Jax and Robin continue to talk about Brenda. The rain reminded him of their trip to New Orleans. He finds out about Jason and Robin's fight. He tells Robin not to waste time fixing it. They hug and Jax leaves. Robin puts her coat on and leaves as well. Felicia sits down to write, but the doorbell rings. It's Robin. She doesn't think Jason will ever forgive her. They go over the fight again. Robin doesn't know what to do. She and Felicia hug. Robin decides to go back to the cottage and decide what kind of arrangement she can live with. She doesn't want to make any more promises she can't keep. "We've come too far to give up." Mac comes down. He invites Robin to stay for dinner.
Jason goes to visit Carly and after he found out that Bobbie's visit went well, he suggests that Carly move in with Bobbie when released. Carly one again gets mad and loses her cool, and Dr. Evans walks in. They assure him that everything is okay, and he mentions that AJ came to visit. Jason and Carly talking about making plans for the future, specifically, how Carly is going to fit in, what with Robin and Jason living together and all. Jason has just suggested that Carly might want to get to know her mother a little better by moving in with her after she is released from the hospital. Predictably, Carly is unhappy with this idea, and just as she is telling Jason where to go, her shrink comes in to tell her that visiting hours are over. The doctor also happens to mention that AJ came by earlier and would like to visit her. Jason, who hasn't yet told Carly about Robin leaving Michael alone with AJ, looks a little stunned by this news. Although the doctor tells Carly that it is up to her whether or not she wants to see AJ, she tells him that Jason is the only one she wants to see.
Back at the bike shop, Jason is talking to Michael about Carly and warns him about the Q's. Robin stops by and he thanks her for intervening with the Q's earlier. Robin tells him that what happened at the Grille was partly her fault for leaving Michael alone with AJ. She also apologized for throwing hiss real paternity in Jason's face as in her heart she knows that Jason is Michael's real father. Robin goes on to say that Jason is right about the Quartermaines and that she will never again go behind his back. Jason decides to move back to the cottage.
Jason and Robin are eating with Michael at Kelly's when AJ stops by. Immediately Jason is on the alert. AJ tells him that he's going to Ferncliff instead of Jason this week and Jason tells him basically to play it cool with Ms. Roberts, or else. Robin fumes; saying that Carly is already starting to manipulate him. Jason has arrived home, to find Michael dressed as a pumpkin. He calls out for Robin, who comes down dressed as a fairy princess. She reminds him its Halloween, but he doesn't understand. Robin explains to Jason that today is Halloween and she thought it would be nice if they dressed up. Jason says that he thought they were staying in tonight. Robin tells him that they are, but that she expects to have visitors and trick-or-treaters. Jason still doesn't get why Michael is all dressed up and Robin explains to a skeptical Jason why Michael needs to get a dose of make-believe every now and then. Just then, the Scorpios arrive in costume to celebrate Maxie's Halloween birthday party and Jason stares at Mac's Zorro outfit in unabashed dismay. After they all celebrate Halloween and the Scorpio's leave, Jason and Robin are talking about Halloween and he tells her he doesn't understand the point of dressing up to scare little kids. She explains the tradition to him and Jason admits that Michael had fun and so did he. He then leans in for a kiss and just as they are about to kiss, there is a knock at the door....more trick-or-treaters.
At the cottage, Jason tries to rationalize Carly's behavior to Robin. When she suggests that he call Carly, he tells her he won't because it is exactly what Carly wants him to do. He tells her that he won't be pulled into any of Carly's schemes to use him. They cuddle for a while and give candy to trick-or-treaters. AJ shows up at the door.
Bobbie arrives at the garage to talk to Jason. She tells Jason that she has watched him with Michael since the day he was born. He is very careful with him. Some people might even say he is over protective. She just knows that he would never set him out in the middle of the night unless he felt that Michael was in some kind of danger or about to overhear something he shouldn't. Jason says that he doesn't want Michael when he and AJ are fighting. Bobbie says she understands, but she thinks he is not only mad at AJ, but mad at Carly. Jason says that he isn't angry at Carly. Bobbie is surprised that Jason is not upset that Carly wanted to see AJ. Jason says that he knew as soon as AJ asked to visit, that Carly would see him. Carly is going to use whoever she can to get out of Ferncliff. This is her way of threatening Jason. She is saying get me out of here or I'll go to the Quartermaines, but he knows she won't because she knows that the only way the Q's will help her is if they get custody of Michael. She is doing what she always does, you just have to know how to stop her. Bobbie asks Jason to explain to her how Carly thinks, because he is the only person on earth who seems to understand. Jason says that Carly thinks about herself and she wants what she wants. There's nothing wrong with that except that she does a lot of damage to get what she's after. That's what happened with Dr. Jones. He always treated her like a jerk, and Carly knew it, but it was important to her to be in love with Dr. Jones. Bobbie asks when Carly told Jason about her. Jason says when Carly left Tony and came to him. Bobbie says that she came to ask Jason to be patient with Carly, but instead Jason is explaining her daughter to her. She wishes that she could accept Carly the way Jason does. Jason tells Bobbie that Carly loves her. When he visited her at Ferncliff, Carly told him that Bobbie told her she loved her and she is starting to believe it. Bobbie says that that is progress. Jason agree, especially since when Bobbie found out Carly was her daughter she said that she would never see Carly or Michael again. Jason says that he never acts without thinking. He is going to get Carly released and back to Michael. Bobbie says that Carly is lucky to have Jason and she might even realize it. Jason says he will let Bobbie know how his visit goes.
Emily goes to the garage to talk to Jason. She asks him to please listen without getting mad. She tells him all about the blackmail and how she, Nikolas, Lucky and Liz tracked down the man responsible. She then tells him that the blackmailer turned out to be Tom Baker, a photographer that she had worked with. She thought he was a nice guy, but it turns out that he is crazy. She tells Jason that Tom raped Liz in the park on Valentine's day. Jason asks if Tom hurt her. Emily says no, he just threw her in the darkroom. Liz is the one that Tom hurt. She explains how they caught him and that he is now in jail. She tells Jason that she wanted him to hear it from her first and she just wanted to make sure that Jason wasn't going to kill Tom.
Jax thanks Robin for visiting him, she was just who he needed to be with. Before she arrived, he was just remembering his and Brenda's second wedding, the whole bizarre day. They were so in love, so eager to get married. He had loved Brenda all along, but loving him was a whole new thought to Brenda. She came to him right before the wedding and told him that she was crazy in old fashioned love with him. It was the best, the happiest moment of his life. Until Sonny showed up with Miranda and set them back a year and a half. Robin reminds him that he and Brenda did have that time in the end and that is what matters. What they had, not what they lost. Robin hopes that even though Brenda is gone, she hopes that he can find something to believe in and to be excited about. Jax says that he is working on it in a way that he thinks Brenda would appreciate. Robin says that she too, is trying to honor Brenda's life by going on with hers. Jax asks if he should be expecting a wedding invitation soon. Robin says things are kind of crazy right now. Jax correctly guesses that the something crazy is Carly. Robin says that she and Jason have to get Carly out of Ferncliff and settled somewhere before they can even think about getting married.
Jason asks Emily if the blackmail was why she came to the penthouse that day. Emily says that she was going to ask him for help, but she knew that he would hurt whoever was doing it and she didn't want him to get into trouble. Jason points out that his job used to be taking care of things and not getting into trouble. Emily says that she didn't want him to do anything bad for her, she still doesn't. If anything happens to Tom, the police will know that Jason was responsible. Then Jason would get arrested and the Q's would use that as an excuse to try and take Michael. Tom has already been caught, he is going to prison. If Jason does anything now, it will be her fault. If he really wants to do something for her, just promise to stay out of it. Jason agrees, if that is what she really wants. Emily asks Jason to please not say anything about Liz, because she doesn't want the news of her rape to get out. Jason says no problem. He tells Emily to come to him next time. He asks if the Q's know. She says yes and that they told her she can't model anymore. Jason asks why. She says she doesn't know. Maybe she will just keep modeling behind their backs. They never look at magazine out. Jason asks why she just doesn't tell Edward to her face. Emily says that since she is a minor and Edward would probably try to sue her or something. While their talking, Jason gets a phone call and has to rush off. Before he goes, he tells Emily that he can maybe help her with the modeling thing if Ned won't. Emily thanks him as he goes to take care of his business.
Robin goes to see Jason at the garage and he tells her about Emily's blackmail. Robin says she heard already from Nikolas when he called her to invite her to his birthday party tomorrow night. She jokingly asks if Jason will be jealous if she goes to Nikolas' party alone. Jason says that he would rather be interrogated than go to a party at Wyndemere, and besides he has to go visit Carly tomorrow night. Robin says she knows, but this afternoon, he is all hers. Jason says that he is always hers and they kiss.
Robin attends Nik's birthday party at Wyndemere with Lucky, Nik, Em, Liz, Lulu, Alexis, Laura, Stefan, Kat, and even Helena! Nik leads Lulu off to see Robin. Robin and Nik are seated on either side of Lulu on the couch. Robin tells Nik that his little sister looked like both her brothers. The women are talking to Lulu about her pretty dress. Nikolas' birthday party continues, with Stefan's very touching toast about Nikolas' ascent into manhood. When he is finished the guests tease Nikolas asking for a speech. Nikolas jokingly says, in the words of another well known royal, let them eat cake. The guests laugh and do just that.
Jason has arrived at Ferncliff. He's in the visiting room with the doctor and Carly. As the doc prattles on about how important the AJ visit was in showing him that Carly could handle the larger world, Jason and Carly's eyes are fixed on one another. Jason's face is a mask to the doctor, but Carly knows he's seething inside. Carly smiles and talks to the doctor, but Jason knows she is a nervous wreck inside. The doctor leaves them alone, and Carly's first words are, "How mad at me are you?" "How mad did you want me to be?" Carly tries to defend her decision to see AJ.
Jason is furious, and lets her know that she gave AJ hope that he could use her to deliver Michael to the Qs, and that allowing him to visit showed AJ that she doesn't trust Jason. Carly counters that she made it clear to AJ that she has complete confidence in Jason. Then she goes on to make it equally clear to Jason that she really doesn't, because he gave up his mob position and power and she doesn't see how a mechanic can have the clout to get her out of Ferncliff. She rants about being stuck in the institution forever because Jason didn't wait until she was free to make his life change. This rant continues for the rest of the show, so I'll follow it out here. She vents at length: "Be patient, Carly. I'm so tired of that." She can't take it any more. "Tell me I'm wrong," she pleads, "tell me I'm not a complete sucker." So he does, pulling out the court order signed by a judge that will free her. She is stunned. "Am I really going to get out?" "Yep, all you need is this mechanic's signature," he tells her, dripping sarcasm. Carly is very apologetic once she realizes that her release is literally in Jason's hands. She is ecstatic when she realizes that all Jason has to do is sign it, unfortunately, she can't find a pen. Jason pulls one out of his pocket and stares at her.
As Jason continues to taunt Carly by holding the pen in front of her, she asks him why he is doing this. He explains that he won't until he makes a few things clear. He knows that Carly and Robin aren't going to like each other any more than they ever did, but that is not Michael's problem. He tells her that she will live with him and Robin until Michael gets used to her again, but after that, she has to find her own place, not far away from the cottage. They will share custody of Michael. He has thought about it, and he can't think of a better way. Carly tries to tell Jason that she doesn't think it was fair to him that he would only get to see Michael part of the time. Upon hearing this, Jason picks up the release papers and puts them back in the envelope without signing them. Carly says that she is not trying to cause problems, but is he sure that this is the best solution. Jason accuses her of using Michael to try and manipulate him. She denies it, but Jason refuses to listen. Carly asks who has been coaching him. He tells her that no one tells him what to say. Carly accuses Jason of being a better manipulator than her because he is holding her release papers hostage until she agrees to his demands. Carly tells Jason that she understands. She will be living with him for a little while and then they will be sharing Michael. Jason says that he always tells Michael that he has a great Mom who will do anything for him. He promised Michael that Carly would be home. Carly apologizes to Jason and gives him a hug. Dr. Evans arrives and says that he wants to discuss some changes in next weeks visiting schedule. Carly says that they want to discuss that as well. Jason signs the release and hands it to the doctor. Dr. Evans says that there is no way that Carly is going anywhere. Jason tells the Doctor that he has no choice. He has had it with his fat face and his grand attitude. These orders come from way over his head and there is nothing he can do about it.
Katherine and Robin discuss her fall from the parapet. Katherine wants to remember more. She remembers that Laura was there and she ran out to the roof and Stefan followed her. She was moving away from him and she knows that Nikolas wasn't there, but she can see him so vividly as a little boy sobbing. Robin tells her that Nikolas was the first one to get to her after she fell, and that is what she is remembering. Katherine looked skeptical. She still doesn't remember hearing that Stefan is Nikolas' father.
Bobbie stops by for a visit to tuck Michael in and to find out how things went with Carly. Jason tells her how Carly is going to be released this Friday and explains the "living arrangements." Carly will stay with them for a while so that Michael will get used to her again and then Jason will buy her a house close by and they will share custody of the baby. Half a week with Carly; half a week with him and Robin. Bobbie is very supportive of Jason and his decision. Just then Robin comes home from Nicholas' party and Bobbie immediately tells Robin "the good news." Carly's coming home! Robin's not too excited. After Bobbie leaves Robin rips into Jason about not telling her that he knew last night and didn't tell her. Robin tells Jason that she doesn't want Carly staying with them. She finally backs down once Jason explains that Carly won't stay with them very long and then she'll be out on her own and they will still have Michael part of the time. Jason admits that he's happy that Carly is getting released but it's only for Michael's sake; he hates what all this is going to do to their life. Later, Michael wakes up and Jason tells him that Mommy is coming home and tries to explain to Michael that he will always love him and be there for him, whether he is with Jason or with Carly. At the cottage, Robin greets Bobbie. Bobbie asks Robin if she's ready for Carly.
Meanwhile, at Ferncliff, Dr. Evans is doing his best to delay Carly's release. He wants to talk directly to the judge, and leaves to phone him. Carly panics when he leaves, thinking she may not be released after all. Jason assures her that it's a done deal, but Carly is inconsolable: "If that pompous jerk somehow gets in the way of my getting out of here, I'm going to lose my mind!" Dr. Evans returns and says that the judge convinced him to let her go... Outside, Carly waxes rhapsodic about feeling the wind on her face again, as Jason and she prepare to leave on his motorcycle. "Don't ever let me forget what you did for me today," says Carly. Back at the cottage, Robin fusses over Michael's outfit, wanting everything to be perfect. Bobbie says that she has to leave, and asks Robin to tell Carly that she waited as long as she could. Bobbie then tentatively suggests that, since she'll be unable to stay, Robin might want to leave Michael with Leticia and leave the house for a while, to avoid any awkward moment between her and Carly. Robin replies that she lives there and "Carly needs to accept that". Arriving at the cottage, Carly is giddy and nervous, asking Jason "how's my hair?" Jason says she looks fine and then asks her how his hair looks. "Don't make fun of me," Carly chides, and then enters the cottage to see Leticia with Michael. "He's so big," Carly says, and just looks at him for a moment before picking him up. Later, we see Jason and Carly on the couch, preparing to read Michael his bedtime story, while Robin looks on at the happy threesome, unnoticed. Carly is holding Michael and getting to know him again when Robin enters with her game face on and asks Jason how their trip was. Oblivious to the fact that the tension is so thick it can be cut with a knife, Jason tells her about the dickens of a time they had getting Carly sprung from the clutches of the shrink from hell. Carly thanks Robin for being there for Michael while she was gone and Robin gives her the homecoming present that Bobbie had left for her. Carly, Robin and Jason are looking at a photo album filled with pictures of Michael. Robin had made an effort to take a picture of Michael each day for Carly and is obviously annoyed when Carly makes fun of some of the pictures. Carly especially hates the pictures of Michael in his Halloween Pumpkin costume, saying he looked fat, but shuts up when Jason says that's his favorite.
The next morning, Jason fed Michael while Robin complained about Carly sleeping late. Robin left for school. Jason and Carly discussed Michael and all that she has missed. Bobbie came by for a visit and Jason left for work with Michael in tow. Robin showed up at Felicia's new digs to complain about Carly. Bobbie listened while Carly complained about Robin. Carly decided to spend Jason's money and start redecorating Michael's room. Robin came home to find Carly surrounded by new purchases. Robin asked where Michael was and Carly said that she thought he was upstairs with Letticia.
Robin expressed her wonderment that Carly wasn't upstairs spending time with him rather than out shopping. AJ showed up and Robin asked him to leave because Michael was in the house. She said to AJ that she knew he didn't need her to explain why. Carly got angry saying that she was entitled to have guests. AJ (who seemed thrilled by all the dissension) said that he would leave. Carly protested more and then walked AJ out and complained to him. AJ mentioned that it was his birthday. Back inside Carly yelled at Robin saying that Robin was making it obvious to AJ that Michael is his son (Robin wasn't). While they were trading insults Jason showed up. Letticia came downstairs with Michael. Apparently Michael had started to cry earlier. Carly was upset that Letticia didn't call her when Michael started to cry. Letticia said she didn't know what to do because AJ was there. Letticia left with Michael for the park. Jason asked what happened and Robin and Carly explained. Carly greatly embellished her description of Robin's conversation with AJ. Robin said Carly lied, basically forcing Jason to side with one woman or the other. Jason yelled at the two of them saying that they have to all get along. Did they understand? Robin said, "I think I do." And she left.
Robin decides to leave town for a bit and go to Italy as living with Carly isn't working. Robin and Jason are at the airport saying goodbye. Robins tells Jason that he doesn't have to wait for her, she'll be fine. Jason says that if she were fine, she wouldn't be leaving. He has done everything just the way she wanted, at least the way she said she could live with it. He doesn't understand why she is running away without even a discussion. Instead of answering his question, Robin tells him that he should get home before Michael needs something Carly can't buy. Jason asks why they can't get into it. Robin says that she doesn't want to fight. Jason tells her that he isn't fighting, he just wants to know if she is coming back. Robin is explaining to Jason that she thought she could handle Carly's return. She thought that she would be able to be supportive during this transition period, but she is so angry all the time. She doesn't like the person she is becoming. She doesn't want to stoop to Carly's level, but she doesn't want to tiptoe around her own house either. This trip will give Carly a chance to reconnect with Michael and when the trip is over, Carly will be out of their house. Then things will get better with her and Jason. She tells Jason that she will call him when she gets to Rome and she asks him to tell Michael goodbye, she loves him and she is coming back. Robin starts to walk down the jetway, but stops and runs back to give Jason a hug. She tells him that she loves him and will miss him every second. Jason tells her to just come back. They kiss one last time and Jason watches her board the plane.
Carly is home alone with Michael who is supposed to be napping. She is admiring more purchases from her shopping trip when she hears Michael on the baby monitor. At first she just listens and hopes he goes back to sleep, but when he starts crying, she goes upstairs to check on him. Jason arrives home to Carly chattering happily about her afternoon with Michael. She notices that Jason is a little quiet and asks if Robin got off okay. Jason says yes, but Robin can't take Carly living with them and it isn't good for Michael to be around Carly and Robin fighting. He tells Carly that they will have to find her a new place to live before Robin returns. Carly says ok, if that is what Jason wants. Jason says that none of this is what he wants, but it's how it has to be for everyone's sake.
Jason and Michael are in the bike shop and Johnny from the organization come in and asks Jason for help. He says that there's trouble in Moreno-land. Mike comes into the shop and tells Jason not to meet Moreno, not to make it his problem. Jason tells Mike that it is his problem, he and Moreno made a deal that Jason's people would not be touched, and now Moreno is breaking his word. He has to straighten things out before things get out of control.
Jason and Carly are about to go on their hike with Michael when Justus, who by the way works for Moreno, comes in with a message. Justus tells Jason, as a friend, that it would be wise for him to stay away, to let it go, and that his deal doesn't fly anymore. Jason assures Justus that he will retaliate. As soon as Justus leaves, Jason takes out his gun and loads it. We then hear Michael crying from upstairs, Jason feels guilty, and unloads and puts the gun away. Carly questions Jason on why Justus came over and Jason answers: business. She continues, "You can tell me, you miss the business, the thrill, the rush that makes you feel alive. You can tell me everything, I'm not going to judge you." Jason replies, "I was nothing before. Since I met Sonny, he took he time to teach me things, how to run the business, how to read people. One of the things he taught me was that if you're not powerful, you're powerless. Moreno thinks I'm powerless, but I'm not. " Carly wonders if he doesn't want to go back? He teases her that she misses having a driver.
Jason and Carly are in the park with Michael. Carly is nervous because Jason is going to leave her alone with Michael for a short time, just to get Michael used to being with her when Jason isn’t around. Jason tells Carly that they have been over this before. Michael needs to spend time with her alone. Carly is concerned that Michael will start screaming or something. The last thing she wants to do is throw him off balance. Michael is one of the few people she hasn’t ticked off. Jason assures her that everything will be fine. Jason explains to Michael that he is only going to be gone for a little while. Just long enough to get a bike part. Carly is still worried. What if Michael freaks, or what if she freaks? Jason assures her that she and Michael will be fine. Everything she needs is in the diaper bag, they both have their cell phones. There is nothing to worry about. As Jason leaves, he tells Michael to behave himself and he tells Carly not to worry. All she has to do is play with Michael and pay attention. After Jason leaves, Carly talks to Michael trying to decide what they should do.
Jason arrives at the shop to discover Mike working on a motorcycle. Mike offers to let him finish, but Jason declines saying that he has to go pick up Michael and Carly. He tells Mike that is only the third time he has left Michael alone with Carly. Mike asks how it's going. Jason says that it's better since Robin left, not for him because he misses her a lot. But for Michael since Carly and Robin hate each other. All Michael sees is two people he loves who hate each other. They discuss how Michael is not ready to move out with Carly. Jason is worried because he promised Robin that Carly would be moved out by the time she returned. Jason knows Carly is working it a little, but she is also scared. She has missed a lot of Michael's life. Jason is worried because it's taking longer than he thought for Michael to get used to Carly. He doesn't know what he is going to do if Robin comes home before Carly is ready to leave. Mike suggests that Jason take his own advice and worry about it when it happens. Jason thanks Mike and leaves to pick up Michael and Carly.
Carly is pushing Michael in the swing when Helena walks through the park. Carly notices Helena and leaves Michael unattended while she walks over to her to ask her what kind of fur coat she is wearing. She and Helena chat briefly and then Carly turns around to check on Michael. She is furious when she sees Tony squatting next to the swing playing with him. She demands that he get away from Michael at once. Carly takes Michael out of the swing while Tony follows her telling her that she hasn't changed a bit. She is still more interested in hobnobbing with the rich and famous then taking care of her own child. Carly tells Tony to get a life. She barely stepped away from Michael so Tony had better back off. Tony dares her to make a scene, maybe it will make the papers and then Jason can read about it. Carly backs off saying there is no need to make a federal case out of it. She suggests that Tony just leave. Tony says he will be happy to keep her little secret, except from Jason. As Michael's father, Jason has a right to know about Carly's lack of interest. Carly in turn threatens to tell Bobbie that Tony threatened her in the park. Jason arrives as they are arguing and demands to know what is going on. Jason is very angry when he sees Tony talking to Carly and Michael. He won't tolerate Tony harassing Carly and Michael. He tells Tony to leave Carly and his son alone. Tony starts to tell Jason that he found Michael alone, but Carly interrupts and defends Tony. She tells Jason that Tony wasn't bothering her and to leave him alone. It was an accident that they bumped into each other. Tony agrees that they were trying to ignore their differences and focus on their similarities, like their love for children. Jason lets Tony leave, but turns to Carly and demands to know what really happened between the two of them. Carly denies that anything happened. She says that Tony saw her before she saw him. She didn't have the opportunity to avoid him. Tony commented on how much Michael had grown and she couldn't find a polite way to not answer him. What was she supposed to do, grab Michael and run. She learned a few things at Ferncliff, like don't throw a match on an already volatile situation. Jason reminds Carly that Tony kidnapped Michael, but Carly assures him that she would never let anything happen to Michael.
Carly is redecorating Michael's room. Jason wonders if she knows what she is doing. She says she does and that wallpapering is simple. Jason helped Carly as she started to wallpaper Michael's nursery. As they are decorating the room, Carly flips up her hair seductively, asking Jason to look to see if she has gotten any glue on her neck. Jason doesn’t take the bait and just tells her she doesn’t. Carly then asks Jason if they can redo her room as well, but Jason reminded Carly that she would be moving out before Robin returned home. Upset at that thought, Carly claimed it might take longer if Michael wasn't ready to make the adjustment. Jason suggested leaving Michael with Carly for longer periods of time. Carly asks him what if she and the baby aren't ready to be separated from him just yet. Jason only says that he will explain to Robin that she and Michael need more time.
After they are done wallpapering Michael’s room, Carly suggests hanging a man in the moon on the wall for Michael since he likes to always point at the moon. Jason thinks its a good idea and goes out to his car for some nails and equipment. While he is outside, Carly gets a phone call from Robin who wants to speak to Jason. Carly lies and tells her that Jason is out, and doesn’t know when he will be back. Robin tells Carly that she will be home in about a week so let Jason know. She also gives Carly her new phone number and tells her to write it down so Jason can call her back. Carly pretends to write it down, but doesn’t. Robin suspects this, and asks Carly to read back the phone number. Carly sarcastically says that she may not have gone to Yale, but does know how to write down a phone number and tells Robin chow and hangs up. Jason comes back in the room, not suspecting that Robin has called, while Carly says nothing about it. Jason is pouring paint and wonders why Carly has stopped working. Carly says that she is afraid of what Robin would say about the wallpaper. She then goes on to say other things about Robin, but Jason stops her cold and tells her that she will not be putting herself between him and Robin. Carly says that she is not. Jason then tells her that she, Michael and him are a family, and Robin can’t change that. Carly says if they are a family then why can’t they live together like one. Jason tells her because they can’t and then says that Michael will understand when he is older that they both love him, but that they don’t love each other. Hoping to score points with Jason, Carly continues to paint herself as the perfect little mother and companion. When that doesn’t work, Carly climbs up the ladder, and looks for a way to get Jason’s attention. She purposely falls off the ladder, pretending to hurt her ankle. While Jason is massaging Carly's ankle, she screams out in fake pain. He takes off her shoe, and says that she needs to elevate it and put ice on it. She asks to do it in his room because Michael is sleeping and asks that he carry her in there. Jason picks her up and carries her to his room. Jax shows up at the cottage. He knocks, then let himself in with his key and overhears Carly ooh-ing and mmmmm-ing "Oh yeah Jason, right there..." Of course we all know that Jason is just massaging the ankle and putting ice on it. Jax calls up to them and Jason says he'll be down in a minute (leaving enough time for him to seemingly put clothes on in Jax's eyes) and comes down wanting to know how Jax got inside. Jax said that he was looking for a necklace that Brenda had and hoped she didn't die with it. He would be the only one to know where it is and Robin gave him permission to go in and get it if no one was in. Jax asked if he should wait before he goes up to the room. Jason didn't see why not so they go up together. Right before Jason opens the door, Carly throws a blanket over herself and with wearing a spaghetti strapped top so she looked undressed and she bats out what did Jax want? Jax comes in quickly, looks for Brenda's necklace, finds it and starts to lecture Jason on how he gave the house to Robin and that Jason was betraying Robin. Jason didn't say one thing to deny any suspicions. Carly asks, what if he tells Robin? Jason believes that Robin will believe him and doesn't care what Jax thinks.
Jason is talking on the phone with Robin, and Carly is busted for not telling Jason that Robin called earlier. Jason said he isn't mad at Carly, that she was just being herself and he is used to her games, he also points out that he knows she sprained her ankle on purpose. Jason warns Carly that if she ever messes with Michael's head, safety or life in a negative way, he will get mad and come after her. Jason sure knows how to treat a mother. Jason is at the garage talking to Leticia on the phone. As he finishes his conversation, Felicia arrives. She asks Jason what he knows about a man named Moreno. Jason tells Felicia that she came to the wrong guy. If some other blonde lady got into trouble instead of her, she should go to her husband, the police commissioner. Felicia says that Mac is out of town. And it gets worse. Tammy wasn't the one who got arrested. Alan was and now he is sitting in a jail cell being held for murder. Jason says that Alan is a junkie, he is capable of anything. Felicia explains that she called Alan to help Tammy and that he had no idea what he was getting into and neither did she. Jason asks if the dealer knew who she was. Felicia says that he didn't let on, but he must have. She and Luke think that Moreno must have been trying to set her up to blackmail Mac. Jason suggests that Felicia and Mac are Robin's family. Felicia asks if he thinks that Moreno is daring Jason to do something. Why would he, Jason is no threat? She puts two and two together and asks Jason if Moreno wants a showdown. When Jason doesn't answer, Felicia suggests that he call Robin and tell her not to come home. Jason says that Robin is not threat, and when she comes home Jason has everything he wants and Moreno isn't going to pull him into anything. Felicia thanks him for his help. Carly arrives and is wearing a new Russian Sable coat. Felicia is surprised when she learns that the coat was a gift from Jason. She says life must be good for Carly, and she hears that it is going to get even better when Robin comes home and Carly gets her own place. Jason tells Felicia that if Moreno killed the dealer, they will never find a murder weapon. Another thing about Moreno, he keeps coming back. Carly hangs up the phone and says that she has to go home. Felicia offers to help her house hunt, but Carly tells her that she is too busy and it will have to wait until next week. Felicia asks if that isn't a little long to wait since Robin is coming home, but Carly blows her off. Carly suggests to Jason that they not go home. She wants to show off her new coat. Michael is safe with Leticia, so why not?
Carly drags Jason to Jake's, the seedy pool hall where they used to hang out. Carly tells Jason she wants to sit at their usual table. Carly was determined to have a good time and does her best to remind Jason of the good old days, but he's not the nostalgic type. Carly asks Jason to dance. He wonders about her hurt ankle. Another guy comes over and asks Carly to dance. She accepts and dances sexy to try to make Jason jealous, however it doesn't work. Jason is watching them. After Carly finishes dancing, the guy tries to come onto Carly. She informs him who her date is, and the guy leaves her alone. Carly returns to her table and complains to Jason about how he is ignoring her. Jason amusingly tells her that he can see that she was busy. She tells him that the guy had his hands all over her and asked if Jason even noticed. He tells her he did notice, but didn't see a problem with it since Carly was the one who put the guys hands there. She then wonders why he's not jealous when another man looks at her. Jason tells Carly he is happy with Robin and doesn't think of other women. He also tells her that he has no ties to her and if she wants a guy and likes him, who is he to stop her. Carly is disappointed by his answer, but still continues her cat and mouse game. While Jason is busy eating, Carly brings up the topic of sex and says she doesn't see the big deal in discussing two friends who had sex. Jason corrects her and says, no two strangers who had sex. Carly says whatever, but wonders why Jason now finds the topic morally objectionable. Jason tells her it's like the long distance people who keep calling, he's happy with his current provider, meaning Robin. Carly tells him that he should consider her his ex-lover. She explains to Jason that when you've had a relationship with another person, you sometimes feel certain things. He corrects her again and says "felt certain things", but she says feel, like in the present. She continues by saying that they want the other person to be happy in their new relationship, but there is still a part of them that wants things to be back the way they were. She says that there will always be an attraction to the other person, a physical desire. She pushes him into complimenting her appearance by putting herself down. He does and she gets happy and invites him to dance, but Jason would rather play pool.
As they continue to play pool, Jason has won a few games in a row. He suggests that she could play better with her coat off. She just wants to show it off. He says that she looks hot, then explains that it must be a warm coat. She goads him into dancing with her again. Jason takes the bait and leads her to the small dance floor. She flings off her coat and tells him to come here because she is hot. She holds him close while they dance with a big smile on her face and then starts kissing his neck. She says that she still has the key to the room upstairs that he gave her. He asks her why she saved it. She says that if he hadn't have given her the key, there wouldn't have been no Michael and if she would have never met him, she thinks she would have probably ended up dead or something. She then wonders who lives there now. Jason says that the bartender says that no one does. She then tells him that she used to like when he would say "would you like to go upstairs?" Jason says nothing and then Carly asks him if he wants to go upstairs.
Carly asks Jason if he wants to go up to their old room above the bar and sleep together. Jason tells Carly that they were just using each other when they had sex before, and they couldn't stand each other when they weren't having sex. Jason Tells Carly that he loves Robin and that he is happy with his relationships with Robin and Carly the way they are. Carly responds that she is not happy and wants a little of what Jason "thinks" he has with Robin. After an unsuccessful attempt to make Jason jealous, she asks him why Robin and Jason are together since they appear to have nothing in common. Jason responds by saying most of what he knows came from Robin. Carly tells Jason that Robin is telling him how to feel, and doesn't really love him. Jason says he is happy with Robin, Carly says she could make him happier then challenges him to another game of pool. Carly wins the game and Jason gives her $20. When they get home Carly tells him she will give back the $20 if Jason will carry her up the stairs. Jason says okay and Carly tells him he can drop her on his bed if he can't make it to hers. Jason Picks Carly up and turns around, only to see Robin standing there staring at them.
Robin comes home to find Jason about to carry Carly upstairs. Carly tells her they weren't expecting her so soon. Robin quips back "Sorry to disappoint you". Carly continues to try to antagonize Robin by asking her what she thought of the nursery. Robin blandly says that whoever hung the wallpaper did a good job. Carly says that it was good practice for when she gets her own place. Robin asked her if that means she found a place yet and Carly tells her that she and Jason agreed that Michael was ready yet. Jason finally cuts Carly off and she says goodnight. Jason goes out on the porch to look at the stars. Robin soon comes out and they talk. Jason tries to explain to Robin that him and Carly had gotten into a discussion earlier about him and Robin. He tried to explain to Carly how much he loved Robin and how they met but he doesn't think Carly or anyone else can understand what Robin means to him and how she helped him become who he is today. Jason apologizes for not being able to have things ready when Robin got back. If that means Robin has to leave again, he will understand. Robin says that she is not going to run away that nothing gets resolved that way and that she can put up with Carly for a little while longer. Jason tells Robin about Felicia coming to the garage and asking questions about Moreno. He explains how Moreno has been taunting Jason and he hasn't retaliated. Robin gets scared because they no longer have protection. Robin urges Jason not to fight Moreno. They now live in this house with no guards, no bulletproof windows, and a baby to protect. The next time we see Jason is when he is downstairs with Michael about to read him a story. Jason tells Michael he needs to be quiet so that they don't wake Robin up, but it's too late. Robin is up and joins them on the couch. They all cuddle while Jason tries to read a book to Michael.
Carly is on the phone trying to set up appointments to see houses when Robin walks into the room. Carly notices her and explains to realtor that she knows the holidays are a tough time of year for house hunting, but she and her son are being forced out of their home. After she hangs up, Robin asks her for the phone. As Robin starts to make her call, Carly congratulates her. When Robin asks for what, Carly says that with any luck, she and Michael will be out of her house in time for the holidays. Robin says that she doesn't want Michael out of the house, just Carly. Carly reminds Robin that she and Michael come as a set. Robin responds by saying that she would have no problem with Carly being there if she didn't know that Carly was manipulating Jason. Carly accuses Robin of manipulating Jason by running off to another continent just to punish him. She was angry with Jason for letting Carly stay there so she left. Carly says that she is leaving on her own for Michael's sake. Robin laughs and says that Carly is just playing games and they don't work with her any more than they did with Jason while she was gone. She knew from the second Carly walked in that she wasn't planning on leaving her house or Jason. She knows that Carly used every second while Robin was gone to try to get Jason. Including dragging Jason to Jake's to relive the good old days. Robin says that her games didn't work. Jason is faithful to her because her loves her. That is why Carly's game will fail every time. Robin says that she is going to miss Michael a lot, but she can't wait to get rid of Carly. Carly says that she and Michael will be a part of Jason's life from now on, so get used to it. Robin starts to say that if Carly thinks she can come here and just take over her life, but she is interrupted by Jason returning home.
Jason looks at the two women and asks what is going on. Carly says that she and Michael are leaving. Jason is not thrilled with Carly's announcement. After he puts Michael to bed, he comes downstairs and asks Carly and Robin what is going on. Carly explains that she made an appointment with a real estate broker. Robin offers to watch Michael while they are gone. Jason says that no one is going anywhere because Michael isn't ready to move. Carly agrees, but she can't take living with Robin anymore. Robin is mad at her all the time. Jason tells Carly that he gets her point, but Michael is not ready to move. Robin tells him that he is the one who isn't ready. Their conversation is interrupted by the phone, which Jason answers. A woman is calling to tell him that Mr. Corinthos is in trouble. Jason demands to know who is calling. The woman says that her name is Maria. Mr. Corinthos is acting very strange. He seems very angry. She doesn't think he will hurt anyone, but she is afraid he will hurt himself. She tells Jason that sometimes she sees Sonny pick up the phone to call him, but then he hangs up. She thinks that Sonny wants to see Jason. Jason tells her that she did the right thing. He doesn't want her to tell Sonny that he is coming, but he will be there as soon as he can. Jason hangs up the phone and tells Robin and Carly that he has to go find out if Sonny is in trouble. He needs the two of them to stay with Michael. Jason is getting ready to go to Sonny. He tells Robin and Carly that he isn't sure how long it will take. Robin offers to go, but Jason tells her that she knows what it is about. Sonny wouldn't want her to see him like this. Jason says that if Mike asks, he went to see Sonny. Make sure that Mike knows that Sonny is ok. Before he leaves, he makes Carly and Robin promise to make things ok for Michael while he is gone. That means no fighting.
Jason explains to Michael that he has to go visit Sonny. Michael is going to stay home with Robin and Carly. Jason promises to call. He also promises that Robin and Carly won't scare him, they aren't going to fight. He tells Michael that he loves him and kisses him goodbye. He turns to Robin and tells her to call Mac right away if anything funny happens. He tells Robin he loves her and kisses her goodbye. Robin tells him not to worry and to stay as long as Sonny needs him. As soon as Jason is gone, Carly cancels her appointment with the realtor and makes plans to take Michael Christmas shopping.
At the Outback, Robin runs into Bobbie and Jerry and Jerry excuses himself leaving the ladies alone to talk. Bobbie asks Robin about Carly, and when she is moving out. Robin tells Bobbie that its on hold for right now because Jason had to go out of town to see a friend. Taggart and Dara are at the Outback as well. Felicia greets him and shows them a table. Tony comes over to Felicia and tells her that Monica has resubmitted his credentials to GH. He is very excited about it and Felicia is glad for him as they hug. V thanks everyone for coming, and explains that the local artist won’t be there, but there is another band who has been around for along time and just happened to be passing through town and graciously agreed to try their new material on them. She then says Ladies and Gentlemen, “CHICAGO!” Ned’s jaw drops! The band starts singing, “If You Leave Me Now” while the audience is enjoying themselves. At the end of the song, the audience erupts in applause. Felicia worries to Bobbie about where Mac is. Bobbie reassures her that he’ll be along any minute now. Robin says that Mac is going to hate it that he missed Chicago. Mac finally shows up and Felicia gives him a hug. Practically everyone has already left the outback when Alan comes in, and apologizes to Mac for how he treated him at Police Department. Mac told Alan that the murder charges against him have been dropped and to keep out of trouble in the city. Alan thanks him and leaves to go speak with Felicia. Robin thanks her Uncle Mac for giving Alan another chance and hugs him. Suddenly a hand breaks the glass, thrusting a gun through the window Alan pulls Felicia aside as gunfire erupted at the Outback and everyone ducked for cover as the bullets flew. Robin, Mac, Alan and Felicia all dive for cover when a gunman begins firing at them through the window of the Outback.
Jason arrived in Puerto Rico and learned that Sonny had been going through a rough time. Sonny's assistant Maria cautions Jason that her boss has started drinking and becomes violent on occasion for no apparent reason. She then tells Jason she thinks Sonny is going crazy and hopes that Jason can calm him. Jason thanks her for calling him and she tells Jason that Sonny is a good man and she truly hopes that he can help him. Jason tells her he’ll do what he can do and then ducks inside to see Sonny. Inside, Sonny is sitting in the dark, unshaven, drinking and the room is a mess and Jason is concerned to find Sonny in a badly disheveled state, sitting in the midst of the office he just trashed. Jason calls out Sonny’s name softly. Sonny looks at him, but says nothing. Trying to engage his old friend's interest with small talk about Robin and Michael, he calmly tells Sonny about his new life, just making conversation, not expecting Sonny to answer. He notices a liquor bottle that Sonny has emptied, but continues talking about Michael. He then tells Sonny that they are living in Brenda’s old cottage, and how Michael likes to watch the stars. He tells about Carly as well. Sonny doesn’t seem to be listening, but Jason continues rambling on until Sonny finally erupts in anger and asks Jason what the hell is he doing here?
Sonny then pours himself another drink, while Jason tries convincing Sonny to come back to Port Charles for the winter. Sonny says that he moved out of the business, he got away clean. He then yells at Jason to go. Telling him that its his choice to stay, to drink and do whatever, and its also his choice that he wants Jason to go. Jason refuses to leave and they start fighting with Sonny pushing at Jason to go and Jason yelling back at him that he won't. Sonny then realizes he has gone too far, and sits down and sighs. He asks Jason how Robin is doing. Jason tells him how Robin is coping with Brenda's death. Sonny says that it never occurred to him that Brenda would die first. He would have done anything to prevent that from happening. He then tells Jason if he had taken her with him, then they could have been Mr. & Mrs. Nobody. Jason says that they could have, until a man came along and shot them. Sonny still blames himself for not having been there to save her. Jason tells him that he couldn't have done anything even if he were in Port Charles at the time. Sonny says that it matters not how Brenda died, just that she is dead, and he can't be with her ever again. He then tells Jason that he has nightmares and is haunted by memories of Brenda. But dreaming of Brenda is worse, because when he wakes up, she is not there.
Jason wants Sonny to come home to Port Charles with him, but Sonny thinks there's nothing there for him. Jason tries to make him see that there's more in Port Charles than there is here, but Sonny disagrees and tells Jason that he can't help him, no one can and that his problems couldn't be fixed. In spite of what Sonny was saying, Jason intended to help Sonny and called Carly to say that he would be staying in Puerto Rico for as long as Sonny needed him. As V calls for 911, Felicia begs Alan for help. At first, Alan looks like he is shock, but then he springs into action. He determines that Mac has a wound to the thoracic region. He instructs Robin where to put her hands and to how apply pressure. They have to stop the bleeding or Mac will go into hemorrhagic shock. As Robin continues to apply pressure, Felicia holds Macs hand and tearfully begs him to stay with her. Mac is being taken out of the Outback on a stretcher. Robin is on the phone with Carly explaining what has happened. She tells Carly that she isn't hurt, but Mac was shot. Carly is concerned for er safety and Michael's since the cottage is so isolated. She asks if she should take Michael and run. Robin tells her not to go outside. Stay in the house and lock all the doors and draw the drapes. Stay down and away from the windows. Don't go in the basement because there is only one way out and she could get trapped. Carly wants Robin to contact Jason, but Robin says that she can't. Robin says that she is going to the hospital to be with Mac. She hangs up the phone and turns to Alan. She thanks him for everything and tells him that he probably saved Mac's life. As Robin is getting ready to go to the hospital, Lt. Taggert arrives. He wants to question Robin, but she is too upset and leaves for the hospital. Taggert asks V if she saw anything, but she explains that she was upstairs, but from what she could gather, it came from nowhere. Taggert is sure that it was Moreno.
Felicia is at the hospital with Robin and is close to hysterical because she hasn't heard anything about Mac's condition. She sees Bobbie and begs her for information. Bobbie explains that Mac has lost a lot of blood, but the major concern is that a bullet has punctured his lung. The doctor was able to inflate the lung and insert a chest tube, but Mac is going to need surgery immediately. As Bobbie leaves to prep for surgery Monica arrives. She confirms what Bobbie has already said and reassures Felicia that they have a first rate surgical team. Felicia is somewhat relieved and says thank God for Alan. Monica is surprised to hear that Alan was there. Taggert has gone to the hospital to try and question Robin. He wants to know if Jason is back in the organization. Robin refuses to answer questions and leaves when Bobbie shows up. Bobbie tells Felicia and Robin that Mac's first procedure is completed and now they just have to wait.
Sonny isn't very happy when Jason tries to clean up the books at the casino, and then apologies for his latest "funk" and tells Jason he's really in a bad way. He thinks he's going crazy. Jason tries to convince him to come back to PC with him. Jason returns to PC, Carly greets Jason with a rather big hug, after which he tells her that they are moving back to the penthouse since it is safer than the cottage. Carly agrees to pack some clothes for her, Michael and Robin after she tells him that Robin has been spending most of her time either at the hospital or her uncle's house. Jason tells her that Sonny is coming back to Port Charles. Jason goes to the hospital to tell Mike to go to Sonny with the usual warnings. Carly and Jason go to the penthouse where she gives a veiled threat about not turning his back on her or Michael. Carly, Jason and Michael are back at the PentHouse. Carly can't contain herself she's so happy to be back. Jason tells her not to get too comfortable, but she talks him into taking Michael to the GH Christmas Party. Dave Koz has arrived at the party and Amy is putting her tongue back in her mouth. Jason, Carly and Michael arrive just as Edward makes his entrance as Santa, which scares the you know what out of Michael!! Dave Koz's sax leads the kids to the party, and as Alan reads the Christmas Story. The episode ends with shots set to music of cast members opening gifts, etc.
Carly and Bobbie are at the penthouse decorating for Michael's birthday party. Robin and Jason arrive. Carly pastes on a fake smile at the sight of Robin and says she was afraid that they were going to miss the party. Jason offers to get Robin something to eat, but Carly is quick to say that Robin probably wants to lay down. Robin says that she just wants to take a shower and change. She doesn't want to miss Michael's party. Robin apologizes to Carly for not being more help in the whole move back to the penthouse. Carly graciously says that it is okay. Robin had other things on her mind.
Bobbie is taking pictures of the party guests when the Q's arrive bearing gifts. Emily apologized to Jason saying that she had no idea they would do this. Edward smiles and starts to walk into the room, but Robin tells him to stop right there. Robin tells the Q's that this is a birthday party, but that they were not invited. Edward asks why they weren't invited. Emily is furious and asks why they are doing this to her. Why are they trying to ruin everything. AJ asks Carly what she thinks. Carly diplomatically defers to what Jason wants. Robin turns to Jason and points out that the Q's clearly not leaving, why don't they just let them stay for something to try and salvage the day. Jason says that he doesn't want them here. Carly asks when Robin got to start making the rules. Robin says that she is just trying to find a way for Michael to still have a good birthday. Robin says that it is Michael's day. So if someone has to win this battle before they go on, her vote is for whoever can end it the fastest. From the door, AJ says with a sly smile that if it is a question of staying for cake or gifts, they are much better with gifts. Carly is opening Michael's gifts. Edward's gift is a gold frame and a letter accepting Michael to an exclusive prep school. Carly is thrilled with the gift, but Jason still looks angry that the Q's have crashed the party. Edward explains that it is a family tradition and Ned adds that the school is very exclusive. AJ laughs and says that they let him in. There is an uncomfortable moment when AJ says that Michael will be following in his father's footsteps. When he gets several funny looks, AJ explains that he and Jason attended the same school. The Q's take their leave once the gifts have been opened and invite Emily to come with them. Emily declines saying she will be home in a little while. The guests are gone and Jason, Carly, Robin and Michael are playing with his new toys. Carly suggests that Robin go to bed and Robin agrees. She is exhausted. Once she has gone, Carly asks if Jason is sure that he doesn't want Michael to go his old school. Jason says that some school won't make Michael special. He wants Michael growing up thinking he is special and that isn't what that school teaches if AJ went there. Carly says that AJ isn't so bad, for a weasel. But the best present Michael ever got was Jason as his father.
Its New Year's Eve in Port Charles and everyone's buzzing about the Bachelor Auction for the Stone Cates Memorial Wing!! Robin gets things started off when we see her getting ready for it. She tells Jason that she'll miss him not being there, but understands why he can't go. They kiss and Carly tries to score points by telling Robin she wouldn't be caught dead anywhere Jason isn't welcome. Jason takes the wind out of her sails by telling her to go, and he'll pay for her ticket. Things wind up with the start of the auction. All of Port Charles' eligible bachelors (half the cast) are called down to the stage by Kat. As it's a blind auction, it will be interesting to see who gets whom!! Bobbie and Jax are the first couple and Stefan reads this with a nice dirty look from Jerry. Everybody else is paired up as follows: Jerry & Helena; Edward & Liz; Reggie & Carly; Ned & V; Robin & Justus; Emily & Nicholas; Lucky & Tammy and Kat & Tony. Lila makes a surprise appearance bidding $50,000 to spend the evening with her favorite bachelor. We don't see who he is until the end of the show with Jason and Michael at the bike shop.
As Jason enters the living room, Carly starts asking him about renovations to the penthouse. Jason angrily tells her that she knows Sonny is coming home and she has to leave. They are going house hunting today. Jason is ready to go, but Carly is reluctant. She tries to talk Jason out of finding her a new place to live, by saying that it wouldn't be good for Michael. Michael is going to feel like they are playing musical houses. Jason tells her that it is time. The penthouse is Sonny's place and he isn't going to want Carly there. Sonny's temper isn't the greatest right now. Sonny and Jason don't want Michael to get upset. It's better if Carly and Michael aren't there. He and Robin will be leaving too. Once Sonny gets back, things are going to start moving fast. Everybody needs to be in place before Moreno can make a move. Carly reminds Jason that Michael cried the whole time he was gone helping Sonny. She doesn't want Michael to be second fiddle to Sonny. She doesn't want Michael to feel abandoned. She knows what that is like. Jason finally agrees to get an apartment for the three of them. They are going to get Michael used to the joint custody arrangement. Jason is on the phone talking to the realtor about new Penthouses when Bobbie arrives.
Bobbie asks what is going on
and Carly vaguely gives her a story about Sonny maybe coming back. Bobbie is
concerned for Carly and Michael's safety, but Carly assures her that Michael is
safe with Jason. Moreno knows that if anything happens to Michael, everyone will
think it was him. So it is in everyone's best interest to leave Michael alone.
Bobbie asks who will be living in the new penthouse. Carly happily tells her
that it will be her and Michael and Jason. She is not so happy when she says
that she is sure Robin will show up eventually, she always does. She tells
Bobbie what they really need is a good bell tower or an attic to keep Robin in.
Bobbie just shakes her head and then suddenly comes up with an idea. She
suggests that Carly and Michael move to the empty apartment at the top of the
Brownstone. Carly hates the idea, but Bobbie assures her that the apartment is
perfect. Bobbie starts to tell Jason, but Carly stops her. Bobbie tells Jason
about the apartment at the Brownstone. Jason says no and Carly looks pleased.
Jason says that Carly is right. Michael isn't ready to do the shared custody
thing yet. Carly says that Bobbie is right too. Michael will never get used to
Jason not being around if he is always there. She doesn't know. Maybe they
should try it. Jason says that the point is that Michael is already confused.
The only thing that has been consistent in Michael's life is him. Bobbie agrees,
but again points out that Michael will be around people he is familiar with.
Lucas will be there and Jerry Jax is great with kids. Jason is adamant that
Michael never be left alone with Jerry Jax. He thanks Bobbie, but says that he
wouldn't be comfortable at the Brownstone. And Michael isn't ready to be without
him. For now, the move has to be the three of them.
**The End** Return to
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