesn't know what she is getting herself into and that he life will be in danger if she goes with him. She doesn't care and she would rather live a life of danger with him than without him. They are threatened by Lord Rama's men, so they head back to the mansion. Phoning the townhome, Luke reaches Holly instead. Robert learns that Bunny Willis's body was found. Robert informs a shocked Grant and Celia about Bunny's death. Robert takes Grant down to the PCPD for questioning.

Robert tells Grant that he is in deep trouble. First Dr. Jerrold died, then Natalie murdered, now Bunny's body has turned up. Robert points out that all three people who have been murdered had one thing in common, Grant! Grant insists that he doesn't know anything about the murders. Grant reluctantly agrees to take a lie detector test, though he complains the entire time when he doesn't like the questions. He does passes with flying colors, much to the dismay of Connie and Ballantine. After the test, an insistent Grant tells Robert that he had nothing to do with Jerrold's death and he would have done anything he could have to prevent it. Celia arrives with Edward and Lee Baldwin who she has retained as his attorney. Ballantine and Connie are upset that Robert has released Grant. Robert is convinced Grant is hiding something and is involved somehow in the murders. He explains that he doesn't believe Grant was the trigger man but that he probably knows how is and that he released him so that Grant will lead Robert to the killer.

Back home, Celia tells Grant that she realizes how much danger he is in. Grant promises that somehow he will get them out of this. The DVX springs into action taking an all out assault on Robert. Gregory teamed up with Lord Rama put their plan into effect. Robert is asked to meet a woman on the docks who says she has information about Bunny's murder. Grant is summoned by Gregory. Meanwhile, a DVX agent slips into Delfina's over powers the sales girl and phones Holly and tells her that Celia is very upset and refusing to leave the dressing room and she is asking for Holly that she has to speak with her. Holly agrees to come right over. The agent then calls Celia and tells her that Holly is very upset and asking to speak with her, that she has something she has to tell her. When Celia asks to speak with her, she is told that Holly is lying down in the back Celia also agrees to come over. Holly arrives and when she goes to the back of the shop to find her friend, she is overcome from behind, drugged and tied up.

Celia arrives next and is also taken hostage. They are dressed in robes from the shop. Realizing he was set up, Robert phones Grant at the Q's and asks if Holly is still there? Grant reports that Holly was never here. He tells him that Delphina's called and that Celia left to meet her there. Robert asks his housekeeper and she says that Delphina's called and said that her friend, Celia needed her and Holly went over there. Robert tells Grant that something smells and he hangs up and heads over to Delphina's. Breaking into the locked shop, Robert arrives to find the shopkeeper bound and gagged. Grant arrives just behind him. The nearly hysterical woman tells Robert the events of the morning. A police officer brings two purses that Robert recognizes as Holly's and Grant as Celia's. Robert and Grant compare notes about how their spouses were lured there. Robert realizes they have been kidnapped and puts out an immediate APB on the ladies and orders his officers to find them! Robert rages to Grant that it's about time he told him everything! Robert tells him he knows what he is after and who he is involved with. Robert says that maybe Grant doesn't care about Celia but Holly means the world to him. Connie comes in and Robert tells her that the DVX has kidnapped Celia and Holly and that Grant now knows they are onto him. Robert surmises that they will ransom the ladies in return for the microfilm. Connie warns him that he can't give them the microfilm. Robert says he plans to get the ladies back and keep the microfilm and Grant is going to help him do it, as he is sure that Grant knows where they are being held captive. Grant assures Robert that he loves his wife and also wants her safe return.

Holly and Celia are escorted to the Gulistan pavilion where they will stay until the DVX gets what they want from Robert. Connie goes over the details with the shopkeeper and warns her that she can't tell anyone about what happened here today. Jackie shows up and begins to question the shopkeeper. Burt takes the woman out of the shop for questioning about the "robbery". Jackie senses there is more to it and is ready to sniff out a story.  At gunpoint, Robert escorts Grant into the communication room and demands the truth. Grant starts to tell him everything when the phone rings and it's Eva. Eva tells Robert that they want the microfilm and they won't release the hostages with out it. Holly is put on the phone for just a moment and she sounds so sad and scared. They take the phone away and Robert growls that he wants to talk to Holly! Robert is told he will be given orders on how to get them back. Robert demands that he wants to know what is going on now! Robert is told that if he doesn't turn over the microfilm that Holly and Celia will meet the same fate as Bunny Willis! They hang up and Robert demands to know who Eva is? Grant assumes she is a DVX agent like Natalie. Robert accuses Grant of being the DVX mole and of killing Dr. Jerrold. Grant doesn't address the accusation about being the mole but declares he didn't kill Jerrold. Grant is arguing with Robert when Luke bursts in the room. Robert tries to get Luke to leave as he is in the middle of something. Luke tells Robert he has something to give him, Robert doesn't care until Luke shows him the disk. Robert is furious that Luke has had the disk all of this time and is only now turning it over. Robert tells him that Holly and Celia have been kidnapped. Luke assures Robert that he will work with him to help Holly. Robert turns him down and tells him he has already caused enough trouble and he doesn't want Luke involved in this. Robert accuses that Luke knew Robert was going crazy looking for it. Luke tells him he had to wait to be sure he was turning it over to someone he trusted. Robert can't believe that it took Luke this long to figure out he could trust Robert.

Robert calls Ballantine and tells him that Luke just walked in and turned over the disk. Ballantine refuses to let Robert turn over the microfilm to the hostage takers. Later, the WSB arrives to take the disc. Grant begs Robert not to turn over the disk as that is the only leverage they have to free their wives. He has Luke's attention and Grant grabs Robert's gun and holds it on him while Luke uses the distraction to grab the disk while Grant knocks Robert out. Luke convinces Grant to let him help and Grant makes plans to meet him on the docks. Grant warns him that if he doesn't show up that Holly and Celia will die. Grant leaves Robert tied up and heads to the warehouse. Luke arrives at the warehouse and starts to plant the disc in a birds nest, when Grant arrives and knocks him out. Taking out a key element to the disc, Grant stashes it in the birds nest and heads out with the nearly complete disc. Eva tries to be hospitable to Holly and Celia and tells them that is the custom in her country. After she leaves, Holly tells Celia that they are at the Expo and that country's pavilon and seems relieved to realize they are still in Port Charles!

#27B  Grant reports to Robert that he has the disc. Luke awakes with a terrible headache. Checking the birds nest he finds the disc missing. Connie finds Robert and unties him. Holly and Celia try to flirt with Rama's men in a failed attempt to escape. Luke watches the surveillance tape of Gregory and a middle eastern visitor from a few nights ago and notices they were using sign language. Luke, who learned sign language from young deaf boy at the mountain hospital, figures out what where the hostages might be held. Robert and Ballantine argue about what to do about the disc. Luke gives a note to Blackie that he wants him to take to Robert. Luke leaves and Gregory knocks Blackie out and takes the note. He then erases the tape that Luke was watching. Luke arrives at the Expo asking questions about the pavilions.

Holly and Celia are going stir crazy and wanting to escape. Robert finds Blackie and revives him. Luke pokes around the Expo grounds wanders into a kitchen and is nearly skewered by the cook until he talks his way out of it. Gregory meets with Grant and he tries to convince Gregory that he is loyal to the mother country. To prove his loyalty he hands him the disc. Luke overhears Rama's men ordering food and acting suspiciously. Robert, Ballantine and Connie plot to free the hostages. While trying to ellude Rama's men, Luke accidentally locks himself in the closet. Robert and Ballantine arrive at the Expo looking for Luke, but they find nothing. Meanwhile, Luke is stuck in the locked room and tries to pry his way out to no luck. A sullen Robert alone at the townhome paces with worry over Holly. Connie arrives and the two try to figure out where the women are being held. Connie and Robert, and Steve and Audrey at an Expo press conference with the mayor. Robert and Connie questioning all the foreign Expo visitors hoping they will lead him to the hostages. Last on the list is Lord Rama. Robert wants a visit to his pavilion. Rama puts him off till he gets permission from his country. A nosy Jackie tries to pump Robert and Connie on the supposed robbery at Delfina's and Holly's disappearance. Robert questions Tiffany about piano man Gregory, who has also gone missing from the club. Running Gregory's information through his computer, Robert learns that Gregory's ex-girlfriend was a known DVX agent.  

Luke finally escapes from the locked room and wanders the Expo grounds. Finding a phone he begins to call Robert. Luke tells him that Holly and Celia are at the Expo grounds just as Lord Rama's men take him out. Grant and Gregory toast to their success. Robert and Connie arrive at the Expo and learn that Luke was poking around the grounds. The desk agent tells him Luke was looking for something related to persimmons. Luke is dragged to the Gulistani Pavilion which is housed behind a giant persimmon door. Gregory decides to hold Luke with the women till Robert gets the equation to the disc from Robert. Luke punches Grant in the face. Holly scolds Luke for being selfish enough to not give Robert the disc. Gregory takes Grant in to see Celia and she nearly strangles Grant with anger. Connie and Robert back at the Expo tracking down the persimmon lead. Lord Rama, Eva, Gregory and Grant plot their next move with Robert. They need the full equation to the microfilm before they can leave the country. Robert and Connie figure out the hostages are being held in one of the Expo pavillion's but which one? Gregory calls Robert demanding the other half of the microfilm. If he doesn't get it in 48 hours, Luke, Holly, and Celia are dead. Gregory proves to Robert that Holly is alive for the time being. Robert agrees to turn over the microfilm.

Robert demands Ballantine give him the microfilm to free the hostages or they will be dead in 24 hours. Robert calls Yuri the head of the DVX of the dangers of the disc when exposed to air. Gregory decides to play it safe and find a lead container. The WSB has tracked one of Rama's men to a secret door to the Gulastan pavillion. Robert is notified, and now he knows for sure the hostages are being held there. Robert believes the hostages are being held in Rama's Gulistan pavillion. Gregory tells Rama to be prepared to move the hostages if need be. Grant overhears this. Luke has been isolated from Holly and Celia. Rama walks the grounds of the Expo. Rama strikes a deal with Song Cho Lee to move some of his "people" to his pavillion temporarily. Robert arranges a signed and sealed document giving him immunity to search Rama's pavilion. Grant tries to convince Gregory he doesn't need to kill the hostages once he gets the microfilm. Grant gets the guard outside of Celia and Holly's room drunk. When the guard is asleep, he sneaks in and tries to to talk with Celia, but she screams and the guard comes running. Grant puts his act back on and pretends to be the bad guy. Robert exhausted falls asleep on the couch. Tiffany takes care of him. Gregory calls Robert and tells him his time has run out.  Robert with instructions on what he needs to do next. At the Expo, Robert is told by Ida where he needs to drop the micro film. Robert again demands that Ballantine give him the microfilm. Robert gets a telegram allowing him access to the Gulistani pavillion. He calls Connie and has her meet him that Expo.

**The End**

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