Karen, Jagger, Jason, Robin, Brenda, Stone & Sonny #9  November 3, 1993 -  February 10, 1994 - 11 hour original edit

DVD #9A  Brenda is hurt that Jagger hasn’t been around lately. Jagger blows off Brenda when he returns, he has to go meet Karen at the PCPD. Ray is brought into the PCPD, where Karen confronts him. She says that he molested her from the time she has ten years old. Ray of course denies it all and tells her she should be ashamed of herself. Sean tells Karen that he can't lock up Ray without any evidence but he is going to continue to investigate. Sean is sure that Karen will not be the only child that Ray has abused. Karen says she needs to go home, the hardest part of all will be telling her mom. Jagger takes her home and she thanks him and tells him she never could have faced Ray without Jagger by her side. She worries that her mom won’t believe her as she is friends with Ray.

Sonny wants to move into the big time. He tells Frank Smith's man that if Smith can get him off the hook with the police, he will be his man in PC. His attorney advises him to stay away from Jagger and Karen.

Ned invites Brenda to see him sing at a karaoke bar.  Brenda, Damian and Lucy watch Ned sing “Little Sister” to Brenda at a local bar. This is the first time that Brenda and Ned really connect, just before Lois comes to town. Brenda goes back to Ned’s room with him. She picks up a bottle of champagne and heads to the bathroom. He tells her not to drink it that it is $100 bottle! She tells him she is getting undressed now, and finding a naked drugged undergrad found in Ned’s executive suite will really affect his and the hotel’s reputation. She tells him she is just doing to him what he did to Julia. He figures out this whole evening has been about payback. She warns him that no one hurts her sister. She accuses him of setting Julia up to look guilty. 

Brenda gets him on tape admitting his guilt. Ned tells her that he will make sure that Julia gets exactly what is coming to her. Brenda informs him that she has his entire confession on tape and asks if he is ready to negotiate now? Brenda wants Ned to drop his threat of a sexual harassment suit against Julia. He grabs the tape recorder from her when she comes out of the bathroom. She plays indignant and he tells her that he likes her style. After she leaves, she grins in triumph as she had another hidden tape.

Ruby introduces Jagger to Lucky (who has just arrived in town), two armed gunman burst into Kelly’s. Jagger takes on both of the goons as Ruby calls the police. Jagger runs them off and Lucky makes a break for it.

11/4 A smug Brenda goes to Julia’s office and insists they call Ned. Once he is on speaker phone, Brenda reveals the tape. Ned admits they won this round but the war isn’t over! 

Back at Kelly’s, Jagger thanks Brenda for warning him about Sonny the other night. He fills her in on Sonny threatening Karen if he didn’t take a dive. He says he took Karen to the cabin. Brenda shakily asks him what happened at the cabin? She asks if he slept with her? He asks what difference that would make? That answers her question. He tells her this isn’t about her. She says it never is about her, its always about Karen and Brenda is tired of getting jerked around. Brenda tells him not to come around to her until he can get a clue of what he has put her through.

11/5 Karen tells Rhonda about the sexual abuse she endured from Ray. Karen tells Rhonda she is entering therapy and Sean is looking to build a case against Ray. Rhonda worries about Karen testifying and having to relive it. Karen says she didn’t do anything wrong and she doesn’t care if everyone knows if she can stop him from doing this to another child. Rhonda goes looking for Ray at Kelly’s, she tells Ruby that she can’t believe what he did to Karen, she was just a little girl. Brenda and Jason look horrified over this exchange as the truth sinks in. 

11/8  Brenda reports that Jagger said to her that Brenda couldn’t imagine what Karen had been through. Brenda observes that Rhonda really looked like she wanted to kill Ray. Jason asks if she thinks that Ray molested Karen. Brenda remarks that every time Ray came into Kelly’s, he was always trying to hang around her, and Karen would always avoid him, sometimes she would take off. Brenda can’t believe that none of them figured it out that they all knew she didn’t want to be around Ray. 

Jason asks how could Brenda have known, her and Karen weren’t exactly friends. Brenda says she always talked to Karen, she has been on Karen’s case practically non-stop. Jason advises her not to kick herself, that she didn’t know. A guilt ridden Brenda says that doesn’t make a difference. Brenda puts the pieces together that Karen started acting weird when Ray showed up in town. Jason remembers all the terrible things he said to Karen as well, complete with a flashback of him telling her “mother like daughter” and called her a slut. Brenda also has a flashback of telling Karen she was a slut just like her mother. Brenda cries that she never would have said anything like that had she known. Jason says he wouldn’t have either, and AJ hit her pretty hard too.

Felicia offers to teach Robin how to drive. Mac comes in and thinks it is a terrible idea and they argue. Robin tells Mac and Felicia that she will just learn to drive through Driver's Ed. 

Jason tells Alan about Karen's sexual abuse and asks Alan if he will help Karen. Alan says he will try during the awards dinner that night. Ray shows up at Rhonda's apartment. She demands her key back. He attacks her when she confronts him about what he did to Karen. Alan calls Rhonda and in the struggle the phone is knocked off the receiver and Alan can hear she is in trouble. Alan finds Ray beating up Rhonda and throws him off her. Ray crashes into the windowsill, breaking his neck. Rhonda is unconscious.

11/9  Alan calls for help for Rhonda and covers all evidence that he was there. Alan takes Ray’s body with him and disposes of it, throwing his back out in the process. Everyone is awaiting Alan's arrival at the banquet. A disheveled Alan shows up at the banquet late, claiming that he had a flat tire that he had to change. Jason is very sweet to Karen, reminds her that he is her friend. AJ notices Alan is missing a cufflink. He says it must have happened when he was changing the tire. Steve says Monica is delayed as she has been called in for emergency surgery. Alan takes Karen with him to GH as Rhonda has gone into emergency surgery.

11/10 Karen, Alan, and Jason arrive at GH while Rhonda is in surgery. They all gather to wait for word on Rhonda’s status as Monica works desperately to try to save her. Sean arrives at GH and has put an APB out on Ray. Karen thinks that Rhonda's beating is her fault for telling the truth about Ray. Jason reassures her and suggests counseling so she can let go of the guilt and feeling responsible.

Brenda apologies to Jagger. She realizes now why Jagger had to help Karen but she does want to know where things stand with them. She asks if he loves Karen? She suggests that it might be healthier for Jagger if he stops running to Karen’s rescue all of the time. She says that he needs to have fun and that is her middle name! She asks if anyone makes him laugh the way she does? Brenda and Jagger end up in bed together. 

11/11 Monica tells Karen and Jason that Rhonda has pulled through surgery. Sean tells Alan that they found Ray's truck at the airport and his forensics team is going over the apartment.  

11/12 Tender scene as a now protective Karen sees her mom after surgery. Rhonda struggles to remember what happened and Karen urges her to just rest. Sean comes in and questions Rhonda and she tells him it was Ray who beat her. Rhonda is filled with regret that she allowed such an evil man to have access to her daughter. 

Sean urges Karen to get some rest but he doesn’t want her to go home to the trashed apartment. He invites her to spent the night with him and Tiffany. Tiffany and Robin learn that Mac has excepted Felicia's proposal. Tiffany comforts Karen when she gets home. Karen keeps going over in her mind what she could have done differently to protect her mother. Tiff tells her she was right to go to Sean and the worst part is behind her.

11/15  Jason tells AJ that he is going to be partners with Ned in the hotel thanks to Edward. Jason cautions AJ to be careful as Ned can be vicious when he has been crossed. AJ gets defensive and accuses Jason of thinking of him as the alcoholic screw up. Jason referees a fight between Alan and AJ. 

11/17 Karen tells Rhonda she needs to get professional counseling but she knows they can’t afford it. Rhonda tells her that Alan loaned her $10,000 for college and Rhonda put it in an account for her. Karen thanks Alan and Monica for the money. They encourage her to use it for private counseling and recommend Gail Baldwin. Sean enters and tells them about the black fibers found and a palm print but no trace of Ray on any of the flights out of Port Charles. 

Karen is livid when Sonny brings flowers to the hospital for Rhonda. She stops him in the hallway. He tells her that he never meant to hurt her that it was just business. He informs her that the club was shut down but then she already knows that. She says sorry, “It was just business.” He asks her if she still thinks about him. She says yes, she thinks about standing in front of strangers and taking her clothes off and it makes her sick. Sean comes up and asks what Sonny is doing there? Sonny says he was just inquiring about Ms. Wexler’s health. Sean says that since he is leaving that he will escort him out.

11/18 Karen consults with Gail Baldwin and asks her how much therapy would be? Gail says she wants to help her regardless of her ability to pay. Gail asks what she needs help with? Karen says her mom is an alcoholic, and she has recently become addicted to drugs, started stripping, and that she was molested as a child. 

Julia and Brenda meet for lunch and Julia tells Brenda she is moving to London to keep a better eye on Barrett Industries. Brenda and Julia admit they are going to miss each other and give each other a big hug.

11/19 Tony, Mac, Felicia, and Robin discuss Mac and Fe’s wedding plans. Mac says he wants a big wedding and a reception. Felicia jokes if he picked out her wedding dress too. The doorbell rings and in walks Luke, Laura, and Lucky for the first time back in PC in 10 years! Felicia introduces them to Mac, her fiancee. Luke introduces himself to Robin and tells her that her father told him a lot about her. Felicia is concerned as someone like Frank Smith doesn’t give up that easily, she asks Luke if he has talked to Sean Donelly about it? Luke says that Sean is a backstabbing weasel. 

Brenda makes Jagger dinner. She tells him about Julia leaving town. He jokes, “Brenda Barrett on her own with no adult supervision, shouldn’t there be some type of public notice?” Brenda wants to take Jagger to NYC for a few days. Stone shows up at the door, and Jagger tries to shut the door in his face. Stone stops him and asks him to give him just a minute. He asks how Karen is doing? Jagger abruptly says she is fine. He tries to tell Jagger that Sonny had been very good to Stone. 

Jagger points out that Sonny had him beaten up and threatened Karen’s life if he didn’t take a dive in the fight. Brenda intervenes and suggests that they don’t discuss Sonny since they will never agree on that. Jagger asks what he has been doing since the club closed? He says working on some stuff, another club. Jagger figures he is still involved with Sonny. Brenda suggests they get together and do something fun, spend some time together. Jagger still does not like Stone working for Sonny. After Stone leaves, Brenda remarks that they had made some progress.

Sonny tells Stone they have a new job, but this time its with the mob. Stone assures Sonny of his loyalty but is resistant to the new job. Sonny asks if he has other job offers lined up? Sonny dangles lots of cash in front of him.

Jagger tells Brenda he wants out of boxing, especially since Sonny owns part of his contract.  Jagger says that he wants to get his GED. Brenda offers to help tutor him and leans in and starts kissing him.

11/22 Sonny and Stone are waiting to meet someone and gets cold and wants to go into Kelly’s to get coffee. Stone tries to stop him and tells him that Jagger works in there. Jagger refuses to serve Sonny at Kelly’s. Brenda hurries over and takes their order. Frank's men come in and tell Sonny and Stone that Luke has now moved his family to his sister’s brownstone. 

Jagger stops Stone on his way out. Jagger tells Stone he suspects Sonny is now getting involved in some heavy stuff, that those guys he just met with are big time. Stone says he can’t just give up on the person that has always been there for him. Stone asks how is he supposed to pay his rent? Where is he going to be able to get a job? Jagger says he can stay with him. Irritated, Stone says that the only way they can be friends is if they stay away from each other and storms out.

Jagger tells Sean he wants to be a police officer after he gets his GED. Sean chokes on his coffee. Jagger says he has seen the work that Sean and Garcia do and he sees the good that cops can do. Jagger has lived on the streets and sees things that could be better and he feels like he could make a difference. Sean loves the idea.

11/23 Karen runs into Jagger at the library and he tells her that he is going to take the GED. She asks what about his boxing? He says he is giving that up and he plans to be a cop. She is surprised but thinks that is wonderful. He tells her that she is the first person that he has told besides Sean, and it was nice to be able to share it with her. Brenda looks on and is hurt when she sees them share a moment together. She walks up and tells him that she is so sick of this. Was he bothering to tell her what he was going to do with the rest of his life? She tells him that he has no respect for her. 

Karen gets up to leave, but Brenda stops her and says she is the one he really wants. Brenda is tired of the on again and off again, that she is okay to be around when Karen isn’t available. Brenda tells him that she is no longer available to be his backup for Karen. Karen tries to reassure her that it was no big deal. Brenda asks if she is stupid, that obviously Jagger is in love with her. Brenda tells him this is it for her, that she is done. She doesn’t know what he sees in Karen but the two of them deserve each other. 

Karen goes to see Rhonda at GH, she is getting released. Rhonda still can’t forgive herself. Karen tells her that in her first session, they worked on Karen first being able to forgive herself. Karen suggests that they both work on that.

11/29 Brenda spends some time with Lila while doing her 300 Christmas cards. Lila realizes how much that Brenda misses Julia. Lila and Brenda have a heart to heart about Jagger. Lila suggests that maybe it would be good for Brenda to have some space from Jagger. Brenda says she doesn’t have any other choice. Lila invites her to stay at the mansion. 

Jagger walks in as Brenda is packing her things at Kelly’s. Jagger tries to stop her and wants to know where she is going. A bitter Brenda asks what does it matter to him? Lila offered her a place to go. He asks if it is to get away from him? He asks if she was just going to leave without talking to him? He sits her down and tells her that he wasn’t having a romantic conversation with Karen, that they are just friends. She tells him that he has made his choice and he doesn’t have to make any excuses. 

Jagger tries to explain to Brenda that Karen does not want him. Brenda says that he wants her and that is all that counts. Brenda says that everyone is rooting for Karen to recover from the awful things she has been through. Brenda realizes that when Karen does, that Jagger is going to want to be with her. Brenda tells him that she has to move on with her life and he should do whatever he wants with his life, she isn’t going to get in his way anymore. He tells her he knows that he has hurt her and he never meant to. She tells him that he is in love with Karen and until he gets her out of his system, he won’t be able to commit to anyone else.

Brenda grabs all her box and suitcases and heads out. She is on the docks, struggling with everything and drops her box. She stops to pick it up and Sonny comes running to help her. He says she shouldn’t be out here alone, can he walk her back to Kelly’s? She says no, and he asks her isn’t that where she lives? She says not anymore. He offers to escort her to where ever she is going. She turns him down saying she will do it on her own. Sonny says he senses a little hostility and asks what is this coming from a friend of a friend? She says that her friends don’t find him very friendly. 

He asks if she lets other people make up her mind for her, that surprises him. Is she that quick to make judgements? She tells him it must be his day for surprises. He observes that all of this time they haven’t been properly introduced, “I’m Sonny Corinthos.” She responds, “I’m leaving.” She leans down to reach for her suitcase and he grabs it before she does and tells him she has to go. He asks her what her name is again? He reaches out to shake her hand and she says, “Brenda”. He tells her that he will see her later. Robin is very excited about Mac and Felicia’s upcoming wedding. Felicia asks her to be in the wedding.

11/30 Brenda tells AJ that she and Jagger are through. 

12/1 During her session with Gail, Karen still has trust issues with Rhonda for not protecting her from Ray. Karen is angry at Ray, Sonny and especially with her mom. She has difficulty relating to anyone as she knows they are all thinking about what Ray did to her.

12/2 Ruby and Jagger talk about Karen and the time she will need to recover. Jagger is feeling guilty over hurting Brenda. Luke arrives and meets Jagger at Kelly’s.  

Jagger sees Karen at the library. He asks how she is doing and she goes off and gets very emotional. He is sorry for upsetting her and starts to walk away, and she asks him to stop. Karen tells Jagger that she is still trying to find out who she is. Jagger admires her for her courage with what she is dealing with. She is afraid that she can’t get her control over herself. She tells him that the only time in the past few months that she felt truly safe and truly loved was with him at the cabin. He offers to take her there. She says no that she has to learn to live in the real world, she can’t escape. She needs to get herself together before she can work on them. He gives her a soft reassuring kiss on her forehead before leaving.

12/3 Laura, Robin, and Lucky visit the Webber attic. 

12/8 With PC classes cancelled due to snow, Brenda wants to do something fun with AJ and Jason. AJ is going to work, Jason is studying. Brenda tells them they don’t know how lucky they are that Lila asked them to live with her. Now they have the little sister they always wanted and never had. Jason asks AJ if they wanted a little sister? AJ admits he wanted a Boa Constrictor once. She says they are her brothers now and brothers should share. She wants to know where the toys are and tells them she needs to do something bad. AJ wants to know what she has in mind? He says her and Jason will have to be bad by themselves as he has to go to work. Jason thinks her current frame of mind has to do with Jagger.

After Brenda leaves, AJ tells Jason that he has a golden opportunity with Brenda. Jason says no way that Brenda is on the rebound and she just wants to get back at Jagger. AJ says Jason should use that to his advantage. AJ thinks with Jagger out of the way, Jason should make a play for Brenda. 

Later, Brenda flirts with Jason and he tells her she is giving a heavy come on. He says that AJ suggests that he put the moves on her. She says she wants to make him fall madly in love with her. He says they have a history of using each other and that this isn’t fair to their friendship. He reminds her that last time, Brenda used him to make Jagger jealous and this time he isn’t going to let her use him to pay Jagger back. He does admit that he is tempted but he knows she is on the rebound. She says she really just wants some attention, someone to hang out with, someone to have fun with. She gives him puppy eyes and says she is his poor little adoptive sister and won’t he please be nice to her? He gives in and they decide to go ice skating.

12/9 The Spencers come into Kelly’s and thank Jagger for helping Lucky when the goons were after him. Brenda wants Jason to go into Kelly’s with her to get some hot chocolate. He isn’t interested as think she just wants to tweak Jagger. She tells him if she doesn’t go inside soon that hypothermia will set in. He tells her he is sure that Jagger will revive her. He reminds her they have already been through this and she isn’t using him to get a rise out of a Jagger. She swears that she doesn’t want to have anything to do with Jagger. She put up with a lot but she has had it and is truly over Jagger, she is done!

Jason is getting ready to deck Brenda with a snowball. Jagger leaves to go to the bank and just says a reserved hello to Brenda. She says now they can go inside without him being worried about any big drama. Jason tells her she is really terrific. She wants to know why? He says she has energy, intellect, emotional, sexual and if she could reign it in and focus that there is nothing she couldn’t do. She is really touched and tells him that he is more like Lila than anyone else in the family and she just might have to make him fall in love with her. He tells her that they are living under the same roof and that would get complicated. He tells her that she needs someone older who can handle her and someone who provides her with a challenge.

Jason asks her what classes she is taking now? Jason suggests to Brenda that she take an interest in the business side of Deception, perhaps take some business classes. Brenda is impressed with his idea and agrees that maybe this friendship thing will work out after all. In return, Brenda decides that he needs a woman and she is going to find him a wonderful girl. 

Sean IDs the body found at the ELQ plant as that of Ray Conway. AJ finds Alan's cufflink that he lost the night of the banquet near the body. When Alan gets home, AJ questions him about the whereabouts of his missing cufflink. Sean tells Karen and Rhonda that Ray was murdered. Sean questions where Karen was the night Rhonda was beaten? 

DVD #9B  After Sean leaves, Karen admits to her mom that she is happy Ray is dead and feels that is an awful thing to say. Rhonda assures her it isn’t as she has no regret either about Ray’s death. Sean comes into Jagger to question him about where he was the night Ray was killed. He tells Jagger that someone broke Ray’s neck, he was murdered. Jagger says good!

12/10  Sean questions Jagger at the PCPD about him threatening Ray. Sean and Garcia compare the voice on the 911 tape with Ray's.  Alan explains to AJ how Ray died and how he covered it up.

12/13 Marco tries to convince Jagger not to give up boxing. While at Kelly, AJ lifts Jagger's key to his locker at the gym. Marco tells Sonny that Jagger is quitting boxing. Sonny tells Marco that there is no way that he can renege on their deal. Sean tells Jagger that his locker key was found near where Ray's body was found.

12/14  Sean can't believe Jagger had anything to do with Ray's murder. Jagger can't afford a lawyer to bring to Sean's questioning. Brenda wants AJ's help to find Jason a great girl to go out with. She convinces him to go on a double date with her, Jason and Moira Daley. Brenda and AJ convince Jason to let them set him up on a blind date. Karen goes to Alan for help in getting Jagger a lawyer. Brenda tells Monica that she and Jason are just friends and she has set up him up on a blind date. Brenda does not stop talking on Jason and Moira's date at the PC Grill. Sean questions Jagger. With the evidence being circumstantial Jagger is released.

12/15 Brenda and AJ come back from playing matchmaker for Jason. The duo tells Monica about the evening. Brenda admits to liking both Quartermaine brothers. This leads Monica and Brenda to discuss their mutual love for being the center of male attention. A mutual admiration society between the ladies ensues and AJ feels left out. Monica talks about her evening and tells of Jagger being considered a suspect in Ray Conway's death. An upset Brenda heads out after arguing his innocence with AJ.  

Monica tells her son they both know that Jagger is innocent. She appreciates that AJ framed him but lets him know that Alan is seeking a lawyer to represent him. AJ says he did it strictly for his mother.

Brenda finds Jagger at Ruby's. They talk about his being a suspect. Brenda offers to lie about the time she was with him the night of the murder to give him an alibi. Jagger turns her down. Brenda back with Monica and AJ. More talk about Jagger. Monica suggests Brenda call it a night and gets her out of the room. She lays into AJ for saying Jagger may well have done it. AJ's main concern is getting the attention away from his father for his mother's sake. 

12/16 Brenda worries to AJ about who might have set up Jagger. She knows that if Jagger had accidentally killed Ray that he would have gone to the police. She knows Jagger and she would have known if something was wrong. When Jason returns from his date, Brenda apologies for being a motor mouth at dinner. He says that is okay, they wound up having a great time and he is going to see the girl again. Jason asks what the two of them are up to? AJ says that Jagger is under suspicion for Ray’s murder. AJ tries to cheer up Brenda. AJ puts the moves on Brenda but she shuts him down. 

12/20  AJ tells Alan he set Jagger up and Alan is livid with him for tampering with evidence. Jagger tells Paul that he did threaten Ray in front of witnesses. Paul tells him the locker key will be the center of the case against him. Karen is surprised when AJ apologies to her for being a jerk. He invites her to lunch at the PC Grill, Jagger doesn’t look too thrilled at this idea. A guilty AJ takes Karen to lunch. 

12/23  Jagger gets a Christmas card from Gina saying that she wants to get together with him and Stone for his birthday. Ruby thinks both Brenda and Karen should but their differences aside to help Jagger. Brenda and Karen both agree that they believe Jagger is innocent. Brenda says the only way Jagger’s key could be found near Ray’s body is if someone set Jagger up. Karen agrees that its a brilliant idea to try to figure out who set him up. Brenda asks Karen if she thinks Sonny would set Jagger up. Jagger checks with Sean to see if he has any new leads on the Conway case. Jagger tells Stone about Gina wanted to get together.

Sonny comes into Kelly’s and becomes suspicious when Brenda becomes friendly. He asks about her new digs, reminding her the last time he saw her he was moving her stuff. He asks her what is going on, what will Ruby think. She says that obviously he isn’t too worried about Ruby if he feels comfortable coming into Kelly’s. She admits he is smart and she does want to ask him something, as he knows everything about what is going on in Port Charles. She fishes around him about what he knows about Ray and tells him that Jagger is the prime suspect. He says Jagger is a trouble maker. 

Sonny realizes that Brenda thinks he whacked Ray and then set up Jagger for it. He tells her she has a lot of starch for coming over and putting the screws to him. He tells her he doesn’t know if he should smack her or give her a medal. He asks her who is she, some star reporter? She points out that he still hasn’t answered her question, did he set Jagger up? Sonny says he had nothing to do with Ray’s death. He thinks the setting up of Jagger was a good idea and wishes he had thought of it. He asks her why she is so interested in Jagger? Isn’t this the guy that dumped her for another girl? Is she hoping that he will go running back to Brenda out of gratitude. Brenda defends that Jagger isn’t with her or Karen. 

Sonny observes that Jagger just leaves a trail of broken hearts. Brenda tells him that Jagger isn’t a bad guy, but she doesn’t believe in banging her head against a brick wall but she won’t see him go to jail for something he didn’t do. He tells her she is wasting her time on the wrong person. She asks what about him? He says there is no way he is carrying a torch for Karen, he has bigger fish to fry. He asks her what Port Charles society is going to think with her sitting there having a private conversation with him? She doesn’t care about gossip, she believes in finding out about a person for herself. Sonny tells her they will continue this at a later date, he has to go.

Brenda tells Karen that she does not think Sonny set up Jagger. Brenda thinks AJ might have hated Jagger enough to set him up though. Alan and Monica want to discuss how to resolve AJ setting up Jagger. Alan wants him to go to Sean and come clean about planting the key. Monica doesn’t like that idea as AJ would wind up in jail for obstruction of justice. When AJ shows up at Kelly’s, Brenda has some questions for him. She asks him if he can picture Jagger as a murderer. Brenda tells AJ that her, Ruby, and Karen all think that someone set Jagger up and asks him if he has any suggestions as to who might do such a thing.

Stone stops by to see Jagger. Jagger shows him the Christmas card that he received from Gina. Stone agrees to join them for the birthday celebration and he wishes his brother a merry Christmas.

12/24 Christmas at GH. Steve reads the Christmas story to the children. Christmas at the Quartermaine’s, Brenda, AJ, Jason, and Ned all check out the presents. Jason is wearing his Christmas sweater (Steve would joke at a later fan event that the best part of not being Jason Q any longer was not wearing the reindeer Christmas sweaters!). Ned breaks into a rockin’ version of “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” and Jason looks at him like he has lost his mind.

12/27 Brenda tells Karen that she is sure AJ knows something about Ray’s murder. She wants Karen to get herself invited to the Q's tonight. Brenda says she would invite Karen herself but people would probably go into shock. Jagger walks into Kelly’s to find Brenda and Karen laughing together. He asks if he is in the Twilight Zone. Karen just brushes it off as “girl stuff”. After Brenda leaves, Karen tells Jagger he is the one who is always telling her to give Brenda a chance. Jagger and Karen exchange Christmas presents. 

Brenda finds AJ reading a book about penal law. Jason comes into Kelly’s and he and Jason joke around and start to get into a whip cream fight, though she shuts it down quickly. Karen gets him to invite her over to the Q’s so he can hep her with some studying. A puzzled Jagger watches her as she leaves, not sure what to make of her going off with Jason.

At the Q’s, Karen and Jason join AJ and Brenda in the hot tub. Karen and Brenda make it clear that they don't believe for a second Jagger killed Ray. Jason is surprised by this news and they fill him on their suspicion, either it was the person who killed Ray or someone who doesn’t like AJ. AJ is offended when they suggest he may have set up Jagger and leaves, Jason sits there in shock and looks at Brenda. 

12/28 AJ goes to Sean with a story about how he accidentally picked up Jagger's key. A story that Sean does not really buy but AJ signs a sworn statement. AJ tells Jagger “his story” and lets him know he is off the hook. Jagger thanks him with a punch in the face. Karen and Jagger celebrate his not being a suspect anymore in Ray's death. He puts on some music and swings her around to dance.

1/3/94 Jagger had a couple friends over for his birthday. Gina and Mike argue in front of Jagger because they can't stand each other and who was better than who, Karen showed up and Gina asked how she knew her brothers. Karen tells her that Mike really helped him. Karen and Jagger talked about his family once Gina and Mike left. 

Karen thinks Jagger will make a good cop. They talk about his brother and sister and how it was between them especially since they were all together on his birthday. Ruby asks Jagger for a favor interrupting him and Karen. Karen leaves telling him that he is a sweet man. 

1/4  Brenda tells Lila comes into the den they talk about the family party. They talk about how she wouldn't want any issues by getting involved with either of her grandsons. Brenda says her social life is a mess and that she needs to find a man that will sweep her off her feet which Lila thinks is a sweet idea of an old fashioned romance. They talk about what kind of a man she needs that isn't a Quartermaine. 

Brenda's in the bathtub and has a fantasy sequence with various men in PC. First, Ned comes in (looking quite corporate) and she asks about her portfolio. She pulls him in with her suit and all. Next, she imagines Sonny entering (looking very mobster like with a trenchcoat, hat, and a gun) demanding the diamonds she was wearing, she takes them off but drops them as she is about to hand them so he is now in the tub with her, making out. Next, Jagger enters (wearing only his boxing shorts) and when he tells her he has a date with Karen, she points out this is HER fantasy and she imagines shooting him, then Jason enters. Finally, AJ then walks in and this time she realizes he isn't a dream!

1/7 AJ ticks Brenda off by telling her that he was only toying with her when he barged in on her in the Q bathtub the other day. He only dates women not girls. Brenda thinks someone should teach AJ a lesson and she knows just the teacher. Brenda wants in on Ned's plan to torture and humiliate AJ. Brenda wants Ned to shower her with attention and presents. Brenda and Lila have a chat about men.  Karen has another session with Gail. Karen still feels that she is not worthy of Jagger's love. 

1/10  Lucy is at Brenda's photo shoot for Deception. Brenda tells Lucy that she would love to get involved in the business side of Deception. Brenda asks Lucy for tips on how to humble a Q man. Brenda asks Lila advice on her future plans beyond modeling, whether beauty or brains is more important? Lila encourages her to get her education. Brenda is intrigued by the idea of having her own business. Lila also assures her that she will find the great romantic love that she so wants, perhaps more than once in her lifetime.

1/11 Jagger flirts with Karen while tutoring her in Italian. He charms her in Italian, telling her she has beautiful brown hair and beautiful green eyes and leans in and kisses her. Jagger is amazingly sexy as he reads poetry to Karen in Italian. She is mesmerized and in silent communication, they both gather up their stuff and wind up kissing.

Ned and Brenda get cozy at the Grill to torture AJ. Brenda tells Ned about her plan to get involved in the business end of Deception. When Ned steps away from the table, a devish Brenda answers Ned's cell phone call. Its Lois and Brenda asks, “Lois, what’s a Lois?”. She asks for Eddie? Brenda tells her that this is Ned's phone and no one calls him Eddie. Ned comes up and grabs the phone from her, a ticked off Lois hangs up on him.

1/12 Jagger teases Karen into coming into Kelly’s for hot chocolate. Karen imagines a suddenly serious Jagger brings her hot chocolate, tells her he can’t do this any longer. He knows he promised her that he would stay away and let her work out her problems but this separation is killing him. She says it is her too. He says he doesn’t think them being together would be such a bad thing and softly kisses her. He asks her to come upstairs with him? She says she would like to but she can’t, she is still confused and afraid. She says she isn’t afraid of him but of herself and she has to be absolutely sure as she doesn’t want to ever hurt him again. Then Jagger disturbs her fantasy and asks where her mind was? 

Jagger has his own fantasy of Karen walking over to him. He asks her what she wants him to say to her in Italian now? She says, “Upstairs. How do you say I want to go upstairs with you?” He tells her in Italian, very seductively. Then he says they can’t. She says that they have been walking on egg shells for so long now and they both know what they want. Jagger says that she isn’t ready and he made her a promise. He blames himself that he should have stayed away from her and given her more time to work through her problems. He spills hot chocolate on his hand and this breaks up his thoughts.

Karen comes over to see if he is okay and they begin kissing, obviously both ready to resume their relationship. They go upstairs and stand kissing at his door. He asks her if she is sure she is ready for this? Her response is to stroke his arm, and open the door and pull him into the room. She then begins undressing as thier song plays and they make love.

1/13  Brenda wonders who the woman was who called Ned on his cell. AJ cannot believe Brenda could be interested in Ned, has she forgotten how Ned treated Julia? Or Jenny?

DVD #9C  1/14  Ned lies to Brenda that he and Lois are only business. Brenda tells AJ about her plan to get involved in business aspect of Deception. AJ tells Jason that Brenda is using Ned to make him jealous. Jagger asks Karen to marry him. Jagger wants to keep the engagement to Karen a secret until he can buy her a ring.

1/18  Stone goes to Jagger and tells him there is trouble and he needs a place to hide, Sonny told him to go to ground. Jagger starts lecturing him and Stone turns to go. Karen stops him but Stone says he isn’t sticking around for a recycled lecture. Jagger agrees but says he has to know what is going on? Stone doesn’t know but from what Sonny said, it is bad, real bad. Brenda and Robin are hanging out at the Outback and meet Kevin. Brenda asks him if he is a serial killer too like his brother?

1/20 Jagger tells Karen he wants to take her to buy a proper ring, one that won’t come off in the shower. He tells her that he has saved some money. She tells him that money is for his future. He argues that she is his future. She tells him that he makes her feel so special. She asks him to not tell anybody. He says it won’t be big enough to attract any attention, it will just be for Karen when she is having a bad day that she can feel the ring and know that he loves her and he is with her and they can go through anything, now and for the rest of their lives. Karen picks out her ring. After seeing the paper, Jagger suspects that Stone is laying low because of the mob war. 

1/21 Brenda is surprised that Stone is hanging out at Kelly’s and Robin admits Stone is kinda cute. Brenda notices Karen's ring but all she will say is that the ring was a gift. Brenda quizzes Stone if he knows about Jagger and Karen being engaged. Robin learns that Stone is somewhat involved in the mob war. He likes her being straight with him and wants to see Robin again. 

1/25 Karen and Jagger's happiness bugs Brenda. Brenda wants Jason to find out if Karen is engaged. Karen and Jagger accidentally set the oven on fire at Kelly’s.  Laura helps out at Kelly’s with Karen and Jagger.

1/28 Karen tells Sean and Tiffany that she feels like she is getting her life back on track.

2/2  Rhonda notices Karen's ring and Karen admits to being engaged. Rhonda is not happy as she thinks they are making a big mistake. 

2/3  Rhonda sets up a meeting with Tiffany to see if she can convince Karen to not marry Jagger. Tiffany thinks that Rhonda should back off and give Karen some space.  Jagger and Karen tell Stone about their engagement. Karen learns that Tiffany knows she is engaged as her mother told her. Robin confronts Brenda about telling Stone to stay away from her.

2/4 Felicia arrives at The Grill for her party. The ladies at Felicia's party compare chocolate with men. Tiffany lets it slip that Karen and Jagger are engaged. Brenda tells Karen she is happy for her. 

2/7  Day of Felicia and Mac's wedding. Ryan arrives at the church. Felicia and her bridesmaids arrive at the church. Stone makes an appearance at the church much to Robin's delight.

2/8 -2/9 Mac and Felicia's wedding gets underway. Everyone freaks out when Kevin arrives at the church.  Kevin and Ryan get into a physical fight right in the aisle of the church. Laura gets all the children out of the church. Ryan takes Felicia hostage and it is revealed he has a bomb. Mac takes Ryan out and Paul saves the day by getting the bomb out of the church. After the commotion, Ryan tries to make a break for it. Ryan and Mac after fighting go off the balcony rail of the church. Ryan is arrested but Mac is okay and only has a broken arm. With Mac out of commission, he suggests Paul and Jenny get married. 

2/10  Jenny and Paul's wedding continued. Paul and Jenny have their reception at The Outback. Paul gives a beautiful toast to Jenny. Stone flirts with Robin at the reception. Dave Kotz plays while Jenny and Paul's enjoy their first dance.

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