Jonathan Returns #4 (Lucky & Siobhan) September 9, 2010 - March 2, 2011: 10 hour original edit, now on three dvds!

DVD #4A Someone knocked on his door. Lucky was surprised when Agent Bates identified himself as an Interpol agent. Lucky assumed it was about Luke, so he agreed to go with the agent. Later, Agent Bates acknowledged that he knew about Luke, but they weren't interested in discussing Lucky's father. Lucky was stunned when Agent Bates explained that he had sought out Lucky for a specific reason. Lucky's interest was piqued when Agent Bates produced a picture of a dead man in a morgue who bore an uncanny resemblance to Lucky.

9/10 Lucky and the Interpol agent discussed a man named O'Reilly, who had recently been killed in a freak accident. The man had been an assassin, who had been working for the Balkan. O'Reilly, the agent explained, bore a striking resemblance to Lucky. The agent gave Lucky a dossier on the assassin and said that Lucky would have ten hours to learn everything known about O'Reilly. Lucky perused the file and worried that it was comprised mainly of conjecture. The agent pointed out that, because O'Reilly had been an orphan and a loner, there would be few people who would have known him well enough to trip Lucky up. The agent also shared that it was unlikely that the assassin and the Balkan had been very close. The agent explained that it was imperative that Lucky assume O'Reilly's identity as soon as possible, before anyone realized that the man had been killed. The agent gave Lucky the cell phone that had been found on O'Reilly's body.

Lucky arrived at the Crimson office and told Lulu and Ethan their father had disappeared and that Tracy had paid for Lucky to search for him. Both Ethan and Lulu were hopeful that Tracy's actions demonstrated a willingness to reconcile with Luke. Lucky told them he was leaving town that night. To cover his tracks, Lucky told his siblings that, if Luke returned to Port Charles before Lucky found him, they should tell him that Lucky was hunting for him and that he'd be home in time. Ethan offered to go with Lucky, but Lucky replied that he didn't want to split the purse. Ethan totally understood. Lucky returned to the agent's office and agreed to pose as O'Reilly. The agent admitted that, had Lucky not been willing to take on the assignment, Interpol would have applied pressure by threatening to use information they'd compiled on Luke.

9/15 Lulu was surprised to hear Lucky on the other end of the line. Lucky claimed that he was at Heathrow Airport in London, on Luke's trail, but he needed to speak to Dante. Lulu handed Dante the phone and then went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. After Dante assured Lucky that Lulu was out of the room, Lucky explained that he had been recruited by Interpol to go undercover as Ronan O'Reilly. Lucky wondered what Dante knew about Galway United. Dante knew that Galway United had a soccer team, but he reminded Lucky that the Irish referred to soccer as football. Lucky revealed that he had only been given hours to prepare for his undercover assignment, so he needed Dante to get on the computer to do some research for him. Dante offered Lucky some pointers on undercover work: listen, speak as little as possible, and take down anyone who messed with him.

In Ireland, the bartender slid a pint of Ronan's usual ale to Lucky. Posing as Ronan, Lucky questioned the bartender if anyone had been looking for him. The bartender shook his head, but seconds later, a young woman with long red hair stormed into the tavern, accused Ronan of being a "murdering bastard," and then slapped him. The bartender immediately intervened. The bartender warned Siobhan that he didn't want trouble in his place. Lucky offered to buy Siobhan a drink, but she wasn't interested. She was livid because Ronan had killed someone named Donnie. The bartender reminded Siobhan that Donnie had known the risks, so Ronan was not to blame for Donnie's death. The tension mounted when a man named Liam marched into the tavern with deadly intent. Liam pulled out a knife and then tried to attack Lucky, thinking that he was Ronan. Lucky maintained his cover as he tried to fend off the attack. Eventually, Lucky gained the upper hand. Lucky allowed Liam to leave with a warning. Siobhan demanded, "Who the hell are you and what have you done with Ronan O'Reilly?"

9/16 In Ireland, Lucky, posing as Ronan, offered to buy Siobhan a drink. Siobhan admitted that he was finally acting like the Ronan that she knew and hated. Siobhan couldn't understand why Ronan had let Liam, Donnie's brother, go when Ronan had been quick to murder her beloved Donnie. Lucky suggested that he didn't want to see her heartbroken again. Siobhan sat down at one of the tavern tables to continue her conversation with the man she believed was Ronan O'Reilly. Lucky quickly discovered that Ronan had gunned Donnie down in the street. Siobhan admitted that she was tired of all of the violence. Lucky admitted that he was, too, so she challenged him to change it. According to Siobhan, Ronan had the power to stop it. Lucky was surprised when Siobhan suddenly suggested that he take her someplace where they could be alone.

Lucky took Siobhan to Ronan's apartment. Lucky offered Siobhan a drink, but she declined. When Lucky turned to face her, he found himself staring down the barrel of a gun. Siobhan threatened to kill Lucky, but Lucky managed to snatch the gun out of her grasp. He advised her to follow through with her threats and not stand so close to the person she intended to kill that he could pull the gun out of her hand. Lucky held out the gun and then invited her to try again. Siobhan took the gun, but didn't shoot. Lucky realized that it wasn't in Siobhan to murder someone, so he urged her to put the gun down, leave, and then find a way to be happy again. Siobhan was more certain than ever that Lucky was not Ronan O'Reilly.

9/17 Siobhan confronted Lucky with her suspicion that he was not Ronan O'Reilly. She said she could see compassion in his eyes. Lucky dropped his brogue and told her he was an undercover cop. Siobhan didn't believe him but was impressed by his "Yank" accent. However, she sensed a difference from the man she'd known. She asked Lucky how he'd happened to "pick up a soul." He replied that he'd found God. He explained how he'd hidden in a church after he'd killed a man and that it had finally dawned on him that maybe there was a God and that maybe it wasn't too late for Ronan to be saved. Siobhan replied that she wished his salvation had come before he'd killed the love of her life. As she left, she warned Lucky that having a conscious could get him killed. As soon as Siobhan was gone, Lucky received a call from a man who told him to meet someone at "the usual place" in ten minutes. Lucky, as Ronan, told the man that they'd have to meet somewhere else because he'd "been made." Later, the man called again and said that the contact would come to Ronan. Just then, there was a knock on Lucky's door.

9/20 Lucky, as Ronan, was on the phone trying to arrange another meeting place with the Balkan without disclosing that he did not know where the "usual place" was located when Siobhan knocked on the door. He let he in after concluding his phone conversation with a man who told him he would be contacted. Siobhan warned Lucky that men with Slavic accents were asking for Ronan in the restaurant below. He thanked her for the information, but asked her to leave so that she did not become a target also. Siobhan said that she had a gun and could help him. Lucky maintained his Irish accent and Ronan persona as he told Siobhan that the men looking for him lived by the words, "Leave no witnesses." Siobhan responded that she was going to help him because she could see the change in Ronan's eyes. She told him to embrace the change in himself and walk away from his gangster life. Lucky said he could not. He said he had to make things right.

Lucky told Siobhan that he had caused her lover's death, and he did not want to be responsible for hers. Siobhan kissed him on the cheek and left the room. As soon as Siobhan left, Lucky called Dante and asked him to get information on the Balkan. Dante was shocked to find out Lucky's undercover assignment and told Lucky to get out quickly because he was dealing with a very dangerous criminal. Lucky said he could not and hung up quickly because someone was pounding loudly on his door. When Lucky opened the door, two large men with Slavic accents entered and told him that the boss was not happy with him. Lucky resisted when they put a hood over his head and forced him out of his room. Lucky was taken to a warehouse and tied to a chair to await the Balkan.

When Lulu got home, Dante told her that he had lied to her, and he needed to tell the truth about Lucky. Dante said that he had promised not to tell, but things had changed. He told her that Lucky was not off looking for Luke, but doing an undercover assignment for Interpol, masquerading as an Irish hit man named Ronan. Lulu said that Lucky had told her that he was restless with his sons gone. He had also told her that he had been tempted by an offer from Johnny. Lulu said that she thought that looking for Luke was Lucky's way of curing giving in to his restlessness. Dante told her that he did not know until earlier that day that Lucky's assignment was the Balkan. Dante told Lulu that the Balkan was a walking death sentence. He feared that Lucky was in serious trouble and might not survive. When Lulu wanted to know how Dante knew so much about the Balkan, he said that he had been involved peripherally in a case that concerned the Balkan and he had learned that the Balkan was a seriously bad man.

9/21 At the loft, Lulu insisted on going to Ireland to help Lucky. Dante warned her that it was the quickest way to get Lucky killed. He explained that Interpol had given Lucky very little time to prepare for the assignment, so Lulu's presence could compromise everything. Lulu feared that Lucky might get himself killed. She assured Dante that she was perfectly capable of running a scam, so she wasn't worried about blowing Lucky's cover. Dante reminded Lulu that he had been trained in undercover work. He explained that the more people who knew of an undercover agent's true identity increased the risk of exposure. Lulu was curious how Dante knew of the Balkan. Lulu made it clear that she intended to fly to Ireland to find Lucky. Dante decided that he would go with Lulu, but Lulu insisted that it wasn't necessary. Dante disagreed.

9/23 In Ireland, Lulu and Dante tracked down Ronan O'Reilly's room. Lulu quickly gained entry by picking the lock. Dante was discouraged when he realized that Lucky wasn't there. Lulu managed to figure out where Lucky had stashed some important documents, including a picture of Ronan. She was taken aback by how much Lucky resembled Ronan. Dante was impressed with Lulu's remarkable skill of picking a lock and finding the hidden documents. Lulu explained that Lucky and, on occasion, Luke had taught her a few tricks. Lulu confessed that it felt a bit like "coming home."

Dante admitted that he, too, sometimes wondered how he fit in with his family's history. Lulu realized that he was referring to Sonny. Dante revealed that he was curious how things would have turned out if he had grown up with Sonny in his life. Lulu didn't think that Olivia would have been able to raise Dante as well as she had because Dante would have been conflicted about right from wrong, just like Michael was. Lulu warned Dante that he might not have turned out to be the man that she had fallen in love with. Lulu then switched gears to remind Dante that they needed to concentrate on the present. She didn't think that Lucky had been in the room for any length of time. Dante and Lulu decided to track Lucky down, so they left the room. However, Dante took a moment to remind Lulu that they weren't on a backyard adventure; the Balkan was lethal.


Lucky found himself bound to a chair in a warehouse at an unknown location. One of the Balkan's thugs entered the room and immediately let Lucky know that Lucky would remain handcuffed and bound to the chair until the Balkan arrived. Lucky, posing as Ronan, made it clear that he was not happy with his treatment. The thug quickly lost his temper with Lucky, so he punched him. Lucky was knocked backwards, chair and all. Before the thug righted Lucky's chair, Lucky managed to find something on the floor to help him pick the lock on the handcuffs. After the thug left the room, Lucky immediately went to work freeing himself. When the thug returned, Lucky provoked another fight until the thug approached the chair to slug Lucky for a second time. Lucky jumped up and then quickly gained the upper hand. After Lucky knocked the thug out, he grabbed a gun and then left the warehouse.

Lulu entered a tavern, where Dante was already seated at a table and sipping on some ale. Lulu strode to the bar, ordered a beer, and then asked the bartender if he knew Ronan O'Reilly. The bartender denied knowing Ronan, but Siobhan had overheard the exchange. Dante joined Lulu at the bar after the bartender walked away. Siobhan had a brief exchange of words with the bartender and then walked up to Lulu. Siobhan admitted that she had heard that Lulu had been looking for someone. Siobhan offered to continue their conversation elsewhere, but Lulu refused to leave. Dante started to question Siobhan, but Lucky entered the tavern. Lucky took one look at Siobhan, Lulu, and Dante at the bar and then commented that they were quite an interesting group to behold.

9/24 Siobhan confronted Lulu at the pub in Ireland and insinuated that Lulu was a working girl. Lulu casually denied the accusation and asked if Siobhan knew Ronan O'Reilly. Siobhan was caught off-guard when Dante turned around and asked if she considered herself a friend of Ronan's. Lucky entered the bar and asked Siobhan who her friends were. She replied that she didn't know them but that they'd been asking about him. The innkeeper warned Ronan that he'd have to take any hostilities outside. Dante identified himself as a cop, and Lulu introduced herself as Detective Leslie Spencer. Dante questioned "Ronan" about his whereabouts on the 20th of August, the night a bomb had killed several people. Lucky replied that he had been in church. He told Dante and Lulu to stop poking around in places they had no business. Dante and Lulu left the bar and sat at a table without saying another word.

Lucky bought Siobhan a drink. The innkeeper grumbled about the cops having been there. He suggested Ronan and Siobhan find another pub to frequent. Lucky told him to mind his own business. "It would just break my heart if a faulty gas line leak suddenly exploded, left it nothing but rubble," Lucky threatened. The man apologized and walked away. Siobhan asked Ronan why he was wasn't making plans to kill the cops. Lucky replied that, since he'd found God, he was trying to walk down a new path. At their table, Lulu expressed that she was impressed by Lucky's skill as a con artist, but Dante warned her not to celebrate any victories. Impersonating someone one knew nothing about was exceedingly dangerous, he cautioned. Lulu and Dante shared their mutual appreciation for each other's abilities to deceive as well. Dante approached Lucky and told him to be prepared to make a statement, because Dante was planning to work with local authorities to take "Ronan" in.

After Dante left, Siobhan laughed about the situation. Lucky let her believe that he had been responsible for the bombing. She asked him if he'd be able to continue in his line of work if his heart was no longer in it. He said that whatever he did in the future, he wouldn't be able to make those he'd killed live again. Siobhan suggested he double-cross the man he'd been committing crimes for. Lucky told her she'd be disappointed if she allowed herself to have faith in his ability to redeem himself.

Moments after Lucky returned to his room, Dante knocked on the door. Lucky invited Dante and Lulu in. After establishing that the room was not bugged, they spoke freely. Lucky hostilely demanded to know why they were there. Lulu and Dante explained that they knew Lucky was impersonating Ronan O'Reilly and was attempting to take down the Balkan. Lucky told them that he'd been close to getting a meeting with the man but had been kidnapped by the Balkan's goons because "Ronan" had changed the rendezvous location. Lucky had escaped and was still alive, he reasoned, because the Balkan wanted something from O'Reilly. Dante suggested that the Balkan might have changed his mind since "Ronan" had embarrassed the man by having fled. Dante warned Lucky not to become too confident. He urged Lucky not to make the same mistakes Dante had made with Sonny and advised Lucky to cut his losses and walk away, but Lulu interjected that she knew her brother too well and that he wouldn't quit. However, Lucky wouldn't be on his own; she and Dante were going to stay and help, she stated.

9/27 Lucky, Lulu, and Dante talked in Ronan's room. Dante and Lulu wanted Lucky to quit his undercover work and return to Port Charles with them. Lucky refused. He said that he was close to discovering the identity of the Balkan. Lucky said that he knew that he was taking a risk, but it was no different that when Dante had gone undercover to get Sonny. Dante said that there was a big difference between taking a risk and throwing your life away. Lucky was unmoved and asked Dante and Lulu to go home, but they said they were staying as long as Lucky did.

Dante and Lucky went to the warehouse where Lucky had been held captive earlier to look for clues. Dante said that Lucky was impersonating a stone cold killer and as time passed, it would send up red flags if he did not kill anyone. Dante said that the longer Lucky pretended to be Ronan the more likely he was to be discovered. Dante hid when the henchmen who had grabbed and imprisoned Lucky in the warehouse entered the building. Lucky confronted them in his brash Ronan identity. When the conversation turned hostile, Dante leaped out with his gun and told them to surrender. The thugs started firing, and Lucky went down. Dante shot one of the thugs. Lucky, who had been pretending to be shot, grabbed a gun and shot the other thug. As sirens blared in the distance, Dante urged Lucky to flee, but Lucky told Dante to go alone while he remained behind.

Siobhan's knock on Ronan's door was answered by Lulu. Siobhan was protective of Ronan and told Lulu, whom she thought was a cop, that she did not have the right to search the room. Lulu told her that Ronan was a killer. Siobhan said that Ronan had changed. She said that she saw compassion in his eyes and he deserved a second chance. Lulu told her that killers did not change. Siobhan said that men could change if they had an experience with God. She said that Ronan was a man who had felt despair and had found hope again. Lulu was thoughtful when she told Siobhan that it sounded like she was falling for Ronan.

9/28 Lucky and Dante exchanged gunfire with two of the Balkan's thugs. The Balkan's thugs were killed within minutes, while Lucky and Dante escaped unscathed. As the police sirens closed in, Dante decided that he and Lucky should leave before they were spotted. Lucky slipped into the role of Ronan as he explained to Dante that it would be best if the police spotted Ronan near the bodies because it would get back to the Balkan. Lucky promised to flee before the police captured him. Dante agreed to the plan, but he made Lucky promise to rendezvous thirty minutes later.

At Ronan's apartment, Siobhan was curious why two cops from the United States would chase Ronan to Ireland when they couldn't even arrest him. Lulu explained that they believed that Ronan had valuable information about an on-going investigation. Lulu decided to question Siobhan about the Balkan. Siobhan suggested that Lulu might get more information if Lulu weren't a cop. Lulu glanced down when her phone beeped; Dante had asked Lulu to meet him.

Lulu announced that they had to leave, so she held the door open and then followed Siobhan out. A short time later, Lulu, Dante, and Lucky returned to Ronan's room. They were unaware that Siobhan had hidden in the closet. Lulu, Lucky, and Dante talked openly about Lucky's undercover work and his plans to lure the Balkan out. Lucky had found a cell phone on one of the thugs that appeared to have a message sent by the Balkan, so Lucky intended to send the Balkan a picture of the two dead thugs. Lulu worried that the Balkan might be furious, but Lucky argued that the Balkan would expect Ronan to react with violence. Dante agreed that it was a good opportunity to protect Lucky's cover as Ronan by allowing the police and the Balkan to believe that Ronan had been responsible for the deaths of the thugs. Lucky and Dante urged Lulu to stick with the plan; Lucky was confident that no one would discover that Lucky was an undercover cop.

9/29 Lucky explained to Lulu and Dante that he hadn't been given much of a choice to assume Ronan O'Reilly's identity. Lucky realized that he was flying blind, but he was confident that he had pulled off his undercover assignment because he had been able to fool Siobhan. Lucky, Lulu, and Dante were unaware that Siobhan hid in the closet, eavesdropping on their conversation. Siobhan appeared hurt by Lucky's comment. Lulu was curious how Lucky intended to explain the deaths of the Balkan's two thugs to Siobhan. Lucky adopted an Irish brogue as he explained that he would claim self-defense. In the closet, Siobhan's expression shifted to disgust. Moments later, Ronan's phone rang. Lulu advised Lucky let it go to voicemail, but Lucky ignored her. It was Seamus, a close friend and business associate of Ronan's. Seamus wanted to stop by to talk to Ronan, but Lucky insisted that it was too dangerous, so he agreed to try to meet Seamus elsewhere.

After Lucky ended the call, Lulu warned Lucky not to meet Seamus. She feared that Seamus could blow Lucky's cover. Lucky reminded Lulu that he had given himself an out by not committing to meeting Seamus. Dante was certain that Seamus would seek out Lucky if Lucky didn't show. Lucky didn't seem concerned because he had been able to convince Siobhan that he was Ronan. Lulu argued that Siobhan had an emotional stake in believing that he was Ronan because she wanted her boyfriend's killer to find redemption. Lulu thought that it would be more difficult to pull the wool over a hired gun's eyes. Dante decided to intercept Seamus. Dante intended to identify himself as a police officer, and then question Seamus, in an effort to buy Lucky some time. Lulu was determined to go with Dante even though Lucky and Dante objected. Lucky followed Dante and Lulu out, while he gave them directions on where he had arranged to meet Seamus. Siobhan looked shell-shocked as she stepped out of the closet a few moments later. She took a deep breath and then marched to the door.

Lucky returned to his room just as Siobhan stepped into the hallway. Lucky quickly figured out that Siobhan had been hiding inside, just as Siobhan bolted. Lucky chased after her. Siobhan was livid when Lucky finally caught up with her. She made it clear that she knew his true identity and that she'd had enough with his lies. Lucky spoke from his heart as he assured her that everything that he had told her about himself had been true. He admitted that he had been engaged to someone that he had loved for many years. Lucky confessed that things had ended badly, so he had turned to alcohol. Lucky revealed that he had hit bottom when he had wound up in a church one night. Siobhan didn't care because she didn't want anything to do with him. After Siobhan left, the police closed in on Lucky, thinking that he was Ronan. They promptly arrested Lucky for the murder of the two men found earlier that evening.

10/1 After he left, Agent Bates walked in and remarked that Lulu and Dante had made quite a stir in the village. However, he failed to introduce himself and, at the first chance, Lulu struck him with a fireplace poker and knocked him out. Dante returned and was surprised to discover that Lulu had coldcocked an Interpol agent.

10/4 Dante and Lulu argued about what to do after Lulu knocked out an Interpol agent that she had mistaken for one of the Balkan's thugs. She wanted to run away so that they could keep helping Lucky, but Dante wanted to make sure that the agent was not hurt seriously. While they argued, the agent recovered and insisted that Lulu and Dante return to Port Charles. The agent told them that they would distract Lucky, not help him. Agents escorted Dante and a reluctant Lulu to a plane, which they boarded. Lulu wanted to get off and worried that Lucky would be killed. Dante said that she was upset because Lucky got the life of adventure and Lulu was going home with Dante.

10/7 Lucky languished in an Irish prison until a guard announced that Ronan had a visitor. Lucky was stunned to see Luke, dressed as a priest, standing at the jail cell door. Luke adopted an Irish brogue as he greeted "Ronan" and then entered the jail cell. Luke played the part of a priest until the guard gave them some privacy. Luke then quietly demanded to know why Lucky was impersonating Ronan O'Reilly. Lucky was curious how Luke had tracked him down. Luke revealed that he had seen a newspaper with Lucky's picture and a caption that had identified Lucky as Ronan O'Reilly, a hired assassin. Lucky insisted that he didn't need Luke's help, but Luke refused to leave. The two kept up their act for the guard's benefit until Luke decided that he needed to take Ronan to a church to save his soul. Luke was frustrated when Lucky refused to go along with the plan. Luke decided that he would create a diversion, so that Lucky could escape.

Luke was in the process of giving Lucky some instructions when the guard returned to inform them that Ronan was free to leave because Interpol had claimed that there had been a mix-up. A short time later, Luke and Lucky entered Ronan's apartment. Luke was curious how Lucky had ended up working for Interpol. Lucky revealed that he had been recruited to help capture the Balkan. Luke wondered what had happened; Lucky had been happy to be a cop when Luke had left Port Charles. Luke spotted a bottle of alcohol on the table. He was curious if Lucky had started drinking again. Lucky explained that it was part of his cover.

As Luke poured himself a drink, Lucky admitted that Port Charles had been closing in on him for some time. Luke knew the feeling, but he didn't understand how that had translated to working for Interpol. Luke was curious if Interpol had used him to manipulate Lucky. Lucky denied it, but Luke saw through the lie; he warned Lucky that the Balkan was bad news. Lucky conceded that he had made a few mistakes, but he was following his instincts for the first time in a long while. Lucky confessed that he felt better than he had in years. Luke insisted that Lucky was expendable to Interpol, so they would trade Lucky for the Balkan in a heartbeat. Lucky didn't have any illusions about the danger that he faced. Luke was curious how the Balkan's thugs had ended up dead in an alley. Lucky assured his father that it had been self-defense, but he carefully avoided any mention of Dante or Lulu. Luke feared that Lucky was too rusty, so he was determined to help his son. Moments later, the police knocked on the door. Lucky reminded the officers that he had been cleared of the charges. Lucky and Luke were stunned when the police officers explained that they were there to arrest Luke for breaking and entering and impersonating a priest.

10/8 The Irish police questioned Luke, who posed as Father Lucius, a priest. Lucky told the officers he had no idea who the man was. The men led Luke away in handcuffs. Lucky then called Tracy, who claimed not to care what happened to Luke. Later, Lucky visited Luke in jail and explained that Luke would be on his own. Lucky was too far undercover to risk it all for his father. Lucky did share, however, that he'd perceived a crack in Tracy's icy heart when she'd learned that Luke was in trouble. Luke took that as a good sign but appealed to his son for help. Lucky explained that his priority was to find the woman who could blow his cover and convince her not to. He told Luke that Siobhan had overheard a conversation between Lucky, Dante, and Lulu. Luke suggested Lucky woo her.

Lucky returned to his room to find Siobhan. He apologized for having lied to her but said he hadn't had a choice. She angrily replied that he hadn't needed to make her like him. His story of redemption had made her fall for him. Lucky admitted that he had feelings for her as well. Because she stated that she didn't believe him, Lucky grabbed Siobhan and kissed her.

10/11 Lucky kissed Siobhan, who immediately kicked him in the stomach. She also slapped him and accused him of kissing her so that she would not be tempted to tell anyone that he was an undercover cop. Lucky told Siobhan that his life was in her hands. She said that kissing was a good trick. Lucky said that he was not trying to trick her. He said that he was trying to protect her because he did not want her to get hurt. He said that she was already in danger because she knew too much. Siobhan said that for all Lucky knew, she was in cahoots with the Balkan, but Lucky said he thought not.

Before they could spar further, Luke knocked on the door in his Irish priest persona. In character, he told Lucky that he had gotten out of jail by bribing a policeman. Siobhan was not taken in and told Lucky that he should take his priest and go home before someone took his life. After she stalked out, Lucky asked Luke if he had any idea how much time Lucky had spent trying to get Siobhan to trust him. Luke apologized and said he had only been trying to help. When Lucky's phone rang, it was the Balkan telling him to meet in the alley behind the pub. Siobhan was hiding in the alley when Lucky arrived for the meeting. She overheard the Balkan's man tell Lucky to find Brenda Barrett and kidnap her for the Balkan.

10/12 In Ireland, Siobhan eavesdropped from behind some crates as the Balkan's underling, Swavek, ordered Ronan to find Brenda. Lucky, posing as Ronan, insisted that Brenda was too high-profile to take out. Swavek made it clear that Ronan didn't have a choice. Lucky warned Swavek that the Balkan's henchmen had ended up dead the last time that the Balkan had tried to kill Ronan. Swavek insisted that he was just trying to help Ronan; he explained that the Balkan wouldn't have any use for Ronan if Ronan didn't follow the orders. Lucky argued that Brenda was famous, so it wasn't easy to get to her. Swavek assured Ronan that Ronan didn't have to kill Brenda; the Balkan wanted Ronan to snatch her and then hold her until the Balkan collected her.

Lucky and Swavek's heads turned when Siobhan cried out and then demanded to be released. Swavek's goon had discovered Siobhan's hiding place. Lucky quickly pulled out a gun and then ordered Swavek and his thug to release Siobhan. According to Lucky, Siobhan was Ronan's partner. Swavek appeared skeptical as Lucky claimed that Siobhan had areas of expertise that were useful, especially if Ronan were expected to kidnap Brenda. Swavek gave Ronan the benefit of the doubt and then revealed that Brenda had last been seen in Rome. However, Swavek had no idea where she had been moved to. Ronan agreed to start his search in Rome and then left with Siobhan.


Lucky and Siobhan returned to Ronan's room. Siobhan poured herself a drink while Lucky packed. She was curious what had happened to the priest. Lucky explained that the priest had moved on. He urged Siobhan to prepare for their trip, but she made it clear that she didn't intend to go to Rome. Lucky explained that she didn't have a choice. Lucky insisted that the Balkan's men would kill her if she remained in Ireland. Siobhan wasn't pleased, but she reluctantly agreed to go along with Lucky's plans.

10/15 Siobhan led Lucky home after local cops had beaten him. Lucky worried that they still had no idea where to find Brenda. Siobhan determined that Lucky's injuries were not too severe. She thanked him for having saved her life. They shared a tender moment as she tended to his wounds. Siobhan kissed Lucky, but he told her that they shouldn't. He made several excuses of failed relationships, his drug addiction, to explain why they shouldn't go further. "Get over yourself," she told him. "I'm not lookin' to marry ya. I just want to sleep with ya." They made love.

10/18 Siobhan was sleeping after making love to Lucky. Lucky was dressed and ready to leave, but could not resist brushing his hand over Siobhan's hair. She woke up and was offended that he was leaving without her. He told her that he cared about her and did not want to take her into danger. She pointed out that she was already in danger and could help him. He agreed to take her to Rome so he could continue the search for Brenda Barrett.

In Rome, Lucky charmed a female concierge as Siobhan watched and the Balkan's men lurked unbeknownst in the background. Lucky found out that the Brenda was in Port Charles. When the concierge invited him for a drink, he said that he was in a relationship. She was miffed and left him. Lucky turned to Siobhan and told her that Brenda was in America. She argued when Lucky wanted to leave, but he said that he liked being with her and quickly quelled her with a kiss. As they were leaving, the Balkan's men confronted them. They wanted an update on Brenda's whereabouts. When Lucky tried to get past them, they grabbed Siobhan and threatened her. They insisted that Lucky kill Siobhan to prove his loyalty to the Balkan.

10/19 In Rome, Swavek held on tightly to Siobhan as he informed "Ronan" that the Balkan wanted Ronan to kill Siobhan as a show of good faith. Siobhan's eyes rounded as Lucky pulled out a gun and then aimed it at her. However, instead of pulling the trigger, "Ronan" explained that shooting Siobhan in public was extremely risky to all of them. Lucky explained that the nearby hotel likely had surveillance cameras everywhere and that there were hundreds of witnesses on the sidewalk. "Ronan" warned Swavek that their faces might end up plastered everywhere if they killed Siobhan on the spot. Swavek's grip loosened during a moment of indecision, so Siobhan seized the opportunity to break free. After Siobhan fled, Lucky pretended to be angry with Swavek for allowing her to escape. "Ronan" was certain that Siobhan would run straight to the police. "Ronan" promised to shoot Swavek if Swavek didn't stay away from him until Brenda had been found.

Lucky caught up to Siobhan a short time later. He had been relieved that she had picked up on his cue when he provided her with the chance to escape Swavek's grip. Siobhan wondered what Lucky planned to do next because she realized that he couldn't keep her alive without blowing his cover. Lucky was certain that he could lie his way out of it, but not without Siobhan's help. Siobhan was stunned when Lucky suggested that she hide out in Port Charles. Siobhan reminded Lucky that she had family in Ireland, so she would prefer to go there. Lucky argued that Ireland would be the first place that the Balkan would look for her. He assured her that it would be better for her to simply disappear, so that the Balkan would assume that Ronan had carried out the orders and then dumped her body. Siobhan reluctantly agreed to go to the United States, so Lucky left to make the arrangements. A short time later, Siobhan was impressed when Lucky provided her with a passport and visa. However, she was curious what Lucky planned to do once he found Brenda. "I have no idea," Lucky admitted.

10/22 Nikolas was surprised to see Lucky arrive at Wyndemere. Lucky explained that he'd caught up with Luke in an Irish jail. Luke had been arrested for impersonating a priest. Nikolas let Lucky know that Elizabeth was at her grandmother's house with Jake, Cam, and Aiden. Lucky asked Nikolas for a favor, and Nikolas agreed. "You know I'd do anything for you," Nikolas stated. Lucky called to Siobhan, who entered the room. Lucky said that he and Siobhan needed to hide out for a while. Lucky went on to explain that he'd been drafted by Interpol to assume Ronan O'Reilly's identity to help apprehend the Balkan. Nikolas informed them that Helena had worked with the Balkan years before. Lucky told Nikolas that the Balkan wouldn't meet face-to-face until Ronan proved himself by kidnapping Brenda.

Lucky made plans to meet with someone who might have valuable information. Siobhan wanted to go with him, but Lucky was adamant that she remain hidden. Since the Balkan thought Siobhan was dead, he argued, they couldn't risk revealing that she was alive. Siobhan reluctantly agreed to stay with Nikolas. Nikolas and Siobhan awkwardly began to get to know each other. Nikolas said that Lucky seemed to be in a good place, emotionally, and wondered if she had anything to do with the improved mood.

Lucky met Jason on the waterfront and explained that he was pretending to be Ronan O'Reilly. Lucky told Jason that the Balkan wanted Brenda kidnapped and that Lucky was supposed to carry out the abduction. As they spoke, a man took photos of them from a distance.

10/25 The Balkan's man used his cell phone to snap a candid shot of Lucky and Jason meeting on the docks. He was not close enough to hear their conversation as Lucky and Jason discussed staging a fake kidnapping so that Lucky could identify the Balkan and fulfill his mission for Interpol. Lucky told Jason that the Balkan was an evil man who exploited children and was responsible for many other heinous crimes. Both Lucky and Jason questioned the Balkan's fixation on Brenda and Brenda's reluctance to tell what she knew. After agreeing to meet again, Jason left. Lucky heard a noise and pulled a gun, but did not see the Balkan's thug lurking in the shadows. Once Lucky was gone, the Balkan's man sent the photo he had taken along with a text message that read, "Don't trust him."

At Windemere, Siobhan wanted to know more about Lucky, who she only knew as Ronan. When she said she could not imagine Lucky living in the splendor of Windemere, Nikolas said that Lucky had a different childhood. He said that Lucky was a good man who had not let pain and heartache turn him bitter. Siobhan was about to ask more questions when Elizabeth started pounding frantically on the door. Nikolas told Siobhan to hide before he opened the door to Elizabeth. Siobhan was forced to eavesdrop as Elizabeth told Nikolas that she had lost Cam and Jake's trust fund in a bad investment. Nikolas said that he would help when the need arose and that she should not worry.

Lucky walked in and wanted to know what they were discussing. Nikolas tried to get them to table the discussion until a later time, but Lucky persisted. Nikolas excused himself so Lucky and Elizabeth could talk alone. Elizabeth told Lucky about the bad investment she had made. She said that she had done it to cut her ties with Nikolas. She had hoped that it would allow her to get back together with Lucky. Lucky told her flatly that they would never get back together. Elizabeth said that she had accepted that, but had not known it in the past when she had made the investment. Lucky said that while it was an expensive lesson, at least she had learned it. When Elizabeth worried about the boys' future, Lucky said that they were doing well and that he and Nikolas would both take care of them in the future. When Elizabeth left, Siobhan popped out of hiding and asked if Elizabeth was the ex-wife. She apologized for eavesdropping but said that Nikolas had urged her to hide, and she'd had no other choice but to remain hidden.

When Nikolas reentered the room, Lucky wanted to know why he had not signaled that Siobhan was in the room. Nikolas said that he had tried to get them to wait on their conversation, but Lucky had insisted on talking to Elizabeth immediately. Nikolas went to bed after telling Lucky that Lucky and Siobhan had adjoining suites in the east wing. Lucky sat down on the couch and put his hands on his head and said to Siobhan that he was trying to remember what he had said and she had overheard. Siobhan wanted to know why it mattered. She said it was not like they were together. Lucky said that he did not know how to describe their relationship either. He said that they had more going on than just the mutual need to dodge bullets. Lucky told Siobhan about his meeting with Jason. He said that they had a plan that should uncover the Balkan within the week. Siobhan was sarcastic when she said, "Great. Now Brenda can go back to Rome, I can go back to Ireland, you can go back to your ex-wife, and we can all live happily ever after."

10/26 At Wyndemere, Lucky realized that it hadn't been easy on Siobhan to leave Ireland, but he was certain that she was having fun. Siobhan smiled as she admitted that she would return home with fond memories of Lucky. Lucky suggested that it was much too soon for Siobhan to be talking about leaving. Siobhan conceded that her accommodations at that moment weren't exactly a hardship, but she confessed that the castle was a bit creepy. "It's the gargoyles," Lucky admitted. Lucky explained that he wanted to take care of the Balkan before they discussed Siobhan's return to Ireland. Siobhan reminded Lucky that she was perfectly capable to taking care of herself. Lucky was curious why she seemed so determined to get away from him. Before Siobhan could answer his question, Lucky's phone rang. It was Lulu. Lulu was startled when Lucky answered his phone. Lucky explained that he was back in Port Charles; however, he was still working undercover. Lulu revealed that they needed to talk about Luke. She insisted that it was too complicated to explain on the phone, so Lucky arranged to meet his sister on the Elm Street pier.

A short time later, Lulu and Lucky reunited. Lucky explained that he had to keep a low profile because he would continue to work undercover as Ronan O'Reilly until they had caught the Balkan. Lulu told Lucky about Luke's plan to win back Tracy. Lulu thought that it was important for Lucky to do his part to help their father, so she expected Lucky to visit Luke. She worried that Tracy might become suspicious if Lucky didn't show any concern about their father's "dire" condition. Lulu assured Lucky that he could go back to being Ronan after the visit. Lucky and Lulu were unaware that Swavek lurked nearby, eavesdropping on their conversation.

When Lucky returned to Wyndemere, Siobhan wondered how Lucky's father was doing. Lucky quickly filled Siobhan in on Luke's scam. She was surprised to learn that she had met Luke in Ireland when Luke had posed as a priest. Lucky opened up a bit about his life to give Siobhan some insight into the kind of man that his father was. Siobhan was curious if Luke were trying to win back Lucky's mother. Lucky clarified that his parents were divorced, but the woman Luke loved was not Lucky's mother. Siobhan joked that she should probably ignore Lucky if he were to ever collapse. Lucky chuckled as he realized that he might have revealed a bit too much about his family. Lucky and Siobhan then began to talk about his plans with Jason. He conceded that he and Jason were on opposite sides of the law, but he did trust Jason. Siobhan wanted to join Lucky when he revealed that he had a meeting with the Balkan. Lucky insisted that Siobhan stay put in Wyndemere because it was too dangerous. Siobhan wasn't happy about it, but she agreed to respect his wishes. However, Siobhan was worried because the Balkan had a reputation for staying a step ahead of his enemies, so Lucky and Jason might walk into an ambush.

Swavek contacted the Balkan to let him know that Ronan O'Reilly was actually an undercover cop named Lucky Spencer.

10/29 At Wyndemere, Lucky prepared to confront the Balkan. Nikolas worried that Lucky was facing danger without backup, but Lucky explained that Jason would be working with him. Nikolas didn't approve and cited Jason's lack of regard for the law. Lucky remained undeterred. Nikolas left the room, and Siobhan demanded to know why Lucky wouldn't involve Interpol. She wanted to know why he wouldn't let her back him up. Lucky told her that, if he didn't make it, he wanted to know that she was safe. Siobhan kissed him and told him to make it back in one piece. After Lucky left, Nikolas returned to the room and told Siobhan that Lucky was the most capable and resourceful man he'd ever known. Nikolas apologized for having to leave, but explained that he had to take Spencer trick-or-treating. Moments after he departed, Siobhan walked outside. She sat on a bench by the boat landing and was shocked when someone approached.

11/1 At the warehouse, Jason, Sam, and Lucky prepared for the upcoming meeting with the Balkan. Spinelli arrived that the penthouse a short time later to find the front door wide open and everyone gone. He immediately called Jason. Jason had Spinelli check the surveillance footage, which showed Brenda racing out of the lobby, followed by Dante two minutes later. Jason was confident that Brenda would be fine, since she didn't have any idea where the meeting with the Balkan had been scheduled to take place. Jason realized something was wrong when Spinelli remained silent. Jason demanded to know what Spinelli was hiding, so Spinelli confessed that he had told Brenda where Jason and Lucky had planned to ambush the Balkan. After Jason ended the call, he let Sam and Lucky know that their plans had hit a snag. Jason decided that it would be best to pack things up, but Lucky argued that their plan could still work. Jason disagreed.

In the alleyway, Brenda raced to the warehouse, but before she could enter the building, one of the Balkan's goons caught her. Brenda struggled violently with the man until Dante arrived. Dante managed to free Brenda from the thug's grip, but Brenda didn't run to safety. She watched as Dante tried to overpower the burly man, until she spotted a gun on the ground. Brenda picked up the gun as she began to have flashbacks of another violent fight in an alleyway between an unknown person and Dante. Distraught, Brenda took aim and then fired at the goon, who had gained the upper hand on Dante. The thug stumbled away from Dante and then collapsed to the ground. Brenda became hysterical as she realized that she had killed the man.

Jason, Sam, and Lucky arrived seconds later. Jason gently talked Brenda into lowering the gun and then giving it to him. Brenda threw herself into Jason's arms as she sobbed. Sam watched Jason and Brenda as Dante insisted on calling the police. Lucky didn't want to involve the police because he feared that it would blow his cover as Ronan O'Reilly. Jason argued that Brenda was too upset to deal with the police, so he wanted to take her home. Dante insisted that Brenda hadn't done anything wrong, so there wasn't any reason to cover up what had happened. Dante suggested that Lucky and Sam leave. Dante thought that Brenda could claim that she had been at the warehouse with Jason and then had gone into the alley when she had heard a noise.

On Spoon Island, Siobhan was abducted by one of the Balkan's men and then spirited to an abandoned warehouse. Siobhan warned the goon that he had kidnapped the wrong woman and that her boss, Nikolas Cassadine, would call the police the moment that he realized that Siobhan was gone. The thug assured Siobhan that no one had noticed that she was missing yet and that she wasn't going anywhere because she was the bait. Lucky arrived a short time later. Lucky wanted to let Siobhan know that she couldn't return to Ireland yet because their plans for the Balkan had gone awry. Nikolas revealed that Siobhan was not there. Lucky immediately suspected that something was wrong, so he questioned the housekeeper. The housekeeper didn't have any information about Siobhan's whereabouts, so Lucky decided to talk to the rest of the staff. Nikolas was curious why Lucky suspected the worst instead of assuming that Siobhan had simply gone in to town. Lucky explained that Siobhan knew the dangers of leaving the island.

11/2 At Wyndemere, Nikolas assured Lucky that the entire staff was searching every inch of Spoon Island for Siobhan. Lucky appreciated Nikolas' help. Nikolas trusted Lucky's instincts. Lucky explained that he had taken steps to make it appear that he had followed the Balkan's orders to kill Siobhan, but Lucky acknowledged that it was virtually impossible to make someone disappear. Nikolas realized that Lucky felt responsible for Siobhan. Lucky claimed that he had dragged Siobhan into the mess that they were in, so he had to save her. Moments later, Lucky received a call from Agent Bates ordering Lucky to go to the police station because they had news on the Balkan.

Lucky arrived at the police station a short time later. Agent Bates revealed that the Balkan had almost captured Brenda Barrett. Dante left as Lucky pointed out that the attempted kidnapping had failed, so he didn't understand why Agent Bates was upset. Agent Bates explained that Interpol was not happy with Lucky's performance. Lucky explained that the Balkan had taken the woman that had been helping Lucky. Lucky expected Interpol to back him while he searched for Siobhan. Agent Bates made it clear that Lucky was no longer of any use to them, so they were cutting Lucky loose. Agent Bates added that the missing woman was Lucky's problem. After Agent Bates left, Dante returned with grim news. Dante had received an email addressed to Lucky. It was a picture of Siobhan tied to a chair. Lucky's fears were confirmed when he realized that the Balkan had Siobhan and was aware of Lucky's true identity.

11/5 Bound to a chair in a room somewhere, Siobhan argued with the man guarding her. She denied knowing anyone named Ronan O'Reilly. The man told Siobhan that she would be killed if she didn't provide what the Balkan wanted. Siobhan worked her hands out of the ropes and attempted to flee, but her guard grabbed her. Lucky arrived at Jason's penthouse and updated Jason and Dante on the search for Siobhan and the Balkan. Dante informed Lucky that the Balkan had demanded a trade: Brenda for Siobhan. Jason said that they'd make no such deal. Lucky was incredulous and worried that the Balkan would kill Siobhan. Jason replied that the Balkan would kill Brenda if given the chance. Lucky suggested that they take Brenda to meet with the Balkan's men and then stage an ambush. The men would expect that, Dante reasoned. Jason suggested they stall. Lucky was adamant that they not let Siobhan die. Dante and Jason explained that Brenda was too fragile, emotionally, to be involved. Lucky vowed that he'd do anything to ensure Siobhan's safety then left.

Dante invited Lucky to his loft. He offered to make a pot of decaf, because Lucky was on edge. Lucky asked if Dante would be sitting around had Lulu been kidnapped. Dante told Lucky that regardless of whose safety was at stake, they all needed to remain calm and think carefully. Lucky needed to act like a cop, Dante asserted. Lucky regretted that he'd let his emotions dictate his actions. He'd convinced himself that Siobhan would be safer in Port Charles, but the reality was that he'd wanted her close by because he was falling for her. They received a text message with instructions to meet the Balkan's men for the trade.

Lucky and Dante went back to the penthouse. Brenda informed them that she was going to meet the Balkan's men with them. Jason rejected the idea of going to the warehouse that the Balkan had designated as the meeting point and suggested a bluff where they could place a sniper. Lucky made a call to the man holding Siobhan. Lucky told him that they would meet at another location. The man put Siobhan on the phone and inflicted pain to make her scream.

11/8 Lucky was on the phone with the Balkan's henchman, Marko. Lucky vowed to kill Marko if Siobhan was hurt. Marko glanced down at Siobhan, who remained tied to a chair that had been tipped over. Marko warned Lucky that Siobhan would die a slow and painful death if Brenda were not taken to the warehouse. Lucky demanded to talk to Siobhan, but Marko refused. Lucky's temper flared until Jason advised Lucky to calm down. Lucky took a deep breath and then explained that he refused to walk into an ambush, so he insisted on meeting Marko and Siobhan at the bluffs on Adams Road. Marko agreed and then disconnected the call. Jason understood that Lucky was upset about Siobhan, but he advised Lucky to get himself under control before someone ended up dead.

Jason and Lucky walked into the penthouse. Lucky asked if Brenda still wanted to help rescue Siobhan. Brenda assured Lucky that she was ready, so they went over the plans. A short time later, Jason, Dante, and Lucky put their plan into motion with Brenda's help. Jason and Dante took sniper positions in the brush as Lucky and Brenda stood in a clearing waiting for Marko and Siobhan to arrive. Brenda pretended to struggle against Lucky's strong grip as Marko, flanked by two goons, appeared with Siobhan. Jason warned Dante to hold his fire until Jason gave the word. Meanwhile, Marko wondered how long Brenda had thought that she could run. Brenda screamed in outrage seconds before Dante fired a shot.

11/9 On the bluffs, Marko, flanked by several thugs, held onto Siobhan tightly as he warned Brenda that the Balkan knew what she had done. Brenda screamed in outrage as she charged Marko. Jason, hidden in the bushes, radioed to Dante to hold his fire, but Dante took aim and then shot Marko. Lucky immediately grabbed Siobhan as gunfire erupted all around them. Once the smoke had cleared, all of the Balkan's men were dead. Lucky quickly confirmed that Siobhan and Brenda were unharmed as Jason and Dante made their way to the clearing. Jason was curious why Dante had taken the shot early. Dante claimed that things had gone south, so he had to shoot Marko or Marko would have taken off with Brenda. Jason accepted the explanation. Lucky and Dante realized that the police would have to be notified, but they didn't want Siobhan and Brenda to be present when the police arrived. Jason agreed to take Siobhan and Brenda to his penthouse while Lucky and Dante dealt with the police.

After Jason, Siobhan, and Brenda left, Lucky confessed that something didn't add up. Lucky found Marko's comments to Brenda and Brenda's reaction odd. Lucky couldn't understand why Brenda had charged Marko rather than flee. Dante attributed it to fear. A short time later, Mac arrived. Lucky and Dante explained that the dead men had worked for the Balkan and that the shootout had been a part of Lucky's undercover assignment. Mac warned Lucky and Dante to get things taken care of soon because he didn't want the Balkan to continue causing problems in Port Charles.

Jason arrived home with Siobhan and Brenda in tow. He questioned Siobhan about her time spent as the Balkan's prisoner. Siobhan revealed that the men had been instructed to capture Brenda alive. Siobhan also recalled hearing the name Aleksander mentioned several times. Jason turned to Brenda to see if she knew who Aleksander was. Brenda insisted that she couldn't discuss it. Siobhan decided to leave, so Jason insisted on sending a few guards with her. Jason walked Siobhan out of the penthouse, so that he could assign some men to watch over her.

Lucky arrived home to find Siobhan waiting for him. She poured herself a drink and then offered one to him. Lucky declined; he explained that he had only indulged in alcohol to maintain his cover as Ronan O'Reilly. After Siobhan emptied her glass, Lucky promised to do everything in his power to make certain that she would never have to endure another ordeal again. Siobhan thought that it was a generous offer, but she wasn't sure that she could accept. Siobhan admitted that Lucky was a "lovely" man, but she didn't need his guilt or pity. Lucky confessed that Siobhan had been a wonderful adventure that he wouldn't have missed for the world. Siobhan smiled as she suggested that Lucky kiss her. Lucky happily complied. The episode featured Hold on Tight by Rie Sinclair.

11/10 In Lucky's apartment, Lucky was surprised to find Siobhan packing her things. Siobhan explained that she intended to take the next flight home to Ireland. Lucky insisted that she would remain in danger until the Balkan had been dealt with, so she should remain in Port Charles under his protection. Lucky confessed that he would worry about Siobhan and miss her if she left. Siobhan softened as she admitted that she would miss him too; however, she didn't want to be a burden. Lucky wasn't ready for her to walk out of his life because he felt like he could be himself around her. Siobhan reminded Lucky that her home was across the ocean, so they would eventually have to part ways. Lucky realized that she was right, but he didn't think that it was wise for her to leave while the Balkan remained a threat. Siobhan agreed to remain in Port Charles, but under her own terms. She insisted on finding a job and a place of her own.

A few minutes later, Nikolas stopped by to talk to Lucky. Nikolas was relieved to see that Siobhan was safe and sound. Siobhan appreciated Nikolas' concern. She asked Nikolas to tell Lucky that she refused to be dependant on Lucky and then left. Nikolas noticed that Lucky hadn't wasted any time with Siobhan. Lucky claimed that he was just trying to protect Siobhan. "So it's just business?" Nikolas wondered. Lucky sarcastically answered, "Oh yeah," and then insisted that he was completely objective, so the fact that Siobhan was beautiful, smart, and fascinating didn't factor in. Lucky was certain that Nikolas hadn't stopped by to discuss Siobhan. Nikolas admitted that he had called their mother to tell her that the Scorpio house had burned. Lucky realized that Laura would be upset about the loss of her childhood home. Nikolas assured Lucky that Laura had handled the news quite well, which he attributed to the excellent care that she had received at the institute in Paris. However, Laura had asked for some pictures of the house, so Nikolas had talked to Lulu, who had revealed that Lucky had the old family photo albums. Lucky knew exactly which album Laura wanted. He promised to retrieve it from the house on Royal Street and then send it to their mother.

Nikolas started to leave, but Lucky stopped him. Lucky was curious what Nikolas thought of his relationship with Siobhan. Nikolas was hesitant to speak his mind, but Lucky pushed for an answer. Nikolas admitted that Lucky and Siobhan seemed to compliment each other. Lucky sensed that Nikolas was holding back, so Nikolas suggested that Lucky and Siobhan were having something similar to a "wartime romance." Lucky didn't seem to appreciate the observation, but he invited Nikolas continue to speak his mind. "Fine," Nikolas warned Lucky. Nikolas confessed that he suspected that Lucky had latched onto Siobhan because she was new and didn't have a connection to the way that Nikolas and Elizabeth had hurt Lucky. Nikolas feared that their betrayal might have forced Lucky in a direction that Lucky wasn't ready to go in. Nikolas quickly clarified that he wasn't asking for forgiveness. "Then drop it," Lucky advised Nikolas. Nikolas insisted that Lucky was dealing with a huge loss because Lucky's entire future with Elizabeth had vanished. Lucky took offense by the suggestion that he was in a rebound relationship with Siobhan. Nikolas knew what it was like because his affairs with Nadine, Rebecca, and possibly Elizabeth, had been rebound relationships. Lucky insisted that Siobhan was a wonderful woman. Nikolas agreed, but he wanted Lucky to go into things with his eyes open.

Siobhan entered Jake's looking for a job. Coleman was curious if Siobhan had any experience working in a bar. Coleman was impressed when she claimed to have bartended in several countries. Coleman liked her accent, so he decided to hire her because he thought that Siobhan would add "class" to Jake's. Siobhan smiled as she introduced herself as "Siobhan McKenna" and then informed Coleman that she would work for minimum wage, but keep her tips. Siobhan also clarified that she would not sleep with the boss. Coleman assured her that sexual harassment was not his thing. Siobhan began to work immediately.

A short time later, Maxie strolled in and then struck up a conversation with Siobhan. Siobhan was surprised when Maxie correctly guessed the region of Ireland that Siobhan was from. Maxie explained that Kate Howard's favorite photographer was from Dublin and that he enjoyed mimicking various accents from around Ireland. Maxie was stunned when Siobhan confided that she was in town because of her boyfriend, Lucky Spencer.

Maxie immediately went to see Lucky. She informed Lucky that an "Irish bimbo" working at Jake's had claimed that Lucky was her boyfriend. Lucky was pleased that Siobhan had referred to him as her boyfriend, but he couldn't understand why Siobhan would talk to a stranger about him. Maxie couldn't believe that Lucky had been flirting with her while he had a girlfriend. Lucky seemed baffled by Maxie's suggestion that they had been flirting. Maxie quickly reminded him of their kiss. She didn't understand how Lucky could have moved on so quickly when she wasn't an easy person to get over. After Maxie left, Lucky decided to go to Jake's to see Siobhan. He ordered a club soda and then complained that his girlfriend had packed up her things and then moved out before he could fix her breakfast. Siobhan smiled as she confidently assured Lucky that he would see his girlfriend again soon.

11/15 At Jake's, Coleman made a half-hearted attempt to hit on Siobhan, but she was quick-witted and easily deflected his efforts as she went about her work in the bar. Jason stopped in to see Siobhan. He wondered if she had remembered anything else that she had seen or heard while she had been held hostage by the Balkan's men. Siobhan thought for a few moments then said that she did remember one cryptic phone call about a man that the Balkan's man had referred to as "Jack."

11/16 At Jake's, Jason questioned Siobhan about her time spent as the Balkan's captive. Jason wondered if Siobhan recalled anything of significance that might help them locate the Balkan. Lucky demanded to know what was going on when he spotted Jason questioning Siobhan. Jason explained that Siobhan had recalled the Balkan's men had mentioned the name Jack while she had been held a prisoner. Siobhan quickly clarified that she had told Jason and Lucky everything that she knew. Jason reminded Siobhan how important it was to catch the Balkan, so he asked her to call him if she remembered anything else. After Jason left, Siobhan was curious if Jason was Brenda's boyfriend. She was stunned when Lucky admitted, "No." Siobhan thought that Jason and Brenda were involved because they fought like an old married couple and Jason had gone through a lot of trouble to keep Brenda safe. "Are you saying that the only person worth risking your life for is someone you love?" Lucky wondered.

Siobhan smiled sheepishly, but didn't answer. Lucky changed the subject to remind Siobhan that anyone who entered Jake's could be working for the Balkan, so he advised her to keep everyone at arm's length. Siobhan joked that it wouldn't be good for tips, but she realized that he had a point. She then reminded Lucky that he had made a fool of the Balkan, so perhaps she should be the one to protect Lucky. Lucky admitted that he would gladly go against the Balkan if it meant that Siobhan was safe. Siobhan didn't know if Lucky was noble or suicidal. She led Lucky to the bar and then offered to fetch him something to eat. Lucky claimed that the food at Jake's had been known to send people to the hospital. Siobhan quipped that Lucky was a man of steel who was capable of taking on anything. Lucky realized that Siobhan was worried about him, so he assured her that she didn't have to worry about him going up against the Balkan.

Siobhan thought that it would be a shame if something happened to Lucky. Lucky was curious if Siobhan would miss him. She turned serious as she admitted that she would. Siobhan conceded that she knew very little about Lucky, but she sensed something in him that she recognized. Lucky acknowledged that she saw him in a way that most people didn't. Later, Siobhan went to the jukebox to select a song. She explained to Lucky that she liked to explore because there was a chance that she might fall in love. "With the music?" Lucky wondered. "Sure," Siobhan answered cryptically. After Siobhan selected a song, Lucky pulled her close for a slow dance. Afterwards, Lucky and Siobhan left Jake's hand-in-hand. In the alley, Lucky stopped to gently stroke her face before he kissed her. Great music montage as Lucky and Siobhan sleep together, combined with assorted other PC couples.

11/17 At Lucky's apartment, Lucky woke Siobhan with kisses. She jumped up when she noticed the time. Siobhan sprinted to the shower, changed, and then announced that she had to get to work. Lucky reminded Siobhan that Jake's was closed, but she explained that she had to run a few errands first. Lucky threatened to stake out the airport, in case she intended to take a flight home. Siobhan smiled as she assured him that she didn't have any plans to take off for Ireland.

Later, Lucky met Elizabeth and the boys at the park. Elizabeth thanked Lucky for watching Cameron and Jake, while she took Aiden for a checkup. Lucky assured her that it wasn't a problem; he had missed the boys. Elizabeth was touched when Lucky complimented her on being a great mom. Lucky then noticed how much Aiden had grown. As Lucky leaned down to play with Aiden, he noticed that Aiden had long fingers like him. Lucky confided that Laura had always told him that his long fingers had helped him to play the guitar. Lucky suspected that the trait had been passed down from Laura to Nikolas. Shortly after Elizabeth left, Siobhan arrived. Lucky introduced Siobhan to his sons.

Later, Elizabeth returned to pick up her sons after Aiden's doctor appointment. Lucky introduced Siobhan and Elizabeth. The ladies exchanged polite smiles before Siobhan excused herself and then left. Elizabeth was curious where Lucky had met Siobhan. Lucky explained that Siobhan had helped him with some work, but left it at that.

Lucky went to Jake's to find Siobhan. He noticed that Siobhan didn't seem thrilled to see him. She confessed that he had a nice family with Elizabeth. She suggested that Lucky had been running from a life with his family when he had assumed Ronan's identity. Lucky clarified that he hadn't been running from his sons, but Siobhan made it clear that she wasn't interested in sleeping with a man who was ducking out on his family. Lucky was shocked when Siobhan announced that they were over.

11/18 At Jake's, Siobhan accused Lucky of wanting a "roll in the hay" to make his ex-wife jealous. Lucky assured Siobhan that there was nothing between him and Elizabeth except for the children. Siobhan accused Lucky of lying about everything, including his name, so she didn't know why she should trust him. Lucky explained that he and Elizabeth were friendly for the sake of the boys, but Siobhan continued to have her doubts. Lucky insisted that he had been fascinated with Siobhan from the moment that he had met her. Their conversation was cut short when Lucky's cell phone rang. He stepped away to take the call, while Siobhan resumed wiping the tables. Elizabeth entered the bar moments later.

Elizabeth explained that she had been reluctant to discuss things with Siobhan in front of the children, so she had decided to drop by Jake's to get to know Siobhan, since Siobhan was spending time with Lucky and the kids. Elizabeth admitted that she was surprised that Lucky had introduced the children to someone he had met while working undercover for Interpol. Elizabeth made it clear that she didn't want her children in any kind of danger. Siobhan flippantly suggested that she wasn't a danger to Elizabeth unless Elizabeth got drunk and then tried to stiff Siobhan for the bill. Elizabeth didn't know Siobhan well enough to take her word for that. Siobhan decided to give Elizabeth a brief summary about her life. Siobhan claimed that she hadn't seen the point of pursuing higher learning, so she had worked all over Europe in various bars.

According to Siobhan, she had a knack for dating the wrong kind of man, including her last boyfriend who had been killed by Ronan O'Reilly, the man whose identity Lucky had assumed. Elizabeth was curious if Lucky had told Siobhan about his past. Lucky was surprised when he returned to the bar to find Elizabeth questioning Siobhan. Lucky asked to speak to Elizabeth privately, so Siobhan went to the bar, where she wiped it down as she openly eavesdropped on Elizabeth and Lucky's conversation. Lucky wanted to know why Elizabeth was there. Elizabeth explained that she had a right to be concerned, and a little curious, when Lucky introduced a complete stranger to the children.

Elizabeth didn't like the idea of her boys hanging out with someone whom Lucky had met while working undercover. Elizabeth understood Siobhan's appeal: she was beautiful, a stranger with a vagabond past, and she didn't know anything about Lucky. Elizabeth realized that Lucky could be whomever he wanted to be around Siobhan, but she pointed out that the same was true for Siobhan. Elizabeth was curious what Lucky knew about his new girlfriend. Lucky insisted that he knew everything that he needed to know. Elizabeth insisted that she didn't want to see Lucky hurt again. Lucky appreciated Elizabeth's concern, but it was his business. He suggested that they should respect the boundaries that they had set. Elizabeth apologized if he thought that she had overstepped; she hoped things worked out the way that Lucky wanted.

After Elizabeth left, Siobhan accused "that woman" of thinking that she owned Lucky. Lucky explained that Elizabeth was used to being involved in his life. Siobhan was certain that Elizabeth wanted Lucky back. Lucky didn't deny it, but he insisted that all that mattered was what he wanted. He thought that he had made his feelings very clear. He wondered if Siobhan was ready to run scared, but she assured him that she wasn't afraid of anything. "Prove it," Lucky dared her. Someone knocked on his door. Lucky was surprised when Agent Bates identified himself as an Interpol agent. Lucky assumed it was about Luke, so he agreed to go with the agent. Later, Agent Bates acknowledged that he knew about Luke, but they weren't interested in discussing Lucky's father. Lucky was stunned when Agent Bates explained that he had sought out Lucky for a specific reason. Lucky's interest was piqued when Agent Bates produced a picture of a dead man in a morgue who bore an uncanny resemblance to Lucky.

Dvd #4B 11/19 Lucky met Luke at the Metro Court restaurant. Luke explained that Carly was letting him stay at the hotel, gratis. Better yet, Luke continued, Tracy had agreed to remarry him, for real. A grand ceremony was planned to take place at the Quartermaine mansion. Luke avoided answering Lucky's query about when the wedding would occur but hesitantly stated that it would be December 21, Laura's birthday. Lucky reacted angrily. Luke reminded his son that Tracy had agreed to let Luke go through a faux wedding before Laura went back into a catatonic state and that it had been very painful for Tracy. Lucky refused to commit to being Luke's best man.

11/24 At Kelly's, Lucky bumped into Siobhan as she was about to leave the diner. Lucky briefly told her about the Thanksgiving Day holiday and then invited her to New York City for dinner at an Italian restaurant. Siobhan was curious why Lucky wasn't spending the day with his children. Lucky explained that Elizabeth's grandmother, Audrey, had decided to host Thanksgiving dinner. According to Lucky, Audrey had invited Nikolas and Spencer, so that they could spend the holiday with Aiden and Elizabeth as a family. Siobhan wondered why Lucky didn't celebrate the holiday with the rest of his family. Lucky explained that his father and siblings were having dinner with the Quartermaines. Lucky confided that both families were extremely dysfunctional, so their gatherings tended to reflect that. Siobhan confessed that it sounded intriguing, so she advised Lucky to get over himself and then announced, "Let's go."

All heads turned when Lucky and Siobhan entered the Quatermaine’s parlor. Edward was immediately smitten by the Irish lass as he recalled a time, long before, when he had gone to the Emerald Isle. Siobhan charmed Edward with a brief recounting of how she had met Lucky. Edward warned Siobhan to be careful; Lucky might be a cop, but he was still a Spencer and arguably the smoothest talking one of the lot. Edward's mood improved even more when Lulu entered the parlor without her "no good boyfriend."

A short time later, Tracy and Luke entered the parlor. Tracy proudly held up her hand to show everyone the engagement ring. When the pizza arrived, Siobhan was confused because she thought the traditional Thanksgiving Day meal was a turkey. Edward explained that the Quartermaines had a long history of bad luck with turkeys, so they had started a tradition of giving Cook the day off and then ordering a pizza. After Edward honored the special holiday with a song, everyone shouted, "Happy Thanksgiving." Afterwards, Edward invited everyone to "dig in."

11/29 Lucky and Siobhan met at Kelly's for breakfast and conversation. When Lucky asked Siobhan how she had liked Thanksgiving at the Quartermaine home, she said that she was happy to have a free meal and a floorshow. They both laughed, then Lucky asked her to try to remember anything that she had overheard while being held by the Balkan's men. Siobhan said that she was focused on freeing her hands, not on listening to their conversation. Lucky apologized for putting her in danger. Siobhan said that she had put herself in danger because she had been too hardheaded to listen to him and stay put where she was safe. Lucky said that he could have sent her anywhere in the world, but had chosen to keep her with him. Siobhan told him to cheer up because she was alive and they were together. She said she just wished she could give him a better clue than the name "Jack."

11/30 At McCall and Jackal Private Investigations, Lucky, Jason, and Dante discussed the possibility that the man that they were looking for could have the last name of "Jacks." Jason and Lucky realized that their suspect might be Jerry Jacks. Jason and Lucky quickly filled Dante in about Jerry's crime spree in Port Charles and the lengths that Jerry would go to for money. Lucky didn't discount the possibility that Jerry could be in cahoots with the Balkan, but Dante wondered if it were possible that Jerry was the Balkan. Lucky conceded that Jerry was a sociopath, while Jason acknowledged that Jerry had been known to haunt the Balkan region and was old enough to have a son Aleksander's age.

12/1 At McCall and Jackal Private Investigations, Lucky was on the phone when Siobhan dropped by with some takeout food from Jake's. Lucky admitted that he needed Siobhan's help to track down the Balkan. He wondered if she would think back to everything that had happened during her time as the Balkan's captive, in case there had been something that she had forgotten. Siobhan was happy to help, but she wished that she knew more about the "Croatian" because she suspected that it might jog her memory. Lucky and Siobhan were surprised when Agent Bates entered the office. Agent Bates immediately recognized Siobhan as the young woman who had helped Lucky.

Siobhan didn't extend a warm greeting to the Interpol agent, so Agent Bates explained that he needed Lucky to pose as Ronan O'Reilly one more time. Siobhan was outraged at the suggestion because the Balkan was fully aware of Lucky's true identity. She was certain that Agent Bates was sending Lucky to his death. Agent Bates didn't appreciate Siobhan's interference. Lucky warned Agent Bates to leave Siobhan alone because she had been through enough. Lucky cut to the chase by demanding to know exactly what the assignment was. Agent Bates explained that Ronan had left a safety deposit box under another name. Interpol wanted Lucky to go to the bank in New York City to retrieve the safety deposit box and then contact Interpol once it was in Lucky's possession. However, Agent Bates made it clear that Lucky was not to go after the Balkan alone.

Lucky agreed to take the assignment. After Agent Bates left, Siobhan insisted on accompanying Lucky to the bank even though she was certain that the job was doomed to fail. Lucky refused to consider endangering Siobhan any further than he already had, so he made it clear that she was to remain in Port Charles. Siobhan objected, claiming that Lucky needed a partner to help create a diversion. According to Siobhan, the Balkan likely knew about the safety deposit box, so there might be men waiting to grab Lucky when Lucky left the bank. Lucky argued that he wouldn't be able to concentrate on the assignment if he had to worry about Siobhan, so he didn't want her anywhere near the bank. Siobhan wasn't happy with Lucky's decision. After Lucky placed a call to arrange a flight to New York City, he charmed a kiss out of Siobhan and then offered to walk her out. Siobhan declined, but she wished Lucky well on his "suicide mission." As soon as Lucky left, Siobhan picked up the phone and then booked a flight to New York City.

12/7 In Lucky's Manhattan hotel room, Lucky demanded to know how Siobhan had managed to follow him. Siobhan was curious why Lucky had dragged her from Ireland if he had intended to treat her like a child. Lucky apologized, but he still wanted an answer. Siobhan claimed that she had confronted Agent Bates about endangering Lucky until Agent Bates had finally told her where she could find Lucky. Siobhan suspected that Agent Bates secretly hoped that the Balkan would blow both Siobhan and Lucky to "kingdom come." Lucky confessed that it would be somewhat disturbing if it were true, but he was more interested in learning how Siobhan had managed to slip into his room. Siobhan smiled smugly as she admitted that she had convinced the maid that she wanted to surprise Lucky. Lucky appreciated the efforts that Siobhan had gone through to help him, but he insisted that he wanted her to return to Port Charles.

Siobhan made it clear that she left Ireland because she cared about Lucky, so she was intent on saving his "backside." Lucky claimed that he didn't need her help. Lucky insisted that he had all the necessary paperwork, so the job should be easy. Siobhan worried that the Balkan's men would be ready to pounce the moment that Lucky left the bank, so Lucky needed someone to help create a diversion. Lucky argued that he would be too concerned that the Balkan's men would capture Siobhan again. Lucky and Siobhan continued to argue about it until Lucky finally sat down to show her his plans for recovering the contents of Ronan O'Reilly's safety deposit box. Moments later, room service arrived. Siobhan was struck with inspiration as she looked at the young woman who had delivered the cart of food to their room. The woman resembled Siobhan, so Siobhan picked up her beret and then asked if the room service attendant were free to make some money the following afternoon.

12/8 At the hotel in Manhattan, Lucky and Siobhan argued about Lucky's plan to retrieve Ronan O'Reilly's safety deposit box. Lucky didn't want Siobhan involved, but she refused to be excluded. Eventually Lucky agreed to go along with the plan for the room service attendant to be a decoy for Siobhan. Siobhan was certain that the Balkan's men would follow the woman out of the bank, which would provide Lucky and Siobhan with enough time to slip away. Lucky and Siobhan made love. Lucky was surprised to wake up to discover that Siobhan was dressed. Siobhan explained that she wanted to surprise him, so she had to go out for a short time. She promised to return shortly. Lucky told her to be careful, kissed her, and then watched her leave.

Siobhan went to an alley where she waited for her contact. A man with a heavy Russian accent stepped out of the shadows. Siobhan was annoyed because the man had been late. She instructed him to follow the decoy with the beret, so that she could get her hands on what the Balkan needed. Siobhan returned to the hotel room with Dutch Apple cookies. She claimed that when she lived in Amsterdam, she used to get them after work. Lucky chuckled because he recalled that he had first tasted the treats in Amsterdam. Lucky wondered if Siobhan had ever imagined that they'd end up like they were when she had first entered the pub in Ireland. Siobhan smiled as she remarked that it had been a lucky day for her.

12/9 Siobhan paced the floor of the hotel room in Manhattan as she chewed her nail. Moments later her cell phone rang. It was the man that she had met in the alley. The man explained that he was in front of the bank, so he demanded to know where Lucky and Siobhan were. Siobhan promised the man that they would be there soon. The man reminded Siobhan that the Balkan didn't like to be kept waiting. Siobhan promised that the Balkan would get the information that he wanted, but they had to stop contacting her before Lucky became suspicious.

Seconds later, Lucky entered the hotel room. He was curious who Siobhan was talking to. Siobhan pretended that she was in the middle of a heated argument with her sister, Fiona, about Siobhan's decision to leave Ireland. After Siobhan disconnected the call, Lucky admitted that he hadn't realized that she had been catching so much flak from her family. Siobhan claimed that her sister was just bitter because Fiona had ended up marrying the wrong man. Siobhan then changed the subject to review their plans to retrieve the contents of the safety deposit box. Lucky made another attempt to persuade Siobhan to stay out of it, but Siobhan refused. Shortly afterwards, their decoy showed up. They dressed the decoy to look like Siobhan and then went over the plans. Siobhan gave the decoy one hundred dollars and then promised to pay the woman the rest of the money after the assignment had been completed.

Later, everything went exactly according to Siobhan's plan. The Balkan's men retrieved the envelope from the decoy, while Siobhan and Lucky returned to the hotel room. The decoy met Lucky and Siobhan at the room a short time later to get the remainder of her payment and to let them know the envelope had been retrieved without incident. After the young woman left, Siobhan gloated about the success of her plan. Lucky was unsettled because everything had been way too easy. Lucky couldn't understand why the Balkan hadn't left anyone behind at the bank to make certain that there hadn't been some kind of trick afoot. Siobhan dismissed Lucky's concerns as she urged him to open the envelope that they had taken from the safety deposit box. Lucky was surprised that the envelope contained surveillance pictures of Brenda and Aleksander as well as of Brenda and Dante. Lucky realized that Brenda might be connected to Aleksander's death.

12/10 Lucky filled Siobhan in on Brenda's connection to the Balkan. Brenda and Alexander, the Balkan's son, had briefly dated, but she broke it off once she became aware of his criminal links. Alexander then stalked Brenda and followed her to New York. When he attempted to abduct her, she shot and killed him. Lucky went on to explain that the Balkan had never known of his son's death until Alexander's body had washed ashore in New Jersey. As Lucky attempted to leave, Siobhan grabbed and kissed him. The two made love. After Lucky left, Siobhan made a call to one of the Balkan's men and told him that the cops were planning to use Alexander's remains to draw the Balkan out.

12/13 On the Haunted Star, Luke asked Ethan to help him in a card game with some high rollers so he could pay for his wedding to Tracy. When Lucky and Siobhan got there, Luke asked Lucky to help. Tracy arrived shortly after and wanted to know what they were up to and why the Haunted Star was not open for business. When Luke mentioned the wedding expenses, Tracy told him that if he loved her as much as he said he did, he would suck it up and prove it to her. Brook Lynn and Nikolas boarded the Haunted Star. Siobhan took Nikolas aside and asked him to help her get Lucky to quit the Balkan case because she feared for his safety. Lucky and Luke talked privately. Lucky wanted to know if Luke was trying to raise cash so that he could flee the wedding. Luke said he was worried about paying for Tracy's big wedding. Lucky told Luke that he would put him in the lock up if he tried to escape the wedding.

12/14 On the Haunted Star, Siobhan tried to persuade Nikolas to convince Lucky to stop pursuing the Balkan. Nikolas made it clear that Lucky was his own man. According to Nikolas, Lucky believed that Siobhan was in dire danger, so it was unlikely that Lucky would walk away from the hunt for the Balkan. Nearby, Lucky assured his father that he would not tell Luke what to do about the wedding. However, Lucky suggested that Luke consider whether Luke could afford to lose Tracy.

Siobhan sat in a corner booth as she tried to reach Lucky by cell phone, but his voicemail picked up. Siobhan scolded Lucky for ditching her at the casino, so she ordered him to return her call to let her know that he was still alive. Nikolas approached Siobhan as she ended the call. Nikolas wondered if everything were okay. Siobhan admitted that she was upset because Lucky had left without a word. Nikolas realized that Siobhan cared more deeply for Lucky than she might be willing to admit. Siobhan didn't think that it mattered. Nikolas warned Siobhan that she couldn't stop Lucky from taking risks; Lucky would do whatever he believed he had to.

At the loading dock, Jason and Dante hid out of sight while Jerry Jacks claimed Aleksander Janacek's body. Jerry quickly sensed that he was being watched, so Jerry drew a gun and then took the morgue attendant hostage. Jerry ordered Jason to show himself. Jason reluctantly complied, while Dante circled around to get a clear shot at Jerry. Jason demanded to know why Jerry was after Brenda. Jerry couldn't believe how so many men made fools of themselves over Brenda. According to Jerry, Brenda was lethal and far more dangerous than anyone realized. Jerry claimed that no man had ever walked away unscathed from Brenda, so Jerry had decided that it was his job to stop her. Jason was curious what Brenda had ever done to Jerry. Jerry refused to give Jason a direct answer. Things took a sudden violent turn when Jerry decided that it was time to leave.

Jerry inched close to the driver's side door of the van, shot the morgue attendant in the back, and then jumped into the van. Jerry managed to escape while Dante and Jason scrambled to call for help and then coordinate roadblocks with Lucky, in an effort to catch Jerry. Within moments, Steve was at the loading dock to check on the condition of the morgue attendant. The morgue attendant was rushed into surgery while Dante and Jason jumped into Jason's car to follow Jerry's van. In the van, Jerry was on the phone with someone. Jerry was livid that Brenda had not only gotten Aleksander killed, but she had used her "legion of protectors" to use Aleksander's body as bait. Jerry promised to be at the pier soon, so he wanted the boat to be ready. Jerry explained that they didn't have any margin for error and that it was their last chance to take Aleksander home where he belonged.

Jason and Dante called Lucky to warn him that Jerry was fast approaching Lucky's position. Jason explained that they were on Jerry's tail. Lucky advised Jason and Dante to be careful because a roadblock had been set up. In the van, Jerry saw the roadblock. Jerry apologized to Aleksander and then swerved off of the road. A short time later, Jason, Dante, and Lucky looked down at the mutilated wreckage of the van. Dante warned Jason and Lucky that it would take some time to pull the van out of the ravine, but Dante was certain that Jerry couldn't have survived the crash. Dante was certain that Brenda and Siobhan were out of danger. Jason revealed that Jerry had survived worse, while Lucky reminded Dante that they hadn't been certain that Jerry had been the Balkan.

12/16 At Lucky's apartment, Siobhan was alone in the living room when she received a text message from an unknown person. The message read: Pier 52 -- 4pm. Balkan wants details of NY meeting. Siobhan jumped when Lucky walked up behind her and then wrapped his arms around her waist. Siobhan quickly dropped the phone into her purse, but Lucky could tell that he had startled her. Siobhan assured him that she was okay as she began rambling about her meddling sister, Fiona. Siobhan claimed that she was happy that she had put some distance between Fiona and herself. Lucky reminded Siobhan that he wanted her in his life, but he was curious what Siobhan had told Fiona. Siobhan flirtatiously suggested that she hadn't seen enough of Port Charles to know what it had to offer, so she asked Lucky take her on an outing to show her his favorite places. Lucky wished that he could, but he had to work because Jerry was still alive. Siobhan was furious that Lucky would continue to risk his life to chase the Balkan.

Lucky made it clear that it wasn't in his nature to walk away. He also explained that he had known Brenda for a long time. Siobhan argued that Brenda had plenty of guards to protect her, so she didn't need a martyr. Lucky refused to quit; he wanted Siobhan to let him know if she couldn't deal with that. Siobhan continued to try to persuade Lucky to change his mind about helping Brenda, but Lucky warned her that it wouldn't happen. Siobhan reminded Lucky that she had recently stopped grieving for a man that she had cared about, so she wasn't interested in doing it again. Lucky promised that he could handle himself. Siobhan argued that he was not bulletproof. The argument was cut short when Dante arrived with files on Jerry and the Balkan. Siobhan decided to make herself scarce, so that Lucky and Dante could work. However, she lurked nearby, eavesdropping on their conversation.

Lucky was curious where Jason was. Dante explained that Jason and Brenda were at the penthouse because Jason hoped to lure Jerry there. Dante thought that it would have been a better idea to use Aleksander's body to draw Jerry out of hiding, but Lucky didn't think it would work a second time. Lucky was certain that Jerry would just send a lackey to pick up Aleksander's body. Dante remained reluctant to use Brenda because he didn't think it was right to put her in further danger. Dante wondered where Jerry would go. Lucky didn't think that Jerry would want to involve Jax, so he doubted that Jerry would take refuge in Jax's home. Dante wondered if the contents of Ronan's safety deposit box could provide them with any clues. Lucky didn't think so, but he pulled the pictures out and then explained that he and Siobhan had gone over them several times. Dante questioned Lucky's decision to involve Siobhan; he feared that it might put Siobhan in more danger.

Lucky explained that he hadn't willingly involved Siobhan; she had been in his hotel room when he had arrived in New York City. However, Lucky was quick to credit Siobhan with helping him to secure the contents of the safety deposit box and eluding the Balkan's men. Lucky suggested that they question Brenda because he was certain that she knew more than she had told them. Lucky thought that Jason was too soft in regards to Brenda, so they might have more success. Dante wanted Lucky to leave Brenda alone. Lucky was curious when Dante had become so protective of Brenda.

On Pier 52, Siobhan waited for her contact to arrive. Jerry stepped out of the shadows. He told her that it was a pleasure to finally meet her in person. Siobhan warned Jerry that it had been foolish for him to arrange a meeting. Jerry acknowledged that it had raised the stakes, but it had also put pressure on Siobhan to keep up appearances. Siobhan demanded to know what Jerry wanted. Jerry informed her that Lucky had become a nuisance, so Lucky would have to go.

12/17 On the waterfront, Jerry ordered Siobhan to kill Lucky. She told him that would be a foolish mistake. Jerry was not dissuaded. He accused her of having fallen in love with Lucky, which was a fatal mistake, he warned. Jerry informed her that he'd give her further instructions soon thereafter.

At Lucky's apartment, Lucky confronted Dante and told him that they needed someone objective to question Brenda. They had to determine whether she was withholding information pertinent to the Balkan, who they both believed was Jerry. Based on how Dante acted, Lucky suggested that Dante was not impartial with regard to Brenda. Dante admitted that he and Brenda were being sued for the wrongful death of the man who'd tried to abduct her. He feared that she'd crack under pressure and admit to having killed Alexander.

Siobhan took groceries to Lucky's home and promised him a home-cooked meal. Jerry called her and instructed her to meet him at the pier, with Lucky. Siobhan excused herself, telling Lucky that she needed to get more ingredients for dinner. Soon thereafter, Lulu arrived with a gift for Siobhan, something she'd gotten at work. Lucky shared with Lulu his jaded hope that her and Dante's relationship would buck the odds and make it for the long haul. After Lulu left, Siobhan's sister Fiona called. Within moments of conversation, Lucky ascertained that the sisters hadn't spoken in at least a month. Whom, Lucky wondered, had Siobhan been talking to. Luke stopped by, and Lucky confided that Siobhan had been lying for weeks.

At the waterfront, Jerry met Siobhan, disappointed that she hadn't gotten Lucky there. Jerry threatened to dispose of her until his phone rang. On the other end was Theo, whose British accent had been replaced by a New York one. He made it clear that he knew Jerry was meeting with Siobhan and threatening her. Jerry angrily responded that the man had it easy as the Balkan, hidden away where no one was gunning for him. Siobhan was shocked to discover that Jerry was not the Balkan after all. Jerry let her know that he'd never seen the man's face. "Maybe I should remedy that," the Balkan said. "Maybe it's time for you to better understand who I am...and what I want."

12/20 Lucky called Luke to his apartment to ask advice because Lucky had found out that Siobhan had not been telling the truth about a phone call she had supposedly received from her sister. Luke gave several plausible reasons why Siobhan had lied to Lucky, including an ex-boyfriend that she did not want to disclose. Lucky accepted Luke's explanation, but said that something just did not feel right and after his recent experience with Elizabeth, he was reluctant to get burned again. Luke told him to relax and go with the flow. He pointed out that Siobhan had a life before Lucky. Luke told Lucky to ride the current. Lucky said he did not know how, but Luke said Lucky had proved that he did by his behavior in Ireland. Luke said he was glad to see that Lucky had found himself again. They were laughing together when they left to join Tracy on the Haunted Star.

Maya, Ethan and Tracy were waiting when Luke and Lucky arrived on the boat. Tracy was waspish, and Luke teased her by asking if she thought he had jumped ship. Lucky took responsibility for delaying Luke, but Tracy said it did not matter. She still had her doubts about whether or not Luke would show up for the wedding. Luke assured her he would mot miss the wedding, but Tracy was not reassured.

On the docks, Jerry threatened Siobhan because she had not followed his instructions to get Lucky to the docks so Jerry could kill him. Before he could act on his threat, Jerry received a call from the Balkan, who told him not to harm Siobhan. He also told Jerry that killing Lucky was not on his agenda. The Balkan, a.k.a. Theo, said that Jerry was a disappointment to him. The Balkan said that the objective was to convince everyone that Jerry was the Balkan, but instead, Jerry had driven his son's body off a cliff. Jerry pulled a gun on Siobhan and told the Balkan that he wanted an extra ten million dollars, or he would switch sides and tell Jason everything Jason needed to know in order to catch the Balkan. Theo was sarcastic when he asked if the extra payment would guarantee Jerry's loyalty for another week. When Jerry said the money was for kidnapping Brenda, Theo concluded that Jerry would demand more money from him in exchange for Brenda, then give Brenda back to Jason along with the Balkan's secrets.

Theo told Jerry that he was unreliable and that his employment was terminated, effective immediately. A shot rang out, and Jerry clutched his stomach and a bleeding bullet wound. He muttered, "Bloody hell," as he toppled off the pier into the water. Siobhan's phone rang immediately after. The Balkan was on the other end. He said that he expected her to be more reliable than Jerry. Otherwise she would meet the same fate. After Siobhan agreed to do as she was told, the Balkan instructed her to call Lucky and tell him what had just happened. He said he was sure that Siobhan could convince Lucky of her innocence. He hung up after cautioning her not to disappoint him. Siobhan immediately called Lucky and told him she had just seen a man shot.

Lucky rushed to the docks and met up with Siobhan, who told him that she had overheard raised voices. She said that she saw two men arguing and that one of the men had shot the other. She described Jerry, and then said she thought that Lucky had shown her a picture of the man who had been shot and fallen in the water. When Lucky pulled out a picture of Jerry, Siobhan said that she was sure he was the one who had been shot. Lucky called the Harbor Patrol, but they had little hope of recovering the body because of the swift current in the area.

12/21 Lucky entered his apartment with coffee for Luke and Ethan. Lucky offered a cup to Luke, but Luke turned his nose up because it wasn't an Irish coffee. Luke continued to complain about his plight and his sons' lack of understanding or help, but Lucky and Ethan remained determined to get Luke to the altar sober. Ethan chuckled when it dawned on him that his father would become his uncle when Luke married Maya's aunt. Lucky joined in on the laughter, which annoyed Luke. Lucky and Ethan decided to change into their tuxedos. Lucky and Ethan joined their father in the living room. Luke suggested that they stop off at Jake's on the way to the mansion to get some liquid refreshments, but Luke's sons nixed the idea. Luke was eager for the wedding to be over with, so that they could get to the "boozy reception." Ethan suggested that Luke just wanted to be gone. Edward suddenly appeared in the doorway to offer to drive Luke to the airport.

Later, Ethan joined Lucky in the foyer of the Quartermaine mansion, which had been transformed for the wedding. Ethan assured Lucky that Luke was holed up with Edward in the den. Lucky had no idea what was going on between Luke and Edward; however, he was relieved that they had managed to get Luke to the mansion. In the foyer, Lucky and Ethan welcomed the arriving guests. Lucky and Ethan were concerned when they noticed that Alice seemed downcast. Alice explained that she was worried that Tracy would ruin Luke. She was certain that "that banshee" would snip Luke's "hoo-hahs" as soon as she could. Alice was determined not to let that happen. Jax and Carly were the next guests to arrive.

Jax pulled Lucky aside to find out if there had been any new developments about Jerry. Lucky explained that all they knew was that Jerry had been shot before his body plunged into the water. Jax confided that a part of him wanted Jerry to be alive. Lucky understood the brotherly bond between Jax and Jerry, so he didn't blame Jax. Lucky advised Jax to enjoy the celebrations. Nikolas hoped that his presence didn't upset Lucky, but Lucky insisted that they were in a better place. Sonny and Brenda arrived a short time later. Lucky thought that Luke would be thrilled to see Sonny at the wedding.

Lucky was happy when Siobhan arrived for the wedding. However, Lucky had to leave her side when Alexis approached him to let him know that they had a problem with Luke. Lucky, Lulu, and Ethan followed Alexis to the den, where Luke refused to sign the prenuptial agreement. Luke wanted reassurance that Tracy was marrying him for love. Lucky, Lulu, and Ethan warned Luke that he was "self-sabotaging" and that he had to sign the agreement if Luke hoped to marry Tracy. Eventually, Luke signed the agreement. Alexis snatched the document out of Luke's hand.

Later, the guests took their seats as Lucky and Ethan made their way to the front of the room. Everyone waited for Luke to arrive, but several minutes passed without an appearance from the groom. As tensions mounted, Luke suddenly entered the foyer and then casually strolled to the altar to join his sons and the minister. As the music started, Maya and Lulu made their way down the staircase and then approached the altar. Seconds later, Tracy stood at the top of the staircase. Tracy seemed stunned to see her groom. She smiled and then slowly made her way to Luke's side. Alexis held up the prenuptial agreement to show Tracy that Luke had signed it. Tracy decided that she wanted to see it before the wedding vows were exchanged, but Luke refused to let Tracy stall their wedding. Luke made it clear that it was time to stop the games.

Luke insisted that he and Tracy had to get real, so he decided to start. Luke revealed that there had been a Motown tune titled, "The Hunter Gets Caught by The Game," that aptly described what Tracy had done to him. Luke insisted that he loved Tracy and that they were perfect for each other. He described their relationship as an "unlikely surprise" and then insisted that he stood before her in full unapologetic husband mode. Luke pulled out the key and then tossed it to Alice as he thanked Alice for arranging to have a car on standby. Tracy's jaw dropped as she glared at Alice. Luke demanded Tracy's full attention. He wanted to be able to call her "wife" and know that it wasn't just a nickname. Tracy took a moment to compose herself and then, her voice brimming with emotion, agreed that Luke was her unexpected surprise. Tracy confessed that Luke had made her want to live again and that he gave her a reason to get up in the morning. Tracy looked forward to their next adventure and promised to love him until the day that she died. Luke smiled with joy.

12/22 At the Quartermaine mansion, the minister asked if anyone objected to Luke and Tracy's marriage. Alice started to stand up, but Edward threatened to fire her if she didn't sit down. Alice grudgingly complied. As the ceremony continued, Tracy appeared to grow increasingly resistant to marrying Luke, so she stopped the wedding before the minister could finish the ceremony. Tracy demanded to see the prenuptial agreement. Luke refused to hand it over, so Tracy started to walk away. Lulu and Brook Lynn sprang into action. Lulu reminded Tracy that Luke was in love with Tracy.

Brook Lynn insisted that Tracy was being ridiculous. Brook Lynn spoke up as Tracy’s granddaughter and ordered Tracy to get married, so that they could all have a "damn drink already." The guests applauded loudly. Brook Lynn suggested that Tracy get out of her own way because it was clear to everyone that Tracy loved Luke. Brook Lynn urged Tracy to take a chance by returning to the altar to complete the wedding ceremony. Tracy hesitated for a moment and then joined Luke at the altar. The minister completed the ceremony and then pronounced Luke and Tracy to be "husband and wife." Luke and Tracy kissed as everyone, except Alice, clapped. (for anyone who doesn’t know the connection, Brook Lynn is Ned Ashton & Lois Cerello’s daughter, born 1996. Ned is Tracy’s son, Dillon’s older half-brother).

Ethan toasted to the bride and groom. After Luke and Tracy kissed, Lucky offered his own toast. Lucky confessed that he was happy that Luke and Tracy had managed to find a way to make things work. Lucky conceded that Luke and Tracy were mismatched in many ways, but they had fought hard to be together. Lulu spoke to Tracy when it was her turn to make a toast. Lulu recalled that she had referred to Tracy as "the step-monster" when Luke had first married Tracy. However, Lulu had eventually gotten to know Tracy, so Lulu realized what a deep, special, and remarkable person Tracy was. Lulu felt lucky to have Tracy in her life and honored to be able to call Tracy, "stepmother." As everyone applauded, Tracy hugged Lulu. Luke decided to share his thoughts about what it meant for him to be able to call Tracy his wife. Luke credited Tracy for making his life interesting; he insisted that he deeply loved Tracy and always would. Tracy kissed her husband as the guests clapped with approval. Afterwards, Tracy admitted that she was at a loss for words. Tracy confessed that she had never been happier and then thanked everyone for witnessing the rare moment.

Nearby, Siobhan admitted to Lucky that it had been an interesting ceremony. Lucky revealed that Luke and Tracy had inspired him because he realized that he could find love again. Siobhan was impressed with the grandeur of the house, which she admitted that she could get used to. Lucky smiled as he jokingly invited Siobhan to seek out Nikolas. Siobhan declined; she was content with Lucky.

12/29 Theo went to the police station to get everything that Lucky had on the Balkan. Theo claimed that he needed it in order to properly defend Brenda against the wrongful death lawsuit filed by Anton Banovic's family. Lucky explained that Dante was overseeing the case. Theo suggested that there might be a presumption of bias, since Dante had been involved in the shooting. Lucky argued that Brenda had acted in defense of Dante and that the Balkan had sent several assassins to kill Brenda.

Lucky suggested that Theo speak to Agent Bates and then handed Theo a business card with the Interpol agent's phone number. Theo decided to question Lucky about Ronan O'Reilly. Lucky pretended that he had no idea who Ronan was. Theo explained that he had done extensive research on the Balkan and his associates. According to Theo, Ronan was a known contract killer, so Theo hoped to be able to prove that Ronan had been sent after Brenda. Theo claimed that it would give his argument that Anton had intended to kill Brenda more weight. Lucky accepted the explanation, so he agreed to forward a copy of the case file to Theo. Theo thanked Lucky, asked him to have Dante call, and then left.

Lucky stopped by to let Jason know that Theo had been at the police station. Lucky had realized that Brenda and Dante were in a lot of trouble. Jason was concerned that Brenda might confess to killing Aleksander if she were forced to testify because Anton's shooting had been eerily similar to what had happened to Aleksander. However, Jason sensed that something seemed off about the lawsuit; he couldn't understand how Anton's family hadn't known what Anton had been planning to do to Brenda. Lucky suggested that perhaps the Banovic family were in denial. Jason argued that the timing of the lawsuit and Jerry's sudden appearance in town were suspicious. Lucky thought perhaps Jason was looking for a connection where there wasn't one. Jason admitted that the connection might not be between Jerry and the lawsuit, but rather Jerry and Siobhan.

Lucky was curious how Jason had reached that conclusion. Jason reminded Lucky that Siobhan had been the one to provide them with Jerry's name. Lucky and Jason discussed what Siobhan had witnessed on the piers when Jerry had been shot. Lucky assured Jason that Siobhan was a reliable witness, but Jason questioned the convenience of Siobhan stumbling into Jerry just in time to see him shot by a sniper and then plunge into the water. Lucky reluctantly agreed that he couldn't ignore the coincidence. Jason revealed that it was odd that Jerry's body hadn't been recovered. Lucky thought that Jason, of all people, should be able to appreciate that bodies weren't always recovered from the water off of the piers. Jason argued that Jerry's body hadn't been found after the van had crashed, so Jason suspected that Jerry was alive and buying himself some time to go after Brenda from another direction.

1/3 Carly and Jason were conversing at the Metro Court when she got a call from Morgan, who was on a chartered bus bound for a ski trip. He told her he was having fun, and then suddenly exclaimed that something was wrong. Carly heard the others passengers screaming, and the sounds of a crash before she lost her connection. She tried to reach Morgan, and Jason tried to reach Michael, but there was no answer on either phone. Brook Lynn and Nikolas were also at the Metro Court and overheard. While Carly and Jason made plans to go search for the bus, Nikolas and Brook Lynn headed to General Hospital to help out.


At the bus crash site, bodies were scattered over the snowy landscape. Most had been thrown from the bus and plummeted into a deep ravine. Steve was the first to awake He had minor injuries, but nothing life-threatening. He found Cameron, who was also uninjured. Luke went to the Port Charles Police Station to persuade Lucky to help him find an old friend in Prague, where he and Tracy were going for their honeymoon. Lucky guessed that Luke was up to something illegal. Luke finally confessed that he was after three diamonds, weighing 123 carats, called the "Three Sisters." Lucky told him it was a bad idea to pull a heist on his honeymoon, especially if Tracy found out. Tracy arrived in time to hear the last and wanted to know what Luke was cooking up and how much it was going to cost. Luke said he was there to ask Lucky to look after Lulu, and Lucky agreed. Lucky wished them a happy time in Prague and gave out a few pointed clues for Tracy before she and Luke left for the airport.

Siobhan found Lucky at the police station and invited him for dinner. He told her how beautiful she was, and then told her about Luke's plan to pull a diamond heist on his honeymoon. Lucky joked about what a disappointment he was to Luke and how happy it would make Luke if Lucky would join him in his scams. Before they could leave for dinner, Lucky got a phone call about the crash and cancelled their plans. He asked for a passenger list and while he waited for it to arrive, Lucky told Siobhan how worried he was for the parents whose children were on the bus. When the list arrived, he was stunned to see Cameron's name on it.

Back at the crash site, Kristina went with Michael and Taylor to search the bus, while Ali and Molly stayed behind to tend the fire. The teens did not find Morgan on the bus, but they did hear a truck on the road above. Michael scrambled up the ravine, but there was no sign of a truck when he reached the highway.

1/4 At the nurses' station, Alexis and Elizabeth worried about the fate of their children. Alexis reminded Elizabeth that the bus was "big and sturdy," which boded well for the passengers. Elizabeth couldn't stop thinking about Cameron, prompting Alexis to assure Elizabeth that the children were fine. After Alexis walked away, Elizabeth called Lucky to get an update about the crash. Lucky explained that they hadn't heard anything. Elizabeth felt terrible for allowing Cam to go on the trip, but Lucky insisted that it wasn't Elizabeth's fault. Lucky thought that it was important for Cam to experience things like the ski trip, so he didn't blame Elizabeth for sending Cam. Lucky promised to keep her updated if he heard anything and then ended the call.

At the police station, Lucky let the rescue teams know that two civilian vehicles were searching for the crash site on Route 55. After Lucky ended the call, he let Siobhan know that it would probably be a long night, so she could leave. Siobhan appreciated the offer, but she insisted on staying. Moments later, Mac entered the squad room. Mac was eager for news on the crash because Maxie had been on board.

A short time later, Michael and Molly arrived at the road. Molly used her flashlight to signal SOS, while Michael called 9-1-1. He was relieved when the call went through. The operator assured Michael that they would be able to locate the crash site by tracking the cell phone signal. Afterwards, the operator patched Michael through to Lucky. Michael explained that Morgan and Matt had suffered broken bones and that Olivia had been seriously injured, but the rest of the passengers were fine. Lucky was relieved to hear that Cam hadn't been hurt. Mac was equally thrilled to learn that Maxie had also escaped the accident unscathed. Michael was frustrated when the call was suddenly dropped.

Moments later, a car pulled up. It was Dante and Brenda. Brenda stayed on the road with Molly while Michael took his brother to see Olivia. Brenda called Lucky to let him know that they had arrived at the crash site. Afterwards, Brenda assured Molly that help was on the way. Carly and Jason arrived at the scene. Carly quickly assured herself that Molly was okay, but she was desperate to get to Morgan. Molly told Carly where Morgan was, so Carly took off with Jason close behind her. Maxie and Matt took Cameron to the road when help finally arrived.Elizabeth let Nikolas and Brook know that she had received word that Cam hadn't been hurt in the crash. Elizabeth thanked Nikolas and Brook for sticking around to help her through the difficult waiting period. Brook assured Elizabeth that it hadn't been a problem and that she was happy that Cam was okay.

1/5 At the nurses' station, Elizabeth overheard Lisa calling a nurse to order her back to the hospital for an extra shift. Elizabeth quickly apologized for not doing it herself, but Lisa realized that Elizabeth was sick with worry about Cameron. Lucky and Siobhan arrived moments later. Elizabeth quickly explained that they were still waiting for the passengers from the bus to arrive. Elizabeth suspected that the ambulances were delayed because of the icy road conditions. Lucky was grateful that Cam hadn't been hurt. Elizabeth agreed, but she was still anxious to see their son. Seconds later, Cam burst through the emergency room doors with Maxie and Matt close behind. "Mommy, Daddy," Cam yelled out as he ran into his mother's waiting arms. Elizabeth hugged her son tightly and then handed him to Lucky. Maxie and Matt assured Elizabeth and Lucky that Steve had kept Cam from seeing the worst of the wreckage and injured passengers. Matt revealed that Cam had been very brave throughout the ordeal. Elizabeth picked up her son to take him to be checked out by a doctor. Elizabeth promised to find someone to take a look at Matt's arm.

After Cam was settled in a room, Elizabeth explained that he would have to spend the night in the hospital. Cam wanted to go home, so Lucky offered to curl up in bed with Cam for the night. Cam immediately perked up. Elizabeth handed Cam a juice box and then instructed him to drink it up. Cam asked Siobhan to tell him a story. Elizabeth appeared a bit surprised by the request, but didn't object as Siobhan sat down on the bed to begin her story. Elizabeth whispered to Lucky that she had to pick Jake up from Audrey's house. Cam wanted to see his brother, so Elizabeth promised to return with Jake for a short visit. Elizabeth lovingly kissed her son on the top of his head and then left. Elizabeth seemed a bit sad as she watched Siobhan entertain Cam with a story while Lucky smiled lovingly at Siobhan and Cam. After several moments, Elizabeth left.

After Cam fell asleep, Siobhan confessed that Lucky was a wonderful father. Lucky insisted that Cam was a great kid and a fantastic big brother to Jake and Aiden, so it was easy. Lucky admitted that he had gained a better understanding of his own father when Cam had entered Lucky's life. Lucky realized that parenting wasn't easy for Luke, but Lucky gave Luke credit for always returning home. Siobhan confessed that she admired the way that Lucky was raising his sons. Later, Cam asked if Jake could spend the night at the hospital. Elizabeth explained that Cam needed to rest, so Jake had to go home. However, she promised to make certain that Cam got a cookie. Cam was satisfied with the compromise. After Elizabeth and Jake left, Cam asked Lucky to sing a song.

Elizabeth saw Jason and Sam at the nurses' station. Jason was pleasantly surprised when Elizabeth asked them to watch Jake while she delivered Cam's cookie. Elizabeth handed Jake to Sam and then walked away. Sam set Jake down on a nearby gurney where Jake proceeded to play with his toy motorcycles. Jason asked Jake about the toys, which prompted Jake to talk excitedly about his love for motorcycles. Jason confessed that he had a real motorcycle. Jake smiled and then invited Jason to play with him. Jason appeared choked up with emotion as he spent some precious time with his son. The episode featured a great music montage to "Hallelujah," performed by Jeff Buckley.

1/10 Lucky met up with Siobhan at Jake's as she was starting her shift at the bar. He invited her out later to hear some Celtic music. She said she had other plans. He wanted to know what they were. When Siobhan was reluctant to tell, Lucky revealed that he knew that she had been lying about the phone calls she claimed were from her sister, Fiona. Siobhan said she was afraid that she would lose Lucky if she told the truth. Siobhan asked if they both could keep some of their secrets private, but Lucky said he was not okay with that. Siobhan said that it was nothing that she could not handle. She said that an old boyfriend had been calling, and she had been trying to discourage him. She said she had not told Lucky because she did not want her old life to interfere with the life she had with Lucky. She said that she was expecting a call that evening, and she had to take it, which was why she could not go out with him. Lucky accepted her explanation and left. Shortly after that, the Balkan called. She told him that Lucky was suspicious. He told her that she was a convenient means to an end and that no one was more disposable that she.

1/11 At Diane's law firm, Siobhan was mortified when Theo proposed a "green card marriage" between Lucky and Siobhan to deal with Siobhan's immigration problems. Lucky had no idea that Siobhan's situation was so serious, but he was curious why Theo would make such an outrageous suggestion. Theo shrugged as he claimed that it was obvious that Lucky and Siobhan were attracted to each other. Lucky wondered why Theo was involved in Siobhan's case when he was supposed to be representing Brenda and Dante. Siobhan explained that she had mentioned her problems to Theo when she had stopped by to see Diane. Theo assured Lucky and Siobhan that he was an expert in international law, so he would be happy to work on Siobhan's case pro bono. Siobhan pulled Lucky aside to apologize to him for Theo's insensitivity. Lucky surprised her by admitting that it wasn't the worst idea that he had heard.

Later, Siobhan entered a confessional booth in a church. Theo sat in the booth next to hers. Theo disguised his voice by adopting a different accent before he expressed his disappointment in Siobhan's job performance. Siobhan explained to the Balkan that Jason, Dante, and Lucky hadn't made any headway in the investigation, so she didn't have anything new to report. The Balkan was curious if they believed that Jerry had been the Balkan. Siobhan admitted that there were doubts about Jerry. She warned the Balkan that it didn't help when she was unexpectedly summoned to meet him, because it raised questions. Siobhan explained that the quickest way for Lucky to lose faith in her was for her to be caught in a lie. The Balkan wondered if that would bother her. Siobhan reminded the Balkan that she needed Lucky to trust her, in order to gain information. The Balkan sensed that she had a sentimental attachment to Lucky, but she insisted that she was just doing her job. The Balkan warned her to make sure she kept doing it or the cost would be "substantial."

Later, Siobhan entered Jake's to find Lucky waiting for her. Siobhan worried that Lucky was mad at her, but he assured her that he wasn't. However, he confessed that he wished that he had known how serious her immigration issues had been. Not knowing had made Lucky feel like an outsider. Siobhan explained that there had been nothing that he could do, but he disagreed. Lucky reminded her that he could marry her.

1/12 Jason went to Lucky's apartment to talk to Siobhan about Jerry's involvement with the Balkan. Siobhan suggested that Jason knew more about Jerry and the Balkan than she did. Jason reminded Siobhan that she had been the first person to connect Jerry to the Balkan and that she had been the last person to see Jerry alive, so he was curious about Jerry's final moments. Siobhan insisted that she had already told Lucky everything that she knew and that she had given a statement to the police. Jason insisted on hearing the information from her firsthand instead of relying on a report. Siobhan kept it short. She claimed that she had heard a man yelling on the piers. According to Siobhan, she had walked up in time to see Jerry stagger backwards from a gunshot wound. She had assumed that a silencer had been used because she hadn't heard the shot.

Jason wondered if she had seen the sniper. Siobhan insisted that she hadn't seen anyone, but Jason couldn't understand how she could have missed the shooter when the person had been in her direct line of vision. Siobhan attributed it to panic. She also clarified that she hadn't realized that the man who had been shot had been Jerry until Lucky had shown her a picture. Siobhan became increasingly uncomfortable as Jason continued to pepper her with questions, so Jason decided to back off. He asked her to have Lucky call him and then left. Siobhan immediately ran to her cell phone to report to the Balkan that Jason had been asking questions about Jerry.

Lucky entered the McCall and Jackal Private Investigations office. Diane and Spinelli jumped when Lucky called out their names. Lucky looked at them curiously, but didn't ask them any questions. Lucky explained that he needed more information about Jerry because he feared that Brenda and Siobhan might still be in danger. Lucky was certain that the key to confirming the Balkan's identity was Aleksander Janacek. Diane suspected that Lucky's primary concern was protecting Siobhan, not Brenda. Diane wondered if Siobhan planned to stay in Port Charles or return to her homeland once the danger had passed, but Lucky didn't have an answer.

Later, Lucky returned to his apartment to find Siobhan in an agitated state. Siobhan explained that Jason had interrogated her relentlessly about Jerry's shooting. Lucky assured Siobhan not to take it personally; it had simply been Jason's way of getting to the truth. Lucky then revealed that the body in the harbor had not been Jerry Jacks, so Jerry remained unaccounted for. Lucky insisted that Siobhan's safety was his top priority, but she feared that he was investing too much in her. Lucky believed in being honest, so he admitted that he cared about Siobhan. He didn't want things between them to end. Siobhan's smile disappeared when her phone suddenly rang.

Maya noticed that Elizabeth was preparing to leave. Maya wished that her shift was over too, but Elizabeth explained that she would be back for a second shift. Maya had no idea how Elizabeth managed to juggle a busy work schedule and parenthood. Steve asked to have a private word with his sister, so Maya stepped away. Steve admitted that he was concerned about the hours that Elizabeth had been working. Elizabeth explained that she didn't have a choice because she had lost her savings in the failed investment. Steve offered to give Elizabeth some money, but Elizabeth refused to accept it. She assured her brother that she would be okay. Steve wondered if Lucky helped out with the boys. "He always does," Elizabeth told Steve before adding that Lucky was a wonderful father. Steve was curious if there were more to Lucky's relationship with Elizabeth. Elizabeth reminded Steve that Lucky was involved with Siobhan.

1/31 At Lucky's apartment, Lucky urged Siobhan to ignore her cell phone as it continued to ring. He reminded her that the person could leave a message. Just as the phone went quiet, someone knocked on the door. It was Spinelli. Spinelli revealed that Lucky had been right to suspect that Aleksander might be the key to uncovering the Balkan's identity. However, Spinelli refused to elaborate in front of Siobhan. Siobhan argued that she had the right to know what Spinelli had learned about the Balkan because she had been used to lure the Balkan out of hiding. Lucky agreed that Siobhan was in as much danger from the Balkan as Brenda, so she could be trusted. Spinelli apologized for giving Siobhan the impression that he didn't trust her; he had simply followed Jason's advice that the less a person knew, the better. Siobhan insisted that she didn't need protection, so Spinelli revealed what he had uncovered.

According to Spinelli, he had procured an ATM receipt to a Swiss bank account that Aleksander had shared with Jerry Jacks. Lucky suggested that perhaps Aleksander and Jerry had been in business together, but Spinelli explained that Jerry had recently accessed the account, which indicated that it had been his own private money. Spinelli and Lucky agreed that Jerry hadn't been the type of person to share his ill-gotten gains, so it could only mean that Aleksander had been close to Jerry. Lucky conceded that it was likely that Aleksander had been Jerry's son. Spinelli left to tell Jason. Lucky hoped that there would be a DNA match between Aleksander and Jerry because it would mean that their troubles with the Balkan were over. "I wouldn't count on it," Siobhan said. Lucky found the comment curious, so Siobhan quickly covered her slip. Lucky sensed that Siobhan was holding back, but he didn't have the opportunity to question her about it because Lulu stopped by to talk to Lucky. Lucky tried to explain that he and Siobhan were in the middle of something; however, Siobhan seized the opportunity to excuse herself and then leave.

Lulu questioned Siobhan's behavior, but Lucky attributed it to the stress of being hunted by the Balkan. Lulu was disappointed to learn that the person fished out of the harbor had not been Jerry. She wondered if Siobhan planned to return to Ireland once the threat of the Balkan had passed. "Not necessarily," Lucky admitted. Lulu reminded Lucky that Siobhan could only remain in the country if she had a green card or if she married an American citizen. Lulu suggested that Lucky's undercover stint in Ireland had been his time to get away from the problems that he had gone through with Elizabeth. Lucky argued that his assignment with Interpol had nothing to do with his personal life. Lulu feared that the lines between his personal life and professional life had blurred. "So what," Lucky wondered. Lucky revealed that he had shared things about himself with Siobhan that he had never shared with Elizabeth, but marriage had not crossed his mind. Lulu relaxed a bit, but she cautioned him not to rush into a new relationship too fast because it took time to heal from a broken heart.

Siobhan met with the Balkan in a church confessional booth. The Balkan warned her that he didn't appreciate his calls being ignored, so he had left a "gift." She noticed an envelope in her booth, so she opened it to find a picture of a young woman bound to a chair with a gag in her mouth. "You bastard," Siobhan yelled. The Balkan told her to "watch the name calling," but Siobhan ignored him as she threatened to kill him if he touched a hair on the woman's head. After Siobhan calmed down, she demanded to know what the Balkan wanted from her. The Balkan explained that he knew that Lucky's father, Luke, was a good friend of Sonny's. The Balkan was certain that the Spencer clan would be invited to the wedding, so he expected Siobhan to make certain that Lucky attended the wedding with her. The Balkan wanted Siobhan to be his eyes and ears when he took his revenge against Brenda.

1/14 In the confessional, Siobhan implored the Balkan to end his vendetta against Brenda. She begged him to leave her sister alone. He explained that he might ask Siobhan to lure Lucky to his death.

Brook arrived at Lucky's home and told him Elizabeth was manipulating Nikolas. Ironically, Nik arrived and was surprised to find Brook. She admitted that she was there to ask Lucky to talk to Nikolas about Elizabeth's intentions. After Brook left, Lucky encouraged Nikolas to let her know how Nikolas felt about her. Nik said that he didn't want to ruin another good thing and felt that he would somehow destroy a relationship with Brook. He also admitted that Brook could be right about Elizabeth. Both men discussed the rift between them over Elizabeth. Lucky said that, should Nik and Elizabeth rekindle their failed romance, it would be doomed if it weren't for the right reasons.

Later, Lucky invited Siobhan to a romantic dinner, but she flipped out and told him that they were getting too serious. She did not feel as strongly for him as he did for her, she asserted. Siobhan declared that their relationship was over.

1/17 Siobhan was tearful as she told Lucky that it was time for them to break up. Lucky was stunned. He wanted to know what had happened in the time between their heading to the bedroom and Lulu knocking on his door. Lucky asked what had spooked her: the green card marriage or the old boyfriend calling. Siobhan said that it was a little bit of both. She told Lucky that they were different people who wanted different things, and it would be best for both of them if they split up sooner rather than later. Lucky did not see it that way. He told Siobhan that they had a connection. He challenged her to face the fire and find out what was real instead of walking away. Siobhan told Lucky that she did not care about him the way he cared about her. She said that they had to end their relationship before one of them was seriously hurt. Siobhan slammed out of the apartment, leaving a puzzled Lucky behind.

Siobhan met the Balkan in a confessional booth. He told her about Aleksander's death from his perspective and painted Brenda and Dante as callous murderers who would soon pay for their crimes. Siobhan said she was sympathetic, but he would have to proceed without her because Lucky had broken up with her. The Balkan told Siobhan to do whatever it took to get Lucky back. Siobhan insisted that it was not possible. Siobhan's phone rang, and when she answered it, she heard her sister's terrified voice begging Siobhan to help her. Siobhan immediately agreed to the Balkan's demands. He told her to go back to Lucky and make sure she made it to the wedding. The Balkan told Siobhan that she would help him make sure that Brenda's wedding never happened.

At his apartment, Lucky told Dante about his breakup with Siobhan. Lucky shared his bewilderment with Dante, as he pondered what Siobhan was not telling him.

1/21 Lucky arrived at Jake's to see Siobhan. She did not want talk to him, as she was working. She reiterated that their romance was over. Lucky let her know that they needed to talk about the Balkan. She stated that she'd taken care of herself all her life and didn't need Lucky to do it for her. Siobhan received a call and rushed out. Dante went to Jake's and ran into Lucky. He informed Lucky that Lulu had discovered that Dante had covered up Alexander's death after Brenda had accidentally killed the man. Theo, Dante explained, had discussed the matter with Lulu, assuming she was already aware of the incident. Lucky assured Dante that Lulu would keep it a secret, and Dante shared that she had broken up with Dante. Lucky agreed that Lulu would be safer not having information that could make her a target. He urged Dante not to give up on Lulu and to prove to her why Dante was worth risking her heart.

Siobhan met up with one of the Balkan's men outdoors. He handed her a cell phone and let Siobhan talk to her sister, Megan, who pleaded for help. The man snatched his phone back, and Siobhan struggled with him to retrieve it as Lucky happened by. Lucky demanded that the man return Siobhan's phone immediately. Lucky drew his gun, but Siobhan blocked him, which allowed the man to escape.

1/24 Siobhan prevented Lucky from detaining the Balkan's thug after the thug accosted her in the alley. Siobhan pretended that she had done it to save Lucky, but Lucky was not convinced. He tried to get Siobhan to tell him what she was hiding, but she would not. Lucky kissed her in an effort to prove that she still cared about him, but she rebuffed his advances and told him that she had no intention of making up with him.

Lucky went to Jake's to meet Lulu, who was steaming mad because Lucky had known about Dante's past with Brenda and had not told her. Lucky said that the secret had not been his to tell. Lulu said that family ought to be first and wanted to know how he would feel if she knew that kind of secret and kept it form him. Lucky defended Dante and said that Dante had been trying to keep Lulu safe. Lulu said that there could be no trust if lovers were not truthful about the things that mattered. Lucky said that their relationship with Luke and their childhood made Lulu cynical. Lulu said that there could be no relationship without trust, and Dante had ruined that. She told Lucky firmly that she and Dante were over. When Lucky implored her not to throw love away, she angrily told him that she was not throwing anything away. Lulu told Lucky that she needed a brother who supported her, not her lying ex-boyfriend. Lucky reassured her that she had that.

I decided to add a new additional dvd to this edit to cover the next two hours of the Balkan/Return to Ireland storyline.

DVD #4C January 25 - March 2, 2011: NEW 2 hr DVD ADDED 12/11

At Jake's, Lulu and Lucky discussed Lulu's breakup with Dante. Lulu was upset because Dante had experienced romantic feelings for Brenda in 2007 and had not admitted it to Lulu. Lucky said that Dante's feelings for Brenda had happened before he met Lulu, and Lucky did not have the impression that Dante still had those feelings for Brenda.

Ethan arrived and supported Lulu. He said the Spencers had bad luck in relationships. Lucky admitted that he and Siobhan had broken up.Ethan said that he should bail on Maya before she started counting on him, though he wondered how he could walk out on a great woman and a $500,000 payoff. Ethan theorized that the Spencers were cursed. Lulu laughed and said that she felt better knowing that heartbreak was genetic. Lulu left Ethan and Lucky behind when she headed out.

Maxie arrived, looking for Lulu, because Kate was on the warpath, and Maxie needed help to divert her. When Maxie's phone rang, she was surprised to hear Luke's voice. She tried to hand the phone to Lucky or Ethan, but Luke had called for Maxie. He told her that he had a friend who designed costume jewelry, and he had promised the friend a feature in Crimson. He told Maxie that he was shipping a sample of the jewelry to her. After she got off the phone, she mused when did Luke become a jewelry importer? Lucky and Ethan exchanged a knowing look.

Lucky got a soda from Siobhan. She told him that he was perilously close to stalking. Lucky asked why she had run away from him in the alley. She said that she did not want to be a bystander when the life he led caught up to him. Ethan was laughing and told Lucky that he was having the urge to be truthful. Maxie said that when she felt that way, she focused on work or went to a spa. Lucky told her that he appreciated her fluid moral code. He said that he and Ethan thought that she should know that she might be an accessory to jewel theft if she accepted Luke's package.

Maxie said that she did not want to commit career suicide and end up serving fries at a fast food place. When Maxie said she would refuse to sign, Ethan said that there was another way to look at the situation. He said that if she signed and the shipment passed customs, Luke would owe her. If it did not, she could deny all knowledge, let Luke take the rap, and then write a bestseller about her experience and sell the movie rights.

Lucky told Siobhan that he thought she was hiding something, and he asked her to trust him. He told her that he thought that she was looking for reasons to push him away. Siobhan told Lucky that she had the feeling that someone was going to die, and she did not want it to be him.

1/27 At Lucky's apartment, Siobhan was on the phone with Dimitri. She begged him for a moment's peace, but Dimitri informed her that the Balkan had another assignment for her; he wanted Siobhan to find out where Brenda's wedding would be held. Siobhan demanded to talk to her sister, Megan, but Dimitri refused to comply. "That's not fair," Siobhan yelled into the phone just as Lucky entered the apartment. Siobhan quickly ended the call when she realized that Lucky had walked in.

Lucky was surprised to see Siobhan because he had thought that she no longer wanted to see him. "Can't a girl change her mind?" Siobhan asked. Lucky decided to question her about her fear that someone might die. Siobhan brushed it off as a tendency to be overly dramatic. Lucky seemed to accept her explanation, so he switched gears to find out why she had stopped by. Siobhan quickly tried to wheedle an invitation to Brenda's wedding and then used that as an excuse to find out where the wedding would be held. Lucky offered to call Jason to find out, but Siobhan assured Lucky that it wasn't necessary; she had simply wanted to see Brenda's dress.

Lucky stopped by the penthouse to talk to Jason about the security for Brenda and Sonny's wedding. Spinelli was reluctant to reveal anything, but Lucky argued that he was part of the security detail. Spinelli finally agreed to tell Lucky the location of the wedding because it would be on the invitations. According to Spinelli, the wedding would take place at the Archer Pavilion. Lucky feared that security would be a nightmare, but Spinelli was certain that Jason had a plan in place. "So does the Balkan," Lucky warned Spinelli.

Lucky entered his apartment to find Siobhan crying while she stared at a picture of her sister, Megan, tied to a chair. Siobhan quickly tucked the photo in her purse as she attributed the tears to being homesick. Lucky urged her to call her family, but Siobhan explained that all the talk of Brenda's wedding had reminded her of a time that her younger sister, Megan, had been asked to be a bridesmaid in their cousin's wedding. Siobhan was certain that Megan would be on the next flight to Port Charles if she knew about Brenda's wedding. Siobhan then changed the subject to find out where the wedding would be held.

Lucky admitted that he didn't think that she should attend because the Balkan might make a move. Siobhan thought that it was a chance that they all had to take. Lucky hesitated a moment and then revealed that the wedding would take place at St. Timothy's, a church near the park. Siobhan immediately switched gears to suggest that Lucky go on an adventure out of town instead of attending the wedding. Lucky invited Siobhan to join him, but she claimed that she was concerned that she might not be permitted to return if they left the country.

Lucky pointed out that she might enjoy returning to Ireland, since she was homesick. Siobhan thought that she just needed to make a nice Irish meal to cheer herself up. She decided to run out for some ingredients, but promised to return to make Lucky dinner. After Siobhan left, Jason appeared on Lucky's doorstep. Jason wanted to know whom Lucky was trying to protect.

Siobhan met with the Balkan at their meeting place in a church. She told him that the wedding would be at St. Timothy's. The Balkan warned her that if she were wrong then her sister would pay the price. Siobhan started to leave, but the Balkan told her that he had one more assignment for her: he wanted her to help him make certain that Brenda didn't make it down the aisle.

1/28 Jason asked if Lucky's sudden interest in Brenda and Sonny's wedding location was about Brenda's safety or Siobhan's. Lucky made it clear that his intention was to ensure that Brenda, Sonny, and their friends and family, all remained safe. Jason welcomed Lucky's input on the security team.

At the confessional, Siobhan begged the Balkan to spare her sister's life. He told Siobhan that he was expecting her to help him prevent Brenda's wedding from happening. He then threatened to kill Lucky, should Siobhan fail in her mission. Siobhan returned to Lucky's. Lucky said he was surprised that she'd returned at all, which prompted Siobhan to apologize for developing a relationship with Lucky at such a bad time in their lives. Lucky told her that he couldn't help her if she didn't talk to him, but she used her need to prepare paperwork to extend her visa as an excuse to leave the apartment once again. Lucky surreptitiously followed her. As Siobhan took photos of the interior of St Timothy's, Lucky walked in and let her know that Brenda and Sonny weren't actually getting married there. He told her he knew she was working for the Balkan.

1/31 Lucky found Siobhan taking photos of the chapel where Lucky had told her that Brenda's wedding would be held. He accused her of working for the Balkan. Siobhan denied it and told him that he was too invested in her. Lucky said that something had changed in Siobhan. Lucky said that Siobhan had become edgy and he knew something was wrong. He said that he had deliberately set her up, and he was convinced that she was doing recon for the Balkan. Siobhan said that she was insulted. Lucky said that he was insulted because she was sharing his bed and betraying him. Siobhan ran away when Lucky asked if she had any guilt about setting up another woman to die.

Lucky went to see Theo. He wanted to know if Siobhan was having immigration problems. Theo cited client confidentiality and suggested that there might be problems other than immigration. In an attempt to get more information on what Lucky knew, Theo suggested that Siobhan was homesick. Lucky said that he thought that Siobhan had been targeted by the Balkan. Theo wanted to know what he could do. Lucky said that everyone was underestimating the Balkan, and Lucky did not want to end up cradling Siobhan's dead body. Theo said he would do everything he could. He had a smug smile on his face when Lucky left the office.

Lucky caught up with Siobhan in her room, where she was in bed crying. He told her that he knew something had changed because she was not duplicitous and he could see it in her eyes. He said that there had to be a reason that she was working for the Balkan. She tried to divert him by mentioning Elizabeth, but Lucky would not be swayed. Lucky said that he knew that the Balkan had gotten to her and that whatever he was holding over her head was serious. Lucky told her to trust him because he wanted to help. Siobhan gave in. She showed Lucky a picture of her sister, Megan, who was bound and blindfolded. She told Lucky that Megan was being held by the Balkan.

2/1 In Siobhan's room above Kelly's, Lucky stared at the picture of Siobhan's sister, Megan, who was tied to a chair. Siobhan explained that the Balkan had been threatening to kill Megan if Siobhan didn't cooperate. Lucky wondered how long Siobhan had known about Megan's situation. Siobhan revealed that she had been told about Megan while Siobhan had been held captive while waiting to be traded for Brenda. Siobhan began to weep as Lucky wrapped his arms around her.

Lucky wished that Siobhan had told him that the Balkan had been blackmailing her. He was stunned when Siobhan explained that she had been trying to protect Lucky because the Balkan didn't have any use for him except as a source of information. Lucky promised Siobhan that he wouldn't let anything happen to Megan. Siobhan wondered how Lucky planned to stop the Balkan. Lucky decided to start by changing the rules of the game. Siobhan reminded Lucky that it wasn't a game because her sister's life was at stake. Lucky tactfully switched gears by asking what Siobhan knew about the Balkan's plans. Siobhan revealed that Lucky had already guessed what the Balkan was up to; he intended to kidnap Brenda on her wedding day. Lucky was curious how the Balkan had contacted her. Siobhan admitted that it was mostly by phone, but that she'd had several meetings with the Balkan in a confessional at a church.

Lucky was surprised to learn that the Balkan was in Port Charles. Siobhan made it clear that she had never seen the Balkan's face, but she knew that it was him because of the way he had talked about his son, Aleksander. Moments later, Theo knocked on the door. Theo explained that he had stopped by because Lucky had paid him a visit to talk about Siobhan's immigration problems. Siobhan looked at Lucky accusingly, so Lucky quickly clarified that he had assumed Siobhan had been upset about her immigration status. Siobhan assured Theo that she could handle her own problems. Lucky added that he and Siobhan had talked, so everything was fine. Theo let Siobhan know that if she had any questions or concerns about any legal matters then she could talk to him. Lucky and Siobhan appreciated the offer, but declined.

Later, at Theo's office, Theo met with Shawn Butler. Shawn suggested that Lucky might have turned Siobhan. Just then, Siobhan called the Balkan to arrange a meeting to turn over the pictures that she had taken at the church. Theo wondered if she were alone. Siobhan claimed that she was, but Lucky was standing next to her. Theo agreed to meet her at their meeting place the following day at three in the afternoon. After Theo ended the call, he ordered Shawn to tag along to make certain that Siobhan hadn't double-crossed them.

2/2 Lucky told Jason and Dante that the Balkan intended to kidnap Brenda on her wedding day. Jason and Dante were curious how Lucky had learned about the abduction plans. Lucky revealed that he'd had some questions about Siobhan's activities, so Lucky had decided to set a trap for her to see what would happen. Lucky admitted that Siobhan had walked right into it, but he quickly assured Jason and Dante that Siobhan had not been a willing conspirator. Lucky explained that the Balkan had kidnapped Siobhan's sister, Megan, to force Siobhan to cooperate. Dante suggested that Siobhan could have made the whole thing up. Lucky suggested that Jason have Spinelli verify Megan's disappearance; however, Lucky he had already confirmed it. Dante feared that Lucky might be too close to the situation to be objective. Lucky denied it; he had been the one to set the trap for Siobhan when she had behaved suspiciously. Dante was called away, so Jason promised to take care of everything with Lucky.

After Dante left, Lucky questioned Jason about the comment. Jason wondered how well Lucky knew Siobhan. Lucky insisted that he could read Siobhan and that she hadn't faked her fear over what the Balkan would do to Megan if Siobhan didn't follow orders. Jason argued that they couldn't simply accept Siobhan's word, so Jason wanted to know more. Lucky became defensive. According to Lucky, Jason and Dante would owe Lucky and Siobhan an apology after Lucky and Siobhan had captured the Balkan. Seconds later, Lucky stormed out of the office.

Shawn was hiding behind a building as Siobhan was on the phone with the Balkan. The Balkan wondered if Siobhan had told Lucky about Megan. Siobhan assured the Balkan that she wouldn't risk her sister's life like that. After the Balkan disconnected the call with Siobhan, he instructed Shawn to intercept her. Seconds later, Shawn pretended to bump into Siobhan and then revealed that a mutual friend had thought that they should talk. Siobhan immediately became nervous until Shawn introduced himself as Theo's security consultant. According to Shawn, he had a few questions about the time that Siobhan had been held prisoner by the Balkan. Siobhan explained that she had given the police a statement, so she had nothing to add to it. Shawn tried to push for more information, but stopped when Molly called out to him. Siobhan seized the opportunity to quietly slip away.

Later, Siobhan and Lucky met on the sidewalk. Siobhan quickly realized that Jason and Dante hadn't believed her story. Lucky didn't think that it mattered, so he went over their plans to capture the Balkan. Lucky intended to disguise himself as a parishioner, so that he could sit in the church to wait for the Balkan to step out of the confessional. Siobhan was terrified that something would go wrong, but Lucky promised her that everything would be okay. Siobhan and Lucky put their plan into motion a short time later. As instructed, Siobhan informed the Balkan that the location of the wedding had been changed. According to Siobhan, she had no idea where the wedding would take place, but she promised to find out. The Balkan couldn't decide if Siobhan was a fool or a traitor because he knew that she had been followed. Meanwhile, Shawn crept up behind Lucky's pew and then knocked Lucky out by bashing him over the head.

2/3 In the church pew, Lucky slowly regained consciousness just as Siobhan cried out, "No!" Lucky drew his gun and then raced to the confessional. He found Siobhan bound, with a red ribbon tied around her neck. Siobhan was terrified as Lucky untied her and then spirited her out of the church. Lucky and Siobhan went to Pozzulo's, where Lucky asked Max to call Jason. Lucky ushered Siobhan into the office while they waited for Jason to arrive. Siobhan revealed that the Balkan had known that Lucky had followed her. She feared that the Balkan would retaliate by killing Megan. Lucky was certain that the Balkan would have killed Siobhan if it had been the Balkan's intention to kill Megan. He believed that Siobhan's life had been spared because the Balkan still had a use for her, which meant that Megan would remain safe. Lucky suggested that their best course of action would be to convince the Balkan that Lucky had acted on his own.

Jason arrived a short time later, so Lucky quickly filled him in on what had happened. Jason admitted that it sounded as if the Balkan had been tipped off. Jason wondered what he could do to help Lucky. Lucky thought that it might be best if they continued on with their lives as if nothing had happened, so that Lucky could formulate a new plan. After Siobhan left, Jason warned Lucky that the Balkan and Siobhan might have set up Lucky. Lucky vehemently denied the possibility. Jason thought that Lucky's feelings for Siobhan prevented Lucky from being objective. Lucky disagreed, but he suggested that Jason not share any details about Brenda's wedding to make certain that nothing was inadvertently leaked to the Balkan.

Siobhan was surprised when she spotted Shawn at Jake's. Shawn claimed that he was there for a beer, but he decided to question Siobhan about her time as the Balkan's captive. Siobhan refused to discuss it, so she turned away from Shawn. Seconds later, Lucky walked up to announce that Siobhan was under arrest. Siobhan was stunned; she couldn't understand why Lucky had turned against her. Lucky claimed that he had finally seen through Siobhan's innocent act. Siobhan demanded to know what the charges against her were. "Assault and conspiracy," Lucky informed her as he handcuffed her. Shawn stood nearby, watching the arrest unfold.

2/4 At Jake's, as Shawn looked on, Lucky and Siobhan made a show of him arresting her. After they left, Shawn immediately called the Balkan. Lucky and Siobhan went to the interrogation room at the police station. Lucky estimated it would take about 48 hours to find Megan. Theo arrived and almost caught the two conspiring.

Outside of the interrogation room, Theo accused Lucky of having a conflict of interest. Lucky explained that Theo would have access to Siobhan as soon as she was finished being processed. He then ushered Siobhan, dressed as a beat cop, out of the building. Jason arrived at the police station, and Theo explained that Lucky had arrested Siobhan in retaliation for her having broken up with Lucky.

Lucky and Siobhan returned to his apartment. He asked her to think about the phone calls she'd received. Any details, like background noise or a coded statement, could provide a clue as to Megan's whereabouts. Siobhan recalled hearing a bell ringing in the distance. It might have been the ferryboat back home. Lucky made plane reservations for them to travel back to Ireland. Siobhan apologized for having kept the truth from him. Lucky replied that her troubles were his fault but that he'd do everything in his power to make sure she and Megan were safe. As they were about to exit, Jason appeared and told them they couldn't leave.

2/7 When Jason confronted Lucky and Siobhan at Lucky's apartment he was not happy to find out that they were on their way to Ireland to rescue Siobhan's sister. Jason feared that Siobhan was acting as a decoy for the Balkan. He asked her to provide proof that her sister was actually in danger and that she was telling the truth. Lucky defended Siobhan and Jason accepted that he could not stop Lucky from going to Ireland. Jason cautioned Siobhan that if anything happened to Lucky there would be no place that she could hide from him.

After Jason left, Siobhan tried to back out of the trip. She told Lucky that Jason could be right. She said that Lucky's faith in her was touching, but she did not want him risking his life. She said that she could go to Ireland, rescue Megan and then they could both disappear. Siobhan told Lucky that he would be better off without her. Lucky did not agree. He said that he had been running from pain when he met Siobhan, but since their meeting, everything had changed and he could not imagine life without her. Siobhan was convinced. They grabbed their bags and were about to leave when Ronnie showed up. Ronnie told Lucky to return Siobhan to jail and he would cover for him. Lucky said that he was on to something and asked Ronnie to forget that he knew that Siobhan was not in a holding cell. Ronnie agreed to help, but told Lucky to make it count. Ronnie left followed by Lucky and Siobhan. As they walked out the door, Siobhan told Lucky that he was risking a lot for her.

2/10 In Diane's law office, Theo admitted that he was annoyed that Lucky Spencer had outwitted him. However, Theo acknowledged that Lucky and Siobhan were worthy adversaries, which would make the outcome of Theo's plans much more satisfying. Theo suspected that Lucky and Siobhan were on their way to Galway, but Shawn cautioned Theo not to assume anything. In Ireland, Lucky and Siobhan settled into their room and then began to discuss their plans to track down Megan. Siobhan grumbled about Lucky's lack of trust. Lucky assured Siobhan that he trusted her, but he conceded that he had difficulty putting his faith in others because he had learned from past experience that most people couldn't be trusted. Siobhan didn't want Lucky to risk his life for her. Lucky confessed that he had been more honest with Siobhan since meeting her than he had been with anyone else in years. He trusted that feeling.

Siobhan admitted that she had needed to hear that. They reviewed a map to go over the ferry's route. Siobhan revealed that she had to meet up with an old friend, but she would return quickly. Lucky objected when he realized that Siobhan intended to get her hands on a gun. Siobhan made it clear that she refused to walk into a dangerous situation without being properly armed, so she intended to meet with her friend.

Later, Lucky and Siobhan returned to the room. Siobhan was downcast because it was Valentine's Day, which was one of Megan's favorite days of the year. Lucky promised that they would rescue Megan soon. Siobhan began to check her gun, which made Lucky wonder if she knew how to use it. Siobhan assured him that she knew how to shoot and that nothing would keep her from being part of Megan's rescue party. Lucky and Siobhan eventually made their way to a warehouse. Initially, it appeared that no one was there, but within moments, two armed henchmen appeared. One of the henchman admitted that the Balkan had told them to be ready for Siobhan and Lucky's arrival. "Nice work, Ms. McKenna," the man congratulated Siobhan.

2/14 In a warehouse in Galway, Ireland, Lucky and Siobhan got the drop on two Balkan henchmen, then Siobhan got the drop on Lucky. She told him that he was the only one twisting in the wind. As the thugs tied Lucky up, Siobhan said that family counted more than any cop she was sleeping with. When a police siren blared in the distance, Siobhan sent the thugs to check it out. Lucky told Siobhan that it was not who she was. She responded that she was a better liar than he was.

Lucky said that Siobhan was just scared, and she needed to trust him. Siobhan said that she would do anything to save her sister, even sacrifice him. When the Balkan's men returned, they said that the police were just rousting a drunk. Siobhan told them to call the Balkan so that she could exchange Lucky for her sister. When they refused, Lucky broke out of his restraints and attacked one of the thugs. Siobhan clobbered the other. As Siobhan and Lucky tied the thugs up, Siobhan asked Lucky what he thought of her plan. Lucky told Siobhan that she was nuts, even though her improvisation had worked. He told her that the only way to save her sister was to work together. He said he had an idea about where to start. Lucky's phone rang. When he answered it, the Balkan was on the other end. He congratulated Lucky for eluding his first trap. He told Lucky not to make assumptions, and then asked Lucky if his experience with Siobhan had taught him anything.

2/15 In Ireland, Lucky was on the phone with the Balkan. The Balkan was impressed that Lucky had evaded the trap that the Balkan had set for him. Lucky warned the Balkan that the henchmen had provided Lucky with valuable information about the Balkan, but the Balkan merely chuckled. The Balkan wondered if Siobhan considered the pleasure of Lucky's company worth Megan's life. Lucky suggested that the Balkan's game was unraveling, but the Balkan clarified that he didn't play games. The Balkan reminded Lucky that Siobhan had been given fair warning, so Siobhan's sister would pay the price for Siobhan's betrayal. Siobhan snatched the phone out Lucky's hand and then threatened to kill the Balkan herself if anything happened to Megan. The Balkan didn't seem concerned as he ended the call.

Siobhan broke down in tears as Lucky reached out to comfort her. Lucky assured Siobhan that they had time to find Megan before the Balkan carried out the threat. Lucky was confident that they would be able to save Megan if they started to think like a criminal. Later, the henchmen returned to the warehouse to make contact with the Balkan by phone. One of the henchmen revealed where Megan had been moved to and then promised to kill her in the morning. The Balkan's men were unaware that Lucky and Siobhan hid out of sight to eavesdrop on the conversation.

2/16 In Ireland, Lucky and Siobhan hid in some bushes outside of the cabin where Megan was being held prisoner. Siobhan feared that they were too late to save her sister, but Lucky assured her that everything would be fine. Siobhan panicked when she heard Megan cry out in pain. She started to rush to her sister's aid, but Lucky held Siobhan back. Moments later, a henchman emerged from the cabin, locked the door, and then left. Lucky and Siobhan waited a few minutes and then silently crept to a window. They spotted Megan shackled and blindfolded inside. Siobhan wanted to spring into action, but Lucky cautioned her to wait. Lucky quickly picked the lock on the door and then drew his gun before slowly entering the cabin. The moment that Lucky determined that it was safe, Siobhan rushed into the cabin to free her sister.

Megan was shocked to see Siobhan. As Lucky began to pick the locks on the shackles that chained Megan to the wall, Megan told her sister about the kidnapping and the Balkan's threats. Megan was curious how Siobhan had gotten mixed up with the Balkan. Siobhan explained that she had become involved with Lucky, who was an undercover cop, so the Balkan had decided to force Siobhan to spy on Lucky by threatening Megan's life. Lucky couldn't unlock the leg shackles, so Megan urged Siobhan and Lucky to leave before her captors returned. Siobhan refused to leave her sister's side. Lucky revealed that Siobhan had saved his life, so he was determined to return the favor by saving Megan. Moments later, Lucky managed to free Megan. Megan's legs were numb, so Siobhan and Lucky had to assist Megan. They started to leave, but were forced to retreat back inside the cabin when gunfire suddenly erupted all around them.

2/21 In Galway, Lucky, Siobhan, and Megan pulled off a clever ruse and fooled the Balkan's men. Lucky hid in the straw and Siobhan pretended to be dead. When the Balkan's two men rushed in and observed the scene, they demanded that Megan tell them Lucky's whereabouts. Lucky leaped from the straw and knocked out one of the men with a stick of wood, and Siobhan got the drop on the other.

Lucky, Siobhan, and Megan headed to Lucky's old room, while the police dealt with the Balkan's thugs. Lucky told Megan that she needed to disappear until the Balkan was caught. He said that he had a ticket for her on the next flight to Barcelona, but first, he wanted to ask some questions. Megan agreed after thanking Lucky for saving her life. Lucky wanted to know everything that Megan remembered after being kidnapped. She told him that she had been terrified, especially after her kidnappers threatened to cut out her tongue if she screamed. She said that the only thing she remembered about the Balkan was that he had been angry with his men when they contacted him and interrupted a visit with his wife.

Lucky was elated by that detail. He told Siobhan that she should also go with Megan and hide out while he went after the Balkan. Megan agreed with Lucky, but Siobhan was angry. Siobhan told Lucky that she could not leave him. Megan told her that Lucky would get her killed. Lucky said that Megan was right. Siobhan said that she had "come too far" to be tossed aside. She told Lucky that they made a good team. Lucky said that he was trying to protect her. Siobhan said that she did not need protecting. She said he was trying to get rid of her. Lucky said he was trying to keep her safe, and she needed to go with Megan.

2/22 At an airport in Ireland, Lucky was restless as he waited to board his flight to the United States. He was surprised when Siobhan suddenly sat down beside him in the waiting area. Lucky thought that she had been on her way to Barcelona. Siobhan smiled coyly as she admitted that she had been hoping for a better offer. Lucky realized that she wanted to return to the United States with him, so he tried to talk her out of it for her own safety.

Siobhan reminded Lucky that her previous boyfriends had been far more dangerous than Lucky was, so she could handle his life. Lucky conceded that Siobhan was fearless, but he was curious if she had been brave enough to look inside her heart to deal with what was happening there. Siobhan brushed off the question, so Lucky changed tactics. He wondered why she wanted to return to Port Charles. Siobhan jokingly claimed that she hated to leave Coleman in a lurch. Lucky smiled when Siobhan suggested that she wouldn't be making a bad bet by sticking with Lucky. Boarding for the flight to New York City was announced, so Siobhan produced a plane ticket as she suggested that they continue their discussion on the plane. Lucky agreed.

However, moments later, Siobhan was prohibited from leaving the country. The attendant explained that Siobhan needed a visa to enter the Untied States. Siobhan claimed that she was a citizen of the world, so she didn't understand why she couldn't enter the United States as a tourist. The man informed Siobhan that Siobhan's visa had expired, so she would have to apply for a new one. Siobhan was curious how long it would take. "Several weeks," the man answered.

Lucky stepped forward to flash his badge and then explain that Siobhan was a material witness in a murder case that involved Interpol. Lucky provided the man with Agent Bates' contact information, so that Lucky's claims could be verified. Siobhan pretended to be thrilled to have been given a reprieve from testifying. Lucky begged the man to allow Siobhan to board the flight when Siobhan started to leave. The man reluctantly agreed, but he advised Lucky to get Siobhan's immigration status cleared up promptly because she could only stay in the United States for a month.

2/28 Lucky and Siobhan talked as they flew back to Port Charles. Siobhan was thankful that Lucky had gotten her a month-long extension in the states. She said that she was not really looking forward to going back to Ireland. They bantered a bit, before Lucky suggested that they get a green card marriage. Siobhan suggested that marriage should be between two people who loved each other. Lucky said that falling in lovewas no guarantee that a marriage would be successful. He said that there were lots of reasons that people got married besides love. Lucky told Siobhan about his history with Elizabeth, including his use of drugs and her affair with Jason. He told Siobhan that he was not the biological father of Elizabeth's children. She asked him if he would have stayed with Elizabeth if Cam and Jake had been his children, then thought better of it. Lucky told her that it was a fair question. He told her that he really tried with Elizabeth, but they were not right for each other. He said that Elizabeth's affair with Nikolas had finally made him see that. Lucky told Siobhan that he and Elizabeth would always be friends, but it was time for both of them to move on.

3/1 Dante arrived at the police station to find Lucky hard at work. Lucky said that he was up to speed on what had happened to Brenda and Sam after the reception. Lucky had decided to review surveillance footage from security cameras in and around the Archer Pavilion. Lucky hoped to find something that might lead them to Theo. Dante warned Lucky that Sonny was on the warpath and would stop at nothing to find Brenda.

Dante was curious about Lucky's trip to Ireland. Lucky gave Dante a brief recap and then offered to question Siobhan about any possible safe houses that Theo might have had. Dante was certain that Theo had taken Brenda to a place that no one knew of, so Lucky suggested that they focus on trying to find Theo's wife. "Wife?" Dante asked. Lucky told Dante about Megan's claim that Theo had a wife. Dante wondered if perhaps "Mrs. Hoffman" realized that her husband had an alter ego or that he had gone to such great lengths to avenge their son. Lucky and Dante agreed that Theo would eventually have to check in with his wife. They decided that Theo's wife could be Theo's weakness, so they had to find her.

Sam was resting comfortably in her hospital room when Lucky stopped by to talk to Jason. Jason joined Lucky in the hallway and then explained that he couldn't leave Sam's side, so Lucky had to find Theo and Brenda. Lucky assured Jason that he was working on it and then explained that they had a lead on a catering truck. Jason felt terrible for having sent Sam into Theo's trap. Lucky reminded Jason that Theo had been hiding in plain sight. Lucky insisted that Jason couldn't have known what Theo had planned nor could Jason have stopped Sam from helping. Jason realized that Lucky was right. Jason let Lucky know that Diane and Spinelli were digging into Theo's past, so they might find something useful. Jason was stunned when Lucky revealed that Theo had a wife, who Lucky believed might be the key to finding Theo. Lucky and Jason were unaware that Suzanne lurked nearby, eavesdropping on their conversation.

Lucky met Dante in the examination bay where Shawn was being treated for the gunshot wound. Dante quickly filled Lucky in on Shawn's situation and then asked Lucky to keep an eye on Shawn. Dante explained that he needed to find Sonny. Lucky began to question Shawn after Dante left. Shawn revealed that Theo was after Brenda because Theo blamed Brenda for Aleksander's death. Lucky was curious what Shawn had been hired to do.

Shawn confessed that his assignment had been to kidnap Brenda and then deliver her to a boat waiting at the docks. Lucky was curious where Theo had planned to take Brenda, but Shawn admitted that he had no idea. Shawn realized that he had merely been a diversion to keep Jason busy, so that Theo could fake Brenda's death and then leave town. Lucky wondered if Shawn knew that Theo was married. Shawn wasn't certain, but he suggested that it was a reasonable assumption to make, since Theo's son had to have had a mother. Neither Shawn nor Lucky realized that Suzanne hovered in the hallway, listening in on their conversation.

3/2 Lucky appeared in the doorway to Shawn’s hospital room. Shawn assured Molly that he would talk to Lucky about the incident. Molly agreed to let the matter drop and then left to visit Sam. Lucky turned to Shawn to inquire, "Incident?" Shawn revealed that Theo had sent an assassin. Lucky scribbled down a description of the man and then left to question the hospital's staff. Lucky returned a short time later to inform Shawn that the man had gotten away. Shawn was certain that the man would likely be dead before nightfall, so he didn't think that Lucky would find the failed assassin. Lucky decided to question Shawn about Theo, since it was obvious that Theo liked to tie up loose ends. Lucky suspected that Shawn had been targeted because Shawn knew something that could be used against Theo.

Lucky warned Shawn that it was likely that a few more hit men would be sent. Shawn realized that Lucky intended to use him as bait. According to Lucky, hit men were easy to flip once a person figured out the most effective way to lean on them. Shawn thought that it was a great strategy for Lucky, but not for him. Lucky continued to question Shawn about Theo, but Shawn insisted that he had told Lucky everything the night before.

Lucky conceded that Shawn's injury and the lack of immediate medical attention could have left some holes in Shawn's memory. Shawn promised to contact Lucky if he remembered anything else. Lucky revealed that there had been a new development; they had found the catering van used in Brenda's abduction, but it had been torched. Shawn suspected that Theo hoped to make it appear that Theo had fled town with Brenda, when in reality Theo was in hiding somewhere in Port Charles. Lucky's lack of reaction made Shawn realize that Lucky had been testing him. Lucky promised to be in touch and then left.

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