Liz & Lucky #14  November 7, 2001 - March 11, 2002 - 8 hr original edit

Helena is holding Stefan, Bobbie and Alexis captive. They heard Nik outside of the room demanding that they be released-on his father's orders. With their help (they shouted insults at 'the brat' through the door) Nik used the prince routine and managed to convince the guard to open the door. Stefan was ready with a blow that knocked the guard unconscious. Nik told Stefan and Alexis to make their escape, while he searched for Laura. Instead Stefan and Alexis headed for the 'control room' intending to destroy it and all Helena's work. They are taken hostage again and taken to Helena in the lab control room.

Gia was nearly home free when Helena's henchmen grabbed her. Next, the henchmen bring in Luke, Laura, and Nikolas. Once all are gathered in the control room Helena tells all that it is time for the end game to begin. She announces that a 'special guest' will put an end to everything. Her men open the door to reveal, Lucky. Holding the Ice Princess in front of him, Helena commands Lucky to fulfill the destiny she has planned for him for so many years. When she asks if he understands what he has to do, Lucky smiles and says he understands completely.

Helena is stunned when Lucky firmly and coldly refuses to do her bidding. "I understand that this is just a rock; you're pathetic, and this is over. Lucky tells Helena she can shove it. Everyone shouts words of encouragement to Lucky, “You can do it”, “Don’t listen to her”, “You’re strong”. Stavros is amused and annoyed. Lucky gives the word and he and Nikolas take action. Bam, the sole goon in the room gets beaten up. Lucky rips the Ice Princess from Helena’s hands. Go team! Yeah Laura’s sons! Everyone in the room trades barbs with Helena. Stavros says that the whole thing is becoming tedious! Stavros tells Helena no one will hurt Nikolas, is that clear? Nikolas challenges his father, if you love me, let everyone go. He gives his okay to keep Nikolas, Laura and Gia safe. He says Alexis is okay, too, but Helena objects to that.

Letting Luke and Stefan, his mortal enemies, go is impossible, though, according to Stavros. He is ready to show the chosen ones to a safer part of the compound, but then, Jax, Roy, and Scott show up! “Hello, Mrs. Cassadine,” snarls Jax. The Three Musketeers box in Stavros but more goons show up! Bam! Pow! Smack! They are taken care of. In an effort to get away, Stavros punches both Lucky and Nikolas. Stavros runs out, followed by Luke, followed by Laura, followed by Scotty. Next, some of the captives box Helena in. That’s it? Do they think it is all over if they box in the grande dame? The musketeers collect some more goons.

Stefan has been untied and heads to the computer to break the code. Nikolas and Gia leave to call the police. Jax, Helena, Alexis, Bobbie and Roy leave, too, but get lost in the maze. Stefan and Lucky remain behind to break the code. Lucky tells Stefan he has his back. Luke corners Stavros and they share some sparring words. When Luke turns briefly at the sound of Laura’s voice, Stavros rushes to push a button that releases the floor. Luke is left clinging for dear life, while Stavros sputters about Luke’s lack of focus. Laura stumbles upon Luke, hanging on for dear life and promises to save him.

Stefan is hard at work trying to crack a computer code while Lucky stands by, offering encouragement. Stefan notes that he and Lucky have come a long way since their fight in the stairwell at General Hospital. He says he understands that Helena was controlling Lucky then. You’re a fine young man, Stefan says. Laura should be proud. Suddenly, the computer announces a 15-minute countdown to the failsafe detonation. Stefan seems pleased, he and Lucky leave.

Laura tries to pull Luke out of the pit. He starts to slip out of her grasp. Scotty arrives in the nick of time to pull Luke to safety (heroic music playing in the background). Once on firm ground, Luke comments that he never thought he’d be glad to see Scotty. They all hear the computer countdown (14 minutes to failsafe). Luke tells Scotty to get Laura out of there; he’s going after Stavros. Laura begs him not to. A chipper Luke says, “It’s high noon and I’m not gonna miss it.” He dashes off.

The group of Stefan, Alexis, Bobbie, Jax, Roy and Helena are lost in the maze. Alexis twists her ankle just as two more of Helena’s goons show up. Jax and Roy start fighting with them, and Helena quietly slips away. She rounds a corner to find Alexis and Bobbie blocking her escape. The group comes together again, Jax commenting that Helena hires her henchmen for “their looks, not their stamina.” Then they all hear the computer countdown (11 minutes to failsafe). Roy spots a big digital clock next to a doorway (“that makes it nice and official, doesn’t it,” he comments wryly.) Jax and Roy surmise that when the clock gets to zero, a whole bunch of steel doors slam down, locking them all inside. Helena remarks that they’re going the wrong way. She offers to tell them the way out for a deal. Jax says, no way, your revenge is going to get you nothing. They arrive back at the clock and realize they’re going in circles. Helena declares Stavros will come and save her

Nikolas and Gia run into the opulent room as the computer announces the 9-minute mark. A goon grabs Nikolas from behind and starts to throttle him. Stavros comes in and Gia pleads with him to save Nikolas. Stavros orders the goon to release his son and return to his post. The muscle complies. Stavros then tells Nikolas to take Gia and go. They start to leave, but Nikolas hesitates and asks Stavros to come with them. Stavros says no, there are some things he must take care of. He tells Nikolas he is proud of him, and then asks him to go quickly and be well. Nikolas and Gia leave.

Lucky and Stefan come out off the cave; Laura and Scotty have already made their way out. Laura hugs Lucky and tells him how proud she was when he stood up to Helena. Mac and Felecia arrive and rush into the tunnel. Laura tells Stefan she was wrong about him. Nikolas and Gia emerge and there are hugs all around. Nikolas, Stefan and Alexis enjoy a group hug. Taggert starts yelling at Gia but she convinces him to give her a hug. Jax delivers Helena to Mac, who reads her rights, while Taggert slaps the cuffs on her. A happy Nikolas, Alexis and Stefan watch.

Luke suggests to Stavros come down to the police station or they end it here and now. “I think I’ll go for the second option,” Stavros says, walking over to the bed, pulling up the bedpost and brandishing a sword in Luke’s face! “You’ve seen too many movies,” Luke says. “You tried to kill me with a bed post last time,” Stavros replies. “This time I decided to be prepared.” He lunges at Luke, who quickly sidesteps and throws a pillow at Stavros. Luke runs over to the other bedpost and tries to pull it off. “Do you have another sword on you?” he asks Stavros, who laughs. Luke settles for the rod at the bottom of the bed, which he turns into a makeshift staff to fend off Stavros’ attack. He hits Stavros in the stomach, and then hides behind a curtained door to dodge the next sword swipe. He throws a dress at Stavros. Stavros finally knocks Luke down and brings the sword down . . . on the staff. Luke jumps up and manages to get the sword away from Stavros. Stavros runs back out into the maze, Luke close on his heels.

Luke manages to knock Stavros into the hole in the floor. As Stavros clings to the edge, Luke crouches beside him and says, “Ain’t this a shame? You’ve died twice and both times the last face you saw was mine.” Stavros just laughs and lets he fall into the pit. Luke watches, says “yeah!” and leaves, dramatic hero (similar to Superman’s theme) music swelling in the background.

Lucky and Roy come out again, Lucky nursing a sore head where he got hit from behind. A frantic Laura dashes for the tunnel entrance, Scotty following and trying to stop her. Laura watches as the clock hits zero and the steel door starts coming down . . . just as Luke scoots underneath it! The two of them hug, with a jealous Scotty looking on. Luke says, “We’re safe. The monsters are gone. We’re so overdue for a happy ending.”

Bobbie, Luke, Laura, Nikolas, Gia and Scotty go to the police station to give their statements. Helena walks in with handcuffs on and Luke taunts her and tells her that Starvos fell into the bottomless pit at the lab. Helena is shocked. Lucky goes to Helena’s jail ceil. She thinks he is there to protect his queen. Lucky laughs at her and tells her that he hates her for what she has gone to him, his family and Liz. And then says that she will never know what real love is.

Laura decides surround herself with the people she loves and invites them all over to her house. Later at Laura's, Lucky shows up and says he and Scotty have a surprise for Laura. Just then Leslie, LuLu, Scotty’s parents, Serena, Bobbie and Lucas come in with balloons and cake. Laura is happy to be reunited with her mother and daughter. Lucky goes outside and Laura follows. He tells his mother that Nik gave him the number of where Liz is. He then goes on to say he is looking forward to having a real future with Liz. Lucky tells the kids the story of the big bad monsters that got beaten by all the good people. Lucky and Nikolas celebrate as brothers, and they discuss Elizabeth and how she helped Lucky break the mind control. Nikolas and Gia go to Kelly’s to wake up Lucky and Gia no very subtly flashes her rock of an engagement ring. Lucky suggests they elope but Gia starts rattling off plans for a royal wedding much to Nikolas’ apparent discomfort.

 It's Thanksgiving, and Laura is hosting the big feast at Bobbie's (as Bobbie and Scott are in jail for speeding) and the Spencers and Jones gather together. Laura makes a heartfelt toast giving thanks for friends and family and the strength that gives them. Over at the Quartermaine's, Ned begins singing, "We Gather Together" and this leads into a montage of Thanksgiving scenes. Serena approaches Laura and asks her if "its" true. Laura asks her what "it" is and Serena says that LuLu told her. After Laura tells her that its okay to say whatever she has to say LuLu announces that Laura is going to marry Scott (which Laura has not decided yet) and Luke's happy face goes to a shocked one. Lesley Lu has brought Thanksgiving dinner to a standstill with her news of her mom's engagement to Scott. Everyone disperses, leaving only the Spencers and Roy at the table. Luke sarcastically toasts to the happy couple and gets up. Roy stops him and asks him if he is okay. Luke just says he is ready to leave and walks out the front door.

Gia has arrived at the brownstone now, too, and tells Lucky that she doesn't know where Nikolas went. She is worried. Lucky tells her he has a pretty good idea where Nikolas went and he'll take her there. Maxie wonders what happened to Lucky. Mac & Felicia remind Maxie that Lucky has a girlfriend (Maxie says she'll wait!) and that she'll just end up hurt. Lucky speaks to Elizabeth over the phone, and he clearly remains unsettled.

Lucky is in Jake's playing pool when Caitlin, the girl he danced with at Gia and Nik's engagement party, approaches him. He turns her down, saying that he is madly in love with Liz. Zander then comes over and tells Lucky that he talked to Emily. Lucky admits that he knew about Em's new love but wanted Emily to tell Zander herself. Zander then says that love doesn't happen for people like him. Lucky tells him that if him and Liz can make it through her faking her death and the trouble Helena gave them, that Zander and Em can make it through this too. Zander doesn't believe him and leaves.

Lucky goes up to his room to find someone sleeping in it. He thinks its Caitlin and tells her nice try. The girl then rolls over and it's Liz. Lucky is stunned to see Elizabeth in his room. He kisses her tenderly and they hold each other. She tells Lucky how much she missed him and is so glad that things can finally go back to the way they were. She says,” Let's continue as we were". Yet, Lucky says " No, Let's start over". He tells her how thinking about her had gotten him through some real ordeals. Lucky replies that he doesn't want to live in the past. He wants to start over and create a happy future for the two. Liz and Lucky make love. Afterwards she lies in his arms and tells Lucky how much she is looking forward to their future together. As Elizabeth tells him that she wants to spend every moment with him, unseen by Liz is the look on Lucky's face that demonstrates that he feels otherwise.

Lucky and Liz come downstairs, hand in hand. Nikolas and Gia are there having breakfast. Hellos and hugs are shared. The gang sits down and Gia starts talking about wedding plans. Courtney shows up and sits at the bar, orders a cup of coffee. Gia goes up to the bar to get her cup of coffee, sets down a twenty and Courtney takes off with it. The gang stops her and offers to help her and ends up giving her the money to buy copper wire to fix her car. Back at the table, Nikolas and Lucky discuss Lucky’s lack of love for Liz. He promises to give her the life she dreamed of, even if he doesn’t love her. When the foursome starts talking about Gia’s wedding plans again, Liz suggests they elope.

Suddenly, Liz suggests that Lucky and her are the couple that should elope on New Year’s Eve! Liz suggest that her and Lucky should get married at midnight on New Year's Eve. Lucky is all for it as a concerned Nik looks on. Liz tells the group that she wants to get married at the Baptist church where her and Lucky pledged their love for each other. Lucky then suggests using Laura's house. Liz loves the idea and Lucky leaves the table to call Laura to tell her. Nik follows him and asks him to call off the wedding. Lucky says that he owes Liz a wedding and that if he doesn't give her one then that means Helena won. Liz asks Gia to be her maid of honor since Emily won't be able to come. Gia and Liz go over to Nik and Lucky and Liz comments that maybe Lucky doesn't want to get married. Lucky reassures her but Gia knows something else is going on.

Though Nikolas assures her he's happy for his brother and Elizabeth, Gia realizes that Nik has some serious doubts. Nik finally admits that Lucky’s feelings for Liz are not the same as before. Gia thinks Liz should know and appears ready to tell when Liz and Lucky show up. Meanwhile, an ecstatic Elizabeth looks forward to ringing in the New Year as Mrs. Lucky Spencer. Later, Liz & Lucky's surprising announcement gives Luke visions of a double wedding but Laura quickly squelches the idea. Gia fusses around Liz helping her prepare for her big day. She’s preoccupied with thoughts of how to best give Liz the news that will break her heart, while at the same time, Nik is telling Lucky all about the fantasy honeymoon that is his wedding present to the couple. He’s also fighting a losing battle trying to convince Lucky to at least put off his impending wedding. Lucky rattles on about Liz’s “lock” on his love, saying she deserves this happiness after everything they’ve been through. Others start to arrive and barge in on Liz. Audrey, Laura, Bobbie and Gia provide her with her old, new, borrowed and blue mementos, but the old superstition isn’t going to help this wedding.

Liz tells Gia that she misjudged her and her love for Nikolas and basically thanks her for everything she’s done to help get Lucky and she to this point. Gia’s so uncomfortable she can’t stand it. She blurts out to Liz that she shouldn’t get married that Lucky’s love for her never returned! Liz is stunned while downstairs Laura hedges when Luke asks her yet again to marry him! At the Spencer house, everyone oohs and aahs about the upcoming nuptials. Elton did a great job. Everyone tells Lucky how great all will be. But, upstairs, Liz is not at all happy with Gia’s news. She denies that it is possible and accuses Gia of playing a joke on her or straight up lying or trying to ruin her day. Whatever the reason, she refuses to believe it and continues with her wedding. Audrey, Laura and Bobbie come in and offer some last minute marriage advice.

Lucky goes outside to get some pre-wedding fresh air and his dad comes out and sort of questions whether Lucky is really ready to get married. He tells Lucky not to go through with it if he has any doubts whatsoever. Lucky doth protest too much, insisting he has no doubts. Ceremony begins. Down the aisle comes Lulu, Gia, Audrey, and then the bride. Liz gives her vows and they are amazing. Lucky gives his. Mid-vow, just as Lucky is saying his love for her is stronger than ever and that no one can ever change that, Liz realizes that Lucky has indeed stopped loving her. She says she can see it in his eyes. She runs upstairs. Everyone is shocked, except for Nikolas. He is mad and gives the evil eye to Gia.

Nikolas tells the guests the bride- and groom-to-be probably need some privacy. Everyone goes out to watch the fireworks. Nikolas tracks Gia down and forces her outside. He demands to know if she told Elizabeth what he told her. Lucky catches up with Liz upstairs and tries to coax her down to get married. She isn’t budging, though. She wants to know if his love for her truly came back. At the stroke of midnight, a New Year's Eve music montage, 10...9...8... Zander and Carly look at each other. Melissa and Roy celebrate being alone and kiss. 7...6...5... Kristina and Ned toast the New Year and kiss, Jax comes up to Skye and is nice. She moves in for a kiss. 4...3... Luke and Laura hug. 2... Nikolas and Gia argue. 1... Lucky admits his feelings aren’t back and falls into Liz’s lap, crying.

Lucky admits his feelings have changed, but tries to convince Liz his love will return given time. Liz fears he will grow to resent her and refuses to go on with the ceremony. Nik is upset with Gia for spilling the beans to Liz, and lets her know it. Luke gets Laura to agree to a mystery trip. A dejected Lucky is lying on the couch with what appears to be a “dear Lucky” letter from Liz in his hand when Gia knocks on the door. He lets her in and starts railing about how Elizabeth is gone and it’s all Gia’s fault. Nikolas comes in and says Lucky should blame him; he shouldn’t have told Gia. Gia interjects, "People in love should be able to tell each other everything."

Lucky yells at both of them, pointing out that it was his decision to go through with the wedding. Nikolas wiped out my love for Elizabeth in the first place, he adds. Nik says he was trying to prove himself to Helena. Is that an apology or an excuse? Lucky wants to know. Gia says Elizabeth will be back. How am I supposed to get back what you two took away? Lucky screams and runs upstairs. Gia tells Nik it’s not his fault. She makes him promise that he’ll tell her if he ever falls out of love with her. Nik wants to fix things with Lucky before he leaves, but Gia convinces him to wait until they can help when Lucky and Liz need them in the future. They leave. Lucky comes downstairs, looks around the room with the wedding decorations, throws his suit coat across the room, and storms out. 

Lucky goes to Helena's jail cell and bitterly congratulates her for separating him from the woman he loved. He manages to get Helena to come to the cell bars, and then grabs her in a chokehold. As he tightens his grip on Helena's scrawny neck, Lucky orders his former tormentor to restore his feelings for Elizabeth. Nik arrives and persuades Lucky to release her. After Lucky leaves, Helena loses no time in pushing her irritated grandson's most vulnerable buttons. She also gives him a good scare, by vividly predicting his future.

Lucky is playing basketball when Nikolas shows up. The two spar a little and then Nikolas joins in on the game. He tries to talk to Lucky about how rough he was with Helena previously but Lucky doesn't want to hear it. Nikolas tries to get Lucky to see that even though his love for Elizabeth is gone, he still has strong feelings for her and that maybe their relationship isn't over. The two get rough on the court and Lucky has Nikolas pinned on the ground and tells him that he should bounce his head off the ground until his love for Gia pours out of his ears. Nikolas just laughs and Lucky leaves.

Elizabeth came to Bobbie's to rest. After a long nap, she and Bobbie have a talk about her situation with Lucky. She tells Bobbie that she's so angry and that it's not like her. Bobbie tells her that it's normal to have strong feelings but are her feelings really of anger or of embarrassment. Elizabeth says that she's feeling lied to. That Lucky knew all along he wasn't in love with her but chose not to inform her. She's mad that Nikolas and Gia both knew but she didn't and no one felt she needed to. Bobbie helps Elizabeth sort out her feelings and realize that her relationship with Lucky may not be over just different. She asks her if she thinks they can build on the feelings that are still between them and still stay together. Elizabeth hadn't thought of this before and while considering it, someone comes to the door. Elizabeth tells Bobbie that she doesn't want anyone to know she's there. Bobbie goes to the door and it's Lucky looking for Elizabeth. Bobbie admits to her aggravated nephew that she agreed to hide Elizabeth at the brownstone. Bobbie dispenses some sage advice to Lucky about the trials and tribulations of falling in and out of love. Basically she advises her nephew to give Liz (and love) time and a little space.

Wandering the docks alone at night, a miserable Elizabeth bumps into Zander and asks how he handled getting dumped by the woman he loved. Zander is very brusque with her, and Liz thinks it is payback for not backing his and Emily’s romance. Zander is expecting Roscoe, but he fails to get rid of Liz, before the enforcer shows up. Roscoe warns Zander that this is the big leagues and now his “friends will pay for the disrespect”. Roscoe threatens Elizabeth with a knife. Lucky approaches Roscoe from behind and manages to disarm him. He and Zander wrestle the thug to the ground. Sonny arrives to find a subdued Roscoe and takes matters into his own hands to punish the man who threatened Carly and injured Zander. Liz and Lucky take off and Lucky asks Liz to tell him what she couldn’t tell Bobbie. Lucky appeals to Liz to give them another chance to find love. They agree to start all over again.

Sonny introduces his sister, Courtney, to Lucky and Liz at Kelly's. Liz and Lucky have an evening of ice-skating in the park. They are playful and happy and seem to be headed for romance. Until, Lucky admits that he doesn’t feel they same way he did on a previous similar outing. Liz withdraws and urges Lucky to take her home, despite his wish to continue the date with dinner at Eli’s. Nik continues to worry about Lucky and Liz, but Gia distracts him with some creative romancing. Gia locks herself and Nik in a room together and playfully persuades Nikolas to put aside his business and concerns and concentrate solely on her for a while.

Lucky sees Nikolas in action as lead Cassadine and is amused. Where is the brother he knows? Lucky now seems to be fine with Nikolas. While talking, Nikolas finds a letter written to him from his dad. He starts to read it, but Lucky grabs it out of his hand and throws it into the fire. At Elizabeth’s apartment, Gia shows up while Elizabeth is frantically trying to find something to wear on her date. Gia is glad to find out that Liz is no longer mad at her and is surprised to find out that Liz’s date is with Lucky. She thinks Liz might be making a mistake. Liz tells her she doesn’t want to hear it; she thinks it is a good idea to try to start over and recapture what they had. Gia helps her get ready for the date. She actually braids Liz’s hair in a style similar to her own! Liz is happy for Gia when Gia announces she and Nik have been invited to a charity concert and will be hob-knobbing with royalty. Gia manages to come down from her high tower long enough to wish Liz luck on her date.

Nik is angry and upset that Lucky burned the letter from Stavros. Lucky can't believe Nik is falling for Stavros' claims of love. Lucky points out Stavros’ faults including that he tried to seduce Gia knowing she was Nik’s girl. Nik tries to explain that Stavros saved his life and told him that he loved him. Lucky says he understands why Nik wants to believe, but insists that it doesn’t erase all the horrible things that Stavros did. Lucky assures Nik that he's only trying to protect him from more pain. Nik retreats emotionally, claiming too much work, despite Lucky’s reminder that he agreed to spend the evening with Liz and him. Laura arrives and interrupts her son’s disagreement. Lucky is concerned to learn that Luke did not return with Laura. Lucky leaves as he is already running late for his date with Liz.

Lucky finds Gia in Liz’s room when he arrives and tells her he is worried about Nik. He goes on to explain about the letter and Nik's reaction to his burning it. Lucky is surprised when Gia comes down on Nik's side by saying Nik had a right to keep the letter. Lucky tells her he is sure the letter wasn’t from Stavros, but another trick courtesy of Helena. Gia tells Lucky that she got to know Stavros enough to believe that a small part of him really cared for his son. She goes on to explain that Nik lives in fear of turning in to his father, and is constantly guarding against it. Lucky warns her that Nik will follow in the Cassadine tradition of evil, as long he is in control of the estate. Gia assures Lucky that Nik wants only to do well with his money. Liz returns to her room and a waiting Lucky. From a paper bag she produces a disposable camera so they can make new ‘memories” on their evening together. Lucky protest that he has a perfectly good ‘expensive’ one at home, but Liz insists it’s better if they don’t think about the past or future and concentrate on just having fun.

Liz and Lucky go out on a date. During the limo ride Liz gets pricked by a rose thorn and Lucky spills water on her. Lucky tries to blame the limo driver and God but Liz points out that maybe Lucky is trying to hard. The two arrive at the Grille and Liz goes to the ladies room. Lucky spots Nik sitting by himself. He approaches his brother and apologizes for his behavior at Wyndemere. Nik accepts the apology. The two start to make small talk when someone comes up to the table and says "The two best looking guys in the universe sitting at the same table. How can a girl get so lucky?" The two turn around to see Sarah Webber standing there. They both jump out and hug her. Gia walks into the ladies room bad mouthing men. She sees Liz in there, doing the same thing. The two discuss their latest downfalls with the men in their lives. They leave the ladies room together and see Sarah sitting with Nik and Lucky. Gia asks who she is and Liz (looking a tad bit disgusted) says that it's her sister, Sarah.

Gia and Liz make their way back to their men, where Sarah is telling of her adventures in Greece. Upon seeing Liz, Sarah jumps up and hugs her. She starts in about how sorry she is to have missed the wedding and how great Lucky & Liz look so marriage must be agreeing with them. She realizes she has said something wrong, but Gia lies about the reason why there was no marriage and, after a short catch-up session, she drags Liz back into the bathroom. Gia asks why Liz doesn’t seem to like Sarah. Liz just explains that Sarah is perfect and that everyone loves Sarah. She can’t compete. She lets it slip that Nikolas and Sarah had been an item, something Gia doesn’t want to hear.

Back at the table, Sarah asks the boys what is going on. Lucky admits it was his fault about the wedding. Nikolas steps in and says it was his fault. Sarah wants Liz to tell her what happened at the wedding. They decide to go to Audrey’s and spend the whole night talking, catching up. In the limo on the way home, Gia asks Nikolas how serious he was with Sarah. He admits she was the first girl he ever loved, something every fiancé wants to hear about the new girl in town. He explains their history and she is a little annoyed. She begs to know how he feels about things; she doesn’t like being shut out.

Gia tracks Nik down at the stables, where he has just finished an early morning ride. After Nik extols the virtues of horseback riding. Gia invites him to ‘make the world fall away’ for both of them as she opens her coat to reveal she is only wearing skimpy lingerie underneath. Later, they cuddle in the hay and talk about Stavros. Gia points out that it is natural for someone to wonder about their parents-Nik wouldn’t be normal if he didn’t feel some connection to his father. The moment is spoiled when she suddenly remembers she is late for something.

Lucky arrives at Deception to go over some proofs with his boss, but his mother is more concerned with his private life than his photographic success. Lucky explains why he and Elizabeth are working so hard to get back what they once had. Laura advises Lucky that pretending feelings that aren’t real, could lead to real hurt, for both Liz and himself.

During lunch, Audrey happily invites Sarah to stay with her while she completes her internship at GH. Sarah is appropriately thankful, gracious and generous with her response, which prompts Liz to mutter under her breath “still perfect I see”. After Audrey leaves, Sarah presses her sister for details about the wedding that wasn't. Liz is in turn defensive and bitchy, but finally gets Sarah to understand she is not ready to talk about it. In sisterly fashion, Liz presses Sarah for details upon learning that her return to PC involved a man. Sarah also claims no wish to discuss the details. Liz confides in her sister that she feels they are being compared-with herself always on the short end. This leads to a childhood memory of a Wizard of Oz production with Sarah as Dorothy and Liz as the Wicked Witch. The recollection prompts a round of giggles.

On the terrace, Lucky gives the final okay on the set, but wonders where his model is. Gia finally arrives and Lucky playfully comments that they don’t have time to discuss how she got hay in her hair. Nik sees the Webber sisters (still giggling), approaches them and asks to hear the story behind the laughter. After Lucky calls a wrap to the session, he asks Gia if she’ll miss modeling. Gia tells Lucky she has no real regrets about giving up her career. Lucky then leads Gia into the dining room. Gia is brought to a standstill by the scene she sees. The threesome (Nik, Liz and Sarah) are sitting together laughing their collective head-off. Nik is sitting next to Sarah with his arm on the back of her chair. On the terrace Lucky gives the final okay on the set, but wonders where his model is. Gia finally arrives and Lucky playfully comments that they don’t have time to discuss how she got hay in her hair.

After sitting through Gia’s touchy-feely, kissy-kissy routine, Nikolas pulls her aside and tries to reassure his green-eyed fiancée that he loves her and is not interested in Sarah Webber. After some more small talk and a few catty remark from Gia directed at Sarah, the five-some agree to a group outing with Nik making the arrangements. Gia and Liz leave together. Nik has business at GH, which leaves Sarah and Lucky alone together.

This scene alternates back and forth several time between the two vehicles, Gia comments to passenger Liz that she can’t believe Liz didn’t notice how Sarah was flirting with Nik. Courtney drives while wiping tears from her eyes. Liz defends her sister saying she wasn’t flirting she was just being herself-nice. Courtney continues to drive while wiping tears from her face. Liz tells Gia Sarah isn’t man crazy, men just like her. Too which Gia retorts that in case Liz hadn’t noticed both Nik and Lucky are men. Courtney drives and wipes and turns on the radio. The song playing is “Every breath you take” by the police. Liz comments that Sarah is like a beautiful Mother Theresa and turns on the radio (same song). Gia wants to turn the dial because the song is “too retro” (dig at Sarah). Liz says “leave it, I love this song”. Gia turns toward Liz telling her now naïve she is; Liz yells out that the light is red…Courtney sees the headlight come straight at her…Gia shouts, steps on the brakes, turns the wheel… Courtney turns the wheel…Sound of squealing tires…Looks of horror on everyone’s face… Loud crash sounds… Blank screen…

At the crash site, Gia, Elizabeth and Courtney all lay motionless, seemingly unconscious. Courtney wakes up first and is able to crawl out her window. She seems fine. She heads to the other car and finds Gia's cell phone to call for help. Sonny's goons show up and take the phone away from her. They say Sonny wouldn't want the police involved. As they lead her away against her will, Taggert shows up and wonders what is going on. He calls for ambulances and then realizes Gia is behind the other wheel. As soon as he touches her, she miraculously comes to. He automatically assumes Courtney ran a red light and even though Gia remembers it was her fault, she lets her brother keep on thinking that. Courtney comes over to see how Gia is and Gia starts yelling at her. The ambulances take all the girls to GH.

At the Deception offices: Laura calls on Lucky to hack into the hospital's computer systems. Lucky finds pages and pages of reports on patients that died under Melissa's care. Laura and Lucky talk about what the findings could mean when Lucky is interrupted with a cell phone call. Elizabeth's been hurt! In the ER, Gia finds out that Elizabeth's condition is serious and that she is suffering from internal bleeding. Taggert demands a blood alcohol test for Courtney. Sonny walks in and demands Taggert take his hands off his sister. Elizabeth is in a critical state with a ruptured lung. Actually, her sis, Sarah, is a new intern at GH, and she diagnosed the problem. Of course, Lucky is frantic.

Courtney's drug alcohol test is negative, but she was going to leave the scene of the accident with Sonny's thugs so she is taken in to the station. Gia knows that she was drinking before she and Liz left the PC Restaurant, but Nikolas asks her to remain quiet. Why wasn't Gia given the blood alcohol test too? That part is totally unrealistic. A tearful Gia tells Nicholas again that she was indeed responsible for this accident. She says" I had drunk champagne and an Irish coffee. I didn't even see that stop light."

Lucky vents his anger by punching and kicking some walls. He goes out on the roof and thinks about the night he and Liz were supposed to get married. He concludes that he should have lied and told Liz that he did love her like he use to. Sarah comes out onto the roof. Lucky climbs on the ledge and says he let Liz down. Sarah recalls when she was in love with Nik and how that all changed. She tells Lucky that sometimes people fall out of love. Lucky doesn't buy it. Later, Liz comes out of surgery. Amy tells him that the surgery went well.

Nik and Gia are in her hospital room when a nurse shows up and says that the police have ordered a BA test from Gia. Nik lies and said she already had one and the nurse believes him. Gia worries that they will find out that Nik and lied and will come back and do the test. Nik hopes that by that time the alcohol in Gia's blood will be gone. He then says not to worry about Courtney because Alexis and Sonny will find a way to get the charges dropped against her.

Nik goes to the accident site to see the cars. A little old lady and her dog come up and she asks Nik if the people in the crash are all right. She goes on to tell him that the young model was the one that ran the red light. Taggert brings Courtney for questioning. The lady that Nik talked to comes in and says she saw Courtney run the stoplight. But before Tag can do anymore, the new cop comes in and says Mac wants Court charges with running a red light and Mike for not having insurance and that Courtney can leave. Nik is seen in a room with the old lady. He gives her an envelope with some money and says that her new condo in Palm Beach is ready.

In his quest to cover up the real cause of the accident, Nik visits the PC Grill, finds the waiter who served them the champagne and offers him a job as headwaiter in a resort he owns out of the country. Conveniently enough the man must take the job and leave within three hours. Gia is relieved to learn from Sarah that Liz is out of surgery and will apparently recover from her injuries. After looking through the chart Sarah comments that Gia’s blood work is missing the police ordered-customary after an accident-BA test. Gia (stupidly) comments that she didn’t really drink anything. Though Sarah seems to recall Gia having a glass of champagne during dinner, Nik firmly insists that he drank almost all of Gia’s drink. Later, Nik tells Gia that he has taken care of all the loose ends. The waiter is out of the country; the witness has been paid off to point the finger at Courtney. Gia protests that she doesn’t want to cause trouble for the girl. Nik assures her that Sonny will see to it that Courtney is protected, so Gia gives in. Gia picks this time to tell Nik that Elizabeth knows the truth and will tell it as soon as she regains consciousness.

Tag starts to question Liz about the accident as Nik looks on. When Liz starts to remember stuff, Nik comes in and asks Tag to leave the room because he is upsetting Liz. Lucky follows suit and agrees with his brother. Tag tells the two to leave the room so he can finish his questioning. As Nik and Lucky are leaving, Gia comes in and demands that she get to stay so she can lend Liz support. Tag takes his sister out to the hallway and tells her and Nik and Lucky that they need to stop trying to stop him and that he will get his questioning done. Just then, Bobbie comes up and tells Tag he is needed in the chapel ASAP.

Gia asks Lucky to take her to the accident site so she can get something out of her car. In his continuing efforts to keep the world from finding out that Gia ran a red light, Nik lets it slip to Elizabeth that Gia is having nightmares about the accident in which she hears Liz yell to look out for the other car running the light. He also tells her there’s an eyewitness who saw Courtney go through the red light and hit them.

Elizabeth says she doesn’t remember it that way; she recalls yelling something about the traffic light. The other cars headlights would have been right in your eyes, Nik prompts. Out in the hall, a nervous Gia cuts Taggert off at the pass as he tries to return to questioning Elizabeth. Taggert lets his sister know that he has some suspicions about her story. He points out that a lie will hurt her for the rest of her life and begs her to come straight with him. Gia acts offended and yells that she didn’t run the red light. In her room, Elizabeth says she thinks she’s beginning to remember something.

Taggert comes in to take her statement and she admits she can’t remember what color the light was. She did yell something to Gia just before the crash, though. One of Sonny’s goons delivers a note from him, offering help. Nik and Gia say that sounds like a man who knows his sister is guilty. Elizabeth says Sonny has always been good to her. She tells Taggert she is prepared to swear in a court of law that Courtney ran the red light. A relieved Nik and Gia say their good-byes to Elizabeth and prepare to go home to celebrate Valentine’s Day. An uneasy Taggert watches them leave. Lucky arrives with brownies and a single white rose and asks Elizabeth if she’ll be his Valentine.

In a Valentine's Day fantasy episode: Elton introduces Gia to a bevy of her adoring fans and is greeted by oohs, aahs, cheers and applause. Playing host, Elton asks the Princess-to-be how it feels to have all your dreams come true, complete with a rich, handsome Prince. It’s wonderful she says, but before she can tell her adoring public what she will do next, Taggert and Courtney break through the crowd and announce that GIA ran the red light, put Liz in the hospital and framed Courtney. Taggert declares that they have proof and tells Gia she is under arrest. Gia takes Nik aside and asks him to help her. Nik warns her that there is only one way, but once done there will be NO going back. Gia (not even asking what he means) tells Nik to do it.

Nik takes the microphone from Elton and starts a speech about how Gia has been targeted by Courtney and Taggert. Halfway through the speech Nik’s voice changes, Gia looks over and finds herself staring at Stavros. Nik/Stavros goes on to assure the crowd that Taggert and Courtney will be arrested for their crime and he and Gia will go on to live the life they deserve. Elton takes the mic back and asks Gia how she feels now that her Prince has saved her. Gia, with a look over at Nik (who is now back to himself) tells everyone (in a less than sure voice) that she is the most fortunate woman alive.

Liz (spoiling for a fight) and Lucky arrive outside of Helena’s digs (apparently down on the docks). Lucky assures Liz that though Helena may have cast an evil spell on him, she doesn’t ‘have’ him and never will. As the lovers start to kiss, Helena (dressed in what appears to be a cast off of some Disney evil-queen character) appears, scoffs at Liz’s confident attitude. After Liz mocks her ‘villain speak’, Helena (with a snap of her fingers) sends a large wooden crate flying at the duo. It misses Liz, but knocks Lucky out. Helena assures a worried Liz that because Lucky is enchanted he can’t die. Then (accompanied by classic villain speak- “Which is more than I can say for you my pretty”) points her finger at Liz and shoots blots of electricity at our heroine. Liz ducks, points out Helena's fashion mistake, and bad aim, lifts a crate and throws it at the wicked queen, who manages to sidestep out of harm’s way. Helena points her finger and shoots at Liz again, and misses again. Liz spies a bucket of water and throws it at Helena.

With the classic lines ringing in her ears (think wizard of oz), Liz watches as Helena melts away. A groan from Lucky draws her attention. She rushes to him and tells him that she has defeated Helena. A crack of thunder announces an imminent rainstorm, which has Liz franticly trying to get Lucky inside before the rain melts him. Lucky tells Liz that the spell has been broken, but isn't sure and still tries to usher him inside. Lucky assures her he feels the difference because he loves her. Liz remains unconvinced until (as the rain starts) Lucky draws her into his arms for a kiss. Lucky lifts his head and shouts into the rain...I LOVE YOU! With a happy smile from Liz, the couple continues to kiss, hug and laugh in the rain.

Elizabeth tells Lucky they both need to let go of the past and move on with their lives because she is certain that their love can never be retrieved. Lucky manages to convince Liz to give him one more chance as Sarah overhears from the door away. After Sarah gets Lucky to leave, Liz asks Sarah for her opinion on the chance of Lucky’s love returning. Sarah is non-committal as she tells her sister that Lucky is a great guy and if he says something is so, and then it must be. Later, Lucky returns and watches Liz sleep.

Bobbie and Sarah pronounce Liz on her way to recovery. Outside in the hall, Lucky asks them for help with his next plan. Later Sarah returns Liz to her room, after inventing she needed more x-rays, to find that Lucky has brought Liz painting equipment and transformed the room into a simile of their once planned Greenwich Village apartment. Liz is touched but claims she is not up for painting just yet. Later, after posing for Lucky, they have a good laugh over his sketch of stick figures.

Just as Sarah is confronting Nikolas about Gia’s missing blood alcohol test, Gia comes in, all excited about her new BMW. Sarah’s not too happy and tells the lovebirds that the head of interns at GH is upset about possible liability for the hospital and won’t let the missing test drop. Sarah points out that Gia did drink a glass of champagne before the accident and asks if she lied about running the red light, too. Nikolas tries to calm her down, saying he realizes she’s upset because of Elizabeth. He says it was just an accident and they should all move on. Suddenly calm, Sarah apologizes and she and Gia walk out together.

Elizabeth is sketching the accident when Lucky comes in. She tells him she’s drawing it to help her remember. She can recall lots of little details right before the crash, but she can’t see the traffic signal. And there’s a chance she may never remember it. Is that how you feel with me? She wants to know. Lucky says he used to but now he feels liking, needing and wanting to be with her, everything but the love. He says that love will return; can she trust him on that? Sarah is out in the hall and hears this last part of the conversation.

Lucky are Liz flirting, Sarah shows up and the sisters tease each other. Liz needs sleep, though, and outside her room, Sarah speaks her mind to Lucky about his treatment of her sister. Why is he pushing with this love thing? Maybe they just outgrew each other, Sarah suggests. She and Nikolas used to love each other, but they outgrew that. How long is he going to keep trying to love Liz, she wonders. Lucky tries to explain that they did not outgrow each other. He resents Sarah suggesting he give up.

In Liz’s room, Gia gives Liz a new pretty peach color robe to wear when she gets home. Lucky enters and announces that he has put a deposit on a loft and Liz can come home with him instead of to her room at Kelly’s. Liz protest that they are not ready to live together, but Lucky does his best to convince her that it would work. Sarah enters and tells Lucky no need; Liz has already agreed to move back to Audrey’s house with her. She and Lucky step out into the hall where they have the same discussion that she and Nik did. Meanwhile inside Gia goes on about her new car, but realizes that Liz is not listening. Gia hears that the radio is playing the same song as the night of the crash, apologizes to Liz for babbling and turns off the radio. Lucky and Sarah return in time to hear Liz say the song is bringing back the accident and turn the radio back on.

Nik appears in the door way just in time to hear that the song is clearing Liz’s memory of that night, so he barges and turns off the radio saying Liz should be resting, not pushing herself to remember. However, Liz turns the radio back on insisting it is helping. Nik and Gia watch, unable to do anything else without drawing unwanted attention, but the moment is gone and Liz can’t remember anything new. Gia fills Nik in on the battle to get Liz “home”, and then Nik suggests that they all move into Wyndemere (even Audrey). The place is big enough for everyone, plus then Liz can go home with both Sarah and Lucky (But we all know there is more to it then that). Everyone agrees, but Gia does not look pleased with the turn of events.

Nikolas and Gia welcome Liz and Sarah to Wyndmere with open arms. Nik has had the sisters' rooms redecorated so they don't look so dark and gloomy. He offers Liz a gift that includes a cd player, cds and art supplies so she will free more at home. They gather playfully in the newly redecorated office, then Liz tricks Sarah into the secret tunnels while the others laughingly enjoying her half-hearted pleas for help. Gia becomes defensive about leaving her job as the Face of Deception when Lucky mentions that his mother is once again conducting a big model search for the Face of Deception. Gia gets upset when Lucky and Liz tease her about giving up her modeling career to marry her prince.

Sarah later tells Elizabeth that she thinks it might not be a good idea for the sisters to stay at Nikolas' estate. Sarah reminds Liz that she is still recovering from surgery and that maybe they should stay somewhere closer to the hospital. But Liz insists that Nikolas would be able to produce a private helicopter to take her to the hospital on a moment's notice if she needed it. Liz informs her sister that she is having fun but it looks like Sarah has forgotten how.

Sonny shows up at Wyndemere to talk to Liz about the accident. Sonny manages to see Liz despite Nik’s protest that Liz needs to rest and put the accident behind her. Sonny becomes more determined to see Liz after Gia joins in and tell him that talking about the accident only distresses Liz. Once Sonny gets a chance to speak with Liz she assures him that she is doing very well, might take him up on his offer to return to his casino island-soon, doesn’t need anything as her family and friends are catering to her every need and doesn’t hold a grudge against his sister. After Sonny leaves Gia says she doesn’t like him cause he is dangerous.

Liz defends the mobster saying he has always been good to her even before the accident. Lucky agrees that Sonny is a decent person-as long as you don’t cross him. Nik and Gia dance attendance on Liz and Sarah comments to Lucky that she thinks it’s strange that the engaged couple is so attentive to her sister, but she stops short of telling Lucky her doubts about the accident.

Sarah quietly enters Liz room, but Liz not asleep yet. Liz sits up and tells Sarah that she’ll have to stay until she feels sleepy. Sarah suggests recapping a boring class, but Liz wants Sarah’s opinion on the Lucky situation. Liz confesses that she isn’t over Lucky yet. She tells Sarah that she is happy to be at Wyndemere because living with Lucky at the loft or even Kelly’s would just be too awkward. Liz says she isn’t sure where her relationship with Lucky will go, if they even still have one, but for the moment she is just going to try to be honest about her feelings and hope Lucky will do the same. Sarah agrees.

Liz encourages Lucky to go to the opening of Carly’s new Club 101 without her. He tells her that being with her is the best part of any evening. They tune in and watch the coverage on television. As the frontrunner for the new Face of Deception is being interviewed, Gia’s competitive nature can’t stand it and jumps in and announces that she is returning as the Face of Deception. Liz and Lucky congratulate each other as they both believed Gia should continue with her career.

**The End**

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