Jax & Courtney #2 Aug 19, 2004 - Jan 4, 2005: 8 hour original edit

DVD #2A 8/19-10/5/2004 First two hours. Jason overhears Courtney’s announcement to Kelly’s, Courtney dreams that Jax brags about having sex with her, Courtney asks Carly for help with Jax, Sonny overhears then warns Jax away, Courtney and Carly try to trick Jax into thinking she’s going to Atlantic City but she’s really going to Sonny’s island, Jax shows up as the pilot on the plane, Jax is bit by a snake on the island, Courtney leaves Jax tied up, Jax finds Courtney in a convent posing as a nun, Courtney pulls Jason into a kiss in front of Sam & Jax, Jax tells Courtney he’s ready to fall in love again and this is no longer about the bet, Courtney stacks stuff against her door to prevent Jax from getting in, as midnight approaches she opens the door to him and they start to make love, Courtney wins the bet but Jax walks out, Courtney goes after him only to hear a female voice coming from his bedroom, Jax finds Skye hiding in his apartment, Jax sends Courtney a ton of gifts, Lois encourages Courtney to talk to Jax, Michael tells Jax that Jason & Courtney were kissing, Courtney goes to Jax’s and leaves him a note almost finding Skye, Jax and Courtney make up but are interrupted by the arrival of her foster child, Diego, Jax camps outside Courtney’s apartment for the night after meeting the 17 year old Diego, Diego flirts with Courtney and brings her flowers.  

10/5 - 11/5/2004 Next two hours. Jax becomes angry when Diego hits on Courtney, Jax tells Skye that Luke’s not going to come rescue her, Jax convinces Courtney to call social services to take Diego back, Skye is apprehended, Courtney changes her mind after Diego apologizes, Jax arranges for Lois to babysit, Jax tells Courtney how he feels, Carly calls to let Courtney know that Diego got into a fight with Lucas, Jason brings Diego to Courtney’s, Mac interrupts Jax & Courtney’s trip to arrest him for aiding Skye, Ric asks Jax about Skye’s whereabouts, Courtney gets Alexis to help Jax out of jail, Jax overhears Courtney defend Jason to Ric, Jax gives Courtney an ultimatum then leaves for Bermuda without her, Courtney goes to Bermuda to meet Jax but finds him with another woman, Jax returns and Diego slugs him, Alexis asks Jax to take her and Kristina out of the country, Courtney and Jax make love, Brooklynn hides Diego from Courtney.  

Dvd #2B 11/8 - 12/16/2004 Next two hours: Jax teaches Courtney to waltz, Sam’s baby dies, Courtney tells Jax that she wants to be independent and can’t move in with him, Jax and Courtney attend the memorial service for Sam’s baby, Diego and the other teens are brought in after running off to Mexico to look for Diego’s sister, Nik & Emily’s wedding, Jax surprises Courtney by naming his new hotel after her, Courtney testifies for Sonny at Kristina’s custody hearing, Jax surprises Courtney with a new office for her foundation, Jax wants Courtney to meet Lady Jane but she’s reluctant, Sam catches Diego trying to get into Sonny’s, Jason calls Courtney, Lady Jane takes an instant dislike to Courtney, Jax becomes angry with Courtney when she goes to Jason for help with Diego, Jax finds Courtney at Carly’s house and they make up.  

12/16/2004 - 1/4/2005 Last two hours. Courtney & Jax help Steven and Carly decorate a Christmas tree, Courtney ends up stranded in her loft with Jason during a blizzard, Jax ends up stranded at Kelly’s with Sam and they help a teenage girl give birth, Jax helps Sonny rescue Ric & Alexis, Sam gives Courtney her baby’s christening gown to alter for Kristina, Kristina’s christening and GH Christmas party, Courtney slugs Alcazar and has his DNA tested against Diego, Jason asks Courtney to help with the adoption of the Bridget’s baby, she lies to Diego about the results, Jax throws a masquerade ball at his hotel for NYE, Diego confronts Alcazar and Courtney reveals that Alcazar is Diego’s father, Courtney warns Jason that Bridget is unstable.

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