Nikolas & Courtney 3 January 3 - March 31, 2006: 6 hour original edit

DVD #3A Dvd #3A 1/3 -1/20/2006 First Two Hours: Nikolas is waiting at the loft when Jax & Courtney arrive home from Carly’s party the next morning, Nikolas & Courtney fight about Jax & Emily, Nikolas & Courtney work things out, Courtney tells Jax that she knows about the paternity test, Courtney defends Jax when Nikolas gets angry, Coleman tells Lucky & Nikolas about Emily’s date with Patrick, Nikolas punches Patrick, Nikolas proposes, Nikolas takes Courtney to the Dominican Republic, they decide to get married then change their mind, Nikolas & Courtney celebrate their engagement at the MetroCourt, Courtney becomes angry when Nikolas is distracted by Sonny & Emily’s date, Carly offers to help Courtney disappear til the baby’s born, Courtney tells Emily that she’s leaving, Nikolas tells Courtney that he loves her, Jax tells Nikolas that Courtney left him a note, Courtney arrives in South Carolina but is kidnapped by Helena, Nikolas confides in Lulu.

1/23-2/21/2006 Next Two Hours: Nikolas tracks Courtney to South Carolina, Courtney is held hostage by Helena, Nikolas receives a letter from Courtney, Nikolas insists Lulu move into Wyndemere, Luke shows up with a chimp, Nikolas collapses, an epidemic strikes PC, GH is quarantined, Emily has Nikolas moved into a room with Sonny, Nikolas refuses to allow his fate be determined by the flip of a coin, Courtney is brought into the ER, Maxie has a heart attack in the elevator with Nikolas, Nikolas & Courtney declare their love for each other, Nikolas’s condition continues to detiorate as Courtney has the baby, Nikolas receives a dose of the serum, Courtney has a little boy, Jax tells Courtney that Nikolas is the baby’s father, Courtney asks to see Nikolas, Courtney tells Nikolas that she loves him then dies.

Dvd #3B 2/21-3/31/2006 About two hours. Nikolas questions Jax about what Courtney was going to tell him, Nikolas visits baby John, Jax tells Nikolas that Courtney would want him to be a part of John’s life, Nikolas offers to make arrangements for Courtney, Jax tells Nikolas that John has the virus and is not expected to live, John receives the antidote, Nikolas sits with John, Nikolas grieves for Courtney, Courtney’s memorial, Maxie finds Nikolas wandering in the cemetery, Nikolas asks Mike if he can spread Courtney’s ashes in the ocean, Mike agrees but insists that Jax agree as well, Jax refuses, Nikolas lets Mike think that he has Jax’s permission, Jax is angry that Nikolas took Courtney’s ashes, Nikolas scatters Courtney’s ashes, Alexis tells Nikolas about the child she gave up for adoption, Jax refuses to allow Nikolas to visit John, Nikolas accuses Jax & Carly of dishonoring Courtney, Jax refuses to lift the order, Lucky convinces Nikolas to attend the reopening of the Haunted Star, Nikolas bails Luke’s casino out in order to help Lulu.

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