Early Robin #2  October 8 - November 11, 2008 - 8 hr original edit

#2A  Yang tells Robert that there were two very valuable black pearls hidden inside the Jade Buddha's and they are missing and Wu believes that the Scorpio's have them. Olin's grandson works as a contact between Frisco and Robert, and arranges for Robert to meet with Frisco.  Frisco tells Robert that Wu has demanded another test of his loyalty, to kidnap Robin! When Robert returns home and tells Anna, she has a fit and refuses to listen to him. Robert warns Anna that if Frisco doesn't obey orders that Wu will have him killed. He assures her that Frisco can snatch Robin at GH, and Anna and the Green Shirts will take her back. This way, Frisco has proven his loyalty and this will actually help keep Robin safer.

The next day, Robert has dismissed the guards and Anna continues to be concerned. She points out that Robert is a professional but Frisco isn't. Robert reminds her that Frisco has done a good job on this case. Anna says she doesn't want Robin frightened and they have to keep it a game. They sit Robin down and tell her she is going to play a game with Frisco, that he is going to pretend to take her away with him but then Love and some of her friends are going to take Robin back. She is told the game has rules that will make it more exciting and that the game has to be an absolute secret even from Felicia. Kim goes over the kidnapping plan with Frisco. Frisco wants a guarantee that Robin will be kept safe and no harm will come to her. He warns Kim that Robin is important to him and he won't allow anything to happen to her. After Frisco leaves, Kim tells one of the guys that if there is any double cross that Frisco will be a dead man.

They arrive at GH, the plan is in place but Philomenia gets a call that her cousin is in emergency and all thoughts of the plan leave as she hurries to see her. Robin is distressed over Philomenia not being there for the game. Felicia offers to take her home and offers to play the game with her. Robin tells her that she doesn't need anyone else for the game but likes the idea of Felicia taking her home.  As Felicia and Robin exit GH, Frisco grabs Robin. Felicia grabs Frisco and he has to push her down to get away. Frisco runs and as they hid around a corner, he tells her she has to stop laughing and has to fight him and scream as that is part of the rules of the game. Felicia has followed them and hears Robin's screams and comes up and grabs him. He pushes her down again to get away. Robert comes up behind her and knocks her out.

Anna arrives and takes Robin away from Frisco with the help of the Green Shirts. Kim joins the fight and he and Frisco are both knocked down. Felicia later finds Frisco's bloodied cap. Robert and Anna return home with an excited daughter who had fun with the game but wants to know if the game could ever become real? (There is a moment of reality here, as every child fears this. Finola and Tristan respond in a very light, joking manner to assure her, almost seemingly to reassure Kimberly). After they take Robin up to bed, a distraught Felicia arrives at Robert's. Her world has turned upside down; they assure her that Robin is home safe and sound. Felicia shows them that Frisco's cap has blood on it. Frisco is cut and bleeding, Kim comes in and demands answers! Frisco turns it around and blames Kim as he promised him protection and where was his protection? He has the cuts and bruises to prove it. Frisco believes that Kim has a leak in his organization. Kim warns Frisco that he will find out exactly what went wrong with this plan and any traitors will pay dearly.

Felicia makes her way to The Bucket of Blood looking for Frisco. She overhears Olin's grandson singing “Lady of My Heart” and confronts him and begs for his help and asks him if he has scene him? He finally admits he does and agrees to take her there, blindfolded and with a big hat. She tends to Frisco but when he wakes up and finds her there he demands that she leave! He tries to tell her that he has changed, that he wants her to forget about him that after he killed Tai that he is different and doesn't want the same life. She tells him how much she loves and believes in him and doesn't believe that he killed Tai. She wants to take care of him. She is horrified of his condition and wants to watch over him and protect him. He tells her how much danger she is in but she doesn't care. She demands that he tell her that he doesn't love her and he can't do it. She wants to hide out with him but he tells her that her presence would be putting him at even greater risk, this finally convinces her to leave. As soon as she steps outside, Kim kidnaps her. He plans on using her for leverage against Frisco.

The next morning, Tony calls Robert and tells him that Felicia has disappeared that she didn't come home last night. Robert goes over to see him and Tony badgers him about Felicia, not understanding that Robert has already put cops out on the street looking for her. He tells Tony that he has to wait 24 hours before he can place a missing person's report. Kim interrogates Felicia all night and she tells him repeatedly that she doesn't have any black pearls and doesn't know what he is talking about. Finally losing his patience, he brings in Sean. Sean tells Felicia that she has 48 hours to bring in the black pearls or Frisco will be killed! A hysterical Felicia shows up at Robert's and tells him and Anna that Frisco is going to be killed! She tells him that the threat didn't come from Kim but from Sean. Felicia tells Robert that Frisco is in more danger because of Robert hunting him that Frisco should be able to come to Robert for help and he can't. Robert reminds her that at one time her and Frisco thought he had the treasure and they were both wrong, he asks her to trust him in this.

Anna takes Felicia home, and after they leave Tony shows up and demands answers from Robert. Robert reports that Felicia is on her way home safe and sound. Tony gives Robert major attitude, as he is really anger over how Robert has betrayed Frisco. Back at the brownstone, Tania is thrilled to see Felicia arrive home safe. Tony comes in next and continues to make snarky comments about Robert. Anna gets annoyed and tells them all to just trust Robert. Anna tells him that Robert is going into the Asian Quarter and he will bring Frisco out! After she leaves, Felicia asks Tony to not go after Frisco to let Robert do it. Then she tells him that if Robert doesn't succeed that Frisco will be killed within 48 hours, so of course Tony immediately heads out the door. When Anna returns home, a frustrated Robert threatens to storms Wu's headquarters and bust everyone, as he wants to end this! Anna reminds him that a single arrest won't stop Wu with his international connections. She says that he owes it to the people in the Asian Quarter to put Wu in jail but predicts that Wu would just break out and escape the country. Robert is worried about Frisco, as he knows he put his life on the line to protect Robin.

Suki tells Frisco he will be his eyes and ears on the street. Frisco doesn't want him involved, as he doesn't want to see anyone else hurt on his account. Suki wants to help and says he knows how to be low key. Tony shows up at the bar and talks Suki into taking him to see Frisco. Tony is insistent that Frisco is coming home with him if he has to carry him out. Frisco realizing that Tony isn't going to give this up becomes deliberately cruel to Tony and tells him he can barely walk and is only half a man. A hurt Tony has no choice but to leave Frisco to his fate. After he leaves, Frisco is devastated by having to hurt his brother. Olin knows how hard that was for him and comforts him. Frisco tells Olin and Suki that they have to leave and go into hiding. Olin doesn't understand why she has to leave that what Kim doesn't know won't hurt her. Frisco insists that they are both in danger after helping him and he knows he owes his life to them and that they are true friends. He tells them if he doesn't go into hiding he will be dead in two days.

Robert's undercover officer in the quarter has spotted Tony going into a building with a young Asian boy. Robert is sure that Tony was going to see Frisco.  Robert enters in disguise and tells Frisco that he is coming out that it has gotten too dangerous for him. Frisco refuses that he is too close now to quit, that he has to do this for Josh. Robert is insistent and tells Frisco he isn't going to argue with him, that Frisco is coming out and to be ready when the Green Shirts come for him. At home, Anna works out with the Green Shirts working on some new defensive moves. Philomenia and Robin comes home and Robin screams as she thinks Love is being threatened. Funny that the guard outside doesn't even enter the house, Anna opens the door to let him know everything is okay (something tells me the extra missed his cue). Robert returns home and shows Anna the fake pearls he bought to stall for time. Anna worries that Wu will have them appraised and learn they are fakes. Robert says that they just need to buy Frisco some time. Sean and Kim arrive at Frisco's hideout and tell Suki and Olin to leave. Olin stalls saying she needs to work so Kim starts ripping up her sewing. Suki tries to stop Kim and he punches Suki and knocks him down. Sean and Kim bind Frisco's hands behind his back and take him out into the quarter. Suki is impatient watching them leave and tells his grandmother he is tired of being patient.

Yang, the Green Shirts, meet with Anna and Robert. Robert tells them that the hour of Frisco's execution has been moved up. They go over the plan to stall Wu by agreeing to hand over the pearls to Wu. The Green Shirts will all arrive in the quarter, one by one. Jade helps by delivering Robert's message to Wu. Sean is relieved to hear that the pearls will be returned as he expects this all to be over and Frisco to be released. Kim warns him that it isn't that easy. He reports after questioning Felicia all night that it was apparent that she doesn't believe that Frisco killed Tai. Sean says of course not that she is in love with Frisco. Kim continues that by Robert being so willing to suddenly hand over the pearls in order to protect Frisco that this proves to him that Frisco is actually an undercover cop. Sean declares that Frisco is not a cop! Kim says it doesn't matter that he is working for a cop and after the pearls are returned that Frisco will die!

Anna is having a bad feeling about this mission, she points out that if their timing is the least bit off that Robert will be in there alone and completely surrounded. He tells her he is prepared and gives her a copy of his will and tells her he has a new paragraph. She throws it back at him and doesn't want to read the new paragraph. He tells her that he is living half of everything he has to Robin. She says he knows that she will take good care of Robin. He would like Robin to know someday that he is her father and that he tried to look out after her. Robin comes running downstairs and is all too happy to give Robert another hug before he goes to work. Robin goes off to bed and Robert says his goodbyes to Anna. He tells her again that all Holly can talk about his Robin and they would like to have her for a visit in Australia. Anna knows how happy they will all be together. She gives Robert a karate chop on the neck and ties him up while he is unconscious. She says to herself that she has to make sure that Robin has at least one parent left. Buzz stops by the house and asks to talk to Robert. Anna is unusually nervous and tries to brush him off. He tells her that she is acting strangely and if she doesn't let him in that he will call the guard. She lets him in and he keeps asking what is going on and if it has something to do with Robin? She insists it doesn't that this is about another person that she is very close to and tells him she can't discuss it with him.

After Anna leaves, Robin comes downstairs and finds Robert tied up and thinks they are playing a new game. She blithely goes off to make him a cup of tea. When she returns she takes off his gag and offers him a cup of tea. He tries to get her to untie him but she says no as its all part of the game and he has to wait, as it will be more exciting. She tells him the Green Shirts were there earlier and they are going to rescue Frisco first and then she is sure that they will rescue him next. Anna is stopped on her way to meet with Wu by Yang and Buzz. They have seen people scurrying through the practically deserted streets and realize trouble is coming. Wu is upset that Scorpio is late and says in 10 more minutes they will kill Frisco. Anna arrives and they worry that she is there as a diversion so that Robert can rescue Frisco. Robin is sitting at the window watching for the enemies, Robert is finally able to talk Robin into releasing him. He tells her how precious she is to him and she tells him that she loves him. He tells her that he would like her to grow up like love; she is very beautiful, very brave and a very lovely young woman. She observes that he is different today and asks if he is all right? He says as soon as he sees her that she always makes everything just right when he sees her. Felicia comes over and he asks her to stay just in case something unusual happens tonight, he would like her to be there with Robin and Philomenia. Tony and Tania come over and keep her company as they all wait for news.

Unfortunately, Wu has a jewelry expert on site waiting and he reports that the pearls are a fake. Wu orders the immediate execution of Frisco. Wu is pleased to know have her as a hostage and surmises that Robert will return the pearls in order to protect Anna from the same fate that will befall Frisco. Olin distracts the guard and helps Frisco escape from his captors. Rumble in the alley as Yang and the Green Shirts take on Wu's men and aide in Frisco's escape. As Kim takes aim at Frisco, Sean jumps in front of him taking the bullet! Robert arrives and releases a tied up Anna. He is very annoyed with her over risking her life alone without his backup. She suggests that it wasn't a good idea for them both to risk their lives. Anna tells Robert that Wu ordered Kim and Sean to kill Frisco. Robert runs into Green Shirts and they tell him that they saw Kim shoot Frisco point blank and Yang reports that he doesn't see how Frisco could have survived. Robert is furious and wants to kill Kim. Anna stops him and tells him first they have to find Frisco's body! He says that it is all his fault, that he allowed this whole set up.

Robert returns home and has to tell Tony and Felicia that he believes Frisco is dead. Tony blames Robert that it is his fault for hounding him and sending him into hiding, Felicia collapses with grief. Meanwhile, Frisco is in bad shape but comes around as Suki and Olin care for him. She tells him that he has a concussion. Sean however is very sick and has a high fever. Olin says they have to get the bullet out. Suki wants to go for a doctor but a delirious Sean insists on no doctor, as he doesn't want to go back to jail. Olin cares for him and gives him an herbal tea. Olin tells Frisco that if Sean needs a doctor or he is going to die as he is bleeding a lot. Frisco suggests that Suki find Yang, as he won't report it.

#2B  Felicia and Jade arrive at Olin's looking for Frisco. She tells them they were blown away by Kim's men. Kim knocks on the door and Felicia and Jade hide as Kim comes in looking for Sean and Frisco. After he leaves, this gives Felicia hope that maybe they aren't dead after all. Felicia becomes faint and Olin helps her sit down and tells her to get rid of Jade. Felicia asks Jade to wait outside, and Olin then tells her that Frisco is alive and only has a little bump on the head. A delirious Sean relives the threat to Frisco and yells that he has a gun and starts warning him and trying to get up. Frisco calms him and says gently that it is okay; that he did it, that he saved him and he will never forget what Sean did for Frisco. Frisco promises him he will get him help. Felicia arrives and is ecstatic to see Frisco alive! Felicia tells him that they all thought he was dead. He is so sorry; he didn't know they thought that. He asks why they thought he got shot? Felicia explains Yang thought he was shot. Felicia wants to call Robert and take Sean to the hospital. Frisco refuses and says no that Robert will arrest him and after Sean saved his life, Frisco can't do that to him.

Yang arrives and is able to remove the bullet but warns Frisco that Sean has lost a lot of blood and needs a transfusion. Sean refuses the hospital and says he would rather die than go to prison. Frisco tells her that she has to tell Tony and Tania that he is alive. A joyous Felicia shares the happy news with a thrilled Tony. Robert blames himself for Frisco's death, “I sent a rock singer on a dangerous mission into the Asian Quarter, a mission that most WSB agents would have thought twice about. Why didn't I shoot him myself?” He laments that Frisco had no idea of what he was getting himself into and Robert allowed it because he was trying to protect Robin. Robin comes down wanting a tea party and notices how quiet Robert is. She tells Anna that he is mad at her because she didn't untie him soon enough. He gives her a big hug. He tells her that he is a little upset but it isn't her fault. He tells her that he loves her and she is so cute with her arms wrapped around his neck as she tells him she loves him.

After Robin goes upstairs, Anna comments that she has never seen Robert like this, sad and mournful and grieving. In the past, a tragedy would spark him to go out and make the injustice right. He mourns that the hardest part was the tragic look on Felicia's face. Frisco comes in and Anna runs into his arms followed by a big hug from Robert. Robert says he has never been so glad to see anyone! Frisco says he did fall but he wasn't shot. Robert is excited and immediately kicks it into high gear about going after Wu and putting him into prison. Frisco tells Robert that Sean through his body at him and took the bullet meant for Frisco that if it weren't for Sean that Frisco would be dead. Robert wants to know where Sean is so he can arrest him. Frisco refuses to tell Robert where Sean is. Robert is indignant as Sean is a master and this is just a case of him switching sides and believes it was either an accident or a ploy. He warns Frisco that Sean is Wu's right hand man and will easily switch sides back again. When Robert gets a phone call, Anna pulls Frisco aside and tells her about being protected and now believes that Sean was the person who helped her several times by sending in reinforcements at key moments when she was in danger.

Anna tells Robert that she believes that Sean can help them bring Wu down and she believes that he has changed, she points out that she has changed. Robert is unrelenting and believes that Sean is duping Frisco and Robert is determined to bring Sean in. Felicia tells Tony and Tanya about Frisco helping Sean. Tony also doesn't believe that Sean has changed and wants proof that Sean actually tried to save his life. Robert comes in and overhears Felicia saying that she has seen Frisco and he demands to know where he and Sean are hiding. Robert warns her that Frisco is in serious danger; he was almost killed just recently. Robert tells Felicia that Frisco is being duped by Sean and refuses to give him any information. He tells her that he will find Sean and bring him in and that means he will also have to bring Frisco in. He hopes that Frisco doesn't do anything stupid like trying to protect Sean, as he doesn't want to have to hurt Frisco.

Felicia goes to Anna and tells her about the confrontation with Robert and tells her it was awful. She tells Anna that she can't go against Frisco on this. Yang shows up to see Robert and gives him the bullet that he took out of Sean. Robert is relieved, finally he can get some answers and asks where they are hiding out. Yang tells Robert that he can't tell him that but Yang does confirm that Sean is alive and recovering. Robert tells Yang that the team is out of business and he is no longer a friend having a nice little chat but he is a police commissioner and he will get the information he needs out of Yang anyway he can. He threatens Yang for having performed the surgery on Sean and says he could have him dumped out of General Hospital. Robert gives Yang 24 hours and then says he will go to Buzz with the details. Robert asks why he is risking his medical career to protect Sean? Yang says he isn't doing it for Sean, that he is doing it to protect Robin and the people of the Asian Quarter. Frisco has told him that Sean has turned against Wu and Yang won't turn Sean in until he knows that Frisco is wrong about Sean.

Robert returns home, angry, that Felicia, Tony, and Frisco are all playing their own game. Anna asks Robert to at least tell her that Frisco wasn't responsible for the hit and run that killed Tai. He refuses and says that it would put her in too much danger and too many people already know the truth about that. He points out that Frisco doesn't want Felicia to know about it either as he doesn't want her in anymore danger, he also believes that Felicia would then try to go undercover to protect Frisco. A sweet Robin comes downstairs and sits in Robert's lap and offers to tell him a bedtime story to try to relax him and takes his mind off his troubles. She falls asleep while telling him the story and lays snuggled in his lap. Anna comes down and offers to take her up to bed. He asks to hold her a bit longer as he wants to enjoy his time with her, as he will be leaving soon for Australia. He assures Anna that he won't leave Port Charles until he is sure that Robin is safe forever.

It's Halloween, and Robert pretends fear as Robin comes downstairs dressed as a ghost. She tells them she had a dream that she went to live in Australia with Robert and Holly but she says it was a funny dream as she could never go anywhere without Love. Robert sits down with Robin and tells her about Australia and suggests that maybe she could come for a visit.  Sean tells Frisco that Wu kidnapped him out of prison, just walked into his cell and took him out one day. Sean observes it had to have been an inside job as the guards were nowhere around but he doesn't know how Wu did it. Frisco tells him that is a hell of a fairytale and if Frisco doesn't believe it how does Sean expect that Robert will believe it?

Sean complains to Frisco about Wu's entire empire being built on slavery and he didn't like being involved in it but didn't have a choice, as he didn't want to go back to prison. Frisco asks him if he thinks Robert will believe that? Sean suggests that Frisco save his own neck and turn Sean in. Frisco says he can't do that after Sean saved his life. Sean observes he hasn't been much of a friend to Frisco. Frisco says that since Wu took him out of jail without his consent that Sean is innocent of escaping from prison. Sean tells Frisco that he was the John Doe who put the ad in the paper for the ladies self defense class that rescued Anna. Anna complains about the number that Robert did on Robin by asking her to think about coming to leave with him in Australia. Anna is not happy about this. He has the search warrant for Wu's and Anna tells him to go, as she can't talk to him about Robin with the warrant burning a hole in his pocket. He tells her that he wants Robin to know that he is her father and he wants her to get to know and be comfortable with Holly. He just wants her to come and visit them in Australia, not as a permanent situation.

Sean clues Frisco in on what they are going to have to do to bring Wu down. He warns him that they have to go in deep undercover and they won't come up for air until they are finished. Frisco says that is what he has been doing. Sean clarifies that what Frisco has done up to now has just been basic training. He says now Frisco has to cut off all communication with Felicia, Tanya, and Tony as if he doesn't he puts them all in jeopardy. Frisco tells Sean that he has to see Felicia once more before he does this. Felicia shows up at Scorpio's to meet with Frisco. Anna tells her that she will them alone and not to worry that Robert is searching Wu's office so he won't be back anytime soon.

Robert shows up at Wu's with his search warrant and interrupts his council meeting. Robert makes veiled threats about wanting to get to know all them much better. He searches Wu's desk and finds a handgun. He observes it smells as though it has recently been fired. After Robert leaves, Wu's attorney questions Kim and asks him who he used it to shoot at? Kim admits he shot at Frisco Jones. Robert returns home and he is surprised to see Felicia there as he questions her, his instincts tell him that she was there meeting Frisco and that perhaps he has just left. He races out to try to follow Frisco. Anna helps Frisco to escape by delaying Robert. He tells her that Frisco has destroyed the team and he has Yang and Felicia taking orders from him and not Robert. He tells Anna that she is no longer working with him but against him as she is helping Frisco. She believes in Frisco and that he can bring down Wu and that Sean can be trusted. She warns Robert that his hatred of Sean is clouding his judgment. He points out that Sean almost killed him last summer (not to mention leaving Holly for dead).

Burt shows up to arrest Kim as ballistics matched his gun to the bullet that Yang turned in to Robert that had shot Sean. Frisco returns back to the hideout and is very disturbed to find that Olin and Suki allowed Sean to leave. They are elated that Kim has been arrested. Sean shows up to see Anna and spends time with Robin. Cute scene as he sits and reads her a story. She tries to entice Sean to stay with promises of cookies and tea. Anna returns, Sean admits that he helped her that day Wu's men confronted her at the Karate school. He informs Anna that Wu is only the tip of the iceberg and if the Asians get enough money to buy the cannery then Wu will lose his control over Port Charles. He warns her that the threat against Robin is very real and not to let her out of their sight. He tells her he is on their side and working with them and asks her to try to convince Robert of that. She doesn't know if she will be successful, he just doesn't want Robert to think he is a total scumbag.

Burt has figured out that Robert is Robin's father as he recognizes the look of a doting father. He warns Robert that he is overly emotionally involved in this case because of it and he needs to back off and get some perspective. Back home, Robert and Anna argue over telling Robin that they are her parents and Robin overhears. Anna wants to tell Robin but Robert refuses saying he doesn't want to deal with that just yet and doesn't want her to know. She looks so sad as though they don't want her and she sneaks out of the house. She doesn't hear Robert say that her knowing would place her in even more danger.

Anna goes up to find Robin and becomes frantic, as does Robert, when she discovers Robin is missing. Robert organizes a massive search of the Asian Quarter and both he and Anna head down there to search. Meanwhile, a sad little Robin sits alone crying in the park. Great location scenes as Robert and Anna search through a real Chinatown. Anna fills Buzz in on Robin's disappearance and tells him about the missing black pearls. Buzz suggests she ride along with him in the medical van through the Asian Quarter. A montage of scenes of Buzz and Anna walking through the Quarter (more location scenes) showing Robin's picture around to everyone on the street and all of the vendors.

Robert calls in the Green Shirts and deputizes them. He tells them he believes that Wu has kidnapped Robin. Robert has a search warrant for Kim's apartment and Wu is not happy to see him again. They don't find any clues about Robin but do find the insignia ring that Kim used to set up the Green Shirts. Sean's wound has become infected and becomes very ill with a high fever. They get a message to Yang, while he is treating Sean; he tells Yang that he saved Tai once when Kim wanted to shoot him. Yang tells Frisco and Sean about Robin being kidnapped. Robin is hiding out in a linen closet at GH. She is eating food from the patient trays and has made a bed in a laundry bin. Jade overhears her grandfather talking about a red ledger that is kept in a secret place. Jade is able to get it to Yang and they ask Olin for help in deciphering the code. Olin meets Anna while filling in for Jade at the restaurant and tells Anna that she just overheard two guys talking about going to Yang's house to retrieve the ledger. Anna calls Robert and he sends a squad car over there. Wu's goons bust in and attack Yang, but the sound of police sirens scare them off before they find the ledger. Anna shows up and Yang happily shows her that they didn't get what they were after.

Anna, Yang and Jade arrive at Robert's with the ledger in hand and tell him that they have the goods on Wu! Robert believes that with this evidence they will be able to put Wu and Kim away for a long time. Jade is feeling guilty for bringing evidence in against her own family. Yang praises her for being strong and brave and points out how many people she is helping. Robert also tells her how much he appreciates her help and he knows how hard this must be for her. Wu and Kim try to figure out who is helping Yang, they are sure it is someone that they trust who was involved in stealing the ledger. Kim vows to get the ledger back and find out who the traitor is and eliminate him! Wu's man reports that there is no sign of Robin in the quarter and that Robert is indeed searching for her. Wu surmises that Donnelly must have taken her and is playing his own game. Robin visits her friend in the children's ward. She swears her to secrecy and tells her that she has run away and is hiding in a closet down the hall. Robin tells her that her parents don't love her enough to be her parents. Robin tells her how lonely it is in the closet. The little girl offers her to borrow her doll. Robin can't believe that it is Cindy, her missing doll. She holds her tight and insists that her name isn't Su Lin but Cindy! Robin demands to know who she got her doll from. She tells Robin that it is her friend's doll and asks Robin to prove that Cindy is her doll. Robin tells her that she has special eyes and she removes the eyes to how her, they are “marbles” that she found at Love's house. The little girl agrees that this must be Robin's doll.

The council is concerned about the unrest in the quarter. Wu assures them that when the cooperative fails to make the payment on the cannery that the unrest will end. He assures them that the Ancient One does not have the pearls and won't be able to make the payment. Robert brings in the merchants to identify Kim in a lineup as the man who has been extorting money from them. The honorary mayor, Yim, shows up and his presence as Wu's emissary insures no one will be identifying Kim. Robert catches on but plays dumb and has Kim followed straight to Wu. Yim reports to Wu his actions during the lineup and that his cover is not blown. After he leaves, Wu is very annoyed as his presence was not necessary and he is a fool, that the merchants would never have identified Kim. Now his cover is blown and he is a liability for them. He orders Kim to take care of it and Yim soon turns up dead. The Green Shirts report to Robert that they have searched the Asian Quarter and that there is no sign of Robin or the pearls. They report that the people are very willing to help, as they know how important the pearls are to their future. They suggest to Robert that they search the catacombs, good idea as this is where Frisco and Sean are hiding.

The woman who stole the doll from Robin learns that her daughter has loaned it to her sick friend and arrives as GH to get the doll back (Mr. Wu had warned her not to let anyone see it). She is very worried, as no one can know that it was taken out of her house. Robin overhears them talking about getting the doll back and Robin tells her doll that they have to get out of there. The doll thief questions the little girl who says it was Robin's doll and that Robin proved it when she took out the special black eyes that she found in her mother's house. The woman now knows that Robin has the black pearls. A nurse recognizes Robin as she is sneaking out of GH. Anna is with Buzz when he gets word that Robin has been spotted on the fourth floor.

**The End**

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