Karen, Jagger, Jason, Robin & Brenda #4 January 7 - March 23, 1993 - 8 hr original edit

DVD #4A A depressed Brenda sits at the Kelly’s counter. Julia shows up and asks what is wrong? She says that Karen got Jagger to take her to some college interview. Julia wonders why she is jealous since Karen is interested in Jason? Brenda knows better, that she is actually into Jagger. Jason calls the state troopers to see if there have been any accidents on the road they were traveling. He tells Brenda that the weather is so bad, that they would not have been able to make it on Jagger’s bike. Brenda snarks that they probably stopped at some cute little motel. Jason gets upset at her suggestion. Brenda suggests they should go look for them in Jason’s car. Julia disagrees and says they will just get stuck in the storm. Brenda tells him to wake up as they are obviously not in any big hurry to get home.

They find an abandoned cabin to stay in for the night. They build a fire and try to keep warm. Karen worries about their friends being worried about them. Jagger laughs that Brenda will be angry as he had a date with her. Karen asks if he really likes Brenda all that much? Karen says it reminds her of them being stranded on the island together. Jagger agrees but says now it is just the two of them. 

Karen and Jagger snuggle in front of the fire and wake up in each other’s arms. Karen is suddenly nervous and says she has to leave and get word to Ruby, Jason, and her mom that they are okay. Jagger isn’t in a hurry and comments on how beautiful everything is out in the country, how fresh and clean. Karen admits to her feelings for Jagger. Jason is worried, as no one has heard from Karen and Jagger.

Jagger tells Karen that it is not too late for them and kisses her.  After lying to Jason and Brenda so they can spend more time together, Karen and Jagger play in the snow. Jagger and Karen arrive back at Kelly’s to a waiting Jason and Brenda.

1/8 Brenda wakes up in Jagger's bed but he fell asleep on her the night before. Rhonda is angry when Karen seems to be leaning toward Jagger over Jason. Jagger almost gets expelled for missing another class due to the storm, but Karen comes to his defense. Monica offers to help Karen with a letter of recommendation for her scholarship. Jason invites Karen to a ski weekend in three weeks. Jagger breaks up with Brenda.

1/12 Brenda walks in on Ned in Julia's hotel suite. Brenda tells Julia she is moving into the PC Hotel. Brenda wants a thank you for helping Julia get Ned by planting the cassette tape in his car. 

1/13 Brenda sees Jagger and Karen kiss in the school hallway. Brenda plays it off like seeing Jagger with Karen does not bother her. Jason is hoping Karen will change her mind and go to PCU and not go away to college. Brenda tells Karen off for stealing Jagger from her. Karen calls her a slut. Brenda develops some photos she took of Karen in the locker room shower. Brenda plants the photos of Karen in the school lockers. 

1/14 Jagger wants to know when Karen is going to break up with Jason. Jason finds the Karen photo in his locker. Karen is humiliated when the whole school is talking about her.  Jagger confronts Brenda. Jason finds Karen crying on the docks. 

1/15  Karen knows that it was Brenda who took the photo of her and they come to blows. Brenda insists to Robin that she did not take the photos of Karen. When Karen wants to stay home from school, Jason shows up her apartment to convince that everything will be okay. Jagger gets expelled when he gets into a fight with some classmates over Karen's photos. 

1/19 Karen returns to school and Jason helps her through the day. Jagger cleans out his locker. Brenda and Robin tell Karen that Jagger has been thrown out of school. Brenda is hoping that Jagger has changed his mind about them but he is not interested. Jagger tells Ruby about his expulsion and quits Kelly’s. He is leaving town and leaves a letter for Karen. Karen learns Jagger is gone and reads his letter.

1/22 Jagger scores a mechanic job in a shop and a place to live. Felicia does not want Robin to go to the courthouse for her sentencing. They say goodbye. Karen tells Jason about Jagger leaving PC. Brenda breaks into Karen's locker and reads the letter from Jagger. Karen finds that Jagger's letter is missing. Karen and Brenda come to blows after she learns Brenda read her letter.

1/29 Brenda accuses Karen of stringing Jason along. Jagger comes clean with his boss about why he left PC. Jason tells Karen that they will be the King and Queen of the Valentines Day school dance. Jagger calls Ruby as he needs wage earnings from last year for his new employer. Sneaky Brenda gets Jagger's new address. Karen tells Rhonda that she has feelings for Jagger but he left town. Karen wants to tell Jason the truth as she can't hide her true feelings. Rhonda does not want her to sacrifice her relationship with Jason as Jagger is gone. Brenda shows up at Jagger's work after tracking him down. Brenda finds Jagger.

2/1 With the roads bad, Brenda has to stay with Jagger. Karen is not wild about all the hype she and Jason would receive as king and queen at the school dance. Jagger and Brenda talk about their childhood's. Jagger puts the brakes on when she kisses him though. When Karen admits that she has feeling for Jagger, Jason thinks they should put things on hold for a while. The next morning, Karen tells Jason that Jagger is gone and she wants to see what happens with him. 

2/3 Karen learns Brenda knows where Jagger is. 

2/4 Brenda shows up back at the garage to see Jagger. Karen joins the Qs for dinner. Monica wants to make sure Karen does not mention the Nikki pay off to AJ. Brenda and Jagger make dinner at his place.

2/9 When her car breaks down, Jagger has to come and get Brenda. Karen leaves for another college interview. On her way to visit college, Karen finds where Jagger is working. Karen finds that Jagger is staying at the cabin where they got stranded. Karen sees him return with Brenda.

2/10 Karen confronts Jagger. Karen tells Rhonda she wants nothing to do with Jagger ever again. Marco takes Tracy to a same dive bar as Jagger and Brenda. A bar fight breaks out between Jagger and the patrons. Karen breaks down when she tells her mother how stupid she feels for believing that Jagger cared for her. 

2/12 Jason and Karen get ready to go to the Valentine's dance. Jason gives Karen a necklace. Brenda wants Jagger to come back to PC with her for the school Valentine's dance to see that Karen has moved on.  Brenda takes photos at the dance for the yearbook. Jagger heads back to PC. Jagger arrives at PC High just as Karen and Jason are crowned King and Queen of the dance. Jagger tries to talk with Karen. 

2/15 Jagger asks for two minutes to talk with Karen. Jagger explains everything to Karen and insists nothing happened with Brenda at the cabin. Karen has to admit to Jason that she has feelings for Jagger, and they break up. Karen finds Jagger at Kelly’s and they admit their love for each other. 

DVD #4B Brenda sits on the school stairs with a heartbroken Jason. He is holding a necklace he had given to Karen that night. Brenda tells Jason that Karen and Jagger have been carrying on at a cabin, she calls it their little out of town “love nest”. He says that he was willing to wait to sleep with Karen until they were engaged, now he finds out the whole time she was putting him off, she was sleeping with Jagger in a cabin!

2/16 The next day, Karen returns Jason's high school sweater and tries to apologize to him. He doesn’t want to hear it. He informs her that Brenda had told him all about her relationship with Jagger. She doesn’t want to see their relationship end this way, as they were friends too. He points out they “were”.

Jagger apologizes to Brenda for giving her the wrong idea when he let her stay at the cabin. Jason tells the Q’s that he and Karen broke up. Alan, Monica, and Jason visit AJ at rehab (First appearance of Sean Kanan as AJ). Jagger is back working at Kelly’s. Jason tells AJ what went wrong with Karen. 

2/18 Marco thinks Jagger should train as a boxer. Rhonda is upset that Karen broke up with Jason. 

2/22 Jagger tells Karen that nothing her mother can say can keep him away from her. Marco pursues Jagger becoming a boxer. Jagger tries to take Karen to dinner at The Grill but they run into the Qs. Jagger and Karen make the best of their night back at Kelly’s. 

2/24 Jagger has concerns about holding Karen back. Brenda tells Jagger that as soon as Karen goes off to college she is sure to meet a rich fraternity boy and he is history. Marco wants to take Jagger down to the gym but is turned down. Karen has an interview at PCU and she runs into Jason. After Jason makes some jabs at Karen, he and Jagger come to blows and things get physical. 

2/25  Alan and Monica learn about Jason's fight with Jagger. Jagger feels bad about the fight. Jason tells Alan and Monica that he started the fight and Jagger was just protecting Karen. Brenda argues with Karen about the fight being her fault. Brenda tells Jagger that since he and Karen got together he is too tense. AJ admits to Jason that he is not over Nikki yet. Brenda and Jason have a chat at the Q boathouse and they kiss. AJ has some harsh words for Karen about what she did to Jason.

2/26-3/1 Robin knows that Mac is planning to bust Felicia out of the hospital. Mac says goodbye to Robin. 

3/3 Brenda admits to putting the tape in Ned's car and that she got the tape from Julia. Brenda and Jason bump into Jagger and Brenda on the waterfront. 

3/5  Brenda is staying with Robin as she does not want to face the music with Julia. Rhonda asks Karen to do some research for Scott on Dominique's case. Robin asks Brenda if there is something going on with her and Jason? Brenda tells her that Jason is not her type. Julia finally tracks Brenda down and confronts her for telling Jenny about the tape. Brenda tells her she is moving out for good. Julia drops the bomb on Brenda that their father did not include her in the will and that she has been supported Brenda all these years. Jagger and Karen head upstairs to his room.   

3/8  Robin worries about Mac and Felicia. Jagger knows that Karen is not ready to make love with him yet. Julia tells Brenda that their father cut her out of the wall because she was a painful reminder of her mother and he couldn't stand to watch her make the same mistakes as her. Brenda walks out on Julia. Maxie being without Felicia reminds Robin of how much she misses her own parents. Jagger checks out Marco's gym.  

3/10 Jason thinks that Brenda should give Julia the benefit of the doubt. Julia tries to explain to Brenda that she was just trying to protect her but Brenda does not want her charity. Jagger tells Karen he has begun looking for his brother and sister. He has begun putting ads in the papers so that they can contact him. 

3/15 Brenda is hurt when she sees Karen and Jagger together on the waterfront. 

3/16 Brenda wants a modeling gig at Wyndam’s, but only gets a sales sample job. Julia sees Brenda working at Wyndamn’s. After getting into a fight with a customer, Brenda is fired from Wyndamn’s. 

3/18 Jagger tries to be a friend to Brenda. Brenda wants to prove to Julia that she can make it on her own. Brenda looks for a new job. Ryan shows up at the Scorpios. He fishes around Robin to find out what she knows about Felicia and Mac. Brenda steals Karen's term paper. Karen wants Jagger to take her to the bar he goes too. They practice some dance moves. Robin tells Sean about Ryan showing up at her house. Brenda rewrites Karen's term paper. 

3/19, 1993 Monica sees AJ ask Karen about Nikki (Note: Glitchy picture during the scene) Monica thanks Karen for not telling AJ the truth about Nikki. 

3/23  Karen learns that she has been accused of cheating on her term paper. Jason tries to get AJ to face the fact that Nikki took the money. Karen tells Jagger that she knows that Brenda set her up. Karen confronts Brenda. 

3/24  Karen confronts Brenda and tells her that because of her she may lose her scholarship. She accuses Brenda of making it look like Karen cheated on her term paper. Karen grabs her and demands that she tells the truth. Brenda insists she is innocent. Jagger breaks their fight up and demands to know what the hell is going on. Robin comes in and asks what is going on? Karen fills them in. Brenda says she makes her sick and storms out.

Jagger asks Karen not to let Brenda get to her. He asks if she is sure about her paper. She insists that she double checked it the day before and that Brenda is lying. Robin asks what about her computer disk? Karen says it now matches the paper so that doesn’t help. Jagger asks if the computer disk was also in her locker and Karen says it was. Karen says she can’t expect the Honors Committee to believe but since Robin and Jagger are her friends, she does expect them to believe her! She turns and walks off. Jagger goes after her and takes her in his arms to comfort her.

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