Liz and Lucky #9  July 5 - September 12, 2000 - 8 hr

Lucky and Nikolas were trying to dispose of Ted Wilson, the under cover cop. First the Manager demanded to be let in the hotel room. Lucky quickly devised a story about their friend having too much to drink and needed to sleep it off. Then Nikolas conveniently passed a 100-dollar bill to the manager to calm his nerves. The manager left but notified them that the next time he would call the cops. Nikolas wanted to ask Alexis for help, but Lucky insisted that they had to keep quiet for Elizabeth's sake. The two brother worked together to get Ted's body to Windermere and to store it in an old freezer prior to Helena walking in on them. Nikolas then put on a good show for his grandmother to convince her to leave the premises. It worked and Lucky and Nikolas were relieved for the moment, But how long can this secret really last? Helena makes it her business to know everything that goes and comes at Windermere.

Liz accompanies a shaken Emily to the clinic and covers for her when Laura also arrives. Liz claims she's there to volunteer and then finds Emily after she is relieved to learn that she was not raped. Though Nikolas is plagued with thoughts about getting rid of Ted's lifeless body, both he and Lucky agree that helping Emily was the right thing to do. He assures Lucky that he checked the freezer and the body is still there but is thinks that they should bury him as soon as possible.

Lucky was tender with Liz in the wake of Emily's crisis, and later Emily receives a call from someone saying she "Saw what you did last Friday". Liz, Lucky, Nicholas and Emily begin to panic about being blackmailed, and vow to stick together. Elizabeth is pleased to note an apparent change in Lucky's attitude towards her. Emily's blackmailer phones again and demands five thousand dollars.

Lucky was helping Elizabeth at Kelly's. Next, of course, Emily entered in her can't take anymore panic mood. She told Liz and Lucky that she can barely stand it at home because it is too hard to pretend that nothing is wrong. Lucky informed her that they are all in this situation together. It was Emily's job to keep cool and keep things together. Lucky went to get French fries. Emily told Liz that Lucky is the best friend ever because he is always there to help in any type of crisis. Liz replied that maybe Lucky was returning. Lucky sat down with the French fries when the phone rang. Elizabeth answered and yes it was the black mailer. She asked for $5,000. Liz became really worried and suggested that they go to Sonny for help. Emily put up a fight about not going to Sonny. Lucky jumped in and said we do not have to go to Sonny cause Nikolas can easily get $5,000 and besides the black mailer is inexperienced. Lucky, with Nikolas' help, planned on catching the blackmailer themselves during the exchange of money. Emily had to return home. Lucky offered to take Emily home. When they arrived at the house, Lucky comforted Emily. And as they hugged he reassured her that things would beokay. As Lucky and Emily hugged each other, Juan walked up to the patio door and looked on disappointed.

Nikolas went to meet Liz. She informed him of today's events. Nikolas agreed that the black mailer was definitely not experienced and Lucky's plan should work. Liz commented on how grateful she was that Lucky was acting himself, but she was not pleased that it had to come because something tragic happened to Emily.

Lucky stopped by Kelly's looking for Elizabeth and Tammy told him that Elizabeth had the day off, but to try her art studio. Lucky saw Emily come into the diner, looking nervous and anxious. They sat down at a table and Lucky reassured her, telling her about the arrangements Nicholas had made for the $5,000.00. Lucky explained that when they meet the girl to give her the money, they will grab her. Emily apologized, saying that she felt bad for getting them all involved. As they were talking, Emily and Lucky overheard Mac talking to Tammy about Stefan's murder case and mistakenly thought he was talking about Ted's murder. She was very relieved to hear Mac mention Luke and Stefan and to learn that it had nothing to do with her. Emily thanked Lucky and kissed him for being there for her. Juan had been standing outside of Kelly's looking in and when he saw Emily kiss Lucky, he came in and angrily told Lucky to stay away from Emily. Juan and Lucky ended up in a fight with Lucky decking Juan, then Mac broke it up. Mac told Juan that using his fists was not the answer and that Juan needed to try and work it out with Emily. Juan walked out. Emily suggested to Lucky that maybe she should tell Juan the truth about what happened after the rave. Emily received another phone call from the blackmailer, who instructed her to meet her at 9:00p.m. on Friday in an alley on Hartford Street. They learned that the call had come from apartments near the hotel where Ted had died and Lucky speculated that the blackmailer must be an amateur or she would have asked for more money. He felt that she would most likely come herself to get the money and then he and Nikolas would nab her.

Elizabeth and Nikolas ran into each other on the docks. Elizabeth asked him if he thought Lucky was acting more like his old self. Nikolas told her to give Lucky a little time. Just as Lucky seems to be opening up to Elizabeth, Helena reminds Lucky that he must cut Elizabeth loose so she'll be free to be with Nikolas. Elizabeth is hurt and confused when Lucky does another abrupt about face and icily reminds her that they are through. Lucky and Nikolas plant the money, then wait nearby for the blackmailer to appear. Sonny encounters a heartbroken Elizabeth on the docks and listens sympathetically to her tale of woe. He consoles her while a very jealous Carly watches. Liz tells him about how she used to come to the docks when she thought Lucky was dead because she felt closer to him, but now Lucky is alive and she's lost him. Carly has seen enough, and she leaves.

Taggert stumbles across Nikolas and Lucky in the alley. He wants to know what they are doing loitering in an alley. They make up a story about trying to catch Andreas . They want to talk to him about Stefan's disappearance. Taggert says oh, they are trying to clear Lucky's dad, but this a police investigation, and they need to leave it to the PCPD. When Taggert leaves, they turn around and find that the blackmailer has come and gone.

Emily walks in on Juan and Sherry making out at L&B... How could you?!?!? Juan gets up off of Sherry, who tries to cover herself. You didn't waste any time did you? You never cared about me, I was just another girl. All Juan can do is stand there and look stupid. Emily tells him that she hates him and she NEVER wants to see him again.

Lucky and Nikolas don't catch the blackmailer, but maybe she'll hit them up again. After all, it was probably the easiest five grand she ever made. They need to tell Emily and Liz what happened (or didn't happen) and Nikolas offers to go if Lucky doesn't want to see Liz. Lucky tells Nikolas that it doesn't bother him to be around her, even though things are different. Nikolas says that he doesn't buy that and Lucky says that's because Nikolas is in love, and he isn't. Down on the docks, Sonny continues to comfort Liz. She asks him if he remembered the game - he loves me, he loves me not- and that she feels like that with Lucky. One minute he loves her, then all of the sudden he changes and he doesn't. Sonny tells her that when a person wants out of arelationship, you have to let them go. That if it is this hard on her, think how hard it is on Lucky. She says that Lucky doesn't mean to hurt her. But he does, Sonny says, so maybe that's why he wanted to end it and also why she has to let him.

Lucky and Nikolas run into Tammy at Kelly's. She says that Liz isn't there yet, but that she is worried about her. Is there anything she can do to help? Nikolas covers by telling her that Liz is worried about Emily and Juan's relationship problems. Tammy only half buys this, but she drops it and goes in. Lucky wonders why Liz is late. Gee, you're almost acting like you care, Nikolas teases. Lucky wonders if they should go find her, but Nikolas says that she would need some time alone to think. See, how well you know her, Lucky says. But his just makes Nikolas mad and he tells him to stop. Meanwhile Sonny is telling Liz that she has to give Lucky some breathing room. That you have to stop chasing sometimes or risk killing what love there is. She asked if something like that happened to him, and he says yeah, that he loved this girl and she loved him. Because the love did too much damage to them, he had to walk away. Maybe Lucky sees it coming, so he's trying to end it. Liz wants to know what happened with Sonny. He says the girl found someone else, but he couldn't stand it, so he went after her till she was hanging on by a thread. He said that people said it wasn't love, it was passion. So if Lucky says he's done, maybe she should believe him and let him go. "Maybe I don't know how," she says.

Lucky and Nikolas are still arguing about Liz. Nikolas says that if he really didn't care, he wouldn't be trying to push her toward someone else, he would just set her free. He asks Lucky how he would feel if Liz decided to go away to NY or Milan to go to art school. Could he deal with that? Lucky looks stunned. Nik will buy him a drink while he thinks about it. Sonny finally convinces Liz to let Lucky go. It's going to be so hard. Sonny walks Liz to Kelly's where she spots Lucky and Nikolas inside. Sonny leaves and she goes in. The guys fill her in on what happened with the blackmailer. Nikolas says he has to go and Liz offers to walk them out, she needs to tell Lucky something. They walk Nikolas out, then Lucky tells Liz how they were worried about her being late. Liz interrupts him and tells him that she's letting him go and she's letting go of her unrealistic dreams about them getting back together. Lucky again pushes his brother to declare his love to Elizabeth.

Lucky and Nikolas went to check on the freezer. They found the freezer was gone! Nikolas and Lucky talked to the maid about what happened to the freezer. She told them that she had it moved and unlocked. Nikolas told her to bring the freezer back right away and it better not get moved again. Lucky and Nikolas opened the freezer and discovered Ted's body was still in there. Emily told Lucky and Nikolas she wants to go to the cops. Lucky decides to go to Port Charles Police Department and investigate about why no one has reported him missing.

Tired of his mixed signals about their relationship, Liz finally tells Lucky that she's tired of it and won't allow it to happen anymore. After a talk with a worried Emily, Liz then decides it's time to let Sonny know about the problem with the blackmailer. Lucky and Nicholas try to sneak into Mac's office to find out about the lifeless body locked in the freezer. The two are concerned when they overhear that Taggert has a lead on a missing cop named Ted. Mac tells Nikolas that he doesn't have new information on Stefan's case, but as Nikolas and Lucky are leaving, Taggert asks them if they have been to any raves. They both say no, but Mac and Taggert tell them that their undercover cop Ted is missing. Lucky and Nikolas say they don't know anything and leave. They go back to Kelly's to tell the girls.

Carly goes off on Liz at the penthouse. She starts throwing wild accusations around about her trying to get into Sonny's bed, that now that the baby is dead, Sonny is a free man. Sonny tells Carly to shut up, and Liz decides it's time to leave. He apologizes to Liz, and has Johnny take her home. Liz goes back to Kelly's. She tells Emily that it's probably better not to tell Juan what's going on, that he can't be trusted. Then she tells her what happened at Sonny's. Nikolas and Lucky come in and tell them about Ted. They also tell them the theory they've worked up that someone followed Emily and Ted, then killed him after she had passed out. They said that the murder probably thought it would be more profitable to blackmail Emily rather than kill her. As they are talking, the phone rings. The blackmailer wants ten thousand more dollars. Liz worries that one of them might be the next victim.

Lucky spied Nikolas and Liz sharing a close moment, but didn't interrupt them. Emily and Lucky argued about how he's been treating Liz and he maintained that Nikolas would be much better for Liz. Liz asserted that her relationship with Lucky is over in spite of Emily's efforts to convince her otherwise.

Elizabeth is working at Kelly's, Lucky seems hesitant around Liz, and they both reiterate how they want to be "friends"--but even though she's smiling, we can see the words "Bite me!" lurking in Liz's eyes. Liz and Lucky are still being "friends"; she goes off to get him a drink, and Taggert takes the opportunity to talk to Lucky about his and Nik's Junior Detectoring. Lucky brushes off the detective's concern...then slyly brings up Ted, wondering if Taggert had any leads on the missing cop or not. Not being half as thick as Lucky's convinced he is, Taggert immediately wonders *why* Lucky would care about a missing undercover cop. Lucky has done an about-face with his official story, and is saying that maybe Nikolas saw the cop at the rave...but Taggert brushes him off, and hurries out. Liz joins Lucky at the table, and they are interrupted by the arrival of Carly. She greets Lucky warmly, then brings out the claws to Liz, mentioning the various "indiscretions" that perhaps Lucky would be interested in knowing. Liz starts to get offended, and Lucky tries to step in--but Liz says she can take care of herself. Carly responds that she can certainly take care of throwing herself at Sonny--and Lucky takes a moment to look utterly bemused. A right old catfight soon gets going, with both Liz and Carly hissing away with their best insults--Liz's best shot is "Sonny lost a baby--you lost your mealticket", after which she storms out, leaving Carly to "commiserate" to Lucky over the lying tramp that is his girlfriend. Lucky criticizes his cousin for spreading lies about Liz, but she defends her paranoia. Bobbie comes in on the tail end of their disagreement, and Lucky tells her that Liz ran off in the middle of her shift; he's going to go find her. Before he leaves, however, he sends a pointed warning to Carly not to go near Elizabeth again. Once he's gone, Bobbie looks disapprovingly at her daughter, and Carly stares back, unphased.

Liz is on the docks, going down the steps in a pair of highly impractical shoes making her trip over the last step and fall. Liz limps painfully over to a bench and sits down, taking off the offending shoe and inspecting her injured ankle--only to have Sonny show up and inspect it himself. Apparently he's a sports injury expert, having played a lot of basketball in his youth; they both chuckle over that fact, then get a little more serious as they thank each other for the help they've offered--Liz to Sonny at the hospital, Sonny to Liz at the fire that "killed" Lucky. Sonny asks Liz why she was in the bad mood that led to her fall; she tells him about Carly's attack, including the comeback about the baby--which she immediately regrets when she sees Sonny's face shut down. She apologizes, but Sonny brushes it off, telling her that he'll take care of Carly so that she doesn't pick fights with her anymore. He then changes the conversation back to Liz's ankle; he tells her to wear flat shoes for a few days until it gets better, but she objects--she's too short to wear flat shoes! This prompts a chuckle, and the two of them start to kid around a bit, and are in the midst of some nice flirty laughing when Lucky happens upon them, deep in his Incredible Skulk act. He stares at the two on the bench as he wonders if maybe Carly had a point to what she said... Lucky confronts Sonny and Liz about their "friendship" and asks if what Carly is saying is true. Liz tells Lucky that they're just friends and Lucky asks Sonny if he's told ˜Liz about his track record with his "friends" including Lily and Brenda. Sonny tells Lucky that he's just looking for a fight and tells Lucky it's not smart to start one with him. Sonny wonders why, if Lucky is through with Liz, he cares about who she sees, then leaves. Liz, looking a little angry, asks Lucky to tell her why it matters to him who she sees. Liz tells Lucky that she's confused by his behavior. Lucky gets angry and leaves. Nik and Lucky meet up in the alley. Lucky tells Nik about Sonny and Liz and Nik confirms to Lucky that they are only friends. Lucky asks Nik if he isn't bothered by this and Nik says no. He tells Lucky that he knows that Liz isn't in love with Sonny because he' seen Liz in love. He tells Lucky that Liz was involved with Jason when she thought Lucky was dead. Nik tells Lucky that Jason stayed in Liz's studio with her and that they were a couple. Lucky gets upset. Just then someone approaches their bag of cash. Nik and Lucky run out and grab the hooded figure, which turns out to be a young girl. Claiming she knows no one named Emily, the girl tells Lucky and Nikolas she went for the bag because she was hungry and looking for food. When she threatens to call rape, they let her go. But don't believe her story.

Emily and Liz meet up on the docks. Liz tells Emily what happened with Carly, Sonny and Lucky. Emily tells her that it's obvious that Lucky still loves her. The "homeless" girl places another threatening call to Emily. Lucky shared with Liz, Emily and Nikolas that the he followed the blackmailer to a mansion in which she had a key to. The foursome then decided it was time for a new plan. Liz explained her platonic relationship with Jason to Lucky, who was grateful that Liz had someone to support her after his "death". Lucky was still not able to explain his feelings towards Liz about why she belongs with Nikolas.

Liz and Emily decide to go shopping. Emily is going insane thinking about the blackmailer. Liz has some stuff to finish though first at L&B. She tells Emily to go listen to Juan sing "Heart & Soul" (he wrote it for her) while she is waiting. They discuss how Emily can't let Juan go but she also can't be with him. Liz knows the feeling, this is what Lucky is doing to her. Emily misses Juan though. They discuss how Lucky questioned Liz about Jason. Em tells Liz not to give up on Lucky, Liz tells Emily not to give up on Juan Emily goes and listens to Juan sing with out him knowing she is there. The song touches her and she remembers all the fun she had with Juan. Nick and Lucky show up and tell Liz of Lucky's plan to dress like a census taker and get info from the blackmailer's family. Liz and Nick say it won't work cause she knows what Lucky looks like. Liz offers to do it. Emily and Liz convince the boys to let Liz do it. Em, Nick and Lucky go shopping to get an outfit for Liz. They dress her up like a census taker and plan to go to the family.

Nikolas, Lucky, and Elizabeth went to the blackmailer's house. While Lucky and Nikolas looked on from the bushes, Emily convinced the woman that she worked for the census. Gia, Emily's blackmailer came out and Elizabeth questions Gia about where she lived. Gia left. Lucky followed Gia and caught her looking for the money. Lucky asked Gia what her excuse was this time. Lucky asked Gia why she was blackmailing Emily. They argue as she tries to deny it.

Emily sits nervously outside Kelly's--and when Elizabeth shows up, she begs for details of the Census scam. Liz recaps it and the girls glumly ponder who the blackmailer could be, if not Gia. Lucky's not so easily convinced that she's innocent, and wants anexplanation for her cushy lifestyle--y'know, given that she told him she was homeless last time they spoke. Well, Miss Campbell is nothing if not resourceful, and she provides the second recap of the day: she's working for the family in the mansion over the summer, she's really from Brooklyn. She goes on to explain that she had the night off the other day, and went to the movies. On her way home, she was poking around in the alley because supposedly people drop perfectly good stuff into the trash in that alley, and she likes to riffle through for what she can find. Wierdly enough, her story seems to be swaying young Master Spencer--but when he notices Taggert poking around at the other end of the alley, Gia freaks. Curious, Lucky tells her to stay put--then heads out to divert the Lieutenant and make him go away. He's doing well, too--but then Gia knocks over a trash can, alerting Taggert that someone's back there...

Emily and Liz talk about telling Juan what's going on; Em wants to trust him, but Liz is against his finding out *anything* to do with the rave or the blackmailing. The conversation inevitably gets to Liz and Lucky'srelationship issues, and both girls talk about getting on with their lives...until Juan shows up, creating a whole new level of tension.

Undeterred by Lucky's insistence that no one is in the alley, Taggert goes back to investigate--but Gia has hidden behind some boxes, where Lucky sees her and covers. He distracts Taggs with talk of the Stefan Cassadine murder case--and shocks all and sundry when he says that maybe Helena should be suspect number one. Taggert's surprised--last time her name came up, Lucky insisted that they were friends--but Lucky keeps saying that Luke didn't do it. He suggests that his dad's being set up, possibly by Mac, but Taggert is unwilling to admit his own thoughts on the matter, and clears out. Once he's gone, Gia comes out and tries to leave--but Lucky stops her, now very curious as to why she hid from the good police officer? Emily's is freaked when she receives another phonecall at Kelly's. However, it is Reginald, reminding her about a dinner date with her grandfather. Relieved, Em assures him she'll make it, thenhangs up and tells Liz the good news--but Juan overhears enough to make him concerned, and he asks what's wrong. She tries to cover, but he has none of it, and tells her that he wants to help if she's in trouble--trust me, he tells her. Deciding to go with her emotions, Emily leads him outside...and tells him about Ted.

Gia again tries to dodge Lucky's questions, but he's not put off. If she doesn't level with him, he says, he'll tell Taggert all about her--an idea which really doesn't appeal to her. Lucky continues to confront Gia about being the blackmailer. She finally confesses and says there is no way Emily can't afford it. Lucky figures out that Gia knows nothing about what happened inside the motel. They strike a deal that Lucky won't turn her into the cops if she won't spill the beans about Emily going to the motel, and Gia gets to keep the 5 grand. Lucky goes back to Kelly's to tell Liz and Emily. He finds that the two of them have spent the afternoon telling Juan what is going on. Emily needs to trust Juan so she decided to tell him everything. Juan vows to help and to never let her down again. Lucky doesn't like it, but he tells them all about the blackmailer. They decide that Gia might have seen something around the motel and she needs to be questioned. Lucky says he will find out. Lucky followed Gia home and surprised her by climbing in her bedroom window. He asked for her help in finding the murderer. She refused and kicked him out. Later Nik thought of Sherry, the groupie Juan had kissed several weeks ago, and wondered if she could go to Friday's rave with them and possibly spot a guy connected to Ted. Emily wasn't thrilled, but agreed to the plan.

Helena calls for Lucky. When he arrives she questions him about the computer and the burnable cd drive (she has evidence someone has been spying on her). Lucky is belligerent and won't answer, but as he turns to leave Helena says the magic words "Protect your Queen" and Lucky is quickly under her spell again. He tells her he has nothing to do with spying on her and she tells him to make sure Elizabeth ends up with Nikolas.

Liz and Nikolas discuss how Lucky's behavior is strange and erratic. One minute he seems to like Liz, the next he is pushing for her to be with Nik. They decide to kiss in front of Lucky to make him jealous. But when Lucky shows up and they kiss, Lucky is nothing but happy for them. He even goes off smiling. Liz is devastated.

Nikolas brought Gia into the group and the others were angry to learn that Nikolas had to pay for Gia's help. Lucky confessed to Emily that he was bothered by the kiss between Nikolas and Liz, but he was sure he could deal with it. Emily begged to go to the Rave when it looked like Gia wouldn't show up. When Gia did arrive, the teens left for the Rave without Em. Before they went into the Rave, Liz told Lucky that she was trying to make him jealous by kissing Nikolas. Lucky didn't seem fazed by Liz's declaration and said again that Liz and Nikolas belonged together. At the rave, Liz mets Zander who Gia later identified as the man she saw in the motel parking lot. Gia told Nikolas that he is the one who arrived at the hotel shortly after Ted and Emily arrived and entered their hotel room. Lucky approaches Liz and Zander pretending to be Liz's jealous boyfriend. Free from Zander, the group decide to leave the rave. Gia, however, gets stopped by Zander before she can get out and he wants to know what her friends are up to. Pretending to be stoned and about to puke on his shoes, Gia is able to leave the rave safely. At Kelly's, Emily is filled in on the details. Gia appears, demanding answers and Lucky thinks they should be given, especially since Zander recognized Gia and she could be in danger. After much debate, Liz, Nikolas, Emily and Lucky decide that telling Gia the truth about Ted's murder would be the right thing to do.

When Emily asks Nikolas for a ride home, Lucky gets her alone and asks why she left him alone with Liz. When Emily explains to Lucky how sick she is of him avoiding Liz, she reminds him that he & Liz used to have a story book romance like Guinivere and Sir Lancelot and while doing so, she says "protect your queen". He zones out completely and Emily cannot get his attention. Once Emily does get through to Lucky, he reacts defensively, but then realizes he can't remember what had just happened. Lucky and Emily analyze the situation and Lucky admits that something is wrong with him. When Liz comes out to find out what is going on, Lucky rudely blows her off and neither he nor Emily tell Liz what had just happened. Emily snaps at Lucky for being so rude and Liz feels heart broken once again.

Lucky and Emily bonded in the boxcar, talking about what could possibly have happened to Lucky's memory while he was held captive. Lucky expressed his total frustration that he cannot remember large pieces of that year of his life. Emily vowed to stay with Lucky until he figures out what's going on. In return, he made her promise not to tell anyone else. He said he didn't want to be viewed as "poor Lucky who lost his memory." Emily had a hard time agreeing to Lucky's stipulation. Liz showed up at the boxcar while Lucky and Em were there. Lucky immediately shut Liz out and pretended that he and Em were reminiscing about things that had happened several years ago. Liz felt left out and didn't stay long. Nik arranged with Gia's employer for her to take a break and meet him at Kelly's. Naturally, she acted as sullen as ever -- until she heard that an undercover cop had been murdered and that she had hung out with the possible murderer at the rave. Emily arrived just as Gia was emphatically stating that she wants nothing to do with them. Just then Taggert walked into the diner; Gia immediately began to kiss Nikolas passionately but stopped the minute she realized Taggert couldn't see her. She then quickly left the diner. Liz and Nik laughed about the kiss and wondered what it meant.

Lucky and Emily discuss Lucky's memory loss and how important it is to Lucky that they tell no one. Juan sees them hugging and goes running to Liz to ask her if there is something between Emily and Lucky. Liz assures him there isn't, but Juan isn't so sure. He vows to win Emily back. When Emily shows up at Kelly's Liz tells Emily what Juan saw and Emily assures Liz there is nothing going on, she just depends on Lucky ever since he found her with Ted. Liz and Emily discuss how different Lucky is now. When Lucky shows up Emily tells Lucky that Liz was commenting on how different he is, can Lucky explain this? Both Lucky and Liz look very uncomfortable

Lucky, Emily, and Elizabeth have the L&L are "just friends" talk. Liz storms upstairs to get ready for the rave and Emily tears into Lucky for lying to Elizabeth about his feelings andhis memory! Lucky tells Emily that if she can't keep a secret then he'll figure out his memory problem without her help so she agrees to "lie to her best friend" for Lucky's sake. Liz comes back downstairs and is looking hot! Lucky suggests that it might be too dangerous for Liz to go to the rave and that perhaps she should remain at Kelly's with Emily! Elizabeth is emphatic that she is in this for the long haul and that Lucky does not have the right to tell her what to do anymore! Juan offers to remain behind with Emily if it's okay with "Mr. Wonderful" (as he glares at Lucky)! So, Nicolas, Liz, and Lucky leave for the rave. When the threesome arrive at the rave Lucky grabs Liz by the arm and warns her to be careful. She pulls away and says, "Don't tell me what to do!" and goes inside, leaving Nik and Lucky standing there alone. She spots Zander and makes her way over to him. They begin flirting and he offers her a drink. Nikolas and Lucky stand outside the rave, bickering about whether Lucky should take off or stay and look out for Elizabeth; Nik thinks that *someone* should be keeping an eye on her, and eventually Lucky agrees that he'll stay at the rave--but he won't get involved with what Liz is doing unless she's in trouble. Which, of course, she is; Zander's pressing a bottle of water on her, a drink she really isn't enthused about taking. She tries to duck out to get something *else* (read: non-hallucinogenic) to drink, but he tells her everything'll be fine even if she does drink the water--unless she's a cop, or something... Liz decides that maintaining her copless cover is a good idea, so she takes the water and tries not to swallow--but as she puts the bottle to her mouth, Zander tips it so that she can't help but gulp some down.

Inside the rave, Lucky and Nik split up to search for Liz--who is quickly getting trashed. She becomes very loose-lipped, and informs a smugly confident Zander that she's a painter and has painted all kinds of things, even the wind from the back of a motorcycle. Of course, the speed meant that she painted the wind all over Jason's tail (lights), but it was all good... She becomes simpery and flirty, and Zander smiles--while Nik watches from across the room, his brow furrowing as he tries to figure out what it all *means*. Elsewhere in the room, Lucky stumbles across a dancer--it's Emily! She's wearing a floppy, goofy-looking hat and unflattering glasses, and Lucky's *so* not impressed by her presence or her disguise. Lucky tells her it was just a really stupid move for her to show up at *all*. She defends her being there, because she wants to make sure Lucky won't zone out or treat Liz like dirt again. Liz is still describing her adventures as a biker chick to Zander, who moves into her space in an overly familiar way; across the room, Nik looks even more disturbed.

Lucky s is firm with Em that he'll be fine, but she won't be if the killer recognizes her; she needs to get out *now*. Em simply points out that with the brilliant disguise she's put together she can blend into the crowd, no one will recognize her--a tactic that quickly loses credibility when Nik spots her from a mile behind. He joins them and is just as indignant as Lucky at their friend. Anyway, their argument doesn't last long, because Nik passes on the information that Liz is getting trippy with Zander--in fact, they're getting a lot more than trippy, as Zander takes her by the arm and offers to take her someplace else. Liz's eyes light up, and she agrees; they'll go somewhere to "fly", like you do on the back of a motorcycle.

Lucky is concerned about Liz--but before he dashes off to save the day, he tells Nik to stay with Emily and get her home, if he can. Nik agrees, and as soon as Lucky heads off into the crowd Juan makes his presence known, and becomes the third to berate Emily for being there. Over near the door, Zander almost has Liz alone--but Lucky arrives in the nick of time, to a whole lotta heat from Liz's glaring yet slightly blurred eyes. He asks her to come with him, but instead she clings to Zander and becomes *really* snippy.

Emily says again that she's *not* leaving the party--at which point Nikolas and Juan take the matter out of her hands, and start talking about who's accompanying who home. Across the room, Lucky decides that Liz is beyond playing along--so he goes for the genuine approach, and apologizes for his behavior in an attempt to get her to come with him. Nikolas has made his mind up that Juan will take Em back to Kelly's in Nik's Jag. Across the room, Lucky plays his "I love you now" cards so convincingly that Liz ditches Zander to go home with her ex; the two worm their way through the crowd and out of the rave...with the really pissed Zander following close behind them.

A woozy Elizabeth finally gives in to Lucky's pleas to leave the rave and they depart. Zander tries to follow Elizabeth, but Nikolas runs interferences but not very well. Gia steps in and flirts with Zander. Zander blows her off but Gia reminds him that he tried to pick up her at the last rave. Zander asks what Gia is on and she says, "What do you got?" Zander gives up and walks away. Nikolas compliments Gia on a nice save. Gia and Nikolas make it to L&B. Gia wants a ride to her aupair job. Nikolas makes her wait as he leaves a heart felt message on Lucky's answering machine asking for an update on how Elizabeth is. Gia ribs Nikolas about having a thing for Elizabeth. Nikolas changes the subject back to Zander and finds out that Gia won't back off of Zander because Zander recognized her from the first night when Ted was killed. Gia has a plan to expose Zander as a drug dealer and get him busted.

Lucky and Elizabeth arrive at her studio and she is still apparently chemically altered. They are all touchy and take in the moonlight together. Lucky asks if Elizabeth knows what Zander slipped her. She shows her defiant side by telling Lucky she doesn't really care what she took. She tells Lucky she can't do what he wants her to do.. tells him that she doesn't love Nikolas. She tells him she loves him and he smiles. Lucky stays with Elizabeth to make sure she is Ok. They listen to soft music and dance. As they are dancing, Elizabeth asks what Lucky trusts and he tells her that he trusts them.. then informs her (and us) that it is likely Elizabeth won't remember anything about the forthcoming evening because she probably took the same drug as Emily. Elizabeth tells Lucky that she remembers everything about them. Lucky tells her that he never stopped loving her. Elizabeth asks why he pushed her away. He tells her there is something wrong with him and he doesn't know exactly what yet. Lucky tells Elizabeth that he wanted to reach out to her when he first got back but something held him back. He says she will forget everything that happens while she is drugged. She tells him she will remember and that she'll never lose him. He tells her she couldn't lose him and that he loves her then they repeat the vows they took in the church before he was "killed" in the fire. They kiss. Elizabeth is giddy happy about the reunion of Lucky and her. She tells him she is going to remember the evening but she feels tired and lies down. Lucky tucks her in, turns the lights off and slips in next to her on the couch to sleep. Lucky wakes up next to Liz with a smile. He remembers all that went on the night before and he tells her as she sleeps that she has his heart always. When Liz wakes up however, she doesn't remember a thing that went on the night before (GRRR!!!). They discuss the events of the previous night. Lucky assures her she wasn't too ridiculous. He explains how they got back to her place and that Emily showed up at the rave and how Gia saved the day. Lucky summarized the evening for her by telling her that he got her away from Zander and brought her back to her studio and she fell asleep. Lucky said that he had spent the night to be sure that she was okay when she woke up. He kept it to himself that he had told her how much he loved her and that "she had his heart and that's a permanent lock"! Liz thanks him for all he has done and explains that she understands now that they are just friends. Lucky apologizes for all of his mixed signals.

Nikolas shows up to check up on Liz and a jealous Lucky leaves. Nikolas says he would be lost without her and Liz thanks him for being such a good friend. After he leaves, Liz takes a nap and Lucky looks in at her and remembers more of the previous night.

Juan tried to convince Liz that the two of them should do something about "Lucky and Emily" (the couple, but only in Juan's mind). Elizabeth told Juan that her and Lucky are just friends and Emily is her best friend and Juan was on his own! The teens met at Kelly's to hear Lucky's newest idea of how to deal with Zander. Before they all arrived, however, Gia taunted Liz. Lucky arrived in time to defend Liz, which seemed to anger Gia, who then accused them of having a secret thing for each other and accused Nik of secretly loving Liz. Not too far off base. Anyway, Lucky's plan is that at the next rave, Gia will distract Zander so that Juan can get Zander's keys. The guys will then transfer Ted's corpse from the trunk of Nik's car into the trunk of Zander's car, and then Juan will sneak the keys back into Zander's pocket while Gia's still distracting him. Liz loudly proclaimed that it would never work. Everyone except Liz agrees with Lucky's plan as being their only option and after they all leave, Liz tells Lucky that she's sorry that he's willing to take chances for all the wrong reasons. Liz tells Lucky that he is just like his parents which makes him mad and then she says that it must be nice to have a selective memory. At that, he explodes that there is NOTHING wrong with his memory. Later, Lucky apologizes to Liz for his outburst and he tells her that he listened to her concerns for his plan, but that the plan will still go through. He says that he wishes she would trust him like she used to. She tells him that he has changed and he looks hurt.

Zander paid a visit to Elizabeth at Kelly's and even though Elizabeth was cringing, she managed to be polite to Zander. Lucky arrived at Kelly's and was able to chase Zander off. Lucky then issued a warning to Liz to be very careful of Zander, but Liz told Lucky that being rude to Zander is not a good idea either.

Lucky met with Roy, who had a message for him from Luke. Lucky did not want to hear the message and then continued to discredit his father. Roy and Lucky bumped heads about Luke and Roy told Lucky that he had no right to be mad at Luke for things Luke did to Laura or him. Roy pointed out that Luke has never harmed Lucky and has always been the best father to him. Lucky told Roy that Luke did not deserve his friendship. Emily and Liz start out the show discussing how Xander paid Liz a visit at Kelley's. They think he only wanted to make sure that she wasn't going to turn him into the police for drugging her. This topic leads to them discussing how terrible it is to be drugged and to not remember something that happened to them. Emily suggests maybe that is how Lucky feels, like he lost a part of himself. Liz wonders if there is something Emily knows that she isn't telling her. But Emily covers and says she is just trying to figure it all out, because she knows Lucky still loves Liz. Emily decides to go to the Eddie Maine concert. Liz tells her that if she sees Lucky, she should try to convince him his scheme is a bad idea. Emily goes to the concert. Juan sees her and decides to open for Ned so that he can sing Emily's song. Emily is touched.

Jason just back in town, runs into Liz on the docks and they share a big hug. Liz calls Emily and tells her to get down to the docks immediately because she has a HUGE surprise for her and whatever she does, NOT to bring Juan with her! Liz fills Jason in on what has been happening since he left. The main topic is the fact that Lucky is ALIVE! Jason thinks that is great but Liz tells Jason about the mixed signals and Lucky's bizarre on again/off again feelings for her. Emily shows up, sees Jason and runs to him and gives him a big hug. Emily tells Jason how glad she is that he is back and what a mess things are right now and that there has been sooooo much going on that she must tell him. Just then Lucky shows up and stops Emily practically mid sentence by saying that the three of them, Lucky, Liz, Em, must get to Kelly's ASAP. Liz jumps in and tells Lucky that Emily has a lot to talk to Jason about but Lucky becomes even MORE demanding as he INSISTS that the three of them get over to Kelly's NOW!! Lucky tells Emily that she will have plenty of time later to catch up with Jason on any "family" business, but that now is NOT the time. Jason is about to take issue with this as he wants to visit his sister and realizes something is wrong. Just then Sonny shows up to talk to Jason, so Jason tells Emily to go ahead and leave with her friends and they'll talk later. Lucky, Emily, and Liz, leave and Sonny and Jason stay on the docks where they have privacy.

Lucky sits in his apartment re-hashing his kidnapping/memory loss and also his jealousy over Liz and Jason's relationship. Emily and Lucky discuss Lucky's problems & they still can't figure out what is going on with his memory and they come to the conclusion that Lucky wants to be with Elizabeth & he just has to find a way to tell her! Carly comes into Kelly's to visit Liz & they have the same old conversation about Jason : & stay away from Jason, little girl Carly threatens!

The "new" Zander sees Emily outside of Kelly's and recalls the night at the rave and the events that happened. Sorrel and Zander meet on the docks & Zander wants out, since he did his job by killing the cop (Ted), but Sorrel won't let him go. Lucky visits Liz and tries to blurt out "be with me", but instead "be with Nikolas" come out!!! All hell breaks loose as Liz yells at Lucky. Elizabeth "bumps into" Jason as he is getting on his motorcycle. She rants to him about Lucky for a while. Jason offers Liz a ride on his bike, she responds I thought you would never ask. Lucky comes upon them as Liz has climbed up behind Jason, putting her arms around them. Lucky yells her name but she can't hear him over the roar of the bike, as they take off, Lucky races after them screaming her name! Liz and Jason end up at the bridge. Jason tells Liz all about his own personal history and memories that went with the bridge. How that was where he first met Robin, and that is the last place he saw her after she told AJ the truth about Michael's paternity then booked it for Paris. Jason told Liz that he was finally at peace with himself and his life without Robin. Liz asked him how he got past the hurt and how long it took? They had a very serious talk about "significant others" and "letting go" and "healing the hurt" (it was really sweet...) Then, in order to lighten the mood Jason tried to teach Liz the art of "bar fighting" and they sparred and laughed and for a little while anyway, life was good for both of them!

Zander confronts Gia on the docks and wants to know who all she has told about the motel. Gia makes up a story about her and Nikolas being "secret" lovers and because of all of his money his family doesn't want them together so they have to sneak around. Gia told Zander that she was only there waiting for Nik that night and that he never showed up so she went home. Just then Nikolas walks up to them and immediately follows Gia's lead. So, Gia and Zander make a pact to not tell anyone that either of them were in the parking lot of the motel that night!

Lucky, Juan, Gia and Nikolas head to the site of the rave to try a dry run before the party. They rehearse the plan over and over. Emily arrives and insists on being allowed to help frame Zander, while Elizabeth again entreats her friends to give up on their futile and risky plan. Emily visited Liz at the studio; as she was leaving, she claimed that some big dinner was taking place at home. Later Monica called Liz to see if Emily was there. Once Liz figured out that Emily had lied to her, she felt compelled to call Jason for help. He hurries over as he recognizes the urgency in her voice. Liz tells him the whole "Dead-Ted" story and the body switching plan. She realized Emily had gone to the rave and was in danger. Jason tells her he will take care of it.

Over at the rave, Gia successfully distracted Zander long enough so that Juan could actually take the keys out of Zander's back pocket and put them back after Lucky and Nikolas had moved Ted's body into the trunk of Zander's car. In order to make Zander believe she wanted to be with him, Gia had to pretend she wanted drugs. After Juan had returned the keys, Gia told Zander she was ready for a high. Bad timing: Zander arrived at his car just in time to see a disguised Emily (hat and sunglasses, which she removed) peering into the windows of his car. He flashed back to the sight of her in the hotel bed, holding a syringe, lying next to Ted. His devious smile was the end of that scene. Taggert & company arrive and start checking license plates, and gather up all the ravers. They find Zanders car, search the trunk and find Ted's body. They start checking IDs looking for Zander. As the police near him, he steals a gun from an officer, and takes Emily hostage. He demands a car, gets the keys to Nik's jag and forces Emily to drive. Jason arrives at the rave just after this. Jason asks which way they were headed and as he turns to go after them, Taggert orders the cops to "cuff him" and tells Jason that he is under arrest for whatever charges he has to use to keep Jason from going out and playing "vigilantie" on his own.

Juan is upset that Taggert let Zander take Emily hostage. Taggert explains to Juan, Lucky, and Nikolas that Emily is better off than if the cops would have charged Zander. He then wants a full explanation of what the teens have been up to. They tell Taggert everything starting from the first rave and night at the motel room with Emily waking up with "dead-Ted" up to the plan that back-fired tonight about setting up Zander. Juan, Lucky, and Nik (with Gia hiding in the bushes) tell Taggart about getting a girl (they don't know her name they paid her $50)to distract Zander while Juan stole his keys. Taggart yells at them and tells them all of the things they could be charged with, he tells them to go home and let the police handle things. They agree amongst themselves. Lucky, however, asks around to see if anyone knows where Zander lives. Lucky goes to PCPD to see Jason. Lucky asks Jason to tell him where he might find Emily and Jason tells him to leave it alone, he doesn't know what he is doing and it is his fault Emily is in this trouble anyway.

Emily, who tried to warn Zander she couldn't drive the jag, crashes it into a tree. Zander steals another car and takes Emily to a cabin. Emily acusses Zander of drugging her and putting her in bed with dead Ted. Zander tells Em that Sorrel's men killed Ted not him. Zander's story is while selling drugs at the raves he met Ted. He said that Ted didn't seem right to him so he went to tell Sorrel. Sorrel wanted Zander to follow Ted. When Ted left with Emily he followed them to the motel and called Sorrel to let him know where they were. Sorrel's men also wanted to O.D. Emily but Zander talked them out of it. Now Zander wants to know where Ted has been all this time. Zander thinks Sorrel put Ted's body in his trunk to frame him. Emily comes clean with all that happened and tries to convince Zander to turn himself in and testify against Sorrel. Zander is rather upset and ties Emily up because he needs a hostage to escape because not only are the cops after him but Sorrel will be after him to keep him away from the police.

**The End**

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