Karen, Jagger, Jason, Robin & Brenda #5  March 24 - June 10, 1993 - 8 hr original edit

DVD #5A  Robin comes across Brenda and an excited Brenda tells her she is interviewing for a photographer’s assistant. Brenda asks her if she believes that she is telling the truth about Karen? A subdued Robin says that Karen is a good student and doesn’t have to cheat. Brenda points out that Karen has been under a lot of pressure recently. Brenda denies responsibility for just another of Karen’s many dramas. Robin remembers the pictures of Karen that were distributed and doubts Brenda’s innocence. Brenda asks Robin if she wants her to move out? Robin says no, but Brenda doesn’t want to stay if Robin doesn’t trust her. Robin says to forget about it, that eventually the truth will come out, it always does. 

An upset Karen tells Jagger that she has dreamed about going to college all of her life and now because of Brenda’s stupid jealousy, it won’t happen. Brenda gets fired after one day on the job as a photographer's assistant. Brenda finds Julia crying after her visit with Dominique. Robin seeks advice from Holly, who recommends first Robin has to discover what the truth is and then decide if she still wants that person as her friend.

3/26 Robin comes into Kelly’s and tells Karen that her Honor’s Committee hearing has been scheduled. Karen knows that Robin is on the committee and asks who else is? Robin tells that Jason is the chairman of the committee that could take away her scholarship. Karen discouraged moans that now she can kiss her scholarship goodbye. Karen is sure Brenda is behind the set up and agrees that she is sick in the head. Jagger agrees that he wouldn’t put it past her. Meanwhile, Jason and AJ argue about AJ not forgiving Alan for paying off Nikki. Later, Jason enters to find AJ accusing his parents of buying Nikki off.

3/30 Karen offers Brenda a deal, if Karen walks away from Jagger forever would Brenda tell the truth. Brenda is obviously tempted by the offer and the look on her face confirms for Karen that Brenda was indeed behind it. Brenda leaves for work, and Karen wants to know how can Robin can continue to live with her. Robin doesn’t like being caught in the middle and hopes Karen is wrong about Brenda, but she does know that Karen would never cheat. Karen then turns to Jason and wants to plead her case to him. He tells her she can present her case to the committee and he would appreciate it if she just leaves him alone. Jason and AJ talk about the latest family drama down by the boathouse. 

Jagger wants to go with Karen to her honor committee hearing on cheating. After Karen goes in, Brenda tries to convince Jagger that she had no reason to want to screw up Karen's scholarship. He says he gave her the benefit of the doubt with the shower pictures but this he can’t. She tells him she thought they were friends, obviously she was wrong. He tells her to peddle it somewhere else. Karen pleads her case before the committee. After she leaves, the committee debates their decision, with Robin standing up on Karen’s behalf. The honor committee is deadlocked when it comes to a decision on Karen and Jason as to break the tie.

3/31 Thanks to Jason, Karen is found guilty of cheating at the honor committee meeting, thus ruining her scholarship eligibility. Karen comes flying out of the meeting, yelling at Brenda that she hopes she is happy! Karen slaps Brenda. Jagger tells Brenda to take off and takes a distraught Karen in his arms.  Karen cries that she has dreamed of college all of her life, it was her ticket out and now she can’t afford it. Robin comes out and tells her how sorry she is, that she just wasn’t able to convince the rest of the committee. Karen confronts Jason for voting against her. He admits that he did vote against her.  He says her story didn’t wash. She expected Brenda’s behavior but thought Jason would at least be fair, that he knows she wouldn’t cheat.  Jason demands to know what about when he cheated on her with Jagger up at the cabin. Jagger jumps in and says nothing happened, they just took refuge from the storm.

Jagger takes Karen back to the gym so she can let off some steam with the punching bag. She isn’t really into it. He puts boxing gloves on her and tells her to imagine the bag is Brenda, this helps her really get into hitting the bag! They wind up kissing. Karen promises him that she isn’t going to give up on her dreams, even without her scholarship. He is proud of her, but she says she couldn’t have done it without him and doesn’t know what she would do without him. He promises that he isn’t going anywhere, they kiss and exchange, “I Love You’s”.

Brenda and Jason commiserate that Karen deserved what happened to her and brought it on her self. Robin defends Karen and tells Jason that she is disappointed that he was not able to put his feelings aside where Karen was concerned, she hopes he can live with himself. After he leaves, Robin says that Karen also got taken for a ride as her future is ruined because of what Jason did.

4/1 Robin offers to take a look at Karen's disk that her paper was on it to see if it was tampered with. The GH staff surprises Steve with a party to celebrate his 30 years at GH (this aired to commemorate GH’s 30th Anniversary). 

4/5  Jagger tells Karen about his brother, Mike (“Stone”) and his sister, Gina. Karen wants to help Jagger in his search for his siblings. Marco spars with Jagger and AJ at the gym. 

4/6 Holly and Robin talk relationships (Holly flashbacks). 

4/7 Karen learns that PCU has withdrawn her scholarship. Alan learns from Rhonda that Karen has been accused of cheating and Jason has voted against her. Karen is determined to still go to college. Karen gives her disc to Robin to check. Alan asks Jason about him voting against Karen at the honor meeting.  Jason and Brenda take a drive but she stops him when he tries to kiss her. She explains that their friendship means a lot to her and she wants to take things slow. Jagger takes Karen to look at the city lights. Robin reveals to Jason and Brenda that she is searching to see if Karen's paper was tampered with. Robin tells them that she won’t give up till she proves that Karen didn’t cheat.

4/8 Jagger wants to give Karen his savings for her college tuition but she refuses to take it. She says this is her problem. He tells her that she doesn’t have a problem that isn’t his as well!  Brenda enters Kelly’s after Karen has left, Jagger accuses her of setting Karen up. Brenda insists she is innocent. Jagger tells her to give it up, that she went too far this time. He says he knows her nice side and thought that was the real her but he was wrong, real wrong. 

Meanwhile, Robin and Karen search for her original paper using a utility program but come up empty. Brenda makes a switch on Robin's laptop and later she and Robin find Karen's original paper proving she didn’t cheat. Jagger gets into it with Jason and AJ at the gym. Robin insists to Karen that Brenda helped her locate her original paper. Karen doesn’t care what the source was, she is just so relieved to be cleared. Brenda asks Jagger if he still thinks she is a miserable brat? He tells her that maybe he was wrong about her afterall. Jason walks in next and he is informed that they found the original paper. He smiles and says he is glad things worked out for her. Jagger suggests they celebrate!

4/13 Brenda comes into Kelly’s and asks Jagger if Karen got the cheating charges dropped? He snarks, like she cares. She reminds him that she is the one who found the paper that cleared her. He looks at her suspiciously and asks since when did she become a computer whiz? Jagger wants Brenda to just admit to setting Karen up. Brenda continues to protest her innocence and she is tired of this discussion. She insists once again that she had nothing to do with it. He does say that if she did do it that at least she did the right thing at the end. Brenda is worried that this will affect their friendship. She tells him that even though he is with Karen that she is still his friend, will still be there for him if he wants to talk ever.

Karen sees Brenda talking to Jagger, and runs in and gives him a big kiss, while completely ignoring Brenda. Karen tells Jagger that the principal is going to write a letter to PCU to reinstate her scholarship. Brenda tells Karen that she is really happy for her. Karen says if she is waiting for a thank you that it isn’t going to be coming. She knows that Brenda is behind it and doesn’t know what her game is. Karen suggests to Jagger that they go back to Social Services to get information on his siblings. Jason, AJ, Alan and Monica go to a session with Gail for family counseling. Jason tells Brenda that Lila's is looking to hire an assistant. Karen tells Jason that she has been cleared of all charges. Jason says he is happy for her. She snarks that he used to have better judgement, and looks pointedly at Brenda.

4/14  PCU informs Karen that she is only get a partial scholarship. She will have to make up the difference. Brenda shows up at the Q’s to talk to Lila about the job. Lila hires Brenda as her assistant. Jagger works out at the gym with Marco. AJ shoots his mouth off again about Karen to Jagger. Social services tells Jagger that they can't help him find his brother and sister as they were place in Foster Care five years ago and the case is closed. They return to Kelly’s and Karen comforts a disappointed Jagger. Robin & Asian Quarter Anniversary Promo celebrating GH’s 30th anniversary.

4/16 Ruby gives them a couple of days off and Jagger suggests they go to the cabin. Karen plans her lie to her mother so that Jagger and she can go to the cabin. Brenda overhears Karen's plan.  Brenda is given the opportunity to blow Karen's story to her mother right out of the water when Rhonda shows up looking for Karen. Karen and Jagger arrive at the cabin.

4/19 (Note News Interruption: 24 minutes of episode missing) Robin feels bad for not being able to cover for Karen when Rhonda came looking for her at the house. Rhonda finds Karen and Jagger at the cabin. 

4/20 Brenda fills Jason in on Karen and Jagger's night at the cabin. Jason doesn't understand why she cares so much and thinks it's time she moves on from Jagger. Brenda invites him out to dinner. Karen gets a letter from Northwestern saying that the scholarship committee is offering her a full ride.  Karen tells Jagger that the only way she is going to Northwestern is if he comes with her. Brenda owns up to Jagger that she told Rhonda they were at the cabin.

4/23 Jagger files a petition with the court so he can find his brother and sister. But Jagger goes not have a birth certificate for ID purposes so he can't access the records. When he learns that it will take a month to get his birth certificate, Jagger convinces the clerk to help him get it faster. Jagger learns from his birth certificate that his father is unknown. Later he tells Karen he is glad he never knew him. 

4/26 Karen tells Alan she is staying in PC and attending PCU and she now needs job at GH part-time. Sly works out with Jagger at the gym. Karen confronts Rhonda about assuming that she is going to Northwestern so that she and Jagger will be apart. Rhonda does not want her to throw away her future on Jagger.  Karen and Jagger fight about her not going to Northwestern. Jagger thinks they can make it work even if she is away at school. Karen finds Jagger at the gym and they make up.

4/27 Ned confronts Brenda about the tape she slipped into his car stereo. As part of the plan, Robin goes off on Ryan at GH. Robin smuggles Mac some junk food into his hospital room. 

4/28 Note: A total of 8 minutes from this episode was missing due to a news interruption (don’t know how much if any scenes for this edit were missing). Jagger and Rhonda have a talk about Karen. Rhonda tells him that he is a loser, she doesn’t care about him riding a bike or what he wears. Karen has known since she was four years old that she wanted to be a doctor and she wouldn’t have let anything interfere with that until Jagger came along. Jagger says that he will never stand in her way, that he pushed her to put in for the scholarship. Rhonda accuses him of wanting to latch onto a rich doctor. Karen enters and demands to know what is going on? Rhonda suggests they talk later when she gets home. Karen doesn’t see the point since they will just have the same argument. 

After Rhonda leaves, Karen tells Jagger that her mom has no clue what a real relationship is about as all Rhonda has ever dated is losers. Jagger says that if Rhonda has never really been in love, the good kind, that she can’t understand. He suggests maybe Rhonda has just been trying to make “bad love” work, and maybe she is just jealous of Karen’s relationship with Jagger as she has never had it. Karen thinks Jagger is on Rhonda’s side as he is trying to defend her. Jagger tell her that she is lucky to have someone who loves her. He tells her that once she loses that, she can never get it back.

Robin visits Felicia, who is going bonkers hiding up in the attic. Felicia worries what Ryan will do if he finds out what her and Mac are up to. Cute scene as Felicia admits her and Mac shared a motel room, and then talks about his annoying little habits.

DVD #5B  Karen is distracted and Jagger is curious where her mind is. She tells him her and her mom argued last night. Jagger sees how down she is and tries to cheer her up. He asks her to close her eyes and think back to a time when she liked her mom, a happy memory. Karen says that they didn’t have a lot of money when she was a kid but her mom always made sure she had a new outfit for the first day of school. Jagger tries to persuade Karen to talk with Rhonda. Karen and Jagger find Rhonda beat up in the apartment. Robin visits Mac in the hospital and gives him an audio cassette from Felicia. As Robin is about to bound out of his room, Mac reminds her she has to put on her grieving face after visiting her supposedly critical Uncle Mac (they are setting up Ryan).

4/29  Karen and Jagger bring Rhonda to GH. She claims she fell down the stairs. Alan treats her and tries to get details about her injuries and how she fell. Karen presses Rhonda to tell the truth about being beaten by her boyfriend, Frank.

4/30 Jagger stops Karen from calling the cops on Rhonda's boyfriend. If Rhonda is not willing to press charges there is nothing they can do. They talk about the choices Rhonda makes in men. Jagger takes Karen out to get her mind off her mother. They go to the arcade. Jagger tells her that Mike loved the place and they used to come here a lot. Karen has a flashback of her childhood. 

Robin attends Felicia’s funeral. Her death is faked and she is lying in the coffin, very much alive. She makes snarky comments to herself over Mac’s eulogy. Tiffany is not told the truth about the faked death and is devastated. Robin knows the truth and does a great job of playing her grief. After the service, she reams Ryan, blaming him for Felicia’s death and telling him that he isn’t welcome there. After he leaves, Felicia pops out of the casket and they celebrate the success of their plan.

5/4  When Karen and Jagger return to her place, the Super tells her that her mom’s boyfriend was there making a ruckus. He tells her if it happens again that they will be facing eviction. Karen is worried that Frank will come back, Jagger offers to stay the night with her (sleeping on the couch). Jagger and Karen go running in the park, he thinks he sees his brother Mike in the park but he is wrong. Jagger asks Paul for some legal advice about trying to locate his brother and sister. Paul offers to call a judge to see if he can speed things up. Rhonda returns home and isn’t happy to see Jagger’s jacket on the chair. Karen tells her that he stayed as Frank had showed up drunk and Karen was nervous that she couldn’t handle him if he returned. Karen hopes that some day her mother will see Jagger the way Karen does.

5/6 Brenda overhears Alan and Monica talking about Rhonda being beaten up and not wanting to admit the truth. AJ busts Brenda eavesdropping on his parents. She makes a lame excuse about not wanting to be impolite and walk in their talk. AJ says he doesn’t know her very well but he gets that she isn’t a polite person. Brenda snarks back that from what she hears, Nikki wasn’t the polite type either! Jagger meets with a judge about having him contact social services for him. Brenda joins Karen and Robin in the school cafeteria. Brenda goads Karen who doesn’t rise to the bait. She then comments are her mom getting beaten up by her boyfriend and suggests that Rhonda not pick up men in bowling alley’s any longer. Karen tosses her yogurt at her as she leaves.  

Karen feels bad and confesses to Jagger. He advises her that Brenda is just looking for her weak spot. Karen is annoyed that she allowed herself to sink to Brenda’s level. Jagger advises her to just ignore Brenda. Frank comes into the gym and Jagger confronts him. Jagger calls him a coward for beating up Rhonda. Marco tries to intervene, but Frank tries to punch Jagger but he dodges the punch and really lets him have it. When Frank is knocked down, Jagger tells him that is for beating up Rhonda. Marco sees Jagger’s boxing skills and demands that he sign up for an upcoming tournament. Marco tells Karen this is why he doesn’t want her in the gym, that it isn’t a safe place for girls. Marco goes over to Jagger and tells him that Frank is not only a real fighter but in a higher weight class than Jagger would be and he is very impressed with him. Marco tells him that he put Jagger’s name on the list for him, he is excited as he sees that Jagger is going to make him some money!

Back home, Julia reams Brenda for not taking responsibility for anything. Felicia is hiding out in the attic (she is still fake dead), Robin visits her with some snacks. Sean arrives and tells Felicia and Robin that Mac is going to jail, to convince Ryan about their plan.

5/11 Karen arrives to see Jagger. He opens the door, dripping wet, wearing nothing but a towel. Karen is grateful to Jagger for defending her mom. Jaggers says that a guy like that just needs to be put in his place, that it isn’t okay to beat up on a woman. Karen just hopes that this situation with Frank is over.  Rhonda comes into Kelly’s and Karen tells her the good news about Jagger defending her. Rhonda gets rattled, and worries about Frank coming after her. Karen notices how terrified she is and says they can go to the police for help. Jagger gets word that the judge has some news on his siblings. 

Jason overhears AJ on the phone urging the private detective that he hired to find information on Nikki’s whereabouts. Jason says he thought AJ was trying to put her out of his mind? AJ says he has tried but he has to talk to her, he has to find out from her why she took the money from Alan. Jason admits that even though he has tried to forget Karen, that he hasn’t been able to. Brenda mentions the Prom to Jason and wonders if he has any friends who might take Robin? He asks her if she is going and she is non committal. She asks if he is going and he mentions the great time he had at the Valentine’s Day dance doesn’t exactly give him high expectations for the Prom. When AJ finds Nikki, Jason quizes him about how he is going to approach her, what is he going to say to her. Jason is worried as he thinks AJ needs this whole thing too much, needs her too much. Is AJ going to tell their dad that he found Nikki?

5/12 Jagger learns his brother, Michael, has run away from his foster home. His sister Gina's adoptive parents do not want Jagger to have any contact with her. Jagger begs the judge to give him Gina’s address so he can talk to her, or her parents and present his case. The judge sadly tells him that he has done all he can. Jagger meets up with Karen and fills her in on his disappointment.

5/18 Brenda notices how down both AJ and Jason have been feeling. She figures that it is about Nikki, she heard that she left AJ at the altar. She guesses that the Q’s paid her off, not being good enough to be a Q. Brenda questions why doesn’t AJ move on from this. He snarks, “Yah, like you did with Jagger?” The detective calls and tells AJ that he found Nikki and AJ heads out to California to see her. Alan is upset with Jason for supporting AJ in this, that Nikki will make up a sob story to make AJ feel sorry for her.

Jagger is worried that Mike is alone on the streets. Jagger goes to the judge’s office, and gets caught rifling through the judge's desk trying to find his sister's address. Karen determines that she will help Jagger find Gina. She comes up with the idea to check the schools in the area for Gina. She promises him that they will find Gina. 

5/19 Brenda witnesses Julia snarking at Ned. Brenda laughs that Julia always talks to her that way, but he must have really screwed up. Brenda scores points when she asks what more does Julia want? Ned is cute, successful, rich, and if Brenda had a guy like him she would never let him go. Julia comes in later to find Ned with Brenda and asks Ned to leave as she doesn’t get to spend much time with her sister. Brenda points out that Julia is taking out her grief over Dominique’s death on Ned. Julia explains to Brenda that she wants “the real thing” when it comes to a relationship and what she has with Ned isn’t it.

5/20 Paul is upset that Jagger broke into the judge's office and tells him he is lucky the judge didn’t throw him in jail. Paul thinks Jagger should petition the family court to make Gina's adoptive parents tell him what they know. Paul tries to convince him to go through the system. Jagger is discouraged and can’t wait for the system to help him, he doesn’t have that kind of time. 

Jason and both talk about how lame the Prom is. Then Brenda admits that no one has asked her, she thought she was going to go with Jagger. Jason thought he would go with Karen, in another lifetime. Jason suggests that he and Brenda go to the Senior Prom together, no strings attached. Robin asks Karen if she is going to prom? Karen says that her and Jagger haven’t discussed it as he has been so preoccupied with finding his brother and sister. Robin encourages her that if Jagger knew she wanted to go, that he would take her. Karen has another flashback of her childhood. 

Brenda announces to Karen and Jagger that Jason is taking her to the Prom. She asks aren’t they going? Jagger steps up and says yes they are going to Prom together. Brenda makes a crack about them showing up on his motorcycle, and Karen having bugs in her teeth. After Brenda leaves, Jagger asks Karen why she didn’t mention it? She says it just seemed trivial with everything going on but does admit she wants to go. Karen and Jagger decide to go to the prom. Brenda wants to make sure Robin is okay with her going to the prom with Jason. She knows Robin used to have a crush on him. Robin admits she did but Jason never liked her that way and he would never ask her to the Prom. Brenda says she is just trying to be really careful lately and doesn’t want to hurt Robin.

5/21-5/24 Robin brings Felicia a care package from Kelly’s. She then visits Mac in jail. When Robin returns, she finds Felicia gone and Jessica tied up in the attic. 

5/26 Karen and Jagger search for Mike, showing his picture to people on the streets and asking if anyone has seen him. He gives  a couple of homeless teens some money. Karen realizes he understands what life on the street is like, how hard it is and why he is so desperate to find his brother. They see Alan and Rhonda together.

5/27 AJ tells Jason that Nikki was only after the Quartermaine money, she passed on coming back to PC. AJ says he figures her new husband might object. Jagger asks for more time off from Kelly’s to continue searching for his brother. Rhonda makes sure Karen knows that Alan and her are just friends. Karen explains why it is important for Jagger to find his brother and sister. Jagger checks with schools for his siblings. He finds out Gina is in a private school. He manages to steal the keys to principal's file cabinet.

6/1 Karen asks Jagger if he found any new leads? He tells her he just hit dead ends and doesn’t tell her about stealing the key. Jagger puts off Karen helping him look for his siblings tonight.  Brenda and Robin are going to stay with Bobbie until Ryan is caught. Brenda is thrilled and wants to keep one of the cute bodyguards. Karen applies for a part time job at GH. Jagger breaks into the school files to get information on his sister but finds that the files are all on a computer database. Jagger asks Robin about computer programs and how to get into a program. She grabs her computer and gives him a tutorial. Brenda listens in at the door. Brenda enters and is curious about his interest in computers given that he doesn’t have one. He gets defensive and leaves, this of course peaks Brenda’s curiosity.  

6/2  Jason helps Lucy move out of Kelly’s and into Dominique's old apartment. Jagger returns to the school to break into the computer to look for his sister's file. Brenda follows him, she tells him obviously he is up to something. He pretends innocence. She wants to know what information he wants out of the junior high’s computer system? She asks him to tell her and says that she can help him, after all she knows a lot more about computers than he does. He tells her that he is looking for a friend. Jagger insists he doesn’t need her help but is stumped when he sits down and sees the password prompt. They hear a janitor singing and hide in the closet. Brenda enjoys being thisclose to Jagger. He is obviously uncomfortable and she teases him if he was too hot in there? They figure out the password and Brenda helps Jagger break into the school computer. He asks her to look up Gina Cates. She realizes he is looking for his sister. Brenda pulls up her file and a happy Jagger embraces her. Back at Kelly’s, Karen paces, worried about Jagger.

6/4 Jagger tells Karen he found out Gina's last name and what school she goes to. Karen is surprised that they gave him the info. He says that no one gave it to him, he showed it to himself. He doesn’t mention Brenda’s part in it. Jagger tells Ruby about his excitement over finding his sister, cute flashbacks. Robin gets asked to the prom by Darren Harris, a football jock. Robin is in shock, Brenda nudges her to respond and says they can double date. Jason thinks AJ will use the Nikki situation as an excuse to just start drinking again. AJ tells him he only went to rehab to get his parents off his back.   

6/7 Brenda overhears Karen proudly telling Ruby how Jagger found his sister all on his own. Brenda gloats to Karen about helping Jagger find his sister. Karen doesn’t believe her so Brenda tells Karen all about her and Jagger breaking into the principal's office to get his sister's records, including them hiding in the closet together. Before Brenda leaves to go prom dress shopping, she tells Karen not to worry about it that eventually she is sure that Jagger will tell her the truth.

Jagger finds Gina at her private school. Gina tells Jagger it is too late, too much time has passed and she has a real family now. Gina tells Jagger it has been five years and a lot has changed, she has a real family now. She tells him that Mike stole from her family and she doesn’t want anything to do with him. Jagger asks her to tell Mike where Jagger is if she sees him. She tries to tell him that Mike has changed, that Jagger doesn’t know. Jagger gives her a bag full of birthday and Christmas presents from the last five years. She says she can’t take them, she doesn’t want to have to tell her parents about Jagger. She tells him that she goes by “Regina” now. He doesn’t understand as she never liked anyone calling her by that name. She tells him that it is better this way and admits that it was her decision for him not to contact her, not her parents.  Karen confronts Jagger about not telling her about Brenda helping him. He tells her about Gina wanting nothing to do with him. Robin meets musician Val Duncan and listens as he plays.

6/8 Julia offers Brenda money so she can buy a very nice dress for Prom. Brenda insists on being independent and refuses her money. She then gets caught shoplifting a prom dress. Julia helps Brenda out of being arrested for shoplifting. Julia doesn’t understand why Brenda would steal when she offered to buy the dress. Julia then wants to buy the dress. Brenda refuses and says she will come up with the money to pay for the dress herself.

6/10 Rhonda finishes making Karen's prom dress. She bought an expensive pattern, hoping no one will notice that it was home made. A grateful Karen gives her a kiss of appreciation and tells her she doesn’t care if they do know. Rhonda insists to Karen that she and Alan are just friends. Rhonda is horrified to learn that Jagger is taking Karen to the prom on his motorcycle.

At Kelly’s, Jagger asks Robin to save him a dance. Brenda suggestively asks if he will save one for her? Robin heads out and Jagger tells her he has a problem with her, that she just couldn’t wait to tell Karen all about her helping him find Gina. She can’t believe he is acting this way, that he would never have gotten into the computer without her help. She realizes by his bad attitude that the reunion didn’t work out. 

Jason comes into Kelly’s and tells Brenda and Robin that the band bailed and their prom is about to become the biggest disaster of the year. Robin sees Val playing his guitar outside of Kelly’s. She has the idea to have his band fill in at the prom and gets him to come in and play for her friends so they can see how good he is. Jason asks him if they can play the prom tonight. Brenda happily relays to Jason that Karen and Jagger are having problems as he is keeping secrets from her and she isn’t happy about it. Jason doesn’t want to talk about them, he wants to enjoy their night. Darren comes in to finalize plans for their double date tonight. A protective Jason asks Darren about him going out with a college girl. Darren jokes about Jason being Robin’s protector. Robin walks in and Jason asks Brenda quietly if he should tell Robin about Darren’s girlfriend. She says no that Robin is so excited about tonight, she doesn’t want to ruin it for her. 

Karen and Jagger enjoy some alone time together. She sees the bag of presents he had for Gina. Karen tries to assure him to just give her time, that she will come around. He believes Gina has changed, maybe it is her new parents that changed her. He decides to focus on finding Mike, as he knows he is out there somewhere. Karen gives him a back rub, and then suggestively asks him to take off his shirt and she continues to give him a massage. They begin kissing and she has another flashback of her childhood and it ruins the moment with Jagger. She jumps up and pulls away.

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