This edit is available on an 8 hr vhs tape or on two 4 hr dvd-rs.

Liz #6  June 10 - Dec 27, 1999 - 8 hrs

Nik finds Liz at Kelly's to tell her about the great success of her t-shirt. She runs to the back to try one on. Tammy tells Nik, "You are some kind of magic man. I haven't seen her this happy in a long time." Liz returns, and much gratuitous admiration of the t-shirt ensues. Laura is picking flowers when Liz and Nikolas come to visit. They all have family bonding with Lesley Lu. Another day, Laura is gardening at the country home as Lulu is helping Laura arrange some flowers, she says her favorite color is purple. Laura becomes very sad. She tells Lulu about the purple suit that Lucky wore to a Nurses' Ball. Stefan watches from afar as Lulu climbs up on Laura's lap and they tell each other "I love you." On the docks, Nik asks Liz to attend the Nurses' Ball with him. He says it would "save his life." She was planning on just helping backstage and watching Emily's video from there. He does a lot of arm twisting and Liz finally gives in. They go to the hospital where Liz asks Audrey to go dress shopping with her. Luke takes a walk on the docks and has flashbacks of Lucky - first, doing "Jailhouse Rock" at the last Nurses' Ball and then the hip-hop dance he and Luke did years ago. Day of Nurse's Ball, Lucy is crazy with backstage preparations. Liz is nervous about the sets she designed. There's a whole segment done with "Rock this Town" playing throughout. We see all the couples already mentioned plus Mac and Felicia, Emily and Jason, and Nik and Liz. Most of the women spin around to showcase their gowns. Everyone arrives at the ball and Lucy introduces the evening. Monica introduces Emily's video. We see Lucy talking about her friend, John Hanley, who died on the night of a Nurses' Ball years ago. Many real-life AIDS patients talk about their lives. Alan talks about the heartbreak of telling a patient they are HIV positive. "Power to Believe" by Ricky Martin is played with a montage of AIDS quilts shown. Emily and Ned sing "Forever Young" while we see quilts of many AIDS victims. Jason looks sad and pensive during their song. Ned encourages the audience to join them and they all sing along. It was a sweet, sad number. In the hospital lounge, Nikolas sat, waiting for news about his grandmother's condition. He was ambivalent, he admitted to Liz - on the one hand, he despised her for all of the evil she had wrought, but on the other hand, she was, after all, his grandmother... A jealous Katherine lurked behind, watching Nikolas with Liz and Emily. Finally, she barged in on the scene. Emily left immediately, pleading errands, and Katherine sent Liz to buy her coffee. Katherine tried to engage Nikolas in a mutual worrying about Helena session, but Nikolas refused to discuss Helena with her. As soon as she left Nicolas to check on Helena, Nikolas and Liz resumed their conversation, so when Katherine returned, she clearly saw that Nikolas preferred to talk to Liz. Nikolas told Liz how he & Katherine started sleeping together because Helena told Katherine to seduce him. Eventually, they left the hospital.

Katherine behaves like a spoiled brat when she sees a cozy moment between Liz & Nikolas. While waiting in Nikolas' office, a poster triggers a re-occuring dream Liz has been having about Lucky. She and Nikolas have a tender moment afterward.

Em and Liz are gushing about 98 degrees playing in PC tomorrow. Bobbie wants to talk to Liz. She says that Liz is overdue for her HIV test. Liz says that there's been too much going on. Liz says that the waiting for the test is hell. She remembers waiting with Lucky for the results. Liz promises Bobbie to come in next week for her HIV status. Liz admits that there hasn't been any sexual experiences between then and now. Bobbie tells Liz that she can't make decisions thinking that you are going to lose someone. (Referring to sex with Lucky) Liz knows that. She talks about wanting Lucky to have been her first. Bobbie tells her to stop dwelling on her loss.

Outside Kelly's, Emily and Liz want to go to Jake's to see 98 degrees but club policy is over 21 only. Juan thinks Emily and Liz should just tell someone at Jake's that it is ok with Jason for them to see the show. Emily calls Jake's and it is ok with Jake. Nik overhears and at first he doesn't approve of what's going on but then agrees to be part of the foursome. Jason is shooting pool at Jake's. As Carly & Jason dance, Jake interrupts them. She doesn't understand why Jason would want his teenage sister and her friends there for the concert, but she'll make sure they are not served any alcohol. Jason is confused. He never talked to Emily about this. He tells Jake he'll take full responsibility for Emily and her friends. Emily, Liz, Nik and Juan are stopped at the door by the bouncer, but Jake says to let them in. Liz notices Jason at the bar drinking beer and is worried. Emily reports that after talking to Jason he is okay with them being there. 98 degrees sing a song.

At Kelly's, Liz comes out to none-too-happily wait on Katherine. Katherine asks her to sit and proceeds to "gently point out" that Nik has been spending so much time worrying about Liz & Em that his own feelings are being neglected. Meow! The claws come out. Liz rises to the challenge, telling Katherine that as far as she can see, her and Emily's "only crime seems to be that we're in his same age group." She tells Katherine to take her problems to Nik, not her. Nik arrives on cue and Liz stalks off back inside. Nik doesn't like Kat's explanation and tells her that helping Liz is helping him. She asks him to come with her to a play that night; he says he has plans. "Let me guess, with Elizabeth." Nik says he doesn't want to fight. Kat says "me too, so…" and leaves. Nik waits for Liz. She says maybe Katherine was partly right, but that she doesn't like being scolded by "your…whatever she is." Nik says that Kat doesn't understand about Lucky. They say how much they still miss him and then they hold hands across the table. Emily flounces over, Liz teases her about waiting for someone. Nik says, "Not that Juan!?" Shortly, Juan arrives and says he can get them in to see the 98degrees show tonight. It is "All Access" night and they don't have to be 21 to get in.

At Jake's, over at the teens' table, Emily freaks when she sees a flunkie of Moreno, who "is my brother's enemy." Juan wants to know if he's Sonny's enemy too; Emily says yes. Em and Nik tell Liz and Juan to ignore the guy. Juan with the help of nik and liz, gets em to meet 98 degrees at kelly's. liz and nick have some hostilities toward juan. kat sees them hug, and leaves. Later, Nik comes back to give Liz a ride home. then, they thumb wrestle, and Kat barges in. Liz tells her that she and Nik are going to Jake's tonight.

At Jake's, Nik and Liz come in and are surprised when Juan tells them that Emily has left. The three get drinks and Juan pays with a large bill. Juan tells Nik and Liz that Jason is a punk. He doesn't like the way Jason controls Emily. Nik says that if Jason really wanted to hurt Juan, he would have.

Katherine goes into Nikolas' office, and instructs his assistant to have Stefan come by during the morning…then call Liz for lunch. She then left with a really smug look on her face. Liz shows up to meet Nik for lunch and decides to just barge in, and finds Nik and Kat in a somewhat compromising position…he's shirtless and she's just in her slip… Liz is stunned to find Nik and Katherine half-undressed in Katherine's office. Katherine pretends to be surprised to see her standing there. As Liz runs away, Nik goes after her. He gets dressed and tells Katherine that he must find Liz. Katherine pretends to be sorry that she didn't lock the door. Tammy is surprised to see Liz. Wasn't she supposed to be having lunch with Nik? Liz goes outside to clear off tables. Nik comes along. Liz thinks what he did was tacky. Doesn't he work like normal people do? When Liz says that Nik's secretary called to arrange the lunch, he realizes that Katherine was probably setting up Liz to see them together, because he had no knowledge of lunch with Liz. Liz deduces that Katherine doesn't want Nik to have any family or friends. She wants to be the only one in Nik's life. Before he leaves, Nik apologizes to Liz for what they suspect Katherine did to her. Liz and Nikolas talk about the breakup and Liz tells Nikolas about her true feelings about Katherine and Katherine's motives in the relationship. Nikolas admits it was all about sex and blames himself for being stupid in falling into the trap. Liz consoles Nikolas telling him not to blame himself and they discuss how they think Lucky would handle the situation.

Outside Kelly's, Katherine tells Liz that they must talk about Nik. Liz says she knows Nik broke up with Katherine. Katherine says that Nik overreacted because Liz overreacted. A woman can have great power over a man. Katherine thinks Liz has made Nik feel obligated to protect her. Katherine insists she puts Nik's interests first. She tells Liz that she (Liz) is using the "victim routine" just as Nik arrives and tells Katherine to stop it. Katherine tells him Liz attacked her. Nik defends Liz. After Katherine leaves, Nik says he wasted so much time on her. Later, Nik meets Liz after her shift. They joke about his being unemployed.

At Kelly's, Liz invites Nik to go to see the Boyzone concert with her at Luke's. Laura asks Felicia several questions about Luke. Emily arrives at Kelly's and tells Liz and Nik that she is going to the Boyzone concert. Emily and Juan join Nik and Liz at Luke's for the concert. Emily is thrilled to hear that Nik has broken up with Katherine. Emily and Liz get all excited when members of the band talk to them. Claude asks Emily to introduce the band. She tells the story of how the group started and they sing a song. Liz and Nik are outside Luke's, leaving. She wants to drive his car, but he says no. She tries to get his keys and the predictable physical teasing follows. They look a little uneasy when they realize what has happened.

A bitter Katherine witnessed a fun moment between Nikolas and Liz at the diner. After helping liz at work, Nikolas played a song on the jukebox and he and Liz danced. Liz then became emotional and told Nikolas how she and Lucky used to dance. Elizabeth was waiting for Nikolas outside his house and they talked for a minute about Emily being grounded and how Liz missed her going to the thrift shops with her to tell her what good taste she has. She then gives Nikolas a gift--it's a painting she's done of Lesley Lu sitting in a garden. Nikolas loves it. Laura comes along and talks to Nikolas about his feelings for Elizabeth. He assures her that they are just friends.He knows he'll always be Lucky's brother to her. Liz came to see Nik and Kat kept dropping little hints, but Liz didn't figure out that Kat is pregnant. Nik took Liz Home. Episode closed with a soft song and it started by showing Hannah lying in Bed crying and then it went to Sonny pacing in the penthouse. Next it showed Elizabeth siting in her window where Lucky always came in, she was playing with the ring Lucky gave her & looking at the sky (thinking of her love for Lucky). The next shot was Nik coming home, he went in the house and sat on the stairs and began to think. Then the scenes went to Kat who was lighting candles and smirking. Then to Chloe and Jax, both wide eyed, thinking about one another. Also, during this shot Ned and Alexis were shown sleeping.

Katherine enters Kelly's and orders herbal tea from Liz while making comments about how "coffee's a little rough on the system" and rubbing her stomach. As usual, Katherine tries to goad Liz into a confrontation. Liz tries to ignore her, but tells Tammy she needs a break. Emily comes in and Liz drags her out. Liz vents to Emily about Katherine. Emily suggests ignoring her. Later, Liz turns up at Nik's. She wanted to make sure he was okay. She tells him about her run-in with Katherine. Nik says Katherine is having a hard time dealing with their break-up. Before Liz can try to get him to open up more, he distracts her by saying he'll let her drive his Jag to go get ice cream.

Laura tells Liz she wants to speak to her about Nikolas. First, she invites Liz over to have dinner with Lulu. Liz accepts. Laura wants to have Nikolas there also. She thinks Lulu and Liz can cheer him up. Neither Liz nor Laura have a clue to why Nik has been acting differently. Liz and Laura don't understand why Katherine would come to Kelly's unless it's to find Nik and bug Liz. Liz says she stiffs her on tips. Laura tells her to spill something on Katherine the next time. Liz giggles, but Laura says she really wants her to do it. Laura will take full responsibility. Liz overhears Katherine on her cell phone saying she is in the beginning of her pregnancy and she and the baby's father want to do everything right for the baby. Liz is stunned. Later, Liz is alone at a table outside. Nik comes along. He says he has to tell her something. Liz braces herself. He has to break their movie date. Liz goes back to cleaning off tables and looks very sad.

Emily is giving Liz advice on what to do when you know a friend's secret that they haven't told you yet. Liz is afraid her friend will throw his life away. She wonders why he hasn't told her and if she should butt in. Emily tells her that sometimes it is really hard to ask for help. She brings up her drug and alcohol past that she was really hoping her family would find out and help her not get really out of control. Liz says she might take her advice and tells her Juan is waiting for her on the pier. Nikolas goes to the boxcar and he talks to Lucky, crying, telling him how much he depended on him and that Lucky would know what to do. He thought he'd have that forever because you're always stuck with brothers. He's almost sobbing and admits that Katharine is pregnant. He was just starting to be a good brother, how can he be a dad? He says that people who used to be princes aren't very good with real life. The people he was supposed to take care of for Lucky are worried about him. He cried and asks Why? Why aren't you here to tell me what to do?

Liz, alone in her room, is sketching a picture that looks of a couple that looks like her and Lucky, they are surrounded by flames. She rips it up and heads to the boxcar. As she looks around, she remembers their time together there and her eyes fill with tears. She softly cries, "Lucky!"

8/19 While she is sketching on the docks, Liz has flashbacks to Lucky. As she arrives at Kelly's she overhears Bobbie & Jason talk about Lucky's death. This has a subduing affect on Liz. Nikolas finds Liz drawing and she seems kind of withdrawn. He asks her if she's upset with him because of knowing that Katharine is pregnant with his child. She says no and they talk about it. He tells her he went to the boxcar to talk to Lucky, she asks if it helped. They talk some more and then it cuts to Katharine on the phone talking about medical records and needing to get pregnant as soon as possible.

Emily & Juan ran into Nikolas and Liz (who was counseling him on his situation with Katherine), and then four of them decided to go see Morley at Jakes. The episode ends with a montage of couples together - Jason and Carly flashback, Juan and Emily, and Nikolas and Liz alone, with Liz longing to be with Lucky - while Morley was singing a song about love. Nikolas told Liz that he had decided to stop fighting Katherine in order to try and make the situation work.

At Kelly’s, a distracted Liz overfills a glass of water. Juan and Emily dance (to the same song Lucky and Liz last danced to). Liz watches miserably remembering when she and Lucky danced. She makes excuses and leaves. Liz is at home drawing. She destroys the picture and listens to the song Lucky wrote for her, "Elizabeth". She puts on Lucky’s old shirt and lays on the bed thinking of him. She looks through the things they shared - the subway token, etc. She begins going through her clothes looking for just the right outfit and finds a black tanktop and pants, then begins doing her makeup. She is dressed to attract and heads to Jake’s. She immediately gets hit on. When the guy suggests he buy her a drink she responds, "Why not live dangerously?" They sit and talk then he wants to dance and she isn't interested. He pulls her up and forces her to dance. The fear in her eyes is obvious. Then he wants to take her outside. When she resists, he tells her he likes a little fight and starts pulling her outside. Jason comes up and easily subdues the guy and kicks him out of Jake's. Liz tears into Jason saying if she wanted his help she would have asked for it. She really blasts him, he just looks at her in shock. He realizes she is hurting and gets her to open up about her feelings. She talks about wanting Lucky's baby and how she could have had it, if she hadn't been so scared. Jason tells her he lives in nothingness too and they seem to bond. She really misses Lucky. Her grief is showing and it's deep. Jason is really sweet and just listens and encourages her without being patronizing. She reminisces about their entire history and how much she misses him. She tells him about the rape and how Lucky reached out to her afterwards. She also realizes that she has a lot of people who care about her. After she's all talked out, Jason takes her for a ride on his motorcycle…in a spaghetti-strap tank top no less! She is clearly having a ball, enjoying the speed. They share an interesting look as he drops her home…


Liz and Jason end up talking again and he tells her what it was like to be a father. She tells him she would like to see him with his son but he says he doesn't see him anymore. Liz says well at least you can hear about him and see him from a distance and maybe someday, you know. Stefan asks Liz about what's bothering Nik. She doesn't tell him anything. Nikolas says he'll confide in Stefan later, but not now. He also tells Stefan the real reason Laura left town was because of Faison. Stefan gets upset at the perceived threat against Laura.

9/9 Liz runs into Mike outside of Kelly's. She tells him that she is sorry to hear about Sonny (he's in jail). She asks if Jason is in trouble. Mike gives her a curious look and asks why she is interested. She makes some excuse about Emily. Jason runs into Liz sketching on the docks. They talk more about Nik and Kat, his situation with AJ and Michael. He invites her to go for another motorcycle ride and she agrees. Liz is waiting for Nik to help him get his mind off of Katharine. She invites him to the movies. He says that Kat is on her way over so it will have to be later. She agrees only if she can drive the jag again. They joke about her buying one of her own so she is not always after his. Katharine arrives as Liz is leaving, Liz congratulates her on her pregnancy. Liz says that she doesn't trust or like Katherine and that she can't be the one who decorates the baby's nursery. Nikolas says he's disappointed but understands. Liz and Emily discuss different ways that she could get to Juan without anyone knowing it. She could get AJ's secretary to book a ticket or Reginald would do it though the household account. The cover is that Emily is going to spend a few days with Liz so she would not be all alone. Kat rubs it in to Liz that Nikolas has asked her to marry him. Liz confronts Nikolas and he gets mad telling her she had no right to call Katharine dirt. Liz doesn't want him to ruin the chances of having the life Lucky will never have and he angrily says I never asked you to be my conscience. She walks away and says I thought I was being your friend.

Bobbie and Liz at Kelly's. The phone rings and Liz answers. It's Emily, in a hat and dark glasses at the airport, taking off on her illicit trip to Puerto Rico. Liz frets a little and tells Emily to call her when she gets there. They hang up and Juan appears and says to Liz, "Guess who's back!" Liz is suitably horrified. She tells Juan what's going on and hurriedly calls the airport. At the airport, they page Emily, but she's plugged into her headphones and conveniently can't hear the page. Emily, still at the airport, is approached by Jason. She yells at him a bunch about how he can't stop her from going. He lets her act like an idiot for awhile before he points out Juan and Liz standing across the room. She runs over for a giddy embrace. Liz says to Jason, "You look like you just ate something really rank." "Why did she have to pick him?" Jason asks. Liz defends Juan; Jason chides Liz for helping Emily run away to PR. Liz points out that if Jason were really all that mad he would have called Monica, instead of telling Liz and Juan to jump in the coffee truck and driving them to the airport. Em and Juan come over and thank Jason for the ride, and then Emily demonstrates unbelievable gall by asking Jason if Juan can stay with him He needs, she says, "a safehouse"; Jason appropriately asks, "a *what*?". Jason points out that Juan's father is Juan's problem. Juan is belligerent to Jason. Jason says he and Juan will have no problems unless Juan makes trouble for Emily. Liz says Juan can stay in her extra bedroom tonight, since her grandmother is out of town. Jason goes to get the truck and Em tells Liz to go with him: "He listens to you." Liz is astonished: "He does?" Emily says, "Well, maybe he doesn't listen to you, but he likes you." Liz says okay and goes after Jason.

Outside Kelly's, Jason and Liz say their goodbyes, and Kat shows up after Jason's gone. She and Liz trade insults. Kat tells Liz she's going to order Nik to distance himself from Liz. Then Kat prances off. Laura arrives to talk to Liz. Liz confesses to Laura that she is worried about Nikolas. Laura says that she already knows everything, including Nikolas' proposal of marriage. Liz asks Laura if she is the only one who thinks that marriage is the worst possible mistake that Nikolas can make. Laura assures her that it isn't her. Liz sarcastically asks Laura to guess who gave her the news. Laura says that she is sure that Katherine couldn't contain herself. Liz says that Katherine gave her the happy announcement packaged with a plea for advice, even though she can't stand her. Liz tells Laura that she told Nikolas he was going to ruin his life and now he is mad at her. Laura assures Liz that Nikolas values her friendship too much to stay mad. Liz says that friendship with Nikolas isn't the point. The point is stopping Nikolas from ruining his life. She was hoping that Laura could talk some sense into him. Liz asks Laura if there isn't any way she can make Nikolas rethink this. Laura says that she would love to take Nikolas by the shoulders and shake him, but if she did, it would probably drive Nikolas further away which is exactly what Katherine wants. Liz agrees that that is exactly what Katherine wants. She berates herself for falling right into Katherine's trap. She tells Laura that Katherine must have felt so powerful when she walked in on her and Nikolas. Laura looks horrified as Liz explains how Katherine arranged for her to walk in while she and Nikolas were being intimate. Liz thinks that it is awfully convenient that that was the last time Katherine and Nikolas were together and supposedly when Katherine became pregnant. Laura asks Liz if she thinks Katherine is faking. Liz says that she did at first, but it's pretty hard to fake a pregnancy. Laura says that it is the oldest trick in the book. Liz asks how anyone can fake a pregnancy in this day and age. Laura says that it is a little outrageous. Liz says that that sounds like Katherine. Subtlety is not her syle. She has never known anyone who acts so obvious and gets away with so much. Laura assures Liz that Katherine hasn't gotten away with anything yet. She tells Liz that if Katherine is lying, she will deal with her. Elizabeth asks Laura about her encounter with Katherine. Laura informs the young girl that she still does not trust Katherine and vows to protect her son by any means necessary. Taggert looks on from the doorway of the restaurant after having overheard the threat and asks Laura if she is okay. Laura assures the detective that she is fineand then after Taggert is gone, she asks Liz to be a strong friend to Nikolas.

Jason is at Kelly's. Liz thanks him for the ride home yesterday. She sits and they talk about her taking art classes and is nervous about starting college. Lucky was always her encouragement and she is not sure how she is going to do without him. They talk about what they had/have as career goals and she leaves feeling better with his order. Nikolas has a favor to ask Liz. She is his best friend, even though he knows that she does not approve of his marrying Katherine it would mean a great deal to him if she came to the wedding. She tells him that she would come to the wedding, but she is still going to try to convince him not to marry Katherine right up to the wedding.

Liz tells Laura that Nikolas invited her to his wedding. Katherine has told her that she is bad for the baby with her open hostility. Laura gets her to promise to always be there for Nikolas. Liz goes to visit Nikolas and offers to help him decorate the nursery, but she realizes she is too late, that Katherine is doing it. She says she has to go to work and he offers to let her drive the jag. Katherine has let herself into Nikolas' place. She asks him if he is ready to make their first big decision with her? Where are we going to live? I thought you wanted to live here, you said it was a perfect place for a newborn.

Jason is talking to Bobbie and notices she made an error in her bookwork, she tells him it is understandable today would have been BJ's thirteen birthday. Liz working in the background. Jason leaves and on the docks he stops to watch AJ and Michael. They leave and Jason runs to pick up Michael's hat that got left behind. Liz has been watching Jason and can see his pain. They talk about their past and about Robin. Then they go for a bike drive. Katherine asks Liz to sit down with her and Nikolas. She wants to start over. Liz sits down and is given a wedding invitation. She tells Nikolas that she will support him any way she can as a friend. At Wyndemere day of the wedding, Nikolas comes down the stairs laughing. He tells Liz that Lesley Lu banished him from the room so that she could get ready for the wedding. Liz laughs with him and says that Lulu just wants to make an entrance. She tells Nikolas that the little girl is so excited about the wedding. She couldn't stop talking about it in the car. Nikolas smiles sadly and says that at least one person is happy, well two if you count Katherine. They laugh together, but then Nikolas gets serious. He asks Liz if she will still be a part of his life once he is married. On the parapet, Laura tells Katherine that her pregnancy is a lie and that she is infertile. Laura laughs and says that Katherine must have paid her doctor a fortune to forge the documents Katherine showed her. Laura explains that Helena arranged to have the medical file delivered to her. Obviously Helena was as sickened at the thought of Katherine manipulating Nikolas as Laura is. Katherine assures Laura that Nikolas is going to be her husband and no forgery from Helena is going to prevent that. If Laura plans to see more of Nikolas in the future, she better get an attitude adjustment. She dismisses Laura by asking her if she has a ceremony to prepare for.

Nikolas offers Liz something to drink, which Liz politely declines. She asks Nikolas to look at her. She wants to know if he really thinks that she will only be his friend if she approves of everything he does. Does he really think that she would forget about the four musketeers and everything he did to help Lucky catch her rapist? Does he think that she could ever forget how good he has been to her since Lucky died? She tells him that he is one of the best friends she has ever had and she is too selfish to give that up. She promises to be his friend no matter how hard Katherine makes it. She notices his ring and comments on how beautiful it is. Nikolas explains that it was a gift from Stefan. He says that the ring and Liz's promise to always be his friend are the only wedding presents he needs.

Katherine, back on the parapet, she senses someone else and turns. She screams in fright as the person (we can only see black gloves and what looked like a flash of long blonde hair) grabs Katherine and throws her over the railing. Everyone is shocked to see Katharine lying dead. Liz consols Nik. She stays right by his side throughout the aftermath, the questioning by Taggert & Dara, and the removal of Kat's body. Taggert continued his assertion that Katherine's fall was murder, not accidental. Stefan told Laura that he would be telling the police that he and Katherine had been arguing and when he pushed her away from him after she lunged at him, she fell off the parapet. Overhearing this, Helena smirked and called her son a 'lovesick fool' (since she is the one who pushed Kat).

Carly is sitting outside of Kelly's talking to Liz about Katharine's death. Liz invites her to bring Michael by Kelly's for an ice cream sundae. After she leaves, Taggert comes by and asks if Liz knows where Juan is (she does, he is hiding out at the Q's unbeknownest to them but she doesn't let on). Jason stops by and talks to Liz about finding your life and doing what you choose to do. He could never be what the Quartermaine's wanted him to be and he's happy with his life choice. Liz wants to be an artist she thinks. They seem to be bonded over the many things they have in common.

Elizabeth suggested to Nikolas that Katherine might have been lying about being pregnant and he lashed out at her, telling her that he knew she was pregnant even though it was "too early" in her pregnancy for her to give him proof. He maintained that his fiancee and child had been killed because of the legacy of lies and murder that run through his family. Later, he was stunned when he learned from Mac that the autopsy revealed Katherine had never been pregnant.

10/22 from GH online - check back PCO
Jason comes upon Liz on the docks, painting. She shows him her new work titled "The Wind". She says she wanted to capture how she felt riding on his motorcycle. She is dissapointed at his reaction when he says "It's nice." He explains that since his accident he can't interpret things on paper like maps. Her painting is abstract, the blur of colors. She describes what each of the colors symbolize to her. The flash of yellow is a big door they passed, the blur of red is a neon sign. He starts to get it and thanks her for "telling" him the painting. Nik sees them together. Later at Kelly's, Nik expresses surprise to Liz as he didn't realize she knew Jason. Elizabeth is concerned that Nikolas is upset with her because he saw her on the docks with Jason earlier. Liz then expresses her sympathy for Stefan's situation, but Nikolas admits that he believes that his father is not guilty. Nikolas claims that Stefan would never strike out in anger and contends that his father is protecting his mother, who could possibly be the true guilty party.

Juan, Emily and Liz were at Kelly's discussing Katharine's memorial (this was not shown on GH). Emily made no bones about the fact that she had no love for Katherine. Juan commented that he couldn't imagine a person (Stefan) coming to the memorial service of someone he had killed. Liz said, "Well, he did the last time" and the two girls filled him in on Katherine's previous death. Emily, Juan and Liz were laughing and dancing at Kelly's diner when Nikolas walked in and freaked out, saying they were dancing on Katherine's grave. He stormed out and they followed. Liz was clear with him that they had not gone to the memorial service to honor Katherine, but to honor him. When Liz came back into the diner, there was a white rose on the counter. Liz runs over to Kelly's for an emergency-but it's her surprise 18th birthday party. She has a great talk with Audrey about how well she's turned out. Nik comes in late, apologizes to Liz, Em, and Juan for being rude the other day. He and Liz go outside and chat a bit…she understands where he's at. They hug and make up, then he kisses her. She is stunned and asks, "Where did that come from?" Nikolas apologizes to Liz. She understands, but she makes it very clear that she is still in love with Lucky, and does not want to be more than friends with him. He understands, and is getting awkward again. He gives her her gift--a small jewelry box, which she does not open. Nik leaves, and Liz goes back inside to blow out her candles. Liz is out alone on the docks, realizing that she's finally 18 and on her own, but without Lucky. Jason comes by and listens while she talks. She's still in PC, not NY, and Lucky is nowhere.

Liz felt awkward when she ran into Nikolas, but she accepted his dinner invitation after suggesting that Juan and Emily join them. Ned and Alexis talked Jax and Chloe out of ending their scheme. Jason is on the docks, when he runs into Liz. Liz is delighted to see him and says maybe it's a sign. Or maybe it's a sign that he is going to give her a sign. Liz asks Jason if there was only going to be one painting of Lucky in the whole world, should it be on the docks or with his guitar. Jason asks why there can only be one painting. Liz explains that she convinced her art teacher to let her do a portrait for her mid-term art project. She tells Jason that painting a portrait of Lucky was what got her accepted into the New York art school. Jason says that the docks are bigger, but a guitar looks harder to draw. Liz tells Jason that that isn't any help. She needs a decision. Jason asks why him. Liz says because he is there, he knew Lucky and she is tired of thinking about it. Jason says fine, and pulls a quarter out of his pocket. He says head for docks and tails for guitar. Liz watches as he throws the coin up in the air and then grabs the coin before he can catch it and says guitar. Jason laughs and says he is glad that he could be so helpful. Liz assures him that he was and thanks him. Meanwhile, Carly has arrived on the docks. She stops when she sees Jason talking to Liz. Carly watches from her hiding place as Liz thanks Jason for helping her to decide how to paint Lucky. As Liz starts to walk away Jason asks if she is going to give him back his quarter. Liz smiles and says that it isn't a quarter, it is a good luck charm and says that she is keeping it. Jason watches her as she gives him another smile over her shoulder and walks away.

At Kelly's, Nikolas asks Liz to set a date for the birthday dinner. She looks uncomfortable and asks if Emily and Juan are going to come along. Strangely, Emily and Juan show up on the dock at that very moment. Juan suggests that they close Kelly's and have a private dinner with dancing and fun. Liz looks sad and Nik is angry. Juan feels bad when he finds out that they did that just before Lucky died.

Nov 10 - need description
Emily and Elizabeth talked about Lucky and how much they missed him. Em asked Liz if it bothered her to see her and Juan being affectionate and offered to stop if she wanted. She declined the offer, saying they couldn't stop if they wanted to. Emily talked about how she felt after her mother died and they both discussed how great it feels to be in love.

Liz gives Roy his order and than leaves to clean another table. Liz is clearing a table when Nikolas arrives and asks if it is quitting time. Liz says almost and Nik says that he will wait. Liz asks why and he asks her to check out a new coffee house by the university with him. Liz tries to politely decline, but Nik is insistent. They are interrupted by a cstomer asking Liz for coffee. Liz notices Nikolas and returns to his table. Nikolas tells Liz that tonight would not be a date. He already crossed the line once and he knows not to do it again. He just wants to hang out. He misses that. Liz says that she does to and finally agrees to go have a cup of coffee. Outside her house, Elizabeth thanks Nikolas for taking her out. Nikolas responds by telling Liz that she is the only good part of his life. Liz changes the subject, but Nikolas again asserts that Liz is the only person who understands him. Liz shivers and tells Nikolas that she had better go indoors before Audrey gets worried and comes to look for her. Once inside, Elizabeth calls Jason and he quickly arrives to take her for a ride on his motorcycle. Liz asks to drive and Jason obliges. When they return from their ride, Jason promises to let Liz drive his bike anytime she pleases, even though she does not have a license. Liz recounts her evening to Jason and explains that her time with Nikolas caused her to miss Lucky terribly. She says that the only time that she can forget her anger and sorrow is when she is on Jason's motorcycle.

Liz and Emily had a girls' heart-to-heart about Liz and Nik's "friendship." Em was surprised to hear about the kiss Nik gave Liz on her birthday. Liz described how that kiss changed her feelings about being around Nik. Liz comes upon Taggert being cruel to Jason. She steps in and tells him how unfair he is being. After Taggert leaves, Jason is comforting her and telling her not to get upset. They talk about how she doesn't have to hide her feelings from him. He gets a call that his gift he ordered for Bobbie is in at Wyndham's and leaves. Nikolas sits down and they talk for a while. She invites him to go get hot chocolate with her. Nikolas goes to Elizabeth’s and tells her that Stavros really is his father. She tries to console him and ends it by telling him that he can count on her and Laura. He leaves and she calls Jason on his cell phone and asks if he would like to go for a ride. Jason, who is at Sonny's, leaves immediately. Musical Montage – sounded like a Sting song, A soulful song played while we watched: Carly touch her lips, Jax looking intently at his wedding band, Chloe and Ned hugging warmly, Liz and Jason riding the motorcycle, Carly kissing the engagement ring Jason gave her, Sonny looking out the window, then looking totally angry as he turned away, Roy on the docks, Bobbie crying in her apartment.

Liz finds Jason on the docks. She shows him the protrait she has done of Lucky holding his guitar for a school project. She tells Jason he not only encouraged her but inspired her. She hugs him to express her thanks. Carly witnesses this moment and does not seem to happy about it. Liz was having a very bad day. She came in late to work and Bobbie admonished her, wondering why she hadn't even called. Liz sees a jar of change or something that Roy has left and hurries after him, dropping it in the process. She started to cry just as Jason walked in. She told Jason that her art project of Lucky had not been accepted and she was devastated. Jason told her that Lucky would have loved it and wouldn't have cared if it was accepted or not. Liz said that she would give anything to be with Lucky for just one minute. She asked Jason if he'd do something for her, put change in the jukebox and played "their song". She asked Jason to dance with her and he did, holding her close while she closed her eyes and remembered. Carly looked through the window, saw them and started to cry. After a few minutes, she left. After the song ended, Liz pulled away and thanked Jason. She said she thought that maybe for a minute she could feel as though Lucky was there, but it didn't work. She said she had to accept that Lucky was gone, but that nothing could ever make the hurt go away. She wondered why she had to keep learning that lesson over and over. Jason said that some things happen fast, but you have to get over them slow. He told her he had to leave, that he had somewhere he had to be and asked if she'd be all right. She said she would and thanked him again. He left and she started to cry. Strange music montage starts off with Jason in the limo going to meet Moreno. Then flash to Sonny’s bedroom where he knocks the bedside light onto the floor to make room to toss Carly around. The light explodes on the floor with a star filter effect. They romp up onto the bed then and it cuts to Jason getting out of the limo with Darius/Leo. Moreno’s men greet him with a hail of gunfire and Jason dives to the ground. Then we go to a scene of Carly straddling Sonny and he rips her shirt off of her and it cuts to Jason getting up in the gunfire and diving over top of the limo. This then goes to Sonny rolling off on Carly and shots of both of them lying on their backs, looking very upset. The last thing we see in Jason lying motionless in the snow. Jason comes in as Sonny is pouring his drink. Without really looking at Jason, who is moving slowly and looks pretty rough, Sonny asks if the meeting went down as planned, and Jason answers that the meeting went wrong. Just then Carly comes down the stairs dressed in Sonny's shirt, saying that she can't find the towel. She stops dead when she sees Jason - Sonny is silent, Jason stricken, Carly horrified. Jason looks slowly from Sonny to Carly and turns to go. Carly goes to stop him, but Sonny grabs her and stops her. Jason is walking slowly in the park in the snow, stumbling, standing still and holding his side. He is wounded. Jason is lying in the snow as Liz strolls past. She sees the body, tentatively rolls it over, and is horrified to see that it is Jason. She calls his name, checks his pulse and begins slapping his face gently to try to rouse him. He opens his eyes, and asks for help. Liz sits him up and discovers that he is bleeding. He slumps over, but Liz once again sets him up, then with great difficulty gets him to his feet. She manages to get him to the boxcar, where she covers him with her coat. She wants to go get help for him, but he won't let her - no police, and she shouldn't be involved either. He asks her to fetch the first aid kit, and she leaves.

Back at Sonny's, there is a knock at the door and Johnny announces that Elizabeth is there to see Sonny. Curious, Sonny tells Johnny to let her in. She tells him that she has news about Jason, but, apologizing to Hannah, would like to speak to Sonny privately. Hannah says that's fine, she was just leaving. Liz tells Sonny that Jason has been shot, that he's in the boxcar and she's afraid he's dying. She explains that she found him in the snow, he has a wound in his side, and he needs a doctor but won't let her get one. Sonny grabs his coat and tells Liz to tell him where the boxcar is so he can help Jason - he'll drop her off first, as Jason is right in that she can't be involved. At the boxcar, Sonny wakes Jason, seeing his injury. Sonny asks why Jason didn't tell him last night that he'd been shot, but Jason replies "Just when was I supposed to mention it?" Jason tells Sonny that he thinks the bleeding is subsiding. He still refuses to go to the doctor. He tells Sonny that Elizabeth went to get a first aid kit. He tells Sonny that he will be ok. Sonny asks Jason if he would rather die than accept help from him. Jason shrugs off Sonny's help. Sonny tells Jason that last night he found out what he really is and what Carly really is. Sonny tells him that he doesn't have to hate him because he already hates himself. Jason tells Sonny to never speak to him about it again.

At GH, Liz frantically asks Bobbie to just come with her. Jason could be dying. She promises to explain on the way. Bobbie agrees and they leave together. Sonny is trying to take Jason out of the boxcar when Liz and Bobbie arrive. They push Sonny aside and immediately start to work on Jason. Bobbie reluctantly tells Sonny, at his insistence, that she will not report this. Bobbie is cutting Jason's shirt to allow better access to his bullet wound. Liz and Sonny watch as Bobbie works on Jason. Liz promises Sonny that Bobbie is the only one she told. Sonny tells Liz that she cannot tell anyone or she will endanger Jason's life. He tells Liz that she can't come back to the boxcar. Liz says that she can't promise that. She explains that Lucky used to live there and Sonny nods in understanding. Meanwhile, Bobbie has finished bandaging Jason's wound and wants to take him to the hospital. Sonny says and no and Jason asks to speak to Sonny alone. Jason tells Sonny what happened. Sonny tells Jason that he is going to get him to a safe house. He steps out of the boxcar and Liz and Bobbie rush back in to tend to Jason. Liz and Bobbie are getting Jason ready to move. Jason tells them that they have to leave or Sonny's people won't be able to come. He thanks them for saving his life. They reluctantly leave Jason alone in the boxcar. Sonny arrives at the penthouse and finds Carly waiting for him. She begs him for news of Jason. She wants to find him and explain. Jason is trying to step down and walk, but is having trouble. Liz arrives and asks if he is going somewhere. Jason says that he is going to check into his hotel and take care of himself. He doesn't want help from Sonny's people. He tells Liz that she doesn't listen very well. Liz says that she knows of a place where he can hide. She asks him if he will let her help him. Jason says that he doesn't have much choice. Liz puts her arm around his waist and helps him walk away from the boxcar. Liz takes Jason to her art studio and tries to take care of him. She helps him lie down on the sofa and covers him in blankets. When she tells him that she is going to Sonny's to get antibiotics, Jason insists that she not notify Sonny of his whereabouts.

Elizabeth goes to Sonny's and picks up the medicine and quickly departs without revealing Jason's location. Elizabeth came to check on Jason and she again begged him to go to a hospital. He refused. He said that he was feeling a lot better and she felt his head with her hands and said they were too cold for her to tell if his fever had broken, so she felt his forehead with her cheek. She asked him if she wanted some soup and he said he thought he could eat some, so she left to go to Kelly's to pick some up. Carly had been watching through the window in the door and came in after she left. She stoked Jason's face and he said, "That was quick," without opening his eyes. Carly asked Jason if he was sick or what, then saw that he was shot. He asked her to leave him alone and she said she couldn't do that. She asked him who Elizabeth was to him and told him how she had seen them dancing that night. She told Jason how sorry she was and that she'd never do it again. He said that she had done it to hurt him and he knew that she'd do things like this in the future when she felt a need to hurt him. She swore she wouldn't, that it wasn't like that, that she loved him. He said that he loved her too (actually said the words!) but that it didn't matter any more. He told her to leave and to not come back. She started to cry and told him that she knew he hated her now, but that he would forgive her, because that's what he does. She left.

Elizabeth arrived at Kelly's to get the soup and Nikolas gave her the third degree about where she'd been and why she had not returned his calls. She blew him off and told him she'd get back with him later. Carly confronted Elizabeth on the docks and Elizabeth warned her not to even think about going to her art studio and bothering Jason, that she was not welcome there. Carly tried to get up in her face and be intimidating, calling her 'little girl'. Elizabeth put the smack down on her saying that she knew Carly had done something to hurt him and that she wasn't going to have the chance to do it again until Jason was strong enough to fight for himself. Carly told her Jason didn't need to fight her and Elizabeth said that he didn't, because she'd do it for him. Carly told her she had gotten rid of one little angel and she could get rid of her too. Elizabeth smirked and said, "Oh, trust me, I'm nobody's little angel. You want a fight? You got one." She then stomped off and Carly yelled after her, 'He doesn't need you, he loves me!"

Elizabeth goes to her studio and is frightened to find that Jason is not where she left him. He comes in after a minute or two, and tells her that he was just down the hall washing up (there's running water in the studio, but no hot water). As Elizabeth heats up some soup for him on the hot plate, he tells her that he wants to get out and that she shouldn't be involved. At GH, Carly speaks to Audrey. They exchange pleasantries, and Carly says she is planning to repaint Michael's nursery - does Audrey think that the artistic Elizabeth might have time to help her? Audrey says that Elizabeth is very busy,working twenty hours a day on some "project".

At Liz's art studio, the fire department has arrived and is making everyone leave the building. Carly tries to find out if Jason has left, but the fireman makes her leave. He then breaks down the door of Liz's studio with an axe and makes Jason leave as well. Jason gingerly makes his way down to the docks and tries to sit inconspicously on a bench. Carly finds him and asks if he is okay. She pretends to know nothing about the fire alarm and offers to help. She says she wants to take care of him. He accuses her of pulling the alarm and she can't deny it. He angrily asks what it is going to take to make her quit. Carly tells Jason that she can't quit and she won't, ever. She says that she loves him and deep down she knows that he still needs her. She messes up and she is a lot of trouble. She knows that she is a selfish person, but she knows that his life is better because she is in it. She apologizes for making such a mess of things with the fire alarm. She just wanted him to run out and then she could take care of him. She didn't know this was going to happen. Jason says that he doesn't care what she wants to happen. Carly tries to convince Jason to let her take him to Bobbies. She can't just leave him out here. Liz walks up as Jason and Carly are talking. She stays back while Jason tells Carly that it is her fault that he is outside in the first place. He asks her if she realizes what she has done. He could be in danger because of her. His wound could have started bleeding again and then he would have to go to the hospital. The cops could be waiting for him and all because she won't leave him alone. Carly says that she can get him out of here. Jason replies that he would rather be any place than with her. Carly tells Jason that she only wanted to keep him safe. Jason tells Carly that he doesn't care what she wants.He asks if she can get that. He isn't going anywhere with her. He tells her to stay the hell away from him. Carly finally gives in and leaves. Liz rushes up as Jason tries to stand up. She puts her arm around him to help him walk just as the fire department tells everyone that they can go back into the building. Jason drapes his arm over Liz's shoulder for support just as Nikolas walks. Nikolas does not look happy as he watches Liz and Jason walking away with their arms around each other.

Jason is slumped over on the couch in Liz's art studio. As gently as she can, Liz sits him up so that she can check his wound. She carefully removes the bandage so that she can assess the damage and change the dressing. As she leans over him to examine the wound, Nikolas who has followed them to her studio, pushes open the door a little to see what is going on. Having completely misinterpreted the situation, Nikolas angrily pushes open the door and yells at Jason to get the hell away from Liz. When Liz won't answer his questions, Nikolas attacks Jason, pushing him into a wall. Elizabeth becomes very angry and demands to know what Nikolas' motivations are. Nikolas responds unkindly, rubbing Lucky's death in her face and accusing Liz of moving on too quickly. In an effort to get Nikolas to leave, Elizabeth tells him that she is sleeping with Jason and throws the young Cassadine out,claiming that she and Jason were about to make love when he entered the studio. After Nikolas has left, Liz is worried about Jason's health because Nikolas' anger resulted in a reopening of Jason's wound. As she bandages her friend, Jason confesses that he feels bad for intruding on her life and offers to call Sonny and have him bring help. Liz contends that Jason does not truly desire to leave the studio and he reluctantly agrees. The two then share a few laughs and talk about the things that they have in common. Jason reveals that he watches Liz paint when she thinks that he is sleeping and tells her that she talks and sings to herself, which causes Liz to laugh.

Carly goes back to Liz's studio and watches Jason from outside, then leaves. As Liz is leaving the diner, Sonny is waiting. He asks her about Jason, but she tells him that Jason just wants to be left alone. Sonny persists - does Jason need medicine? A doctor? Is he in pain? Liz explains that Jason is in pain, but not just physical pain - something seems to have happened that is causing him emotional distress. Sonny acknowledges this, but refuses to explain what happened. He offers her money to help cover Jason's expenses, but she turns him down and leaves.

At the Webber's, Nikolas arrives and explains that while he doesn't want to fight, he must warn her about her involvement with Jason. Audrey overhears him say that Elizabeth is "sleeping with a man who is using you". As Liz is telling Nikolas that he has gone too far, Audrey enters and asks him to sit down, but he politely refuses and leaves. Audrey proceeds to question Liz about what she overheard, but Liz insists that she is mistaken; Audrey is not to worry, she is just painting.

Carly and Bobbie arrive at the studio, but when they knock, Jason just tells Carly to go away. She points out that she has brought Bobbie, and Jason reluctantly lets them in. Bobbie inspects the wound and changes the dressing, pronouncing it a little better, but instructs Jason to call her if it opens up again. Bobbie leaves, and Jason wants Carly to go, too, but she refuses. He insists, explaining that it hurts him to think of her with Sonny, but still she refuses to go; she wants to help him, to explain, to apologize. They go back and forth a couple times, and as Carly is insisting that Jason cares about her and she must be with him, Liz enters and demands to know what Carly is doing there after she told her to stay away.

Liz arrives at the studio and is not happy to see Carly. She asks Carly what it is going to take to get through to her. This is her studio. Jason is her guest and Carly is not welcome. Carly tells Liz that she is in way over her head. Liz tells Carly to tell that to her husband. Carly ignores that comment and tells Liz that Jason needs help. Liz says that Jason needs rest and quiet. And that means Carly has to go. Now. Carly says that she isn't leaving because Jason doesn't want her to. She turns to Jason and asks him to tell Liz that he doesn't want her to leave. Jason stands up and tells Carly that he asked her to go and he meant it. Liz says that that is good enough for her. She tells Carly that she wants her gone because Jason needs his rest and he obviously doesn't want Carly around. Carly is NOT happy! She turns to Liz in total cat fight mode ready to defend her man. She angrily tells Liz to stop because she doesn't know squat about anything. She is just a little girl scout. She just wants to put Jason up on a pedestal, worship him for a little while…Jason tells Carly to stop, but both women ignore him. Liz tells Carly that all she is is someone else's wife. Carly tells Liz that she didn't love her little boyfriend very much. If she did, she wouldn't disrespect her like she this. Liz knows that Lucky was her cousin. She obviously didn't care about her own boyfriend and that is why she is trying to steal Jason. Liz tells Carly that she really does live up to her reputation. Jason steps in when Carly lunges for Liz. He tells Carly that she is leaving and demands that she go NOW. Carly finally leaves. Once Carly is gone, Jason apologizes to Liz. He tells her that he should be the one to leave. Liz tells Jason to forget it. He is not leaving. Jason tells her that Carly is not going to let up and it isn't fair. She already lied to Nikolas about them sleeping together and he doesn't want her to have to lie anymore. And he definitely doesn't want her to have to take on Carly. Liz insists that Jason stay. She already lied to Nikolas. Why let it be for nothing. And she can handle Carly if she has to. She knows that she can't make him stay, but he is her friend. And if he disappears, all she is going to do is worry about him. Besides, she kind of likes having him around. Liz laughs in relief when Jason suggests getting a padlock for the door. She gets him settled back on the couch and says that she is going to get him something to eat. She asks him to promise that he will be there when she gets back. Jason promises and Liz leaves with instructions for him to rest. Jason is asleep on the couch.

He wakes up when Audrey lets herself in and says "Oh my God". Jason looks up and sees Audrey. Knowing that this is just more trouble for Liz, he lays his head back on the couch and closes his eyes in resignation. Understandably misinterpreting the situation, especially after accidentally overhearing Nikolas and Liz's earlier discussion, Audrey informs Jason that Liz is barely 18 years old and that she has hardly gotten over Lucky's death. Jason tries to protests saying that Audrey has misunderstood. Liz arrives just as Audrey is telling Jason that she doesn't want him anywhere near her granddaughter. Liz informs her grandmother that she isn't going to let her send Jason away. Liz refuses to permit her grandmother to mistreat Jason. Jason leaves in an effort to give Liz and Audrey a chance to sort things out. After he has left, Audrey expresses her disappointment in her granddaughter, but Liz expresses equal disappointment in Audrey. Liz then offers to move out of Audrey's home and move into the art studio so that her grandmother will be unable to make decisions for her in the future.

On the docks, Sonny encounters Liz and asks about Jason's condition. Liz provides the requisite details and then heads off. Liz locates Jason and returns him to her studio. Jason informs Liz that he has to leave because he complicates her life. Liz replies that she makes her own decisions and urges Jason not to tell her what to do. Liz examines his wound and determines it is healing, but he is more concerned with her argument with Audrey. Liz explains that she must be her own person and not let Audrey or anyone else tell her how to live her life. Later, she is sketching fruit as her lifts a heavy book to build up the injured arm. Liz scolds him about doing too much, then leaves to go to the diner to get food. Liz enters the diner and Tammy is just explaining that Nikolas was looking for her when he reappears. He confronts her once again about the Jason thing, but she won't hear any of it. He reminds her that he took a bullet meant for Jason, and about Lucky, but once again she tells him to back off. He does so, a little, and invites her to go to Laura's with him, but she declines, warning him not to try to tell her what to do, and leaves the diner with the sack of food. Back at the studio, Jason is just coming in the door. He tries to get his coat off, but isn't successful before Liz returns with the lunch and a little Christmas tree in a bucket. Jason can see that something is troubling her and she mentions meeting Nikolas at the diner, but doesn't want to discuss it. Liz is chatting on about Christmas Past when she suddenly notices that Jason has his jacket on. She gives him a lecture about doing too much, then makes a deal - she'll help him off with the jacket if he'll help her decorate the tree. They decorate the tree with paper chains and are companionable with one another.

Elizabeth returns from shoppoing, she has bought Michael Christmas presents. She first shows Jason a blowup beach ball withe the world globe as its design. He points out that Michael will pop it in 15 minutes. Elizabeth says, "Gotcha!" and pulls out a beautiful globe that has a light inside...looks really cool when plugged in. Jason and Elizabeth are fooling with Michael's globe, playing the "tell one fact about…" game. He knows some facts about Ethiopia, which impresses her; she can't come up with any about his choice for her - Uzbekistan.

At Luke's club, Luke is in his office when he hears a knock on the door. He tells the person to go away, but changes his mind when he hears Liz's voice. He invites her in and happily accepts her gift of brownies. She notices that he is sad and offers to try and make him laugh by showing him her elf costume. Luke can't help but chuckle at the costume and correctly deduces that she is working the GH Christmas party. Liz nods and asks if there is any chance he wants to be her date. Luke says that that is the best offer he has had this millenium, but politely declines.He isn't very good with Christmas parties. Liz says that she understands. She thought about staying home too. She doesn't really feel like going out and plastering a smile on her face either, especially without Lucky there. She still isn't sure that she can pull it off. Luke assures her that she can. She made his son happy when nothing else could. Lucky always said that she was the most courageous person he knew. Luke knows that this will be nothing. Liz says that she still misses Lucky so much. Sometimes it still hurts to breathe. Luke says that he knows. Liz gives Luke a hug and then leaves for the party. Once Liz is gone, Luke walks over to his desk and picks up a picture of Lucky and looks at it sadly. He looks up and whispers, "Merry Christmas Cowboy".

Liz arrives at GH for the Christmas party with apologies to Audrey for being late. Audrey tells her that she needs to go to the board room immediately. Liz starts to rush off, but is stopped by Nikolas. He asks if she has a minute. When she says that she doesn't, he tells her that it is important. Liz stops and turns to look at him with a "this had better be good" look on her face. In the next scene, Liz blows Nikolas off. As she once again tries to rush off to the board room, she hears Jason call her name. She is happy to see him up and about. He explains that he just wanted to be able to watch Michael enjoy the party from a distance. He teases her about her costume and playfully steals her hat. Nikolas watches in disgust as Liz tries to get her hat back from Jason. Unable to take it any longer, Nik grabs Jason and tells him to leave Liz alone. Liz pulls Nik off Jason and tells him to stay out of it. Nik isn't anywhere near ready to let this one go and lunges at Jason again. Jason tells Nik to stay out of it, but Nik doesn't listen. Carly walks off of the elevator just as Nik screams at Jason that he doesn't own Liz just because he is sleeping with her which causes Jason to punch Nik. Nik and Jason continue to fight until Sonny and Stefan pull them apart. Stefan is shocked at Nik's behavior, but Nik continues to try and fight with Jason. Liz tells Nikolas that he has not right to tell her what to do. Jason says that he is going to leave and Liz says that she is going with him. Audrey starts to protest, but Liz turns and tells her that she doesn't care what any of them think. This is her life. With that, Liz and Jason get onto to the elevator with Nik "I don't know when to quit", screaming after Liz that she won't have a life when Jason is through with her. Santa arrives as the stunned onlookers watch Jason and Liz go. While "Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas by Dave Koz on the sax plays, a montage of GHer's are shown, Liz presents Jason with a Christmas gift and a kiss on the cheek. Jason is clearly touched by the gesture.

Jason is in the studio with Liz, who asks what’s bothering him. He talks in circles about whether he can trust Sonny again. Liz goes to get Jason breakfast. Liz runs into Nik – same old story. Nik doesn’t think Jason is good enough for Liz; Liz says it’s her life. Liz returns to the studio and Jason tells her that it’s time for him to leave. She asks what has changed since earlier? Has her grandmother or Nik come by. He says no that Bobbie did and she told him he should leave. Jason tells Liz that it is time for him to figure out how to live his life and that he’s grateful for what she’s done for him. Liz makes a speech about how being with him showed her how she wants to live her life – alone, in the studio. Well, not exactly alone, she really meant alone with him. He tells her that it’s his turn to learn how to live his life. Jason leaves.

**End of Tape**

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