Note: Description below is written to include all of Nik's scenes, all of Emily's scenes are also included, I still need to expand that description to cover the description for 9/1-12/2/05 for Emily's scenes.

Nik & Emily #9 September 1 - December 16, 2005: 16 hours on four dvds

DVD #9A September 1 - Nikolas overhears Justus talking on his cell-phone with Jax outside Kelly's. He figures out from their phone conversation that Jax plans to divorce Courtney after all but is acting like he has reconciled with her. Nikolas waits until Justus gets off the phone to talk to him. Nikolas pretends he doesn't really know who Justus was talking to and asks him if he was talking to Emily about a divorce. Justus tells him that is lawyer-client privilege and can't tell him who he was talking to. Justus blames Nikolas for the divorce and accuses him of not appreciating what a wonderful wife he had and for jumping into bed with Courtney. Nikolas tells him that he doesn't have his facts straight and insists he didn't sleep with Courtney. Justus tells him off anyway and storms off. Nikolas hangs around outside of Kelly's.
     Jax runs into Nikolas outside Kelly's, where he is expecting to meet Courtney later. Nikolas tells him that he overheard Justus on the phone earlier and tells him what he thinks Jax's real plans are: divorce Courtney after the baby is born and take the baby away to raise by himself. Jax slugs Nikolas after he tells him his theory. Nikolas fights back. Jax ends up accidentally smashing his hand through the window at Kelly's after Nikolas throws him against it during the fight. Courtney shows up and sees what is going on. She instantly blames Nikolas for the fight, thinking he is causing trouble for them because he is alone with no one now. She takes Jax to the hospital to get stitches. Jax admits to her that he was the one who started the fight and that what happened to his hand was an accident. Courtney tells Nikolas to go away and leave them alone. Elizabeth lectures Jax on acting like a juvenile again with Nikolas and calls for someone treat his hand. Nikolas runs into Courtney later and tells her what he overheard Justus saying to Jax over the phone. He tells her that Jax is playing her and that he is only staying married to her long enough until the baby is born and plans to divorce her afterwards. Courtney accuses him of lying and trying to be an honorable hero and asks him to leave her alone when all she wants is to be happy with Jax.

September 2 - Alexis is at the hospital and she runs into Emily and Justus who are discussing the impending divorce. Justus presumes that Alexis will represent Nikolas in the divorce; she says she will if it comes to that. She still believes that Nikolas and Emily love each other. With tears in her eyes, Emily proclaims that she and Nikolas have tried long enough and now it's time for them to get on with their lives. Nikolas continues to try and convince Courtney that Jax is going to divorce her after he gets custody of Liz's baby.  Nikolas and Courtney are arguing loudly on the docks. Courtney doesn't want to believe that Nikolas is right about Jax. She attempts to leave but Nikolas grabs her and she turns around to slap him but stops herself. They appear to be in an embrace but Courtney breaks off and tells him to leave her alone. She runs up the stairs. Alexis finds Nikolas at Wyndemere. She wishes Nikolas would have come to her sooner. She informs Nikolas that Emily is going through with the divorce and if he wants to fight this there are many ways to stall. Nikolas says no, he will give Emily her divorce without a fight. Alexis believes that Nikolas loves Emily. Nikolas says that love is not enough. Alexis tells Nikolas that Emily claims not to love him anymore. Just then Emily comes in and wants to tell Nikolas on her own what she is feeling. Alexis leaves. Nikolas pushes Emily to tell him she doesn't love him anymore. Finally after some pushed Emily says the words "I don't love you anymore". Emily believes that it was the memory of what they used to have that kept them going for a long time. She doesn't trust him anymore and all of this has changed her. She hopes that Nikolas won't fight her or the divorce. Nikolas agrees and Emily leaves. Back at Wyndemere, Nikolas is crying and he takes off his wedding ring. He says out loud, that he tried and if he could change what Connor did to Emily he would. Courtney shows up and tells Nikolas that she discovered the truth about Jax; Nikolas was right. She apologizes to Nikolas for not believing him. They are both feeling a lot of pain. Nikolas hugs Courtney and then they begin to kiss passionately.

September 6 - Nikolas carries Courtney into the bedroom and they make love. In between love sessions, Courtney sorrowfully removes her wedding rings. She tells Nikolas she doesn't want anymore secrets and plans on telling Jax exactly where she was tonight. She's upset that her marriage was all a sham.  Emily goes to Liz and Lucky's apartment to vent. She tells Liz about Jason's condition and how she needs him more than ever. She's starting to realize what her wedding vows were all about, for better or for worse. Lila loved Edward through all the horrible things he did, so she needs to stick it out with Nikolas. Divorcing him would be taking the easy way out. Liz tells her she needs to go tell Nikolas this immediately, before it's too late. Later, Emily finds Nikoas alone on the docks. Courtney had just left to go see Jax. Nikolas was waiting around in case she was upset after confronting Jax. Emily, of course, doesn't know Nikolas has just been with Courtney and confesses her love to him. She tells him that she loves him the way that Lila loves Edward, that they have a real connection that can't be broken. She begs him to tell lher that it is not Is too late?

September 7 - Emily tells Nikolas that she has been wrong. She wants another chance, that the last thing she wants is a divorce. With tears in his eyes, Nikolas tells her that it's too late. Emily tells Nikolas all the things she wished had never happened to tear them apart. In the process she guesses the truth about Nikolas and Courtney and ends by saying she wishes Nikolas never made love to Courtney, but he did. Nikolas tells her about Courtney finding out Jax planned to dump her after he got custody of the baby. Emily fills in the blanks. She guesses that Courtney went to Nikolas for comfort and that is when they made love. Nikolas tells Emily that he wants to be there for her when she needs him. He admits that he just broke her heart and he wants to comfort her. He has always been able to do that for her, ever since she was a kid. But the rape was the one thing he couldn't make alright for her. She thinks he did wonderfully, he did everything right. She understands what happened between Nikolas and Courtney and she feels that she had it coming because she slept with Nikolas when she was still with Zander. She wishes Nikolas happiness in his life with Courtney. She kisses his cheek and makes her exit. Emily goes to Liz and Lucky's for comfort. She explains that Nikolas is probably with Courtney right now. She tells Lucky that he was right about Jax's plan, just as Jax shows up. Emily makes a quick exit. Emily is on the docks crying when Jax shows up. He has a plan for revenge. Emily slaps him then proceeds to tell him that it's entirely his fault that things have gone so badly for both of their marriages. She breaks down crying and Jax comforts her.
     Courtney goes to the docks to see Nikolas. Nikolas tells her that Emily wishes them well. Courtney says that Jax doesn't. She tells him that Jax told her she was a gold digging slut. She says she is better off without him. She thinks Nikolas needs time alone but he stops her saying that he needs her. At Wyndemere, Courtney asks if Nikolas feels strange having her there. He admits that it is strange. Courtney wants to know before they get any closer if he is really letting go of his marriage or does he want to try again with Emily.  Nikolas lets Courtney know that his marriage is over and it has been for months. It's just too late for them now. He feels their marriage was over the moment that Connor Bishop raped Emily. Nikolas and Courtney decide to find comfort in each other's arms.

September 9 - Nikolas and Courtney, making their first public appearance as a couple, share a kiss in front of Kelly's. As they kiss Emily walks up with Michael.  Lucky gives Emily support, he knows that seeing Courtney and Nikolas together must be painful. After Emily leaves the table Michael sits down and tells Lucky that Emily is pretending to be okay and that he hears her crying at night. Mike tells Emily about the shooting and her and Michael need to head back to the hotel where it is safe. Outside, Lucky grabs Nikolas's cell phone and throws it. Lucky grabs Nikolas's cell phone and throws it. Nikolas doesn't want to fight with Lucky. Lucky is tired of Nik treating Emily like she is yesterday's trash. Lucky wants Nikolas to stop acting like a fool. Lucky can't believe Nikolas would give up on his marriage so easily, that he just wanted to get laid. As he's going off on Nikolas, Courtney shows up and tells him what he's saying isn't true that even Emily knows it's nobody's fault. Lucky turns his focus to Courtney and tells her that her reputation must be true. She meets guys and sleeps with them and then dumps them when something better comes along. Nikolas kept warning Lucky to shut up and when he didn't Nikolas punched him, knocking him to the ground.

September 12 - When Lucky tells Courtney what his opinion is of her, Nikolas gets upset and punches him. Lucky tells Nikolas and Courtney they ruined innocent lives, like those of Elizabeth and the baby she's carrying. Courtney and Nikolas go back to Wyndemere and ice his sore cheek. Nikolas tells Courtney it doesn't matter what other people think about them. Courtney takes a phone call on her cell phone. The baby furniture is in, and the company needs to know when to deliver it. Courtney says she wanted the baby she could never have, but she believes Jax would be a good dad. She feels that if she backs off with the custody suit, maybe it's the best thing for the baby. Nikolas tells her he will stand by her if she wants to fight for the baby. He wants her in his life, because it feels right.

September 14 - Nikolas offers to help Liz keep her baby. While Nikolas is trying to convince Liz to take his money to level the playing field between her and Jax. Jax overhears and tells Nikolas he can have Courtney but stay out of his child's life. Jax tells Liz not to hang around Nikolas anymore. Liz tells Jax her friendships are none of his business. Jax says they have an agreement. Liz says yes that agreement included him and Courtney. Jax tells her he is not going to loose this child. Liz feels that Lucky was right he just wanted a trophy. She tells him he is not getting this child. Jax leaves telling her he will see her in court. Liz is visibly upset, she asks Nikolas to leave her alone so she can think.

September 16 - Courtney and Nikolas wake up together. While Courtney and Nikolas are talking about Wyndemere, Nikolas has a flash back of him and Emily playing in the snow. Nikolas suggests they go out together. He doesn't want them to hide out. He wants Courtney to know he is not ashamed of her. They decide it's best to keep going out so people will get used to seeing them together. At Kelly's, Courtney and Nikolas run into Emily and Michael. Courtney asks Michael if he wants her to take him to a baseball game. He replies that if he wants to go to a baseball game he'll have Emily take him. He is obviously angry with Aunt Courtney. Nikolas tries to get Michael to treat his Aunt with respect but Michael calls him a jerk for cheating on Emily and Courtney a jerk for dating him and he runs off. Emily tries to apologize to Nikolas for Michael's behavior but Nikolas says he is just saying what he hears at home and obviously Sonny is making it out that Courtney is a home wrecker and he wants it to stop. Courtney believes that Nikolas is still in love with Emily. Nikolas tells her she is wrong but she goes on about all of the mistakes they made that messed up his marriage. She tells him she doesn't want to feel obligated to be with him. Courtney explains that she is better off without Jax but it's not the same for him and Emily. Nikolas says that his marriage was bad before she came along. She wants to end things now because she is afraid he still loves Emily. He quiets her by kissing her.

September 19 - When Emily walks down to the pier, she finds Nikolas and Courtney kissing. She drops her purse and they turn around to confront an awkward situation. Emily tells them they will all have to get used to seeing each other out in public but she's not going to pretend to be Courtney's best friend. When she leaves, Nikolas tells Courtney that this has to stop. He's tired of hurting people with their relationship. He decides they need to leave town and takes her to an island. After they make love, they make plans to go surfing the next day.

September 22 - Elizabeth meets Lucky in the park and is surprised to find a minister there waiting along with her grandmother, Audrey, and Emily, who brings a dress for her to wear. Lucky asks her if she will marry him right now and they are about to start the small ceremony later, when Lucky gets a cell-phone call that is police business and he has to leave before marrying Elizabeth, who tells him to go and is very understanding.

September 23 - On the island, and in the afterglow of their love making, Nikolas and Courtney share comfortable pillow talk and Courtney shares some of her childhood memories from Atlantic City as Nikolas shares his childhood memories from his family's Island in Greece. They also talk about his home in Greece and joke about him not knowing what a bathroom is and her not knowing what to do in a 50 bedroom house. Nikolas lays a wash rag on Courtney's head. Courtney asks him to take her mind off of her sick stomach. He tells her a funny story about a Russian tea party when he was six years old.

September 26 - Courtney reminds Nikolas that she can't get pregnant, but he tells her he thinks she just has a bug. Nikolas tells her he doesn't feel he would be a good father due to his family history. Bad parents set bad examples. Courtney tells him she doesn't buy it, though. While he may have had a horrible upbringing, the person he has become would make a wonderful parent. After they make love, their sleep is interrupted by Nikolas' phone ringing with the news about Elizabeth losing the baby.

September 27 - Emily brings Nikolas in to visit Liz. He is fresh off the plane from his vacation with Courtney. As soon as she called him, he left to come to their side. They talk about how they've always been there for each other, even in high school. Liz admits that everything will be okay because she has all of them supporting her.

September 29 - Courtney finds Nikolas sitting by himself at his desk at Wyndemere. Courtney tries to make conversation with him but he seems distracted. She mentions that he must have been a comfort for Elizabeth when he went to see her. Nikolas comments that their lives seemed to have revolved around the baby Elizabeth was carrying for Jax and her and now that the baby is gone, they don't know quite what to do with themselves. Courtney holds her stomach and feels faint. She tells Nikolas that she still is having some motion sickness.  Emily calls Nikolas and gets his answering machine and leaves a message for him to meet her on the docks later to talk. Nikolas is screening his calls and gets her message. He meets her there and they talk. Emily tells him that she was angry for a long time and took it out on him and she understands why he would turn to Courtney for comfort and friendship.

September 30 - Nikolas tells Courtney about his latest conversation with his estranged wife. Emily and Nikolas have another heart to heart about the end of their romance.

October 3 - In the park, Emily struggles with Carly, who thinks she is Faith. Emily falls to the ground and is stabbed accidentally. Carly realizes what happened and tries to help Emily. Nikolas runs over to help and calls 911. Carly runs off.  Sonny runs to help Nikolas with Emily. Nikolas doesn't want his help, though. He tells him that Sonny should have never dragged Emily into his mess of a life. As the paramedics work on Emily, Nikolas tells the cops what happened. Before he can make a formal statement, Emily asks Nikolas to stay with her. When they arrive at the hospital, Monica makes Nikolas leave Emily's side. While she is in emergency surgery, Nikolas vents to Lucky about what happened between Carly and Emily. Nikolas admits that he doesn't know what he would do if something happened to Emily. Emily comes through the surgery just fine and Lucky and Elizabeth go to talk to her. Nikolas walks in after them and Emily is genuinely happy to see him. As the two of them talk, Sonny walks in, much to Nikolas' dismay. Nikolas tells him to leave but Emily wants to talk to him. Lucky tells Nikolas he is heading over to Sonny's house and will keep him updated on what happens. Nikolas tells Emily how scared he was when he found her in the park. He assures her that he will be there when she wakes up, as Courtney looks on.

October 4 - At the hospital, Emily tells Nikolas he can stop being so wonderful and can leave her now. He tells her he doesn't want to stop being wonderful. He doesn't know what he would do if something happened to her. He hasn't felt this close to her in a long time. Nikolas leaves Emily to rest. As Jax waits for an elevator, Nikolas and Courtney arrive from opposite directions. Nikolas asks what the doctor said to Courtney and she tells them both that she just has stomach flu. She asks how Jax is doing and he tells her better every day, although he still has his ups and downs. He gets on the elevator and Nikolas asks her if she wants to have some coffee with him. She tells him she is tired and just wants to go home. She suggests that he gets some coffee at the hospital and stay with Emily in case she wakes up and needs him.

Dvd #9B October 10 Nikolas comes to talk to Courtney. She tells him that their relationship is over. He's upset and wants to know why she's ready to give up on them. He thinks it's because of him spending all that time with Emily in the hospital. She admits that seeing the two of them at the hospital together made her realize they are meant to be together. She asks for some time to think about everything. He agrees and leaves. Lucky surprises Elizabeth with dinner in a closed Kelly's. They see Emily outside and invite her in. As the three of them laugh together, Nikolas walks in. Elizabeth and Lucky share the news that they have set a wedding date, and Nikolas and Emily ask if there's anything they can do to help. No, just be at the wedding, is Elizabeth's response. As they make a toast with their brownies, Nikolas and Emily share a bittersweet smile.

October 11 - Emily comes home to Sonny's house and finds Courtney waiting for her. Courtney tells her that she saw her and Nikolas together at the hospital and she believes Nikolas would be happiest with Emily. Courtney tells her she's hiding from Nikolas by staying at Sonny's. Emily says she and Nikolas are over and they are getting divorced. If Sonny wants her to leave, she will leave. Emily goes to the hospital and Sonny comes home, he asks Courtney if she has told Nik about the baby? He believes that Courtney is trying to bargain with god that if she can have this baby that she will give Nik back to Emily. Emily walks in and overhears their conversation as Courtney says that Nik never meant to father her child. Courtney has no idea she is there and continues to talk about her baby and the fact that Nikolas doesn't want to be a parent.
     Lucky asks Nikolas to be his best man at the wedding. Nikolas agrees wholeheartedly. Lucky then drops a bombshell and asks him not to bring Courtney. Nikolas agrees not to bring her, especially since she probably wouldn't want to go anyway. Lucky suggests the wedding would be a perfect time for a reunion. When Nikolas tells Lucky about Courtney trying to get him to go back to Emily, Lucky is happy that she's finally come to her senses. Nikolas questions what she's hiding, though.

October 12 - Emily called Nikolas to the gazebo to tell him a secret. She wanted them to throw Lucky and Elizabeth their dream wedding. Then she surprised Nik by suggesting he bring Courtney as his date. He initially refused, but replied he'd think about it. They agreed to keep their undertaking a secret from the prospective bride and groom. Nik shows up at Alexis, to find Jax already there. Alexis had sent Jax's divorce papers to Nik! Alexis copped to switching the paperwork to allow the men to realize and appreciate the ones they truly love. Then she barked to think about what she said and that she's hormonal and kicked them both out. Emily went to Courtney's place and wasted no time in saying that she knows Courtney is pregnant, that Nik deserves to know the truth and if Court didn't tell him, she would. That irritated Mrs. Jax very much. She said she'd be getting a paternity test and wasn't even sure that Nik was the father as it could be Jax. Courtney accuses Emily of trying to blackmail her and that her baby is none of Emily's business, that Emily eavesdropped on a private conversation. Courtney didn't think she would be able to have another baby and she will decide what is best for her child. Emily defends that Nik is still her husband at least on paper and she will tell him any damn thing she wants to! Courtney pleades that she only needs a couple of weeks to get the test results and ask Emily to wait at least that long. Emily replied that maybe, maybe she'd hold her tongue. Emily went to Kelly's to make wedding lists over coffee with Nikolas. Courtney came by Kelly's talk to Mike and saw them together, and assumed she was telling him all. She accuses Emily of rushing to Nik everything.

October 13 Nik is puzzled and says they were discussing Liz and Lucky's wedding. Emily realizes that Courtney thinks she told him already about her pregnancy. Emily keeps her secret and lies to Nikolas and tells him that Courtney told her that she was using Michael and Morgan as an excuse to hide from him and their marriage problems. Emily tells him that she realized Courtney was right to believe that. She apologizes to Courtney for blaming her for how she feels about things. Courtney leaves them to talk. Nikolas senses something else is going on with the two of them and asks her what else she is hiding. Emily doesn't have an answer. Courtney meets with Nikolas at the park. She tells him that she doesn't want him to be with her out of obligation and that if he still loves Emily he should be with her and she would understand. Nikolas notices how nervous she is and asks her what is really going on with her. Courtney tells him that she is pregnant.

October 14 - Stunned by Courtney's announcement, Nikolas contemplates the possibility of impending fatherhood. Nikolas confides to Emily how conflicted he is about Courtney's pregnancy.

October 17 - Courtney also tells him that Emily knows about the pregnancy. He is stunned, but starts to make promises to Courtney about how he will be a father to the baby even if he is not the biological father. Courtney tells him not to make promises he'll regret later. She doesn't know what to think right now and leaves. Nikolas goes to Sonny's house to talk to Emily. He tells her he always thought if he had a child it would be with her, not Courtney or anyone else. Emily tells him not to talk about what might have been. He is stunned when Emily talks to him about 3 AM feedings, and mentions again how she would have been the one with the 3 AM duty if they had a child together. Nikolas mentions his belief that the Cassadine blood is tainted. They start to fight over the decisions each one has made, such as Emily moving in with Sonny. He doesn't realize that Alan was just there and badgered her about being brainwashed by Sonny. Nikolas realizes she's getting mad and they agree to disagree, though. Nikolas decides to go visit Courtney again, but before he leaves Emily tells him to make things right with the woman who may be carrying his child. Nikolas arrives at Courtney's and Nikolas asks Courtney if she told Jax about the baby. She can't tell him until the paternity test is done, because he will have too much invested and be hurt if it's Nikolas's baby. Nikolas again promises to be a good father to this baby. Lucky runs into Nikolas in the park and asks what is wrong. Nikolas tells him that he just went to see Emily and asked her about Courtney. Lucky tells Nikolas to stop stringing both girls along. He needs to put honor aside and decide on which girl makes him happiest.

October 18 - Lucky tells Nikolas he needs to make up his mind about which girl he's going to be with. Nikolas tells him it's not that easy. What Emily and he had, nothing will ever compare to. They will always have that connection, but Courtney and he respect each other. They were equals and it felt good to be together. Lucky can relate, because this is just how he feels with Elizabeth. When Elizabeth runs into Nikolas in the park, she tells him that Courtney is leaving town and he needs to go see her and tell her how she feels tonight. Nikolas goes to Courtney's apartment and thinks it is too late. Courtney left for the hospital when she found out Sonny had been shot, but left the note she intended to give to Nikolas. He finds it and thinks she has already left town. He takes one more swing by her place later and finds her just about to leave finally. He tells her that he can't stay away from her and kisses her.

October 24 - Nikolas comes into Kelly's and offers to take Courtney to her doctor's appointment. When they arrive at the hospital, Emily tells them that Dr. Meadows is waiting for them. Dr. Meadows greets Nikolas and Courtney and warns them that the test can cause miscarriages in a small percentage of women. Courtney decides to go ahead with the test. Dr. Meadows takes Courtney back and Emily talks to Nikolas. She's worried about him if Jax is the father of Courtney's baby. She warns him about the impending custody battle. Once Courtney is prepped, Nikolas comes in and talks to her about the baby while the procedure is being done. They both agree not to worry about the outcome. They go to Kelly's for sundaes and Courtney doubles over in abdominal pain.

October 25 - Nikolas takes Courtney to the hospital to get her cramps checked out. Dr. Meadows examines her and tells them that everything is fine. She warns her that she needs to relax and stop stressing, though. Courtney assures her that she will calm down. Nikolas sees Sonny asking about Elizabeth. He asks if she's allright, and Sonny explains that Manny Ruiz kidnapped Liz. Nikolas erupts at Sonny, telling him that his business is ruining yet another life. Sonny tells him he shouldn't be the one giving advice, as he left his wife to deal with a rape so he could bang Sonny's sister. Nikolas is appalled that Sonny would say that about his own sister. He tells Sonny he really did crawl out of a gutter and Sonny says he's definitely not a prince like Nikolas. Sonny never liked Jax, but he's a better guy than Nikolas. Nikolas tells Sonny that regardless of whose baby Courtney is carrying, he's going to stay with Courtney. Sonny disagrees and thinks he will leave as soon as Courtney's ankles swell. Back in the chapel, Nikolas walks in and tells Courtney to stop blaming herself. Nikolas tells her he will stay with her no matter who is the father. Courtney tells him she hopes it is his baby.

October 26 - Emily assures Courtney she's welcome to accept Elizabeth's invitation to her wedding. Nikolas shows Emily the new location he's chosen for the surprise nuptials. Nikolas confides to a pleased Courtney how much he's hoping he turns out to be the father of her unborn child. Luke reminds an exasperated Nikolas why he won't go anywhere near his own son's wedding. Courtney returns to Windemere and comes face to face with Helena, "Hello my dear. I understand your pregnant with the Cassidine heir?"

October 27 - Nikolas and Emily make secret wedding plans for them back at Wyndemere. Elizabeth and Lucky are surprised later at the park when they hear a noise and investigate. They find a fancy note telling them the horse and carriage is for them to enjoy. At Wyndemere, Helena tells Courtney that she is going to be the head of the Cassadine Family again and that if Courtney is carrying Nikolas' baby she will have a say in how the baby is raised. Courtney tells her that won't happen if Nikolas has anything to say about it. Helena tells her that if she buys Nikolas when he acts like a commoner she is misinformed because he is prince and that won't change. Nikolas comes in the room and tells Helena he will be calling the cops to come pick her up. Helena smiles at him and tells him that a judge shortened her prison sentence for good behavior which really means she bribed some judge. Nikolas tells her to leave them alone including Emily. Emily comes in the room and sees all of them and stops in her tracks. Helena is surprised to see her there and asks her what she is doing there when she is no longer with Nikolas and tells her she isn't wanted there now that Nikolas has moved on with the mother of his child. Nikolas tells Helena to leave again and she goes. Courtney feels uncomfortable with the whole situation with Helena and tells him that she tried to tell Helena that Jax could be the baby's father not him but she didn't get a chance. She tells him she has to go and leaves them alone to work on Lucky and Elizabeth's wedding. Emily tells him about the conversation she had the other day with Courtney about being a guest at the wedding and feeling uncomfortable about going and how she is okay about Courtney coming with him to the wedding. Nikolas thanks her for her generous spirit. They talk about the old ball they had there years ago when she was a teenager and Nikolas teases her about having barbeque ribs on the menu for the wedding. They get all dirty trying to clean the cobwebs off the walls.

October 28 - Nikolas and Emily make secret wedding plans back at Wyndemere. Elizabeth and Lucky are surprised later at the park when they hear a noise and investigate. They find a fancy note telling them "Your cordially invited to the wedding of your dreams", and they see a horse and carriage is for them to enjoy. Lucky and Liz are each preparing for their big day. Still alone they face the little horrors that threaten to turn their true happiness into another disappointment, his frayed suit, her stuck zipper, his too-short sleeves. Emily and Nikolas finally spring their romantic surprise of a fairy tale wedding on a dazzled Elizabeth and Lucky. Nik shows up to see Lucky, while Emily becomes Liz's fairy godmother. Emily takes Liz to Wyndemere where she finds Audrey waiting for her. She gives her a the something new with a monogrammed handkerchief. She laughs that she had to do something with her sewing kit besides sabotage Liz's wedding dress.  Meanwhile, the guests begin arriving at Wyndemere, the new Lulu makes her entrance and has her first scene with each of her brothers as she greats him. Emily helps LIz do her hair, and soon Bobbie, Lulu and Leslie arrive to great the bride. Leslie presents her with Laura's pearls (old), and welcomes her into the Spencer family. Bobbie lends her Ruby's bracelet (borrowed), and little Cameron (via Emily) gives Mommy a wedding garter (blue).
     Courtney endures sniping from Tracy and Alan as the Quartermaines arrive en masse on Spoon Island. Tracy gloats that at least there were no children from her two marriages into the Quartermaine clan (first AJ, then Jason). The wedding is about to begin. Lucky tells Nik that he isn't only his best friend but the best brother he could as for. Emily tells Liz that this magic isn't only till midnight but forever. Emily comes next and Nik is visibly moved by her entrance. Courtney notices and becomes distressed. Jax notices this and, right in the middle of the wedding, confronts her to tell him what she's been trying to hide. She blurts out that she is pregnant, that he's the dad, and then she leaves

October 31 - Lucky and Elizabeth say their own vows to each other and confess their undying love for each other. During the reception, Liz throws the bouquet and Alice catches it. When Lucky throws the garter, it winds up in Luke's martini glass and he and Alice happily dance to the polka. Nikolas finds Courtney outside and she tells him that Jax is the father of her baby. They are both disappointed, but Nikolas tells her he will still be a father to her baby. Jax walks outside and tells them that he's fully capable of being a father to his own child. He wants to try his relationship with Courtney again, but she tells him she is in love with Nikolas. Jax wonders how she hasn't realized that Nikolas is still hung up on Emily.

November 1 - Nikolas and Emily announce that Elizabeth and Lucky will be staying in the honeymoon suite at the Metro Court tonight and will take a train ride to Manhattan tomorrow. They are thrilled, but Elizabeth remembers she has to work tomorrow. Alan interjects and says that Elizabeth is off work, and Nikolas tells them both they are off work for the next two weeks. Emily is upstairs talking with Liz as she changes out of her wedding gown. Elizabeth tries to convince Emily that her marriage doesn't have to be over. She reminds her that she and Lucky once split up and were convinced they weren't mean to be together. Emily still thinks her relationship is over and tells Elizabeth that Nikolas is in love with Courtney now. Her actions prove that she is still in love with Nikolas, though. Outside, Lucky asks Nikolas what's been bothering him. Nikolas tells him that Courtney is pregnant and Jax is the father. Lucky thinks this is the perfect opportunity for Nikolas and Emily to get back together, but Nikolas has other ideas. He's in love with Courtney and is willing to help raise her child. Lucky warns him how protective Jax was with the surrogacy and his own child will be even worse. After the happy couple depart, Nik and Emily share a moment. She looks at him with tears in her eyes as she says that all fairy tales have to come to an end.

November 2 - Emily and Nikolas meet at the beautiful train car to make sure all is ready. The idea is for the couple to celebrate with their friends (before taking a more romantic honeymoon in Italy). Emily suggests they get tickets for a broadway show. Nik is quiet at this idea, and Emily suddenly realizes that he plans on bringing Courtney on the trip. Nik and Emily show up at the hotel with breakfast and told the happy couple to be ready for the train. Alexis is going to New York to get a fresh start. Emily saw her at the train station and invites her to go with them on their private train car. Alexis said yes, because Emily wanted a distraction since Nikolas is bringing Courtney. Nikolas invited Courtney to New York. Jax overheard and got upset. Jax claimed that it would be too dangerous. Courtney said that she will go to New York. When Courtney and Nikolas boarded the train, Jax boarded behind them. He said that he had is own train car hooked up to their train. Courtney and Nikolas try to relax and have fun together.

November 3 - Sonny gets on the train. He goes over to Emily and asks to speak to her alone and explains to her that he is taking the train to go see Carly at the mental hospital. Jax invites Courtney to go see the train car he rented to have hitched to the train. Courtney goes reluctantly, telling him they have a lot to talk about. Courtney tells Nik about her talk with Jax. Nikolas runs into Jax later and tells him off for trying to manipulate Courtney in hopes of getting her to stay married to him. Jax tells him that he wouldn't be able to control someone like Courtney anyway. Suddenly the lights go out on the train. Suddenly the other train controller calls out a warning over the radio that they are going to collide with his train.

November 4 - In the wake of the train collision, several dazed and injured passengers begin trying to extricate themselves and others from the wreckage. Elizabeth is horrified to find Lucky bleeding badly. Liz desperately calls out for help. As Nk, Courtney, and Jax get through to them, Liz cries to Nik that Lucy is hurt and needs help. Nik searches for a way out and other survivors. Emily hears him calling out and responds. He tells her that Lucy is hurt. Nik and Jax work to remove debri on their side, as Sonny, Ric and Emily work on the rubble on their end. Emily and Nikolas share an emotional reunion once a passage is cleared. Jax volunteers to search for a way out. Outside, Lulu begs her father to go after her brothers. He tells her he has every intention of going after his son. Lulu points out she has two brothers down there and Laura would want him to rescue both of them!

November 7 - The tunnel caves in and buries Lucky alive. Liz races against time to get him out from under the rubble. Luke finds them and helps Liz uncover Lucky. Once he's uncovered, they're both relieved to know that Lucky is still alive. Luke realizes that Lucky isn't breathing, though.Ric asks Emily how Alexis is doing. Emily hesitates and Ric asks her what's wrong. Before she can answer, Nikolas tells her Alexis needs her. The contractions are closer together now and Alexis is dilated to 6. Ric asks her what they would do for Alexis at a hospital, and Emily tells them they would do a c-section.

Dvd #9C November 8 Nikolas goes to say goodbye to Alexis, Emily, and Courtney, while Liz and Luke prepare Lucky for the move. When Nikolas comes back, he and Luke carry Lucky toward the entrance Luke came in through. Nikolas and Luke put down Lucky so they can dig through the additional rubble that blocked the entrance. As they continue to dig, they hear voices. Alcazar and Jax are on the other side of the blocked entrance. They all hear each other and dig a hole small enough for Luke and Nikolas to pass Lucky through. Jax and Alcazar get Lucky through, but the hole collapses as Luke tries to crawl through. He does make it, through, and they rush Lucky over to triage to get him to the hospital as soon as possible. Back in the hole, Nikolas and Liz realize they are trapped. As Liz breaks down, both her and Nikolas start to cough. Liz passes out, and Nikolas realizes there are gasses in the chamber that are affecting them. Before he can find a way out, he collapses with Liz in his arms. Emily tells Ric and Alexis that if the contractions don't stop, both Alexis and the baby could be at risk. Emily finds an asthma drug that may help slow the contractions down. She can't give advice, but she can offer the drug to Alexis so that she can make the decision. After another strong contraction, Alexis decides to take the medicine. While they wait for the drug to work, Ric apologizes to Alexis and she admits she's always wanted him with her when the baby was born. The drug does slow the contractions down, but Alexis continues to dilate. The baby is stuck high up in the pelvis, so if they don't get Alexis out soon the baby could still die.

November 9 - Elizabeth and Nikolas passed out from a gas leak. Later, Nikolas stopped the leak and the two of them talked about what they will do when they get out of here. Elizabeth told Nikolas that she will find Lucky, go on her honeymoon, take lots of pictures and then have Emily and Nikolas over to Kelly's to look at them. Nikolas said that he couldn't believe that she was still playing matchmaker when they were buried in the tunnels. Jax found Elizabeth and Nikolas. He had dug out the debris that had collapsed the tunnel. Elizabeth asked about Lucky and found out that he was at the hospital in surgery. Mac asked them if they had seen Robin, they said that they hadn't. Jax and Nikolas refused to leave the area and returned to try to find Courtney.  Jax and Nikolas find Courtney collapsed on the floor of the tunnels. Courtney woke up. Jax is mad that she didn't stay with the rest of the others and risked herself and the baby. Nikolas told him to relax and concentrate on getting them out. As they did that, the tunnel collapsed on Nikolas. Jax wanted to run, but Courtney refused to leave Nikolas. Alexis asked Emily if a C-section would save her baby. Emily told her yes. Alexis told Emily that she must save the baby. Alexis' contractions grew stronger. She wanted a C-section. Emily has no experience with this and thought that they need to wait for the rescue team. Emily and Ric found a sewing kit, a fishing kit and alcohol. They had Alexis drink some of the alcohol and used it for sterilization. Robin and Emily talked about what was about to happen. Robin told Emily that they could get both Alexis and the baby out alive. Alexis is out. They began the C-section.

November 10 - Nikolas lays trapped under a heavy beam. Jax tries to help him lift it off of him. Courtney tries to help lift it with him but both Jax and Nikolas tell her to stay back and let them handle it since it isn't good for the baby for her to be lifting like that. Courtney feels helpless to help them but backs off. Suddenly, they hear a rumble nearby and worry about the tunnel collapsing on them. Their worst fears come true when part of the top of the tunnel collapses and lands on top of Nikolas before they can get him out. Courtney frantically tries to get the heavy rocks off of Nikolas. She gets upset when she finds blood near where Nikolas was laying. Jax tries to get the rocks off but they are too heavy and he tells her that they can't stay and must leave the area before more of the tunnel collapses on them. Courtney is reluctant to leave Nikolas. They believe Nikolas could very well be dead. Emily takes the news about Nikolas very hard. Courtney hugs her to comfort her. Nikolas surprises them all when he comes over and is very much alive. Emily runs over to him and hugs him in relief and joy. Courtney can't help but notice her reaction to seeing Nikolas. Robin performs the C-section on Alexis after the alcohol she consumed knocks her out cold. Robin has Emily help her and makes an incision. Robin tells Ric that they need to make a wider incision because the baby is too big and can't fit through her initial incision. Robin gets the baby out and tells Ric that the baby is a girl. Emily wraps the baby up in a blanket and hands her to Ric. Ric cares for the baby and takes a walk while Robin and Emily work on her.

November 11 - Determined to stay with Alexis, Ric asks Nikolas and Courtney to make sure his newborn baby girl gets safely out of harm's way.

November 14 - Alexis's bleeding slows down, but she knows she's still not in the clear. Alexis thinks Ric's concern is over Reese, though. She tells Ric that she won't hold him to the promises he made when he thought she was dying. He insists he was telling the truth. He goes outside to get some water for Alexis and vents to Reese over Alexis's change in behavior. Reese tells him that Alexis's misbehavior just meant she was feeling better. She told him about how Alexis came to her and asked her to stay away from Ric because she and her kids needed him. Ric is touched by Reese's confession. Reese tells him to do whatever possible to get Alexis to understand he loves her. She tells Ric she wishes they had met at a different time, and he agrees. Ric gives her a blanket since she is so cold and goes inside to see Alexis. As he leaves, Reese starts coughing more blood. Emily comes and examines Reese. She fears that Reese has some broken ribs, and insists that she lay down and relax. The medics get Courtney on a stretcher and tell Jax and Nikolas there's only room for one more person. Nikolas agrees to stay and let Jax go on the helicopter with Courtney and baby Molly.

November 16 - Emily collapses at the triage site while awaiting word on her brother in the wake of the explosion. After hearing the autopsy results, Emily kicks herself for failing to realize that Reese's cracked rib had also punctured her lung. A gloomy Nikolas confides to his brother how he's losing the woman he loves.

November 17 - Nikolas visits Lucky in his hospital room. He catches Lucky and Elizabeth kissing and cuddling in his hospital bed. Nikolas notices a file on the table and picks it up. He notices how much Lucky owes the hospital in bills. He insists on paying his debt but Lucky argues with him about it. Nikolas insists he won't hear anything more about it and doesn't give him a chance to argue any more that day. Nikolas shows up to see Courtney. He tells her that he will respect whatever decision she makes about what she feels is best for her baby but he wants her to know that he still is in love with her and hopes that she chooses to be with him and promises not to interfere with Jax being a father to her baby if he wants to. Courtney tells him that she needs to do what is best for her baby but that she wants to be with him also. Nikolas comes into her apartment and kisses her. Robin had a talk earlier with Nikolas at the hospital and admitted to him that she still loves Jason and that no man has compared to him since their breakup years ago.

November 18 - Jax walks in on a kiss between Courtney and Nikolas.  Nik is impressed with Courtney's bluntness with Jax when she asks him to leave. Courtney explains to Nik that she's changed her mind about her marriage to Jax and no longer feels she needs to stay with him for "the baby's sake." She loves Nik and wants to stay with him. He's good with that. She then asks him to go so she can call Jax and break the news to him.

November 21 - Nikolas tells Lulu she can't come back to Wyndemere with him and she accuses Lucky of having a hand in Nikolas's change of heart. She tells him her father should be the one telling her he loves her, not Lucky telling her. Luke walks in and admits that he does love her. 

November 22 - Courtney awakens to find Helena standing over her bed. Though Nikolas angrily orders his grandmother to vamoose, Helena reminds him how foolish it is to keep Courtney around when she's incapable of producing a Cassadine heir for at least another year. Nikolas cajoles Courtney to go away with him to a relaxing island paradise for the duration of her pregnancy.  Courtney explains to Nikolas why she'd rather stay close to family, friends and Dr. Meadows for the next several months.

November 23 - As Helena watches from her hiding place, Jax pulls Courtney from the water and frantically administers CPR. At the hospital, Nikolas and Jax hover near Courtney as she frets about suffering a second miscarriage. Nikolas takes steps to defang his grandmother.

December 1 - Courtney answers her apartment door to find Nikolas standing there with two big beefy guys standing behind him. She asks them who they are and what they are doing there. The men identify themselves as bodyguards Jax hired to protect her. She tells them to leave her alone or she will get restraining orders brought against them for trespassing without permission and tells them to tell Jax to back off as well. Nikolas comes into her apartment and Courtney is alarmed when she notices that Nikolas' left arm is in a cast and sling. She asks him what happened to him. He downplays how serious it is and tells her it is a result of being in a scuffle with Helena trying to have her committed. He hands Courtney an envelope. She opens it to find commitment papers inside for Helena. He tells her that Helena can't hurt her anymore because he had her committed to a mental asylum in Switzerland. Courtney notices he seems down about something else and asks him what is bothering him. Nikolas tells her that today is the one year anniversary of his wedding to Emily.
     Elizabeth calls Nikolas to ask him if she could take Cameron over to Wyndemere to pick out some holly for Christmas decorations and asks if she could meet him there. Nikolas agrees to meet her there at Wyndemere. Emily shows up at the hospital and tells Elizabeth that she has decided to go back to med school and give it another try. Elizabeth is pleased with the news. She tells Elizabeth that she had gone to Wyndemere with Cameron to pick holly for Christmas and lies and tells her that Cameron left his favorite stuffed animal behind. She asks Emily if she wouldn't mind going to Wyndemere for her to pick it up since she doesn't know if she will get out of work in time to go back to the launch to go pick it up. Emily agrees to do that favor for her. Emily gets to Wyndemere and finds Nikolas outside waiting for Elizabeth. When he tells her he was outside waiting for Elizabeth, Emily realizes that she lied to her to try to get them together in one place. Nikolas remembers it was their wedding anniversary and tells her. Emily tells him she wishes people would leave them alone and stop trying to bring them back together. Coleman watches them from the bushes with a camera in his hand.

December 2 On Spoon Island, Emily and Nikolas indulge in a nostalgic walk down memory lane. He asks her if she ever looks back and wonders how they got to this place? She admits that yes she has. He remembers when they were in love with each other. She laughs that they are doing exaclty what Elizabeth wanted them to do. He agrees they are falling right into the trap but admits that it is their anniversary and they are entitled to a few memories. She tells him that she wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him, that he gave her the strength to get through cancer. They were so connected that she could feel him through her dreams. He remembers that feeling of connection. She says that is how she knew he wasn't dead after the car accident. They finally get to the topic of Connor, and she admits that she shouldn't have tried to get through to him. She is sorry for not telling him about Connor sooner, for not sharing that pain with him, and blames that for destroying them. She grieves that she thought their love would last forever. She says that it is a sign of progress that they can discuss this so rationally. Acting on instructions from Jax, Coleman secretly photographs Emily's encounter with Nikolas.

12/5 Carly apologizes to Emily for everything she's ever done to her. Emily is hesitant to believe her apology, but Carly tells her she doesn't really care. She has a list of people to apologize to, and that's her only agenda. Before Emily leaves, Carly asks if she's still living with Sonny. Emily tells her she's living in the guest house, but Carly just asks if she will tell her boys hello.

12/6 Just as Sonny is telling Emily that Jason has opted not to have the surgery, Jason and Sam walk in and tell them that Jason has decided to go ahead with surgery. Emily is thrilled but filled with mixed emotions. As she leaves the room, Sonny gives a gift to Jason. It's an old charm the priest at his old church gave him as a boy. It stands for hope, love, and faith. All of those things he will need to get him through the surgery. Emily helps Michael with his English report. She finds out it is about her and how she has helped Michael and Morgan while Carly was away. As Michael is reading off all of Emily's wonderful traits, Sonny walks in and agrees with Michael's comments that they wouldn't be able to survive without her. Nikolas and Courtney go to drop off a stroller as a gift to Alexis and Ric. As they are visiting, Jax comes to drop off a gift as well. They take that as their cue to leave.

12/8 Sonny finds Emily sleeping on the couch in the living room with a book on her lap. He doesn't realize she is having a dream about him and her having a romantic evening. In the dream, Nikolas walks in to find her kissing Sonny and asks her to come back to him and that he made a mistake. Emily tells him that she is with Sonny now and that she won't let him break her heart again. Emily wakes up from the dream and Sonny comes over to see if she is okay. Sonny starts talking to her about Jason but she thinks he is talking about how he has feelings for her. Emily tells him she feels the same way but feels embarrassed when he mentions Jason's condition and realizes he wasn't talking about having romantic feelings toward her. Emily pretends to go along with what he is saying as if she knew all along what he was talking about.

Meanwhile, Nikolas meets with Alexis at the hotel. Alexis tells him not to rush through getting a divorce from Emily just because he feels like he should stay with Courtney. He tells her he and Courtney are in love and that his marriage is over.

Sonny had told Emily she had mail that came in. Emily opened it to find divorce papers inside for her to sign. Courtney doesn't see the papers. Emily isn't too pleased to see her but is civil to her for awhile. Courtney upsets her when she suggests that Emily allow Carly to take care of her children and move out and live her life again. Emily gets defensive and insists she and Sonny aren't romantically involved and that she can take care of the children just fine. Courtney tells her she still feels bad for her when she sees her and doesn't know what to say to her. Emily takes out the divorce papers and signs them and tells Courtney to take them back to Nikolas and leave her alone. Nikolas walks into the room and sees what she is doing.

12/9 A raging snowstorm hits Port Charles. As Emily fights back tears, temporary-Nik signs the divorce papers, and he and Courtney leave. As Courtney presses her man to go back inside and soften the blow to Emily, a small tree in Sonny's yard falls on her! "NO!" shouts the Cassadine prince. Using his good arm, Nik and a passerby get the tree off the bleeding young woman and carry her inside. When asked by her now-ex-hubby to aid his new love, Emily freezes solid. Fortunately, though she flutters in and out of consciousness, Court is okay. Em attributes her behavior to her failure in saving Reese, nothing personal against Courtney. Nikolas urges her to not give up on her dream.

12/13 Sam goes to Carly, Sonny, and Emily to help her pull off a good Christmas for Jason. They all return with a Christmas tree and presents. One present for each day until Christmas. Emily is also going to try to bring the boys in to see him once he's a little better.

In the lobby at the hospital, Sonny and Emily talk while Carly watches. Carly takes a moment to talk to Emily, much to Emily's despair. She tells Emily she's been where she is and she knows about the dreams you have when you're in love with someone. She warns Emily not to let Sonny own her. Justice comes to take Carly back to Rose Lawn at Lainey's request, so Carly leaves.

12/14 At Mercy Hospital, Courtney (with Nik by her side) is prepped for her fetus' DNA sample to be taken. However, just before kickoff she begins to have second thoughts-she still can't quite believe that her husband would stoop to the level of altering a DNA test just to beat Nik. Her angst, concern and doubt radiate from her large, blue eyes. But when Nikolas gives her an out, Courtney decides to step up to the plate and find out the truth once and for all.

Emily has barely gotten both feet inside of Kelly's before Jax stampedes her with contaminated charm, even going as far as snatching coffee off Penny's tray for her. Emily checks him-she hasn't forgotten his attempted setup of her and Nik. Forced to endure a barrage of questions about her living with Sonny, the young woman quickly gets annoyed and asks Jax to vamoose. Before leaving, the corporate raider becomes a history teacher with Sonny's past relationships the day's subject (he even compares her to the late Lily). Eventually the topic turns to Jax' unborn child-Emily chastises him for thinking a baby can save what amounts to a loveless marriage.

Soon, after the DNA samples have been taken, Nik and Courtney go to Kelly's; Jax overhears them talking about the baby outside and wants answers. 12/15 Nikolas and Courtney run into Jax at Kelly's. He asks Courtney what she was talking about concerning the baby. Courtney tells him she was just mentioning to Nikolas that she is so looking forward to the baby's birth. Jax talks to them for a few minutes and mentions that he heard that Emily and Sonny may be an item. Nikolas and Courtney dismiss that idea in front of Jax but when they talk alone at Kelly's, they voice their concerns. Nikolas worries that Sonny will hurt Emily. Courtney suggests he go to Emily himself and ask her if he is so concerned. He decides to do that.

However, Courtney finds him standing outside Kelly's when she comes out. She asks him if he talked to Emily. Nikolas tells her he decided not to talk to Emily and realized it was not his place to interfere in her life and tell her what to do regarding Sonny. He tells Courtney that all of his focus is on her and the baby. Courtney tells him that she got a call from the lab and learned that they are working on the paternity test right now and should know the results within the next few hours.

Emily returns to Sonny's. She has a fantasy where Sonny greets her at the door and kisses her as he is helping her with her scarf. She comes out of her fantasy to find him looking at her. She walks into the living room. He tells her they need to talk. Emily looks at him and wonders what he means. He points to the mistletoe and asks her who put that up. Michael and Morgan come downstairs. They tell Sonny Leticia put it up herself. Emily takes the kids to go get some decorations.

Carly shows up at Sonny's and finds Sonny and Emily and the kids having fun and looking like a family. She comes in and the boys and Kristina go running over to hug Carly. Emily takes the kids to go do some holiday decorating so Sonny and Carly can talk.

12/16 At Kelly's, Nik assures Court that no matter what the test results say, he will be her child's father, though he can't help but agree how much easier things would be if Jax were out of the picture. Court gets a call-the results are IN! Just as the two go to leave, Liz enters, in desperate need of a friend. Courtney goes off solo, and Nik lends his longtime pal an ear. After learning of the potential switch, Liz bolts the minute Emily walks in the door. When Nik hints she's into Sonny, she blasts him for it and leaves.

Courtney soon returns with the results-naturally, Jax happens in right behind her. The couple share their belief that the test could have been compromised "By YOU" says Nik. Jax is highly offended Courtney would think of him this way-or at least he pretends to be-and storms out. (We don't see or hear the results in today's episode).

**The End**

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