Early Robin #1  September 6-26, 1985 - 8 hr original edit

#1A  Robert arrives home to find Robin waiting for him in his living room; the cleaning lady let her in. Robert calls Burt and Frisco and Felicia to come over. They question Robin about her home address (she doesn't remember), and the name of the summer camp that she was picked up from (it was a funny Indian name). She tells them she is six years old and her grandmother was supposed to pick her up from summer camp but a nice man in a big black car picked her up. Her full name is Robin Saltini and they figure she is of Italian descent as her grandmother calls her, “Cara Mia”. She also tells them about her friend, “Love”.

Robin is tired and goes up to take a nap. Burt wonders if Robin is telling them the truth? Robert believes her that she is very open and tells them what she knows and is honest and tells them when she doesn't know something. Robert surmises that perhaps it was a kidnapping and the kidnapper got spooked. Frisco doesn't think that a kidnapper would bring her to the police commissioner's doorstep. They are all puzzled as to why Robin was dropped off at his house. Robert is bothered that someone would do this to her, but comments she doesn't seem at all scared or bothered by any of this. He says, “Poor little thing left out in the cold.” Frisco jokes that she is going to be running the house in no time and Robert will be putty in her hands. Robert isn't amused by this rather accurate observation. Robert asks Felicia to stick around, as Robin might be scared when she wakes up in a strange house. When Robin wakes up, Felicia tells her a story about a princess looking for a treasure that was guarded by terrible dragons and she met a singing prince.

Anna arrives home to find Philomena tied up and gagged. She releases her and immediately asks where Robin is? She assures Anna that the child is still at camp that she was leaving to pick Robin up from camp and she was hit over the head and tied up. They are both relieved that Robin is safe and that she wasn't home during the attack. Anna calls the camp and only gets an answering machine. Philomenia becomes hysterical with worry about what has happened to Robin. She wants Anna to call the police; she says then it will come out that she is Robin's mother and that will only put her in more danger. Anna assures her that she is sure the camp director would have taken Robin home when no one picked her up. Anna arrives at the camp and they tell her that she was picked up, that someone arrived with a letter from Robin's grandmother and the signature matched the one on file so they released Robin. Anna is furious over his carelessness and interrogates him about who picked up Robin and learns he was an Asian man.

Over at Roberts', he finds Robin asleep on the couch and picks her up to take her up to bed and discovers she was only faking sleep to get carried upstairs. She sweetly tells him that she is going to call him, “Robbie”. The next day, they make a game out of taking Robin's picture and she asks for one to be taken with Robbie. Then they get her fingerprint also making a game out of it.  Later, Robert asks her about her family. Robin doesn't have a mother or a father. She tells Robbie that she doesn't live with Love but wishes she could. He says that Love sounds very nice. She tells him that one day when she told love she wished she could be her mother that Love cried. Robin gets Felicia and Frisco and Robert to play tag with her.  A social worker arrives amidst their fun; she sits down and questions Robin about her family and where she lives in NY. As Felicia suggests that Robin go up and take a nap, she sadly observes that the lady is going to take her away. Robert promises her to try to work it out. After Robin leaves, the social worker says that with Holly being out of town and Robert leaving town in a few weeks that this isn't an appropriate placement. She points out that Robin has already begun forming attachments and will only wind up getting hurt and it would be best for Robin to be in the care of professionals.

They all plead their case, and she says maybe if Holly was there but doesn't really approve of the busy police commissioner taking on this obligation. Felicia offers to take care of her, but the social worker points out that living at Kelly's wouldn't be an appropriate placement. They compromise that Felicia will move into Robert's, and with Robert's state of the art security system will keep her safe. Since she is already comfortable there they point out that would be easier for Robin. The social worker agrees but it only for two weeks with the hope that Robin's grandmother will be found within that time frame.

Anna returns home and Philomenia becomes hysterical again worrying over Robin. She insists that Anna has to contact Robert and tell him about Robin and ask for his help. Anna is resistant and Philomenia points out Anna doesn't have anymore time. Robert goes up to Robin's room, and as she wakes up, he tells her that she is going to stay there with him. She tells him that she had a dream that he wouldn't ever let any stranger take her away because he was her daddy (the look on Robert's face is priceless). Downstairs, Robert stands quietly at the bottom of the stairs, lost in thought.

Frisco comes into the room and tells him that he is hooked, that he can't stand to be separated from Robin for more than five minutes. He laughs that he never thought he would see the day that Robert Scorpio would be swept off his feet by a six year old. Frisco admits that Robin has also swept him and Felicia off their feet. Robert tells Frisco that even though Robin is brave and won't admit that he knows she is scared. He has to go to New York and see if he can uncover any additional information. Robert asks Frisco to stay at the house and look after Robin. Frisco asks if he thinks Robin is in any sort of danger? Robert says no but he couldn't live with himself if anything happened to that little girl.

Philomenia continues to beg Anna to tell Robert about Robin. She finally agrees and makes plans to head to Port Charles. As Anna is about to leave, a note is slipped under her door warning her not to contact the police and to wait for them to call. Philomenia does not want to wait any longer and wants Anna to go through with contacting Robert. Anna refuses and is going to follow the instructions to wait for the call, she points out that someone might be watching the house. Felicia comments on how attached Robert has gotten to Robin. She observes it's going to be hard on him when Robin is reunited with her family, he says yes but that is where she belongs. He does say that if her family isn't found that he is considering adopting her, that she has made him realize he wants to have children. Robin makes him pancakes and tells him he has to eat them all, as he is too skinny.

Robert tells Robin that he has to go to New York on business and she astutely realizes that he is going to look for her grandmother. He says yes she is right and that he hopes her grandmother's sprained ankle is better. Robin is eager to see her grandmother as she misses her very much. He tells her she has been very brave and to be patient a bit longer. She wants to go with him but he says not this time. To cheer her up the offer her an Italian Ice, turns out this is her favorite. He mentions he has a friend that also loves Italian Ice and they will have to meet sometime (referring to Anna).

After Robert has left, Frisco and Felicia walk down on the docks with Robin. As Derek distracts Frisco (who happens to be wearing the Teen Time jacket), an Asian man grabs Robin's doll and as he is running off, Frisco tackles him and gets the doll back. They are horrified that someone would try to take her doll and are very puzzled by this. Frisco immediately decides to take Robin home where she will be safe. He has Josh bring by some things for him as he is staying there that night. Felicia offers him a room upstairs but he says no he will sleep downstairs on the couch. Robin asks him if her doll will be safe tonight? He says yes, he engages the alarm, and tells her that he promises that her and her doll will be safe. Philomenia goes to the police station and starts to report Robin's kidnapping but as the officer begins asking questions, she abruptly leaves. Robert is also there but just misses Philomenia, he reports that he has Robin and finds that there are no reports of a missing girl that fits her information. Robert doesn't understand why her family hasn't reported her disappearance.

As Frisco sleeps on the couch, someone enters the house and begins searching. As he goes upstairs, Frisco wakes up with an uneasy feeling and begins looking around for any sign of entry. The thief comes downstairs with the doll and as he struggles to get the door unlocked, Frisco enters from the kitchen and tackles him and retrieves the doll, the thief knocks him down and flees through the door (now the security alarm goes off). Frisco has no idea how the thief was able to enter. He tells Felicia that it was the same guy who tried to steal the doll on the docks. Frisco tells Felicia that the wire of the security system was cut, and then he cut through the glass on the windowpane. He says it was good that Robert had the second security system.

Philomenia returns and Anna questions her where she went? Philomenia admits that she went to the police station. Anna tells her that she could have been followed. Anna says she now has to immediately go to Robin. Robert is still at a NY police station and says he wants to go through every missing child report from all summer. The NY cop observes that this seems personal for Robert. He admits he has taken a personal interest as he has become very fond of this child in the short time he has known her. Frisco tries to contact Robert but he hasn't returned to his hotel as he is pulling an all-nighter at the NY police department. Felicia is worried as she thinks Robin is in terrible danger. They still don't understand why anyone would be after a child's doll or why anyone would want to hurt a sweet kid like Robin. Frisco tells Felicia to go back to bed and he will stay up and keep watch. The next morning, Anna arrives at the PCPD and demands to see Robert. She is told he is out of town and she demands to know where he is! The uncooperative officer says he doesn't know.

Josh arrives at the Scorpio residence and tells Frisco that Derek is demanding Frisco return to work. He asks Josh to continue to cover for him, as he needs a few more days. Robert calls to check in with Frisco, Frisco tells him that about a guy trying to steal Robin's doll down on the dock yesterday. He then tells him about the break in last night. Robert says he will immediately return home. Frisco thanks Josh for covering for him with Derek, and gives him his Teen Time jacket as a thank you. Frisco and Felicia take Robin out for pizza, just as they leave a frustrated Anna calls Robert's house but there is no answer. Burt shows up at the pizza place with a bodyguard to watch over Robin. Josh (wearing the Teen Time jacket) and Terri stop by their table. Frisco leaves the table to call Derek. The Asian guy comes in and sees Josh in the jacket, and Felicia and Robin at the jukebox. He slips something to an Asian waiter and points out the guy in the jacket (indicating Josh). Before Josh leaves, he gets a soda to go and an Asian waiter slips something in it before giving it to him. Josh and Terri walk down on the docks and get into a verbal shouting match with Kevin, he and Josh being to fight and Kevin punches Josh. Josh gets an odd look on his face, grabs his stomach and collapses and dies.

When Anna can't reach Robert, she heads to GH to talk to Grant. Celia sees her and confronts her, “You have a lot of nerve showing back up here! Holly left for Australia and the coast is clear!” Anna assures her that her being in Port Charles has nothing to do with Holly. Celia argues that as long as she is interfering in Holly's marriage it does concern Holly.  Grant comes up and wants to know what is going on (overhearing Celia's tone with Anna). Anna tells him that she needs his help; he recognizes her distress and tells Celia that is enough! He tells her that whatever Anna is doing back in town is none of Celia's business! She snaps back that she will leave Anna alone when Anna leaves Robert alone. Jimmy Lee comes up also wanting to know what is going on? Grant asks Jimmy Lee to take his wife and go. Jimmy Lee also wants to know what Anna is doing back in Port Charles? Grant says not now and tells them both to go. Celia says fine that she doesn't want to hear anymore of Anna's lies.

After they have left, Anna tells Grant that she has never been so terrified in her entire life and she doesn't know what she is fighting and she is completely in the dark. She tells him that a little girl has been kidnapped; she is a friend of the child's grandmother. She tells him they left a note but no ransom but warned them not to go to the police or they would hurt Robin. She asks if he knows where Robert is? He tells her that he went to NY but will be back later that day. Grant listens and tells her that anything he can do to help but at the moment he can't think of anything. He agrees that she needs to talk to Robert as soon as he gets back in town. He asks her to have Robert call him later and tells her again that if she needs anything, if he can do anything to just let him know.

Robert returns home and inspects the doll but he doesn't see anything to indicate why anyone would want it. He checks the body and the head and doesn't find anything. He goes through the whole sequence of events from Robin being picked up from camp, to the two attempts of stealing Robin's doll. Robert astutely figures out that there are two opposing forces at work here, and the person who brought her to Robert didn't steal the doll. Robert gets a call about Josh and has to tell Frisco that Josh was found on the waterfront, that there was a fight and Josh is dead. Frisco doesn't believe it and is in complete shock and is sure that it must be a mistake. Robert says he is very sorry that he knows how close Frisco was with Josh. Robert urges Burt to go over to the brownstone, and Frisco and Felicia go as well.

Robert heads upstairs and overhears Robin saying her prayers; she says that Robert is trying hard to look for her grandmother. She comments that he is too skinny and asks God to give him strength. Robert is touched and says it is nice that she included him in her prayers. She says, “Why not? Your okay!” He is glad to hear that but he says people don't include him on a regular basis. She asks how does he know? Maybe they do. He allows that much and then tucks her into bed. She teaches him about a bedtime routine and tells him that he should ask if she has brushed her teeth. He sits with and she tells him that she missed him while he was in New York. He tucks her into bed, and then she asks for a hug, which he happily gives. She tells him that her grandmother and Love tuck her into bed every day and give her big hugs. He asks if she sees Love every day and Robin says yes (I guess except for the five months that she was in Port Charles, though I did notice how often she returned to NY!). Robin tells him that Felicia promised her a story. He has had no experience telling a bedtime story, so he starts off with, “There are a whole lot of good guys and a whole lot of bad guys.” (Fade to black) The show returns with the end of the story and the good guy winning the day. Robin asks a couple of clarifying questions on exactly how it ends up and do they live happily ever after? She seems satisfied with his ending.

Anna finally arrives at Robert's door and is worried by all of the guards. He tells her not to worry, and asks what is wrong? She tells him that she is in terrible trouble. At that moment, Robin comes downstairs and Anna can't believe her eyes. Robin calls out, “Love?” They run into each other's arms and Anna picks her up and hugs her. Robin comments that Anna's hair is now brown like Robin's. Anna says yes that she got tired of being blonde. Robin observes that Anna looks like her now and that when people see them together that they will think that she is her mother. As Robin asks about her grandmother and Anna assures her that she is in NY and is fine, Robert gets the oddest look on his face. From the moment that he realized that Anna is “Love”, he has begun putting it altogether, Robin's age, the fact that she doesn't have any parents, that she sees “Love” every day and would like for her to be her mother. Robert croaks out, “Anna, what is going on here?” She looks at Robin and tells him that it is a long story and she will tell him all about it but first they have to call her grandmother. Robert asks about the grandmother, and Anna tells him that it is Philomenia further cementing that Robin is Anna's daughter. Philomenia is thrilled to hear Robin's voice and that she is safe.

Anna points out that Robin was in bed and should be getting back to bed. One of the guards asks if Anna will be needing an escort home, and Robert says no that she will be staying with his other guest. He assures Robin that Anna will be here when she wakes up in the morning. Anna comes downstairs later after Robin is asleep. Her and Robert sit down to talk and he asks that Robin Saltini should be Robin Scorpio, shouldn't it? He says that Robin is six years old and she captured her heart just like someone else did almost seven years ago. He asks her to tell him that he is right. She tells him that the name on her birth certificate is Robin Scorpio.  Anna is happy to hear that she captured his heart; Anna believes that is because she was born out of love. He asks if Robin was the secret that she had wanted to tell him about when she thought he was dead? She says yes but that she just couldn't interfere in his life anymore because of Holly. He says he understands. She says that she never wanted to use Robin as a pawn, as some hold over Robert.  He says until she was kidnapped and brought to Robert and he questions why? Anna tells Robert about the Asian man that showed up at Robin's camp with a perfectly forged letter authorizing him to take Robin from the camp.

Anna shows him the note that the kidnappers left under her door. He now understands why he and Burt had no luck with the NY police. Anna doesn't understand why they kidnapped her and brought her to Robert? He asks if the DVX knows that he is Robin's father. She doesn't know but obviously someone does. Robert tells her about the two attempts to steal Robin's doll and the only thing that prevented the theft was Frisco's quick action. Anna assures him that since Robin was born that she has kept her identity a secret. Anna believes Robin is in danger and she doesn't like it. Robert also can't figure out the connections here. He marvels, “Our child” and says that Robin is gorgeous, charming, and intelligent but is that just because he is her father? She laughs but didn't you think that of her before you knew she was your daughter? He says yes he did. He commends her that she has brought up a wonderful daughter. He says it must have been very hard for her not to tell Robin that she was her mother. She said she just couldn't because of her past. He says he isn't leaving Port Charles until he finds out who is threatening his child! He determines he will bring Philomenia to Port Charles.

Back in NY, someone slips another note under Philomenia's door. Robert is questioning Terri about Josh's death and she keeps insisting that Kevin is responsible but she won't give him any details as to the motive. He tells her that Josh was poisoned by cyanide and Kevin doesn't have a motive. He tells Terri he has had it with her until she will tell him about the past that links her to Kevin. He has another case very close to his heart and doesn't have the time to deal with her. He is frustrated that she won't tell whatever secret she is keeping. Bobbie stays behind after Terri leaves, she doesn't believe Patrick had anything to do with Josh's murder. Robert encourages her to get information on the relationship between Terri, Patrick, and Kevin and approves of her going to Laurelton to investigate.

An Asian gentleman (the actor from Star Trek), meets with Robert and tells him that a group calling themselves the green shirts have been terrorizing the Asian Quarter. Afterwards, he calls Mr. Woo and happily reports that he contacted the police with the false report about the green shirts. Philomenia arrives and is happily reunited with Robin and with Anna. Anna calls and tells him that there has been another threat against Robin. He says he will be right there. When he arrives he greats Philomenia and comments for the viewers that she helped him out of the sea, led them up to the town, dressed them, and led them to their wedding. She says that she loves Anna like a daughter and Robin like her own granddaughter. Anna shows him a note that says, “Robin's don't chirp in the fall.” (Given that this scene aired in September that is a definite threat). Robert doesn't understand who would want to threaten their daughter. He asks Anna who else knows of her connection to Robin? She says no one. He believes that all of those times she went to visit Philomenia and Robin that she was followed. He doesn't understand why they waited so long as she hasn't been in NY for months. Anna believes that whoever is behind this wanted Robert to know that Robin is his daughter before they made their next move. Frisco is walking on the docks, wearing the Teen Time jacket, and two Asian guys go after him. He hides and evades them but realizes that he is wearing the jacket that Josh wore the day he died. He goes to the studio and tells Felicia that they were after him and that Josh was killed because he was wearing Frisco's jacket and they mean to kill Frisco!

Robert, Robin, Anna, and Philomenia arrive at Kelly's. Robin recognizes Yang and goes over and says hello. He doesn't know her; she says that she saw him at her camp. She has a flashback to her ball rolling into the trees and him reaching for it. Another Asian man came along to pick her up and take her home and the Yang look-alike gives her the silent sign with his fingers to his lips. Robert takes Yang in for questioning; he reports he has a brother who looks very much like him. He says he believes that his brother is in trouble and on the run as Yang hasn't been able to reach him. Frisco arrives and asks to speak with Robert; he tells Robert that two guys just came after him while he was wearing the jacket. He believes that Josh wasn't the target but Frisco was! He tells Robert that is going to investigate Josh's murder. Robert doesn't discourage him but does warn him to stay out of the Asian Quarter.

Yang receives a note from his brother and brings it into show Robert. Robert recognizes the insignia of the Green Shirts. Yang says that they are a benevolent brotherhood of young Asians that help immigrants. Robert says that a prominent member of the Asian community complained about them earlier and they are no better than a pack of thugs. Yang assures Robert that information is not correct. Burt interrupts to bring a note that was dropped off, “We can take the little girl as fast as we grabbed her doll.” Anna is shocked and says this has turned into a nightmare! At the end of the note is the insignia of the Green Shirts. Yang is sure that the seal is being used to discredit the Green Shirts and says he will prove it! After Yang leaves, Robert says this sounds like the same group that went after Frisco early that day.

Robin tells Ruby that she is getting her first pair of roller skates. Ruby recommends that all of the kids enjoy skating down on the docks. Anna takes Robin out and tries to hold onto her but Robin is eager to show her that she can do it on her own. As Robin makes her way across the dock, an Asian man pushes her down and runs. Anna is horrified to see her daughter pushed down and her knees skinned. She takes her to Kelly's and Buzz provides immediate medical attention to the skinned knees. Robin is disturbed and isn't able to finish her ice cream and just wants to go home. She tells Anna that the man hurt her and asks why he pushed her? She wants to see Robbie and tells Anna that when she grows up she is going to find herself someone just like Robbie.

Robert tells Anna that they can't let Robin out of their sight. Anna says it was no accident that it was a physical assault on her. Robert comments that Robin is so damn bright, it is scary! They recap the history of everything that has happened to date. Robert believes that they are after Frisco as he has seen something that is dangerous to them. Burt calls and tells Robert that there has been a bomb threat in the Asian Quarter. Robert brings Robin in to play a computer game, she quickly figures out he is trying to see if she can identify the man who pushed her down. She says she did see him and if she sees him again she is going to give him a good kick!  When she grows tired, Robert picks her up to take her up to bed. She asks for a kiss, and asks him to kiss her doll and then to kiss Anna. This is followed by an awkward moment; Robert leans over and kisses Anna on the cheek. Philomenia offers to take her up to bed. Robert tells Anna that she has done a wonderful job with Robin. He asks when is she going to tell Robin that she is her mother? He assures Anna that she has nothing to fear and that the past is put to rest. She admits that her heart aches to hear Robin call her mother. He says he understands, as he also would like Robin to know who he is. He comments that she also has a stepmother. Anna clarifies that he is going to tell Holly about Robin? He says yes once she is out of danger the three of them will sit down and tell Holly everything.

Robert gets a call that the bomb has been located. Anna is eager to go with him and reminds him that she is the best, that diffusing bombs is her specialty. When they arrive, the bomb squad tells them that the bomb can't be moved. Anna says it is a very sophisticated device that could do a great deal of damage. Robert orders a four-block area evacuated. Burt tells Frisco and Felicia that the evidence points to the Green Shirts being responsible for the bomb.  Anna investigates the explosive device; Robert asks if she sees any sign of a booby trap? She says no. Robert sends Frisco off to investigates who owns the building that the bomb is planted in. Robert wants the Green Shirts brought in for questioning. Burt says its the Green Shirts are helping to evacuate the Asian Quarter, he finds it odd that they would help if they are the ones who planted the bomb. Before Anna begins diffusing the bomb, she orders everyone out of the area, Robert included. He of course objects but she points out that she wants to know that Robin is safe and that she would have him and Holly to look out after her. He leaves but immediately returns and tells her to stop that he will find someone else to do it. She points out that there are only 26 minutes left and she has to get to work. He tells her that she better get to it then so that they can get home to their daughter. Anna diffuses the bomb with 10 seconds to spare! Robert notices a ring with the insignia of the Green Shirts located on the bomb. He brings them in for questioning, they tell him that they are dedicated to helping Asians and are completely against violence. They believe their enemies within the community are trying to smear their reputation and get rid of them.

Robin can't sleep as when the lights go out she feels like someone is after her. Philomenia sings her an Italian lullaby. Frisco calls to talk to Robert but Robin tells him that he will have to wait till the morning as its late and Robert sounded very tired when he called. Anna returns home to find Celia there and she lays into her, still trying to protect Holly. Celia accuses Anna of trying to steal Holly's husband and demands to know what she has on Robert. He enters and says, “Nothing”. He tells her that Robin is his daughter that he has called Holly and told her all about it. He also tells her that this is not for public knowledge and that neither he nor Anna can leave Port Charles until he finds out who kidnapped Robin and who is after her. Celia is shocked and says something about minding her own business and apologizes to Anna.

Frisco and Felicia tell Robert that Mr. Woo is the owner of the warehouse that the bomb was planted in. Bobbie stops by and fills Robert and Anna in on her trip to Laurelton. She tells them that something very odd is going on in that town as the whole town is hiding a secret and no one would talk to her about Terri's past. Robert tells her that Patrick has been cleared of the murder charges and he has just called Patrick to let him know. The soda that Josh was served at the pizza place was laced with cyanide. Once again Robert is surprised to hear that the waiter was Asian and there was another Asian customer there that night. Robert begins to believe that Josh's murder has something to do with the Asian Quarter mystery.  The next morning, Robert reads a newspaper report to Anna describing her heroic actions diffusing the bomb with only seconds to spare. She reads the article herself and says he left out the part that mentions that Robert Scorpio helped diffuse the bomb. Frisco and Felicia come in and comment on them being the town heroes.

Burt arrives and tells Robert that Mr. Wu is in town. Robert asks Burt to put the word out on the street that he would like to talk to the mysterious Mr. Wu. Burt is efficient and Mr. Wu shows up very soon afterwards. Robert begins questioning him about the treasure and he professes ignorance that the treasure was stolen and says that Mr. Donnelly was purported to be a man of high integrity by Anna Devane. He is surprised that Robert knows of his partnership with Mr. Yim in ownership of the warehouse. After he leaves, Robert retrieves a Polaroid picture that he had taken by a secret camera of Mr. Wu while he was there. Frisco and Felicia are down on the docks talking about the dangerous situation they are in; he is worried about her safety. Just as Frisco bends down, a knife is thrown at where his head was.

Mr. Wu meets with his grandson and he is very unhappy with his grandson's actions, as he has brought too much negative attention on the Asian Quarter. His grandson reports that his plan is working, that in all of his actions he is leaving the Green Shirts insignia and that Robert Scorpio is convinced that they are behind all of the trouble in the Asian Quarter. His grandfather commends him on his strategy. Burt tells Robert and Anna that Sean has escaped! Robert knows that Sean had to have had help in order to escape. Robert observes that he is beginning to believe that they are onto something a whole lot bigger than he thought. Frisco and Felicia arrive at the Scorpio's and tell Robert about the attempt on his life. Robert has called Yang over as well to put his plan into action. Robert goes over all of the threats that have happened against Robin, against Frisco, the bomb planted in Mr. Wu's warehouse, and Josh's murder. Robert wants to get to the truth of who is behind all of this. Yang insists that the Green Shirts are being framed. Yang and Frisco are going to work together to find Yang's brother. Felicia is going to try to find out what Jade might know, she is Mr. Wu's granddaughter and works at the teahouse but is unaware of Mr. Wu's activities. Robert is satisfied that his team is in place.

Sean arrives to meet with Mr. Wu and asks why he was kidnapped out of jail? Mr. Wu asks if he objects to having his freedom? Sean wants to know who Mr. Wu is and what he wants? Mr. Wu introduces himself and says he was detained in customs on Robert's orders and that is why he didn't show up for the treasure purchase on time. He tells Sean that there are two black pearls of absolute perfection and he will do anything to retrieve them. He believes that Robert has possession of the pearls. Sean scoffs at the idea that Robert would have anything to do with a jewel heist. Mr. Wu points out that Anna had the Jade Buddha's and used them to plant them on Mrs. Scorpio so both Anna and Robert had possession of the Buddha's. Mr. Wu tells Sean about the Ancient One and tells him that the pearls cannot fall into his hands or Mr. Wu will have business problems. Sean observes that if Mr. Wu is turning to Sean that he must have failed in his own attempt to retrieve the pearls. Mr. Wu says that Sean is or was Anna and Robert's best friend. He says they tried to threaten them but they didn't respond to the threat. He continues that he had their six-year-old daughter kidnapped. Sean is shocked and doesn't believe that they had a daughter. Mr. Wu informs Sean that until just recently Robert didn't know that he was the child's father and the child doesn't even know that Anna is her mother or that Robert is her father. Sean sets his terms for working with Mr. Wu and insists he has absolute freedom to work on his own. Mr. Wu meets with the Council of Six; they are concerned about his grandson's rash actions. Mr. Wu agrees that they need more experience at running the operation to retrieve the pearls and brings in Sean Donnelly. Sean comes in and tells the council that he will be putting into place his own plan to retrieve the pearls and it won't involve any violence, the Green Shirts or their insignia ring (all of the actions that the council disagreed with). After the meeting, Kim (Mr. Wu's grandson) complains bitterly about having his position taken away. He argues that Mr. Wu put him in charge of the Asian Quarter. Mr. Wu retort he is lucky that he has been given a second chance and if he continues in his rash behavior that he won't be so lucky next time!

#1B  Frisco tells Robert that he believes Mr. Wu broke Sean out of prison and has him stashed in his warehouse. Robert says they can't tip their hand that they are onto Mr. Wu as he will pack up his operation and move it elsewhere. Anna is down outside of Mr. Wu's warehouse, rather obviously taking pictures of the warehouse and trying to also sneak in some pictures of the council members as they exit the building. One of Mr. Wu's partners deliberately bumps into Anna knocking the camera out of her hand. He apologizes profusely, and asks her why she is taking pictures of such an ugly building?  Anna weaves a story about this used to the an Italian section of town before it was the Asian Quarter and these old buildings have sentimental value to her as this is where her grandmother was born and lived as a little girl. As she walks away, camera in hand, he comments that she is just a lovely Italian lady and no need to concern Mr. Wu with this not realizing he has just encountered the infamous Anna Devane!

As Yang continues to insist that the Green Shirts are good members of the Asian community, Frisco suggests that perhaps the Green Shirt's ring was stolen and is being used to discredit them. After they leave, Anna comments that Frisco gets more and more like a cop every day. He tells her that Frisco went to Burt and applied for a job as a cop but that he and Burt turned it down. Robert decides to call a meeting with the Green Shirts. Several of the Green Shirts attend Anna's self defense class, and she keeps one of them afterwards and takes him down, takes off his ring and tells him that Robert Scorpio wants to meet with him.

At the pizza place, a group of Green Shirts come in as Frisco and Felicia are finishing their pizza. Frisco notices that one of them isn't wearing his insignia ring and asks him about it and suggests they meet with Robert. He tells them he believes they are being set up for things they aren't responsible for, like the bomb that was set. Kim tells Sean that there is a new immigrant, Tai (?), who if allowed to talk to certain people could be a problem (he is Yang's brother). Kim tells Sean that Frisco is a threat as he has seen something that could put Kim in jail and he will make sure that Frisco won't talk. Sean states he will not be part of murder! Kim wants Frisco out of Port Charles and Kim will make sure that Frisco leaves Port Charles and keeps his mouth shut. An associate comes in and tells them that they have caught Frisco outside. Sean prevents Kim from leaving and tells him they are going over Sean's plan to retrieve the pearls.
Anna's pictures are used to identify all of the members of Wu's cancel as leading citizens from across the country but there is some hint of mob connections. Robert is able to put together that this is an extensive organization and even more strongly believes that they believe he and/or Anna have something that they want though they remain puzzled as to what it might be. Frisco calls Robert and tells him that he needs to see him ASAP and there is an air of urgency. He tells Robert that he saw the man who broke into Robert's and tried to steal Robin's doll. He tells Robert that he is Jade's brother. He tells Robert that he didn't let on that he recognized Kim. He urges Robert to arrest him immediately. Robert says that they need to wait in order to get evidence connecting him to Josh's murder.
Kim tells his grandfather, Mr. Wu, about Frisco and he is sure that Frisco recognized him even though he didn't let on. He is worried as Frisco can identify him and he wants him killed! Mr. Wu says he will not take any action, that the real enemies are Anna and Robert. Sean shows up at Anna's self defense class with three goons and tells her that something very valuable was inside the Jade Buddha's that is now missing. She tells him she has no idea what he is talking about that she didn't remove anything from the statues. He threatens robin's life if she doesn't turn over the valuables. She takes on the three goons one by one and has no problem taking them each down. Two ladies enter for the next class and break up the party and Sean and the goons scatter. A young woman arrives with a flower delivery for the Scorpio's, as Philomenia goes into the next room to get money for a tip; the woman takes Robin's doll and hides it in a floral box and after getting her tip leaves with the doll!

Frisco tells Robert that the Green Shirt guy's explanation checks out, he did get hit over the head the night that he says he was knocked out and his insignia ring was stolen. Frisco suggests that he go undercover and make the bad guys think he has changed and is with them. Robert is hesitant and warns him that everyone would have to believe the story, including Tony and Felicia. Robert says that Felicia would also have to believe the story or it would be very dangerous for her that Anna is the only person they can tell. Frisco assures Robert he is willing to do this and says that he is the only person that they might believe will turn. Frisco runs into one of the TV reporters who tell him that she is going to do a live remote from a dive bar and this gives him an idea.

Anna tells Philomena that Mr. Wu's goons have warned her that if she doesn't return what was stolen that they will take Robin. Robin tells Anna that she can't find her doll anywhere, she points to the chair where she last left the doll. Anna finds a note telling her that they have taken the child's doll to show her how easily they could take Robin. The two guards aren't available and Anna realizes she has to take Robin into hiding. Anna comments to Philomena that Mr. Wu thinks she has something that was hidden inside the Jade Statue. Robin overhears and has a flashback about playing with the priceless Buddha's and accidentally finding the black pearls. She put them in the doll as eyes and commented that now she looked like Love.  Philomena tells Anna that they can go to her friend at the pizza parlor and she will hide them. Unfortunately they are spotted by some of Wu's men and they follow them. Robert returns home and becomes worried when no one is home and there is no note explaining their absence. He finds out that the floral company that makes a weekly delivery of Holly to him (a reminder from Holly), had their delivery truck stolen that morning. Robert finds the warning note and realizes that Anna has taken Robin to safety. Grant has arrived and Robert fills him in. Grant offers to stay and wait for Anna to call.

Frisco calls Robert and tells him he has an idea on how he can go undercover and tells him to watch the evening news. Frisco goes to the bar and starts drinking and looking quite scruffy. Robert meets him later and tells him that he did a great job with the news report. Yang gets a call from his brother and heads down to meet up with him. Tai enters the pizza parlor where Anna has taken refuge, he is recognized and he runs out and is hit by a car.  Robert and Frisco hear the crash and Robert gets a report that it was a hit and run with a black sports car. Frisco says they can use this set up as he owns a black sports car and this will set up him up to be on the wrong side of the law. Robert is very hesitant, as he doesn't believe Frisco understands what he is getting himself into, that he could lose everything and destroy his life. Frisco is adamant and points out that he is alive but Josh is dead! Tai is brought into the hospital, Felicia and Jade wait anxiously with Yang for word on his condition. Robert breaks the news to Felicia about Frisco's behavior at the Bucket of Blood. He tells her that Frisco was drunk and he made quite a spectacle of himself (he grabbed a girl and kissed her). Robert heads to the PCPD and learns that Tai has died. Frisco is arrested and brought in and charged with vehicular homicide. Robert visits Frisco in his cell and tries to talk him out of doing this. The stakes have gotten much higher since Tai died.  Frisco remains adamant that he has to do this. They talk about his story, which is lame and does make Frisco look even guiltier. Robert tells him that he will have to jump bail and go to the Asian Quarter. He warns Frisco that he will be cut off from everyone who cares about him, all of his friends including Robert. He warns him that Robert will play his part to the hilt and won't hold anything back. Frisco says that is the way he wants Robert to play it. Frisco tells his story to Jake and as much as he wants to believe Frisco it doesn't look good for him.

Anna becomes increasingly nervous about the presence of Wu's goons in the pizzeria as the place begins to empty out. Her friend takes the three of them into the kitchen while her husband stands guard at the kitchen door. They goons demand entrance but he firmly stands his ground to protect the ladies. Anna sneaks out through another exit and is determined to get to Robert.  As they sneak through alleys hiding, in great danger from their pursuers. They run across a group of Asian men without escape. However, the leader tells them that they are Green Shirts and offer them their protection and will escort them out of the Asian Quarter immediately as there are gangs everywhere looking for them. Anna is able to call home and tells Grant the situation. He relays the information to Robert who immediately heads over there.

Just as Wu's goons are pounding on the door to the warehouse that they are hiding in, Robert arrives to arrest them all! Grant is looking into the glass hutch and sees Sean's reflection, he doesn't give away that he sees him as Sean comes up behind him and knocks him out. He takes his family home and Anna tells him that she learned that there was something valuable hiding in the Buddha's that is now missing. Robert and Anna find the semi-conscious Grant and he tells them about Sean's actions. Yang meets with his grandfather, the Ancient One, and he tells him the story of the Jade Buddha's and explains that Mr. Wu is their enemy. He tells him this is why Tai was killed, that he is responsible. His grandfather tells him that he must take up where his brother left off; he must find the black pearls. They are to set his people free from having to work in slave labor jobs. His plan is to use the money from the sale of the pearls to pay for the loan on the cannery and fishing fleet.

Robert shows up at the dive bar in a disguise and meets with Frisco. He warns Frisco that Yang is out for blood over his brother's death. Robert later learns that the Buddha's actually belong to the Ancient One, Yang's grandfather. Anna believes the Green Shirts arrived to protect her at just the right moment, almost as if someone didn't want her to get hurt. Anna wonders who her guardian angel might be. Robert goes to see Ginny Blake, he isn't happy at her efforts to make a hero out of Frisco. She doesn't believe that Frisco is guilty, but Robert points out that he is currently out on the run. He reports to her that there is an eyewitness to the accident. She interviews him on her show and he has to play the part of believing the evidence against Frisco.  When Robert returns home, Anna warns him that Robin saw the show and is not at all happy with him for what he said about Frisco. Robin comes down and says she thought that he was Frisco's friend. He insists that he is. She wants to know why he said all of those mean things about Frisco? He tells her that it his job and she doesn't like his job very much.

Yang finds Frisco in the Asian Quarter and confronts him and they fight. Frisco also plays his part; it is just outside of Mr. Wu's office. Sean overhears the fight and brings Frisco inside after he has been knocked down as Yang goes to get the police. Sean is amused by the creativity but he isn't buying the act at all though and wonders why they will come up with next?  Frisco doesn't let up and he does do a great job of playing a destroyed man. They hear sirens in the distance and while Frisco acts nervous, Sean figures its part of the set up. Cops actually do arrive as Frisco and Sean hide. Olin answers the door and talks to the cop. They assume that she can't speak English and she wows them with her slang talk as her 16-year-old grandson taught her English. She denies having seen Frisco or Sean.

After the cops leave, the both praise Olin for her actions in protecting them. Sean is surprised that Frisco didn't turn him in; as if he was working for Robert he would have alerted the cops to Sean's presence. So Sean buys his story and says he will go see someone who might be able to help Frisco. Robin is getting antsy with the confinement and begs to go to school, even wants to play school with Anna being her teacher. She complains about not having any friends or anyone to play with. Robert promises her he will figure out a way for her to play with some kids her own age. After she goes upstairs, Anna asks how could he make that promise to Robin, as it isn't safe for her to leave the house. He says she has to live her life and needs to be with other children. He says he will figure something out.

While Robert is out, Holly calls and talks to Anna (no we don't see Holly). Anna tells Philomenia that Holly has offered to have Robin live with her in Australia where she will be safe. Philomenia is horrified that a mother can't give up her child! Anna tells Robert about Holly's suggestion when he comes home. He tells her that he has been thinking about it since he found out she was his daughter. She knows he would love to have Robin go and live with him in Australia with Holly. She tells him that she has lost a husband to Holly; she isn't about to lose her daughter! An upset Anna leaves, Robin comes down and Robert tells her that he is taking her to the children's ward at the hospital. There is a little girl in the hospital who has Cindy, Robin's doll, give to her by another friend to keep her company while she is sick.

Felicia finds Frisco at the dive bar; she is so relieved to find him and insists that they go to the DA together. Mr. Wu comes in and sits in the back, Frisco notices him and tells Felicia that he can't go back that there is no going back for him. He tells her that he got in his car when he was drunk and he hit and killed that kid. He is very blunt; she is devastated by his behavior and his words and runs out sobbing. Kim tells Frisco that he passed a very important test; he has cut off all ties with his past. A heartbroken Felicia pours her heart out to Robert and you can tell the toll this undercover job is taking on her is hard for him but he sticks to it and doesn't waver. Buzz calls Robert and tells him he has seen Robin's doll with one of his young patients. Robert falls the child's mother to Mr. Wu's office. Mr. Woo insists that they don't know anything about any child's doll.  Robert accuses him of stealing the doll, and he goes into full avenging father mode, “If I catch you or any of your rag tag bunch around my kid again, I'm going to tread on the lot of you just like the cockroaches you are!” He tells him that all these goings are on the part of a much larger plan and Robert intends to find out what that is!

**The End**

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