Liz and Lucky #11  January 30th - April 24, 2001 - 8 hr original edit

When Elizabeth arrived at her studio, she was pleasantly shocked to see Jason. He said hi in that innocent and handsome way he has. The two hugged and Elizabeth started to ask him questions. He told her he could not answer now. He asked for her help. He needed a place to hide out and no one could know that he was there. She said that would be a little difficult considering that Lucky was on his way to the studio. He asked again, please. She was about to reply when there was a knock on the door. She pulled Jason into the closet and went to answer the door. Lucky asked her what took so long. She looked up at him as she thought of what to say. Elizabeth is forced to give Lucky the bum's rush after Jason reminds her that no one must know he's there.

Nik & Liz are at Kelly's and they discuss they photo shoot. He says she was good, she complains that there were too many people there. They talk about Gia. Liz says Gia is nervous and Nik says she needs to prove herself to her family. Laura enters and goes over to Liz & Nik to talk about the photo shoot. Gia comes in and is tense, Laura & Liz are rude, Laura goes home. Tammy says Liz can go home and Liz orders take out. Chicken soup, corned beef on rye with sauerkraut & cheese. Tammy recognizes it as Jason's favorite order. Liz covers and says Jason got her hooked on it.

Liz has brought Jason dinner and, when he complains of boredom, offers to fill him in on the events of the day. After her explanation, Jason cuts to the heart of the matter, remembering Tom the Evil Photographer. He asks Liz if she really wants the job. She sounds torn, but mentions all the paint she could buy with the money.

Emily asks Tammy to rent a room at Kelly's. Emily, Lucky, Tammy and Edward face off. Tammy ignores Edward's blustering and says that the room is Emily's if she wants it. Edward threatens to report Emily as a runaway but is stopped momentarily by harsh words from Lucky. Lucky begins yelling at Edward, saying that leaving home was the best thing that ever happened to him and that HIS parents never would have banished him to California. Emily lays down the line, saying that she wants to come home, but won't. Emily reminisces about happier times with Edward, then telling him that all the way to the airport and on the plane to California, she expected him to change his mind and let her come home. Edward reminds Emily that he loves her, but Emily protests that love is not the issue-- trust is-- and she no longer trusts him after turning Zander in. Edward softens a bit, telling Emily to be sure to eat and reminding her that she can come back any time. Both their voices crack as they say goodbye. Emily cries for real after Edward leaves. After calming down a bit, she discusses her future with Lucky. Being cut off from the Q funds, she'll have to give up on an Ivy League school. Lucky does an about-face and tells Emily not to back herself into a corner. He tells her that she's taking a big step and he hopes that Zander is worth it. Emily tells Tammy that she wants the room and she and Lucky head upstairs.

Liz tells Jason about her perfect life with Lucky. The conversation turns to Emily and Liz tells Jason that she moved into Kelly's. Jason gives Liz money to give to Emily, but says not to tell her that he's in town. Lucky comes by, which sends Jason fleeing to the closet. Lucky wants to bring Emily and Zander over to the studio but Liz manages to convince him to go back to Kelly's with her.

Lucky and Emily are headed out. Carly stops them, asking Lucky to shoot Gia tomorrow like he did for Elizabeth. They have a brief argument then Lucky agrees to do it for a $2000 fee.

Elizabeth stopped by her studio to bring Jason some food. She was kind of rattled when she arrived. She confided to Jason that there was a girl who was up for the same modeling job who just continued to aggravate her constantly. Elizabeth wished that she could be like Jason and keep quiet and not let Gia get to her. Jason told her that it was fine because getting back in Gia's face it is who she is. Elizabeth then sympathized with Jason and told him she could not understand how he could be okay with Carly and Sonny all comfortable at the penthouse and him sneaking around to protect them. Jason told her not to worry about that and are you sure that is what I am doing. Then he said that Sonny and Carly are where they belong and so is he. I am where I want to be. Elizabeth told Jason that while he and Sonny were meeting, she was with Nikolas and he was helping her to put together a scrapbook for Lucky of the year he missed. She said that the only thing that she could not put in the scrapbook was him. I can't tell Lucky how you rescued me at Jake's and how you saved me with the long bike rides. You made me feel better then anyone ever could. Jason then said, you don't need to put that in a book, you know how it felt and so do I. Elizabeth then asked, do you ever think about those times? Jason replied, yes, all the time . . . .as he and Elizabeth looked deep into each other's eyes (it was getting pretty deep in emotions in that moment). Elizabeth was about to say something, but then she excused herself and said she had to get going to Kelly's before people started to look for her. Jason let out a big breath because the air was so tense in the studio. Elizabeth tried to hurry out, as quick as she could, but Jason stopped her and said that he needed to pay her. Elizabeth turned to Jason, looked him in the eye and said we're even because you have done more for me than I have ever done for you.

Gia showed up for her practice session and was reassuring herself when Lucky walked in with the camera. She asked what he was doing there and he said he was there to take her picture, he was being paid well. She didn't like the idea since his girlfriend was her competition. She was livid and going to leave when Carly came in. She accused Carly of setting her up, making a joke of her. Carly said she was offering Gia the chance of a lifetime and Lucky was a good photographer. He had taken some good shots of Elizabeth, so imagine what he could do for her. She finally convinced Gia things were on the up and up and Gia was put in the hands of the makeup people. Later Lucky told her to imagine Helena and Stefan, far away on a raft, and just dance. Gia looks gorgeous and really gets into the fantasy of Helena & Stefan lost at sea. She turns it on as the music plays and Lucky snaps away.

Nikolas and Elizabeth are at the cottage putting together Lucky's Valentine's Day Gift. Nikolas complements Elizabeth on her relationship with Lucky and how they are meant to be together. Gia returns home, after a successful shoot and very smug, to find Elizabeth. Immediately Gia puts on her armor and gets ready to blast Elizabeth. Elizabeth starts to leave and pick up her items but then Gia asked if she had seen her test photos. Then Gia asked if she was anxious to see them. This put Elizabeth over the top so she just leaves as Nikolas shook his head. Gia's next statement was to Nikolas and she said don't bother defending Elizabeth because there is really no point.

Lucky runs into Liz at Kelly's. He tells Liz that he has earned a lot of dough for doing a photo shoot of Gia for Carly. He says “Let's go to New York". Naturally, an irate Liz says" You Did WHAT!" Liz is mad at Lucky for taking test shots of Gia without asking her first. Lucky says she is over-reacting and Liz storms out and heads straight for Jason because Jason is the only one who will be totally honest with her. She tells him all about Gia and Lucky and finally admits she was hard on Lucky. She decides to stretch canvases and apologized to Lucky tomorrow. She gets a splinter which Jason helps her remove and they stare into each others eyes. At the studio, Elizabeth complains to Jason that Lucky should have asked her permission before taking Carly up on her offer. Jason asks Liz if she is worried about her competition. She admits yes she is, that Gia is tall, beautiful and exotic while Liz has a goody goody muffin face. Jason laughs and asked who called her that. Carly of course.

Lucky barges in on Gia & Nik saying that Liz is upset with him for not asking to take the practice shots of Gia, which of course Gia didn't tell Nik about. Nik agrees with Liz and convinces Lucky to apologize to Liz.

Lucky tries to ease his guilt over photographing Gia at the same time that Liz is fighting her own guilt for hiding Jason from him. Both agree to not hurt each other again. Lucky surprises her by hiring a Limo to take them out for a special dinner. Lucky swears he will never lie to her again. He says that the honesty between them is what makes them special. Liz's eyes fill with tears.

Lucky came down the stairs at Kelly's and asked Nik & Gia if they had seen Elizabeth as she had disappeared again. He asked Tammy if she knew where Elizabeth was and she said her studio. Lucky got up and told Nikolas to enjoy his lunch from hell. Nikolas asked how he and Elizabeth were and Lucky said they had made up at dinner the night before. Gia asked if he had to throw orchids at Elizabeth's feet and take her off in a horse-drawn carriage. He told her he picked her up in a Limo. Gia commented how sweet that was, it made her teeth ache.

Elizabeth went to her studio and found Jason stretching her canvas for her to prevent her getting more splinters. He asked how things were with Lucky and she told him Lucky had come by Kelly's with a white rose and an apology for taking Gia's picture without telling her. They had dinner at the Port Charles Grill. He told her he was happy for her. They stared at each other then she left, saying she would pick up some lunch for him. Sonny came to see Jason and told him it was time to make a move on Sorel. He said Valentine's Day seemed appropriate. Jason said he would be ready; he had a clear view of the warehouse from where he was. Sonny left and ran into Lucky outside Elizabeth's studio. He said Lucky's name loud enough so Jason would hear and hide. He told Lucky that Elizabeth wasn't home. Lucky said he had a key, he would wait.

Liz is surprised to return to her studio to find Lucky there instead of Jason. Apparently, he had been waiting for a while. She was able to cover her surprise about him being in her studio. Lucky feeling a bit romantic, decides that he wants to share a dance with her and in the meantime he shares some very intimate thoughts about his feelings for her…as Jason listens in from the closet. After she convinces Lucky that she has this huge project that she has to work on he agrees to leave and meet her at Kelly's later…taking with him the groceries that she had brought for Jason. After he leaves, she tells Jason again that she cannot keep lying to Lucky and she tells him that he must leave in 24 hours. He agrees. They both reach for one of the canvases at the same time. Their eyes connect as they lean in towards each other. Liz gets nervous and rushes out to get him something to eat. As she leaves, Jason stares after her with a mixture of sadness and longing on his face.

Liz brought Jason lunch again. Liz says she can't keep secrets from Lucky anymore. They talk about V-day. She thinks it's sad he doesn't have anyone to share it with. Lucky is planning a special private dance for him and Liz. Lucky warns Nik he better buy Gia a present. Lucky gives one of his roses for Liz to Maxie and a kiss on the cheek.

Liz and Lucky meet up at a closed Kelly's. Liz has her arms full of spring flowers, spring water. She wants to recreate their perfect summer at the boxcar back when they were the only two people in the world.

Back at her studio, Jason tells Liz that last Valentine's Day he was getting evidence to blackmail the Q's to get Carly & Michael free. Liz is touched that even when he was away he was still looking out for them. He looks at her and pointedly says sometimes when your away feelings become clearer. As Liz looks out the window she notices what a perfect view of the warehouse it is. "So that's why you wanted to stay here" she comments. He looks at her softly and says, "that is one of the reasons." She gives him homemade fudge and he gives her a piece of Italian blown crystal. She goes to the window and holds it up to the sunlight. Jason stands behind her with his arms around her as he looks down at her with the crystal.

Music Montage of everyone getting V-day presents: Roy got Bobbie a necklace. Lucky got Liz some roses. AJ got Hannah a dancing gorilla. Laura got flowers from Scotty Liz got Jason some fudge, Jason got Liz crystal, Gia & Nik, Sonny & Carly. Alexis & Mac at the fire scene. Liz gives Lucky the scrapbook of pictures from the year he was gone.

Liz and Lucky come upon the warehouse fire and Liz is horrified to learn that Sonny & Jason are trapped inside. Lucky tries to get her to leave but she refuses saying she can't till she knows they are okay. Jason & Sonny emerge from the fire. As Jason comes out of the building, he drops to his knees in front of Liz. He looks up at her covered in soot, with big puppy dog eyes that seem to ask something of her. She drops the bouquet of white roses Lucky had given her as she returns Jason's look, frightened at the thought he could have been hurt in the fire. Greatly relieved to see Jason in one piece, Elizabeth reluctantly allows Lucky to lead her away from the chaotic scene. Later, Elizabeth finds the romantic surprise Lucky prepared in her room.

Lucky walked around the docks taking pictures. Luke stops by and they talk for a while. Lucky admits he isn’t seeing Dr. Collins anymore. Luke leaves and Liz comes by. Lucky goes on about how important honesty is and how bad secrets are. Liz feels bad and tells Lucky that she knew that Jason was in town. She didn’t tell him where Jason had been staying, YET.

Lucky got mad at Liz for keeping the secret about Jason when Liz got mad at him for keeping the secret about Gia's test shoot. Lucky said he "needed time to think about all this." He went to Nikolas' and asked him what happened between Liz and Jason. He asked Nik if Liz and Jason were sleeping together or if they were dating. Nik just said that he honestly didn't know but when Liz was around Jason she was different, stubborn. She would go on wild super duper fast motorcycle rides with him and just isolate herself from her friends. Lucky and Jason argued about Elizabeth and Jason's intentions toward her. Lucky told him to stay away from Elizabeth. They nearly came to blows but Elizabeth and Emily came by and broke them up. Jason told Lucky how they used to be friends but he guessed that wasn't so anymore. Emily stood up for Jason and Elizabeth finally dragged Lucky away.

Emily was working at Kelly's and Zander was keeping her company. As they were playfully kissing, her brother Jason walked in the door. He said excuse me can I get some coffee. She saw him and immediately ran over to give him a hug. Elizabeth and Lucky came down the steps. The room became filled with the tension caused by Lucky's anger towards Jason. Lucky started in on Jason and Emily tried to smooth things out. Finally Lucky and Elizabeth leave and head over to Deception. Jason just looked surprised and shook his head as they left Kelly's.

Elizabeth and Lucky arrived at Deception and was seated by Elton. Lucky brought up their disagreement and Elizabeth told him she was unhappy with his behavior toward Jason. Jason only said two words and you were down his throat. Lucky apologized and said that he was worried about her lie about Jason and lies were what tore his family apart. Laura came in and explained all about the new test shoot for Elizabeth tomorrow. Laura had to run again because she was so busy but bid them well until tomorrow. Lucky said he would bow out of the shoot if it made Elizabeth uncomfortable. Elizabeth told him no she would be fine with him. She told him couples disagree from time to time and they would just have to work through it. As they arrived back at Kelly's, Lucky asked Elizabeth not to see Jason ever again. She looked at him oddly and then told him that Jason would be around now to see his sister. Lucky said that things would be so much better for them if she would just stay away from Jason. Elizabeth finally conceded and told Lucky she would refrain from conversation with Jason and keep it down to hello and goodbye. Elizabeth looked wounded from Lucky's jealousy.

Lucky and Elizabeth were in Laura's office and she was telling them she would officially announce Elizabeth as the face of Deception at the Launch Party and they should have the first shoot done by then if possible. "I'll be taking the pictures?" Lucky asked. "Who else?" Laura agreed. She said they had to keep it completely confidential. Elizabeth asked if Carly knew yet and Laura said she couldn't get in touch with her; the last time she talked to Carly, Carly hung up on her. She said they were going ahead with the campaign with or without Carly. Laura left the office and Lucky thanked Elizabeth for agreeing not to see Jason again. He asked what she wanted to do to celebrate; they could go to Kelly's; Eli's for ice cream; or go walking in the snow. Elizabeth suggested ice skating but told him she was joking. She said she had some work to do for school and the sooner she did it, the sooner they could celebrate. Lucky said he wouldn't stand in the way of her art.

Lucky dropped by to see Nikolas and she told him he wasn't home. She asked where the face of Deception was, didn't she come along to gloat? "You know?" Lucky asked. "Yes, breaking the news to Elizabeth at Winterfest, nice touch," Gia replied. Lucky asked to come in and, seeing the boxes, asked if she was leaving and did Nikolas know. He was sorry she found out the way she did, but she knew it was a 50/50 chance Elizabeth would get the job. "Try 100%" Gia replied. She holds up her picture and asks Lucky if he really thinks Elizabeth deserved the job? Lucky said he didn't think Gia was a quitter. Nikolas came home and they argued about Deception.

Elizabeth went to Jake's to tell Jason they couldn't be friends anymore. They were talking and she said she had a project to do for school, sketching someone in motion and asked if she could draw Jason playing pool. She did her sketch and then Jason was showing her how to play pool when Lucky walked in. Lucky watched Elizabeth and Jason play pool for awhile till Jason, then Elizabeth, spotted him. He came over and asked how it was again that she was going to stay away from Jason. Elizabeth told Lucky it wasn't planned, it just happened. Lucky said it looked pretty cozy with Jason's arms around her. She tried to defend herself and Jason told Lucky to cool it. Lucky told Jason to butt out, it was between Elizabeth and him. He told Elizabeth if she meant it, tell Jason she can't see him anymore. Lucky and Elizabeth argued some more about Jason; him demanding she stay away from him and her objecting to his demands. He said they had always been honest with each other till Jason had come along. She said she couldn't avoid him, they had mutual friends. Lucky said she could avoid Jason, they were leaving. She wouldn't go so Lucky left alone. Jason asked if she was okay. She said she should go after Lucky but he would expect an apology and she wasn't up for that right then. She told Jason she was hurting Lucky without meaning to. She said she could be herself when she was with him, Jason. They ended up going for a ride on his motorcycle.

Lucky got back to his room and starting kicking furniture around. Emily came to see what was going on and he told her what happened and how he had handled everything wrong; said all the wrong things to Elizabeth. He talked to Emily about their argument and asked why Jason was so important to Elizabeth.

Jason took Elizabeth out to the country to this old farmland. She was feeling very good after the ride, but Lucky was bound to come up in conversation. Elizabeth felt guilty because she lied to Lucky and she lied to herself. I needed an excuse to see you one last time. Jason questioned her actions because none of her reasons to stop seeing him made sense and least of all to her. The only reasons that we became friends is because I missed Lucky and you missed Robin; other than that we are nothing alike, Elizabeth said. Jason told her that he could tell when people were lying and he could especially see it on her face. She told him that Lucky had been calling her a liar all day and not to start in on her. He asked then what is the word for saying something you don't feel or doing something that you don't want to do? Elizabeth answered love. You do what they need when you're in love even if it hurts you. What do you expect me to say Elizabeth? You saved my life. I want to make Lucky happy she said. That's your choice, Jason said. He continued, I like riding with you. I like the way you yell when we ride fast. I like the way you think of things in pictures and try to explain them to me. Elizabeth asked why are you making this really difficult. I am so glad to know that it meant as much to me as it did to you. I loved being free Jason, but I love Lucky more. Do me a favor and please don't ask me any more questions that I can't answer. Just accept that I am doing this even though I don't want to and help me by staying away. Jason looked at her in disbelief and said, the thing is that you mostly came to me. Elizabeth could not respond to that and just said that she had to go. Jason looked wounded and sighed. He did not know what to say to her. He walked over to the bike and asked her if she wanted to go the cliff road or the regular road.

Elizabeth chose the cliff route because she liked it and he said he knew that. It was so hard for Jason when Elizabeth got on the back of the bike and put her arms around him. You could tell by his facial expression that he was hurting and that he has some real feelings for her as she does for him. Jason dropped her off in the back of Kelly's. Elizabeth started to take off the helmet and she told him thank you for the ride and walked away. Jason pulled her back to him on the arm and she began asking about the farm again. Emily rushed out of the door and said that she heard the motorcycle and thought it was Jason. Elizabeth just said goodbye Jason and left. Emily looked at her brother and knew that there was more going on than just friendship. She questioned him about Elizabeth and how close they were. He said she just wanted to know if they had slept together. Emily said that she would not ask that question it was prying. Jason said, but you still want to know though. He told her no that they had not. Emily tried to relay in her own way that she was sorry if Jason was hurting, but she did not want him to leave because Elizabeth was going back to Lucky. He told her that he was going to do what he wanted to do and Elizabeth was going to do what she wanted to do. He said, Emily you have not done anything so don't worry about this it is not your problem. She told him that she loved him and she really just wanted him to be happy.

Gia comes to Elizabeth's studio on the pretext of offering her former rival an olive branch. Unable to resist playing mind games in light of new information about the other woman's past, Gia reminds an unnerved Elizabeth how her new career will make her the focus of the fantasies of thousands of strange men.

Kelly's: Elizabeth was getting ready for her big night; getting the jitters as she thought about what Gia had said about being a model. Emily came to help her and Elizabeth asked if this meant she wasn't mad at her anymore. Emily said she wasn't but she still wouldn't be going without Zander. Elizabeth said she was nervous, but not just about the launch party, it was the whole campaign with her face plastered all over. Lucky came in and asked if she was ready for stardom. Elizabeth said she could hardly wait. She took off her housecoat and Lucky said she looked fantastic. "Thanks to Emily," Elizabeth said. Emily said all she did was blot and blend. Emily told Elizabeth to hold her head high and be happy. Lucky said he knew Elizabeth was scared to death but what a great opportunity this was for both of them.

Deception party, Amy came over with Lucky and Elizabeth in tow. Laura told Elizabeth that she looked gorgeous. She told them all that Lucky was going to be the new photographer. Mac said he didn't know Lucky was interested in photography. Laura said he was a wonderful photographer. "Of course, my mother isn't the least bit prejudiced." Lucky broke in. He said he had a great subject. A guy interrupted and introduced himself as Brian Carver from DFS and asked if that subject happened to be the face of Deception. Laura told him he would have to wait like everyone else for the announcement. Laura asked Elizabeth how she was and told her she would signal her when she was ready to make the announcement. She wanted Elizabeth to come up and say a few words. Elizabeth didn't like that idea, she didn't know she was going to have to talk. Laura said just a few words off the cuff. She wanted them to have a chance to photograph her. Laura and Lucky reassured her and Laura told her not to let anyone ruin her big day. Gia and Nikolas arrived and Gia congratulated Elizabeth on winning the job. Elizabeth said hi and Gia went on to say she loved her outfit, it was so sweet. Laura told Gia she was glad she came, she had been meaning to call her; she had been busy but that was no excuse. Gia said it was okay, she gave her a fair chance and she appreciated it. Laura said she supposed Carly invited her and Nikolas said Gia was his date. Laura said she better start circulating again and told them to have a wonderful time, enjoy the food. Lucky asked Nikolas if he could talk to him. Nikolas agreed and asked Gia if she would be okay. "Absolutely," Gia agreed. Nikolas told Lucky that Gia had every right to be there. Lucky said she must since Nikolas invited her. Lucky said he was just wondering why Gia would want to come and see them announce Elizabeth as the new face of Deception. Nikolas said that Gia loves modeling and there were lots of people there who could jumpstart her career. Nikolas told Lucky he had to admit that Gia looked incredible in that dress. Lucky agreed. Gia commented on Elizabeth looking so calm. She said she would be a nervous wreck knowing she was the focus of so much attention. She said she admired Elizabeth for taking all this on and Elizabeth said she admired Gia for such a convincing performance. Audrey came up to Elizabeth and apologized for being late, she had a double shift. She wished she could be there for the announcement. She told Elizabeth how proud of her she was. Edward, Alan and Monica arrived and greeted Elizabeth. Monica asked about Emily and Elizabeth said Zander hadn't been invited so Emily wanted to stay with him. Edward said he would thank Laura for not inviting the convict. He hoped the criminal element had been excluded.

Carly asked Gia if she still wanted to be the face of Deception. Gia said yes but isn't it a little late. Carly said it wasn't if Gia wanted to work for it. She told Gia to make sure Laura went up to the roof and then leave her stranded there for about half an hour. Laura made the announcement that in about half an hour or so she would name the new face of Deception. "Are you crazy?" Gia asked Carly. She wanted to know how she was supposed to lock Mrs. Spencer on the roof. Carly said no problem, she paid the maintenance man a bundle to make sure the door was unlocked. She told Gia she had half an hour to get Laura on the roof or she was going to announce "miss muppet", referring to Elizabeth, as the new face of Deception.

A reporter cornered Elizabeth, who looked like a deer caught in the headlights, and said that word was she was the new face of Deception. She told him he would hear the official announcement when she does. He asked what about unofficial. Reporters surrounded Elizabeth and Lucky. Elizabeth was nervous but Lucky rescued her and handled the press wonderfully. She told him that his mother wanted her to say a few words after the announcement but she didn't know what to say. He reassured her and said this was a new dream for them. She didn't know if she could do it. Gia asked a waiter to tell Laura Spencer that Mr. Shafer wanted to meet her now on the roof to discuss a photo for the new face of Deception; he wants the city in the background, go figure. He wants everything set up before the official announcement is made. She said he was waiting on the roof now. The waiter went to Laura and told her Mr. Shafer wanted to see her on the roof. "Excuse me?" Laura asked. She looked around and didn't see Mr. Shafer. Mac said that didn't mean he was on the roof. Laura asked Mac if it was her imagination or was Gia staring at her all night. She said Gia had guts showing up there tonight. She asked Mac if it was possible Mr. Shafer really was waiting for her on the roof. He thought it sounded kind of odd. She said if he was she didn't want to risk alienating the most important feature photographer in all of upstate New York. She said she would go up for a minute and check. Mac said he would go with her; he needed some fresh air. Laura and Mac climbed up to the roof to find no Mr. Shafer. They talked about the party for a few minutes, then Laura said she was cold and wanted to leave.

Unfortunately for them, Gia had been there to lock the door, leaving them stranded on the roof. Laura wondered how they could have gotten locked out, then her eyes narrowed as she thought about it. Gia told Carly she had Laura locked up on the roof but there was a man with her, Mac. "You locked her up with Mac Scorpio?" Carly asked. Carly told her Mac had been a P.I. as well as a Police Commissioner, he could pick a lock. "You expected me to know that?" Gia asked. She asked why Carly just couldn't make the announcement now. "So they can walk in halfway through, do you want that?" Carly asked. She spied a container of glue and told Gia to put glue in the lock.

Carly thanked everyone for coming and said how she had assembled everyone together; how the road had been long, but they were just about there. The reporters were asking who the face of Deception was. Carly announces Liz and Gia are the two candidates for the position and says that an announcement will be forthcoming. The press is disappointed. Everyone else is shocked too as they had expected Elizabeth to be announced as the new face of Deception. Nikolas and Lucky wondered what happened to their mother. Lucky and Nikolas confronted Carly. Everyone started to raise his or her voice. Sonny immediately came to Carly's rescue. Lucky told Sonny he would talk to his wife any way he wanted to talk. Alexis interjected and suggested that they all do this another time. All agreed. Sonny and Carly left. Scotty was still searching for Laura. He went up to the roof to discover the lock was glued shut. He yelled for Laura, but she was unable to hear him. Scotty went to get the maintenance person to help. Scotty had to offer $100 to the guy to get some real work done. Finally the door opened and Scotty went flying through only to find Laura in Mac's arms dancing. Everyone was so happy to see him although at this time Scott was ever so jealous. They all left the roof and went to the main office. Laura's sons immediately run over to her to find out what happened. She accused Carly of locking her out of the party. Then Laura told the girls that Carly was hurting not only Elizabeth but you too Gia. Gia was so guilty she looked it, you just knew she had something to do with it. Nikolas, Gia, Lucky, and Elizabeth decided to go home.

At Kelly's diner after the Deception party, Lucky discouraged Elizabeth from staying and socializing with Emily because Jason was there. Emily asked Jason if it bothered him to see Liz going upstairs with Lucky, but he said she has to live her own life. Elizabeth was doubting her ability to model, but Lucky was convinced it's their dream come true. Later, downstairs with Emily, Elizabeth admitted she wonders whose dream it is - hers or Lucky's. She said she can't tell Lucky that she doesn't want to model and that she will continue with the modeling career for Lucky. Deception photo shoot: Laura was having the first shoot with Elizabeth, she is dressed a la Audrey Hepburn in a black dress, long white gloves and her hair swept up with a tiara. Everything was going well until Carly came and ruined things. She made fun of Elizabeth and the whole shoot; they argued, again, about what was right for Deception, with threats on both sides to buy the other one out. Finally Elizabeth got fed up and left, telling them to let her know when they had everything settled.

Jason opened his door to find Elizabeth. Instead of heading for her studio where Lucky assumed she went, she went to see Jason. She could tell him how she really feels about modeling. He asked why she was dressed up and she told him she was supposed to be a Audrey Hepburn look-a-like. She talked to Jason about how she didn't want to disappoint Lucky but modeling wasn't really what she wanted to do. They talked for awhile; he helped her clean off all the make-up on her face. Great scene as Jason gently holds her face, looks temptingly at her mouth as his thumb stokes her cheek. She looks up at him with a mixture of sorrow and longing, almost beeseeching. He leans into kiss her, she leans towards him and then pulls back before their lips meet. They hugged but were interrupted by a knock at the door. Liz hides in the bathroom, as Gia enters uninvited. Gia had gone to warn Elizabeth about Lucky being downstairs. Jason tells Gia to get out. Before she leaves she notices the white gloves lying on the table, the glass with lipstick on it. She leaves and says, "Gotcha" to herself. Jason gave Liz money for a cab and took her out the back way.

Lucky went to see Elizabeth but found her studio empty. He hoped she wasn't with Jason. Nikolas and Gia came into Jake's. Lucky came in looking for Elizabeth, sure she was with Jason and started to go upstairs but Nikolas stopped him. He told Lucky that Elizabeth could be anywhere, not necessarily with Jason; she could be with Emily. Lucky waits for Liz at her studio.

Gia's back to her conniving ways, blackmailing Elizabeth this time. She told Liz that she'll keep quiet about finding her in Jason's room if Liz resigns as Deception's model. Gia threatened Elizabeth. She said that unless Elizabeth gave up her job with Deception she would go to Lucky with the truth about where Elizabeth was when she was suppose to be at the mall. Elizabeth denied being at Jake's with Jason, but Gia proved she didn't buy it by saying, "I can't begin to understand why you need to make yourself and everyone around you miserable before you allow yourself who you really want to be with - Jason." Elizabeth told Gia to leave. Gia gave Elizabeth until noon the next day to quit Deception or she will go to Lucky.

Lucky just happens to be standing on the dock when Helena walks by, which gives her the chance to try to lure him back into her web. She never stops. Jason showed up at Elizabeth's studio where he found her still in the black dress and crying. Elizabeth briefly fell into Jason's arms, then pulled away. She told him that she can't see him anymore because that meant lying to Lucky. Jason didn't want to accept that as a solution, but said he would stay away from her. However, if she ever needed him he would never turn her away.

Luke was concerned about Helena and her effect on Lucky. Laura got angry and told Luke that he was living in the past. "What if Lucky isn't as together as he wants us to believe?" Luke shouted, just as Lucky walked into the room. Luke told Lucky that the problems with Helena won't end until she is dead. Lucky admitted he ran into Helena on the dock, but that he was able to walk away from her without any trouble. Upset about his father renewing the war against the Cassadine’s, Lucky complains to Elizabeth about Luke's relentless obsession with Helena.

Elizabeth confides to Emily that she's being blackmailed by Gia. Elizabeth tenders her resignation to a puzzled Laura. Elizabeth was saying how it was torture being in front of the lights. Laura said she would bar Carly from any further shoots. Lucky said Elizabeth had been trying to tell him for weeks how she felt, but he hadn't listened. Both Lucky & Elizabeth tried to tell Laura that Elizabeth didn't want to do it, Lucky even getting real heated about it. Laura asked Elizabeth if she got her a coach would she reconsider? Elizabeth agreed to give it a try and then told Lucky she would try, it was okay. She left and Laura and Lucky talked. Lucky told Laura he had to change his attitude. He had told Elizabeth and Jason they couldn't be friends and he shouldn't have. Laura agreed he shouldn't. He said he would go see Jason and explain.

Jason was holding Elizabeth's gloves and seeing her there in his room. Sonny called him to come over there. Lucky went to see Jason and knocked on his door. There was no answer so he tried the door and it was unlocked. He went in and was looking around. He decided to leave a note and was starting to write when he saw Elizabeth's gloves. He picked them up and was clutching them, saying Elizabeth's name.

Elizabeth and Gia were talking and threatening each other. Elizabeth told Gia she was going to continue as the face of Deception. Gia called her cold and selfish when Gia really wanted the job and she didn't. Elizabeth stopped short of calling Gia a b.... She commented that blackmail must be a pattern for Gia. Gia said Laura wouldn't even let Elizabeth clean her office when she found about her and Jason. Elizabeth said who would she believe, her or Gia. Gia said she saw Elizabeth's gloves at Jason's. Elizabeth got a look on her face and left, telling Gia to stay out of her life.

Helena's yacht: Helena was looking at something; maybe the Ice Princess. She said whoever owned it could control Lucky Spencer. She told Andreas it was past time for her ultimate revenge. Anger is the fuel she could use to turn Lucky into an instrument of revenge. She said she had the power to turn every drop of Lucky Spencer's anger into a murderous torrent of rage. Lucky's finds Liz's long white gloves in Jason's apartment. As he goes down stairs, he overhears Elizabeth asking Jason for her gloves. Lucky hides a face of RAGE AND HURT as he eavesdrops on them. Helena has told "her playmate " that the next step for Lucky is to get "in touch with his anger." She seems to know that he will hurt someone, but she isn't quite sure who the victim will be.

Gia told Lucky that she had gone to Jason's room and, even though, she did not see Liz, she had seen her "GLOVES". A tearful Lucky leaves and runs into the devilish Helena. Helena holds the ice princess in front of his eyes. She uses her mind control to ask Lucky why he is so irate. She eggs him on to get Jason and gives him a small dagger or knife. With this weapon in hand, a jealous, despondent Lucky grabs Jason around the neck. The knife is at his neck. Lucky pulled the knife on Jason and told him that Elizabeth was his and no one else’s. Jason being an extremely capable opponent took Lucky down. Unfortunately Lucky would not stay down. Jason had to really pound on Lucky. At the instance when Jason was inflicted his final kick

Elizabeth arrived and was horrified. She yelled Jason stop. Jason knew that he was in the worst possible position and with no way out. Elizabeth immediately went to Lucky’s defense and blasted Jason for his wrongdoing. She added insult to injury and did not allow Jason to explain. She ordered him to leave, he did, but Jason listened as Lucky slammed the door shut on Jason’s friendship with Elizabeth. She ushered Lucky to the hospital where he saw Tony.

Melissa sat down and talked to Elizabeth. She was understanding, but Melissa also showed that her anger about how Roy lied to her was not as over as she had led Bobbie and Roy to believe. Tony returned Lucky to Elizabeth. Lucky was okay. He had no broken bones just sprains and a deep cut on his forehead. When Lucky and Elizabeth entered his room, Lucky continued to bad mouth Jason. Laura gasps in dismay when Lucky walks into her office with his arm in a sling and a face full of bruises. Lucky tells his mother that Jason viciously attacked him without provocation.

Laura went to see Luke to talk about Lucky. She told him she thought Lucky was in danger but not from the Cassidine’s. She told him about Jason beating up Lucky. She said he must have got mad about Elizabeth and Lucky and took it out on Lucky. She was surprised that Jason would do that to Lucky when Lucky never did anything to Jason. Laura was talking about what Elizabeth would see in Jason and it brought her back to their past. Luke commented that no matter how far a person traveled, they always end up in the same place. He was telling Laura that he would go see Jason Laura said to wait till he had children of his own, he would protect them. Lucky said he would know when they were grown up to stay out of their lives. Luke asked Laura if he could be alone with Lucky. Lucky agreed and Laura left. Lucky told Luke to respect him enough to leave him alone to make his own mistakes. He brought up the rape again.

Elizabeth went to her studio and found Jason there. He tried to explain what really happened. Elizabeth wouldn't listen to him, just screamed at him. He told her Lucky had held a knife to his throat but she didn't believe him. She said she had thought that Jason was good and kind, even though he had tried to tell her different. Lucky and Nikolas had warned her about him. She wanted him to leave and never see him again. After he left she threw something at the door and it broke.

Later Lucky came by and she told him that Jason had said he had held a knife to his throat. Lucky said that didn't happen, Jason was sick. He asked about what she was cleaning up and she told him about being mad at herself for believing in Jason and she threw it at the door.

Luke's room: Luke had some kind of weird dream about running down corridors, screaming out Lucky and Lulu's names.

Lucky warned Luke that he, Liz, Nik and Gia were going to party at his club and that if Luke didn’t behave they would leave. Grudgingly, Luke agreed to let them stay and to be polite to Nikolas. He maintained except for asking Nik to carry a message to his grandmother. “Tell her she will never get what she wants from me, NEVER.” Liz taunted Gia with a warning that she would tell Nik that Gia had tried to blackmail her. When Nik overheard part of the warning and asked what was up, Gia lied her butt off and Liz didn’t tell.

Laura showed up and asked Elton if Mrs. Corinthos deigned to show her presence. Elton said she was in her office. Laura was going to go in but he said there was a wonderful surprise in her office. "A wonderful surprise beats Carly any day," she said. She went into her office, taking the mail with her. She threw it on her desk. She saw Lucky there, her surprise. She was happy to see him. He told her he had seen Luke the night before and he was having financial troubles. She said he still kept up his child support payments. He said Luke would dig ditches to make sure that got paid. Laura told Lucky if he didn't want his father to worry about him, don't worry about his father. She said it was always feast or famine with him.

Emily and Elizabeth argued about Jason. Emily wouldn't believe that Jason would attack Lucky without being provoked. She told Elizabeth to find Jason so he could see Monica.

Elizabeth ran into Jason and said she thought he had left town because of her. He said he would be around for awhile. He left and Elizabeth saw Tony and asked if he would tell her Grandmother something came up and they would have to get together later.

Gia headed for the elevator after her meeting with Laura but Carly caught her and took her into her office. She showed her the picture naming Gia the face of Deception. Gia asked where she got it and Carly said all she needed to know was that in a couple of days she would be named the face of Deception. Gia thanked her for going to bat for her but she wasn't sure she even wanted the job anymore. This didn't sit well with Carly who threatened Gia if she didn't co-operate. She said she will destroy the relationship with Laura and Nikolas, telling them that Gia was the one who locked Laura on the roof at the launch party. Gia had a bad dream about being on trial for all her lies and blackmailing. Carly, Elizabeth, Laura and Emily all called her liar and even Nikolas rejected her. She woke up yelling.

Elizabeth is in denial. She will not even admit her feelings for Jason to herself. She wants to give Jason a chance to explain because she is trying so hard to make things right for herself. Elizabeth valued Jason as a friend because she is always able to be herself with him. It was apparent that she just could not let Jason go. Jason told his story for a second time and tried to let Elizabeth know that he did not start the altercation with Lucky. Elizabeth could not believe the Lucky, she knew, would ever attack Jason. The air was tense and both Jason and Elizabeth struggled to maintain their respective sides. Jason moved closer to her and they almost kissed when Jason pulled back . Thank goodness Jason kept his restraint because Lucky was in the park and headed their way. Lucky saw the two of them together and became agitated as always. He took Elizabeth home and started his own romance with her. Unfortunately, Elizabeth could not seem to get thoughts of Jason out of her mind.

Elizabeth went to see Nikolas and he asked if she was ready for her big night. She said no, but she didn't have much time before she went and had the makeup and hair people perform their Cinderella act on her. Nikolas asked Elizabeth if she could try and be a little nicer to Gia. Gia really wanted to go to the party. Elizabeth tried to tell him maybe it was best for Gia not to go and watch Elizabeth be named the face of Deception. Nikolas just wanted Elizabeth to try and get along with Gia. He knew Gia could be difficult, but someone else he knew used to be like that. "Oh, come on, I never blackmailed anybody," Elizabeth protested. She agreed to try and get along with Gia, reminding herself what Gia meant to Nikolas. Gia was coming in the door as Elizabeth was leaving. Gia asked Elizabeth to come in, she wanted to talk to her. She apologized to Elizabeth, saying how she acted like her life depended on getting this job; Nikolas made her see it didn't. She was sorry she didn't see it sooner. "How sorry?" Elizabeth asked. She said they both knew if the job was handed to her on a silver platter, she would grab it. They talked a little more and Elizabeth told Gia to try being someone that Nikolas deserved.

Lucky and Elizabeth made their appearance at the Deception party at Luke's and Laura told Elizabeth how beautiful she looked. She asked Elizabeth if she was nervous and Elizabeth said she just wanted to get through the evening. Laura told her what was important was how much she wanted to be the face of Deception. Nikolas and Gia arrived and went and joined Lucky and Elizabeth. They all toasted Elizabeth on her evening. Cameron Austin, Belle magazine, introduced himself to Laura. She thanked him for coming. He said his magazine wanted to rush a fashion layout for Gia for the next month's issue. His editor ordered him to be first in line to book a couple of days with Gia. Laura said there must be some confusion because Gia wasn't on contract with Deception. "Then what's this?" he asks Laura as he shows her the layout in the magazine with Gia's picture.

Laura is shocked into silence! Laura told Cameron there must be some mistake, referring to the magazine layout. He said he was the fashion editor of Belle Magazine, how could there be a mistake. She told him Gia was not the new face of Deception. He said she should be. Laura told Cameron there must be some mistake, referring to the magazine layout. He said he was the fashion editor of Belle Magazine, how could there be a mistake. She told him Gia was not the new face of Deception. He said she should be. Gia told Nikolas she couldn't do the party after all. He understood and said they would say goodbye to his mom. She said she would go to the ladies room first. He said no, come with him. She was nervous about what Laura was going to say. Laura held up the magazine and asked Gia what she knew about it. Gia told her she didn't pose for the picture, it was one of her old test shots. Laura showed the picture to Lucky and he recognized it as one of the test shots he had done. Scott said there was no problem; they would sue Carly, take Sonny's 1% and do what they like with Deception. Nikolas agreed with Scott. Laura didn't want a lawsuit, she just wanted to sell perfume. "Yeah, with Elizabeth as your signature model," Lucky said, drawing Elizabeth to his side. "A lawsuit would generate the kind of press we don't want right now," Laura said. Gia asked what she was going to do. Laura said she was going to have her party, make her announcement and worry about all this later. Nikolas and Gia were going to leave and Gia apologized to Elizabeth if she ruined her evening. Elizabeth said it was a beautiful ad and Cameron Austin heard and said he would like to meet the stunner that posed for it.

Nikolas and Gia went to talk to him, Nikolas knowing him from when he worked for Deception. Laura came over and apologized to Cameron for the mixup with the ad. She said Gia came really close but they had their new face and she wanted him to meet her. She introduced him to Elizabeth, he complimented her, but didn't hang around. He went back to Gia. He told her she was a star -- she had real style. Lucky was angry on Elizabeth's behalf and couldn't understand why she was so calm. Laura asked to speak to Elizabeth alone. Laura told Elizabeth that she did seem pretty calm and Elizabeth said it was just a picture in a magazine and it was a beautiful one. Laura said it should have been her in the ad, not Gia. She asked Elizabeth if she should have let her resign when she wanted to. Laura told Scott to look at the picture of Gia, then look at the girl herself. She wanted to know what he thought. He said Elizabeth really was pretty. Laura said Elizabeth really wanted to be anywhere but here. Laura went to make her announcement. She thanked everyone for coming and hoped they were all having a good time. Carly came in. Laura started the announcement, "the new face of Deception is.... Gia Campbell! Everyone, except for Lucky, was thrilled about the news. Nikolas and Gia hugged and even Laura herself finally recognized that Carly was right. Laura acknowledged that Carly was correct and told her that is why she chose Gia; her decision was based on all the right reasons. Lucky was steaming from the news. Elizabeth was quite relieved. Laura went over to Lucky and Elizabeth to apologize. She told Elizabeth that she had finally heard her and realized that she really did not want to be the Face of Deception. Lucky was still angry, but Laura stuck to her decision and told them both that she loved them. Elizabeth finally manages to convince Lucky that she's happy with the way things turned out. Helena gleefully hints to S Jason encounters Elizabeth and a wary Lucky in the park.

Lucky and Nicholas talk about family and the family war. Luke asks Lucky for some help. Laura overhears Luke trying to get Lucky to help him to decode the disks. Lucky says "NO WAY". He leaves. On the docks, Helena (holding the Ice Princess) tells Lucky "It is time!." Lucky tries to resist. Helena uses the hold of the Ice Princess to convince Lucky to "DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE". Helena leaves, Lucky sits down still in daze/shock. Liz arrives and snaps him out of it. She suggests going back to her room snuggling and finding "something" to do. Lucky refuses, he has something to do. Liz's questions get him to admit that sometimes he feels afraid for no apparent reason. Lucky gets upset when Liz suggests a session with Kevin. She ends up reassuring him that all will be well. Lucky leaves. Before Liz can leave, Helena arrives and asks where Lucky is. Liz pretty much tells her "None of your business". Helena is pleased. Lucky arrives at Luke's office. It is empty. Lucky starts to leave, when something on the desk catches his attention.

Luke is asleep in his chair, having a BAD dream. He is running through dimly lit corridor, calling desperately for Lulu and Lucky. He trips and falls. When he looks up there is a person at the other end holding out their arms. (All we see is a pair of hands). He gets up and makes his way to that end of corridor, but no one is there. Looking up and raising his arms (towards heaven) he cries out "DON'T LEAVE ME". Lucky arrives and awakens him. Lucky's questions about his dream upset Luke. Why is Lucky there? He wants to help with the disk decoding. Why the change of mind? That question upsets Lucky. Does Luke want help or not? They are discussing Roy as Luke goes to safe and discovers disks are missing. He immediately blames Helena and her minions. Lucky examines safe, no sign of break-in he states. When Luke presses Lucky admits that although He wants nothing to do with Cassadine/Spencer war, Nik expressed desire to see Luke beat Helena. That upsets Luke. Why is it bad for Luke to want revenge for all bad thing Cassidine's have done to his loved ones, but OK for Nik to want same. This upsets Lucky who says he is happy Helena stole disks back. Maybe now it will be over and they can go back to being a normal family. As Lucky leaves, Luke asks, "When were we ever a normal family?".

Helena is talking to either herself or unseen person. "Soon we will have everything we want, including the destruction of the ENTIRE Spencer family". Melissa is sitting on bench (having flashback to Roy's shooting). Jason walks by stops short when he sees Liz approaching from the opposite direction. She asks where he is going. He answers "Does it matter?" Hurt by his abrupt answer, Liz starts to walk away. Jason reaches to stop her. Liz cries out "Let me go". Melissa jumps in to see if Liz needs help. After Liz's assurance that they are friends Jason leaves. Liz asks Melissa if they can talk. Melissa and Liz discuss Liz's feeling for Jason and how they became friends while they thought Lucky was dead. Elizabeth tells her she doesn't want to feel anything for him. Without mentioning names Melissa tells Liz about a similar situation in her life, and how she had to face her true feelings. Liz insists that they are just friends, She loves Lucky. Melissa is paged by the hospital and has to leave. Before she goes she offer a last piece of advice. "You have to be honest with yourself, before you can be honest with others". Jason is on his way back through the park, when he sees Liz. He tries to walk by but she speaks to him. She admits that she misses him. When she asks, Jason admits he wants more than friendship with her. Liz admits to it also. They are about to kiss, when Lucky arrives and interrupts.

After Lucky told her she didn't have to explain herself, Liz told him it was time for her to be honest with everyone, including herself. They left Jason there, where he then saw Carly, who needed to be consoled. She told him about the night of the Deception party and how her and Sonny connected. She expressed her frustration over him changing his mind about another baby. "He doesn't want me to be the mother of his child," Carly lamented. Jason told her that she needed to be patient and reminded her of her ability to change Sonny's mind on important matters. Carly realized that she would have to believe enough for the both of them.

Back at the loft Liz told Lucky the truth about her friendship with Jason. She explained that when everyone thought he was dead, she had an empty place in her heart that no one could fill. Jason was there for her at that time and helped her get through her loss. "I never stopped loving you, Lucky. But now I realize that I never stopped caring for Jason either." As their argument escalated Lucky said, "I can't shake this feeling that something's wrong and something bad is going to happen." He then stormed out of the loft while Liz begged him to stay. Liz then left the loft, hoping she would find lucky. Lucky went back to the wharf in tears.

Lucky suddenly appeared and began hurling insults at Carly & Jason accusing them of having an affair. Although Jason tried to calm both Lucky and Carly down, the situation escalated to the point where Lucky launched another physical attack. When Elizabeth came along she again assumed that Jason had been the attacker, not Lucky. Carly ripped into Elizabeth, calling her a spoiled little girl who can't make up her mind. When Liz asked Lucky to tell her the truth he walked away. At that point Jason asked Liz to come away with him. Jason asks Liz to leave PC with him. Liz declines invitation. Even though she has feeling for him, she has realized her place is with Lucky. Jason warns her Lucky is dangerous. She is confident he would never hurt her. Liz and Jason discuss Lucky's odd behavior. Jason pleads with Liz "Get away from him, even if you don't come with me". Liz admits to her feelings for him, but she belongs with Lucky. Jason graciously accepts her decision. Liz apologizes, if she hurt him, and walks way. She knows he is watching, and hesitates when she reaches end of park path, but does not look back, then she leaves.

HELENA gives Lucky a small vial and instructions to "Keep it out of sight until he is ready to use it."

**The End**

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