Liz and Lucky #8  April 7 - July 5th, 2000 - 8 hrs

Liz is at Kelly's as Emily walks in. Em wants to know why Liz seems so freaked. Liz explains that every time the door opens she thinks it might be Lucky walking in. He has been a prisoner for a year and Liz wonders if they have changed him. What if they aren't connected anymore? Em reassures her pal that the minute Lucky walks in and sees her they will both remember how much in love they are. Liz and Emily continue to discuss the future when Lucky comes home. Emily says that they will have to all hang out and how much fun they will have. She hopes that Lucky will like Juan. They comment on how much the two guys have in common. Just then Juan walks up and tells Emily that he won't cut a demo until he is 50 at the rate he is going. Juan explains to Em and Liz that money is a real obstacle. They go down the usual list of potential benefactors. Liz mentions Nikolas and Juan tells her that he would never take money from Nik. Emily reminds him that if he doesn't get over this pride thing he won't make. Just then Nikolas bursts in to Kelly's and tells Liz he has a lead on Lucky. He heard from Ms. Lansbury that Stefan was in British Columbia. He tells Liz if they hurry they can be there by nightfall. Liz looks nervous. Liz tells Nik that she can't even think because it has happened so fast. She says that if Helena is notified she might hurt Lucky. Nik assures her that Lucky will be safe. He tells Liz that perhaps they should wait and think it through first.

When Luke and Laura and Felicia arrive at the Triple L they are a little apprehensive. Felicia tells them to go in and she will keep a look out for Helena. When Luke and Laura walk in they spot Lucky at the counter with his back turned to them. Luke says, "Cowboy," and their boy turns around. Luke and Laura grab hands and are thrilled they are looking at their son. Lucky looks confused. Laura ran to hug her son, but Lucky didn't respond. She turned in confusion to Luke, who started toward Lucky. Lucky belted Luke in the mouth, then ran out of the diner. They gave chase, but lost him and returned to question the waitress. They introduced themselves and asked about Lucky, and at first the waitress wouldn't help them but then admitted that Lucky had been waiting for his parents. They asked more questions and ascertained that he'd been brought there by Helena and that Stefan had appeared on the scenebut not spoken to Lucky. The waitress said that Lucky's plan had been to keep moving, so Luke and Felicia split up to search the public transportation hubs. Meanwhile, as the waitress prepared to go home, she and Laura talked. Laura explained that they'd thought Lucky was dead, and gave the waitress her card with phone numbers, pleading with her to phone if she saw Lucky again. The waitress agreed and left, and Laura looked around, remembering, as Luke came in the door. "Will You Love Me Tomorrow" played and they exchanged long looks, then Laura collapsed in tears. Lucky asked a trucker if he had room for a passenger, and the man agreed to give him a ride as long as he paid his own way.

Elizabeth was distracted and having trouble getting orders right at Kelly's. Emily came in and asked if there was any word from Luke and Laura. Liz dejectedly told her there was not. Emily worried what would happen if Nikolas and Liz got into a fight on the road and Liz said that wouldn't happen. When Emily tried to press her friend for "the plan", Liz admitted that they didn't really have a plan.that they were just going to start looking.

Lucky went into a biker bar with a "room for rent" sign in the window. He offered to pay first month and a deposit, but admitted that after that, he was tapped. He said he could fix their computer and the bikes out front in exchange for room and board. The scampy looking owners agreed. Lucky said he would get busy as soon as he took care of some business. He left for Port Charles, the next town over.

Nikolas and Liz talked about all Stefan had said. Nikolas said he didn't know what to believe any more. He said he was going out to look for Lucky and Liz said she was going too, she just had to clear it with Bobbie and Chloe. Liz told Bobbie she was going to need some time off to go search for Lucky. Bobbie was skeptical and said that if Luke and Laura didn't find him, how could Liz? She said she would just follow her heart. Bobbie encouraged her to do so. She asked Liz for coffee and Lucky watched from outside as she poured it.

Lesley came in with Lulu. Lesley told Bobbie that she hadn't heard anything about Lucky, and Bobbie left. Elizabeth went over to hug Lulu, and got the update while Lucky watched from the window. Laura entered next, and Lulu excitedly ran to her mother. Laura explained that she and Daddy had gone to look for "something special", and that they'd found it but not been able to bring it home quite yet, although Daddy is still looking and will surely bring it home soon. Lulu and Lesley went on home, and Laura told Elizabeth all about the encounter with Lucky and it's unsatisfactory ending. Elizabeth began to cry, and apologized, and Laura tried to comfort her by telling her that they were still hopeful and that Luke is still looking. Elizabeth told Laura about her plan to go with Nikolas to search for Lucky, and Laura warned her against Helena's long reach. Later, Nikolas arrived and Elizabeth excitedly gavehim the update on Lucky. They grabbed suitcases and left to begin the search, as Lucky watched from his hiding place.

Nikolas and Liz arrived at the Triple L in Vancouver. Katie was behind the counter and when they questioned her, she told them that Lucky had indeed been there. She told them what she knew and Liz bristled when she said that she thought Lucky had liked her. After they searched the town, Katie told them she remembered one thing, he'd said he was done with the past and was looking toward the future. As she and Nikolas talked, Nikolas asked if she was jealous of Katie. Liz admitted that she had never considered Lucky with another girl. Suddenly it dawned on her that by looking to the future, Lucky meant Greenwich Village. They hurried off to New York.

Elizabeth and Nikolas were aboard a plane bound for New York to continue their search for Lucky. They discussed accommodations(Nikolas assumed uptown at the Plaza, Elizabeth insisted on downtown) and Elizabeth was appointed "official tour guide". She decided the first stop would be at a thrift store where they could get different clothes in a more New York style and then reminisced about the life she and Lucky had planned.

Lesley and LuLu were playing ball on the front porch when the phone rang. Lesley told LuLu to stay where she could see her and threw the ball one last time. It went toward the bushes where Lucky was lurking and as she went for the ball, LuLu saw him. She said, oh so sweetly, "Lucky, you came back from heaven!" Lucky and Lulu hugged, and he told her he missed her every day and promised to see her as often as he could, but cautioned her that she mustn't tell Mom or Dad that she'd seen him. Lesley called for Lulu and Lucky hid again after reminding Lulu of his love for her. Lesley collected Lulu and they went to bake a cake for dinner, but Lulu managed to turn and send a little secret wave to her brother before going inside. After that, Lucky returned to the bar where he is staying, and Sandy (who knows him as "Pete") greeted him and gave him his list of jobs. Mike entered and he and Sandy hugged in greeting, and he asked after Harry as Sandy got him a beer. Mike wanted some Aerosmith tickets for Tammy and they were talking about this as Lucky came in with a case of glasses. He saw Mike and turned away before Mike could see him. Mike left with his tickets, and Sandy confronted Lucky about ducking Mike, wondering if he thought Mike was a cop. Lucky admitted that Mike was a friend of his Dad's and didn't want him to get in the middle of the situation. Sandy accepted this, but urged Lucky to work out his family problems. Lucky vowed that he would never go back, and Sandy questioned him about his future plans.

Nikolas and Elizabeth were having doubts about their ability to find Lucky in New York City, so she decided to set up shop as a street artist in hopes of seeing Lucky wander by, and Nikolas agreed to be he portrait subject. Later, Nikolas went for coffee and to check out a couple places, and Elizabeth spied someone she thought was Lucky. She ran up to the person and turned him to face her, and was horrified to see it was a stranger after all. She was upset that she could mistake anyone for Lucky, wondering how, if she couldn't trust her heart, would they ever find Lucky? Elizabeth shared her fear that Lucky might have changed over the last year, might have moved on and never looked back, and Nikolas reassured her that Lucky must love her still because of the way they had felt about one another, and they hugged.

Lucky, meanwhile, was on the docks remembering when he'd returned from Manitoba and given Elizabeth the key chain. He heard someone approaching, and hid just in time to avoid being seen by Stefan. Stefan heard a sound, but before he could investigate his cell phone rang. Stefan demanded of the caller that "Lucky Spencer must be found!" and then left, and Lucky crept out of his hiding place. Nikolas and Elizabeth were still searching for Lucky in New York City. Elizabeth complained of being tired from staying up late looking in coffeehouses where people were playing, and Nikolas expressed hope that one "no show" would turn out to be Lucky. He went off to check some other places while Elizabeth waited, in case Lucky happened by, and returned with a young man named Kirk. Kirk professed to be a friend of Lucky's, and Elizabeth was excited at the prospect of Kirk setting up a meeting for them, but when they questioned him about Lucky before giving him money, Kirk turned out to be a fraud - he didn't know that Lucky played guitar rather than piano. Nikolas ran Kirk off, and they vowed to keep searching. Nikolas went off to check some pawnshops, and Elizabeth was selling sketches when a man approached her, assuming she was selling more than sketches. The man offered her money and suggested she could make more, and when Elizabeth demanded that he leave her alone, he grabbed her by the wrist and insisted that she go with him.

Lucky snuck aboard Helena's yacht and overheard Andreas arrange Madame's dinner, as she'd been released from custody. Andreas left, and Lucky came out of hiding to examine things, then hid again when he heard someone approaching. Andreas and Helena returned, and Helena ordered her dinner, a hot bath, and a massage. Stefan appeared, and Andreas offered to throw him out, but Helena considered that Stefan probably was "a master of some martial art or other" and dismissed Andreas. Helena proclaimed Stefan's vendetta tiresome, and asked that he run along and let Mummy recover in peace. Stefan replied that he'd would do so as soon as Mummy told him where he would find Lucky Spencer (Lucky overheard all this with great interest). Helena insisted that she has no idea where Lucky is, that he is free to go wherever he pleases, but Stefan suggested that perhaps Helena is simply not ready for Lucky yet, as she may have other pieces to get into place. He wondered if Lucky were a pawn, or a more useful piece.perhaps a bishop or knight. Helena replied that chess is Stefan's game, and said that it bored her (this bit seemed to puzzle Lucky). Stefan continued the analogy, suggesting that Lucky is a pivotal piece, then he walked over to the actual chessboard and moved a piece into checkmate. Stefan left, and Helena hurled the chessboard then left the room, demanding to know how Stefan got onto the yacht. Lucky climbed out of his hiding place and stood, considering what he'd heard. Lucky was walking on the dock when he heard someone call his name. Mike had spotted him, and hurried up to him, declaring in wonder "It is you". Mike is shocked and elated to see Lucky in the flesh on the docks. Mike tells Lucky that everyone is looking for him and that he can't believe he is seeing him. It is wonderful. Lucky pleads with Mike not to tell anyone. He doesn't want to be found. Lucky explains he only wants to see his sister and brother. Mike asks him about Elizabeth. Mike tells Lucky that Liz was destroyed when she thought Lucky died. Since she found out he is alive she probably hasn't slept. Lucky tells Mike that too much has happened. They have both grown and changed in the last year. They can't go back and start from where they left off. Mike asks Lucky if Liz has a choice in this matter. Lucky says he knows what he is doing and he must not tell anyone or he will bolt again. Mike says he doesn't like it but he will agree not to tell. Just then AJ arrives on the dock and shouts out to Mike. Mike covers and shakes hands with Lucky and calls him Tim. Lucky leaves.

Back at the docks, Lucky sits on the bench and takes out a picture of Liz. He strokes it gently and sighs. He looks pained. This pimp in the park is attacking Liz and telling her she will get in his car with him. He is grabbing her had by her wrists as she struggles. She is totally freaked and seems to be glazed over, as she is obviously thinking of the rape. She is screaming for someone to call 911 as he tells her to be quiet. Nik comes racing over and saves the day. He grabs the thug and tells him he can mess with him. He throws the thug off and runs to Liz. She is fine just extremely shaken up. Liz and Nik continue to share their mutual kudos on how they handled the tense situation. Liz tells Nik that being alone in that situation brought the memories of that night in the park flooding back. She remembered being alone and then Lucky finding her. Nik tells her he knows Lucky would be proud of the way she handled herself. Liz is getting discouraged about the search for Lucky. She tells Nik that every place they have gone, he isn't there. She knows that if he wanted her to find him he would frequent the places they did when they were there. Nik tells her they can go to PC if she wants. She says no that she will stay. He has another coffeehouse they can look at and she seems pleased. She tells Nik that she couldn't have done this alone and she really thanks him.

Elizabeth and Nikolas continued to wait for Lucky in NY, convinced that he had to show up sooner or later. Nikolas did his best to reassure her as her spirits sagged. She decided to draw a picture of the incredible dinner the three of them had shared with Emily just before Lucky died. Nikolas shared with Elizabeth how amazing it was that he and Lucky had become so close after being such mortal enemies. When she completed the picture, they decided to tack it up on a pole as a message to Lucky that he was loved and missed. When they finished, a policeman came by and demanded to see their permit, saying if they were going to sell pictures, one was necessary. Liz said she would just give them away then. When the policeman pushed them for information, they told him their true mission and although he said it was a long shot they would find who they were looking for, allowed them to stay.

While Lucky tuned and played with an old guitar, he confided to Sandy that he had once planned to earn money playing guitar in Greenwich Village. This led to him telling her about Elizabeth. She asked what had happened and he told her too much time had passed. She was surprised and asked if they had met in Jr High or something and he told her no, that it had been a year. She laughed and said she had clothes in her closet that she hadn't ironed in that long. He asked if she would need him for the rest of the day and when she said she thought they could manage, he left.

As Liz and Nikolas were leaving the street, he picture blew away. She started to grab it, but decided it was jinxed and let it go. They left just as Lucky walked up to a pretzel vender and ordered one with mustard. After Lucky got his pretzel, he walked around the square and saw where Elizabeth's picture had landed. He picked it up and breathed, "Elizabeth," then looked around. Later, he went to the apartment he and Elizabeth were planning to rent and spoke to the landlord. He remembered Lucky and told him that Elizabeth had been by with a young man before and had seemed disappointed that Lucky hadn't been by.

Elizabeth and Nikolas wondered if maybe Lucky was looking for them in Port Charles. Nikolas suggested that they stay one more night, then go home the next day. While Nikolas was gone to check his voice mail, a young man asked if he could set up shop by Elizabeth. He offered her a henna tattoo and she declined. They started talking and she told him they were looking for Lucky. Nikolas return and the man suggested that maybe Lucky didn't want to be found. As they were talking, Lucky observed them from afar. Elizabeth said she had never considered that maybe Lucky didn't want to contact them and Nikolas reassured her. Lucky mistook their closeness for more than it was and crumpled up Liz's picture as they walked away.

After returning dejectedly from New York, Nikolas and Elizabeth split up. Liz sat on the docks, remembering Lucky and their first "almost" kiss on the docks. Emily startled her out of her memories, glad to see her friend had returned. After Emily consoled Liz over not finding Lucky, they giggled excitedly together over Emily and Juan almost "doing it." Together, they made fun of Carly's attempts to talk to Emily about relationships.

Helena was pleased to see Lucky, but scolded him for taking an unscheduled trip to New York. He told her he knew what he had to do and he would do it. He told her he had seen Nikolas and Elizabeth, but that it hadn't seemed right to approach them. Just then, Andreas announced the arrival of Nikolas, so Lucky left. Later, as Liz prepared to leave the docks, she was shocked to look back and see Lucky staring at her. Elizabeth and Lucky gazed at one another for a few seconds, then Lucky ran away, leaving Elizabeth devastated. Nikolas came by to find Elizabeth huddled on the steps, and she cried as she told him how Lucky had recognized her and then run away from her. She anguished over Lucky, worrying that perhaps he doesn't love her anymore, perhaps he's angry, insisting that she knew all along that hewasn't dead, and trying to make sense of his actions. Throughout the hysterics, Nikolas was the voice of reason and reassurance. He reported Helena's explanation of saving Lucky from Faison, and he and Elizabeth hugged one another for comfort. Lucky came around the corner just in time to see, and obviously misinterpret, the hug, and he ducked back behind the wall as Elizabeth remarked that Lucky feels so close she can almost hear him breathing. Nikolas convinced her to go to Kelly's, and they left as Lucky stepped out of the shadows to consider what he'd heard. She and Nikolas debated all the reasons why he could have done that and Nikolas tried to encourage her.

Lucky paid LuLu another visit as she sat on the Spencers' front porch, evidently unattended. He talked to her for quite a while, making sure she had kept their secret, talking to her about how the fish in heaven fly instead of swimming and how much he loves her. When they heard Laura's car in the driveway, Lucky told LuLu he had to go and reminded her that she must keep their secret. She smiled and agreed. When Laura came up to give her a hug, she noticed LuLu staring into the bushes and asked her what was there. Seeing her doll there, she presumed that was what LuLu saw.

Liz dejectedly went to the boxcar and looked sadly at the mural furniture. She remembered the time that she had given Lucky his guitar and started to cry. She took a paper and pen from her purse and wrote him a note telling him that she loved him and was waiting, whenever he was ready to see her. She was startled to hear a sound and thought it was Lucky, but was disappointed that it was Nikolas. Together they left. Later, Lucky came to the boxcar and found the note. He read it carefully, then got the confused look on his face.

Elizabeth went to visit LuLu and invited her to come to her art studio where she had pictures of flowers and animals and Lucky. LuLu shyly told her that Lucky had come back from heaven to visit her and that it was a secret. Elizabeth was taken aback, but gave LuLu the subway token pendant to give to Lucky the next time she saw him, along with the message that she loved him. After Elizabeth left, Lucky came to visit LuLu and she told him that she had a present for him and gave him the token. He asked her if Elizabeth had given it to her and she said she had. When he asked her if she had said anything, Lulu told him that Elizabeth had said she loved him. Lucky held the token and stared at it thoughtfully.. Elizabeth went straight to Nikolas and told him what LuLu had said. She was upset because this meant that Lucky was not avoiding them because he was concerned for their safety as they had thought. He was avoiding them because he didn't want to see them. Visibly upset, she leaned into his arms as he comforted her. Lucky watched on angrily..

Lulu assured Lucky that Liz wanted him to have the necklace and that she had said she still loves him. Meanwhile, Nikolas and Liz pondered all the reasons Lucky would reveal himself to Lulu but hide from everyone else. Lucky showed up on the dock where Liz had spent the evening. He ran away, of course, but returned when he thought she had left. She surprised him by coming back and walking right up to him. Liz asks him not leave, he responds drily "I'm not going anywhere". She reaches out & he lets her hold his hand which she brings to her cheek. As Liz starts to wax eloquent on how she has missed him & can't believe he is there now, Lucky responds with pleasantries; "It's nice to see you", "how have you been?", "Is everything all right with you?", "It's good to be back". There did seem to be some emotion in Lucky's eyes, but the words that came out. . . were cold & distant. Lucky keeps repeating that he doesn't want to see his parents. Liz tells him how she went with Nik to try finding him in NYC. She tells him she loves him; he responds by getting up & saying "It's good to see you, too." Liz grabs his hands to stop him from leaving, and he begs her to let him go. Tearfully she does. Liz interupts Em & Juan to cry on Em's shoulder over Lucky's cold shoulder. She begs Em to talk to him. Lucky returns to the docks where he remembers the Valentine's day promises of love he & Liz exchanged. He does seem to be teary eye-ed as he comes out of this revery, but shakes it off.

Emily told Liz about Lucky's visit, saying that he acted just like he used to, which hurt LIz's feelings. Sonny sent a cashier's check to L&B for Juan's singing career. When Liz saw it, she asked Emily about it. Emily asked Liz to keep quiet about the checc because she didn't want Juan to know that Sonny was backing him. She felt bad about it later though, because Juan said how happy he was that he was making it on his own.

Nikolas and Liz at her studio, talking about lucky and their meeting at the dock. Liz tells Nikolas about how impersonal and disconnected Lucky seemed but that when he went to visit emily, he was like he always was with her, and that upset Liz. Liz says that a part of Lucky is still missing, and nicholas points out all that Lucky has been through. he makes an analogy about being in a dark cave for a long time, and when you leave the cave, the sunlight is too overwhelming to take in all at once. Liz realizes that by telling Lucky that she still loves him, she was putting pressure on him, and Nikolas tells her that it was Lucky's love for her that brought him home. they agree to pass on messages to Lucky from each other, depending on who sees him first. Nikolas leaves, and Lucky shows up and comes into the studio. they make small talk, and it's obvious how uncomfortable and nervous they both are. he's impressed by how much she's improved in her painting and then she shows him the portrait that she did of him andexactly like how he used to be. that upsets her so he explains that everyone changes, as well as everything, such as the fact that now there is a house on the route to the old boxcar. Liz asks if he found her note, he says yes, and then she spoils the situation by telling him that she means every word of it. he gets upset and leaves. she later rips up one of the sketches of him. Mike and Luke meet on the dock and Mike tells Luke that he saw Lucky, but hesitated on telling luke for fear that luke would push Lucky away like he almost did with Sonny. he reminds him that now he is close with Sonny, because he took it slow. later, Luke is sitting on the dock when Lucky runs into him. Luke calls him "Cowboy".

Laura dropped by the studio to show Elizabeth the photos that prove Lucky is in Port Charles and was shocked by Elizabeth's reaction. Elizabeth admitted that she'd known for a few days and had spoken to Lucky herself, adding that he'd also been to see Lulu. She said she hated not being able to tell Laura the truth, then told her about Lucky's visit to the studio and his strange, distant behavior. Elizabeth admitted that she still loves Lucky, and Laura encouraged her not to give up, that he's still the person in the portrait she painted. They made a bit of small talk, Elizabeth apologized again, and Laura left. Elizabeth put away her paintings, holding the portrait and declaring "This is who Lucky is", closed up and went home. Later, after she went to bed, Lucky returned to the studio, broke in, and gazed at his portrait thoughtfully.

Luke encountered Lucky on the docks, and for the first few minutes Luke did all the talking with Lucky just standing there looking at him. Luke told Lucky that if he ran away again he'd just follow him and would always be able to find him since "he taught him all his best moves". Lucky replied that"if it doesn't go your way, you force it" and Luke realized they were back to the rape again. Lucky expressed anger about the rape, and said that they had given up on him when they thought he was dead, not even bothering to search. Luke asked "what did they do to your head?" Lucky maintained that Helena did nothing and all Faison did was lock the door, but it gave him time to think about the lies Luke and Laura had told him. His parents, he said, were his role models - meaning that he wanted to be like his mother's rapist, and be programmed to look for a woman who has secret affairs and children she never tells him about. He explained that he finally concluded that "bad is bad" and that he didn't want anything to do with Luke and Laura, that he cannot trust them. Laura appeared then, and was at first overjoyed to see her son, but her face fell when she realized he wasn't glad to see her in return. Lucky insisted he had no interest in tawdry reunions, and when Laura asked, "what's wrong?" began to list some of Luke's "wrongs'. Laura asked what she had done, and he replied that she was a liar. He said that they never seemed to realize that there are consequences for their lies and manipulations, and that for making Faison angry the consequence was that he gave a year of his life. He stated that he wanted nothing to do with either of them, warned them to stay away from him, and left. Laura called out, begging him to stay, but Luke said to let him go.

Laura and Lulu went to the park and who appeared Lucky. Laura tried to reach out to him but it was to no avail. Lucky asked her to stop the memory lane tour. The only reason he was there was for Lulu and that she is the only reason, not Luke or herself. Laura could not leave Lucky without saying to him that Luke and I are your parents, we are not perfect, but we love you. Lucky remarked that love cannot fix everything.

Liz continued to struggle with Lucky's coldness to her. We find her in the church, where they exchanged vows, lighting candles, and praying for some sort of miracle for "her" Lucky to return. Nikolas showed up at the church too. Nikolas was worried about Liz and wanted to check up on her. Liz thanked him for his thoughtfulness, but politely asked to be left alone. Then Lucky appeared at the door. Really to hesitant to go in, so he turned to walk away when a woman entered the church. Lucky hid quickly behind the last pew. This lady, she appeared to be the resident minister, asked Liz what she was doing there and could she offer assistance. At first Liz refused her help, but then Liz wanted to ask one question. What do you say to yourself when you still love someone, but the love that he had for you isn't there anymore? Liz poured her heart and story out to this woman. She responded by saying that Lucky has been through an ordeal and it takes a long time to heal from a trauma. Lucky probably has not even dealt with all his issues and cannot deal with the love that they shared. At this moment, Lucky removed himself and went out of the door. The minister further mentioned to Liz that she needed to give Lucky time, be patient, and keep hope. Remember the bible passage that Love endures all things . . .. and never gives up. You have to be strong. The woman left the church and Liz went up to the candles and declared her love to Lucky again and asked him to believe it.

Lucky went to Helena's yacht and informed her that he was leaving town for good. He could not stand to hurt Liz because she is a good and kind person. Just as Helena tried to convince Lucky to rethink his position, Stefan entered. Stefan confronted Lucky and Helena and tried to convince him to denounce Helena and admit that she'd held him prisoner, but Lucky stuck to the story that she'd actually rescued him. Lucky refused to become involved in the "sick feud" between either his parents and the Cassadines or Stefan and Helena, and left them to argue between themselves. Helena looked after Lucky, commenting that she admired his independence, but Stefan replied that that independence is the flaw in her plan and will inevitably lead to her undoing. He suggested that she had used mind control on Lucky, which she denied as ludicrous, but warned her that the longer Lucky is in familiar surrounds and routines, the less control she will be able to maintain.

In a meeting with Lucky, Stefan and Helaina, Lucky reiterates to Stephan that he likes coming to visit his savior, Helaina. Stefan attempts to convince Lucky she is up to no good... A chance meeting between Liz and Lucky at the boxcar ended in a kiss. Lucky and Liz share a tentative yet familiar kiss--but just as it starts heating up, Lucky pulls away. When asked why, he gives the same old reterick about how time's passed, they've changed, they can't start up again where they were--Liz responds to this by telling him that she can wait. However, the damage is done, and they veer off into a discussion of the old days; the guitar she gave him, nights in the boxcar...good times! But Lucky is very pessimistic, and says that they've lost everything that they had. Of course, Liz objects strongly to this; she still has his shirt, the subway token, the song he wrote for her--but again, Lucky tells her that thigns can't be the same because of the time that's passed. Well, Liz is having none of that--she reminds him quite sharply that, "It's only been a year!" Lucky, however, remains unmoved; things change no matter how much time has passed, and she should deal with it. With one last touch of her face, he leaves. Distraught, Liz calls Nikolas and meets him at the docks. She tells him about the kiss, then wonders if something's wrong with him--or *her*. Nik does his best to reassure her, and she heads off.

Lucky, on the other hand, has returned to the boxcar, and sits staring pensively out into nowhere. His mental wanderings are interrupted, however, by the sound of someone approaching--he turns and finds Nikolas, who tries very hard to squelch the joy he feels at seeing his brother again so he doesn't scare him off.

Liz is in her studio ripping boxes apart with a boxcutter with much gusto. Emily shows up at first oblivious to Liz's mood. She catches on though enabling Liz to bemoan how Lucky doesn't want her.

Nik approaches Lucky at the boxcar. When Lucky jumps down & approaches him, Nik backs off afraid Lucky is going to punch him. But Lucky instead pulls him into a big hug. Lucky apologizes to Nik for not seeing him sooner & assures him that Lulu and Nik are the only reasons he came back to Port Charles. Nik says he understands why Lucky went to Lulu first & then proceeds to assure him the Liz loves him, and is hurting over his treatment of her. He offers Lucky a place to stay. But Lucky tells him he has a place, pulls him into a hug again, and then says "I'll see you soon". Emily tries to reassure Liz that Lucky loves her, but he's screwed up in the head from everything he's been through. Em then takes off so she doesn't break her curfew, and Liz returns to breaking down boxes. In her fervor of cutting, she cuts her hand, and heads to GH to have stiches. Afterwards, she comes out & sees Sonny sitting mournfully alone with blood on his shirt. She asks him what is wrong. He tells her "we lost the baby". Liz sits down next to him & puts her arm on his shoulder, he is oblivious to all around him. Sonny is telling Liz what happened. He says he had no choice, "the baby was too young to be born, by taking him I saved Carly. She doesn't know yet, but you know what, maybe that's better. She gets to spend a little more time with him." He then asks Liz to hold him for a little.

Stefan shows up at the boxcar to see Lucky. Lucky again sticks to the party line that Helena resuced him from Faison, and that he owes her his life. Lucky breaks into Liz's studio after she doesn't respond to his knocking. He looks around at her paintings, and looks concerned.

Emily went to Kelley's to go to the concert with Liz, but Tammy informed her that Liz left approximately one half hour ago. As Emily was on her way out, she ran into Lucky. She immediately invited him to the concert. Lucky turned her down. She asked if he was trying to avoid Liz, but he replied no; he just did not want to go to the concert. Emily asked if he had lost his love for music. He said no. Emily asked if he had plans for the evening. Lucky replied no again. She said that concert is going to be fantastic so he should go and also because she so wanted Lucky to meet Juan. Emily took off her backstage pass and handed it to Lucky. She said come if you want and I hope to see you there. Emily, Liz, and Nikolas were back stage discussing how exciting this concert will be. Ned walked up to the group but was stopped by a stagehand that indicated that there were static problems with the sound system, which required his immediate attention. The stagehand led Ned down stairs into a basement. Ned kept asking the stagehand why he waited to the last minute to inform him about the sound system problem. The two continued down stairs and then the stagehand led Ned into an electrical closet and locked the door behind. Ned yelled let me out various times but come to find out the stagehand was hired by Edward to keep Eddie Mane from singing in the concert. Meanwhile back stage, everyone is scouring the place for Ned. The crowd was growing restless. Alexis checked in with the group and informed them that she had another place to look for Ned. Emily and Liz suggested that Juan go on stage and sing until Ned was located. Juan and Nikol! as said no way, but has the crowd continued to yell louder, they conceded. Juan Santiago is announced as a special opening act. Juan began to sing while Emily, Liz, and Nikolas looked on with pride. Emily sang along.

Juan stepped in to entertain the crowd when Eddie Maine turned up missing, and everyone seemed to enjoy his singing. Lucky, invited by Emily to attend, arrived to see Nikolas and Elizabeth standing with their arms around one another. Alexis frees Ned, Eddie Maine took the stage to thunderous applause. While Eddie and the Idle Rich played, Emily introduced Juan to Lucky, and made a comment about how perfect it was that the four of them - she and Juan, Elizabeth and Lucky - were together again. Elizabeth and Lucky were obviously uncomfortable with this assessment.

Liz and Emily planned the special evening for the four friends and Elizabeth said she wanted everything to be perfect. She hoped that having the four of them together like before would give Lucky to opportunity to tell them what had happened to him and help him relax.

Felicia saw Lucky on the docks and stopped him to talk. She told him that she had helped his parents look for him and that they didn't really understand why he is so angry with them. She tried to explain to him how much his parents love him and asked him to consider giving them another chance. Luke interrupted then and asked if the two were getting reacquainted. Lucky sneered and asked if Luke couldn't ever tell the truth? Hadn't he asked Felicia to plead his case? Felicia insisted that Luke hadn't put her up to anything and Lucky reiterated that he doesn't want anythin to do with his parents and left.

Everyone showed up at Kelly's and Elizabeth asked Lucky how many ribs from Eli's he'd eaten on the way over. He said he had mana and she teased him, saying he'd probably eaten there every night since his return. He told her he'd saved it for a special occasion. She said she was going to light candles and asked if it would make him uncomfortable. He said he had no bad memories of candles.only happy ones. She smiled and asked him to get the lights. Nikolas and Emily were talking about the radio interview with Juan and Lucky suggested that they get a radio and listen Emily told them Juan was going to get a tape of it from Reginald (the Port Charles tape connection). She said last night was Juan's night and tonight was Lucky's homecoming celebration. Nikolas proposed a toast to his brother and their friend.welcome home. They all drank to that. Later, Lucky took the last rib, amongst jeers from the other three. Emily asked if he remembered the first time he took her to Eli's and they laughed about her trying the hot sauce. Elizabeth reminded them to save room for thepiece de resistance, brownies. Emily said that before they could eat them, they all had to make a wish. They all said, "Best friends forever" then Elizabeth broke the mood by saying, "More than friends forever." Lucky jumped up and said, "This is all wrong" then left. Nikolas, Emily and Elizabeth were surprised and dismayed when Lucky bolted the dinner, saying that he couldn't handle it. Elizabeth followed him outside and explained what it had been like for her the night of the fire and the following year. Lucky was listening when Laura showed up, and he immediately assumed Elizabeth had staged the meeting. He started to leave and Elizabeth jumped on his case, saying that walking away is his answer to everything. He turned to Laura and said that he didn't want anything to do with her, and Elizabeth remarked that she didn't understand how he could be so cruel, then denied setting up the meeting. Lucky again said that he thought she had set him up to meet Laura, and that everything had changed. This time Elizabeth agreed - maybe they didn't have anything left if he couldn't believe she was being honest with him. This seemed to reach Lucky, and he apologized for hurting her, but explained that that was why he thought they shouldn't see each other at all. He left, and Elizabeth told Laura about the dinner. Laura advised her to hang in there where Lucky was concerned, then Elizabeth went back into the diner. Nikolas left to go look for Lucky, and Elizabeth and Emily rehashed the dinner. Elizabeth decided that maybe Lucky really doesn't love her anymore, but Emily was reassuring..

Lucky ran into Luke on the docks and accused his father of lying in ambush for him. Luke tried to deny it, asserting that not everything is about Lucky, but Lucky wasn't buying. He went into his speech about plotting parents and lies, and how he wishes they would leave him alone, and Luke replied that he'd gotten that message but wondered if underneath it all Lucky really wanted him to keep after him. Lucky was starting to reply when Nikolas showed up, and so he complained to Nikolas instead, saying that at least Nikolas was someone he could trust. Luke suggested that Lucky was perhaps a bit paranoid and asked him again what had changed. Lucky replied that he had "finally wised up", and Luke shrugged it off and left. Nikolas and Lucky talked about the dinner and Lucky asked Nikolas to tell Elizabeth to leave him alone..

The phone is ringing off the hook at L&B.Liz is taking offers for interviews, Nik is ready to use the opportunity to promote other acts, Alexis is encouraging Ned, but he makes it clear the concert was a one time only deal.

Lucky runs into Helena on the docks and tells her he's leaving Port Charles soon. Helena asks about Nik and Lulu. Lucky says he's leaving because Liz keeps hoping for something that isn't going to happen. He asks, "Why? If I don't promise to stay, will you lock me up again?" Stefan walks up and says she can't do anything to Lucky now that he's admitted that he was kidnapped. Lucky corrects him: Faison kidnapped him, Helena released him. Stefan accuses him of sounding rehearsed and smirks at Helena while Lucky walks off. He warns her that things will unravel before long. He points out that Lucky is about to turn on her.

Juan goes upstairs to work and Liz comes out to talk to Nik. She asks him if he saw Lucky, and Nik looks hesitant to relay Lucky's message. (Lucky asked Nik to tell Liz to back off because he didn't think she was getting the hint.) Nik tells Liz that Lucky loves her, but she needs to stop expecting things to be like they were. She worries that every time she tries to tell him she's being patient she ends up pushing him further away. Nik tells her to keep trying. She gives him a big hug, and he looks kind of guilty over her shoulder.

Lucky walks along the docks, and Stefan was waiting for him. Herealizes that Helena was pressuring Lucky. Lucky says he's tired of the Spenser/Cassadine war. Stefan points out that he and Laura have parted ways. He suggests that Lucky ask Nik whether he thinks Helena kidnapped Lucky.

Lucky arrives at Helena's yacht. He tells her "this whole thing isn' working out, everyone keeps getting hurt." Helena invites him to a game of chess to relax. He tells her that he's still leaving PC. They sit down to play and she reminds him to always protect his queen. Helena tells Lucky of her visit with Laura. Lucky tells Helena he misses beating her at chess and that there is no need to leave town. Helena tells Lucky she's glad he decided to reconnect with Nicholas - Stephan is now evasedropping on them. Lucky and Helena discuss Elizabeth and how he doesn't want to hurt her but she want everything to be as before. Helena tells him that it can't be and that he "knows what must be done." Helena tries to convince Lucky to stay in town. The scene is very convoluted, but she seems to be hinting that he needs to do what's bestfor Liz. He wins their chess game and she wants to take him shopping for a memento of their time together, before he goes off and does "what needs to be done".

Liz comes up to Kelly's and finds out that she can't go in. She sits with Laura and they talk a bit about Lucky and try to cheer each other up. Liz runs into Lucky on the docks. He tells her that things change and people change. He says she means a lot to him and he wants her to be happy. He thinks that Nikolas will make her happy. She looks stunned. She protested that she wasn't interest in Nikolas that way, that Lucky was the one in her heart. "Permanent lock, remember?"

Liz enters L&B and tries to talk to Emily about the future and the more popular Juan becomes the more fans and girl groupies that will be around.Nikolas and Elizabeth took a walk at the pier. Liz asked Nikolas to sit down so they could talk for a moment. Liz explained to Nikolas that Lucky told her point blank that things were over between them. Nikolas immediately rebutted by saying that Lucky still needs time to recover. Liz interjects that there was more to her conversation with Lucky. Lucky told Liz that he wanted she and Nikolas to be together. Nikolas looked surprised, but not unhappy with this information. Liz and Nikolas discussed Lucky's conversation on the docks with Liz a few days ago. Liz explained to him that Lucky want Elizabeth and Nikolas to be together. Nikolas told her that she must have misunderstood and that Lucky is still the same person he was a year ago. Liz said that she has stopped pretending that Lucky doesn't want her anymore. As they continued their dialogue, a police officer dragged an eavesdropping Lucky out of his hidingplace and told him that he had to come to the station for questioning. Liz and Nikolas were baffled by Lucky's behavior, but Nikolas offered to go to police station with Lucky. Lucky told him to stay and take care of Elizabeth. Mac apologized to Lucky for not discovering the scheme and saving him. He said that he would make it up by putting the people responsible behind bars. Mac asked Lucky about Helena and Stefan's involvement in his kidnapping. Lucky told Mac that Faison was responsible for the kidnapping and that he worked alone. He also continued his assertion that Helena saved him from Faison and Stefan did not have anything to do with his abduction. Mac decided that there were no legal grounds for continuing the investigation, so he will close the case. Laura and Luke were outraged andLuke threatened to kill Stefan while Mac listened on. Lucky told them that he is ready to put this last year behind him and move on with his life. So he was ready to sign his statement and leave. Laura told Lucky that she cannot totally let him go, but she will give him the space that he wants.

The tension is thick enough to spread on toast, and with much glaring, Mac gets Lucky to sign his statement about the kidnapping despite Luke's vocal objections. The rather indignant parent utters one more menacing imprecation against Stefan and all Cassadines, then barges out, leaving his son to retread Helena's--what am I thinking, *his own* version of his kidnapping. Much fun is had by both men as they bond over bashing Luke, then admit that they'd both like to just put the whole year behind them. Lucky then leaves the cop shop.

Nikolas and Elizabeth rehash their conversation and Lucky's eavesdropping. After a few moments, however, the man himself shows up and displays some of that unhealthy paranoia in thinking that they were lying in wait for him. He tries to brush past them, but Nik stops him, demanding that he talk to them. Lucky has become aloof yet again, and Nik, fed up, leaves so that Lucky and Liz can work things out. Lucky insists--again--that Liz needs to move on; she repeats that he won't make her give him up...and then he drops the bombshell: he recommends that she get over him, because he's let her go. Liz doesn't like what Lucky's telling her, and lets him know it. Unfortunately, he's said his piece, and with a parting admonishment to stop loving him, he leaves her alone on the docks.

After learning from Liz that Lucky suggested Liz and Nik should get together, Emily visited Lucky at his new residence -- a room above Jake's. She demanded that he look her in the eyes and say he no longer loves Liz. He couldn't do it, of course. Emily's words got to him, because he went to see Liz at her studio, where he apologized for trying to push her and Nik together. Lucky told Elizabeth that he gets mad when his parents tell him how to feel, so he has no right to tell her how she should feel about Nikolas. Liz told him that she understands that he has been through a lot this past year and she still loves him. She also told him she meant her vows to him and he needs to stop thinking and feel instead. She asked Lucky what she did to lose his trust and faith in her, and Lucky replied that he does trust her. He told her that he believes her when she says she loves him. She is like a light to him that is so warm and comforting, but when he gets close to her, he slams into some invisible force. Elizabeth asked him if there was a wall between them now, and he kissed her. As they were kissing, a frantic Nikolas burst into Liz's studio. Nikolas shared the news concerning Stefan's disappearance and/or murder and Luke's arrest. Luke began asking some questions concerning the circumstance of his father's arrest and Nikolas got irate. Nik screamed at Lucky for defending Luke and pointed out that Luke had threatened Stefan in front of Lucky that Friday. Lucky left to go to the police station in search of some answers and Nikolas turned his anger on Liz. He yelled that he was sick and tired of hearing about what Lucky needs. The man he has known as a father is missing and/or dead and no one seems to care. An upset Lucky ran into Helena at the docks and told her she should be the one getting investigated for this crime. She called out his name and told him to " always remember to protect your queen", and the zombie Lucky reappeared. Nikolas hid in the shadows as he witnessed the whole scene. Nik interrupts them, yelling at his Grandmother to get away from his brother.

Nik and Lucky have suddenly switched places in their own blame wars; now Nik is giving Luke the benefit of the doubt, while attacking Helena. Liz, who happens upon the discussion, hides and eavesdrops, and hears Lucky comment on bringing whomever was responsible to justice--especially if it was his father. Nik replies that they had wanted to stay out of their parents battles--at which point Liz makes herself known, and defends Lucky. The man himself, fully under Helena's control again, steps clear of the argument and again advocates all that is Nik to Liz. Distraught, Nik hardly notices, and heads off to Wyndemere, leaving the couple alone. Liz immediately starts in on the "what's wrong with you?" tack, but Lucky brushes her off, again telling her that she should be standing by Nik, not him. Liz picks up on the wierdness that has become Lucky, and asks him if something happened. The boy is cool once more, however, and reiterates the same story about being different now, and wanting her to find happiness with Nik. Liz is completely flummoxed, and reminds him that a short time ago, he *kissed* her--to which he responds that he wishes he hadn't. With that parting cruelty, he leaves. Pre-Nurse's Ball scenes. Amy runs into Liz and Nikolas backstage. Liz offers Nikolas a way out of going to the ball but Nikolas wants to honor his obligations as Stefan would have wanted him to do. Nikolas talks how wonderful Stefan was. He doesn't want the Stefan/Luke thing to come between him and Lucky.

Lucky stops by the Spencer house to see Lulu, but she is not there. Luckyand Laura rehash the Stefan/Luke situation. Lucky leaves after offering a parting shot at Laura that she should not be so busy defending Luke that she forgets to comfort Nikolas.

Nikolas stops by to see Lucky. They talk about the Luke/Stefan ordeal. Nik breaks down and tells Lucky that Stefan wouldn't have just left him. Lucky reminds Nikolas that Stefan loved him. Nikolas reminds Lucky that both of his parents love him. Nikolas leaves. The final montage is of everyone getting ready to go. Some of the highlights are of AJ belting back a shot of vodka, Lucky contemplates his tux, Helena tries to look girlish, Robin has arrived. Lucy comes out and welcomes everyone to the ball.

It's finally time for the Nurses Ball. All the gowns were beautiful and the men looked great in their tuxes. Lucy started off by recognizing Stefan as a major contributor who couldn't make it to the ball. Nik gave a speech about Stefan's generosity and kindness that most people don't get to see. He spoke about Stefan in the past tense. Lucy introduces Liz and congratulats her on the design of this years nurses ball t-shirt. Lucy gives Liz a bouqet of flowers. Lucky arrives. Juan, Emily and Liz sing and dance to "Footloose". Afterwards, Liz follows Lucky outside and asks him to sit with her and Nik, Emily and Juan. Lucky agrees, but first he stops by to tell Helena that she looks beautiful. Nik and Liz don't like this.

Eddie Mane sings "Simply Irresistable".

Juan and Emily come back on stage and sing with, audience participation, "Lean on Me" while we see panels from the Aids Quilt. After the ball, Nikolas brings Liz back to her studio and says she wants to be alone so she can say good-bye to Lucky. Liz tells Nikolas that Lucky's feelings have changed towards her. She loves him to much to stand in his way so she needs to let him go. Liz tells Nik that Stefan would have been proud of him tonight at the Nurses Ball - she was. Nick leaves. Soon she hears someone trying to open the door to her studio. she gets a stick/bat and hits the intruder over the head to only realize it was Lucky. She drops down next t o him to make sure he's okay. She apologizes for hittig him and he apologizes for breaking in and says he didn't know she was there and that he comes here sometimes at night - she asks why? Lucky tells Liz he misses her and her brownies and bad coffee and sitting there quitely while she paints. She tells him he can stick around cause she was going to paint he says he would like that. Lucky watches Liz paint and then thanks her for letting him watch and leaves.

Bobbie and Lucky had a long overdue reunion on the docks. Lucky surprised Bobbie by telling her that Nikolas and Liz's relationship had grown to be much closer than friends. Helena interrupted them, and Bobbie's fiercely protective nature took over. At first Lucky remained silent, but when Bobbie accused Helena of assisting Faison in Lucky's kidnapping, Lucky jumped to Helena's defense. Emily confides in Liz that she is jealous of all the girls throwing themselves at Juan. Emily isn't sure if she is ready for sex, but worries that Juan is ready now. She is worried that if she doesn't have sex now she might miss her chance with Juan (like Liz did with Lucky). Liz says she sometimes wishes she and Lucky hadn't waited because maybe they would have a conection now instead of distance.--In walks Lucky. Emily makes some lame excuse to leave. Lucky begins to talk about his captivity. He says that he wouldn't ask for anything so the guards wouldn't know what was important to him. He asks if Liz needs help closing. As they clean up Lucky plays their song on the juke box. He and Liz dance.

Emily goes to talk to Elizabeth and tells her that the story is that they are sleeping over. Elizabeth tells Nikolas that she wants to go to this party with Emily so she can watch over her, so she invites Nikolas to come. Elizabeth tells Nikolas that she became closer to Lucky. Lucky overhears Nikolas and Liz talk, and decides to come to the party.

Lucky sneaks into Luke's office and opens his safe. He searches through some passports, but Roy enters the office. Roy and Lucky introduce each other and discuss Roy's past. Roy also tells Lucky that he knows about his imprisonment. They joke about their common interests. Roy tells Lucky that he is Luke's partner. They discuss Lucky's plans to head out of town. Roy tells Lucky that there are some things he should know about Luke. Roy tells Lucky that he respects Luke. Lucky tells Roy that Luke raped Laura. Roy tries to defend Luke and tell him that he would have known that Luke raped Laura. Roy is baffled and surprised, but still believes that Luke loves Laura. Roy offers Lucky a job at Luke's Place.

Elizabeth comes by Audrey at the hospital to share some coffee and talk about Lucky. Liz tells Audrey that she accidentally hit Lucky. Elizabeth shares her fears that Lucky doesn't want her anymore. Audrey tells Elizabeth that true love can survive anything. Lucky gets angry over how Juan is only concerned with his own feelings and not Emily's. Nik points out that is exactly what Lucky has been doing to Elizabeth.

At the Rave, Juan gets some digs in about Emily not making up her mind (she said she wanted to make love to him and when he took her to a motel she changed her mind). Juan allows Allison and her friends to pick her apart. After more harsh words, mostly consisting of Juan belittling Emily he deserts her to be with Allison. Meanwhile, Liz and Lucky have been waiting for Nik. When he finally arrives late at the studio, Lucky teasingly asks him if he is running on "Prince time" They arrive at the Rave just in time to see how harshly Juan is treating Em and Lucky lets him have it. Juan retaliates by saying that Lucky is a mental case and is ruining Liz's life. He also makes a crack about the Quartermaines. Emily gets drunk with some help from spiked drinks. Liz convinces her that they should leave. Then they see Alison and Juan kissing. Emily runs into a stranger (Ted) and ends up leaving the rave with him.

Liz, Nikolas and Lucky searched the rave frantically for Emily, while Ted took a drugged out Emily to a motel room. Liz blasted Juan for hurting Emily. The gang argue about whether to call in the police. Lucky is against it as the cops showing up will just scare everyone away and he is sure someone must know where Ted has gone.

The next day, a naked Emily awakes next to Ted's lifeless body holding a syringe in her hand. Lucky shows up at the motel. He promises to protect Emily and decides to get rid of all the evidence in the room. Liz and Nikolas later arrived to help, butnot before refusing to tell Juan where they were going. Lucky and Liz feared Emily had been raped and encouraged her to go to a clinic for an exam. Elizabeth brought Emily safely home and tries to get her to go to the women's clinic, but Emily is too afraid. Elizabeth reminded Emily about the dangers of possibly being raped. How it was important to get examined and not shower, to take the morning after pill, and to talk to a counselor to help her through this incident. Emily wanted to shower so badly, however Elizabeth was able to convince her to wait till she could at least go to the clinic first thing in the morning.

Juan climbed through Emily's window to find her, but she was downstairsexplaining her whereabouts to her family. Juan waited until she returned but Emily asked him to just leave. Juan apologized for his actions and fully admitted that it was all his fault. Emily started to sob more. He said that he looked for her all over town and he would do anything to make this right. He said that he loved her. Emily asked Juan to go and she continued to weep. Juan made his way to Kelly's where Elizabeth blasted him for his actions and told him in no uncertain terms to leave Emily alone. Emily sat alone in her bath tub trying to remember exactly what happened from leaving the Rave until waking up with a needle in her hand.

**The End**

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