Alcazar July 22, 2002 – February 10, 2003 - 6 hrs 4 mins
Luis arrives in town. He is on the phone as a mysterious woman is shown from
behind. He ends the call as she drops her robe in front of him. We see him
talking to this mystery woman several times on his yacht (she later turns out to
be Brenda). He tells her he will always protect her. He meets with Roy, Roy
wants to know who he is? Luis introduces himself. Luis has left him a million
dollars and Roy asks what he expects in return. Luis orders him to blow up
Sonny's warehouse. Roy says no and Alcazar responds that Roy needs to be taught
a lesson and Luis will do it himself. He calls Felicia with an implied threat.
Luis meets with Roy again and tells him he has an hour to agree to work for him.
Luis makes a call and says, "Do it". A figure enters a warehouse and
places an explosive device.
Felicia receives a mysterious phone call asking her to meet Sonny at his
warehouse at 11:00pm. Kristina is seen outside the coffee warehouse. Alexis
receives a call from Joe, who tells her that Kristina's car was seen outside of
the coffee warehouse. Alexis thanks him and heads off to intercept her (she is
off to tell Sonny that he is the baby's father). Roy gets a call from Luis who
tells him that Felicia is on her way to the warehouse but it is a bad place to
be at the moment, Roy rushes out to stop Felicia. Roy arrives and asks a
security guard if a woman entered the building, the guard says yes.
Just then the building explodes. Roy meets with Luis, who points out that
Felicia arrived right on time (the meaning that should Luis have wanted her
dead, he would have had her arrive just a little earlier, this was just a
warning). Roy rushes to the door and reaches it just as an explosion rocks the
building. Roy is sent flying backwards from the force of the blast. A dazzled
Roy does find Felicia to be all right. Yet, he has seen a woman pinned beneath
some debris. This lady is Kristina who is lying in a pool of blood. Alexis comes
and gets almost hysterical when she sees her sister lying in a bloody,
unconscious state. Jason, Zander, and Liz run to the warehouse to help. They all
work together to get Kristina extricated from all of the debris and she is taken
away in an ambulance. She later dies as Alexis sobs hysterically.
Alcazar admits to Roy he set the bomb and lured Felicia to the warehouse in an
effort to show Roy that he can get to her anytime he wants. Roy still balks at
following his orders and Alcazar tells Roy that he will arrange for the
detonator to be found in Roy's possession, and Roy could be charged with murder
unless he cooperates fully from here on out thereby blackmails and threatens Roy
into working for him.
Alcazar tells Roy that now he is going after Jasper Jax. Roy questions why now
Jax? Roy wonders what Jax and Sonny could possibly have in common that would
make Alcazar go after both of them. Luis asks if it really matters, and Roy
shrugs it off as idle curiosity. Luis instructs Roy that he will break into
Jax's safe and get the map to their oil reserves, which is where the bulk of the
Jax fortune is invested. Later, Luis holds a woman (whose back is to us) and
tells her that the obstacles will soon be out if their way. He brushes aside the
strap of her nightgown and kisses her bare shoulder. The woman shows no reaction
of any kind to either his words or actions.
Alcazar meets with Roy, Roy hands over half of the map. He asks Roy if he has
the other half of the map. Roy tells Luis that the map stays in his possession
until he has the cash. Later, Luis is on the phone, he says he has hit a minor
delay and as soon as he gets what he needs be prepared to move right away. We
see the mystery woman tenderly touching some papers with Jax's name on them.
Later, Alcazar and Roy agree to meet tonight for the exchange of the second part
of the map and money transaction. After hanging up, Alcazar looks through his
desk. Not finding what he's looking for (the other half of the map), he calls
out, "Have you been at my desk again? You might have misplaced something
very important". Alcazar asks the nurse if "Brenda" is taking her
medication. The nurse says yes. He says she's becoming more erratic. He tells
her to increase her medication, later the nurse gives Brenda the medication but
she doesn't take the pills but hides them.
Luis meets with Roy again and gives him a suitcase of unmarked bills and asks
for the other half of the map. Alcazar hands over the money and Roy gives him
the map. Roy tells him that he needs to find his sense of gratitude after all,
he put the warehouse of business long before Alcazar blew it up and now he stole
the map. Alcazar interrupts him and says angrily that he wants Sonny and Jax to
pay. He wants them to claw out each other until they are both destroyed. He
wants to see the look in “her” eyes when he tells her that they are finished
(meaning Sonny and Jax). They are obstacles to be removed. Roy is just a means
to an end, you got it? Yea I get there’s a woman involved, Roy replies.
Alcazar declares to Roy he wants Jax and Sonny at each other’s throats and he
looks forward to seeing the look in her eyes when he tells her they are
Alcazar walks in and approaches a sleeping “Brenda” (we still don’t see
her face). He lies down beside her and tells her that he has to leave again, but
not to worry they will soon be able to do what they had planned without any
obstacles. He leaves the room and we see Zander sneak around the hallway. He
hears someone approach and hides around the corner. Brenda walks into the room.
Zander is about to follow when someone hits him over the head and knocks him
Roy meets with Alcazar outside a closed Kelly's. Elizabeth who is locking up is
able to listen undetected to their conversation. She overhears Alcazar telling
Roy that Sonny won’t touch him because he has something Sonny wants more than
anything in the world. Promo for Brenda's return. Sonny and Jason cornered
Alcazar and one of his men as they stepped off the elevator at the Port Charles
Hotel. Sonny asked what Alcazar had that he thinks Sonny wants that Alcazar
supposedly has (not seen as Liz has told Sonny about what she overheard). Sonny
warned Alcazar to get out of town but Alcazar refused to back down. Sonny and
Jason are on the docks spying on Alcazar’s yacht. Jason sees the ‘woman’
enter the room and speak to Alcazar (but as usual it is only from the back). He
passes the binoculars to Sonny but by the time Sonny takes a look the woman is
nowhere to be seen. Sonny orders Jason to find out everything he can about Mr.
Alcazar and his female friend. Alcazar brags to his henchmen that he will
obliterate Corinthos, even the memory of him!
Zander demands to speak with Mr. Alcazar. The nurse warns him that if he is seen
or overheard he will be killed. But, it’s too late because Alcazar is
eavesdropping at the door. As soon as the nurse leaves Alcazar enters the room
and questioned Zander. Zander starts to give out all the inside info he has on
Sonny’s business, but once again he is disappointed when Alcazar only wants to
know what he told the nurse. Zander confessed that the nurse was asking on her
mistress’ behalf and that it was mostly information about the personal lives
of Sonny and Jax. Zander asked if Alcazar was going after the two men because of
a woman. Alcazar confided that he was going to destroy Sonny and Jax because
they where a link to his woman’s past that he need to severe to earn her
respect. Zander offered his services, but Alcazar coldly refused them then told
Zander that he was now a link between his woman and her past and he had to be
eliminated. Alcazar questioned the nurse about what the mystery woman wanted to
know from Zander about Sonny and Jax. Later, Alcazar ordered his men to throw
Zander overboard and make it look like he drowned. Brenda placed a phone
call to Sonny’s penthouse. When a frantic Carly answered, the woman didn’t
say anything (Michael has wandered off and Carly is frantic that he has been
kidnapped). Alcazar entered the room and saw her (the mystery woman) on the
phone. “Brenda” is listening to a frantic Carly try and find out who is on
the phone. When “Brenda” doesn’t respond, Carly thinks that it is someone
who has Michael and begs with them to give him back saying she will do anything.
Alcazar approaches and hangs up the phone. He asks “Brenda” who she’s
calling. He tells her that he is not policing her but stopping her from doing
something she will regret which is apparently what she asked him to do. He tells
“Brenda” that there is no one in Port Charles that she wants to speak to.
Alcazar slips out and receives a phone call from his henchman telling him that
Zander is still alive and is with Liz at Kelly’s. Alcazar tells him that
Zander knows too much. He says that if Zander tells Liz anything and if Liz
tells Jason, everything will be over. He orders the man to eliminate them both.
Great Brenda Return Promo featuring Jax and Sonny how they both loved her.
Alcazar is surprised when one of his men inform him that a helicopter is trying
to land on the roof of the yacht. Alcazar instructs him to lock "the
mystery woman" downstairs in her room and have the nurse watch her while
deals with his unexpected visitor. The visitor happens to be Jax. Jax asks
Alcazar what he wants with him and his family. Alcazar offers him a deal
regarding his family's business with the oil map and their possible financial
problems. Alcazar offers him back what he lost for his family business if Jax
agrees to leave town with his family and fiancée. Jax informs him he is no
longer engaged and that he will have to turn down his offer since he has no
intention in leaving town. The "mystery woman" manages to get away
from her room and overhear the conversation. One of his men interrupts him for a
private chat and informs him that "she" has gotten out of her room and
they don't know where she is. Alcazar instructs him to find her and lock her up
in her room. She listens in on the conversation but is grabbed by one of the men
and hauled away against her will. Her ankle bracelet falls off onto the deck
floor. Later, as Jax is leaving the boat, he sees the anklet on the deck and
asks him who it belongs to. Alcazar is dismayed to see evidence of
"her" presence on the yacht.
Alcazar finds out that Zander and Liz are under Sonny’s guard. As “Brenda”
listens, he vows to end this once and for all and to move against Sonny. After
they leave, “Brenda” sneaks in and tries to make a phone call but finds the
phone lines are disconnected. She searches through the drawers and finds her
passport and sneaks away. Alcazar is on the phone to someone telling them to
forget about Jax that Sonny is more of a threat. The nurse comes in and tells
him that “Brenda” has disappeared. Jason, dressed in all black, sneaks
aboard the yacht and locates Alcazar’s office. He begins searching through
drawers, but hears someone coming in. He hides and listens as Alcazar makes a
phone call and explains that “Brenda” is missing, she has ID but no money
and has not contacted anyone. He orders another search of the yacht in case she
is still aboard. Alcazar comes back and is informed that “Brenda” was hiding
below deck, but that she is now locked in his cabin. They rush off to hide the
passports in his safe.
Jason sneaks on board the yacht. He makes his way below, looking for the
mysterious woman that is the clue to Luis' vendetta against Sonny. Brenda
appears worried as she realizes that her ‘rescuer’ is Jason, this is the
first time we see Brenda's face. It takes Jason a few moments to pick the lock
and when he finally gets into the room though it appears to be empty. Believing
that the woman is hiding out of fear, Jason tries to coax her into revealing
herself by soothingly saying that he can he can help her escape if she wants to
escape. From her hiding place, Brenda smiles fondly as Jason reveals to the
empty room that he works for Sonny Corinthos. Jason hears a faint noise coming
from behind a door and quickly opens it. But instead of coming face to face with
Brenda he finds her nurse. As he questions her, the door flies open and Luis and
his men enter. Alcazar greets Jason and tells him that he has been looking
forward to killing him. Alcazar then orders his men to kill Jason (and not to
make any mistakes this time).
From her hiding place Brenda appears to be upset by the turn of events. The
nurse tries to explain to Alcazar how she had just found Jason moments before he
arrived. Alcazar assures her that there is no problem as no damage was done.
They leave the room and Brenda exits her hiding place (the ceiling to floor
wardrobe). She heads straight for the door. Out on the deck, Jason struggles
with two of Alcazar’s henchmen. He gets the best of them of a brief moment and
jumps overboard. The henchmen fire several shots into the spot where Jason
entered the water.
But on the other side, Alcazar is waiting for her with a warning that any
attempt to rescue Morgan would be ill advised. She asks if he has killed Jason?
Alcazar says it was in self-defense. He asks if she has changed her mind and
tells her that she can leave the ship whenever she likes. He then reminds her
that she used to trust him. He reminds her that he saved her life when her
mother tried to kill her, took her to a clinic in Switzerland and was by her
side when she was diagnosed with the same disease a her mother, agreed to stay
and take care of her for the rest of her life. Alcazar then asks if she no
longer trust him and gives her time to think about it.
Brenda assures ‘Luis’ that she does trust him but wants to know why Jason
had to die when he didn’t even see her. Alcazar reminds her that she didn't
want Sonny and Jax to know she was still alive and Zander had already seen her.
Brenda tells him that she doesn't want Sonny or Jax hurt. Alcazar assures her he
isn’t going to ‘hurt’ them, he is just going to make sure they can’t
track her down. One of then men knocks and informs Alcazar that Roy has arrived.
Brenda listens from behind the office doorway as Alcazar tells Roy that he has
to leave sooner that expected. Roy replies that he will be sure Alcazar gets his
share of the profits. Much to both Brenda and Roy’s disbelief, Alcazar orders
Roy to kill Sonny. As Brenda listens on, Alcazar tells Roy that he has to kill
Sonny. Roy refuses. Roy tells him that if he wants Sonny dead, he should do it
himself. As Roy walks out, Alcazar tells his thugs "You know what you have
to do".
Brenda catches on, and is shortly imploring Alcazar to take her away from PC
that she wants to set sail so that they can be alone together (in order to
protect Sonny and Jax). Alcazar falls for it and they wind up in bed. Brenda
slips out of bed with Alcazar, takes his cell phone out of his jacket and slips
to another room. She dials Sonny's number at the penthouse. Sonny picks up the
phone, but Alcazar has already awakened from his slumber and takes the phone
away from Brenda before she could warn Sonny. Alcazar then has Brenda locked up.
Alcazar has Maxie and Georgie kidnapped for leverage against Roy. Roy showed up
and had Alcazar in a stranglehold. He wanted to see for himself that Maxie and
Georgie were safe. He talked to Maxie and she said they were okay but scared.
Alcazar told Roy that he has to eliminate Sonny and he should be aware of what
the consequences are should he fail. Brenda pleads with Alcazar to let her out
of the cabin. He apologies for bringing her back to PC, but won’t let her out.
Brenda tells him she wants to leave PC as soon as possible. Felicia meets with
Luis and gets him to hold her as hostage and let her girls go. Luis meets with
Roy and uses Felicia as leverage in order to convince him to kill Sonny.
Brenda is succeeding at seducing her guard when Alcazar returns. After the guard
leaves, Alcazar compliments Brenda on her craftiness but warns her not to do
anything she would later regret. After he leaves, Brenda takes the flare gun and
hides it under her pillow. Alcazar shows up in Brenda’s “room” and brings
her some things to keep her busy. Brenda wonders why he is all smiley. He tells
her that his work in Port Charles is at its end and they will be leaving town
tomorrow. Brenda reminds him that she has stayed with him because she didn’t
want her “disease” to affect Sonny and Jax. She wanted to protect them from
what she could “become”. She doesn’t regret a single moment that she has
spent with him, but he is different and she doesn’t enjoy being his prisoner.
Alcazar tells her that it won’t be for much longer. He assures her that
although he can’t guarantee to her that nothing will happen to Sonny or Jax he
can guarantee that it won’t be on his hands if something does happen. This was
for her own good and would be over soon. As Brenda and Alcazar reminisce about
their life, we learn that Alcazar had rescued Brenda from the water and saved
her. Alcazar tells her that she was not supposed to die that night, she was
supposed to live. They will soon be leaving Port Charles and she will have no
reason to want to come back.
After Alcazar leaves Brenda handles the flare gun and tries to figure out how to
best use the gun. On the yacht, Brenda has arranged the table, bed and chairs as
a barricade in front of the door. She kneels behind it and with a trembling hand
grips the gun. She prays that this will work and fires the gun. There is an
explosion. Brenda’s plan has seemingly backfired as she is now stuck waist
deep in water and screaming for help, trapped in the sinking ship. phone call and tells someone to
look for “her” because she still might be on the yacht. A frantic Alcazar
orders his men to keep searching for ‘her’. Felicia tries to take advantage
of his distraction to slip away but gets caught before she can take more than a
few steps. Alcazar orders his goons to take her back and tells them to shoot
Felicia if she tries to escape again. Shortly after, Jason arrives on the docks
and Alcazar accuses Sonny of setting the explosion. He baffles Jason when he
tells him to tell Sonny that the stunt may have cost them both something
important. Jason suggests that since things are no longer going as planned,
Alcazar should cut his loses and leave. Alcazar tells Jason that he doesn’t
take orders from Sonny or his flunky (referring to Jason). After Jason leaves,
Alcazar orders his men to keep searching until they find Brenda.
Alcazar learns from the Coast Guard that although Brenda was not found on board
her chances of having escaped the explosion and sinking of the ship were slim to
none. Alcazar is sure that she managed to survive and orders his men to keep
search both the water and the surrounding shores. Alcazar then calls Roy and
orders him to kill Sonny now! Roy assures Alcazar that the hit will go down that
night. Brenda has managed to reach the shore but has to hide (under a over
turned row boat) when she hears someone coming. It is Alcazar, she keeps still,
holds her breath and eventually Alcazar and his men move on.
Later Brenda is seen walking down a street. She runs in to a young man with a
cell phone and she asks him to make a call for her. The man is reluctant until
she offers to give him her $3000 diamond watch. Brenda dials the number then
instructs the man to push send and ask for Sonny. Once Sonny is on the phone,
Brenda has the man tell Sonny that a friend needs to meet him at St. Timothy’s
church that night with information about Alcazar. Sonny refuses the meeting
unless he can speak to the ‘friend’ directly. The young man gives Brenda the
message and passes her the phone. Brenda slowly puts the phone up to her ear and
takes a deep breath. Sonny is still on the phone listening to Brenda breathing.
When she won’t speak, she hands the phone to her new friend. He tells Brenda
that Sonny won’t go unless he can speak with her. Brenda tells her friend to
tell Sonny that this is about Louis Alcazar and it is in his best interests to
meet her at the church. Sonny agrees and hangs up the phone.
Roy is on the phone with Alcazar telling him that everything has been arranged
and it will happen tonight. Alcazar tells Roy that he doesn’t want assurances,
he wants results. If he doesn’t kill Sonny, Felicia will die. n the limo,
Jason explains to Sonny that with the rain it will be almost impossible to spot
any possible snipers. He asks Sonny if he is sure he wants to do this. He
reminds his boss that he now has a family who think he is the world. He needs to
be sure this is what he needs to do. Jason and Sonny begin a heated argument
about Sonny’s order that Jason remain behind for 10 minutes. Jason thinks it
is an unnecessary risk and that he is starting to take it personally. Damn right
I am, Sonny replies and explains that he has to make Alcazar pay for trying to
ruin his life. Jason reluctantly agrees and Sonny mentions that the last time he
was here was when he was to marry Brenda.
Amazing Grace montage as plays as Carly lights a candle, Sonny slowly walks
towards St. Timothy's Church in the rain, Brenda kneels in a pew in the church,
praying, while Roy hides behind the bushes outside the church. Brenda gets up
and heads towards the church doors just as Sonny arrives at the courtyard in
front of the church. Roy waits, Jason gets out of the limo, Brenda opens the
first set of doors and takes a breath. Sonny walks closer. Roy still waits,
Carly pours wine for dinner, and Sonny is outside the church doors. Carly starts
to drink a glass of wine, but is startled and drops it. Brenda opens the outside
doors. Sonny sees Brenda; his eyes are wide, in shock. Brenda smiles at him and
laughs. Brenda and Sonny are face to face for the first time in five years. A
stunned Sonny stares at Brenda and is unaware that Roy is behind him and raises
his gun. Brenda smiles and begins to approach Sonny as Roy fires. Carly's glass
drops to the floor, leaving a pool of red. Gunshot. Gunshot. Gunshot. Brenda
screams. Gunshot. Sonny drops to the ground.
Brenda runs over and picks him up. She holds his head in her lap, gets blood on
her hands. Jason arrives. Sonny gasps and tells Jason to get her out of there.
Jason picks Brenda up and carries her, kicking and screaming, into the car. He
literally throws her in the car and it takes off. "Brenda," Sonny
utters, lying in a pool of his own blood. Sonny is lying on the ground, bleeding
and dying. The priest comes out of the church and finds Sonny and tries to help
him, covers his chest with his jacket, puts his sweater under Sonny's head. Then
he prays. The paramedics show up and try to save him, to no avail. Sonny's dead.
Sonny has made sure a big splashy picture of Jax and Skye announcing their
wedding appears in the local paper. He smugly tells Jason that Alcazar won't be
able to resist and will show up and will fall into Sonny's trap. Meanwhile, Luis
also believes that Brenda won't be able to stay away. He is right, while Sonny
believes Brenda is safely tucked away in the safe house, once she sees that
photo she can't stay away. Alcazar places a call to Roy and tells him that
tailing Jax isn’t cutting it anymore. Alcazar orders Roy to kill Jax who
can’t understand why Jax is still such a big deal since Brenda isn’t trying
to contact him. Alcazars repeats the order and after hanging up tells and unseen
person that he may have to kill Jax himself as Roy may not follow through.
Alcazar slips a silencer on his piece.
Alcazar is waiting in one of the reception rooms off of the chapel. He waits for
a good clear view of Jax so he can shoot him but Jax's parents are in the way of
his view. Jason orders Roy to stay clear of Alcazar and try and find Brenda so
that they can get her back to the safe house before Alcazar sees her. Skye goes
in one of the rooms to find a handkerchief that Lila gave her. She sees Alcazar
in the room and asks him what he is doing in there. He makes up some story about
how he is the Reverend's assistant and was asked to check out the fuse boxes to
make sure everything was okay for the wedding. Skye buys his explanation and
allows him to kiss her cheek for good luck. As the bride and groom are
exchanging vows, Brenda watches from the loft. Alcazar opens the door to the
room to get ready to shoot Jax and Roy and Felicia see the door open and realize it must be Alcazar.
They go down and search for him but the power goes out from the storm outside
and the rooms plunge into darkness. Jason witnesses Brenda across from him
watching the ceremony but the power failure keeps him from getting to her.
Alcazar goes to make his move to shoot Jax but Brenda grabs his arm and the gun
goes off toward the floor between them. He turns around and finds himself
pointing the gun at Brenda, who stares him down. Brenda tried to convince him to
shoot her instead. Jason then came in and was able to distract Alcazar so that
both he and Brenda could get away. When Roy finds him, they struggle and Alcazar
is shot in the stomach.
One of Alcazar’s men helps him into what looks like a cabin. He tells his
guard to get him a doctor and to make finding Brenda the top priority. One of
Alcazar's men goes to GH, kidnaps Monica and returns with her. Monica treats
Luis, she overhears him mumbling to "kill Morgan". Luis demands that
she tell his goon what she needs to treat him, and warns her to be careful
because if he dies that she will die too. He tells his goon to leave him a gun
just in case Monica gets any ideas. He tells her she has to get the bullet out
of him, that he has a killer coming after him and he needs to defend himself. He
realizes as she drugs him that she is Jason's mother. After she saves his life,
he orders Monica killed.
Alcazar recalls a conversation where Brenda mentioned the cottage and realizes
that it is most likely where she is hiding. After managing to dress he calls
someone and tells him or her to get him the address of Brenda’s cottage.
Shortly after, his henchman returns with the antibiotics. When Alcazar asks, the
man claims to have “taken care of Monica”. Alcazar tells the man he knows
where Brenda is and wants to go there ASAP so he can finish his business and get
out of town. At the cottage, Alcazar bursts through the door, gun in hand. Jax
tries to shield Brenda. Jax tells Brenda to run and accuses Alcazar of playing
mind games with her. He tells Alcazar that even if Alcazar manages to kill him,
Jason and Jerry will come after him and won’t rest until he is dead. Alcazar
shoots Jax in the abdomen. Brenda listens in shock as Alcazar tells her to come
with him or he will kill Jax with the next shot. Brenda runs to Jax and throwing
herself across his body dares Alcazar to shoot her. Alcazar tells Brenda that
she can stay and watch Jax bleed to death or save his life, by going with him
and calling 911 from the car. As Brenda kisses Jax goodbye, Sonny appears in the
doorway. He shoots Alcazar twice. Alcazar falls to the floor. There is a montage
of scenes as Jax is and Luis are both treated by EMTs and taken out on
stretchers. Brenda looks at Sonny in shock, realizing he is alive!
Skye encounters Alcazar walking down the hospital hall and she confronts him.
She says the fact that he's walking at all is a travesty, and that he should be
dead. She slaps him across the face. A security guard intervenes and Skye tells
Alcazar that he's going to pay. Alcazar sends for Brenda. When she arrives, she
wants to know what he wants. He says his story hasn't changed, he wants her.
Alcazar tries to convince her to leave PC with her. He tells her she doesn't
belong in PC and that she's an outsider looking in. He makes reference to the
little time she has left, to which Brenda responds "go to hell".
Brenda later peeks in on Alcazar then enters his room. He awakes and smiles at
her telling her he's going to make a full recovery. She asks why he did this,
and he says to keep his promise to her. Brenda tells Alcazar she could never
care for him after what he's done. Alcazar says he doesn't care if she loves him
or not, she's his. Brenda is in the waiting area when Alcazar sees her. He tells
her that he has been released from the hospital and is under police guard but
that he will find a way for them to go away together. Brenda tells him that she
has no intention of leaving Port Charles with him and that she hates him. He
doesn't believe she has no feelings for him and insists they will be together
again soon. She informs him he will be arrested soon enough.
Taggert shows up and agrees with her and tells that because of Brenda's
testimony and the other evidence they have against him he is now under arrest.
Alcazar doesn't seem too upset by the arrest. At the PCPC, Skye has Alcazar
brought into the questioning room. He is in shackles and an orange jumpsuit.
Skye questions where Brenda was diagnosed and Alcazar tells her. Skye wants to
know exactly how much longer Brenda has to live.
Luis's trial, he finds out Brenda is married to Jason. He has pulled strings and
gets out of the charges against him. Luis warns Skye to keep quiet about Brenda
not really being ill. Skye asks why Luis brought Brenda back to Port Charles. He
tells her that she always wanted to come back to PC, and that he believed if he
eliminated her reasons for wanting to return (namely Sonny and Jax) that she
could accept her life with him and be happy.
Luis shows up at the courthouse, and Scotty smugly tells him that Jason married
Brenda. When Brenda enters the courtroom, Alcazar laments that this is one bride
he won't get to kiss? She informs him he is going to prison. Then Sonny enters,
then Jax is wheeled in and Luis tells him that Jax should have stuck to rehab
that morning as he will find the court proceedings unfulfilling. The trial
begins, Monica testifies about her kidnapping and his threats. Then Felicia
testifies about her kidnapping, that Luis was using her to force Roy to commit
Sonny's murder. Taggert testifies about the bomb set in Sonny's warehouse that
resulted in Kristina's death, that the explosive was triggered by remote
detonator probably by someone standing on the street who would have seen
Kristina enter. Alexis testifies about Kristina's death, then Zander testifies,
then Brenda testifies. Scott later interrupts the proceedings and moves to drop
all charges against Luis Alcazar. The judge is outraged over this reversal.
Scott approaches the bench and hands some papers to the judge, who agrees to
drop all charges and declares Luis is a free man! The courtroom spectators reel
in shock over this unsuspecting turn of events. A montage of reaction scenes are
shown, as the Jax gets back into his wheelchair and Skye stars daggers at Luis,
Brenda looks at Jax in pain, Carly and Sonny shake their heads at Luis, Brenda
tries to attack Luis as Jason pulls her back, Alexis just stares determined at
Luis, Scott exits and refuses to answers the press' questions, he simply says
his hands are tied. Alexis demands to know where the justice is for Kristina's
death. Sonny tells Luis to give his friends at the State Department his regards.
Luis hands Scott a threatening note that declares, "You are dead" and
demands his protection. All of the spectators are shown, all of those with a
motive to kill Luis: Monica, Jason, Brenda, Jax, Skye, Ned, Sonny, Carly, and
Zander (interesting the only person with a motive not show is Alexis, who winds
up being the killer).
Luis shows up at a Halloween party at Carly's club, dressed as the Phantom of
the Opera. A masked guest approaches Skye. He takes off his phantom of the opera
mask and it is Luis. He makes her listen to him while he asks her how her trip
to Switzerland went and tells her she knows the same thing he does now, Brenda
is going to die from her mother's disease. Skye listens to him and tells him she
plans to tell Brenda about what she found out. Alcazar tells her that he came
back to kill Sonny and Jax to keep them away from Brenda. He calls Skye's bluff
about telling Brenda and Jax about her not dying. He tells her to think about
that since if Brenda finds out she isn't dying, she will run straight back to
Jax, who may want her. He suggests that she let him take Brenda back to Europe,
where a letter will be sent to Jax, reporting her death a few months from now,
and that she can be there to comfort him in his grief. He tells her she should
be grateful for the fact that he tricked Brenda into believing that she is ill
and would lose her mind. Skye threatens to tell Brenda that truth, he retorts
that the day Brenda finds out the truth is the day that Skye will lose Jax
forever. He warns her if she wants to hold onto Jax, that she needs to help him
get Brenda out of town. He tells her that she will get Jax, and he will get
Brenda and everyone will win. He then dances with Maxie while disguised, at the
end of the dance, he lifts his mask. Felicia storms over and demands that he
stay away from her daughters. Alcazar takes his mask off and smirks at Sonny.
Sonny approaches him and threatens him.
Next, Luis shows up at Brenda's door. She opens the door and screams as she
realizes it is Luis. He tells her that he doesn't want to hurt her, he just
wants to talk to her. She says he wants to kidnap her, and he scoffs that
wouldn't be possible from Sonny's building. He gets her to talk to him, and
enters the penthouse. He declares that she doesn't love Jason that the longer
she stays in town the more tempted she will be to return to Sonny and Jax and
will destroy their marriages. She says she knows they are in the past and the
past is over. He reminds her that the reason she was with him was to spare them
the pain of watching her lose her mind and asks her to let him take her away.
She refuses, saying she has Jason now to help her. Luis reminds her that he made
a promise to her to keep her away from the people she loves so she wouldn't hurt
them. She laughs sarcastically, that he tried to kill the people she loves most
in the world. He tells her he held off as long as he could but when she started
to show symptoms that he had no choice but to act. He tells her of her erratic
behavior, which of course she doesn't remember as it never happened. He tells
her he intends on keeping her promise. She begs him to stop hurting people. He
says he doesn't want to hurt anyone and has a plane waiting to take her to
Paris. If she refuses, he will walk away and leave her alone, leaving her enough
money to be taken care of. Sonny bursts in with two guards and tells them to
take Luis out. Sonny tells Brenda that Luis will not get another chance to hurt
Luis. Brenda demands that she is tired of the violence and doesn't want Luis
Alcazar approaches Carly outside Club101 and suggests that Alcazar could solve
all of Carly's problems with Carly's husbands returned ex if Carly would just
help the arms dealer out a little bit. Next, Alcazar arrives at Jax's hospital
room and attempts to convince Jax that the only right thing for Jax to do for
Brenda is to let her go away with Alcazar to live out the remainder of her life
and spare Jax's new bride from any more pain. Instead, Jax threatens to kill
Alcazar as soon as Jax gets out of the Hospital, and then Jax grabs Alcazar in a
chokehold. A nurse breaks them up and Alcazar leaves.
Luis uses the same threats with Skye that she will lose Jax to Brenda if she
stays in town. Skye calls Alcazar and tells him they need to meet as soon as
possible. Skye tells Alcazar that he isn't moving fast enough to get rid of
Brenda. Skye tells Alcazar that if he doesn't get her out of town now, Skye will
force her out of town. Alcazar wants Skye to set up a private meeting with
Brenda so he has access to her. He gets a call from Skye who has set her up to
arrive at her club. He arrives with his guard and kidnaps Brenda and takes her
to his plane. He tells Brenda that he lost her once but will not lose her again.
She sarcastically asks, "What is wrong Luis? Can't get a girlfriend unless
you drug her and force her to be with you?"
On board Alcazar's private jet, Brenda pretends to come on to Alcazar to
distract him. Sonny arrives at the airport, pushes past the guard and boards
Alcazar's plane, just as Alcazar slaps handcuffs onto Brenda. Alcazar's plane
takes off with Alcazar in the cockpit and Sonny slips out of hiding to let
Brenda know that he is aboard, but did not bring his gun with him. As Sonny gets
Brenda's handcuffs loose, Alcazar re-emerges from the cockpit and announces that
the plane is on autopilot and Brenda and Sonny will need Alcazar to land.
Alcazar threatens to kill Sonny and Sonny challenges Alcazar to land the plane
and go at each other, one-on-one. But the plane suddenly hits unexpected
turbulence and Alcazar rushes back to the cockpit. When Alcazar is gone, Sonny
informs Brenda that he believes Alcazar took off before the plane had finished
refueling. At that moment, the plane begins to rock and Alcazar orders Brenda to
put on her seat belt.
Jason tells Carly that Luis is headed to Venezuela, Carly demands to go with
Jason to find them. She begs to go as this whole situation is going to drive
Sonny closer to Brenda. Carly and Jason arrive in Venezuela and, when Jason
makes contact with an associate. Jason is surprised to learn that Alcazar's
plane went off the radar somewhere in the Caribbean and never arrived. When
Jason and Carly arrive at jail after being arrested, they are shocked to learn
that the reason why they have been arrested is because they are regarded as
enemies of Alcazar who has a lot of influence in that area.
Brenda comes to after the crash and wants to know where Luis is? Meanwhile,
Alcazar watches them from a distance and communicates with an associate that
Alcazar's plan is for Sonny to die on the island! Alcazar communicates with some
of his men to pick him and Brenda up and get rid of Sonny, Sonny slugs Alcazar
from behind before he can finish his call. After Sonny slugs Alcazar and ties
him up, Sonny uses Alcazar's phone to try to call for help, but the battery goes
dead before Sonny can complete his message. Sonny tries to get Brenda to leave
Sonny alone with Alcazar and Alcazar informs Brenda that that is because Sonny
plans to execute Alcazar in the crazy hope that Alcazar's men will not carry out
Alcazar's orders once they learn that their boss is dead. As Alcazar reminds
Brenda of his love for her, Brenda surprises Sonny when she suddenly grabs the
gun. Brenda threatens to kill Alcazar herself, but can't bring herself to pull
the trigger. When Alcazar sees Brenda wavering, Alcazar urges Brenda to toss the
gun into the jungle, implying that she is not acting like herself and that it is
probably just her disease that is talking. Brenda fires into the air, then runs
away, still clutching the gun. When they return, Luis is nowhere to be seen.
Luis fires the flare gun at the plane, the explosion sends Sonny and Brenda
flying through the air. Alcazar comes up from behind Brenda and grabs her,
holding the flare gun to her, demanding that Sonny drop his gun or she's dead.
Alcazar continues threatening Brenda, obviously not thinking too much of the
love that the two had once shared. Sonny is forced into dropping the gun, and
Brenda manages to break away from him. While Sonny and Alcazar wrestle over the
gun, Brenda hears the sound of the boat coming toward them and she runs toward
the shore, only to encounter...quicksand.
Sonny and Alcazar confront each other in front of the burning plane, Sonny
challenges Alcazar to go ahead and kill Sonny. However, Jason appears and
informs Alcazar that the arms dealer now has two adversaries to contend with.
Sonny and Jason quickly subdue Alcazar.
As Sonny, Brenda, Carly and Jason fly Alcazar back to the mainland, Brenda
thanks Carly for saving her life. As Alcazar begins to needle Carly about her
husband running off to rescue another woman, Jason gets up and puts some duct
tape over Alcazar's mouth. A maid at the Port Charles Hotel finds Alcazar tied
up in a chair in his hotel room. She screams and calls the police when she sees
him there all bruised up with tape on his mouth. She calls the police who rush
over to investigate. Alcazar refuses to press charges against anyone and they
let it go and leave.
Skye shows up to see him. He accuses her of telling Sonny where he went with
Brenda and ruining the plans they made. Skye tells him that she also told Jax
that Brenda isn't really dying after all and that Jax will probably tell her and
rush into her arms as well. Alcazar disagrees with her and tells her that Brenda
seemed more interested in Sonny when they crashed in the plane and that she
really doesn't have anything to worry about with Jax. Alcazar tells her she
needs to come up with a way to bring Brenda back to Sonny if she plans to get
Jax back. Alcazar goes to GH and runs into Alexis who tries to avoid him. He
picks up her glove, she dropped on the floor and hands it to her. She snaps it
away from him and tells him it is her sister's glove. Alcazar stops her from
getting on the elevator and tells her that he was not convicted of killing
Kristina and she better have real evidence if she ever thinks she can convict
him of it. Alexis informs him that she will do everything in her power to make
him pay for killing her sister even if it means killing him herself. He tells
her that her sister's death is of no consequence to him now or even then. Jason
comes off the elevator and throws Alcazar against the wall, demanding to know
where he took Brenda now.
Jason finds Alcazar and demands to know where Brenda is but Alcazar pleads
ignorance. Alexis pulls Jason away from Alcazar. Alexis is disgusted to learn
the reason that Luis was out to kill Sonny, to hold onto his girlfriend. Later,
Luis comes upon Alexis. He goads her that Kristina's death is her fault, that
she put her sister at the warehouse. Alexis grabs her stomach in pain, and cries
that there is something wrong with her baby and begs for his help. He walks away
refusing to help, saying she is right it is all about Brenda.
Luis is told by pretty much everyone to leave town or die. First Ned threatens
him. Then Sonny and Alcazar some face to face. Sonny tells him that he's gonna
take him out. Maybe not him personally, but he's going to have it done sooner or
later. The longer he stays in town, the more his days are numbered. Taggert
barges in on Sonny and Alcazar's meeting. Jax shows up and tells Taggert that he
wants Alcazar to be arrested for kidnapping Brenda. Taggert explains to Jax that
those charges would most likely not stick, since it wasn't really kidnapping.
Taggert then escorts Alcazar away. Later, Sonny tells Jason that Taggert
threatened Sonny with being the first person they would arrest if Alcazar turns
up dead. Jason and Sonny begin to contemplate other ways to get rid of Alcazar.
Taggert and Jax arrive at Alcazar's Penthouse Suite with a restraining order,
directing Alcazar to keep 500 feet away from Brenda. Jax warns Alcazar that
Alcazar's contacts in high places will soon grow tired of covering up for
Alcazar's crimes, so Alcazar's days are numbered. When Alcazar tells Jax and
Taggert that their piece of paper means nothing to him, Taggert warns Alcazar
against goading Sonny or Jax into going after him and Taggert strongly suggests
that Alcazar leave town. When Alcazar leaves his Penthouse, Jason lets himself
in and begins photographing the Penthouse from every angle. While Jason is
photographing Alcazar's Penthouse, Jason notices the way the open French doors
lead out onto the balcony.
At GH, Alexis becomes desperate when she thinks her baby is missing. She sees
Lorenzo standing in the hallway and grabs a pair of scissors and Ned holds her
back. Next, Alcazar hints to Jax that Skye lured Brenda into a position to be
kidnapped by him. Skye blurts out that she didn't know that he intended on
kidnapping Brenda! Next, Ned grabs Luis and throws him up again the wall. He is
furious that Luis left Alexis laying in the snow in labor. Jax pulls Ned off as
Ned declares that Luis is a dead man! Alcazar warns Jax that, if Alcazar can no
have Brenda no one will!
Alcazar enters the Quartermaine House. He tells Brenda that he still plans to
leave Port Charles with her. She gets in his face and tells him that despite the
fact that he still thinks he can get away with doing what he wants without being
sent away, she won't hesitate to come after him herself. She will kill him and
feel nothing about it. Alcazar is visibly upset and tears fall down his face. He
refuses to leave right away. Monica orders him out of her house immediately. Mac
tells him to leave quietly now or he will arrest him on trespassing charges.
Alcazar leaves.
Jason shows up and throws something at Alcazar's limo to get the driver's
attention. The driver comes out of the limo to investigate one of the front
tires. Jason comes up from behind him and uses chloroform to knock him out. He
drags his unconscious body to the bushes and steals his hat to wear. He gets
inside the limo to disguise himself as the driver and wait for Alcazar. Alcazar
shows up outside and gets into the limo. He orders Jason to take him back to his
hotel immediately. Skye gets into the back of the limo and tells Alcazar she is
coming with him to the hotel. Alcazar doesn't stop her and tells Jason to take
them both to the hotel. Jason realizes who is in the limo and curses but does
what he says, with his gun next to him. As they drive off, A.J. watches the limo
take off with a curious look on his face.
Skye and Alcazar return to his Penthouse suite on the fourteenth floor of the
Port Charles Hotel for a nightcap. As Skye and Alcazar talk on the Terrace,
Alcazar assures Skye that Brenda will not be with Jax for very long. As Alcazar
suddenly kisses Skye, she lets go of her liquor glass and the glass falls
fourteen floors and shatters on the pavement below. Skye and Alcazar go to bed
together while Jason silently slips unnoticed in to the command center for the
surveillance cameras of the Hotel. He chloroforms the night watchman and shuts
off the video camera trained on Alcazar's floor.
As Jason prepares to leave the Port Charles Hotel, he glances up and notices
that, on one of the monitors, Jason can see Brenda headed toward Alcazar's
suite. Jason starts up the stairway to intercept Brenda. While Jason races up
the stairs to try to prevent Brenda from entering Alcazar's Penthouse, Jax
enters the building through the Lobby when a celebrating couple leaves for a
party. Brenda's loud knocking on Alcazar's door wakes Alcazar but not Skye. Luis
opens the door of his hotel room to find Brenda there. He thinks she has come to
her senses. She seems visibly distraught and tells him the only thing he’s
ever done for her is to save her life and because of that, she owes him. She
tries to return the favor and informs Luis that Sonny is going to kill him so he
should leave town. Luis says he isn’t worried about Sonny and claims she is
there because they belong together. He says she will never be happy without him,
that he won’t let her be happy with anyone else. Skye, who is still in Luis’
bed, is awoken by their voices.
Back in the living room, Brenda tries to get past Luis to get out of there but
he won’t let her. He grabs her and forcibly kisses her. She pulls away in
tears and wrenches away from his grasp. Her bracelet unknowingly falls to the
floor in her struggle to get out. She turns around and runs out of the room. As
she races down the hall, she hits a room service table and knocks a knife to the
ground. She picks up the knife and stares at it. Skye is wakened by the sound of
Luis and Brenda arguing in the next room, and woozily tries to get out of bed
and struggles toward the door. Back in Luis’ bedroom, Skye wakes up and holds
her head and looks at the closed bedroom door. Meanwhile, Jax is in the
elevator. As it hits the14th floor, he gets out and stares down the hall. Jason,
at the same time, is running up the stairwell. He arrives on the 14th floor,
opens the door and looks down the hall. Luis has gone outside to the balcony,
agonizing over Brenda. He is near tears. Someone is in his room and walks to the
balcony. Luis turns around and faces the person and asks, “Now what?”
Suddenly, Luis comes flailing down 14 floors, seemingly thrown off the balcony.
He lands SMACK on a car’s windshield. The car alarm blares.
We see Luis’ hotel room door wide open, the bedroom door closed. Brenda is
leaning against a wall breathing deeply. Jason comes up from behind and grabs
her with a gloved hand. She starts screaming but he stifles her screaming. She
whirls around and tells Jason that Luis grabbed her and she hurt him. Jason asks
if he is dead. She just repeats that she hurt him. They hear a noise and go
running back into the stairwell. A maid pushes a housekeeping cart down the
hall. Jax is standing on the balcony of Luis’ room, staring down at the body.
He carefully goes to leave the room and steps on Brenda’s bracelet. He notices
it, bends down, picks it up, inspects it and runs to the hallway to look out. He
doesn’t see anyone and takes off running. Outside, Ric (the new guy in town)
is right next to Alcazar’s body and the car. He checks out the scene. Back
upstairs in Luis’ room, Skye comes out of the bedroom and gathers her clothes.
She seems freaked out, looks around the room one final time and races out the
open door down the hall.
Back outside, Alexis rounds a corner by a garbage dumpster and sees Luis’ body
mangled on the car windshield. She lets out a piercing scream. Taggert is giving
Alexis a hard time, wondering how she found herself in an alley when she has a
troubled newborn at the hospital. She discusses with Taggert the situation
surrounding her going into labor and how Alcazar left her there in the snow.
Scott walks up and hears her story and suggests she was probably mad enough to
kill Alcazar. She claims she was only going to talk to him, to try to frighten
him enough to leave town.
In December, after Skye admits to Coleman that she does not really remember
whether or not she did kill Alcazar, she recounts to Coleman her recollection of
that night (complete with flashbacks). When Ida arrives (the lady Coleman paid
to testify against Brenda) she recognizes Skye from Alcazar’s terrace. When
Skye asks more questions about what Ida really did see that night, Ida soon
realizes that Skye doesn’t even remember what happened. Ida reveals that she
saw Skye and Alcazar kiss and she dropped her drink.
In January, Brenda (who has been accused of his murder) has a nightmare that
Alcazar has her tied up and is going to inject her with a lethal drug so they
can be together forever. Brenda wakes up screaming at the top of her lungs.
Sonny comes rushing in to see if she is okay. She tells him it was just a
nightmare and feels embarrassed that she screamed so loudly. Sonny tells her
that he is right there if she needs him. She is touched by his concern. At the
hospital, as Brenda is hypnotized, Brenda suddenly remembers seeing a dark
haired man in a trench coat near the stairs as she rushed to leave Alcazar's
suite after stabbing him the night of his death.
Sonny arrives in South America and finds the hotel that Alcazar took Brenda to
stay in on vacation while he conducted business. Luis' housekeeper tells Sonny
how Alcazar treated Brenda like a queen but never let her see his business
associates and conducted business when she was out shopping. The woman allows
Sonny to look around the hotel suite. Sonny finds a secret safe behind a picture
frame. He gets in the safe by using Alcazar's birthday as a code, which works.
Sonny digs out a bunch of passports and files to look at. Before he can really
look at them, the prison warden and his guards show up to accuse Sonny of
trespassing and to threaten to shoot him or put him in one of their jail cells.
Sonny remains calm and informs the warden about how his associate Jason and his
wife Carly were detained by him and put in a jail cell and promises to mention
the warden's inhospitable and corrupt behavior to two of his business associates
in South America. The warden believes Sonny's subtle threats and instantly has a
change of heart toward him and agrees to bring him files of prisoners that were
in his prison right before Alcazar's murder that had been released at that time.
He brings him the files later. Sonny finds a picture of Jax stuck behind a
framed picture of Brenda with Alcazar. He realizes that Brenda was thinking of
Jax while she was with Alcazar. The warden gives him the files. One of the
prisoners was released a week or so before Alcazar's murder. He tells Sonny that
there is no picture in his file to help him identify the man. After the warden
leaves, the hostess hands Sonny a picture she stole from the file to give to
Sonny. Sonny realizes the prisoner is none other than Ric Lansing, Jason's
lawyer. Sonny starts to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
The housekeeper confides to Sonny that she and Ric were once lovers. Ric was
wealthy, charming, and he worked for Alcazar. One day, Alcazar ordered Ric
arrested and, when she secretly visited Ric in prison, Ric was consumed with his
desire to pay Alcazar back for all that Ric had lost. Then, just as suddenly,
Alcazar ordered Ric released. The housekeeper confides to Sonny that she
believed that Ric killed Alcazar when she heard about Alcazar's death. Brenda tells Jax about a
prisoner Alcazar kept tied up and beat because Alcazar believes the man had been
stealing from Alcazar, using computer tricks. At the end of the beating, Alcazar
pulled the hood of the prisoner's head and Brenda now realizes that the man
being beaten was Ric, Jason's attorney. At the same time, Sonny meets Ric on the
Elm Street Pier and Sonny immediately asks Ric why Ric kept his connection to
Alcazar a secret and whether or not RIC killed Alcazar!
Later that month (Jason and Brenda have been cleared and Skye is now the prime
suspect), Skye hangs around Alcazar's hotel room and tries to remember that
night but only gets some memory flashes but nothing to help her know for sure if
she killed Alcazar and then blacked out. Skye went back to the hotel suite where
the murder took place, trying to remember more details. She remembered seeing
another dark haired woman leaving the suite. She realizes this person is the
killer but can't recall a face. A couple of weeks later, Alexis met Skye at the
hospital to discuss her case, but they were interrupted. Watching Alexis talk to
a doctor, Skye has another flashback and this time she clearly sees that the
dark haired woman that she saw that night at Luis' was Alexis and that Alexis
was the woman who killed Luis! 2002 Soaptalk-
Ted talks about being back on daytime and on playing Luis |