Liz and Lucky #12  April 23 - August 9, 2001 - 8 hr original

Lucky arrives in his room at Kelly's, opens the window, takes the vial out of his pocket. Just as he is about to throw it, Liz arrives. Lucky and Liz rehash their lives (and his jealousy) since his return from the dead. They make-up and kiss. Liz (after making love with Lucky) gets out of bed and starts to pick up clothes (don't we all?). She finds vial and is about to open it when a panicky Lucky stops her. Lucky stops Liz from opening vial. When she asks what it is he has a ready explanation. He then admits to having a feeling something bad is going to happen, Liz reassures him they will be together always. Later, while Liz sleeps, Lucky collects his clothes and sneaks out of the room. He visits the brownstone with a made up excuse that he lost his key to his room and asks Tony if Bobbie has an extra one? Tony (who is babysitting) is getting it, Lucky distracts Lucas. Then his hand is seen holding the vial over Lucas' glass of milk. Lucky returns to his room, holds up empty vial leading us to surmise that he has drugged Lucas.

Elizabeth and Lucky were very affectionate today and couldn't decide what to do. Over at the brownstone, Bobbie returned and happened to feel Lucas' forehead and noticed how warm he was. He complained of a scratchy throat and she went to the hospital to get him some medicine. While she was gone he got sicker. Roy felt his forehead and said he was burning up. Lucas was going to go get some milk, but collapsed before he got too far.

Lucky and Nikolas ran into each other in the park. Nik is looking for Gia. He tells Lucky about how angry Gia is with him, that he accused her of using him and only being with him for his money. Lucky teases him and Nik jokes back "Your lucky you are family or I would have to kill you for a comment like that." Lucky goes off on how many people the Cassidines have killed (he is now under Helena's brainwashing and starting to act very erratically. This is where End Game really takes off). Nik wants to know since when does Lucky blame him for what his family has done. Lucky apologizes and blames it on his spending too much time with Luke. They revisit the pact that they made not to let the Spencer and Cassidine war come between them. Nikolas admitted that he didn't blame Luke for hating him, he was only protecting his family. He had hated Luke too, blaming him for the death of his father. He knew he had been wrong. They end in a brotherly hug.

Gia and Liz run into each other at the park. They try to be nice and have a conversation about Nik. Gia tells Liz that she and Nik had a fight, its over. She tells Liz how Nik caller her a user and a liar. Liz points out that Nik was the one who saw something in Gia that no one else did, that she makes him happy when he is with her. Liz doesn't understand how Gia can bail on him the first time he makes a mistake after he has stood by her time and again. Gia says Liz doesn't understand and stomps off.

Lucky show up at the ER, he is very worried about Lucas "Is he going to die?" Lucky asks Melissa. No she assures him. Luke comes in as Lucky puts his head down on the counter. Luke wants to know what is wrong. Nothing says Lucky. As Tony, Bobbie, Roy, Luke and Lucky gather around Lucas at the hospital, a smiling Helena is seen in the background. Lucas gets some visitors. Lucky & Liz bring a video game. Nurse Bobbie tells everyone how stumped she is about her son’s illness; “It’s like the flu, but it’s not,” she explains. Gia and Nik stop by. Gia suggests to Liz that they all get together for Nik's sake as he needs Liz and Lucky as he is going through a difficult time separately from his family.

The gang is at an arcade playing video games and hanging out. Nik guesses that Gia told Liz and Lucky about his family problems. They discuss Stephan's and Helena's reactions, unaware that this has upset Lucky because of the programming. Nik tells Liz and Lucky about renouncing his family. Lucky gets weird and says he would rather shoot monsters than talk about them and stomps off to play a game. Nik and the girls look after him strangely. Suddenly Lucky sees Helena's and his parents' faces as he plays the video game, this upsets him deeply. It only stops when Liz is near him, this makes him feel safe and prompts him to propose marriage to Liz.

Lucky expresses his feelings to Liz, unaware that Helena observes. Liz tells Lucky she wants time to think about his proposal, why the rush? No rush says Lucky, they had always planned to be together, and he has always wanted to marry her. Liz finally says YES! Liz visits Audrey at the hospital and tells her of Lucky's proposal. Audrey tells Liz they should not rush into marriage; they are both very young. Meanwhile, Nik and Lucky visit a jewelry store to pick out an engagement ring. The sight of so many diamonds sets off a strange reaction in Lucky, who runs from the store saying he must visit Lucas. Lucas continues to get worse. They are unable to pinpoint the source of the high fever and he is in danger of slipping into a coma. Bobbie is hysterical. Lucky arrives in time to overhear Audrey tell Liz that Lucas is not better. He observes Tony and Bobbie with an unresponsive Lucas. Later he goes to the hospital roof. Liz stops by Lucas' room to join Lucky, but only Nik is there. They wonder how Lucky knew Lucas was worse if no one called him, and where Lucky could be. They go in search of Lucky. Nik finally finds Lucky, on the roof… Standing on the ledge… Ready to JUMP!

On the roof, Nikolas finds Lucky standing on the edge, about to jump off. Nikolas tries talking Lucky down, but he doesn't seem to hear. Elizabeth somehow finds the boys on the roof, too, and manages to talk Lucky down. Lucky doesn't understand why Nikolas is acting crazy, he wasn't going to jump, he explains. He just wanted to see the view. Nikolas is worried. Elizabeth asks Nikolas to leave them alone, so he does. Lucky again insists he wasn't going to jump; Elizabeth guesses he's overwhelmed about the engagement. She tells him she doesn't even need a diamond. Lucky starts to wax philosophical, talking about how he wants a world with no pain, no suffering, no enemies.... Elizabeth thinks he's acting weird. Nikolas runs into Luke and expresses his concern about Lucky's strange behavior. Luke doesn't want to hear anything that comes out of a Cassidine's mouth and gives him some Spencer attitude. Nikolas shouts that he'll try to save Lucky himself. An eavesdropping Lucky comes out from his hiding spot and demands to know, "What makes you think I need saving?" He's angry about Nikolas' insinuations.

In the back stairwells of General Hospital, Nikolas and Lucky are arguing. Nikolas knows there is something wrong with his brother and just cannot figure out what. Lucky has lost all of himself today. He was accusing Nikolas of trying to sabotage his relationship with Elizabeth because of the roof incident. Nikolas is just trying to calm him down but Lucky keeps getting angrier. Nikolas tries to tell him that his programming has returned and he need to see Dr. Collins but Lucky started calling him names. Then Lucky lunges at Nikolas and Nikolas screams Lucky, "what are you doing man?". At that moment Stefan popped out of the door and secures Lucky. Nikolas took this opportunity and tried to talk sense into Lucky but he does not take heed. Finally Stefan lets Lucky go and then Lucky tried to bully him into a fight, "Come on Stefan you want some of this?" Nikolas said enough is enough. Lucky still not his right self hit Stefan as he was trying to call security and have Lucky removed from the building. Stefan and Lucky come to blows. Nikolas finally separated the two, but by this time Lucky was convinced that Nikolas had sold him out and that Nikolas was with Stefan again. Lucky left. Nikolas asked his uncle to tell him what Helena has done to his brother. Stefan however became offended by Nikolas' consistent concern for Lucky. And told Nikolas that he would not provide him with any information until he returned to the family and take back his heritage as the head of the Cassidines.

Helena finally revealed to Tony why she kidnapped him. She had Stavros frozen in time for all these years and Helena needed a surgeon to help bring him back to life. Helena asked Tony to calm down and listen to her because she was offering a fair trade. If Tony woke up her child then she would give him the antidote to wake up his child.

Luke and Laura question Lucky's presence when he arrives on Helena's yacht. He has an answer, he is there to tell Helena off. He refuses to leave when they ask him to. He expresses anger to over Luke's actions. Laura is very surprised to hear he has proposed to Liz. Luke asks Lucky what he knows about Lucas' illness. Lucky denies any knowledge, but reacts very angrily when his parents suggest he see Dr. Collins. They do finally all leave the yacht. Lucky confronted Helena on her yacht. While flashing the Ice Princess at him, Helena ordered Lucky to assist her in destroying Luke. Lucky told her that he and Elizabeth were getting married, and the power of their love would keep him from being under her spell. Helena then gave Lucky a diamond heirloom ring of the Cassidine’s to give to Elizabeth as her engagement ring. Upon gazing into the ring, Lucky time warped and again told Helena to leave him out of the Cassadine/Spencer war. Meanwhile, Liz and Nikolas talked in code in front of Gia about Lucky's previous brainwashing. Elizabeth denied that anything was wrong with Lucky. They set out together to find Lucky, leaving Gia behind. After searching the boxcar for Lucky, Nikolas and Elizabeth found photos of Elizabeth plastered all over the walls.

Liz finds Lucky at the boxcar. She tells him that both she and Nik are worried about him. She also asks if Helena still has some kind of hold over him. Lucky denies it again. He gives Liz believable explanations for all his "strange" behavior. Then he gives her the ring Helena gave him. At first Liz declines, it is too expensive, she says. After accepting it she hold her hand up to the light to admire it. This causes a reaction in Lucky. He quickly steps up next to her, tells her not to do that, and pulls her hand down. Lucky informs Liz he has already told his parents about engagement. They happily plan a family celebration dinner.

At the secret lab (30 floors under GH), Helena assures (a frozen) Stavros that soon he will be by her side again. She explains to Tony all he has to do is enter the passwords and follow the directions on the disks.

Luke works on entering the words Laura gave him (about fifth on the list is Pandora). He has no luck with the first few, but then gets a response with Pandora. Unfortunately, the word it brings up is in Greek. He goes to the dictionary and is looking up the word when Lucky enters. They are having a pleasant conversation as Luke tries to inconspicuously close the laptop. When Lucky questions what he is hiding, Luke jokes that it is a love letter to (jazz great) Ella Fitzgerald. At Lucky's insistence, Luke steps back and lets Lucky see the screen. As he watches Lucky's eyes glaze over, then Lucky picks up a heavy statuette and smashes it repeatedly on Luke's brand new lap top! As much as Luke loves his son, he is furious with Lucky. Luke asks: "What is wrong with You, Lucky?" He tells his dad that nothing is wrong and that he is "THE CRAZY ONE".

An elated Liz shows Nik her lovely, exquisite, diamond ring from Lucky. Nicholas knows where this priceless gem came. He asks Liz if she truly thinks that Lucky is all right. Liz says :"He's just fine". The sparkling diamond must be affecting her judgment or she is too naive to see what is happening. When a gleeful Liz appears to show Luke the diamond, Luke feigns his approval. He knows, as Nicholas does where this diamond came. He said: "This reminds me of a little princess I once knew". After keeping mum about everything, Liz and a sheepish Lucky leave. Luke throws his damaged computer into the trash can and says to himself;" Helena's got him and got him tight".

Stefan shows up at about the same time that Lucky & Liz do at the cottage and Nikolas sends his uncle off and warns Lucky not to start any trouble. Lucky says he doesn’t want to start trouble and apologizes for the fight with Stefan. Lucky insists once again that Helena is not controlling him; he blames Lucas’ illness for leaving him frustrated. Nikolas is not convinced but drops the topic. They start talking about Liz’ engagement ring. Nikolas notes it was not at the jewelry store but that it looks familiar to him. Lucky insists that cannot be so. The young foursome make plans to attend the engagement party, when Helena shows up with a gift for Nikolas, a picture of him and his daddy. She tells him he can never renounce the blood in his veins.

At Kelly's, Zander asks Lucky how important is the prom. Lucky responds, "Prom is VERY IMPORTANT, VERY MAGICAL night for all girls, Em has already missed many things because of you, she shouldn't miss this too". He and Lucky are making plans when Nik and Gia arrive (as Em's prom is that night and she didn't tell him). After Gia makes a few cutting remarks, the guys send her upstairs. At first Zander complains when Nik & Lucky take over the arrangements. He is not a charity case he says. They tell him to suck it up; they are doing this for Em not for him. Nik arranges a limo. Lucky tosses Zander his keys and tells him that his Tux is in his closet, then sets off to get a corsage. The search for a dress is on. Nothing in Emily's extensive collection of dresses is good enough. Suddenly Gia appears, they both admire her dress. Liz asks Gia to step out into the hall with her. Once there she twists Gia arm to get her to offer Em her dress. "You own her for blackmailing her for when you first came to PC, plus think how happy it will make Nik NOT to know you tried to blackmail me too". Back in Em's room Gia offers her dress, when Em declines Gia looks at Liz and says "Can't say I didn't try". "Try harder," says Liz. Em does take the dress and the girls help her with her hair and make-up. The girls finally appear downstairs, where their men are waiting for them.

Kevin arrives to meet with Luke and expresses his doubts that they are doing the right thing. Luke asks for an option to kidnapping. When none is forthcoming, he unveils his plan. After dinner he will ask Lucky to step outside so they can talk, there a waiting Roy will help him knock Lucky unconscious, then Luke will get him to a safe place where Kevin can treat him. Kevin warns that it could trigger deeper programming. Luke responds; the deeper programming has already been triggered. Now he just wants to stop it before Lucky hurts himself or someone else. When the other two seem to hesitate, Luke tells them he is going to do it with or without their help. They do agree to help.

At the Grille, Luke warns Laura to brace herself for seeing Liz's ring (the one Stavros had given to Laura). Helena tells (the still frozen) Stavros, that she is using HIS ring to control Lucky. She mentions that Lucky has probably already given the ring to Liz. She assures him that they will get it back, because once he joins her they will make sure there are NO Spencer’s left alive to claim it.

Liz, Lucky, Nik and Gia arrive and are greeted by Laura. Stephan closely follows them. Luke approaches him and tells Stephan that if he causes trouble, he will REALLY be sorry he saved Luke's life. Stephan tells Luke he has every right to be there, it is a public place after all. He does however move to the bar area. There he uses his phone to call someone. Audrey's arrival signals the start of the celebration. Lucky makes a lovely speech about starting over and putting the past behind then, etc. Liz shows off her ring. While everyone else admires it, Laura avoids looking, as she grits her teeth and smiles. Later in the ladies room, Gia uses a pair of scissors to make alterations to Emily's ghastly dress (and does manage to end up with something decent looking). After Liz asks Gia to hold her ring while she washes her hands, Gia asks the same of Laura, when Laura enters the ladies room. Alone with the ring, Laura drops it on the table as if it will burn her hand. Later on the terrace, Luke tells her that one of her words helped break the code. When he tells her the Greek word, which showed on the screen, Laura tells him that it means, "awaken". She guesses that it has to do with Helena's programming of Lucky. This causes her to start crying, which prompts Luke to reassure her that they are not going to lose Lucky. Lucky overhears and steps out on to the terrace accusing Luke of upsetting Laura. They cover by saying she was only crying because she realized that he is all grown up and she is losing her little boy. As Liz gives the departing Audrey a hug, the flash of her ring puts Lucky in a "trance". Nik calls to him several times, but Lucky just stares off into space. Luke and Laura notice this. They also notice that one word from Liz snaps him out of the trance. As the discussion turns to what type of chocolate dessert they should order, Luke persuades Lucky to join him outside for a little talk and what he describes as the start of a "possible new family tradition". They are on the way out when Taggart arrives and stops them. He places Lucky under ARREST! When Lucky asks what the charge is, Stephan steps forward and says "For assault against me!" Laura said that Scott would go with him as his lawyer, but Luke said that Alexis would be. They asked Lucky and he chose Scott. So much for Luke and Roy's plan to kidnap Lucky.

Lucky was taken to the Police Station and booked. Laura asked Scott about bail but he said they wouldn't be able to get a judge at this time of night so Lucky would have to spend the night. Laura was talking to Elizabeth and asked if she had noticed any strange behavior in Lucky and Elizabeth said no. Laura asked Scott what if Lucky had hit Stefan but didn't remember it. Scott asked what she meant but she didn't want to say. He went and talked to Lucky and Lucky said he was actually going after Nikolas but Stefan intervened. Scott warned him not to admit to anyone about going after Nikolas. Later Lucky was taken down to a cell, right across from Sorel.

Lucky is in jail and tells Liz not to worry, it’s just a minor setback. Nikolas asks what Scott’s take on the case is and Lucky says everything will work out. Gia mutters that Nikolas is off the hook and when pressed further, Nikolas explains that Stefan promised to drop the charges if Nikolas takes back the Cassidine name. Lucky tells him not to do that under any circumstances. He is angry. He also tells Nikolas to make sure no harm comes to Liz, no matter what happens to him. Liz wants to know what that means. Cops come for Lucky, he needs to fill out paperwork. Laura talks with Lucky alone and mentions that his programming might be back, but go figure, he denies it. Turns out Lucky will be free to go after signing a few papers. Luke rushes in and tells Laura that jail is probably the best place for Lucky and that he shouldn’t be released! Luke convinces Laura that Lucky is safer from Helena in jail than on the streets. They need to leave him in jail, at least while Luke works on the disks. Laura warns Luke that if Lucky finds out he will hate them. Luke is willing to take that risk, after all he is getting used to it.

However, when Nikolas shows up at Wyndemere, he has a game plan all his own. Stefan is pleased, thinking Nikolas has returned to the fold, but really, Nikolas shows the Cassidine traits in his blood and blackmails Stefan instead. Nikolas warns that unless Stefan drops the charges against Lucky, he himself will testify as a witness and accuse Stefan of going after Lucky. Stefan doesn’t believe Nikolas would be able to lie under oath but Nikolas insists he can. Then, Gia & Liz show up and claim they both would testify that they saw Stefan attack Lucky also.

Nik, Liz and Gia arrive at the PD and give their statements about seeing Stephan attack Lucky. Taggart openly expresses doubts about their version, they however say it doesn't matter if he believes, as long as a jury does - if it goes that far. Scott tells an anxious Lucky that his arraignment was postponed, for two days. Nik wants Alexis to handle Lucky's case, but Scott warns them that if they push it, the Judge might not look favorably on Lucky. He reminds them about the trouble they got in to last summer with Ted Wilson. Lucky looks to Luke and Laura and asks them to do something. They both say nothing can be done. As Lucky is taken back to his cell, he tells Nik to look out for Liz. Luke calls Kevin, updates him, and asks him to treat Lucky ASAP. In his cell Lucky watches the cleaning woman as she picks up the package Sonny left for Sorrel. As she turns toward him, he realizes this is not just any cleaning woman… It's Helena! He was initially unreceptive to her appearance until she used her mind control tactics to get him to respond to her. Then she told him they're onto his next "assignment" and instructed him not to tell anyone she was there. She then remained disguised as a cleaning lady while Luke and Kevin visited Lucky. Lucky lashed out at Luke for bringing Kevin to analyze him. Luke pacified his son by asking him just to try and promised that if Lucky didn't like it, Kevin would leave him alone. Kevin gently hypnotized Lucky, who saw himself in an underground mazelike place where he encountered Helena, who was holding the Ice Princess.

Laura told a disbelieving Liz that her engagement ring is in fact the ring that Stavros gave Laura. Liz didn't want to believe it, but she finally accepted the truth when she listened to Nik's story about seeing the ring many times when he was growing up. Lucky and Laura exchanged tense words when she visited him in his cell and admitted that she, too, wanted Kevin to evaluate him. He said Luke's obsessed with the Cassadines and that he's not under any form of mind control. Laura reminded him that the last time Helena was controlling him, he wasn't aware of it, so maybe it's happening now, but Lucky wouldn't believe a word his mother said. Everyone managed to convince Liz to slowly persuade Lucky to try Kevin's hypnotherapy again. She agreed. Only Scott was left out, wondering what "it" is, but he'll soon find out.

There is a fire at the jailhouse Laura tells Luke. Lucky hides the fluid and matches Helena gave him under the cot when Liz arrives to visit. She asks him to promise her that he will see Kevin. He questions where the doubts are coming from, then notices her ring is missing. As she pulls it from her pocket she asks again where he got it. When Lucky is unable to be specific, she asks him if he got if from Helena. As usual this causes Lucky to rage against Luke. Liz reminds Lucky that they promised to they would do "anything" to be together. Well she wants to be sure there is no programming. Lucky should go to Kevin for some sessions and prove once and for all that there is not. Lucky agrees as he puts the ring back on Liz's finger, and makes her promise no to take it off. As they talk about past plans for the future, the ring sparkles and sets Lucky off. He tells Liz she should go. No sooner does she leave (and passes Sorrel on his way back to his cell) than Lucky pours the fluid on the cot and lights a match. As Sorrel (in the cell across the way) asks what he is doing, Lucky drops the match and watches the cot got up in fire. (Cut to Luke and Laura receiving call about fire).

Liz arrives back in the cell area of the jailhouse and re-lives her worst nightmare. She is just in time to hear the guards say one prisoner is unaccounted for… LUCKY SPENCER! She grabs the bars and frantically searches through the smoke filled room as she screams Lucky's name! Elizabeth is freaking out about the fire at the PCPD. Luke pushes his way into the cell area, but doesn't find Lucky. He comes back out and informs Elizabeth & Laura that Lucky is gone. Luke realizes the fire was set deliberately and he blames Helena. He tells them he's going to the "source," and rushes out. New Police Captain Dalton (why wasn't Taggert promoted?!) finds Elizabeth and accuses her of aiding and abetting the escape of two prisoners. It seems Sorel is also gone. Elizabeth might be charged for providing the materials that started the fire. Nikolas and Gia are there now (having heard about the fire over the radio) and are insistent that such claims are ridiculous. Scott shows up and tries to be lawyerly, but Captain Dalton isn't having any. He can now charge Lucky with more crimes! Taggert shows up back at work and tries to talk Dalton out of pressing charges against Liz. Scott tells Liz she can go for now and Nikolas and Gia (surprisingly) really try to comfort and support her. Gia offers to take Liz back to the cottage and she can stay with them. Liz worries about Lucky wandering around confused maybe looking for her. So Gia offers that they can take Liz back to her room and stay with her so she won't be alone.

Lucky is wandering through the maze, straight to Helena holding the Ice Princess. He asks for his next assignment. Helena decides they are going to play chess first, to reacquaint. She starts in with that "Protect your Queen" crap and then adds the order to "Take the King," which apparently means he is supposed to kill Luke. Helena demands Lucky follows her orders but he refuses. He stands up and says he won't do it!! Lucky flat out refuse to do anymore of her bidding. He shouts at Helena that he loves Luke and will not do anything against him, then he tries to run from her. He is stopped by one of the guards. Once he is subdued, Helena uses the Ice Princess to hypnotize him again. Under the "trance" she manages to convince Lucky that they aren't hurting Luke, just helping him to be at "peace". Lucky agrees to do as Helena bids.

Liz, Nik and Gia arrive and hope that they will find a message from Lucky. When they do not find one, Liz images the worse. Maybe Sorrel kidnapped Lucky and is holding him hostage. Nik doesn't buy that, only Helena would be cruel enough to use a fire again to take Lucky a second time. He has a plan to find Lucky and get him back from Helena. Despite Gia's objections, Nik leaves to set his plan in motion (with out giving details) and leaves the girls to await a phone call from either himself or Lucky. After he is gone Gia admits to Liz that she knows about Lucky's programming. She then confesses to Liz that it spooks her to know Nik's family is capable of such things. Liz berates her self for not seeing that something was wrong with Lucky. They ponder what plans Helena has for Lucky. Liz tells Gia that although there is something fundamentally wrong with both Stefan and Helena, Nik is NOT like them. They finally remember that they are women of the nineties and don't have to wait around for the men to show up. They come up with a plan of their own to help Nik and save Lucky.

Gia and Liz have managed to sneak into Wyndemere to look for clues on Lucky's whereabouts. Once inside Stefan's study, they indulge in an exchange of snippy remarks. Gia turns on a lamp. Liz knocks over the fireplace set. They are forced to hide when the housekeeper enters the room. After she leaves (and they exchange more snippy remarks) they continue searching. When Gia examines the bookshelf she manages to open the secret doorway to the catacombs. After she steps inside, the door closes behind her. Alone in the study, Liz is caught by Stefan. She lets him know that she wouldn't put it past him to be behind Lucky's disappearance. Nik surprises a spooked Gia in the tunnel. He opens the doorway back into the study. Nik asks Stefan to prove he really loves him by helping to get Lucky back from Helena. Stefan proves stubborn by reminding Nik that IF he where still the heir, he wouldn't have to ask for help. He goes as far as to tell him his choice is "being the Prince or being a nobody/ nothing". Nik leaves saying thanks but no thanks. Before she follows, Gia has a few choice words for Stephan. She tells him that even with out the money and power Nik will never be a nobody. Then she blasts Stephan by saying that he is nothing/nobody.

Liz found Lucky at the boxcar, staring at the wall full of her pictures. She managed to convince him that he's still under Helena's control. At first, Lucky was totally spaced out and couldn't remember much, but eventually he came to and realized the engagement ring was from Helena. Liz called Laura, who was with Luke at the Club, and told her Lucky was safe. Later the young couple went to see Lucky's parents. They had a touching reunion, where Lucky admitted he was still under Helena's spell and asked his parents for help in escaping Helena's control. They all vowed to work together to get him out of Helena's clutches. Everyone rejoices that Lucky is back in the Spencer fold and seems to realize he's been programmed. While Laura and Liz talk about what it means to be a Spencer woman dealing with the Cassidine vendetta, Kevin shows up and tries to work his deprogramming magic on Lucky. He's not getting many answers when Luke sneaks into the session and tries to get his own answers. Luke asks Lucky what happened with Lucas. No answers. Luke asks Lucky about the engagement ring and blurts out "Stavros." Stavros who is getting out of his ice coffin.

Liz and Laura wait nervously outside the office and Liz asks Laura to teach her how to fight the Cassidines. Laura explains to her she's been fighting the Cassidine’s since she met Lucky between the fire, Lucky's supposed death, The lost year, and the programming. Liz explains it's all from a distance though. Liz asks her how she survived living with them. Laura tells her after she was told Luke was dead she gave up all hope and did whatever Stavros asked of her to make life livable which meant marrying him and having his baby. She tells Liz that if not for the blessing of Nik she would have gone insane. Then thanks god Stavros is dead. Luke asks Lucky what he meant by Stavros. Lucky tells them it's all about Stavros. Luke asks Lucky if it's because he killed Stavros and Lucky tells him Helena says its everything is because of Luke. Luke asks him if he means everything Helena has planned and Lucky starts saying what Helena wants but stops. Luke urges him on but Kevin tells him to take it easy on Lucky. Luke tells Kevin he is getting the feeling of being lost in the maze again and only Lucky can tell him what it means.

Laura assures Liz everything is going to go fine and tells her to start thinking about the wedding and honeymoon. She asks about the style of dress she wants and Liz tells her she hasn't thought about it. She starts jabbering about where the honeymoon may be and Laura has a flashback of hiding in a room and Stavros pounding on the door. He manages to kick it open and tells Laura she can never hide from him. Flashback is over and Liz asks Laura if she's okay. Laura assures her that she is fine.

Kevin tells Lucky the ring Helena gave him is the one Stavros gave his mother and asks why she would give it to him. Lucky doesn't answer. Kev asks Lucky how Helena wanted him to hurt his father. Lucky tells him the ring is bright and makes him do things. Luke asks what kind of things and Lucky starts tensing up and tells them the ring is too bright. Kevin asks if he means the diamond and Lucky tells him yes. Kevin asks if it would be okay to change something and Lucky says yes. Kevin hides the diamond and Lucky relaxed again. He tells them Helena is gone and he sees Elizabeth again and it feels good. Kevin brings the diamond out again and Lucky starts panicking and yelling for Elizabeth. She and Laura rush in the room even after Kevin hides the diamond Lucky doesn't calm down for a while. Liz holds Lucky and tells him she is there for him. Kevin gives Luke the ring. Kevin brings Lucky out of trance and asks if he remembers anything. Lucky tells them only wanting Liz. Luke and Laura leave them alone and Lucky asks if he said something about Helena. When told yes Lucky tells him and Liz that he's probably knew he was programmed all along he just didn't want to believe it. Kevin explains that while he was away that year Helena must have of brought someone in with very good skills. One of the methods of trance is trance inducing. He tells Lucky whenever he sees the diamond his attitude always changes to anger and does whatever Helena wants him to do. He tells Lucky all he will remember is somebody attacking him or nothing at all. Liz asks if she can cure him and Kevin thinks he can. He won't know how long it will take till several sessions. Liz asks what to do in the mean time and he tells them to around Helena and get rid of the ring.

Stavros comes to the door of Luke's club and watches Laura. She feels a gaze but lets it go. Then walks into the office. Luke is yelling at Scotty that he better have earned his money because his son is not going to jail. Laura takes the phone and when she hangs up she tells them Lucky doesn't have to go back to jail because the charges were dropped they all let a breath of relief out. Luke brings the subject of where Lucky will stay. Lucky thinks he'll be fine on his own but both parents insist he stay with them. Kevin says Luke and Lucky shouldn't be left together because of the programming and Lucky doesn't want to hurt his mom or Lu either. Helena shows up and has her guards take Stavros away. Luke goes to check out the racket. Luke see the chair knock down but doesn't say anything when Laura, Liz, and Lucky comes to see whats up. Lucky says he will be fine and can stay at Nikolas' place. They tell Lucky all the stuff he's done he really didn't do. It was all Helena. They need him to know that and he understands. They let him go and Stay with Nikolas but tell him to keep contact, call, and watch their backs.

After Lucky and Liz arrive they tell Nik & Gia they have come up with a way to keep Lucky safe from Helena, but they need help to accomplish it. They want to move in with them, immediately. Gia protests that the cottage is too small for all FOUR of them, but is put on the spot when Nik agrees to help, as long as Gia agrees also. Later Gia confesses to Nik that she is afraid Helena may order Lucky to hurt her, since Helena doesn't like her. She is also NOT looking forward to sharing a bathroom with Liz and why does Liz have to move in with Lucky. Liz overhears and blasts Gia for being selfish. Lucky overhears Liz yelling and tells Gia that he is also afraid, But he completely trusts and feels safe around Liz, Nik and even Gia. They join hands and make a four musketeers vow "All for one and one for all". As Liz unpacks, Gia questions how long they will be there. And why they couldn't go to Lucky's family? Why do they ALWAYS have to go to Nik for help? Later Liz asks Nik if he is sure he wants to help. They reassure each other that they will both be there for Lucky if he needs them and hug. Gia sees the hug and feels jealous.

Later she pumps Lucky for info on his first bout with the mind control, specifically the Nik/Liz being together thing. Lucky assures Nik is over Liz and totally in to Gia now. Liz suddenly remembers it is Emily's graduation night and she promised to be there. When Nik suggests he and Liz attend the ceremony and Gia stay behind with Lucky, Gia suggests they ALL go. Liz starts the water in the shower, but has to go get a new bar of soap. While she is gone Nik enters (both the bathroom and the shower). Liz returns with the new bar of soap and steps in from the other side as Nik washes his face. They are both shocked to see each other, but not as shocked as Gia is when she opens the curtain and sees them together in the shower, NAKED! Nik and Elizabeth find themselves sharing a shower. Gia is a little upset. Lucky is a little upset, too, at first, but recognizes this is as a simple mistake. Gia screams at Nik, “She saw you NAKED!!” to which Elizabeth interjects, “Oh come on, it’s not like I saw much.” What every guy wants to hear. The couples make up, but Gia wants Elizabeth to pay. She tells her she is going to find Lucky, take off her dress and then they’ll be even. Elizabeth doesn’t really like that idea, though. Gia settles for turning the water to cold when Elizabeth is out of the bathroom, leaving her to jump into a cold shower. Gia warns Nik that any hoochie-mama who comes after him will pay; Nik is touched even though the princely one doesn’t really know what a hoochie-mama is. Music montage as they leave for Em's graduation party (this party never happens though on screen they only refer to it).

The 8th annual NURSES BALL was held on the heliport of the hospital. Because of the bus accident, all the nurses and doctors are called to the ER. Luke stepped in to help Felicia do a ROCK N'ROLL number. He accidentally pulled her skirt off which left her bedecked in pantaloons. Gia, Nikolas, and Lucky thrilled the audience with a song and dance number of their own. However, their celebration backstage was cut short by Helena. Nikolas urged Gia to take Lucky out of the room before harm came to him.

Luke threatens Helena with breaking her neck if she doesn't tell him what she is up to. They are interrupted by the arrival of Lucky. Helena tells Lucky to tell Luke to leave her alone. Lucky tells her that it is over, she doesn't control him anymore. After Helena leaves Lucky apologizes to Luke for the many times he didn't listen to him, and gives thanks that it is over finally. Luke tells him not to be stupid, it's not over yet, and Helena was just acting to cover something else up. Nik and Gia arrive, Lucky gives them the scoop on his showdown with "PHYSCO GRANNY", and claims it is over. Gia expresses relief and wants to know if this means he and Liz will be moving. Nik is also doubtful that is was so easy. They move on to happier subjects when Lucky asks Nik to be the best man at his wedding.

Lucky seems to be himself as he snaps away during a photo shoot of Gia on the docks. After the shoot, Nikolas is knocked unconscious by one of Helena's goons and Lucky is furious. Then Helena pulls out the Ice Princess and he turns into a zombie. Helena tells Lucky it’s important that no one realizes they are still friends. Nikolas awakens momentarily and in his haze, hears Helena’s orders. After she leaves, Lucky denies that she was there. Nikolas knows what’s going on, though, and goes off to find Luke. In Emily’s room, Elizabeth visits, brings some gifts and asks Emily if she will be her maid of honor. Emily, of course, accepts. The wedding will be at the end of the summer.

Stavros hangs around long enough to overhear Gia accosting the Grill manager, trying to get him to let Lucky and Liz have their wedding reception there, even though it's short notice. She tries dropping names, saying she's extremely close to Prince Nikolas Cassidine. The manager is not impressed. Gia goes over to join Nikolas, Lucky and Liz, while Stavros imagines a reunion with his son where Nikolas claims he will do whatever it takes to be just like him.

Nikolas finds Luke in the hospital basement and tells him Helena still has control over Lucky. Luke is not surprised and can't resist rubbing in the fact that Nikolas' "protection" of his brother is pathetic. Nikolas offers to return to the Cassidine family fold but work as a spy for the Spencer’s. Luke is skeptical that the clan will welcome the young prince back. "They have to realize that there is someone else I despise more than them," Nikolas says. "That would be me," Luke says, smiling. "News flash!" Nikolas exclaims. But Luke insists Nikolas is too "green" to pull off a major deception. Nikolas says he'll pretend he can't live without the money. Luke still says Nikolas will fail. They end up shouting at each other and Nikolas storms out, past Helena. Luke runs out and appears later at the Grill, where Nikolas is with Gia, Lucky and Liz. He punches Nikolas in front of Helena, who's followed him, and the lurking Stavros. Stavros watches with murder in his eyes. Luke bodily picks Nik off the floor and rages at him while Lucky, Gia and Liz watch. Fortunately Helena is just behind Luke so Nik plays along, and they trade insults. Luke accuses Nik of only pretending to leave the family and working with Helena to get Lucky. When Lucky tries to interfere and remind Luke that Nik IS part of his family, Nik yells that he will never be part of the Spencer family because Luke will never let it happen. Kevin breaks up the fight, and Lucky escorts Luke outside.

Gia calls the PCPD and asks to speak to her brother. Liz overhears and tells her she better not report the incident, Taggart's involvement will not help Lucky, therefore Nik would not be happy about it. Outside on the terrace, Lucky yells at Luke that his paranoia is going to drive him away. Luke vows to defend his son, even it does drive him away. Lucky leaves but Liz pleads with Luke to think about what he is doing. Unseen Stavros eavesdrops on the conversations.

Lucky rages to Kevin and Liz that Luke's obsession is getting worse. Both tell him that no matter what it may seem like, Luke does love him is only trying to protect him. At Kevin's urging, Lucky agrees to continue the therapy sessions. Lucky remembers the happy times, when the Spencer family was on the run. He tells Liz that his favorite time was when they ran the "Triple L" diner in Vancouver. Liz assures Lucky they will get through this as long as they are together.

Nik sits outside the cottage, listening to a strange sounding birdcall. From the door, Gia asks if he is coming in, but he tells her to go ahead that he will be in shortly. No sooner does she go in than the strange birdcall comes from a nearby tree. It is Luke. They reveal that it was all an act, they are actually working together and seem to be on rather friendly terms. Luke congratulates him on a great acting job, and asks Nik to keep him informed of his dealings with Helena. After receiving a phone call Luke rushes off.

Liz shows up at the Spencer’s and tells Laura how Luke punched Nik at the Grille. She tells Laura about the evening. Liz doesn't understand why Luke would deliberately turn everyone against him by publicly attacking Nik, and to do so in front of Lucky.

Gia and Lucky discuss the particulars of a photo shoot for Deception. Nik walks in and finds the pair close together on the sofa, laughing. He demands that Lucky get his hands off of HIS girlfriend. When Lucky tries to explain that he fell off a chair (and on to GIA) while describing a photo angle, Nik tells him to stuff it. He knows when a guy is making a pass at a girl. Liz arrives and is the voice of reason, she knows living together is hard, but they can find a new place if it is getting TOO difficult. "Good" says Nik "I want you gone tonight!" Unknown to all, Helena eavesdrops from outside the front door. Later Lucky tries to thank Nik for his help, but Nik rebuffs him with harsh words. Lucky ends up saying that maybe Luke was right about Nik all along. They do pack their bags and leave, but Liz tells Nik that if anything (meaning Helena) happens to Lucky, she will never for give him.

Helena put Lucky into the trance and took him to the underground hideaway. Stavros couldn't help but toy with Luke's son, threatening to kill him. However, when Stavros became too aggressive toward Helena, Lucky overpowered him. Helena explained to Stavros that Lucky was programmed to protect her against anything and anyone. Stavros mused over using Lucky to cause trouble, but Helena reminded him that they needed to stick to the plan - the plan was to use Lucky to destroy Luke and to bring Nikolas back into the family.

Laura expressed her fear over Nikolas' plan to infiltrate the Cassidines. Nikolas promised to be careful, and again told his Mother that he wouldn't just stand by and let Lucky get hurt again. Overcome with emotion, Laura reached out and hugged her son.

The aftermath of the bombing of the Harborview penthouse was the focus of this episode. News reports were being read over the radio. Liz and Lucky were at their room at Kelly's and they left to check on Zander and Alexis. Lucky, Elizabeth, Nicholas and Gia arrive at the Towers. Lucky and Nicholas glared at each other. Lucky just wanted to be there for Nicholas as he knew Nik would be worried about his cousin Alexis. Nicholas blew him off and Elizabeth insisted that Gia and Lucky go to check on Taggert. Elizabeth then confronted Nicholas about his bizarre behavior. Nicholas was torn, but didn’t reveal the secret of his and Luke working together. Elizabeth asked Nicholas to forgive lucky, but Nicholas wouldn't hear of it.

At the hospital, Gia tries to get him and Lucky to make amends, but they just argue some more and Lucky storms off angry. Elizabeth tells Lucky he shouldn't be too angry with Nikolas, but Lucky asks why she is taking his side and defending him. Stavros shows up and helps Elizabeth pick up something she's dropped. Lucky freaks out and tells him to get lost. Stavros apologizes, remarks that Lucky looks familiar (maybe I know your parents? Stavros muses) and leaves. Elizabeth doesn't understand Lucky's reaction because the guy seemed nice enough. "Who goes out walking the docks?" Lucky wonders. "We do," reminds Elizabeth. She gets a bright idea and suggests they elope. Lucky decides that's not a good idea.

Gia has some sort of press conference and introduces herself as looking "all-new" though she looks the same. Liz realizes that Nikolas dumped her and that is why Gia is acting sort of manic. Lucky and Liz try to break up the press conference, especially when all the reporters ask about Nikolas. Finally, Gia explains things are over between the prince and herself. She runs out of the room crying. Lucky comforts her, telling her that sometimes you love people who don't deserve to be loved. Liz shows up at the cottage and Alexis leaves. Liz is ecstatic and thanks Nikolas so much for breaking up with Gia in order to save Lucky. Gia finds Nik comforting Elizabeth in his arms. Gia cries, rants, and accuses them of having an affair. Liz tries to explain and then rushes to explain the awkward situation to a puzzled Lucky. A hurt Gia beats her to it. Gia says that Nik got Lucky out of the house so he could spend time alone with Liz. Gia declares that she came to give Nik back his diamonds. Instead she places them in a stunned Elizabeth's hand since she figures he really wanted to give them to Elizabeth. Liz is looking completely stunned and speechless, pained at not being able to tell Gia the truth to ease her hurt and betrayal. After Gia storms off to find Lucky, Liz is desperate to get to Lucky to explain before Gia gets to him first. Nik tells her that she can't tell Lucky. Liz says she has to tell him as she won't lose his trust again as she has worked too hard to regain it (after the whole Jason thing). Nik warns her that anything she tells Lucky could be repeated to Helena when he is under her control.

Nikolas tells Lucky and Gia that he’s been interested in Elizabeth all along. Nicholas says the truth is that "I have stepped aside too often for you, Lucky. I have always loved Elizabeth." (Nik has gone to the EXTREME to disentangle himself from Gia, Lucky, Alexis, and Stefan to gain favor with his zany grandmother. Only Liz knows what is occurring with Nikolas. Yet all who care for Nicholas agree that he has changed due to his wicked grandmother's influence. He has blown everyone away.) Elizabeth, angry that he’s not telling the truth, says the two of them will never happen. Gia, ready to believe the worst of the prince blasts Elizabeth for stringing two guys along then leaves with Lucky. Nikolas and Elizabeth catch up to Lucky, who tells Elizabeth to be with Nikolas, that then she might be safe. He says it’s too late for him that nothing can save him. Later, Lucky shows up on the hospital roof and steps up on the ledge. Nikolas and Elizabeth, who were following Lucky, arrive a few minutes later and discover a picture of Luke on the docks laying on the floor of the roof.

As Stavros and Helena chortle with glee over Luke’s shock as he sees Stavros for the first time, Luke composes himself and declares that the man before him is a two-bit actor. Then Stavros describes in detail the events in the bedroom the night Luke killed him, even repeating his dying words. A horrified Luke realizes his arch enemy is truly back from the dead and he deduces that the mysterious disks held instructions on how to “thaw out loin of Stavros.” Stavros tells Luke that Nikolas was Laura’s pride and joy; Luke says Laura never loved him - and so on and so on, until Stavros pushes Luke too far. Luke grabs him and puts a knife (that he’d gotten off the guard he knocked out) to his throat. “Checkmate,” he tells Helena. Give him Lucky or her “medical experiment” dies again.

Then Lucky shows up, creating enough of a distraction for Stavros to pull free and Helena’s goons to restrain Luke. Helena hands Lucky a syringe full of toxin and tells him to “take the king to protect the queen.” Luke watches helplessly. Helena was convincing Lucky to stick Luke, Luke started getting him to realize what was going on by talking about family, Triple L, and Elizabeth which really got his attention he turned on Stavros but not for to long Helena pulled out the rock and shimmed it in his face. Lucky did NOT want to do it and Luke almost stopped him when he pulled his hand loose. They were both crying but nothing could be done Lucky said sorry and stuck Luke who went into a seizure type of thing falling to the ground and before passing out he told lucky it wasn't his fault. Lucky was holding Luke's head in his hands and apologizing like crazy (Lucky thinks he has killed his father). Helena told Luke she would miss him and had to guards take him away. Helena puts a hand on Lucky's shoulder and said sorry that he had to go through all this. Stavros went to celebrate and Helena left Lucky alone in the room crying on the floor. It was the most heartbreaking scene (I would be this is one of the episodes Jacob submitted for the Emmy consideration - just heard he received a nomination). Luke's body is dumped and whiskey is poured over him.

Elizabeth and Nikki went to the boxcar to see if Luck was there but he wasn't Elizabeth said she was mad at Nik since the whole I love you Liz thing he pulled on Lucky. But she apologized and said Lucky told her she was his safety net and if he gives up on her he gives up on himself. She calms down and tries to contact him make him come to her she feels like he heard her and was wit her but Nik takes her to Kelly's.

Helena and Nik toast his return to the family. Liz arrives and almost blows Nik's pretense, but they manage to cover and appear to convince Helena. After Liz leaves, Nik asks Helena about the mind control. She wonders why he is so interested in it. He covers by asking if she can make Liz love him. Liz is looking for Luke but no one has seen him.

Lucky is drowning his (unremembered) sorrows at the bar. In the dinning room Lucien (AKA Stavros) and Gia are having dinner. Gia is crying on Lucien's shoulder about how Nik dumped her for Liz. On his way out, Lucky notices them and approaches. He tries to get Gia to leave with him. When Lucien makes a comment about someone calling Lucky's father, Lucky takes exception and starts to push Lucien around. This gets Lucky thrown out of the restaurant. Gia apologies for Lucky's behavior, but Lucien assures her there is no need and hugs her.

Elizabeth confronts Helena about where is Lucky. Liz almost implied that if Helena had done something to Lucky, she would kill her. Helena grabbed Elisabeth by the arm and trying to scare her. While this was going on, Felicia went in Luke's apartment and fond Lucky looking at old pictures of him with is mom and dad. She questioned him about Luke. At first he seemed really zoned out and told her he did not know anything. He referred to Luke in the past. Felicia caught on to that and start to talk with him about Helena. Then Lucky suddenly said "Take the king to protect the queen". Felicia went to find Helena who was still with Elizabeth. She told Elizabeth where Lucky was and to go there as fast as she can. When she got to Lucky, he was in a weird mood. She tried to bring him back with love but it did not quite work this time. He turned his back on her and dumped her cold. Lucky tries to convince Liz that she is better off away from him. Liz tries to convince him that they are better off together, as their love will protect them and keep them safe. In the following discussion, it becomes apparent that Lucky knows that he did something to Luke, but does not remember the specifics. In the end Lucky wins the battle, when he says he would rather kill himself than unwillingly hurt her. A heartbroken Liz leaves. Lucky is stunned and thrilled to see his father alive. “I thought you were dead,” he says. “Sorry, better luck next time,” the surly Luke replies. While the Inner Luke pleads with the drugged Luke to stop acting like a jerk and help his son, the outer Luke acts drunk and tries to make Lucky leave. Lucky starts to remember the underground lab and that he did something to hurt his father there. Drunk Luke says he doesn’t know anyone named Helena. Lucky begs for his help. Suddenly, the real Luke surfaces and he hugs Lucky, promising that everything will be all right. But then he staggers and falls down, just as some goons burst into the room and take Lucky away. Lucky is tied to a chair in an ornate foyer. He yells, “What does Helena want with me now?” Then someone comes in, and we see Lucky’s eyes widen as he exclaims, “You!” Elizabeth had kidnapped Lucky, with Sonny's help. He's is now locked in the safe house. Liz comes in and gets upset that Lucky is tied up and demands that they untie him immediately.

**The End**

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