Robin & Jason #8 July 27 - Oct 22, 1998 - 7 hrs 57 mins

Robin stops by after the wedding to say goodnight to Jason. He asks her to stay over, but she hasn't brought any clothes with her. He tells her they will worry about it in the morning; Robin decides to stay. The next morning, Robin is dressed in Jason's sweats. Lucky shows up and asks for a job. He has left home and is living in the same boxcar that Jason used to crash at. Jason gives Lucky an advance on his salary, Lucky doesn't want to take it but Jason tells him when he left the Q's that people helped him, like Luke. Luke shows up and isn't happy that Lucky is going to be working for Jason. Jason's trying to feed Michael which isn't working out to well. Robin must leave to go and meet Brenda for a late lunch regarding L&B business. Robin notices Jason has a camera and asks if he's taken up a new hobby. He's just taking pictures of Michael every day so Carly can see his progress. Robin is at Brenda's, calling the restaurant to says she'll be late and Brenda comes down the stairs. She's late as well. Brenda tells her very best friend she thinks she is pregnant. She's not actually sure because she hasn't taken a test but is scared to find out. Robin thinks it could be great and Brenda isn't too sure Jax will be excited. She's also afraid that she'd make a horrible mother. Robin urges Brenda to go to a doctor and let Jax in on what she knows. Robin thinks her friend is lucky and Brenda apologizes for not having thought of Robin's feelings. Robin goes back to Jason's and plays with baby Michael.

Jason lets Justus know he gave Sonny his word and Justus tells him he promised him to always be truthful. Justus believes that with a few breaks Jason can be twice what Sonny was. Jason doesn't want that though. Justus informs him that he will either get bigger or he will go down. Jason is not too happy with what he's heard. Robin and Brenda meet up at Jake's; Brenda came in all jazzed about a band she wants to sign to L & B, kept quiet about her feelings of Robin's new living arrangement, and confided (ok, Robin pried it out of her) that she wasn't pregnant after all. In the telling, she did not neglect to mention how totally awesome Jax was about the whole thing. The ladies ran to the bar's back room when the band started, and were spied by a couple of skanky dudes in the process. Coming back from the show, Robin opined "They should change their name to 'We Suck.'" Brenda countered that she was really more interested in the guitar player, who she wanted to reinvent. When the two headed for the backstage door, they were followed by the aforementioned skanky dudes. Waiting at the back door, the two ambled up and claimed to be friends with the guitar player; also, they recognized Brenda and invited the gals to join them at an after-party in their room. "Uh, yeah, later," the gals say as the skanky dudes wander away. Jerry and Jax follow the dudes outside to find them all over Robin and Brenda. To scare them off, they give a song and dance along the lines of "You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Him, Lucille," and, getting the idea that the ladies are even skankier than themselves, they tuck their tails and run for safety. Later at the penthouse, Robin advised Brenda that trying to repeat the Eddie Maine affair might not be a good idea.

Robin enters the PCPD and asks Mac about his honeymoon. They exchange pleasantries, and then Robin tells Mac that she's moving in with Jason. Mac is, of course, less than thrilled. Robin reminds him that she grew up with danger all around her, Anna, Duke, Robert, the mob, the WSB, her mom being police chief and spy! Mac replies that it isn't exactly comforting that she's taking her life lessons from 3 dead people. Mac explains to Robin that Jason does the kind of things that Robert and Anna fought against. "I love Jason," Robin repeats. "I want him to love you enough to live inside the law," Mac replies, "and until he does, I'm gonna come after him." Robin considers herself warned, and they hug.

Jason gets a call saying Mike's been arrested. He has to go bail him out. Robin is supposed to be going out with Nikolas, so he says he'll get someone to watch Michael, but Robin tells him she'll take him if he wants. He tells her Renaldo will have to go with her and she says that's fine. So she takes Michael. She goes to meet Nik at the PC Hotel and they sit and have coffee. Nikolas says he's finally glad to meet Michael. She asks how the trial's going and he says terrible because he thinks his testimony incriminated his "uncle". They talk about who they saw on the parapet and they both say it could have only been Katherine. She had the same dress, hair style everything. Then Brenda shows up. Nik offers her a seat and she takes it. She holds Michael and looks at him like she wants to have one of him. She gives him back to Robin and they sit and chit chat for a little bit. Then Robin says she has to go because she has a date with Jason and she leaves. Nikolas and Brenda remain and Brenda asks about Lulu. He tells her it was her birthday party and they talk about that for a bit. She tells him she knows his mother left him. She says she just heard it around. She tells him her mother left her too, but the big difference is, his mother came back.

Jason gets to PCPD and starts filling out the forms to have Mike released while Taggert harasses him. Taggert tells him if they ever get Sonny, Sonny will turn him in, so tell them where he is and he'll get full immunity. Jason says no. Mike then jumps in and tells Taggert off. Jason stops him and says that this is what Taggert does when he's bored and has nothing else on him. He then says "It's never worked and it never will. Bye." and leaves. They get back to Jason's and Mike wanders around lost. They talk about how much they miss Sonny, and how at least Jason gets to know where he is. Jason said he felt lost when Robin was in Paris, so he knows how it feels. Mike comes down a while later and says he's going to go but Jason tells him Michael and Robin will be back soon so he stays. Bobbie comes by unannounced and tells him sorry for not calling but she had an urge to see her grandson. He tells her she never needs to call, but he'll be back any minute because he's out with Robin. Bobbie is shocked that he's out with Robin but Jason says they're getting closer ever since Robin moved in. Bobbie is even more shocked at this and asks about Carly. Jason says there will always be room for Carly. He then gives her a letter Carly wrote. She writes like she's crazy but there's little subliminal messages in it. Bobbie reads it and then Jason reads it to Michael when he gets back. Bobbie comments to Mike that everything looks good, except there looks like there's no room for Carly.

Robin and Nikolas are out together again and talking about how Nikolas feels he messed up the trial. She tells him that she would have said the same stuff if they called her to testify because she's on the witness list, she just hasn't been called yet. Felicia goes to Jason's apartment and he says that Robin's not there. She says that's all right, she was looking for him. She says she wishes that Mac could see how happy Robin is. Robin's finally happy for Mac & Felicia and she wishes Mac would return the favor. She tries to explain to Jason that Robin shouldn't have to choose, but Felicia suggests that eventually, Robin may have to, whether Jason makes her do it or not. Robin comes back and Felicia invites them to dinner. After small discussion and Jason being indifferent to the matter, Robin agrees. After Felicia leaves, they talk about how Mac will probably never LIKE Jason, but how maybe he can grow to accept their relationship.

Monica sees Jason and tells him she's worried about Alan. "Did he OD?" Jason intelligently asks. Jason tells her he has plans with Robin. She tells him about Taggart's threats. Jason informs Monica that the only protection Alan has is to kick the pills. Deep in her fog, Monica claims he's in a 12-step program. She's also worried about Emily. Jason says Emily can live with him, if she wants. She's also worried about General Hospital. Robin and Michael come down. Leticia takes Michael. Jason explains that there are guards outside.

Felicia tells Mac that Jason is coming for dinner with Robin. He is not happy to be entertaining a mobster given his position as police commissioner. Mac, getting ready for company, warns Maxie and Georgie how dangerous Jason and his bodyguards are. Felicia doesn't like this. She tells the girls it is important to have fun. Maxie is thrilled that Jason is coming. "COOL!" Jason comes. The girls are excited. Maxie likes Renaldo. She says to Mac, "I don't think that man's rude." During the evening, Mac is awkward. They're chatting and Mac pulls Georgie away from Jason. That does it... the girls are sent upstairs and the adults start in. Mac tells Robin and Jason that he's not apologizing. He want's no more blood or broken glass. Robin fights. She starts to leave. "It's not his fault that I can't stay away from him." Mac says her pill-taking could be made useless by a bullet. Robin counters that she doesn't want to miss anything. "You want me breathing and I want to be alive. They're two different things." Mac warns Jason. Jason and Robin leave. Felicia hugs Mac. She says they'll work on it. Mac calls Taggert. He wants Jason locked up. Pull out all the stops.

Robin shows up at Brenda's house, and they talk L&B business. Seems Brenda is keeping L&B afloat with income from her modeling. Robin is quiet as the talk segues into wedding-talk. She asks Brenda if Jason is invited to the wedding. Brenda is surprised by the question. "Of course he is." Robin is talking to Brenda on the phone and she says that she'll ask him. Jason walks in then and knows that she's talking about him. He wants to know what she needs. Brenda wants Jason's help to book Luther (that guitarist they signed) at Luke's Place so he can get some exposure. Brenda's been trying to get a hold of Luke but she can't find him. Jason says sure, and Robin is thankful that he's so sweet. Jason says he has to go out but he's leaving Michael there. He says he'll rush back for her.

Jason comes in looking for Mike but meets Marco instead. They introduce themselves and Jason notices the bike Marco is working on. Mike comes in and asks Jason if he likes it -- which he does. Jason doesn't really pay attention after that as he's watching Marco put in a part, but Mike talks about expanding, but right now he just appreciates the loan. Jason shows Marco how to put the part in. Jason and Marco are finishing up and Mike comes back. Jason convinces him to leave the garage open while he's waiting to expand. Mike says they're now officially partners.

Mac is with Robin and they talk about Stone and how he was a good person and that's why Robin nursed him when he was ill. She says she would do the same thing with Jason should anything happen to him, but Mac tries to tell her that Jason is dangerous. Robin says he may be able to protect her from some things, but he can't protect her from love.. Robin and Mac are talking about Stone and how Mac grew to love him. They talk about how Robin used to sneak out of the house to be with him [wish she was more like that now!!] and how Mac was really mad at Stone when he found out Robin was HIV positive, but he forgave him and kept loving him because it's what Robin wanted. Robin says that after Stone died she was lost, but one night she went to the bridge and there was Jason. He had no past or anything, and he was fearless. He always says Robin taught him how to love, but Robin thinks he taught her. Mac tells Robin that he's glad they had this talk about Stone and the time to clear the air. Robin asks if he's ever going to stop worrying about her but he tells her not to count on it that she is his family. She says she's never going to stop loving Jason, either. Jason comes in and Mac apologizes for the other night. Jason says thank you and Mac leaves. Jason says that it's Stone's birthday and Robin is surprised since he's usually bad with dates. He says he remembers things like that. She says that's not the only anniversary there is that it is also the anniversary of the day she fell in love with him.

Robin is singing to Michael and Jason has a cake for them for their anniversary. They both wish that they'll be together forever and kiss.. Jason and Robin are still eating cake and they talk about what they did last year on their anniversary. Jason never thought he'd get her back but he's glad she's here. They tell each other they love one another and Jason asks Robin if she wants her present yet. She is surprised and he gives her a ring and asks her which finger she wants it on. He puts the ring on, they say their I love you's again and kiss.

Jason and Justus doing business with the import-export. Jason tells him that Monica is worries about Alan. "What's a nice legal way to get rid of Detective Taggert?" They talk about the upcoming Internal Affairs hearing. Jason has a motorcycle for Michael in the room. (The garage is not air conditioned.) Robin is working on L&B business. Brenda is distracted as she has learned her mother is alive. Brenda is shaken and talks to Robin about why her mother would show up now?

Most of Port Charles is at Luke's for the party, Brenda booked her very first L&B performance, who is supposed to perform at Luke's. But Luther never showed Ned fills in. Jason and Mike played pool in the back room and Jason told Mike he wants to keep everyone he loves safe, and its a hard thing to do. As Robin was leaving the club, Mac told her that he loves her and just wants her to be safe, there were no harsh words. Jason, Emily, and Nicholas also came out of the club, Nicholas walked Robin to the car, Nik kisses Robin’s hand and bids her good-bye. As Robin walked towards the car, it was a total remake of the Lily go boom episode. The same music, everything was in slow motion. Jason looks over at Robin and smiles at her; she waves to him. Robin approaches the car; Jason waves back. Jason is looking at Robin and she looks uneasy as she get close to the car. Jason gets an odd look on his face, and starts to run to her. Robin sees him running, looks worried and starts backing away from the car. Jason reaches her, picks her up and starts carrying her away from the car, it explodes and they fall to the ground, Robin in Jason arms. (End of slow motion] Mac comes running toward them; Jax, Brenda, Ned and Alexis come out of the club after hearing the explosion; Em is screaming for Jason; Brenda is freaking out. Jason carries Robin over to the front of Luke’s. He is visibly shaken. Robin is unconscious, but is breathing. Ned calls 911. Mac wants to know how Robin is; Jason tells him not to touch her until the ambulance arrives. Jason asks Em to call the penthouse and check on Michael. The find out Michael is safe. Jason is crying, begging Robin to wake up. Robin wakes up and asks what happened. Jason tells her she didn’t die.

Inside the Club, Taggert tries to question Jason and Robin about the car bombing, asking if they saw anything suspicious. Mac asks Jason why he ran to Robin. His reply: “Instincts.” Taggert starts going off on Jason and Mac stops him, saying they can continue in the morning. Alexis interjects that the Jason’s questioning should continue. Robin asks for privacy with Mac. Mac wants her to come home with him after she goes to the hospital, but Robin says no. She asks him not to go to the hospital with her either, because he will just fight with Jason and that is the last thing she needs right now. Mac reluctantly agrees, but tells her that Jason has some explaining to do tomorrow. Mike offers to take Robin and Jason to the hospital. Em tells Jason she is glad he is all right, he apologizes for scaring her. Brenda tells Robin that she will stop by the penthouse tomorrow.

Jason is waiting for Robin to finish being checked out. Mike tells him that he checked in with the penthouse and all of his cars have been checked and all is safe. Mike asks him what he will do now. Jason tells him it doesn’t matter who’s fault it was, it only matters what he does about it. Robin approaches them, telling Jason that she is fine. There is no concussion, no broken bones just a cut on her forehead. He thanks Mike for all of his help and Mike tells him that he will stop by tomorrow. Jason tells him to call first, since he will be screening all visitors. Jason hugs Robin and they leave. Robin & Jason get home, ask about Michael. Robin goes to see Michael. Jason asks Benny is he was involved in the car bombing. Then he realized that it was Moreno. He asks Benny to find out if any of his associates are working with Moreno, including Justus, since he’s been acting so strange lately. He asks Benny to take care of Reynaldo’s funeral arrangements and to tighten security. Benny asks when Jason plans to retaliate. He says soon, before Moreno has a chance to try again. Leticia comes downstairs and Jason asks her if she wants to quit. She says she’d miss Michael and that Jason is a good boss. Robin comes downstairs with Michael and hands him to Jason. Jason tries to explain to Michael that bad things happened, but that they are all safe now. He tells Robin that he almost brought Michael to Luke’s tonight and he could’ve been in that car. Jason realizes that whoever killed Reynaldo and almost killed Robin wouldn’t have cared if they killed Michael. With tears in his eyes, he says he wouldn’t know what he would have done if Robin had been killed. He asks her if she understands that he has to do something about the bombing. Robin understands that he loves her and Michael and would do whatever it takes to keep them safe. But there is more than one way to deal with this and she has faith that he will choose the right way. They tell each other that they love each other and that is more important than anything. Jason tells Michael about Reynaldo’s death, that he was the intended target. Robin takes Michael to bed. Jason walks over to the windows, deep in thought about what to do now.

Jason stands at the penthouse window looking remarkably like a taller, younger, blonde, more aloof, Sonny (the resemblance is startling). When Robin, sporting that charming tiny bandage as a sign of her horrific ordeal comes down the stairs he tells her now he knows why Sonny spent so much time looking out of that same window, and what he was doing. He was reliving the moments when Lily walked away and stepped into the limousine and the explosion, over and over again. He tells Robin that he understands if she wants to leave him. Robin pledges her devotion and says she knows he will protect her. She asks him how he knew the bomb was about to go off, and Jason says instinct. He saw a silver thing on the bumper and he thought of Lily. (He doesn't mention that Robin was wearing a similar pink dress, heels, wrapper, outside of Luke's Club, brunette girl walking alone to car, turn back to smile). Brenda & Robin have lunch together at the PC Grill. Veronica enters, Brenda confronts her by throwing a glass of water in her face. Veronica responds in kind. Robin leaves them alone to talk.

Robin goes to the police station to give her statement. Nikolas is there and offers to stay with her since she is uncomfortable. Robin accepts. Taggert tells Mac that he thinks Monica is about to deliver the goods on Justus and Jason. Robin and Nikolas enter. Robin and Mac have a terse exchange and Mac leaves. Taggert asks Robin if she found it strange that she was walking alone to the car the night of the explosion. Robin responds: “Why would I?” Taggert asks if Jason has set up a counter move, has Moreno’s name been mentioned. Robin and Nikolas leave without answering. Moreno is in the police station and offers condolences to Robin for the other night, Robin walks away from him. Moreno then joins Taggert in the interrogation room.

Nikolas asks Robin how she can stand living in Jason’s way of life. Robin defends Jason (again) saying he is only violent when his loved ones are threatened. She explains who Moreno is and tells Nik that she is afraid of Moreno. Jason is in the penthouse with Michael, talking about how he can't take him to the park because he is in "trouble." He promises that Michael will never pay for what he's done. Robin enters and they talk about Michael and about Jason "handling this" aka, the bombing. Robin brings up having A.J. know the truth about Michael. Robin argues her point, but Jason keeps his ground. Emily comes in and tells Jason that Edward is trying to get Michael from Jason again. Emily and Robin come back with pictures they drew to make Michael feel like he is in the park.

Jason is at the penthouse talking to Michael and showing him boats from the window. Michael has a stuffed animal the he plays with while Jason reminds him of the day that he might die and explains that he might die again. Probably not, he reflects, but if he doesn't come back, that'll be why. Michael momentarily takes a fascination with Jason's mouth and covers it with his hand. Jason keeps taking his hand, but it never really works out. He does manage to tell Michael how important he is and puts him back into his play pen just as Robin warily descends the stairs. Jason crosses the room and picks up his gun, loading it while Robin watches. Robin looks at him, wide-eyed, and states that she doesn't know him when he acts like this. Jason reminds her that she trusted him to handle this. Robin starts to cry "I don't want you to get hurt!" Robin insists there are other ways, but Jason will not be put off. He announces "It's time", goes and looks down at Michael and repeats another variation on what he said at the window. He starts to leave and Robin stops him, "Promise me you'll be home tonight." He walks back to her and give her a deep kiss, then hugs her. He pulls back, tells her that he loves her, then starts for the door. Robin grabs his hand, crying, and Jason pulls it away. He walks out, leather jacket in hand.

Jason is pointing his gun at Moreno, who's looking pretty scared. Jason kicks his chair to turn it around. Jason asks why Moreno seems surprised to see him. Moreno says he isn't surprised at the retaliation, he's just surprised that Jason's doing it personally. Jason says that when he goes after territory and things like that, then it's expected, but when he tries to kill the girl he sleeps with every night and wakes up with every morning, then it gets a little personal. Moreno asks him to be able to say a prayer before he dies, or give him a little forgiveness. Jason tells him he doesn't want to kill him, but that he has a job for him - his. Moreno is surprised, and asks if he's nuts. Jason says no, he can have his job on two conditions. One, all of his men stay in place, and two, no one close to him gets hurt. Moreno tells him he can only speak for himself, and also tells him it's impossible to get out of the mob. Jason says it's never been tried by him. They agree on three weeks and Jason leaves.

Robin is holding Michael and telling him how good Jason is at his job. She tells Michael about how hard Jason fought against things when she first knew him. Robin tells Michael all about what she did for him, what she taught him, and somehow he still doesn't understand that something are just wrong and she should have told him not to work for Sonny from the beginning. AJ arrives to offer that olive branch. They talk about Renaldo, then AJ asks about Jason. Robin takes Michael upstairs. AJ gets a little snippy with Robin. AJ does tell her that Edward is crazy, but he's hoping it won't effect the dock renovation. Robin states that Jason might listen to him. AJ asks if Michael was carted off upstairs because Jason doesn't want him near any Q's. Robin tells AJ how she understands how important it is for Michael to see the Q's and she knows better than anyone that Michael is going to need the Q's. AJ asks if it's crazy that the family be able to see the kid on holidays and birthdays. Robin pronounces that it sounds fair to her. AJ thanks her and Robin makes a few ominous remarks suggesting she's awfully close to spilling the beans. AJ gets all excited and tells her that if she knows something that will allow his family more access to Michael, she has to tell him. Robin says she's not on the Q's side or Jason's side. She's on Michael's side. She comes very close to telling AJ that Jason isn't the father and hints that she is holding something back. We don't see AJ, leave, in the next scene Jason arrives home and Robin does this half skip half jump thing that makes her look stupid towards him. She says she was really scared and tells him that she almost told AJ the truth but realized it would be wrong. Jason tells her he quit. She's shocked and doesn't seem happy but she says it's only because she's afraid to be happy. They hug.

At the PC Grill, Jason meets Brenda to tell her Robin can't make their lunch date. Brenda tells Jason she's glad he is okay after the bombing that she hated him for helping Sonny leave her, but she's had a hard time hating him after they went through the plane crash together. You're scared now, after the bombing, Jason notes. Brenda admits that she is and just wants Robin to be safe. Jason assures her that Robin's life as a prisoner in the penthouse is temporary and that he will take care of it. Brenda asks if he's killed Moreno and, if so, who will come to kill Jason. Jason brushes her off, reminding her that he can't discuss business with her. Brenda doesn't want to know anyway, she just wants everything to be all right with Robin. This was the last scene between Vanessa Marcil and Steve Burton before Brenda's departure. Brenda leaves, Justus comes in for a short-lived meeting with Jason.

Jason and Justus chat about Carly. Jason tells him he want Justus to lean on the judge to get a definite date for Carly's release. He agrees, and gets up to go when Taggert walks in. Justus asks Jason if he should stay, in case Tags tries to arrest him for breathing, but Jason waves him off. Justus tells Tags that, just in case he's think of putting Jason in lockup that day, he should remember that one more false arrest will subject Tags to another nuisance suit, and put his badge in jeopardy. Tags promises to behave and tells Justus "nice tie" and Justus replies, "Same to you". It's a cute bit. Tags sits down with Jason, who is annoyed ands tells Tags that if he's here to arrest him, he should just do it. Tags wonders aloud why everyone is so worried about him arresting Jason. "I have no intention of arresting". He tells Jason he is just thinking about Robin, Michael, all the people that the car bomb could have killed. How many people can Jason hurt and still feel good about himself? Does he even think of the people he hurts? "All the time," Jason says. "So do I," Tags says softly.

Robin is writing to a New Jersey music promoter about booking Luther. She asks Jason if the letter from Ferncliff was about Carly. Jason hasn’t seen the letter yet. He opens it and reads it. Carly’s doctor says she’s making significant progress and now they can arrange for supervised visits. Robin is less than enthusiastic. Jason tells Robin that when he sees Carly he’ll tell her to “fake” her complete recovery, then he can talk to the judge and get her released. Jason realizes that once Carly is home that the Qs won’t be able to get their hands on Michael. Robin wonders how soon Carly could be released, Jason thinks a few months. Robin is clearly not excited of the prospect of living with Carly. She tells Jason will be happy about Carly coming home. She seems worried about her future with Jason will be affected by Carly’s return. Jason is calling Ferncliff to schedule an appointment with Carly’s doctor. Robin asks if he misses Carly. He tells her she is Michael’s mother. Robin wonders if Jason has thought about the three of them living under the same roof. Jason feels they will find a way to make it work once Carly is home. Robin suggests joint custody of Michael and Jason seems surprised. She tells him she was raised that way, but Jason is adamant. Robin tells him that she and Carly don’t get along that there’s no way they all could live together. But Jason wants to be a full-time dad to Michael, not just 3-4 days a week. Robin asks him to at least think about it. Jason wants to work it out, but he doesn’t want to lose Robin or Michael in the process. Later, Jason tells Michael that Carly is coming home soon. Things will be different, but he will still be Michael’s father. Michael babbles. Robin overhears Jason talking with Michael and smiles.

In the lobby of the PC Hotel, Brenda is looking at the shawl from her mother. Brenda tells Robin about Veronica's illness and that she may have the gene. Robin, says "I now you're okay." Robin says Jax could find strength, based on her year with Stone. Brenda still has years, and look how much Robin's situation has improved! There's a phone call for Robin. Luther is "having another adventure." Robin goes to handle it. Later, Robin sees Jax. Jax wants to marry Brenda now and to hell with the results. Robin agrees even though "I really don't believe in running away from my problems." Jax runs off.

Robin and Jason are in the penthouse discussing Jason's meeting with his staff. Robin is wearing a sleeveless, red satin/back mesh dress with a plunging neckline that daring for her. Jason tells Robin that some of his staff feel let down because he's leaving the mob. It's all going to be okay, they are going to live just the way that they want to and no one can stop them. Robins ventures that they can now go anywhere they want, and Jason reminds her that they can't go too far away from Carly. Robin hastens to correct him that she didn't mean that they should leave P.C., she just thinks that it might be nice to get a place that is all their own. Robin suggests looking for a house in the same area where Brenda lives, and wonders how much they can afford to pay in rent. Jason assures her that they still have plenty of money and can afford whatever they want (although they apparently don't have enough money to either buy the house outright or secure a mortgage). The have a long discussion of their future. Robin lies across Jason's lap and Jason informs her that, although they are rich, he is going to start working in Mike's motorcycle shop. Robin is thrilled by his career choice. She happily reflects that she never thought they'd be planning their lives like normal people. Jason has a difficult time visualizing how their lives will be, and Robin reminds him of the time they spent in Montauk and how happy they were. He remembers. She suggests that he visualize Michael blended into that perfect-ness and he begins to see how it will be that their lives are going to be great.

Jax and Jerry are searching for Brenda in a helicopter. Brenda and her mother are driving along the cliff road when her mother grabs the wheel, turning it and sending the car over the cliff. Jax watches in horror as he sees Brenda's car plunge over the side! Jax waits for news from the search and rescue team, who sadly tell him that no body has been found but they've searched everywhere and she is presumed dead. Jax has to break the news to Robin. Robin was going to stay with her Uncle Mac, as Jason leaving to break the news to Sonny. Jason called upon Bobbie to keep Michael while he is away.

Robin and Jason show up at Bobbie's and pick up little Michael. Bobbie asks Jason about Carly and talks about the changes. Robin says Brenda would have been happy about Jason and her. Bobbie consoles Robin. Back at the penthouse, Jason and Robin talk about grief. Mike comes by and they talk about Brenda and Sonny. Mike thinks he won't see Sonny again. Later, Robin and Jason talking about Mike missing Sonny. Robin tells Jason that she missed him, she wants Brenda back and wonders if the pain of losing Brenda will ever go away. She’s thankful she has Jason and Michael to help her through this difficult time, poor Jax is all alone. Jason gives Robin a message from Sonny to hold on to every minute and don’t give up for anything. Sonny believes Jason made the right choice of choosing Robin and Michael over the “business”. Jason says he made the only choice he could. They play with Michael and he’s adorable, as usual.

Taggert and Mac show up and Taggert begins harassing Jason, who wonders what they want this time. Mac asks if Jason is aware that Moreno is moving into his territory. Tag is being his usual nasty self to Jason but he gets nothing out of Jason. Mac wants to know when Jason will retaliate, he just wants to get Robin and Michael out of harms way. Just as Mac is telling Jason how sick he is of his code of silence, Robin walks in and is livid. She tells her uncle Mac that she is sick of him for coming over on the night of her best friend’s memorial service to harass her family (the memorial was not shown). She tells him it’s the last time that he won’t have an excuse to persecute Jason anymore that Jason has retired. Mac just stares at them in shock. Taggert tries to provoke Jason again, but Mac tells him to wait outside. Mac asks if it is true. Jason tells him that since he is Robin’s uncle, he’ll treat him with respect, but he doesn’t like him bullying Robin for being with him, but he’ll never answer any of his questions, about what he has done or about his future plans. Mac says he just wants Robin to be safe, but Jason tells him that hurting Robin will not get any cooperation from him. Robin asks to speak with Mac alone. She tells him that she realizes he was using her against Jason and that his justification was that he was just looking out for her and that won’t work anymore. She is saddened that he has such little faith in her and her judgment. She explains to Mac that Jason got into the organization as a way to help Sonny because they were friends and now that he realizes they can have a different life, he has chosen it. But she is tired of trying to convince Mac of this. She tells him she doesn’t care anymore. Mac stands there speechless. Mac doesn’t want to leave things the way there are with Robin, but she tells him that love can’t fix everything. Mac admits using love as an excuse for his actions. They agree that they don’t want to lose each other. Mac says he’ll still worry about Robin just not as much now. In the hallway, Taggert continues to goad Jason, but Jason realizes that Taggert is angry that he’ll never get Jason, just like he never got Sonny.

Music montage “Bittersweet Symphony”, Felicia comforts Mac and the camera focuses on an older picture of Robin on Mac’s desk, Robin and Jason are playing with Michael, Justus is standing on his balcony thinking about his past and his future, he’s got tears welling up in his eyes, Bobbie is sitting on the sofa, Lucas is asleep in her arms, she is crying Jerry is still being interrogated by the Feds, but he’s not talking, he’s staring off into space, Jax is being led out of the interrogation room in handcuffs. V looks up at him, trying to convey her support, he looks back at her, grateful for her support. Then there is a long shot of Jax walking down the corridor almost in slow motion.

Robin and Jason are playing house at the cottage, just like a regular couple looking very relaxed, and Robin can't believe how happy she is. Jason helped Robin through the pain of packing up Brenda's things at the cottage. They discuss Carly's son and how he will be walking soon. Robin explains to Jason that the cottage makes her feel closer to Brenda. Bobbie comes over with a sled for her grandson. She thinks the cottage is great. Bobbie asks about Carly's release date and 'where will Carly and her son be living?' since there is no way Carly will live with Robin. Jason says he won't even bother thinking about it until Carly gets out. Bobbie suggests joint custody but Jason is quick to shoot down any compromises or reasonable ideas. Bobbie points out the Carly will disrupt everything when she returns but Jason brushes her off and leaves the room to get his nephew. Robin tells Bobbie that if Jason doesn't want to deal with it he won't and Bobbie points out that they are sitting in a mine field. Bobbie is holding her grandson when Monica enters uninvited. Jason thanks Bobbie for the sled and she wastes no time in informing Monica 'accidentally' that their grandson stayed the night with her. Bobbie leaves and Monica grovels for the chance to baby sit her grandson someday. Jason reminded Monica that Michael would never go to the Quartermaine mansion again and that Monica, Lila and Emily were the only Quartermaines allowed to have contact with the baby. Alan barges in without a knock, totally strung out bearing a potted plant. Jason orders him out, so does Monica and he finally leaves. Monica apologizes for Alan and promises to call first before she visits again and leaves. Jason orders Robin to never let Edward, Alan or AJ near AJ's son. Robin tries to argue in favor of AJ but agrees. Jason misses having guards to keep the riffraff away. Robin and Jason discuss their future with just the three of them.

Jason offered Lucky the spare room above the garage and Lucky accepted. Robin brought Michael to the garage and Jason told her that Alan was still using drugs. Robin tries to convince him to help Alan, as whether he likes it or not, he is still his father. Jason refuses, saying he feels nothing for him, and Robin calls the Q's mansion and tells AJ that Jason thinks Alan's on drugs. Jason has arrived at Ferncliff to visit Carly (this is Sarah's first scene back from maternity leave). He meets with the doctor first and he hands Jason all of the letters that he and Bobbie wrote to her, they are unopened. Jason is upset, concerned that Carly might feel abandoned by him, but the doctor tells him they would be disruptive to Carly’s “progress”. They lead Carly into the visiting room. Jason is visibly excited to see Carly, she smiles at him. Her demeanor is very reserved and quiet. Jason watches Carly’s interaction with her doctor, trying to figure out what is going on inside of her head. Carly asks about Michael and then she tells him: “ I’ve been learning that I have a right to my own feelings and I don’t have to let them control me.” Jason just stares at her as the doctor watches them both. Carly is prompted by her doctor to tell Jason about her daily activities. She keeps looking to the doctor for reassurance. Then the doctor is called away and he decides that they can continue their visit unsupervised for a few minutes. As soon as the doctor closes the door behind him, Carly relaxes. Jason wants to wait until it is all clear, before they start talking. Carly runs up to Jason and hugs him, telling him she’s missed him so much. Jason tries to jam the door, so that they will have a bit of a warning before the doctor returns. Carly is overjoyed! Jason tells Carly she is amazing - the best liar on earth. She says she’s motivated. He pulls out a picture of Michael; Carly wants to know how they both are doing. He tells Carly that he did write letters to her and so did Bobbie that he just found out today that she never got them. He’s worried that she thinks he forgot about her. She tells him to wear one of his suits next time as he looks more imposing and impressive. He reluctantly tells her he quit the business. She can’t believe it! How is he going to bribe a judge, now that he has no power? He explains that it’s all been taken care of as soon as her doctor decides she is well, she can go home. She asks him to bring her wallpaper and fabric samples next time he visits, so she can daydream about how she will redecorate the penthouse. Jason looks worried. He starts to tell Carly about Robin and his new living situation , but is interrupted when the doctor returns. Carly then reverts to her withdrawn and quiet self. Their visit is over. Jason asks when he can see Carly next. He’s told he can return on Friday. Jason asks the doctor is he can leave a picture of Michael with Carly and he agrees.

Jason tells Bobbie that he didn't really get a chance to tell Carly about him and Robin. He knows that she's going to lose it when she hears and thinks maybe it's for the best that he didn't tell her, since she needs to be a zombie to convince the doctors to let her go. He'll see her again on Friday and try to find out a release date. He promises to keep Bobbie posted. Jason leaves to go back to the bike shop. Jerry comes up and Bobbie hugs him, while a lurking Tony looks on. Mike shows up at the bike shop and is thanked for watching Michael while Jason went to see Carly. Mike wants to make sure everything is okay. Jason tells him that the place Carly's at is bad and the letters never got to Carly, he can't believe what they're putting Carly through. Mike is surprised that Jason empathizes with Carly. Jason is determined to get Carly out as soon as possible.

Jason is at the motorcycle shop telling Michael about his visit with Carly. He says that Carly was glad to see him, but was mad about every day she spends away from Michael. Robin arrives in the doorway as Jason is telling Michael that his Mommy is coming home. Robin walks in and says hello. Jason welcomes her home and asks her about her trip. Robin gives Jason a gift from Heather and than laughs when he figures out what it is right away. She says that Heather thinks he is a genius. Robin then tells Jason that she heard him telling Michael about Carly. She asks if Jason saw her. Jason says yes and tells Robin how bad the place is and that Carly has the doctor completely fooled. Robin says that she knows better than most people that Carly almost never gets caught in her lies, but that it surprises her that Jason admires her for it since he never lies. Jason says he admires Carly because she won't let anyone break her. Robin asks if Jason thinks Carly will be that strong about Michael living with them.

Jason tells Robin that he didn't really get a chance to tell Carly of the current living arrangements because they could only speak freely for the few minutes that the doctor was out of the room. He promises that he will tomorrow. Robin asks if he has thought about how much he will tell her. Jason says that how he lives and who he loves is not up to Carly, but that she is Michael's mother and she has to be okay with what he plans for him. Robin says that Jason is picturing a calm, reasonable discussion, what if Carly freaks when she finds out that the three of them are living together like a family. Jason says he doesn't understand what Robin thinks is going to happen, Carly isn't really nuts. As Jason walks away, Robin says No? Jason says that Carly has been faking, does Robin really think she isn't. Robin says certifiable is not what she is afraid of. Bobbie stops by and asks Jason to say hello to Carly and to tell her that she is thinking about her. Bobbie visits with Michael as a concerned Robin looks on.

Robin gets mad when Jason refuses to cancel his visit with Carly when they have babysitting problems. Robin then preaches that Carly is no role model for Michael, but Jason tells her he is keeping the promises he made to Carly. Carly is furious when Jason tells her about playing house with Robin and Michael. The doctor overhears the heated voices, Jason and Carly cover with the doctor, when Jason comes up with a story saying he was showing Carly how he makes Michael fly. The doc leaves but instructs them to have no further emotional outbursts. Alone again, Carly tells Jason that his fairy tale with Robin doesn't suit him. Jason promises that they'll all work something out together once Carly is released. Later, Carly tells her doctor that she knows how much Jason loves her that after all, he's sacrificed so much for her. Jason stops by Mac's on his way home. Mac reminds him it's Robin's birthday and asks if they can have a truce. Jason agrees and heads to the cottage. At home, Robin asks about Jason's visit with Carly. He tells her how Carly flipped out when she heard about their living situation. When Robin asks how they got that passed the doctor, Jason admits he made up a story to cover them. Robin is shocked, and lets Jason know how upset she is that he constantly lies to protect Carly. He promises her she'll never lose him. Jason tells her about his conversation with Mac and gives her a book of fairy tales for her birthday. Maybe we're fated to be together she says.

Jason starts to get the hint when Mike tells him that maybe Carly and Robin won't think of life at the cottage like Disneyland! Mike tells him that trouble's coming to River City. Robin meets Jason at the Motorcycle shop and apologizes up and down about Carly. Bobbie comes over to ask Jason if she can see Carly in his place and Jason warning her that she's not the same person that she was. Robin gets babysitting duty at the garage, and AJ arrives and tells her if she needs a friend he is there. She asks what he is talking about, and he says that Carly's release must be hard on her. Robin then gets a phone call that the cottage is flooding, and she has to go home. AJ convinces her to leave Michael with him as the storm is bad and she shouldn't take Michael out in it. She reluctantly agrees. Later, Robin is trying to reach AJ, to tell him she is on her way back to the garage, but the phones are jammed and she can’t get through. She decides to head for the bike shop, hoping AJ won’t do anything stupid with Michael. Robin comes back inside and calls Felicia to tell her that her car has stalled and their road is flooded. She asks Felicia to come get her and take her to the bike shop. Felicia arrives, but with bad news. The bridge is flooded and there is a flash flood warning in effect so they aren’t going anywhere.

Robin is beside herself, she has to get back to the garage before Jason gets back. Felicia realizes there is something else going on and questions Robin. Robin admits to Felicia that they have been having a disagreement over whether the Qs should have contact with Michael or not. Robin tells Felicia that she thinks they should, but that Jason is adamantly against it. Robin tells Felicia that she left Michael with AJ. Felicia thinks that Jason will understand Robin’s actions, but Robin is afraid that Jason will never forgive her for this. Felicia thinks Jason will be reasonable, but Robin admits that he would sooner let their house float away in the storm, than leave Michael with AJ. She blames Jason's weariness of the Qs on Carly that she is paranoid that everyone is out to get her and she needs Jason’s protection, which he is willing to give her. Robin is afraid that Carly will convince him that she doesn’t care about Michael, that is why she left him with AJ. She fears she has played right into Carly’s hands. Felicia is optimistic about Jason eventually forgiving Robin, because she had Michael’s best interests in mind. But Robin knows that betrayal is a crime in Jason’s eyes. Robin tells Felicia that she isn't afraid of Jason, she's afraid of losing him. When they first got together, he had no past and she had no future. They were honest with each other and there were no expectations. Now, the honesty has become an expectation of it's own. Jason has never betrayed her and now she's betrayed him twice. The first time was when she asked Sonny to fire him and now she's left Michael with AJ. The first betrayal broke them up and she's afraid this will too.

AJ is trying to entertain Michael offering him food and toys to get him to stop crying. AJ finds a toy that Michael likes - a horn - and proceeds to toot it, which Michael enjoys immensely and which is also very funny! AJ is trying to feel Michael [but he seems to be eating most of the baby food]. He tells Michael that if his daddy thought that he liked AJ, then Jason would give permission for him to visit more. Then AJ realizes it’s time for a a diaper change! AJ tells Michael that he sees the Quartermaine, as well as the Spencer, temperament in him, but he also can see some of his dad in him that is the way Jason used to be. AJ tries to call Robin again and wonders what is taking her so long. AJ keeps trying to entertain Michael and comfort him during the thunder and lightning - the yellow ducky seems to do the trick. AJ tells Michael what great friends they will be, just as Jason walks in and he can’t believe his eyes. Jason demands that AJ hand Michael to him. AJ points out that Jason is soaked, but reluctantly hands Michael over to him. AJ explains that Michael is fine and the whole reason why he's with him in the first place. Jason is stunned that Robin left Michael with AJ. Jason wants AJ to leave, but AJ is afraid that he'd be leaving Robin alone to face an ambush. He tells Jason that a thank you wouldn't be out of order, since Robin had no choice. He tells Jason that he's not leaving without a fight and Jason has no choice but to listen to him. Jason tells him to say what he wants and get out. AJ accuses Jason of being as paranoid as Carly. Jason counters that she has reason to be paranoid and that he promised her that he wouldn't let the Qs near Michael. AJ asks what about Michael, will he forbid him from seeing the Qs? The Qs tried to run Jason's life once and for much better reasons, and look how he feels about them. How long before Michael hates Jason as much as Jason hates the Qs? When Michael starts to cry, AJ goes towards him, but Jason blocks him. Jason wants to know why AJ was at the garage in the first place. AJ explains that he just wants to see Jason, but Jason doesn't trust him. He doesn't think that AJ would try to kidnap Michael, he's smart enough to look for another way to get him. He thinks that the Qs each want Michael for their own reason - a trophy, Edward wants a future CEO and Alan wants a new 'Golden Boy'. When AJ asks what he wants Michael for, Jason guesses that it would be a good way to impress Edward. AJ says that maybe he wants Michael to replace the brother he lost. Jason takes Michael out in to the storm even though AJ tries to talk him out of it.

Robin tells Felicia the phone lines are still down and asks if she thinks they'll be able to get to the garage soon. Felicia thinks they should wait so they don't get stuck. Robin's worried about Michael but Felicia assures her he's in good hands with AJ. Felicia thinks she should worry about herself. She's risked a lot to be with Jason, disapproval from Mac, giving up Yale, almost losing her life and now she's worried that she'll lose him over a babysitting arrangement. Robin defends Jason saying that he just has a problem with betrayal. Felicia counters that Jason betrayed her, or Michael never would have been conceived. Robin says she understands what happened. Felicia is sure that Robin made the best choice. Robin says that nobody has the power to hurt Jason the way she does, and now she has. Robin shows Felicia the book of fairy tales Jason bought for her birthday. Even though Jason doesn't believe in them, he gave them to her anyway, because he's more than willing to meet her halfway. Robin explains that he's that way about everything but letting Michael near the Quartermaines. Felicia asks if that's something she believes in too or just goes along with to avoid an argument. Robin comes down with a suitcase in case the storm forces them to stay at the PC Hotel. Felicia offers for them to stay at the Scorpio's if they want. Robin thinks that the only thing worse than fighting with Jason would be doing it in front of Mac. She thanks Felicia for her help. Robin and Felicia enter the empty garage calling out for AJ. Robin panics and is sure that AJ has taken Michael to the Qs. She doesn't know how she'll tell Jason. Robin regrets her decision to leave Michael with AJ. She thought he would be safe. Felicia points out that he is safe, just under the wrong roof. They are discussing how to retrieve him when Jason arrives looking furious. Robin starts to explain that AJ has Michael and the events that lead up to AJ and Michael being alone together. Jason lets her finish and then tells her that Michael is next door with Mike.

Robin is relieved that Michael is fine. She tells Jason that the phone lines were down, she tried to call. Felicia asks Jason if AJ was at the garage with Michael when he arrived. Jason replies that he was. Felicia is glad and says that Robin made the right decision. She goes on in Robin's defense, but Robin stops her and thanks her for all of her help. As she goes, Felicia comments that apparently the only one in real danger today was Robin. After Felicia leaves, Robin tries again to explain her actions to Jason who remains ominously silent. Robin asks what she was supposed to do and pleads with Jason to say something. Jason asks Robin if she left Michael with AJ on purpose. Robin again tries to explain her actions, but Jason interrupts and tells her to stop lying to him. Robin is surprised that Jason thinks she is lying. Jason replies that he was thinking a lot of things. He thought she must be hurt, because that was the only reason she would leave Michael with AJ. Then he wanted to break AJ's ribs when he told him that Robin went to check on the cottage. Jason says that Robin broke her promise to never let AJ near Michael again. Robin defends herself saying that she was only thinking Michael and that AJ promised not to leave. Jason explodes saying that Robin broke her promise to him and he demands to know why. Robin says because AJ is Michael's father.

Robin points out that she promised not to tell AJ that he is Michael's biological father, but she still thinks that AJ deserves a chance to get to know his son. Jason angrily replies that getting drunk and sleeping with Carly doesn't give AJ the right to raise Michael. Robin says he deserves the chance to be a loving presence in Michael's life. To not give it to him would be to cheat him and to lie to him and to take away a part of his life and that's not fair. Jason asks why she panicked when she walked in if she really trusts AJ so much. Robin says that she wasn't worried about AJ's conduct with Michael, but about Jason's reaction. She was scared to death of what Jason might do or think. The only thing she did today was let AJ prove himself. Jason says that he will never leave her alone with Michael again because they don't think the same way about this. She shouldn't have used Michael to show him how she feels. He will never let anyone use Michael again. Robin calls a cab to take her to her car. As she prepares to leave, Jason tells her that he loves her, but he is too angry to be with her so he is going to stay with Mike. Robin says that he is right, they both have a lot of thinking to do. Robin walks out with a backward glance at Jason. Jason remains with his back to her, but looks very upset.

Robin is sitting alone in the cottage, looking sad. Jax comes by to see how they survived the rain. They talk about the furniture. Brenda had great taste. It turns out that Brenda only bought seven couches before settling on that one. He thinks "furniture stores all over town had her picture on the bulletin board. 'Fear this woman!'" She wanted a garden, too, as she'd never had one before. She went to the library and read up on gardening, and bought all the tools and stuff and put the whole thing in herself. He gets all maudlin.

Jason and Michael are at the shop. Mike comes in and asks if Jason has called Robin yet. They talk about Robin leaving Michael with AJ again. Mike tries to explain Robin's reasons. Jason is still angry. Mike points out that him being upset and Robin being upset is not good for their little boy."You've got a situation here that's that close to spinning out of control and you're not helping it one bit." Mike says Jason is not the problem but has to be the problem solver. Robin and Carly are waiting for him to make a decision, and he isn't making one. Carly is a loose cannon. Bobbie comes in. She came in to see Jason. She wants to tell him about the visit with Carly. They talk about pompous Evans the jerk. She wants to know what will happen when Carly comes home.

**The End**

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