Karen & Jagger #1  April 7 - August 14, 1992 - 8 hour original edit

DVD #1A  John “Jagger” Cates and his crew plan to rob Kelly’s (Note: First appearance of Antonio Sabato Jr). Bill busts up the robbery of Kelly’s and Jagger is shot in the commotion trying to save Ruby from being shot. Jagger is brought into the ER with a bullet in his neck. Bill warns Ruby that Jagger came to Kelly’s to rob her and whatever happens to him is not her responsibility. Ruby visits Jagger at GH. He wants to know who she is? She tells him that he took a bullet meant for her and saved her life. 

One of his accomplices, Cal, pays Jagger a little visit at GH and threatens him. (Note: Video drop out rest of the episode, a few minutes lost). Tony thinks Jagger is throwing his life away to protect his two friends. Jagger is booked.

Karen and Jagger meet at GH while she is volunteering handing out books to patients. Tony tells Jagger that he is ready to be released to the PCPD. Jagger makes a break for it and goes up to the hospital roof but his fear of heights stops him from descending from the roof. Karen's helps him down and puts him back in police custody. Tony refuses to discharge Jagger as his stitches ripped during his attempted escape.

Soon, Tony calls Sean with the news that Jagger is ready for release into police custody. Sean gives Jagger another chance to turn his accomplices in. Jagger gets a public defender for his arraignment. Robin is back from her school trip to Boston. Sean tells Jagger that this is his last opportunity to save himself. Sean gets word of another robbery and it looks to be Jagger's two friends (Cal and Buddy). Sean gets a license plate number in the surveillance footage from the getaway car used in the robbery. Sean arrests Jagger's friends for the robbery but they insist they don't know each other. Later, they accuse Jagger of being a rat. 

Karen and Jason have lunch at Kelly’s. Tom goes over hotline protocol with the “volunteens” Karen and Jason do some role playing. Jagger tells his friends in jail that going after Ruby because she can finger them would be a real stupid move. The DA meets with Ruby about taking her robbery case to trial. Sean tells Jagger he is being released, as Ruby is not pressing charges. Karen and Jason make another study date. Karen dodges Jason's questions about her family. Jagger is forced to live on the streets.

Jagger thanks Ruby for not pressing charges against him. Jason invites Karen to a party but she declines. Jagger asks Ruby to hire him. Ruby is conflicted as what to do about the robbery. Bill gives Ruby a gun for Kelly’s but again she refuses it. The “volunteens” have their final training session before the hotline is open for business. Karen is reluctant to accept a gift from Jason. 

Jagger wanders into Kelly’s, soaking wet from the rainstorm. He shakily asks for a bowl of soup and puts his change on the table (that he had earned scoring garbage to recycle cans and bottles). He is obviously starving and inhales her soup. She generously offers him a nice roll to go with the soup saying her crackers are stale. Ruby agrees to let Jagger work at Kelly’s. Jagger continues to live on the streets. Bill walks by as Jagger takes refuge under a piece of plywood during the storm.

The “volunteers” redecorate their workspace for the hotline. Jagger makes a food delivery from Kelly’s to the “volunteens” Karen defends Jagger when Jason makes a snide remark about him. First day of teen GH hotline. Ruby convinces Bill to hire Jagger as a carpenter to help out with the renovations on The Outback. Thanks to Jagger, Karen's gets fired from her job at a local restaurant. Robin burns the dinner she made for Jason and the rest of the volunteers. Robin is disappointed when Karen shows up as she senses that Jason likes her. 

Jagger takes a room at Kelly’s. Jagger suggests Karen take a job at Kelly’s. Karen takes the job at Kelly’s. Karen arrives home to her mother entertaining a boyfriend and the apartment a mess. The “volunteens” come up with the idea to provide designated drivers for kids who need a ride after drinking at the prom. Jagger meets Karen's mother Rhonda. Jason hints at meeting Karen's mother the next time he and Karen go out together. 

Jagger and Karen take a joyride on a motorcycle.The owner of the bike tells Bill that he thinks Jagger took it for a joyride. Karen and Jason make another date. Bill gives Jagger a warning about his joyride. The “volunteens” gear up for their prom night designed driver program. Jagger runs off some hoodlum kids at Kelly’s (Note: Slight video jump to the next scene). When some local punks harass Karen, Jason and Jagger take care of them. 

Karen runs into Jagger on the docks. She comments on the bruises on his face. She tries to thank him for helping her and Jason the other night. He is very sarcastic with her and infuriates her. He calls Jason her boyfriend which she denies. Jagger is smoking and and when he goes back into Kelly’s, she picks up the discarded matchbook and takes it. Tom tells the volunteens that two of them have been asked to a local radio station to take calls on the air. Robin is disappointed when Jason and Karen are chosen. 

Jason and Karen field questions on the radio show. Jason invites Karen to Dillon's baptism. Later that night, music montage as Karen sits in the dark holding the matchbook, while Jagger smokes again alone on the docks. After seeing how handy Jagger is, Alan asks him to work on the Quartermaine motorboat. 

Rhonda finds out Karen is going to a party at the Quartermaines. Dillon's christening at the Q mansion. Karen meets the Quartermaines. Jagger arrives at the Quartermaines to work on the boat. Jason shows Karen the boat house area. Jagger is inside working on the boat engine and listens in on their conversation. A drunk Rhonda shows up at the Quartermaines. Tracy threatens to have her thrown out. Karen is utterly mortified by her mother and flees the party. 

An upset Karen goes to the boathouse for some solitude as she cries. A shirtless Jagger comes out to talk to her. He starts off being sarcastic but when he realizes she is crying, he teases her and makes her laugh. Jason finds Karen and tells her that he has to go to GH as AJ has been in a car accident. Karen reads Rhonda the riot act for coming to the party. 

Jason invites Karen to the pier opening but she tells him that their relationship will not work as they are from two different worlds. Karen and Jagger working at Kelly’s. Karen has a romantic fantasy of marrying Jason.

DVD #1B  Karen blows Jason off when he tries to talk with her. Jason is ticked when he sees Jagger with Karen at the Pier opening. Karen tells Jason that she was not “with” Jagger for the opening. An old friend of Jagger’s tells him of a place to rob for cash. Jagger gets the Q boat running, goes below deck, hits his head and gets knocked out. (Note: bad tape…first minute of the scene has bad video quality). Karen and Jason leave on their boat trip. Jason and Karen find Jagger onboard.   

Jason accuses Jagger of hiding out below to steal the boat. They get into a physical fight. A storm rolls in, reeking havoc with Bill and Chris's boat trip. Jason decides to head back to land to avoid the upcoming storm but the engine won't start. Jagger works to get the boat running again, but the boat is blown way off course. Jason saves Jagger when he almost goes overboard. The Q boat is in serious danger of capsizing and Jason, Jagger, and Karen hold on for dear life. The Q boat hits some rocks. Jagger, Jason and Karen decide to swim for the shore.  

Jason and Jagger are washed up on the shore of a deserted island.  Jagger and Jason find Karen's life preserver but no Karen. They begin the search for her. Rhonda comes to GH looking for Karen and she learns that Jason is missing too. Jagger finds Karen. 

Rhonda shows up at The Qs for an update on the search for Karen and Jason. Jagger and Jason build an SOS sign for planes to see from the air. Jagger, Karen, and Jason build a shelter and start looking for food. Cal and Joseph Adkins are brothers. Adkins broke Cal out of prison too and the two are on the run. Adkins and Cal were on their way to Canada and got caught up in the storm. They turn up on the same island as Jason, Karen, and Jagger. 

On the island, Jagger tries to rustle up some food. Jason gets a fire going. Adkins and Cal decide to search the island at daybreak for shelter and a boat. Jason, Karen, and Jagger make the best of things on the island. Jagger has a flashback of social services taking away his brother and sister. Jason, Karen, and Jagger have now been gone for three days. Cal and Joseph split up and search the rest of the island. The unsuspecting Cal ruins the kid's SOS sign. When Rhonda arrives at the Q’s for an update, Alan and Monica tell her that they found debris from the boat including an unused life jacket. He tells her the consensus is the boat has broken up and that there is a good possibility that the boat is completely gone.

Cal comes upon Karen as she undresses to bath in a pond. He watches her from the bushes. Cal walks up behind her and tells he is part of a rescue party. He creeps her out and admits that he is also stranded. He promises that he would never leave a babe like her alone to bathe. She figures out that he was watching her. He corners her and she scratches him and runs as he takes off after her. Jason is disturbed to find Karen gone. He hears her scream in the distance and takes off towards the sound. 

Cal catches Karen and seems intent on raping her. She tries fighting him off, but he slugs her in the face. Jagger also hears hears her screams and fights through a fear of heights to climb up the side of a hill to reach her. Cal has Karen and points a gun at Jagger and tells him that he has been waiting for this for a long time. Karen breaks free, distracting Cal, and Jagger jumps him. He and Jagger struggle.

As Jagger and Cal fight at the side of the cliff, Karen screams for Jason and tries to pull Cal off of Jagger. He pushes her away. Jason arrives and pulls Cal off of Jagger and into the dirt. They fight, Jagger joins in. As Cal takes a swing to hit Jason, Jagger hauls off and hits him and Cal loses his balance and goes off the cliff. They look in shock at his lifeless body laying at the bottom of the hill. Jagger and Jason put a jacket around Karen, and Jason takes her back to camp. Jagger climbs down about halfway to check out Cal. 

A shaken Karen goes to the waterfall to rinse off and cries from the horror of the experience. Jason watches unsure what to do. She then tells him that Cal was about to push Jagger off the cliff when Jason arrived. Karen tells her about Cal attacking her. Believing that they have drowned, the coast guard calls off the search for the kids. Jagger tells Karen and Jason that he couldn’t get all the way down to Cal but he wasn’t moving at all. The kids believe they killed him. Jagger tells them that he found the boat.

The next day, Jagger discovers that Cal's body is gone from the side of the cliff. The kids start making paddles to use on the boat if it happens to be seaworthy. Jagger is worried that when they get back the police won't believe their story. Jason thinks that Cal's body has to have floated away with the tide. They agree to not mention to the police anything about Cal if questioned. The kids find a row boat and agree to take their chances on the water.

Alan, AJ, are with Sean looking for the kids.  AJ spots the kids in their rowboat and they are rescued. The kids quickly agree not to say anything about Cal. Sean questions the kids about how they survived on the island. Jason quickly changes the subject and asks for food. Monica and Rhonda meet the rescue boat at the dock and are reunited with Jason and Karen. Jagger looks on somberly as no one is waiting to welcome him home. Sean questions Jagger about Cal. Jason returns home to the Q’s. Rhonda sees the bruises on Karen from the attack and thinks that someone roughed her up. Rhonda suspects Jagger.

Jagger returns to work at Kelly’s. The kids can't stop thinking about what happened to Cal. Jagger and Karen are very distracted at Kelly’s. Karen thanks Jagger again for saving her life. Karen, Jagger, and Jason worry about Sean learning the truth. Believing he was the one that attacked Karen, Rhonda sicks her boyfriend on Jagger.

Karen insists to her mother that nothing happened on the island. Jason, Karen, and Jagger read in the paper that Cal's body has not been found yet. Rhonda's boyfriend roughs up Jagger. Karen finds Jagger beaten up lying in the alley. She wants to take him to GH but he insists she just take him back to his room at Kelly’s. Karen spends the night to take care of him.

Jagger still insists Karen not call the cops about his beating. Holly and Bill finally see land and arrive in San Sebastian. Jason finds Karen in Jagger's room. Jason learns he has been beaten. Karen lies to Ruby and tells her that Jagger fell off a motorcycle. Jagger sees Rhonda's boyfriend around Kelly’s. Jagger tells Jason again that it was just a few muggers that beat him up.

Jagger realizes it was Rhonda who sent the men to beat him up. Much to Karen's embarrassment, Rhonda tries to invite the Qs to dinner. All of them decline but Jason. Karen begs her mother to call off the dinner party with Jason. Karen invites Jagger to dinner.

When it gets a little rowdy in Kelly’s, Jagger offers Karen his room to study in.  Jagger tells Karen that it was Rhonda's boyfriend who beat him up. Jagger is worried about Jason cracking. Jagger overhears Alan talking with Tom about his problems with Jason and AJ. Karen tells Jason about who beat up Jagger. Karen confronts her mother about having her boyfriend beat up Jagger. Rhonda admits that she did tell her friend that Jagger attacked Karen but she didn’t ask him to beat him up. Rhonda says that she knows that Jason wouldn’t have attacked her and it had to be Jagger. Rhonda doesn’t understand why Karen is defending Jagger. Karen pleads with her mom to believe her that Jagger did not attack her. Karen begs her mom to not embarrass her when Jason comes over for dinner that night, this is the first time she has every asked a boy over for dinner. Her mom promises that she is going to clean the place up and make a nice dinner.

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