Liz & Lucky #16 June 12, 2002 - Feb 20, 2003 - 4 hour single dvd

DVD #16A  6/12 Elizabeth encounters Lucky at the docks and they actually have a talk about their feelings and getting over each other. They make it clear that they both want the other to be happy in life. Lucky then goes to the hospital to talk to Sarah. While there, he shows that he still cares about Elizabeth by expressing his concern over her relationship with Zander. 

6/14 Sarah and Liz come close to having an argument outside of Zander’s hospital room. Meanwhile inside the room, Lucky warns Zander to stay away from Liz. Liz snarls at Lucky, and tells him she doesn’t need "protecting" from Zander. Sarah enters with Zander’s discharge papers. Later, after learning that Zander plans to move into the PC Hotel (at least until his cash runs out) to avoid Jason at Jake’s, Liz invites Zander to move in to her studio. At first Zander refuses, but when Liz insists and points out the added bonus of how it will antagonize Lucky, he agrees. Once they make it to the studio Liz points out all the amenities, hot plate, sink, window, smell of paint, sofa bed. They are interrupted by a knock on the door. Both believe it’s Lucky come to voice his objection, but Liz is surprised when she opens the door and finds Jason instead.

7/10 Sarah arrives and overhears Lucky ordering white roses for Liz. When she asks about the phone call, Lucky lies and tells her it was about business. Sarah suggests they meet later and Lucky agrees to call her but both are aware that Lucky’s heart is not really in it anymore. An orderly arrives to take Liz to her tests and Liz tells Sarah not be in the room when she returns. Shortly after, Lucky's roses arrive. Sarah promptly puts them in the trash and gets caught by Lucky. When he questions her, Sarah says that she doesn't like being lied to and confesses to overhearing his earlier phone conversation. 

Sarah accuses Lucky of obsessing over Liz but he thinks she’s the one with the problem. Lucky tells her that he realizes they are together for all the wrong reasons and thinks they should call it quits before they hurt each other any more. Sarah readily agrees and stomps off with the muttered comment that Liz has already replaced Lucky in her affections, with Jason. Liz returns and is actually semi-friendly when she finds Lucky waiting on her. When Lucky offers her a single while rose (which he retrieved from the trash) Liz suggests he give it to Sarah. Lucky tells her they have broken up. Liz expresses her condolences but tells Lucky that she thankful to them for making her realize it was over between her and Lucky.

10/11 At Kelly's, Lucky, Gia, Nikolas, Ned and Alexis discuss the debate and Lucky and Nikolas try to convince Alexis to tell them what Scott might have on her, so that they can counteract whatever it is. Outside Kelly's, Nikolas and Lucky decide that, since Alexis is not telling them what she thinks Scott has on her, they need to break into Scott's office to find out for themselves. Gia goes into Scott's office, expecting to see Scott, but she finds her brother Marcus there instead, using the law library. While Nikolas and Lucky hover around outside the door, dressed as plumbers, Gia tries to discover where Scott is and when Scott will be returning.

In Scott's office, Gia tries to convince Marcus to go with her for a cup of coffee at Kelly's. Gia finally persuades Marcus to walk her across to Kelly's. As soon as Taggert and Gia leave, Nikolas and Lucky break into Scott's office. But, before they can find anything, Scott returns and catches them red-handed! Scott, 'Well, well, well! Heckel and Jekyll, HOow are you going to talk your way out of this?' 

10/14 Nikolas and Lucky claim they are looking for evidence that would clear Luke, and deny that the break-in has anything to do with Alexis. Scott calls Alexis to tell her that he caught Nikolas and Lucky in his office, rifling through things. When Alexis arrives at Scott's office and Alexis and Scott begin arguing, Lucky suddenly slugs Scott. But, when Nikolas, Alexis and Lucky threaten to spill all they know about Therexsa Carter to the press when Nikolas and Lucky are arrested, Scott decides he will not press charges against the boys. Although Scott covers by claiming that he is foregoing pressing charges because the boys are Laura's sons and Lucky is Bobbie's nephew. 

10/17 Nikolas and Lucky re-enter the office in another attempt to discover what dirt Scott plans to dump on Alexis during the debate. Nikolas eventually discovers a copy of Carly's signed affidavit, which confirms that Carly caught Sonny and Alexis in bed together. But, when Nikolas tries to call Alexis to warn her before she enters the debate, the debate officials refuse to put Nikolas's call through. Scott calmly announces that he has facts in black and white, a signed statement by a witness, Carly Corinthos!  Nikolas receives a call on his cell phone and he and Lucky leave the debate early and head to GH. When they get there they are greeted by Alan who tells them he received a phone call from the hospital in London where Laura was committed to and that her condition has worsened since someone broke into the hospital and tried to abduct her last evening. Lucky guesses it was his father and that he is only trying to help her. Alan tells him that what he did didn't help Laura, who is now in a catatonic state and that they will need to act as her legal guardians and the hospital needs to have permission to give her drugs to get her out of it. Nikolas talks to Lucky, who doesn't want her drugged if there is a chance she could recover on her own without them. They tell Alan to tell the hospital no drugs for their mother for now. Lucky goes off to think and runs into Liz who offers her support for him in this rough time. Lucky feels that his whole family has been destroyed and that he wonders what he could have done to prevent it. 

10/18 Elizabeth and Lucky walk over the Bridge and Liz tries to convince Lucky to keep his hope alive that Luke and Laura will not only survive, but will grow stronger through the current crisis. Lucky and Liz are surprised when Jason and Courtney run onto the bridge, chasing Rosie. Later, Elizabeth tries to explain to Lucky that she could never accept Jason's violent, crime-ridden lifestyle. Liz explains to Lucky that a major drawback to a relationship with Jason is the way that Jason does not confide in her. Lucky observes, "Well, mobsters aren't really known for confiding in people!' 

Liz then points out that Jason does not need to be guarding Courtney personally, since Sonny has plenty of guards. Liz tells Lucky that Jason left Liz with a guard at her door while she was being threatened by Alcazar's men and Liz was safe there. Liz believes there is some kind of reason why Jason would prefer to be doing a job personally that could have just as easily been done by one of Sonny's men. While Lucky and Liz share coffee at Kelly's, a messenger suddenly delivers a package to Lucky. Lucky shows Liz that it is a copy of Luke's will. 

10/21 Lucky tells Nikolas and Elizabeth that Lucky believes the will that Luke sent means that Luke believes his life is over with Laura's mental health so unstable. Scott overhears Lucky's discussion. Scott reminds Lucky and Nikolas that aiding and abetting an escaped felon is a felony and, that if Lucky has heard from Luke,Lucky has a duty to report that to the authorities. Lucky threatens to talk only about Scott's past indiscretions if Scott keeps pushing it. After Scott leaves, Lucky tells Liz that he believes he should go search for his father. 

10/22 Lucky and Nik plan to visit Atlantic City. Liz drops in on the conversation and asks if Luke has connections there, but Lucky doesn't know. It is decided that Nik will stay in PC. Nik accuses of Lucky causing Laura enough trouble and that Luke should back off. Bobbie come over to the table and asks them why they are tearing up what little family is left. Nik asks Bobbie to string Scott along pretending she forgives Scott to keep him of their backs. Lucky is on the phone looking for a cheap motel in Atlantic City. Liz insinuates herself again by volunteering to go to Atlantic City with Lucky. Liz plays looking for Luke as gratitude for Luke.

10/25-10/28 Lucky and Elizabeth go on Luke's trail. After talking their way out of potential danger, Elizabeth and Lucky get a lead on Luke's whereabouts. 

10/30 Elizabeth and Lucky find Luke as part of prison group in a small, log-cabin type prison. Groups of colorfully dressed, loud women enter the prison and Elizabeth learns they are excited because it is conjugal visit day. Soon after, the prison guard tells Luke that he has a visitor, Laura. While in private, an enthusiastic Elizabeth tells a detached Luke that her and Lucky are there to rescue him. Informing her that he was charged with a felony because of a bar fight with the governor’s son, Luke tells her they can’t help and that they should leave. Elizabeth says Laura would not want that. Upset at the mention of her name, Luke tells her never to mention it again. Still angry, Luke says he doesn’t want help and just wants everyone to leave him alone. He calls the guard who then escorts Elizabeth out. 

Later, back with the inmates, Luke turns around when the bored men start whistling “fresh meat”. Lucky has craftily acquired a dirty prison uniform and snuck into the jail. As the large men start to push him around, Luke puts dibs on Lucky and takes him outside to fight. He tells Lucky to fight and earn respect, or else the men will never leave Lucky alone. They bicker more than fight and Luke tells Lucky that his mother is gone and no one, not even him, can help her. Lucky disagrees and says, Luke can. Lucky tells Luke he loves him and Luke tells him he has no love. 

10/31 Luke, Lucky, and the rest of the prisoners are doing yard work outside under guard. Lucky tries to convince Luke to escape with him. Luke is against it and tells Lucky to leave him alone. Liz shows up in some car and has a flat tire. She steps out of the vehicle wearing a sexy outfit to distract the guards for Lucky and Luke. Lucky badgers Luke enough that he agrees to escape with him. Lucky uses the garden instrument to uncut the chains on his ankle along with Luke's. They wait until Liz asks for the guards to help her change her tire. They take off and Liz catches up to them later. They head to some barn but are caught by authorities who have already figured out that Luke is not who he claims to be and that he is a escaped felon who along with Lucky and Liz, who are arrested also, are told that they will be extradited back to Port Charles where they will have to deal with the PCPD. Luke looks at Lucky and tells him that he got what he wanted, they are going home, and asks him if he is happy now. 

11/1 As Lucky, Luke and Elizabeth are returned to Port Charles by authorities, Scott receives a call at the Halloween party at Club 101, alerting him that Luke Spencer is back in custody. Scott gloats as he informs Nikolas and Gia that Luke is being returned to Port Charles and alerts the press of Scott's latest triumph. 

When Mac arrives at the party to ask Scott for Luke's file, Scott admits that the file is in his office. When Mac suggests he will send an officer to pick it up, Scott insists that he will pick the file up personally and bring it to Mac at the Port Charles Police Department. Nikolas and Gia overhear Scott's conversation and decide that Scott has something in the file that he does not want the police to find and Nikolas and Gia leave the party to beat Scott to the District Attorney's office. 

Nikolas and Gia arrive before Scott and, using the key that Nikolas stole last time he was in Scott's office, Nikolas lets Gia into Scott's office. Then Nikolas waits in the hallway outside. When Scott arrives at his office, Nikolas engages Scott in a loud conversation in the hall to alert Gia that Scott is there. When Scott enters his office, Gia watches from hiding as Scott takes an audio tape out of Luke's file and puts it in the pocket of the Mountie uniform Scott wore to the party and then Scott leaves. Nikolas and Gia follow Scott to look for an opportunity to lift the tape.

Back at the PCPD, Scott announces to the press that he is dropping the charges against Lucky and Elizabeth and releasing them in the custody of Bobbie Spencer and Audrey Hardy. But Lucky remains unimpressed by Scott's supposedly magnanimous gesture. Later, Luke accuses Scott of trying to clear a path to be with Laura through Scott's handling of the Webber murder case. 

When Nikolas and Gia show the tape to Alexis, they discover that it is a tape of Laura's confession to Scott that she was the one who killed Dr. Rick Webber. Alexis points out that, since Scott's voice is on the tape asking Laura questions, the tape proves that Scott knew that Luke was innocent of Rick's death but prosecuted Luke any way. However, Nikolas worries that the tape will convict Laura in Rick's death. But Alexis promises that the tape will never go public but Scott will be so afraid that it might go public, that Scott will release Luke. 

At Kelly's, Elizabeth tries to console Lucky about his father's recapture and apparent despondent state of mind. Alexis arrives at PCPD with the tape of Laura's confession. Alexis threatens Scott that the truth will be released to the press immediately unless Scott releases Luke from custody. 

11/4 Alexis tells Scott that she plans to release Laura's tape to the press and see to it that Scott is disbarred as soon as Alexis becomes District Attorney. However, Scott informs Alexis that he will release Luke if Alexis will drop out of the D.A.'s race. 

While Alexis and Scott argue about Laura's confession tape, Nikolas meets with Luke and tells Luke that it would be highly unlikely that Nikolas could persuade Alexis to suppress Laura's confession tape. Luke finally convinces Nikolas that Laura will be the one who will suffer if that tape ever goes public.

Luke meets with Lucky and begs Lucky to get Laura's confession tape and destroy it, but Lucky informs his father that he refuses to be a party to Luke's self-destruction. Lucky urges Alexis to go ahead and release the tape rather than allow his father to spend the rest of his life in prison for a crime he did not commit! 

11/5 Scott has Luke released from the handcuffs, and tells Luke that he's now free. Luke's confession was set-aside by the judge at Scott's request. Luke is livid claiming Scott sold Laura out and grabs Scott by the shirt. Scott promises that Laura will not be charged that he's protected her since they both were kids. Luke guesses that Alexis threw the election for him. Luke threatens to kill Scott if Rick's murder comes back on Laura in any way. 

11/6 At Kelly's, Luke rages at Alexis because Luke is afraid that, since the District Attorney has thrown Luke's confession to Rick Webber's murder out, the police will re-open the investigation into Rick's death and go after Laura. 

On the Docks, Zander meets Elizabeth and learns the details of Liz and Lucky's failed attempt to spring Luke from a chain gang in Perkinsville. Zander assures Liz that she did her best to help Luke and that, if Luke has given up on himself, there won't be much that anybody outside the family will be able to do about the situation. Taggert suddenly arrives and quizzes Liz about the reason that Scott suddenly released Luke. Liz suggests that maybe Luke did what Alcazar did, called in a favor! Taggert expresses his doubt about that and then warns Liz to quit trying to help Luke before she ends up being seriously hurt heerself. 

As Alexis urges Luke to remember that his children need him and that Laura is depending on Luke to take care of them, Lucky enters and Luke turns on Lucky for using Laura's confession tape to get the charges dropped against Luke. Luke and Lucky soon end up in a fist fight. Ned arrives at Kelly's and breaks up the fight between Luke and Lucky. Luke storms out and heads toward the Port Charles Police Department. When he gets there, Luke breaks into the PCPD and sets off the fire alarm to get everybody out of the building. When the building is empty, Luke starts a fire in the squad room, douses himself with alcohol, then calmly lays down on the floor. 

11/7 Lucky shows up at police headquarters when he sees the fire. He guesses that Luke had something to do with it considering his state of mind and the fight they just had. Taggert and Scott want to know how he knew to come to the station and ask him if he knew what Luke was up to beforehand. Lucky tells him he just had a fight with him and that he got concerned about him when he heard about the fire. The fire captain comes out and tells them he is doing what he can to find out if there is anyone inside but that it is too dangerous to go inside right now. Lucky waits to the cops and Scott are distracted and runs inside the PCPD. 

Luke had dowsed himself in alcohol from his flask after dowsing the place up and then layed down on the floor to let the flames consume him. He wakes up and starts coughing from the smoke but a ceiling beam falls on him and pins him to the floor where he lies unconscious. Lucky finds him like this on the floor and rushes over to rescue him. He manages to get the beam off of Luke but Luke pushes him away and tells him to let him stay there and die. Lucky tells him he isn't leaving him there and that if he doesn't go with him he is staying there with him. Luke doesn't want Lucky to do that and reluctantly goes with Lucky. Lucky practically carries Luke out the front door through the flames. The paramedics are there to take him to GH. Luke doesn't want to go to GH but the cops and paramedics ignore him.

Taggert puts him under arrest but Scott stops him and informs him that no charges will be brought against Luke for arson. Luke doesn't want Scott's charity and tells Taggert that he committed arson and doesn't care if he arrests him or not. Taggert lets them take Luke to GH and confronts Scott about the arrest. Scott tells him that he has no intention of arresting Luke for arson because that is what he wants them to do to him. Taggert figures out that Scott is doing this to protect his own reputation because he had released Luke earlier from prison on murder charges and doesn't want to lose face by arresting him again. Scott doesn't deny it either but refuses to explain himself to Taggert. He goes to GH and tells Lucky that he won't be filing arson charges against Luke and that he should keep a better eye on his father and get him psychiatric help as well. Lucky is suspicious of Scott's motives. 

Lucky goes to see Luke in one of the examining rooms. Bobbie tries to reassure Lucky that Luke will come out of this ok and that they will help him through this rough time as a family. Lucky tells Luke that he won't let him trash his life anymore. Luke tells him to leave him alone and let him do what he wants with his life. Lucky won't accept that. Scott comes over and tells Luke to stop worrying about the murder charges and tells him that he has no intention of bringing charges against Laura for murder. He tells him that the information will stay buried. Luke isn't reassured and tells him that the information may resurface just as Laura is recovering from insanity. 

11/8 Lesley, Elizabeth, Lucky, and Nikolas all meet at Kelly's and learn that they have all been summoned by Luke to meet him in Reiker's Woods. When Nikolas, Lucky, Lesley and Elizabeth meet Luke in Reiker's woods, they are shocked that Luke is digging a grave and expects all of them to help. Luke has a picture of Laura that he has kept since he first met her and tells everyone that they are symbolically burying Laura since, even if Laura does recover at the London clinic, Laura will be facing a life in prison since Lucky and Nikolas helped Alexis discover Laura's taped confession and Alexis used the tape as a bargaining chip to secure Luke's release from the charge of killing Rick Webber. 

Lesley rages at Luke for being the one who is giving up and Nikolas and Lucky both proclaim that they have not given up on hope of having their mother with them once again. As Lesley, Lucky and Nikolas try to reason with Luke, Bobbie suddenly arrives with Lesley Lou, who rushes into Luke's arms. Luke's mood changes dramatically as his daughter hugs him. When Lesley Lou asks why Luke is digging in the woods and why her mother's picture is down on the ground, Luke suddenly covers by telling his daughter that they are planting a tree for Laura and the picture must have just dropped. 

When Luke returns to Kelly's, looking for Bobbie, Taggert and Scott also arrive. When Taggert calls Luke the 'out of control freak' who is responsible for the Port Charles Police Department burning down, Luke reminds Taggert that Luke owns Kelly's and, as owner, Luke reserves the right to refuse service to anyone. Luke announces that Luke IS refusing service to Taggert, then slugs the police officer. When Luke dares Scott to arrest him, Scott obliges and Taggert delights in taking Luke away in cuffs. 

11/11 Elizabeth arrives at Kelly's and learns that Luke has been arrested for slugging Taggert. Courtney informs Liz that Courtney is moving to Manhattan because A.J. got a good job there. Then Liz is stunned when Courtney informs Liz that Jason married Brenda while Liz was out of town.  Courtney tells Liz that Courtney believes that Jason was just trying to help Brenda when he married her, but Liz reminds Courtney that promises mean something to Jason and that would include Jason's marriage vows to Brenda. 

Elizabeth tells Zander about her shock when she learned that Jason got married while Liz was away, helping Lucky rescue Luke. However, Zander tries to convince Liz that she has NOT lost anything with Jason's recent marriage. Outside Kelly's, as it begins to snow, a passerby spots Elizabeth and urges Liz to make a wish, because the first snow is early. Liz wishes for happiness and soon! The passerby assures Liz that the fulfillment of her wish is on the way. 

12/5 Lucky goes to Kelly's and tells Liz about Luke's sudden behavior change. Lucky meets Ric, who is a new tenant at Kelly's. 

12/13 Lucky arrives at Kelly's and tells Elizabeth that his father has been committed, so that he has now lost both of his parents.

1/24 At Kelly's, Lucky notices that Elizabeth is glowing and coaxes Liz to fill him in on her budding relationship with Ric. Lucky then fills Liz in on the way that Lucky met a girl named Laura at Port Charles University (this is really Summer).

1/27 Lucky tells Summer about his involvement with Elizabeth and Sarah. Lucky describes his relationship with Elizabeth as a magical relationship that somehow got lost in the real world. Then Lucky admits that the fall out from his relationship with Sarah left everyone hurting and Lucky is not eager to repeat the experience. 

1/29 At Kelly's, Elizabeth spots Lucky scrounging up flowers to take to Summer. When Lucky asks if it bothers Liz when Lucky brings Summer to Kelly's, Liz insists that it does not bother her. 

2/12 Nikolas confides to Lucky that Nikolas is desperate to get Gia back. Georgie and Maxie are impressed by the way Lucky broke up the fight and Georgie asks about the crush that Maxie had on Lucky and Maxie assures her sister that Maxie is over her obsession with Lucky. 

2/20 Lucky tells Liz about his break up with Summer - Greg Vaughn begins as Lucky.

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