Liz and Lucky #10  September 13, 2000 - January 30, 2001 - 8 hr original edit

Emily is still missing. Lucky goes out searching for her and runs into Sorel who decides Lucky needs some help remembering that Sorel knows nothing about Zander. He gives Lucky a rather brutal beating. Lucky calls Nikolas for help. Gia and Nikolas go looking for him. Nik insists he see a doctor, but Lucky is insistent. Then they hear Sorel in the ally discussing the demise of Emily and Zander. Lucky and Nikolas talk to Dara at the police dept. They tell her to question Sorel about Emily and Zander. Dara tells them to stay out of the way. Of course they ignore that. Lucky goes to pick up money from Helena for Nik. Helena lectures Lucky about Nik being the one for Liz. Lucky asks Helena if she knows what Faison did to him. He wonders why he can’t tell Liz he loves her. Helena looks stunned and speechless! When Lucky asked Helena about his missing memories, she told him he should try to forget what happened. Helena used her catchphrase "protect your queen" to keep Lucky under control. Bobbie comforted a distraught Liz. Lucky told Roy to make sure Luke didn't get Roy arrested as well. Lucky and Nicholas want to bring Elizabeth to Albany, where they have a lead on Zander. They feel she will get more information than they can. Elizabeth talks to Jason about what is going on. He tells her that he think Emily and Zander are headed for the Canadian border. He also tells her that Sonny and Carly got married and why. Elizabeth asks if it bothers Jason, but he tells her no. So they change the subject to her and Lucky. Nik and Lucky show up and see Jason and Elizabeth talking. Lucky confronts Elizabeth about telling Jason about the Emily mess. They compare notes about where Zander is. Hannah comes to ask Jason for help with AJ. Elizabeth convinces Jason to help AJ. Lucky is still mad at Jason.

Bobbie speaks to Lucky about Luke. She tells him that Luke is in police custody and that Luke would love it if he would visit. But Lucky says no, he is too much like his father, he doesn’t want to see him. Elizabeth tries to convince him that he is nothing like his father. They make plans for the Albany trip. Nikolas tries to convince them they need to reconsider this trip. Nikolas says he will stay home so he can keep track of what is going on with everyone and keep going to the raves. So Elizabeth and Lucky go off to Albany together. Elizabeth sees right through the plan. She knows he is staying behind to give them a chance to be together alone. Roy asks Lucky to visit Luke but of course he refuses. Liz asks Tammy for time off to go to Albany with Lucky to help look forEmily. Carly comes in and tries to rub in Liz's face that she and Sonny got married but it is Carly but Liz says that Jason already told her. A catty argument ensues.

Nikolas gives Lucky money and tells him to be careful with Liz on their trip. Helena overhears and wants to know where Liz and Lucky are going and why Nikolas isn't going with them. Nik tries to tell her to bug off but she warns that there will be no more money unless he tells her what is going on. Lucky tells her then leaves. Nikolas tears into Helena telling her not to ever hold the Cassadine money over his head again.

Liz and Lucky start to leave but run into Helena on the docks. Liz stays back while Lucky talks to Helena alone. Lucky tells Helena that her opinion doesn't matter and starts to walk away when she says "protect your queen" Lucky becomes docile while Liz watches. An indignant Elizabeth intervenes when she spots Helena manipulating Lucky yet again. Angry with the girl's interference, Helena later makes plans to prevent Elizabeth from ruining her master plan. Lucky finally breaks down and confesses to Elizabeth how he's been having memory lapses and other mental problems. Lucky and Liz finally figured out that first Faison and now Helena had him under mind control and that the trigger for his “spacing out” is the phrase “protect your queen.” He gave credit to Luke for first suspecting it and then expressed worry about how to overcome it since the person who started it (Faison) is dead. Liz assured him that they would fight Helena together. They left for Albany to search for Emily. An anxious Helena instructed a wild-haired Andreas that his sole job now is to keep tabs on “the Webber girl” at all times. She said that her plan of many years to ruin Luke and Laura is close to being fulfilled – and there’s no way Elizabeth will interfere with it. If necessary, Helena threatened, Elizabeth will be eliminated.

In Albany, Lucky and Liz shared a motel room and worked out the sleeping arangements. Lucky confessed that he was glad to be with Liz. Liz and Lucky come back to the hotel room from a rave. No luck getting any information on Zander. Lucky tells Liz that he was having a hard time concentrating on what they were doing because he wanted to dance with Liz. She fiddles with the radio until a slow song comes on. They dance and all of a sudden Lucky says you should be with Nikolas. Lucky admits that he doesn't want Liz with Nikolas and he doesn't know where that came from. They both think that somehow Helena put the idea into Lucky's head to make Nikolas happy. Liz tells Lucky that Nikolas knows that she loves Lucky then Lucky tells her that He loves her too. Liz is shocked that Lucky finally admitted he loves her. Now they have to figure out why Lucky keeps blanking out and trying to push Liz and Nick together. Liz and Lucky reaffirm their feelings and then they rush to off to this little town. Liz runs into Jason. She pours her heart out time…"Lucky really loves me…Helena has been controlling him the entire time." Jason was skeptical. Liz was on cloud nine, thanking Jason for distracting her during her wait for Lucky. Jason tells Lucky and Elizabeth how he's going to lie in wait for Zander at the foot bridge into Canada. Jason insists on handling Zander alone, Lucky tells Elizabeth he has no intention of leaving Albany until he's found Emily.

Lucky and Liz camp out and wait for Emily near the bridge to Canada. Lucky convinces her not to call the cops. They discuss Emily and how good of a friend she has been to them. They kiss!!!! They encounter a little girl who is collecting leaves. She reminds Lucky of LuLu. He can’t wait to have his life back. He wants to make up the time he and Elizabeth lost. Sorel’s henchmen arrive. The little girl had told them there were kids hiding near the bridge. The henchmen don’t see Lucky and Liz though. Liz and Lucky woke up in the field where they slept. They act quite tender toward each other. As they’re picking berries, Sorel’s two goons find them and hold Liz at gunpoint. Jason shows up almost immediately, aims his gun at the guy holding Liz, and gets Sorel’s men to let her go. He then orders them to return to PC and to tell Sorel to back off. After the two guys leave, Jason angrily says to Lucky, “I thought I told you to go home!” Lucky responds that he isn’t leaving. He and Jason exchange angry words; Jason tells Liz that if she can’t persuade Lucky to leave,then she should go back to PC on her own. After Jason leaves, Liz agrees to stay with Lucky but makes him promise that they’ll call Jason if they see Emily and Zander. Liz and Lucky laying in the grass by the bridge to Canada. Lucky tells Liz about going camping with Sonny when he was younger, and his dad piercing his ear with a fish hook. Liz and Jason talk in the field. He thinks it is dangerous for her to be there and wants her and Lucky to leave. She says she knows Jason is right but Liz says she can't give Lucky the impression that she is doubting him since he is still reeling from Faison's brainwashing. Jason tells Lucky that he and Liz need to leave. Lucky refuses and he retorts that Jason has made miscalculations when Nik was shot, when Jason himself was shot and insists on staying. He thinks he can help Em. Zander and Emily show up at the bridge. Jason pulls a gun on Zander who pulls a gun on Jason. Lucky grabs Emily and takes her out of the way. Emily begs Zander to put down the gun as sirens are heard in the distance. Zander and Jason stare each other down and Emily breaks free and throws herself in front of Zander. She convinces Zander that Jason won’t hurt him and he should head for the border. He does and just misses the arriving police. Emily manages to convince everyone to go along with her to the police that she just happened to find the Canadian border and her friends at the same time. Before Emily and Jason leave Lucky and Liz. Lucky asks for a few minutes with Emily and he apologizes for not calling the police or letting her tell Jason what was going on sooner. He shoulders all the blames for the entire kidnapping.

Liz brought Lucky to the hospital so he could see Kevin about his memory lapses and Lucky filled Nikolas in on what had happened to him. Nikolas and Lucky met at the courthouse. Nikolas immediately showed Lucky the headlines in the newspaper, but Lucky told him he had seen it yesterday. Nikolas tried to convince Lucky to see his dad. Nikolas confessed that he knew that Stefan had many faults and did wrong things, but he would give anything to have him alive and walk through the door because he loved him. Lucky agreed and shared with Nikolas his understanding. Lucky thanked him for his words of wisdom and went to see Luke. Needless to say, Luke was stunned by his son's arrival, although he was extremely happy to see him. Lucky was himself again. He asked his father how he was doing. Lucky actually admitted that he did not want his father to be imprisoned. Luke asked Lucky was everything okay because the last heremembered they were worst enemies. Lucky asked his father to be calm and just let him talk. Luke agreed. Lucky began to tell his father the truth about Faison/Helena'smind control over him. He also said that he was going to get help; this made Luke feel relieved. He also told his dad that his dislike for his actions was not all Faison and it was hard to have him as a father. Lucky stated outright that he loved his father (Luke said ditto) and that he would be in the courtroom to support him. The bailiff entered the visitation room and announced that the jury had reached their verdict. After Luke was led back into the courtroom, the judge asked for the jury's verdict. The jury found Luke not guilty of Stefan's murder.

Maxie ran away from home in the aftermath of her mother's confession that she slept with Luke (Felicia was Luke's alibi in Stefan's murder trial). She ended up at the boxcar with her single suitcase and a picture of her family. She thought she was alone, but Lucky showed up to do some thinking. Maxie shared with Lucky the bad news about her parents are getting a divorce. Lucky being the wonderful person he is, thought about things for a moment and told her his story and what happened when he left home. He did not paint a pretty picture and Lucky was honest with Maxie. He told her that he was sorry he left home because of his younger sister LuLu. How could he have possibly left her alone? Lucky said that if had to do it all again, he would not leave and the reason would be LuLu. And then he told her that she could not make her parents change their mind about the divorce. So even if she did not return home, it would not change things. Lucky was successful and helping Maxie to make her decision to return home. Upon their return, Maxie was hugged by both Mac and Felicia and Lucky was thanked for his help in Maxie's safe return.

Luke eavesdrops on his son as Lucky discusses with Nikolas the slow and torturous progress he's making in his sessions with Kevin. Lucky worried that his and Liz's reconciliation was hurting his brother, but Nikolas assured him he wanted them to be happy. Nikolas maintained that he knew better than to fall in love with a woman who loved someone else especially since it brought his uncle nothing but pain. At the park, Emily gave the last of her money to Zander and begged him to leave once and for all. As they said their goodbyes, Nikolas and Lucky ran out and jumped Zander. Emily tried to protect him, but Nikolas and Lucky believed that Zander was trying to use and hurt her. The situation worsened when Taggert showed up ready to arrest the alleged cop killer. Emily protests as Taggert places Zander under arrest for the murder of a police officer.

Elizabeth found Lucky on the pier. Lucky gave her a big hug to welcome her back. They both were totally pleased to be back in each other's arms and spoke of the love that they felt even when they were miles away from each other. Lucky confided that he was seeing his mother and was able to tell her that he loved her. He also mentioned that Kevin was helping him a great deal. Elizabeth was so pleased that Lucky was working with Kevin. Then Lucky told her the story about Emily and Zander. He just could not understand Emily's position. Elizabeth told him not to worry, let her talk to Emily first and find out where she stands. Lucky started to chuckle. He told Elizabeth that he missed her being the voice of reason. Elizabeth replied with so that's how you see me. He told her not to be upset because it was a compliment. Lucky further stated that he loved the way she laughs, paints and the way she feels in his arms. Then he thanked her for not giving up on him. Elizabeth replied and said, Lucky, you know that you have my heart, it is a permanent lock. Emily explains to an exasperated Elizabeth why she will not give up on Zander. Lucky and Elizabeth give an incredulous Juan the heads-up about his girlfriend's dogged campaign to free Zander. An uneasy Lucky comes face to face with Helena on the docks. After using the catch phrase "protect your queen", Helena is unpleasantly surprised to find Lucky still in a highly rebellious mood, her mind control does not seem to be working. Elizabeth has an unsettling encounter with Helena while searching for Lucky.

Holding a garrote to the throat of Helena's unconscious grandson, Luke orders his old nemesis to reveal what she's done to Lucky. Helena warns that any attempt to fully deprogram Lucky will trigger the boy's homicidal tendencies planted by post-hypnotic suggestion. As Luke begins to tighten the rope around Nikolas' neck, Lucky arrives with Elizabeth and begs his father to stop. After Luke disappears, Nikolas comes to and finds his brother and Elizabeth anxiously peering down at him. As he and the others depart, Nikolas angrily warns Helena to leave him and his friends out of her stupid vendetta with Luke.

Lucky and Elizabeth happily discuss picking up their dream of making a life together in New York City.

A lovestruck Maxie perks up when Lucky joins her birthday party at the brownstone. Maxie was on cloud 9 when she saw Lucky. Afterwards Lucky and Elizabeth headed over to Kelly's. Lucky could not hold it in any more he wanted to give Elizabeth her birthday gift ( her birthday is the next day). Elizabeth was surprised that he even remembered. Lucky gave her a card with the words free get out of Port Charles card. Elizabeth asked what did the card mean. Then Lucky told her he wanted to take her to New York City. Elizabeth was thrilled and told him that they deserved this trip and not just because of her birthday, but to celebrate being together.

Elizabeth and Lucky check into a luxurious hotel suite in New York City. Following a jaunt into Greenwich Village, Lucky and Elizabeth realize they may have to make some adjustments to their youthful dreams of the bohemian life. Elizabeth and Lucky begin to make love for the first time. Lucky stops as he is afraid of what Helena has done to his mind and doesn't want to take any chances of hurting Elizabeth. Lucky pulls back from making love to Liz. He tells her that a part of him isn't yet free of Helena's hold and is worried that her programming is still in his head. He is afraid of doing something to hurt her. He tells her they shouldn't have started towards becoming more intimate until he was done with his therapy with Kevin. They lay back down in bed and snuggle. He tells her that he has dreamed of making love to her and wants her more than anything. She tells him she wants him too. He just wants to be sure he is back to the way he was before he was brainwashed. She tells him she understands and will wait for him, that she tried to stop loving him but couldn't. He tells her they must really love each other or he would have already died of embarrassment. She reminds him how he stood by her after the rape and she will stand by him now, they kiss. Liz sits on Lucky's lap, as they kiss she softly questions whether he has changed his mind about them waiting to make love. He ruefully says no and sends her off to bed to sleep alone, before he forgets why they are waiting. Later, he watches her as she sleeps. Liz and Emily show up to help Alexis try on wedding dresses. This includes a music montage of the different choices. Alexis finally had a dress on that they all agreed was the one. Unfortunately, the media broke in then and proceeded to take pictures. Alexis sent the girls home.

Lucky overheard Nikolas and Gia argue about her using up all the hot water to shower and then leaving a mess in the bathroom. He had a smile on his face. Later, when he ran into Nikolas, he told him he needed to find a new place to live and would move in with him since he had three bedrooms; unless there was a problem. Nikolas could tell he was ribbing him and asked him how he knew about Gia. He told him he had overheard them on the docks. Nikolas asked why he didn't take the room that was for rent above Kelly's. He wasn't sure how Elizabeth would feel about him living across from her. Lucky asks Liz if it is okay with her if he rents a room at Kelly's. She of course thinks this is a wonderful idea. He moves in to his new room and hits the shower. He locks himself out of his room and drops the towel he is wearing as he tries to get the door to his room open. Liz comes up just then, Lucky tries to grab the towel but he is too late and Liz gets an eyeful. Without a doubt, Liz was somewhat embarrassed and frazzled... WOW! Liz comes to the rescue with a key.

Liz is on Lucky's balcony (fire escape) because she is locked out of her room. Lucky wants to know why Liz is hanging out on the fire escape when it is so cold. She tells him that she is wishing on the stars. Lucky tucks her into his bed while he gets the pass key from Tammy. They both say that things are almost perfect between them. Elizabeth stopped by Lucky's room to surprise him with a gift. She gave him a key to her room. Then Lucky told Elizabeth that they must be on the same wave length because he had a copy made of his key too. You know why, just in case one or the other gets locked out of their room again. Lucky was lifting weights when Elizabeth arrived and was shirt-less. She tried not to see him and his large chest, but it was difficult. The two ending up kissing, but Elizabeth pulled away and told Lucky her shift started in about 90 seconds.

Lucky showed up at the cottage. Right away he saw that Nikolas was not happy. He tried to explain to Nikolas how it feels to be a regular person and by him pretending to be poor or just normal was an insult to Gia. Lucky's motive for visiting his brother however was to talk about Elizabeth. Lucky first asked Nikolas was the topic okay for him and Nikolas agreed.

Lucky explained to Nikolas why he and Elizabeth were waiting and not making love right away. Nikolas offered his support and told him that if he and Elizabeth felt mutual about the decision then it should be fine. Lucky still was scared that he could hurt Elizabeth again in some way like when he first came back to Port Charles. Just then a limo drove up to the cottage. It was Helena to visit. Nikolas was prepared and ready to do battle. First he invited her in kindly and then started to pour on the insults. He promptly told her that he wanted nothing to do with her and wanted her out of his life. Helena was upset as normal, but this time she left and threatened Nikolas. Gia over heard the argument and came down stairs to inform Nikolas that she was staying to help protect him from his crazy grandmother. Nikolas was relieved by Gia's remarks. Lucky hears a crash in Liz's room. He rushes next door to find her wrapped in a towel. She tells him she only knocked a lamp off the table. The sexual tension is very thick. Liz thanks him for his concerned and closes the door. They both stand on the opposite side of the door in a daze for a moment.

Elizabeth and Emily are not looking forward to attending the bridal shower that Carly is giving Alexis, especially when they realize they have both bought Alexis the same white toaster. Gia snidely tells Liz that she can't believe Carly had the party catered by Kelly's when she could obviously afford the Grille. Liz defends Tammy. Carly later overhears Liz comforting Emily with the knowledge that at least Carly wasn't Emily's sister-in-law any longer. Carly then assures LIz that she and Sonny are very happily married so the the next time she needs a shoulder to cry on when Lucky dumps her that Sonny is not available. Alexis picking up on the growing tension excuses Emily and Liz and tells them they don't have to suffer through the shower any longer, they make a hasty exit. Lucky comes home early and finds Liz half dressed in his room. Liz is embarressed but explains that she trusts Lucky and doesn't want to wait because of her. She wants to make Lucky whole again just like he did for her. She asks him to finally make love to her and he agrees. Liz hears the smoke alarm but Lucky assures her that the building is old and the alarm goes off for no reason. They talk about being each others first and how nervous they both are, Lucky tells her that at any time she wants to stop he will. As Liz and Lucky are kissing the fire department knocks on the door and tells them they have to leave. When they go outside Liz remembers another fire a year ago. Liz is very upset remembering when she was given the subway token and told it was found on the body. Liz tells Lucky that all of the firemen remind her of the night she was told he was dead. She tells him all the events, from her point of view, of the fire that "killed" him. She says that night was all based on lies and she doesn"t want to think about it ever again.

Gia cooked Thanksgiving dinner for Nikolas and herself and was surprised when he told her that he had invited Liz, Lucky, Emily and Juan. Lucky teased Nikolas about his potential attraction to Gia while a sad Juan fretted when Emily didn't show up. They settled in for a nice meal, but Gia decided at the last minute to go to the Brownstone for dinner with her mother and Taggert.

Liz asks Emily to accompany her to the Doctor for a prescription for birth control pills. She also told Emily about buying condoms. Liz wants to make sure they are ready when the time does actually happen. At the hospital waiting for the Doctor Liz talks about the clinical way of going about getting protection but it all being worth it because when the first time happens all her and Lucky should be thinking about is making love not all of the other stuff that goes with it. When the doctor comes for Liz, Emily asks for an appointment too so that she can go on the pill. Liz wants to know what's up with Emily, is she thinking about Juan or Zander? Emily tells Liz about kissing Zander but insists nothing is going on between them, she gets Zander. Emily says that her and Juan were close to making love before and she justs wants to be ready whenever the time is right. Lucky and Nikolas are at the hospital awaiting his session with Kevin. Lucky wants to go deeper to find out why he was so easily programmed. After his session, which we do not see, Lucky and Nicholas go to Kelly's. Lucky tells Nikolas that his programming can not make him do anything that he wouldn't do any way. So he does not have to worry that he will hurt Elizabeth because that is something he would never do. The way is clear for them to make love. Elizabeth and Emily arrive back at Kelly's and Nikolas and Emily make a hasty retreat. Lucky is on his way upstairs and offers to take Liz's coat, she tries to stop him but it is too late, her pills fall out of the coat pocket.

Lucky finds Liz's birth control pills in her jacket pocket. She assures him that she isn't trying to pressure him, that she understands they have to wait. He tells her that they don't have to wait that they can now be together. She blushes as she tells him she also bought condoms. They laugh over their shared embarrassment, he tells her he loves her. They agree to be together soon. He returns later with 16 white roses, one for every month they were apart. He invites her to go away with him to spend time alone together where they won't be interrupted. He tells her he has wanted her so long and it has never been right before because of the rape, because of what happened to him. She tells him she is ready, they plan to go off to a romantic inn and embrace.

Liz finds a great little Inn for their weekend hideaway and Lucky says he will take care of all the details. Liz asks him about transportation and Lucky tells her that he is going to ask Nikolas if they can borrow his car for the weekend. Lucky then leaves with Nikolas to head for GH and asession with Kevin.

As Lucky and Nikolas get off the elevator at GH, Nikolas sees Stefan. He is stunned and speechless, but manages to utter the word "Uncle?"! Nikolas gives his Uncle a giant hug, which Stefan returns with kisses on the cheeks. Bobbie, Lucky, Mac, Chloe, Alan, and Monica watch the encounter, each with their own thoughts regarding Stefan’s “return from the dead”. Lucky whispers to Bobbie, “Wait until my Dad finds out!” and Bobbie replies, “My thoughts exactly.” Nikolas then takes Lucky aside for a private conversation. They discuss telling Laura that Stefan is alive and Lucky’s plans to go away for the weekend with Elizabeth. Lucky tells his brother that he and Elizabeth will postpone their weekend and that Lucky will go with Nikolas to tell their mother about Stefan. Nikolas informs Lucky that there is no reason for him and Liz to put off their plans and he can go and see Laura on his own. He finally gets Lucky to agree and Lucky leaves for Kelly’s.

Liz prepares for her weekend getaway with Lucky. When Lucky gets to Kelly’s, he tells Liz that he has something to talk to her about. She tells him that she also has something to talk to Lucky about! Elizabeth tells Lucky that she made a promise to Emily for Robin Scorpio to ask Lucky if he had been tested for HIV/AIDS. Lucky told her that he had when he got back from his “exile” and was negative. Elizabeth told Lucky that after the rape, she had also been tested, three times, each six months apart, and that her tests also were negative. Since Liz had the birth control pills and Lucky had condoms and they had both been tested, they agreed that it was safe. Then, Lucky told Elizabeth about he and Nikolas finding Stefan at GH! Liz suggested that perhaps they should postpone their weekend together because Nikolas would probably need a friend right now. Lucky told Liz that he had said the same exact thing to Nikolas, but Nik insisted that he was fine and did not want Lucky and Elizabeth to postpone their weekend on his account. Gia walks up to Lucky and Liz and catches the tail end of their conversation in time to hear something about Nikolas needing a friend. She asked what was going on and Lucky told her that Stefan was alive. Gia asked where Nikolas was and Lucky told her that he had gone to Laura’s new office to tell her the news. Gia said she knew where the placewas and would go to Nikolas. After Gia left Kelly’s, Lucky and Liz realized that there was nothing stopping them now. Lucky and Liz left Kelly’s hand in hand, on their way to a romantic weekend getaway in which they fully agreed to finally “consummate” their “permanent lock”….. Lucky and Liz consummated their love in a cozy liitle candle-lit inn. Both were somewhat nervous and awkward, but with tenderness and sincerity, these two bonded sexually for the first time. It was the first for these virgins. Liz said to Lucky "my soul, body, and spirit will love You forever."

Gia wasn't at all polite to Lucky and Liz when they returned from their trip and Nikolas very gently asked her to leave before she started a fight. Liz thanked Nikolas for constantly supporting them and for being their best friend.

Liz shuts down Kelly's early (with Bobbie's permission) to plan a romantic rendezvous with Lucky. They have a private candlelight dinner, dance to tunes from the jukebox then blow out the candles and head upstairs for more privacy. Lucky paid Zander a visit. He told Zander in no uncertain terms that he was there strictly for Emily. Lucky wanted to know why Emily felt the was she does about Zander and what she sees is worth saving. Zander was offended by Lucky’s comments and told him that he was not going to tell Emily to go away and if he really loved Emily then they should stop giving Emily so much grief. Her friends need to be supported, listen to her, and take is easy on her. Zander called the guard so that he could return to his cell, but prior to that Lucky told him that he was Emily’s oldest friend and he was going to be their for her no matter what. Emily was busy decorating the tree when she heard a knock on the patio door. It was Lucky and he asked if had heard her talking to the tree. She said he had and he asked if it talked back. She said it only talks to Reginald. He quipped that he had forgotten how crazy it was at the Quartermaines. He told her he had gone to see Zander and she told him Zander had told her. He said that he understands now how much Emily means to Zander and vice versa. He was on her side. She was happy.

Laura went to Kelly's to see Elizabeth. Elizabeth told her she had been thinking of her make as they were launching the face of Deception ad campaign and she wanted Elizabeth to be the new "Face of Deception". She told Elizabeth she would be perfect for the job. Liz said she would make a fool of herself. Lucky came in and Gia, who had been listening to Laura and Elizabeth, told him to talk some sense into his girlfriend before she passed up on a chance of a lifetime. Lucky asked Liz what this chance of a lifetime was and Laura told him that she was trying to talk Liz into being the model for Deception. Lucky thought it was a great idea, she should go for it. Liz said she would freeze up when she had to do personal appearances. Lucky asked didn't she used to want to be a model. Liz said yes, when she was 12, but this is the real deal Laura was offering. Laura said because she could really do it. Liz said she was flattered by the offer but no, she couldn't see herself doing it. Laura said the deal was there if she changed her mind. Cute scene as Liz and Lucky go to the tree lot to pick out a Christmas tree. They reminisce about their first tree together, a Charlie Brown type tree. They kiss.

At Alexis & Ned's wedding, Liz and Lucky arrive. Lucky continues to push Elizabeth to accept his mother's job offer and talks Elizabeth into doing a test shoot for Deception. Lucky, Elizabeth, Nikolas, and Gia end up at Kelly's after the wedding disaster (Alexis ran out on her wedding to Ned). They go to sit down at the bar when Gia started to comment on their day. Then she told Elizabeth to share her good news with Bobbie and Carly. Elizabeth told them that she was going to do a test shoot to be the Face of Deception. Carly was shocked and said that she could not believe that her partner would do this without her. Carly and Elizabeth go at it for a while, but then Elizabeth stopped and went upstairs. Lucky then asked Carly to ease up on Elizabeth because he will be looking out for her. Carly gets an idea. She grabbed Gia's attention and then offers her the chance to be the new face of Deception. She wants to do a test shoot tomorrow. Gia agreed and said she would see her first thing in the morning. Gia was ecstatic as she and Nikolas left Kelly's.

As Laura talks to Elizabeth about the photo shoot, Carly arrives with her own hand-picked candidate for the new face of Deception. Laura asks Elizabeth and Gia to wait outside in the reception room, Laura blasts her business partner for trying to show her up.

At GH, Elizabeth and Emily decorate a christmas tree. Elizabeth looks forward to a wonderful Christmas with Lucky, Emily hopes that Zander will be sprung from jail in time for the holiday. Liz arrives back at GH in her elf outfit. Alan reads the Christmas story, Tony plays Santa. Music montage of christmas scenes including the shooting of Sonny and Zander. Later, the young lovebirds ran out on the GH party and returned to Kelly's to exchange Christmas presents. Elizabeth told him that she had a surprise for him, but was not going to give any hints. She asked him to close his eyes and then she walked him into his room. Elizabeth had painted the room in a holiday scene. She had painted cardboard and then put it up on the walls to make a romantic holiday scene. Lucky was so surprised and pleasantly, I will add. He was in awe of how much work Elizabeth put into his gift and how thoughtful she was. Every thing down to the fireplace looked real. Then Lucky commented that maybe he should not give his gift since it really pales in comparison. Elizabeth insisted. He gave her a box to open and inside the box was a necklace. Lucky told her she could take it back if she did not like it. Elizabeth said she loved it and it was just her style. Then she asked Lucky to sing "their song". Lucky was a little hesitant because he had not played the guitar for so long and he was rusty. Elizabeth looked at him with very pleading eyes and so he gave into her wish. After the serenade, Liz promises to dress up as an elf again next year and says that elves make Christmas wishes come true. They sat near the painted fireplace and held each other. They talked about how this year would be one of their best Christmas. Next the two began to kiss and caress on the floor.

Elizabeth and Lucky were setting up Kelly's for a dinner with Nikolas and Gia. They commented that they wish Emily was there and they were concerned about her with Zander. Lucky brought ribs from their favorite restaurant and Elizabeth had made brownies. She said that Nikolas would probably bring tons of side dishes and Gia wouldbring plenty of attitude. Lucky suggested maybe they cut Gia some slack for Nikolas' sake. They made a pact that if either of them was tempted to say something nasty to Gia the other would kiss them. Needless to say they got a lot of kissing in because Gia rubbed them both the wrong way from the start. Elizabeth asked if Gia had brought her macaroni and cheese and Gia said it was only for family, she had bought a cake. They argued about the Face of Deception trials. Gia told Elizabeth she was only being considered because of who she slept with. Elizabeth told Gia Carly only asked her because she hated her, Elizabeth.

Emily arrived late at Kelly's and had missed dinner, however the gang was happy to have her company for dessert. They told Emily that it was her turn to toast first. She agreed to do the toast, but then Gia spotted someone at the door. It was Zander. Emily got up and went over to the door. She invited Zander in but he refused. Then, Elizabeth went out on a limb and invited him to join them for dessert; Zander finally accepted. Emily then proceeded to teach Zander the special toast that her real mom had taught her. The toast, she explained, was when you offered a piece of your dessert to someone else and then state a positive wish (a toast) aloud. Emily took a piece of Elizabeth's brownies and offered it to Zander with a wish for freedom. Next Zander took a piece of brownie and offered it to Emily with the wish for Pixie Sticks. She told him that that was not a valid toast. He tried a few more funny things before getting to be thankful for being alive. Emily accepted that toast; however, it angered Nikolas who began to harass Zander. Zander then became offensive and accused the gang of riding Emily about him. Emily jumped to Zander's defense decided that they should leave. Nikolas, wanting to save face, got up and apologized to Zander who did not accept the apology. Then Nikolas offered them a ride home. Zander told Emily that it was her call; she accepted for them both. Gia then got up and told Nikolas not to give them a ride because he was putting himself in danger. Nikolas reassured Gia that he would return soon and give her a ride home. Gia became angry and asked when someone in the group was going to talk to the brat Emily. Elizabeth rose to the occasion and put Gia in her place. She told Gia that she needed to be nicer as they were all trying to be to her.

Liz and Lucky go ice skating. Lucky says he isn't too good at it so Liz tries to teach him. This is a beautiful winter wonderland set with pine trees and snow and a real ice skating pond (don't know how they did that in a Los Angeles sound stage!), pretty scene as Liz glides over the ice.

Lucky had his arms around Elizabeth when Nikolas and Gia came into Kelly's. Gia commented on their cuddling again. Nikolas asked if she was hungry and Gia said loudly, "if we can get some service." Lucky said that service was slow today. Gia said you would never catch her kissing a guy in the middle of Kelly's and Nikolas asked what about when she kissed him. She told him that was to avoid her brother. He told her he was just kidding. Lucky told Nikolas to go easy on Gia as she was probably nervous about the photo shoot seeing how gorgeous Elizabeth was. Gia remarked that it took more than a button nose and a peaches and cream complexion to be a model.

Juan went to Kelly's and asked Elizabeth if she had heard from Emily. She hadn't heard from her, she figured she was busy. Juan said it was probably taking time to get settled in California. "Excuse me, what did you just say?" Elizabeth asked. Juan said that Emily's family shipped her off to boarding school. Liz was astonished that they would ship her off without letting her s ay goodbye. Juan agreed that it was a terrible way to handle it. Elizabeth told him it was terrible, period. Juan asked if she had any other ideas on how to protect her from Zander. She didn't believe he could be serious. They disagreed about the best thing for Emily. Elizabeth didn't think sending her off to boarding school was the answer but Juan thought whatever kept her safe. Later Lucky showed up at her request and they were both mad on Emily's behalf. Gia came in with her usual attitude and didn't understand what the problem was. She would have three meals a day, luxurious surroundings, limitless funds. She didn't endear herself as usual to Emily's friends. She left and watched them from outside.

Using a borrowed cell phone, Emily finally manages to contact Elizabeth and asks her friend to get a message to Zander that she is coming home, she doesn't know how yet just that she is determined to do so.

At Kelly's, Maxie ran into Lucky and he asked how she was doing. She told him he was right about not involving herself in her parents' problems; she was concentrating on her music. He asked if she was singing or playing and she said she was learning to play the guitar. He told her he played the guitar and used to bug his mom by playing all hours of the night. Elizabeth came over and asked if Maxie wanted to order or was she waiting for someone. Felicia came in then, apologizing for being late. Lucky told Felicia that Maxie was telling him about playing the guitar. He hoped Maxie didn't drive her as crazy as he drove his mom when he was younger. Felicia just smiled, knowing what Maxie was up to, and told Lucky that music was in Maxie's blood as her dad had been a rock 'n roll singer. Elizabeth said that was great and did they want to order. They ordered sandwiches to go and Lucky told Maxie just to have fun with her music. Maxie thanked Felicia for not telling Lucky she didn't even own a guitar. Felicia said she would never do that; it didn't hurt to pretend to have common interests with someone you like.

Nikolas came in and told Lucky and Liz that Gia would be moving out. Liz congratulated him on kicking her out but Lucky wasn't so sure. Nikolas said he didn't need the grief that Gia brings him. Lucky suggested that he kiss Gia and get it over with. Zander came in and asked Elizabeth if Emily had called again. He told her if Emily calls again to tell her not to go anywhere, sit tight. She reluctanly agreed to give the message. Zander went outside and used a pay phone to call and make a reservation for Santa Barbara.

Outside of Kelly's Stefan tells Gia she isn't worthy of Nikolas. She tells him he is no better than Helena. Lucky and Liz come along and Lucky wants to know what is going on. Gia tells him she has no interest in what Stefan has to say so Lucky tells him to leave. Gia asks to speak to Lucky alone, much to Liz's annoyance. Gia tells Lucky that Stefan said she would never fit into Nikolas' life and she wants to know if it is true. Lucky tells her that Nikolas doesn't care about the Cassadine Lineage and Nikolas wants to be his own man. Gia worries because Nik loves Stefan like a father and his opinion matters, but Lucky assures her Nikolas thinks for himself and even though he loves Stefan he doesn't use him for a role model. Lucky tells Gia not to give up on Nikolas. Liz is upstairs waiting for Lucky in bed. They talk about how great their lives are together.

Lucky yells at Alexis for the danger Emily is in from Zander. He questions Alexis about Zander, Alexis regretfully tells himt that due to client confidentiality she can't talk to him about Zander's where abouts.

Elizabeth was painting when Lucky came in, Elizabeth asked if Alexis knew where Emily and Zanderwere and Lucky said she didn't indicate that she did. He told her he had to go find Emily. He figured if Emily and Zander were together they wouldn't be heading back to Port Charles since Zander jumped bail on Sonny and Sorel would be after him. Elizabeth didn't think Emily would just stay away from her family. Lucky wasn't so sure after the way they kicked her out. They discussed where Emily and Zander might have gone and Elizabeth said she was going with him. He told her he could go alone and she had the test shoot for Deception; his mother needed her. She said she didn't want to let Laura down but she really didn't think she would make a good model anyway. He told her before long he would be dating a supermodel and mingling with the rich and famous. She said she would probably just have a bunch of fancy pictures of herself and maybe she would give him one for his birthday.

Laura returns from Paris just in time to give Elizabeth's flagging morale a boost for the upcoming test shoot.

Emily and Zander return to Port Charles and Elizabeth happily welcomes her friend home but balks at hiding Zander out until Emily reveals that he's come back to turn himself in.

Elizabeth went to see Laura and was greeted effusively by Elton. He advised her to let him know if there was anything she needed. He said Laura had been singing her praises all morning and the photographer couldn't wait to meet her. He then let her into Laura's office and Laura introduced her to Theo Minelli, the photographer. He was the one that was going to turn her into the Face of Deception. Theo studied Elizabeth's face and said he knew exactly how he was going to shoot her. Laura said she knew he would and told Elizabeth to wait and see how she would look, she would have fun. Carly came in then and introduced herself to Theo, saying she loved his work. She told Elizabeth to go have a catnap, because she looked a little puffy-eyed. Laura rescued Elizabeth and took her out to the reception area. She asked Elton to give Elizabeth the address to the photographer's studio and assured Elizabeth that she looked gorgeous.

Elizabeth got back to her studio to find a note from Emily not to worry and they would be back later. She thought back to her meeting with Laura and the photographer and was studying herself in the mirror. She took out the paper with Theo's address and flashbacked to another photographer's studio, the guy who had raped her. Gia came by and asked if she remembered offering to drop out of the competition for face of Deception. She had refused Elizabeth's offer but changed her mind; she wanted Elizabeth to drop out. Elizabeth changed her mind too, she wasn't going to drop out. Gia accused her of being manipulative and this was her plan all along. She warned Elizabeth that she was going to wipe her out in the competition. Elizabeth went to the studio and, while waiting for Theo, had a flashback again of Tom, her rapist. Theo caught her off guard and she jumped. She apologized and he said nerves were good, it gave her energy.

Elizabeth was nervous and fidgety about the shoot. The makeup woman was having a hard time putting the makeup on her and she asked to take a break. Theo tried to get her to relax and have fun. She asked if they shouldn't wait for Laura to get there and he said they had to do some warmups. He had her smiling a little and a little less tense by the time Laura got there, but she was relieved to see her. Things were going along okay until Carly arrived with Gia in tow. Laura asked if she would be okay with Gia there and she said okay but she got the same chance when it was Gia's turn.

Elizabeth was having a rough time during the photo shoot. Nothing seemed to helpher loosen up. She looked stiff and not comfortable at all. Carly was pleased, but Laura was worried for her candidate. Lucky showed up and Elizabeth's eyes brightened. They hugged and said they missed one another as the make-up artist rushed over to Elizabeth and told Lucky not to smear her. Laura finally called a break and asked everyone to give Lucky and Elizabeth a moment. She asked Lucky his feeling about her shoot, he put a positive spin on it but told her she looked as if she was about to break. Lucky started to play around with the lights and camera to put her at ease, the next thing you know she was comfortable in front of the camera. Carly walked in and saw them playing around, she was not too happy about it, but she did let them continue with out incident. The crew returned and Elizabeth was able to finish her shoot with confidence.

**The End**

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