Liz & Lucky #15  March 12 - June 6, 2002 - 8 hour edit

Tired of her self-righteousness, Lucky urges Sarah to quit harping on his treatment of Liz. He wonders where Sarah's compassion went and Sarah apologizes. Lucky assures her that his feelings for Liz are sincere. Sarah says she thinks his intentions are good but his eyes don't reflect true love. Lucky senses that Sarah has been badly hurt and asks her about it. Sarah doesn’t want to talk and goes outside for some air; Lucky follows. Sarah wanders down to the stables of Wyndemere and cries as she re-reads a worn note she removes from her pocket. Cold and wet, Sarah wraps herself in a horse blanket. Lucky searches for her as the storm continues (Funny how it’s only raining on Spoon Island). Sarah takes off her wet shirt just as Lucky walks in. They stare at each other in silence. Lucky apologizes, grabs a blanket and puts it over Sarah’s shoulders. Sarah leaves and Lucky looks longingly after her. He picks up her wet shirt with a puzzled look on his face. The next day, Lucky runs into Sarah as she is leaving for the hospital to work the graveyard shift. Things are awkward between them. Lucky looks in on Elizabeth and asks himself why can’t he love her?

Nikolas and Gia arrive home after the club opening and Nikolas is livid over Sonny’s treatment of Gia. He says he can deal with Sonny and makes some phone calls to check out Sonny’s money trails. Gia thinks he is going too far. Nikolas explains that this is a lot more serious than just a traffic accident and he will not let anyone hurt her and he will not be crossed by anyone. Lucky walks in and wonders what is going on. Gia leaves and Lucky gives his warning to Nikolas about turning into his father. Lucky asks Nikolas if he set it up to protect Gia, but Nikolas won’t admit anything to his brother. He insists he didn’t do anything to help Gia, and that she didn’t need help. He also thanks Lucky for pointing out he sounds like his father. Nikolas brings up Lucky’s treatment of Elizabeth and points out that they both are acting similarly,  trying to protect people they love.

Gia bursts in on Elizabeth and wakes her up. She starts chatting about the party and the great time Elizabeth missed. She tells her how Sonny cornered her and even asks Elizabeth’s help to ask Sonny to get off her case. As she is rambling on, Elizabeth remembers that the light was red. Once she remembers, she volunteers to call Sonny to tell him that she remembers, but Gia cuts her off and goes right back to talking about the club and how she is the Face of Deception still. Elizabeth falls back asleep. Nikolas falls asleep and has a nightmare that he is on trial. Stavros is a judge and beckons to Nikolas to follow him and his ways to keep Gia. Nikolas wakes up in a sweat.

At the hospital, Sarah is taking care of Helena. Luke is in the ER, dressed as a doctor. Sarah tells him he should leave, but he wants to make sure that Sarah knows what Helena did to Lucky and Elizabeth, specifically, that she tried to kill Elizabeth. A policeman comes in and arrests Luke for  impersonating a doctor. Lucky arrives and fills Sarah in on Helena’s attempt to poison Liz and advises her to remove herself from Helena’s care giving staff. Later, Sarah apologies to Lucky for the way she has been on his back about Liz and promises he will have her support in his attempt to recapture their love because she can see that he is still the “great guy” she knew before.

Nikolas visits his grandmother, who insists on speaking with him alone despite warnings from Gia, Lucky and Mac. Once alone with him she utters a cryptic message and instructs him to puzzle out its meaning. Mac gets called away, as Helena is being wheeled into the elevator to be taken to surgery. Before leaving he gives Luke one final warning to stay away from her and tells the officers to arrest Luke if they even see him on the same floor. As soon as Mac departs, Luke and Roy split up and head for the surgical floor. Luke arrives first and sees the gurney outside of the OR; he gives Helena a typical Luke greeting, but is stunned when the woman looks up and tells him there has been a mistake. It’s NOT Helena. Lucky bursts in with the news that to Nik that Helena has disappeared. Mac questions if Nikolas had anything to do with Helena’s disappearance? Nikolas gets angry at the insinuation.

Lucky stops Nikolas from spilling the beans to Liz about Helena being on the lam. Nik says it would be better coming from him then having her hear about it elsewhere. Lucky swears to protect Liz at all costs while Nik warns him of giving Liz the impression that he’s in love with her again. Small price to pay for her safety, a grim Lucky informs the prince. Lucky tries to distract Liz with talk of an exotic getaway for the two of them, and Liz is a little leery of his sudden sense of spontaneity. Don’t even think about ratting me out to your brother, warns Helena. If you do, I’ll just mention that darling Nikky aided and abetted my escape. Gia’s not sure what to say and hearing her beloved prince charming nearing the stables, she quickly stuffs granny behind some hay. Nik asks her why she didn’t respond? Gia tries to cover by saying she didn’t want to spook the horse. He tells her that Helena’s on the loose and that he’s worried that the cops first stop will be Spoon Island. He sticks his other foot in his mouth as he details his arrangements covering up her responsibility in the accident. Helena laps up every word.

Later, Gia uses the excuse of grooming Sheba to hang around in the barn cue Helena who promises to disappear forever if Gia will give her the cheese to do it. Nik tells Lucky that Helena hasn’t been seen and Liz realizes what’s going on when Sister Sarah barges in and tells her, meanwhile Lucky narrowly misses Helena at the stables. Gia tells Lucky that Helena is not in the stables. Lucky says he will kill Helena with his bare hands to protect Elizabeth. Helena, hiding behind some bales of straw, starts at that revelation and bumps a bridle hanging next to her. The noise causes Lucky to start searching the stall. Gia screams and tells Lucky she saw a huge rat. She convinces him to take her back to the house.

Elizabeth is shocked to hear from her sister Sarah that Helena has escaped. She freaks out, imagining that Helena is nearby watching, listening, in the walls of the house. She wants to warn Lucky, but Sarah says he already knows. Elizabeth realizes that’s the reason he wanted to take her away. Lucky and Gia come in and Elizabeth confronts him about Helena. Doesn’t he think she deserved to know the truth? They need to be honest with each other, she says then storms out. Gia slips out during the fight. Lucky yells at Sarah and declares he’d lie to Elizabeth again to keep her safe. He says he’s tired of apologizing for his actions. Sarah says it’s her turn to apologize to him; she now realizes he’s pretty special for not walking away from Elizabeth when his feelings changed. Lucky points out that he and Elizabeth have been through a lot. They were meant for each other; that kind of love can’t just disappear, can it? He hopes his love for her comes back. Sarah agrees and touches his arm in sympathy. Lucky appears disturbed by her touch; he pulls away and says he’s going to go check on Elizabeth. But before he goes, he tells Sarah he’s not mad; she was just helping her sister, and he’s glad they’re friends.

Gia returns to the stables and looks around for Helena. Suddenly, she hears a loud squeak, and Helena pops up from behind some straw bales. She congratulates Gia on her earlier performance about the rat and says she’s as good a liar as Nikolas. She tells Gia it was careless of her to run the red light; luckily, she has Nikolas to save her. Helena is so proud of him; he’s so much like his father. She tells Gia she wants $500,000. Bring the money to her tonight and she’ll give Gia and Nikolas her blessing for a happy life. Gia goes back into the mansion and straight to the safe behind a painting. Nikolas catches her.

After catching Gia trying to open the wall safe, Nik demands an explanation. Gia thinks fast and claims she wants lots of money to give to Lucky and Liz in case they need to make a fast escape. Its unclear weather Nik buys her story or not. As he is warning her that she needs to ask before she takes, Nik receives a call from his security. They have spotted someone down by the stables. Despite Gia’s pleas, Nik insists on investigating himself. However, it is not Helena he finds in a stall, but Luke. Luke explains that someone saw Helena on the road headed in  the direction of Spoon Island. Nik doesn’t think Helena would show up at Wyndemere; no one there would help her. But Luke finds evidence that he believes indicates otherwise. After agreeing that Helena would need lots of money they head up to the house to check the Cassadine accounts (via computer) for any suspicious transactions. Entering the house via the tunnels, Helena (still pressing a hand to her abdomen) corners Gia again and pressures her to find a way to come with up more dough. Gia, hearing Nik and Luke approaching, tries to hurry Helena back into hiding. She is slowed down when, with a gasp of pain, Helena clutches her abdomen and doubles over. Gia tries to hurry Helena into hiding, but due to the pain in her abdomen Helena is slow to move. She does however have enough breath to threaten to implicate Nik, if Gia doesn’t do something to help her. Out in the hallway, Luke and Nik’s progress is delayed by Laura’s arrival just long enough for Gia to help Physco-Granny into the tunnels. By the time the trio enters the office, it’s empty.

Lucky pounds on Liz’s bedroom door. Liz finally opens the door, but tells him she is still too angry to talk to him. Lucky refuses to leave until Liz hears him out. Lucky tries to explain his actions to Liz and convince her that he really does want to go away with her. Liz can’t over the fact that he lied, especially since Lucky declares he would do the same again to protect her. With Liz’s angry words still ringing in his head, Lucky leaves, but lingers outside her room for a moment. Sarah observes Lucky outside her sister’s room, and after he walks away she knocks on Liz’s door and tells Liz was right about Lucky. Liz doesn’t understand why Sarah has changed her mind about Lucky’s attitude. Sarah says that Lucky must really care about her since he didn’t walk away as soon as the love was gone. She says she thinks Liz should hang in awhile longer, she believes Lucky isn’t trying to hurt Liz, that he’s is a great guy, well worth the wait.

After hearing Helen’s riddle, Laura agrees with Luke that Helena is just messing with Nik’s head. Lucky has arrived and his advice to Nik is toforget it. Luke decides a search of the tunnels is called for. He opens the bookshelf and finds,Gia. Nik and Luke question Gia on why she was in the tunnels. Gia hastily spins a story about how she heard something and thinking it might be Helena, decided to investigate, but got lost. Laura commends her for being brave, Nik doesn’t appear to really believe the story, and Luke insists on searching the tunnels. When he moves to open the bookshelf, Gia can’t stop herself from calling out “Wait, Don’t go in there”. Luke asks why they shouldn’t go into the tunnels and Gia starts spinning more lies. She says that she already searched and found nothing.  When they doubt she search they whole five mile layout of the caves, Gia admits that maybe her outburst was brought on by residual fear from being lost in the caves. Laura proposes that they will be okay if they just work as a family. Gia, on the verge of tears, suddenly bursts out again “I’m, sorry, I’m so sorry".  Luke jumps on Gia’s comment and wants to know what she is sorry for. Gia, stalling for time, explains saying that she just isn’t a “team”  player, ask anyone. Nik appears concerned by Gia’s nervousness. When Luke tells Lucky to follow him into the tunnels, Nikolas tries to stop them but he is unsuccessful. Gia is upset, obviously afraid they’ll find Helena, but she tells them it is because she feels unsafe. Laura is convinced Spoon Island is safe. The Spencers leave. Gia finds Helena at the stable and throws the money at her and tells her to get lost. Nikolas shows up, finding his grandmother and tells her it isn’t quite over yet.
After arriving at the stables and confirming his suspisions, Nik angrily jumps on Gia for appearing to help Helena. He whips out his phone and is about to call the police when Helena tells him the nurse and orderly who helped her will swear that NIK pressured them to help her. Gia pleads with Nik to give Helena the money and let her go. Helena adds that she knows Gia ran the light and Nik tampered with a witness to cover it up. Taggart shows up to check on Gia. Helena hides in a stall while Nik and Gia manage to convince him all is okay. Helena thanks Nik for covering for her, but Nik tells her he didn’t help her, he’s helping the people he loves Gia, Lucky, Liz, Alexis, Kristina, Laura, Leslie-Lu, even Luke. Helena tries to convince him she is no longer a threat, that she has no will for revenge now that her precious Stavros is gone.She says that she doesn’t think HE is worthy of taking over since he would rather align himself with the enemy and deny his father every chance he gets. Luke goes back to Windemere to search for Helena. Yet, Nicholas is determined to give her the money and to let her go. She tells Nik that she loves him, but he tells her to get lost. Nik tells his disturbed grandmother that if she ever hurts those whom he loves that he will kill her. Luke knows that Nik has let Helena escape and he reprimands him for doing so.
Nik has another nightmare about being handcuffed and in jail. His father is the guard and tells him that they are ready to take him to prison for being like him. In it Nikolas fights his fathers influence but it takes him over and he blasts the people he cares about. His cuffs disappear and he's free after he admits how much he loves bending people at his will and having power. He then wakes up suddenly in a sweat. He stalks around the room with his fathers voice  echoing in his head. Nik and Gia worry about Helena returning. Nik assures Gia that Helena is gone. Lucky comes in desparate to find Liz, he is worried that Helena has taken her since she isn't at Wyndemere. Gia says that she probably just went down to Kelly's for a bite to eat. Gia tells him to not blame himself for Liz's disappearence.

Liz is at Bobbie's talking about the problems between her and Lucky. Bobbie asks her if she is giving up on him. Bobbie asks her if she is giving up Lucky? Liz says that Lucky is trying too hard to make things work between them and she found out that he was only trying to protect her from Helena (that he wasn't with her because he loved her). Liz is surprised to hear Bobbie say that maybe Liz should just let go if its too much trouble, "love shouldn't be like breaking rocks." Bobbie's final works are to comment that Liz isn't doing anything to work on the relationship and she should at least meet Lucky half way. Lucky and Sarah arrive at Liz's studio and find wet paint a note to some delivery person that she will be right back. They are relieved that she is safe but Lucky worries about Liz running around town with Helena on the loose. Sarah gets paint on her hand, falls off a stool while reaching for towel. Lucky catches her and gets blue paint on his shirt. This of course means he has to remove it and as she tries to rinse it out, he leans in around her, she leans back and looks him in the eyes. She nervously pulls away from him saying it would break Liz's heart. of course she walks in at that moment.

When Liz (after arriving to find Sarah and a half naked Lucky) asks if she needs to scratch her sister’s eyes out, they quickly try to explain the paint, the fall and washing of Lucky’s shirt. They are relieved when it turns out Liz is just kidding (apparently she really really really trusts them). After Liz apologizes for worrying them and explaining that she took a guard with her to Bobbie's, Sarah leaves them alone. Liz tells Lucky that she got good advice from Bobbie and is now “back in the game” and intends to “meet him half-way”. At Lucky’s puzzled look, she explains that Bobbie pointed out she had become a spectator in their relationship. She assures Lucky that she is willing to take the risk of getting hurt. However, she doesn’t want to think about that now, she wants to go dancing.

At Club 101, Liz and Lucky are happily dancing to the music when it changes to a slow sultry song. Lucky wants to sit down, by Liz climbs on to the bar to get the DJ’s attention and requests something with a beat. When he obliges her, she begins to dance on the BAR. Nik, Gia and Sarah arrive in time to witness the dance. Nik and Gia are happy to see Liz and Lucky having fun, but Sarah does not appear to share the feeling. Later, Lucky gets called away by a frantic phone call from Elton. (Seems some photos are missing and this has Elton in a tizzy.) Liz joins the others and proposes a toast “Here is to putting the accident behind us”. As the others lift their glasses, Liz has several flashbacks; the group toasting at the PC Grill before the accident; the conversation in the car right before the accident; looking up and seeing the RED light, yelling for Gia to stop because the light was RED. Nik, Gia and Sarah are concerned when Liz freezes up. As the memories of the accident come flooding back, Liz excuses herself and hurries to the ladies' room.

As time passes and Liz does not return, Sarah becomes concerned and decides to check on her sister. In the ladies room, Liz brushes aside Sarah protective gestures and concern and asks if her sister noticed how much Gia drank the night of the accident? Sarah tells Liz that though Gia denies drinking her champagne, she remembers Gia draining the glass, despite Nik saying that he drank it. She also informs Liz that Gia did not have a Blood Alcohol test done at the hospital after the accident, as required. Liz asks Sarah if anyone else knows? Sarah admits Nikolas. Liz asks Sarah to give her another few moments alone and not to mention to the others what they have spoken about.  Gia seeks Liz out in the ladies room. When Gia’s rambling touches the subject of the accident, Liz confronts her with the truth. She tells Gia she remembers the accident. Gia tries to convince Liz that she is confused, but Liz realizes that Nik and Gia pressured her to give a false statement to the police. She also realizes that they used her to help frame Sonny’s sister, Courtney.

When Liz wonders how Nik could do this, Gia immediately puts her foot in it when she blurts out, “Leave Nik out of this. He’s having enough trouble because of what did”. Which leaves Liz with the question “What do you mean?” An obviously nervous Gia tries to convince Liz that she's confused about the details of the accident. When Liz threatens to go to Taggart with her memories and let him sort it out, Gia quickly blocks the door. After another slip by Gia, Liz realizes that Nik paid the witness to finger Courtney as the culprit. Gia finally admits that she ran the light. She goes on tell Liz that when Taggart assumed Courtney ran the light that she agreed because she was still confused. By the time she remembered, everything had snowballed and it was too late. She then makes the mistake of saying it was no big deal, since Courtney only got a ticket. That gets Liz upset and she rails at Gia for lying to the police and for corrupting an honest guy like Nik and for helping Nik keep her in the dark. They return to the dance floor where, while Gia gives Kristina sketchy details, Liz vents her anger on Nik. Nik tries to explain, but Liz can’t get over the fact that Nik, the one person she trusted to always tell her the truth, not only conspired to frame an innocent person, but used her in the process. After Liz storms out; Gia approaches Nik they wonder what Liz will do next?

Luke sneaks up on Lucky while he is in the dark room and scares him. Luke tries to point out that Helena can show up anywhere and Lucky needs to be on guard. Luke informs his son that Nikolas helped Helena. Lucky, of course, doesn’t buy it. Luke says she is holding something over Gia and Nikolas. Luke informs him that Helena was hiding out at Wyndemere and they helped her escaped. Lucky assumes he is joking. Lucky says he has a hard time believing Nikolas would do something to hurt someone he loves. Enter Elizabeth to offer more proof. Before she can to into specifics, Luke gets a call from Roy and heads off to the arcade. Liz fills her Lucky in on all of Nikolas’ bad-doings. She is in utter disbelief. He compares his brother’s actions to Helena’s brainwashing. She suddenly understands what Lucky went through all this time. She does admit all the good things that Nikolas has done for her, but she doesn’t know what to do. Lucky tells her to get her things and Sarah and move back in with her grandmother. They head off to Windermere to give Nikolas a piece of their mind.

At Windermere, Nikolas reassures her that the accident is overand they wouldn’t lose anything worth having. Lucky and Liz show up at that point and hear Nikolas. “Does that include me, brother?” Lucky asks. Lucky rails at Nik and accuses him of being a credit to his Cassadine name. Nik insists he was only doing what was necessary to protect his loved ones. Lucky thinks Nik was only protecting Gia. Lucky insists that Nik answer the question of whether or not he helped Helena escape the island. When Nik denies helping her, Lucky calls him a liar. Gia tries to defend Nik but Lucky blows her off by saying she no longer carries any weight with him. Lucky announces that he; Liz and Sarah are moving off the island.

Liz and Lucky arrive at the PCPD to turn Gia in. Liz tells Lucky to be sure he really wants to implicate Nik. She warns him that he won’t be able to take it back once it’s done. She assures him he doesn’t need to do it to prove anything to her. Luke arrives with Helena and the police escort. Lucky tells him what he learned about Nik and Gia. Luke tells Lucky that HE will have to decide whether or not to turn Nik in-either way Luke promises to support Lucky’s decision. Nik and Gia arrive just in time to goad Lucky into telling Mac and Taggart how Nik was blackmailed into helping Helena. Lucky explains that Gia was responsible for the accident, that she was drinking that night, that Nik not only used his influence at the hospital to avoid the BA test, but he also paid off the witness.

Lucky then goes on to say that both Nik and Gia fed Liz fake details to get her to remember the accident the way they wanted her to. Laura arrives just in time to hear Lucky encourage Helena to confirm his story. Helena happily rubs in Laura’s face how her sons are at each other’s throats. Alexis and Kristina arrive just and hear Helena spouting off, but in the end she denies that Nik helped her. Lucky flies at Helena in a rage, but Luke calms him and gets him to take Liz and leave. Alexis wonders why they are all standing around listening to Helena’s venom. Kristina says her piece to Helena. Luke wants to accompany Helena to until she is on her way to the federal prison. Taggart balks, but Mac agrees to let him observe hoping that once Luke is satisfied he will be off of his and the department’s backs. Lucky gazes unhappily at Wyndemere. Liz tries to get Lucky to see that it’s not worth the energy to obsess, she believes that Nik and Gia will get what’s coming to them as things have a way of working out. She cautions Lucky not to fall into the “dark” trap. Lucky does not want to leave things unresolved. Liz tells Lucky she will be waiting at Kelly’s while he thinks about it. Lucky wanders the docks and rages at loosing his brother while he smashes some empty crates.
Lucky comes in, agitated and needing advice about how to deal with his duplicitous brother. Laura comes back into the room, and she and Luke try to help Lucky. Laura points out that Nikolas is struggling right now, and Lucky shouldn’t let his relationship with his brother be torn apart. But we made a pact to not let past feuds touch us, Lucky said. Luke says that Helena is to blame, and they’ve all felt the sting of her plots. But there’s no excuse for letting Helena escape, Lucky emphasizes. Laura asks him if he really wants to go after his own brother. She and Luke both stress that Nikolas made a mistake, like all of them do. Laura says he needs his family’s help to pull him off the wrong path, and she urges Lucky not to do something he’ll regret. Still in turmoil, Lucky leaves.  Alone in his study at Wyndemere, Nikolas is suddenly grabbed by the throat from behind. It’s Lucky who has him in a death grip!

Lucky asks if his brother is getting the idea of how it feels to be blindsided by someone you thought you could trust. Nik tries to convince Lucky that hurting each other won’t fix anything. Lucky does let go, but says it’s because he doesn’t want to hurt Laura. They exchange bitter accusations. Each accuses the other of being like his father. Nikolas insists that he still loves Lucky, but Lucky doesn’t believe Nik is sincere in his apology since Nik didn’t actually admit to any wrongdoing. Nik wonders if they are doomed to repeat their family’s legacy of hatred. Lucky claims that he no longer considers Nik to be his brother and announces that he is going to Luke’s party and drink to Helena’s demise. Before he walks away, he mentions that he’ll have a drink in honor of his brother’s demise too! Lucky returns to his mother’s house in a much better mood, which has Laura hopeful that her son’s have worked out their differences. Lucky tells that he will not fight with Nik, but her hopes of a big happy family are dashed when Lucky informs her that he can’t forgive his brother; he in fact no longer considers Nik to be his brother. Laura is hurt and warns Lucky that she doesn’t feel she should have to choose between them. Lucky assures that HE does not expect her to do so.
Luke throws a party at his club, Lucky isn’t enjoying the party much and Sarah sits down and tries to console him. When she mentions that she knew Gia didn’t take a blood alcohol test, Lucky turns his ire on her. How could she let that happen?! Elizabeth breaks up the bickering and tells Lucky to lay off her sister. Sarah decides to leave the party, but Elizabeth stops her at the door. Sarah says she needs some time to rest before going to work. She also suggests the sisters getting an apartment together is not such a great idea. She really thinks they would get along better not living together.

Taggert interrupts and apologizes to Elizabeth on behalf of his sister. He also tells her he’ll do anything he can to help her, ever. In return, he asks if she will help Gia realize what Nikolas has turned into. Elizabeth says she would be willing to try if it would help, but Gia wouldn’t listen to anything she had to say on that subject anyway. Lucky and Luke discuss what they can do to get Nikolas back. Luke thinks it is a bad idea. Lucky toys with the idea of pretending to make up with Nikolas and move back into Wyndermere in order to spy on him. Luke really suggests he just drop it. At that, the uninvited Mr. Cassidine and Gia show up  at the party.

In the dead silence following Nikolas and Gia’s arrival, Luke amiably greets the young prince then tells him it’s a private party. Nikolas said he thought it was to celebrate the end of the war with Helena. Luke says he’s not sure the war is over; another phase could be beginning, he adds with a meaningful glance at Lucky on the other side of the bar. Lucky gets up and comes over to Nikolas. You don’t belong here, he tells his brother. Nik disagrees and gives a long speech about how he is just as happy as anyone else that Helena is in jail. Lucky points out that when the going got tough, Nik went with Helena. So, I’m your enemy now? Nikolas wants to know. Surprisingly, Lucky says Nik is not his enemy. He’s also no longer his brother or his friend. You’re nothing to me, he informs Nikolas. Gia springs to her fiance’s defense, reminding Lucky that Nikolas risked his life and their future together to save him when he was under Helena’s control. He could have easily chosen Helena and Stavros, she says, but he fought for us. No one’s perfect, she states. Then Gia says that Nikolas loves Lucky and Lucky loves him, too. That love is something you’ll never be able to get rid of, she says. Lucky looks slightly moved but still orders Nikolas to leave then heads for Luke’s office. Liz goes after him. Nikolas thanks Gia for her kind words. Taggert comes over and tells Gia he loves her. She and Nikolas leave. Luke tries to get the party going again. To Roy he says he can’t micromanage Lucky’s life. Liz comes back in and goes over to Sarah. She tells her that she can’t find Lucky anywhere and asks her help in finding him.

Sarah finds Lucky drinking a beer at Jake’s. She says Elizabeth sent her and asks him not to drive. Lucky angrily hands over his keys and tells her to leave him alone. Not only will she not comply with that order, Sarah talks back, telling Lucky not to take his problems out on her. She doesn’t know what it’s like to lose the things you most value, Lucky says bitterly. Yes, she does know how he feels, Sarah says and runs out. Lucky follows her into the alley to apologize. Before you know it, they’re kissing. Lucky and Sarah don’t see Gia approaching. She however does see them and quietly goes back the way she came. As soon as their lips unlock, Lucky quickly starts to offer apologies, but Sarah tells him there is no need. She admits that she has felt an attraction to him since the night they saw each other in the barn. Lucky tells her that he intends to let Liz in on the fact that they kissed because she has asked him to be completely honest with her. Sarah protests stating that Liz would not be able to handle the info, because her whole life she has felt as though she where competing against her sister. It they were to tell Liz they have feelings for each other-well Liz would never forgive either of them. Sarah asks Lucky if he still wants to love Liz? When Lucky answers in the affirmative, Sarah fills him in on the fact that while she was in Medical School in Prague, she met someone. They fell deeply in love and were married for a few short but happy months. She describes the devastating explosion that killed her husband and tells him that she has not told anyone else, not her parents, Audrey or even Liz. Witnessing her pain, Lucky comforts her with a hug.

Elizabeth runs into Nik on the docks and looks none too happy to see him. Liz tries to walk away from Nik, but he pleads with her to give him a chance to apologize. Nik gives her a touching speech on how much he misses everyone he has hurt, and how Stavros haunts his dreams with congratulations on becoming just like him. He begs Liz to intercede with Lucky on his behalf. Liz takes offense when it seems like he is only apologizing to her to her help with Lucky. She tells him that Lucky trusted him more than anyone else in the world and Nik betrayed that trust. She tells him that part of the problem is the fact that Nik won’t admit to what he has done. She wonders how either she or Lucky could ever completely trust him again. Gia has overheard the last part of Liz’s words and quickly jumps in and defends her finance. She tells Liz that no one is perfect, that everyone lies, even Lucky. Nik asks Gia to stay quiet, but Gia tells Liz that she just saw Lucky and Sarah and at Jake’s and they were kissing. Liz calls Gia a liar, announces that she wants nothing to do with either of them and warns them to stay away from both her and Lucky.

Sarah and Lucky admitted feelings for each other. They struggled with the new discovery. Sarah begged Lucky not to tell Elizabeth for she would not understand and it may cost them Elizabeth. Sarah told Lucky that "it was only one kiss and it does not have to change anything. We both have a future with Elizabeth if we just don't tell anyone about the kiss". Lucky did not agree because after the wedding or the almost wedding he had promised Elizabeth that he would be truthful to her. Sarah broke down and told Lucky that she was married for three months and now a widow. Her husband died in an unfortunate explosion in Bosnia. Sarah confessed to Lucky that she had not shared this information with anyone not even her parents because it was just to painful to speak about him. Lucky shared Sarah's loss of love and they embraced each other. Gia found Nikolas begging Elizabeth for help with Lucky. Nikolas asked Elizabeth to help him repair his relationship with his brother. Elizabeth refused and basically told him to take a flying leap. Gia was furious and told Elizabeth that "Nikolas was not the only person to deceive her because she had just come from finding lying Lucky and your tramp sister kissing, no groping outside of Jake's". Elizabeth told Gia to shut up and not to say another word. Nikolas was upset with Gia for spoiling his efforts to bring Elizabeth back to his side. Gia assured him that she did see Lucky and Sarah kissing. Elizabeth left and headed to Jake's and found Lucky and  Sarah hugging; she was stunned.

In celebration of GH's 10,000th episode, the hospital staff and friends celebrate Audrey's 10,000th day of work. They give her a lovely heart pendant. There were several music montages, my favorite was "Danger Zone" (the Top Gun song) with clips from across the years, including some young Lucky. This was followed by memorable weddings including Liz and Lucky (with Jonathan) when they first said their informal (and unofficial) vows in a church, then it was a kissing scene montage.

Outside of Jake’s, Elizabeth stares in shock at the sight of Lucky and Sarah with their arms around each other. Unaware that Liz is listening, Sarah tells Lucky that they must pretend that nothing has ever happened between them. Lucky express the regret that he can’t feel the way he used to about Liz anymore. Liz angrily throws items that Lucky gave her. includind her coat, into the harbor unaware that Zander is sitting near by and watching her. Surprisingly, Zander lends a sympathetic ear as Liz unburdens her feelings. As Liz vents she realizes that despite the pain, she is glad that everything is out in the open and that she and Lucky can stop trying so hard. She thanks Zander for being a friend even though she hasn’t always been very nice to him. Zander explains that when Emily broke up with him all he wanted was for someone to listen and sympathize, so he understands what she is going through. At GH, Sarah sits staring at a picture of Lucky with his arms around both Webber sisters while Lucky finds a piece of jewelry with Sarah’s name on the ground outside Jake’s and holds it tenderly.

Liz tests Lucky by asking about the previous night. Lucky dodges the questions about her sister, and then suggests they make a fresh start with  the Caribbean vacation they originally planned. Later at the hospital, Sarah also lies to Elizabeth about the night before. Later still, they both rush to meet on the hospital roof unaware that Liz sent the messages and is in the background listening to their conversation. When they realize  neither of them sent the messages Liz step out of the shadows and informs them they are busted. With all the venom and wrath that Liz can spew, she tells them that she had seen them kissing. She sarcastically tells them that she "is done with them." Lucky tries to convince Liz that the kiss was nothing and that he is  mixed up. "Please tell me the truth, Lucky. Wouldn't you enjoy kissing Sarah again?" He looks rather speechless. Liz says "I release you!" She slaps a rather pathetic looking Lucky and leaves. When Sarah returns, Lucky looks sheepish again.  Sarah returns to the rooftop and tells Lucky that she saw Liz leaving. Lucky confides in Sarah that Liz has broken with him permanently. He admits that he was unable to return the love that she offered him. Sarah thanks Lucky for helping her out of a bad place but believes they must resist each other in order not to hurt Liz further. Lucky tries to get Sarah to repair the damage done to the sisters’ relationship. Sarah tries to get Lucky to stop blaming himself, but when she reaches out and touches him-the attraction is obvious and mutual.

At Club 101, Nik and Gia sit with some ”new” friends who are curious about the opening night’s “fight”. Liz shows up and Nik tries to act as if everything is ok with them. Furious, Liz takes out her anger and frustration by warning the newcomers to watch what they say to Nik and never get in a car with Gia. She calls Nik a “manipulator” and Gia a “liar”. Embarrassed, Gia tries to convince Elizabeth that she's making a mistake and acting self-righteous. Unaware that Maxie is listening, Liz lays into Gia and reads her a long list of all of Gia’s faults. Liz warns Gia that the love she and Nik share will not last and expresses the hope that she will be around to witness when Nik starts lying to Gia-if he hasn’t already. Maxie approaches and expresses concern about Liz and Lucky. After Liz informs her that she and Lucky are over with no hope of reconciliation, Maxie rushes to GH. She finds Lucky still on the roof and offers a “friendly” ear. She is delighted when Lucky offers her a ride home after learning she arrived in a cab.

Liz comes down the stairs at Kelly’s as we hear a voice on a radio announce a car crash off of Bluff Point Road. Liz tries to avoid Lucky with no success, Lucky wants to talk but she doesn’t. When Sarah walks in she tells him his date has arrived. Sarah tries to approach her, but Liz gives her grief about wanting her ex-boyfriend. Liz blows out and then Lucky jumps on Sarah’s case for making it worse with Liz. Sarah gets sarcastic and points out the obvious. Lucky breaks up a potential fight between Zander and some man about a ding on Zander’s car. Lucky pulls him away and Zander starts ranting about beautiful women, giving up on women how terrible women are etc. Lucky wonders what he is ranting about. Zander ends up telling Sarah that whoever her he is her boyfriend isn’t good enough for her. Lucky tells him to leave her alone. Zander doesn’t back off and Lucky grapples with him all the way out the door. The two men fight violently. They finally separate on their own and start laughing and shake hands as Sarah watches. Lucky lets Zander know who Sarah is and the two men talk about the bad year. They go in for coffee and Lucky tries to find out who the lady in question was. They hear about the accident upon hearing the description of the car, Zander goes rushing out. Later, Jax arrives at Kelly’s and asks Lucky if he’s seen Carly? Jax is surprised she isn’t there since he is late (it was Carly's car that went off the cliff and she is presumed dead for awhile, till she resurfaces at her own funeral).

Liz is at Bobbie’s venting, they hear a news update on the accident but Michael changes the channel before they hear all of the details. Bobbie tells her that she wasn’t out of line for busting Sarah and Lucky and that some men are ultimately untrustworthy. Liz wishes Sarah had not returned. Bobbie can’t really understand the sister rivalry. Liz lists all the reasons she is not as good as Sarah. Liz wonders if Lucky was pining for Sarah. Liz is ready to start looking out for herself. Bobbie helps Liz try to figure out where she should live, she doesn’t want her living in her studio. Bobbie invites her to live with her and Liz accepts.

Marcus drops by the Deception photo shoot to give Lucky a word of warning. After Gia arrives on the set, Elton has a hard time keeping the peace between Gia and Lucky they bicker continuously while on the set. Lucky quickly calls a wrap to the session claim he has enough pictures and can get more later-on a different set if needed. After Lucky’s abrupt halt of the photo session, Gia will not let him walk away and demands he hear her out again. She tries to convince him that Nik is pining away for him and Liz but Lucky will have none of it. Instead he gets on Gia’s case for telling Liz that she saw Lucky and Sarah kissing. They argue some more, suddenly Nik shows up and tells Lucky, “This has got to stop…”

Lucky denies Nik’s accusation of leaving a cryptic message at Wyndemere in an attempt to ‘mess with his mind’. Gia attempts to play peacemaker by claiming she believes Lucky didn’t do it. Nik refuses to believe Lucky though and after another exchange of harsh words, the brothers find themselves further apart when they finally do part company.  Back on the set, Maxie and a couple of friends drool over the hunky photographer-Lucky. Maxie tells her friends about her close relationship with Lucky, and then strikes up a conversation with him to prove it. Lucky is amused by the girls and even lets them “help” pack up the camera equipment. When Lucky goes to load up his car, the girls ask Maxie if he is “available”. Maxie confides that Lucky just came out of a long relationship, but warns the other girls that she has “first dibs” on him. When her friends say Lucky is out of her league, Maxie pulls Lucky  aside for a private word. Gia summarizes the photo shoot incident and tells Laura that she won’t put up with being treated that way and demands that Laura either fire Lucky or find herself a new face of Deception. Lucky overhears the demand and puts his two cents worth in. He has no problem doing his job despite the tension between him and his model and claims he can prove it. Lucky produces the proofs of the photo shoot. He and Laura agree that it’s some of the best work he’s ever done. As a parting shot, Lucky adds that if Gia can’t handle her end of the job, then maybe she should be replaced with Vivica Jewel.

Bobbie snaps at everyone gathered as they try to console her. Bobbie finally breaks down and cries on Luke's shoulder but insists that her daughter is still alive. Upstairs, Laura and Liz manage to keep Michael distracted and finally get him to settle down and go to sleep. Meanwhile outside, Lucky continues his antagonism towards Nik when the latter stops by to offer Bobbie his support and help. Bobbie stops the ensuing argument, warmly welcomes Nik, gladly accepts his help and informs Lucky that weather he likes it or not she considers Nik family. Bobbie gets very upset when after going to check on Michael, she realizes that he is not in bed where Laura and Liz left him and the back door is wide open. Bobbie realizes that Michael is really missing when Lucky and Nik (who are outside the front door) confirm that they did not see the child. Everyone jumps in to try to find him. Nik suggests they need to put aside their differences at least during the crisis, but Lucky isn't interested.

Liz and Lucky have an uncomfortable moment outside the brownstone when their respective searches cross paths. Lucky suggests they team up to search but Liz refuses. Lucky rushes to the hospital and asks Sarah to check the admission records for anyone matching either Carly or Michael’s description. Tony overhears and joins the search for the missing child. The anguish brings bad memories for Sarah, Lucky reaches out to her in comfort and Liz arrives at that moment. After Lucky leaves, Sarah tries to apologize to Liz again, but Liz will have none of it, Liz bitterly tells Sarah that she has won, he is all hers. Luke and Nik also cross paths at the park in their search for Michael.

Nik shows up with the news that Carly’s purse was found-in the lake-by one of his divers. It is bad news. However, Bobbie is delighted to hear that not only is Nik not giving up the search but also he intends to expand the search area after hearing Michael’s story. In the midst of this, Nik once again appeals to Lucky to find a way to get past their differences and bond again. His luck is better this time as Lucky agrees to hear him out. Lucky asks for the truth “Did you help Helena escape?”. Nik tells Lucky he had nothing to do with Helena’s escape from GH, just from Spoon Island. Lucky listens as Nik explains that he couldn’t turn Helena over to Luke knowing Luke meant to kill her-his conscience wouldn’t let him live with it. Lucky questions why Nik didn’t call the police. Things take a downward spiral from there as Lucky summarizes that the deadly threat Helena poses to the Spencer family paled in comparison to the inconvenience of having Gia and himself officially charged for their minor crimes. Crimes, which Lucky points out, any one of his well-paid lawyers could have dealt with and had easily dismissed. Once again Lucky turns his back on his brother and walks away.

Sarah shows up at the gym and express concern that Liz is overdoing her workout. After some tense moments and angry gazes harsh words are exchanged. Liz tells Sarah that she wishes Sarah had never returned to PC. Sarah tries to ignore the comment and express sympathy for the loss her sister suffered, but Liz throws Sarah’s words back as she says her sister would never understand because she has never lost at anything or anyone, they are both unaware that Lucky has entered the gym and overheard the entire exchange. After Sarah leaves, Lucky approaches Liz and informs her that she is wrong, Sarah has suffered a great loss, her husband. After Lucky finishes telling Liz all about Sarah's late husband, Liz goes to find out from Sarah if it's true. Sarah confirms it and admits her attraction for Lucky. Liz makes it clear that seeing Lucky and Sarah together would make her crazy and Sarah promises that she would not go after him. Sarah uses an old childhood "pinky" shake to seal this promise and it looks like they might be on their way to forgiveness. Liz even offers to have breakfast with Sarah soon.

In the meantime, Lucky is working out some frustration. As he hits the bag, he flashes back to his recent encounters with Sarah. Maxie soon shows up on the scene (right after leaving mom at the Brownstown with a warning that she is grounded and is not to see Lucky!) and offers her "support" to her crush after he re-confirms that he and Liz are over. She soon hurries off to avoid getting caught.  As Lucky is leaving the gym, he passes Sarah dancing alone in a room to some slow music and goes to her. She briefly shows anger that he  betrayed her by telling Liz about her late husband. Lucky stops her with a kiss that she seriously returns. So much for the "pinky" promise!

At the gym, Sarah and Lucky can’t keep their hands off each other. They make out, tell each other how alive the other has made them feel, fall to the floor in passionate kisses. Screech. Sarah puts the brakes on it. She thinks they have to stop, for Elizabeth’s sake. Maybe at some other time, they’ll be able to get together, but now it isn’t right. Sarah comes up with the bright idea that one will help the other get through this, helping to stay away  from each other. Yeah, sure, that’s going to work. It barely lasts ten seconds before they are in each other’s arms again, although they are able  to stop from kissing. They end the day alone with their thoughts.

In the Deception dark room, Lucky is showing Maxie how to develop pictures. When she runs off to do an errand for him, Sarah shows up with news about the body. Lucky wants to get to Bobbie, but Maxie somehow manages to lock Sarah and Lucky in the dark room, alone, together. Lucky decides to get back to work, but being in the dark near Sarah is too much to handle. She tries to get him to remember their vow to try to stay away from each other, but he decides that maybe fate wants them to be together! Lucky and Sarah have been wrestling with their attraction while waiting for Maxie to let them out. Sarah tells Lucky that they still cannot give into this attraction. Lucky tries to convey that this will not be a one night stand. He says," this has been there for a long time". Sarah responds, "You just had a high school crush on me". She also tells him that she cannot betray Liz. He tries to kiss her, but she turns away only to see Elizabeth's photo in the chemical mix. Just in time, Maxie arrives with a key to let Lucky out. When she sees Lucky with Sarah, She asks,"What was that about?"Lucky yells at the vixen. She looks so hurt that he apologizes and says that she can still work with him.

Liz shows up at Wyndemere, she is looking for a necklace that was apparently not packed by Mrs. Lansbury. Gia is standing in the hall and overhears the conversation Liz has with Nik. Nik tells Liz that he misses her and hates the distance between them and wants to get back their friendship. Liz informs him that the one thing she learned from her breakup with Lucky is that you can't go back. Nik says that he hopes she will one day forgive him and that they can be friends again. He leaves and as Liz is leaving Gia confronts her in the hallway.  Gia wants to know how Liz can look down on Nik and announces that she is glad to have him. Liz says of course you are, now that he has lost everything that mattered to him. She tells Gia that she knows that Helena somehow found out about the accident and threatened to expose Gia if she didn't help her to escape, but in comes Nik to save the day and in the process looses everything. She says that one day she will get what she has coming, as what goes around comes around.
Bobbie’s friends gather around her, and Lucky is upset when Nikolas also shows up. Bobbie insists that the body  in the casket is not Carly, and she won’t sit through a service that tells her her daughter’s dead. She goes upstairs. Elizabeth comes in to Carly's funeral alone, but after a moment’s hesitation, she goes to sit with Audrey and Sarah. Lucky enters the Church with Laura and Scott and Roy. He glances at Elizabeth and sits in the pew in front of her. Finally, Bobbie and Luke enter the church. The priest starts the service  and asks for family and friends to share their memories of Carly. Jax goes forward first. He says Carly could be ruthless but she always had her reasons. Club 101 was her declaration of independence. She was a woman who loved fiercely. He is glad she was a part of his life. Next  Zander comes to the front of the church. He tells everyone that Carly could be a true friend if she liked you. Most of all, she was brave and never backed away from anything. Luke takes his turn at the pulpit. He says he and Carly didn’t like each other much, probably because they were too much alike. He observes that Carly ripped lives apart but she also loved and was loved. Especially by her mother, he adds, who now has to face the heartbreak of letting her go and learning to live on with just her memory. Bobbie finally goes forward. She starts to talk about  giving Carly up on the day she was born and how she showed up one day many years later. Then Bobbie breaks down, as the reality of the situation hits her. Sonny goes up to comfort her. There’s a noise from the back of the church, and everyone turns to look. A confused-looking  Carly with a bruise on her forehead has entered the building!

Carly is confused, slowly checks everyone out, starts to ask why everyone is there. She makes her way up the aisle and finally sees the casket and her picture. She runs out. Sonny and Bobbie run after her. Liz tries to talk to Sarah, wonders if this service reminds her of when her husband died. Liz admits that it takes her back to when they thought Lucky had died. The Webber girls bond and eye Lucky from afar. He stays away, talks to Maxie for a bit until Felicia calls her away. Elizabeth  walks right past him but he goes and sits by Sarah, ignoring their stay-away-from-each-other vow. But don’t worry, she quickly reminds him of that. He says he isn’t going to walk away when she is hurting. She admits she needs him, but she says they are playing with fire and Liz is the one who will get burned. She doesn’t want to hurt her sister as they seem to be getting closer. Sarah and Lucky hug, but go their separate ways.

Lucky is admitting himself into the hospital for a wrist injury and Sarah just happens to be his doctor. They talk about how they can't be together, as Liz will get hurt . Taggert comes in and wants to talk to Lucky about Nikolas. Asks him how far he think Nik would go to protect Gia. Lucky tells him that Nik is capable of anything, look at what he has already pulled off.

At Kelly's diner,  Liz and Jason stare at each other for awhile, until finally Liz decides to get up and greet him. They both say how good it is to see the other. He can tell something's wrong; she tells him she broke up with Lucky. She tells Jason he was right about Lucky all along and it just took her a long time to see it herself. She partly blames the Spencer family for wanting the two of them to be together so badly. She asks him why he is back in town, but then apologizes for it later. He asks about her painting. Sarah is telling him how she ended up back in Port Charles but Jason, not one for small talk, he takes off. Sarah comments that he is even weirder than before. She asks her sister if her and Jason had a "thing." Liz admits that she was attracted to Jason, but nothing ever came of it. She says things could lead somewhere, but she honestly isn't over Lucky yet. Then, she vows to focus on herself, to meet new people, to forget about the past, which includes both Lucky and Jason. She tells Sarah she will be her partner in crime.

On the docks, Lucky is taking pictures. Maxie is ogling, er, helping him. She tells him about this horrible math final she has the next day and he offers to help her study. She manages to turn it into a study "date" at his place. She leaves to run an errand and Felicia shows up. She gives Lucky the low-down on Maxie's crush. Lucky didn't see it, but promises to let her down easy.

Lucky arrived at his apartment, and an amorous Maxie had already arrived to set the mood. "I know where Aunt Bobbie keeps the keys," she told Lucky. Lucky tried to stick with the program (math), but soon realized Maxie's intent and confronted her.  He told her that he was always going to think of her as a little sister. A defensive Maxie told Lucky that she was not a kid anymore, and that she was ready to "be" with him , "I'm on the pill." She then stunned Lucky with a passionate kiss. Lucky pulled away, and Maxie swore that she was ready and not naïve about the whole thing. "I've never liked anyone like this." Lucky repeated the "kid sister" routine, but an upset and embarrassed Maxie ran out of the apartment, as Sarah witnessed her departure downstairs.

Later, Lucky told Sarah about the situation, as Maxie watched and heard him talk about his bad fortune of late with the opposite sex. Sarah tried to get out of the double date with Liz, but Liz told Sarah she was going to have a great time, whether she liked it or not. However, once the "dates" showed up, the two girls realized they were doomed, and Sarah concocted an "illness" for Liz, which sent the boys running. Later, the two sisters completed a type of "Cosmo Quiz", and both were somewhat startled by the results that linked back to many of Lucky's traits.

Outside Kelly’s, Lucky is still talking to Sarah about how he never intended to hurt Maxie’s feelings, when Bobbie, Scott, and Elizabeth arrive with party supplies. They all go inside. Lucky tries to talk to Elizabeth. She takes the opportunity to tell him that Jason is back in town. Lucky warns her not to rebound into something that could hurt her. Elizabeth walks away and Sarah comes over. She observes that Lucky seems bothered by the possibility of Liz and Jason getting together.

Sarah asks Liz why she mentioned Jason to Lucky. Liz supposes she was just shooting her mouth off. Lucky goes over to Felecia and tells her he ended up hurting Maxie but he’s glad she let him know about the crush before things got worse. Maxie observes them talking and blasts her mother for ruining her chances with Lucky after he’s walked away. She points out that she never tried to screw up her mom’s relationship with Luke then stomps off. Roy comes over to offer Felecia support. Lucky takes pictures of Sarah while she and Liz are dancing. Scott tells Bobbie he’s been thinking about their kiss on the docks. They kiss again. Liz spills her drink on Sarah, who goes upstairs to change. Lucky goes upstairs to get more film for the party.

Jason comes in and goes over to say hello to Elizabeth, who’s surprised to see him. He says Carly invited him but he also wanted to see Liz. Maxie is looking for Lucky. Upstairs, Sarah asks Lucky to help her with her stuck zipper, which of course leads to a kiss. Lucky tells Sarah how horrible he feels for hurting Maxie while Maxie's eavesdrops at Kelly's. Bobbie shows up and needs help bringing in the party supplies so Lucky and Sarah help. Elizabeth is in the restaurant and Lucky approaches her and asks if it's okay that he's there. Elizabeth tells him she's over it and he can do as he pleases. She then can't resist getting in a good jab by asking if he's heard Jason's back. He asks if he's back for awhile and she says yes. Lucky tells her to be careful and she says that she knows what she's doing. Sarah tells him he's jealous and that it bothers him to know that she may be seeing Jason. Lucky says that he's Sonny's enforcer and dangerous.

Lucky talks to Felicia about how badly things went and that he ended up hurting  Maxie anyway. He apologizes but tells Felicia that if there's anything else he can do let him know. Felicia thanks him and he begins taking pictures of everyone at the party. Maxie walks up and calls her mother a witch and tells her to stay out of her life and leaves.

Lucky goes upstairs to get more film and runs into Sarah. She needs help with her zipper and the two share a moment. They begin kissing hot and heavy.  Maxie sees them going into Lucky's room together, Maxie goes downstairs, her mother comes up to her and tries to make Maxie understand why she told Lucky about her crush, but Maxie won't listen. Elizabeth came over to talk to her and they talked about sisters and Maxie told her that Lucky and Sarah were together. Elizabeth had to go see for herself and went upstairs.  She opened up the door to find them in bed together. She went out and Lucky tried to talk to her but she was mad. She told Sarah that she had told her what it would do to her to see her and Lucky together, but she said she was okay. Lucky said something and she slapped him.

Liz goes downstairs and helps clean up the party. Elizabeth was upset and broke a dish. She asked Bobbie if she could leave and Bobbie said okay. As she was leaving as Jason was coming in, she tells him she needs to get away and the leave together. Back upstairs, Lucky pleads with Sarah to stay, but Sarah just wants to get out of there.  Liz is still upset about seeing Lucky and Sarah as she and Jason enter her studio. She starts throwing things around and voicing her frustration. Jason offers her support, but Liz cannot stop feeling bad for how much she wasted on Lucky. She says she wishes things would have ended long ago so she could have something else she wanted, him. Liz pulls Jason in for a kiss. Coats and clothes start coming off, but Liz suddenly stops. She tells Jason she is using him to get back at Lucky. Jason informs her that he understands and it is okay. This makes Liz feel worse. She admits that she cares for Jason and does not want to do anything that would hurt that. Jason says okay, but if she changes her mind, he is okay with that too.

**The End**

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