Liz & Lucky #13  August 9 – November 6, 2001 – 8 hr original edit

Nik and Gia are arguing in the auction room, Liz walks in interrupting the two which fuels Gia's fire even more. She tells Liz that she's perfect for Nik because they are both liars. Gia continues to attack Liz until Nik tells her to back off. Gia once again tells Liz that he's all hers and that her date is waiting. Just as she's leaving, a guard hands her a small jewelry box and tells her it's for her. She opens it and reveals a diamond necklace and a card from Lucien telling her he has been called away unexpectedly. Nik gets angry and asks if she'staking diamonds from men she hardly knows. Gia wittingly replies that she took diamonds from him and come to find out she never really knew him at all either. Nik tells Liz that Helena is starting to trust him and that he is close to finding out what they need. Liz thanks him and praises him for going above and beyond the call of duty.

The charity auction (benefiting GH) begins and while Helena is welcoming her guests, Luke comes in clapping loudly and applauding Helena's miraculous medical advancements. Mac tells him it's time to go but Helena interjects and says that Luke may stay. When Scotty bids on a painting for Laura, Luke taunts him. Again, Mac steps in and Luke reminds him that he already sent his wife home to him and that he should want nothing more with him. Taggert tells Luke he is under arrest for disturbing the peace and Liz asks Luke to let her help him for Lucky's sake. Luke is touched by Elizabeth’s words and tells Taggert to instead arrest Helena for ensuring that Liz will never be happy. Nik tells Luke that he should take it outside. Luke then blows Nik's cover and tells Helena that he has been working with him the entire time. Gia is confused while a lurking Stavros smiles with satisfaction to know the truth.

Bio-Luke continues to expand on Nik's duplicity to Helena. He also warns Nik to keep away from Helena or soon he will have to be brought back from the dead! Unseen by anyone Stavros watches and smirks! Nik tries to save himself and the situation by saying Luke is drunk. When Luke throws more insults at Helena, Nik defends her and punches Luke. Luke does manage to throw some truths about Helena's activities with Bio-weapons to the assembled group. Unfortunately they are diminished by his seemingly drunken ranting and insults directed at Mac. Before being escorted out by Taggart, Luke tells Stefan to have Nik arrested, it is the only way to keep him safe from Helena. Stavros catches up with Helena in the control room and greets her with a great big "I TOLD YOU SO!" Before he leaves he tells Helena to handle the problem, meaning Nik.

 Taggart has handcuffed Luke to the wall. Alexis tells Luke she is willing to help him with his current legal troubles in exchange for the truth about Nik. When Luke cannot concentrate enough to give her straight answers, she tells him he is on his own and returns to the auction.

In another room Nik vents his frustration with Luke's back stabbing, to Liz. She in turn confesses to having kidnapped the missing Lucky to keep him safe from Helena. Now she is worried that Nik will be in the line of fire-if Helena believed Luke. She tells him they are the only two still fighting against Helena.

When Taggart goes to call a patrol car to take Luke to the station, Stavros appears. He taunts Luke by saying it's going to be pleasure to watch the toxins destroy Luke as he loses his family, his friends and then dies a slow painful death! Taggart returns in time to hear Luke threaten Stavros. Luke demands that Taggart arrest that man, but can't concentrate enough to make sense. Taggart goes to check on the progress of the patrol car. Stavros excuses himself; he has other victims to see to, he tells Luke.

Mac appears and tells Luke he is finally getting what he deserves. Luke taunts back with crude remarks about how Mac can't satisfy Felicia in bed. Scott stops Mac from hitting Luke, but has a few taunts of his own for Luke. He is going to get Laura back and this time he will not lose her to Luke. Luke tries to warn Scott that Laura is in danger (from the shadow) and that Scott needs to keep her hidden. Scott scoffs at what sounds like drunken ravings and leaves. Inner Luke appears and tells Bio-Luke that things are getting out of control. Everyone they care about is in danger, but they are running out of time and have to do something NOW! Taggart returns from checking on the patrol car to find his own surprise. The officer he left to guard Luke is unconscious and the handcuffs are EMPTY! LUKE HAS ESCAPED!

Gia expresses concern about Lucky to Liz and Nikolas but they tell her to mind her own business. A confined Lucky is starting to feel stir crazy. On the yacht, Liz and Nik search for the "table with the hidden compartment" in hopes of finding something to help de-program Lucky. Nik hears Helena approaching and pulls Liz in for a kiss. Liz and Nik pretend for Helena benefit that more may be going on between them. After Liz leaves, Helena surprises Nik by showing him the secret compartment in the desk. She tells him that she keeps personal papers, records and pictures of Stavros and Mikos in it. However she does wonder as to what he thought he would find in it. Nik admits he was looking for "the secret to Lucky's brainwashing". Nik tells Helena he wants it all, the girl, the title, and the money that's why he had Lucky kidnapped. Helena expresses doubts as to his sincerity, because of what Luke said at the auction. Nik explains that he did make a deal with Luke. But it was just a lie to get Luke off his back. Helena offers a deal; she will make sure he gets what he wants, if he will tell her where Lucky is.

Liz assures Lucky he is safe as long as he stays there. Lucky tells her is has figured out it is Nik who is helping them. Liz warns him to stop thinking that, because he could get Nik in trouble if he repeats it to Helena. Lucky wants to go on the run (his father showed him how) to keep from hurting anyone else. Liz does not agree, but before they can discuss it any further, they hear Nik and Helena approaching, so Liz hides. Helena enters the "safe house" even though Nik has asked to speak to Lucky alone, and immediately asks Lucky who kidnapped him!

Nikolas brings Helena to Lucky's hiding place. Liz runs to hide in the closet. Helena wants Lucky to tell her who kidnapped him? Lucky realizes what is happening and admits that Nikolas showed up after the goons grabbed him. The two guys fight, literally, convincing Helena that they are definitely not working together. Nikolas demands that Helena show him how to program Lucky, he wants him to forget about Liz. Helena reminds Nikolas if she destroys Lucky's love for Liz, it will be gone forever. Nik thinks about it for a while and tells her to go through with it. Of course, Liz is still hiding in the closet. Helena starts her programming with Lucky, asks him to name memories of him & Liz and then they will disappear. She pulls out the Ice Princess and Liz can see that this is the triggering device. Helena finishes her programming and leaves. Liz comes out of the closet, will Lucky remember her?

As a result of Helena's brainwashing, Lucky told Elizabeth that he no longer loved her. He told Nicholas that Elizabeth was all his. When Elizabeth finally got through whining, she told Nicholas that she saw Helena use the ice princess to brainwash Lucky. On the docks, Lucky ran into Gia. He told her that he was done with Elizabeth. He then grabbed Gia and kissed her.

Liz and Nikolas find Jax hiding behind the curtain. He says he wants to stop whatever Helena has planned for Alexis. He guesses they’re looking for the Ice Princess and intimates that he can help. Liz begs him to tell them where the diamond is; she says it’s a matter of life and death. Nikolas continues the prince act. Jax says he’d be more inclined to help if Nik confessed he was faking. Helena shows up and demands to know why there’s a “costume party” in her room. She wants Liz’s maid outfit explained. Liz says she was looking for clues to help Lucky. Keeping the charade going in front of his grandmother, Nik argues with Liz, telling her to forget Lucky.

In Nikolas’ car, Gia kisses Lucky as a distraction then grabs the car keys. She says he’s acting like a lunatic, wanting to go drag racing, and it’s all because of his break-up with Liz. He yells that he doesn’t want anyone to control him. Gia takes off with the keys, Lucky chases her. He catches up with her on the docks and promises he won’t go drag racing. She takes the keys out of her blouse

(when he’s reaching for them) and throws them in the river. She says he’s acting like he has a death wish. He says he wants to do, not think. Gia asks him how he stopped loving Liz overnight. Lucky says he remembers his relationship with Liz as facts with no feelings; it’s like it happened to someone else. Gia says you can’t turn love off like that; Helena must have something to do with his odd behavior. She says she’s all he’s got, and she’s determined to protect him. She takes him back to her room at the PC Hotel. Lucky comes on to her but calls her Elizabeth. Gia says that maybe whatever Helena did to him didn’t work completely.

Liz and Nik discuss the Ice Princess, and Liz wonders if Jax really knows where it is. Nik says he wants to check Cassadine business records for clues and leaves. Jax comes in and suggests to Liz that Helena’s urn might be of interest. But he warns her to stay away from Helena’s room; it’s too dangerous. He says she should look for Lucky instead. She agrees and leaves. Jax calls someone on his cell phone and tells them to meet him at the PC Grill right away.

Gia continues to grill Lucky about what is going on. When he gets angry and tries to leave she stops him by coming on to him. She then stalls by saying they need to set the right mood. She goes out to get a bottle of wine and makes him promise to stay in her room. Once outside, she phones Liz, who is downstairs at the Grill, and they agree to meet. Gia tells Liz about Lucky's current thrill seeking state and concludes that Helena must have something to do with it. Liz has a plan. She will go upstairs and get what she needs from Helena's room. Gia will watch out for and stall Helena if she returns before Liz comes back.

Helena returns to the hotel and enters the Grill to retrieve her forgotten wrap. Gia stops her from returning to her suite by telling Helena about her plan to sue Nik and the family. Helena dismisses it and Gia. Gia stops Helena again by grabbing her arm and smashing some cake into Helena's power suit. Helena asks to have Gia removed. To keep Helena busy, Gia tells her she has some news about Lucky. Liz gets in to Helena's suite and thanks to Jax finds the Ice Princess in an urn. Before she can grab it, she hears the door opening. She manages to close the lid and turns around just in time to see...Stavros!

Helena is stopped by Gia, who thanks her for programming Lucky to forget about Elizabeth and to be more fun. As Helena leaves, Gia makes a quick call to Elizabeth to tell her to get out of Helena's room ASAP! Too late, however, as Stavros has already caught Elizabeth red-handed. She tells him she is Nikolas' girlfriend and was up there earlier and lost a ring. Stavros introduces himself as a business associate of Helena's and of course, doesn't buy a word of Elizabeth's story. She manages to escape, but not before Helena reappears and wonders why the young lady is in her room, again.

In Gia's room, Lucky looks at Gia's portfolio and the pictures of Gia morph into Elizabeth! Then, he sets out to get himself some ice cubes and of course, the ice is in one gigantic chunk and looks a lot like the Ice Princess, so he starts to zone out. He climbs out on the window sill. When Gia & Elizabeth come back to the room, however, Lucky is asleep on the bed. Elizabeth wants to stay. The girls make a pact; Gia agrees to watch out for Lucky and Elizabeth agrees to make sure that Nikolas doesn't sell out completely.

Gia left Elizabeth and Lucky alone in her room. Though Lucky tried to push her away, she persisted. Lucky slowly began to remember things such as how he took care of Elizabeth after the rape. Gia ran into Nicholas in the lobby of the hotel. He attempted to be nice to her, but she was angered, believing that Nicholas wants Elizabeth. Nikolas warned Gia to stay away from Helena. Gia told Nicholas that Liz and Lucky were in her room together. When Nikolas failed to react, Gia accused him of being responsible for having Lucky's feelings erased.

Liz and Gia awaken and find Lucky gone. Gia goes to look for him, while Liz heads for Helena's suite again. As the maid emerges from Helena's suite, Liz puts on an act and manages to convince her that she is supposed to be there. Once she is alone, she heads straight for the urn and is relieved to see the Ice Princess is still there. She takes it, and leaves the suite sending up a prayer that it is not too late to help Lucky. Lucky rips the pictures of Liz off the wall of the boxcar and wonders what is happening to him. He finds a picture of Luke among the ones of Liz and looks intently at it. He grabs a picture of Liz and sets fire to it. Gia arrives and they have a little discussion on Liz, Nik and the best way to get over them.

Lucky tells Gia he doesn't know why he ever loved Liz. Liz arrives and wants to speak with Lucky alone. Gia protests, but Lucky agrees. He tells Liz that they are 'over' and she needs to move on. Liz pulls the Ice Princess out, tells Lucky "We are not over! Do we understand each other?" Lucky turns and sees the diamond in Liz's hand.

Helena is livid, and tells her goon that if the Ice Princess is not back in an hour she will hold him responsible. He asks her who was recently in the room. She names two suspects, Jax & Liz. When Helena steps out into the hallway she runs into Gia who has some choice putdowns for Psycho-Granny. Gia has just informed Helena about the new man in her life Lucien Kane.

At the boxcar, Liz tries to get through to Lucky using the Ice Princess but does not seem to be gaining any ground. Lucky continues to push her away. He tells her that she has no idea what is really going on. He grabs the IP and tells her he is going to get rid of it. She protests that he can't because it's the key to his brainwashing. She wants him to go see Kevin Collins for help again. Lucky coldly tells her that if Helena sees her with the Ice Princess that she will make him hurt her like he hurt Luke. She tells him that Helena can't take over his soul, because their love is too strong and she will continue to fight with him even if it means her life.

Elizabeth does everything in her power to bring Lucky's feelings and love for her back, but nothing works. She goes on about how their love is stronger than Helena and the ice princess. Lucky search deep and remember our love because I am not giving up on you. Lucky and Elizabeth spontaneously kissed and it was beautiful (the kiss that is). The kiss brought back some of Lucky actual memories, but not the feelings. He told her how wonderful her lips felt and how good it felt to hold her but it was not love though and no feelings. Elizabeth was upset because it really felt like she could have been any other girl. Lucky apologized and asked her to leave him alone because he will never be able to bring back the love.

Lucky took off and Elizabeth followed. They ended up at the pier where Lucky threatened to get rid of the ice princess. Elizabeth asked him not to and to remember that the ice princess was the key to releasing the programming. Lucky told her that it was too late and this is the only thing he could do to be free from Helena. He tossed the ice princess into the lake. Elizabeth asked if he felt different or better. Lucky replied oddly that I don't know what I feel. Then Helena's henchman found them and asked about the ice princess. Lucky told him he was too late because he had already disposed of it. The henchman left to go report to Helena. Lucky told Elizabeth not to worry because now you are fee to move on and find someone to love that will love you back.

Gia and Lucky show up at the Deception office and Gia fills Laura in on all that has happened while she was gone. Nikolas and Liz are at the docks waiting for the diver that Liz hired to look for the ice princess. They are fighting and Nikolas tells Liz that Lucky is better off without her. The diver couldn't find the Ice Princess and they pay him to come back tomorrow and look some more. Laura shows up and asks Nikolas is he asked Helena to make Lucky forget about Liz. He tells her he did and fills her in their plan. After Nikolas leaves Liz tells Laura that Lucky did something awful to Luke but he can't remember what.

While telling Lucky how much she loves him Laura begins to cry. She asks if he knows where his father is and he says Luke is gone but “he” is alive. When Laura asks who he is Lucky says he meant Luke. Laura reminds Lucky of when he was a child and Luke would sweep the monsters out from under his bed and he would be safe. Lucky then said that Luke was gone but the monster was back.

Lucky breaks into the lab to try to find some answers. Voices keep running through his head, but he can't seem to make sense out of any of them. One of Helena's goons shows up and tells Lucky he isn't supposed to be in there alone. Lucky is holding a vial of the biotoxin and uses it as a weapon against the goon. The goon backs away in fear and Lucky realizes its importance. He puts it back in the wine rack and leaves.

In Laura's office, Lucky has warned Laura the monster is back, he's not dead, but Laura doesn’t understand. She leaves a message for Kevin. Meanwhile, Stavros is lurking outside the door. Laura hears a noise and comes to see who is

there. Scott conveniently arrives at that moment and she thinks he was lurking. Scott charms Laura and apologizes and they leave together. A frustrated Stavros goes into her office, leaves the bottle of wine on her desk and goes through her address file until he finds Scott's card. Stavros laughs wickedly to himself.

The following is the first episode to air post 911. There is a disclaimer that this show was taped prior to 9/11. The story took a sudden turn as they ditched the biotoxin storyline (too real during the anthrax and terrorism scare).

Luke and Laura heard a noise upstairs and rush up to see what it is. It is only Lucky telling (the new very cute) Lulu a bedtime story. He is telling her about a prince who had a magic potion that he used to kill the monster. Laura realizes that it is more than just a story. Out in the hall she asks him what happened to the monster? Yesterday he told her the monster was real and after them, now he is telling Lulu the monster is dead. Lucky will only say he sent the monster back to hell, then walks away. Scott tells Laura he can help Lucky, but he needs to know everything. Laura agrees to tell him. When they question Lucky again, he refuses to say anything about the monster or the lab. Laura asks him to move in for a few weeks, she is worried about Leslie, Lulu and herself being alone, because there have been some break-ins in the neighborhood. Lucky agrees and goes off to make arrangements to move his things. Laura admits to Scott that she's afraid Lucky was referring to Luke when he talked about the monster. Scott assures Laura that Luke is too smart and too mean to let Helena beat him. He offers to look for Luke.

Lucky arrives at Gia's hospital room, interrupting Stavros from putting the moves on Gia, is upset upon finding Lucien/Stavros in Gia's room. Lucky yells out "You are supposed to be dead" and attacks Stavros, who quickly turns the tables and has Lucky in a chokehold. Gia pleads with Lucien to stop. Lucien throws a semi-unconscious Lucky on the bed and wonders if he should press charges; it's the second time Lucky has attacked him. Gia explains that Lucky is not himself, he as been brainwashed by the evil Cassadines. Lucien scoffs, saying it sounds like a movie plot, next thing she'll be telling him they can raise the dead! Gia says she wouldn't doubt it.

After Lucien leaves and Lucky regains consciousness Gia offers to take him to the hospital, but Lucky refuses. He tells Gia that Lucien is freakishly strong, but when Gia asks why he dislikes Lucien so much, Lucky draws a blank. He doesn't know why, he just does. They talk about Nik and Liz. Lucky says everything has changed and wonders why he is still in PC, he doesn't fit in with anyone anymore, he feels lost. Gia tells Lucky to hold on to her when he feels that way, but Lucky thinks it's better to stay away from everyone. Then he goes off to "do what needs to be done".

Melissa and Roy go to a cold, eerie cave hoping to find and to help a sick Luke. When Lucky shows up, Roy tells him why they are there. Lucky says, in reference to a coffin, that the monster is there. Naturally, Roy applies a little pressure to find out what Lucky is babbling about. Melissa asks him to chill as she uses a softer, more psychological touch with the confused Lucky. Melissa knows that something is amiss with Lucky's thinking.

Roy found Lucky at the Port Charles Grill in a heated discussion with Helena. Helena was grilling Elizabeth about the Ice Princess. She accused her of stealing it and demanded its return. Lucky came in and told Helena it was him who stole the precious diamond and she could no longer hurt him or his family. Lucky told her that she was going to pay for all that she had done to his family. Helena stood in shock and reiterated that she and Lucky were friends. Nikolas jumped in the conversation and defended his grandmother. Gia also jumped in and tried to get Lucky away from this bad situation. Then Roy yelled out, "Lucky I need to talk to you right now." Lucky stopped and went over to Roy. He quietly removed Lucky from this dangerous situation.

Lucky told Roy that he was not finished with Helena and she had to pay. Roy told Lucky that he understood, but now is not the time. Do not under estimate Helena. Lucky said he knew that because Helena had already hurt his father. Roy told Lucky again that his father called today and spoke to Melissa and that he is still alive. Lucky said but he is not well. No but he is alive and we can help him. Lucky think some where in the back of your mind you know where you dad might hide? Think about it. Lucky came up with a place but doubted it. Roy reassured him that whatever you are thinking about is worth a try to save your dad's life.

Gia accuses Liz of covering something up. She is trying to blow Liz out of the water about her fake relationship with Nik. Liz gets up to leave but Gia tells her she's not leaving until she tells her what is going on. Roy and Lucky continue their look for Luke. They are in what appears to be a house. Roy points out fresh fruit and a hot stove, noting someone must have just left. Lucky says that maybe the person was trying to get away. They went outside to look around.

Laura thinks she sees Stavros in the window. She runs to get a baseball bat from the closet and un-chains the door to go peep around outside. There is a very eerie feeling to this scene. Laura swings the bat but its just Scotty. Scotty asks if it is Luke. He wants to call the cops but Laura says no. He takes the bat from Laura they go back inside. He didn’t see anyone out there, and then asks what’s going on: who's after you, Helena's goons? Laura tells him that he has no idea how close he is to the truth but doesn’t tell him her suspicions about Stavros.

Roy asks Lucky why they were there. Lucky says that we faced a lot of truths here. Roy asks, what kind? After the rape, Luke and Lucky went to that place. There Luke got caught in a wolf trap. He told Lucky that no matter what he always loved his mother and she always loved him, but it wasn't his place (lucky) to judge them. Roy asks why come here? Lucky says to make peace with himself before he dies. Roy says no, he's not going to die. But Lucky brings up the coffin, that Luke drew it. Roy says you don’t know that. How do you know it was he that was here and not some transient? Because of the ingredients to make Spencer omelets. Lucky says, "I love him, wish I could tell him". Roy says you will have that chance. Lucky gets a strange look over his face and suddenly says we need to get out of here. He has a feeling something bad is happening to Laura.

 Outside Laura’s, Stavros peals petals from a rose "She loves me she loves me not, it makes no difference". There is a loud scream. Roy and Lucky go running to Laura. She says he is here stop him catch him. Lucky asks who and she says “the monster”. Lucky tells her he won’t let him get her. Roy tells Laura that whoever it was got away. He shows Laura the Cassadine medallion, and tells her that Felicia left it at Luke’s Place and how she (Felicia) got it. Laura looks at it and says, "Oh my god, it’s his!" Roy asks, "Who?" Stavros!

Gia asks Liz why Nik doesn’t show it that he wants her. Liz tells her that she doesn’t have what he needs. Liz tells Gia to drop it. Gia tells Liz that she looks upset; Liz says you’re not my favorite person. Gia tells her to just answer and she’ll leave. What is it you don’t want to do? Liz replies: I don’t want to hurt you that’s why I told you to drop it. He dumped you move on. Make something positive. Gia says “I don’t know why he dumped me for a drip like you, I don’t need this”. Gia leaves.

Helena runs into Liz and asks why she’s still there. Liz tells her that she’s

thinking about how much trouble Helena went through to get them together. Helena brings up Lucky and Liz tells her that se is committed to Nik; she’d do anything to stay with him, even if she has to be friendly with his Grandmother. Liz says goodnight and leaves. Helena looks like she’s a scheming thing up in her head.

Liz arrives to see Lucky. She tries to get him to run away with her. He says he doesn’t want her to save him. She says she needs him to save her. Helena won’t let up about the Ice Princess, she explains. We need to hide, she urges. Lucky says they’re strangers; let Nikolas save you. Or you can go to your parents or Sonny. Liz points out that he must still care if he wants her to be safe. Lucky tells Liz about his childhood on the run, how his dad would always

say they had “to run away to live to fight another day.” Well, it’s time to stay and fight, Lucky says. Liz reminds him about their plans to live in New York City. He recalls their “permanent lock” pledge. Heartened, Liz tries to bring his feelings out. Lucky says he feels enough to let her go. Trying to save me is part of love, Liz points out. Their love will not end, she says. She leaves, with Lucky following her out to the porch, looking like he wants to call her back.

Laura brings Stefan the laptop and disks and the two of them work their way through the levels she and Luke had gone through before. They get as far as “warming.” Then Stefan tries “Lazarus” and opens up a screen of medical text. He reads it, telling Laura it’s about cryogenics. Helena has done it, he says; she’s brought Stavros back to life! Laura looks horrified.

Liz is working on a drawing (conveniently hidden by a large easel) when there is a knock on the door. It's Nik who tells her that Helena has ordered one final test of his loyalty. Without hearing the details, Liz rejoices until Nik tells her he can't do what Helena asks. Liz tells him he has to. Otherwise everything they have done and sacrificed will be for naught. Nik tells hers "Helena wants me to kill YOU! Liz barely blinks and tells Nik, "So do it". Nik answers, "Well as long as you don't have a problem with it, which way do you want to go? Car accident? Drowning?" Liz responds that it only has to appear as if Nik has killed her. It would be perfect. Not only would Nik gain access to Helena's plans, but also, Helena wouldn't be able to use Liz against Nik or Lucky anymore. Nik doesn't want to risk Liz's life, but Liz thinks Lucky's life IS worth risking her own for.

On the docks, Lucien (a.k.a. Stavros) finds a shaken Gia sitting on a bench. For some reason, she confides in him that Nik has changed from the person she thought he was when they were together. Nik used to be a good, kind person until he hook-up with his grandmother, she tells Lucien. She just overheard Helena order Nik to kill Liz and Nik didn't decline, and as much as she doesn't like Liz, she can't let Nik kill her. She is going to tell her brother; he's a police officer; he'll know what to do, Gia tells Lucien. Lucien manages to convince her not to do anything yet. Her life might be in danger, he tells her. He promises to check into the situation and let her know what he finds out. Gia goes to Liz's studio and after asking if Nik is there, tells Liz, "I need to talk to you."

Lucky tells Lulu another story. This time, about a knight, a prince and a monster (Luke, Lucky & Stavros we assume). 'The Knight battled evil, with no help from the Prince. The Prince felt guilty for not helping, until he decided to get rid of the monster himself.' While Lulu is upstairs, Lucky answers the phone. It's (a very disheveled looking) Luke. Lucky is very happy to know his father is alive. Lucky tells Luke that he and Roy found the drawing in the cave and even looked for him at the cabin. If Luke will tell where he is, Lucky will pick him up ASAP. Luke only has time for another cryptic message. "It's time to hustle. Tell Roy time is running out, it's time to hustle." Then he hangs up. Lucky rushes out

leaving a newly arrived Scott to baby-sit Lulu. Laura arrives home shortly after and is very happy to see Scott, but wonders where Lucky is. Scott explains that Lucky rushed out, with out saying where he was going.

Lucky arrives and tells Roy that Luke called. Roy think he might know what the message means. He and Lucky rush to look for Luke. Roy takes Lucky to a seedy part of town where they used to stash stuff for the late great Frank Smith. Scrawled on the wall is a coffin like the one they found in the cave. Lucky and Roy check out the scuzzy bar nearby in hopes of finding Luke under a table inside. Roy slips the bartender some cash in exchange for any info on Luke. Apparently biotoxin doesn’t hamper Luke’s ability to get some play, the bartender threw him out when his skank of a girlfriend wasn’t immediately repulsed by his behavior.

Gia stops by Elizabeth’s studio, just a little girl talk. Never mind that these four played spin the bottle with each other’s boyfriends. Elizabeth is uncharacteristically snotty while Gia makes an attempt at being truly pleasant. She tries to warn Elizabeth that Nik may not be exactly who she thinks he is. She even goes so far as to apologize for her past not-so-nice behavior and in an effort to glom onto Elizabeth’s good girl vibe, invites her to go shopping!!!

Sensing that her clumsy efforts are all for nothing, Gia lays it on the line and tells Liz “I want you to stay away from Nikolas” , there, I said it now what? Nikolas comes in and tells the girls he’s taking Liz away for the weekend, Gia figures it’s now or never and throws herself in front of Liz.

Lucky and Roy race off after getting a tip about a cemetary, but not before they deck some locals with Melissa’s help of course. They end up at the cemetery where the Casadines store their dead (or not so dead, depending) after going inside, Lucky shines the light into the broken box and jumps back, Luke’s inside! Lucky is stunned that Luke is alive, but Luke doesn't remember him. Luke’s memory loss makes him think that it is 1979 and that they are still plotting against Frank Smith! Roy brings Luke and Laura together in a secluded cabin. Laura breaks down when she she's how bad Luke's condition is.

Laura gives Liz the medicine to fake her death, four drops and she's out for an hour. Any more and she's dead permanently. Laura gives her one last chance to back out. She says she can't. Nik officially tells Granny that he will kill Liz.


A tearful Elizabeth goes by to tell Lucky that she is leaving PC. She is saying goodbye to him forever. He seems somewhat confused by her sad

farewell, but he doesn't try to stop her.

Nikolas has decided that the medicine Bobbie gave Laura may be too potent and risky to give to Liz. He simply asks Liz to leave Port Charles. Helena is preparing for the dinner party for Elizabeth's demise. Nikolas hesitantly puts the drug in Liz's wine. As Helena is toasting Elizabeth and Nik, Lucky enters. He is irate, and he demands to know why Elizabeth is there. Prior to this moment, Gia has told Lucky that a dark, sinister Nicholas plans to murder Liz.

Lucky makes snide remarks while Nik plays the 'Prince' and puts his brother down. Liz tells Lucky to leave; he doesn't belong there. Lucky tells her she doesn't belong there either as Nik and Helena are planning to kill her. Lucky tells Liz the food is poisoned then taunts Nik to prove otherwise by eating some himself. Seeing an apple he says, that's more Helena's style and offers to cram it down Helena's throat. He throws the trays of food to the floor and knocks Liz's drink out of her hand. Nik orders Lucky to leave but Lucky refuses unless Liz goes with him. Nik and Lucky get into a fistfight; Lucky ends up unconscious. Helena orders her goons to take Lucky and dump him somewhere.

Nik orders them not to hurt Lucky, just dump him somewhere safe. Nik wants to draw the evening to an end since the food is ruined, but Helena and Liz insist on continuing. Helena thinks a toast is in order. She and Liz chat while Nik concocts another drink for Liz. After passing out the drinks, Nik offers a special toast. Helena watches in horror as Liz and Nik sip from each other's glass, and then trade them completely. Helena watches Nik, as Liz refuses more wine. While Helena quizzes Nik on how he is feeling, Liz starts to feel dizzy. Now Helena understands; the 'poison' was in Nik's glass along. Helena and a tortured Nik watch as Liz sites her complaints, then 'dies'. (It was done quite nicely…pretty believable).

Helena checks Liz's pulse and pronounces her gone. She calls her goons to remove the body. Nik won't let them take her, and tells the guards that from here on out, he's calling the shots, not Helena. He then informs Helena that he's going to keep his promise to Liz, he going to take her sailing one last time. Helena says she understands and is proud, He is now THE Cassadine. After Helena and goons depart, Nik cries and pleads with the still unconscious Liz to return. But, alas, Liz shows no visible signs of life.

Stavros happens upon the goons, dumping a bound and gagged (still unconscious) Lucky. He orders them to disregard Helena's orders and they leave Lucky with him. As Stavros waits for Lucky to come to, he ponders what to do with him, after the trouble Lucky has caused him. Stavros calmly says to him "I know my mother has plans for you, but plans change". Then he pushes Lucky into the water as he says, "I told you, you were to annoying to let live." Lucky comes storming back into the dinning room of the yacht. He’s pulled a “Luke” and managed to free himself from his ropes while underwater. He can’t believe that Nikolas actually hurt Elizabeth. He screams at Nikolas to get away from her, while Nik attempts to make Lucky understand that he didn’t’ intend to hurt her.

Helena’s a little upset that he had Lucky tossed in the river as he was still useful. Stavros says that with Luke and Lucky out of the way, his future will include his wife and son. Helena still can’t help herself, “Laura’s not worthy of you”. He responds, “Mother, when I want your opinion, I’ll give it to you.”

Hugging the seemingly lifeless body of Elizabeth, he told her “I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to save you. I wasn’t worth this, why couldn’t you stop loving me first?” Nikolas comes back into the room, Lucky says he can’t believe Helena got to him too, and storms out.

Gia busts in and sees Liz. I can’t believe you did it, how could you let Psycho Granny control you? I heard everything. Nik realizes that’s why Gia was so protective of Liz the other day. It’s not what you think, let me explain. Tell it to the cop’s buster, Gia whips out her trusty cell phone and starts to dial. Nik makes a grab for it and she clocks him with her Nokia. She starts dialing again but before she can make sense, Nik’s up and shaking her to get her to understand he didn’t mean to kill Liz. At that moment, Liz calls out to Nikolas for help.

Lucky was in rare form. He had finally regained the control of his life (or so he thought). Lucky told Helena that she would not be able to hurt any of his family anymore. He grabbed Helena and demanded the cure for his father. Helena used a key phase and she thought that she had him under control, but Lucky popped right back to himself and told her he was not through with her. He demanded that they go to get the cure for Luke. Helena complied but pulled a fast one on Lucky when she pulled out the ice princess. This left Lucky shocked and useless against Helena.

Gia was delirious when Elizabeth came back from the dead. Nikolas tried to explain everything the best that he could but Gia was not moved. She could not believe that he trusted Elizabeth over her, the woman that he loved. Nikolas explained again how it was necessary to protect Gia from his family. Mac showed up at the yacht looking for a dead person or something. Gia covered by saying she was just angry with Nikolas and getting back at him. Mac was disappointed and told Gia that the police department was not a place for her to use at her disposal. Nikolas asked Gia to stay on the yacht while he got Elizabeth safely out of town.

Liz continued her nasty tirade against Gia for “selfishly” being hurt and angry that Nik had repetitively lied to her, demeaned her, and refused to trust her during the months of their planning to save Lucky. She told Gia that it broke Nik’s heart to do what he did to her and that she was not good enough for him. Later, she wrote a sappy love letter to Lucky telling him for the 900th time that she’s gonna make him remember their love Lucky and Granny battled wills over the vial of biotoxin and the Ice Princess. Even though Lucky fought it, he eventually fell captive to Helena’s programming (surprise). Stavros walked in on the pair and was unpleasantly surprised to see that Lucky was still alive. Granny told Stavros to leave Lucky alone.

Lucky stormed on the yacht looking for Elizabeth. He questioned Gia about Elizabeth. Lucky explained that Helena had got to him again and he had revealed information to her. What we want doesn't matter anymore because Helena will never let any of us be happy anymore. Lucky did mention that he fought Helena. He was feeling stronger because he resisted. Then he point blank asked Gia what was going on now. Thank goodness Gia has a strong personality and decided to reveal nothing to Lucky. She told him she did not know where Elizabeth was. She also kept up the story about Nikolas still not loving her. Gia did try to help Lucky the best way possible by pulling on his heartstrings with Elizabeth. Gia told him he had to rely on his feelings of love even though they seem non-existent. Whenever Helena tries to get to you go to that special place where you and Elizabeth shared your love and fight. Then Lucky saw Elizabeth (a vision). Elizabeth told him to fight for them and their love. You can't let Helena win. Lucky came out of the trance and told Gia that he had seen Elizabeth even smelled her skin and she had told him he had to fight. Since Lucky was over this hump, Gia took the opportunity to question him about Lucien Cane. Lucky's whole face changed and said that Lucien was the devil and if he got Nikolas he would never let him go.

Melissa urges Lucky to put aside his fear and visit his dad. A frantic Luke begins calling for his son from his hospital bed. Fighting back tears, Lucky apologizes to Luke as they share a warm embrace. Nik tries to convince a hostile Lucky that they are on the same side. He tries to explain that the "prince' was just and act to convince Helena. Nik couldn't confide in Lucky for fear that Helena would get the truth from him. He assures Lucky that Liz is alive, but can't tell him where she is because it would put her in danger.

Nikolas is trying to convince Lucky that Liz is still alive, but he isn't buying it. Laura arrives and tries her hand at convincing. Lucky finally sees the light and the brothers hug. Although they discuss tackling Helena together, Lucky thinks it's hopeless. He says Helena is too strong. Laura and Nikolas try to reassure Lucky. He finally decides he is going to fight and becomes gung ho about their fight. He boasts they have something the Cassidines don't and commitment.

As Laura arms herself with a pistol, Lucky arrives and insists that his mother not get in harm's way. Lucky pleads with Laura to let him end the feud between the Cassadines and the Spencers. Nikolas arrived upon the scene, and he helped Laura convince Lucky to remain in hiding and let them face Stavros and Helena without him. They worried that Lucky would fall prey to Helena's brainwashing or Stavros' hate. Nikolas and Laura bravely walk into the maze inside the cave, but stop in their tracks when Stavros appears.

Nik and Laura come face to face with Starvos. Starvos is delighted that he is finally reunited with his family. Nik demands to know where Gia is and Starvos tells his son that she is safe and that they have become friends. Gia comes out of the room and she and Nik are reunited. Nik tells Stavros about longing for a father, Stavros pulls him in for a hug. Nik then pulls a gun on him but Starvos gets it away from him. Starvos is both hurt and angry at Nik for trying to kill him.

Starvos then takes Laura to the bedroom he has set up for them. It is the same as the bridal room they had after they got married. Luke appears at the door. Luke tells Stavros that he will NOT get Laura. Stavros challenges him to take her anytime he wants. Luke taunts Stavros until he attacks. Luke takes him on and yells for Laura to run! She doesn’t leave, worried about Luke. In order to protect Luke, she agrees to stay and will do whatever Stavros wants.

Lucky finds a note from Liz, telling him that she loves him and that will never change. She tells him that she only left him to protect him, and promises that when this is all over she will return and make him remember how much he loves her. He then imagines he sees Liz, she tells him that he hasn’t lost her. She reassures him that she is still in his heart and that is why he can see her. She tells him he is the son of Luke and Laura and that Helena always underestimates that – being a Spencer. She says, “Your afraid because you think your alone”. “No”, he says, “he is afraid because he knows what Helena is capable of.” She tells him to see Helena’s lies for what they really are and to grab a hold of the truth.

Lucky realizes he is only imagining Liz’s presence. Liz gives him a picture of the first day they met, when she was applying for a job at Kelly’s. He asks where she got it? She tells him that he took a picture of it in his mind as that moment meant something to him. She continues to show him different pictures, moments of their history together and asks him about each one; from trying to protect her, after her HIV test, being on the run, the blender fight, moving into the boxcar, the paint war. Then he says wait, “this is when I felt…that I realized that I had a serious crush on you….dinner at the No Name.” He continues to look at the pictures, and then says he feels hope. She tells him that hope is never gone as long as he feels love and there is love inside him.

**The End**

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