This this is an 8 hr original edit done from original episodes..

Robin & Jason #1-3  Nov 30, 1995-April 19, 1996

     Stone has just died, the Q's are fighting and Jason blows up at them.  He then heads to the gatehouse to talk to Ned, they have a prophetic discussion about AJ and his DUI.  Robin moves back to Mac's, they have a heart to heart.  Jason comes by and asks Robin to go out for dinner and a movie  (this is their first scene together after the funeral - the end of it is cut with a station interrupt - the actual going out never happened on screen - darn!).
     Jason & Keesha smooching.  Robin & Mac argue over Sonny.  Sonny is arrested at Luke's Club.  Mac tells Robin about his investigating into Damian wound up incriminating Sonny. Christmas at the Q's, Christmas at GH, Robin is darling as an elf but she's missing Stone.  Back at the Q's, Emily , AJ, Jason, and Ned beg Alan to break family tradition and do a double loop in the train track - Alan has to be coerced to agree! Ned sings "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" montage. Mac tells Robin he and Katherine are going on vacation.  Robin urges him to take plenty of "latexes".
     Robin calls into the Foundation, she doesn't feel up to going in - she is grieving for Stone.  AJ comes by to check up on her and shares her grief and loneliness. Sonny & Luke later bring Stone's ashes, they had been locked up in the penthouse when it was seized for  Sonny's arrest.  They broke in, rescued the ashes, Robin has flashbacks to Stone to "When Angels Cry".  Brenda stops by and tells her how Sonny is pushing her away.  Sonny and Robin later talk about Brenda and Stone.
     Jason finds an upset Keesha at the Foundation, AJ had come by drunk. Jason is ticked when she tells him she has caught AJ drinking twice before and AJ begged her not to tell the family. Robin & Sonny on the bridge, reminisce over Stone, scatter his ashes - flashbacks.  Back at the Q's an intense confrontation scene between AJ, Jason & family - great work! AJ storms out, jumps in the new car - Jason gets in beside him to try to stop him.  At the gatehouse, Ned hears a crash, he runs to find that AJ has crashed into a tree, and Jason lying crumpled in the snow - his head having hit a boulder. Ned realizes AJ was driving drunk again, he hides him away at the gatehouse to protect the Q's (and spare Monica).  Then Ned goes back to the accident site, takes responsibility for it when the paramedics and police arrive. Ned tells the police and Reggie his fabrication, police inform the Q's of the accident. Ned, meanwhile, goes to the hospital and is there when Alan & Monica arrive. Tony tells the family that Jason's injury is life threatening.
     Next am, AJ wakes up and demands Reggie tell him what happened. Ned returns and tells AJ he may have killed his brother. A&M by Jason's hospital bedside. A guilt ridden AJ, pours out his sorrow to comatose Jason.  Keesha & Justus arrive, she is devastated by his condition.  Next Keesha pours her heart out to Jason. 
     Sonny brings Robin a letter he found written to her from Stone.  He also tells her he is going to marry Lily.  Justus comes in, and tells Robin about Jason's accident.  Sonny comforts her, then she heads to the hospital and finds Ned. She is terrified that she will again lose someone she loves.  Ned pours his heart out to the still unconscious Jason and tells him how much he loves him. Jason crashes while Ned is in the room. Robin heads over to tell Brenda about Jason's injury. Tony tells Ned that Jason's chances of a full recovery are pretty much nil. Brenda breaks down, Rboin reassures her.
     Tony & Bobbie tell A&M that Jason is starting to stabilize.  AJ shows up with a confession for A&M - Ned gives him the evil eye to keep quiet.  AJ merely wants to tell them he is going to sober up and not drink anymore.  Brenda & Robin talk, Bren questions her about Sonny.  A&M and Q's around Jason's bedside.  Jason's eyes flutter open but he isn't yet fully conscious. AJ beds Jason to come back,  Jason moves his hand and opens his eyes again.

     (Formerly #2) Katherine has disappeared and Mac is worried - he frets over Robin's safety.  Brenda & Robin share girl talk, Brenda is torn up over Sonny marrying Lily.  They joke about Brenda entering a convent.  Brenda goes to ICU, she's very upset over Jason's accident and is afraid of losing him - then Robin comes in.   Later, Kat tells Robin how much she means to her. Robin comes in with the great news that she is now classified as being a "long term non-progressor" for AIDS.  Mac's birthday, Robin, Felicia & Katherine both kiss Mac - cute scene as they celebrate Robin's good news and Mac's birthday.
Robin visits Jason in the hospital, she too beseeches him to come out of his coma. She says she misses his friendship, he turns his head and looks at her! Then on her request he squeezes her hand! She's estatic!  Alan comes in, Jason speaks - Alan is so happy that Jason is recovering ......then Jason asks who Alan is.  Keesha rambles onto Jason about her father.  She tells him how much she loves him - he asks her who she is!  He is less than thrilled with her presence.  Next Lois visits, he tolerates her but tells her he doesn't want Keesha staring at him all the time.
Monica visits, he tells her he doesn't know or recognize anyone.  Jason   flirts with Bobbie.  Edward is next to visit. 
Later, Robin thanks Lily for her help while Stone was sick.  During a consultation in Tony's office, Jason becomes angry and throws things off his desk. Tony tells him that violent rages are part of a head trauma.
Lily invites Robin to her wedding to Sonny.  When the Q's come into Tony's office, Jason insists on being part of the discussion which is about him after all.  AJ is in total denial, he keeps trying to force Jason to recover - to remember.  The Q's keep treating Jason like he is still the old Jason and he can't stand it - he yells at Monica to stop touching.
Robin visits Sonny, they talk about his wedding to Lily.  Ned visits Jason, he is the only person who doesn't push jason and is the one Jason invites back. Robin explains to Brenda why she is going to S&L's wedding.  Jason becomes impatient with Kevin's tests, he just wants to get out of the hospital.  Ned visits Jason, he has a good effect on Jason - they even joke.
Robin dressed for S&L's wedding, helps Lily (actually wedding not shown). Keesha returns to see Jason, he tells her that he doesn't remember her, she is broken hearted over losing him - then AJ shows up and AJ bugs him even more than Keesha does!
Jason goes home from the hospital, the Q's are getting on his nervers as usual though he seems to like Ned. N&L invite him ot the Luke's club, Ned sings "Lying King".  Keesha is all over Jason, he explodes, tells her off, knocks over a table and storms out.  Sonny follows him out, treats him with respect, gives him cab fare and manages not to touch him!
Next am, AJ continues to push Jason - Jason snaps at him.  Ned comes in and tells AJ to back off.  Jason asks Ned to show  him the accidnet site.  Keesha & Robin talk about Jason's brain damage.  At the Q's, Jason loses his temper and yells at Lila, breaks a vase and has a fit.  Later, he feels bad about hurting Lila's feelings and in a very sweet scene he brings her a bouquet of flowers from the garden to apologize.
Jason is working out (shirtless!) and Keesha is still not accepting that he isn't her Jason.  She comes onto him, he gets rough with her and scares her.  She runs out, crying, sits on a park bench and has flashbacks to the old Jason and her in bed. Keesha returns, he is unbelievably crass and insulting (she is unbelievably dense!), he suggests to her that they "do it" and drops his towel!  She bolts, upset.
Brenda stops by the Qs to work out and runs into Jason.  Robin confides in Sonny that she's missing Stone so much she feels like she can't function.  Robin on the bridge missing Stone, montage of Stone scenes.

     (formerly #3) Robin on the bridge, she has flashbacks of her and Stone to a music montage of Ricky Martin's "Power to Believe". Jason searches his room at the Q's for his car keys. When he finds them he asks Lila which car is his and takes for Luke's club to see Sonny.  He repays Sonny for the money he loaned him and then insists on paying for burgers for them. Sonny understands that Jason would like to just change into someone else.  "You look right through people and they don't like it, especially the Quartermaines."  Sonny is not being nice to "Jason" because of pity, but because of the way Jason "dumped the table the other night."  Jason asks: "What's wrong?  Are you brain-damaged?"   Sonny tells Jason never to hit anyone smaller or weaker than you are.  "Hit AJ all you want.  He's a total jerk."  The cops come in, but not to hassle Sonny.  They want to take "Jason" "home." Ned is fighting with Edward over calling the cops.  Alan and Monica are arguing with him.  Reginald comes in announcing a furious  "Master Jason."  Jason checks with Ned: "What did I do wrong?" He tells Lila he didn't mean to frighten her.  Alan tells Jason he's not ready to drive the car and Jason  counters that "you don't think I can ride the bus."  Edward puts his foot down, forbidding him to drive a car. Jason storms out.  They mourn the loss of Jason.  Alan, in a poignant scene, tells Edward that Jason got straight A's last quarter.  They talk about sons, fathers, disappointment, love. At dinner, the Q's hear a  roar that turns into a leather-clad Jason on a new motorcycle, which he rides into the sitting room.
     In his bedroom at the mansion, Jason talked to Edward.  Edward told Jason that everybody has had enough of the kid's rebellious attitude and it was time to cut the crap.  He told Jason that no matter how he felt, the kid should be able to muster up some common courtesy when dealing with family members. Jason's bored answer was, essentially, "eat my shorts, old man!"
Later on he worked out in the Q gym with A.J.  Shortly they got into a beef over Jason's treatment of Keesha and Jason told A.J. to help himself to her, if that's what all the hassle is about, because he doesn't want any part of her.  Then Jason, who had been unable to get a rise out of A.J., punched him in the jaw.  The two of them mixed it up with a fist fight until Alan burst in and separated the two.  A.J. left and Alan tended to some cuts on Jason's face. In a very moving scene Alan described his feelings of love for Jason...and his feelings of loss.  Jason seemed to be touched by it but tried not to show it. He went upstairs and seemed to be okay, but he became increasingly agitated by being surrounded by "other Jason's" trophies and pictures of A.J. and Keesha. Then Jason went ballistic and in an uncontrollable fury trashed the bed- room, breaking mirrors, slashing pictures, and throwing chairs out of windows, etc.  Monica came in and yelled at him to stop.  She slapped him across his face, more to break the spell he was under than because she was angry.  He stopped short and they had an ugly exchange that ended like this: Monica in an anguished cry: "You have destroyed everything I have left of him!" Jason, one inch away from her face and screaming: "HE'S DEAD!!" Then Jason ran from the room and Monica collapsed in tears.  Alan and Emily found her and Alan knelt to comfort her while Emily looked around horrified.
Ed enters the room and declares that he has cancelled all of Jason's credit cards and bank accounts.  "Jason doesn't need money, he has a free ride here."  Nedly angrily demands that grandfather rescind his actions immediately.  Meanwhile Jason arrives at Kelly's looking a little worst for the wear.  There is a room for rent, and Jason wants it.  Ruby offers him the room, food and TLC.  He takes her up on the first two.  As he tries to make payment for both, Ruby informs him that his money is no good there.  Jason insists, and Ruby then informs him that his money is no good anywhere.  Jason tells her, "I'll be back".
     Edward, Alan and Monica are suffering through Jason's pounding a ball against the wall in his room. Alan is very upset as is Monica. EdQ is adamant that Jason should not be coddled to and taught that he has to obide by certain rules of standard behavior. Reggie sneaks up a fastfood burger to Jason and finds out that EdQ is correct. Jason tells Reggie to stop calling him 'sir'. That night Alan goes up to Jason's room and offers Jason the chance to leave the household after 4 weeks of physical therapy and the assistance of anyone Jason wants to reacquaint himself to living. Jason says he has no money, but Edward who snuck in tells Jason that the battle of wills is not worth it and that Jason can have his bank account back. Jason tells them to buzz off and that he wants to leave on his own terms. Jason storms out.
     Jason asks Ruby if he can help out around the place in return for food until he finds a job.  Ruby agrees to this arrangement and goes off to fix him a meal.  Sonny asks him when he left the Q house, and Jason explains how he spent last night.  Sonny is surprised that he didn't freeze sleeping outside , but Jason explains, "I don't feel the cold anyway,". Sonny suggests that Jason go to Luke's and look into a job.  He offers him a loan to help him in the meantime, and Jason accepts. Robin walks onto the bridge where Stone bungee-jumped.  She stands at the rail, obviously absorbed in poignant memories.  Unseen by Robin, Jason watches her with interest. Jason,comes in.  Mike introduces himself.  Jason wants a job, and Mike hires him as a valet.  Luke comes in and "meets" jason, who will start "tomorrow." He leaves, and Robin comes in with fliers for Justus.  She asks about Lucky.  The bridge of night.  Robin is looking sadly into the distance.  She hears a noise and it's Jason.  She tells him he doesn't have to go.  He asks "Did we know each other before?" and she admits to the crush she had on him when she was 13.  He says "This is the first thing I've heard that Jason Quartermaine didn't do right."  He says to the Quartermaines, "compared to St. Jason, I'm the devil or something."  Didn't Jason ever do anything bad?  Well, Robin remembers one time he got his hair cut really weird.   "That's IT?  I'm desperate to nail this guy and all you can come up with is a bad hair day?"  He likes that Robin doesn't act like she's missing Jason while talking to him.
     Mac worries to Robin  that Kat has been MIA for a whole hour.  Robin thinks its sweet that Mac is so "into" Kat.  She opines that Kat is going to show up any second, unharmed.  Mac listens, until a phone call comes telling of the Ward house inferno, and Damien's death.  Jason, in a black t-shirt, is waiting at LP when Mike arrives. Mike is trying to figure out why Jason is there in the morning when valet work starts at 3PM. Their coversation is such that it reminds Mike of his talks with Sonny. Mike speaks in sentances and gets responses in monosylables. Mike tells Jason to park his motorcycle in the side alley. While Jason is doing that, Keisha arrives looking for Luke. Mike tells her Luke isn't there yet and Keisha decides to wait outside for his arrival. Jason comes back demands to know why she followed him. She tells him that she is waiting for Luke and what is Jason doing there? She is suprised he is working there. He starts to go inside when she tells him that Ward House and everything with it burned down and is gone. He is cold to her and she breaks down in tears.  Jason is outside sweeping up , still wearing just his t-shirt, when Luke arrives. Luke is also suprised at seeing Jason there so early. Mike comes out with a jacket. He asks Jason to put it on, Jason says no. Luke tells him to wear the jacket, its part of the uniform. He talks a bit about the first valet (Stone) and how good he was. Luke then tells Jason to help Mike with the liquor inventory. Mike joshingly asks if Luke thinks that he is dipping into the inventory; Luke responds that the numbers haven't added up since Sonny sold ou. Mike and Luke continue to banter as they go in, leaving Jason alone outside. Robin comes by and stops short upon seeing a guy's back wearing Stone's jacket.
     Jason turns and asks if she is ok. She tells him that he looked like her friend who used to work there. Later that night, Robin and he meet up again. He finds out from Robin that Stone was her friend and the first, ... valet. Jason is attracted nice to her. Neither of them are sleepy and Jason offers a motorcycle ride, which she accepts. Jason gives her his jacket, he can't feel cold either because of stupidity or nerve damage and helmet and rides off without wearing head gear. Robin and Jason come upon a passed out and drunk AJ, Robin insists they take him home.  AJ, drunk, spills all about the accident in to Jason, and in front of Robin. Jason takes AJ and dumps him at Ned's gatehouse. Jason confronts Ned about his lies about who caused the accident and his injuries, he asks "Who made you God Quartermaine?". Ned was one of the few Q's he tolerated.  Ned tries to explain how many people would have been devastated by the truth. Jason tells Ned that he has made it easy with his lies for Jason to break all ties with the Q's. He later tells Robin that he doesn't want to discuss the Q's with her or with anyone else. She agrees to respect that, he tells her she is okay!
     Katherine and Robin come back from a spending spree.  Justus comes in and tells Kat that Damian was murdered, she is the beneficiary which gives her a motive and warns her against all this spending. Jason is storming around on his motorcycle.  Robin sees him. He says "you work a lot."  She asks about AJ, and he reminds her that he neither cares about AJ or about the family.  She worries about the motorcycle, and he says "You want dangerous?  I'll show you dangerous." He plays with nearly ending up in the water... Lake Ontario, right? This upsets Robin, who starts to cry.  Jason stops and asks why.  She tells him he reminds her of her boyfriend who used to do dangerous things, and that he's dead now. Jason seems to feel some empathy and touches her on her shoulders.
       Mike and Jason banter at Luke's just before the people arrive. Jason will be parking cars. Edward and Lila arrive, and Edward confronts Jason. When Jason parks their car less than cautiously, Edward demands that Luke fire him (mostly because he's embarrassed to have a Quartermain parking cars).  Luke, of course, refuses, but Jason quits instead. After he leaves, an angry Luke tells Edward that since he made Jason quit, he must now fill in as the valet, otherwise all the potential benefit donors will just drive off. Edward tells Luke no way, but Lily orders him curtly to do what Luke says or find some other place to lay his head. Luke introduces the band All-4-One who sing the whole scene while we get the usual shots of the various club denizens listening.
     Robin worries about Jason, who keeps  tempting fate to put a finish to what AJ started.  Jason tells her to stop smothering him, Jason IS dead, and then proceeds to worry about her welfare. She throws his words right back at him, he apologizes, and offers  to escort her to her car.  She accepts and they trek over to Luke's. There Luke gives him his severance pay, and offers to set him  up with a construction gig.  It is here that Robin finds about Brenda and begins to fret over her.  Jason is working at the docks when he spies Robin. "What were you," he asks, "a bloodhound in another life?" Turns out he's not really upset: she tells him she found him "I sorta got it out of Luke."  Morgan (his name now) wants to know if it was Inept Edward parking cars who hit Brenda.  No, it was a "drunk driver".  Robin gives Morgan a hardhat.  He won't wear it.   A foreman yells, "Hey Morgan, get to work" and Robin is surprised by the new name, but she says it suits him.  He says thanks. At his break, 15 minutes later, she asks him "what's the plan?" He says "This."  He likes the job, it pays his way and he doesn't have to think.  He says "Planning for the future is pointless."  Just then a forklift comes by, and Robin runs, while Morgan just sits there.  Robin says she doesn't like his "bizarre deathwish.... You're so lucky.  And you don't even know it."  She leaves.  At the end of the day, Morgan takes the hard hat with him, ignoring the "We Belong" in the background. Robin visits Brenda in the hospital.  Brenda sounds very good.  Robin says "Some People don't realize every single day is a gift."  Brenda dozes off.
     Jason sneaks into the Q backyard patio where Lilla is having a light meal. It becomes evident that this not the first time he has visited her this way. He is very comfortable with her and is thrilled that she calls him "Moore". Jason complains about the family's reactions to him but Lilla sticks up for them. He slinks away and Lilla sees that Monica was standing by the french doors.  Jason is interupted on his way home by a gunfight. The shooters kill each other and Jason comes out of hiding, picks up a bag and runs home as sirens blare. The bag is stuffed full of cash.
Harry comes backand tells Sonny that the courier was found in the morgue, but the money is still missing. Jason reports to work on the docks.  The foreman tells him that he is to report over at the loading dock.  When he gets there, Monica is waiting for him. Jason thinks that Emily told Monica where to find him, but Monica tells him that she overheard his conversation with Lila.  She asks him how he's doing and he says he's fine.  She tells him that she made a mistake letting him go.  She wants to get to know the man that he is now. Monica asks Jason to tell her about Jason Morgan.  He's tells her that he lives in a boxcar, he only has a motorcycle, he doesn't look ahead or behind and has none to answer to.  Monica says it sounds lonely, but Jason likes it because he has no one to answer to.  She asks if he has friends and he says one.  Monica says she won't ask anything from him; she just doesn't want to be shut out.  Jason decides that she'll always want something more and walks away. The foreman tells Jason to get to work, but he gets mad and throws a crate into the river then quits.  Robin shows up looking for Jason, and the foreman tells her Jason is a lunatic.  He tells her what just happened and advises her to stay away from him. Jason goes back to the boxcar and gets the bag of money and takes off. Robin goes to the boxcar looking for Jason.  She sees a small plant that is growing in a hard-hat and gives it some water.  She sits down on Jason's mattress and waits for him.  Meanwhile, Jason is at the bus station.  He's got the bag of money and a ticket in his hand.
     Jason has been watching over a sleeping Robin, at the bridge.  She wakes up, and assures him she is tougher than she looks.  Where was he, anyway?  He tells her he went to the bus station, but then he remembered he hadn't told her goodbye.  And he owed Sonny $100 and Reginald $50. And then came the realization that he couldn't leave, he had to stay and fight the Quartermaines for his (*his*) life.  "They can wreck every job I'll ever have, but they can't make me come back and be their good Jason." Robin comments that he wouldn't have gotten far without money.  He says "Oh, I have money" and shows her the $100,000.  First he claims to have mugged "the old guy who says he's my grandfather" but she doesn't believe him, and so he tells her about the gunfight on the docks.  She tells him the money is illegal.  He sneers, "Really." She tells him to stop acting brain-damaged and to take it to Sonny for advice. Sonny finds Jason waiting and asks how long he's been there.  "I don't know," Jason says, "I don't have a watch."  He gives Sonny the money, and Sonny wants to know who told him to go there.  He's touched that Jason thinks of him as a friend. He offers Jason a ob, but Jason says the Quartermaines would turn up and he didn't want to let Sonny down.  Sonny tells him "The Quartermaines don't scare me."  Just then Lily comes home, and Jason leaves.
     Robin quizzed Jason about what happened when he returned the money to Sonny.  He told her he got a $50 reward; she suggested they spend some of it on a present for one of the Ward House kids who was sick in the hospital.  He agreed.  Then she told him how worried she was that Luke would be arrested for Damian's murder.  Jason accompanied Robin to GH then left her there.  They agree to meet for Chinese food later that evening.  Robin ran into Filly and Tom, who started arguing about investigative techniques.  Tom left and Robin asked Filly if she and Tom were getting serious.  Filly admitted she liked being with Tom. Later that evening, Robin sat alone on the bridge clutching the stuffed toy she and Jason bought for the sick kid.  Jason arrived and saw that she was crying.  "What's wrong?" he asked her...

**The End**

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