Robin & Jason #10  Jan 4-21, 1999; 6/21/99; 6/20 & 6/21/00; 4/14/02; and 7/16/04: 5 1/2 hour original edit

Jason explains to Bobbie that Michael can't handle living at the Brownstone without him. Carly wants to move ahead with the plans to move into the Brownstone. She and Bobbie work on convincing Jason to agree, which he does. Carly has second thoughts about moving. She and Bobbie leave with Michael. Jason comes close to tears. Robin comes home and Jason tells her that Michael is gone, and she thinks that means Carly took him to the Quartermaines. Robin is suspicious of Carly's motives. Bobbie has an emergency at the hospital, and Carly is left alone with Michael. Carly calls Jason for assistance, and he goes to the Brownstone. Robin is upset. Jason is over at the Brownstone with Carly. She says that she and Michael shouldn't have left the penthouse. Jason takes care of Michael and sleeps on the couch. Bobbie walks in and has a really good talk with him. Bobbie points out that Carly needs to be more of a mother and that Michael needs to get used to her. Then Bobbie asks about Robin and tells Jason that she is probably teetering on the edge.

Jason arrives at Sonny's island retreat. Sonny blasts Jason for leaving Mike there. Jason tells Sonny he needs him to come home. Jason tells Sonny he made a mistake by letting Moreno take control. He says Port Charles is out of control, and he still isn't free. He tells Sonny he needs to take his territory back. He also tells him he has obligations he can't walk away from. Sonny tells Jason that he walked away from take her inside. Jason reminds Sonny that he said he wanted to finish with honor.

Bobbie goes to the penthouse and speaks to Robin. Robin tells Bobbie that Carly is out of control, and she needs Bobbie to control her, because she is the only one who can. Bobbie tells Robin that Jason knows what Carly is doing, but he wants what is best for Michael. She tells Robin that if Jason's first priority is Michael, then Robin may need to step back. Bobbie asks Robin to look at the situation objectively. Robin tells Bobbie that she doesn't have to compete for Jason's affections. She says she is not going to give up. Bobbie tells her that when Robin was gone, she saw Carly, Jason and Michael interact very well as a family. Robin tells her that she will not let Carly take Jason away from her. Bobbie asks her if she will still fight at Michael's expense. Robin asks her if what she is saying is that if she loves Jason, she is supposed to let him go. Later, Robin is reflecting on when she and Jason first fell in love. She remembers when Jason told her he would always love her. Jason, Sonny and Mike arrive. Robin hugs Sonny, and gives Jason a forlorn look.

Sonny and Jax are going at it at the PC Grill, and Robin stops them telling them to stop and remember Brenda, and that they once both loved her. Jax tells Sonny to crawl back under the rock he escaped to when he left Brenda at the alter. Jax later tells Robin her life is going nowhere, and she'll just end up dead if she stays in Jason's and Sonny's world.

Jax visits Mac at home but finds Mac is not home but Robin is. He and Robin have a heart-to-heart. He tries to make Robin see how her life is so parallel to how Brenda's had been. Brenda was strong and independent once she dealt with the destruction caused by Sonny. Toward the end of her life, she had her own life back. She made her decisions based on what she wanted and not dependent upon Jax or Sonny. Robin used to be like that. At one time, Robin knew who she was and what she wanted and was living her life according to that. Now her decisions are made upon Jason. Jax asked her what became of her determination to be a doctor? He also stressed that with Sonny back in town, that puts Jason back in the business. Is she ready for that kind of life again? At first Robin argues that Sonny being back hopefully will help her situation with Jason. Sonny will help Jason see what Carly is doing. She continues to defend Sonny that he is her friend. Jax argues that Robin may love Jason but does Jason love Robin in the same way? What kind of love and respect does he give her by putting Michael, Carly, Sonny and his job first? He tells her where she can live, do what he says, go everywhere under guard, etc. And Robin just goes along with it all. However, she puts Jason first in everything that she does. Is this the kind of life she has always dreamed of having? Robin agrees that she has become this desperate type of person, but tries to put the blame on Carly. Its Carly's fault that her and Jason's life is the way it is. Eventually Robin starts to see the points that Jax is making and becomes more upset. She is crying when Mac returns home with Felicia.

Robin goes outside to help Felicia bring in the groceries. Felicia notices that Robin has been crying and asks if she is okay. Robin answers that she doesn't know anymore. They sit out on the patio and talk about Robin's situation with Jason, Michael and Carly. Felicia tells Robin that if Jason continues to be the father of Michael, then Carly will also be a part of the equation. Felicia tells Robin she needs to listen to that little voice inside of her no matter if it's telling her to stay with Jason or to move on. Robin tells Felicia that lately she has been missing her Mom a lot. Felicia asks Robin what she thinks her Mom, Anna, would tell her. Robin says that Anna would have said to meet this head on; lay down the law; make a decision; force Jason to make a decision and that no matter what his decision, stick to her guns. Don't slide her choice over because it didn't go her way. Felicia agrees. She tells Robin that one thing that Anna had was a backbone.

Jason stops by the penthouse. He asks if Robin had come by? Sonny gets perturbed with Jason about Robin and berates him about his lack of communication with Robin of late. Sonny tires to get Jason to see how much he has changed lately. Jason doesn't think it's him who has changed that it's Robin who's changed. He feels as if he is walking a tightrope, always afraid that if he does or says the wrong thing, it will hurt Robin's feelings and Robin will leave, again. He admits that at one time he could talk to Robin about anything and shared everything with her. Now, he just stays quiet. Sonny lays it out to Jason that Robin may have changed some, but so has Jason. Jason now has a son that takes priority, not Robin. All of his decisions are related to Michael and not to Robin as they once were. He didn't quit the business because of Robin; he quit because of Michael. And Sonny points out that the main problem here is Carly. Why doesn't Jason just give her $5 Million dollars and get her out of town? Jason says Carly won't settle for $5 Million when she knows that Jason has more. Sonny can't understand how Jason can put up with Carly. Sonny tells Jason that being a parent means making sacrifices. And the big sacrifice is that Jason is going to lose Robin And he may never find another woman like Robin, so he better be sure of what he is doing.

Lucky goes to the penthouse to approach Jason for work. He finds Sonny there with Jason. Jason tells Lucky that he doesn't have anything extra than what he is already doing for him, but Sonny offers him a job. The job is to deliver a package of confidential documents to Canada. Lucky accepts. After Lucky leaves the penthouse, Jason and Sonny talk a bit about business. They know he cops will be all over them and so will ax and Moreno. They decide to wait Moreno out until he makes his mistake.

Robin is fuming and its obvious she is upset with Jason. She asks Sonny to talk to Jason. Sonny and Jason were discussing the situation when Taggart arrived and told them that Justus is running for DA. Sonny and Jason realize that a Moreno-run DA is bad. Robin returns to the penthouse and finds Sonny. He asks why she didn't come home last night. She explains that she was helping Maxie and Georgie cook dinner for Mac and Felicia. She also did some thinking. She has realized that avoidance isn't the best way to live her life and that is what she has been doing. Trying not to fight with Jason and refusing to make a decision. She thought when Sonny came home that she wouldn't have to make a decision because he could fix everything for her. He was right to turn her down this time. Sonny says that there is nothing in the whole world he wouldn't do for her or Jason. Sonny tells Robin that she and Jason should try not to hurt each other. As Sonny leaves, Jason arrives. Jason and Robin make polite conversation about a warehouse Sonny and Jason are purchasing together. Jason tells Robin that Carly and Michael are not safe at the Brownstone. Robin says that it doesn't matter where Carly and Michael live. What matters is that Jason goes to them every night. It isn't fair to her or Carly of Michael and it has to stop. Jason agrees. Robin starts to say that she knows it will be hard for Jason to be away from Michael, but Jason stops her saying that that isn't what he meant. Jason explains that Justus is moving out of his penthouse and he is going to suggest to Carly that she and Michael live there. Wherever Carly and Michael are, Jason will be with them. He and Carly have to stay together until Michael is enough to understand that they love him but not each other. He can't leave until Michael is old enough to tell him what is wrong. Robin says that no child is ever old enough to understand that his parents don't love each other. Jason never even gave the joint custody arrangement a chance. He went to the Brownstone every night. Robin says that Carly is using Jason and Michael. Jason says that he knows what Carly is doing, but Michael needs them to be together.

Robin is angry and asks what about her. Doesn't she matter to Jason anymore? Jason says that he did this. He put them there. Jason tells Robin that he loves her so much, but it's not a good pain. It's not the ache that comes when your heart is too full. It's a sick feeling because he knows that everything he says and every choice he makes is going to hurt her. He would rather die than hurt her and that is all he ever does anymore. He asks how many times she has come close to dying because of him. He can see it in her eyes. She is sad. When they first met on the bridge, she was crying and he made her smile. That was the first thing that ever felt good to him. She was smiling because of him. Now he is the one making her cry. He has hurt her more than anyone. Robin says that she loves him and she knows that he didn't want to hurt her, but he has. She asks if Jason remembers when they used to try and fix things together. They would try to talk through whatever was wrong. She asks if they could try that again. Have enough faith in each other to decide together what they are going to do. Jason says that he will always have faith in her. Robin asks what Jason would want if he could have anything, if there was some magic way to arrange his life. Jason says that he would want Robin to be with him forever. She would go to school and become a doctor and grow old. Michael would grow up safe and happy. He and Carly would stay together until Michael didn't need them and everyone would be ok with that. He would see Robin all the time and he wouldn't hurt anybody. Robin asks Jason if he can't see a future without Carly because she is Michael's mother. When Jason agrees, Robin says that Carly has won. Jason says that it wasn't a fight, but Robin says that it was to her. She can't wait for him. It would be like dating a married man. Sharing a part of his heart that wasn't with his family. They've tried that and it doesn't work. She needs them to be able to have a life together and he can't give her that. Jason says that he is so sorry, but Robin tells him not to be. They loved each other and they tried the best that they could. Jason couldn't have done anything different. He is always so perfectly true to himself. He knows in his heart that Michael needs him and Carly.

Robin remembers when Jason first brought Michael home from the hospital. He was so small and fragile. She remembers the way Jason held him. Jason was the only thing Michael had. Robin knows that even though Jason may not have realized it at the time, that is when he pledged his soul never to fail Michael. There is no way that Jason can be with Robin and not fail Michael. Jason agrees that he can't see a way right now. Robin says that it hurt so bad to leave him the last time that she didn't think she could ever do it again, but she has to. In tears, she takes the ring Jason gave her off of her finger and hands it to Jason. Jason wants her to keep it, but she says that she can't. Jason doesn't understand why, she kept Stone's ring. Robin explains that Stone died. She can't keep something as a reminder of the life that she and Jason could have had. She can't hold on to something that will never happen. Robin places the ring in Jason's hand and tearfully tells him that she will always remember his face when he gave it to her. She will always remember everything that he gave her. He made her love her life. Jason says that she made him want to live. They are both in tears as they kiss goodbye. Robin asks Jason to do something for her. She asks him to please go. She knows that she is the one leaving, but she doesn't think that she is strong enough yet. Jason agrees. He holds up the ring and says that it is icing on the cake. The night he gave it to her she said that it meant better than the best. He tells her that that is what she is. Actually it is every day that he had with her.

Carly is all decked out for her brunch date with AJ. As her and AJ are about to leave, Jason arrives and says that he needs to speak to Carly. Carly immediately tells AJ that they will have to do brunch another time and asks him to leave. She turns to Jason and asks what is wrong. Jason tells Carly that he, Carly and Michael are moving to Justus' old penthouse. When he explains that he and Robin broke up, Carly expresses what looks like genuine remorse. She apologizes saying that this wouldn't have happened if she never would have said that Jason was Michael's father. Jason says that he will never be sorry for being Michael's father. Carly promises to make it up to Jason, no matter what it takes.

Robin is still at the penthouse when Sonny comes in. She takes one look at him and starts crying even harder than she already was and runs into his arms. Robin breaks away from Sonny's embrace. She explains that Jason is going to live with Carly and she can't wait around for him. The longer she stays, the more they will hurt each other. Robin still loves him, but it isn't enough anymore. She has to let him go. Sonny thinks maybe it is better this way. They walk away still loving each other. Robin says that Carly is going to hurt Jason. She is going to take Michael away from him. Robin says that she wanted to protect Jason from Carly. She didn't want him to get hurt. Sonny says that nothing will hurt Jason more than losing Robin.

Robin is at the penthouse, awkwardly talking to Jason. Jason offers to wake up Michael so she can say goodbye. Jason starts to explain, but Robin stops him. She says that she is going back to Paris. She has been invited back by her advisor there. Jason asks if she will be all right, she was lonely there the first time. Emily comes blowing into the penthouse, and sees immediately that she is interrupting. Robin wishes Emily a happy birthday, tearfully, and quickly leaves. Emily asks where Robin is going, and what is wrong. Jason tells Emily about him and Robin's breakup. Emily can't believe it and tells Jason to go after Robin. Jason says that it wouldn't matter and then explains that he has to live with Michael, and that means living with Carly, and Robin can't live that way. Emily says that its horrible, because she knows Jason loves Robin so much. Jason says that he did all he could, but this has to be better than it was. Jason then remembers Emily's birthday party, and tries to send her home, saying if she doesn't go, all the Q's will be over soon. He gives her the gift he got for her and has her open it. It's a motorcycle helmet and leather jacket so that they can go riding together. Emily thinks it is the coolest present she has ever received and is touched and can't believe that Jason is thinking of her when his life is falling apart. She then thanks Jason and gives him a hug and leaves for home. Alone, Jason is talking to Michael about Robin leaving and saying that he doesn't understand why. He picks Michael up and holds him and promises to always stay with him

Robin arrived to see Carly and tried to talk to her about Jason. Carly asks if she shouldn't be packing her own boxes. Robin says so you know and Carly sarcastically tells her that Jason doesn’t keep secrets from her. Robin tells her that Jason is not happy about all of this and Carly says that she thinks it is best for all concerned. Robin says what is best for all concerned is something they have never tried, joint custody. Carly says what’s best for Michael is having both of his parents together and that is what she and Jason are giving him. Robin tells Carly that Jason is only doing this because Carly has convinced him that its the right thing to do. Carly says that Jason loves Michael and she thinks that Jason will get over Robin like he did before. Still not wanting to fight with Carly, Robin tells her that she knows a way to make joint custody work so that Michael can still be with the most important people of his life. Carly asks Robin what is she going on about? She then tells Robin she had better pull out that bilingual dictionary of hers and look up a clue, because if joint custody didn’t last six minutes its because Jason didn’t want it to. Jason wants to be with his son all the time and she realizes thinking about what Jason wants is very foreign to Robin, but all she is doing is going along with what Jason wants, so don’t come crying to her because Robin overestimated her importance in Jason’s life. Robin says that she has insinuated herself into Jason's life and she is sorry to disappoint Carly, but she is as common as dirt, selfish, lazy, and greedy and not fit to make Jason's bed, let alone lie in it. She then tells Carly the only reason Carly thinks of love is to use it as an excuse for the inexcusable things that she does. She lies to him, takes advantage of him financially, and emotionally. Its how she manipulates Jason into thinking that he can’t be a man of his word unless he does exactly what she wants him to do. Carly calls her "little miss perfect going off to Paris to punish him Scorpio". You pout, and think that'll teach Jason a lesson. If I want something from Jason, I tell him. You manipulate him, and made him quit a job he loved to fit into your Martha Stewart knock off cabin, where he was miserable, but finally deserving of you. She then tells Robin she is nothing, but an icy emotional bully. She says that Robin has no one to blame but herself, and to take her sanctimonious butt back to Europe and leave her and Jason alone. Carly tells Robin that there was a time that she wished to be like Robin, well educated etc. But she is so over that. Robin says that what hurts her is that Carly is hurting Jason and Michael. When you got pregnant, it was the biggest tragedy in the world, you would lose Tony, your figure etc. She says that Jason fell for her ploy and fell in love with Michael while she was gone. Jason will never fall in love with you. Carly says that Jason, Michael and her are family, and Robin can't hurt them. Robin says that she will do what she has always done for Jason, love him. She leaves Carly with that thought and leaves. Carly stands there looking worried by Robin’s words.

Robin then calls AJ to meet her at the docks. AJ meets up with Robin and wonders what has happened. Before Robin can begin, he tells her that he heard about her breakup with Jason, Carly told him. She asks him if Carly was crowing or jumping for joy? AJ says that she wasn’t at all misty eyed about it. Robin says we know her AJ don’t we. AJ agrees that they know her in a way that even Tony Jones doesn’t know her. She talks about their fears, her of losing someone she loves, and AJ's fear of the alcohol taking over his life again and how they let those fears control their lives and how Carly took advantage of their fears. She then wonders how Jason can let Carly use him like she has, because he doesn’t have a weakness. AJ says well there is Michael and that when he sees Jason with Michael it is all that he sees left of the brother that he once had. Robin tells AJ there is more and that Carly taught Jason how to lie. He wouldn’t lie for her or Sonny, only for Carly and it started as just one lie. AJ asks what lie there is. She talks about Carly showing up on Jason’s doorstep pregnant, soaking wet with no place to go and how Carly loves to tell this part of the story because it makes Jason seem like he’s some sort of savior. What it really tells you, if you know Jason at all is that he really didn’t have a choice. AJ doesn't understand and says Carly showed up at Jason’s door pregnant? Robin tells him she is so sorry. He says sorry for what Robin, what one lie and what are you trying to say? Robin says about Michael. AJ then figures out that Michael isn't Jason's son and Robin tells a stunned AJ that Michael is his biological son. AJ is livid with Robin that she kept the truth from him for so long, asking her if she realized she deprived him of the first year of his own son's life. Carly assures Jason that they can be a family now that they are together without Robin.

Robin goes to the penthouse to tell Jason the news, and he screams at her that she has just given the Q's all the ammunition they need to take Michael away from them, and let the Q's into his life. Sonny is disappointed with Robin's news that she told AJ the truth about Michael's paternity, and Robin stands her ground by saying she did the right thing. Robin goes to see Mac. They are cuddled up on the couch talking about Jason. Robin tells Mac she now understands how Mac feels. There was a time when Jason treated her differently than the rest of the world, but now she is locked out just like the rest of them. Mac asks her it all depended upon a lie, was it really love? Robin says it really was.

Carly and Jason go round and round on the AJ issue. Carly wants to know what Jason plans to do. They can't fight the Q's financially, because Edward would bury them. Moreover, they wouldn't be able to win in court. Between her past history of sleeping around, shooting Tony, her stay in the mental hospital and the Q's money, she doesn't stand a chance. Jason tries to reassure her saying that the courts always favor the mother in custody battles. Jason holding Michael and Carly asks Jason if he is really sure he wants to stay to try fighting the Quartermaines. Carly wants to try to make a run for it. Jason makes Carly promise that she will "keep it together" for Michael's sake. That means no stupid moves like shooting someone, pretending to be insane, no meeting with Edward or AJ half way. Carly promises.

Robin arrives at the clinic to say goodbye to Alan. She is surprised to see Tony there as well. She explains that she is going back to Paris and just wanted to say goodbye to Alan. Alan asks how her leaving affects her relationship with Jason and is genuinely sad to hear that they have broken up. Robin thanks Alan for saving her Uncle Mac's life. She tells Alan that when she says she wants to be a doctor, she really means that she wants to be like him. Alan assures her that she will be much better. Alan tells Robin that he wishes she wasn't going. One of his goals was to be her physician again. He has never known anybody with as much grace and courage as her. They hug and Alan tells her to take care of herself in a choked voice. Robin promises and kisses him on the cheek. Alan watches sadly as she walks out the door. Jason is on the phone with an attorney when Sonny walks in. He wants to find out if there is any way to stop AJ from fighting for custody.

Sonny cautions Jason not to let the pain lead him or he will make mistakes. Jason says that it isn't like that. When someone betrays you, it is like half of you dies. You can't go back and undo it, you just have to protect what you have left. Sonny explains that Robin called and that she is leaving today. Sonny is going to go meet her to say goodbye. Carly comes running down the stairs frantically demanding to know where Michael is.

Jason calmly assures Carly that Michael is fine. He is with Letitia. Carly is still concerned. What if AJ shows up with custody papers. Jason assures her that AJ has no proof but Robin's word. Sonny looks disgusted as Carly insists that Robin is a snake and would do anything to take Michael away from them. Jason tells Carly that they are in for a long fight and not to panic. Carly tells Jason that if he would never had told Robin the truth, they wouldn't be in this situation. Sonny interrupts and tells Carly that if she doesn't like the situation, she shouldn't have created it. He asks Jason if there is anything he wants him to tell Robin. Jason says no and Sonny leaves to meet Robin to say goodbye. After Sonny goes, Carly starts to say more mean things about Robin, but Jason stops her. He says that it doesn't matter why Robin did it. Jason assures Carly that he isn't going to let AJ take Michael. Carly asks what they do now. Jason says that they meet with the lawyers. They aren't going to lose Michael. One way or another, Michael will stay with them.

Robin is on the docks with Jax saying goodbye. Jax offers her financial support or any of Brenda's furniture if she wants it. Robin declines, but thanks Jax for the offer. She thinks that Jax should have Brenda's furniture. Robin offers to have the realtor call Jax about the cottage, but Jax tells her that she doesn't have to arrange anything. Sometimes it's best to leave things as they are and walk away. Robin laughs and says that that is what she is doing. Jax asks Robin if she remembers when they first met. Robin says that they were water skiing. Jax laughs as he remembers how Robin took a bad spill. He had only been married to Brenda for a couple of weeks and he was afraid that he had just drowned her best friend. Brenda assured Jax that Robin wasn't made of china. She was the strongest person Brenda knew. Jax thanks Robin for coming back and helping Brenda. Robin says that she was glad she had those last six months with Brenda, and Jason. Parts of it were the happiest times of her life. Jax assures Robin that the best times of her life are still ahead of her. As Jax and Robin are talking, Sonny arrives on the docks. Robin apologizes to Jax saying that she didn't know Sonny would be there that soon. Jax hugs Robin and tells her that he will miss her. He promises to take her to dinner next time he is in Paris. Jax leaves telling her to take care. After he goes, Robin turns to Sonny and thanks him for coming. She wasn't sure he would. Sonny says that he loves her. Of course he would come when she calls. Sonny asks if she needs anything, money. Robin laughs and says that Jax just offered her the same thing. Robin asks how Jason is. Sonny tells her that they can't discuss Jason ever again. Robin asks Sonny to just tell her that Jason is going to be OK, but Sonny says that he can't do that. Robin knows better than anyone how Jason is. The love she gave, the trust is gone. Robin reminds Sonny that he left Brenda at the altar because it was the only way to save her. Sonny tells Robin that he was wrong, he tried to tell her that. Sonny tells Robin to have a safe trip. Robin asks Sonny to please take care of Jason. Sonny said that he never took care of Jason, Jason never needed him to. Sonny thought Robin knew that. Sonny goes leaving Robin alone on the docks.

Jason walks in while they are talking and asks Tony why he is there. Tony says that Carly can fill him in on the details of his visit. Jason says that there are certain situations he left unresolved for Robin's sake. He can finish them now. He tells Tony not to come there again. After Tony goes, Jason asks Carly if this is about the day in the park or if Tony has something else on her. He doesn't have time for Carly to lie to him, he needs to know what to do about Ton. Carly finally "fesses up" about when she left Michael alone in the swing and Tony found him. Carly is afraid that the Q's can use that against her. Jason points out that Carly shot Tony which is a lot worse than walking ten feet away from a baby in a swing. Carly asks what the lawyer said. Jason says that the courts generally want a child with it's mother, but that they have a fight ahead of them. From now on, there are two rules. Don't do anything stupid. And if she does, don't lie about it, tell him right away so he can fix it. Carly hugs Jason and apologizes for lying about the park. Jason says that he knows she will continue to lie, but cautions her not to lie about Michael. Carly tells Jason that the best thing she ever did for Michael was to give him Jason as a father. She would never do anything to screw that up. She goes upstairs to play with Michael as Sonny comes home. Jason tells him that the lawyer thinks they have a strong case. Jason tells Sonny that the lawyer also told him that if Michael were two, there would be no way that AJ could challenge the legal father. Even if the biological father can prove a relationship, it wouldn't matter in court. If Robin would have waited one more year, Michael would have been safe from AJ. Sonny says that he never thought Robin would betray Jason. He would have bet his life on it. Jason says that he bet Michael's. Maybe not his life, but his happiness and his future. Sonny nods in silent agreement.

Robin is at Mac and Felicia's packing the last of her things. She expresses happiness about making school a priority again. She says that parts of this last year have been the best, like Mac and Felicia's wedding. She was glad that she was right about that. Mac says that they had better get going or she will miss her flight. Robin tells him that they have time because she changed her flight. She has something she has to do first. Robin is alone on the bridge where she and Jason first met. She is looking thoughtfully at the water when Jason walks up behind her. Jason is surprised to see Robin since Sonny told her she took off at five. Robin said that she just had to see the bridge one last time before she let it go. So much has happened there. Robin starts to ask Jason if he remembers the night... but Jason stops her. He says that he remembers everything. He owes her his life. What he learned from Sonny and loving her, until Michael. Robin says that she didn't do anything to take Michael away from him. He knows her. Jason says that after the accident, when he woke up, Robin was the first person he ever saw, but he didn't know her. And he doesn't now. He came to say goodbye too. She taught him that, just like she taught him to love. She gave him everything good he has and now he has it to give to Michael. He will always owe her for that. Jason says that he never wanted her to go before, but he does now. It will be mush easier with her in Paris. Jason says that it will be a lot easier if he never sees her face again. Robin has tears running down her face as she watches Jason leave, knowing that she will never see him again.

Jason is at the penthouse when Sonny arrives home from a visit with Mike. Jason says that Carly must bother Sonny more than he thought if he is visiting Mike. Sonny tells Jason that so far, the only thing he likes about Carly is that she is Michael's mother. Jason says that he sent Carly shopping. She should be gone all day. When Sonny thanks him, Jason says that he did it as much for himself as Sonny. Carly is scared and she is angry and she keeps going over and over what Robin did and Jason just… Jason tells Sonny that he saw Robin at the bridge. He went to say goodbye. He wanted to see the bridge one last time so he would never have to go again and Robin was there. She looked up and she was so beautiful and … Sonny asks Jason if he hated her. Jason tells Sonny that he never thought about loving Robin. It was just a part of him, like breathing. But when he saw her on that bridge and she was telling him that she didn't mean to take Michael away, he didn't know her. He didn't want to. He rode his motorcycle all night, he doesn't even know where. Yesterday, he said that betrayal is like having someone die, and it is. You go from feeling nothing to feeling so much. He is just glad that she is gone. Sonny asks if he told Robin that. Jason says that he did and then he walked away. Sonny tells Jason that he did all right. Better than he did.

Sonny reminds Jason of the time that Brenda wore a wire to set him up. He told Jason about the wire, but he never told him how he found it and how he acted. Brenda didn't blindside him, he was warned. He gave her a chance to tell him, but she didn't. He pulled the tape recorder from her pocket and then he lost it. He started tearing up the room. Brenda tried to tell him why she did it, but he wouldn't listen. The next thing he knew, he had her face in his hands and he was screaming at her. Then he walked out of the room and Brenda was on the floor crying like a broken doll. Jason says that he doesn't know how Sonny loved Brenda after that. Sonny says that maybe he shouldn't have. Once you're betrayed, that's it. How can you love someone once they've turned on you? Jason agrees. When Robin asked Sonny to fire Jason, Jason fought with Robin. But when he saw her on the bridge, there was nothing to fight about. Everything between them was already gone. He doesn't want to feel angry with Robin. He didn't want to feel anything. Sonny says that it doesn't work that way. Jason is going to hurt for a while, but he's better at carrying it than Sonny.

June 21, 1999 - (Note: I didn't include all of the 1999 and 2000 NB scenes just those pertaining to Robin). At the Nurse's Ball, Emily's AIDS video is shown: Mac talks about Robin, patients open their hearts about their life with AIDS, and there are interviews with Felicia and Bobbie. After Kevin and Mac tell each other how much they miss Robin, Emily and Ned sing "Forever Young" while we see quilts of many AIDS victims. Jason looks sad and pensive during their song. Ned encourages the audience to join them and they all sing along. It was a sweet, sad number.

June 20-21, 2000 - The first Nurse's Ball montage is of everyone getting ready to go to the ball. Some of the highlights are of AJ belting back a shot of vodka, Lucky contemplates his tux, Helena tries to look girlish, Robin has arrived. Lucy comes out and welcomes everyone to the ball. Lucy started off by recognizing Stefan as a major contributor who couldn't make it to the ball. Nick gave a speech about Stefan's generosity and kindness that most people don't get to see. He spoke about Stefan in the past tense. Liz is congratulated on her design of this years nurses ball t-shirt. Juan, Emily and Liz sing and dance to "Footloose". Ned sings "Simply Irresistible". Alan, Tony and Lucy sing and dance to "Hey Goodlookin'".

Robin sees Sonny and asks where Jason is. He tells her that he is not in touch with him but she should ask Emily. Robin wants to know why he no longer keeps in touch with Jason, before he answers Carly walks up calls him "Honey" and kisses his cheek, and pulls him away. Later Robin and Carly meet in the lobby and Carly can't help but rub it in Robin's face that her and Sonny are planning to get married. Robin is stunned. She wants to know what happened between her and Jason. Carly says everything is Robins fault, she started it all by telling AJ that Michael was his son. Sonny comes upon them arguing. Robin tells him that she has never been more ashamed of anyone as she was of him and walks off. Carly starts to apologize to Sonny for getting into it with Robin but he cuts her off and says he came to make sure she was okay.

Juan and Emily come back on stage and sing with, audience participation, "Lean on Me" while we see panels from the Aids Quilt Sonny donated a large amount of money to Pediatric Aids in Carly's name. Carly accepted a picture made by the kids but tells everyone that they should really be thanking Sonny and that children and babies are defenseless and we should all protect them. AJ is disgusted by all this and goes onto the terrace to have a drink. Robin gets up and tells everyone that her health is good and that she has a great life in Paris but only a few years ago that wouldn't be possible but thanks to all the people who donate money for research longer, more productive lives are possible. Carly tells Sonny that if she has to listen to Saint Robin any longer she will throw up. She gets up to go to the ladies room, Sonny wants Johnny to go with her but she says she can go by herself. She goes out o the terrace where AJ is. She pulls her gun, AJ turns around when he hears her cock the gun. "I'm going to do to you what you did to my son". Closing credits roll.

April 17, 2002 - 10,000 Anniversary montages -Lots of flashbacks and highlights to a series of music montages. The hospital staff and friends celebrate Audrey's 10,000th day of work (also the 10,000th episode of GH). They give her a lovely heart pendant. She is touched by the warm reception she receives and this leads to a series of music montages throughout the episode:

Friday, July 16, 2004 - In Loving Tribute of Anna Lee (Lila Quartermaine) 1913-2004 - At the Quartermaine mansion, Monica and Alan spoke of Lila, and Alan admitted he had always hoped he was his mother's favorite. Monica stated that she knew of Lila's affection towards Alan from the first meeting. Tracy entered, wanting somebody to stop all the interlopers from attending and interfering with the memorial service. She managed to enrage Monica enough to incite Monica to threaten to kick her out of the mansion, going so far as ordering Alice to throw out Tracy's belongings. Tracy threw Rick Webber and AJ's questionable parentage into Monica's face and also questioned if AJ even knew about Lila's death. The room soon also filled with Edward, Dillon, Ned, Lois, Brook Lynn, Justus, and Emily. Emily managed to break up the argument and convinced Monica to allow Tracy to stay in the house. Speaking with Alan alone, Tracy apologized for picking a fight. The siblings came to the realization that they indeed had the best mother in the world.

Felicia, Mac, Maxie, and Georgie prepared for the service. Soon, Bobbie and Lucas arrived, followed by Lucy (dressed in red) and Kevin. Lucy recalled her wedding to Alan-and short marriage-with her red wedding dress and remembered how Lila, "Mother Quartermaine", had always treated her so well.

Carly comforted Jason and reflected on how good Lila had been to her. Meanwhile, outside the church, Sonny ran into Robin Scorpio; she had just flown into town for the service. She mentioned that Brenda had wanted to come but could not and that Brenda was happy and hoped that Sonny was, too, believing that he was with the woman of his destiny, Carly. Sonny and Robin also remembered Stone, prompting Sonny to apologize for not taking care of her as he had promised Stone he would. Robin said that she hadn't let him, apologized for the distance and let him know that she loved him. When the Quartermaines arrived, Monica tried to remind Tracy of Robin, the daughter of Robert and Anna Scorpio, but Tracy couldn't be bothered. Alan had to pull her away from Sonny's presence.

Jax and Courtney arrived, and Jax introduced Robin to Courtney. At this point, Robin learned of Jason's divorce and of Jax's new romantic interest. When Jason arrived, he and Robin shared some time together. Jason was surprised to see her but was glad to see Robin happy. Robin mentioned that Brenda had told him "hi" and that her time in Europe was good, getting to see her mother, Anna, and her old friend, Brenda.

Tracy welcomed Amanda Barrington to the service, and Ned greeted Alexis. Alan and Monica spoke to Lee and Gail Baldwin and reminisced about how much of the family had once resided above Kelly's; Tracy reminded them that it was because Monica had thrown Edward and Alan out of the house. Lucy tried to offer condolences to her "favorite ex-husband" while also trying not to offend Monica. Ric and Elizabeth were in attendance, and Lucky was there to pay his respects and as a comfort to Emily. Dillon and Brook, descendants of Lila, realized that Maxie and Georgie knew her better. Tony and Bobbie had fond memories and mentioned how much Luke had adored Lila.

Monica spoke at the service, followed by Alan, who remarked how Lila liked everybody. Tracy spoke about how people wondered how she could possibly be the daughter of Lila Quartermaine, but, given everything, how she was still loved by her mother and how that sustained her. She also said that Lila never stopped learning and that she would try to honor that by learning from her mother. Ned remembered that his grandmother understood his desire to perform and that she was a performer herself, always coming across as smiling, serene and wise-what they expected her to be. Jason rose to speak but could not. Emily took his place and said that she had never seen Lila able to walk and dance but that her spirit was always free. She lamented not telling her adoptive grandmother that she loved her, one more time. Brook Lynn sang in honor of her great-grandmother, and Edward thanked everyone for attending. He said that he believed there was a Heaven and that Lila was there now. There were fond memories of Lila with Edward and her family.

**The End**

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