I have all of the Nurse's Balls from 1994-2021 combined onto 11 dvds.

The NB Dvds #1-4 contain all 8 of the Nurses Ball episodes from 1994-2002 from both GH and PC. I have created dvd edits using original GH episodes from 1994-2001 and PC episodes covering those episodes from 1998-2001. The quality on these episodes is pretty good as these. My original 1996-2002 episodes are the best quality and came out really nice.

The NB Dvds #5 & #6 cover the return of the ball in 2013. The Nurse's Ball Dvd #6 covers all of the performance episodes for 2013, while the #5 contains Sabrina getting the idea to revive the ball and the planning going into making that happen and getting the donor money.

The Nurse's Balls from 2014-2023 are contained on Dvds #7-14, see additional info below. Note no new ball episodes aired in 2021 or 2022.

I added some additional clips around Stone's death in 1995 and more clips in 1996 including interviews with Kimberly & Michael Sutton about Stone's AIDS storyline. I also added Soap Center features on the 2000 and 2001 balls, and an ET feature. I also included a performance of Wally Kurth singing "Power To Believe" for the release of the GH CD. (PTB was a yearly song for the NB, sung by Miguel, Ned & Emily, Emily & Juan, ect). If anyone has any other Nurses Ball features please let me know. The episode descriptions are a combination of Soapzone.com, GH Online, TV Tom.com, and my own creation. So thanks to all of the recappers.

Nurses Ball 1994-1996 Dvd #1,
Nurses Ball 1996-1998 Dvd #2,
Nurses Ball 1998-2000 Dvd #3,
Nurses Ball 2000-2002 Dvd #4,

Nurses Ball 2013 Dvd #5,
Nurses Ball 2013 Dvd #6,
Nurses Ball 2014 Dvd #7,
Nurses Ball 2015 Dvd #8,
Nurses Ball 2016 Dvd #9,

Nurses Ball 2017 Dvd #10,
Nurses Ball 2018 Dvd #11,
Nurses Ball 2019 Dvd #12,
Nurses Ball 2020 Dvd #13,
Nurses Ball 2020 Dvd #14,
and Stone Memorial Edit

Nurses Ball DVD #1 June 23, 1994- June 20, 1996: 4 hours
GH June 22, 1994 - :05 mins
GH June 23, 1994 - :41 mins complete
GH June 24, 1994 - :41 mins complete
GH June 20, 1995 - :18 mins
GH June 21, 1995 - :41 mins complete
GH June 22, 1995 - :41 mins complete
CNN's Showbiz Nov 13, 1995 - Stone's death, interview with Lee Mathis who plays Jon Hanley (jumpy, reduced quality clip)
Dec 1, 1995 Mike & Maty - Kimberly interview on World Aids Day
May 22, 1996 Daytime Emmy's - Kimberly wins Best Supporting, GH montage for Best Show
Nov 28, 1995 ET -  Coverage of Stone's death
GH June 20, 1996 - :24 mins

Nurses Ball DVD #2 June 21, 1996 - June 22, 1998: 3:45
June 21, 1996 Extra: "Day of Compassion - interview with Kimberly
GH June 21, 1996 - :40 complete
June, 1996 Rolanda - Kimberly, Aids Awareness Day
GH June 20, 1997 - includes appearances by PC Cast, no separate PC episode in 1997 - :40 complete
June 19, 1997 ET: "Day of Compassion" - Vanessa, Rosie, Ingo
GH June 23, 1997 - includes appearances by PC cast - :40 complete
GH June 17, 1998 - 3 minutes
PC June 19, 1998 - :20 complete
GH June 19, 1998 - :40 complete
PC June 22, 1998 - :20 complete
6-99 E! Short feature on Nurses Ball
6-20-95 ET AIDS Day of Compassion - Wendy Riche, Jon Mathis, Jeannie White (Ryan's mom), Ricky shown singing at NB
3-29-95 PSA for "The Wall" in LA - Aids project
1988  KTLA Local LA News - Wally sings "Power To Believe" to promote GH CD

Nurses Ball DVD #3 June 22, 1998 - June 21, 2000: 4:01
GH June 22, 1998 - :40 mins complete
6/99 Nurses Ball Promos
GH June 17, 1999 - 4 mins
PC June 18th, 1999 - :20 mins complete
GH June 18th, 1999 - :40 mins complete
PC June 21, 1999 - :20 mins complete
GH June 21, 1999 - :40 mins complete
Soap Center June, 2000 - Nurses Ball coverage - Kimberly on asking to come back for it, Stuart, Wally, Lynn
PC June 20, 2000 - last :7 mins
GH June 20, 2000 - :15 mins
PC June 21, 2000 - :20 mins complete
Nurses Ball 2000 Promo aired during June 21 episode of PC
GH June 21, 2000  first :31 mins, episode is complete and continued on next dvd

Nurse's Ball DVD #4 June 21, 2000 - June 21, 2002: 3 hrs 14
GH June 21, 2000 Partial :09 (rest of episode on previous dvd)
PC June 22, 2000 - :13 mins final ball scenes
Soap Center 6-25-01 - :4 min feature on ABC's Day of Compassion  - Jackie, JJY, Brian Presley, Lynn Herring, John Ingle, Billy Warlock, Real, Erin Hershey, Jon Lindstrom, Ion, Hope Smith (PC Producer), Marisa Ramirez
GH June 19, 2001 - :7 mins
PC June 20, 2001 - :20 mins complete
GH June 20, 2001 - :40 mins complete
PC June 21, 2001 - :20 mins complete
GH June 21, 2001 - :40 mins complete
GH June 21, 2002 Day of Compassion - no Nurses Ball - :40 mins complete

Nurse's Ball 2013 DVD #5: 3 1/2 hours original edit
Edited NB Prep
3/27 NB Prep - edited
3/28 NB Rehearsals - Richard Simmons - edited
4/2 complete show GH 50th Anniversary (not NB related but fit so included it)

Nurse's Ball 2013 DVD #6
4/3 NB prelim - Val appears - complete show
4/4 NB rehearsals, Sabrina makeover - complete show
4/5 Rick Springfield, Frisco - complete show
4/8 Frisco, Rick sings “Jessie’s Girl” - complete show
4/9 complete episodes
20/20 Special on GH’s 50th Anniversary

Nurse's Ball 2014 Dvd #7

5/6-5/7 Edited talk of the ball begins
5/8 The Ball begins! Olbrecht steals the show with her opening number
5/9 The Nurses Ball continues with entertaining and special performances
5/10 The Nurses Ball continues with entertaining and special performances
5/12 The Nurses Ball continues with entertaining and special performances
5/13 The Nurses Ball continues with entertaining and special performances

Nurse’s Ball 2015 Dvd #8
4/29 & 4/30/15 Nurse’s Ball Prep Day
5/1/15 Nurse’s Ball Begins
5/2/15 NB continues
5/5/15 NB continues
5/6/15 NB concludes

Nurse’s Ball 2016 Dvd #9 - Robin Returns
NURSE’S BALL 2016 DVD #9 - Robin Returns
May 23 NB Rehearsals
May 25 Nurse’s Ball
May 26 Nurse’s Ball
May 27 Post Ball scenes, afterwards in the Ballroom - Anna’s fantasy Tango with Duke

Nurse’s Ball 2017 Dvd #10
5/22/17 Rehearsal
5/23/17 Mario Lopez does red carpet arrival interviews
5/24/17 Nurse’s Ball performances begin
5/25/17 Nurse’s Ball continues
5/26/17 After the balls ends

Nurse’s Ball 2018 Dvd #11
5/16/18 NB Begins - red carpet arrivals
5/17/18 NB Performances & Proposal - Nurse’s perform, Chase performs Dick Tracy number
5/18/18 NB Performances - Ned, Oscar & Joss, Valentin all perform
5/21/18 NB Performances - Mike & Sonny, Ava, Finale. Maxie’s baby is born
5/22/18 Post Nurse’s Ball - Anna meets Heinrick, he learns she is his mother, arrested
5/23/18 Post Post Nurse’s Ball - end of the night as everyone returns home in the final montage, Griffin & Kiki sleep together, Maxie confronts Peter

Nurse’s Ball 2019 Dvd #12:
516/19 Ball plans are made
5/17/19 Nurse’s Ball Begins - Red Carpet Arrivals
5/20/19 Guests enter the ballroom
5/21/19 Performances Begin - Nurse’s “Best of My Love”, Chase “Something Just Like This”
5/22/19 Performances Continue - Liesl & Franco “Guilty”, Cameron “North Star”
5/23/19 Performances Concludes - Ava, Ned, Valentin, Josselyn, Ryan arrives in Port Charles

Nurse’s Ball 2020 Telethon Dvd #13 - 4 episodes
8/18/20 Nurse’s Ball Begins
8/19/20 Maxie inadvertently broadcasts her pregnancy
8/20/20 Nurse’s Ball continues
8/21/20 Nurse’s Ball concludes, Nelle slashes Brooklyn’s throat

Nurse’s Ball 2023 Dvd #14 - 5 complete episodes, plus edited scenes from 7 more episodes
3/20 Lucy is alive! Edited :9 mins
3/21 Lucy & Maxie Edited :3 mins
3/23 Maxie & Cody Edited :2 min
3/27 pre-ball :4 mins edited
3/28 pre-ball : 9 mins edited
3/29 Epiphany Tribute episode
3/30 NB rehearsals :7 mins edited
3/31 Red Carpet Lucy & Maxie :11 mins
4/3 Nurse’s Ball Begins
4/5 Nurse’s Ball continues
4/6 Nurse’s Ball continues
4/7 Nurse’s Ball concludes - Lucy is alive!

Expanded Description

Nurses Ball DVD #1

1st Nurses Ball June 20, 1994 Preparation for the very first Nurses Ball begins as Lucy is having a meltdown that someone ordered yellow flowers! Sonny Corinthos comes in and introduces himself to Lucy Coe. He wants to buy a ticket and wants a table down front. She is a bit snarky over him trying to buy a ticket at this late date and says that the front tables are all corporate tables and there are no seats available. He asks how much a table costs? She smugly tells him that would be $10,000. He smoothly hands her a check for $11,000 and asks her to make sure his table is right next to ELQ's!

Lucy changes her tune at the size of his check and looks at him admiringly as she agrees. After he leaves, Jon Henley comes in and he and Lucy lament the state of AIDS and the importance of the cause, he subtly points out that the color of the flowers really isn't important. Damian comes in next, he has underwritten the ball this year. Lucy observes that the next time she wants to wring Damian's neck she will remember this.

June 23, 1994 Lucy fusses about last minute details just before the ball. Lucy tortures Amy about her wardrobe and tells her that Amy is working for her that night! Amy tells her not to push her luck! Robin and Stone are backstage preparing for their scene from Romeo & Juliet. Stone is nervous, doesn't think he will remember his lines and says he never should have agreed to this. Sonny shows up with a couple of mafioso goon types (think Sopranos). When one calls him, "Boss", he tells them not to call him "Boss" tonight, to just call him Sonny.

The Quartermaines gather at their table with Audrey and Steve. Jason (pre-accident), AJ, and Brenda walk in together and stop by the Q table. Sonny invites Brenda to join him at his table, raising many eyebrows when she agrees. Keesha and Justice walk in and Luke introduces them to Edward and the rest of the Q's when they stop by the Q table. Luke and Laura arrive and everyone congregates around the Q table. Justus and Keesha sit with Laura and Luke. Laura brings Bobbie over to meet the Wards.

Kevin tells Lucy how beautiful she looks. When Katherine comes in wearing red, Lucy immediately changes into another dress. Ned and Katherine tell Lucy that they are engaged. Lucy and Kat get catty back in the dressing room as Lucy can't bring herself to congratulate Kat on her engagement to Ned. Lucy accuses her of not loving Ned but his money and his name! Kat indicates that she will be Ned's business partner and that she has a special interested in Deception (Lucy's company). Lucy warns her, "Don't even try it!" Tiffany and Sean come in and talk to Audrey and Steve. Steve brings Bobbie over and asks her to take a picture with Damian and Lucy. When Monica sees this, she rushes right over and rescues Bobbie from Damian's clutches. Luke comes over and Bobbie tells him she doesn't know if she can get through this. He turns and stares daggers at Damian.

Lucy comes out and starts the festivities. The very first ball performance is Monica, Simone, and Kevin dresses as babies in huge high chairs. Robin and Stone are rehearsing backstage and Stone takes the opportunity to rehearse their kissing scene. Lucy wanted to reunite Tony and Bobbie, so she locked Bobbie's dance partner, Alan, in a closet. However, Tony refused to dance with Bobbie so Damian Smith stepped in.

Amy yells at Lucy for setting up Bobbie and asks if she every thinks before she does these things. Lucy brushes her off and demands that Amy unzip her so she can change. Amy tells her to do it herself and stomps off. Tony and Damian got into a fight over Bobbie backstage. During the fight Lucy's dress was ripped off. While she was trying to put something else on, the screen she was hiding behind fell over, exposing her to everyone! Thus began the annual tradition of Lucy winding up in her underwear on stage.

June 24, 1994 Lucy introduces Sean Donnelly and Mac Scorpio as two of the sexist stagehands! Steve Hardy does "Casey At The Bat". Damian demands that Sean has Tony arrested for assault, that he did nothing to provoke the attack. Sean tells him that he is off duty and recommends that he call 911! Mac is nervous about his comedy performance, and cute little Maxie assures him that he is very funny. Jason runs into Keesha for the first time and they introduce themselves and dance together. AJ comes over and cuts in (and so the triangle begins). Damian won't let it go and calls the police to have Dr. Tony Jones arrested.

Next, Felicia comes out dressed as a clown and her and Maxie do a number together, "April Showers". Then its Robin and Stone doing their Romeo & Juliet death scene. Kevin congratulates Stone on his performance and says he could have a future in the theatre. Mac comes backstage and yells at Robin for going behind his back to see Stone. Felicia tries to intervene but Mac tells her that she isn't part of this family any longer. Kevin then steps in and starts psychoanalyzing Mac, which just annoys him. Mac is called out on stage for his comedy performance and he goes off on psychiatrists.

Meanwhile, Robin tells Stone that he was wonderful. When Kevin starts in on Mac again, Mac turns around and throws a pie in his face! The cops arrive and Damian demands that Tony is arrested. Jason verifies that Tony threw the first punch. AJ (Sean Kanaan) does impressions of Clint Eastwood, James Cagney, Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson (my favorite) as a fumbling Jason provides some comic relief. Felicia is annoyed with Mac for acting so childish. Miguel sings next, a Spanish ballad, and receives the only standing ovation of the night. Lucy sees Damian and Bobbie heading out and she desperately tries to make her way through the crowd to try to stop Bobbie. Lucy is stopped repeatedly with compliments.

1st NB Performances 

  • Babies - Monica Quartermaine, Kevin Collins and Simone 
  • Tango -Bobbie Jones and Damian Smith 
  • Chorus Line Number 
  • Casey at the Bat -Steve Hardy 
  • April Showers - Felicia and Maxie Jones 
  • Romeo and Juliet - Stone Cates and Robin Scorpio 
  • Stand up comedy - Mac Scorpio 
  • Impersonations - AJ does impressions of movie stars 
  • Miguel Morez (Ricky Martin) sings a song in Spanish

My Evaluation - Overall this was a good first effort. The performances are much better in later years, Lucy's wardrobe becomes much more elaborate, and the event more heartfelt after Stone's diagnosis in 1995 and then Robin's by 1996. My favorite part of this year was seeing so many favorites, Robin & Stone, Kevin & Lucy, Sonny & Brenda, Sean & Tiffany, Luke & Laura, Felicia & Maxie, Miguel, AJ & Jason, Keesha & Justus, Audrey & Steve, Bobbie/Damian/ Tony, almost all of them gone now or rarely seen.

2nd Annual Nurses Ball June 20, 1995 Lucy is once again fussing over last minute details and torturing Amy. Lucy wants Amy to commit to being her dresser and wants a promise that Amy won't run out on her? Amy agrees as long as Lucy doesn't plan on humiliating any of her friends this year (referring to the Bobbie and Damian fiasco).

Lois and Ned arrive but Lucy is worried when Lois takes off for L&B business. Lois assures her everything will be fine. Lucy repeatedly says that she wants this year to shatter last year's memories. Ned tells Lucy she needs some good PR after that Joe Scully fiasco. Damian comes in and shares with Ned that he and Lucy are doing a duet. She huffs only because Damian made a generous contribution and she is bought and paid for.

Katherine comes in and introduces herself to John Hanley. Ned tells Damian that if he is going to scuffle with anyone this year that he would pay to see Katherine going flying across the floor. Amy comes by to tell Lucy there is a problem with her wardrobe plan. Lucy is shutting her out dealing with other things, so Amy grabs hold of Lucy's ponytail and pulls her away! Kat calls using a southern accent she calls and orders two full tables and then proceeds to make some other calls to increase the ball's overhead, determined that Lucy won't have the evening be a success.

Jon and Lucy stand over a section of the AIDs quilt with Robin and Stone. Lucy tells them that Ryan White will be the guest that evening. Jon tells them about the AIDs quilt and how the panels are made to commemorate AIDS patients who have died by their friends and family. He gets choked up as he talks about it, and says that when it began 8 years ago that people were dying by the thousands and it was being ignored as a "gay" disease. Stone compliments Jon on his speech last year and he is glad that Jon is back. Jon says he is glad he can be anywhere but he just takes it one day at a time. Stone asks if he is on any drug treatment? Jon tells him about his regiment. Stone is surprised that Jon isn't angry about his diagnosis. Jon says that he is angry but it's about how he uses his feelings.

June 21, 1995 Lucy glides across the ballroom floor in the first of five gowns. She was determined to make more money this year than last. Jon Hanley commented that the $3500 worth of orchids that just arrived would certainly cut into the profit. Lucy assured him that she didn't order them, but he said it was too late to send them back. Later, caviar worth $15,000 arrived. Lucy was upset that the profits are being "nibbled up" by these unwanted frills. Jon and Lucy greet Ryan White's mother and he escorts her to her table.

Great intro as the guests arrive, snapshots are taken of each couple: Steve & Audrey, Lee & Gail, Alan & Monica, AJ & Lily, Robin & Stone, Ned & Lois, Sonny & Brenda, Bobbie & Tony, Mariah/Felicia/ Maxie, Laura & Lucky, and Justus/Simon/ Mary Mae. Kevin tried on his "tin man" hat with some dismay. He paused long enough to admire Lucy's dress, and she insisted that both his performance and the ball would be a smash. The fact that his tin man costume crashed to the floor at just that moment did not reassure him. Luke arrived at the Spencer/Jones table, where Laura was already seated, and Lucky attempted to play matchmaker for his parents without success. Lucy, in her second dress, opened the ball with a fine speech about the purpose of the ball. Then, with less enthusiasm, she introduced Damian as the underwriter of the ball. She announced her desire to break all fund-raising records this year. Kat quietly snarked to herself, "Don't be too sure, Lucy",

The Oz contingent is in the dressing room. Tony, as the Scarecrow, was losing his stuffing. Kevin, as the Tin Man, picked the stuffing up off the floor with his axe. Alan, as the Cowardly Lion, sat in a chair and fanned himself with a magazine, legs crossed with one large, fluffy foot in the air. Lucky and Emily (who was cute as can be as Dorothy) arrived, and Emily offered encouragement to Sydney the Bear (who was occupying Alan's place inside the lion suit) while Lucky oiled Kevin's costume and Kevin performed tricks with his axe. Alan, in a bulky lion suit, enfolds Emily in a loving bear hug.

Lucy introduced Jean White, Ryan's mother. They discussed the Ryan White Foundation. Lucy tells the audience that Ryan White passed away five years ago from AIDS. He was a little boy who was a hemophiliac and received tainted blood. When Jean began to tear up as her speech ended, Lucy hugged her in a poignant moment as the audience gives her a standing ovation.

Lucy then introduces Eddie Maine and the Idle Rich, who perform "Over the Rainbow." After the band performed, Ned told Mac about the Sonny and Harry conversation that Brenda overheard. Mac agreed to investigate, hoping to get enough information to convince the police to investigate.

Next we were treated to the Oz crew in their performance. "If I Only Had a Brain/a Heart/the Nerve" was interrupted by brief scenes of Lois, turned on by Eddie's leather pants, seducing him in the dressing room. The Oz skit continued with "If I Were King of the Forest", and the gang skipped out while singing "We're Off to See the Wizard". Lucy reluctantly went to Damian to award him the first dance, which he had bought. Kat was predictably ticked, and she nearly knocked Mac over while having her fit. They discovered that they have a lot in common in that they are both alone and feeling unwanted. Simone's problem is the opposite as she is wanted by one too many men. She asked Tom to stop staring at her, upon which he said that if she wouldn't dance with him, what else could he do? Justus invited Tom out to the lobby for a little talk. Luke interrupted when he came to fetch Justus.

Lucy introduced Jon Hanley, who gave an emotional speech about discrimination against AIDS patients from homophobia and the fear that patients have of being ostracized. He gets choked up and receives a standing ovation for his moving speech. Lucy then introduced Mary Mae and the Pips (Justus, Luke, and Lucky). The Pips, clad in purple double-breasted suits, strode on stage carrying their microphones and proceeded to completely upstage Mae Mae with their choreography. At the end of this song, Lucky burst into a hip-hop number, soon joined by Luke.

Miguel joined the table occupied by Alan, Monica, Jason, Keesha, Robin, Stone, Lily, and AJ. Robin commented on Jon Hanley's eloquence. AJ responded by questioning the level of attention and funding received by AIDS compared to other diseases. He insisted that the only people who get AIDS these days are irresponsible gays, IV drug users, and stupid people who "deserve to get it". Stone objected, and AJ asked, "So when did you become some big expert on AIDS anyway?" Stone responded, "When I found out that I have AIDS?" 

June 22, 1995 AJ doesn't believe what he just heard, and Stone reiterates that yes, he has AIDS. AJ offers an apology. When Stone and Robin leave to dance, AJ is stunned but still speculates how Stone got it and says he must be gay, or a drug user. He didn't think it was possible to get it from a woman and comments, "Can you picture him getting it from Robin?" The table sits stunned as Robin's situation sinks in. Robin and Stone go to tell Ned and Lois before someone else drops this bombshell. Both are supportive and both hug him. Stone is tired and he and Robin decide to leave. But they discuss telling Mac. Robin doesn't think anyone will tell him tonight because not even AJ is that insensitive.

Monica and Alan discuss AIDS, teens, Emily and how to keep her safe without stifling her sexuality. Emily comes up looking wonderful. She mentions Sydney, to Monica's puzzlement and Alan frantically signaling her to stifle it. Kat is gloating. Jon tells Lucy that the figures are not going to be good, that the two tables didn't show and that throws them off by $20,000! She sends him off for his calculator to see how far off they are. She then introduces the next act, Miguel. His song is dedicated to a "friend" whom he just found out has AIDS. As he sings, a montage of the AIDS quilt is shown.

The next act is Steve and Tommy Hardy in "Ya Gotta Have Heart" with a backup chorus. Sonny comes to Miguel and says he appreciates the song. Brenda gives Miguel a hug while Sonny heads off to talk to Lily, with Brenda and Miguel looking daggers at both. Brenda gives Sonny what for later at the table. Lucky is all upset that maybe Mom didn't see his act with his Dad as she was selling raffle tickets with Lila. Mike comes by and meets Laura, sweet talks her, and dances off with Lucky (Lucky was showing him a few steps.) Luke wants to go talk with Laura, and they go sit on the steps to talk. Damian says he has to get ready for his big number, and Kat sulks off to Mac.

Audrey introduces Lucy and Damian and they go into their "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better" routine, which involves kissing Lee and throwing Kat out of her chair. Amy is off gossiping and raving about Damian. Luke is attempting to help Lucy into her next dress when Jon comes back with the terrible news that they are $12,000 below last year! Lucy is horrified and Luke mildly suggests a striptease to make it up. Jon, amazed, kisses her for going the extra mile and Lucy says one of the great lines of the day, "When I'm through, you may want to reconsider your position."

Lucy comes out and announces the numbers and that she is going to auction of her clothes to raise more money. She gets a trumpet for a fanfare. Monica buys her bracelet, Simone buys her necklace, by which time the crowd is definitely in the mood. Sonny gets a glove and Damian the other glove. Katherine spits about how could Damian get involved, and he says another great line, "Oh Kat, put a glove in it." Mike gets into the spirit of the bidding and offers $7500 he doesn't have for the cape, but Damian rescues him at the last minute with an $8000 bid. Felicia and Bobbie start bidding for a shoe and then Bobbie leaves Felicia to it, but she is sorely disappointed when Luke gets the other one (afterwards Luke tells her that it's going up over the bar at Luke's, but Felicia can borrow it sometimes as long as she has it back by midnight.)

Alan and Tony share the overskirt as Lucy gushes, two of my favorite ex-husbands, Kevin has muttered "et tu, Brute?" He stands on a chair and offers $10,000 for Lucy to keep the dress ON. Damian, naturally, offers $20,000 for Lucy to take it off. Lucy slips behind the curtain and throws out the dress. The crowd, including Felicia, stand and chant "MORE! MORE!" The women of GH come out doing "One Singular Sensation". Amy, derelict again, is nowhere to be found. Damian is offering to help when Kat appears backstage again in a towering rage. She hurls Lucy through the curtains in her undies. Lucy, ever the trooper, shrugs and joins the chorus line. 

2nd Ball Performances

  • "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by Eddie Maine & The Idle Rich 
  • "If I Only Had A Brain", "If I Were the King of the Forest" and "We're Off to See the Wizard" with Alan Quartermaine, Emily Bowen-Quartermaine, Tony Jones, Kevin Collins 
  • "Midnight Train to Georgia" with Mary Mae Ward, Justus Ward, Luke Spencer and Lucky Spencer as Gladys Knight and the Pips 
  • "Power to Believe" - Miguel Morez (Ricky Martin) 
  • "High Hopes/You Gotta Have Heart" - Steve & Tommy Hardy 
  • "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better" - Lucy & Damian 
  • Chorus Line -Audrey & Simone Hardy, Bobbie 

My evaluation: 1995 was one of my all time favorite balls. It had heart with Jon Henley and Ryan's White mom, Stone admitting his diagnosis made it very personal. The theme of Wizard of Oz and the rainbows (including one of Lucy's dresses) was fitting. Some of my favorite performances Ned singing Over the Rainbow, the Gladys Night and the Pips... a great year! 

November 13, 1995 CNN's Showbiz on Stone's death, interview with Lee Mathis (jumpy, reduced quality) - He talks about getting choked up when taping the Stone's memorial scenes. As an actor he placed an ad in LA trade paper that he needed $3,500 of union work to maintain his health coverage, and GH called and gave him the job 

Dec 1, 1995 Mike & Maty - Kimberly interview on World Aids Day 

May 22, 1996 Daytime Emmy's - Kimberly wins Best Supporting Actress for her work during Stone's AIDS storyline, GH montage for Best Show 

Nov 28, 1995 ET - Coverage of Stone's death

Third Annual Nurses Ball June 20, 1996 Lucy is annoyed to find Katherine has placed Deception samples at every place on the table. She orders one of her minions to remove Katherine's "tacky little favors" and replace them with hers (Lucy is now involved with Jax Cosmetics). Lucy goes over Carly's dresser responsibilities and asks Carly if she understands what to do? Carly laughs, "Zip, unzip, I think I got it."

Lucy then goes over the accessories and Carly doesn't remember the correct pairings. Lucy observes, "Some people have a knack for this sort of thing and you obviously don't." Lucy will make a list for her to memorize. She tells Carly that she has a great attitude and is a real pleasure to work with. Katherine comes over and wants Carly to act as her dresser. Lucy hates that idea and says Carly is her dresser. Lucy comments on Kat's five changes as being pretentious and not at all original. Katherine notices that Lucy has replaced her favors with her own, "Oh no you don't sister!"

Felicia is giving instructions to the security guard. Lucy is told her favors were found in the trash. However, she doesn't worry about it long when she gets a call that Jon Henley is critical. Amy comes up, very excited about Janis Ian coming to sing and wants to know how that happened. Lucy says she just called her up and asked her! At the park, Jason and Robin talk. Jason doesn't see why Sonny is going to the Nurses' Ball or why Robin is speaking, and she tries to explain that getting a cure would make them less sad. She asks if he will come and he says he will think about it. Creepy security guard grabs Felicia, Tom jumps him and gets his gun. He takes off, and pushes past Bobbie knocking her down. Mac stops him and arrests him. Bobbie has sprained her ankle and can't go on with the Jones' Family number. Lucy says they can't cancel as that will leave a huge hole at the top of her show. Tony suggests that Carly fill in and Lucy agrees and they talk her into it. Lucy continues that Amy will have to take over as her dresser. 

** End of Nurses Ball DVD #1**

Nurses Ball DVD #2

June 21, 1996 Extra: "Day of Compassion" - interview with Kimberly 

June 21, 1996 Lucy barks orders as she prepares for the Nurses' Ball. Katherine follows suit finally driving Amy, who is acting as their dresser, to quit them both in exasperation. In one of the best openings Alan sings, "Beautiful Girls" as everyone begins to arrive dressed to kill: Edward & Lila, Monica, Tom/Felicia/ Audrey, Tony/Bobbie/ Lucas, Robin & Mac, Ned & Lois, Amanda Barrington/Lee & Gail Baldwin, Garcia & Dara, Mike & his date, AJ/Keesha/Simon, then Brenda arrives with her new husband Jax (Sonny is already there, he has no date since Lily died the month before).

As the Ball gets started Alan irritates Lucy when he publicly thanks Katherine as benefactor and Ball underwriter. When Katherine begins to make a speech, Lucy deftly commandeers the mike and pushes her off the stage. Lucy talks about the AIDS quilt and then introduces the next act; Carly (filling in for the injured Bobbie), Tony, and Lucas perform a vaudevillian rendition of "Together Wherever We Go."

Lucy in a bare midriff gown introduces Ned who sings "We're Having a Baby" honoring his very pregnant wife (same song Ricky Ricardo sang to Lucy when she was pregnant). In between acts, Katherine tries unsuccessfully to suck up to Monica and Amanda. Tony comments positively on Carly's dress which just happens to be one of Bobbie's. Kevin and Robin talk about Stone. She tells him that she hasn't forgotten how good he was to Stone and that his kindness meant a lot to him.

Alan announces a $30 million gift from Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Corinthos to endow the Stone Cates Memorial AIDS Wing at GH. Lucy overhears Katherine and Dara Jensen plotting for Dara to secretly sing while Katherine lip synchs on stage. Lucy appears in yet another slinky outfit to introduce Katherine's number. She starts to lip-synch, "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend." As she gets going, Lucy opens the curtains revealing the singing ADA. Lucy then grabs the mike from Kat and takes over the number. Kat grabs the mike back to sing on her own. The two proceed to snatch the mike back and forth in a humorous routine as they both try to one up the other.

Jax tells a backless red-gowned Brenda that he has to leave on business but will be back in the morning. She says she wants to stay to hear Robin's speech and walks him out. Lucy announces the death of Jon Hanley (Lee Mathis). She gets choked up and the room is completely silent. She then introduces singer Janis Ian who sings a sad lament, "When Angels Cry". This song always reduces the audience to tears, especially the line "When Stones weep." This song is set to a montage of images of Robin, Sonny, Brenda, and others dabbing the tears from their eyes, interspersed with scenes of Stone and the AIDS quilt.

JMac talks briefly and warmly about Stone, then presents Robin with a section of quilt in Stone's honor, touchingly wrapping it around her. Robin, the keynote speaker, delivers a very emotional and impassioned plea for compassion and understanding for the victims of HIV. Robin announces that she is the face of AIDS. She gets choked up and Jason watches with tears in his eyes. She stops talking, just stands there, shaken, crying. Jason looks around to see if anyone is going to do anything and when everyone else sits silently, he walks up to the stage and picks her up in his arms and carries her off. Carly looks on surprised and obviously disturbed at seeing Jason and Robin so close due to Robin's HIV positive status (as her and Jason had recently begun their affair).

Backstage, a somber Lucy tries to make peace with Katherine and for them both to remember the real meaning of the evening and work together to make it a success. Katherine agrees until Kat notices that Lucy has switched her dress leaving an atrocious gaudy gold gown with a huge bow. Kat returns the favor by switching the dress for Lucy, and turning off the lights so Lucy won't notice the switch.

Keesha, Simone, Carly, Audrey "She Got Legs" Hardy, and others do the annual Nurses Chorus Line number. Meanwhile, things backstage start to degenerate into slapstick as Katherine helps Lucy dress and sprays her eyes with hairspray to avoid Lucy seeing that Kat had Lucy's dress on. As Lucy stumbles around, her foot gets caught in a stage rope, and somehow she is hauled upside down, dress falling over her head, and swung over the stage to her intense humiliation and the audience's delight as she is once again showing her undies for the crowd. She gets a standing ovation for her trouble. Back at home, Sonny answers the door to find Brenda. She embraces him lovingly.

3rd ball Performances

  • "Beautiful Girls" by Alan Quartermaine 
  • "Together Wherever We Go" -Tony Jones, Lucas Jones and Carly Roberts 
  • "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" - Dara Jensen, Katherine Bell and Lucy Coe 
  • "When Angels Cry" -Janis Ian 
  • "We're Having a Baby" - Ned Ashton 
  • Nurses Chorus Line -Featuring: Carly Roberts, Audrey Hardy

My Evaluation: This ball only had one performance episode but the production values were amazing. it was obviously the budget that went into this episode, as each of the performances were top notch and how can you go wrong when Wally, Tony, Stuart, and Dara all sing in the same episode! This was one of the saddest years as Lee Mathias had died, and Stone's memory was honored, as well as Robin now being HIV+. 

Summer, 1995 GMA - Joan Lunden interviews Michael Sutton & Kimberly about the AIDS storyline

June, 1996 Rolanda - Kimberly, Aids Awareness Day, clip shown of Alan and Robin talking about her HIV status. 

4th Nurses Ball June 20, 1997 Lucy is whirling around with last-minute arrangements. She flashes back to a scene with Serena's kidnapper who demanded she pay him off at the Ball (the kidnapper is played by Wayne Northrup, Lynn Herring's husband). Kevin comes up and wants to take her home because she's too tired and stressed. She can't sit around waiting for word on Serena and has to go on with the show. Stefan comes up and interrupts the moment. Lucy promises that the ball will be a success and no one will be disappointed and she goes off to dress.

People start to trickle in. Stefan eyes Katherine hungrily and Luke notices and makes a great crack, "You'll spoil your appetite for rubber chicken if you keep eatin' your heart out like that!" Stefan glares a reply. Then he said he was surprised to see Luke at the Nurses Ball as he didn't realize Luke is one of the hospital's supporters. Luke responds that between the murders in the basement and the virus that he would rather be covered in leeches than go to GH. Backstage, Ned reassures Monica that he will lie if necessary and say that she and Emily were with him at the time Dorman was murdered.

Tony pursues Carly to the door of her dressing room. They're squabbling about her plans to leave town after the ball. She says she doesn't want to get back together with him if it's only for the sake of the baby. They have a few more words about Tony having the right to make some decisions about the baby's future. She asks him, sarcastically, if he's going to take her to court.

Jax and V arrive. She's supposedly still keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn't flee the country. She's cute and unassuming in a thrift-store "special". But she's proud of being a good shopper; Jax laughs with her. Mike, Sonny, Jason, Brenda and their entourage of bodyguards arrives. Sonny observes that Robin is happy when Jason is happy and Brenda is happy when she is driving him crazy! The Quartermaines make their entrance: Edward, Lila, A.J., Justus, Dara and Keesha. The PC interns arrive together and take a moment to kiss up to Alan.

The women are shown back in the dressing room getting ready, putting on make up dressing, in a music montage. The show begins with Alan singing and the women of Port Charles come out one by one and dance with him and end up on steps behind Alan, forming a rainbow with their dress colors: Bobbie, Mary Scanlon (Frank & Joe's mom from PC), Carly, Amy, Dara, Monica, Emily, Alexis, Keesha, Gail, and Lucy. It was a great way to include the actresses who don't sing or dance into the show. Lucy thanks Jax for underwriting the show this year.

Katherine excuses herself to "get ready" and Stefan gazes after her (as she wheels away in her wheelchair, she was shot by Stefan during the Twist of Fate special). Bobbie, returning to their table after the fashion show number, notices how hypnotized he is by Kat. Later, Katherine goes upstairs to an office. She's alone and tries standing up. She takes a step as Stefan watches from the doorway with a big smile on his face. Carly and Tony do a country western song and dance number, while Bobbie glares at them from the audience (Tony has left her for Carly by this time).

June 23, 1997 At the PCPD, Taggart and Garcia are hot on their prime suspect's trail. They get a search warrant for Brenda's hotel room and her car. In the car trunk, under the carpet, they find a bloody scalpel.

In the lobby, Karen runs into Jason and they have an awkward conversation as he doesn't remember her. She tells him that she still keeps in touch with Robin and she is sorry she couldn't make it to the ball this year. She looks at Stone's memorial quilt square. She says that Jagger would love it. It suddenly dawns on him that she is Karen. He laughs, "So you were my ex-girlfriend? Are we mad at each other or anything?" Sonny and Brenda gape at Jason walks in with Karen Wexler. They remark on how odd it was to see Karen and Jason together again, like the "perfect couple" they once were as if the past two years never happened. But they did happen, Jason tells them. He doesn't even remember Karen, though she seems nice. Sonny agrees that she is nice.

Carly and Tony are getting dressed after their number. He tells her that he wants her to stay. He wants to be part of the baby's life. "Is that because you can't imagine your life without me or is it door #2 for the sake of the baby?" she cries. Carly tells him that she needs to be needed for herself, and if he can't agree to that then they will say goodbye tonight. Bobbie is in her disco dress. Her partner Dr. Drexler is gussied up like John Travolta. He's eager to show off his stuff and in front of Bobbie, Lucy, and Amy does some fancy twirls. He twirls out of camera range and we hear a huge crash while the women stare in horror.

Amy has a meltdown. Her career as producer is over before it begins. She hurries to find a replacement while Lucy has a flashback to somebody holding her by the throat and threatening that she must pay the ransom for Serena at the Nurses' Ball. Bobbie sees that Lucy is weirded out and tries to calm her. Amy rushes back with Luke in tow that he can save the day! Bobbie and Luke still pretend they hate each other, but they can force themselves to dance so that the show may go on. But does Luke know the routine? "I invented disco, Barbara and when it bored me I killed it..." (inside joke referring to his campus disco back in 1979-1980) Lucy tells Luke to get ready, go backstage and "do something with yourself". Luke counters "With all these people around?" Amy runs over to Dr. Drexler on the paramedic's stretcher and starts tearing his costume off.

AJ goes to comfort a lonely Carly who is worrying if her ultimatum to Tony will work. AJ tries to cheer her up and leads her arm and arm across the room. From her table, Keesha watches them. Dara comes over. She's a nervous wreck. He offers her champagne to calm her nerves. Keesha misses this exchange as she's still looking into the distance, presumably at AJ and Carly.

As Lucy goes into her intro, backstage Luke and Amy struggle to get him out of his pants so he can change into his costume. Pratfalls and clowning galore. Finally, just in time, Luke gets his fly zipped and bursts onstage to dance the "Last Dance" with Bobbie. He poses a la Travolta and does a whole disco solo, Bobbie comes on more toward the end of the number.

Edward is grouchier than ever and nervous as hell. Lila has to tell him where to head in. Well, he can't help it, he can't remember any of his confounded lines. Won't Emily help him? When his number is on, he wears a big baggy suit and a comical long tie. The Ward Street Kids are his chorus. They sing "I don't need anything but you." In the middle of the number, Ed points to Emily and asks, "Help me, okay?" She joins in the song and finishes the song with him. She also dances with the ice-cream man (Amber's real-life, Tony Award-winning father, Russ Tamblyn). Jason borrows Sonny's cell phone to call Robin. He steps into the hallway for more privacy and finds that she is here, gazing at the panel from Stone's quilt. They embrace.

Lucy introduces Kat to say a few words. Kat astounds one and all by walking onto the stage with the help of a cane to a great round of applause. Stefan blinks back tears. She tells them that she knows that this night is not about her but she wanted to share a small miracle with them tonight so that they can all make a larger miracle happen like defeating HIV. She then introduces "our own miracle, Robin Scorpio." Robin ascends to the stage. She looks really pretty in a pale pink gown and her hair in a curly new do.

Robin talks about the helplessness she felt when the boy she loved was dying, and then when she herself was diagnosed HIV+, how all her dreams for the future died. "Every hope I had for the future was gone -- Robin the wife, Robin the doctor, the mother, the grandmother--gone." But thanks to those assembled and others, she can fell hope again and she can see the future. Jason rubs tears from his cheek. She remembers those who did not make it: Stone, Jon Hanley and she tells everyone they must commit to eradicating this disease.

Lucy is still acting kooky. Kat tries to talk to her. Lucy insists that everything must proceed normally as that's the most important thing. Kat says "You want normal, you'll get normal." Onstage, Ned and Dara sing "You've Got a Friend". Both are in excellent voice. During the number, the camera pans to squares on the quilt that are being used as backdrop. We see Mac have a flash back to the time he presented Stone's square to Robin, wrapping it around her. He's moist-eyed, too. Jax looks longingly at Brenda during the song as she's leaning against Sonny. Jax turns back toward the stage, swallowing a lump in his throat. Everybody at the tables joined in on the last chorus of the song: "You just call out my name/and you know wherever I am...you've got a friend..."

Lucy's in a dither. She can't get her wraparound dress wrapped around right. Kat pretends to fasten Lucy while secretly making some snips with a pair of scissors she smuggled in. Onstage the chorus line (including Dara, Keesha, Carly and Gina are singing and dancing to "One". Lucy emerges and as she joins the group her dress falls down and once more she ends the show in her underwear. Kat watches from the sidelines.

Brenda and Karen meet in front of Stone's quilt panel. Karen wonders what it was like for Stone at the end. Brenda tells her it was terrible, but the way that Stone faced death was inspiring. Karen admits that Jagger still feels guilty, blaming himself for his brother's death, and it's made him single-minded as a cop pursuing drug-dealers. Brenda remarks that she's sure Karen and Jagger will get back together soon. Alone, Brenda "talks" to Stone. She tells him that she and Sonny are together again and she's sure he's smiling down at them. Taggart and Garcia arrive and they want Brenda to accompany them to police HQ. Brenda sighs.

4th Ball Performances

  • Fashion Show -Alan Quartermaine sang a song from Cinderella as a bevy of beautiful women clad in every color of the rainbow Lucy, Amy, Dara, Bobbie, Carly, Monica, Emily, Alexis, Gail, Keesha and Mary Scanlon, came on stage for a fashion show. 
  • "There Ain't Nothing Wrong With Me" -Tony Jones and Carly Roberts 
  • "Last Dance" -Luke Spencer and Barbara Spencer-Cassadine, A disco number with brother- and-sister duo 
  • "I Don't Need Anything But You" -Edward and Emily Quartermaine 
  • "You've Got a Friend" - Ned Ashton and Dara Jensen 
  • Nurses Chorus Line 

My Evaluation - The trend continues of a quality show though the production numbers are smaller. But any year that has Luke performing is a winner! Highlights: Luke & Bobbie's disco #, and once again Ned sings, Alan sings, Ton sings, and Edward & Emily sing together! And Robin returning (Kimberly had been away at college) so it was wonderful to have her come home for the show.

5th Nurses Ball GH June 17, 1998 Liz and Lucky rehearse for their performance. Liz is nervous about it. Robin comes in and is disappointed to see that Alan has blown off their rehearsal.

PC June 19, 1998 Lucy is on stage dressed for the ball, Kevin comes up to her and grabs her neck from behind. She realizes it isn't Kevin but Ryan. Kevin comes up and demands that Ryan let her go. He warns him not to come any closer or he will snap her neck! Kevin wakes up, and Lucy comments that he is white as a sheet. He is worried that there is a killer out there and her Emceeing the ball makes her a huge target. She is determined to fulfill her commitment and not let fear stop her. Lucy then dreams that Eve is a homicidal maniac coming to get her. Eve plots to get back at Lucy by scaring her into thinking she is the "General Homicide" killer.

Paranoid, Lucy calls her old friend Luke Spencer for support. Karen and Joe are ready to leave and being making out, Frank & Julie also ready for the ball and he tells her how beautiful she is. Eve comes in after flashing her straight edge razor around, Lucy throws her out and declares she would rather have Amy as her dresser! Someone watches Lucy from the doorway, she gets a creepy feeling when she sees the door ajar but when she walks over there the hall is empty. Before the event, Frank shoots up more DL-56. Jake accuses Karen of destroying his research on DL-56, but Chris, the real culprit, meets with a potential buyer for the drug. 

GH June 19, 1998 Edward's in his usual bluster, complaining that they'll be late, and worrying over his upcoming number with Emily. He offers to pay AJ to take his place. Once AJ agrees, and Ned offers to help coach Edward he backs down (really wanting to perform). Alan and Monica appear, with Alan looking slightly dazed (as usual during his drug storyline). We then go into a musical montage, showing off the various outfits the Ball- goers will be wearing. The song is "Celebration" by Kool and the Gang. The couples we see are: Brenda and Jax, Lucky and Liz, Justus and Robin, Taggert and Dara, Nik and Alexis, Mac, Felicia and Georgie and then, a solo Luke and Jerry.

At the Ball: Lucy's nervous at the possibility of becoming the next victim in the General Homicide murders. Luke approaches and blows on her neck. "Personal security, reporting for duty," he says. Lucy makes her opening speech, as Brenda asks Robin about Jason. Robin appears worried about the fact that he isn't there. Back to the speech, Lucy says the theme for this year's ball is 'hope'. It's a celebration of everything they've achieved, yet they need to remain mindful of all the work that still needs to be done.

Audrey approaches Liz and says that she's proud of her... and that Steve would be proud of her too. Audrey turns to Lucky and thanks him for performing with Liz, and supporting her. She wishes them both luck. Alexis and Nik discuss Stefan and wonder where he might be. Nik agrees to stand in for him if he doesn't show up. Alexis warns him that the audience might not receive them warmly, since some believe that Stefan is responsible for Katherine's death. 

Lucy introduces the first act: Jailhouse Rock starring Dara, Taggert, Lucky and Liz. It's a cute role reversal with Dara and Marcus playing the inmates and Lucky and Liz playing the cops. After they're through, Lucy acknowledges the sponsor, but first gives a tribute to Katherine Bell, whom this evening is dedicated to. Just as she mentions Stefan Cassadine's name as the sole sponsor for the event, Stefan appears at Nik's side. Lucy then talks a little ball business. Back in Lucy's dressing room, Lucy is struggling into her next outfit and is complaining about the shoes Eve (her dresser) chose.

Felicia's there too, and they rehash the 'General Homicide' murder plot (the one where Lucy is suffocated by a too-tight dress) and Lucy accuses Eve of being the murderer again. Felicia asks if being the emcee is worth the risk, and Lucy replies that she's committed to the cause and besides, Luke's there to protect her. After Lucy and the girls vacate the dressing room, an Unseen Nefarious Person enters wearing gloves and switches one of Lucy's costumes, the one with a whole lot of ties and bondage-type decor on it. 

Backstage, Luke is looking for Lucy. AJ is talking to Robin as they both wonder where Alan is. Lucky and Liz walk by and Luke tentatively congratulates them on their performance. Lucky accepts his compliments and Liz thanks him. Lucy discusses ball business with Don, and Don advises Lucy to take care of herself. Lucy sees Serena, Karen and Scotty, and they exchange compliments. Serena and Karen leave to rehearse, while Scott offers to walk Lucy backstage. Lucy says she'll be fine: Luke's here to protect her. Nik throws a compliment at Emily, and then launches into his own agenda, "Where's your brother?" he asks, indicating Jason's empty table. Meanwhile, Alan is popping the pills. AJ sees him and asks if he's okay? Apparently the Alan Q Cover-story of the Day is that Alan has the flu.

Lucy introduces Alan and Robin as Doctor and HIV patient performing "Someone to Watch Over Me". Alan appears distracted and then starts to falter. He misses a dance cue and Robin falls. Alan stops singing and blames Robin for the misstep. He continues to fail, and then blames the band and leaves the stage. Robin is mortified until Ned picks up where Alan left off and they finish the number. The audience applauds while Monica and Emily look embarrassed. Emily leaves to find Alan, and Monica wants to follow, but Edward reminds her of her responsibility to present the Q-Fellowship award. Edward sends AJ after Emily. 

Backstage, Taggert helps Alan sit down and asks how many pills he's taken. Emily walks up (not overhearing what Taggert said) and asks how Alan is? AJ arrives next and they all urge Alan to let AJ take him home. AJ and Alan leave and Taggert asks Emily if she's okay. "As if you care," she says. Emily overhears Robin and Nikolas talking about Alan, and what a disgrace it was to have him show up drunk at the ball. Ned explains away Alan's behavior to Jax and Brenda, telling them about Alan's 'flu'. Brenda comments that she thought he looked stoned. 

Bobbie and Felicia are talking when Jerry interrupts, in Full Flirt Mode. Bobbie wants none of it, and walks away, advising Felicia to watch her purse. Bobbie runs into Luke and expresses her surprise at seeing him there, "I thought you'd be on your one-man crusade to ruin your life". She asks if Laura made it to the ball, and Luke says she stayed away for Lucky's sake: she didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

Luke goes on to say that he wouldn't have shown up either, had it not been for Lucy wanting him to watch over her. Bobbie reports that she's taken out a restraining order on Tony. "You're gonna bring the cops in on this?" Luke asks. "Damn straight, I am," she replies, "And you're next if you ever pull a stunt like that again, Luke, because nobody messes with my kid!" She goes on to say that Luke hasn't the right to make those kind of decisions for her. Luke gives her an obedient salute, "Read you loud and clear," he says. Luke leaves.

Jerry approaches. He reassures her that he didn't overhear any of their conversation, however, he could tell by her body language that "you're mad as hell at that bloke, but you love him beyond all reason." Bobbie smiles. "My brother's a self- destructive pain," she says. "My brother says the same thing about me," Jerry replies and invites Bobbie to sit at their table so they can all exchange war stories. Bobbie agrees, and Jerry is jubilant, "You're starting to fall for me, Bobbie Spencer... let it happen!" 

V enters and talks to Mac. She expresses her concern about Mac sharing a table with a murder suspect (Kevin). "Kevin is not a killer," Mac replies. V reiterates that evidence was found in Kevin's home following Grace's murder, and she doesn't want Mac accused of bias. Mac insists that he knows what he's doing. V apologizes for bringing it up, but Mac assures her that he appreciates her candor. He then asks her to check with Garcia.

Kevin, who's overheard their conversation, says "She has a point, you know", but appreciates Mac's loyalty. Mac says his motives are somewhat selfish. He needs his friends close by because tonight "is one of the hardest nights of the year, for me," he says, "All the smiling people donating money not that I don't appreciate it..." "They don't have a Robin," Kevin observes. "No they don't," Mac agrees, and goes on to say that his biggest fear is that the money will run out and the research will stop, and he will lose her forever.

Back at Lucy's dressing room, Lucy's explaining the order of costumes to Eve, and that her change into the Marquis de Sade Rope-O-Rama outfit (which the Nefarious Person switched earlier) will have to be especially fast. Eve eyes the dress with a meaningful glance. Ned takes over emcee position and invites those who can't afford a raffle ticket to give cash donations into the hats on the tables. He segues into introducing the next number, "Big Spender" with Brenda, Karen, Lucy and Dara.

At the end of their number, the women hold out their hats. Sonny walks in, with Jason in tow. Sonny drops a wad of cash into a hat and mouths to a stunned Brenda to 'come and get it'. Dara rescues her and collects the hat herself. Karen, Jax and Mac take turns glaring at Sonny while Robin embraces him and Jason. Sonny plants himself at Jason's table with Jason and Robin. Lucy runs backstage to change into the Evil Outfit. Eve is nowhere to be found, so she ropes herself into it alone. She starts noticing that her costume is getting tighter and tighter and she struggles to breathe, finally realizing that this could be her final costume change. She gasps and calls for help. 

PC June 22, 1998 Luke and Kevin arrive just in the nick of time to rescue Lucy. She insists that Eve tried to kill her. Luke tells her the next time she needs help to just call him, or if she just wants to hang out in her underwear! Garcia comes in and questions Eve as to her whereabouts. Lucy glowers as Scott gives her a phony alibi that she was with him. Julie asks Lee to defend her in her murder case and he learns Scott purposely withheld evidence that could have cleared her.

Despite their animosity, Eve and Julie perform a musical dance number together. Jake realizes Chris is the one who destroyed his research when he spies him cozying up to a potential investor. Eve and Julie sing, "You Got A Friend In Me". Luke tells Mike about having just ripped the dress off of Lucy! Monica makes an appearance on the PC episode and she presents the Quartermaine Residency winner is Chris. While Lucy continues her hosting duties, the lights go out at the Ball while a noose hangs above her head. 

**End of Nurses Ball DVD #2**

Nurses Ball DVD #3 

GH June 22, 1998 Edward asks Ned if he is going to do anything about the power failure at the hotel. Ned responds that ballroom lighting is not his area of expertise. Edward tells him that since he is CEO of ELQ and ELQ owns the hotel, it sure is his responsibility! Monica interjects that there is nothing to fix that someone has obviously cut the power backstage. Edward wonders why someone would cut the power on purpose.

Ned replies, "To commit a murder". Edward thinks that his family has gone off the deep end, first Alan can't finish his song, now they are talking about murder "like it's the next course on the menu". Monica fills him in about the fact that in Kevin's book a murder is committed at the NB and since there have been so many similarities already, it could happen. Edward wonders if Sonny couldn't be connected somehow. His family just looks at him incredulously.

Jason asks Robin how her song was. She tells him that Alan missed a few lines and Ned stepped in to help her finish the song. They both tell her that they are sorry that they missed her performance; she's just glad that they made it to the ball and that she gets to see Sonny again. Jax looks worried that Sonny's presence at the NB will upset Brenda. She reassures him that she is fine and that what Sonny does and where he does it does not matter to her. Jax tells her that he is glad to hear this. 

Lucy is still recovering from the "Incredibly Shrinking Dress". Scott jokes that she is taking her clothes off a little early this NB. He tells her he has heard about the Chorus Line being the usual method of her ending up in her skivvies at the ball. Lucy tells him that there will be no "Lucy in her skivvies" at the ball this year. Scott feels that with the power outage it may be dangerous for her to stay and encourages her to leave as soon as possible. Lucy tells him that they are nowhere near their fundraising projections for the ball and that she is staying put until they reach those projections. 

Scott realizes it is no good to argue with Lucy when she gets her mind set on doing something, so he asks her again if she is all right and then goes back out to the ballroom. Lucy finalizes plans for the finale, the Chorus Line, with the stagehand. She tells him that she is not going to be naked this year!

Kevin comes backstage and surprises Lucy. He tells her that the ballroom is still packed and no one is leaving in spite of the power failure. He asks her if she has recovered from the ISD. She tells him that everything is okay now, the murder attempt has been foiled. He and Luke saved her so now they must concentrate on making the ball a success. There is a close-up on a noose hanging from the rafters. Luke welcomes Sonny back and tells him that Jason has been doing a great job as Sonny's replacement. Luke asks him if he is staying a while. Sonny tells him he is not.

Lucy asks everyone to be seated and tells them that the show must go on, with or without electricity. She tells the audience that candlelight is more appropriate for the next part of the program for the reading of witness statements. She likens the candlelight to people that one, candle by itself give off a little light, but a whole group of candles can light up a whole room. That collectively, we can find a cure for AIDS/HIV. 

Then several people read witness statements: Edward, Bobbie, Jax, Ellen, Audrey, Nikolas, Monica and finally Robin. Lucy then thanks Jax, Stefan and Scott for funding the NB this year. Stefan gets up from his table and notices Luke standing near the entrance of the ballroom. He confronts him about Luke's attempt to frame him for Katherine's murder. He vows to find her killer once he is cleared of any wrongdoing. Luke sarcastically asks him if he has any leads. Then he tells Stefan that he had no motive, except maybe to spare Katherine a life with Stefan. He tells Stefan that Helena is the one with the motive, though Stefan still believes that the trap on the parapet was originally set by Luke for himself or Nikolas. Luke replies, "Blaming me is a habit you can't seem to kick." 

Lucy introduces the next act in the program, Ned and Emily. She tells the audience that the song was first performed for Stone Cates. Ned and Emily sing "Power to Believe". Lucy tells everyone that even though Stone is gone, he still touches many people's lives. She announces the new Stone Cates Memorial AIDS Wing, donated by Sonny. The musical number "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" performed by Scott (with Serena and Karen), Edward (with Emily) and Mac (with Robin and Maxie). This number segues into the next one, "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun". This time it is Robin and Emily (singing "lead vocals"), accompanied by Maxie, Karen and Serena. Mac, Edward and Scott are standing off to the side of the stage, watching their "girls" proudly. Then the girls bring the men on stage and dress them up in hats and feather boas as they finish the song. 

As Lucy is about to announce the next part of the program, Tony comes on stage and shocks everyone by says: "Thank heaven for hypocrites!" Lucy pleads with Tony to get off the stage, but he takes the microphone from her because he has some things to tell everyone. He berates them all for coming to the NB only for show, all dressed up and looking like concerned citizens for one night, in order to appease their consciences. He then (verbally) attacks Jax - for the strike, for being a corporate raider, etc.

Next in the line of Tony's fire is Edward, Alan and the rest of the Qs. He calls them dysfunctional blackmailers, among other things. Next is Stefan, though Tony does give him as bit of a break, since Stefan will still have to face a trial. Then it is Sonny and Jason, of course. He calls them big spenders and states that they financed their table at the ball with a little help from their "illegal" activities. He also remarks that Jason would have trouble counting to ten, even if you spot him 1 through 9. Tony claims that these above mentioned criminals are trying to purchase respectability, while everyone just blindly applauds their efforts. 

After listening to his tirade, Robin finally speaks up and tells Tony to sit down and, as far as Jason is concerned, he came to the NB because he loves her, not to win anybody's respect. Robin tries to make Tony understand that they are all there at the NB for a common goal to help fight AIDS. Then she tells him to take his hatred and leave. Tony steps off the stage and heads for the door, but not before he gives Bobbie some grief about not being able to see Lucas. Jerry suggests that he keep on walking and Tony comments to Bobbie that it didn't take her long to hook up with someone new.

Then he gives her the final blow: he tells Jerry that when he gets tired of Bobbie to "try" Carly that there is a "talent" that runs in their family. Jerry punches Tony in the face and sends him sprawling for this last remark. Brenda knows why Tony has attacked Jason (for finding him in the cabin with Michael and Robin, as well as smashing his hand), but wonders what Jax has ever done to Tony. Jax tells her he doesn't care about Tony and that he plans to double any donations the ball may have lost because of Tony's little tirade. He tells her that he has been contributing to AIDS charities for a long time, but now that he knows Robin, he has a personal stake in the matter. 

Nik is outside getting some air, as Emily joins him. He complements her on her singing and she tells him that she thought he did a good job on his witness statement. Nik then asks Emily if she has ever been in a situation where she felt so connected to someone, if given the chance, she knew she could be important to them. Emily says yes (talking about Nik, of course). Then he asks her what she would do about it. She gets a bit flustered and tells him that she did something, but that the person (Nik) doesn't know about it.

Nik decides that what they should both do is take their chances and tell these people how they both feel. Emily thinks that is too risky, but Nik comments that, sometimes, the only way to get something that you want is to take a chance. So Emily decides to do just that, only before she can really tell Nik anything, Liz and Lucky come walking out to the terrace and interrupt them. Their interaction begins with Lucky saying hello to Emily and Nik saying hi to Liz and complementing her on her singing. He tells her it is too bad that Sarah isn't there to see her performance. Liz is angered by his sudden interest in her sister, since he did break up with her.

Nik can't understand where Liz's attitude has come from, all of a sudden, and Emily jumps to Nik's defense, telling Liz that Nik was just trying to be polite. This only angers Liz more. She wonders why he wants to be polite now. He treated her sister badly, in spite of his wonderful "manners". Emily is very upset, "Well, maybe if the two Webber girls hadn't thrown themselves at every guy in this city, Nikolas would have realized that he didn't want to date your sister in the first place. " 

Lucky is angry at Emily's attack on Liz and yells at her to back off, that she is starting to sound like Nikolas, a spoiled rich kid. Then Nik jumps in to defend Emily. He tells Lucky, " I don't care what your girlfriend has been through, Lucky. That doesn't give you the right to insult Em." Just then Nik's first sentence registers in Lucky's mind and he physically goes after Nikolas. Jason comes outside with Robin just then and breaks up their fight. Jason asks Em how she is and then tells Lucky that this isn't the place to fight with Nik. Nikolas then goes back inside with Emily. Lucky collects himself and he and Liz leave the NB. Robin thanks Jason for coming to the NB, for staying despite Tony's ranting and raving and lastly, for stopping the fight. 

Jax is looking for Lucy and runs into Jake Marshak. They introduce themselves, then Jake asks Jax if his company could possibly give him a grant to help him fund his medical research, since his funding will be ending soon. He tells Jax a bit about DL-59 (the nerve cell regenerating drug he is working on). Jax tells him to submit a proposal and tells him someone will get back to him. Jake asks how long it might take to approve it and Jax tells him that his company doesn't do this sort of thing very often, so it could take a while. Jake leaves, feeling dejected. 

Jason thanks Robin for defending him and Sonny to Tony. Mike comes over to them and asks Jason if he was with Sonny the entire time he was gone. He wants to know if Sonny asked about him. Jason tells him Sonny did ask and that he told him that Mike missed him. Robin tells Jason that Sonny really hurt Mike, especially because Mike can't even know where Sonny is. Taggert walks toward them and starts making snide remarks to Jason, calling him "anger boy", "Quarter-brain" , etc. Taggert wonders if Jason has been demoted to "messenger boy" now that "Mack Daddy Sonny" has returned to PC.

Unfortunately for Taggert, Dara overhears his remarks about Jason and warns him that he shouldn't be harassing him. Taggert tells Dara that they are on a moonlit terrace and all she can think about is business. He tells her that she is badly in need of a distraction and tries to kiss her, then reconsiders. He tells her he doesn't want to be accused of harassment twice in one night. Dara is left standing there alone.

Lucy (in her underwear) and Eve are looking for Lucy's costume for the Chorus Line. Eve tells Lucy that it is probably in the metal wardrobe with the other costumes. They open the wardrobe, then Lucy starts berating Eve for her behavior, threatening to tell Scott, then Eve shoves Lucy into the wardrobe and locks it. Lucy is inside screaming for help, while Ned is announcing the final act, the Chorus Line. The music begins. ("One singular sensation... ") Eve appears on-stage in Lucy's costume and does the finale. Lucy somehow gets the wardrobe (which is conveniently on wheels) to roll toward the front of the stage, all the while yelling "Get me out of here! I am not going to miss my encore! I'm not missing the Chorus Line!" The act ends to applause, then Lucy screams as she falls out of the wardrobe. She is mortified and she is still in her underwear, of course! While finishing dancing the finale, Lucy looks up and screams as she sees a body hanging in a noose from the rafters. 

5th Nurses Ball Performances

  • Jailhouse Rock" -Marcus Taggert, Dara Jensen, Lucky Spencer, and Elizabeth Webber 
  • "Someone to Watch Over Me" -Robin Scorpio, Alan Quartermaine and Ned Ashton (filling in for Alan)
  • "Big Spender" -Brenda Barrett, Karen Wexler, Lucy Coe, and Dara Jensen 
  • "You've Got A Friend In Me" from Toy Story - Eve Lambert and Julie Devlin 
  • "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" and "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" -Scott & Serena Baldwin, Karen Wexler, Edward & Emily Quartermaine, Mac & Robin Scorpio, and Maxie Jones 
  • Witness Letters -Read by: Edward Quartermaine, Robin Scorpio, Nikolas Cassadine, Bobbie Spencer, Jasper "Jax" Jacks and more. 
  • "The Power to Believe" -Emily Quartermaine and Ned Ashton 
  • Nurses Chorus Line -Eve Lambert, Julie Devlin, Mary Scanlon and more. 

My Evaluation: This was the first year they did the Nurses Ball on PC as well, and had several cross overs of GHers on PC so it was fairly seamless between the two shows and they did a great job of continuity between the two shows. There were 7 performances this year instead of the five in the past couple of years so seemed like there was more ball this year! I loved the Jailhouse Rock number, one of my favorites, and the girl numbers were fun too (didn't know Robin could sing and dance!), and I've always loved "Power To Believe" and this was a beautiful rendition. 

GH Thursday, June 17, 1999 Emily is editing her tapes for the project she is presenting at the Nurses Ball. While she is watching Tony's tape, the phone rings. She turns the volume off and answers the phone. It's Lucy. She's calling to find out if the tape is ready for the Ball. As she gives Emily some hints, Emily has her back to the screen and of course she doesn't see the "scenes" of Bobbie and Jerry doing the hanky panky (Emily had set the camera down and they decided to have sex on a desk). Lucy tells Emily to leave her tape at the desk in the hotel lobby. Lucy runs into Alan at the hospital. She becomes upset that he is not at rehearsal. When he insists that rehearsal is scheduled for later, she becomes all frazzled once she realizes she has becomes confused about her schedule for the day. 

PC Friday, June 18, 1999 Lucy arrives backstage at the ball, starts fussing over whether Amy will show up. Scott offers to be her dresser. When she gets her hair caught in a hanger, she moans that this is going to be one of "those balls" when things go wrong. Victor Collins and Gail Baldwin come in and Lucy asks them how their number is coming along? Victor gives a dance sample. He comments that he heard they are going to try to adopt. Lucy worries that the caseworker isn't going to approve them to be adoptive parents. Scotty tells Lucy the caseworker has approved them as adoptive parents. 

GH Friday, June 18th, 1999 Edward, looking for Emily, is appalled that her room has things strewn about. Monica tells him that Emily went to the Ball with Jason. Edward sees one of Emily's tapes and takes it with him. Downstairs later, Jax arrives while Edward is being his usual grumpy self with the rest of the family. When Chloe makes her entrance, all eyes are on her and her original "gown." However, when Carly makes her entrance, only Edward seems to notice. AJ notices the diamonds that Jason gave her and demands she take them off. He then gives Carly diamond jewelry he bought for her. The Q's just stand around and watch in amazement. 

Backstage at the Ball, Lucy and Katherine are trading insults. Jerry and Bobbie talk about Amanda's $500,000 contribution. Juan stands alone. As Amy tries to get Lucy ready, Felicia tells Lucy that she can't believe that Lucy's doing a number with Eve after what Eve did to her and Kevin last year. Felicia misses the four of them being together. Lucy explains how Kevin couldn't trust her after Eve's revelation.

Katherine and Eve are looking forward to the finale tonight. They know Lucy doesn't suspect a thing. At Kelly's, Sonny arrives to escort Hannah to the Ball. She tells him she'll repay him for the gown, but he insists that she doesn't. Tony is there to bring Tammy. As they are leaving, the phone rings. Tammy doesn't answer it. It's Janell calling. Simon is at Jax's to bring V to the Ball. She looks very glamorous and is quick to tell him that she'll be back in sweats tomorrow.

When Jax and Chloe get there, V and Simon are sipping champagne and chatting comfortably. Ned and Alexis are next to arrive and Ned teases Jax about not performing again this year at the Ball. There's a whole segment done with "Rock this Town" playing throughout. We see all the couples already mentioned plus Mac and Felicia, Emily and Jason, and Nik and Liz. Most of the women spin around to showcase their gowns. After Lucy announces Amanda's generous contribution, she speaks about an anonymous contribution made in Robin's name.

The camera shows Felicia looking at a choked-up Mac and Emily looking at Jason. Katherine and Lucy both want the microphone but Lucy introduces the Q men (AJ, Edward, Alan and Ned) who do "I Feel Good" accompanied by four female dancers. The men all wear sunglasses and blue satin shirts. Monica introduces Emily's video. We see Lucy talking about her friend, John Hanley, who died on the night of a Nurses' Ball years ago. Many real-life AIDS patients talk about their lives. Alan talks about the heartbreak of telling a patient they are HIV positive. Amanda tells everyone at the Q table that she has commissioned two dancers to perform a la Fred and Ginger.

Edward has his own announcement. AJ is now CEO of ELQ. Carly is thrilled. Alan and Monica are silent. Ned and Alexis are mad. Juan watches Sonny and Hannah kissing. Edward brings Emily's tape, marked NB #4, backstage and puts it in a bag with other tapes. Tammy is on the phone with Janell who says she's coming to see her. She brings the baby to Tammy.

Lucy flips out when someone tells her that the couple Amanda hired can't dance tonight. One of them has a sprained ankle. She is afraid she will lose the large contribution. Chloe and Jax overhear. Chloe has an idea. She knows Jax doesn't want to perform at a Nurses' Ball but she asks him to "think gazebo." They do a ballroom dance and the crowd enjoys it. Backstage, they do one of those long and close and longing gazes into each other's eyes when you think they will kiss, but of course they don't. Sonny and Hannah are kissing again and the new boy in town (Juan) is right behind them watching. 

PC Monday, June 21, 1999 During the ball, Eve and Kat plot to make sure Lucy gets what she deserves. More of Emily's video is shown with clips of Lucy, Joe, Mike talking about AIDS, and then AIDS patients talking about it as well. Karen, Julie, Joe, Chris, Matt, Julie perform "Bad Case of Loving You". The next performance is Victor, Mary, Serena in "High Hopes". 

GH Monday, June 21, 1999 Today's episode opens with Emily's video, a montage of AIDS quilt with MIguel's "Power to Believe". Felicia and Mac talk about Robin. Patients open their hearts about their life with AIDS. There are also interviews with Felicia and Bobbie. Mike expresses concern to Jason that Sonny is out in public without a bodyguard. Jason tells him not to worry. Sonny asks Juan to send over a waiter and gives him a tip. Carly tells Bobbie about AJ's CEO appointment. Amanda asks Carly if she can recommend her name for the Charity Guild.

Backstage, Lucy instructs Amy on how to put in the next tape. Amy puts in the one marked #4. Lucy hears Ned introduce her and Katherine as co-mistresses and gets mad at Katherine. They perform "I am Woman" where they predictably try to upstage each other. The number ends with them back-to-back leaning on each other. Lucy takes a step so that Katherine falls and then Katherine pulls Lucy down on the floor where they both scramble forward to be seen as the curtain comes down. Bobbie and Jerry are out on a terrace discussing the evening's happenings so far. It's time to watch Emily's video and at first the crowd is a little in shock as they see Bobbie and Jerry in all their glory. Then, most people start to snicker as they watch, especially when Amy hits the FF button and Bobbie and Jerry get undressed at a record speed. Carly and Amanda are horrified.

When Bobbie and Jerry return, everyone stares at them silently. Carly takes Bobbie back outside and Jax brings Jerry into the lobby. We don't hear Carly telling Bobbie what happened, but we pick up when she is telling Bobbie that she has to get out of there. Bobbie says she's not leaving. Jax has trouble holding back his laughter as he tries to explain to a mystified Jerry what everyone just saw.

Bobbie goes backstage to get ready for her performance. Others feel awkward and don't know how to react to her. Felicia gives her a big hug and breaks the ice. The next musical number is "Jump, Jive and Wail". Performing are Tony as the lead singer (this is one of my favorite Tony moments ever), Mac, Felicia, Bobbie, Mike, Eve and Chris along with about eight dancers. The crowd gets a big kick out of this number. 

Jerry was worried at the beginning about where Bobbie had gone, but when he saw her onstage, a big grin took over his face. Later, he teases Bobbie about getting a copy of the tape. Jason lets Sonny and Hannah know they should use the service entrance to leave. Mac, Kevin and Taggert place bets on whether Lucy will end up in her undies. Felicia scolds them.

After Kevin and Mac tell each other how much they miss Robin, Emily and Ned sing "Forever Young" while we see quilts of many AIDS victims. Jason looks sad and pensive during their song. Ned encourages the audience to join them and they all sing along. It was a sweet, sad number. Juan tells Emily that she has a great voice. He asks who the guy is at her table who gave him a big tip. He forgot to thank him. Emily tells him that is Sonny and that he'll probably see him later because he'll leave through the kitchen. Katherine, carrying costumes, tells Eve that she made the switch.

Outside, Carly is humiliated and crying. Jason tries to comfort her. When he hears AJ calling Carly's name, he hides. AJ takes Carly back to the Ball.

Lucy is in her costume getting ready to do "One." Once she is onstage, she realizes the others are in a different costume. They are in can-can costumes and doing a song from "La Cage Aux Folles". She runs offstage where Katherine and Eve "help" her get out of one costume and into another. Of course, when she is half-naked, the chorus line pulls her back onto the stage and the audience cheers for the annual showing of Lucy in her underwear. Sonny and Hannah get up to leave and Juan watches them.

Since Lucy isn't dressed yet, Katherine goes onstage to say goodnight to all. Lucy objects but after she hears Katherine speak tenderly about young AIDS patients, she softens. Alan, with Baby Christina in tow, also hears and looks concerned. Carly is relieved that Amanda spoke to her after the tape was shown.

When Emily tells Jason that she told someone how Sonny was leaving through the kitchen, Jason goes running off. Sonny and Hannah are walking through the kitchen, talking and laughing, unaware that Juan is following them. Jason charges through a door and attacks Juan. Juan asks what he's doing and says "my business is with him," indicating Sonny. Sonny notices the necklace Juan is wearing. Sonny says it belonged to his wife and asks how Juan got it. Juan answers "you gave it to me." 

6th Ball Performances

  • "I'm In Heaven/Cheek to Cheek" - Jax & Chloe Waltz 
  • "I Feel Good" - AJ, Edward, Alan and Ned 
  • "Doctor, Doctor....Bad Case of Loving You" - Karen, Julie, Joe, Chris, Matt, Julie 
  • "High Hopes" - Victor, Mary, Serena 
  • "I am Woman" - Lucy & Katherine 
  • "Jump, Jive and Wail" - Tony, Mac, Felicia, Bobbie, Mike, Eve and Chris 
  • "Forever Young" - Emily and Ned 
  • "La Cage Aux Folles" 

My Evaluation: This year had 8 performances, one of the biggest years as far as the number of songs. The Q men song was one of my favorites, and the Jump, Jive & Wail was one of the best ever, and any song with Ned & Emily is going to be a hit. Emily's video was also a nice touch, interspersed with GH cast and real life commentary, not quite the same as having Lee Mathias there but it was heartfelt. Soap Center June, 2000 - Nurses Ball coverage - Kimberly on asking to come back for the episode, Stuart, Wally, Lynn 

PC June 20, 2000 The last 7 mins of episode. Kevin arrives to check on Lucy. She cries that she is so worried about Christina that she doesn't know how she will get through the ball. Serena comes in and she observes that Scott has never missed a Nurses Ball since they arrived back in town (in 1997 for anyone counting, so that's a whole three balls! <grin>). She says wouldn't it be great if it was able to bring Christina back in time for the ball, after all this is the anniversary of the night they got her. Kevin admires Eve's dress and he teases her about getting married and going on a honeymoon in Palau. She tells him she has arranged for a private dressing room upstairs. When Lucy gets to her dressing room, she finds a card from Scott, flowers, and an AIDS charm. 

Promo for GH Nurses Ball 2000

GH June 20, 2000 15 mins Tony drops off his costume for the ball and runs into Amy. He tells her that he is just dropping off his costume and he doesn't want to see Lucy. He and Amy talk about Lucy's situation. Tony leaves as Lucy starts yelling for Amy. Lucy is frantic over the last minute details as usual. Amy appeases her.

Amy later runs into Liz and Nikolas (this year played by Coltin Scott). Liz offers Nikolas a way out of going to the ball but Nikolas wants to honor his obligations as Stefan would have wanted him to do. Nik talks how wonderful Stefan was. He doesn't want the Stefan/Luke thing to come between him and Lucky.

The Q's are assembling at the mansion. When AJ goes to lift his flask, Edward stops him and says he won't have everyone laughing at the town drunk. AJ is just teasing him and is actually sober.

Mac finds Lucy and tells her he's gotten Scott in touch with the police in South America. Kevin joins the conversation and tells Lucy it's okay if she can't go through with the ball. She says she can do it. The three of them have a group hug. Lucy runs off to find Amy. Mac tells Kevin that Robin is coming home for the ball; he hasn't told her about the situation with him and Felicia. Mac leaves. Lucy is having a hair crisis. Kevin is there to rescue her. He gives her another pep talk about the ball as the music is beginning in the background.

The ball begins with a montage "Let's Groove Tonight" of everyone getting ready to go: Bobbie & Roy, Taggert & Hannah, Quartermaine' s, Jax/Ned/Chloe, Liz & Emily as Juan & Nik arrive to pick them up, Lucky getting ready separately, Helena & Andreas, Mike & Tammy, Mac & Robin as she has arrived home, then Lucy and Kevin as she finishes her ensemble. Lucy comes out and welcomes everyone to the ball. Sonny and Carly are running late. Carly packs a revolver in her purse and they depart.

PC June 21, 2000 Lucy's introduction is continued on PC as she goes over the current AIDS statistics. Lucy runs backstage and begins yelling at Amy as she tries to get off her necklace. Amy stops herself from snapping back at Lucy, and tries to appease her. Lucy seems disappointed by Amy's lack of engagement, then she realizes Amy is being kind because she knows how upset Lucy is over Christina's absence. Amy comments that Lucy has the cutest picture of Christina on her dressing table. Lucy and her decide to put on the best ball possible, and Lucy wants Amy to be her normal snarky, argumentative, and adorable self.

Allison introduces Jamal to her grandmother, Amanda Barrington. Eve obsesses about her upcoming performance, and Lucy snaps at her in front of Kevin, Victor, and Mary. Kevin follows her as she walks off. She tells Kevin she shouldn't even be there as she knows that she was very rude to Eve just now. He tells her again that she doesn't have to do this, that he could take over for her, or even Victor though he wouldn't look quite as good in his underwear as Lucy does. She goes on with the show and updates the audience about a new drug that reduces mothers passing the virus onto their babies by 50%!

Lucy introduces the next number, "Hot Chicks" with Victor and Kevin Collins, a great music montage with location scenes, Eve also appears. Emily and Juan talk to Amanda and Jamal. Kevin and Eve celebrate the success of the video. Back in the dressing room, Amy and Lucy continue to snipe at each other. Great 2000 Nurses Ball Promo aired. A girl he had unprotected sex with tells Joe that she has tested positive for HIV. Neil and Serena make a heartfelt plea for raising money so their children will have a better life for living in a world without AIDS. Charlene comes in and finds Lucy crying. Lucy says she can't keep going, she can't do this anymore as she stares at a picture of Christina. Scott calls but they have a terrible connection, she only hears him say that he is coming home. Lucy is sure that he is bringing Christina home with him as he wouldn't come home without her. 

GH June 21, 2000 The day started off with Lucy's speech about continuing the important fight against AIDS. The Nurses' Ball is so important because it raises money and awareness for General Hospital's AIDS' programs. The Ball was underwritten by Stefan Cassadine. Lucy thanked him and Nikolas made quite a moving speech on Stefan's behalf. Robin returned today to accompany Mac to the Ball. She was welcomed by all except Carly.

Robin went over to Sonny to say hello. Sonny was pleased to see her and began asking questions about how she was doing. Robin informed him that her health is good and she had decided to complete school and go for her medical degree. Sonny congratulated her. Next Robin proceeded to ask about Jason. Sonny told Robin to ask Emily instead because he and Jason were no longer in contact. Robin looked astonished. As they were speaking, Carly walked over to Sonny and said, "Honey don't you think we should get back to our table?" And to put the frosting on the cake, Carly kissed Sonny affectionately too during her inquiry. Of course Sonny said good-bye to Robin and returned the table with Carly. Robin stood in awe. 

A little while later the girls, Carly and Robin had another encounter this time alone. Carly informed Robin that she and Sonny were getting married. Carly continued to berate Robin, as usual and with the pet names St. Robin and Princess. Sonny intervened, in a calm fashion, to stop these two prior to them making a scene. Robin then asked Sonny how can he be with Carly. Robin told Sonny she had lost all respect for him. Sonny replied and said there are many things that she does not know. Robin walked away. Carly told Sonny to go ahead and yell at her for taunting Robin because she knows he will, but she will not apologize because she was not sorry. Sonny looked at Carly and said, I was not going to yell at you, I just wanted to know how you were doing.

Liz is congratulated on her design of this year's Nurses Ball t-shirt. Juan, Emily and Liz sing and dance to "Footloose". Lucky Spencer did change his mind and attended the Ball. He seemed happy, but these days it is so very hard to determine if he is ever really happy or just under Helena's spell. After her performance, Elizabeth found Lucky on the terrace and invited him to sit with their common friends. Lucky actually agreed. Before he was seated, however, he immediately went to Helena to say hello. Nikolas seeing him immediately got up and rescued him for the second time. With all his brotherly love, he told Lucky to stay away from Helena because she was dangerous.

The second number was performed by Eddie Mane (a.k.a. Ned Ashton). Of course he was in those tight black leather pants and singing Robert Palmer's "Simply Irresistible." Yes, he had the girls too with short dresses and fishnet stockings. AJ was in rare form today. He just was so annoyed to see Carly content on any level; he just has to be miserable. AJ invited Taggert and Hannah to the Quartermaine' s table just to irritate his grandfather.

Then, Lucy called Carly up on stage to thank her for her kindness and donation to the Children's AIDS Charity (it was money that Sonny donated in her name). Needless to say Carly was shocked when she heard her name spoken. Sonny then tells her he did this wonderful thing on her behalf. As Carly walked to the stage, AJ antagonizes her by taunting her. Carly almost did not make it up on stage, but she re-gathered herself and kept walking. She was very shy but did indicate that it is our job as adults to protect all the children. It really and truly looked that Carly was going to loose it, but she held it together long enough to leave stage gracefully and without incident. The third number was performed by Lucy Coe, Alan Quartermaine, and Tony Jones. They did a real blues jazzy rendition of Hey Good Lookin.' Their performance was very entertaining. 

**End Nurses Ball DVD #3**

Nurses Ball DVD #4

June 21, 2000 - June 21, 2002 PC &GH Ball Episodes 2001) - 2:36

GH June 21, 2000 Partial Allison and Jamal stop by and ask if Emily & Juan, Nik & Liz are going to that party next week? Juan claims not to have heard about it. Lucy introduces Robin as someone who has been integral to the ball over the years. Robin tells everyone that her health is good and that she has a great life in Paris but only a few years ago that wouldn't be possible but thanks to all the people who donate money for research longer, more productive lives are possible.

Carly tells Sonny that if she has to listen to Saint Robin any longer she will throw up. She gets up to go to the ladies room, Sonny wants Johnny to go with her but she says she can go by herself. Of course she goes out to the terrace where A.J. is. She pulls her gun, A.J. turns around when he hears her cock the gun. "I'm going to do to you what you did to my son". The final number of the show is an audience participation piece, Emily and Juan lead the singing of "Lean on Me" with help from Robin, Lucy, and the audience (at times). It was moving as shots of the AIDS quilt are shown.

PC June 22, 2000 first 16 mins final ball scenes - Lucy can't find her next dress change, but she is so happy that Scott is on his way home and she is sure he will be bringing Christina with him. He walks in and Lucy can't believe that he doesn't have Christina with him! She begins crying hysterically begging him, "Where is she? Oh my god, where is she!" She orders him to go back and find Christina. She says she should have gone with them as she would never have back without her baby. He tells her the clues weren't real that Julie spent all of this money to lay a false trail and Christina was never in Brazil. Serena comes in and is saddened to see that he has returned alone. He promises them he will follow every lead until he gets a good one and finds Julie.

In the ballroom, Eve observes that Lucy has missed her cue and that can't be a good sign. Kevin heads backstage and offers Lucy comfort. He tells her that the ball has been a huge success but that her work is done and its time for her to go home. She says no, that the people are waiting for her and there is one more thing she has to do. She goes back out wearing a t-shirt and says she will not be in her underwear this year, she has already been stripped to the bone. In tears, she does a long monologue about AIDS, about fighting, and not giving up and receives a standing ovation. The ball ends as she goes back to her dressing room, alone, and sits sobbing. 

My evaluation: The performances were outstanding as always, but cut down to only five this year between the two shows and PC didn't have any live performances so the beginning of the budget cut reductions is obvious. Lucy is heartbroken over Christina being missing and not her normal bubbly self. I loved the Chick Magnet video, and the Juan & Emily vocal combination was a great addition. And wouldn't be the Nurses Ball without performances by Ned, Alan, and Tony who always do a first class job. 

Soap Center 6-25-01 ABC Day of Compassion - 4 min feature -Jackie, JJY, Brian Presley, Lynn Herring, John Ingle, Billy Warlock, Real, Erin Hershey, Jon Lindstrom, Ion, Hope Smith (PC Producer), Marisa Ramirez 

GH June 19, 2001 Lucy is doing her annual pre-ball freakout and hounds Alan and Monica who should be rehearsing. Both assure her all will be fine, Alan tells her that he has been performing with Emily all morning. Alan mentions that maybe he should've included Skye in his father and daughter routine for the Ball. Lucy wants to know who Skye is? Is he having another affair? He tells her that Skye is his daughter leading Lucy to launch into a monologue about another illegitimate Quartermaine kid. She then asks if he had an affair while he was married to Lucy? She demands that this Skye person better not screw up anything, and tells them she loves them both, and ta, and off she runs.

Felicia is practicing her Nurses Ball routine when Luke calls to try to make up for blowing her off yesterday (when he was busy reminiscing with Laura). She isn't really interested, though. She is very busy and basically blows him off. Chloe rings the doorbell and wants to see how Felicia is doing. Felicia acknowledges she did the right thing with Mac and is trying to do the right thing with Luke; namely, break it off with him. 

7th Ball Performances

  • "Chick Magnet" Video - Kevin Collins & Victor Collins, Eve Lambert appears 
  • "Footloose" - Juan, Emily and Elizabeth 
  • "Hey Good Lookin' " - Tony, Alan and Lucy 
  • "Simply Irresistible" - Eddie Maine 
  • "Lean on Me" - Juan and Emily 

PC June 20, 2001 Jack has returned from the dead, and his friends demand an explanation as they saw him dead and buried. Kevin tells Lucy that a water main burst and the Versaille Room is flooded and they can't hold the ball there. She begins to hyperventilate. The young doctors gather around her offering their support. Kevin assures her they will figure something out and the ball will go on! Lucy is ready to give up and says she can't pull this one off. Kevin reminds her that every year there is some type of disaster that she has to overcome and every year the ball is better than the last (going to be hard to pull that one off this year with the obvious budget cuts). Later, Lucy laments to Kevin that she has tried everything and has called every Moose Lodge but has had no luck. As they stand on the roof of the hospital, on the heliport pad, Lucy gets an idea of where she can hold the ball! 

GH June 20, 2001 Lucy appreciates AJ's help. He tells her that he can't help but feel guilty as his family owns the hotel. There is tons of activity as Mac, Taggert, Roy and Scott are among the volunteers helping to get the whole place set up. Felicia comes in to help Lucy out, and her and Kevin try to calm her down and tell her that everything is going to work out great. They get her to say that this is going to be the greatest Nurses Ball ever as she does every year but this year doesn't seem like her heart is quite in the sentiment.

Alan comes in with Skye, and asks AJ to try to find out where Emily is. Alan tells Skye that he understands she must be feeling very left out because of all the attention Emily has been getting, but he promises to make it up to her in the future. After he leaves to go check on Emily's where about, Skye takes Emily's letter out, and seems to be feeling guilty about giving her the money to run away. Felicia gives Mac a message from Robin, who is studying for her finals in Paris, and they are both happy that she has created a good life for herself there. 

At the bus station, Emily and Zander are waiting for their bus to arrive when they are spotted by one of Sorel's men. He calls Sorel and informs him that he has spotted the two of them. Sorel's first concern is to flush out Sonny, and he thinks that if something happened to either Zander or Emily, it would bring Sonny out of hiding. He tells his associate to take care of them, and is told that the job will be done when the bus makes its first stop.

Emily and Zander sit in the waiting area, playing games, and having fun. When its time to board the bus, Emily tells Zander that she feels bad for skipping out on the performance she and Alan were supposed to do together. She hopes Skye gave Alan and Monica the note she left, so they won't be too worried about her. Zander tells her to make a phone call, and let them know that she is okay. The bus, apparently, got stalled at some train tracks, and was hit by an oncoming train. There are people lying all over an open area. Zander wakes and starts to frantically search for Emily. He climbs over Sorel's associate, who is unconscious, and finally finds Emily, but she is unresponsive.

While Lucy is getting ready, she gets a premonition that something terrible is going to happen tonight. Kevin tells her it must just be nerves, but she tells him she is sure the feeling is real. As the show is about to begin, all the nurses, who are supposed to do the first number, get beeped to go to the ER. Edward and Lila come backstage to see what is happening. Lila, who has seen the dress rehearsals, is disappointed that the first number will have to be canceled, but she has an idea. She sends out Edward, with Mac, Taggert, Roy, and AJ! They end up doing a hilarious rendition of "It's In His Kiss," with Edward as the lead singer, and the rest with large feather fans! Alan, Monica, and Tony also get paged to the ER to assist the accident victims from the bus/train crash. 

While in the ER, Skye follows Alan to try to give him the note Emily left for him, but he is too busy with all the patients. The staff works hard to save the lives of all the people in the accident.

Sonny lets Mike know that he is alive and well, but when Mike starts lecturing him about calling Carly, Sonny hangs up. While Angel is out grocery shopping, Sonny looks at the phone and thinks about calling Carly, but restrains himself. In the parking lot, Carly blames Angel for the accident. Angel sets the record straight with the parking attendant, and asks Carly for her information. Carly, who doesn't drive, introduces herself as Mrs. Sonny Corinthos, and tells them that that should be enough for them.

When Angel gets back to her home, she casually gives Sonny his medication, tells him she brought a first aid kit so she can change his bandages later, and says: "Oh, by the way, I met your dead wife today!" She explained the encounter to him in very brief terms, and he tells her that Carly can't drive, explaining why she couldn't produce a driver's license. Angel tells him she didn't mention anything to Carly about him, assuming he didn't want her to.

A defensive Sonny says he never told her he didn't want Carly to know. But Angel says that between the guardian angel he wanted her to throw away, his wedding ring, and the fact that he told her his wife was dead, she assumed that they were estranged. As she goes to make their dinner, she casually mentions that they never have to bring his wife's topic up again. After dinner, the two sit outside and admire the peace and quite. 

After her brief attempt at driving, Carly bursts into Alexis' apartment, just as she is about to leave for the Nurses' Ball, and demands that Alexis help her with the pending issues in her life. First, she wants to sue Laura and Scott for trying to defraud her of Deception; second, she wants to get a restraining order against AJ so he can't take Michael away from her; and third, she want to sue "the bimbo who crashed into me and practically totaled my car."

A shocked and irritated Alexis tells her that Laura and Scott are not defrauding her. She tells Carly that here is a "betrayal clause" in the contract she signed with Sonny. The clause gave Sonny the right to take over Carly's Deception shares when she turned him over to the FBI. Of course Carly doesn't believe that Sonny could do that to her, and she accuses Alexis for planning the whole thing out. Alexis tells Carly that she deserves what is happening to her, and refuses to help her out. Just then, Mike comes in and tells Carly and Alexis that Sonny is alive and well. When Carly asks Mike if he told Sonny to call her, he tells her he tried, but Sonny wouldn't listen. Carly leaves the apartment and sits out in the hallway crying. 

PC June 21, 2001 The rooftop has become very festive looking. Lucy welcomes everyone and introduces the AIDS quilt panels. Jamal and Allison ask Jack how he is feeling, as Caleb lurks in the shadows watching, Jack and Livvie kiss. Chris and Kevin are beeped, and pagers around the room are heard going off. Alan and Monica are in high gear down in ER triaging patients.

Karen comes in and tells Eve that Serena was on the train with her and they were separated in the aftermath of the accident and she doesn't know what happened to her. Eve checks the list of victim names but Serena isn't on it. Karen says she has to tell her dad. Frank tells her to wait in the ER, and he will go get Scott and go look for her. Kevin sees Karen and asks if she is okay? She says yes but she doesn't know where Serena is. Kevin realizes that Lucy doesn't know about the accident. 

Back on the roof the show goes on, Lucy introduces a nervous Gabrielle who is doing the Gypsy Rose Lee stripper number, "Let Me Entertain You". She starts off slow and nervous, and suddenly the vampiress takes over and she continues the number in full vamp mode and does a full on strip tease. She brings her boyfriend, Joe, up on stage and he desperately tries to cover her up as she attempts to reveal all. Caleb smirks from the shadows.

Lucy calls a 15 minute break so everyone can go bid on the silent auction items. During the break, she overhears that Serena is missing. Lucy demands that Kevin tell her what is going on and where is Serena? He tells her about the train accident and that they were separated during the time of the crash. She is desperate to go to the crash site, he tells her they won't let her into the site and she is needed there. He tells her to keep her cell phone on and he will go to the crash site and search himself with Scott and Frank. Lucy introduces the next act, Jamal, Livvie, and Allison perform "Love Potion #9".

Lucy runs down to the ER and asks Karen if they have Serena? Karen cries no, and she is so sorry, they got separated and she couldn't find her. Scott, Frank, and Serena walk in the door and Lucy hugs her in relief. Serena is sorry anyone worried but she wanted to help her new friend, Ben, find his mother. Joe gets his last HIV test and it is negative! He calls in Mary, Frank, and Karen and shares the good news with them. 

GH June 21, 2001 Lucy announces that that a train hit a bus that had stalled on the tracks and the doctor's and nurses have gone down to the ER and are working very hard to save lives and she dedicates the show to them. Amanda made a huge donation to the cause and was applauded for her generosity. Stefan then thrilled the crowd by announcing that the Cassadine's would double any contributions made that evening. As the festivities went on, Helena and Stavros argued about the timing for their next act of terrorism and vengeance. He took the vial filled with the deadly virus away from Helena and went to the ball, ready to wreak havoc.

Before he could go on stage, Mac was called and had to go and deal with the accident. Luke joins Felicia but doesn't have any desire to perform Swaney River. Lucy comes in and is flustered to learn that Mac has left as she needs him to perform his number! She eyes Luke and remembers him helping out once before as a last minute substitution and begs him to fill in. He tries to refuse her, but its Lucy and refusal is not possible when she has her mind set on something.

Luke agrees to perform. He and Felicia go out and start doing "Way Down Upon the Swaney River". Luke tries to do it but just can't, he stops the music and asks for something with a beat. He breaks into a rendition of "Old Time Rock & Roll" (in a rare Tony Geary singing appearance). A bittersweet Laura watched their spicy performance of "Ole Time Rock and Roll," while she sat with Scotty. Luke then focused on his real reason for being there to look out for Helena. While he searched for Helena, he was unaware that Stavros, back from the dead, was actually the Cassidine that was skulking around this time. 

Stavros managed to get close enough to Laura and Scott's' table without being noticed. Gia, Nikolas, and Lucky thrilled the audience with a song and dance number of their own with the appropriate, "Up On The Roof" as Lucky (this year its Jacob in the role) plays the harmonica and Nik plays the sax. (Note Coltin really plays the sax but thought it wouldn't work for the character to have Nik whip out the sax for no reason, so this was a good fit).

Afterwards, their celebration backstage was cut short by Helena. Nikolas urged Gia to take Lucky out of the room before harm came to him. Although he wanted to stay and confront Helena, Gia did manage to get him out of there. Helena then went on about Nikolas behaving like a commoner. The two of them then went through their usual routine of insult and recrimination. Helena then left, unaware that Laura was behind her. Thinking the worst, Laura rushed into the room, but was relieved to find Nikolas unharmed. As they hugged, mother and son were oblivious to the fact that Stavros was watching them.

Paramedics began bringing injured patients from the accident between a train and the bus carrying Emily and Zander! Alan and Monica rushed around the ER trying to help as many patients as they could. They were stunned and confused to see Emily being brought in on a stretcher. 

Zander explained to them what had happened. Emily cried out for Zander while her Mother was trying to examine her. Monica was deeply troubled when Emily couldn't move her feet or legs. As Monica tried to feign calm, Alan ordered x-rays to determine how serious his daughter's injuries were. A tearful Alan sat with Emily and sang to her as he calmed her down. Skye watched everything unfold from the hallway, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty about giving the teens the money. After Bobbie showed Monica Emily's x-rays, Monica broke down weeping in her friend's arms.

Zander waited outside of Emily's room. A man suddenly came up to him and told him that next time Emily and Zander wouldn't be so lucky. Zander jumped on the man, but everyone pulled him off. Zander tried to explain to Taggert what had happened, but Taggert didn't buy it. In the mean time, of course, the mystery man got away. Determined to protect his love, Zander went to Sonny's office and stole a gun.

Helena got out of the room that Stavros locked her in and found her recently defrosted Son spying on his ex-wife and Son. As she was about to approach Stavros, she was pulled into a room. Her captor was none other than Luke! In a touching final Nurses Ball song, Dara sings "Somewhere Over the Rainbow' (my favorite song), set to a montage of action of Emily in the ER, Stavros and Helena skulking around the hospital after Nik and Lucky and Gia. The show closes as Luke comes up and grabs Helena from behind. 

8th Ball Performances

  • "It's In His Kiss" Edward, Mac, Taggert, Roy, AJ 
  • "Let Me Entertain You" - Gabrielle 
  • "Love Potion No. 9" - Alison, Livvie and Jamal 
  • "Up On the Roof" - Nikolas, Gia and Lucky 
  • "Old Time Rock n' Roll" - Felicia and Luke 
  • "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" - Dara Alan sings to Emily as she lay paralyzed in the ER 

My Evaluation: Sadly due to budget cuts this was the last Nurses Ball. It was obvious that the money for the production had been slashed and many fans at the time criticized that perhaps if ABC couldn't fund the ball episodes that it would be better to not do it at all. In the past, there was at least one full episode dedicated to the ball, often two full episodes. This year not even the montage of arrivals or of the couples together. Due to the bus accident, the doctors and nurses weren't present and honestly wasn't much of a ball. There were some good numbers but they seemed very self-contained. There were several Sonny & Angel, Carly & Alexis scenes that weren't part of the ball. I really debated about keeping these in but traditionally the ball episode is the entire show, since there was room on the dvd I included the scenes though they didn't seem to fit. 

GH June 21, 2002 Day of Compassion - Elizabeth reminds Jason why the Day of Compassion helps people to think about those who are living with HIV. Across town, Zander is startled to learn that an old friend has developed full-blown AIDS. A.J. bristles to see Courtney getting hit on by male customers at Kelly's. Skye drops by the mansion to visit her grandmother but encounters a smirking Edward instead. Sonny hurries to Mercy Hospital to check on Carly, who concocts a story to cover the real reason she was admitted. Meanwhile, Alexis tells Ned about her close call in the OB/GYN ward. In desperate need of some fast cash, A.J. stoops to stealing from his family. Laura is puzzled by an old picture in her mother's photo album.

My Evaluation: This of course is not a ball episode but since there was room on the last dvd, I decided to add this final "Day of Compassion" episode. To my knowledge they have dropped even doing that from 2003 through 2006 (current time). Perhaps with Robin back on the show they will resume commemorating this day some way and perhaps some day we will have another Nurses Ball? We can dream!

** End Nurses Ball DVD #4**

Nurse's Ball 2013 Dvd #5
11/1 Sabrina babysits Emma, who tells her all about how they used to have special parties called the Nurses' Ball to honor people like Emma's mother, Robin. Emma fetched the photo album to show Sabrina the pictures of the various Nurses' Balls. Sabrina was curious why they didn't do them anymore, but Emma didn't have an answer.

11/6 Sabrina tells Liz about seeing the NB album.

11/12 Sabrina told Patrick that it was okay to miss Robin because she had been young, well-loved at GH, and had a lot left to give. Sabrina said that she had learned what a great person Robin had been by looking at pictures of the Nurses' Ball with Emma, who was very proud of her mother. Sabrina said that she would like to find the financing to reinstate the Nurses' Ball as a tribute to Robin and as a way to help Patrick and Emma miss Robin a little less, if Patrick did not object.

Before Patrick could answer, Britt walked in and ripped off her top, revealing a scanty pink bra. She excused the interruption as she announced that she was covered in puke. Her trousers quickly followed, uncovering a tiny black bikini bottom. As Patrick tried not to look, Britt flaunted her body and said that she had had a great time with Patrick on Halloween. Patrick reciprocated her sentiment. With her focus on Patrick, Britt threw her dirty scrubs at Sabrina and told her to get them cleaned.

When Sabrina mentioned having another Nurses' Ball as a tribute to Robin, Britt announced that it was a depressing idea and questioned if Patrick was interested. Patrick said that he thought it was a very good idea and offered to help Sabrina raise funds. Britt reversed her position and offered her help also. Britt then sent Sabrina to the laundry with her dirty scrubs, but before leaving, Sabrina reminded Patrick to thank Emma for the card.

Britt was curious, so Patrick told Britt about Sabrina's gift to Emma. Britt put on a formfitting black dress and offered her back to Patrick so that he could zip it up for her. As he did so, Britt asked if Patrick had made plans to sleep with her. When Patrick hesitated, Britt asked if she had been too forward. Patrick responded in the negative, so Britt added that she believed in asking for what she wanted, and what she wanted was Patrick.

11/14 Sabrina & Liz visit Tracy and ask her to fund the new Nurse’s Ball. She declines.

12/4 At the nurses' station, Sabrina asked Felix, if she had poppy seeds stuck between her teeth. Felix assured Sabrina that her teeth were fine, but he offered to give her a quick makeover for her date with Patrick. Sabrina assured him that it wasn't a date; she and Patrick were meeting to discuss the Nurses' Ball. Felix's interest was immediately piqued because he loved to sing and dance, so he offered to help with the Nurses' Ball. However, he insisted on first sprucing up Sabrina.

Felix produced a tube of Coco red velvet lipstick. Sabrina was startled that he carried lipstick on him, but Felix ignored her as he made her apply it. Sabrina confessed that she hoped that the charity event would give Patrick some comfort because he was still grieving for his wife, Robin. Felix thought that Patrick had recently started to date "Dr. West Nile," so Sabrina explained that Patrick wasn't ready to move on yet and that Dr. Westbourne wasn't the right woman for Patrick.

At Metro Court Restaurant, Patrick held out a chair for Sabrina, who had removed all signs of the bright red lipstick. Sabrina was impressed with the elegant restaurant, so Patrick admitted that he was tired of the cafeteria. Sabrina smiled nervously and pulled out a list of potential sponsors for the Nurses' Ball. She admitted that she had compiled a list of names of the top one percent who had raised the ransom money to pay Jerry Jacks. Patrick reminded Sabrina that Tracy had already turned them down, so Sabrina scratched Tracy's name from the list.

Next, Patrick revealed that most of Carly Jacks's money had been tied up in the hotel, and that it was Carly's ex-husband who had helped to pay the ransom. Patrick warned Sabrina that Sonny wasn't a viable candidate, either, because Sonny was a mobster. He rejected Johnny for the same reason. Sabrina was curious what he knew about Todd Manning, so Patrick confessed that Todd hadn't given him the impression of being a philanthropist.

Sabrina was disappointed about Sonny because she had seen pictures of Sonny and Robin together in the photo album that Emma had showed her of the previous Nurses' Balls. Patrick admitted that Robin had considered Sonny to be a friend, but Sonny had once stood in Patrick's home and fired a gun, while Robin had been in the house. Patrick revealed that Robin had forgiven Sonny, but Sabrina saw the sadness in Patrick's eyes. She reached out to hold his hand and assured him that it was okay and that he didn't have anything to be sorry for.

12/7 In the locker room, Sabrina practiced what she planned to say to Todd about the Nurses' Ball. She looked in the mirror and gave herself a quick pep talk to remind herself that she was a poised and confident person. Todd called the human resources department again to find out where his new assistant was. Sabrina entered Todd's office, so he assumed that she was his new assistant. He quickly handed her a stack of files and barked orders at her. Sabrina was happy to help out, but she wanted to discuss the Nurses' Ball when she was finished. Todd appeared confused, so Sabrina explained that they'd had an appointment to talk about Todd underwriting the Nurses' Ball, which raised money for AIDS research.

"That's so '80s and '90s," Todd complained. According to Todd, everyone had become educated, and that the disease was curable with the right cocktail. Sabrina agreed that people lived longer, but she warned Todd that there were still millions of people dying annually. Todd was unmoved, so she accused him of being heartless. Todd claimed that he was financially broke after paying Jerry Jacks's ransom demand. Meanwhile, Patrick stopped outside of Todd's office, unseen, when he heard Sabrina and Todd exchange words.

Sabrina accused Todd of being a fool because she was certain that he would eventually regret not being a part of something big that would save lives and pay tribute to a young woman who everyone in town had loved. Sabrina gathered her things and started to leave, but Todd called her back. He handed her a file, which he claimed he desperately needed to be copied. Sabrina marched out of his office without a backward glance. Patrick followed her to the elevator and confessed that he was glad that he hadn't gone to the meeting because he would have punched Todd.

Later, at the hospital, Sabrina was downcast because she didn't know who else to ask to underwrite the ball. Patrick had faith in Sabrina and was certain that she would make the Nurses' Ball happen. After Britt left, Sabrina sat down and flipped through the Nurses' Ball photo album. Sabrina prayed for an answer and then noticed the picture of Lucy Coe. Sabrina wondered if perhaps Lucy could help.

12/10 In the General Hospital locker room, Sabrina looked over a Nurses' Ball scrapbook that Robin had assembled for Emma. She wondered out loud if Lucy Coe could be the fairy godmother that would save the day. Elizabeth overheard her and remarked that Lucy was not the fairy godmother type.

Elizabeth said that Lucy was one of a kind and proceeded to tell Sabrina about some of Lucy's escapades, including how she had married Alan in a red dress, had shown up at Lila's funeral in a red dress, was a big flirt, and had auctioned off her clothes in an impromptu striptease when donations at one of the Nurses' Balls had lagged. Sabrina thought that Lucy sounded interesting and wondered how to reach Lucy, after Elizabeth said that she was sure that Lucy would help if she could.

Felix, who had been eavesdropping, said that he knew Lucy, because he worked as a sales rep for her company, CoeCo, selling cosmetics to help pay for his nursing school tuition. Felix wanted creative control, top billing, an assistant, and a private dressing room in exchange for an introduction to Lucy, but settled for Sabrina's offer to take bedpan duty for two months. Elizabeth was impressed by Sabrina's selflessness and determination to make the Nurses' Ball a reality.

12/17 Sabrina and Felix journeyed to CoeCoe headquarters in New York City to meet with Lucy Coe about the Nurses' Ball. Sabrina was nervous about meeting Lucy. Felix tried to calm her down as he told stories, which were seen in flashbacks, about Lucy the librarian and Lucy's red dress wedding. Sabrina became even more nervous when Felix admitted that he had embellished his relationship to Lucy, who he had never met, and that the reason that he knew so much about her was because he had read Lucy's biography.

Felix encouraged Sabrina to be strong, but as they were about to enter Lucy's office, senior VP Bree denied them entrance. Felix played his "top sales rep" card, but Bree told him she knew all the top producers, and Felix was not among them, and in fact, he was about to be replaced. Felix folded and was ready to leave, but Sabrina was made of stronger stuff.

Sabrina sat down and said that she would not leave until she was allowed to meet with Lucy because Lucy was the only one who could help them. Bree listened as Sabrina outlined the original purpose of the Nurses' Ball and Lucy's unstinting contributions to it. Bree was touched and allowed Sabrina and Felix access to Lucy, who appeared delighted to meet them.

12/18 At CoeCoe Cosmetics, Sabrina and Felix met infamous Lucy Coe. Lucy assumed the young couple was there because they were top-selling sales representatives, known as "Golden Ducks," so she invited them to call her Lucy. Sabrina revealed that they lived in Port Charles and had sought Lucy out because they needed Lucy's help with the Nurses' Ball. Lucy smiled as she confessed that she had fond memories of the annual event. Sabrina admitted that she had heard that Lucy had been a driving force behind the ball, so Sabrina had hoped that Lucy would agree to underwrite the event.

Lucy confessed that she was strapped for cash, so she suggested that Sabrina and Felix approach people like the Quartermaines, Todd Manning, and even Sonny Corinthos. Sabrina revealed that, for various reasons, none of the people that Lucy had mentioned could help. Sabrina and Felix pointed out that Lucy had a successful cosmetics empire, so they couldn't understand why Lucy couldn't help.

Sabrina insisted that it was more important than ever to host the Nurses' Ball because Robin had died the past spring. Lucy had known Robin and had heard about the tragedy. Sabrina revealed that Robin's brilliant neurosurgeon husband was committed to keeping Robin's legacy alive to ensure that Robin's life had stood for something. Sabrina decided to call Patrick so that Lucy could talk to him, but Patrick's voicemail picked up. Lucy explained that it wouldn't help to talk to Patrick because her assets had been frozen. Sabrina and Felix were shocked.

Lucy confided that she had been accused of setting up a pyramid scheme. Lucy assured them that the charges were false, but she wouldn't have access to her money in time to help with the Nurses' Ball. Sabrina and Felix were disappointed, but Sabrina decided to leave her phone number with Lucy in case something changed. "Red velvet cupcake," Lucy said as she studied Sabrina's coloring. Later, Lucy thought about the past Nurses' Balls that she had emceed. Afterwards, she picked up the piece of paper with Sabrina's phone number scribbled on it.

12/21 Sabrina stammered as she tried to tell Patrick the truth about not having the funding for the ball, but Felix spotted Lucy approaching the nurses' station. Lucy warmly greeted Sabrina and hugged Felix. Lucy quickly offered her condolences as she told Patrick that Robin had been a bright light in her life. Sabrina smiled with relief when Lucy announced that she was eager to get working on the Nurses' Ball.

12/28 Lucy arrived and apologized for her tardiness. Britt hid her annoyance behind a polite smile. Lucy assured Sabrina that she had a lot of ideas for the ball, but Sabrina pointed out that they needed funding. Lucy agreed, but admitted that she wasn't in a position to fund the ball. Sabrina was dejected because it meant that the ball wouldn't happen. Moments later, Tracy and A.J. exited the elevator. Lucy announced that even though she couldn't underwrite the ball, ELQ would. Patrick and Sabrina smiled when Lucy informed them that either Tracy or A.J. would write a check to fund the ball.

1/10 Lucy entered the Floating Rib and asked for the address. Mac recognized her voice, so he turned to greet her. Lucy cheerfully hugged Mac and asked if he was working undercover. Mac chuckled as he revealed that his sister-in-law, Anna, was the new police commissioner. Lucy was disappointed that he had left the police force, but Mac assured Lucy that it was fine because he enjoyed working behind the bar.

Mac and Lucy reminisced about the past when she had rented an apartment above the Outback, Mac's nightclub. Mac offered to fetch Lucy a glass of Felicia's favorite chardonnay, prompting Lucy to smile. She was happy that Mac and Felicia were still together. Mac conceded that it had been a bumpy road, and then changed the subject by asking why Lucy was in town. Lucy told him that she intended to get the Nurses' Ball off the ground, which pleased Mac.

Lucy apologized that she had not made it to Robin's funeral, but she insisted that the Nurses' Ball would be a fitting tribute to Robin. Mac agreed, but he was curious who was going to sponsor it. Lucy smiled as she confided that one of the Quartermaines would underwrite it.

A short time later, Tracy arrived at the bar. Lucy was surprised that Tracy would enter the establishment, so Tracy revealed that the bar had the best ribs in town.Tracy ordered a martini and ribs, but Lucy warned Tracy that it would take more than that to get Lucy's vote. "Will this do?" Tracy asked as she handed Lucy some documents.

Tracy explained that ELQ was prepared to buy out CoeCoe Cosmetics, but Lucy admitted that concerns about an ingredient in her red lipstick line had forced her to liquidate the company. Tracy was startled when Lucy announced her intention to become ELQ's new CEO. Tracy informed Lucy that it was not an option, so Lucy threatened to cast her vote with A.J. if Tracy didn't agree to let Lucy be "Coe-CEO," as Lucy spelled it clearly.

A.J. told Liz about his plan to oust Tracy as CEO of ELQ with Lucy's help. Moments later, Tracy and Lucy entered the conference room and proudly announced that they had reached an agreement, so Lucy intended to give her vote to Tracy. A.J. was stunned. He warned Lucy that it was a grave mistake because Tracy would take Lucy down when the Securities and Exchange Commission investigated Tracy, but Tracy argued that she hadn't done anything wrong. A.J. desperately tried to persuade Lucy to change her mind, but Lucy explained that she was at a crossroads and that Tracy had made an attractive offer.mFrustrated, A.J. stormed out of the conference room.

Lucy got the meeting started by officially introducing herself and then announcing that Tracy had agreed to underwrite the Nurses' Ball. Lucy realized that Tracy hadn't signed the check, so she handed the check to Tracy for a signature.

1/24 Felix gushed about Carly's new haircut and praised her for not allowing Todd to get the best of her. Sabrina quickly apologized for Felix's bluntness, but Carly took it in stride. Felix was curious if Todd had seen Carly's new look, so Carly admitted that she had gone to Todd's arraignment to make certain that Todd knew what Todd would be missing. Felix suggested that Sabrina do the same with Patrick.

Carly was surprised that Sabrina was dating Patrick, so Sabrina quickly clarified that they weren't. Felix revealed that Patrick was dating "the Britch." Carly was curious about the nickname, so Felix filled Carly in on why he didn't like Britt. Afterwards, Felix pulled the clip out of Sabrina's hair, ripped off her eyeglasses, and unbuttoned the top few buttons of Sabrina's top to show Sabrina how easy it would be to update her look like Carly had. Sabrina took back her eyeglasses and reminded Felix that Patrick was interested in Britt.

Carly pointed out that perhaps Patrick only went out with Britt because Britt had been the first woman to make a move on him. Carly suggested that Sabrina show Patrick that he had other options. Felix was impressed with Carly's advice, so he was curious why she had fallen for Todd's lies. Carly admitted that she had wanted to believe Todd, so Felix advised Carly and Sabrina to find men who respected, valued, and treated them as divinely as they deserved.

Carly insisted that she needed a break from men, but Felix thought that she should consider pursuing a relationship with the man who had stayed with her during her drunken meltdown. "A.J.?" Carly asked, horrified. Carly explained that A.J. was not an option because she only felt a murderous rage towards him. Felix was curious why she had spent the night with A.J., so Carly made it clear that she had not had sex with A.J. and that he had only stuck around to laugh at her.

Carly then changed the subject by reminding them that they had business to attend to. Sabrina was grateful that Carly had donated Metro Court's ballroom for the Nurses' Ball. Carly confessed that she and Robin hadn't been friends, but a lot of people that Carly had cared about had been close to Robin. Sabrina was certain that Patrick would appreciate Carly's generosity. Carly insisted that Patrick was a good guy. "Maybe worth hanging in there for," Carly added with a gentle smile.

Later, Carly handed the signed contracts to Felix and Sabrina. Felix suggested that Carly consider taking A.J. to the ball, so Carly explained that she and A.J. had a child, whom A.J. had kidnapped, and then A.J. had faked his death to avoid prosecution for the kidnapping. Felix pointed out that there was a fine line between love and hate, but Carly simply glared at Felix.

1/31 Sabrina revealed that the bank had called to notify her that a stop payment had been put on Tracy's check for the Nurses' Ball. Patrick wondered why, so Elizabeth showed him the newspaper reporting the ELQ scandal. Britt explained that ELQ had been involved in a serious financial scandal, so it appeared that the Nurses' Ball was over before it had started.

3/15 Lucy breezed in and announced that they had a Nurses Ball to plan. Elizabeth, Sabrina, and Felix tactfully reminded Lucy that they had lost ELQ's backing, but Lucy waved away their concerns and ordered them to sit. Lucy passed out binders and explained that they had partnered with the American Foundation for AIDS Research. Elizabeth wondered if AMFAR was aware that they'd had problems funding the ball, but Lucy insisted that it didn't matter because they needed to focus on impressing everyone. Moments later, Elizabeth's phone rang, so she excused herself and left the room. Sabrina and Felix continued to express concerns about paying for Lucy's ideas, but Lucy ignored them.

Elizabeth returned to the conference room and asked what she had missed. "Not much," Lucy admitted before discussing the centerpieces for the tables at the Nurses Ball. Elizabeth decided that perhaps they should consider a fundraiser to help sponsor the Nurses Ball. Lucy assured them that it wasn't necessary then pulled out a check that would cover all of their expenses.

Elizabeth, Sabrina, and Felix jumped out of their seats and closely examined the check. Felix confirmed that it was real, but they were curious who had sent it. Lucy confessed that it had been an anonymous donor. Elizabeth thanked Felix for running interference with A.J. at the hospital. She confessed that she hadn't been in the mood to deal with A.J. or his lies.

Felix changed the subject by revealing that he wanted to ask "Magic Milo" to perform with him. He was disappointed when Elizabeth warned him that Milo couldn't sing. She then grumbled about why A.J. had hooked up with the woman who had ruined A.J.'s life. Elizabeth also couldn't understand why A.J. continued to pursue her if he wanted to be with Carly.

Felix suggested that perhaps A.J. had ditched Carly because A.J. had realized that A.J. wanted Elizabeth. Felix then returned to the topic of Milo. Felix thought perhaps Milo could lip-sync shirtless, so that the audience wouldn't notice. Elizabeth's ignored Felix as she confided that A.J. had a better chance being Sonny's best man at the wedding than getting near Elizabeth again. Seconds later, Felix spotted A.J. entering the bar.

Elizabeth turned and looked up into A.J.'s smiling face. She tried to ignore A.J. by discussing plans for the Nurses Ball with Felix. Desperate to talk to Elizabeth, A.J. boldly offered to perform a skit. Felix quickly recovered from the surprise and invited Elizabeth to continue their discussion in private. Elizabeth collected her things, but A.J. vowed that he was not going to give up on her. Elizabeth advised A.J. to reconsider and suggested that he return to his "bed-buddy."

3/27 At Metro Court, Lucy thanked Carly for donating the ballroom for the Nurses Ball. Carly explained that the ballroom had been renovated, so she was eager to show it off. Lucy was speechless when Carly threw open the doors for Lucy, Sabrina, and Felix to have their first look. Lucy instantly fell in love with the venue because it was spectacular and sophisticated. Carly noticed that Felix was subdued, so she asked him what was wrong. Lucy vowed to make the Nurses Ball the best one ever, so she put Felix and Sabrina to work on the seating plan.

Moments later, Michael entered, so Carly greeted her son with a hug. Carly was surprised when Michael revealed that Lucy had persuaded him to perform at the Nurses Ball. Michael admitted that he was nervous because he had no idea what Lucy had in store for him, but Carly was confident that Michael would do well. Michael changed the subject by asking how his mother had been holding up.

Carly told Michael about the memorable speech that Robin had given during one of the Nurses Balls. The speech had been about Stone dying of AIDS and Robin testing positive for HIV. Carly recalled that Robin had nearly collapsed at the end of the emotional speech, so Jason had carried Robin off of the stage. Carly was certain that Jason would be proud of Michael for being a part of the charity event.

In the ballroom, Sabrina prepared to end things with Milo when Felix suddenly walked up and loudly proclaimed that he wanted to watch when Sabrina invited Milo to attend the Nurses Ball with her. Sabrina looked confused until Felix mouthed to her that it was okay. Sabrina smiled then asked Milo to be her date. Milo happily agreed.

3/28 In the ballroom, Sam arrived with Molly and T.J. in tow as Lucy gathered everyone to rehearse the opening number for the Nurses Ball. However, Lucy spotted Molly, so she ran over to greet and hug Molly. Molly and Sam introduced Lucy to T.J. then explained that they wanted to help out. Lucy was delighted because they needed people to work behind-the-scenes. Molly and T.J. went to work, while Lucy talked excitedly to Sam about the celebrity choreographer that Lucy had enlisted to help with the opening number.

Milo confessed to Sabrina that he had been worried about her phone call because he had expected her to tell him that she wasn't interested in going out with him again. Sabrina assured him that the thought hadn't crossed her mind. Milo offered to help out setting things up for the Nurses Ball, so Sabrina sent him to work with the lighting crew. After Milo left, Sabrina admitted to Felix that she felt lucky to have a date with Milo.

Felix was surprised when Sabrina revealed that she had decided not to go out with Milo for the sake of her friendship with Felix. Felix confessed that Carly had made him realize that his friendship with Sabrina was more important than some guy. Sabrina regretted that she had hurt Milo, but she had been determined to get over Patrick. Felix insisted that it had been his fault for falling for another straight guy.

Moments later, Lucy called out for Elizabeth. Lucy became frustrated when Epiphany explained that Elizabeth had been needed at the hospital. Lucy couldn't understand why another nurse, who hadn't volunteered to be a part of the Nurses Ball, couldn't have taken Elizabeth's place at the hospital. Epiphany refused to answer the question, so Lucy took some calming breaths then announced that a surprise celebrity choreographer had agreed to work on the opening number.

Everyone smiled with anticipation. As if on cue, fitness expert Richard Simmons appeared in the doorway. Everyone applauded, while Lucy ran over to greet Richard with a warm hug. Richard set down his boom box then joined Lucy on the stage. Lucy explained that Richard had lived in Port Charles years earlier and had taught exercise classes at the campus disco that Luke Spencer had run. Richard admitted that his favorite nurse had been Amy Vining because Amy had loved to gossip with him after the classes about the Webber, Spencer, and Quartermaine families.

Richard announced that he had written a special song for the Nurses Ball, so he offered to share a part of it with the gathered volunteers. Everyone clapped, so Richard asked someone to hit play on the boom box. A disco-style rap song suddenly filled the room as Richard Simmons directed everyone in a group dance. Everyone's smile began to fade as the rap lyrics sank in.

"It started out in Port Charles town, where Frank Smith's mob used to hang around. It had names and numbers all in code, so Luke and Laura had to hit the road. They had to find the left-handed boy. Watch their step, they had to be coy. Ooh, Monica likes to have her fun. Told Rick he was the dad, soon found out that he'd been had. Alan was the father, of course, and he won't give Monica a divorce. Rick wants to get Lesley back; Heather's having an insane attack."

Sabrina wondered if the rap had been about their chief of staff, Monica Quartermaine. Epiphany admitted that it had sounded like it. Horrified, Lucy ran over to the boom box to turn it off. Richard was offended and demanded to know what was wrong with his song. Lucy informed Richard that it couldn't be used, but Richard argued that it was poetry, had a "great sexy" '80s beat, and, according to Richard, was the complete truth.

Lucy explained that they couldn't flaunt the town's secrets, but Richard insisted that the "stupid" town's secrets weren't secrets. Lucy refused to embarrass Monica. "Who cares about her?" Richard angrily demanded as the nurses glared at him. Lucy and Richard proceeded to scream at each other until Lucy suggested that Richard change the lyrics. Richard demanded to know where Bobbie Spencer was because he was certain that his friend would back him up. Lucy doubted that Bobbie would jeopardize the Nurses Ball by playing a tasteless song about 30-year-old gossip.

Richard insisted on talking to the head nurse about firing Lucy. Epiphany made it clear that as much as she liked the beat of the song, she objected to the unflattering lyrics. Richard became infuriated when everyone voted to change the lyrics, so he decided that if his song was out then he would walk. Sabrina cried out in dismay as Milo put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"Who are you, little girl?" Richard cruelly cackled at Sabrina. Lucy informed Richard that Sabrina was the reason for the return of the Nurses Ball. Sabrina suggested that perhaps there was a way to change the lyrics without compromising the integrity of the song, but Richard refused to bend. He gathered his boom box then stormed out. Lucy insisted that "the show must go on." Everyone slowly returned to what they had been working on. Milo sat down to chat with T.J. about Sabrina and Milo's fear that Patrick was interested in her. T.J. insisted that nice guys always finished last, so Milo should do whatever was necessary to hold on to Sabrina.

Meanwhile, Sabrina lamented about their lack of a choreographer and opening number, so T.J. suggested that Molly write the song lyrics, while T.J. work on the music. He reminded everyone that Molly had written a novel and revealed that he enjoyed writing music. Moments later, Anton offered to step in as the choreographer. Lucy was skeptical, but Anton assured her that he had experience dancing. Lucy decided that she needed a demonstration, so Anton invited Sam to dance with him. Lucy explained that the best way to judge Anton's ability was for Lucy to dance with Anton. Anton agreed, so he pulled Lucy into his arms for a waltz.

Nearby, Milo heard Sabrina's phone ring, so he looked at the screen of the phone. He sent the call to voicemail when he saw that it was Patrick. Moments later, Milo deleted the voice mail message.

Nurse's Ball 2013 Dvd #6
Tuesday, April 2, 2013 GH 50th Anniversary

At the nurses' station, Epiphany answered the phone. "First floor nurses' station," Epiphany greeted the caller. Epiphany smiled when she heard her friend's voice then asked if Doris had enjoyed Frank's surprise. They chatted for a bit until Epiphany explained that she would have to call Doris back because a new batch of interns was expected, but Monica Quartermaine was nowhere to be found. Nearby, an orderly displayed Dr. Steve Hardy's portrait on an easel.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Monica informed Tracy that Tracy was no longer welcome to live in Monica's home. Tracy never understood why her brother had given the house to Monica. "If he wasn't already dead, I'd kill him myself," Tracy growled with frustration. "Here's your chance, Tracy," Alan replied as he appeared behind Tracy. Tracy had an expression of disbelief etched on her face as she faced Alan. However, Tracy quickly recovered then ordered Alan to leave her alone because she didn't have time to deal with a figment of her imagination.

"If Alan's a figment of your imagination, why do I see him too?" Monica asked in shock. Tracy's eyes rounded as she looked to her brother for answers. Alan strolled to the chair then sat down, so Monica told Tracy what she had seen Alan do. Tracy realized that Monica could see Alan, but it suddenly was no longer important to Tracy why they could both see Alan as long as they could. Tracy grabbed her brother's hand then told him how much she had missed him.

Monica walked up to lovingly caress Alan's face as she greeted her husband with tears of joy in her eyes. Monica asked if Alan was alive, so Alan explained, "Not quite." Monica didn't care because she was thrilled that he was there. Alan smiled as he warned Monica that he was about to make her happier. "Hi, Mom," Emily said as she suddenly appeared in the room. Tracy gaped with shock, while mother and daughter hugged.

Tracy questioned why Alan had appeared with Monica's "adopted waif" instead of Edward or Lila. Emily explained that Alan had needed backup, so he had asked Emily to help talk sense into Monica and Tracy. Monica and Tracy became defensive as they justified their actions. Alan and Emily patiently listened as Monica accused Tracy of sabotaging A.J. Tracy explained that A.J. had stolen her inheritance, but Monica remained unmoved and determined to toss Tracy out of the mansion.

Tracy doubted that Alan was there to approve of Monica's decision, so she asked him to tell Monica that Tracy was staying. Monica argued that Alan had never really cared for his sister, but Emily cut to the chase by suggesting that Monica and Tracy try to find a compromise. Tracy resented Emily interference, so Tracy reminded everyone that Alan and Tracy had despised each other's children. Monica disagreed because Alan had cared about Ned and Dillon. Tracy laughed at the suggestion that Alan had cared about Monica's ex-lover, Ned.

Tracy pointed out that Monica had a long history of affairs starting with Rick Webber. "No, no. Don't drag me into this," Rick said as he suddenly appeared in the room. Monica recovered from her shock then ran over to greet her old lover, Rick. Tracy was outraged that Alan hadn't done anything about Rick's unwelcome arrival, so Rick reminded Tracy that there wasn't much that Alan could do, since Rick was already dead.

Emily was equally annoyed with Rick's presence because Rick had seduced her married mother during quarantine at the hospital, while people had been dying all around them. Monica was stunned that Emily had known the details about the affair, so Emily admitted that they had a lot of "downtime" where Emily and Alan were. Tracy agreed with Emily's assessment about Rick and reminded Rick that he had been the one with a dead mistress in the attic. Tracy blasted Rick for what he and Scott had done because it had resulted in Laura's decade-long catatonic state.

Rick denied that things had happened the way that Tracy assumed, but insisted that he was there to bury the hatchet with Alan, not to discuss what had happened with Laura. Rick conceded that he and Alan had been lousy to each other, which no longer made sense, given their present state. Rick offered to let bygones be bygones and held out his hand. Monica beamed with joy when Alan shook Rick's hand. Emily suggested that if Alan and Rick could make peace then Monica and Tracy could. Monica and Tracy looked reluctant, but Emily pressed for a compromise because Alan had gone through a lot of trouble for Monica and Tracy.

Monica wondered if Alan really wanted her to let Tracy remain in the mansion, so Alan confessed that he did. Tracy smiled victoriously until Emily informed Tracy that it was Tracy's turn to make a concession by calling a truce with Monica. Tracy reluctantly agreed, so Monica and Tracy shook on it. Emily thought that a hug would be more appropriate, so she urged them to hug. Monica and Tracy refused, so Alan, Rick, and Emily threatened to haunt them if they didn't hug. Monica and Tracy stubbornly dug in their heels, even when Emily explained that she needed to see Nikolas.

Alan begged Monica and Tracy to hug until they relented then awkwardly hugged with their eyes squeezed shut. Moments later, Tracy opened her eyes and announced that their visitors had left. Monica and Tracy quickly jumped apart and tried to make sense of what had just happened. Tracy attributed the entire event to a dream, but Monica insisted that they could barely stand to be around each other. "Now we're sharing dreams?" Monica asked in disbelief. Tracy wondered if Monica had a better explanation. "What the hell was in that relish?" Monica asked.

At Greystone Manor, Sonny was surprised when he saw Brenda standing on his doorstep. "Hey, Brenda," Sonny said. She smiled at him and asked if she could enter. He invited her in then led her to the parlor. After Brenda sat down, Sonny asked why she was there. She confessed that she wanted to make sure that they could be civil to each other during the Nurses' Ball the following day.

Brenda saw the scorn in Sonny's expression, which she suspected stemmed from her not attending Robin's funeral. Brenda didn't offer an explanation, but she admitted that it was difficult to believe that a year had passed since her friend's tragic death. Sonny and Brenda reminisced about Robin until Brenda revealed that she had entrusted Robin with a letter that Brenda had asked to be given to Sonny when the time was right. "What letter?" Sonny asked.

Brenda knew that Sonny had been given the letter. Sonny recalled looking at the letter, but explained that it had been a difficult time in his life, so Jason had "handled it." Brenda wasn't surprised because Jason had been good for things like that. Sonny's temper flared as he asked her if she had been told about Jason's death. Brenda's tone softened as she admitted that Michael had called her. She offered Sonny her condolences but then returned to the topic of the letter.

Brenda wanted to know why Sonny hadn't answered it. Sonny admitted that he hadn't read it because he hadn't thought that it would make a difference. Brenda tearfully disagreed and explained that it would have changed everything. Sonny doubted that the letter had had the power to save their marriage, so she told him what it had said.

"Dear Sonny, I know things are bad right now. That would be an understatement, but I just want you to know that I did what I thought was right for my son," Brenda recounted. She explained that she had written that she had hated how vengeful and angry he had become, so she had been forced to make her son a priority by leaving. However, Brenda had hoped that time apart would help them both find perspective. She assured Sonny that she had never intended to give up on their marriage.

"I'm your wife, and I want to be with you," Brenda had written in the letter to Sonny. She had believed that their marriage had been worth fighting for, so she had told him in the letter that she would wait for him in Rome. Brenda recalled how anxious she had been waiting for Sonny to join her, but the day had never arrived. Sonny realized that was when she had sent him the divorce papers. Brenda smiled sadly as she admitted that she had heard that Sonny had moved on.

Sonny confessed that he had, but the woman he loved was gone. He had no idea when his love would return, or if, like Brenda, she was lost to him forever. Sonny confided that he wouldn't be able to look at Brenda without wondering "What if...?" Brenda quietly revealed that she had stopped by for another reason; she had wanted to let Sonny know that she was engaged.

Carly was delighted when Jax turned up on her doorstep. She quickly invited him inside then asked him why he was in town. Jax explained that he needed to talk to her about something. Seconds later, Josslyn appeared at the bottom of the doorstep and called out to her father with excitement. Josslyn ran into her father's waiting arms, while Carly happily watched the reunion. Jax surprised his daughter with a tea set, which Josslyn promptly took to her bedroom to play with.

Carly doubted that Jax had flown to Port Charles to give Josslyn a tea set, so she was curious why Jax was there. Jax handed Carly new divorce papers to sign then explained that there had been a filing problem, so the state of New York didn't have a copy of their first divorce papers. Carly realized that they were still legally married. She wasn't surprised that their divorce had turned out as difficult as their attempt to get married.

Jax smiled as he and Carly reminisced about the number of times that they had postponed their wedding and Carly's decision not to have a maid of honor, so that Jason could be her best man. Jax sobered as he offered Carly his condolences on Jason's passing. Carly thanked Jax and admitted that she would always miss her best friend. Jax thought that Carly appeared to have handled Jason's death surprisingly well, so she confessed that she had finally learned to stand on her own two feet, which she hadn't thought possible.

Jax assured Carly that he had always known that she'd had it in her. Carly turned wistful as she wondered how their marriage had failed. Jax blamed Sonny for always getting between them. However, Jax confessed that he would always admire Carly because she was a fearless one-of-a-kind woman. Carly wondered if perhaps the file mix-up was a sign to give their marriage another try. Carly admitted that she had recently ended a relationship that had forced her to reevaluate what was important.

Jax admitted that he didn't want to be Carly's fallback guy, so she quickly assured him that he wasn't that. According to Carly, he was the guy -- the man that she kept trying to get over. Jax apologized then explained that he had discovered the mistake with their divorce papers because he had become engaged. Carly was stunned when he revealed that he intended to marry Brenda.

On the Haunted Star, somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, Luke and Laura entered a dark cabin then spotted a person, whose head had been covered with a sack, tied to a chair. Laura assumed that it was Lulu as Luke raced over to remove the sack. Luke and Laura were startled when they saw Ethan sitting in the chair. Luke quickly removed Ethan's gag. "Hi, Dad," Ethan said as Luke went to work untying Ethan.

Laura explained that Lulu had been kidnapped, so they had been looking for their daughter. Ethan realized that he was on the Haunted Star, so Luke explained that Dante had Helena and a couple of her henchmen held at gunpoint in the nightclub. Luke and Laura helped Ethan to his feet as the door suddenly slammed shut and was locked. Luke hoped that Dante could hold off Helena and her goons, so he went to work finding something to pick the lock with. "Never a dull moment with those Cassadines," Ethan remarked.

Laura was curious how Ethan had been captured, so Ethan told her that he had been staying at Lucky's flat in Dublin. Laura feared that Helena had abducted Lucky, too, but Ethan assured her that Lucky hadn't been at the apartment. According to Ethan, Lucky had decided to go to Africa to help orphaned children, which was something that Lucky had been thinking about for a while. Luke was curious if Helena had given any clue as to what had happened to Lulu.

Ethan explained that he had listened to a message from Nikolas warning Ethan that they were in danger when Helena and her thugs had appeared. Ethan hadn't heard the entire message, so he had no idea where Lulu might be. Ethan admitted that Helena had been disappointed that she had missed Lucky, but she had been content to use Ethan to keep Luke distracted. Luke grumbled that Helena and her "winged monkeys" had been working overtime to get to Luke's children; however, he was curious what Helena hoped to keep Luke distracted from.

Luke and Laura told Ethan about the replica of the Ice Princess that Helena had left for Lulu. Ethan wondered why Helena would want Lulu, since Helena had never expressed an interest in his sister before. Laura suspected that Helena had hoped to hurt both Luke and Laura, prompting a snarky remark from Ethan about Helena. Laura chuckled because Ethan had sounded just like his father. Luke warned Laura and Ethan that they would likely be outnumbered when he opened the door, so they would have to work together.

Laura hoped that it wouldn't be a problem for Ethan, but he assured her that he didn't have an issue with it because he loved his sister. However, Ethan wanted Laura to know that he deeply regretted any pain that he might have caused her by the revelation that he was Luke's son. Luke made it clear that Ethan was never to apologize for his existence. Laura assured Ethan that she had no ill will towards him, especially since Lucky and Lulu had made it clear that they each loved their brother. Moments later, Helena, flanked by two of her lackeys, burst into the cabin.

Helena and the henchmen led Luke, Laura, and Ethan at gunpoint to the deck of the ship. Laura demanded to know where Dante was. Laura feared the worst when Helena bragged that Dante hadn't been a match for a Cassadine. Ethan was curious what Helena's intention was, so Helena explained that they shouldn't underestimate a mother's need to avenge her sons. Luke told Helena to "shut up" about her sons and tell him where Dante was. Helena cryptically informed them that Dante wouldn't be a problem.

Helena reminded everyone that she had been about to shoot Laura when they had been rudely interrupted. Luke offered his life in exchange for Laura's, so Helena decided that she would not shoot anyone. "Laura is," Helena added.

At the hospital, Audrey approached her granddaughter as Elizabeth exited Nikolas' room. Audrey explained that she had stopped by the hospital to check on Elizabeth and to watch as Elizabeth's grandfather's portrait was hung in the boardroom in honor of what would have been Steve Hardy's 50th anniversary at the hospital. Elizabeth felt terrible that she had forgotten what day it was, but Audrey reminded her granddaughter that Elizabeth had had a lot on her mind because of Nikolas.

Elizabeth thought that there should have been more done for Steve than simply hanging a portrait of him in the boardroom because her grandfather had been the heart and soul of General Hospital. Audrey pointed out that Steve wouldn't have wanted anyone to make a fuss over him. Elizabeth felt bad that the rest of the family couldn't be there to mark the special anniversary, since Elizabeth's sister, Sarah, was in Monterey; Elizabeth's parents were in Asia; Audrey's son, Tom, was in Africa; and his son, Tommy, had recently finished medical school. Elizabeth confided that if her cousin were anything like the rest of the Hardys then Tommy would soon be practicing medicine in some exotic locale. Audrey hugged Elizabeth as Elizabeth smiled sadly.

"We really are scattered, aren't we?" Elizabeth asked.However, Elizabeth was certain that her grandfather would be thrilled that so many of the Hardys had followed in Steve's footsteps by pursuing a career in the medical field. Audrey sensed that Elizabeth remained troubled, so Elizabeth confessed that she wished that their family had made more of an effort to remain in touch because it got lonely sometimes, especially with her brother, Steve, gone. Audrey reminded Elizabeth that Elizabeth still had her "Gram." Elizabeth smiled lovingly at Audrey as she confessed that she had no idea what she would do without her grandmother.

Later, Elizabeth explained that Alexis had decided to spend the night in Nikolas' hospital room, so Elizabeth was ready to pick up the boys then head home. Audrey wanted to see her great-grandsons, so she decided to go to the daycare center with Elizabeth.

At the first floor nurses' station, Patrick greeted the new interns. He pointed to the portrait of Steve Hardy as he explained that Steve had been General Hospital's first and best chief of staff and that they were all there because of Steve. Patrick revealed that Steve had died in 1996, but doctors continued to aspire to be like Dr. Hardy, although most realized that it was impossible. One of the interns wondered if Patrick had worked with Dr. Hardy, so Patrick revealed that Dr. Alan Quartermaine had been the chief of staff when Patrick had started working at the hospital.

Patrick led the interns on a tour of the hospital as he told them that the current chief of staff was Dr. Monica Quartermaine. An intern was curious if Monica was related to Alan, so Patrick explained that Monica was Alan's widow. Another intern recalled hearing about a "Mr. and Mrs. Intern" program. Patrick chuckled as he confirmed that the rumors about the program were true. Patrick then informed the interns that doctors might be the brains of the hospital, but the nurses' were the heart.

Epiphany praised Patrick for the insightful remark. Epiphany told the interns about the Nurses' Ball and its purpose. Patrick let the interns know that they were permitted to attend for free. After Epiphany ordered the interns to get to work, Patrick and Epiphany returned to the nurses' station. They talked about Patrick's own days as an intern and his desire to leave a lasting legacy for a new generation of doctors. Epiphany wondered if Patrick was up to the challenge. "I guess we'll have to ask someone in fifty years, won't we?" Patrick replied.

Later, Audrey and Elizabeth stood before Steve's portrait as Patrick walked up. Patrick hoped that the portrait had met with Audrey's approval, so she assured him that it had. Patrick confessed that it would be intimidating to have Steve watching over them during the board meetings. Elizabeth suddenly recalled that Audrey's golden anniversary was right around the corner. "Well, I guess it is," Audrey replied.

Audrey thought about a time, many years before, when she had danced with Steve. Steve had nervously asked her how he had been doing. She returned to the present as Elizabeth told Patrick that Audrey and Steve had had quite a love story. According to Audrey, life was filled with stories crossing over each other. Patrick agreed because he had often wondered if Robin would have sought him out if his father, Noah, hadn't worked at General Hospital. Patrick insisted that the hospital had changed lives, including his own.

Elizabeth thought about how many lives had been touched by the hospital and how many stories had passed through General Hospital over the fifty years. "Stores of rivalries, stories of love, stores of heartbreak, stories that left us on the edge of our seats. The things about all those stories...we never know how they'll end," Patrick said. Moments later, Epiphany told Patrick that he was needed in the operating room.

Elizabeth smiled as she watched Patrick sprint away because it never ended. Audrey assured her granddaughter that Steve wouldn't have had it any other way. Audrey approached Steve's portrait then touchingly said, "My Rock of Gibraltar. Happy anniversary, Darling." Everyone gathered around the nurses' station began to clap. The episode ended with a message from everyone at General Hospital: "Happy 50th Anniversary General Hospital. Thank you to all of our fans for your decades of support!"

4/3 At the hospital, Patrick recalled leaving Sabrina a message requesting that she return his call because he wanted to talk to her about something important. Patrick returned to the present to check his phone. He was disappointed when he saw that there hadn't been any missed calls or new voicemail messages from Sabrina. Moments later, Patrick bumped into Elizabeth. He was surprised because he had thought that she had left.

In the ballroom, Lucy supervised everyone as they worked to set things up for the Nurses' Ball. Felix became distracted watching Milo help Sabrina with some wall hangings, so Lucy barked at Felix to get to work. Lucy confessed that she was worried because she hadn't seen the new choreographer yet. Felix was curious if she had been referring to Metro Court's handyman. Lucy nodded then confided that she hadn't realized that Richard Simmons had been such a diva.

Nearby, Molly struggled to write lyrics for the song that T.J. had composed. T.J. was curious how she was doing, so Molly explained that she felt pressured and couldn't find the right words. T.J. offered to give Molly some space to work, so he walked over to Milo.

In the hallway, Sam encountered the handyman who had agreed to choreograph the Nurses' Ball. They decided to officially introduce themselves, so the handyman revealed that his name was Anton Ivanov. He hoped to get an opportunity to dance with Sam, but she insisted that she wasn't a dancer. Anton pointed out that it was his job to teach her, so he promised to draw out the dancer in her. Sam recalled watching celebrities dance on a television show, so Anton revealed that some of the celebrities turned out to be very good dancers.

In the ballroom, T.J. remarked that things appeared to be going well between Sabrina and Milo. Milo confessed that he had done something underhanded to make certain that Patrick Drake didn't get between Sabrina and Milo. T.J. was impressed when Milo told him about the erased voicemail message, but Milo explained that he felt bad about what he had done. Sabrina walked up in time to hear the tail end of Milo and T.J.'s conversation, so she was curious why Milo felt bad.

Milo quickly changed the subject by offering to help Sabrina with another project. Moments later, Lucy called out to T.J. to join her on the stage. After T.J. walked away, Sabrina pushed for an answer because she had heard her name mentioned. Milo was saved from having to answer when Lucy asked everyone to gather at the stage to rehearse the opening number. Sabrina made it clear that she intended to continue their discussion later.

T.J. returned to Milo's side, while everyone gathered for the opening number. Milo confessed that he felt like he had dodged a bullet, but he remained uncomfortable about lying to Sabrina. T.J. argued that all was fair in love and war, but Milo explained that he didn't want Sabrina to be with him because Milo had manipulated and lied to her. Milo insisted that he wasn't a good liar, so he had decided to be honest with Sabrina.

Lucy was delighted when Anton entered the ballroom, so she asked Molly for the lyrics to the song. Molly explained that she had a rough draft ready, but it wasn't good. Lucy snatched the laptop out of Molly's hands to read the lyrics herself. Molly breathed a sigh of relief when Lucy announced that the lyrics were good. Next, Lucy had Anton listen to T.J.'s music to make certain that it would work for the opening number. Anton gave the music a thumbs-up, so Lucy decided to get the rehearsal underway.

Sam was happy that Molly's lyrics would be used for the Nurses' Ball. Molly hoped that their mother approved, especially since Alexis was worried about Nikolas. Molly confided that she hated being related to the Cassadines because all of them, except for Nikolas, were horrible. Sam insisted that Nikolas wouldn't want Molly to worry about the Cassadines.

Lucy asked Molly to step in for Epiphany and for Sam to take Elizabeth's place during the rehearsal, since neither nurse was there. Anton was pleased when Sam reluctantly agreed. Anton immediately took advantage of the opportunity by showing Sam how to move her hips.

Moments later, Elizabeth arrived. Sabrina quickly approached her friend to find out why Elizabeth had been late. Elizabeth revealed that she had been talking to Patrick, so Elizabeth was curious why Sabrina hadn't returned Patrick's phone call. Sabrina had no idea what Elizabeth was talking about, so Elizabeth advised Sabrina to talk to Patrick.

Nearby, Sam quickly left the stage when she saw Elizabeth. Anton was disappointed, but Sam explained that she preferred to work behind-the-scenes. Felix quickly jumped in to take Sam's place and ask Anton to show him some hip moves. A short time later, Felix took a break to gush to Lucy that he thought that Anton was into him. Meanwhile, Anton continued to flirt with Sam.

4/4 Bobbie arrived at Carly's house to pick Carly up for the Nurses Ball, but Carly announced that she had more important plans. Bobbie couldn't imagine what could be more important than the Nurses Ball, prompting Carly to recall the conversation that Carly had overheard between Sonny and Brenda the previous evening. Bobbie sensed that Carly was plotting something, so Carly admitted that she was simply protecting the innocent and making certain that the guilty were punished.

In Jax and Brenda's suite, Jax showered, while Brenda thought about her talk with Sonny when Sonny had confessed that he had been afraid to read the letter that she had given to Robin because he had been in a freefall after Brenda had walked out on their marriage. Jax entered the room and immediately noticed that Brenda had seemed distracted. Jax was curious what Brenda had been thinking about, so she admitted that she hated his ex-wife for not signing the divorce papers.

Jax assured Brenda that Carly would give him the signed divorce papers at the Nurses Ball. Brenda imagined that Carly hadn't reacted well to the news about the engagement, so Jax revealed that Carly had accused Brenda of agreeing to marry Jax to get a reaction out of Sonny. Jax also confessed that Carly had been certain that Brenda had gone to Sonny's house to try to reconcile with Sonny.

Later, Jax was curious why Brenda wasn't ready for the ball. Brenda confessed that she hated getting ready for events like the ball because it reminded her of her modeling days. Jax pointed out that she was only attending the event, so she could relax and enjoy the evening. Brenda disagreed because she suspected that she would have to deal with Carly all evening.

Brenda couldn't understand why Carly couldn't focus on Carly's own "pathetic" life, so Jax explained that Carly was just protective of him because Carly feared that Brenda would hurt him. Brenda couldn't believe that Jax had defended Carly to her, but Jax assured Brenda that he had made it clear to Carly that Brenda loved him and didn't have any intention of rekindling things with Sonny.

"Right? I mean, you weren't at Sonny's last night, were you?" Jax asked as someone knocked on the door. Brenda assured him that she hadn't been at Sonny's house as she opened the door. Carly stood on the doorstep with a smug smile. Brenda demanded to know what Carly was doing there, so Carly claimed that she was there to make certain that Brenda and Jax were satisfied with their room. Brenda insisted that all they needed from Carly was for Carly to hand over the signed divorce papers.

Carly promised to give Jax the signed divorce papers at the ball, but Carly expected Jax to have a million-dollar check for Carly. "Excuse me?" Jax asked. Carly told Brenda about the bet that Carly had made with Jax and then admitted that she had heard Brenda's denial about visiting Sonny. Carly informed Jax that Brenda had been at Sonny's house the previous evening; Carly knew that because Carly had gone to Sonny's house after Jax had left and had overheard Brenda asking Sonny for reconciliation. "Have fun at the ball," Carly cheerily said as she sailed out of the room.

Jax demanded to know if what Carly had said was true. Brenda insisted that Carly couldn't be trusted because Carly wanted to break them up. Jax pushed for an answer until Brenda tearfully admitted that she had gone to Sonny's house to tell him about the engagement. Jax was furious and wanted to know why she had lied to him. Brenda insisted that she hadn't wanted to upset Jax, but Jax wanted to know if Brenda had tried to work things out with Sonny.

Brenda explained that she had wanted closure because she had written Sonny a letter that she had assumed that Sonny had read. Jax realized that Brenda had wanted Sonny to work things out with her, so Brenda quietly admitted that it was true. Jax refused to spend another minute with Brenda, but Brenda desperately tried to salvage her relationship with Jax by suggesting that they skip the ball and leave town. She begged Jax not to let Carly break them up, but Jax confessed that Carly had saved him from making a huge mistake.

Jax credited Carly with making him see that Brenda was irreparably damaged and that he couldn't save her. Brenda refused to believe that it was over, so Jax walked out. Carly returned home and discovered Sonny, dressed in a tuxedo, sitting in her living room. She was curious when he had started to let himself into her home, so he revealed that it was only fair since she had entered his home uninvited the previous evening. Sonny held up the scarf that Carly had dropped while she had been eavesdropping on his private conversation with Brenda. Carly told Sonny about Jax's visit and her certainty that Brenda had been at Sonny's house. Sonny insisted that it was none of Carly's business, but Carly disagreed because Jax was Josslyn's father.

Sonny argued that Carly had no right to spy on him, but Carly was certain that Sonny would want to know if his and Jax's roles had been reversed. Sonny argued that it wasn't about him, so she needed to stay out of Jax and Brenda's business. Carly revealed that it was too late because she had told Jax about Brenda's visit with Sonny. Carly didn't want Jax to end up brokenhearted because Brenda was addicted to Sonny.

Sonny started to leave, but Carly asked him to wait for her because she wanted to attend the ball with him. She promised him that she only needed ten minutes to get ready, so he sat back down on the sofa. Pleased, Carly confessed that she looked forward to the evening because she had saved her ex-husband from a "man-eating snake."

Duke stood in the doorway of the ballroom, watching Lucy rehearse one of the dance numbers for the Nurses Ball. Mac walked up with Mr. Marbles perched on his arm and greeted Duke. Duke chuckled as he asked about Mac's dummy, so Mac introduced Mr. Marbles. Duke was certain that Mac's act was going to be the highlight of the evening. "At least the highlight of Felicia's evening," Duke added. "But not Frisco's," Mr. Marbles replied.

Duke cautioned Mac to be careful about the Frisco jokes because it gave the impression that Mac felt threatened by Frisco. Mac clarified that what he felt was a deep desire to pummel Frisco. Duke was surprised when Mac revealed that Felicia had confessed that she loved Mac and Frisco. Mac had been down that road before with Felicia, but it had always ended with Felicia taking off when Frisco beckoned. Mac refused to give up on Felicia, but he insisted that she needed to make a choice once and for all.

Duke empathized with Mac's predicament, but Mac pointed out that Duke had a fighting chance with Anna because there wasn't another person in the picture. "I'm competing with myself," Duke explained. Mac refused to believe that Anna had objected to Duke "dabbling" in a little criminal activity when Duke had been a "straight-up gangster" when Anna had first fallen in love with Duke. Mac suspected that Anna had used the excuse as a means to push Duke away, so she could avoid facing her fears. Mac believed that Faison had made Anna afraid to trust her own judgment, so he urged Duke to give Anna a reason to trust Duke.

Nearby, Sabrina struggled to push a clothing rack filled with couture gowns. Felix was excited until Lucy informed Felix that all of the gowns were for Lucy. Lucy explained that the host couldn't appear in the same gown all night, so Lucy intended to wear a different gown each time she stepped on stage. Moments later, Kevin arrived, so Lucy ran up to greet him. Lucy admitted that she was nervous about the evening, so she was delighted that Kevin was there to calm her.

Lucy's joy turned to disappointment when Kevin revealed that the hospital in Seattle had called to let him know that one of his patients was in crisis. Lucy pointed out that she was in crisis, too, because it was the first Nurses Ball in ten years. Kevin assured her that he wouldn't skip the ball if he could help it, but his patient needed him. He was confident that Lucy would sail through the evening without any problems. Lucy insisted that she had terrible stage fright, so Kevin gave her a pep talk and promised to be there with her in spirit.

Moments later, Lucy spotted Duke, so she and Kevin approached Duke and Mac. Duke hoped that Kevin didn't mind that Duke would be dancing with Lucy. Kevin explained that he had to leave, so he wanted Duke and Mac to take care of Lucy. Mac promised that they would make certain that Lucy ended up on stage in her "scanties" as was her custom. Lucy playfully smacked Mac and made it clear that it was one tradition that she intended to break. Kevin was pleased because he preferred that Lucy's lingerie remained for his eyes only.

After Kevin left, Lucy dragged everyone to the stage for one last rehearsal. Mac performed his ventriloquist act for Lucy, but she wasn't impressed. Lucy advised Mac to polish up the jokes about Frisco if Mac didn't want to die on stage with his wooden puppet. Afterwards, Lucy and Duke practiced their dance number. Lucy was pleased with the final rehearsal, so she ordered everyone to get ready for the 2013 Nurses Ball.

Meanwhile, Sabrina asked Felix if there was a way to retrieve a deleted voicemail message. Felix suspected that there was, but he didn't know how. Sabrina explained that Elizabeth had mentioned that Patrick had left Sabrina a message, but Elizabeth had refused to elaborate. However, Sabrina has sensed that the message was important. Felix suggested that Patrick would call back if it was important. Sabrina agreed, so she set her phone down and went back to work getting things set up for the ball. A short time later, Sabrina noticed that she had missed a call from Patrick.

At the Drake residence, Patrick and Emma were eating dinner when Emma decided to go to her room to change into her ball gown. Patrick gently advised Emma against it because he didn't want her to get her dress dirty, but Emma wanted her father to see the dress. Patrick explained that he would rather be surprised when he saw her at the ball. Emma smiled brightly and then confided that her duet with Sabrina would be the best performance at the ball. Patrick returned the smile until Emma began to talk about Sabrina's new boyfriend, "Magic Milo."

According to Emma, Felix wasn't happy about Sabrina's relationship with Milo because Felix liked Milo. However, Emma explained that Milo didn't like boys. Emma recalled Felix mentioning Milo's abs, so she was curious was abs were. Patrick told his daughter to finish her dinner and warned her not to gossip. Afterwards, Patrick stepped away to call Sabrina. The call went to voicemail, so he asked what time Sabrina intended to pick up Emma. Moments later, the doorbell rang.

Patrick assumed that it was Sabrina, so he ended the call and dashed to the door. He was surprised when he saw Noah standing on his doorstep. Emma ran into her grandfather's waiting arms. Patrick was curious why Noah was there, so Noah explained that he intended to attend the Nurses Ball because it was a worthy charity and it honored Robin.

Later, Sabrina arrived to pick up Emma. Patrick introduced Sabrina to Noah, but Noah already knew Sabrina. Noah explained that Sabrina and Emma talked to Noah on Skype whenever Sabrina watched Emma. Patrick looked uncomfortable when Sabrina and Noah chatted like old friends about some of the women that Noah had recently dated.

After Sabrina and Emma left, Noah remarked that Patrick and Emma were lucky to have found someone like Sabrina. Patrick agreed, but Noah sensed that his son was holding something back. Patrick confessed that he'd recently had a moment of clarity. Patrick told Noah about Sabrina's heartfelt confession and Patrick's panicked reaction.

Patrick had realized later that Sabrina had quietly helped him put his life back together after Robin's tragic death. Patrick conceded that he had feelings for Sabrina, but it was too late because Sabrina had moved on with another guy. Noah urged Patrick to swallow his pride and open up to Sabrina. Patrick admitted that he had left Sabrina a voicemail message, but Noah insisted that women didn't want to hear things like that over the phone. Noah didn't want Patrick to make the same mistake that Noah had made when Noah had let a "certain nurse" slip though his fingers, so he urged Patrick to try to talk to Sabrina again.

In Anna's hotel suite, Anna was on the phone, getting an update about Luke, Laura, and Dante's search for Lulu. Nearby, Felicia was applying make up on Maxie as Olivia entered the room. Olivia heard Anna on the phone, so she waited until Anna ended the call to ask if there had been any news. Anna admitted that Frisco hadn't had anything new to report. Maxie complained when Felicia suddenly smeared Maxie's lipstick. Felicia apologized, but remained focused on Anna and Olivia's conversation. Olivia admitted that she was out of her mind with worry about Dante and Lulu, so Maxie assured Olivia that everything would be fine because Maxie was certain that Dante would find Lulu.

Later, Anna was surprised when Felicia confessed that she loved Mac and Frisco. Felicia admitted that she had told both men about her feelings, so Anna was curious what their reactions had been. Felicia revealed that Mac had refused to talk to her until Felicia had made a choice. Anna wondered which man Felicia wanted to be with, but Felicia would only say that she intended to straighten everything out the first chance that she had. Anna opened up to Felicia about Duke and told her about their decision not to pursue a romantic relationship. Felicia doubted that it had been that simple, but Anna insisted that a relationship with Duke was impossible.

Moments later, everyone was delighted when Bobbie arrived. The women in Anna's room were in various stages of getting ready for the ball when Felix arrived with complimentary bags of Lucy's cosmetics. Felix gushed to Anna about Emma, but admitted that Patrick was a "dolt" and the most clueless person that he had ever met. Anna was curious what Felix was talking about, but Felix tried to change the subject. Concerned, Anna pushed for an answer, so Felix assured her that Patrick was fine, but he cryptically explained that he thought that Patrick could be less lonely.

Anna wondered if Felix had a specific person in mind to help Patrick be less lonely, but Felix was spared from having to answer Anna's question when Sabrina and Emma arrived. Emma was quickly swept up in the frenzy of getting ready, so Felix pulled Sabrina aside to inform Sabrina that he intended to give Sabrina a makeover. Sabrina refused, but Felix refused to take no for an answer. He knew that Sabrina had recently ordered some contact lenses, which indicated to him that she wanted to make some changes but had been too afraid to follow through.

Felix yanked off Sabrina's glasses as he accused her of hiding behind her big hair and thick glasses, so he was determined to help her. Sabrina remained reluctant, but Felix promised her two things: he would have her turning heads at the ball, and he would make her almost as beautiful on the outside as she was on the inside. Seconds later, Anna noticed Sabrina without her glasses. Anna complimented Sabrina and claimed that Sabrina looked like a different woman, so Sabrina decided to take Felix up on his offer.

Meanwhile, everyone complimented Maxie when she was ready for the ball. They all agreed that pregnancy suited her. Bobbie knew the pain of not being able to have a child, so she was certain that B.J. would be proud of her cousin for helping Lulu to become a mother.

Later, all of the ladies clapped when Emma made a grand entrance, dressed in a sparkling gown. Emma called out to Sabrina to join them, but Felix told the ladies that Sabrina would meet them in the ballroom. After the ladies filed out, Felix turned to look at Sabrina. "What can I say? I'm a master builder," Felix proclaimed with pride. Sabrina nervously wondered if she looked okay, so Felix assured her that she was beautiful.

Sabrina asked Felix to go ahead without her because she wanted some time to get used to the heels. Shortly after Felix left, Patrick knocked on the door and called out to Anna as he entered the suite. He spotted Sabrina, but she had her back to him, so he asked her if she had seen a woman similar to her height, with big hair and glasses. Patrick was shocked by the stunning transformation when Sabrina turned to face him.

4/5 In Anna's suite, Patrick was stunned by Sabrina's startling transformation. Sabrina smiled awkwardly as she conceded that she looked different, so Patrick assured her that she was beautiful. Sabrina rushed to explain that the makeover had been Felix's idea, but she assured Patrick that she was still the same person under all of the glitz and glamour. "That's a good thing," Patrick quietly admitted.

Patrick cleared his throat and then confessed that he had been trying to talk to Sabrina for a few days, but he'd only reached her voicemail. Sabrina admitted that Elizabeth had mentioned that he had left a voicemail message for Sabrina, but Sabrina insisted that she hadn't received it. Sabrina was surprised when Patrick confessed that he hoped that her feelings for him hadn't changed because he felt the same way about Sabrina that she felt about him.

Patrick explained that he had realized that Sabrina had been a friend to him, even when he hadn't known that he had needed one and that he had looked forward to seeing her every day from the day that he had met her. Patrick admitted that grief and then Britt had distracted him, but Sabrina's confession had made him realize that the person he wanted and needed had been standing right in front of him. Sabrina's eyes filled with tears of joy as Patrick revealed that he had gone to her graduation ceremony to tell her about his feelings, but Milo had asked her out.

Sabrina confessed that she had gone out with Milo to get over Patrick. Patrick was curious if it had worked, so Sabrina quickly assured Patrick that her feelings for him hadn't changed. Patrick apologized to Sabrina for taking so long to figure things out, so Sabrina assured Patrick that it was okay. "I'm sorry it took me so long to do this," Patrick softly said as he leaned down to kiss her.

After the passionate kiss ended, Sabrina admitted that she couldn't believe what had just happened. Sabrina's happiness was tempered by the realization that Milo was her date. Patrick's smile faded, but Sabrina assured him that she intended to talk to Milo right away to let him know that things had changed between her and Patrick, so Patrick formally asked Sabrina to be his date for the evening. She didn't hesitate to accept.

Moments later, Sabrina announced that she had to get to the ballroom because she was expected to perform in the opening number. Patrick offered his arm to Sabrina as he asked her if she was ready. "I've been ready since the day I met you," Sabrina replied with a beaming smile as she hooked her arm through his.

In the dressing room, Lucy frantically flipped through the rack of couture gowns, looking for the perfect one to wear on the red carpet. Felix knocked on the door and entered the room to find out why Lucy wasn't ready. Lucy explained her predicament to Felix, so Felix decided to help her select a gown because he didn't want her to appear on stage in her underwear. Lucy confessed that it wouldn't be the first time that it had happened to her.

On the red carpet, an entertainment television host introduced the viewing audience to Aztec princess, Felicia Jones, and her daughter, fashion icon and selfless surrogate, Maxie Jones. Felicia and Maxie smiled as they made their way to an area where photographers snapped their pictures. Moments later, Frisco joined Felicia and Maxie. Frisco's smile faded when the red carpet host announced that Mac had arrived, prompting Felicia to invite Mac to join them. Frisco scowled when Mac slid next to Felicia and smiled pleasantly for the photographers.

Spinelli and Ellie were the next to arrive, but Ellie's good humor waned when Spinelli spotted Maxie and remarked that Maxie was "blossoming with child." Ellie reminded Spinelli that he had promised not to talk about children. Tensions were high as Spinelli and Ellie quickly posed for pictures before fleeing to the ballroom.

Duke, sporting a kilt, arrived on the red carpet alone, but Anna and Emma soon followed, and Anna stopped to talk to the host. Anna confessed that she believed that her daughter, Robin, was there in spirit. Emma smiled brightly when she saw Duke posing for pictures, so she called out to him. Duke waved back at Emma as she ran towards him. However, Emma's happiness dimmed when she overheard the host inform the viewing audience that Patrick had not arrived yet.

Sonny and Carly stepped onto the red carpet as Duke, Anna, and Emma walked away. The host asked if Sonny and Carly were back together. "No comment," Carly replied. The host was curious if Carly wanted to address rumors about Brenda's engagement to Jax. Carly smiled as she assured everyone that Jax and Brenda were not headed down the aisle and then confessed that they were unlikely to arrive together that evening. As if on cue, Brenda appeared on the red carpet alone.

Brenda smiled brightly as she waved to the crowd, while Carly watched Brenda with smug satisfaction. Sonny's eyes were on Brenda as the host asked Brenda where her fiancé was. Brenda claimed that Jax had been called away, so Carly pointedly asked Brenda about the missing engagement ring. Brenda's smile tightened as she explained that the ring hadn't matched her gown. The host moved on when Michael arrived with Bobbie and Olivia. However, the host noted that there hadn't been any sign of Bobbie's former flame, Noah Drake.

Moments later, the host announced the arrival of "beautiful and beloved" Nurse Elizabeth Webber and "back-from-the-dead" ELQ CEO A.J. Quartermaine. A.J. and Elizabeth posed for pictures and then made their way to the ballroom. Shortly afterwards, Monica and Tracy arrived. The host admitted that he was surprised that the feuding sisters-in-law had attended together. Meanwhile, Monica and Tracy pasted on saccharine smiles as they quietly spoke to each other between gritted teeth about the spirits who had visited them. Tracy admitted that the sprits had a done a number on her and Monica.

Next up were Alexis, Shawn, Molly, and T.J., followed by Sam, who had arrived at the event alone. The Davis women and their dates posed for pictures as Epiphany and her escort, Anton, stepped onto the red carpet. Sam was startled when Anton suddenly bumped into as the photo area became crowded. Anton smiled at Sam as he reminded her that it wasn't too late to dance with him.

The last to arrive on the red carpet were Felix and Lucy. Felix stepped aside as the host interviewed Lucy, so Milo approached Felix to ask where Sabrina was.

Inside the ballroom, Mac caught Frisco switching place cards so that Frisco would be seated next to Felicia. Mac accused Frisco of being juvenile, but Frisco argued that Frisco and Felicia belonged together. Mac suggested that Frisco's attempt to change the seating chart indicated that Frisco viewed Mac as a threat, so Mac was certain that Frisco would lose Felicia. Nearby, Anna and Felicia watched Mac and Frisco. Anna advised Felicia to make a decision before Mac and Frisco killed each other.

Felicia approached the table, so Mac and Frisco demanded that she make a choice. "What's it going to be? A nice, hot, juicy filet mignon or a cold fish?" Frisco asked. Elsewhere in the ballroom, Bobbie greeted Noah with a warm hug. He apologized for interrupting her phone call, but she assured him that it was okay because she had just been checking in with Scott. "Scotty?" Noah asked surprised. He wondered if Bobbie and Scott were dating, so she quickly clarified that she was single then jokingly added that it had been years since she had faked blindness to keep a man. Noah chuckled. "That's good to know," he replied as he watched Bobbie walk away.

Moments later, Anna approached Noah. She told him that it was good to see him, but he wondered if she would prefer his rock star look-alike, Eli Love. Noah wasn't surprised when Anna confessed that she'd had a little crush on Eli, but Eli had been troubled. Noah and Anna talked about Eli's drinking problem and the night that Noah had taken the rock star's place on stage. Anna wondered if they might get a surprise appearance from Eli Love. "Maybe. Maybe from someone. I don't know," Noah cryptically replied. "Who?" Anna nervously asked.

Later, Patrick joined his family at their table in the ballroom. Emma happily hugged her father, but noticed something on his collar. Noah smiled knowingly at his son. "Looks like you found her," Noah said. Patrick retuned his father's smile as he replied, "Yes."

Elsewhere in the ballroom, Alexis approached Sonny to find out why Carly was his date. Michael walked up as Sonny explained that it was a long story. "Let me guess; it has something to do with Brenda," Michael said as they all watched as Carly had approached Brenda at a nearby table. Carly announced that she had the signed divorce papers for Jax and then innocently asked where he was. Brenda smiled bitterly at Carly as she replied, "Go to hell."

"That's what I thought. The wedding is off," Carly shot back with satisfaction. Brenda blamed the broken engagement on Carly, who Brenda insisted was a "miserable skank." Alexis, Shawn, Michael, and Sonny quickly ran over to the table to keep the argument from escalating.

Shawn offered to take Brenda to another table, but Brenda refused to be moved. She took her place at the table as the announcer welcomed the guests to the 2013 Nurses Ball. Annoyed, Carly sat down next to Brenda as the rest of the guests took their seats.

Backstage, Lucy ordered everyone to take their place for the opening number. Lucy was relieved when Sabrina arrived at the last second, but took a moment to compliment the young nurse on her stunning makeover. After Lucy walked away to attend to another detail, Felix and Elizabeth asked Sabrina why she was late. Sabrina happily revealed that Patrick had kissed her. Felix and Elizabeth were thrilled for Sabrina and eager to hear the details, but Sabrina had to get changed for the opening number.

A short time later, Lucy stepped onto the stage to officially kick off the 2013 Nurses Ball. She informed the audience that T.J. and Molly had written the music and lyrics for the opening number. The nurses of General Hospital wowed the crowed with a song and dance routine, which featured solos from Epiphany, Sabrina, and Felix. After the opening number, Sabrina changed back into her gown and looked for Milo.

Milo was stunned by Sabrina's makeover and admitted that she looked as amazing on the outside as she was on the inside. However, he revealed that he had a confession to make. Sabrina was surprised when he told her about the deleted voicemail message. Milo feared that she was angry, but she assured him that she wasn't because she had to be honest with him too. Milo was disappointed, but not shocked, when she told him that things had changed between her and Patrick. He admitted that it was clear that there was an undeniable connection between Sabrina and Patrick. Moments later, Sabrina joined Patrick at his table. Emma thought that Sabrina looked like a princess. Patrick agreed and invited Sabrina to sit.

Backstage, Spinelli apologized to Ellie about the remarks that he had made regarding Maxie's pregnancy. He assured her that he had simply been making an observation, so he begged Sabrina to forgive him. Spinelli and Ellie were called to the stage before Ellie could reply. Moments later, Spinelli and Ellie performed a lively and entertaining song and dance routine to She Blinded Me With Science.

As everyone applauded, Brenda threw a dinner roll at the back of Carly's head. Carly turned and glared at Brenda, who glared right back at Carly, so Carly picked up a bread roll then threw it at Brenda. The food fight quickly escalated as Carly tossed a drink at Brenda. Security quickly appeared, so Carly ordered them to escort Brenda out of the ballroom. Brenda warned the security guard not to touch her then stood up and calmly walked out. Annoyed, Sonny reminded Carly that Brenda had been there to honor Robin, so it hadn't been necessary to toss Brenda out.

Carly disagreed and refused to apologize. Disgusted, Sonny went after Brenda. Nearby, Monica asked Michael what was going on between Carly and Brenda. Michael admitted that his mother didn't get along with Brenda. Elizabeth couldn't understand why Carly and Brenda couldn't put aside their differences for one night and coexist. Elizabeth pointed out that A.J. and Tracy despised each other, but they weren't throwing champagne at each other. A.J. credited Elizabeth for being a good influence on him.

Tracy rolled her eyes then announced that she needed to step out for some fresh air because she felt nauseous. A.J. was surprised when Monica decided to follow Tracy. Monica explained that her truce with Tracy couldn't last forever, so Monica wanted to make certain that Tracy didn't poison A.J.'s steak. "Well, so much for peaceful coexistence," Michael told Elizabeth.

At Maxie's table, Maxie watched as Spinelli kissed Ellie on the stage, while the crowd applauded. Ellie told Spinelli that she forgave him because she loved him, so Spinelli told Ellie that he loved her. Maxie stood up and started to walk away, but Frisco caught up with his daughter then whispered to her that it wasn't too late to tell Spinelli that she was pregnant with Spinelli's baby. Duke complimented Anna as she passed him near the entrance to the ballroom. Anna admitted that he looked dashing in his kilt. Duke wondered if his kilt reminded her of their wedding and the love that they had once shared, despite their differences.

Sam was shocked when Anton announced that she would have to dance with him because his dance partner had been injured. Sam argued that she didn't have anything to wear, but Anton refused to take no for an answer. Eventually, Sam capitulated and followed Anton backstage. After Sam went to change into a costume, Felix approached Anton to offer to dance with him. Anton smiled, but explained that he had a dance partner. Felix hid his disappointment as Sam returned to fetch Anton for their dance number.

The audience loved Sam and Anton's flawless freestyle dance and applauded loudly when the dance concluded. After Sam and Anton left the stage, Lucy reminded everyone that there had been nurses from the past who continued to inspire everyone. The curtain lifted to reveal a picture of Nurse Amy Vining and Nurse Jesse Brewer. Lucy admitted that the two beloved nurses were missed, but not forgotten. Lucy then introduced her longtime dear friend, Bobbie Spencer, who had once been General Hospital's head nurse.

After the applause for Bobbie died down, Lucy revealed that the Nurses Ball wouldn't have been possible without the generosity of an anonymous benefactor. Lucy was certain that the benefactor was present, so she urged the person to stand up because she wanted to give everyone the opportunity to show their appreciation with applause. Everyone clapped as they waited for someone to stand up, but no one did. Lucy respected the benefactor's wish to remain anonymous, but she assured the person that they were all grateful for the donation.

Shortly after Maxie had returned to her table, she asked her mother if Felicia had made a choice. Felicia confessed that she didn't know what to do because she loved Mac and Frisco. Meanwhile, Lucy introduced Mac and Mr. Marbles. Mac and Mr. Marbles had fun at Frisco's expense by cracking jokes about Frisco being a deadbeat father and having a fear of commitment. However, Mac ended his skit with a heartfelt message to Felicia. Mac assured Felicia that he didn't care who she picked, as long as she was happy. Mac then declared his love for Felicia. The audience clapped, while Felicia quietly asked Maxie what that had been about. Maxie suggested that Mac had finally decided to fight back.

Felicia avoided looking at Mac when he returned to the table, but the spotlight then fell on a surprise performance from Frisco who sang a touching rendition of All I Need. Felicia's eyes filled with tears, as other couples such as A.J. and Elizabeth, Spinelli and Ellie, Patrick and Sabrina, Duke and Anna, and Alexis and Shawn exchanged meaningful glances with each other during parts of the lyrics that spoke to them. Frisco dedicated the song to the woman that he had always held close to his heart, no matter how far he had traveled. Mac was shocked when Frisco approached Felicia to publicly propose marriage to her.

In Lucy's dressing room, Lucy became frustrated when she couldn't find a specific gown. However, a loud noise caught her attention, so she went to her dressing room door and threw it open. She appeared startled by what had greeted her eyes.

4/8 Britt and her mother, Dr. Obrecht, discussed the plot they were hatching while they watched the Nurses Ball on the television set in their Metro Court hotel room. Britt was reluctant to continue with the plan when she saw how happy Sabrina, Patrick, and Emma were, but Dr. Obrecht insisted. She told Britt that what she saw was just an illusion that would be shattered once their bombshell hit.

Britt wondered if revenge was enough. Dr. Obrecht told Britt that she was weak and reminded Britt of all that Sabrina had taken from her. Britt remembered steamy sex with Patrick as well as his coldness after it was revealed that Britt had been mean to both Emma and Sabrina. Britt told her mother she was ready to go on with the plan. Dr. Obrecht told Britt to pull herself together and get dressed. She said that after that night, all of Port Charles would be talking about Britt and the surprise that she had unleashed.

At the ball, Frisco finished his song and made an impassioned plea to Felecia as he proposed to her in front of the crowd. Felicia told Frisco that she loved him and always would, but their time together had passed, and she could not accept his ring because he was no longer the man of her heart. That honor, she said, belonged to Mac and always would. Frisco was devastated as he left the ballroom. Backstage, as Lucy picked out her next dress, Richard Simmons, who had been hiding in the closet, appeared and started insulting Lucy. They squabbled. Richard bound and gagged Lucy and threw her in the closet as he prepared to go out and do a number of his own.

Maxie caught up with Frisco and asked where he was going. He told her anywhere but Port Charles. Frisco said that it had been a mistake to return to Port Charles because there was nothing there for him. Maxie pointed out that she was there. She asked if everything Frisco had said to her was a lie. She begged Frisco to stay for her. Frisco told Maxie that she would be fine.

Maxie said that if Frisco had not stepped in when he did, the truth would be out about her pregnancy. Frisco replied that Maxie no longer had to worry about Britt. Maxie said that she was not worried about the psycho doctor but about losing Frisco again, which she could see was about to happen. Maxie asked Frisco where he was going. Frisco said he did not know. He hugged Maxie and told her that he would get in touch as soon as he knew. Frisco hugged Maxie again before leaving. Ellie overheard their conversation.

Mac told Felicia that he was glad that she had chosen him, but he wished that he could trust that she really meant it. Felicia told Mac that it had always been him. Felicia admitted that she had made mistakes in the past but that she knew what she wanted, and what she wanted was Mac, because he made her happy. Felicia asked Mac to marry her. Mac said yes.

Elizabeth took over emcee duties when Lucy went missing. She introduced the tango number. Since Lucy was unavailable, Anna took her place. She and Duke rekindled the magic of their previous relationship and wiped away the stain that Faison had put on it. After it was over, Duke asked her if she had thought of anyone else while they were dancing. Anna said she had not.

Duke said that it was time to create new memories. Anna said that they were on opposite sides of the law. Duke said that was an excuse. He said that Anna was afraid. Duke admitted that he was also afraid, not of losing her, but of getting her back. Duke said that even though they were scared, they should take the chance they were being offered, and they should do it together. Anna agreed. They kissed passionately.

Next, Elizabeth introduced "Magic Milo," who did a song and dance number with Michael, Spinelli, Ivan the choreographer, Max, and Felix. The boys eventually stripped down to their underwear. As the crowd called for them to strip completely, the rumble between Lucy and Richard Simmons erupted onstage, and Lucy, once again, was spotlighted in her underwear. The men in the crowd started clapping while Lucy tried to explain how Richard had come out of the closet and attacked her. Richard had to be restrained as he screamed that he wanted to kill Lucy. The six hunks unceremoniously carried Richard off-stage.

Sabrina sat with Patrick and Emma, who asked if Milo was still Sabrina's boyfriend. When Sabrina said, "No," Emma asked if Patrick could be Sabrina's boyfriend. Both Sabrina and Patrick looked very happy. Emma noticed Duke and Anna and asked if Anna had a boyfriend, too. After Sabrina took Emma away to get dressed for their number together, Anna gave her blessing to Patrick and Sabrina.

Lucy was back in charge as she announced that Dr. Noah Drake had arranged for Rick Springfield to appear at the ball and sing his hit, "Jesse's Girl," which elicited a standing ovation from the house. Even Dr. Obrecht approved that performance, as she helped Britt get dressed. She told Britt that she would turn heads and that "mutter" would be watching her every step of the way as they unveiled their plot.

Back at the ball, Bobbie told Noah that she had not realized how much he looked like Rick Springfield. Felix told Spinelli that it was a good thing that Max and Milo were trained bodyguards because Richard Simmons had put up quite a fight before being hauled off.

Lucy introduced Emma and Sabrina, who did a cute song and dance number together to the song "Call Me Maybe." Patrick was entranced with his "pretty in pink" girls.

Lucy got serious as she said that the ball was held in Robin's honor, and she introduced Patrick. Patrick talked about the AIDS epidemic. He said that it was not over and that Robin had devoted her life to helping fight it. He told Robin's story. Patrick called Emma on-stage and said that they were grateful for the love that everyone had show Robin. He added that Robin's legacy lived on, thanks to each and every person who had contributed to making Robin's dream a reality.

Britt walked up to the stage. Patrick asked what she was doing. Britt merely said that she wanted to add a few words of her own. Back in the hotel room, Dr. Obrecht watched Britt and looked at a photograph. She told the photograph that he would be a proud papa. A closeup revealed that the man in the photo was Faison.

At the ball, Ellie walked up to Maxie, who was crying, and asked if she could help. Maxie said that it was hormones, but Ellie said that it seemed to be more than hormones. Maxie said that her dad had just left and that she should be used to it. Ellie told Maxie that she could talk to her about anything. Maxie said, "Like what?" Ellie replied, "Like the baby you are carrying."

4/9 In the ballroom, Patrick warily asked Britt what she was doing on stage. Britt claimed that his speech had inspired her, so she had wanted to add a few words of her own. Sabrina stood protectively close to Emma as Patrick quietly reminded Britt that the night was intended to honor Robin. He asked Britt not to make a scene, but Britt was confident that everyone would want to hear what she had to say. Sabrina tried to intervene, but Britt warned Sabrina that it didn't concern Sabrina. Sabrina disagreed, so Britt announced that she had great news.

An audible gasp reverberated through the room as Britt shrugged out of her coat to proudly reveal that she was pregnant with a baby that she claimed Patrick had fathered. Nearby, Anna watched intently as Patrick tried to handle the situation. Britt innocently explained that she had been caught up in the joy of the evening, so she had wanted to share her surprise with everyone and celebrate the wonderful news with Patrick. Patrick tried to contain his fury as Britt's eyes zeroed in on Emma. Britt insisted that the baby would be as beautiful as Emma then asked the frightened little girl if Emma looked forward to welcoming a little sister or brother.

Anna dashed to the stage, while Patrick warned Britt not to talk to Emma. Anna ushered Emma off stage as Britt boldly announced that Britt and Patrick were a family now. Sabrina accused Britt of lying, but Britt stroked her slightly rounded belly as she assured Sabrina that the pregnancy was very real. Patrick decided to continue his discussion with Britt in private, so he escorted Britt off of the stage. Distraught, Sabrina ran in the opposite direction.

Lucy quickly stepped on stage and jokingly referred to the shocking incident as an "Act Three surprise." She then introduced Olivia, the "Bensonhurst Medium" and Olivia's sidekick, Max. Olivia and Max promptly lightened the mood with their comedy skit.

Anna and Duke took Emma to a dressing room. Duke tried to cheer the little girl up with a dessert that he had stolen, but Emma was concerned about Britt's startling news. Anna confessed that she didn't know if what Britt had said was true, so Emma wondered if it was because Britt was a mean person who lied. Anna struggled to find the right words. "Yes, that's why we don't know," Duke answered for Anna. Anna quickly assured her granddaughter that Emma would be a wonderful big sister whenever she became one. Emma confessed that she didn't want a brother or sister if it meant that Britt had to be her mother too.

Backstage, Felix and Elizabeth checked on Sabrina who wept in anger and frustration about the drama that had unfolded on stage. Sabrina confessed that she had always known that her happiness with Patrick wouldn't last, but she hadn't expected it to end so soon or that "the Britch" would claim to be pregnant with Patrick's baby. Elizabeth confessed that she had her doubts about the baby, so Sabrina pointed out that they had all seen the baby bump.

Felix clarified that it wasn't the pregnancy that they questioned, but rather the child's paternity. Felix agreed with Elizabeth because they had no way of knowing what Britt had been up to during the months since Patrick had dumped Britt. Sabrina conceded that Felix and Elizabeth had a point, so she decided to confront Britt. Felix and Elizabeth strongly advised Sabrina against it, but Sabrina ignored them.

In the lobby, Patrick demanded to know what Britt was up to. Britt assured him that she was pregnant, but he denied that the baby was his because they'd only had sex one time. Britt chuckled as she reminded Patrick that it only required one time. She confessed that she hadn't been on the birth control pill when they'd had sex in the shower, and she recalled that he hadn't used a condom. Britt thought that she was lucky that she had gotten pregnant instead of picking up a disease.

Patrick bristled when Britt suggested that Patrick, more than most, should appreciate how diseases were spread. "What did you just say?" Patrick asked. He wondered if the dig had been directed at Robin. "Of course not," Britt replied, stunned that he would suggest it. Patrick didn't believe her, but he decided that he didn't care because Britt disgusted him.

Hurt, Britt reminded Patrick that he hadn't been disgusted when he had slammed her up against the tiles in the shower. Patrick explained that it was because he hadn't known the real Britt then. He suspected that she had intended to hurt as many people as possible by making the announcement as she had. Britt insisted that Patrick hadn't given her any choice because he had abandoned her. Patrick made it clear that he had ended things with Britt because he had caught her mistreating his daughter.

Britt insisted that it had been an isolated mistake. She tried to garner sympathy by claiming that she'd had no one to turn to when she had found out about her pregnancy, but Patrick pointed out that it was because Britt was a horrible person and no one liked her. Britt ignored the insult as she assured Patrick that she had tried to tell him about the baby sooner, but he had looked at her with such contempt that she hadn't been able to find the words. Patrick had no idea what Britt was trying to prove, but he promised her that they would not be getting back together. "Child or not," Patrick added.

Sabrina walked up as Britt asked if Patrick was prepared to turn his back on his child. Britt spotted Sabrina, so she offered to let Patrick and Sabrina talk. Britt smiled vindictively as she explained that the baby wasn't due for another six months, so Patrick and Britt would have plenty of time to get down to the business of raising the baby. After Britt sauntered away, Patrick began to apologize to Sabrina. Sabrina suggested that perhaps Patrick wasn't the baby's father. Patrick agreed, so he intended to get a paternity test.

Sabrina was certain that Britt had hoped that the pregnancy would ruin things between Patrick and Sabrina as well as the Nurses Ball. Patrick refused to let Britt take away from the special night, so he suggested that they return to the ballroom. Sabrina was curious if Patrick thought that they could simply forget what had happened. "No," Patrick admitted, but he thought that they could move past it. Sabrina melted into Patrick's arms as he leaned down to kiss her.

In the ballroom, Sam and Spinelli talked about Britt's unexpected announcement. Sam was surprised when Spinelli expressed a bit of jealousy over Patrick's predicament. Olivia's skit ended, so Spinelli decided to look for Ellie, since she hadn't returned. Sam wanted to know when Spinelli had become interested in starting a family. Spinelli explained that he had been referring to a future family and then told Sam about Ellie's decision not to have children, despite his deep desire to be a father one day. Sam was disappointed because she believed that Spinelli and Ellie were great together. Spinelli was touched by the support and conceded that the discussion of children had been shelved for a while.

On the red carpet, Ellie offered to listen if Maxie wanted to talk about anything. "Like what?" Maxie asked. "The baby you're carrying," Ellie answered. Maxie was taken aback and wondered what Ellie knew. Maxie was furious when Ellie admitted that she had overheard part of Maxie's conversation with Frisco.

Ellie explained that she had been passing by when she had heard Maxie credit Frisco with keeping the truth about the baby from getting out. Maxie dismissed what Ellie had overheard as unimportant, but Ellie revealed that she had also heard something about a "psycho" doctor. Ellie urged Maxie to confide in a friend if Maxie or the baby were in jeopardy. Ellie pointed out that she had medical knowledge, so she wanted to help Maxie. "What truth is so dangerous?" Ellie asked.

Maxie's temper flared as she informed Ellie that Ellie had eavesdropped on a private conversation between Maxie and her father. Maxie's eyes filled with angry tears as she reminded Ellie that Frisco had abandoned Maxie most of Maxie's childhood and had once again walked out on Maxie earlier that evening, so Ellie had stuck her nose in where it hadn't belonged.

Moments later, Spinelli walked up. He immediately sensed the tension between Ellie and Maxie, so Maxie told him that Ellie had listened in on a conversation that hadn't been any of Ellie's business. Maxie thanked Ellie for making Maxie's evening worse than it had been and then returned to the ballroom. "Dare I ask?" Spinelli wondered as he watched Maxie walk away. Ellie revealed what she had overheard. Spinelli and Ellie realized that the "psycho" doctor had likely been Britt Westbourne, so Spinelli told Ellie about Britt's announcement.

Spinelli suspected that Maxie had been referring to Britt's pregnancy, not her own, but Ellie couldn't imagine why Frisco would get involved. Spinelli reminded Ellie that Maxie was close to Patrick and Emma, so it made sense that Maxie would turn to her father for help if Maxie feared that Britt would use the pregnancy to hurt Patrick and Emma. Ellie remained unconvinced, but Spinelli changed the subject by reminding her that they were in the lobby rather than in the ballroom where everyone was enjoying the entertainment. Ellie agreed to return to the ballroom with Spinelli because she realized that Maxie could reach out to them if Maxie wanted or needed help.

In the ballroom, Lucy introduced Molly Lansing-Davis and T.J. Ashford, who had written a song together about mean girls at a private school. Molly wowed the crowd with her singing, while T.J. impressed everyone with his skill on the keyboard.

Meanwhile, Felix approached Monica and Tracy at their table to enlist them to perform in one of the acts. Tracy flatly refused. Monica thought that perhaps it was for the best, since Tracy was "getting on in years." Monica smiled when Tracy stood up and followed Felix.

Backstage, A.J. and Elizabeth took a moment after their performance to catch their breath. Elizabeth smiled victoriously as she insisted that they had nailed their dance number. A.J. returned her smile as he confided that a part of him had expected Tracy to toss marbles onto the stage. Elizabeth assured A.J. that they had rocked their dance number, which would never have happened with the old A.J. "You mean A.J. the screw-up?" A.J. asked.

Elizabeth argued that A.J. wasn't that man anymore, so A.J. was curious who Elizabeth thought he was. She explained that the old A.J. had died, so he had gotten an upgrade when he had returned. "A.J. 2.0," Elizabeth clarified. A.J. confessed that he'd had no idea that Elizabeth had had that kind of confidence in him, so she admitted that it had crept up on her because of all of the nice things that he'd done and the promises that he'd kept.

A.J. revealed that he had made himself one promise for the evening. Elizabeth smiled as A.J. slipped his hand behind her head then kissed her. Moments later, Felix warned everyone "performers coming through" and then added a "You go girl" when he spotted A.J. and Elizabeth in a liplock. A.J. and Elizabeth jumped apart, but their embarrassment turned to confusion when they realized that Monica and Tracy had been with Felix.

Later, Lucy introduced Epiphany and "The Revelations," who were Monica and Tracy. Epiphany sang "Jump" as everyone began to dance. Tracy and Monica dragged several people to the stage where a Conga line was formed. Michael excused himself when Starr called him. In the hallway, he apologized for the noise then told Starr about his performance with Magic Milo. Michael offered to give Starr a private performance when she returned to Port Charles, but Starr informed him that he didn't intend to return. Michael was stunned when Starr abruptly ended the call.

In the ballroom, the crowd roared with applause as Epiphany's rendition of "Jump" ended. Lucy returned to the stage to announce that Epiphany's act had been the perfect way to close the 2013 Nurses Ball. She thanked everyone for their generous donations as Felix joined her on stage with a large bouquet of flowers, which he presented to Lucy in appreciation for all the work that she had done as their host. Lucy was moved to tears, but she insisted that the Nurses Ball wouldn't have happened if it hadn't been for Sabrina.

Everyone applauded as Lucy invited Sabrina to the stage. Sabrina reluctantly went with encouragement from Patrick. However, Sabrina insisted that Emma had been the true driving force behind the Nurses Ball. Patrick carried his daughter on stage, so that Emma could thank everyone. Emma then wondered if Patrick thought that her mother was looking down on them. "I think she's always watching," Patrick admitted. Sabrina suddenly sang a touching song assuring Emma that Emma was not alone. Patrick joined in as the guests gathered around the stage and softly swayed to the heartwarming song.

In Dr. Obrecht's hotel suite, Dr. Obrecht looked at a picture of Faison as she confessed that she wished that he could have been there to see their daughter. "Britta would make you a very proud papa," Dr. Obrecht said. She then turned her attention to the television as Britt announced the pregnancy. Dr. Obrecht was disappointed that she couldn't tell Patrick that Robin was alive, but that was Jerry Jacks's surprise, not hers, so she had to wait.

Later, Britt returned to her mother's hotel suite as Dr. Obrecht enthusiastically danced to Epiphany's song. Dr. Obrecht quickly sobered when she spotted Britt. Mother and daughter hugged as Dr. Obrecht congratulated Britt's "performance." Britt wondered if her mother had seen the expressions on Patrick and Sabrina's faces. Dr. Obrecht was confident that Britt's "coup de grâce" would tear Patrick and Sabrina apart, but Britt explained that just because she was having the baby didn't mean that she would get Patrick back.

Britt had no idea how everything had gone so terribly wrong, but her mother advised her to have patience because it took time for a master plan to unfold. Britt argued that Patrick didn't want Britt or the baby, so he'd never love Britt. Dr. Obrecht was curious if love was all that Britt wanted. Britt admitted that it had been lacking in her childhood, so Britt wanted to be loved by Patrick. Britt feared that she would end up alone like her mother had when Dr. Obrecht had tried to ensnare Faison by getting pregnant.

Dr. Obrecht explained that her situation with Faison had been different than things between Britt and Patrick, so she advised Britt to persevere. Britt started to leave, but her mother surprised her by inviting Britt to stay and offering Britt a glass of milk. Dr. Obrecht promised her daughter that everything would work out in the end.

Nurse's Ball 2014 Dvd #7

5/6/14 Edited Mac smiled then confessed that he was happy that Maxie didn't intend to leave town again the way that Robin had. Maxie assured Mac that Port Charles was her home and then credited Levi with helping Maxie to understand that Robin had left to follow Robin's own spiritual path. Mac confided that he was disappointed that Robin would miss the Nurses Ball, but Maxie smiled as she admitted that she looked forward to it because she wouldn't have a pregnancy dictating her fashion choices, and she didn't have a secret plaguing her with a guilty conscience. Plus, they could all rest easy, knowing that Robin was alive and well somewhere in the world. "A trifecta of positives," Maxie happily announced. Mac grinned because Maxie's way of thinking proved to him that she was unique in her own right.

Anna approached the nurses' station to talk to Felix. They exchanged pleasantries and then admitted that they each looked forward to the 2014 Nurses Ball.

Luke quickly shifted gears to find out what Michael was doing there. Michael admitted that he had stopped by because of Kiki. Luke's tension returned until Michael explained that Michael had wanted to make a donation to the Nurses Ball in A.J.'s name. Luke commended Michael for the idea, but Luke was curious what it had to do with Luke. According to Michael, Kiki had suggested that perhaps ELQ could make the donation, but Michael needed Luke's help persuading Tracy to agree.

Luke promised to do what he could to convince Tracy to donate money to the ball on A.J.'s behalf. Michael thanked Luke and then turned to leave. Luke asked Michael to let Kiki know that it had been a nice idea and to give Kiki a hug for Luke.

5/7 At the apartment, Nathan practiced a few dance steps as Maxie entered the room. Nathan immediately stopped, but Maxie smiled and invited him to continue because she had enjoyed the performance. She joked that she might even have some single dollars in her purse. Nathan smiled at the joke and then explained that he had been working on a dance routine for the Nurses Ball. Maxie was stunned because she had thought that Nathan was too "uptight" to be in a musical show, so Nathan wondered if that was in addition to him being "angry and toxic."

Maxie denied accusing Nathan of being any of those things, but Nathan reminded her that she had used those very words when she had decided to kick him out of the apartment. However, Nathan conceded that Levi had put the thoughts into Maxie's head because Maxie hadn't expressed an independent thought since she had returned from her spiritual journey. Maxie argued that Nathan wasn't in any position to judge her because he didn't know her, but Nathan questioned if Maxie even knew herself.

Levi appeared in the doorway and grumbled that the arguing had created negative vibes, which had disrupted his mediation. Maxie explained that Nathan had accused her of being Levi's puppet. "That's harsh," Levi told Nathan, but he quickly seized the opportunity to suggest that Nathan move out, since it was clear that they would never be able to get along. Nathan waited for Maxie to prove Nathan right by going along with Levi's edict, but Maxie resented Nathan trying to use reverse psychology to manipulate her.

Maxie made it clear that Nathan would stay because she needed his portion of the rent to cover the expenses. Satisfied, Nathan asked if he could get back to his practice. Levi perked up because he assumed that Nathan had meant tai chi, but Maxie quickly clarified that Nathan had agreed to perform in the Nurses Ball. She smiled as she confessed that she looked forward to watching Nathan make a fool of himself, but Levi explained that she would have to miss the performance because Levi refused to attend the event.

Stunned, Maxie reminded Levi that the Nurses Ball was for a good cause. Levi agreed, but he objected to the lavish gala because most of the money raised for the event would not make it to the frontline. Maxie conceded that Levi had a point, so she agreed to stay home with him. "So much for thinking for yourself," Nathan said with a smirk.

Outside Kelly's, Luke wondered if it got better than an outdoor breakfast with the woman he loved on a beautiful spring morning. Tracy made a sarcastic remark, so Luke muttered that Tracy might have started to believe Ned's conspiracy theories. Tracy conceded that nothing that her son had said had been beyond the realm of possibility, but she quickly assured Luke that she was on Luke's side because she believed her fiancé. Moments later, Bobbie marched up to confront Luke.

"Who are you and what have you done with my brother?" Bobbie demanded. Luke's eyes rounded with a flicker of nervousness, but he quickly regained his composure and assured Bobbie that he was the same person that he had always been. Bobbie explained that she was upset because Lulu had told her that Luke had gotten engaged two months earlier. Luke appeared surprised because he was certain that he had told Bobbie about the engagement, but Bobbie assured him that she would have remembered if her brother had mentioned getting married.

Luke apologized for the misunderstanding, so Bobbie quickly forgave her brother and then hugged Luke as she conceded that she could never stay mad at him for long. "Your one and only failing," Scott confessed as he walked up and then asked Luke for a kiss. Startled, Luke asked what was wrong with Scott, so Scott chuckled and then promised that he had been kidding.

Scott continued to try to get under Luke's skin by showing Bobbie a photograph of Luke sporting Heather's wig that Scott had taken at Miscavige. Annoyed, Luke demanded to know what Scott was doing there, so Bobbie explained that she had agreed to meet Scott for breakfast and then quickly added that she and Scott were just friends. Scott winked as he confided that he hoped to change Bobbie's mind about that. Tracy was surprised when Luke didn't object to Scott leading Bobbie away, but Luke insisted that it was Bobbie's life, so she could do whatever she liked.

Luke then shifted gears to broach the subject of Michael's request to make a donation to the Nurses Ball in A.J.'s name. Tracy loved the idea, but Luke reminded Tracy that everyone knew that A.J. had murdered an innocent woman, even though A.J. had been acquitted of the crime. Tracy conceded that Luke was right to caution her about making the wrong statement with the donation, so she decided to find another way to honor A.J. Luke smiled with satisfaction and suggested that Tracy break the news to Michael because Luke needed to free up some time to work on a special surprise that he planned for her at the Nurses Ball.

Inside Kelly's, Scott asked Bobbie if she had plans for the evening. She admitted that she intended to attend the Nurses Ball, so Scott suggested that they go to the ball together, prompting Bobbie to wonder if he had asked her out on a date. Scott mustered up the courage to admit that he had, but Bobbie warned him that it was a bad idea because she had recently broken up with Noah, Scott was still trying to get over Lucy, and Scott and Bobbie's numerous other attempts at a relationship had failed. Scott insisted that he wanted to move forward and that he hoped that the tenth time was a charm for them.

At the apartment, Michael practiced a few of his dance moves for the Nurses Ball when Kiki arrived. Kiki smiled as she enjoyed the show, but Michael pretended to take offense to her objectifying him. Kiki was startled when she realized that Michael had been rehearsing for the ball, so she confided that she had a secret of her own to share. However, someone knocked on the door before she could elaborate.

Kiki sent Michael to shower and ordered him to change clothes, while she answered the door. After Michael left the room, Kiki opened the door. It was Ned. Ned was desperate to expose Luke for the liar that Luke was, but Ned needed Kiki's help because Kiki was Luke's weakness. Kiki reminded Ned that they had tried and had failed to prove that Luke was a "treacherous degenerate," but Ned insisted that they simply had to find a more subtle way to approach Luke. Ned begged Kiki to consider flirting with Luke again when Michael suddenly appeared in the doorway.

It was clear that Michael had heard what Ned had said, so Michael demanded an explanation. Kiki realized that she couldn't hide the truth from Michael anymore and decided to tell him everything that Luke had done. Michael's anger quickly mounted when he learned that Kiki had been forced to physically defend herself against Luke's advances during Kiki's last encounter with Luke. Furious, Michael decided to track Luke down and confront him, but both Kiki and Ned stopped Michael.

Ned explained that confronting Luke was not the way to go. Kiki nodded and then agreed to try to seduce Luke into lowering his guard, but Michael refused to consider it. Ned realized that there was another way to prove to Tracy what Luke was really up to.

At Wyndemere, Nikolas spotted Elizabeth near the front door, trying to put on her sweater. He quickly approached her and then helped her with the sweater as he asked where she was headed. Elizabeth explained that Cam had a final rehearsal for the Nurses Ball, so Nikolas offered to take Elizabeth to Metro Court. He opened the door, intending to get the launch ready as he instructed Elizabeth to fetch Cam, but Elizabeth explained that it wasn't necessary because someone else had agreed to take her. Nikolas turned just as Ric walked up.

Ric warmly greeted Elizabeth and then began to exchange barbs with Nikolas. Eventually, Ric realized that Elizabeth was silent. She admitted that she had decided to collect Cam while Nikolas and Ric "duked it out." Ric called out for Elizabeth as she started to walk away because he wanted to invite her to attend the Nurses Ball with him. Elizabeth recalled her recent conversation with Nikolas when she and Nikolas had agreed that it had been for the best that they had remained friends, so she agreed to go out on the date with Ric. Nikolas looked down to hide his disappointment and frustration.

In the parlor, Spencer sat on the floor behind the sofa and moped as he stared at a picture of him and Emma during happier times. Cam leaned over the sofa to accuse Spencer of being a loser. Spencer suggested that Cam enjoy the bliss while it lasted because Spencer intended to win Emma back. Cam wasn't intimidated because Cam boasted that Cam and Emma intended to perform the tango during the Nurses Ball.

After Elizabeth fetched Cam, Nikolas invited Spencer to go to the park or stables, but Spencer remained downcast. Concerned, Nikolas asked what was troubling Spencer, so Spencer revealed that he had lost Emma and would never get her back. Nikolas wiped his son's tears away and promised that everything would be okay, but Spencer disagreed because Cam and Emma intended to dance the tango, which was the dance of love.

Nikolas appreciated that Spencer believed that Spencer and Emma were meant to be together, but Spencer quickly clarified that Spencer knew it to be true. Nikolas felt bad for Spencer because Spencer had to learn the difficult lessons of love at such a young age. Spencer was curious if Nikolas thought that Spencer should just give up and then wondered if that was what Nikolas would do if the girl of Nikolas' dreams went to a magical ball with someone else. Nikolas cryptically explained that sometimes a person didn't have a choice.

At the hospital, Felix and Epiphany talked about Sabrina's baby. They were happy that the premature infant had been holding his own, but they knew that the baby was far from out of the woods. Felix confided that it had been difficult for him not to break down each time he left the neonatal intensive care unit because it had been heartbreaking to watch Sabrina and the baby. Epiphany was proud of how well Felix had been doing, so she suggested that he go home to rest up for the evening ahead.

Felix was stunned that Epiphany would voluntarily give him time off, so Epiphany reminded him that the Nurses Ball was a good cause and she didn't have to worry about Liesl. As if on cue, Liesl suddenly exited the elevator and loudly announced, "I'm back." Felix and Epiphany suspected that Liesl had escaped, but Liesl showed them the paperwork that had released Liesl from jail and had granted her permission to resume her duties as chief of staff. Felix was shocked that Liesl had been allowed to walk away without any repercussions, so Liesl showed them her new ankle monitor.

Felix and Epiphany refused to believe that the board of directors would keep Liesl on as chief of staff, but Liesl laughed and then informed the nurses that the board wasn't in a position to deny her anything. Liesl confided that the hospital had been on the brink of financial ruin and shutting down the year before, so it had been in desperate need of a cash influx. Epiphany realized that Liesl had provided the hospital with the millions that it had needed to remain solvent. Liesl confirmed Epiphany's suspicions by asking how else Liesl could have taken over as the hospital's new chief of staff.

Liesl suggested that Felix and Epiphany show Liesl some gratitude for saving their jobs and then made it clear that the Nurses Ball was completely dependent on Liesl's goodwill. Epiphany warned Liesl not to mess with the Nurses Ball, but Felix was confident that Liesl wouldn't. "Wouldn't I?" Liesl asked as she entered the elevator and then practically cackled with wicked glee.

In Metro Court's ballroom, Mac had Mr. Marbles, his ventriloquist's dummy, perched on his lap as he told bad jokes about Frisco and the World Security Bureau. Emma gave the act a thumbs-down, while the rest of the judges agreed that Mac and Mr. Marbles didn't have a place in the Nurses Ball. Mac was offended and, as Mr. Marbles, demanded to know why he couldn't perform his act. Lucy gently explained that the jokes weren't funny and that there wasn't a place in the lineup for the act, but Mac wasn't satisfied.

Felicia intervened by pointing out that the jokes about Frisco would hurt Maxie. Felicia conceded that Frisco had his flaws, but Frisco was Maxie's biological father, so out of respect for their daughter, Mac should let the bitterness go. Mac turned to Duke and Kevin for support, but Duke agreed that Mr. Marbles was creepy and had given Duke nightmares. Kevin explained that if he went against Lucy then Lucy would leave Kevin for another man. Kevin seemed oblivious to how Felicia's eyes had rounded and Lucy had tensed.

Later, Lucy was working when Kevin walked up and tried to hug his wife. Lucy pulled away, so Kevin asked why she was upset. Lucy admitted that Kevin's remark about Lucy leaving him for another man hadn't been funny, so Kevin assured her that he hadn't meant it. He promised Lucy that he completely trusted her and that he knew that she would never leave him. Lucy spotted Elizabeth and Cam, so she used the excuse of greeting them to flee.

Kevin approached Mac and Felicia to ask if they had noticed anything different about Lucy. Mac pointed out that Lucy always seemed a bit off, but Felicia was curious if there had been something specific that Kevin had noticed. Kevin explained that Lucy had taken his joke about Lucy leaving him for another man personally, so Felicia suggested that perhaps Lucy was overly stressed from having to put together the Nurses Ball. Kevin agreed that Felicia might be right.

Duke gave Cam and Emma instructions for their tango and then allowed the kids to practice. He warned Anna that the kids might give them serious competition, but Anna had other things on her mind. She was frustrated that Carly and Franco had slipped out of town with A.J.'s cell phone. She then decided to break the news to Duke that Liesl Obrecht had been released from jail.

Meanwhile, Ric chatted with Elizabeth at the snack counter. Elizabeth was curious if she was the only one who felt like something might go terribly wrong during the ball, but Lucy would somehow manage to save the day. Ric confessed that he was certain that it would be his favorite Nurses Ball yet because he would get to attend the gala with Elizabeth.

Later, Lucy applauded Cam and Emma for their practice performance. Kevin assured Lucy that everything looked wonderful, so Lucy promised that nothing would stop it from being the best Nurses Ball ever. "I wouldn't be so sure of that," Liesl said as she sauntered into the ballroom.

Anna quickly assured everyone that Liesl hadn't escaped jail, so Liesl sarcastically thanked Anna for clarifying that and then revealed that the Nurses Ball could not proceed without the chief of staff. Everyone was shocked when Liesl announced that she intended to participate in the Nurses Ball with a performance that Liesl promised would be "scads" of fun. Lucy agreed that Liesl could give a short speech, but Lucy insisted that they didn't have room for Liesl in the lineup.

After everyone left to get ready for the evening, Liesl stood on the stage alone. She picked up Mr. Marbles and then confessed that she was disappointed that she had been left behind like Mr. Marbles. Liesl decided that she would show everyone and vowed that everyone would soon learn a harsh lesson. "No one puts Liesl in a corner," Liesl quietly said as Mr. Marbles slowly shook his head in agreement.

5/8 At Corinthos Coffee, Shawn entered Sonny's office to check on his friend and to let Sonny know that Ava had arrived safely on Sonny's private island. Sonny complimented Shawn's tuxedo, so Shawn revealed that Jordan would be his date for the evening because Shawn hoped to keep the peace with Jordan for T.J.'s sake. Shawn changed the subject by inquiring why Sonny wasn't ready for the ball. Sonny confessed that Sonny had decided to skip the event because Olivia had found out that Sonny had slept with Ava.

Sonny admitted that Olivia had put the pieces together and then had confronted Sonny, so Sonny had been forced to tell the truth. Shawn felt bad for Sonny, but asked if Sonny was willing to let Olivia walk away. "No," Sonny assured his friend. Shawn urged Sonny to go to the ball to make certain that Olivia knew that Sonny wanted to work things out and wouldn't give up without a fight.

At Brad's apartment, Britt sat on the bed in a robe, eating ice cream and watching the Red carpet arrivals on television. Brad entered the room to ask what Britt was doing, so she grumbled that she had lost everything including her son and Nikolas. Brad didn't think that it was a good idea for Britt to sulk, but Britt pointed out that she wasn't the only one who rarely left the apartment. Brad blamed Britt and her mother for his lackluster social life, so Britt apologized and then asked if she could pout and watch her show in peace.

Brad was disappointed that Britt would watch "garbage" like red carpet fashions, but Britt was surprised that it wasn't something that Brad wouldn't be interested in. "Why? Because I'm gay? And all gay men just love fashion, right?" Brad asked defensively until he noticed a woman arrive on the red carpet, sporting a boa. Shocked, Brad confessed that he hadn't realized that woman still wore boas.

At the apartment, Maxie stared longingly at the invitation to the 2014 Nurses Ball until Nathan entered the room. He wondered if Maxie had had second thoughts, but she quickly put the invitation down and questioned why Nathan would ask that. Nathan reminded her that he was a detective, so he had picked up on the clues including the way that Maxie had stared at the invitation. Maxie claimed that she had been thinking about the trees and money that had been wasted on sending out the invitations. Nathan smiled because he suspected that Maxie had been parroting what Levi had said.

Maxie denied that Levi had made her skip the ball, so Nathan shifted gears to confess that he had heard that the Nurses Balls were fun. Maxie momentarily dropped her guard as she assured Nathan that she had always enjoyed the Nurses Balls. Her smile quickly vanished when she realized how that had sounded, so she assured Nathan that she was happy to stay home to spend a romantic evening with Levi. Nathan wished her well and then left.

At Wyndemere, Nikolas asked if Spencer wanted to spend the evening hanging out with Nikolas, so Spencer suggested that they invite Britt over. Nikolas reminded his son why that was not possible, prompting Spencer to wonder if Nikolas intended to be with Aunt Elizabeth. Nikolas nervously asked what Spencer had meant by that, so Spencer confessed that he had seen the way that Nikolas had looked at Elizabeth. "Like you want to marry her," Spencer clarified with a knowing smile. Nikolas denied it, but he lost his train of thought when Elizabeth entered the parlor, glowing in a red backless gown that hugged her slight form.

Nikolas quietly confessed that Elizabeth looked very nice and then offered to have his driver pick her up after the gala. Elizabeth assured Nikolas that it wasn't necessary because Ric would drop her and Cam off. Moments later, Cam burst into the room, dressed in a dapper suit. Elizabeth decided to check if the launch was ready, so Nikolas followed her.

In the hallway, Nikolas told Elizabeth that he hoped that she had a good time. She thanked him and then reminded him that it wasn't too late for him to change his mind about attending the ball. Nikolas wasn't interested in attending a ball after the last ball had turned into a disaster for him, so he had decided to stay home with his son.

In the parlor, Cam waited for Spencer to compliment Cam's suit, but Spencer muttered under his breath and then warned Cam that Cam would end up choking on stage. Cam smiled confidently as he pointed out that Spencer would be stuck at home, watching the ball on television with Nikolas, while eating pizza in Batman pajamas. Moments later, Elizabeth called out for Cam, so Cam dashed out. "See ya, Spencer," Cam shouted as he left. "We'll see about that," Spencer replied with a scowl.

In Lucy's dressing room, Lucy picked out an outfit as Felicia knocked on the door and then entered the room. Lucy was delighted by the visit and gushed over Felicia's stunning necklace. Felicia confessed that it was an Aztec heirloom that Felicia only wore on special occasions. Lucy was touched that Felicia thought that the Nurses' Ball was such an occasion and then thanked Felicia for being a supportive friend. Felicia applauded Lucy for making a choice by ending things with Scott, but Lucy confessed that it hadn't been easy because Lucy still missed Scott.

However, Lucy was adamant that it had been the right thing to save Lucy's marriage because Lucy loved Kevin. Lucy was grateful that everything had been resolved before Kevin had found out. Lucy and Felicia were startled when Kevin suddenly popped his head into the dressing room to drop off a bouquet of flowers for Lucy. He had overheard what Lucy had said, so he was curious what Lucy had been hiding from him. Lucy appeared to struggle for an answer, so Felicia explained that Lucy had wanted to surprise Kevin with a special performance during the ball.

Kevin was touched by the gesture, but Lucy insisted that she couldn't perform the number because it would no longer be a surprise. Kevin disagreed because he had no idea which number Lucy had intended to dedicate to him. Kevin decided to wait in the hallway until Lucy was ready for the red carpet, so Lucy promised to join him shortly. After Kevin left, Lucy demanded to know what Felicia had been thinking. Lucy pointed out that she didn't have a special number to perform for Kevin, but Felicia was confident that Lucy would think of something.

On the red carpet, Olivia gave last-minute instructions to an assistant as a reporter approached Olivia to ask about the work that had gone into putting the Nurses Ball together. Olivia complained that Carly had gotten "the hell out of Dodge" at the last minute and had dumped everything on Olivia's shoulders. She then looked up and noticed the camera, so she asked if they were on the air. The reporter confirmed that they were, so Olivia became annoyed because she hadn't been warned.

The reporter ignored Olivia's irritation and asked if Sonny would be escorting Olivia on the red carpet later that evening, since Olivia and Sonny were dating. Rather than answer the question, Olivia fled.

The reporter spotted Sam and Silas' arrival, so he seized the opportunity to assure the viewing audience that Silas was nothing like Silas' homicidal brother, Stephen Clay. Moments later, Sam tripped and then fell. Silas quickly leaned down to help a horrified Sam to her feet. Silas assured Sam that she shouldn't be embarrassed about falling because he doubted that anyone was watching the show. Sam smiled weakly as she and Silas made their way to the reporter who made a remark about Sam's tripping and then asked who had designed Sam's dress.

Next, Alexis arrived with Julian Jerome, and T.J. and Molly joined them as reporters snapped pictures. Shawn and Jordan were right behind them.

Moments later, Tracy and Luke made their way to the photographers as Ned, Michael, and Kiki arrived. Michael was furious as he looked over at Luke, but Ned and Kiki stopped Michael from confronting Luke on the red carpet with a reminder that they had a plan that would be put into motion later that evening.

Seconds later, Olivia arrived, so she quickly grabbed Ned and practically demanded that he escort her on the red carpet. Perplexed, Ned agreed. The reporter immediately questioned why Olivia was with Ned rather than Sonny, but Sonny appeared on the red carpet before Olivia could reply. Sonny slowly approached Olivia as Olivia offered to tell the reporter why she hadn't attended the gala with Sonny, but Sonny quietly asked her if she really wanted to discuss their private business in public. Dante and Lulu suddenly appeared and quickly dragged Olivia away before she said something that she might regret.

Near the red carpet, Lucas bumped into Felix. They tentatively greeted each other but then relaxed when they each realized that the other didn't have a date to the gala. Felix suggested that they walk the red carpet together, so Lucas surprised Felix by agreeing.

The red carpet arrivals continued when Anna and Duke made their way to a throng of reporters. A reporter asked if Robin would be attending the Nurses Ball, so Anna explained that Robin was abroad doing humanitarian work, but Anna promised that Robin was there in her heart. The reporter complimented Duke's kilt and then watched as the couple walked away.

Nathan escorted Epiphany down the red carpet. The fashion reporter admitted that Nathan was the best-looking man at the ball.

Finally, Lucy and Kevin made an appearance on the red carpet. Kevin told the reporter that there wasn't anywhere else that Kevin would rather be than with Lucy at the ball. Lucy's smile faltered when she saw Scott arrive with Bobbie. The reporter wondered if an old romance would soon be rekindled between Scott and Bobbie, but Lucy carefully hid her reaction behind a tight smile. The two couples posed for pictures before Kevin extended an olive branch to Scott by confessing that Kevin was happy that Scott had decided to move on from the breakup with Laura.

Lucy was curious if Scott and Bobbie were together, so Scott confirmed that Bobbie was his date. Scott anticipated having a great time with Bobbie and then led her away. Kevin noticed the tension in Lucy, so he asked if she was okay. Lucy assured him that she was fine, but Kevin appeared skeptical. He promised Lucy that it hadn't been necessary for her to pretend because he knew that Bobbie wasn't one of Lucy's favorite people.

At Brad's apartment, Brad and Britt laughed when they saw Sam fall. They repeatedly rewound the tape and continued to laugh at Sam's misfortune. However, Britt's good humor evaporated when a reporter asked Dante about Rocco, so she turned the television off. Brad gently asked if she was okay, but rather than answer, Britt turned the television back on. Brad's smile vanished when he saw Felix and Lucas step onto the red carpet together.

"Don't they make a handsome couple?" the reporter asked the viewing audience about Felix and Lucas. Britt perked up when she saw Elizabeth arrive at the gala with Ric Lansing rather than Nikolas.

At Wyndemere, Nikolas and Spencer watched as a reporter asked Elizabeth and Ric if there was a reunion in the works between the divorced couple. Elizabeth avoided the question as Cam and Emma walked up. Cam asked if he could give his cousin a special shout-out, so the reporter agreed and held the microphone in front of Cam. "Hi Spencer. Sorry you couldn't be here tonight. We're thinking of you. Save a slice of pizza for me," Cam said with a big smile. Spencer's eyes rounded with fury as he dropped the slice of pizza that he had been about to eat onto the plate.

Later, Spencer received a text message from Cam. It was a picture of Cam and Emma having a good time at the gala. Frustrated, Spencer suggested that he and Nikolas go to the ball.

Meanwhile, at the ball, Emma noticed that Cam was on his cell phone, so she asked if he had sent the picture to Spencer. She was pleased when Cam assured her that he hadn't because she had explained that she had picked Cam because Cam had been a nice guy.

At the apartment, Maxie watched the red carpet fashion show until Levi entered the living room and then turned off the television. Maxie objected, but Levi explained that the red carpet event was worse than the gala because the focus was on costly fashions not the charity. Maxie confessed that she loved high fashion, so Levi suggested that she consider the money that had been spent on the gowns instead of going to the charity that the ball represented. Maxie appreciated what Levi was trying say, so she agreed to watch only ten minutes of the show.

Maxie turned the television on in time to witness the fallout from Sam's embarrassing stumble and then continued to watch as Anna and Duke were interviewed. Maxie confessed that she was envious of Duke's great legs, but Levi objected to the reporter gushing about Nathan's good looks. Maxie quickly distracted Levi by pointing out that Felicia and Mac had arrived on the red carpet.

Later, Levi pulled Maxie away from the television by making dinner. He noticed that Maxie seemed quiet, so she admitted that as shallow as it might be, she had enjoyed watching the red carpet fashions. Levi surprised Maxie by suggesting that they attend the ball.

At Metro Court, Mac and Felicia approached Nathan to find out where Maxie was. Nathan explained that Maxie had decided to skip the ball.

Nearby, Dante demanded to know what was going on between Sonny and Olivia. Olivia made it clear that she refused to sit near Sonny, whom she accused of being a "two-timing lowlife." After Olivia stormed off, Lulu decided to follow Olivia. Dante remained behind to ask his father if it was true that Sonny had cheated on Olivia. Sonny reluctantly explained that it was, but Sonny insisted that it hadn't meant anything.

Dante was furious that Sonny had broken Olivia's heart over a meaningless sexual encounter. Dante wanted to know who the other woman was, but Sonny refused to tell Dante. Dante decided to let the matter drop but warned his father that it wasn't over.

An announcement was made asking everyone to take their seats, so Dante and Sonny entered the ballroom. Dante joined Olivia and Lulu at a table, while Sonny sat down at Shawn's table.

Moments later, Lucy stepped onto the stage. She received a standing ovation and then waited for everyone to sit down before explaining the history of the Nurses Ball, which had started in 1994. She conceded that they had missed a few years, but she was grateful that they had been able to revive the ball. Lucy talked about the money that they had raised for AMFAR and then revealed that in 2013, researchers had revealed that a child had been cured of the disease and was no longer HIV positive. Lucy's eyes filled with tears of joy as she pointed out that the news had been a huge step in the right direction.

Lucy then kicked off the 2014 Nurses Ball by introducing the nurses of the hospital. The nurses stepped onto the stage in their scrubs and then began to sing their traditional welcome song. However, the lights suddenly dimmed as sounds of thunder filled the room.

Moments later, the curtain behind the nurses slowly rose to reveal Liesl dressed in a cabaret outfit and accompanied by several people in skimpy cabaret outfits. Everyone stared in shock as Liesl sang her rendition of the song that the nurses had been singing.

Felix managed to pull one of the nurses aside to find out why they were helping Liesl, so the nurse explained that Liesl had threatened to fire them if they had refused to cooperate. Meanwhile, Liesl made her way through the audience. Lucy waited for a lull in the song before angrily whispering a demand for Liesl to explain what was going on. Liesl insisted that her version of the song was far superior to Lucy's "cotton candy" song and dance number. Liesl then returned to the stage to finish up the number.

After the song and dance number ended, Liesl waited for the applause, but the audience remained eerily silent.

In Brad's apartment, Brad stared at the television with an expression of shock. "That is one nutty hospital," Brad concluded as Britt gaped at the television screen with disbelief.

5/9/14 At Wyndemere, Spencer begged his father to agree to go to the Nurses Ball because Spencer desperately wanted to attend the gala. Nikolas sensed that something else was behind Spencer's desire to go the ball, so Spencer reminded his father that Nikolas had been wanting Spencer and Cam to get along. Spencer suggested that it would be a good opportunity for Spencer to show Cam and Emma that Spencer wouldn't let Cam get to him, especially since Elizabeth, Cam, and Aiden lived with Nikolas and Spencer. Nikolas admitted that he wanted his nephew and son to get along, so agreed to take Spencer to the ball.

After Nikolas left to change, Spencer called his great-grandmother, Lesley, to ask for a favor. Spencer finalized the arrangements and then showered her with compliments as he thanked her for helping him. Nikolas returned to ask why Spencer wasn't ready, so Spencer dashed off to change. A short time later, Spencer returned sporting a flashy tuxedo and a big smile.

At Maxie's apartment, Maxie was stunned that Levi had changed his mind about attending the Nurses Ball because she knew that he had objected to how the money had been spent. Levi explained that he had noticed how her eyes had lit up during the red carpet show, so even though he cared about saving the world, he also cared about her and wanted her to be happy. Maxie smiled with joy as she hugged him and then ran off to find something suitable to wear.

In Brad's apartment, Britt and Brad had matching expressions of shock as they sat on his bed and watched the Nurses Ball opening number. Britt couldn't believe that her mother had crashed the ball, so Brad tried to offer Britt words of encouragement, but his mood quickly soured when he saw Felix and Lucas perform in the next dance number. Brad announced that they had to attend the ball because Brad feared that Lucas and Felix's mutual anger toward Brad would spark an affair between Brad's exes. Britt insisted that she wasn't in the mood to go to the gala, but Brad assured Britt that Britt didn't have to worry about bumping into Nikolas, since Elizabeth had attended the event with Ric.

In the Metro Court ballroom, Liesl finished her cabaret performance, opening the 2014 Nurses Ball, but no one applauded. Despite the quiet audience, Liesl thanked everyone and then introduced herself as "Dr. Liesl Obrecht," the woman whose generous financial support had saved the hospital and, by extension, the ball. Liesl then began to talk about Robin's charitable work, but Anna warned Liesl not to say Robin's name. "Oh, should I mention Cesar's instead?" Liesl pointedly asked with a smirk.

Lucy quickly sprang into action by resuming hosting duties and moving the show along. Lucy took the microphone away from Liesl and told the viewing audience that they would take a short break. As soon as the cameras cut, Lucy grabbed a quick drink at the bar to steady her nerves. Afterwards, Lucy returned to the stage to introduce Kiki and a ragtag group of Kiki's friends, including Felix, Lucas, and Elizabeth. Kiki entertained the crowed with a lively rendition of "Raise your Glass."

Nearby, Tracy and Luke were stunned that Lucy had permitted "that slut" to perform at the ball.

After Liesl changed out of her costume, she approached Dante and Lulu's table to ask if they had verified that the frozen embryo was their child. Dante admitted that the tests had not been completed, but he ordered Liesl to "get the hell away." Nathan walked up and offered to take care of Liesl. Liesl happily followed her son because she was delighted to see him and impressed with how handsome he looked.

Nathan told Liesl to give it a rest, but she reminded him that she was his mother. Nathan made it clear that she was nothing to him and that nothing would change that, despite what she might think.

In the ballroom, Lucy surprised the crowd by revealing that the next performer was known to many as Ned Ashton, but he was famous as Eddie Maine. Everyone clapped as Eddie Maine appeared on stage and sang, "You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth (Hot Summer Night)."

After Ned's performance, he joined his mother at her table and asked what she had thought of his performance. Tracy conceded that her father, Edward, had likely rolled over in his grave but then quickly added that she had loved Ned's performance. Tracy appreciated that she and Ned had often butted heads, but she insisted that he was her son and that she loved him. Ned smiled and appeared on the verge of telling her something when Lucy introduced Luke as the next performer.

Luke sang a rather dark rendition of "I Am What I Am," as he focused on Tracy. In the audience, Kiki, Michael, and Julian were surprised by Luke's gall in singing the song. After the song ended, Tracy stood up and clapped loudly for Luke. Luke took advantage of the spotlight by reminding Tracy that he had told her that he had a surprise planned for her. Tracy was stunned when Luke suddenly suggested that he and Tracy get married right then and there in front of their friends and family.

At the bar, Ned warned Michael and Kiki that they needed to stop the wedding, or their plan would go up in smoke. Nearby, Alexis noticed Julian's smile, so she questioned why Luke's ambush wedding had amused Julian. Julian claimed that he simply liked seeing people who were as happy as he was.

Meanwhile, Ned objected to Tracy and Luke getting married by pointing out that they didn't have anyone to officiate the wedding. Luke smiled as he revealed that Lucy could legally marry a couple. Lucy assured Ned that she would happily perform the wedding ceremony, but Ned argued that they didn't have a bouquet. Luke picked up the table's peony centerpiece and then handed it to Tracy. Ned worried that the wedding would delay the show, so Lucy confided that Luke had discussed it with her and that she had scheduled time for the wedding.

Desperate, Ned pointed out that Tracy and Luke would need someone to stand by their side during the ceremony, so Luke asked Lulu to stand at his side and then suggested that Ned do the same for Tracy. Ned reluctantly agreed when it became clear that Tracy intended to go through with the wedding. Delighted, Lucy told Luke and Tracy to take their places and then began the ceremony. Ned whispered a final plea for his mother not to go through with the wedding, but Tracy ignored Ned and exchanged vows and rings with Luke.

Lucy invited Luke to seal the wedding vows with a kiss, but his eyes began to wander around the room as he looked at all of the beautiful ladies who were present. He cautioned himself to take it easy because he was close to getting his hands on ELQ. "Just kiss the damn bride," Luke told himself as he plastered on a saccharine smile and then kissed Tracy. Bobbie and Scott approached the newlyweds to wish them well. Scott muttered, "Justice has been served."

Nearby, Ned assured Michael and Kiki that they would still go through with their plan. Michael left to change for his performance, so Ned lingered behind to assure Kiki that Luke would soon be sorry that Luke had ever laid a hand on Kiki.

In the lobby, Anna saw Nathan and noticed that he seemed troubled. He admitted that he'd had an encounter with his mother. Anna reminded Nathan that she'd had plenty of experience dealing with Liesl, so Anna would be happy to offer him some advice. Nathan thanked Anna, but he was certain that he simply needed some time alone.

After Anna left, Nathan was surprised when he saw Maxie appear in the doorway. Nathan smiled as he admitted that he hadn't expected her to attend the ball. Maxie became defensive as she denied that Levi had any influence over her decisions. Nathan refused to argue, so he complimented her by acknowledging that she looked stunning. However, his smile vanished when Levi walked up wearing a tux and flip-flops.

Nathan questioned why Levi would attend the ball after everything that Levi had said about the gala. Levi explained that he had been willing to temporarily set aside his point of view to make Maxie happy, and he pointedly nuzzled and kissed her cheek. Nathan tensed and quickly excused himself.

Elsewhere, Lucas was curious if Felix had spoken to Brad. "Not really," Felix admitted and then wondered why Lucas had asked. Lucas explained that he had gotten used to seeing Brad every single day since arriving in town, but since Lucas had ended things, Brad had seemed to vanish. Felix smiled because it was clear that Lucas missed Brad.

As if on cue, Brad and Britt walked up. "Are we interrupting something?" Britt innocently asked. Lucas was surprised that Brad was there, so Brad admitted that he had seen the festivities on television and had decided not to miss out on all the fun. "I see you brought your partner in crime," Lucas said as he looked at Britt.

Brad changed the subject by mentioning that he had seen Lucas and Felix on the red carpet and during one of the performances, so he was curious when Lucas and Felix had gotten to know each other. Felix explained that he and Lucas had realized that they had a lot in common. "Such as?" Brad wondered. Lucas pointed out that both he and Felix had gone for the wrong guy, prompting Britt to defend Brad by assuring both Lucas and Felix that Brad had never set out to hurt either man. She reminded Lucas and Felix that Dante and Lulu had their baby, so everything had worked out.

Britt suggested that Lucas and Felix take a break from the self-righteous indignation and forgive Brad. The tension was thick until Felix quietly reminded Lucas that they had another performance to get ready for. Brad was stunned when Lucas and Felix walked away. "They are performing -- together -- again? When did they turn into Siegfried and Roy?" Brad asked.

Nearby, Dante confronted Sonny about cheating on Olivia, but Sonny refused to discuss it except to insist that it had been mistake and that Sonny was determined to make things up to Olivia.

In the ballroom, Lulu had a similar conversation with Olivia about Sonny cheating on Olivia. Olivia admitted that she didn't know if she could forgive Sonny. "Cheating is cheating," Olivia reminded Lulu.

Elsewhere, Felicia and Mac greeted Maxie and Levi. Felicia was thrilled that her daughter had decided to attend the gala. Levi was impressed with Felicia's unique Aztec necklace and admitted that he was eager to hear about Felicia's roots in Mexican royalty.

Meanwhile, Tracy threw her wedding bouquet. Elizabeth caught it but downplayed its significance by deciding to take Cam backstage to get ready for his dance number. Epiphany was surprised that Elizabeth didn't intend to stay and watch the next performance, but Elizabeth merely smiled and asked Epiphany to take plenty of pictures.

Moments later, Lucy returned to the stage to introduce the next performers, "Magic Milo and the Magic Wands." Milo, Nathan, Lucas, Felix, T.J., and Michael marched out on stage and then stripped down to their underwear to "You Shook Me All Night Long."

In the audience, Levi appeared jealous as Nathan danced and showed off an impressive physique. Nearby, Brad couldn't believe that he had lost both Lucas and Felix. Britt concluded that Brad was an idiot.Meanwhile, Molly yelled for T.J. to take it off, earning a side-eye glare from both Alexis and Jordan.

Monday, May 12, 2014 The men in the Magic Milo act stood with their backs to the cheering audience, their underwear spelling out "Nurses Ball." Olivia left the room as Epiphany started chanting for the men to "lose those drawers." Lucy ran onstage and made the men leave before they started a riot.

Sonny followed Olivia and urged her to talk to him. He didn't blame her for being hurt and angry. He begged for another chance, but Olivia didn't want to talk to him.

Brad was upset after watching Lucas and Felix "strip together." Britt urged Brad to do something about the situation. "Fine. I will," he replied defiantly.

Lulu walked over to Maxie and said that she was happy Maxie had decided to attend the ball. The two women hugged. Lulu recognized the man standing next to Maxie as Levi. Levi responded that he'd heard many great things about Lulu. She thanked Levi for "dragging" Maxie out. Lulu told Maxie that one of the women in her number had needed to drop out, and she begged Maxie to fill the spot. Maxie didn't want to because of Levi's disapproval for fundraiser events. Lulu offered to get her a costume, but Maxie replied that she'd never let Lulu pick out a costume for Maxie. Maxie kissed Levi and excitedly followed Lulu backstage.

Cameron, Emma, Elizabeth, and Ric were surprised to run into Nikolas and Spencer. Nikolas explained that they'd changed their minds about attending the ball. "What are you wearing?" Cameron asked Spencer snottily, referring to Spencer's princely attire. "It's just something I found lying around...Europe," he emphasized, turning around like a model. Elizabeth didn't want Cameron and Emma to miss their entrance, so she and Ric hurried them backstage. Spencer yelled that he couldn't wait for the number.

Onstage, Lucy announced the next act: Blackie Parrish. Suddenly, someone in a headset walked onstage and had a quiet word with Lucy. Lucy conveyed the message that Blackie had had a scheduling conflict he'd forgotten about. She assured the disappointed audience that she would rearrange things, and she ran offstage.

Backstage, T.J., Milo, and Nathan were getting ready to change. Maxie bumped into Nathan, who wondered why she was backstage. Clearly distracted by a shirtless Nathan, she informed him that she had been recruited to perform. Taking one last glance, she hurried off to find Lulu. Nathan shouted that he was looking forward to seeing her moves.

Lucas and Felix had finished dressing and shared a moment just as Brad burst backstage. He watched as they decided to get back to the party.

Epiphany bumped into Milo backstage. She told him how she'd been hoping for a "Full Monty." Milo insisted that he needed to leave something to the imagination. She assured him that she would be imagining.

Kiki walked in on Michael getting dressed. "How dare you!" she exclaimed to a confused Michael. "You should never put clothes on this," she clarified and kissed him. Michael explained that he'd need to be clothed in order to help Ned "deal with Luke."

Lucy returned to the stage and announced that Brad had volunteered to take Blackie's spot performing. Lucas and Felix exchanged stunned looks as they sat down. Brad sang Karmin's "Brokenhearted," complete with backup dancers. Britt encouraged Brad from the audience and danced along to the song. In the middle of the song, Brad left the stage and sang directly to Lucas, who stood up and looked unhappy. The audience cheered when the song was over, and Brad doled out cash to the dancers.

A few minutes later, Brad returned to the party. He went straight over to Lucas and wondered what he had thought of Brad's performance. "It was great," Lucas stated without emotion. Brad clarified that he was brokenhearted and asked for another chance. Lucas replied that the performance hadn't changed anything and that Brad had no chance with Lucas.

Lucy returned the stage and proclaimed Brad a "tough act to follow." She went to read the name of the next act but stuttered over it. She stuck her head backstage and found Mac with Mr. Marbles. "I thought we said we weren't going to do this!" she whispered angrily. Mac thought that if Dr. Obrecht could perform, then he could too. "Fine!" she fumed.

"Put your hands together for...the dummy!" Lucy announced to minimal claps. Mac and Mr. Marbles told a few jokes to a couple laughs but mostly cringes. "Enough!" Epiphany shouted, walking up to the stage. She grabbed Mr. Marbles, threw him on the ground, and stomped on him to thunderous applause.

As Mac held Mr. Marbles' pieces, Felicia wondered if Mac was all right. Mac was distraught that his "childhood friend" had been "murdered" before his eyes. He couldn't believe that Epiphany had done that -- and that everyone had clapped.

Once again, Milo ran into Epiphany backstage. He wanted to shake her hand for "having the courage to do what everyone else wanted to do but didn't have the guts to." He added that she had "cojones."

Out in the hallway, Luke poured champagne into two glasses. Julian walked over and asked how the "happy groom" was doing. Luke said that he'd finally bitten the "bitter bullet and married the bitch." He was happy to "have ELQ in the palm of my hand." Julian decided to leave before Tracy returned.

Alexis was introducing herself to Jordan when Julian arrived at her side. Alexis realized that Jordan and Julian worked together, but Jordan clarified that she was more on the "art side" of things.

Britt congratulated Brad on a great performance, but Brad glumly disclosed that it had done no good. Suddenly, Spencer latched onto Britt and screamed, "Britt's here!" to a less-than-enthused Nikolas. Spencer hugged her and told her that he missed her, and she did the same. He wanted to "catch up" with her, but she told him that she had to go. He begged her to stay just in case something "exciting" happened and dragged Britt and Nikolas to a table.

Spencer offered to get drinks for himself, Nikolas, and Britt and ran away. Britt observed that Elizabeth and Ric were at the ball together. Nikolas curtly stated that she and Nikolas were just friends, and she could do as she pleased. He wondered how Britt thought he could move on so easily. He wished he could, but it wasn't that easy. "I know the feeling," Britt agreed.

Lucy announced the next performance as the Haunted Starlets. As the music to Icona Pop's "I Love It" began, Maxie, Kiki, Sam, Molly, and Lulu were revealed behind the curtain. After the song and dance was over, Lulu and Maxie shared a happy hug.

Shawn praised the Haunted Starlets' number. "You used to appreciate my moves," Jordan reminded him. "That was a long time ago," he responded.

Back onstage, Lucy thanked Lulu for getting the next artist to perform. She announced singer Eddie Gomez, who sang a song called "Criminal Love." The performance featured Lucas on drums and T.J. on keyboards. Maxie and Nathan shared a meaningful look, as did Sonny and Olivia.

Julian noticed that Sonny and Olivia seemed to be having problems. Alexis wondered why he thought she would comment on that. Julian told her that not everyone could be as happy as he was.

Lucas remarked that Julian looked happy. "Can't say the same for you," Felix observed. He added that Brad had sung a song for Lucas and that Brad was heartbroken over his ex. Lucas spat that Brad had been known to lie. Felix wondered how Lucas felt about Brad after all Brad had done.

Lucy was back onstage and announced Emma and Cameron dancing the tango. Nikolas wondered where Spencer was, because he'd wanted to see the number. Emma and Cameron danced until the music abruptly stopped. Suddenly, Spencer was onstage. He apologized for interrupting their "fantastic" dance. "Emma, this song is for you," he said and introduced the band Player, featuring Ronn Moss.

As the band began to play, Cameron whined about Spencer interrupting his and Emma's dance. Spencer regretted it, but he had needed to do something "bold and beautiful" in order to make up with Emma. Cameron tried to get Emma to leave, but Emma wanted to hear the song. As the band played "Baby Come Back," Lucy and Scott shared a meaningful look, as did Ric and Elizabeth, Elizabeth and Nikolas, Brad and Lucas, and Maxie and Nathan.

During the song, Olivia got up and ran out. Sonny followed her out into the hallway. He stopped her and asked her to talk to him. She looked at him but turned and left.

Backstage, Spencer shook hands with each member of the band. He thanked them for playing on such short notice, but they'd been happy to help. Ronn told Spencer that he'd do anything for Spencer's grandmother Lesley. He wished Spencer luck with getting Emma back.

Just then, Emma walked backstage. She told Cameron that she had to get changed and stopped short when she saw Spencer. He begged her to return to him and told her that he couldn't live without her.

Britt wondered how Spencer had gotten a band to play. Nikolas had known that Spencer had been up to something, but he couldn't believe that Spencer had gone to such extremes to win Emma back. "I can," Britt said sincerely. She explained that Spencer had been desperate for forgiveness, just like she was. She knew she had screwed up, but she missed and loved Nikolas. She wondered if he would ever forgive her.

Elizabeth wanted to check on Cameron because she figured that he would not be happy. Ric stopped her. He told that they'd had something good and screwed it up. He thought that they could have something again and begged her not to throw it away. He asked her for another chance.

Felix was remarking to Lucas about Brad's "puppy dog eyes" when Brad suddenly appeared. He grabbed Lucas and kissed him. Seeing the exchange between Lucas and Brad, Bobbi guessed that the two were back together. Felicia wondered where Bobbi's date was.

As Lucy sorted through her rack of dresses, Scott appeared in her dressing room. She demanded to know what he wanted. He informed her that she'd made the wrong choice, and that he wanted her to choose him.

Tracy appeared next to Luke, who handed her a glass of champagne. "Isn't that sweet?" Ned observed. Tracy thanked her son for standing up for her when she had married Luke. Ned told her that Luke had married her only for love, because he wouldn't be "getting a dime out of ELQ." He informed Tracy and Luke that Luke had been fired.

Luke argued that, as the CEO, only Tracy could fire him. Ned continued that the board had had a vote and had ousted Tracy as CEO. She demanded to know who had voted against her, so Ned handed her a list. Ned hadn't wanted to vote his mother out, but he had needed a new CEO in order to fire Luke. Tracy demanded to know what "traitor" had replaced her. "I did," Michael said.

Luke wondered how Ned and Michael could do that, since they were family. "That was before you started groping my girlfriend," Michael spat, his arm around Kiki. Tracy insisted that Kiki was lying, but Michael knew the truth. Kiki wanted to leave because Luke, "the sleaze," was "creeping me out," and the two left.

Ned apologized to Tracy, but he believed that he was protecting the family's legacy. When Ned was gone, Luke vowed to fight them for Tracy. However, Tracy accepted that her family had taken the company away from her. She assured him that things would be all right because they still had each other. As she embraced him, she didn't see the murderous look on his face.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

At the Nurses Ball, Lucas pulled away from Brad's passionate kiss and then demanded to know what had prompted the kiss. Lucas informed Brad that Brad couldn't simply walk up and kiss Lucas from out of nowhere, prompting Brad to flirtatiously wonder why not. Lucas took a step back to stand next to Felix and then announced that Lucas and Felix were together as a couple. Shocked and somewhat skeptical, Brad demanded to know when Lucas and Felix had started dating.

Felix seemed at a loss for words, but Lucas ignored the question and suggested that Brad should have gotten the point when Lucas and Felix had arrived on the red carpet together, performed together, and even done a striptease dance together. Brad noticed Felix's silence, so Brad questioned Felix about the relationship. Felix was spared from having to answer the uncomfortable questions when an announcer asked everyone to take their seats. Lucas and Felix quickly fled to their table.

Nearby, Ric begged Elizabeth to give him another chance. He didn't think that she would have agreed to attend the gala with him if she didn't have feelings for him. He promised to walk away if she told him that he was wrong, so she conceded that she would always have feelings for him because they had history together. An announcement was made asking everyone to be seated, but Ric refused to let Elizabeth return to their table until she gave him an answer. Elizabeth smiled softly and then quietly agreed to give him another chance.

At Nikolas' table, Britt confessed that she deeply missed Nikolas and still loved him. Nikolas quietly stood up and then walked away, but Britt quickly followed him and cornered him in the doorway. She wanted to know if he would ever forgive her, so Nikolas answered honestly by explaining that he didn't know how it was possible to get past what she had done. Britt appreciated that it had been wrong for her to knowingly take his sister's frozen embryo, but Nikolas clarified that it wasn't just about the stolen embryo. Nikolas reminded Britt that their main problem had been all of the lies that Britt had told him over the course of their relationship.

Nikolas pointed out that he had given Britt chance after chance to tell the truth, but each time, Britt had opted to lie. Nikolas explained that it was too much of a risk to try to rebuild trust after that. Britt remained hopeful that she could make amends. "I mean, come on. Tell me the truth, Nikolas. Is there really no part of you that's not in love with me?" she asked. Nikolas walked away without replying when the announcer asked everyone to be seated.

Backstage, Spencer fell to bended knee as he implored Emma to take him back by repeating a verse from Player's, "Baby Come Back." Emma insisted that Spencer stand up so he wouldn't get his slacks dirty, but Spencer refused to move until Emma assured him that she had forgiven him. He suddenly feared that she hadn't liked his surprise, but she assured him that she had loved the song and Player's performance. Spencer smiled with satisfaction because he had arranged all of it, the band and the song for Emma. He vowed that he would never hurt her again, so Emma assured him that she had forgiven him.

Spencer jumped up and smiled with joy until Emma clarified that nothing had changed; she had arrived with Cam, so she intended to leave with Cam. "What about us?" Spencer asked in a dejected tone. "There is no us, sorry," Emma replied and then left.

Elsewhere in the ballroom, Felicia noticed that Scott had disappeared. Bobbie explained that Scott had left to take care of something, but he would return shortly.

Later, Felicia was seated next to Kevin as Kevin anxiously awaited the surprise that Lucy had promised him.

In the dressing room, Lucy was picking out her next outfit when Scott slipped into the room to inform her that she had made the wrong choice by picking Kevin. Lucy insisted that her mind was made up, so she and Scott were over, but Scott refused to give up on Lucy until she was back in his arms where she belonged. Lucy became increasingly agitated as Scott tried to persuade her to leave Kevin for him because he was certain that she knew, deep down inside, that she had made a mistake by staying with Kevin.

Distraught, Lucy grabbed a dress and then ran out of the room, but Scott chased after her. Lucy begged Scott to leave her alone, so Scott admitted that he had tried to stay away, but he couldn't because he loved her, and he was certain that she loved him too. Scott pleaded with Lucy to admit that he was right and say the words. Lucy tried to resist, but she eventually capitulated and kissed him.

Moments later, the curtains were raised. The audience was stunned into silence as they watched Scott passionately kiss Lucy. Lucy sensed everyone's eyes, so she pulled away from the kiss and then realized that she was on stage with Scott, wearing nothing except her bra and a pair of matching boy shorts. Lucy's eyes quickly found Kevin as he stood up. She tried to play the kiss off as a joke and then reminded Kevin that it was almost a tradition for her to end up on stage in her underwear, but Kevin easily saw through the lies and stormed out.

Lucy chased after Kevin and caught up to him in the lobby. She begged him to let her explain and again tried to insist that it had been a joke. "I guess the joke's on me," Kevin replied. Lucy pulled on a robe as Kevin angrily demanded to know how long the affair had been going on. He suspected that it had been an ongoing affair and that he had walked in on Felicia and Lucy discussing it earlier in Lucy's dressing room. Lucy tearfully insisted that she had never meant for the affair to happen, but Kevin wasn't satisfied and demanded answers.

Lucy became choked up with emotion as she reminded Kevin how she had been lonely because he had spent long hours with his patients, often putting them ahead of his wife. Kevin refused to allow Lucy to blame him for the choices that she had made, but he quickly pointed out that he had made an effort to change. Lucy agreed, but she admitted that it had been too late because she had already slept with Scott by then. Lucy explained that she had been hurting, thinking that her marriage was over, when she had run into Scott, who had been reeling after losing the case against A.J. Quartermaine, and Lucy and Scott had found comfort in each other's arms.

Kevin was shocked that Lucy had been carrying on an affair with Scott for five months, but Lucy quickly clarified that she had ended things with Scott the previous month because Scott had asked for her to choose; she had chosen Kevin and her marriage. "Apparently, it didn't take," Kevin observed. Kevin felt like an idiot for having trusted Lucy, but Lucy insisted that she loved Kevin more than anything in the world.

"Go to hell," Kevin shot back. Lucy gasped with shock that Kevin would say that to her, but she continued to apologize as fresh tears filled her eyes. Kevin warned Lucy that she could apologize until she was blue in the face, but it wouldn't mean anything to him. He conceded that he had always known that she was a self-centered person, which he had considered a quirky personality trait until that moment. Hurt, Lucy tearfully explained that she hadn't known what to do when he had been more focused on his patients. "You come to me," Kevin explained.

Kevin reminded Lucy that husbands and wives helped each other through difficult situations rather than turn to people outside of their marriage. "Obviously, I know that now," Lucy replied with frustration, but Kevin was unmoved. He demanded to know if Lucy had talked to Scott about Kevin's failings, so she reluctantly admitted that she had. Kevin pointed out that Lucy had had two jobs as his wife, to be faithful and to be loyal. "And you failed miserably," Kevin concluded.

Lucy realized that she couldn't defend what she had done, but she begged Kevin to forgive her because she loved him and had chosen him. Kevin was curious who Lucy had chosen on the stage. Lucy began to cry again, so Kevin informed her that he had heard everything that he had needed to hear and then left.

Meanwhile, Bobbie found Scott backstage and quickly stopped him from chasing after Lucy. Scott was frustrated because he had made a mess of things. Bobbie admitted that it wasn't unusual for him, but at least he could say that he had done it for love.

Later, Scott returned to the dressing room. Lucy answered the door, hoping that it was Kevin, so she was disappointed when she saw Scott. She tried to close the door on him, but he pushed his way into the dressing room and insisted that they talk things out, but Lucy refused. Scott was curious how Kevin was. "How do you think he is?" Lucy angrily asked.

Lucy began to weep because she realized that she had ripped her husband's heart out. Scott conceded that it had been a terrible way for Kevin to learn about Scott and Lucy's love for one another, but at least everything was out in the open, leaving Scott and Lucy free to be together. Lucy was stunned that Scott expected her to be with him after she had completely destroyed her marriage. Scott insisted that he wanted to help her, so she suggested that he leave her alone. After Scott left, Lucy began to cry again.

In the ballroom, Felix sprang into action and took over as host when it became clear that Lucy would not be returning. On stage, Felix nervously asked where Mr. Marbles was when they needed him. Mac glared at Felix. "Too soon?" Felix wondered. Felix continued to tell a few bad jokes until someone ran up to hand Felix a card. Felix relaxed and then introduced the next act, T.J. and Molly, who sang "Just Can't Get Enough."

At the bar, Nathan watched as Maxie talked to Levi about Lucy and Kevin. Maxie felt bad for Lucy, so Levi showered Maxie with praise for her kindness and generosity, even when people didn't deserve it. Nathan was disgusted by Levi's attitude, but Nathan became distracted when Britt joined her brother at the bar. Britt recognized the expression on Nathan's face because it was the same expression that she had whenever she saw Nikolas around Elizabeth. Britt began to tease Nathan for having a thing for Maxie and then made a joke about Nathan "jonesing" for Maxie.

Nathan chuckled, but the smile vanished when Liesl suddenly appeared to express her delight at seeing her children laughing together. Britt sarcastically thanked her mother for telling Britt about Nathan, so Nathan suggested that Liesl leave. Liesl doubted that Britt was eager for Liesl to leave, but Britt resented that Liesl had spent years treating Britt like something that Liesl had scraped off of the bottom of Liesl's shoe simply because Britt had been born a girl. Britt was curious what had driven Liesl to give up the precious baby boy that Liesl had clearly always wanted. However, Britt changed her mind about waiting for an explanation because Liesl was unlikely to give them straight answer.

Moments later, Felix returned to the stage and then asked Emma to join him. Felix gave a brief speech about the work that AMFAR did and then revealed that his friend, Sabrina Santiago, had spearheaded the efforts to revive the Nurses Ball the previous year because the charity was dear to Sabrina's heart. Felix revealed that Sabrina hadn't been able to attend the ball because Sabrina had given birth to a premature baby boy, Emma's brother. However, Felix assured everyone that Sabrina had worked hard to help put the 2014 Nurses Ball together, so Emma had agreed to step in for Sabrina. Emma sang, "It's a Beautiful Day."

After Emma's song ended, the crowd applauded. Emma left the stage, so Felix returned to introduce Olivia, the Bensonhurst Medium. However, Felix was handed a note explaining that Olivia had been forced to cancel the act due to "unforeseen circumstances." Everyone chuckled when Felix cracked a joke about the irony of a medium not foreseeing something and then switched gears to introduce the "wickedly talented Adele Dazeem."

Ric leaned over to ask Elizabeth who Adele Dazeem was, but Liesl appeared on stage to answer the question. "That would be me," Liesl said as she explained that the deception had been necessary to get Liesl back on stage. Liesl dedicated her song to her two beautiful children. She acknowledged that she hadn't been a good mother to either of her children, but she hoped that the song would be a new start. Nathan and Britt were stunned when Liesl sang, "Always on My Mind."

Afterwards, Felix returned to the stage to explain that the next act had agreed to step in for Sabrina and then introduced Lucy. Felix realized that Lucy wouldn't be returning, so he decided to wrap up the ball by thanking the sponsors, the performers, and the guests who had donated. He then introduced Epiphany, who closed out the show with "You're Not Alone."

After the ball ended, everyone hugged and said their goodbyes. Britt appeared disappointed when Nikolas walked past her without acknowledging her, so Nathan offered to give Britt a lift home. She explained that she needed a ride for Liesl, too, so Nathan agreed that Liesl could join them.

In the lobby, Kevin glared at a picture of Lucy. Moments later, Mac walked up. The two friends exchanged a long look, and then Mac draped his arm over Kevin's shoulders and led his friend out of the hotel.

Meanwhile, Felicia went to the dressing room to check on her friend. Lucy dissolved into tears as Felicia hugged Lucy.

In the neonatal intensive care unit, Patrick let Sabrina know that he had picked up some coffee for her and that it was in the waiting area, but Sabrina refused to leave their son's side. Patrick wasn't surprised and confessed that he felt like he was stuck in a no-win situation because he couldn't be there to watch Emma perform. Sabrina felt terrible for Patrick, but he insisted that their son needed him more.

Sabrina wondered how Emma's performance had been, so Patrick revealed that he had seen a part of it because the obstetrics nurses had had the Nurses Ball on the television in the lounge. He admitted that the dance had been adorable right up until Spencer Cassadine had interrupted Emma and Cam with a surprise performance from Player. Sabrina was shocked that Spencer had been able to get the band to perform at the ball, so Patrick reminded her that Spencer was a prince. Sabrina worried how Emma had reacted to Spencer's unexpected surprise, but Patrick assured Sabrina that Emma would be fine because Emma was surrounded by friends and family who would take care of her.

Sabrina smiled, so Patrick changed the subject by suggesting that they pick a name for their son. Sabrina admitted that she had thought the same thing, but within seconds, the alarms on the monitors began to beep. Terrified, Sabrina watched at Patrick checked the baby and determined that their son was in respiratory distress.

Moments later, the NICU team swarmed the room and then quickly went to work. The doctor was able to stabilize the baby, but decided that Patrick and Sabrina would have to leave the room until the results of the tests were back. The doctor feared that Patrick or Sabrina might have inadvertently contributed to the baby's respiratory crisis by not properly preparing themselves before entering NICU. Patrick argued that as a doctor and nurse, both Patrick and Sabrina were medical professionals who knew how to take the necessary precautions, but the doctor refused to change his mind.

In the hallway, Sabrina was furious that she couldn't be in the room with her son, but Patrick assured her that it was only a temporary measure. Sabrina gazed through the window at her son and then softly began to sing "You're Not Alone," so Patrick joined in. Afterwards, he pulled off the sterile gown and then felt a tiny hand reach for his. It was Emma. Patrick picked his daughter up and then hugged Emma tightly as Anna, Duke, Felix, Elizabeth, Ric, Cam, and Epiphany walked up to lend their support and to check on Patrick and Sabrina's son.

End Nurse's Ball Dvd #7

Nurse’s Ball 2015 Dvd #8
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 It was the day of the Nurses Ball. There was a lot to do in very little time. Molly and Elizabeth folded napkins for the tables and passed the time by gossiping. Molly filled Elizabeth in on the fact that after Elizabeth had broken things off with Ric, he'd stuck his toe into the Internet dating pool and had wound up meeting a married woman.

When not declaring and/or making love, Lucas and Brad spent the morning discussing recent events. Lucas filled his beau in on the fact that Valerie would be moving in with Nikolas at Lulu's request. Eventually, their talk turned to the Nurses Ball and how much things had changed for them since the big night the year before.

Brad couldn't help but miss his gal pal, Britt, admitting that the two of them had watched the ball on TV the previous year and had cattily dissed the looks walking the red carpet. Eventually, Lucas got dressed and left to rehearse the annual Magic Milo strip routine. No sooner had Lucas departed than there was a knock on the door. Brad didn't seem particularly happy to see whoever it was.

Lulu and Valerie arrived at Wyndemere, and Valerie seemed pretty pleased with the surroundings. Lulu partook in her new favorite hobby -- poking fun at her half-brother's love life -- by asking after his new "girlfriend," Rosalie. Valerie and Lulu had a nice chat about the latter's motives, with the former admitting she'd feared she was being shuttled off to the island because Lulu was jealous. Although Lulu insisted more than once that she was not even a little bit green around the gills, the fact that she kept flashing back to Dante and Valerie's hug indicated that might not be entirely true.

Once Lulu had taken Valerie upstairs to settle in, Nikolas found himself dealing with another not-entirely-welcome person when Hayden barged through the patio doors. Nikolas quipped that Hayden "had stalker potential" but then seemed prepared to reward her initiative with a sexy romp. They were interrupted, of course, by Valerie, who mistakenly assumed Hayden to be Rosalie.

What could have been an awkward situation for Nikolas instead resolved itself when Hayden went along with Valerie's assumption. But once alone, Hayden -- apparently forgetting that she, in short order, had attempted to seduce half the men in town -- declared, "There's Valerie, and apparently someone named Rosalie. How many women are you sleeping with?" Nikolas suggested that was none of her darn business, but Hayden offered up the line of the day -- "Watch your tone, Prince!" -- before reminding her royal lover that she knew he knew what Jake didn't know: who Jake really was.

At General Hospital, Olivia woke up and realized Ned had spent the night, sleeping in a chair beside her bed. Or, as Ned admitted, not so much sleeping as tossing, turning, and generally fretting. The two cooed and bonded and very nearly had their secret -- that Julian, not Ned, had fathered her baby -- discovered when Dante walked in on their chat. Alone with his mom, Dante told her about Valerie moving in with Nikolas. Olivia went from saying nice things about Dante's attempts to help Valerie to wondering if Lulu's cousin might be a problem for Lulu. "You know Lulu's the only one for me," promised Dante, "and Lulu knows it, too."

When Dante and Olivia's conversation turned back to the baby, Dante said it was probably nice for his mom to know that her baby's daddy wasn't a gangster. Before he could notice or comment on the face that remark elicited, Ned arrived to wheel Olivia out of the hospital and take her home. Having not learned a single thing from Dante walking in on them earlier, Ned and Olivia had yet another conversation -- this one near the hospital's elevator banks -- about the fact that her baby's father was Julian. Unfortunately, this time someone did overhear them -- Julian's daughter, Sam.

At another set of hospital elevator doors, Dante reunited with Lulu and pulled his wife into a hug. She told him Valerie was snug as a bug in a kinda creepy, possibly haunted rug a.k.a. Wyndemere adding, "Just so we're clear, I'm not jealous or suspicious or anything."

Jake showed up at the hospital for a follow-up appointment but learned that his doctor had cancelled all his appointments. He ran into Sam, who was glad for the opportunity to thank him for having found Jason's wedding ring. In fact, she was so grateful that she wanted to bestow upon him two tickets to the Nurses Ball. Although appreciative, Jake admitted to suspecting that "big social events aren't my thing." Sam pointed out that Liz had been working very hard and would be "front-and-center" during the festivities. But when Jake didn't react the way she thought he would, Sam said, "If seeing Liz at the Nurses Ball with Ric is too painful, I'll take [the tickets] back." But in the end, Jake decided he wanted to attend.

Back at napkin-folding central, Molly and Liz continued gossiping. "I was worried," admitted the teen, "that if you didn't take him back, Dad would revert to his old ways and do something desperate." Right at that very moment, Ric was desperately trying to keep Hayden from spilling the beans on him unless he coughed up some cash. Hayden had been forced to pay Pete, which meant Ric owed her.

Ric promised to get Hayden $20,000 then barked, "Get the hell out of here before someone sees us!" Not surprisingly, someone was, in fact, seeing them together at that very moment. Luckily for Ric, it was just T.J., whom Ric dealt with by saying Hayden was a client. T.J. later told Molly about having seen her dad having a tense meeting with a "very demanding client." Ric and Liz later reflected on the previous year's ball, and he confided to Molly his plans to propose to Elizabeth that night.

What Ric couldn't know, of course, was that trouble was knocking on Pete's door. When he opened it, Carly was on the other side. She claimed to be there to offer him a job posing as a guy named Jake Barnes. "Oh wait," she said, all but snapping her fingers, "you already have that job!" He played dumb for a while, even claiming never to have heard of Port Charles, saying, "That's upstate, right? I don't even go to Jersey!" Carly trotted out the photoshopped pictures and demanded to know what was up. She threatened to call the police, then pushed for answers again.

At one point, Carly even made herself comfortable -- or at least as comfortable as one could be on Pete's furniture. "The only acting you're going to be doing," she threatened, "is role-playing with your fellow inmates in prison!" At that point, rather than confess, Pete tried turning the tables by asking Carly why she was, as the kids would say, all up in his grill. And while that might stop a lesser woman, Carly didn't bat an eye.

Carly whipped out her phone and threatened to call the police yet again. Apparently, the third time was the charm, because Pete finally started to crack. Carly even gave him a little bit of an out by admitting she didn't believe for a hot minute that he or Hayden was behind the scam. Latching onto that, Pete admitted someone had been paying them to make Jake think he had a wife. Without even waiting for Pete to name names, Carly offered up her two-word theory: Ric Lansing.

Thursday, April 30, 2015 At the hospital, Liesl asked if Sam was okay because Sam seemed unusually pale. Sam recalled overhearing Olivia and Ned's conversation about Julian being the father of Olivia's baby but decided not to share the secret with Liesl. Instead, Sam claimed that she was looking for Patrick. Liesl informed Sam that Patrick was operating on a patient, so Sam decided to wait. Liesl smirked as she wondered if perhaps Sam was hoping to run into Jake, but Sam admitted that she had already talked to him.

Liesl couldn't understand why women continued to flock around Jake, a man without a past who had hurt a lot of people in Port Charles. Sam accused Liesl of hypocrisy because of Liesl's relationship with Cesar Faison, but Liesl defended the man she loved by insisting that Jake lacked both Cesar's "subtly and nuisance." Liesl was baffled as to why Sam, Elizabeth, and even the "formidable" Carly Jacks had rallied around Jake unless each woman had romantic feelings for Jake. Liesl was curious what Patrick would say to that, but Patrick suddenly appeared behind Liesl to invite Liesl to ask him the question directly.

Patrick suggested that just because Liesl's daughter had had a history of being duplicitous with men didn't mean that Sam was the same. Liesl resented Patrick disparaging Britt, but Patrick ignored Liesl as he calmly explained that Sam and Jake were friends, much like Patrick and Elizabeth were. Patrick was furious that Liesl had been giving Sam a hard time, but Liesl became distracted when she received a text message.

After Liesl hastily excused herself, Sam confessed that she was grateful Patrick had showed up when he had because she had overheard troubling information. Patrick assured Sam that she could confide in him, since he was on her side, so Sam told him about Olivia and Ned's discussion about Olivia's baby. Stunned, Patrick wondered if it was possible that Sam had misunderstood, but she was certain she had heard correctly. However, Sam had no idea what to do with the information because a part of her understood Olivia's apprehension about Julian's involvement with the mob, but another part of Sam thought both of her parents deserved to know that Julian was the father of Olivia's baby.

Sam feared that she might blurt something out during the Nurses Ball, so Patrick suggested they switch the seating at the table to keep Sam away from Alexis and Julian. Patrick was curious who else would be seated at their table, so Sam revealed that she had invited Jake and Hayden. Patrick didn't appear pleased, prompting Sam to wonder if he had a problem with Jake and Hayden joining them. Patrick tactfully avoided the question by turning the conversation back to Sam's dilemma with Julian. Patrick advised Sam not to say anything until after the ball because the shocking news had the potential to disrupt the ball.

At Brad and Lucas' apartment, Brad was shocked when he answered a knock at his door. "Oh, my God, " Brad said when he saw Britt standing on his doorstep, sporting a big floppy hat, dark sunglasses, and a trench coat. Brad and Britt squealed with joy as they hugged each other then slipped into the apartment before anyone spotted Britt. Brad couldn't believe that Britt was in Port Charles, so he wondered if Nikolas had dropped the charges against her. Britt admitted she was still on the lam from the law, but she had wanted to watch the red carpet arrivals with Brad.

Brad was delighted by his friend's visit, but he was curious what her life had been like since fleeing town. Britt admitted that she and her father moved around a lot, but she didn't mind because she enjoyed Cesar's company. Britt assured him that her "Papa" was still crazy, but Cesar was also sweet because he had arranged for her to visit Brad. Britt changed the subject by asking about Brad's life, so he told her that he and Lucas were living together as a couple. Britt was delighted that her friend had found the man of his dreams, even though she had lost hers.

Britt admitted that she didn't blame Nikolas for pressing charges against her, but she desperately missed Spencer. Brad realized that Britt hadn't heard about Spencer's accident, so he told her about the fire at Wyndemere. Britt became upset, but Brad was confident that Spencer would recover, since Spencer was out of the hospital. Britt confessed that she wished she could see Spencer, her brother, and even her mother. As if on cue, Liesl banged on Brad's door, demanding that he let her in. Liesl threatened to fire Brad if he didn't comply, so Britt quickly slipped into the bathroom while Brad opened the door.

Liesl shoved her way past Brad then informed him that she knew he had a houseguest. Liesl decided to revoke Brad's personal day off and ordered him to go to the lab. After Brad left, Liesl called out to her daughter. Britt stepped out of the bathroom to shyly greet her mother, so Liesl revealed that Cesar had told her about Britt's visit. Liesl was hurt that Britt hadn't reached out to Liesl, so Britt hugged Liesl and assured her mother that she had missed Liesl.

Liesl explained that she didn't have long with Britt because Liesl had to get to work on the ball, but she wanted Britt to know that Britt was always on Liesl's mind. Britt hugged her mother again then tried to lighten the mood by asking if Liesl intended to crash the opening number like the previous year. "Wait and see," Liesl replied as she flashed a secret smile.

At Wyndemere, Hayden warned Nikolas to watch his tone with her because she knew that Nikolas held the truth to Jake's actual identity. Nikolas was not intimidated because Hayden had far more to lose than he did, but Hayden didn't believe him. She was certain there were people who would bury Nikolas for keeping the secret about Jake. Satisfied that she had made her point, Hayden approached Nikolas with seduction on her mind, but he caught her by surprise when he twisted her arm behind her back then spun her away from him. He whispered menacingly in her ear that he would bury her if she told anyone anything.

Hayden was curious if Nikolas was threatening to kill her, so Nikolas clarified that he didn't have to resort to such extreme measures. Nikolas released Hayden as he explained that it would only take one phone call to the police commissioner to make Hayden disappear in a remote prison. Hayden saw the promise in Nikolas' expression, so she immediately backed down. Pleased, Nikolas reached for her, but Spencer suddenly entered the living room. Spencer stopped short and quickly apologized for intruding, so Hayden asked who Spencer was.

Nikolas reluctantly introduced his son to Hayden, so Hayden asked about the mask. Spencer's smile instantly vanished as he stepped back and claimed the mask was intended to shield Spencer and the world from the horror underneath. Nikolas rolled his eyes then clarified that the mask protected his son's injury as the skin healed. Spencer changed the subject by asking if Hayden was their new houseguest, Valerie, so Hayden decided to let Nikolas explain who she was. Nikolas introduced Hayden as an associate who had been on her way out.

Nikolas marched Hayden to the front door but stopped to quietly warn her to tread carefully. Hayden was confident that Nikolas wouldn't carry out the earlier threat because the sex between them was too good. After Hayden left, Nikolas returned to the living room to tell Spencer to get ready for the ball. Spencer refused because it meant nothing to him without Emma on his arm. Nikolas reminded his son that beauty was on the inside, not just the outside, but Spencer merely scoffed.

Nikolas promised that Spencer would soon be as handsome as ever, but Spencer disagreed. Frustrated, Nikolas reminded Spencer that Spencer had refused to talk to the doctors, so Spencer hadn't heard the doctors' assurances that Spencer would be okay. Nikolas agreed to let Spencer skip the Nurses Ball, but he pointed out that sooner or later, Spencer would have to accept what Spencer looked like. Nikolas confessed that he was proud of Spencer because Spencer was the bravest and most wonderful boy in the world in Nikolas' eyes. Nikolas was confident that Spencer would find the strength to get through the recovery because it was what Spencer's mother, Courtney, would have wanted.

Outside the ballroom at Metro Court, Elizabeth bumped into Jake. She was startled, but quickly recovered then explained that she was busy getting everything ready for the ball and her performance. Elizabeth wondered if Jake planned to attend the ball but regretted the question when she realized that elaborate affairs were not Jake's style. Jake confessed that Sam had invited him, which surprised Elizabeth until he added that the invitation had included Hayden. Jake shifted gears to admit that Carly had told him about Elizabeth's reconciliation with Ric, so Elizabeth confirmed it was true.

Elizabeth softly confided that it had been hard for her to get over Jake, but it had been necessary, especially after Hayden had tracked Elizabeth down to tell Elizabeth that Jake and Hayden had grown close once again. Jake frowned as he asked what Elizabeth was talking about, but Elizabeth insisted that it didn't matter. Jake disagreed because he wanted to know exactly what Hayden had told her. Elizabeth explained that Hayden had let her know that Jake and Hayden had reconnected as lovers, but Jake insisted Hayden had lied. Jake admitted that he couldn't be intimate with a stranger, which Hayden was.

Jake wondered why Hayden would lie, but Elizabeth suspected Hayden had been afraid that something might still be simmering between Jake and Elizabeth. Jake confessed that he wished it were, even though he was a married man and Elizabeth was with Ric. Jake realized it was wrong, but he couldn't stop thinking about Elizabeth because she was the woman he remembered and the woman he continued to miss. Jake and Elizabeth drew closer to each other as they looked deep into each other's eyes but instantly stepped apart when Hayden suddenly called out to Jake.

Hayden approached then reached for Jake's arm, but he shrugged Hayden off. Hayden smiled awkwardly as she tried to pass it off as Jake's abhorrence for public displays of affection, but Elizabeth decided to get back to work. Hayden seized the opportunity to ask if Elizabeth could snag a couple of tickets to the ball for Jake and Hayden, so Jake revealed that he already had two tickets. Hayden was excited and eager to pick out a grown for the evening, but Jake decided he and Hayden should have a chat first. Jake led Hayden away, but he glanced back at Elizabeth longingly.

In Metro Court's ballroom, Ric showed Molly an engagement ring as he confided that he planned to propose marriage to Elizabeth. Molly smiled as she assured her father the ring was lovely, but Ric sensed that Molly was holding back. Molly admitted that Elizabeth was the best thing to happen to Ric, but she urged Ric to reconsider the proposal. Molly feared it was too soon, so he advised him to take things slowly. Ric reminded Molly how close he and Elizabeth had been before he had been forced into the Witness Protection Program, but Molly continued to have reservations about the timing.

Ric insisted he and Elizabeth were destined to be together despite Elizabeth's brief infatuation with Jake, but Molly argued that Elizabeth might not be over Jake. She feared that Elizabeth was on the rebound, but Ric was disappointed by his daughter's lack of support. Molly promised she wanted the best for her father, but she had watched Elizabeth seesaw between Ric and Jake since Christmas, which made her wonder if Elizabeth had unresolved feelings for Jake.

According to Ric, the connection he and Elizabeth shared was unwavering. He conceded that Elizabeth might have had her head turned by Jake, but Elizabeth's heart had always belonged to Ric. Molly realized that her father remained determined to propose, so she hugged her father and wished him well. She was certain that he and Elizabeth would be happy together. Molly wondered when Ric planned to ask Elizabeth to marry him, but Ric confided it was a surprise.

Moments later, Elizabeth approached Ric and Molly then asked what she had missed. Molly cryptically told Elizabeth that Elizabeth would have to wait to find out.

In New York City, Carly figured out that Ric had been behind the scheme for Hayden to pose as Jake's wife in a desperate attempt to free Elizabeth up for Ric, but Pete refused to confirm it. Carly was eager to blow Ric out of the water, so Pete asked why Carly hated Ric. Carly listed a few of Ric's crimes against her, including kidnapping her and locking her in a panic room, so Pete conceded that Ric sounded like a piece of work. Pete closed his apartment door as Carly wondered why Pete was protecting Ric until she suddenly realized that Pete didn't want to expose Ric because Pete had been blackmailing Ric.

Carly warned Pete to stop stonewalling her or she would call the police, but Pete assured her that he was "squeaky clean." Carly easily saw through the lie, but she offered to pay him to turn on Ric. Pete's interest was piqued when she explained that she owned Metro Court and had far more money than Ric could ever dream off. Carly sat down to work out a deal with Pete then had the money transferred into his account in exchange for his help. She instructed him to grab his tuxedo because Carly planned for Pete to give the performance of his lifetime.

Pete fetched his tuxedo and followed Carly out the apartment. He was curious what her plan was, so she promised that the 2015 Nurses Ball would be one that people would not forget.

Friday, May 1, 2015 At Metro Court, Lucy was a nervous wreck in her dressing room as she decided she didn't have anything suitable to wear. Felix patiently looked at the racks of designer gowns then promised to find Lucy the perfect dress. However, he urged her to relax because the red carpet festivities were about to begin.

At Wyndemere, Lulu tried to persuade Spencer to change his mind about attending the Nurses Ball, but Spencer stubbornly refused because he didn't want photographers to snap pictures of his hideous face. Lulu gave up, so Nikolas warned his son that Spencer was not hideous. Spencer argued that his face was disfigured, but Dante countered that Spencer looked tough. Spencer's mind was made up, so Nikolas, Lulu, Dante, and Valerie reluctantly left without Spencer. Spencer picked up the remote then turned on the television to watch the Nurses Ball on television.

"What the fudge?" Spencer asked when he saw Ric, Elizabeth, Cameron, and Emma walk the red carpet together. He immediately called Josslyn to find out why Cameron and Josslyn were no longer a couple, so Josslyn revealed that Cameron had ended things because Cameron had accused Josslyn of being a "noodge." Spencer conceded that Cameron was right, and abruptly ended the call in frustration.

At Brad and Lucas' apartment, Brad spoke to Lucas on the phone. Brad explained that he had been delayed at work, so he wouldn't be able to make it in time to walk the red carpet with Lucas. However, Brad promised to be at the ball in time for the opening number. After Brad ended the call, Britt smiled because Brad had sounded "sickenly sweet" with Lucas on the phone. Brad ignored Britt's remark as he jumped on the bed to settle next to her and watch the red carpet arrivals.

On television, the host introduced himself as Donny Sheldon and welcomed the first guests, Ned and Olivia. Britt was shocked when she realized that Olivia was pregnant, since Olivia was a grandmother.

On the red carpet, Ned had reservations about Olivia attending the ball because of her labor scare the previous evening, but Olivia insisted she wouldn't have missed the Nurses Ball for the world.

Nearby, Sam stared at Olivia. Patrick asked if Sam was okay, so she admitted that she hated not telling her father about the baby. Moments later, Julian and Alexis walked up. Julian was curious what Patrick and Sam had been talking about, so Patrick revealed that Brad wouldn't be able to walk the red carpet with Lucas.

In Brad and Lucas' apartment, Britt was surprised when she saw Patrick and Sam together. She tried to find fault with Sam but couldn't because Sam's glittering dark dress was beautiful. Brad snarked that at least Sam had been classy enough to leave her leather jacket at home, prompting Britt to burst into laughter.

On the red carpet, Ric and Elizabeth arrived with Cameron and Emma. Meanwhile, Hayden and Jake were in the elevator. Hayden wanted to explain why she had lied to Elizabeth, but Jake wasn't in the mood to discuss it. The elevator doors opened as a reporter asked Elizabeth if Elizabeth would be performing at the ball. Jake couldn't take his eyes off Elizabeth. She sensed someone watching her, so she glanced over her shoulder and saw Jake. Ric noticed and quickly hustled Elizabeth and the children into the ballroom.

Next, Michael and Sabrina arrived. Donny asked about baby A.J., so Michael assured the reporter that the baby was safe at home.

After Michael and Sabrina entered the ballroom, Shawn, Jordan, T.J., and Molly walked the red carpet. However, the crowd erupted in applause when Lucy, wearing a dazzling white gown, arrived with Duke as her escort. The host asked Lucy a few questions about the ball, so Lucy patiently answered them then moved on. Out of the limelight, Lucy thanked Duke for being her date even though they were no longer a couple. Lucy was disappointed that things hadn't worked out for Duke and Anna, but Duke reminded Lucy that Anna was with someone else.

Moments later, Anna arrived on Kyle Sloane's arm.

In Brad and Lucas' apartment, Brad admitted that he was bored with the parade of people on the red carpet until Lucas and Felix suddenly appeared. A reporter asked if Lucas and Felix had rekindled things, but Felix quickly clarified that he and Lucas were just coworkers and friends. Brad was pleased when Felix added that Lucas was in love with someone else.

After Lucas and Felix entered the ballroom, Maxie and Spinelli sailed down the red carpet. A reporter asked Maxie questions about her gown, but she reminded the reporter that the focus of the night should be the charity, not the fashions. Maxie's smile faltered when she suddenly saw Nathan and Ellie arrive together. Spinelli was equally surprised to see Ellie with Nathan, so Maxie decided to have a talk with the couple. Spinelli tried to stop Maxie, but Maxie was determined to confront Nathan and Ellie.

Maxie started to walk toward Nathan and Ellie, but Spinelli unintentionally stepped on the hem of Maxie's designer gown. To Maxie's horror, she tripped and fell as the halter of her dress slid down, while the crowd let out a collective gasp. "Jackpot," Brad and Britt yelled in unison as they gave each other a high-five.

On the red carpet, Maxie quickly pulled her dress back into place as Nathan reached her to ask if she was okay. Maxie was grateful that she had been wearing something under the gown, which had spared her from complete humiliation. Spinelli and Maxie questioned what Nathan and Ellie were doing together, so Nathan reminded Spinelli and Maxie that he and Ellie were single. After Spinelli and Maxie left, Ellie worried that both Spinelli and Maxie had been upset. Nathan was pleased because it meant Nathan and Ellie's plan was working.

At Brad and Lucas' apartment, Brad announced that he had to leave because he had promised to meet Lucas in time for the opening number. Britt was disappointed but hugged her friend goodbye. After Brad left, Britt watched as Nikolas walked the red carpet with Valerie Spencer. Britt glared at Valerie as the reporter asked Nikolas about Spencer. Nikolas explained that Spencer had decided to stay home.

Backstage, Carly led Pete to a storeroom. She instructed him to stay put until she signaled for him to join her. Carly explained that Ric was scheduled to perform, so she wanted to make certain that it would be a performance no one would forget.

In the ballroom, Molly thanked Duke for paying for T.J.'s college tuition. Shawn and Jordan walked up as Duke assured Molly that T.J. had a promising future. Nearby, Brad approached Lucas. Brad and Lucas decided to place a bet on whether or not Liesl would crash the opening number. Lucas doubted that Liesl would do it, but Brad was certain Liesl had something planned.

Elsewhere, Carly watched Ric and Elizabeth. Ric tensed when Carly walked up, but he politely asked where Sonny was. Carly admitted that Sonny had decided to stay home because Sonny wasn't in the mood for a party after dropping the custody suit for Avery. Carly surprised Ric by adding that she wanted to make peace with him for Sonny's sake and move forward. Ric seemed skeptical but accepted Carly's olive branch.

Moments later, the announcer introduced the host for the evening, Lucy Coe. Lucy appeared on stage in a sexy black gown. She reminded everyone that they had gathered together to raise money for the treatment and hopeful eradication of AIDS. Lucy added that Aveeno had generously sponsored the evening and would donate to the charity as well.

Finally, the nurses took to the stage to sing the opening number welcoming everyone to the 2015 Nurses Ball. As the song and dance number drew to a close, a loud boom filled the air. Seconds later, Liesl appeared dressed in a red suit as she began to sing 99 Red Balloons in German. Liesl switched to English as she sashayed around the stage, popping red balloons. After the song ended, a few people in the audience clapped.

Liesl admitted that the song reminded her of the "halcyon days of 1983" when the threat of "global thermal nuclear war" loomed over everyone. Lucy tactfully escorted Liesl off the stage for the next performance.

At Wyndemere, Spencer stared at his television with awe. "That. Was. Fabulous," Spencer decided. Spencer turned when he heard someone enter the room. His face lit with joy when he saw Britt. After they hugged, Britt confessed that she had missed Spencer and had heard about his accident. Spencer grumbled that he was a freak, but Britt refused to listen to Spencer wallow in self-pity. She demanded to know why he wasn't at the ball, so he lamented that it was meaningless without Emma.

Britt urged Spencer to stop sulking and go the ball, but he remained reluctant until Britt reminded Spencer that he was a prince. Spencer decided to take her advice, so he walked Britt to the door and called for Chandler.

At the ball, Carly pulled Spinelli aside to enlist his help. Meanwhile, Molly approached Elizabeth's table to tell her that Ric had asked Molly to give Elizabeth something he wanted Elizabeth to open during his performance. Molly set the small black ring box on the table then left.

Moments later, Ric walked out on the stage. He talked about the difficult year he had endured and how grateful he was for being given a second chance at life, being a father, and love. The soft strains of a guitar filled the air as Ric began to sing a romantic song about getting married. Touched, Elizabeth's eyes filled with tears as pictures of Ric and Elizabeth's life together flashed on a screen in the background. However, Ric realized something was wrong when Elizabeth's suddenly frowned. He turned and saw Hayden and Jake's wedding picture on the screen just as Carly walked out to join Ric on the stage.

Carly apologized for interrupting Ric's performance, but she was eager to introduce someone. Ric was shocked when Pete strolled out and revealed that Ric had paid Pete to pose as Jake prior to facial reconstruction. The audience was stunned when Pete added that Ric had enlisted Hayden's help in a desperate attempt to break up Jake and Elizabeth. Furious, Ric accused Carly of deliberately humiliating him, but Carly was unfazed because it was typical of Ric to deflect by trying to blame others.

In the audience, Elizabeth had heard enough, so she stood up and fled the room. Ric ran after Elizabeth in a panic, while Carly looked at Jake. She apologized to him for outing Hayden as a fraud, but Carly was satisfied that at least he knew the truth about the "lying bitch" in his bed. Concerned, Nikolas decided to check on Elizabeth.

Outside the ballroom, Ric caught up with Elizabeth and begged for an opportunity to explain his side of things, but Elizabeth angrily accused him of being a lying bastard as she slapped him hard across the face. Ric insisted he had been desperate to get her back because he loved her, but Elizabeth didn't believe him. She doubted that Ric had ever loved or respected her because he had taken away her choice. "There shouldn't have been a choice," Ric snapped with irritation because he firmly believed Elizabeth belonged with him, not Jake.

Elizabeth argued that she had given Ric chance after chance because she had wanted to believe there was good in him, but he had continually let her down. Elizabeth questioned if there had ever been any good in Ric, but she was certain that he was not good enough for her. She made it clear that she never wanted to lay eyes on him again then stormed away.

Meanwhile, Jake followed Hayden out of the ballroom to get some answers. Hayden admitted that her name had been real, but the rest had been a lie. Jake was furious, but Hayden suggested that he save his anger for the person responsible for the deception. Seconds later, Ric walked up, followed by Carly. Carly didn't mince words as she ordered both Ric and Hayden out of her hotel. Hayden wanted to get her things, but Carly agreed to have Hayden's things packed up and tossed to the curb. Carly asked Jake for the wedding ring.

After Jake handed the ring to Carly, she tossed it at Hayden with the suggestion that Hayden pawn it. Carly watched with satisfaction as Hayden followed Ric out of the hotel then told Jake that she had always known that he would never marry a woman like Hayden.

In the ballroom, Lucy tried to salvage the show by dragging Brad to the stage to finish Ric's song. Brad reluctantly agreed, but decided to make it upbeat, so Felix ran backstage to grab half a dozen men to act as backup dancers during the performance. Brad sang the song to Lucas as the crowd swayed along to the song. Afterwards, everyone erupted in applause, including Lucas, who gave Brad a standing ovation. Pleased, Lucy returned to the stage and thanked Brad then remarked that there hadn't been any pressure for him to propose to anyone. "Why not?" Brad asked then stunned the audience by proposing marriage to Lucas.

In the dressing room, Elizabeth was in tears as Nikolas entered to check on her. Agitated and crying, she paced the small room as she berated herself for foolishly giving Ric another chance. She was furious about what Ric had done to Jake, but she suddenly realized that she could be with Jake, since Jake wasn't married. Elizabeth decided to find Jake, but Nikolas urged her not to. Elizabeth ignored Nikolas as she marched to the door, so Nikolas confessed that Jake was married. Confused, Elizabeth reminded Nikolas that Hayden was not Jake's wife, but Nikolas revealed that Jake was Jason.

Monday, May 4, 2015 "Lucas Jones, will you marry me?" Brad asked into the microphone so that everyone could hear him. There were gasps until people excitedly started to take videos and pictures on their phones. Lucas covered the microphone and said that Brad was caught up in the moment, so he shouldn't ask the question of Lucas unless he meant it. Brad assured Lucas that he’d meant every word. Lucas grabbed the microphone out of Brad's hand and exclaimed, "Yes, Brad Cooper, I will marry you!" The two shared a kiss as the audience cheered.

A short while later, Julian put one arm around Lucas and one arm around Brad as he welcomed Brad to the family. Just then, Lucy ran over and whispered that it was almost time for the Magic Milo act to begin. Brad and Lucas started off in opposite directions. Before leaving to get ready, Lucas teasingly reminded Brad not to look at any of the guys except for him.

Cameron was sitting dejectedly backstage when Emma found him. He was sad that Elizabeth and Ric wouldn't be getting married because of Ric's lies. Emma suggested that they skip out on their dance number, but Cameron assured her that it would only make his night better. As the two walked away, Spencer entered the backstage area in a cape.

Onstage, Lucy announced the next act, Magic Milo and the Magic Wands. The number started out with Lucas dressed as "the Doctor." It continued with Felix dressed as "the Nurse," Michael dressed as "the Executive," T.J. as "the Student," Nathan as "the Cop," and finally, Milo as "the Pizza Guy." The women in the audience went crazy as the guys danced. Ellie took a video of the performance, to the judging of Maxie and Spinelli. The guys went into the audience and danced in the crowd. At the end of the number, the guys tore off their pants to reveal "Nurses Ball" written on the backs of their briefs. Epiphany went up onstage and kissed Milo as the crowd cheered.

When the performance was over, Dante found Valerie out in the hall, checking out the "swag bags." He teased Valerie about her excitement about the bags.

Backstage, Emma and Cameron ran into Spencer, who claimed to be the "Phantom of the Nurses Ball." He wanted to "whisk Emma away on an adventure through the catacombs of Wyndemere." Emma didn't want to go, and Spencer accused her of being horrified by his face. She didn't care how he looked, only how he treated her, which, to her, was like "a prize to be won." She hoped he could be happy again and left with Cameron. "You won't get away with this," Spencer muttered.

Onstage, Lucy announced the Haunted Starlets. Dancing and singing to Meghan Trainor's "Dear Future Husband" were Sabrina, Maxie, Ellie, Lulu, Valerie, and Sam. Both Maxie and Ellie, and Lulu and Valerie clashed during the number. Amid the cheers when the number was over, Nathan and Spinelli remarked on Ellie and Maxie's beauty, respectively, and awkwardly commented on their respective exes' beauty as well.

The next number was a tango performed by Emma and Cameron. During the dance, Anna and Duke shared a meaningful look. Suddenly, sandbags began to fall to the stage. Anna and Patrick quickly got the kids off the stage as Spencer appeared on the video screen. "I am the Phantom of the Nurses Ball! If you think I'm a monster, I'll give you a monster!" he cried.

Spencer continued that everyone should be afraid because, "you never know when I'll strike!" He appeared onstage, and Dante wondered where Nikolas was. Lulu went up onstage with Spencer and wondered why he'd almost hurt Cameron and Emma. Spencer claimed that Cameron had started the fire at his birthday party on purpose. Lulu took Spencer off the stage and went to find Nikolas.

Backstage, Lucy looked on as Duke peered through the curtain to make sure that Emma was all right. Lucy told him to go check on Emma, but Duke refused. Lucy knew that Duke still loved Anna, so she urged him to go fight for her. Duke didn't think there was a point. As Lucy scolded him for wanting to live a miserable life, the curtain opened. As per tradition, Lucy was in only a bodysuit.

Kyle asked Anna if the lack of clothing was normal for the Nurses Ball. "Unfortunately, yes," Anna replied. Lucy hid behind Duke as she announced that Duke had offered to step in to perform the tango. "I did?" he wondered. Lucy continued that Duke and Anna would be performing the dance, and she ran off the stage. "Join me for old time's sake?" Duke asked. The music started, and Anna went up on stage. The two danced and received thunderous applause when it was over.

Carly was sorry for all the lies that Jake had been told but told him that the upside was that he got to move on. He demanded to know why he would humiliate Elizabeth in front of everyone. Carly reasoned that she'd needed to out Ric "loud and in public" so he didn't get away with it, and she regretted that Elizabeth had been caught in the crossfire. Jake understood her rationale, but he still wished Carly had gone about things differently.

Carly wondered if Jake still wanted to be her friend. He joked that he wouldn't be able to get rid of her even if he wanted to. He thanked Carly for what she'd done for him, because he stood a chance with Elizabeth. Carly wondered if he really wanted to rush into a relationship with Elizabeth, since he could have a family somewhere. Jake doubted he would remember anything from his past, and he refused to put his life on hold for something that could not even exist. He thought he'd deal with the situation if it ever happened.

Jake told Carly that he liked Elizabeth, and he thought she liked him too. He wanted to fight for her, and he hoped Carly would back him up. She promised to always have Jake's back, and the two shared a hug. A few minutes later, Jake had gone to find Elizabeth. Brad and Lucas ran by Carly, and Lucas shouted to her that he and Brad were engaged. She wanted the details, but the couple ran away giddily.

Elizabeth explained to Nikolas that she didn't care who Jake had been. She liked Jake, and she wanted to be with him. Nikolas tried to talk her out of it when he finally blurted out, "Jake Doe is really Jason Morgan!" He continued that she didn't deserve to get "the rug pulled out" from under her again. She didn't believe him and turned to leave, but Nikolas swore on Spencer's life, which stopped Elizabeth in her tracks. She demanded to know how Nikolas knew.

Nikolas explained that Helena had known, because she'd been at Crichton-Clark with Jason. They'd escaped before the explosion, and that was the night that Jason had been hit by a car. Elizabeth realized that was why she'd felt a connection to Jake as soon as she'd met him. She realized that Jake hadn't had a connection to the name "Jake" because it had been his own name and that it was because he vaguely remembered his son with Elizabeth.

Nikolas admitted that he'd known for months. Elizabeth yelled that Jason had a right to his life and that Jason's family and friends had a right to know that their loved one was alive. She thought that Emily only would have forgiven Nikolas after finding out that Helena had forced Nikolas to keep the secret, and she asked if that was what had happened. Nikolas told her that Helena had threatened to send him to prison, but really, he'd been planning to take over ELQ, and Jason being alive would "ruin everything." He stated that he’d stayed quiet because he'd chosen to. Elizabeth slapped him hard across the face.

Elizabeth demanded to know why Nikolas would do that to someone who'd never been anything but decent to Nikolas. He explained that the last two years of his life had been "a disaster" and that he was "reclaiming my life." He continued that most of the people Jason loved were better off, since Jason had always been torn between his family and the mob. Elizabeth cried that it wasn't Nikolas’ call to make.

Elizabeth wondered why Nikolas had chosen to tell her. Nikolas cared about Elizabeth and didn't want to see her in pain. He thought that if he allowed her to be with Jake and then the news was revealed, she would be even more devastated. She turned to leave so she could "tell Jason the truth." She thought that everyone deserved to know the truth. "I won't stop you," Nikolas said, and Elizabeth left.

Spencer, Lulu, Dante, and Valerie were back at Wyndemere. Lulu understood that Spencer had been going through a tough time, but she didn't think it gave him an excuse to hurt others. He said he was sorry, and she believed him. Lulu wanted to wait for Nikolas to arrive home, but Dante thought Spencer needed some space. Spencer promised not to "do anything stupid," so Lulu agreed. She promised to check in with him the next day, and they left Spencer in the living room. Dante made sure that Valerie would keep an eye on Spencer, and she agreed to.

Spencer was facedown on the couch when he felt a hand on his back. He told whoever it was to leave him alone. He turned over and gaped as he recognized the woman: "Mother?"

Onstage at the Nurses Ball, Patrick and Emma played guitar and sang together. They sang of Emma's ability to do anything she chose to do as home movies and picture of Emma as a baby and toddler played in the background. Elizabeth entered the room and saw Sam happily watching Patrick and Emma. As the song ended, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

Lucy got onstage and dubbed the performance as the most touching thing she'd ever seen. Just then, Elizabeth ran onstage and grabbed the microphone as Nikolas, Carly, and Jake entered the room. Elizabeth apologized for interrupting and announced that there was something she needed to say.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015 At the Nurses Ball, Patrick and Emma performed a song together as they each strummed a guitar. Elizabeth stood in the background and watched, but her gaze drifted to Sam, who watched the performance with a big smile on her face. After the song ended, Anna ran up to kiss her granddaughter as Sam clapped for both Patrick and Emma. At the same time, Lucy returned to the stage to thank Patrick and Emma, for the "amazing" performance.

Lucy was about to introduce the next act, but Elizabeth suddenly ran to the stage to grab the microphone from Lucy. The applause died down as Elizabeth announced that she had something to say. "It's about Jason," Elizabeth added as Nikolas entered the ballroom. Elizabeth appeared undecided what to say next, prompting Carly to ask what Elizabeth had to say. Elizabeth looked at Jake as Nikolas' shocking confession about Jake being Jason replayed in her mind.

Jake quietly remarked to Carly that Elizabeth seemed upset, but Carly wanted an answer. Elizabeth recalled the special moments she had shared with Jason through the years, including reconnecting with him after his facial reconstruction and amnesia, so she decided to share a poignant story about Robin's tragic love story with Stone and courageous confession during a Nurses Ball that Robin was a "face of HIV" during a time when the virus meant almost certain death. Elizabeth's eyes filled with tears as she talked about the emotional toll the admission had had on Robin and how Jason had carried Robin off stage.

Elizabeth’s voice quivered with emotion as she added that Jason had died, but Robin was happily living in France. However, each had been an example of acceptance and courage to those who loved them. Elizabeth confessed that Jason and Robin had been the two bravest people she had ever met and then quietly added that she wished she could have had some of Robin and Jason's courage. Suddenly feeling awkward, Elizabeth apologized for taking up everyone's time, handed the microphone to Lucy, and ran out of the ballroom. Jake tensed when he noticed Nikolas follow her, but he turned his attention to Carly as he admitted that he finally understood who Jason had been.

In the hallway, Elizabeth ran until she found a quiet corner in which to cry as her legs gave out. Moments later, Nikolas appeared and handed her a handkerchief, so she accepted it then invited him to ask why she hadn't told everyone that Jake Doe was Jason Morgan. Elizabeth conceded that she had been about to reveal the truth until she had seen Jason standing next to Carly.

According to Elizabeth, she no longer saw Jake when she looked at him -- she saw Jason. Everything had changed for her, so she had decided not to say anything. "And I'm not going to," Elizabeth added with determination. Nikolas urged her to reconsider because he didn't want her to make a decision that she would grow to regret, but Elizabeth assured Nikolas that she wouldn't. She explained that Jason would no longer belong to her once the truth had been revealed.

Elizabeth knew there wasn't a place for her in Jason's life, but she could have a chance at happiness with Jake. Elizabeth wanted that opportunity because she and Jason had always been cheated out of it in the past, but Nikolas suggested there might have been a reason for that. Elizabeth refused to lose Jason to Sonny and Carly, who would expect Jason to clean up their messes, but Nikolas reminded Elizabeth that others, including Jason's wife, Sam, would be hurt. Elizabeth rationalized that Sam and Danny were happy with Patrick, who could put Sam and Danny first. Nikolas remained uneasy because it wasn't in Elizabeth's nature to hurt people.

Elizabeth's temper flared because good and honest people like Patrick and Sabrina were always made to suffer for it. Elizabeth was tired of always doing the right thing when half the town constantly got away with lying, cheating, and stealing to get what they wanted without any repercussions. She added that Jason couldn't remember any of his loved ones, so she would be sparing everyone tremendous hurt and disappointment, but Nikolas wasn't sure he could watch Elizabeth make such a big mistake. Elizabeth insisted it wasn't his decision, so she begged him -- if he had ever truly loved her -- to keep her secret. Reluctantly, Nikolas agreed then hugged her.

At Wyndemere, Spencer stared in disbelief at his mother, but Courtney assured him that she was there. Spencer reminded Courtney that she had died moments after his birth, but Courtney told her son that they had always shared a special connection because she had loved him. She wondered if he had felt her love, so Spencer admitted that he had. Courtney smiled but admitted that she was disappointed by his behavior at the Nurses Ball because he could have seriously hurt Cameron and Emma. It was the moment when Courtney had decided Spencer had needed to do more than feel her love -- he had needed to hear her voice.

Spencer defended his actions by accusing "that townie," Cameron, of taking advantage of Spencer's "disfigurement" to steal Emma. Courtney admonished her son because she didn't approve of him saying that he was disfigured or calling people names. Spencer argued that Cameron was a "nobody from low blood," so Courtney revealed she was a townie like Cameron, since she had grown up poor in Atlantic City. Courtney pointed out that calling Cameron a townie hurt Cameron as much as it had hurt her when people had made fun of her social status.

Courtney sensed something else was bothering her son, so she tried to get to the root of Spencer's resentment toward Cameron. Spencer claimed everyone liked Cameron better than they did Spencer, but Courtney knew it went deeper than that. Resigned, Spencer opened up about his fears about his "hideous" scars, so Courtney was curious how Spencer knew what his face looked like, since he had never looked at his injuries. She assured him that beautify was on the inside, so she wanted him to trust her to take off the mask. Spencer reluctantly agreed.

A few minutes later, Courtney invited Spencer to look in the mirror. Spencer slowly turned his head until he saw a small red scar on his cheek. Surprised, he confessed the scar was smaller than he had realized. Courtney grinned as she suggested that it added character to his face. Spencer realized that his time with Courtney was at an end when she began to tearfully talk about his future. Courtney promised that she would always be watching over him and be in his heart then hugged her son tightly.

A short time later, Nikolas arrived home. Nikolas was startled when he noticed his son wasn't wearing the mask, so Spencer cryptically revealed that someone had helped him realize that he could get through difficult times no matter how bad they were. Pleased, Nikolas sat down next to Spencer on the sofa. Courtney appeared behind father and son to rest her hand on each one's shoulder. Spencer smiled knowingly.

In Metro Court Restaurant, Carly and Jake approached the bar. Carly wiped away a stray tear after Elizabeth's speech, so Jake asked if she wanted to talk. Carly declined because she doubted it would help, but she urged Jake to go after Elizabeth. Jake seemed undecided, but Carly shooed him away.

Moments later, Carly bumped into Michael. She quickly seized the opportunity to ask if she could have a private word with him. Michael glanced pointedly at Sabrina, but Sabrina reminded him that she had to get ready for her performance. She urged Michael to stay, and she left. Pleased, Carly talked to Michael about Jason and how she saw a lot of Jason's best qualities in Michael. She admitted that she had wanted her son to become his own man who did what he believed was right, regardless what anyone else thought. "Not even you?" Michael asked. Carly chuckled. "Just like Jason," she added with a grin.

Nearby, Kyle called out to Jake as Jake passed by. Jake explained that he didn't have time to talk, but Kyle made it clear that it wasn't an option, since the Jeromes had attempted to kill Jordan. Jake admitted that he had doubts that Jordan had been the intended target because Hayden had caught Carlos Rivera, armed with a rifle, in Jake's hotel room on the same day. Jake explained that his room had a bird's-eye view of the restaurant's terrace, so Jake advised Kyle to find out who had been on the terrace that day. Kyle decided to check if Jake's room could double as a "sniper's nest," but he was certain the Jeromes wanted Jordan dead.

Kyle suspected that Carlos had been in Jake's hotel room to frame Jake in case the hit went awry. Jake agreed that was possible, so Kyle advised Jake to use the incident to broach the subject with Julian in the hopes of finding out what was really going on.

In the ballroom, the performances continued with Ned singing a lively rendition of Crazy Little Thing Called Love, while Epiphany, Felix, and Sabrina served as backup singers. During the performance, Ned danced with Olivia, as the audience clapped along. Once the song ended, Patrick asked how Sam was holding up. Sam assured him that she didn't intend to create a scene, but she would have a few questions for Olivia after the ball.

Meanwhile, Carly approached Sabrina in the dressing room to thank Sabrina for encouraging Michael to talk to Carly and for believing in Michael when everyone else, including Carly, had rushed to judgment. Embarrassed, Sabrina confessed that Michael had been good to Sabrina, so she had wanted to return the favor.

In the ballroom, Duke's phone rang, but Shawn and Jordan walked up before he could answer it. Shawn revealed that Julian Jerome had slipped out of the ballroom, so Shawn wanted to go after Julian. Jordan didn't think it was a good idea because it would draw unnecessary attention to them, so Duke agreed with Jordan. Moments later, Duke slipped into the alley to return the call he had missed. He greeted Bruce then instructed Bruce to proceed with the plan to kill Jordan.

In the ballroom, Kyle noticed that Anna had been watching Duke. He knew she was in love with Duke, so he encouraged her to go to Duke to talk things out. Surprised by Kyle's insight, Anna agreed. She caught up with Duke just as he assured Bruce that there wasn't any reason to call the hit off.

At Nathan and Ellie's table, Nathan caught Maxie and Spinelli watching them, so he instructed Ellie to put her arms around his neck and laugh. Ellie did as Nathan requested just as Maxie and Spinelli stood up. Both Maxie and Spinelli tensed when they saw Nathan and Ellie appearing to have a good time. Nathan smiled as he whispered to Ellie that their plan appeared to be working.

A few minutes later, Spinelli took to the stage to sing the romantic ballad It Might Be You. Ellie wiped away a stray tear as Spinelli serenaded Maxie, but his eyes kept straying to Ellie. Nathan and Maxie also kept glancing at each other during Spinelli's performance. After the song ended, everyone clapped, but Spinelli appeared to be deep in thought.

After Spinelli's song ended, Lucy stepped onto the stage to thank everyone, including the Nurses Ball's sponsor, Aveeno; the performers; those who had helped out with the ball; and the generous people who had donated money to the charity. Afterwards, she introduced Epiphany and Sabrina, who closed the show with the song You're Not Alone. During the performance, Lucy invited guests to join Epiphany and Sabrina on stage.

Jake watched from the doorway until he sensed someone standing behind him. He turned and saw Elizabeth in the hallway, so he walked toward her as the ballroom door slowly closed.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015 After the Nurses Ball ended, Patrick and Sam watched as Julian and Alexis approached Ned and Olivia. Alexis apologized for missing Ned's performance but explained that it had been unavoidable because Molly had had a meltdown. Ned didn't blame Molly for being upset about the fiasco with Ric, so he promised Alexis that it was fine. Julian seized the opportunity to ask how Olivia and the baby were, but Olivia became defensive and began to babble. Ned tactfully intervened by graciously telling Alexis that he hoped both Alexis and Julian enjoyed their evening.

Nearby, Sam admitted that it was difficult for her to watch her father say goodnight to a baby that Julian had no idea was his. Sam decided it was time to do something about it, but Patrick advised Sam against it. Sam ignored him as she marched off to have a talk with Olivia.

In Lucy's dressing room, Maxie recalled seeing Ellie pat Nathan on the rear as he had prepared to perform in the Magic Milo act during the Nurses Ball. However, she shook the memory away as Spinelli suddenly entered the room. He was curious why she was in the dressing room, so Maxie pasted on a smile as she held up her purse and explained that she had collected something she had left behind.

In the ballroom, Ellie reported to Nathan that Spinelli and Maxie had slipped backstage. She wondered if they should follow the couple, but Nathan didn't see the point, since he had no idea what to say to Spinelli and Maxie. Nathan confessed that scheming wasn't his forte, so Ellie assured him that she didn't have much experience with it either. Ellie was dejected because their earlier attempts to get through to Spinelli and Maxie had failed, but Nathan wasn't ready to give up. Ellie had no idea what to do next, so Nathan decided to show her when he saw Spinelli and Maxie approach.

Spinelli and Maxie stopped short when they saw Nathan passionately kiss Ellie. Spinelli quickly recovered from the shock and marched up to Nathan and Ellie, demanding that Nathan unhand Ellie. Spinelli shoved Nathan away then accused Nathan of pawing at Ellie, but Ellie was curious why Spinelli cared. Spinelli sputtered with outrage as he reminded Ellie that she was on the rebound, so Maxie chimed in that Nathan and Ellie barely knew each other. Nathan reminded Maxie that she had her own storybook romance with Spinelli, so Nathan and Ellie were free to write their own.

Ellie added that the next chapter would begin with Nathan taking her home to rock her world. After Ellie took Nathan's arm and started to leave, Maxie asked Nathan to stop because she didn't want him to leave with Ellie; Maxie wanted him to leave with her. Stunned, Nathan asked why Maxie had sent him away when he had gone to her with his heart in his hand, so Maxie explained that she had felt obligated to reject him because she had already promised to be a family with Spinelli. Maxie confided that she had been on her way to tell Nathan that he was the one for her until the "ridiculous" fight with Spinelli at the gym.

Spinelli quietly asked if everything Maxie had said was true, so she apologized for hurting Spinelli once again. However, Maxie believed that she and Spinelli would be better co-parents as friends because Spinelli was meant to be with someone better than Maxie, like Ellie, since Maxie's heart belonged to Nathan. Spinelli surprised Maxie by confessing that Ellie would always be the one for him.

Confused, Maxie asked why Spinelli had tried to make things work with Maxie if Ellie was the one he loved. Spinelli blamed Ellie for making him question if he had unresolved feelings for Maxie. Spinelli had thought things could work with Maxie, but he had realized that he was passionately in love with Ellie. Overjoyed, Ellie kissed Spinelli. Afterwards, Spinelli begged Ellie to take him back, so she grinned and told him to get her out of there.

"Good for him," Nathan said as he watched Spinelli and Ellie run out of the ballroom together. Maxie wondered if Nathan would believe that she, too, had realized that she loved Nathan and had for a long time. Maxie acknowledged that she had sent Nathan mixed signals, but she promised that she was deeply in love with him because he was a kind and honest man who had never given up on her. Sensing the sincerity in her voice and expression, Nathan kissed her.

In an alley outside Metro Court, Duke spoke on the phone with Bruce to confirm that he wanted Bruce to kill Jordan. Duke tensed when Anna suddenly appeared in the doorway, but he remained on the phone as Bruce vowed that Jordan would be dead by morning. After the call, Duke distracted Anna by mentioning their tango during the Nurses Ball. However, his soft smile vanished when Anna admitted that Kyle had sent her. Duke resented Anna's boyfriend sending her to pump Duke for information, but Anna clarified that she and Kyle weren't involved.

Duke was skeptical because of his encounter with Kyle in Anna's hotel room, so Anna explained that it had been an innocent situation, and she hadn't been in the room when Kyle had showered. She quickly shifted gears by admitting that she had felt a connection with Duke during their performance, even though he was dating Lucy. Duke confessed that he and Lucy had ended things because they had each agreed that they were better as friends, which was why Duke had gone to Anna's room. Anna's expression filled with hope as she wondered if there had been anything else Duke had wanted to tell her, so he took her hand then confessed that his life had been empty without her.

Duke regretted the mistakes he had made, including not fighting harder for Anna. However, he pointed out that they could try again, but Anna's eyes filled with tears as she reminded Duke that they remained on opposite sides of the law. Duke was curious if Anna would give him another chance if he removed the obstacles keeping them apart, but Anna doubted that Sonny would make it easy for Duke to walk away. She also admitted the FBI investigation against him wouldn't simply vanish because Duke and Anna had rekindled their romance. Duke didn't expect the investigation to disappear, but he thought perhaps he and Anna could run away to a faraway place where no one knew them.

Duke was confident that Anna could find a safe place with her connections, but Anna wondered if Duke appreciated what he was asking her to give up. Duke reminded Anna that it was the only way for them to be together, but Anna questioned him about his vendetta against Julian. Duke realized that Julian had cost him too much, so Duke refused to risk losing Anna again if she agreed to take him back. Duke assured her that he loved her and that he would make her new life worth it. "Don't we deserve this?" Duke asked.

Anna smiled as tears shimmered in her eyes. Duke was relieved when Anna happily agreed to leave town with him later that night. Duke explained that he had something to take care of, but he promised to meet her at midnight. Anna kissed Duke and then left. Moments later, Duke called Bruce to call off the hit on Jordan, but the call went to voicemail.

At the hotel's elevator, Bruce skulked in the shadows as he spied on Shawn and Jordan. After a heated kiss, Jordan asked if Shawn was ready to go to the bar to mingle and have a cocktail before they ended the evening in bed. Shawn grabbed Jordan's hand and started to lead her away until he spotted Julian and Alexis rounding the corner. Shawn immediately attacked by grabbing Julian's lapels and shoving Julian against the wall. Jordan and Alexis tried to pull Shawn off Julian, but Shawn was livid because Julian had ordered a hit on Jordan.

Julian refused to be intimidated, but he assured Shawn that he hadn't sent anyone to kill Jordan. Shawn released Julian, even though he didn't believe Julian's denial. Julian promised that Shawn could rest easy because Julian wouldn't waste the bullets on Shawn's "piece of ass." Infuriated, Shawn knocked Julian to the ground with a single punch. Rather than cower, Julian stood up and took off his jacket as he invited Shawn to take another swing. Shawn was surprised that Julian would have the courage to face him without Julian's new soldier, Jake, backing Julian up.

Julian reiterated that he hadn't ordered the hit on Jordan. "Then who did?" Shawn demanded in frustration. Julian pointed out that Sonny had a lot of enemies, so it was anyone's guess. However, Julian was adamant that it hadn't been him. Shawn warned Julian not to lie because Shawn would hunt Julian down, but Julian remained firm. After Shawn and Jordan walked away, Bruce carefully followed them.

Meanwhile, Julian was annoyed that Shawn had falsely accused him of putting a hit on Jordan. Alexis ignored the remark as she advised Julian to follow her to the bar so they could put some ice on Julian's injury.

At the bar, Sam approached Olivia to talk about Olivia and Julian. Olivia became nervous, so Ned tried to brush Sam off, but Sam revealed that she knew Julian was the father of Olivia's unborn child. Olivia tried to deny it, but Sam repeated verbatim what she had overheard Olivia and Ned say at General Hospital. Sam suggested it was time for her father, Julian, to learn the truth but Olivia implored Sam to keep the secret. Patrick was surprised, since a father had a right to know about his child, but Olivia disagreed.

Olivia reminded Sam and Patrick that Julian was a mobster. Olivia explained that she had lied about Dante's paternity to give Dante a safe and happy childhood, which Sam, as a mother, should understand. Olivia knew that Sam was uniquely qualified to understand the dangers that surrounded men like Sonny and Julian because of the attempt on Lucas' life during a family dinner. Ned sensed Sam's indecision, so he promised that he would love the baby as his own, but Sam didn't want to betray her entire family. Olivia tearfully reminded Sam that each of Sonny's children had paid a high price for being raised in his world, so Olivia didn't want her child to grow up with car bombs, bullets, and threats of kidnapping.

Olivia insisted that the most important thing was to keep the baby safe, but Sam argued that she couldn't simply lie to her father. "Lie to me about what?" Julian asked as he and Alexis walked up.

At Wyndemere, Nikolas was annoyed when he entered his bedroom and saw Hayden lounging naked in his bed. He was curious why she was there, so she admitted that she had been tossed out of the hotel. Hayden seductively invited Nikolas to join her in bed, but he declined and ordered her to leave. Hayden sensed that Nikolas was stressed, so she offered to help him unwind. She playfully promised to keep her voice down, unless he did "that thing with your tongue," but Nikolas wasn't amused.

Hayden stood up to let him take in her nudity as she asked if Nikolas really wanted her to leave. Nikolas remained silent, so she urged him to stop fighting his attraction to her and take her. Later, Hayden stretched out in bed with a satisfied smile until Nikolas made it clear that she was not welcome to stay. Hayden suspected Nikolas' sour mood had something to do with Elizabeth then made a few disparaging comments about Elizabeth until Nikolas warned Hayden to stop because he would not allow her to disrespect Elizabeth. Hayden assured Nikolas that he had nothing to worry about because Jake would help Elizabeth pick up the pieces, since Ric and Hayden were out of the picture.

Nikolas reminded Hayden to leave, but she made it clear that she would stay for as long as necessary. Nikolas disagreed, but Hayden threatened to tell everyone who would listen that Nikolas knew the truth about Jake's identity. Nikolas was curious what Hayden thought she knew, so she revealed that Jake was Jason Morgan.

Outside the ballroom, Jake asked if Elizabeth was okay. Elizabeth couldn't find the words to answer as she thought about Nikolas' confession that Jake was Jason. Jake became increasingly concerned about Elizabeth, so she decided to get some fresh air, fetch her son, and go home. Jake offered to take her. Elizabeth appeared momentarily undecided but then decided to accept.

Later, Elizabeth stared at a picture of her and Jason until Jake returned to the living room to let her know that Cameron was sound asleep. Elizabeth set the picture down as she thanked Jake for his help with Cameron because she wouldn't have had the strength to carry her sleeping son to bed. Jake quietly asked if they could talk, but Elizabeth didn't know where to begin. Jake suggested they start with Hayden not being his wife.

Jake regretted that he hadn't heeded Carly's warning instead of relying on Hayden's word, but Elizabeth insisted that Ric had provided Hayden with convincing evidence. Elizabeth felt horrible that Ric had given Jake false hope about a past so Ric could get Elizabeth back, but Jake argued that Elizabeth was not to blame for Jake being in the dark about who he was. Her expression clouded with guilt as she recalled pleading with Nikolas to accept her decision not to tell Jake that Jake was Jason.

"I wouldn't go so far," Elizabeth murmured quietly in response to what Jake had said, but Jake didn't hear her. He remained concerned about her because he didn't want her to beat herself up for something that had been beyond her control. Elizabeth realized that Ric had to have been desperate to go to the lengths he had, but Ric had paid a price by losing what he had wanted most. Jake agreed then changed the subject by admitting that he wanted to explore a relationship with Elizabeth.

A short time later, Jake and Elizabeth ate sandwiches by candlelight. He surprised her by revealing that he wanted to focus on the present and put the past behind him. Hayden's appearance had made Jake realize that there wasn't anything in his past worth remembering, so he finally felt free to live his life. Elizabeth felt the same way because she had let Ric go, but Jake disagreed because he knew how important Jason had been to her. Jake didn't want Elizabeth to leave those feelings behind, so she admitted that she couldn't because it had become clear to her earlier that evening that Jason would never be far from her even though life went on.

"He'll always be in my heart," Elizabeth softly added. Later, Jake joined Elizabeth in the living room as he asked her if she wanted to be with him. Jake confessed that he had known months before that she was the one for him, but Elizabeth thought about Nikolas' warning that there would be consequences if she lied to Jake. Elizabeth recalled telling Nikolas that Patrick, unlike Jason, would always put Sam and Danny first.

Elizabeth shook off the memory then told Jake that she had wanted him far longer than he realized. Jake smiled and kissed her passionately.

End Nurse's Ball 2015 Dvd #8

Nurse’s Ball 2016 Dvd #9: Robin Returns
Monday, May 23, 2016 In the Metro Court ballroom, Bobbie watched as Valerie danced with two other performers in rehearsal for the Nurses Ball. Valerie greeted her aunt, who wished that Patricia was there to watch Valerie dance.

Felix entered the room, barking orders at the performers, reminding them that the ball was the next day. Brad whispered to Lucas that he didn't know why Felix got so worked up when the show always turned out great. They agreed that the next night's ball would be the best yet. Brad declared that nothing bad would happen, just as a stage light crashed to the floor. When everyone stopped to look, Felix demanded that everyone get back to work and began to order the workers around.

Hayden arrived with Curtis, who was picking Valerie up after rehearsal. He told Hayden how Lucy hadn't given him a choice about performing, but he didn't mind because it was a "worthy cause." Hayden thought that if anyone had the right to complain about their situation, she did about her "personal finances." She dreaded getting a "low-level job." She asked him to let her know if he changed his mind about stealing her diamonds back from Nikolas, and she left.

Curtis watched Valerie dance until she took a break. Valerie hinted to Bobbie that she could join the number, but Bobbie claimed to be tired and hoped she wasn't getting sick. Lucas appeared, worried about his mother. She vowed not to miss the Nurses Ball, since it was her favorite night of the year. Brad and Lucas smirked, and Valerie asked if they knew about a surprise performance. Lucas hinted that the ball would be Bobbie's "favorite ever."

Later, Valerie wore headphones and danced along to her music. Curtis approached and complimented her dancing. She wondered if she could see his act, but he informed her that Lucy had wanted the act kept "top secret." He suggested that they ditch their respective acts and do something together.

On the phone, Nikolas asked the person on the other end to make his last deposit "liquid, immediately." After hanging up, he dumped Hayden's diamonds out into his hand. He took a step and slipped on some DVDs Spencer had left out, scattering the diamonds across the floor. He was scrambling to pick them up when Elizabeth entered, catching sight of the diamonds.

Nikolas demanded that Elizabeth forget what she'd seen. She wondered if the diamonds had belonged to Hayden's father. She urged him to turn Hayden in, and his wife would be out of his life forever. He revealed that the diamonds were his leverage against Hayden and that he'd sold one due to his "cash flow problem." She informed him that Lucy would have understood if he hadn't been able to make his usual donation. "And I thought my life was complicated," she cracked. She warned him to watch his back, hugged him, and left.

Liesl called out to Finn at the hospital and informed him that she'd been doing some research, which was supposed to yield some "interesting results." She disclosed that she'd requested the files on his employment from his last hospital, but the hospital had strict privacy protocols. "Like any hospital anywhere!" Finn exclaimed. She explained that she wanted to make sure that, after Finn had lost two patients in less than a month under similar circumstances, there wasn't a "trail of corpses" behind him.

Finn declared Liesl insane and accused her of violating his privacy. "I couldn't care less," she said. Finn walked away and ran right into Hayden, who wanted to talk to him. She offered him a check for ten thousand dollars. She knew it wouldn't cover what Finn had lost after her father's actions, but she wanted to start making amends on behalf of her father. She insisted that he take the check then she left.

"Are you okay?" Elizabeth asked Finn, who was leaning headfirst against a wall. "Does anyone at this hospital mind their own business?" Finn exclaimed and stormed away. A short while later, he approached Elizabeth at the nurses' station and apologized for taking his anger out on her. "As long as you don't sic your lizard on me," Elizabeth joked. Finn muttered that even Roxy would be ashamed of his behavior, and he walked away with his head down.

Liesl appeared and warned Elizabeth to stay away from Finn because he was not what he seemed. "In what way?" Elizabeth wondered. "I haven't found that out yet," Liesl replied as she glared after Finn. Finn entered a room and looked at Hayden's check.

On the phone with Lucy, Nikolas promised to be at the Nurses Ball with his wife. Hayden appeared in the doorway and demanded to know where he'd gotten the money for a donation. He ended his call with Lucy and talked about "repositioning my assets." She found a diamond on the floor and angrily accused him of selling her diamonds. He grabbed the diamond away from her, but she ran at him to get it back. The two struggled over the diamond, and he ended up pinning her on the floor. They got closer and closer until Nikolas finally stood up.

Nikolas advised Hayden to "pull yourself together before the ball." He instructed her that she was to "play the part of the doting wife." She claimed that she didn't have anything "suitable" to wear, and he suggested that she buy something new. "With what? My good looks?" she challenged. "Hawk this, my treat," he said, handing her an antique teacup. She grabbed the teacup and walked toward the door. Before she left, she told him that, despite the leverage they each had on the other, she knew that she could survive losing everything, but he didn't. When she was gone, he looked at the diamond in the light.

Alexis sat on the couch, reading some papers, and Julian approached behind her and tried to kiss her. She pulled away and claimed that she'd just been startled. He took out a jewelry box and told Alexis that he'd gotten her a gift. He opened it to reveal a sparkling necklace. She wondered if he was trying to buy her silence. He asked if "from now on," she was going to think that every nice thing he said or did for her was only to buy her silence. She apologized and said that she just needed time to process events.

Julian's phone rang, and he answered it to Lucas, who wanted to meet his father at the hospital. Lucas had an important question for Julian and wanted to ask it in person. Julian agreed and hung up. Julian invited Alexis along, but she had an appointment for a manicure in preparation for the Nurses Ball. He left, and she watched him go. She got out the bag with his bloody shirt and made a phone call. "I need you to come over immediately," she told the person on the other end.

At the hospital, Julian met up with Lucas and wondered what was going on. Lucas divulged that he and Brad were getting married at the Nurses Ball the next night, and he wanted Julian to be his best man. Julian wanted nothing more but advised his son to find someone else. With his name in the news and near the top of the suspect list in Carlos' death, Julian didn't want to steal the spotlight from them.

Alexis let Diane into the house and thanked her for the visit. Alexis confessed that she needed to hire Diane. She tearfully explained that she'd believed in Julian's love for her. "Did something happen to make you question that commitment?" Diane wondered. "Possibly," Alexis answered. Diane reminded Alexis that she couldn't be forced to testify against her husband. Alexis admitted that she wasn't worried about protecting Julian. "Are you worried about protecting yourself?" Diane asked. Alexis nodded.

Diane expressed how happy the police and the FBI would be to have Julian "dead to rights." She promised to broker a deal for Alexis, who had never thought she'd be in the position that she found herself in. Diane wondered if Alexis would turn Julian in. Just then, Julian returned and wondered what he'd walked in on. Diane informed him that they were about to go to a manicure appointment together. After Julian briefly filled Alexis in on his conversation with Lucas, the two women left.

Outside, Diane asked if they were going to the police or the nail salon. "Nails," Alexis answered. She thought Julian would notice if her nails weren't done, but Diane didn't think it would matter if Julian was in custody. Alexis didn't want to get Julian arrested the day before his son's wedding. Diane inquired if Alexis was just stalling. Alexis admitted to changing her mind "fifteen times already." As the two women finally left, Julian watched them go.

Bobbie remembered that when Lucas had first come out as gay, it hadn't been very widely accepted. She was glad that the world was changing, and she was "thrilled" to welcome Brad to the family. He admitted his shock that Lucy had allowed the wedding. Felix overheard Brad's comment and asked what was going on. Brad filled Felix in on the wedding and added that he would love for Felix to be his best man.

Lucas returned, and Brad updated Lucas on his search for a best man. Brad said that Felix had been the first person to make Brad consider that being a "soulless, selfish horndog" was not the way to spend the rest of his life. Felix was touched and accepted. Lucas was happy for Brad but admitted that Julian had declined being Lucas' best man. A few minutes later, Lucas got off the phone with Sam, who had agreed to be his "best person." Lucas and Brad shared a kiss in celebration of their "unconventional" wedding for a "conventional" couple.

On the plane, Sonny made sure that Michael knew to follow his lead, because Michael was not supposed to be involved in the business. Michael promised that he wouldn't get involved in anything else after they found Sabrina.

Marcos pointed his gun at Sabrina, regretting that he'd let Carlos talk him into keeping Sabrina. He informed her that the cops, the FBI, and Sonny were all looking for her. She thought that he would be safe if he just let her go with Sonny. He wanted to "tie off" the loose end before it got messier and make sure to cover his tracks. Just as Sabrina began screaming for her life, Michael burst through the door and tackled Marcos.

Sonny strolled through the door, and Marcos froze in fear. Sonny got Marcos' gun, so Michael went to Sabrina. Sonny instructed Michael to take Sabrina to the plane and wait for him. The two left, and Sonny sat on a chair directly in front of the kneeling Marcos. Sonny told Marcos that if he wanted to save his own life, he should tell Sonny what he knew about Julian.

Marcos insisted that he knew nothing about Julian and that Carlos had been a childhood friend of his. Carlos had asked for a favor, so Marcos had helped. Sonny called the favor a "costly" one. As Sonny pointed his gun at Marcos, Marcos wondered if Sonny was going to kill him. "What do you think?" Sonny responded, smiling. "Bang!" Sonny yelled, laughing at Marcos' reaction.

A cop entered, and Sonny directed him toward Marcos. He informed the cop that Marcos had kidnapped a woman and child, and he was a smuggler and extortionist. He assured Marcos that Sonny's associates were going to testify against him. Sonny told an angry Marcos that he should blame Carlos for his predicament for going against Sonny.

In the plane, Sabrina admitted that she had been sure that she was never going to see her son again. She wondered why Michael had gone looking for her after she'd lied and left with Carlos. She confessed that she'd been in contact with Carlos for "months" before leaving Port Charles with him. She had immediately regretted her decision. Michael assured her that she could have asked him for help. She'd wanted to, but she had been afraid, since she'd been with the man who'd shot Sonny and hated the entire Corinthos family.

Michael told Sabrina that Carlos was dead, which she'd found out just before Michael had found her. "God forgive me, I'm relieved," she confided. He told her about how he'd found Carlos on the docks after he'd been stabbed. Sabrina made sure that her son was at the Quartermaine house, and Michael thought her son was "beautiful." The two held hands just as Sonny entered.

Michael asked Sonny what had happened. Sonny summarized that Marcos had said he knew nothing about Julian, and he believed him. Marcos was going to jail, so Sonny had to figure out another way to "nail Julian."

Tuesday, May 24, 2016 Robin was on the phone with Patrick assuring him that she understood that he couldn't make it to the ball because he was lecturing at a medical conference, but she admitted that she'd miss him. Robin wrapped up the call as Emma ran in from outside to announce that it was time. Robin and Emma sat on the sofa, turned on the television, and watched as Donny Sheldon welcomed viewers to the 2016 Nurses Ball and red carpet arrivals.

At the nurses' station, Maxie approached Griffin and advised him to have a long talk with Amy because Amy had been spreading gossip about Griffin being a priest. Maxie was stunned when he admitted that it was true. Griffin explained that he was on a leave of absence, but he remained a priest. "What a waste," Maxie muttered under her breath before shifting gears to announce that she was there to fetch Nathan for the Nurses Ball.

Griffin informed Maxie that Nathan wasn't in any condition to attend the event, but Maxie insisted that she needed someone to escort her on the red carpet. Griffin was caught off guard when Maxie suggested that he take her because he would be the perfect stand-in, since he was a priest. Griffin argued that he didn't have a tuxedo, but Maxie assured him that she could take care of that with one phone call. Griffin was about to object until he received a text message that made him smile.

At Ava's apartment, Scott sported a dark blue tuxedo with satin lapels as he complimented Ava's flattering red gown. She appreciated the praise but decided to broach the subject of Scott moving out when Avery returned home. Scott cut her off by ducking into his bedroom to fetch the tickets for the ball as Kiki entered the living room. Scott was impressed with Kiki's shimmering, form-fitting, soft blue dress. Ava smiled at her daughter as Scott disappeared down the hall. Ava agreed that Kiki looked beautiful, but Kiki was disappointed that Kiki couldn't attend the ball with Morgan.

Ava feigned concern as she asked if anything had happened between Kiki and Morgan. "You could say that," Kiki replied then quickly filled Ava in about Morgan's decision to end things with her. Ava claimed to be sorry but added that it might be for the best. Kiki appeared skeptical, but Ava changed the subject by reminding Kiki that Jerome women didn't sit at home and adding that they would be the belles of the ball. Scott heartily agreed as he returned and admitted that he felt honored to squire two beautiful women to the ball.

At Metro Court, Carly put the finishing touches on the reception area and instructed the bartender to keep an eye on the gift bags to make certain that no one walked off with more than one bag. Carly's good mood soured when she saw Liesl. Liesl, dressed in a beaded burgundy gown with long sleeves, smiled innocently as she greeted Carly. Carly wasn't fooled because she recalled that Liesl had hijacked the opening number of the Nurses Ball for two years running, so she warned Liesl that security would intercede if Liesl tried again. Liesl scoffed and informed Carly that Liesl would never do anything as predictable as taking over the opening number. "I have something much better in mind," Liesl said under her breath with a cunning smile as Carly left.

Backstage, Lucy sent everyone scurrying to get ready for the opening number. Lucy's eyes narrowed when she saw Amy chatting away on the phone about finally performing onstage and bragging that Amy's number would be amazing. Lucy sternly ordered Amy to get changed for the opening number. Amy quickly ended the call and started backing away as she apologized to Lucy. At the same time, Elizabeth entered the area and tripped as Amy bumped into her.

Franco suddenly appeared and caught Elizabeth before she hit the ground. Franco held Elizabeth in his arms as he told Amy to watch where Amy was going. Amy apologized but added that some people didn't have any natural grace or talent. Amy shot Elizabeth a nasty look and walked away as Lucy stared at Amy with disbelief. Elizabeth ordered Franco to put her down but winced when her feet touched the ground because Elizabeth realized that she had twisted her ankle and would not be able to perform. Disappointed, Lucy decided that Elizabeth could help by changing into a gown and promoting the gala on the red carpet. Elizabeth pointed out that she couldn't walk, but Franco offered to escort Elizabeth and be her "crutch."

On the red carpet, Donny introduced his co-hosts Abbie Boudreau from Good Morning America and Nina. Abbie was glamorous in a stunning gold and silver dress, while Nina looked vibrant in a yellow summer gown with a delicate lace design. Nina nervously glanced at the camera while Donny and Abbie chatted about the red carpet fashions. The first couple to step onto the red carpet was Lucas and Bobbie. Bobbie garnered praise from all three hosts for her dazzling blue gown with cutout shoulders.

Next, Epiphany arrived wearing an elegant black gown and shimmering gold jacket. Donny was curious where Epiphany's date was, but Epiphany smiled as she cryptically explained that Milo would be at the ball. Abbie was curious who Milo was, so Donny explained that Milo was part of Milo and the Magic Wands -- a popular act that had been added in recent years. Nina revealed that Milo was a "stripper," but Donny quickly clarified that the act was very classy. Nina conceded that it was tastefully done.

Moments later, Anna arrived wearing a dark blue velvet gown with silver sequin accents along the sides of the halter-top style dress. Donny and Abbie praised Anna's fashion taste, while Nina mentioned that Anna had recently been arrested and asked what it felt like to go from enforcing the law to breaking it. Donny tactfully changed the subject and allowed Anna to escape before Nina had an opportunity to ask more awkward questions. Next, Brad and Felix arrived. Donny reminded viewers that Brad had proposed to Lucas during the previous Nurses Ball, so Brad promised that the 2016 Nurses Ball would be just as memorable.

Donny and Felix exchanged a flirtatious glance before Brad and Felix moved on. Next, Jordan arrived with Andre. Donny and Abbie loved Jordan's creamy satin gown with a pink and blue jeweled neckline, but Nina advised Jordan to up her fashion game if Jordan hoped to hold onto a man as "hot" as Andre. Everyone's attention moved to the new arrivals as Nikolas and Hayden made an appearance. Hayden wore a sparkling dark purple gown with flattering cutout accents. Nina quickly informed viewers that Hayden's real name was Rachel Berlin and suggested that perhaps Hayden had a fortune hidden away.

Donny and Abbie recognized the name and Hayden's connection to the infamous Raymond Berlin, but Hayden assured everyone that she'd had nothing to do with her father's crimes and denied having a hidden fortune. Nikolas questioned Hayden's claim by pointing out that if she'd been cunning enough to hide her true identity, then anything was possible. Nikolas smiled and added that Hayden kept things interesting, but she was furious as she followed Nikolas into the hotel.

Hayden blasted Nikolas for suggesting to Donny that she might have money hidden away, but Nikolas was unapologetic. Hayden assured Nikolas that she'd been prepared to put up a front as a happily married couple, but he'd better not push her too hard because she wouldn't hesitate to push back. Nikolas watched as Hayden stormed away.

Nearby, Carly saw Lucy checking on the gift bags. Carly assured Lucy that everything was in order and sent Lucy to get ready. Moments later, Carly's phone chimed with a calendar reminder that Ava intended to fetch Avery in the morning. Carly vowed to stop it from happening.

At the bar, Anna ordered a vodka martini as Andre walked up. Andre made a joke about spies preferring their martinis shaken, not stirred, as Anna chuckled and thanked Andre for saving her life. Jordan walked up and greeted Anna before revealing that she intended to drop all charges against Anna the following day. Anna appreciated Jordan's support. Jordan thanked Anna for keeping Jordan's date entertained while Jordan checked in with the police station. Jordan led Andre away.

Anna watched as Andre showered Jordan with compliments and confessed that he wished they could be alone. Anna decided to slip into the ballroom and looked around as she softly whispered to Duke that she missed him. Moments later, Emma appeared onstage to announce that she had a surprise for her grandmother. Anna was thrilled when Robin stepped out from behind the curtain, wearing a dark blue knee-length dress with a long train flowing down the back. Anna happily greeted her daughter and granddaughter with a warm hug as Emma revealed that Robin had sworn Emma to secrecy until Robin and Emma had arrived for the Nurses Ball. Emma confessed that she'd sent Griffin a text message asking him to attend the ball.

Backstage, Bobbie thanked Lucas for spending time with her before the wedding and her performance. Lucas confessed that he was nervous about the wedding. Nearby, Brad explained to Felix that Lucas had insisted on spending the night apart because Lucas feared that it would be bad luck for Brad and Lucas to see each other before the wedding. Felix wondered if Brad was superstitious, too, but Brad shook his head because he figured nothing could go wrong after everything Brad and Lucas had been through to get to where they were.

Brad was startled when he suddenly saw Lucas and Bobbie standing backstage. Lucas was upset until Bobbie confessed that it had been her doing because she had wanted a moment alone with Lucas and Brad. After Bobbie, Felix, Lucas, and Brad picked up a glass of Champagne, Bobbie acknowledged that Lucas and Brad's road to happiness hadn't always been easy, but she wished them a lifetime of joy.

On the red carpet, ABC reporter Georgie Pennacchio interviewed Carly about the 2016 Nurses Ball, but Carly explained that she'd been sworn to secrecy. However, she promised that it would be one of the best. Nearby, Lucy made an appearance in a black beaded mermaid dress as she gushed to Donny and Abbie about the talented staff at General Hospital and the charity the Nurses Ball raised money for.

Meanwhile, Scott, Ava, and Kiki arrived on the red carpet. Nina didn't hesitate to introduce Ava to viewers as a "home wrecker" and Scott as Ava's "sleazy lawyer." Lucy quickly intervened with Carly's help, by dragging Ava away from Nina to pose for photographs. Ava glared at Carly and waited until the cameras stopped snapping pictures to remind Carly that Ava intended to take Avery home in the morning.

Nearby, Dillon greeted Kiki and offered to get a drink with her, but she declined because she knew he was busy with work. Dillon's expression clouded with concern as he watched Kiki walk away. Inside, Scott noticed Lucy walk past him and called out to her. Lucy tensed but pasted on a smile as she stopped and greeted Scott. Scott complimented Lucy, but she was more curious about Scott and Ava's relationship. Ava made it clear that it was a date of convenience only, but Lucy appeared skeptical and told them to enjoy their evening and to donate. After Lucy left, Ava realized that she'd forgotten her checkbook at home and asked if Scott would fetch it, but he refused. Annoyed, Ava decided to return home to get the checkbook.

On the red carpet, Maxie and Griffin talked to Donny, Abbie, and Nina. Donny was impressed with Maxie's black form-hugging designer gown, but Nina told Donny, Abbie, and the viewers that Maxie was engaged to Nina's brother. Nina was curious who the man with Maxie was, so Maxie explained that Griffin was Nathan's doctor and the man who had saved Nathan's life. Embarrassed, Nina thanked Griffin as Maxie quickly moved things along by turning to Dillon and asking him to photograph the back of her dress, which featured a stunning jeweled design from top to bottom in an array of colors.

Hayden returned to the red carpet as Franco and Elizabeth arrived. Hayden groaned with frustration when she noticed that Elizabeth was wearing the same dress as Hayden. Meanwhile, Nina was not happy because of Franco's appearance and tried to embarrass Elizabeth by pointing out that both Elizabeth and Hayden had worn the same dress to the gala. Horrified, Maxie quickly stepped forward to assure Elizabeth that the problem could easily be rectified, and she hustled Elizabeth to Crimson to change into a designer dress.

Next, Curtis and Valerie arrived. Donny, Abbie, and Nina agreed that Valerie looked divine in a short peach dress with a floral lace overlay that flowed to the ground. After Curtis and Valerie entered the hotel, Sam and Jason arrived. Sam wore a ball gown with a fitted black top, wide black belt, and black-and-white striped skirt to match Jason's black-tie tuxedo. After a brief talk with Donny, Abbie, and Nina, Sam and Jason posed for pictures. Jason's smile vanished when he saw Franco and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth had changed into a red strapless dress with a bell-shaped skirt splashed with a colorful floral print on a white backdrop. Franco helped Elizabeth as she limped forward. Donny approved of the new dress and told Elizabeth that she looked beautiful. Nina scowled when Franco insisted that a dress was only as beautiful as the woman who wore it. Jason was seething mad when Franco and Elizabeth joined him and Sam for pictures. Franco made a sarcastic remark as he greeted Jason, but Jason cut to the chase and informed Elizabeth that the more Jason remembered the past, the more he disapproved of her relationship with Franco.

Jason conceded that it wasn't the time or place to argue, but he warned Elizabeth that he did not want their son around Franco and assured her that he intended to talk to her at length about it in the near future. After Jason and Sam entered the hotel, Jason apologized to Sam for losing his temper, but she assured him that he'd handled himself perfectly. Jason was surprised when Robin suddenly walked up and greeted him. Sam excused herself to say hello to Emma while Jason and Robin chatted. Jason filled her in about his memories and admitted that he knew why the night was important to her. Robin was happy for Jason and thought it was remarkable that they were both in attendance for the ball.

After Robin left, Nikolas marched up to let Jason know that he was onto Jason's tricks. Jason assured Nikolas that he had no idea what Nikolas was talking about, but Nikolas didn't believe Jason and promised to give Jason a war if that was what Jason wanted. Jason insisted that he didn't want to fight Nikolas, for Emily's sake, but Nikolas was furious that Jason had mentioned Emily's name. Sam defended Jason by informing Nikolas that Jason's memories had returned. Nikolas wasn't impressed because it meant that Jason recalled being a criminal.

Nearby, Maxie and Robin enjoyed a happy reunion as they talked about Maxie's engagement. Emma greeted Griffin and asked if it was true that Griffin was a priest. Griffin admitted that it was, but Emma was confused because she couldn't understand why Griffin didn't want to fall in love and get married. Maxie admitted that she was as baffled as Emma. Emma smiled and twirled to show Maxie the raspberry gown Emma had picked out. Griffin smiled as he confessed to Robin that he might be in love with Robin's daughter.

Meanwhile, Carly used Morgan's key to slip into Ava's apartment. Carly couldn't believe the key still worked but set to work trying to figure out where Ava had hidden the jump drive with the recording of Ava confessing to Connie's murder. Carly stumbled onto the hiding place by accident when she picked up a martini shaker and heard something rattling around inside. Moments later, Carly froze when she heard a key slide into the front door. In the hallway, Ava unlocked her door but glanced in her purse and noticed her checkbook. Annoyed that she hadn't noticed it sooner, Ava locked the door and left.

A short time later, Carly entered a dressing room at the hotel and quickly checked the jump drive to find out what was on it.

Meanwhile, everyone sat down as Lucy kicked off the 2016 Nurses Ball. Techno music filled the ballroom as Epiphany, followed by an array of nurses and doctors, stepped onstage and danced as several people including Felix, Andre, Amy, and Bobbie, rapped about the history of General Hospital, starting with Steve Hardy in 1963. The opening number ended with a loud round of applause.

Backstage, Liesl smiled with anticipation. She had changed into a dirndl and held two hand puppets as she prepared to go onstage and perform a medley from The Sound of Music. However, four male nurses wearing black ski masks appeared and quickly picked her up and carried her away.

Elsewhere, Bobbie felt short of breath and suddenly collapsed.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016 In Metro Court's ballroom, Ned played the piano as he and Emma entertained the crowd with their rendition of Don't Go Breaking My Heart. The crowd went wild with applause as the song and dance number ended. Ned and Emma took a bow as Lucy joined them onstage to explain that both Ned and Emma were members of two very important families in Port Charles. Lucy revealed that the Quartermaine family had donated considerable money, time, and effort over the decades to help the hospital and the Nurses Ball.

Lucy added that the "adventure-seeking, crazy, wacky, wonderful" Scorpio-Drake-Devane clan had managed to combine medicine with crime fighting. According to Lucy, both the Quartermaine and the Scorpio-Drake-Devane families were a good example for everyone to follow, and she encouraged the guests to open their pockets and donate. Lucy also assured the guests that there wouldn't be any stage crashing like the previous two years because the problem had been solved.

During a short intermission, everyone began to mingle. Emma ran up to Robin and Anna. Robin and Anna congratulated Emma on a wonderful performance and assured Emma that they were both proud of her.

Meanwhile, Epiphany entered a dressing room and heard muffled noises from the closet. Concerned, Epiphany opened the door and saw Liesl gagged and bound to a chair. Epiphany removed the gag to ask why Liesl was locked in the closet, but Liesl sputtered with outrage as she vowed to find the four masked nurses who had abducted her. Liesl demanded to be untied, but Epiphany resented Liesl's tone. Liesl reined in her anger and managed to make a polite request.

After Epiphany untied Liesl, Epiphany asked why Liesl was dressed in a dirndl. Liesl explained that it was for her performance, but Epiphany reminded Liesl that Liesl had not been scheduled to perform and warned Liesl to stay away from the stage. After Epiphany left, Liesl grumbled tha

t everyone enjoyed the songs from The Sound of Music.

In another dressing room, Carly smiled as she removed the jump drive from the laptop. "Ava, you twisted bitch -- your ass is mine," Carly said as she left. A short time later, Carly entered the bathroom and saw Ava applying lipstick. "I thought I saw you slither in here," Carly said as she approached Ava. Ava advised Carly to give it a rest because she wanted Carly "bright-eyed and bushytailed" when Ava collected Avery the following morning.

Carly smiled as she informed Ava that Avery would be staying at Sonny's house because Ava would be relinquishing custody of Avery. Ava laughed and accused Carly of being drunk or delusional. Carly smiled with satisfaction as she held up her phone and showed Ava a bondage sex video of Ava and Paul. Stunned, Ava realized that Carly had broken into Ava's apartment and stolen the jump drive. Carly didn't deny it, but she threatened to post the video online if Ava refused to give in to Carly's demands.

Ava laughed because she wasn't intimidated by the threat. Ava pointed out that she'd done far worse than make a sex tape and invited Carly to do her worst as Ava sailed out the door. Carly wasn't fazed as she pulled out her phone and sent the video to Paul with a threat to post it if Ava failed to cooperate. In the ballroom, Paul looked at the text message from Carly and immediately sought out Ava. Paul dragged Ava to a private corner to question her about the video.

Paul was astounded that Ava had secretly recorded them in the bedroom, but Ava was unapologetic because the tape had been an insurance policy. Paul made it clear that the video could destroy his career, and he ordered Ava to do whatever was necessary to fix things. Ava insisted that it wasn't a big deal, but Paul disagreed and reminded her that he still had the recording of her confessing to Connie's murder. Paul pointed out that he wouldn't have any reason to hold onto Ava's confession if he lost his job.

Furious, Ava returned to the bathroom where Carly was waiting. Carly smiled smugly as Ava demanded that Carly return the jump drive. The argument quickly escalated and turned violent as Ava launched herself at Carly to grab the jump drive. During the tussle, Carly accused Ava of using Avery. Ava's temper flared and provided her with the opportunity to snatch the jump drive out of Carly's tight grip. Ava ran to the toilet, dropped the jump drive in it, and flushed. Carly pointed out that it had been useless because Carly had made a copy.

"It's in the Cloud," Carly added with a grin. Carly advised Ava to accept that Ava had lost custody of Avery and sauntered out the door.

On the red carpet, Kevin smiled when he saw Laura. Laura wore a flattering black gown with a beaded long-sleeved top and plunging neckline. Kevin admitted that he'd hoped Laura could make it to the ball, but she admitted that she had made the decision at the last minute and worried that she might not be admitted, since she hadn't purchased a ticket. Kevin revealed that he had two tickets and invited Laura to be his guest. Laura happily accepted and asked if she had missed any interesting acts. Kevin didn't think it mattered because more crazy things were likely to happen.

In the ballroom, Hayden asked to have a private word with Jordan because Hayden had new information about the shooting that had put Hayden in a coma. Jordan explained that it wasn't the time or place to discuss it, but Hayden remained determined to talk to Jordan until Nikolas appeared and quickly ushered Hayden away.

Nearby, Felix was curious if Brad had misplaced Brad's fiancé, but Brad suspected Lucas was backstage, preparing for the wedding. Backstage, Lucas went over his wedding vows, but he was alarmed when he saw his mother's motionless body on the floor. Lucas rushed over to check on Bobbie as she slowly regained consciousness. Lucas questioned Bobbie about what had happened as he helped her sit up. Bobbie explained that she had gotten lightheaded, but she assured her son that she was fine.

Lucas decided to take Bobbie to the hospital, but Bobbie objected because she wanted to see Lucas and Brad exchange wedding vows. Lucas insisted that she be checked out and helped his mother stand up. Moments later, Lucas guided Bobbie to a chair and ordered her to rest while he fetched the car. Lucas spotted Amy taking selfies in a royal blue gown adorned with silver and crystals along the deep neckline. Lucas asked Amy to let Brad know that Lucas had taken Bobbie to the hospital, but Lucas expected to return shortly.

Meanwhile, Franco approached Elizabeth's table to check on her ankle and say hello to Jake. Elizabeth assured Franco she was better, and Jake smiled at Franco. Franco asked how Jake felt about Jake's big debut at the Nurses Ball, but Jake frowned and confessed that he was nervous. Franco confided that it had always helped Franco to think of the audience as a bunch of quacking ducks. Elizabeth smiled -- unaware that Jason and Sam were watching from a nearby table.

Jason told Sam he was certain that Franco had been "working" Elizabeth. Sam agreed, but she feared that the more Jason remembered, the more Jason would hate Franco. Jason admitted that it was too late because he despised Franco. However, Jason was determined to enjoy the evening and not let Franco get to him.

Backstage, Lucy stopped Griffin to implore him to perform in one of the acts. She explained that it was an emergency, and he was desperately needed. After Griffin reluctantly agreed, Lucy tracked down Milo and Epiphany at the bar to ask if they had seen Lucas. Milo and Epiphany shook their heads, so Lucy dashed over to Elizabeth's table to reveal that she needed to move up Jake's act. Jake was nervous, but Lucy and Elizabeth assured him that he would be fine.

Nearby, Franco noticed the expression on Jake's face and realized that Jake was scared. Kiki thought it sounded as if Franco were preparing for disaster. He admitted that he was because it would crush Jake if Jake failed. Kiki realized that Franco genuinely cared about Jake.

Meanwhile, Maxie tried to persuade Dante to perform with Milo onstage, but Dante refused. Lulu admitted that she wasn't in the mood to share her husband with the other ladies. Moments later, Lucy returned to the stage to introduce Jake. Jake sat on a stool and stared with fright at the audience. Elizabeth offered her son words of encouragement, but Jake didn't appear to hear her as the musician standing behind Jake stopped strumming the guitar. Franco immediately stood up and walked up on stage.

"Quack," Franco said as he looked down at Jake. "Quack," Jake replied with a big smile. Eventually, the musician began to strum the guitar as Jake began to sing, while Franco remained by Jake's side and became part of the act. Nina was moved to tears as Elizabeth smiled with gratitude and filmed the number. Laura's expression clouded with concern when she noticed Elizabeth watching Franco with Jake. After Jake and Franco finished the song and left the stage, Elizabeth rushed backstage to praise and hug her son. Jason and Sam also slipped backstage to congratulate Jake. Jason was proud of Jake's bravery, but Jake gave Franco all the credit. Jason smiled, but it was strained.

During intermission, Robin announced that it was time for Emma to leave because Emma had a sleepover date with Mac and Felicia. Anna was disappointed, but Emma promised to watch the rest of the ball on television.

A short time later, Lucy introduced "Magic Milo and the Magic Wands." The women cheered loudly as Curtis, Griffin, Milo, Felix, and Dillon appeared onstage in fitted black tuxedos. The music started slow as women in short black dresses danced around the men to the beat of a slow sexy song. After the song ended, Maxie admitted to Lulu that it had been a disappointing performance. Suddenly, an upbeat song filled the ballroom as the men danced and slowly stripped. The women cheered loudly as the men ended the performance by turning to flash the crowd their behinds, which had Nurses Ball spelled across their boxer-briefs.

After the performance, Epiphany went backstage to congratulate Milo and make it clear that she was done sharing him with other women for the evening. Maxie also appeared backstage to congratulate Griffin and ask how Lucy had talked him into performing. Griffin admitted that Lucy could be quite persuasive, but he felt bad that he had given in too quickly. Griffin appeared uncomfortable when Maxie assured him that he had nothing to feel guilty about.

Meanwhile, Hayden once again tried to talk to Jordan about the shooting, but Jordan informed Hayden that unless someone's life was in immediate danger, then it could wait until the following day. Nikolas saw Hayden with Jordan and hustled Hayden away. Curtis saw Nikolas' drag Hayden out of the ballroom and excused himself. Valerie assured Curtis that she understood and watched him leave. On the red carpet, Nikolas warned Hayden that she could have a fit at home, but Curtis walked up and ordered Nikolas to release Hayden.

In the ballroom, Sam pointed out that at least Elizabeth had taken Jake home. Jason was relieved that he'd been spared from watching Franco further manipulate Jake, but Sam admitted that she didn't want to get involved because it was between Jason and Elizabeth. Jason explained that he had no idea how to make Elizabeth see that Franco was a threat to Jake. Moments later, Diane approached Jason to deliver bad news. Diane handed Jason a document as she explained that Nikolas was suing him because Nikolas claimed that Jason had purchased ELQ shares with illegal money.

Jason reminded Diane that she had assured him that the money had been clean. Diane promised Jason that Spinelli was the best money launderer in the business and insisted that everything would check out. However, the courts had frozen all of ELQ's assets until the matter was resolved.

At the nurses' station, Finn saw a nurse in scrubs with her back to him and asked her to process paperwork for a patient's discharge. He jumped when Liesl turned to him and asked if she looked like a nurse. Finn was confused because he'd thought Liesl had decided to attend the Nurses Ball. "So did I," Liesl quietly replied.

Later, Lucas arrived at the hospital with Bobbie. Finn rushed over to help Lucas and Bobbie. Finn settled Bobbie in a hospital room and promised to get to the bottom of things. Lucas decided to call Brad and postpone their wedding, but Bobbie insisted that Lucas marry Brad. Lucas was reluctant, but Bobbie stood firm until Lucas left. Meanwhile, Finn was surprised when he saw Liesl still working. She told him that a doctor's job was never done, but she steered the conversation to Finn's previous job.

Liesl was curious why Finn had been fired, but Finn clarified that he'd quit. Liesl asked why, but Finn refused to tell her. Liesl warned him that she would uncover his secrets, and she left.

At the Nurses Ball, Lucy appeared on stage in a white lace gown and talked about love before announcing that two special people had decided to get married at the ball. Lucy introduced Brad, who joined Felix onstage. Next, Lucy introduced Lucas, but Lucas didn't walk out. Sam looked concerned as she stood onstage, waiting for her brother. At the hospital, Bobbie was asleep as someone in a lab coat approached her bed with a syringe. Lucas suddenly entered the room because he had forgotten something, but he stopped short when he saw the person standing next to his mother. "What the hell are you doing?" Lucas demanded.

A short time later, someone closed Bobbie's hospital room door as Lucas was left behind unconscious on the floor.

Thursday, May 26, 2016 At Metro Court, Lucy called for Lucas to join her, Brad, Felix, and Sam onstage, but as the seconds ticked by and Lucas remained absent, it became clear that Lucas would not show. Felix assured Brad there was nothing to worry about, and Sam decided to duck backstage to see if her brother had lost track of time, fussing with his tuxedo. Lucy asked the audience to indulge them for a few minutes as Felix and Brad left the stage.

Maxie excused herself from the table as everyone began to mingle. Robin and Anna remained seated with Griffin as Robin admitted that she was impressed that he was a doctor, a priest, and a stripper. Griffin smiled as he assured Robin that he'd only danced because it had been a worthy cause, but Anna questioned why Griffin had told her that he couldn't dance. Griffin realized that Anna and Robin wouldn't let him live the dance down, but he glanced down at his phone and announced that he was needed at the hospital. Robin assured him that she would be in town for a few days and promised to tell him stories about Duke.

Nearby, Jason approached Carly at the bar to ask if they should look for Lucas, but Carly assured him that Sam had things well in hand. When Jason asked where Michael was, their conversation shifted to Michael and Sonny's trip. Jason told her about Nikolas' lawsuit and the court order freezing ELQ's assets, but he asked Carly not to tell Michael until Jason had had a chance to resolve things with Nikolas. Carly loved having Jason back and assured him that she had complete faith in him.

Backstage, Brad was frustrated when his call to Lucas went to voicemail. Meanwhile, Lucy returned to the stage to explain that they had a few minutes to spare and invited someone from the audience to perform. She was disappointed when no one volunteered, but Sam approached Lucy and whispered something in Lucy's ear. Lucy nodded and asked if anyone had seen Lucas. Amy suddenly perked up and announced that Lucas had left, but Amy had no idea where Lucas had gone.

Lucy, Brad, and Felix retreated backstage as Lucy assured Brad that it wasn't a case of a runaway groom. Brad wasn't as certain because he couldn't imagine what could be more important to Lucas than getting married. Brad also wondered why Lucas hadn't said anything to Brad about leaving. Felix was certain there was a logical explanation for everything because it wasn't like Lucas to ignore calls and text messages. Brad feared that Lucas had had second thoughts, but Felix urged Brad to call Lucas one more time.

Meanwhile, Lucy approached Epiphany and Milo at the bar to plead with Epiphany to move up Epiphany's performance, but Epiphany insisted that it couldn't be done. Desperate, Lucy grabbed both Dillon and Kiki as she informed them that it was time for Dillon and Kiki to change and get onstage. After Dillon and Kiki disappeared behind stage, Sonny, Michael, and Morgan arrived.

A short time later, Lucy introduced Dillon and Kiki to the audience and stepped aside as Dillon and Kiki sang their rendition of Shawn Mendez's Stitches. When the song ended, the audience erupted into applause. Lucy joined Dillon and Kiki onstage and mentioned that they were a cute couple.

At Sonny's table, Morgan excused himself because he wanted to congratulate Kiki. Morgan admitted that he'd done something stupid, but he was certain that it could be fixed. Moments later, Dante and Lulu walked up to talk to Sonny and Michael. Michael revealed that Sabrina had been found and was safe.

Meanwhile, Nina met Dillon and Kiki backstage to praise their wonderful performance. Nina tearfully confessed that Dillon and Kiki made Nina believe that Nina could find love again. Dillon smiled as he watched Nina leave. He was curious why everyone assumed that he and Kiki were a couple, but she didn't care because she'd had fun singing and had completely forgotten about Morgan. Dillon admitted that he'd enjoyed the performance, too, and added that Morgan had been a fool to let Kiki go because she was both gorgeous and fun.

Kiki was startled when Dillon suddenly kissed her. "Wow," Kiki said with a smile as the kiss ended. Dillon agreed and kissed her again unaware that Morgan watched from the shadows.

Morgan returned to his family's table. Michael sensed that something was troubling Morgan, but Morgan blamed it on being away from the clinic for the first time in a while. Michael empathized with Morgan, but he was glad to have Morgan back. Nearby, Carly thanked Andre for all the work that Andre had done with Morgan. Andre assured Carly that Morgan was well on the road to recovery, which was why Andre had agreed to let Morgan leave the clinic for the evening.

At the bar, Robin greeted Sonny. Robin wasn't surprised when Sonny vowed to get justice for Duke. The two friends chatted until Jason walked up. Robin smiled because it reminded her of the times when it had been the three of them. Robin acknowledged that the Nurses Ball had been about remembering what they had lost, but it was also about being grateful for what they had. She was thrilled that Jason finally remembered his past and what he and Robin had once meant to each other.

Lucy returned to the stage in a long, slinky dark gown to remind the audience of the history of the Nurses Ball. Lucy insisted that the nurses were the backbone of the hospital who had to put up with patients and take orders from doctors. Moments later, music from Carol Douglas' Doctors Orders filled the ballroom as Dante's cell phone rang. Surprised, Dante checked his phone and answered it. Onstage, Lulu greeted her husband as she sang that she had gone to the doctor because she had a pain inside of her. Next, Milo's phone rang.

Epiphany sang to Milo that there was nothing wrong with her except she'd been missing her man. Moments later, Maxie, Valerie, and Amy stepped out on stage to join Lulu and Epiphany as they entertained the crowed with their song and dance number. Everyone clapped and a few whistled when the performance ended.

Later, Maxie and Lulu smiled when they caught Kiki and Dillon kissing backstage. Dillon and Kiki jumped apart and looked guilty, but Maxie admitted that she approved. In the ballroom, Morgan decided he was ready to return to the clinic because he felt overwhelmed. Sonny and Carly decided take Morgan, and Michael stayed behind.

Nearby, Sam questioned why Jason seemed distracted. He admitted that he'd been thinking about Nikolas' lawsuit. Michael walked up and greeted Jason and Sam, but Sam quickly excused herself to give Jason and Michael privacy. Jason noticed that Michael was in a good mood, so Michael told Jason that Sabrina had been reunited with her son at the Quartermaine mansion. Michael promised to focus on ELQ and make Jason proud, but Jason assured Michael that Jason was already proud of Michael. Michael was grateful that Jason had gotten ELQ away from Nikolas and promised not to let Jason down.

Lucy returned to the stage, wearing a white mermaid dress with an intricate shimmering dark blue design, and introduced Robin. Robin thanked everyone for attending the ball and explained that the cause was dear to her heart. She told the audience that it had been an important year for her to attend because she had wanted to share the news that there was a new medication that could prevent HIV, but the news wasn't all good because she'd read a disturbing report that HIV was on the rise among certain segments of society, especially "young gay men of low means."

Robin talked about Stone Cates's struggle with HIV twenty-one years prior. She refused to accept poverty as an excuse for anyone to die from a disease that she had hoped would be eradicated in her lifetime. Anna's eyes filled with tears as everyone applauded and Robin left the stage. Nearby, Amy ran up to ask Felix and Epiphany to perform the final number with her, but Felix and Epiphany refused because it was Sabrina's song. Undaunted, Amy decided to perform solo and marched onstage.

Amy began to sing You're Not Alone, but Sabrina stepped out onstage and joined her. Everyone was shocked except Michael, who smiled as Sabrina greeted her friends during the song and took Epiphany back onstage to join in on the song. After the song ended, everyone clapped, and Lucy thanked everyone for attending. She became excited when she realized that she hadn't ended up in her underwear onstage.

Later, Michael congratulated Sabrina on the performance, but Jordan walked up and instructed a police officer to take Sabrina into custody for aiding and abetting Carlos' escape.

On the red carpet, Curtis was pleased that Hayden had decided to tell Jordan the truth about Nikolas' role in Hayden's shooting, but Hayden admitted that Jordan had told Hayden to meet Jordan at the police station the following day. Hayden added that Nikolas had sold one of Hayden's diamonds to make a sizable donation to the Nurses Ball and to keep everyone from finding out that he was broke. Nikolas agreed to return Hayden's diamonds if she went home with him. Curtis advised Hayden against it because Curtis suspected that Nikolas was playing her.

Curtis was certain that the only way for Hayden to get the diamonds back would be to pry them out of Nikolas' cold, dead hands. Hayden smiled as she admitted that she liked the idea. Nikolas tried to persuade Hayden to leave with him, but Curtis said Hayden wasn't ready to leave.

Later, a storm brewed in the distance as Nikolas stood in his office and took a picture of Hayden's diamonds spread out on his desk. He typed a text message to Hayden, assuring her that they could find a compromise if she returned home, and he attached a picture of the diamonds. Moments later, Hayden replied that she was on her way.

At Metro Court, Curtis noticed Hayden leaving and asked where she was headed. She pointed out that she'd have to go home eventually, but Curtis warned her that it was a bad idea because Nikolas had seemed unhinged. Curtis made it clear that he would wash his hands of Hayden if she left because he was tired of rescuing her. Hayden agreed to spend the night at the hotel and go to the police in the morning, but she reminded Curtis that she didn't have any money. Curtis handed her a credit card to use.

At Greystone Manor, Sonny and Carly retired to their bedroom as they talked about Morgan's recovery. They were happy that Morgan was in a better place.

In Bobbie's hospital room, Bobbie slowly woke up and was horrified when she saw Lucas lying still on the floor.

In the hallway, Finn looked at a syringe in his hand but slipped it into his pocket when Griffin walked up. Finn was curious why Griffin hadn't mentioned that Griffin was a priest, but the conversation was cut short when they heard Bobbie cry out for help. Finn and Griffin rushed into Bobbie's hospital room and saw Lucas on the floor. Griffin immediately began CPR as Bobbie explained that she'd found Lucas barely alive. She wondered if her son's condition was a result of Lucas' diabetes, but Griffin didn't know and asked for a defibrillator.

A short time later, Brad called Lucas' phone. Bobbie answered it and tearfully told Brad to meet her at the hospital because Lucas was in trouble. However, she asked him not to say anything to anyone because she didn't want to ruin the Nurses Ball. Later, Brad arrived and stood in the doorway as he watched Griffin use the defibrillator on Lucas while Finn hovered nearby, checking the monitors. Bobbie and Brad relaxed when Lucas' heart was shocked into a normal rhythm.

After Lucas was settled in a hospital room, hooked to a ventilator, Brad and Bobbie held hands as they stood next to Lucas' bed. They were worried about why Lucas remained unconscious, but Griffin noticed an injection mark on Lucas' neck and asked if Finn had given Lucas a shot. Finn was offended by the question and denied injecting Lucas with anything. Griffin insisted that he'd had to ask. Brad pointed out that there had been two recent unexplained deaths at the hospital.

Bobbie feared that the incidents might be linked to what had happened to Lucas. Griffin didn't know, but he thought it was worth investigating. Finn appeared tense as he listened to the exchange.

At Wyndemere, Jason knocked and entered the castle, looking for Nikolas. Everything was dark as Jason stood in the living room, calling out to Nikolas and explaining that he hoped to work things out. Jason heard a loud thud in a nearby room and decided to investigate. Moments later, Sam arrived looking for Jason. She panicked when she heard the sound of shattering glass. Fearing for Jason's safety, she ran to find out the source of the noise.

As the storm raged outside, Nikolas lay motionless and bleeding on the cliffs.

Friday, May 27, 2016 In Metro Court's ballroom, Anna introduced Robin to Andre. Anna explained that Andre was a good friend, and he'd been Anna's therapist at one time. Andre was happy to meet Robin because he'd heard a lot about Anna's daughter. Andre had also been moved by Robin's speech earlier. Robin appreciated the praise because the Nurses Ball was dear to her heart. Anna reluctantly excused herself when Paul walked up to ask for a minute of her time.

After Anna stepped away, Andre and Robin chatted about Patrick and how welcoming he'd been when Andre had first arrived in town. The conversation then drifted to Anna and the toll Duke's death had taken on her. Robin regretted that she lived far away from her mother, but Andre assured Robin that Anna had a lot of friends to look after her. Moments later, Andre left to find his date.

Nearby, Paul handed Anna documents confirming that the charges against her had been dropped. He assured her that her record had been expunged of any mention that she'd attempted to kill Carlos. Paul smiled as he added that both he and Anna were in the clear. Anna was grateful that the charges had been dropped, but she made it clear that there was nothing between her and Paul. Anna turned to leave but stopped short when she saw the stunned expression on Robin's face. Robin asked if she had heard Paul correctly, but Anna grabbed her daughter's hand and dragged Robin away.

Meanwhile, Ava entered the ballroom and immediately approached Paul to inform him that she didn't care if their sex video was made public because she refused to lose custody of her daughter to protect Paul's reputation. Paul reminded Ava that he wouldn't hesitate to produce the recording of her confessing to killing Connie, but Ava tried to call his bluff by pointing out that people would question why he'd held on to the incriminating evidence for so long. Paul smiled smugly and told Ava that he would simply claim that the recording had recently surfaced, but Ava warned him that no one would believe him. Paul disagreed because he had an "impeccable record" of beating the odds. After Ava stormed out, Paul sent her a text message reminding her of the consequences if the video went public.

On the other side of the ballroom, Robin dug in her heels and demanded an explanation from her mother. Anna stopped and tearfully admitted that it was true that Anna had tried to kill Carlos. Anna told Robin about the night Duke had died and Anna's confrontation with Carlos on the piers. Anna revealed that she had snapped when Carlos had goaded her about the lack of evidence but quickly added that it had been an elaborate ruse because Carlos had been wearing a bulletproof vest. Anna filled Robin in about Carlos' capture and Anna's confession, but Robin was hurt that her mother hadn't told her sooner.

Robin was grateful that Anna wouldn't go to jail, but she wanted her mother to start healing. Anna admitted that she couldn't until Duke had justice, which wouldn't happen as long as Julian remained a free man. Robin empathized but insisted that sending Julian to jail wouldn't get Duke back and that Anna would never find peace through seeking revenge. Robin explained that Anna needed to live the best life possible because it was what Duke would have wanted.

Anna knew that Robin was right because Anna had had a vision of Duke when Carlos had locked Anna in a meat locker. Anna admitted that it had been magical to talk to Duke, but he had vanished before she'd been able to say goodbye. Robin wasn't surprised because Robin doubted that Anna had been ready. Moments later, Robin's phone rang, so she excused herself when she saw it was Patrick. Anna was left alone in the ballroom. Her eyes filled with tears of happiness when she suddenly heard music and Duke's voice telling her it was their song.

Duke held out his hand and asked Anna to dance, but she declined because she had to tell him goodbye. Duke smiled because he had hoped she would say that. Duke assured Anna that he loved her, but he wanted her to move on with her life. However, he suggested that they dance one last tango. Anna happily took his hand and joined him onstage. As Duke and Anna danced, Anna started to tell him what she wished for, but he stopped her because he didn't want her to waste any wishes for him. "I can't come back, Anna," Duke gently explained.

Duke urged Anna to move forward and step into a new life because she still had a lot of living to do. Duke kissed Anna one last time and told her goodbye. "Goodbye," Anna said as she slowly spun away from him during the dance. Seconds later, tears swam in her eyes when she turned back and saw he was gone. Anna wiped the tears away when Robin returned to ask if Anna was ready to go home.

In the lobby, Michael was stunned when Jordan arrested Sabrina for obstructing justice and helping Carlos flee jurisdiction. Michael wondered how it benefited anyone to arrest Sabrina, but Sabrina admitted that she deserved to be arrested. Sabrina regretted her poor choices, but she was prepared to take responsibility for her actions. Michael wasn't satisfied and told Jordan that Carlos had held Sabrina against her will after the baby had been born. Jordan felt bad for Sabrina, but Sabrina's actions had given Carlos an opportunity to kill again.

Michael begged Jordan not to take Sabrina to jail and promised that Sabrina wasn't a flight risk because Sabrina's son was in Port Charles, but Jordan insisted that Sabrina could take the baby and flee. Sabrina explained that she had intended to go to the police station in the morning, but she had wanted to spend one night with her son after being separated from him for weeks. Michael switched tactics by suggesting that Jordan should appreciate Sabrina's situation because Jordan had been in a similar one when T.J. had lived with Jordan.

Later, Andre approached Jordan and asked if she was free for the rest of the evening because he wanted her full attention. Jordan smiled when he kissed her, but her smile quickly faded when her phone rang and she saw it was Curtis. Andre urged Jordan to ignore the call, but she worried that the call might have something to do with her son.

At Greystone Manor, Carly joined Sonny in the living room as he poured himself a drink. Carly reported that Avery was sound asleep and happily added that Sonny would never have to worry about Avery being taken away from them again because Carly had forced Ava to sign over custody of Avery to Sonny. Sonny and Carly sat on the sofa as she filled him in about Ava's intention to take Avery home and Carly's efforts to thwart Ava. Sonny was impressed by Carly's ingenuity in using Morgan's key to enter Ava's apartment and ferret out the scandalous video. Carly admitted that she had no idea what Paul had said to Ava, but Ava had been intent on getting her hands on the video.

Carly told Sonny about the altercation with Ava in the bathroom and revealed that she had let Ava win because Carly had taken delight in informing Ava that the video recording had been backed up on the Cloud. Sonny grinned and admitted that Carly was amazing. Carly was happy that Ava wouldn't get a chance to fill Avery's head with lies about Sonny, but Sonny was grateful that his daughter would have the "best mother anyone could have." He suggested that they retreat to the bedroom, but Carly admitted that she wanted to take a bath first. Carly promised to meet Sonny in the bedroom and went upstairs.

Moments later, the doorbell rang. Sonny was surprised when he saw Ava standing on the doorstep. Ava pushed past him and announced that she was there for Avery.

At the Quartermaine mansion, Tracy was in the living room with "Edward." Shopping bags littered the floor as she bounced the baby on her lap and admitted that she hadn't missed attending the Nurses Ball because she'd had a wonderful day of shopping with Edward. Tracy praised the baby for being exceptionally well behaved and drawing people to him like his namesake had. Tracy carried Edward across the room to show him a picture of her parents, Edward and Lila, as she assured the baby that her parents would be happy that Edward was there.

Tracy admitted that the house had been empty with the exception of Monica's grandsons. Tracy conceded that Jake and Danny were engaging when they weren't allowing the puppy to pee in her closet, but Edward was a welcome addition. Tracy continued to talk to Edward until she noticed Dillon standing in the doorway and watching them. Dillon admitted that Tracy looked happy. Tracy placed Edward in the playpen to sleep as she confessed that she loved having the baby around.

Dillon thought Edward was lucky to have Tracy. Tracy was surprised because Dillon and Ned had given her a hard time when Edward had been left on their doorstep, but Dillon clarified that he and his brother had objected to her simply keeping the baby without going through the proper channels. Dillon was certain that she had pulled a few strings, but he knew that she'd followed the law to become Edward's legal guardian. However, he was concerned how Tracy would take it when she had to return the baby.

Tracy insisted that Edward was an orphan because Carlos was dead and Sabrina was missing. Dillon broke the news to Tracy that Michael had found Sabrina and that Sabrina was in Port Charles. Dillon added he'd seen Sabrina at the Nurses Ball, but Tracy became defensive and questioned Sabrina's priorities. Dillon was confused because Tracy had claimed to be close friends with Sabrina. Tracy argued that Sabrina hadn't even stayed to see the baby, but Dillon showed Tracy the note that Sabrina had left in the foyer, explaining that Sabrina had been there while Tracy had been out and would return shortly. Tracy decided that it didn't matter because she was certain that the police had picked Sabrina up the moment they had seen her at the Nurses Ball.

A short time later, Michael and Sabrina entered the living room. Sabrina was delighted when she saw her son in the playpen and bent down to pick him up until Tracy suddenly appeared and asked Sabrina not to touch the baby.

At Metro Court, Hayden thanked Curtis for everything he'd done for her and acknowledged that it would have been a mistake if she'd returned to Wyndemere. Curtis agreed because Nikolas had been out of control. He advised Hayden to stay away from Nikolas and go to the police in the morning. Hayden thanked Curtis for arranging a room for her at the hotel and announced that she would head to bed, but Curtis decided to escort her because he was afraid that Nikolas might return.

Hayden assured Curtis that Nikolas was at Wyndemere, but Curtis refused to take any chances. Hayden continued to send Curtis on his way, but he realized that she intended to go to Wyndemere the minute his back was turned. Hayden denied it, but he didn't believe her. Hayden explained that it didn't matter because Nikolas was waiting for her and eager to buy her silence. Curtis decided to accompany Hayden to Spoon Island because it was the only way to make certain that Nikolas didn't harm her. Hayden promised that Nikolas wouldn't, but Curtis argued that Nikolas had once tried to kill her.

On Spoon Island, Nikolas was motionless and bleeding at the bottom of the cliffs with half his body submerged in the water.

Meanwhile, Sam heard glass shattering and ran into Nikolas' bedroom, calling out Jason's name. She became alarmed when she noticed the shards of glass on the floor and saw Jason standing next to a broken window. She looked around the bedroom and asked where Nikolas was, so Jason pointed to the cliffs below. Shocked, Sam rushed to the window, but Jason told her to call 9-1-1 while he ran out to help Nikolas.

A short time later, Sam joined Jason at the bottom of the cliffs as he started to slide into the water. She explained that rescue was on the way, but it might take awhile because of the storm. Sam begged Jason to wait, but Jason ignored her and swam over to where he'd seen Nikolas' body. Sam waited anxiously until Jason returned to report that it appeared the current had dragged Nikolas' body out to sea. Jason felt bad, but Sam was hopeful that help would arrive soon and quickly locate Nikolas.

Meanwhile, Hayden and Curtis entered Nikolas' bedroom. Hayden and Curtis noticed that it appeared as if there had been a violent struggle. Hayden looked out the broken window but didn't see anything of concern. Moments later, Jason and Sam entered the bedroom and explained that they'd arrived earlier and heard a loud noise in the bedroom. According to Sam, she and Jason had checked the room and seen the broken window. Hayden was horrified when Sam added that they'd seen a body at the bottom of the cliffs, but the current had pulled it away by the time Sam and Jason had gotten to where they'd seen it.

Sam added that she had called 911, but Curtis glanced at the rocks below and told everyone that no one could have survived the fall. Hayden asked if Jason and Sam were certain that it had been Nikolas' body. Jason admitted that they hadn't been able to tell from the window, but they suspected that it had been. Jason and Sam decided to check if a rescue team had arrived as Hayden began to cry. Curtis wondered if the tears were real, but Hayden was offended and assured him that she had loved Nikolas.

However, the tears quickly vanished when Hayden realized that she needed to locate the diamonds before the police arrived. Curtis watched her tear open drawers and reminded her that it was a crime scene, but Hayden didn't care because she was desperate to find her diamonds.

In the hallway, Jason asked for Sam's phone because he wanted to call Diane. Sam warned Jason that it would make him look guilty if he called his attorney, but Jason knew that he'd be the prime suspect. Suddenly, Hayden marched out of the bedroom, but Sam blocked her path and asked where Hayden was going. Hayden informed Sam that it didn't concern Sam, but Sam disagreed because Sam knew Hayden had been at the castle earlier, and there had been tension between Hayden and Nikolas. Offended by the implication, Hayden reminded Sam that Jason had once pushed Nikolas over Metro Court Restaurant's balcony and had nearly beaten Nikolas to death three weeks earlier.

Sam immediately defended Jason, but Curtis decided to call Jordan. Sam reminded Curtis that Sam had already called 9-1-1, but Curtis ignored her and placed the call. Afterwards, Hayden and Curtis retreated to the bedroom. Hayden insisted that she needed time to find the diamonds, but Curtis was curious what had happened to Hayden being too grief-stricken to think straight.

End Nurse's Ball 2016 Dvd #9

Nurse’s Ball 2017 Dvd #10
Monday, May 22, 2017 Carly stood at Sonny's bedroom door and finally walked in. She saw Sonny and Martina in bed and ran back down the stairs. Sonny ran after her and said that, since she had already moved on with Jax, he was allowed to move on too. She called him on being blackmailed by Ava. He'd known that she would put the pieces together, and she added that she'd had to see for herself that he was sleeping with her lawyer. Martina descended the stairs and reminded Carly that she was no longer Carly's lawyer, so nothing that happened between Sonny and Martina was Carly's business.

Sonny explained that, after a "rough night," he'd gone to the Haunted Star for a drink. He and Martina had hit it off without knowing who the other was. Carly realized that it was the reason why Martina had tried to get Carly to give Sonny his assets back. Martina shot back that Carly was only angry because Martina was the woman in the bed that used to be Carly's. Carly thought that the bar association would be interested in Martina's "breach of ethics." Martina responded that, if she'd really wanted to ruin Carly, she would never have stepped down as Carly's lawyer. Martina left the room, and Sonny thought that Martina had a point.

Sonny clarified that both he and Carly were free to sleep with whomever they wanted to. Carly reminded him that he'd deported Jax and hurt Josslyn, even though they hadn't wanted to involve their children. "He agrees, and you know it," Martina butted in. Turning on Martina, Carly threatened to report Martina to the bar association. Carly informed Sonny that she would be keeping everything that Sonny had signed over to her, and she stormed out of the house.

Martina suggested that Sonny go after Carly, but he refused. She told him that she'd had a "lovely time" before the interruption, but she didn't want to overstay her welcome. Sonny reassured Martina that Carly was angry at Sonny, so she would probably change her mind about reporting Martina. Martina could tell that Sonny and Carly were still in love with each other. She kissed him and left. Sonny thought back on some good memories he'd made with Carly.

At the Metro Court, Carly was on the phone with Diane. She informed the attorney that Carly's attorney would be in touch with Diane as soon as Carly hired a new one. She refused a referral because she wanted to find someone that Sonny couldn't seduce. When she was off the phone, she thought back on some good memories she'd made with Sonny.

Dillon and Kiki finished performing their routine for the Nurses Ball for Lucy and Felix, who were less than impressed. Ava entered, smiling and clapping. She approached Dillon and Kiki, and Kiki informed her mother that she'd earned her certification as a nurse's aide. Ava expressed her pride in her daughter and said that she also had good news. She shared that she would be able to spend more time with Avery, who was at Ava's with a sitter. Dillon had to talk to Felix, so he excused himself.

Dillon found Lucy and Felix trying to plan the final program for the show. He asked to borrow Felix, so Lucy walked away. Dillon shared Kiki's good news with Felix. He wondered if Felix had any gift ideas that a nurse would appreciate. "You came to the right guy," Felix said as he smiled.

Ava was happy to see Kiki with someone who appreciated her, and she thought that Kiki had a bright future. "What a difference a year makes!" Ava observed. Kiki wondered why Ava tried to pretend that Morgan had never existed. Ava admitted that Morgan's death haunted her more than anyone knew. She explained that she didn't want Kiki's past to prevent the future she deserved. She added that everything she'd done had been for Kiki's well-being. "What did you do?" Kiki asked.

Ava responded that she would do anything to keep Kiki safe and happy, and she refused to apologize for that. Dillon returned, and Ava told him that she was happy to see that he treated Kiki the way she deserved to be treated. Ava left to relieve the babysitter. Dillon thought it was nice to get Ava's approval, but he only cared about Kiki. He handed her a small box with a bow. She opened it and found a gift card for a day at the spa. She thanked him and kissed him. Just then, Felix approached Kiki with bad news. He revealed that, since Kiki was one of the newest hospital employees, she would have to work instead of going to the ball.

As Ava left, she bumped into Lucy, who wondered if Ava had time for "an old friend." Ava replied that she'd "paid the price," because the deal had been for the Nurses Ball donation in exchange for the pills and Lucy's silence. In exchange, Ava wanted to present "an oversized check on stage" in memory of Morgan. Lucy was surprised that Ava wanted to "tempt fate" by being center stage. Ava shot back that "fate is on my side."

Jason arrived home with food and beer, and Sam shushed him as she descended the stairs, alerting him that the kids were asleep. Jason revealed that the night would be about her, because he felt that he'd been neglecting her. She reminded him that she couldn't drink while she was nursing, and he revealed that it was non-alcoholic beer. She was touched by the gesture, and he confided that he still had another surprise for her.

A short while later, Sam and Jason had dug into the food and were relaxing. Jason handed Sam a bag, and she curiously looked in. She was ecstatic to pull out a vintage leather jacket. She happily put it on and kissed Jason passionately. Just then, the two heard Scout start to cry over the monitor. Jason made his way toward the stairs and instructed Sam to keep the jacket on.

A few minutes later, Jason was walking down the stairs, bragging about his "magic touch," when he noticed a pile of Sam's clothing at the foot of the stairs. She stepped out, still wearing the jacket. Jason unzipped the jacket, and the two shared a passionate kiss.

A short while later, Jason descended the stairs, and Sam's clothes were gone from the floor. He spotted Helena sitting in the living room, and she told him that Sam and the kids were gone. He demanded to know what she'd done with his family. "I warned you," she told him smugly. Just then, Jason woke up with Sam on top of him. A few minutes later, he made his way to the balcony door to get some air, and he talked about how real the dream had felt. Sam assured him that everyone was safe and that Helena could no longer hurt them.

Alex gave Anna her chimera necklace. She instructed Anna to take the necklace to Valentin and tell him everything. Anna informed Alex that Valentin would never trust her again. "You're a spy. Figure it out," Alex demanded. She continued that Anna needed to find out who Valentin's buyer was, because lots of people could die. Anna thought that Alex only cared about saving herself, but Alex talked about how she regretted the choices she'd made when she'd been young and arrogant.

Anna demanded to know why Alex cared about the Chimera after decades. She revealed that an old associate of hers was with the DVX and wanted the Chimera for his employer. She directed Anna to get rid of the Chimera herself instead of giving it to the WSB. Just then, Nathan arrived with two WSB agents. They were charging Alex with espionage, treason, and "related crimes and misdemeanors." "Like it or not, you have to stop what I set in motion," Alex told Anna, and the agents led her away. Anna and Nathan both had questions, but Anna first had "a job to finish."

Valentin left a message for Nina, asking her to hear him out. Just then, Nina entered the room. She revealed that she was only there to pick up some paperwork she'd left at the house. He implored her to stay and talk, but she didn't want to. She held out her house key so she could "save you the trouble of making a new one for Anna."

Valentin replied that the key, much like the house, his heart, and Charlotte's heart, was Nina's. He wanted to make up for his mistakes, but she told him it was too late because he'd destroyed their family. He begged for a chance to show that she could trust him. He had to check on Charlotte and asked Nina to still be there when he returned.

When Valentin was gone, Nina looked longingly at a picture of her, Valentin, and Charlotte. Just then, Anna appeared in the doorway. Nina demanded to know how Anna had gotten in, and she admitted that she'd picked the lock. She asked to speak to Valentin, and Nina told the "lying bitch" that she'd preyed on Valentin's weaknesses and spied on him. Anna was confused. Valentin returned and angrily demanded to know why Anna was there. She revealed that she had something urgent to tell Valentin. Nina took the opportunity to leave. "Do I have to kill you to get rid of you?" Valentin growled.

Valentin finally gave Anna the opportunity to try to explain about her twin sister, Alex. She continued that it was why she didn't remember a past with Valentin. She confessed that she'd been in a drug-induced coma for two months while Alex had been masquerading as Anna. Valentin didn't believe her. Anna still needed to know who had bought the Chimera, but Valentin dismissed it as "not my problem." Anna told him that the Valentin she'd known would have taken responsibility for his actions and would do everything he could to stop the Chimera. "That's you," she said, and she left.

Backstage at the venue for the Nurses Ball, Nina was glad to see Nathan. She wanted his advice on pulling out of doing the red carpet for the event. She didn't think she could stand there smiling with a microphone in her hand as Valentin entered with Charlotte and Anna. Nathan didn't think that Anna would be going with Valentin. Nathan briefly explained about Alex to a shocked Nina. Nathan knew that Nina had left Valentin over Alex's actions as Anna. "I'm not lobbying for Valentin, but does this change anything?" Nathan wondered.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017 At Greystone Manor, Michael arrived to drop off Morgan's journal. He was curious if Sonny had decided to skip the Nurses Ball because Sonny and Carly couldn't stand to be in the same room together. Sonny tried to evade the question, but Michael reminded Sonny that the ball was an important night. Sonny refused to change his mind, so Michael switched gears and asked why Sonny had wanted to read Morgan's journal. Michael admitted that he couldn't help but think about the previous Nurses Ball when Morgan had been well enough to attend the special event with Sonny.

Michael wondered where everything had gone wrong for his brother. Sonny promised that he was working hard to find the answer, but there were times when he feared they might never learn the truth. Sonny explained that he had hoped the journal might yield a clue. Michael wished his father luck then left. Sonny opened the journal and read an entry that noted Morgan's lithium dose had been increased to 600mg. Frowning, Sonny picked up the phone and called Andre.

A short time later, Andre arrived. Sonny explained that he had discovered a discrepancy with Morgan's medication. Andre admitted that he'd caught the discrepancy, but he'd refrained from telling Sonny until he had some answers. Andre explained that it had taken a few days, but he'd finally talked to the head of the pharmacy that had dispensed the medication, and the records had confirmed that Morgan had been given the correct dosage. Sonny wondered if a lower dose of lithium had accounted for Morgan spiraling, but Andre shook his head. According to Andre, the only thing to explain Morgan's behavior was that Morgan hadn't received any lithium.

Sonny was certain that Morgan had been taking the pills as prescribed because Morgan had kept meticulous notes. Sonny picked up the prescription bottle and dumped the pills on his desk, but he squinted inside the bottle when he noticed a powdery substance. Sonny thought it looked like a tablet had crumbled, so he stuck his finger inside the bottle to swipe the powder and taste it. Sonny determined that the substance hadn't been lithium, so Andre took the bottle to have the powder tested.

After Andre left, Sonny sat down to watch the Nurses Ball on television. He tensed when the host of the red carpet interviewed Ava about her generous donation.

At Metro Court, Ava leaned a very large donation check against a banister as she asked what Scott thought of it. Ava was dressed in an elegant black gown with white trim and a sexy slit up one side, while Scott wore a dapper black tuxedo. He sarcastically expressed his surprise at her generosity, but she took offense because she had worked with several people over the years who had battled AIDS. Scott wasn't fooled because he knew her donation had just been a way for her to stop feeling guilty for her role in Morgan's downfall. Ava denied it, but she reminded him that Lucy had put the squeeze on her for the money.

Seconds later, Lucy stepped out of her dressing room, wearing a satin robe and sporting curlers in her hair. Lucy smiled when she saw Scott, who gave her a large bouquet of red roses. Lucy was touched when she read the card and saw that it was from both Scott and their daughter Serena. However, Lucy's pleasant mood vanished when she glanced at Ava. Ava asked if everything was set, so Lucy assured her that everyone had been notified that Ava's donation was in honor of Morgan.

After Lucy returned to her dressing room to get ready, Scott urged Ava to reconsider making the donation in honor of Morgan because both Sonny and Carly would be furious. Ava admitted that Lucy had given her a similar warning. When Lucy emerged from the dressing room, Ava announced that she had changed her mind about honoring Morgan with her donation. Lucy was relieved, but she suspected Scott had persuaded Ava to make the right decision. Scott waited for Lucy to thank him, but she admitted that she was disappointed in him because Ava was a selfish person who would eventually hurt him.

Scott reminded Lucy that she had extorted money from Ava, but Lucy argued that everything she'd done had been for a worthy charity. Lucy pointed out that the same could not be said for Scott and Ava. Lucy hoped Sonny skewered Ava when he learned what Ava had done. After Lucy flounced away, Ava nervously looked at Scott.

In a dressing room, Carly wore a beautiful form-fitting sheath in a shade of vibrant fuchsia, while her mother sparkled in a long-sleeved silver gown with a delicate floral pattern. Bobbie checked her makeup as Carly filled her in about walking in on Sonny and Martina. Furious, Bobbie encouraged Carly to string Sonny up by his cummerbund when she ran into him at the ball, but Carly revealed that Sonny had decided to stay home to read Morgan's journal. Bobbie regretted her harsh words.

Carly's eyes filled with tears as she recalled how happy she'd been during the last Nurses Ball when she and Sonny and been filled with hope and Morgan had been on the road to recovery. "Now look at us," Carly said. She realized it might sound odd, but she felt sorry for Sonny, who was home alone and reading their son's thoughts. Reading Morgan's journal had broken Carly. Bobbie felt bad for both Carly and Sonny, but she reminded her daughter that life was to be lived because there were adventures to be had and people to be loved.

Bobbie added that it was what the Nurses Ball was all about. Carly smiled and hugged her mother as Josslyn entered. Josslyn wanted in on the hug, so they opened their arms and pulled Josslyn close. Afterwards, Bobbie complimented Josslyn's soft-blush gown with a silver overlay and pink sash.

A short time later, Carly, Josslyn, and Bobbie encountered Michael outside as he arrived for the ball. Michael was curious if Bobbie had worked earlier because he was eager for an update on Nelle. Josslyn was filled with dread when she realized Nelle was in the hospital, Bobbie assured both Michael and Josslyn that Nelle was fine.

Elsewhere, Sam glowed in a silky yellow gown as she stopped Jason to ask why he'd been so quiet on the ride over. Before he could reply, Jake ran up to greet Jason and Sam. Jake sported a tuxedo for his magic show. Franco and Elizabeth caught up with Jake. Elizabeth's sleeveless white gown had an artistic flare with an exquisite black floral pattern. Jake entertained the adults with a scarf trick then asked his mother if he could head inside because he wanted to practice a bit more.

After Franco, Elizabeth, and Jake made their way to the red carpet, Sam admitted that Jake's enthusiasm had been infectious. Jason agreed, but Sam didn't believe him because he seemed "immune." She wondered if Jason's somber mood had anything to do with the dream he'd had earlier, but Jason admitted that it had been a nightmare because Helena had taken everyone he loved away from him. Jason added that he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

Meanwhile, Mario Lopez hosted the red carpet for the 2017 Nurses Ball. He introduced his co-host, Nina, to his audience then told her that she looked incredible in a shimmering purple gown. The gown hugged Nina's curves and left her back bare. Nina beamed as she assured Mario that she was happy to work with him. Nina enticed the viewers to stay tuned for all the exciting arrivals as Charlotte ran up to greet her. Nina's smile faltered when Valentin joined his daughter.

Charlotte wanted to know when Nina would return to Wyndemere because Charlotte missed her, but Nina tactfully explained that she'd been working late and sleeping at the office. Nina quickly changed the subject by gushing about Charlotte's salmon-colored taffeta dress. Charlotte smiled and said that Lulu had picked it out. Nina looked up just as Dante and Lulu arrived on the red carpet. Lulu wore a flowing gown that matched Charlotte's dress. Charlotte ran over to greet Lulu, so Valentin seized an opportunity to appeal to Nina to change her mind and give their marriage a second change.

Valentin promised that he loved Nina and vowed that he would never let Anna get between them again. As if on cue, Anna, Felicia, Griffin, and Emma arrived. Anna was stunning in a sparkling white gown with a high neckline and flattering fit. Next to her, Felicia looked radiant in red, while Emma shinned in a seafoam taffeta dress. Mario was curious where Robin was, so Anna explained that her daughter was in her third trimester and was at home resting. Felicia added that Mac was with Robin to make certain that Robin kept her feet up.

Emma sent Robin her love, while Felicia looked at the camera to remind Mac not to let Robin "bamboozle" him into letting her overdo it. Mario smiled and told Griffin that Griffin had his hands full. Griffin chuckled and agreed. Moments later, Charlotte ran over to say hello to Emma. Emma revealed that she would be performing later that evening as Jake's assistant during his magic show. Emma was curious if Charlotte wanted to join them because she was confident that Jake wouldn't mind.

After everyone snapped pictures on the red carpet, Nina made it clear that she would not be joining Valentin at his table later that evening. Disappointed, Valentin followed Charlotte and Emma into the ballroom. Moments later, Franco, Elizabeth, and Jake walked the red carpet. Nina and Elizabeth exchanged compliments while Mario asked about Jake's magic box. Franco promised a memorable performance then posed for pictures with Elizabeth and Jake.

Next, Epiphany and Felix arrived together. Epiphany was gorgeous in a sophisticated purple gown with silver and diamond accessories, while Felix went with a casual look by pairing his tuxedo with comfortable shoes. Mario confessed that he was eager to see the opening number. After Epiphany and Felix disappeared into the ballroom, Amy tried to sneak down the red carpet without being noticed. However, Nina stopped Amy and praised Amy's flared gown with splashes of color ranging from bright pink to vibrant blue. Amy was caught off guard when Nina asked about Amy's date, but Nathan jumped to the rescue by claiming that he'd accompanied Amy.

Overjoyed, Amy linked her arm with Nathan's and posed for pictures. Nathan was surprised that Amy hadn't had a date, but she explained that she didn't have a lot of time to socialize between her job at the hospital and her "other" job. Amy realized she'd said too much when Nathan expressed his surprise that she had a second job. However, Nina walked up to steal Nathan before he could ask Amy about the other job. After Amy promised to catch up with him in the ballroom and walked away, Nina admitted that she felt conflicted because she wanted to believe Valentin, but then Anna would pop into her head. Nina wondered how she was supposed to trust Valentin again.

Nina was pulled away when Lucy made an appearance on the red carpet, looking glamorous in a flared dress with a red skirt and shimmering, silver-beaded top. Nina and Mario acknowledged that Lucy was the "Queen of the Nurses Ball." Lucy was followed by Jason and Sam, who talked to Mario and Nina about their newborn daughter.

Nearby, George Pennechio stopped Jordan and Curtis to interview them before they walked the red carpet. Curtis recognized George from previous Nurses Balls. They chatted about the night's entertainment and surprises, prompting George to ask if Curtis knew something that George didn't. Curtis flashed a secret smile and told both George and the viewers to stay tuned.

Finally, Scott and Ava arrived on the red carpet. Mario mentioned Ava's generous donation to honor Morgan.

In the ballroom, Griffin asked Anna what was going on between her and Valentin. Griffin couldn't understand why she'd have anything to do with Valentin, so she showed him Alex's necklace with the chimera pendent. She told him about the Chimera Project, which had included an extremely dangerous product that Valentin had sold to a mystery person. Anna needed to track down the Chimera because it was out there somewhere, waiting to be unleashed. Griffin feared it was too dangerous and begged her to call Robert, but Anna doubted Robert would have any success with Valentin.

Griffin realized Anna's mind was made up, so he asked her to put the mission on hold for the night and enjoy the ball. Anna agreed. Moments later, Emma fetched Griffin and Anna. Anna inadvertently dropped the necklace on the floor as she picked up her clutch and followed her granddaughter.

Nearby, Jason and Sam approached Elizabeth to ask how Jake had been doing since Jason had returned from Cassadine Island. Elizabeth assured Jason that their son was fine and back to his old self. After Elizabeth walked away, Jason remained troubled. Sam asked Jason to try to forget about the dream and focus on the evening, so Jason decided to fetch their drinks. At the bar, he found the chimera necklace that Anna had dropped.

Backstage, Jake instructed Emma and Charlotte not to say anything to anyone about what he intended to show them. He insisted that it had to remain a secret, or it would ruin everyone's surprise. The girls agreed. Jake opened the box and showed them the canister, which he explained would be the evening's big finale.

Meanwhile, Lucy kicked off the Nurses Ball by welcoming everyone. She reminded the audience that the first Nurses Ball had been 23 years earlier, in 1994. Lucy credited the nurses with being the heart and soul of the ball because the evening wouldn't have been possible without them. Lucy stepped aside as the opening number began with Epiphany walking through the hospital, singing, "You're Not Alone." The nurses joined her as they danced around the nurses' station and staircase.

After the performance, Valentin saw Nina standing in the ballroom's doorway. They locked eyes as he stood up and approached her, but Anna stepped into his path to ask him about the Chimera. Valentin told her to talk to her sister, but Anna reminded him that her twin couldn't tell her who he'd sold the Chimera to. Valentin refused to tell Anna, but she implored him to put aside his "justifiable anger" and do the right thing.

Elsewhere in the ballroom, Carly admitted that Morgan was on her mind. Michael told his mother that she and Sonny were not as far apart as they believed, but Carly reminded her son that a lot had happened between her and Sonny. Michael suspected his mother missed Sonny anyway.

At Scott and Ava's table, Ava was upset that Lucy hadn't updated Mario about the donation. Ava feared that Sonny might have seen the interview on television, but Scott doubted that even Sonny could follow the breadcrumbs from Ava donating money to her part in what had happened to Morgan. Ava's eyes rounded with fright when she saw Sonny standing in the doorway.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017 Kiki entered Nelle's hospital room to drop off a pitcher of water. Nelle groaned in her sleep, prompting Kiki to ask if Nelle needed anything. "Michael," Nelle whispered.

At Metro Court, Sam entered a dressing room to give Kristina a bouquet of flowers and wish her sister luck. Nearby, Valerie and Amy flipped through a rack, looking for their costumes. Lucy entered with Emma in tow to let the ladies know they were up next. Emma was excited when she saw Sam and ran to give her a hug, but Lucy decided Sam was a distraction and shooed her out of the dressing room.

Elsewhere backstage, Charlotte asked Jake about the canister in his magic case. Jake held the canister in a tight grip as he told her that it contained powerful magic. "It comes at the very end," Jake cryptically added. Charlotte looked at the canister with awe as she asked how it worked, but Jake told her it was a surprise. Disappointed, Charlotte wondered how she and Emma were supposed to assist him if they didn't know how the tricks worked. Charlotte reached for the canister, but Jake warned her not to touch it.

In the ballroom, Lulu greeted her mother. Laura looked elegant in a flared deep-blue satin gown with a jeweled neckline and three-quarter length sleeves. Lulu was elated because Charlotte had worn the dress Lulu had bought for her. Delighted, Laura promised to get a picture, but Lulu warned her mother that it would have to wait because Charlotte was backstage, practicing with Jake and Emma for the magic show. "Oh, that's adorable," Laura replied.

At Scott and Ava's table, Ava's eyes rounded when she saw Sonny standing in the doorway. She decided it was her cue to leave, but Scott objected because he wanted to enjoy the evening and Lucy's wardrobe changes. Annoyed, Ava stood up and walked away, but Sonny cut her off. He asked her where she was going because the party had just started. Sonny grabbed Ava's hand then dragged her into the hallway.

Nearby, Carly sat at her own table as she watched Sonny and Ava leave the ballroom. Dante, Michael, and Josslyn noticed the unusual exit as well. Josslyn wondered why Sonny was there, but Carly pointed out that he had obviously changed his mind about attending the ball.

At the bar, Jason was stunned when he found a necklace on the ground with a chimera pendant. He looked around as he wondered who had dropped it. Sam walked up to let him know that they should take their seats because Kristina was about to perform. She noticed his scowl and asked him what was wrong. Jason showed her the necklace. Alarmed, Sam asked if he thought Jake had dropped it. "Who else?" Jason asked.

Nearby, Valentin saw Nina standing in the doorway. He started to approach her, but Anna stepped into his path to talk to him about the Chimera. Valentin was frustrated when he saw Nina make her way to Curtis and Jordan's table. Anna was oblivious to Valentin's mood as she revealed that her sister had warned her the Chimera was lethal. Valentin informed Anna that the buyer was dead. He assured her that the Chimera had been locked up in a basement and couldn't hurt anyone unlike Anna. He accused Anna of wreaking havoc on his life and his marriage.

Meanwhile, Lucy appeared on stage in a sheer mermaid gown strewn with glittering black beads. Lucy reminded everyone that they were there to raise money to help find a cure for HIV/AIDS then introduced Kristina, Emma, Valerie, and Amy, who entertained the audience with their rendition of Sara Bareilles' "Brave."

During the first intermission, Bobbie arrived and joined her family. Carly warned Bobbie that Sonny had decided to attend the ball then made a point of reminding her family that Sonny had a right to be there because the charity was close to Sonny's heart. Michael excused himself to make a phone call. In the hallway, Michael spoke to Kiki, who explained that she had sent him a text message because she'd been looking for Bobbie to give Bobbie an update on Nelle. Kiki assured Michael that Nelle was fine, but Kiki thought Nelle could use a friend.

Later, Carly noticed that Michael hadn't returned to the table. Josslyn realized that she'd neglected to tell her mother that Michael had left. Carly was skeptical because she doubted Michael would leave before Josslyn's performance. Josslyn shrugged because she didn't think her performance was a big deal.

Nearby, Anna called Robert. She let him know that Emma's performance had been wonderful, but she admitted that she'd called for another reason. Anna wanted to know why the Chimera was dangerous. Anna was shocked by what he told her. After she ended the call, Andre passed by. Anna stopped him to say hello, but Andre had been having a good night and didn't want any trouble from her. Anna realized her sister had offended Andre, so she explained that her twin had been posing as her.

At Curtis and Jordan's table, Valentin took a seat next to Nina and asked if she intended to ignore him all night. Nina pointedly turned her back on him, prompting Curtis to suggest that Valentin might be more comfortable at his own table. "Not without my wife," Valentin told him. Valentin turned his attention back to Nina and implored her not to shut him out, but Nina reminded him that she'd given him numerous chances. Nina made it clear that she had nothing to say to Valentin, so he walked away.

In the dressing room, Valerie changed into an exquisite dark plum jeweled choker gown with daring lace seams running down her sides. Valerie admitted that she wanted to look her best because her ex-boyfriend was there with her boss. Kristina helped Valerie finish getting ready then wished her luck. Moments later, Valerie braced herself as she rounded the corner and stopped at Curtis and Jordan's table. Valerie complimented Jordan's stunning beaded onyx gown and exchanged pleasantries with Curtis before walking away with her head held high.

Curtis was impressed and suggested Nina take notes from Valerie on how to show someone that she had moved forward. Nina muttered under her breath that she might not want to.

In the hallway, Ava jerked her arm out of Sonny's grip. Sonny revealed that he knew about the donation she'd made in honor of Morgan. Ava wondered if he had a problem with that, but Sonny was not amused. He warned her that he had a problem with the donation and with what she had done to Morgan. Ava tensed, but Dante walked up to find out what was going on. Seconds later, Scott approached to fetch Ava because they had martinis waiting for them at the bar.

After Scott and Ava left, Sonny told Dante about Ava's donation. Sonny admitted that it had hit him that Morgan had been alive with a bright future ahead of him at the previous Nurses Ball, but it had been ripped away. Sonny resented Ava trying to use Morgan's name to make herself look good. Sonny intended to stop Ava and to find out why Morgan had died. Dante reminded his father that they knew why, Olivia Jerome had planted a bomb in Julian's car, which Morgan had stolen. Sonny filled Dante in about the dosage discrepancy between the tablets Andre had prescribed Morgan and the ones found in Morgan's prescription bottle.

Sonny assured Dante that Andre had contacted the pharmacy, and everything had checked out. Dante admitted that he had questions, too, because he wanted to know how the pills had ended up in the Floating Rib on the night of the robbery. Sonny perked up when Dante mentioned that Ava and Lucy had been in the bar on the night of the robbery. Dante confessed that he hadn't said anything because it might have been a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and he knew how reckless Sonny got whenever Ava's name was mentioned. Dante thought it was best for both Sonny and Ava to avoid each other entirely. Sonny nodded then suggested Dante get back to Lulu.

Dante wanted Sonny to join him, but Sonny assured Dante that he was fine. After Dante left, Andre emerged from the ballroom. Andre announced that the lab results were in on the powder residue Sonny had noticed in Morgan's prescription bottle. Andre revealed that the substance had been a placebo, which would explain Morgan's erratic behavior in the days leading up to his death. Sonny was outraged when he realized that someone had set his son up by tampering with Morgan's medication.

Sonny returned to the ballroom. His gaze went straight to Ava. At the table, Ava noticed Sonny's presence. Scott assured Ava that everything would be fine because he had covered her tracks.

In Lucy's dressing room, Lucy spoke to an assistant on her headset. She instructed Harry to get everything ready because Liesl Obrecht's musical number was next. Moments later, Valentin entered the dressing room to talk to Lucy about increasing his donation to seven figures. Lucy made it clear that she didn't like Valentin because he had shot Kevin, but she agreed to hear Valentin out for the sake of charity.

A short time later, Lucy's voice was heard over the speaker system as she announced that Liesl's number had been pulled for a special last-minute entry. Moments later, Valentin approached the piano. He dedicated the song to his wife -- because he loved her. Moments later, Valentin sang Billy Joel's "And So It Goes." Nina's eyes filled with tears as she listened to the haunting lyrics. After the performance, Nina watched as Anna followed Valentin backstage. Nina started to follow them, but Curtis stopped her and reminded Nina that it had just been a song.

Backstage, Anna caught up with Valentin. She praised his performance, but he coldly informed her that he hadn't tried to impress her. Anna suggested he could impress Nina by being the man that both Nina and Charlotte deserved. Anna implored Valentin to tell her who he'd sold the Chimera to, but Valentin remained tight-lipped. Anna dragged him into a dressing room for privacy, but Valentin was furious that she and her twin had jeopardized everything that mattered to him. Anna appreciated Valentin's desire to break with the past and leave it buried, but she reminded him that the people they cared about were in danger.

Valentin insisted that the person he'd sold the Chimera to was dead and buried, but Anna demanded a name. Reluctantly, he admitted that he'd sold the chimera to Helena Cassadine.

Elsewhere backstage, Emma joined Charlotte and Jake. Charlotte complained that Jake wouldn't let her touch the canister, but Jake explained that he was the only one who understood how the magic worked.

A short time later, Lulu and Laura stopped Charlotte as she made her way to Valentin's table. Laura complimented Charlotte's dress, and Lulu asked about the magic show. Charlotte admitted that there might not be one.

At Franco and Elizabeth's table, Jason asked where Jake was. Elizabeth explained that their son was rehearsing backstage. Jason showed Elizabeth the necklace he'd found at the bar and asked if it belonged to Jake. Elizabeth realized the pendant was a chimera. She assured Jason that it didn't belong to Jake, but Sam was curious if Jake might have bought it. Elizabeth shook her head because Jake didn't have money.

"What's going on?" Jake asked as he walked up. Jason showed Jake the necklace and asked if Jake recognized it. Jake stared at it nervously, but he remained silent. Jason assured Jake that Jake wasn't in trouble, but Jake refused to answer his father's questions. Elizabeth stepped in to gently ask what was troubling her son. Jake claimed that he was not feeling well. Elizabeth was curious if he was nervous about performing.

Elizabeth reminded Jake that he'd been nervous the previous year, but everything had worked out when Franco had performed with Jake. Elizabeth was certain Franco would assist Jake again if Jake needed the support. Franco liked the idea of doing magic with Jake, but Jake remained uneasy. Elizabeth assured Jake that he didn't have to perform if he didn't want to. Jason admitted that he wouldn't mind going home. Relieved, Jake admitted that he'd rather skip the performance and leave.

Nearby, Charlotte overheard the exchange. She fetched Emma then led her backstage to where Jake's magic kit had been left. Charlotte explained that Jake didn't want to do the magic act, so she suggested that she and Emma do it instead. Charlotte and Emma opened the case. Charlotte picked up the canister and studied it as she tried to figure out how to unlock it. Emma suggested Charlotte look for a button to press. Charlotte's eyes lit up when she found a button. Moments later, the canister beeped and illuminated blue.

At the hospital, Michael thanked Kiki for calling him. Kiki smiled and told him that she thought Bobbie would want to know that Nelle had been asking for him. After Kiki walked way, Michael entered Nelle's hospital room. Nelle was asleep, so he sat down in a chair and watched her. A short time later, Josslyn called. She was curious why she'd agreed to go along with his plan, but Michael insisted that he wanted everyone to know that his sister was a rock star. Michael promised that he and Nelle were with her. Michael wished Josslyn luck then put the phone on speaker to listen to her performance.

Onstage, Lucy walked out in a turquoise gown with silver accents and introduced Josslyn. Josslyn sang, "It's Not Over Yet." The audience was moved by the touching melody. After Josslyn left the stage, Bobbie noticed Carly looking around for Sonny.

Nearby, Scott handed Ava a glass of Champagne, but Ava remained uneasy. She assured Scott that she'd never meant for anything to happen to Morgan, but he'd been volatile and erratic, so she'd taken steps to protect Kiki. Scott admitted that it didn't matter because Morgan was dead, and the case had been closed.

At the bar, Carly approached Sonny. She was curious why he was at the ball. Sonny revealed that he finally had answers about Morgan.

At the hospital, Nelle woke up during Josslyn's performance. Nelle smiled when she saw Michael. "You're here," Nelle whispered. "Surprise," Michael replied as he returned her smile. Nelle realized that he had missed his sister's performance, but Michael reminded her that he'd listened to it on his phone. Michael assured Nelle that Josslyn had given her blessing for him to skip the performance to visit Nelle.

Meanwhile, Jason walked Sam out of the ballroom. She assured him that he could stay with Jake. Jason admitted that he'd been concerned about Jake's reaction when he'd asked Jake about the necklace. Sam thought it was more reason for Jason to stay. After Sam left, Griffin called out to Jason to ask if Jason had seen Anna. Griffin frowned when he saw Jason holding Anna's necklace.

In the ballroom, Jake was eager to go home. Franco looked forward to Jake doing a magic trick at home, but Elizabeth noticed that Jake's magic kit was missing. Jake panicked when he realized that he'd left it backstage.

Thursday, May 25, 2017 In Metro Court's ballroom, a television host urged viewers to stay tuned because there were more acts and surprises in store for them. Bobbie, Felix, Epiphany, Amy, and Deanna were gathered behind the host and smiled at the camera.

Later, Dillon met Deanna on the red carpet to explain that he needed someone to cover for Kiki at work because they had intended to perform at the ball. Deanna recalled how much she had enjoyed Dillon and Kiki's performance the previous year and assured him that he could count on her.

A short time later, Ned and Olivia arrived. Olivia was stunning in a dark blue spaghetti strap gown with colorful flowers embroidered down one side of the gown. Olivia was frustrated that she and Ned were late because he'd taken off her gown every time she had put it on. Ned smiled and kissed her, but Olivia wanted to leave. Ned suspected she had stage fright, so she confessed that she was worried that she wouldn't be as good as Ned onstage, but Ned assured her that she would do great.

In the ballroom, Lucy had changed into a glittering white and silver gown. She made her way to Ava to let Ava know that she intended to present the large donation check to Ava onstage. Ava balked because she had changed her mind about making the donation in Morgan's honor, but Lucy didn't care because Jake had canceled his magic act, and Lucy needed to fill up the timeslot.

In the dressing room, Anna was stunned when Valentin revealed that he'd sold the Chimera to Helena Cassadine. She couldn't understand why he'd put a lethal weapon like the Chimera in Helena's hands. Valentin explained that he hadn't had the luxury of moral judgment because he'd been on the run for his life. He added that he'd needed the money Helena had given him to start over and to pay for his surgeries. Valentin conceded that it had given him a perverse pleasure to know that Helena had financed his transformation.

Anna argued that the Chimera was dangerous, but Valentin pointed out that Helena had never used it. He didn't think it was an issue because Helena was dead, but Anna disagreed. She warned Valentin that the Chimera would remain a danger to everyone until it was found. Valentin told Anna that she was welcome to search Cassadine Island for it then left to catch up with his wife. Anna called Robert and left him a voicemail message advising him that she might have located the Chimera.

In the ballroom, Lucy introduced the next act. Ned and Olivia appeared onstage with a jukebox between them as the opening strains to George Michael's "Faith" began. Backup dancers accompanied Ned and Olivia as they entertained the crowed with their musical number. After the performance, Dillon approached his brother and Olivia to congratulate them on an awesome job. Dillon admitted that he was also happy to have Ned and Olivia there because he'd been flying solo all night.

Nearby, Curtis and Jordan sipped Champagne as they enjoyed their evening. Curtis confessed that he'd planned ahead by reserving a hotel room for them, but Jordan tensed. Curtis realized something was wrong and followed her to the bar to find out what was troubling her. Jordan admitted that she felt it was too soon for them to spend the night together, so Curtis offered to cancel the room. "That's not the point," Jordan told him. Curtis asked her to elaborate, but she appeared at a loss for words.

Curtis suspected that Jordan didn't think he was good enough. He was disappointed because he'd thought things had changed, but Jordan told him that he had it wrong. She explained that it was about her past because she saw Thomas when she looked in Curtis' eyes. She reminded Curtis that she'd already cheated on her husband with Shawn, and a part of her worried that if she and Curtis became serious, then she'd be betraying his brother all over again. Curtis followed Jordan back to the table to assure her that she was a good person. He acknowledged that she'd worked incredibly hard to get past what had happened with Thomas, so he understood if she couldn't see him as someone she could be with.

Curtis gave Jordan the keycard to his room and told her that he'd be waiting for her. He promised that he didn't want to pressure her, but if she didn't show up by 10:00 p.m., then he would know that she was not ready to accept their relationship. Curtis gently kissed her hand then walked away.

Backstage, Charlotte and Emma wondered why the canister they'd taken from Jake's magic kit had lit up blue. Charlotte suspected that it meant it was unlocked and decided to open it. She started to twist the top of the canister, but Jake appeared and yelled for Charlotte to stop. Jake was upset and reminded Charlotte that he'd told her not to touch the canister, but Charlotte informed him that she and Emma had decided to do his magic act. Jake objected and yanked the Chimera canister out of Charlotte's hands.

Charlotte cried out as Nina rounded the corner. Concerned, Nina asked what was going on, so Emma accused Jake of pushing Charlotte. Jake argued that Charlotte shouldn't have touched his things. He put the Chimera canister in the magic case, closed it, then tucked it out of reach from the girls. Charlotte ran to Nina for comfort as Lulu joined the group.

Nina explained that the children had had a disagreement. Lulu called for her daughter, but Nina held tight and told Lulu that it wasn't a good idea. Lulu carefully reminded Nina that it was no longer Nina's call to make just as Valentin walked up. Charlotte ran to her father and cried that Jake had been mean to her. Jake denied it, but Emma told Valentin that Jake no longer wanted to do a magic act. Valentin tactfully sent the girls to get a piece of the delicious chocolate cake in the ballroom.

Lulu checked on Jake to see if he was okay and to take him back to his mother. Valentin stopped Lulu to ask if there had been a problem, but she assured him nothing was wrong. After Lulu left, Valentin asked if Lulu had been horrible to Nina. "No, just territorial," Nina replied. Nina changed the subject by admitting that she'd been looking for him. Valentin smiled when she confessed that the song he'd sung had meant the world to her.

Nina was surprised that Valentin could sing, but he told her that he'd only done it for her because he loved her and would do whatever it took for her to trust him again. Nina suggested they see how the night went first then take it from there. Valentin readily agreed to her terms. He took her hand and led her back to the ballroom.

Meanwhile, Dillon was in costume as he paced backstage. Felix let Dillon know that Dillon's number was next, but Dillon explained that he couldn't go on without Kiki. Felix advised Dillon to improvise. Moments later, Kiki arrived.

Onstage, Lucy introduced the next performance. Dillon and Kiki sang an upbeat song about modern love. Everyone clapped along as they enjoyed the musical number. After the performance ended, Kiki and Dillon were elated. Dillon was delighted that Kiki had made it. She revealed that Deanna had agreed to cover for her, but Kiki had to get back to work. Dillon decided to accompany Kiki.

In the hallway, Jason was startled when Griffin told him that the necklace Jason had found belonged to Anna. Jason doubted that it was a coincidence that Anna had a chimera necklace.

In the ballroom, Elizabeth talked to Andre about Jake. Andre assured Elizabeth that she'd done the right thing. Moments later, Anna walked up to ask Andre for a private word. Andre excused himself and pulled Anna aside to find out what was on her mind. She was curious what he knew about the Chimera Project. Elizabeth overhead the exchange. "I'm sorry, did you just say chimera?" Elizabeth asked.

Seconds later, Jason and Griffin approached the table to talk to Anna. Jason showed Anna the necklace and asked if it belonged to her. Anna confirmed that it was the necklace her twin had given her. Alarmed, Jason asked her the significance of the chimera, but Anna was reluctant to discuss it. Jason explained that Jake had drawn an image of a chimera, and Jason had seen one during a recent trip to Cassadine Island. Jason and Elizabeth begged Anna for answers, but Anna admitted that no one, except Andre, had the proper clearance.

Andre urged Anna to tell the worried parents because it involved Jason and Elizabeth's son. Anna relented and revealed that the Chimera Project was a biotoxin that had been developed by the WSB years earlier then illegally sold to Helena. However, Anna assured Jason and Elizabeth that Helena hadn't used the Chimera. Jason was curious where the biotoxin was, but Anna admitted that she had no idea. She added that it was imperative to find it because the deadly toxin needed to be secured. Elizabeth worried that Jake would always carry the scars of his time with Helena, but Jason and Franco assured her that they would never let that happen.

At the bar, Sonny told Carly that he knew why Morgan had spiraled out of control. Carly was shocked when he revealed that someone had tampered with Morgan's medication. She reminded Sonny that the lab had confirmed the pills in Morgan's prescription bottle had been lithium, but Sonny told her about the dosage discrepancy, the residue of a placebo in the prescription bottle, and the discovery that Ava and Lucy had been at the Floating Rib on the night of the robbery when Dante had found Morgan's pills. Carly was furious when she realized that Ava had tampered with Morgan's pills. She stood up, ready to confront Ava, but Sonny stopped her because he wanted to make certain of Ava's guilt before they confronted her.

A short time later, Sonny and Carly dragged Lucy to a quiet corner to demand answers. Sonny wanted to know why Lucy and Ava had been at the Floating Rib when Morgan's pills had been found. Lucy became emotional as she confessed that she had hoped Sonny and Carly would never find out. Lucy's eyes filled with tears of remorse as she told Sonny and Carly everything. Lucy explained that Morgan and Ava had rekindled their romance right before his death, which was how Ava had ended up with Morgan's pills. Lucy revealed that she'd found out about the affair when she'd caught Ava tossing Morgan's pills into an alley dumpster ten days after Morgan had been killed.

Lucy tearfully apologized, but Sonny assured her that she was not to blame for anything. After Lucy left, Carly made it clear that she didn't believe that Morgan and Ava had gotten back together because Morgan had despised Ava. Sonny was certain Ava had lied to cover her tracks. Carly admitted that she could see Ava messing with Sonny's pills, but she couldn't understand why Ava would tamper with Morgan's medications. Seconds later, Dillon and Kiki passed by. "That little bitch," Carly growled when she realized that Ava had replaced Morgan's pills with placebos because she had hoped to get him out of Kiki's life.

Neither Sonny nor Carly was aware that Scott had overheard their conversation. Scott ran to Ava's dressing room to give her a heads-up and to encourage her to get out of town before Sonny and Carly caught up with her.

Later, Sonny and Carly stormed into the dressing room, ready to confront Ava, but she was gone. Sonny grabbed Scott and shoved him against the wall as he demanded to know where Ava was. Scott told Sonny to take it easy then asked what he wanted with Ava. Sonny accused Ava of killing Morgan, but Scott reminded Sonny and Carly that Olivia Jerome had planted the bomb that had killed Morgan. Carly clarified that Ava had messed with Morgan's medication, which had caused the episode that had led to Morgan's death.

"That's crazy talk," Scott argued. Scott was curious why Ava would tamper with Morgan's medication, but Carly suggested they call Bobbie in, so Scott could defend Ava to Morgan's grandmother. Scott assured both Sonny and Carly that Ava didn't want trouble. Scott promised that Sonny and Carly would never see Ava again because Ava had fled town and intended to disappear for good.

A short time later, Scott approached Dante to file a complaint against Sonny for assault. Laura was curious why Sonny would attack Scott, but Scott would only say that it had been for "personal reasons." Dante sighed because he realized he had to deal with Scott. Dante excused himself then followed Scott out of the ballroom.

On the red carpet, Dillon and Kiki ran into Ava. Kiki glowed in a light-blue metallic cocktail dress. She wondered if Ava had seen the performance, but Ava apologized and admitted that she hadn't. Kiki was disappointed, but Ava assured her daughter that she was proud of the woman Kiki had become. Ava told Kiki that she wanted Kiki to be happy, but Kiki was curious why Ava sounded as if she would never see Kiki again. Ava smiled, hugged her daughter, and told Kiki that she loved her.

In Curtis' hotel room, Curtis watched the Nurses Ball on television. He glanced at the clock and noticed that it was 10:10 p.m. He decided not to spend the rest of the night in the hotel room, so he picked up his jacket and went to the door. Curtis was startled when he opened the door and saw Jordan standing on the doorstep, ready to knock. Curtis kissed Jordan passionately, picked her up, and carried her to the bed.

Backstage, Jake looked at the Chimera canister. He put it away, but Helena suddenly appeared. She expressed her disappointment that he hadn't held up his end of the bargain, but Jake told her that his mother had assured him that he didn't have to do the magic act. Helena didn't care because Jake would have been dead if it hadn't been for Helena. "You know what you have to do, little man," Helena said in a gentle tone. Helena encouraged Jake to do his magic trick and make Port Charles disappear.

In the ballroom, Lucy made a final appearance for the evening, wearing a gorgeous sparkling black-beaded gown. She thanked everyone for their contributions then introduced the nurses for the grand finale. Epiphany and the nurses sang a beautiful rendition of "Halleluiah." In the middle of the performance, a video message from Robin was played. Robin explained that she hadn't been able to attend because she was in the final trimester of her second pregnancy. Robin admitted that there had been a time when she'd thought she would never have children, but thanks to generous donations and tireless work by researchers, she'd been able to live a full life despite having been diagnosed with HIV as a teenager.

The audience picked up candles and joined the nurses onstage as the song ended. Moments later, Jake approached his mother to let Elizabeth know that he was ready to do his magic act.

Meanwhile, Ava entered a warehouse and quickly retrieved a bag filled with passports, money, and a gun. However, her luck ran out when Sonny and Carly arrived before she could make good on her escape.

Friday, May 26, 2017 Amy ran into Nathan at Kelly's, and he agreed to have coffee with her. She thanked him for all he'd done, though Nathan felt that she was being a bit dramatic. "You've done more than you know," Amy said. The talk turned to Maxie, and Nathan noted that not only had his wife been out of town, but she had been with her daughter and her daughter's father. Amy called Maxie "easily distracted," and she thought that Nathan had been the only one who had tried to make the marriage work. Amy added that Nathan's best move would be to fight for his marriage.

Nathan asked Amy about her own life, and she admitted to having a crush on a guy since high school. She told him about her hobbies, including writing, and about the plans for her high school reunion. She admitted that she didn't like Maxie. She found Nathan's wife to be selfish, though not in a malicious way. She compared her to Daisy from The Great Gatsby. Amy excused herself and headed to the ladies' room. While she was gone, two people stopped at Nathan's table to thank him for his expert dating advice. They called him Ask Man Landers.

Nathan found a photo of himself online, adjacent to a dating advice column. When Amy returned, Nathan accused her of stealing his photo and using it on the column that she wrote. Amy admitted he was right; she was the columnist, and she'd pretended that he had been the one doling out advice to readers.

The ball was over, and the last stragglers remained behind. Lulu complained to Laura that the Cassadine family appeared to be back together. She resented that it could pose a problem in her quest to obtain custody of Charlotte. Nina agreed that she'd liked Valentin's song the best, though she teased Charlotte that her favorite had been Kiki and Dillon. Emma grabbed Charlotte and told her there might be a chance that Jake would still do his magic act after all.

Anna headed over to Valentin but Andre stopped her and advised her not to do anything "rash." He accused Anna of defending Valentin as she explained that he'd been right to sell the Chimera to Helena because she'd never used it. Jake begged Elizabeth to allow him to do his magic act, and Lucy shared that they still had some time left on the ballroom.

Nina's smile disappeared, and she called it a night once she saw Anna headed their way. Valentin insisted that Anna's hold on him had been broken. Elizabeth discussed Jake's magic act with Jason and Franco, and both of the men agreed that the boy should perform. Elizabeth admitted that she had a "weird feeling" that something bad would happen, but she reluctantly went along with the guys.

Andre and Anna continued to discuss the Chimera. Anna declared that it would be catastrophic if released. Lulu told Laura about the magic set that Spencer had sent to Jake, but Laura was certain that Spencer hadn't been the one to send it. Laura had recently spoken to Spencer, and he had been anxious for Jake to see his present when he returned to Port Charles.

Everyone sat down to watch the magic show. Jake "saw" Helena, who urged him to perform. Andre received an emergency call and departed for the hospital. Laura continued to feel uneasy as everyone watched the performance. Finally, she pulled Jason aside to tell him that she didn't know of anyone who might have sent the magic set. It definitely hadn't been Spencer.

Jason flashed back to a scene on Cassadine Island with Helena. As Jake did his magic, he kept "seeing" Helena off to the side. "It's time, Jake," she cooed. As Jake announced his "greatest trick of all," Jason recalled Helena stating that Jake would be the "greatest killer of them all." Jason jumped up and stopped Jake. He told him it was time to go. Jake pulled the Chimera from his case. "Jake, don't!" Jason called. "Bravo," Helena said. The light on the Chimera flashed blue as the horrified audience looked on.

Carly and Sonny confronted Ava in the warehouse. "We know what you did to our son," Carly accused. Ava denied knowing what Carly meant. Carly and Sonny indicated that they'd spoken to everyone, including Scott. Ava lost her temper and reminded them that she'd had nothing to do with the bomb but had been sleeping with Morgan and had wanted to hide that fact. Carly lost her temper too. Sonny accused Ava of tampering with Morgan's medication because of Kiki while Carly shouted that Ava had pushed Morgan into a "downward spiral." It had all been to keep him away from Kiki.

Ava insisted that she had only wanted Kiki to be happy. Kiki had been shot while with Morgan and held hostage because Morgan had been crazy. Carly pointed out that it had all been Kiki's choice, but Ava insisted that she had protected her daughter. Carly ordered Ava to stop blaming everyone for her own crimes. She reminded Ava of how Ava had killed Connie, slept with Morgan, and messed with his pills. "Own it," Carly yelled. "Say it," Sonny demanded. "I did it," Ava screamed.

"What now?" Ava asked as tears rolled down her face. She added that she'd been tortured since Morgan's death. Carly asked how Ava thought Morgan might have felt. He'd been trying to get control of his life, and Ava had stolen his victory. Sonny and Carly began to quote from Morgan's diary. Crying, Carly noted that she'd never thought that she would hate anyone as much as she hated Olivia, but she'd been wrong. Ava said that she'd thought it would have been harmless, and she'd hoped that Morgan would have just gone back to the clinic. Carly spat that there would have been no safe ending to her crime.

Ava added that she had loved Morgan. "You did this to my son," Carly said. Ava stated that she couldn't feel any worse, and she was sorry. Sonny told her she couldn't say that, and he wondered how Avery would feel when she eventually learned the truth. Avery had loved Morgan, and Ava had stolen him. He knew that Kiki was already aware that her mother was a monster. Ava thought that it was wrong to hurt her daughters, but Sonny declared that he would tell the entire world about Ava. "You will pay," Carly said. Sonny added that he would put Ava out of her misery after everyone learned the truth.

Carly wondered if Ava had had fun ruining Morgan's life. She would never forgive Ava, who was an evil woman. She thought that Ava should have picked on someone her own size. "Come and get me, bitch," Carly shouted. Ava smashed a lantern on the ground in Carly's direction. It caught fire, and Carly fell to the ground.

Monday, May 29, 2017 Due to the Memorial Day holiday, General Hospital did not air. There were no "lost" episodes as a result of this scheduling change. Regular programming resumed on Tuesday, May 30, and picked up where the Friday, May 26 episode concluded.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017 Dante stood in his living room as he left his father a voicemail message explaining that he'd been looking for Sonny because Scott had filed a complaint. Dante was certain that Sonny had gone after Ava, so he begged his father not to do anything stupid. Dante promised to handle everything. Shortly after Dante ended the call, the police station called to let Dante know about a warehouse fire. Dante's interest was piqued when he was told that Ava owned the burning building.

In Ava's warehouse, Ava threw a hurricane lamp on the floor in a fit of rage. Carly was knocked back as the kerosene exploded and a fire ignited. Sonny rushed to check on his wife, who'd been momentarily stunned by the blast. Carly assured him that she was fine and stood up to follow him to the door. Furious, Ava pulled a gun out and aimed it at Sonny and Carly. Stunned, Carly pointed out that the warehouse was on fire, but Ava angrily accused Sonny and Carly of being pitchfork-wielding hypocrites who'd ridden in on their high horses.

Ava acknowledged that she'd replaced Morgan's lithium with placebos, but she refused to take all the blame for what had happened because Sonny and Carly had failed their son. Ava reminded the parents that Morgan had become moody, agitated, and depressed almost overnight, but rather than try to get to the root of what had been troubling Morgan when he'd quit the coffee kiosk, Sonny and Carly had indulged their son's sudden desire to go to college. Ava insisted that Morgan had been falling apart, but it had never occurred to Sonny or Carly that something had been seriously wrong. Sonny angrily argued that Ava had led Morgan down the wrong path by tampering with Morgan's medications.

Ava claimed that she'd kept waiting for Sonny and Carly to intervene and help Morgan, but they had remained blind to what should have been obvious. Sonny refused to listen to another word. "Burn in hell," Carly growled as she and Sonny turned to leave. Ava grabbed her bag filled with money and passports, dropped her gun inside, then made her way to a side door to escape. Ava was frustrated when she realized a pallet blocked the door and her path to freedom. She returned to the warehouse to follow Sonny and Carly, but the flames cut off the last route of escape.

Elsewhere in the warehouse, Sonny and Carly coughed as the smoke quickly filled the building. They stopped to get their bearings when they realized they were lost. Moments later, they heard Ava call out for help. Carly reluctantly started to go to Ava's aid, but Sonny stopped her because it might get them killed. Sonny insisted they had to get out and call for help. Moments later, Sonny and Carly made it out of the burning building. Carly asked for Sonny's phone and called for help. She told the 9-1-1 operator there was a fire at 216 Coolridge Ave and that the owner was trapped inside.

After Carly ended the call, she told Sonny that they'd been instructed not to enter the warehouse. Sonny and Carly watched as smoke billowed from under the door. A short time later, Dante arrived on the scene. Sonny and Carly told him how the fire had started and Ava's dire circumstances. Dante was surprised that Sonny and Carly hadn't tried to help Ava, but Sonny insisted it had been too dangerous. Moments later, firefighters entered the building to put out the flames and rescue Ava.

Sonny and Carly's expressions were solemn when Ava was carried out on a stretcher. A firefighter stopped to let Dante know that Ava was barely clinging to life. After the firefighter left, Carly quietly suggested she and Sonny head home to get cleaned up, but Dante needed Sonny and Carly to make an official statement at the police station.

Outside Kelly's, Nathan confronted Amy about using his picture for her column's byline. Amy was unapologetic because she had made him famous, but Nathan informed her that he hadn't had any desire for fame. He was not pleased that Amy had put his name on something he had no desire to be a part of, but Amy argued that he hadn't even read her blog. Amy explained that she wrote about relationships, emotional issues, and overall wellness. She also included diet and fitness tips. Amy added that Nathan was great at life hacks, but he pointed out that it was Amy who wrote the columns.

"Details," Amy said with a wave of her hand and a giggle. Nathan looked at the blog, but he groaned when he saw advice about making memories on memory foam. Amy giggled as she admitted that he talked about sex a lot, but mainly because people asked him about it. Nathan reminded her that it wasn't him, but he realized that the blog had been the other job she'd mentioned earlier in the evening. Amy admitted that she wrote the column for free, but that would change. Nathan disagreed because he wanted her to kill the blog.

Amy objected because people liked her blog, and she had lined up advertisers. Nathan reminded Amy that she could be arrested for using his picture without permission, but she laughed because she doubted he'd arrest her. Nathan switched gears by encouraging Amy to write as herself, but she argued that smart blonde women were a dime a dozen. However, a good-looking guy like Nathan who was in touch with what women needed was "priceless." Nathan insisted that he didn't want his image used for the blog, but Amy wondered if it had occurred to him that he could use her advice to help his own troubled marriage.

Nathan denied his marriage was on the rocks, but Amy disagreed because she recalled him expressing his concern about Maxie and Spinelli rekindling things. Nathan assured her that his marriage was fine, but Amy noticed the time and announced that she had to get to work. Nathan offered her a lift because he wasn't through talking to her about the blog.

In Metro Court's ballroom, Jason decided it was time to go home and told Jake to pack up. Jake glanced at the vision of Helena sitting at a corner table. Helena smiled at Jake, so he picked up the canister and held it above his head. Shocked, Valentin immediately recognized the canister. "It's the Chimera," Valentin said as he stood up. "Bravo," Helena said with glee as she clapped.

Tensions quickly mounted when Jake pressed the button and the canister's lights turned blue. Valentin warned everyone that the canister had been unlocked. Anna and Valentin called Emma and Charlotte over then hustled the girls out the door with Lulu, Laura, and Nina. Nina was reluctant to leave Valentin's side, but he insisted.

In the hallway, Emma and Charlotte were worried about Jake, but Lulu, Laura, and Nina assured the girls that everything was fine. Lulu suggested they heed Valentin's advice and get to safety, but Nina decided to stay. Lulu didn't think it was a good idea, but Nina promised that she would be okay.

In the ballroom, Jason tried to persuade Jake to hand over the Chimera, but Jake explained that "she" didn't want him to let go of the canister. Jason asked who Jake had been referring to. Everyone was stunned when Jake revealed that he'd been talking to Helena Cassadine. Elizabeth rushed over to her son and leaned down to ask if Helena was talking to him. "Yes," Jake answered. Elizabeth gently told him to ignore Helena and to only listen to his mother.

Helen objected, but Elizabeth explained that Helena didn't have any real power only Jake did. Helena urged Jake to open the Chimera and give everyone a show because it was his destiny. Elizabeth realized Helena was pushing Jake to do things he didn't want to do. She assured Jake that he didn't have to listen to Helena because Helena was not real. Elizabeth explained that Helena felt victorious because the hate Helena had for everyone was stronger than the love Elizabeth had for Jake, but Elizabeth promised that Helena was wrong.

Elizabeth implored Jake to keep his eyes on her, not Helena. Elizabeth assured Jake that she had faith in him, but Helena argued that Helena had been the one who had prepared Jake for his destiny. "Release the Chimera!" Helena ordered. Jake's hand tightened on the canister's lid, but Elizabeth pulled Jake's attention back to her by asking him if he could feel the love from everyone in the room. Elizabeth assured her son that he made everyone smile, and they knew that he loved them. Elizabeth promised that love was stronger than hate and that she and Jason would never stop fighting for Jake.

Jake glanced at Helena one last time then deactivated the Chimera. Helena instantly vanished. Anna took the canister and magic kit from Jake as Elizabeth swept Jake up in a tight hug. Anna secured the canister in the case then placed a call. Nearby, Jason and Elizabeth praised their son for being strong. Franco walked up as Jake apologized to Jason, but Jason insisted that Jake had nothing to be sorry for.

Jason pulled Elizabeth aside to thank her for getting through to Jake. He realized that she was the only one who could have. Elizabeth appreciated Jason's kind words, but she remained concerned about Jake. Jason and Elizabeth agreed that it would be best to take Jake to the hospital to get checked out. Jason promised to catch up with Elizabeth and Jake when he finished up in the ballroom. He wanted to make certain that Helena hadn't left behind any other surprises.

Meanwhile, Nina returned to the ballroom. Valentin was upset that she hadn't fled to safety with Charlotte, but Nina wanted to know what had been going on. Valentin told her about the Chimera and explained that Alex had hoped to seduce him to learn the biotoxin's whereabouts. Nina was glad the ordeal was over, but Valentin admitted that it wouldn't be over until the Chimera was destroyed. Moments later, Anna let Valentin know that it was time to seal off the ballroom.

After Nina stepped out to call the police, Valentin noticed the way Anna looked at him. He assured her that he hadn't wanted the Chimera to resurface. Anna tactfully told him to go be with his daughter.

At Dante and Lulu's house, Laura, Lulu, Emma, and Charlotte entered the living room after they had changed into pajamas. Lulu assured her daughter that Valentin would pick Charlotte up as soon as he was able. Lulu promised the girls a fun time if they had to spend the night, but Charlotte was curious why everyone had seemed scared during Jake's performance. Laura downplayed the incident, prompting Lulu to send the girls to the kitchen for Charlotte's favorite cookies.

After Emma and Charlotte left the room, Lulu asked what her mother thought had been in the canister. Laura suspected it wasn't good, but she hoped that no news was good news. Laura reminded Lulu that they had the advantage because Helena had made a move on their turf. Laura was confident that Jake would be fine because he was surrounded by family and friends. A short time later, Lulu and Laura played charades with the girls, but Emma and Charlotte remained distracted.

Lulu and Laura assured Charlotte that everything would be okay with Valentin, but Emma was certain the adults were hiding something. Lulu promised Emma and Charlotte that everyone could be trusted to keep Jake safe. Satisfied, Emma and Charlotte relaxed.

At the hospital, Elizabeth waited for an update on Jake. Franco assured her that her son would be fine. She knew Franco was right, but she was still rattled because they'd all been very close to dying. Franco reminded Elizabeth that she had saved everyone by getting through to Jake. He admitted that it had been a sight to behold. Elizabeth smiled, but she admitted that something inside had taken over and guided her. Franco kissed her.

Nearby, Amy and Nathan exited the elevator. Nathan gave Amy an ultimatum: take down his picture or her blog. Amy noticed Elizabeth and Franco, so she rushed over to find out if someone had been hurt at the Nurses Ball.

A short time later, Elizabeth and Franco entered Jake's hospital room. Amy explained that Jake was fine, but the doctor wanted him to spend the night for observation. Amy promised to check on Jake then left. Franco praised Jake for being brave, but Jake was skeptical. Franco promised it was true because it had taken a lot of courage for Jake to fight the demons in his head. Elizabeth added that everyone had been proud of Jake for doing the right thing, but Jake wondered if Helena was gone for good.

Elizabeth and Franco promised Jake that Helena would not be back. Relieved, Jake closed his eyes to sleep. Elizabeth assured Jake that she and Franco would remain at his side.

In Metro Court's parking garage, Anna caught up with Valentin as he tried to escape with the Chimera. Anna feared that Valentin had lived up to his Cassadine heritage by stealing the deadly biotoxin as a prize to sell to the highest bidder. Offended, Valentin reminded her that he'd sold the Chimera years earlier because he'd needed money to finance his multiple surgeries and his life on the run. Anna acknowledged that Valentin had been in a difficult position because he'd had a target on his back. Valentin admitted that it had been a mistake to sell the Chimera to Helena, but he doubted Anna hadn't had her own regrets. Anna assured him that she regretted that her daughter had paid for the stupid choices Anna had made just like Charlotte had nearly paid for his mistakes.

Anna warned Valentin that she couldn't let him leave with the Chimera, but he was reluctant to turn it over to the WSB because they had created the deadly weapon. Anna assured him that the WSB intended to destroy the canister, but Valentin insisted that it was his responsibility. He was certain Anna would feel the same if their roles had been reversed. Moments later, Valentin's phone rang. It was Nina.

In the hallway, an armed gunman quietly approached Nina and ordered her to end the call. The gunman and an accomplice marched Nina to the ballroom and quickly took Jason hostage. Afterwards, Nina was ordered to call Valentin. Nina told Valentin that a gunman held her hostage in the ballroom and demanded that Valentin hand over the box with the canister. A short time later, Valentin entered the ballroom. He didn't hesitate to exchange the canister for Nina's freedom. The gunman opened the box while Valentin made certain that Nina was okay, but things took a deadly turn when the gunman realized he'd been double-crossed.

Valentin ordered Nina to run, and Jason took advantage of the distraction to knock the second gunman off balance. Valentin turned his wrath on the gunman who'd taken Nina hostage.

In the hallway, Nathan was relieved when he saw his sister. Nina was distraught and explained that Valentin was in the ballroom with a gunman. Nathan called for backup then entered the ballroom. Seconds later, Nina heard a gunshot ring out. Nina ran inside but smiled when she realized that Nathan and Jason had gained the upper hand. Nina was overjoyed that Nathan hadn't been hurt, but her happiness turned to horror when she saw Valentin on the floor, bleeding from a gunshot wound in the abdomen.

In the parking garage, Anna heard approaching footsteps. She ordered the person to stop then stepped out of the shadows. She held the Chimera in both hands as a man identified himself as a WSB agent. The man asked for the canister, but Anna insisted on returning to the WSB with the agent because she wanted to make certain the deadly biotoxin was neutralized once and for all.

End Nurse's Ball 2018 Dvd #10

Nurses Ball 2018 DVD #11 Wednesday, May 16, 2018 The Nurses Ball begins with Red Carpet Arrivals
In a small, solid-walled cell, Robert felt around the walls to try to figure a way out. He curled up on his cot and looked around the room. Suddenly, he sat up and grabbed his arm. He fell off the cot and was sprawled out on the floor, unconscious.

Sonny and Jason entered Sonny's house, and Jason related that he was going to meet Spinelli to ask for help with Carly's case. He promised Sonny that everything would be all right, but Sonny feared that Carly was "breaking down." Jason believed Nelle was lying because Carly would never jeopardize her grandchild's life, but Sonny didn't agree. Jason had to meet Spinelli, so he left.

Stella arrived a few minutes later to check in with Mike and Sonny. Mike emerged saying he'd heard the "voice of an angel," and he asked if she would keep them company for a little while. She divulged that she was going to the Nurses Ball that night, so she couldn't. Mike hadn't realized that the ball was that night, and he told Sonny that they were going. He left to change into his tuxedo. Sonny explained to Stella that he didn't feel right going while Carly was in jail. She answered that, while he couldn't do anything for Carly that night, there was something he could do for his father.

Moments later, Mike returned down the stairs in a tuxedo, and he asked for help with his tie. Mike asked Stella to go as his date, which made Sonny and Stella laugh.

Jason entered the Metro Court and found Spinelli, who promised to spend the next day helping Carly. Jason instructed Spinelli to examine all of Carly's claims in order to figure out how Nelle had set her up.

Nina emerged from the hotel room bathroom in a long red dress, and she thought it was "the one." Valentin wanted her all to himself, but he agreed to share her until after the ball. He wanted to "whisk" her and Charlotte away on vacation and revealed that he'd already had their bags packed and tickets bought. He thought that they could "reconnect as a family," and she agreed to think about it. She had to go co-host the red carpet interviews, so she left the room.

Anna was rereading Henrik's email in her hotel room when there was a knock on the door. She happily opened the door to Robin, who sensed that something was weighing on her mother's mind. Anna dismissed it as a case she was working on, but Robin suggested that the "case" was named Finn. Anna answered that they'd both moved on and had no unresolved feelings. She quickly left the room to get ready for the ball.

There was a knock on the door, and Robin was ecstatic to open it to Jason. Robin told him that Emma had had a great time in Switzerland with him and Anna. Jason related that Anna seemed to be "fixated" on finding Henrik, so he advised Robin to stay close to Anna.

A few minutes later, Anna emerged, dressed for the ball. Jason relayed the message that Robin would meet Anna downstairs. Anna informed him that she was still waiting to hear back from Henrik, and she promised to let him know when she heard back. He told her that he didn't want her to walk alone into a trap, so he wanted to "stick to the plan" and work together like they'd agreed.

Finn read through Anna's medical file in his office and thought back to finding a copy of Anna's will in Alexis' bag. Just then, Alexis entered the office, and they exchanged compliments. She thanked him for being her date and for introducing her at the ball. "You should hear what I have to say first," he teased, and they walked arm in arm out of the office.

Backstage at the ball, Lucy told someone on the phone to make sure all of her outfits were in order, as she was determined not to have any wardrobe malfunctions this year. When she hung up, she checked with the stage manager that all of the cues were ready to go. She found Olivia, who suddenly realized something was wrong, but she promised Lucy that it was being "handled."

Sam stood outside Peter's office but scurried away when she heard approaching footsteps. Inside the office, Peter reread Anna's last email as he played with Faison's lighter. He put his computer away as Maxie entered. He revealed that he had something for her and produced a jewelry box. He babbled on about how Maxie could return the gift if it was too much, and he handed the box to her. She opened it and saw a beautiful necklace, which she loved. He put it on for her, and she wondered how she looked. "Like it was made for you," he beamed.

At the hospital, Dr. Bensch gave Kiki her assignments to take care of for the next morning, and she agreed. When he was gone, her phone rang, and she answered it to Molly, a friend of hers. As Bensch listened in, she told her friend that she had too much work to do to go to the ball, and she asked her friend to take some videos for her.

A short while later, Kiki assured Bensch that she was almost done with her tasks, but he scolded her for not reminding him that the ball was that night. She assured him that she was fine with not going, but he thought she deserved a night off to enjoy herself. She thanked him and promised to see him "bright and early" the next morning.

At the Quartermaines', Olivia desperately explained to Cook Two that she'd forgotten the chef at the Metro Court had a scheduling conflict for the night of the Nurses Ball, so she begged the woman to cover. The cook, who was annoyed at Olivia wanting to share her kitchen, told Olivia that Olivia could cook and have the entire hotel's kitchen to herself. Olivia added that Cook Two was Olivia's "only hope." The cook finally agreed, "on one condition."

Cook Two made Olivia "swear on your favorite skillet that you'll never step foot in the Quartermaines' kitchen ever again." Olivia gasped and wondered if that included food for Leo. The cook replied that Olivia could take or leave the terms. Olivia agreed to the deal, and they shook hands.

The red carpet coverage of the Nurses Ball began as Nick Viall announced it on camera. Franco approached Nick and wondered if he could introduce the first arrival. Nick agreed, and Franco took the microphone. He led the cameras to Elizabeth at the beginning of the red carpet and introduced "Elizabeth Imogene Webber" as the "heart and soul of General Hospital." Elizabeth commented that the viewers were "in for a treat tonight," and Franco thanked Nick for allowing Franco to introduce his future wife. The couple moved on to get their photos taken.

A few minutes later, Nina rushed in and apologized for being late. She grabbed a microphone and introduced Josslyn and Oscar. "Ah, young love," Nick commented. The couple posed for pictures and entered the venue. Jordan and Curtis entered, and Nina marveled that Jordan had on "the perfect ensemble for a special occasion." Curtis looked alarmed and shot Nina a glare as Nina instructed Jordan to "remember everything and take everything in!" The couple moved on to pose for photos.

Outside Metro Court, Peter assured Maxie that they didn't have to do the red carpet if she didn't want to, but she wanted to show her support. A reporter asked her what she was looking forward to, and Peter beamed at her as she talked about how "fashion is my weakness." They entered the hotel, and Nina greeted Maxie warmly. As the couple moved on to pose for photos, Valentin entered and glared at Peter. Valentin approached Nina and Nick, and Valentin kissed his wife.

Spinelli ran over to Maxie and informed her that he was there so that she wouldn't be alone, but he stopped dead when he caught sight of Peter. Sam entered and related to the red carpet hosts that she was excited for her mother, who was receiving the Pioneer Award. Right on cue, Alexis and Finn entered, and Alexis went over to Nina as Sam moved on to get her photo taken.

Anna and Robin entered next. Anna was glued to her phone, so she bumped right into Finn, who caught her in a dip. She righted herself and apologized to him. Finn awkwardly went to rejoin Alexis, and Robin raised an eyebrow over Anna, claiming that there were "no unresolved feelings" between her and Finn. Anna and Robin made their way to Nina and Nick, and Nick commented that the ball existed because of Robin. Robin was modest, but Anna answered that she wanted everyone with HIV and AIDS to know that they could live a full, meaningful, and successful life, just like Robin. She hoped to eradicate the disease altogether one day.

Kiki entered and got some photos taken as Griffin and Ava entered. Nina wished her luck on her performance. "Don't you mean 'break a leg'?" Ava wondered. "Good luck," Nina answered. The couple moved on to get their pictures taken as Sonny, Mike, and Stella entered next. Sonny explained to Nina that his friend Stone had died of AIDS, and he wanted to make sure that no one else succumbed to the disease. Mike and Stella moved on to take pictures. Mike invited Sonny into the pictures, but Sonny refused. Stella pushed Sonny over to Mike so the father and son could get some pictures together.

Last, Lucy entered with a llama on a leash and told everyone to get ready for a "magical evening." Nick told her that the show couldn't go on without her, so she realized that she'd better go. "Have a ball!" Nina called out. "We always do," Lucy replied, and she walked away.

Elizabeth was glad they'd gotten there early, but she teasingly scolded Franco for slipping her middle name into her introduction.

Spinelli took some drinks to Sam and Maxie, and Spinelli suggested that Maxie get off her feet. He pulled her away to find somewhere for her to sit. Sam thanked Peter for escorting Maxie to the ball, and Peter insisted that the two were helping each other out.

Curtis watched the interaction between Sam and Peter, and Jordan told him that she only wanted him looking at her. "As if I could look at anything else," he said, and he kissed her. Jordan caught sight of Stella; neither of them had realized that Stella would be there.

Sam went into the ballroom to get some space, and she caught sight of Jason running by. He told her that she looked beautiful, and she sadly assumed that Jason wouldn't be attending the ball. He reasoned that he'd sent a donation. He revealed that he was using the ball as a cover to do more digging into Henrik. Sam admitted that she was doing a little digging that night, as well. They wished each other luck, and he left.

Josslyn exclaimed to Oscar about how she was already having a great time, and the ball hadn't even started yet. She was ecstatic to walk the red carpet with her boyfriend, with whom she was in love. "I love you, too," he said, and they shared a kiss.

As Anna ran to get drinks, Elizabeth greeted Robin with a hug. Robin made sure that everything was "back to normal" with Elizabeth, and Elizabeth replied that things were "better than normal." Franco joined the conversation, and Robin expressed her happiness for the couple.

Ava sipped a martini, and Griffin suggested that she save the "liquid courage" for after her performance. She nervously took another sip. Kiki joined the couple and wondered if her mother was ready to perform. Just then, someone tapped Kiki on her shoulder, and she was surprised to see that it was Dr. Bensch. "Fancy seeing you here," he said.

Maxie introduced Robin and Peter, and she explained that, through a complicated connection, Robin was family. Peter realized that Robin's father was Robert. When Maxie and Peter were gone, Robin found Sonny and greeted him with a hug.

Anna was again glued to her phone when Valentin approached. She told him that she was glad to have some time away from thinking about Henrik, and she figured that Robert would fill her in on anything she missed. "I'm sure he will," Valentin agreed.

Finn asked Alexis if she was nervous about accepting her award, and she confirmed that she was. "You got this," he responded.

On the phone, Valentin told someone that he needed the "Morocco house well stocked," as they were "staying indefinitely." He added that he wanted some security guys as well.

Olivia entered, and Sonny said that he'd been worried about her. She revealed that there'd been a "minor crisis," but she'd handled it. She wasn't thrilled that handling it had "cost more than I thought."

"The air feels charged, doesn't it?" Oscar said excitedly. Josslyn noticed that the doors to the ballroom had just been opened, so she pulled him in to find good seats.

A short while later, everyone was in their seats. An announcement sounded signaling the beginning of the Nurses Ball, and the crowd broke into applause.

Thursday, May 17, 2018 Performances and a proposal at the Nurses Ball

The Nurses Ball was in full swing at the Metro Court as everyone greeted each other. Peter and Lulu said hello, and Lulu mentioned that she was working with Anna on finding Henrik. She revealed that she had allegedly been in contact with Henrik's mother, and she was waiting for the all clear from Anna to pursue a meeting.

Emma arrived to say hello to Robin and Anna, and Julian greeted a late-running Kim with a kiss. He admired her dress, and she complimented him in return. Lucy was introduced, and as the Mistress of Ceremonies, she in turn introduced the first act. The nurses of General Hospital performed "Everyday People" in colorful scrubs. Felix, Bobbie, Epiphany, Amy, and Deanna were among the group of singers and dancers. The audience applauded enthusiastically.

Following the first number, Lucy announced that the sponsor was Olay. She was hoping for everyone to make donations as they mingled during the breaks. Jordan greeted Chase, who disclosed that he was "taking one for the team." Jordan was confused but told him that she didn't like surprises. Curtis was surprised to see Stella, and he asked her if she planned on staying for the entire event. Stella assured him that she wouldn't bother him and Jordan.

Mike sat with Sonny and asked about Carly, but Bobbie arrived to interrupt and speak to Sonny. She couldn't believe that her daughter was in jail, and she told Sonny that Nelle had taunted Carly all day. Bobbie emphasized that Carly had not pushed Nelle down the stairs. Sonny declared that he was at the event for his dad.

Anna continued to stare at her phone until Emma suggested that it be confiscated. Robin pointed out Finn in case that was who Anna had hoped to hear from. Anna insisted that she had been concerned about Robert, but Robin didn't believe her. Robin was certain the phone watching involved Finn or Henrik.

Sam exchanged pleasantries with Maxie, who was with Peter. Maxie looked around for Jason, but Sam explained that Jason was involved in something else. Nina walked over and asked Maxie to take care of some business for Crimson because Nina and Valentin would be leaving for a mini vacation. Nina asked for a cigarette to calm herself, but no one had one. Peter made sure to clarify that he didn't smoke and had never smoked, and Nina was quickly dissuaded from the deed by the group. Peter had a call to make, and Sam wanted a drink.

Peter found Valentin speaking in French to someone on the phone and ordered him to hang up. Peter accused Valentin of knowing about Anna setting him up. As Sam ventured as close as she could to eavesdrop, Peter told Valentin off and shouted that it would be Valentin's fault if Peter were to be exposed. Sam continued to linger and pretended to be on her own phone. She was startled when Alexis walked over but claimed she was nervous for her mother accepting the Pioneer Award.

Valentin tried to calm Peter down but Peter accused him of being infatuated with Anna. Valentin promised he knew what he was doing, but Peter declared that he would take care of things on his own. Valentin exhaled deeply as Peter stormed off.

With Alexis gone, Finn sat alone and recalled Anna's will that he had seen by accident. He rose and went over to Anna's table. Emma asked why Finn didn't text them anymore, and Anna quickly stated that she could text them about things herself. Finn wondered if Anna might be performing, but she advised him that she wasn't.

Chase found himself at Lulu's table, and he asked if Dante was nervous. Before Lulu could say anything, Lucy arrived to drag Chase backstage to get ready. Chase wondered if the other cops were already there. When Dante returned to the table, Lulu asked what Chase had been talking about. Dante felt bad and found Chase backstage to explain and apologize. Chase couldn't believe he was on his own. Dante promised it was for a "worthy cause."

Lucy introduced Chase and his group of dancers. The young detective sang and danced to "Feel It Still," and he surprised everyone in the audience. Even Finn was smiling as he watched his brother dressed like Dick Tracy. Alexis assured Finn that it was okay to be proud. After the popular performance, Dante apologized again and complimented his partner on a job well done. The cops shook hands. Jordan also praised Chase and suggested that Dante follow in his footsteps in the future.

"Let's see what you're hiding," Sam said as she let herself into Peter's office at Aurora. She thought back to a conversation with Curtis when he'd said that there was a problem with Peter's background check. The background had been missing. Sam searched every nook and cranny in the office but found nothing. She made her way to Peter's desk and began to lift papers. Faison's lighter sat in full view. As she searched, the office door began to open, and she hid herself.

The janitor walked into the office, and Sam showed herself. She noted that Peter was attending the ball, and the janitor asked why she wasn't there herself. Sam stated that as the boss, she had work to do, and she was there for a file. She suggested the janitor return later, and she got back to the papers on the desk. Suddenly, she spied the lighter and recalled that Peter had just mentioned that he'd never smoked. She looked at the lighter closely and saw the initials CF. She realized that it had belonged to Caesar Faison.

As Nina walked off to get ready backstage, Valentin glared at Peter, who in turn glared at Anna. Peter looked at his most recent email requesting a meeting from the person claiming to be his mother. The next act up was Obstacle Illusion with Mirage the assistant. It was a magic act with Curtis and Nina. After a few tricks, Curtis called Jordan up to the stage to help out. "Maybe he'll saw her in half," Stella growled hopefully to Mike.

The trick commenced, and suddenly Curtis turned a silver dollar into a diamond ring. He got down on one knee and proposed to Jordan. She said yes, and the confetti rained down from above. Everyone cheered and applauded. "Ain't love grand?" Mike asked Stella. "Not always," Stella replied. She added that there were complications. Mike wondered if Stella might be one of them. "Love is all that matters," Mike told her. He thought that Curtis had style, and Stella agreed that he always had been like that. She thought that Mike had it too.

Maxie sought out Kim to tell her that the baby had been overly active, and she had been concerned. Kim promised that it was normal due to all of the noise and music. She offered to talk with Maxie at any time. Anna continued to stare at her phone, but Robin grew annoyed. She got up from the table, and just then, Anna received a response to her email. It said that she should meet the person at midnight on Pier 55. It stated that she should be alone.

Maxie returned to Peter and told him that the baby was okay, but her, not so much. She was happy for Curtis and Jordan but sad that Nathan wasn't there. She was upset, and Peter followed her out. He handed her his handkerchief as she sat and began to cry. She remembered how Nathan had given her his handkerchief on the first night they'd met. She had almost given it away.

Sonny and Robin embraced. Robin mentioned that she always felt Stone's presence at the balls, and Sonny concurred. He thanked her for recognizing Mike's illness and told her that Carly had insisted that he be at the ball with his father. They stood with Lulu and Dante, and Dante related that the joke had ended up being on him instead of Chase.

By the time that Finn followed Anna out back behind the stage, Lucy was looking for him to introduce Alexis. They had to set up for the next act because, unfortunately, Mac and Mr. Marbles had been delayed out of town. She wanted the award to go next. With Finn missing, Molly stepped up to introduce her mother for the first annual Pioneer Award.

Anna jumped when Finn found her looking at her phone. "We can't keep doing this," he said. As Molly began to give a short impromptu speech about her mother, Alexis waited in the wings. Molly spoke of her admiration for Alexis, who had many roles. She had also overcome many adversities. As Alexis stood and waited, she couldn't help but overhear the conversation between Finn and Anna.

Finn stated that he knew the truth about Anna, and Anna wondered how he'd found out. She had been afraid of what he might think. Finn replied that they'd wasted time, and it dawned on Anna that they were talking about different things. Finn knew that Anna was dying. Anna didn't understand, but Finn continued that he cared about her and had never stopped. She was always in his mind and heart, and he wanted her to know.

Valentin dragged Nina out so they could get home and get Charlotte for their trip. Peter comforted Maxie, and they headed back inside.

Molly introduced her hero, role model, and mother, but Alexis did not appear.

Friday, May 18, 2018 At the Nurses Ball, Molly introduced her mother as the recipient of the first annual Pioneer Award, but Alexis was nowhere to be found. Backstage, Finn professed his feelings for Anna and admitted that he'd always cared for her and had never stopped. Both Finn and Anna were teary-eyed as Alexis stood in the wings and listened. Suddenly, there was a loud crash as Alexis knocked something over.

Finn, Anna, and Alexis looked at each other awkwardly. Alexis rushed out of the area as Lucy was making a speech about a glitch in the proceedings. Alexis ran across the stage and out through the seated crowd with Finn in pursuit. Alexis went out the door, but Finn stopped and looked over to a newly seated Anna.

Lucy proceeded to announce the next act instead. Ned, as his stage persona Eddie Maine, and Olivia performed "(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding" with Ned's band. Olivia was dressed in white boots and a seventies-looking outfit. There was a rousing round of applause.

Out in the hallway, Valentin tried to get Nina to head for home, but she refused. She wanted to see the acts including Valentin's, although he told her he had a piano for a private show in Morocco. She advised him that he'd promised Lucy he'd perform. She wanted to know what was going on, and she finally persuaded Valentin that they should stay until the end.

Molly went at Finn and called him a jerk who had humiliated her mother. She warned him to stay away from Alexis. Anna and Finn got together, and he admitted that things hadn't gone as planned. Anna revealed that, "for the record," she wasn't dying, but Finn replied that, "for the record," he'd meant everything he'd said. Anna disclosed that she cared about Finn, too. Finn announced that he had to find Alexis and apologize, and Anna revealed that she had a meeting that she couldn't tell him about. She thought that things would be better once the evening was over.

Ava and Griffin were seated at a table, and Ava suggested they head to Griffin's room for some relaxation. She was clearly annoyed after Griffin told her that he wanted to stay and watch the show. Sonny stood nearby with Stella and Mike. Stella advised Sonny that outsiders could pick up on things, and he had obviously been throwing some dirty looks in Ava's direction. She thought that Sonny should not act so unkindly toward her.

Mike noted that Sonny had a "deadly temper," and Sonny admitted that it was difficult to be in the same room as Ava. He turned around and lifted his glass to Ava cheerfully. Ava was bewildered. Peter received an email that his mother would be waiting for him. Robin saw Anna and asked about Finn, but Anna told her it was complicated.

Kim accompanied Oscar and Josslyn toward the backstage area to get ready for the next performance. They were surprised when Drew walked in, and Oscar hugged him to thank him for showing up. Molly advised Julian not to do anything about her mother, who was vulnerable. Kim wandered over to Julian and asked him what he was going to do. Julian reminded Kim that he was with her for the evening. They sat down for the performance. Lucy introduced Oscar and Josslyn, and they sang a song as Oscar played guitar. They received a standing ovation when they were finished.

Sonny was proud of Josslyn and gave her a hug. Mike complimented the youngsters, and Stella admitted she was enjoying Mike's praises. Kim waved, and Josslyn and Oscar headed over to her, Drew, and Ned. There were jokes and congratulations all around.

Finn finally found Alexis at the Metro Court bar with a drink. He asked if it was a double vodka, but she angrily told him it was a club soda. Finn stated that he was sorry and hadn't meant to hurt her. Alexis explained that he hadn't hurt her, but "I just hurt." She had known all along that he cared for Anna, and she'd allowed herself to be used in his game.

Finn admitted that he'd fallen for Anna more than he'd realized but had not been using Alexis. He declared that he wouldn't know how and had just wanted to move on. Alexis told him that was called a rebound. Alexis added that that was why people in the A.A. meetings weren't supposed to hook up. Finn blamed himself and assured her it had nothing to do with the group. Alexis wanted Finn to leave her alone, so he left the bar.

Back at the ball, Kiki asked Molly if she could join Molly at her table. Molly asked about Dr. Bensch, but Kiki replied that she wanted to sit with people her own age. Maxie wasn't feeling well, and she asked Peter to take her home. Anna rose, and Robin wondered if she was leaving to meet Finn. Anna said yes, and Robin clarified that it wasn't really about the emails that Anna had been receiving all evening. Anna said it was important, they embraced, and Anna left. Valentin got up to follow her, but Lucy got to him first. It was his turn to perform.

Kim continued to wonder if Julian would go after Alexis, and again he insisted that he was with Kim. Kim reminded him that they had promised to be honest with each other, and she was giving him an "out." Stella introduced Mike to Felix and Deanna and told him they were nurses. Later, Kim found Olivia snooping through the "swag bags."

In Peter's office, Sam played with the cigarette lighter that she had picked up from Peter's desk. She remembered Jason stating that Faison's lighter had been missing from his belongings in the hospital. She looked at the initials CF on the lighter. "Find the lighter, find Henrik," Sam said. She picked up the book by Sinclair and paged through to the end. Everything was turning out to be the same as the book.

Jason stopped by Nelle's hospital room and found Michael by Nelle's side. Michael rose and headed out to the hallway to hear what Jason had to tell him. Jason advised Michael that Carly had not pushed Nelle down the stairs, and he believed that Michael had known that. Michael accused Jason of always defending Carly and reminded Jason that he hadn't been at the party. Jason replied that Michael hadn't been there, either, but Michael repeated the chain of events that Nelle had described.

Jason insisted that Nelle had been lying because Carly would never have risked hurting the baby. He told Michael about all the incidents that Carly had suffered through, and he would prove that Nelle had been behind all of them. He also believed that the blanket had existed, and he would find it. Jason received a phone call and asked the caller to hold on. He warned Michael to be careful, and Michael agreed that he had "a lot to think about." Jason got back to his call. It was Sam, and she needed to see him.

Michael headed back into Nelle's room and learned that while he'd been gone, Nelle had been given the clearance to go home the following day. She looked at his face and asked if anything was wrong. Michael stated that he'd heard about his mother and the fact that someone had been "messing with her head" for quite some time. He wondered if Carly had said something to Nelle.

Nelle recalled hearing something about disappearing notes and Morgan's cologne, but it hadn't made any sense. She started to breathe heavily, and her monitor went off. Michael told her to calm down, and he apologized for upsetting her. Nelle understood, but she stressed that Carly had been out of control at the party and Nelle's falling down the stairs had not been an accident. Nelle believed that Carly had wanted her to fall. Michael told her to close her eyes and get some sleep. He sat and stared at her.

Jason found Sam at the Metro Court, and she showed him the lighter that she'd found in Peter's office. She asked if it had belonged to Faison because she had recalled Peter visiting with Faison in the hospital the night of Faison's death. She added that events were turning out like in P.K. Sinclair's book. Jason couldn't believe that Faison had told him the truth for a change. He had said that Henrik would be "hiding in plain sight."

"Henrik Faison is Peter August," Jason exclaimed. He wondered why Sam had been in Peter's office, and Sam stated that she had been working on a case. Jason assumed correctly that that was why Sam had decided to stay on at Aurora. She told him that Maxie was with Peter for the evening, and Jason noted that they would have to be careful or someone would get hurt.

Jason headed to the ball and asked Robin about Anna's whereabouts. She didn't know. Sam advised Jason that Maxie had left with Peter, and Jason thought it would be important for them to try to get into Peter's email for more information.

Peter drove Maxie home, and as they traveled, she apologized for forcing him to leave the ball early. Peter claimed that he'd had work to do, anyway. Suddenly, Maxie shrieked and announced that her water had broken. She shouted at Peter to pull the car over. She squealed as she was consumed in pain. Peter was anxious and stated that they should head to the hospital. Maxie was upset. She said that something was wrong, and it was too soon for that to be happening.

Julian stood behind Alexis at the Metro Court bar until she realized that he was there.

Back at the ball, Kim wandered over to Drew and asked if she could spend the rest of the evening with him because they were both alone. She stated that Julian had needed to "see someone."

Sam and Jason rushed into Peter's office while Jason tried to reach Spinelli on the phone. He was unsuccessful and suggested that Sam had probably learned all she needed to know in order to hack into Peter's email herself. Jason explained that they didn't have time to wait for Spinelli to get back to them.

Lucy introduced Valentin as the next performer. He glanced over at Anna's empty chair as he sat down at the piano. He played and sang "The Book of Love" to Nina, who had tears in her eyes. He stood to applause and walked to the edge of the stage to face the audience. Robin rose slowly and looked beyond Valentin, who turned around slowly. Scorpio grabbed him and slugged him.

Monday, May 21, 2018 Nurse’s Ball continues Cook Two emerged from the kitchen and found Olivia offering her a large bouquet as a thank you for saving the Nurses Ball. Olivia proposed that Cook Two become the house chef at the Metro Court, since she had done such a great job. Cook Two realized that then, Olivia would get the Quartermaines' kitchen to herself, but Olivia claimed to have never thought about that. Cook Two revealed that she'd gotten a job offer in Rome, as the recruiter from the Hotel Elysium had been there that night. Cook Two left to pack as Olivia realized, "Monica is gonna kill me." "Probably," Cook Two added, and she walked away.

After Valentin's performance, everyone at the Nurses Ball stood and clapped until Robert emerged from backstage and punched Valentin right in the face. Nina yelled at Robert to leave her husband alone, but Robert slapped a pair of handcuffs on Valentin and pushed him out of the room. Lucy ran onstage and stammered that everyone should sit and calm down, and she ran back off the stage.

Kiki and Felix noticed that she was having a "wardrobe malfunction" with the strap of her dress, so she figured someone backstage could fix it. As she got up and walked away, Dr. Bensch watched her leave.

Sonny figured that the arrest couldn't have happened to "a nicer guy." Stella asked if Sonny had seen Mike, and Sonny spotted his father on the stage. Mike picked up a microphone. He introduced himself and declared that he had Alzheimer's, but "the show must go on." He gave a nod to the accompanist, who began to play Frank Sinatra's "Summer Wind." There were smiles and tears in the audience, and as Mike sang, a big band appeared behind him.

Suddenly, Mike froze, and the band disappeared. Sonny had to help his father, so he jumped onstage and grabbed another microphone. He nodded to the accompanist, who began to play the song again. Sonny sang the next lyrics until Mike found his place in the song again, and the duo finished the song together. When the song was over, there was a standing ovation.

Ava wondered how she was supposed to follow that act as she got up to get changed. Bobbie hugged Mike and complimented his "wonderful" performance. She thought Mike and Sonny made a great team, and Mike joked that they were taking their act on the road. Drew shook Sonny's hand and commended him on what he'd done for Mike. Stella commended Sonny's performance, as well, but he touted Mike as the star.

Backstage, Kiki thanked Amy profusely as Amy left a dressing room with Kiki's dress to fix. Kiki was standing in the dressing room in just a slip when Dr. Bensch entered the room. "What are you doing here?" she demanded to know as she tried to cover up. Griffin entered and asked if there was a problem. Bensch claimed that he'd gotten turned around on the way to the bathroom, and Griffin pointed him in the right direction. When he was gone, Kiki began to cry, but she blamed in on the stress. She sobbed on Griffin's shoulder as Ava walked by and caught sight of the two.

Robert pushed Valentin into the hall at the Metro Court and pointed a gun at him. As Nina approached, Robert said that he knew all about Valentin's involvement with Henrik. Valentin advised Robert that Anna was about to walk into a trap. Robin emerged from the ballroom and made sure that Robert was all right, because she thought he looked terrible. She informed him that Anna had gotten a message on her phone, and she'd taken off. Robert took off, leaving Valentin and Nina alone.

Nina quietly demanded to know how long Valentin had known about Henrik, and if Nathan would still be alive had Valentin spoken up. Valentin insisted that it was impossible to say if his silence had changed anything, but Faison's appearance had been inevitable. Nina believed him, and he promised to tell her the rest of the story in Morocco. Robert returned to take Valentin away.

Peter told Maxie that he would take her to the hospital, but she screamed that there was no time. Peter called an ambulance as she made herself comfortable on a blanket outside the car. She breathed in between screams of pain and finally asked him to check for the baby. He saw the head and instructed her to push. After a few pushes, she heard the cries of a baby. Peter wrapped the baby up in his jacket and handed Maxie her son.

Peter and Maxie heard sirens, and the ambulance finally pulled up. She wanted him to accompany her to the hospital, but he promised to meet her there. She asked him to call Spinelli, as her parents were out of town. As Maxie was pushed away on a stretcher, Peter advised her to "take care of your beautiful baby. I'll take care of everything else." Peter got into his car and pulled out a gun.

Spinelli sat down at Peter's computer and wondered what he was supposed to be looking for. Jason shared a knowing look with Sam and admitted that he wanted proof that Peter was Henrik. A shocked Spinelli began typing and quickly got into Peter's inbox. He read the emails that were supposedly from Henrik's mother, and Jason realized that Anna had cut him out of her communications.

Just then, Spinelli's phone rang. He answered it, expecting to hear Maxie's voice, but instead heard from Peter. He informed Spinelli that Maxie had asked Peter to call Spinelli, as she'd had the baby and was on the way to the hospital. He told a confused Spinelli that he'd delivered the baby, and Peter hung up. A stunned Spinelli told Jason and Sam that "Nathan's brother just delivered Maxie's baby." Jason asked for one last look before Spinelli went to visit Maxie, and Spinelli found the email about the meeting place and time. Spinelli left for the hospital, and Jason rushed off to the pier.

At the ball, Lucy introduced Ava, and Ava took to the stage. She sang Lesley Gore's "You Don't Own Me," directing most of the lyrics at Sonny. When the song was over, those who didn't consider themselves Ava's enemies stood and clapped. Bobbie kicked Scott out of her table after he gave Ava a standing ovation. Lucy apologized to Sonny for the performance, as it hadn't been what Ava had done in rehearsal. Sonny replied that the night was too important to let Ava ruin it.

Ava returned to her table after the performance, and Griffin wondered what had happened to the song he'd seen her do at rehearsal. She revealed that she'd had a "last-minute inspiration," thanks in part to Griffin and Kiki.

Kim told Drew that she had to get to the hospital after a patient had prematurely given birth, but her ride had left. He offered to give her a ride, and they left.

Lucy got back onstage and thanked Olay, the ball's "generous" sponsor; the performers; the support staff; and the crew. She also thanked everyone who'd donated, as they'd broken the Nurses Ball record for money raised. She revealed that the nurses had one more song, and Bobbie, Deanna, Epiphany, Amy, and Felix took to the stage, eventually being joined by the rest of the nurses.

When the inspirational song was over, there was a standing ovation. Kiki gave Ava a bouquet for her performance. Ava thanked her daughter and took Griffin's arm so they could make their way up to Griffin's room for the night. When they were gone, Bensch approached Kiki and promised to see her "bright and early" the next morning.

In a bed at the hospital, Maxie asked Kim about the baby, and Kim replied that the baby was in "great shape." Maxie wanted to see her son, and Kim revealed that she had an idea. A few minutes later, Kim returned to the room with a tablet. She couldn't take the baby to his mother's room, but there were webcams in the nursery for "virtual visitation." Kim commended Maxie for the great job she'd done. "Except that my water broke all over Peter's car," she joked. Just then, she wondered where Peter was.

Anna arrived at the pier and called out for Henrik. She looked around and paced back and forth while thinking about the various warning-filled conversations about Henrik that she'd had with Robert and Jason. She heard footsteps and called out for Henrik. "Peter?" she asked as she caught sight of him. "You were right the first time, mother," he growled. He accused her of posing as his mother for the WSB in order to flush him out, but she insisted that she had something to tell him. He took out his gun and pointed it right at her.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018 Henrik meets his mother Anna Kiki, in her sparkly gold gown with a glass of Champagne in her hand, sat down on the stage in the empty ballroom at the Metro Court. She removed her shoes. Michael rushed in and asked if he'd missed the Nurses Ball. Kiki teased him but admitted that she was certain it was "still raging on somewhere." Michael sat down next to Kiki, and she poured him a glass of Champagne, too. He stated that Nelle and the baby were both doing well, and Nelle would be remaining in the hospital overnight for observation.

Michael wondered why Kiki was alone. She confided that she didn't want to go home alone to think about dreading the workday the following morning. Kiki proceeded to tell Michael about the incidents with Dr. Bensch and said that the incidents had happened both at the hospital and out of the hospital. Michael reminded her that he was on the hospital board, so he would be able to handle it. Kiki quickly asked him to forget she'd told him anything because she'd confided in him as a friend. She would just stay away from Bensch.

Ava and Griffin began to get ready for bed in Griffin's room at the Metro Court. Griffin noted that he hadn't been happy with Ava's song selection at the ball, and he accused her of "turning a charity event into a weapon." Ava was not happy. Griffin continued to voice his opinion that her song had not been "sweet and sentimental" as she'd practiced but had instead been a "slap in the face" to Sonny and his family.

Ava angrily replied that she was sorry that she hadn't risen to Griffin's high standards, and Sonny hadn't been on her mind when she'd chosen her song. It had been for Griffin. She wanted him to tell her he loved her, but she believed that he had lost interest in her. She charged Griffin with moving on to Kiki, who needed help as the new "wounded bird." She'd seen Griffin and Kiki together in the dressing room.

Furiously, Griffin responded that he'd been comforting Kiki because she was Ava's daughter. He was appalled at Ava's accusation. Ava confessed that she'd wanted to hear about Griffin's feelings and wanted more than he had been "capable of giving." She further accused him of sending "mixed signals," and she'd had it. "We're incompatible," Ava announced. She didn't think that Griffin would ever be able to make her feel the way she deserved to feel. Ava felt she was "worthy of love," and Griffin couldn't give it to her. She opened the door and left.

Lulu was at home and on the phone with Dante, who was at the police station with Scorpio and Valentin when Nina arrived with Charlotte in tow. Lulu was surprised and happy as Nina sent Charlotte up to bed. Lulu helped Charlotte gather her things to carry to the bedroom and returned to Nina in the living room. Nina revealed that her husband had known the true identity of Henrik all along.

Lulu was shocked. Nina accused Valentin of valuing that relationship more than his marriage or her brother's life. He had planned to take Nina and Charlotte away on an "open-ended" trip to avoid the fallout. He had been taken to the police station, but Nina was certain he'd get himself out of it and make his way to Lulu's.

Spinelli and Sam were at General Hospital in order to hack into a computer to find Maxie's room. "I feel the wrath of Epiphany," Spinelli confided. Sam reminded him that they only needed the room number. Just then, a robed Maxie wandered down the hall and fell into their arms.

Shortly after, Maxie was back in bed. She confessed that she had only wanted to see her son in the NICU, but she had the webcam to show him off to Sam and Spinelli. Maxie told the pair about her evening after leaving the ball and how lucky she'd been to have Peter with her, as things had happened fast. Sam casually asked about Peter's whereabouts, and Maxie admitted that he'd never shown up at the hospital.

After talking to Lulu on the phone, Dante found Scorpio and Valentin in the interrogation room. Scorpio had Valentin up against the wall. Dante and Scorpio stepped out, and Dante accused Scorpio of violating Valentin's rights. Finn arrived as Scorpio declared that he couldn't find Anna, and he believed that she would walk into Henrik's trap. He wanted five minutes alone with Valentin because he was afraid that Anna would get killed.

Dante suggested that maybe a deal could be made. Scorpio gave Finn his phone number and sent him to the hospital to look for Anna. He thought that Finn might find her there with a bullet wound. Dante and Scorpio headed back to the interrogation room, and Scorpio demanded to hear everything about Henrik. Valentin asked Dante about pressing charges against Scorpio for assault, and he vowed to call his attorney.

Scorpio refused to allow Valentin any leeway because Valentin had drugged Scorpio and kept him prisoner. Valentin asked for proof, but he wanted to make a deal. Scorpio agreed under the condition that Anna was safe. He also demanded that Valentin tell him Henrik's identity. Dante stepped out and called Lulu, who updated him on the scene at their place. Dante wanted Nina to remain there.

Later, Valentin advised one of the cops on duty that there had been no proof of him committing a crime, and he had been detained without any cause. He expected to be released.

Back at the hospital, Maxie asked about the remainder of the ball, and she mentioned that she had to call Liesl about the baby. Sam stopped her from calling, and soon after, Maxie was asleep. Sam and Spinelli went out to the hallway, and Sam announced that she would go to the pier. She wanted Spinelli to stay at the hospital. Spinelli refused to allow her to go, and he blocked the elevator. Finn was nearby and eavesdropped before taking off.

Spinelli didn't want Sam to risk her life and firmly told Sam that Jason could take care of himself. After Sam threatened to use the "Vulcan neck pinch," Spinelli relented. Sam got on the elevator.

Nina received a phone call while she was at Lulu's place. It was Spinelli, and he told her to go to the hospital right away. He informed her that Maxie had had her baby. Nina quickly gathered her belongings and ran out.

Anna and Henrik faced each other on the pier. Henrik had his gun drawn, and he accused Anna of setting a trap to "flush" him out. He held his gun on her and told her to say hello to his father. Jason sneaked up behind Henrik and pointed his own gun. "Tell him yourself," Jason snapped. He knocked Henrik on the back of the head, and Henrik fell to his knees. Jason explained that Spinelli had hacked Peter's email, and Sam had had the lighter belonging to Faison. They'd realized that Peter was Henrik.

Anna asked Jason to lower his gun. "I don't think so," Jason replied. Anna reminded Jason that Henrik was unarmed after falling, but Jason was unmoved. He and Anna went back and forth over who would take control of Henrik. Suddenly, Anna pulled a gun on Jason. She threatened to shoot unless he allowed Henrik to go. She was teary as she told Henrik, "I am your real mother."

Henrik didn't believe it and suggested that he was being "played." After thinking it through, Jason admitted that it made sense. Anna insisted that she hadn't been able to tell anyone, and she wanted Jason to let Henrik go because he was her son. She wanted to prove to a disbelieving Henrik that she had told the truth, and she began to spout off various facts about Henrik's life. She told him his birthdate and birth location and cited the fact that he'd been given to a loving couple. She mentioned the Huntington's disease.

The tears rolled down Henrik's face. Finn arrived as Anna recited the facts to Henrik. She admitted that she'd lied to everyone, and she couldn't do it any longer. Jason understood but didn't think that Anna could save Henrik. She asked how Jason would feel if she held a gun on Michael. Finn interceded and suggested that both Anna and Jason drop their guns. He added that Scorpio was on his way.

Sam arrived, and Jason wanted to shoot Henrik before Henrik hurt anyone else. Anna insisted that he was her son, and she would take charge. Henrik spoke up. "No, you're not my mother. You're just the bitch who gave birth to me," he said. Sam urged Jason not to shoot Henrik, as there were too many witnesses. Henrik suggested that Anna kill Jason first, but then he urged Jason to do the deed. Finally, Anna and Jason looked at each other, and both lowered their guns.

Scorpio arrived with a cop who began to read Henrik his rights. Scorpio made him stop and said that the WSB didn't deal with "niceties." He wanted a written statement from Jason and planned on having Henrik extradited to prison. Henrik was taken in cuffs and urged Anna not to take too long. He called her "mommy dearest." Anna didn't want to talk to Jason about anything, and they were both sorry with the way things had turned out.

Everyone left but Anna and Finn. She cried that she had made a mess, and she hadn't wanted anyone to know. Finn wrapped his arms around her. Anna thought that they all could have been dead like a Shakespearean play. She didn't blame Jason, but she was left with nothing but the truth.

Nina got to General Hospital and heard all about Maxie and her new baby. Spinelli sat by Maxie's side. Maxie revealed that Peter had delivered her baby like a "pro," and they joked about all of the birth classes the women had attended in vain. Nina saw the baby on the webcam. Maxie decided that she wanted to honor Peter, who had been a great friend. She thought maybe the baby could have Peter as a middle name.

Dante arrived home and filled Lulu in. She revealed that Nina had gone to the hospital. Dante disclosed Henrik's identity, and Lulu was shocked. She thought that Valentin could be lying. Dante suggested that Faison had gone to Aurora to see Henrik, but the others had gotten in the way. They agreed that Henrik had to have stuck around town for Maxie. Lulu wanted to tell Maxie.

Lulu went to read a book to Charlotte, and Dante received a call from Nina about Maxie and the baby. He revealed Henrik's identity. She was aghast. There was a knock at Dante's door, and it was Valentin. He was there for his family.

Kiki sat at a table in the ballroom and continued to drink the Champagne. Griffin walked in and asked to sit down with her.

Ava returned to Griffin's room and knocked on the door. She was sorry, and she wanted another chance. There was no answer, and she walked away.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018 Maxie finds out Peter is Faison’s son
Kiki and Griffin arrived in his hotel room, and he offered to get some coffee for her. She declined the offer in favor of more Champagne. As she opened the bottle, she asked if he could dance. "Some," he admitted. She talked about how every woman dreamed of waltzing with a man when they were little, only to grow up and realize that no guys ever learned to dance. "That's life. Even the dreams that come true can be disappointing sometimes," she sighed.

"I don't know if I've ever had Champagne straight from the bottle," Griffin said as he laughed. She clinked her mug to his bottle, and they toasted "to first times." Kiki confided that she'd been forced to go to cotillion when she'd been younger, so she'd learned to waltz. Griffin confessed the same thing. "Prove it," she said, holding a hand out to him, and they waltzed around his room. They moved closer and closer until they shared a kiss. A short while later, they were in bed.

Nina collected herself outside of Maxie's room then entered the room cheerily. She assured Maxie that the nurses had said Maxie's baby had good vitals and was "well developed for his age." Maxie admitted that she felt like Nathan had been there that night, especially to help Peter along. She briefly wondered where Peter was, but she acknowledged how lucky she'd gotten that Peter had done so well. "If nothing else, I'm grateful to him for that," Nina replied.

Maxie wondered what Nina meant, as she'd thought Nina was fine with Peter. Nina blamed the phrase on being "emotional and tired," and she left so that Maxie could rest. When Nina was gone, Maxie was watching her son on the tablet when Drew entered. He congratulated her and asked if there was anything he could do for her. She teased that it wasn't his job to look after her, but he thought it was "good business practice" to look out for his best employee. She promised to keep an eye on Crimson while she was on maternity leave, but he advised her to focus on the baby. He promised to "run interference" between Nina and Peter if he needed to.

From the doorway, Valentin told Dante and Lulu that he was there for Nina and Charlotte. Lulu informed him that Charlotte was asleep and Nina was gone. He needed to find Nina, as he believed she'd "misinterpreted" things she'd overheard. Dante and Lulu threw accusations at Valentin. He decided not to wake Charlotte, but he would pick her up from school the next day. Lulu advised him to figure out where he and Nina stood first. He told Lulu to enjoy talking to her "pen pal," and he stormed out.

Dante asked Lulu what Valentin had meant by "pen pal." She revealed that she'd gotten a lot of emails from people claiming to be Henrik, but one had seemed credible. She admitted that Henrik had wanted to meet to tell his side of the story. She assured him that she'd been working with Anna, but he was still angry that she hadn't told him. He informed her that Peter had been setting her up, and he turned to leave for work.

Lulu thought she and Dante needed to talk, but he didn't agree. He accused her of not learning anything from Nathan's death. He informed her that Peter had probably been arrested, so she could write a story about that. When he was gone, Lulu cried while typing on her computer.

Robert entered the police station with Peter, who was handcuffed. He quickly updated Chase, who followed them into the interrogation room. Jason and Sam entered, and Peter yelled that he wanted to press charges against Jason for trying to kill him. Chase wanted some answers from Jason, who refused to talk without an attorney present. Chase informed Robert that they couldn't hold Peter without pressing charges, but Sam announced that Peter had committed fraud by filling out his Aurora employment papers with a name other than his own. She added that she was willing to press charges.

Chase talked about how Jason might want to press charges for Peter allegedly holding him prisoner, but Peter claimed he'd saved Jason's life. He'd been coerced into participating in the memory-writing procedure, but he'd betrayed his father and risked his life to keep Jason safe. Jason remembered that he'd been drugged and restrained for five years in a Russian clinic.

Peter claimed that he needed medical attention after Jason had hit him in the head. Chase reluctantly agreed and instructed an officer to have a cell ready for when they returned. When Chase and Peter were gone, Jason and Sam speculated on why Peter had requested medical attention until she remembered that Maxie was at the hospital. The two booked it out of the police station.

Anna kicked herself for not seeing that Peter was Henrik, but Finn reminded her that no one else had seen it either. She revealed that the existence of her child with Faison was the reason she'd pushed Finn away. He didn't think he had a right to judge. She told him the story of how she'd ended up where she was, and she regretted not keeping track of her child.

Anna's phone rang, and she answered it to Robert. He informed her that Henrik was going to the hospital, and he believed it was a stall. Anna relayed the information to Finn, who promised to go to the hospital and look after Peter. He made sure that she was all right, and he left. Anna told Robert that she would be there, but she had something to take care of first.

Jason and Sam arrived at the hospital, and Jason surmised that Peter would want to tell Maxie his own side of the story. As if on cue, Deanna pushed Maxie, followed by Drew, down the hall in a wheelchair to go see her son. Just then, Peter entered in cuffs, flanked by Chase and Finn. Peter asked for a minute to speak to a shocked Maxie, and it was eventually granted to him. He knelt next to Maxie and told her that he hadn't disclosed his real name. "My father named me Henrik," he said. "No, you're not," Maxie cried. "Maxie, I'm Henrik Faison," he replied.

Peter knew that Maxie would probably question every minute she'd spent with him, but he promised he'd never had an agenda with her. Maxie realized that Peter was why Faison had been at Crimson the night Nathan had died. He confirmed it, and Maxie anxiously asked Deanna to take her back to her room. When she was gone, Finn and Chase accompanied Peter on the elevator to get some tests run. A few minutes later, a doctor checked Peter out.

Sam informed Drew that Peter most likely had the flash drive with Drew's memories on it, but Drew refused to rely on Peter. He divulged that he and Andre were "taking matters into our own hands." He wanted to be Drew Cain, and he didn't want any trace of Jason. When he was gone, Sam told Jason, "he may not want that flash drive, but I sure as hell do." She got into the elevator and motioned for Jason to join her, which he did.

Back in her hospital room, Maxie was curled up in bed, crying. She thought back to Peter helping her deliver her baby, and she cried more.

Nina returned home and found Valentin. She informed him that she was only there to pack, but he asked her to listen to him. He was only asking her for empathy for Peter's circumstances. He explained that he'd been doing freelance work for Faison when he'd met Peter. Peter had been desperate for attention, and he'd asked his father to see him in a school play. While Faison had mocked Peter in front of Valentin, Valentin had decided to attend the play. "And so began our lifelong friendship," he said.

In response to Nina's skepticism, Valentin added that Peter had always tried to escape his father's shadow. The two had lost touch "for years," but Peter had reached out to Valentin one day for help in changing his identity. When Peter had moved to Port Charles, Valentin had protected Peter's secret because he'd owed Peter.

Just then, there was a banging at the door, and Anna called out for Valentin. Valentin offered to make Anna leave, but an unsurprised Nina got up to let Anna in. "You got what you wanted. My son almost shot me tonight," Anna growled at Valentin, shocking Nina. Anna told Nina a brief version of her story, and Valentin's part in it. Valentin admitted to threatening the family that Peter had been given to. He'd taken Peter straight to Faison as revenge on Anna. She agreed that he had every right to hate her, but he'd had no right to use her child to get back at her. She lunged at him.

Valentin knew he'd made a mistake, but Anna shot back that some mistakes couldn't be taken back. Nina stormed out of the room, and Valentin revealed that he'd never told Peter about his mother so that he didn't become Faison's obsession. He added that he was haunted every day by his "terrible mistake." "Go to hell," Anna said, storming out of the house. "I'm already there," he said tearfully. Nina returned with a suitcase as he tipped his drink. When she was gone, he let it spill.

Anna arrived at the police station and shared a knowing look with Dante. She entered the interrogation room and tearfully reached out to Robert. He gave her a hug as she cried in his arms.

End Nurse's Ball 2018 Dvd #11

Nurse’s Ball 2019 Dvd #12:
5/16/19 Ball plans are made
5/17/19 Nurse’s Ball Begins - Red Carpet Arrivals
5/20/19 Guests enter the ballroom
5/21/19 Performances Begin - Nurse’s “Best of My Love”, Chase “Something Just Like This”
5/22/19 Performances Continue - Liesl & Franco “Guilty”, Cameron “North Star”
5/23/19 Performances Concludes - Ava, Ned, Valentin, Josselyn, Ryan arrives in Port Charles

Thursday, May 16, 2019 Maxie and Lulu met at the café, where they talked about the upcoming Nurses Ball, and Maxie filled Lulu in on her date with Peter. She mentioned that she had seen Laura and Curtis in Canada. Lulu was happy for Maxie, and Maxie agreed it had been "worth the wait." She flashed back to being in bed with Peter and admitted that she was only sorry it had taken so long. Lulu thought it was perfect, but she began to cry. Lulu apologized, and Maxie told her it was okay to miss Dante. Lulu maintained that she was happy for Maxie and Peter, but she held up two tickets to the Nurses Ball. She confessed that she'd purchased them when she'd learned that Dante would be home. Maxie suggested she drop one ticket off at the hospital for someone else to use, but Lulu thought that she'd get rid of both. Maxie refused to hear it and insisted that Lulu attend with her and Peter. Lulu finally agreed after she and Maxie went back and forth. Lulu admitted that it was difficult to go out, knowing that Dante wouldn't be at home when she got back. She still loved him and vowed to fight for her marriage. Maxie was certain that Dante had been fighting to get back home.

At Kim's apartment, she and Drew went through a box of items that had been in Oscar's locker. Drew suggested they take a break, but Kim wanted to get it over with. She read a teacher's glowing note on a report of Oscar's that stated that he had made her better. Drew picked up a poster of Kilimanjaro and noted that Oscar had never given up his dream. Kim found Oscar's yearbook page that he'd never turned in and read a quote about allowing troubles to propel one forward and not hold one back. She announced that she would drop it off at school. She saw her pile of mail and told Drew that she didn't have the energy to go through it. Drew offered to help. When he reached an offer from a Realtor to buy Kim's place, Kim grew angry and accused the Realtor of having seen Oscar's obituary. Drew urged Kim to forget about it, and he ripped it up. He wondered if Kim had plans to leave town, but Kim assured him that it was too soon to make any decisions. Drew was happy because he admitted that he enjoyed having Kim in his life.

At Turning Woods, Yvonne showed off her new ring to Sonny and Michael. Mike thanked them for attending his engagement party, and he and Yvonne went off to the kitchen to procure refreshments. Sonny informed Michael that Marcus had "graciously bowed out," and he added that Carly had had something important to take care of. Michael asked Sonny about Yvonne's ring and pointed out that it looked real. Sonny had no idea how Mike had obtained the ring.

Finn summoned Chase to the hospital and told him he wanted to go after Robert, after all. He explained that Robert had tried to pawn off a different ring, and he showed it to Chase. Chase didn't think it looked bad but told Finn that if he arrested Robert, Anna would find out about the proposal. He suggested that Finn propose to her without a ring. Finn was adamant that he get his original ring back even though Chase assured him that Anna would say yes without it. He thought that Finn could explain everything to her. Finn shared that the ring had been a rare Monaco Blue Sapphire, and Monaco had been where everything had started between them. The ring told their story.

Carly arrived at the hospital for her doctor's appointment. She sat in Dr. Navarro's office and asked about her test results. Dr. Navarro announced that she hadn't seen any signs of birth defects, and she wanted Carly to keep up the good care of herself. The doctor revealed that she wanted to see Carly sooner than Carly had expected for her next appointment.

Jason met with Sam and Spinelli in a room at Metro Court. Spinelli hoped it was the end of Shiloh, and Jason explained the process that Shiloh had used for initiations. He declared that each step could be considered a felony. Spinelli reminded him that witnesses would be needed, and Sam revealed that Spinelli would have to record her own initiation. Spinelli wondered if it would be fake, but Sam noted that she would do whatever she had to do. She was adamant that Shiloh needed to be put away. She thought that Spinelli and Jason could bug the Dawn of Day house while she was at the Nurses Ball with Shiloh. She would return to the house with Shiloh after the ball, and the guys would be able to monitor the situation. Spinelli admitted that he didn't like the idea, and Jason agreed but noted that Sam wouldn't change her mind.

Peter and Anna met at the plaza, where he bought her a cup of coffee. He thanked her for her advice regarding Maxie, and he told her about his date. Anna confessed that there had been a "strange turn of events," and she thought that a marriage proposal was forthcoming. She added that it wasn't from Finn. Anna was hopeful that she was wrong, and Peter couldn't believe that Robert might propose. Anna declared that Robert was in her past, and she was with Finn.

Kristina thanked Molly for meeting her near the plaza and for not giving up on her. She admitted she was still a "work in progress," and she hoped that she would be able to convince Sam to get away from Shiloh. She didn't think that Sam had realized that Shiloh was a predator. Kristina stated that she hadn't been able to reach Sam, who had cut Kristina out of her life. Molly declared that the scenario sounded familiar, but Kristina replied that she'd thought that Sam would be able to see through Shiloh. Molly believed that Sam would be able to see the truth just as Kristina had. Kristina announced that she would like to help other girls, and Molly had an idea. Molly saw "a sign" and ran over to Peter who was on the phone with Finn. She introduced herself when he was through, and she told him that she had a story about a cult, which she thought would be a good story for his readers. Peter was in a hurry, and he gave her his business card. He urged her to send him her résumé along with her story pitch.

Julian and Alexis walked through the park as Julian complained about having to spend the night in a cell. He thanked Alexis for fetching him from jail because he hadn't wanted to call Kim. Alexis thought that Ava had convinced Kevin to drop the charges. They sat on a bench, and Julian updated her on what had happened with Kevin and the fact that Ava had sided with Kevin. Alexis thanked Julian again for rehiring Kristina. Neil walked by, and Alexis introduced him to Julian, who left. "Go ahead, say it," Alexis said. She was embarrassed that the doctor had found her with Julian. Soon after, Sam arrived. She announced that Kristina wanted to see her, but she didn't want to jeopardize Kristina's recovery. Sam didn't know what she would say to her.

Alexis thought that Sam should lie because she didn't think that Sam should tell Kristina she'd been "stringing along" Shiloh. Neil was confused as to what that meant but Sam assured him that everything would be concluded that night. Neil didn't want to hear about anything that might be illegal, but Sam declared that only Shiloh had been the perpetrator of illegal acts. Alexis wanted details, but Sam didn't want to share. Neil thought that Sam should avoid Kristina if it was true that everything would be over soon. Sam wanted Alexis to attend the Nurses Ball and pretend that everything was okay. After Sam had gone, Alexis was in a state over having to act normally at the Nurses Ball. Neil announced that he'd be attending the ball, also. "Our paths continue to cross," Alexis said.

Carly arrived at Turning Woods, and Michael went to the kitchen to grab Yvonne and Mike. Sonny asked Carly about her appointment, and she told him that while her test results showed no problems, the doctor wanted to eliminate "other concerns." Their conversation was cut short when Michael returned with Yvonne and Mike, who carried a tiered plate of cupcakes. After hugs, Yvonne asked Carly to make a toast, and everyone grabbed a cupcake. Carly talked about how important Mike was, and how she loved him. She welcomed Yvonne to the family. Carly admired Yvonne's ring, and Sonny asked Mike where he'd gotten it. Mike insisted that he'd saved up the money and had purchased it at a jeweler's in Brooklyn. Hastily, Michael suggested that it was time to clean up, and Mike thanked the family for attending his engagement party.

Back at Kim's there was a knock on the door. It was Julian, and he and Drew looked at each other awkwardly. Julian apologized for interrupting, but Kim invited him inside. She explained that she and Drew had been going through some of Oscar's things. She admitted that it had been painful but also good to know that he had been liked by so many people. Julian saw the poster and recalled the meteor shower over Mt. Kilimanjaro that Oscar had wanted to see. Drew offered to scatter Oscar's ashes there. Kim loved the idea, and she announced that she wanted to go with Drew. Julian thought it was a beautiful idea, and Drew agreed that Oscar would have wanted his parents to do it together. Drew confirmed that he would make all the arrangements, and he and Kim agreed that they were happy to be doing it. Drew left, and Julian noted that Kilimanjaro was the gateway to heaven. He added that Oscar had taught him that. Kim declared that Oscar's ashes would be taken to where he belonged.

At Metro Court, Spinelli informed Jason that he had all of his equipment. Jason insisted that the audio be perfect in order to get Sam out in time. Spinelli wondered if Sam had always been the target, and Jason thought that made sense. Spinelli pointed out that Shiloh always seemed to be innocent and had others take the blame. Spinelli continued that he thought that originally Shiloh had planned revenge on Sam, but he'd ended up wanting her. Spinelli was concerned that if Shiloh was disappointed in some way, things could turn violent. He asked if Jason was worried. Jason replied that Sam knew what she was doing, but Spinelli reminded him that there was no telling what might happen if Sam were to be drugged. He thought it possible that she could say anything. Jason stated that they would be there to stop Shiloh "one way or another."

Chase ran into Anna near the plaza while he was out for a run. Anna asked if there was something wrong with Finn because he'd seemed "off." Chase replied that Finn was "over the moon" about Anna and would do anything to make her happy. Anna told him to break a leg for his Nurses Ball performance. Anna left a voicemail for Robert and told him they needed to have a serious talk.

Nearby, Molly met with Sam and told her she'd just missed seeing Kristina. Molly revealed that she and Kristina had begun to mend their relationship, and that Kristina had realized that Shiloh was a predator. Molly told Sam that she'd pitched a story to Peter about DOD and Shiloh. Sam was not pleased and told Molly that she wasn't a reporter. Molly insisted that she had a first-person accounting, and she planned to tell her story. Sam wanted her to stay out of it, and the sisters began to argue. Molly stormed off.

Peter made his way to the hospital to talk to Finn. He informed the doctor that what he did or didn't do could change everything. Finn couldn't believe that Peter knew about the ring, but Peter was confused. He asked if Finn wanted to marry Anna. "Step up your game before Robert beats you to the punch," Peter urged.

Sonny and Carly returned home, and Carly wondered if Sonny was worried about where Mike had gotten the engagement ring. Sonny revealed that he'd checked at Mike's residence, and no one had reported a missing ring. Sonny asked Carly about her appointment, and she showed him an envelope. The contents would reveal the sex of their new baby. Carly opened the envelope after she and Sonny agreed they wanted to know. Carly read the paper and gasped. "Wow," Sonny exclaimed.

Friday, May 17, 2019 The Nurses Ball begins
Laura and Curtis, both unconscious, were tied to chairs in April's dark house. Curtis woke up and immediately woke Laura up. Laura observed that April's body was gone. Just then, Laura started to smell gas, and she heard hissing. As they rubbed the ropes against the chairs to fray them, Laura suddenly realized that Ryan was trying to torment Kevin by killing her the same way Ryan was supposed to have died -- in a gas explosion. When Curtis yelled that fraying the ropes was taking too long, Laura thought that she could reach to untie his. She finally got his ropes untied, and he untied hers. As they ran out of the house, there was an explosion.

Carly descended the stairs, dressed for the Nurses Ball, and Sonny wondered if they were staying or going. Carly replied that Josslyn wanted them to go, but she thought that Josslyn needed her mother. Sonny agreed with Josslyn but related how he hated the night. He explained that it reminded him of how Stone was gone, but he had Stone in his head, telling him to go. Sonny concluded that he was always glad that he'd attended. Carly suggested waiting for Kristina to get there before they left.

"Wow," Franco said as he caught sight of Elizabeth, dressed for the Nurses Ball, at the hospital. They shared a kiss, and Epiphany cracked, "Get a room!" Amy, Felix, and Deanna entered, talking about catching their Uber, but Franco didn't want his stretch limo to go to waste. He thought that the nurses should arrive in style. The excited group got into the elevator and left for the ball.

At Metro Court, a stage manager gave Nina five minutes until the red carpet coverage began. Nina and Maxie, who would be live-tweeting the red carpet show, frantically wondered where Nina's co-host was, until she finally entered. Nina quickly explained the drill to Sydney Val Jean, a New York fashion editor. She warned that their first guest would be "extra," and they began their broadcast.

Lucy entered first and traded gushing compliments with Sydney, forcing Nina to edge into the conversation. She directed Lucy to Maxie, who took a picture of Lucy for Twitter. "Let the Nurses Ball begin," Lucy stated with a smile. As she got her picture taken, Kevin and Ava entered. Lucy glared as Sydney talked about the "scandalous new couple," and Nina struggled to say something positive to Ava. After an awkward pause, Kevin declared that he was honored to be there, and they made their way to Maxie. Kevin asked about the strange look on Maxie's face, and she replied that she was just surprised to see Kevin and Ava together. Scott entered and flirted with the stage manager, but he stated, "Hello, goodbye," as soon as he spotted Kevin and Ava together. He blew right by Nina and Sydney, and Maxie wondered what was wrong with him. "Those two are wrong," he said, and Maxie agreed. He passed through where the pictures were being taken but held his hand in front of his face.

Chase and Willow entered, and Sydney expressed her curiosity about Chase's performance. As they went by, Sydney gushed about how adorable they were, much to Nina's annoyance. Valentin entered, and Nina ran to him and kissed him. A few minutes later, Nina was ecstatic to see Michael and Sasha arrive together. Nina babbled on about how admirable Michael was, including because of ELQ's donation to the ball. They walked by to get their picture taken.

Franco and Elizabeth arrived next, and Franco warned Nina and Sydney about the "gaggle of rowdy nurses" behind them. As they walked off to get pictures taken, Epiphany, Amy, Deanna, and Felix entered, laughing and joking. Nina joked about their rowdiness, but Epiphany stoically talked about the "tight ship" she ran. Sydney asked about "Magic Milo," but Epiphany broke the news that he'd had a work conflict.

Next on the red carpet were Carly and Sonny, and Sonny talked about how important the night was to him. Peter entered with Lulu, and Maxie ran over to kiss Peter. Nina's voice suddenly became hoarse as she tried to talk to the trio, and she ran off-camera to get some water. She left the building, coughing, as the stage manager offered to get some water. "Will you settle for Champagne?" Jax wondered, offering his glass to her. She reluctantly took it and took a sip. "Bless you," she said. She babbled on, starry-eyed, about who she was and why she was there. She gave the glass back and rejoined Sydney. When Nina was gone, someone interviewed Jax outside and wondered how long Jax would be in town. "We'll see what happens," Jax answered coyly. Mac and Felicia arrived next, but Nina looked past them as Sydney interviewed them, looking for Jax. He finally entered, and Nina could only stammer as Sydney interviewed him. When he left to get his picture taken, Sydney stared open-mouthed at Nina and punched her lightly on the arm. Jax hugged Maxie, and she was delighted to hear that he would be staying in town "indefinitely."

Sam and Shiloh arrived, and Sam introduced Shiloh to Nina and Sydney. Nina wondered where Jason was, but she remembered that Jason didn't like big events like the Nurses Ball. Shiloh chimed in that Sam wasn't "defined by anyone else's decisions," anyway, which silenced the co-hosts. Sam spotted Maxie and introduced Shiloh to her. "Have fun with your friend," Maxie spat, and she walked away.

Anna and Finn entered, and Sydney called them a "lovely-looking couple." Anna caught sight of Robert and couldn't stop from staring in shock that he was there. He approached the group, making things awkward, and Sydney observed that they were "an intriguing trio." They went to get their pictures taken, and Sydney declared the red carpet show over. She and Nina agreed that they made a great team. They promised to talk soon, and Nina ran off to be with Valentin.

As Scott watched, Ava thanked Kevin for smoothing things over with Nina, as Ava had almost "ripped her face off." Kevin replied that she wouldn't have because she knew that their "bigger mission" was the priority. She knew that Ryan was on his way, and Kevin was concerned that nothing having to do with Ryan ever went according to plan. She reasoned that Ryan would never show up there with all the people, and he would wait until she was alone. Lucy joined Scott in observing the couple, and they agreed that they needed to "pump the brakes" on Ava and Kevin. A few minutes later, they agreed to a plan and split up.

A bellboy approached Kevin and informed him that a woman had passed out on the red carpet but was awake and hysterical in a room upstairs. The bellboy had been asked to summon a doctor, so Kevin agreed to go to the room. A few minutes later, Kevin knocked on the door, and Lucy, clad only in a slip, opened the door. "Let me save you from yourself," she said, trying to convince him how wrong and he and Ava were for each other.

Downstairs, Scott pulled Ava along with him so that he could show her something. They went upstairs, and she told him that she didn't have time for whatever he was doing. "It's for your own good," he said, and he opened the door to the room that Kevin had gone to.

Valentin approached Peter and Lulu, and he complimented Lulu's dress. She divulged that Charlotte had helped her pick it out, and Valentin related that Charlotte had also helped Nina with her dress. They amicably agreed that it would be nice for Charlotte to follow in Nina's footsteps. A few minutes later, Lulu bumped into Sonny while getting a drink, and he wondered where Laura was. She only said that Laura was on a "special assignment."

Sasha apologized to Michael if Nina had made him uncomfortable, but he thought Nina was sweet. Sonny and Carly found Michael, who introduced Sasha to them. Carly reminded Sasha that they'd met after Sasha's "workout." They talked about Josslyn, and Carly excused herself to go to the bathroom. Sonny and Michael agreed that Carly was about to text Josslyn.

A short while later, Sonny and Carly bumped into Jax, and Carly was happy to see that he'd made it. Sonny went off to get a drink, and Carly and Jax both admitted that they hadn't wanted to attend the ball. Jax was glad they'd both gone, though, because it showed that they listened to Josslyn and had faith in her. A few minutes later, Jax stole a minute outside to call Josslyn and check up on her. When he was off the phone, Lulu approached with Peter and Valentin and introduced them both to Jax.

"No one holds a candle to you," Franco told Elizabeth, and she thought that it was going to be a good night. He replied that it already was, and he kissed her.

Chase told Willow that he'd had a great idea for the next time he visited her classroom, but she confessed that he would have to do it with someone else's class. He was shocked to learn that she'd been fired, but he assured her that there were plenty of private schools around that would jump at hiring her. He thought that, when things seemed the worst, they could sometimes turn out the best. She related that it had worked out for the best the night she'd met him. Just then, she stopped dead and stared across the room. Chase spotted Shiloh with Sam, and he assured Willow that she was safe.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Sam asked Shiloh. He replied that he just wanted to say hello, and they approached Sonny and Carly. He asked about Kristina, and Sonny replied that she was "better now." Shiloh looked forward to her return to Dawn of Day, but Carly said she wouldn't count on it. Shiloh countered that it was what was best for Kristina and her family. Sonny informed Shiloh that his philosophy was "family first and always, at any cost," and he grinned widely.

Finn found Robert and demanded his ring back. As they observed, Felicia told Anna that she, Robert, and Finn had made "quite the entrance." She asked which one was Anna's date. Just then, a voice over the loudspeaker announced that the ball was about to begin, so everyone should find their seats. The doors were opened, and everyone flooded the ballroom. Nina and Valentin ran in after everyone else, and Jax followed them.

May 20, 2019 Jason receives a frantic phone call; Peter shares Molly’s idea with Maxie; Bobbie is supportive. Laura and Curtis woke up and realized that they smelled gas. They also realized that Ryan kidnapped them. She put two and two together and realized Ryan was going to kill her the way he was supposed to die. He planned on causing an explosion. Curtis and Laura struggled to get untied until they got loose. They managed to get out of the cabin before it exploded. Carly talked to Sonny about Josslyn not going to the ball. He thought it would be good for her to go. He admitted that he wasn’t really into it himself because the event reminds him of Stone, but he knew he would want him to go to it.

There were more guests that arrived at the ball. Jax showed up at the Nurses’ Ball and ran into NIna who was choking on something. The guests at the ball mingled with each other. NIna noticed that she was flustered after talking with Jax. A waiter told Kevin that someone passed out upstairs and she needed his help. Kevin went upstairs to check it out. Ava noticed the smirk on Scott’s face. He wanted her to see something. Kevin went upstairs and found Lucy up there. Lucy wasn’t dressed when he went upstairs. She tried to warn him about Ava and wanted to save him from her. Willow was shocked when she saw Sam and Shiloh show up for the ball. Shiloh ended up talking to Sonny and Carly. He was looking forward to Kristina going back to DoD. Carly didn’t think that would happen.

Scott took Ava upstairs because he wanted her to see Kevin with Lucy. Anna and Finn saw Robert at the ball. Anna was nervous to see Robert there. Finn approached him to ask about the ring. Felicia asked Anna if Robert or Finn were her date. The announcer let everyone know that the ball was about to start. Next on General Hospital, Anna is perplexed. Kristina confronts Sam. Josslyn gets a sweet note. Sonny is supportive. Ava struggles.

May 21, 2019 Performances Begin - Nurse’s “Best of My Love”, Chase “Something Just Like This”
Jason and Spinelli talked about bugging the DoD house. Scott questioned Kevin and Ava about Lucy’s nightgown. Scott said he used Lucy to break up Ava and Kevin. Ava told Scott that she knew what she was doing. The nurses performed on stage. Mike and Yvonne told Sonny and Carly that they were engaged. Carly went to Jax to talk about Joss. Cameron asked them how she was. Chase ran into Finn. Chase told him to propose to Anna. Finn saw Yvonne showing Bobbie her ring. Finn went to Sonny and told him that Yvonne’s ring was his. Finn said he needed it back.

Sonny talked to his father and told him about the ring. Finn gave him another ring to replace the one he had. Anna told Felicia that she wanted Robert to stop doing what he was doing. Anna told Robert that they weren’t on a date. He said he was acting up. She said she wasn’t interested in getting back together. She said she loved Finn. Alexis was with Neil. She saw Shiloh there. Sam was taking pictures with him. Jax went to talk to Alexis and Neil. Alexis told him that Neil was her therapist. She didn’t like how Jax told him that they used to be married. Willow told Michael and Sasha that she got fired because of Nina. He wanted to help her get a job. Nina told Valentin that Michael and Sasha seemed happy. Nina hoped that Sasha would stay around.

Peter went Sam and Shiloh. He told Sam that he was going to do what Molly suggested and write an expose on DoD. He said Molly would be writing the article. Peter asked Shiloh if he would help with the expose. Maxie questioned Sam about being with Shiloh. Shiloh and Sam left. Chase got on stage and performed. He pulled Willow on stage. He told her that she was the only one for him. Finn saw Robert and told him he was proposing to Anna with the ring he had. Robert hoped he’d be able to get the ring back. Yvonne told Mike that she liked the ring. Yvonne and Carly left. Sonny and Mike talked about performing at the ball.

Lucy got on stage to talk about Robin. She called Anna up to talk about Robin. Robert and Finn watched her talking. When Robert touched Finn, the ring flew out on stage. Kristina and Joss watched the ball on television. Kristina saw Sam and Shiloh in a picture. Cameron showed up to check on Joss. He asked her to go to the ball with him. She didn’t want to go.

Jason and Spinelli snuck in the DoD house and planted the bug. Kristina called Jason to talk about Sam. He told her that everything was okay. Kristina went to the Metro Court and told Shiloh and Sam. Kristina told him to leave her sister alone.

May 22, 2019 Nurse’s Ball Performances conclude - Liesl & Franco “Guilty”, Cameron “North Star”
Cameron told Josslyn that Oscar recorded a message for her. She wanted him to stay and watch it with her. He didn’t think that was a good idea. He decided to leave and let her watch the video. Oscar expressed how grateful he was for the time they spent together. He talked about singing at the Nurses’ Ball. Josslyn decided that she wanted to go to the ball. She wanted to do it for Oscar.

Anna made a speech at the ball about Robyn. Robert and Finn were backstage when the engagement ring rolled out to Anna. She was confused by what happened. Robert told Finn to go out on stage. Finn proposed to Anna. She wasn’t sure at first. Finn told her how much he loved her. She ended up changing her mind and saying she would marry him. She told everyone at the ball that they were engaged. Brad and Lucas watched the happy couple and thought about their wedding. Lucas figured something was wrong with him. Brad didn’t tell him exactly what was wrong with him.

Liesl performed “Guilty” at the ball. Franco ended up singing the song with her. After their performance, Lucy sat with Felicia. Felicia was excited that Finn and Anna were engaged. Lucy was more concerned with what was going on with Kevin and Ava. Laura and Curtis were passed out on the ground just at the cabin exploded. Curtis came to and heard the sirens. Laura woke up as the ambulance arrived. Laura and Curtis were checked and they warned the border police about Ryan coming. Laura wanted a chopper to get back to Genoa City. Curtis called Chase to warn him about Ryan being back.

Kristina ran into Sam and Shiloh at the ball. Kristina warned Sam that DoD was a cult. Shiloh wanted her to go with him. He put his hand out for her to take it when Sonny showed up. He demanded that he stay away from his daughter. Kristina went to her mother. Sonny told Shiloh that he messed with the wrong family. Shiloh wasn’t worried. Kristina told Alexis and Neil that she was afraid that Sam was falling for Shiloh. Sonny met up with them and Neil advised that she stay away from Shiloh.

Shiloh and Sam saw Brad and Lucas at the ball and he wanted them to visit the house. Willow saw Shiloh and panicked. Willow tried to run away, but she ran into Nina. Willow dropped her drink and walked off. Nina went after her and overheard her talking about her child. They ended up arguing over children. Nina threw up in her face that she can’t even take care of her own child. Willow panicked when Shiloh approached her.

Shiloh cornered Willow when they got the chance to be alone. She didn’t want to be alone with him. Josslyn saw her mother and let her know that she arrived at the ball because of Oscar. Cameron sang an original song. He met with Josslyn backstage when he finished. She let him know that he’s a good friend. Lucas asked Sam if DoD is a cult. Ava and Kevin wondered if Laura and Kevin had any luck finding Ryan. She thought they should continue with their plan. He didn’t see any other way to get him back to town. After Kevin finished talking to Ava, Lucy talked to him. Lucy yelled at him for buying Ava roses. Kevin went backstage and Ryan knocked him out.

Next on General Hospital, Margaux is not thrilled with Laura’s plan. Monica has more bad news. Shiloh is distracted. Sam gets in over her head. Lucas is confrontational.

May 23, 2019 Nurse’s Ball Performances Continue - Ava, Ned & Olivia, Valentin, Josselyn performs "That was quite the number," Scott commented to Ava. She replied that the audience seemed to like it, but Lucy chimed in that the Nurses Ball audiences were the "kindest in the world" and would clap for anything. Ava reminded Lucy that everyone there was trying to serve the greater good, and Ava walked away. Backstage, Ryan gushed that it had seemed like his "darling Ava" had been singing just for him. He stepped around Kevin, who was sprawled on the floor.

Cameron explained to Sonny, Carly, and Jax about the message he'd given Josslyn from Oscar. Minutes later, Jax found Josslyn to get her back to the table. A few tables over, Michael talked about how he could coexist with Ava, but he wouldn't clap for her performance. Nina returned to the table and downed a drink. She told Michael that "your friend has a mouth on her." Michael remarked that Willow wasn't teaching at Port Charles Elementary the next year because of Nina, but Nina placed all the blame on Willow. She continued that Willow didn't think that Nina and Valentin were good parents, which she thought was "rich when she gave up her own chance at motherhood." Nina clarified that Willow had apparently given up her baby, and Michael excused himself from the table.

Chase gathered Mac, Felicia, and Ava and updated them on what had happened to Laura and Curtis. He added that Ryan had had a "big head start," and he could be anywhere. "We all know where he's going," Ava commented. Across the room, Lucas asked Sam what was wrong, and she replied that she was looking for her "plus-one." He wondered how Shiloh's teachings were working for her, and she answered that she was learning a lot. Brad returned as Lucas told Sam that Dawn of Day had seemingly made Brad a much less anxious parent. Sam assured the two that anxiety was a normal part of being a parent and that they were doing fine. She didn't think that they needed anyone to tell them how to parent, especially if the "teacher" hadn't had a child.

Out in the hall, Willow blew past Shiloh as he referenced what he'd overheard Nina say. He grabbed her arm and demanded to know what Nina had been talking about. He accused her of running away and hiding their baby, and he screamed in her face, asking if she'd been pregnant when she'd left. She finally hysterically confirmed his accusations. She spat that their child was beyond his reach, and he hit the wall in anger, leaving a dent. He seized her face and demanded to know where their child was, but Michael grabbed Shiloh and threw him to the floor. "You want Willow? Come through me," Michael shouted as he took his jacket off.

Michael made sure that Willow was all right, and he turned on Shiloh to say that Shiloh had "pushed my family too far." He suggested that Shiloh leave Port Charles and never look back, but Shiloh refused to go anywhere. "It turns out I'm a father," Shiloh stated. He promised to see Willow "soon" and walked away. Michael pulled her into his arms as she began to sob. He wondered if Shiloh had hurt her, and he offered to find Chase. He proposed that they return to the ballroom for some water and a breather, and she could tell him everything. She agreed, and they walked away.

Lucy appeared onstage and announced the next act, Ned and Olivia. The duo sang "Get Closer" by Seals & Crofts and shared a kiss at the end of the song to thunderous applause. When the song was over, Valentin urged Nina not to let Willow ruin the night. Sasha excitedly suggested that she and Nina perform together at the next ball. Nina loved the idea and apologized for her sour mood. Valentin had an idea to salvage the evening and walked away. Lucy was glad to see Josslyn, but Josslyn reminded Lucy that she'd already backed out of singing. Lucy assured her not to worry and walked off. Josslyn excused herself from the table. Cameron and Carly got up to follow her, but Jax figured that Josslyn needed some alone time. Carly clarified that she wanted to "have a word" with Lucy, but Jax knew that would embarrass Josslyn, so Carly sat down. Cameron regretted showing Oscar's video to Josslyn, as it had put pressure on her. Sonny assured Cameron that he'd done the right thing, as it was what Oscar had wanted.

Ava approached Chase and Valerie and wondered what happened next. Chase assured her that the police were doing all they could, and Valerie added that they wanted to get Ava some police protection. Chase asked if Ava had somewhere safe to go after the ball, and she replied that she did. A few minutes later, Scott observed that Kevin had disappeared, and he thought that she deserved better. She walked away from him and made a call. She identified herself as the owner of "the Cedar mountain property," and she asked that the caretaker open the house up. She offered to "pay generously," as she be would there soon.

Josslyn sat alone, holding the lyrics of her and Oscar's song, and she thought about Oscar's video. "I'm sorry, Oscar. I can't," she said. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Sonny. She wondered if he was disappointed in her for not singing. He replied that he could never be disappointed in her, and he thought that Oscar wouldn't be, either, as Oscar would only want her to be happy. He promised her that Oscar would always be there when she needed him, just as Stone was always there for Sonny, and the two embraced.

Lucy returned to the stage and announced the next performer as Valentin. Valentin took a seat at the piano and accompanied himself to "Nothing Without You" by Vienna Teng, garnering a nice ovation when it was over. Backstage, Scott needed to talk to Kevin, but "Kevin" replied that he was in a hurry. Scott grabbed his hand to stop him, but the hand came off completely. "Ryan!" Scott realized. Ryan picked up a wrench and hit Scott over the head, knocking him unconscious. As he was about to hit Scott again, he heard Lucy and Epiphany talking about being one number short for the show.

A clearly agitated Shiloh returned to his table and informed Sam that he'd just learned that "someone betrayed me in the worst way possible." He confided that he had a child that the mother had never told him about. He glared as Michael and Willow returned to the ballroom, and Sam, Lucas, and Brad all noticed. Shiloh vowed to find the child he knew was out there.

Jax found Josslyn, who felt like she was letting everyone down. Jax told her that the only opinion that should matter to her was hers. He urged her to follow her heart so that she would know what to do. "What if the right thing is really, really hard?" she asked. Jax promised to be in her corner, no matter what, and he thought that Oscar would be, too. Jax returned to his table, and Cameron asked where Josslyn was. Jax replied that she had something to take care of.

Mac asked Lulu when the last time was that she'd talked to Laura, and he suggested that she sit down. Ava walked by, looking around the room, as Ryan watched her from behind a curtain. In the lobby, Chase told Valerie that things would get "dicey" once people started leaving the ball. She didn't like that all of Ryan's "targets" were in one place. Sam chased after Shiloh through the lobby. Valerie wondered what it was about, but Chase didn't care as long as "that sleaze" was away from Willow.

Olivia told Chase that her guests were getting nervous, and she wondered why there was a police presence at the hotel. He divulged that Ryan was alive and "presumably" on his way back to town. Sam sat Shiloh down and calmed him with his own breathing techniques. She was worried about him and didn't want him to go through things alone. He appreciated her and told her that he needed her and her strength with him. He begged to complete her initiation that night, and she replied, "Let's do it."

Nina and Sasha watched Michael and Willow interacting, as did Lucas and Brad. Lucas revealed that he had a "terrible thought" about Willow and Shiloh. He was interrupted by Lucy taking the stage and announcing the next performer: Josslyn. As Josslyn sang "A List of Things to Do," her and Oscar's song, she saw Oscar smiling at the back of the ballroom. As she sang the line "It's never goodbye" at the end of the song, he disappeared, and she looked all around for him. After the ovation, Jax, Michael, Cameron, Carly, and Sonny congratulated her. "You were right. He was there when I needed him," she told Sonny.

Lucy returned to the stage and talked about how honored she was to be a part of the Nurses Ball every year. She thanked the performers, the crew, "Donna and Dale," and the audience for their attendance and donations. She knew that they would soon beat HIV and AIDS. Over the applause, Mac yelled out a thank-you to Lucy. Continuing the conversation as they left, Lucas talked through Willow and Shiloh's situation with Brad. Brad kept trying to distract Lucas, but Lucas believed that Willow and Shiloh were Wiley's birth parents.

Backstage, Epiphany stumbled upon Scott and helped him up, believing him to be drunk. She offered to call him a car and walked him out past the wrench sitting on the table. As Epiphany entered the lobby with Scott, Chase told Valerie that he was putting out an APB on Ava, who had disappeared. Epiphany explained that Scott had had too many drinks, but Scott denied that that had happened. He revealed that he'd been "clubbed by Ryan."

In the nearly empty ballroom, Mac told Felicia that he wanted to talk to Chase about getting some police protection for Felicia until Ryan was caught. Lucy called out for her crew guys to begin breaking down the ballroom. The curtain opened, and Lucy, Mac, Felicia, Michael, and Willow were horrified to see Kevin hanging from the ceiling by a straightjacket.

Ava entered her "Cedar Mountain" house and looked around outside. She locked the doors and opened a metal case on the coffee table. "Come and get me, Ryan," she muttered. Her phone went off, but she rejected the call. She hid the metal case and made a drink. As she took a sip, she unlocked the door and walked away. Outside, Ryan looked into the house.

Nurse’s Ball 2020 Telethon - 4 episodes
8/18/20 Nurse’s Ball Begins
8/19/20 Maxie inadvertently broadcasts her pregnancy
8/20/20 Nurse’s Ball continues
8/21/20 Nurse’s Ball concludes, Nelle slashes Brooklyn’s throat
Tuesday, August 18, 2020 The Nurses Ball begins
Nelle stood on the pier and looked at her phone tracker. "Hang tight, Wiley. This will be a night that Michael and his family will never forget," she said. Curtis was surprised to see Jordan dressed in a robe with her hair in a towel. He wanted to leave for the Nurses Ball. He answered her phone when it rang, but the unknown caller hung up.

At the Quartermaine residence, Michael picked up Wiley's toys as Willow descended the stairs after reading bedtime stories to the little boy. She was exhausted but started to rush back upstairs to get ready after Michael reminded her of the Nurses Ball. Michael felt that he had to go, but he thought that Willow might want to stay home after being on stage with Chase the previous year. Willow thought it was important that she attend, and she wanted to make her first appearance as Mrs. Michael Corinthos. Michael thought that Wiley was lucky to have Willow as his mother. Shortly after, Michael tried to persuade Monica to attend the ball, too, but Monica thought it would be better to keep her distance due to Nelle's lawsuit that had been because of Monica. She wanted to look after Wiley, anyway, because she'd given staff the night off. Willow was ready to leave.

Sam modeled her Nurses Ball 2020 T-shirt to Jason in his room at the hospital. The words in green were enclosed in a big green heart. Jason approved. Sam revealed that she was there to double-check that Jason was still in bed with no thoughts of escaping, and she made him promise that he would stay put. Jason promised that he would stay as long as none of his loved ones were in trouble. The couple shared a hug, and Sam headed out.

Nina and Carly were the emcees for the Red Carpet at the Nurses Ball at Metro Court. They held onto microphones and introduced the audience to the volunteers who would be taking calls for the newly established telethon. Nina wore a brilliant red, sparkling gown while Carly was dressed in black. Nina explained that in addition to the normal aid to HIV and AIDS, there would be donations to front-line workers.

The first to arrive was Lucy in a glittering, form-fitting gown. She explained that the reason for the telethon was to be able to do more for the front-line workers. She, Carly, and Nina thanked those workers for their continuing courage and compassion. They waved and blew kisses to the camera. The volunteers began to arrive, with all of them wearing the special T-shirts. Valentin was the first, and Nina couldn't hide her surprise. She said hello, and the couple had an awkward conversation followed by some silence until Carly interrupted and asked about Deception. Valentin disclosed that they would be matching all donations, and Nina said that was generous. Valentin responded that they were rising to the occasion. They appeared to be flirting.

Sonny was next, and he mentioned that the Nurses Ball was in memory of Stone Cates and in honor of Robin. Carly noted that Sonny had pledged to double the donations. They also flirted, and Sonny gave Carly a thumbs-up before heading inside. Franco, who was alone, followed Sonny, and he admitted that the unveiling of his painting had not gone as expected. He was thankful that his previous work had been showing a resurgence, and he was hopeful for his future art. Nina asked Franco where Elizabeth was. Franco flashed back to his conversation with Elizabeth at Wyndemere the previous evening and how unhappy she'd been. Nikolas and Ava arrived and Nikolas asked Franco the same question.

Carly noted that Ava had gone from art dealer to art patron, and she wondered how things were working out. Carly asked if the painting had been worth what Ava had paid. "Absolutely!" said Ava, who was dressed in a black skirt, black boots, and a black jacket over her t-shirt. She called it an honor and said the painting had looked beautiful. Nikolas merely stated that he was happy if his wife was happy. He walked away. Franco called it an honor to have had Ava sit for her portrait, and he began to sing Ava's praises. He dared anyone to stop her. Nina and Carly exchanged looks. "Well, this night is getting more and more interesting," Nina said.

Lucy rushed into the makeshift dressing room and demanded that Maxie hand her scissors. She wanted to show more leg for excitement and had to make a drastic cut to her gown. Maxie was appalled and refused to allow Lucy to cut the gown with her fabric shears. Maxie suggested that Lucy go through her extensive wardrobe hanging nearby instead because she wouldn't allow Lucy to destroy couture. Lucy wondered why Maxie was sitting in the back when she was supposed to be out front and mingling. Maxie wasn't in the mood, but Lucy urged Maxie to "think bubbly" and go out to drum up some good for Deception. Brook Lynn, known professionally as BLQ was next up on the red carpet. She revealed that she would be doing a promotional song for Deception but was only a small part of the show. She was happy to be home. Carly told her to enjoy her night, and Brook Lynn sang thank you. She blew a kiss.

Before walking down the red carpet, Olivia ordered Ned to remember that he loved Brook Lynn when he inevitably ran into her backstage. Ned noted that the Quartermaines didn't air their dirty linen in public. "Not the answer I was looking for," Olivia muttered. Once they reached the red carpet, Ned announced that they were "fashionably late." Carly thanked Olivia for the part she had played in getting the telethon off the ground.

Robert arrived alone, and he and Olivia seemed to be flirting as Robert noted how good she looked. Nina asked Robert if he had a date, and Robert replied that he was keeping his options open. He noted how much the Nurses Ball meant to his family and said that Robin had made sure to tell him that it was time to give back. Sam arrived with Spinelli, and Carly made mention of Spinelli being behind all of the technical aspects of the ball. Nina wondered if there were any mysteries going on, and Spinelli began to talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing. Before he could go further, Sam kicked him, although she blamed it on her nervousness. She dragged him away.

Off to the side, Franco phoned Elizabeth, who was working a shift at the hospital. He told her he missed her, but she snapped that she'd heard about the red carpet and that he had plenty of admirers to keep him busy. She said she had to go and ended the conversation. At the hospital, Elizabeth rushed into Jason's room and went off about Franco being caught up in his past. She continued to babble on without coming up for air, and Jason just looked at her. When she finally stopped, Jason asked if Franco had gone back to who he'd been in the past. Elizabeth began to talk nonstop again, but she noted that her husband was only nostalgic for the past and not regressing. Suddenly, she stated that she'd changed her mind. She would go the ball.

Lulu and Dustin showed up together, and Lulu mentioned that Dustin had cowritten the song for Deception. They were followed by Michael and Willow. Nina asked Willow about living with the Quartermaine-Corinthos clan, and Willow declared that they were amazing, welcoming, and kind. She was lucky. "No, we're the lucky ones," Michael said. Next, Nina introduced Jordan and Curtis. Small talk was made with all of the volunteers, along with ongoing love for front-line workers.

In other volunteer areas, Sam asked Sonny about Michael and confessed that she didn't think that Chase had seemed like the "cheating type." Sonny admitted that he thought that Chase and Sasha had been faking it, but he had no details. Willow and Michael talked about the books she'd read to Wiley. Everyone engaged in some small talk. Ava admitted to Franco that she preferred the old days, but there had been a "buzz" about Franco's old art. She proclaimed that she would be there for it. Franco appreciated Ava's support, and he thought she should "give Nikolas hell." Ava flashed back to her conversation in Nikolas' bedroom when she'd told him she would take everything from him. "Oh, I intend to," Ava replied. Elizabeth appeared in the doorway and looked on. Lucy nabbed Nikolas to talk about his scheme, but he revealed that Ava had overheard Lulu talking about it and had busted him.

As Jordan and Curtis prepared for the telethon, Jordan's phone chimed. She looked at it and announced that she had to leave for a work emergency. She turned down Curtis' offer to take her to where she had to go. Ava spotted Julian, and he admitted that Nelle hadn't given him a choice about showing up. He knew she had been planning something. "God knows what," he said.

Nelle checked her tracker but claimed to be texting Julian about her upcoming number when Spinelli found her. "What a treat," Spinelli gushed. Spinelli declared that he was there to check the phone bank, and Nelle assumed that Spinelli was upset to see Maxie with Peter. She began to talk and noted that Shiloh had told her lots of "sketchy stuff." Nelle reminded Spinelli that she had been married to Shiloh. "Yes, who could forget such a pure and true love?" Spinelli asked. Nelle continued that Shiloh had told her that Peter had orchestrated Drew's kidnapping in Afghanistan. Shiloh had planned to use that information as leverage in order to get out of prison. She had learned an "an awful lot." Spinelli turned and fled.

Brando ran into Sam and spat that his business with Molly was none of Sam's business as Sam continued to be rude to him. He made it clear that he would stay out of Sam's way. Julian found Nelle looking at the tracker on her phone again. She insisted that he show his support for her when Port Charles would see her in all her glory.

Back at the Quartermaine mansion, Monica found Mr. Hopsicle on the floor. She picked it up and took it upstairs to Wiley, who would want his favorite toy.

Back at Metro Court, Spinelli interrupted Robert as he was talking to Olivia. Robert was annoyed, but Spinelli was excited. "We got him," Spinelli exclaimed. He explained that Nelle had connected Shiloh to Peter; Shiloh had been blackmailing Peter. He declared that Peter had helped Shiloh to escape, and they could take Peter down. Maxie told Lulu that she loved the casual look of all of the volunteers. Lucy thought Maxie was glowing, and Maxie admitted that she hadn't told Peter about her pregnancy yet. Just then, Peter and Dustin walked over to them. Dustin expressed how he always felt like he was interrupting something between the two women, and Peter asked about their secret.

Nina and Carly wrapped up the red carpet coverage as all of the volunteers settled down at desks, laptops, and headsets in order to take calls. The Nurses Ball was going live. Franco sat with Elizabeth and smiled, but she ignored him. Lucy welcomed the television audience, and the phones began to ring. Jordan waited at the pier for someone. She recalled a conversation she'd had with someone on her burner phone. Suddenly, someone showed up. "Looking pretty good. For a dead man," she said.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020 Maxie inadvertantly broadcasts her pregnancy Jordan met Taggert at the pier. "Looking pretty good for a dead man," she said. She reminded him that he was supposed to stay away from Port Charles. "Turns out I had unfinished business," Taggert informed her. Jordan worried that he was taking a risk, and he'd either be dead or arrested, depending on who might see him. Taggert assured her that there was no warrant for him because he was dead. Jordan refreshed Taggert's memory with all that she'd had to do in order to prove to everyone that he was dead. She agreed that it had been with his blessing, but he added that it had all been his sacrifice in order to save her son. They began to argue. Jordan was afraid that Trina would be a target again if Cyrus learned that Taggert was still alive. She asked Taggert why he'd had returned to town.

Taggert had believed that Jordan would have already gathered evidence against Cyrus, but she'd only had a press conference to save Cyrus' name. Jordan explained that she had had to appear to be cooperative with Cyrus, but Taggert accused her of being under Cyrus' thumb. He wanted to give Jordan a professional courtesy. He was in town in order to kill Cyrus himself. Taggert planned on ambushing Cyrus as he left the hotel. He called it justice as opposed to murder, and no one would suspect a dead man of being the murderer. Jordan didn't think that Taggert could be a cold-blooded murderer. They began to argue again. Jordan insisted she had a plan. She wanted to bust Cyrus after he began to grow complacent.

Taggert considered Jordan's plan to be more of an idea, but Jordan wanted his trust. Taggert asked if Curtis was on board, and Jordan's silence convinced him that Curtis didn't even know that Taggert was still alive. He laughed. Jordan snapped that Taggert could take care of Trina, and she would take care of Curtis. She was afraid Taggert would make things worse, and she urged him to go back to where he'd been relocated. Taggert agreed but promised to keep checking up on Jordan. He asked her to take care of his daughter and to finish up soon. Jordan assured him she would.

At the Nurses Ball at Metro Court, Lucy stood on stage, dressed in the same sparkly purple gown that she had worn on the red carpet. She reminded viewers that the ball was a telethon for frontline workers. All of the volunteers, wearing the same green accented T-shirts, continued to answer the phones backstage. Franco thanked Elizabeth for showing up, and she admitted that she wanted to help the important cause. Franco asked if she was mad at him. "Should I be?" Elizabeth asked. Ava approached them and said that she hadn't realized that Elizabeth would be there but was happy to see her. Ava wanted to get back to the phones, and Elizabeth glared at Franco.

Peter told Anna that he was proud of Maxie, and Anna was sure that Maxie would do a good job. She would see Peter cheering her on. Spinelli was anxious to see Peter crash, but Robert slowed him down. He declared that Nelle's information was no proof of Peter's actions. Spinelli only wanted Maxie to know the truth about Peter. Portia asked Curtis why Jordan had sung the praises of the man responsible for her ex-husband's death. Josslyn, Cameron, and Trina arrived late and ran into Portia and Curtis. Curtis tried to give Trina some inspirational words, but she snapped that she didn't need Curtis to tell her anything. Sam stood with T.J. and Molly. She confessed that Jason was recovering, but she was afraid he would bolt from the hospital. T.J. spotted Brando and called him over. Molly was horrified as T.J. chatted with him, and Brando admitted he'd rather answer phones than wear a tuxedo.

T.J. and Brando talked about boxing and sparring together, but Molly quickly reminded her fiancé that his hands were valuable. Sam agreed and emphasized Brando's baseball injury. Brando went along with her until she pulled him away. She wanted him to not be so friendly. Brando promised that he wasn't trying to make trouble, but Sam didn't believe him.

Lucy found Maxie and Lulu in the dressing room. Lucy was ready for Maxie to take the stage, make a pitch for Deception, and introduce Brook Lynn. She suggested that Maxie be funny, and she gave Maxie several tips. "No pressure or anything," Lulu said as Lucy walked off.

Amy, Epiphany, and Felix, who were all dressed in their blue scrubs, took to the stage to talk about the frontline workers. Lucy joined them and urged the public to donate. Lucy showed an enlarged photo of Sasha and noted that she was the Face of Deception. She added that the company would be matching every dollar donated, thanks to Valentin Cassadine. Lucy admitted that she was also a partner.

In the back, Lulu did her best to attach the microphone to Maxie, but she was having difficulty. They heard Lucy introduce Maxie, but they weren't ready. They made some small talk, and Lulu asked Maxie if she'd spoken to Peter yet. Maxie insisted that she needed the right time to tell him that she was pregnant. Unfortunately, the young women didn't know that their entire conversation had been broadcast throughout the building on loudspeaker. Disbelief crossed the faces of Mac, Anna, Spinelli, and Peter. A horrified Lucy, still onstage, attempted to talk over Maxie and Lulu's voices. She announced that there were technical difficulties. Lucy rushed offstage as Maxie finally ran onto the stage. She didn't stop to listen to what Lucy had to say.

Maxie took the stage and introduced herself. Lucy ran back out. She revealed that everyone had heard Maxie talking; it had been broadcast not only throughout Metro Court but to their viewers, as well. An open-mouthed Peter finally stood up and made his way to the offstage dressing area. Lucy and Maxie departed the stage at the same time. Brook Lynn hid in a room by herself and tried to calm her nerves. Dustin showed up, and she confessed that she wanted to perform but wanted to throw up. Dustin gave her a pep talk and reminded her of a previous performance from many years in the past. They grabbed hands as Dustin continued his reassurance. Brook Lynn realized that Dustin had always been "a knight in shining armor," and she realized that she had been an idiot for allowing him to get away. She pulled him into a kiss.

"Excuse me?" Lulu said as she made her way to Dustin's side. She demanded an explanation. Brook Lynn called it awkward, but Lulu retorted that that wasn't the response she had in mind. Brook Lynn suggested that Lulu knock next time, but Dustin quickly declared that there would be no next time. He was sorry if he'd given Brook Lynn the wrong impression. Dustin continued that he wanted to be friends with Brook Lynn, and she could not avoid her problems or use nostalgia as a crutch. He added that they had been together long before, and she had been the one to end things. He had moved on. "Got it! No problem," Brook Lynn replied.

Lucy returned to the stage and mentioned that her creative director had stolen the spotlight with a doozy. Felix rushed out and whispered that Cyrus was waiting in the wings to talk. At first, Lucy refused, but she changed her mind. She told the viewers that there had been recent upheaval at the hospital, but it had been resolved. Cyrus strolled out and talked about his bad rap and worse reputation. He had overcome adversity and was grateful. He hoped he had a long and fruitful partnership with the city. Backstage, Epiphany noted that it was a "dire time" for the hospital.

"Is it true?" Peter asked Maxie when he finally found her. Maxie confessed that it hadn't been the way she'd wanted to tell him, and he asked why she hadn't said anything. He was all smiles, but Maxie was upset. She said that a baby with him was a dream for someday, but her situation with Deception was her current dream. She was scared that she wouldn't be able to sacrifice enough for both. Peter was adamant that he would even sell the paper and be around 24/7 if that was what Maxie needed. He stated that they were in it together. Maxie admitted she wanted the baby, and Peter hugged her. He told her he loved her. Cyrus trapped Portia and Curtis as they stood talking. Curtis was having a difficult time trying to locate Jordan, and he didn't think she'd be able to perform her number with Chase.

Cyrus looked forward to seeing the police commissioner perform, and he also congratulated Portia on her new position at the hospital. He reminded her that she worked for him. "Lucky me," Portia replied. Cyrus considered himself to be the lucky one. "This one's for you, Dad," Trina said backstage as she looked at a photo of Taggert. Lucy and Epiphany introduced the first group of performers. It was Josslyn, Trina, and Cameron, who was on guitar. All of the teens sang around a fake campfire as volunteers smiled backstage and enjoyed their performances. Jax complimented the trio afterward.

Cyrus walked away. Portia complained that he'd made her skin crawl, and she'd missed Trina's performance. Curtis pointed out that Cyrus had taunted her. Curtis assured her that she could watch the performance online, but Portia was sure that Trina would know. Portia only wished that Taggert had been able to see it. She added that he'd deserved better than what she had done to him. Curtis looked perplexed. Portia hated that she was grateful to Taggert for saving Trina, but she was angry, too. She missed him even though they hadn't been together. Curtis maintained that one didn't stop caring about someone after growing apart. Portia clarified that there had been something between them, and that had been Curtis. It had been unspoken, but she hadn't been able to get over Curtis. She quickly stated that it was "ancient history." Awkwardly, Curtis suggested they head back to the telethon.

Brook Lynn angrily stormed into the ladies' room and looked into the mirror. She told herself she didn't need anyone because she was BLQ. Jax found Nina having refreshments, and he told her he was happy for Maxie and Peter. Nina could only wonder about her own child, and Jax promised to double-check with his jeweler. Valentin asked how Nina was holding up, and Jax immediately answered that it was none of Valentin's business. Valentin asked if that was how Nina felt, but she told Jax it was time to get ready.

Anna and Mac found Peter and Maxie, who assured them the pregnancy was good news. Mac and Anna were elated, and Mac wanted to call Felicia. Maxie went with him, and Peter hugged Anna. He called her grandma. Anna flashed back to a previous conversation with Robert when he'd suggested that Peter could really be her sister Alex's son. Next, Lucy introduced Jax and Nina. They performed a dance to an upbeat song. Valentin glared and headed to the bar for a bottle of water. Peter saw him, and Valentin offered his congratulations. He wanted to make up to Peter for being a horrible mentor and to give him advice instead. He wanted Peter to tell Maxie whatever it was that he was hiding because a child changed everything.

Dustin and Lulu congratulated Maxie and Peter, who decided to leave early. Robert urged Spinelli to keep his mouth shut. Spinelli agreed it wasn't the proper time to say anything to Maxie because they needed proof. He extended his congratulations instead and then told Robert that they had to act quickly. A child would connect Peter and Maxie more than ever.

Friday, August 21, 2020 Julian rethinks his involvement with Zelle In the Metro Court bathroom, Nina made a comment to Ava about Cassadine men getting under their skin. As Elizabeth listened in from a stall, Nina wondered if Nikolas was trying to make Ava jealous, as Nina believed that flirting with a married woman was tacky. Ava casually talked about the "infidelity clause" in her and Nikolas' marriage agreement, granting her 90 percent of the Cassadine fortune if he cheated, so she didn't care if Nikolas got Elizabeth into bed. Nina hoped that Ava wasn't messing with Franco and Elizabeth's marriage. However, Ava had heard that Elizabeth was "chronically unfaithful," so she thought Franco would deserve the truth. Nina had observed how Ava and Nikolas had been looking at each other and said that they were either good at pretending, or something had changed between them. Ava teasingly accused Nina of projecting her issues with Valentin onto Ava, and the two left. A distraught Elizabeth followed.

In the dressing room, Brook Lynn couldn't wait to see Nelle taken out in handcuffs in front of everyone. She went to call Michael first, but Nelle slapped the phone out of Brook Lynn's hand. Brook Lynn turned to go get Mac, who could arrest Nelle himself. Nelle took the opportunity to grab a large pair of scissors and hide them behind her back. She called Brook Lynn back and apologized, and she pleaded that Brook Lynn forget that she'd ever seen or heard anything from Nelle. "You've messed with the last Quartermaine," Brook Lynn spat. Suddenly, Nelle swiped the scissors at Brook Lynn's throat, and Brook Lynn fell to the floor. As blood pooled on the floor, Nelle wiped her fingerprints off the scissors and placed them next to Brook Lynn. She said that Brook Lynn should have been nicer and more sympathetic to Nelle. However, with her plan having "gone south," she had to go. She grabbed her things and left the room.

As Julian looked on at the Quartermaine mansion, Monica listened on the baby monitor as Wiley got himself back to sleep. Julian crept up behind her and put a cloth over her mouth and nose until she was unconscious. He apologized and stated that he'd had no choice. His phone went off, and he saw a text from Nelle that read, "Timetable's moved up. Need to meet now. Is it done?" Scoffing, he left the living room and went up the stairs. A short while later, he texted Nelle, "It's done." Monica was still unconscious as he descended the stairs with Wiley and slipped out the front door.

Later, Julian arrived at the docks to meet Nelle and left Wiley in the car. He thought that Wiley deserved better than his crazy mother. He lamented his cowardice, and he sighed that he was "out of options." He thought back to his talk with Ava about dealing with Nelle permanently and pondered, "Or maybe not." Nelle arrived and demanded that Julian put Wiley in her car, because she had to go. "Sorry, you're not going anywhere. You pushed me too far, and now I'm pushing back," he told her. He took out a gun and pointed it right at her.

As the volunteers took donation calls, Lucy welcomed the television audience back to the Nurses Ball. She introduced Epiphany, who talked about how every donation helped. As a front-line worker, she was happy to know that the community she helped to support supported her back. Lucy called the front-line workers heroes, and she talked up the upcoming entertainment.

In the makeshift call center, Carly informed Jax that Josslyn had called to check in. She'd wanted to talk to Jax, and he promised to call her back. Jax walked over to Nikolas and said that, while the scholarship was generous, he should have put more thought into it. When he walked away, Franco approached and backed Jax's point up. He suggested that Nikolas "shower generosity" on his own wife. Michael was explaining some of the twists and turns of the Quartermaines' relationships to Willow, who recognized that "unconventional marriages" seemed to be common in the family. A few minutes later, Michael was puzzled to see that he had a missed call from Brook Lynn, but there was no message. Willow suggested that Brook Lynn wanted to make peace with Michael, but he countered that she didn't need to make peace with him. He tried to call Brook Lynn back.

A short while later, Michael handed a bottle of water to Willow, and they toasted to Wiley and their new life together. Carly happily watched from across the room. Willow's phone rang, and Michael admired her as she talked to the potential donor.

Anna complimented Valentin on his performance and his pledge to match donations. He congratulated Anna on Peter becoming a father and commented that becoming a parent made a person better than they ever thought they could be. Anna was certain that that would be the case with Peter. Valentin hoped so, as some mistakes were impossible to fix.

Michael informed Willow that they had to give Lucy their donation tally, and he suggested that they sneak out to be home with Wiley. She answered that he'd made her "an offer I can't refuse" and then shot a frightened look at Sonny after using the phrase. An amused Michael was sure that Sonny hadn't heard it, and the two walked out. Sonny wondered where Michael and Willow were going, and Carly figured that they were going home to check on Wiley. Sonny was glad that Chase and Sasha's actions hadn't been Carly's idea, as it seemed "up your alley." She agreed, and he warned her to stay out of it, as they had too much going on. Carly asked if Sonny wanted to call Turning Woods, but Sonny knew that they would call if there was any change with Mike. He thought that the best thing he could do was help to support the front-line workers who had given his father such amazing care.

Olivia was trying to call Brook Lynn, and she informed Ned that his daughter wasn't answering any calls. However, she figured that it was expected "under the circumstances." Ned begged her not to lecture him, and she retorted that she lectured him because he was turning into Edward. He refuted the accusation, but she dared him to prove it. She told him to find Brook Lynn and talk to her. Ned rushed off to find Brook Lynn, but no one had seen her. Dustin figured that she was warming up for her performance, and Lulu offered to track her down.

Franco returned to Elizabeth and handed her a bottle of water. She informed her husband that Ava was "playing emotional chess with Nikolas, and we're the pawns!" She told Franco about Ava's plans, but Franco believed that Nikolas was the one who was "playing" them.

Amy found Lucy backstage and divulged that she couldn't find Jordan, as she'd been called away on a case. Lucy lamented that Jordan had not delegated it, and Amy figured that they would have to cut Jordan's number. Lucy instructed Amy to find Epiphany and Deanna and warm up, and she would stall. As Michael and Willow watched, Lucy got on stage and launched into a heartfelt speech about the front-line workers.

A short while later, Michael and Willow arrived home and talked about watching a movie and having some popcorn. They entered the living room and found Monica seemingly asleep. Michael tried to wake her, but she stayed unconscious. He was successful in waking her up a few minutes later, and she thought that she had to have dozed off, but she couldn't remember. A frightened Willow left to check on Wiley as Monica struggled to remember the night. Willow returned moments later and told them that Wiley wasn't in his room.

Lucy returned to the stage and introduced Anna. Anna talked about why the Nurses Ball was important to her. Aside from the marriage proposal she'd received there the previous year, she talked about her daughter Robin. She urged the television audience to give whatever they could to support HIV/AIDS charities, and the front-line workers. Lucy thanked the volunteers, performers, and audience for making the Nurses Ball a success. She introduced the last performance of the night of an original song led by Epiphany, Amy, and Deanna. During the song, Sonny and Carly said goodbye to Nina and Jax, and they left. Nikolas and Ava linked arms and walked out, and Elizabeth and Franco glared after them. Nina and Jax left as Valentin watched, and he became sheepish when he realized that Anna had caught him looking. When the song was over, Lucy exited the ballroom and smiled from ear to ear.

Outside of the dressing room, Lulu assumed that Brook Lynn had "bailed" on her performance. Dustin replied that Brook Lynn had stage fright, but she'd never run out on a performance. They knocked on the door, but there was no answer. Dustin opened the door, and the two were horrified to see Brook Lynn on the floor. He instructed Lulu to call for paramedics as he felt for a pulse and tried to wake Brook Lynn up.

In the Metro Court lobby, Robert asked to talk to Olivia. He disclosed that he had a connection at the WSB who could get Olivia in to see Dante. She excitedly asked for the details. He informed her that Dante was at a WSB facility in Geneva, where civilians were not allowed, so he would have to go with her. He continued that they had a very narrow window to get in, so they had to leave the next morning. Ned looked on as Olivia threw her arms around Robert and thanked him profusely. He excused himself to go see Anna, as he knew that she would be annoyed that he'd missed her speech, and he left.

Ned approached Olivia and accused her of running straight to Robert after a fight. She clarified that Robert had found a way to get her in to see Dante, and she told him all about it. Ned promised to clear his schedule so that he could go with her, but she replied that Robert already had to sneak her in, so Ned couldn't go. Just then, Lulu approached the couple and told them that Brook Lynn had been attacked.

A short while later, an unconscious Brook Lynn was on a stretcher. Mac asked Dustin and Lulu if they'd seen anything or anyone strange around the room, but they hadn't. He advised them to call him if they thought of anything, no matter how small. Ned promised Brook Lynn that he wouldn't leave her side, and he followed as the paramedics wheeled her out.

Nurse's Ball 2023
March 20, 2023 At Metro Court, a disguised Lucy overheard Bobbie and Maxie patting themselves on the back for how well they were planning the Nurses Ball. Lucy grew incensed when she overheard Bobbie and Maxie claim they had planned the ball better than Lucy had. Bobbie continued to dismiss what Lucy had done in planning past Nurses Balls.

Upstairs in the Deception office, someone grabbed Maxie from behind. Maxie was startled when she learned the person was Lucy. Maxie was relieved to learn that Lucy was alive, but she blasted Lucy for having "ambushed" her. Maxie shouted at Lucy, and she asked how Lucy had been presumed dead -- and who Lucy was hiding from. "Me. If she's got any sense," Anna said as she appeared. Maxie marveled that Anna was also alive. Anna ordered Lucy to leave with her.

March 21st In the Deception office, Anna and Lucy screamed at one another over Lucy having left the cabin. Anna reminded Lucy that Victor was planning something potentially "catastrophic." Anna surprised everyone when she agreed that Lucy was the only person that should plan the Nurses Ball. Anna then told Maxie to do everything Lucy instructed Maxie to do. Anna and Lucy left.

March 23 At Kelly's, Maxie explained about Magic Milo and the Magic Wands to Cody, and he agreed to do it. A grateful Maxie gave him a hug.

March 27th :4 mins Outside Kelly's Diner, Maxie enlisted Josslyn's help for the Nurses Ball. Maxie said that all performers at the Nurses Ball would receive a plus-one invitation. Just then, Josslyn beamed when she saw Dex appear. Maxie rambled at length before going inside for coffee. Maxie encouraged Dex to commit to performing at the Nurses Ball because "Anything could happen." Dex smiled warmly as Maxie left.

March 28th In a locker room, Maxie was on the phone, assuring the caller that she would squeeze in four more seats for the sold-out show. After Maxie ended the call, she walked over to Bobbie and Sasha, who were praising Brook Lynn for recruiting a wonderful list of performers for the Nurses Ball. Bobbie was confident that everyone would put their egos aside and accept whatever order they decided for the performances. Maxie was forced to excuse herself when she saw an incoming call from Lucy. Meanwhile, Bobbie, Brook Lynn, and Sasha wondered which act would be best to let the audience know that they were in for the night of their lives. As if on cue, Chase arrived for the final rehearsal.

In a quiet hallway, Maxie reminded Lucy that they had agreed to communicate through text messages only. Lucy assured Maxie that she had no intention of micromanaging things, but Lucy had an idea how she could be a part of the planning without anyone being the wiser. A short time later, Maxie returned to the locker room, while Lucy listened to Maxie's conversations through the phone buds in Maxie's ears.

Bobbie, Sasha, Brook Lynn, and Maxie discussed who should step in as Mistress of Ceremony for the ball. Lucy was horrified when she heard Sasha suggest that Bobbie fill the role. "NO!" Lucy screeched into Maxie's ear. Irritated, Maxie tried to ignore Lucy's complaints as Sasha explained that Bobbie had worked at the hospital the longest, and Bobbie was the co-chair of the Nurses Ball. Lucy told Maxie that anyone except Bobbie would be acceptable because the ball needed to end with a bang, not a whimper. "Stop it!" Maxie blurted out. Surprised, everyone looked at Maxie, so Maxie apologized for yelling. Maxie explained that she kept hearing Lucy's chatter in her head, telling her that the ball wouldn't be good. Sasha assured Maxie that Maxie was doing great. Felix added that he was certain that Lucy would agree that Bobbie should be Mistress of Ceremony. Maxie agreed, and she promised to tell the "annoying voice" in her head to shut up. Maxie tapped her earbud, and the call with Lucy was disconnected.

Bobbie agreed to host the ball. "If anything can bring Lucy back from the grave, it would be seeing me up on the stage instead of her," Bobbie said. Nearby, Felix checked with Chase about the lighting for Chase and Blaze's song. Chase explained that it was a love song, so he suggested that Felix keep things simple, but Felix argued that nothing about love was simple. Felix called Brook Lynn over. "How do you feel about love?" Felix asked. Elsewhere, Maxie answered another call from Lucy. Lucy promised to be quiet, but Maxie admitted that she was tired of Lucy's constant criticisms, because everyone had been working hard. Lucy agreed, but Lucy insisted that Bobbie couldn't take her place. Maxie clarified that no one intended to take Lucy's place because they had agreed that different staff members would introduce the various acts throughout the night. Lucy warned Maxie that it was a terrible idea, but Maxie advised Lucy not to call back, or Maxie would block the number.

Later, Maxie, Bobbie, and Sasha agreed that the Nurses Ball would be special and worthy of the hospital's 60th anniversary. At the safe house, Lucy decided that the Nurses Ball needed her. Elizabeth pulled out her phone and called Epiphany. "Hello, this is State Trooper Carlson," a man said. Startled, Elizabeth explained that she was looking for Epiphany. "I'm very sorry, but I have bad news about your friend," the trooper said. Tears filled Elizabeth's eyes as she sat down.

March 29th At the secret hideout, Anna's eyes filled with tears as she read an announcement about Epiphany's memorial service. Anna set the tablet down when she heard a knock. Her spirits immediately lifted when Emma greeted her grandmother with a warm hug. A smiling Felicia followed Emma into the cabin. Emma sat down on the sofa and explained that she had wanted to visit Anna before heading to Epiphany's memorial service. Anna asked about Patrick and Robin, so Emma revealed that her parents had been unable to get away from work. Felicia revealed that Emma had decided to book a flight on her own and fly to Port Charles. Anna smiled and hugged Emma.

At Curtis and Portia's house, Curtis was dressed for the memorial service as he entered the living room. He saw his father deep in thought as Marshall stared out a window. A short time later, Portia entered the living room, and she asked how Marshall was doing. Marshall admitted that it didn't make sense that Epiphany was gone. Portia agreed, and she talked about helping Epiphany study for the MCATs. Portia credited Marshall for pushing Epiphany to follow her dreams. Marshall recalled persuading Epiphany to take the leap of faith, but he pushed the memory away.

"If it wasn't for me, Epiphany would still be here," Marshall said. Curtis asked what his father was talking about, so Marshall pointed out that Epiphany wouldn't have been on the road if Marshall hadn't encouraged her to go to medical school. Portia insisted that Marshall had reignited Epiphany's dream, which Epiphany had attained. "Think about how amazing that is?" Portia asked. She pointed out that, before Epiphany had passed, any semblance of the self-doubt and regret that Epiphany had carried for decades had been lifted. Portia insisted that Marshall had given Epiphany a gift, and Portia was certain that Epiphany would not have wanted it any other way. Grateful, Marshall hugged Portia. Curtis mouthed "thank you" to Portia.

Outside the hospital, Laura greeted Robert. After a hug, Laura admired the building. "Look at this place. Caring for the people of Port Charles for 60 years," Laura said. "These walls -- they've seen everything," Robert replied. Laura nodded in agreement. Her tone was sad as she admitted that it would be a difficult day. "General Hospital has lost one of its best," Robert said. Laura pointed out that she and Robert were still standing, but Robert chuckled. "Barely," Robert said. Laura reminded him that they had to keep going, and she was certain that Epiphany would want it that way. Robert agreed. Just then, Diane walked up.

Robert and Laura were surprised to see Diane, so Diane revealed that she was the executor of Epiphany's will, and Diane had one final task to attend to before the memorial service. Laura admitted that she wouldn't be able to stay long because she had to fill in for the deputy mayor, who had been indisposed. Diane asked in a conspiratorial tone if there had been any update on Eileen's whereabouts. Robert quickly explained that Diane had given him a helping hand the other night, and he assured Laura that Diane could be trusted because Diane was a friend. Diane chuckled, and she excused herself. After Diane left, Laura noticed that Robert seemed happier, and she wondered if it had anything to do with Diane.

Inside the hospital, Spinelli stood before the memorial wall, looking at photographs of all those who had left an indelible mark on the hospital. Sam walked up and stood next to him. They exchanged a sad smile, and Sam reached for his hand.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth passed the nurses' station as she carried a large arrangement of red roses to the chapel. Deanna stood behind the desk with a sorrowful expression. Bobbie tapped Deanna on the shoulder, and Deanna turned. As Bobbie hugged Deanna, Deanna began to cry. However, Bobbie spotted Carly pushing Willow's wheelchair, so she broke away from Deanna and approached Willow. Bobbie reminded Willow that the transplant was two days away, but Willow insisted on attending Epiphany's memorial service. Willow explained that Epiphany had been a huge support when Willow had made the decision to attend nursing school, so Willow wanted to pay her respects. Willow recalled talking to Epiphany about pursuing a degree in nursing and Epiphany's offer to help. After the memory faded, Willow admitted that she didn't think she had ever told Epiphany how much she had appreciated Epiphany's kindness. Willow was determined to light a candle for her friend, and she asked both Carly and Bobbie to help. "We're with you, always," Carly said.

Later, Robert and Laura entered the hospital. Felicia and Emma walked in behind them, and Emma called out to her grandfather. Robert happily hugged Emma. In the locker room, Felix went to his locker, opened it, and immediately slammed it shut. He dropped to the floor and began to sob. A short time later, Brad entered and found Felix seated on a bench, looking despondent. Brad wasn't surprised to find Felix in the spot because Felix had always "wallowed" in the locker room when Felix had been sad during their brief romance. Felix argued that he had earned the right to be sad because Epiphany had been Felix's best friend. Felix remembered Epiphany telling him that he could do better than Brad. However, his attention turned back to Brad when Brad told Felix that no one was ever really gone. "As long as you hold on to her," Brad said. Brad placed his hand over Felix's heart. "In here," Brad said.

In an examination room, Liesl announced that she had been officially cleared to donate her bone marrow to Willow. Nina was thrilled, but her joy quickly faded because it was a sad day. Nina asked if her aunt intended to attend the memorial service, but Liesl explained that she had no desire to be a hypocrite. Liesl acknowledged that she and Epiphany had butted heads, but Liesl was not happy that Epiphany was gone. However, Liesl was glad that Epiphany had died honorably.

"Just like Britt," Nina said. "We should all be so lucky," Liesl replied. Moments later, Nina and Liesl left the exam room, but they bumped into Diane in the hallway. Diane revealed that she had been looking for Liesl because Epiphany had given Diane a specific set of instructions to give to Liesl. Diane handed Liesl a slip of paper and explained that it was a time-sensitive matter. Surprised, Liesl informed Diane that Liesl and Epiphany had despised each other. Diane explained that Epiphany had only trusted Liesl with the request. Liesl unfolded the paper and read it. Nina noticed her aunt's smile, and she asked Liesl what the note said. Liesl remained silent, but she continued to smile.

On the hospital's rooftop, Milo Giambetti found Sonny alone. Sonny was happy to see Milo, so Milo asked if Sonny wanted company. Sonny opened his arms, and Milo hugged his friend as tears filled Milo's eyes. Afterwards, Sonny admitted that he wished their reunion had been under different circumstances. "Epiphany was one of a kind. I'm so lucky that I got to have her in my life," Milo said. Sonny reminded Milo that Epiphany had been lucky, too. Milo became lost in thought as he recalled talking to Epiphany about his feelings for her. Milo and Epiphany had been at Volonino's gym, and Epiphany had been hurt because Milo had made her feel as if she had not been good enough. Milo had apologized, and he had confessed that he had been worried that he had not been good enough for Epiphany. Milo explained that he had asked Epiphany out because she had been more beautiful on the inside than the outside. "I wouldn't change a thing," Milo had said. As the memory faded, fresh tears filled Milo's eyes. Sonny asked if Milo was okay, so Milo told him that he was grateful for the memories. Milo shifted gears because he wanted to know what had been going on with Sonny. Milo promised to return if Sonny needed him, but Sonny pointed out that Milo was one of the lucky few who had gotten out. "And lived," Sonny said. Sonny wanted to keep it that way.

A short time later, Sonny and Milo entered the hospital. Milo stopped when he saw Diane talking to Nina and Liesl. Diane ran over and hugged Milo. After Diane linked her arm with Milo's, they stepped away for privacy. Diane asked about Max, and Milo assured her that his brother was doing well. Diane offered Milo her condolences.

Nearby, Nina told Sonny how sorry she was for his loss. Nina knew that Sonny and Epiphany had had a special friendship. Sonny confessed that Epiphany's death had hit home about how precious life could be. "That's why we have to be careful," Sonny said. Nina was surprised that had been his reaction to Epiphany's passing because the news had made Nina want to be close to her loved ones. Nina acknowledged that she and Sonny couldn't spend a lot of time together until things settled down, but she wanted to attend the memorial service with him -- if he wanted company. "I'd like that very much," Sonny said. A short time later, Sonny, Nina, and Milo ran into Curtis, Portia, and Marshall. After Sonny and Marshall offered each other condolences, Sonny introduced Marshall to Milo. Milo told Marshall that Epiphany had spoken highly of Marshall. After Milo followed Sonny, Nina, and Portia to the chapel, Marshall asked Curtis about Milo. Curtis revealed that Milo had been Epiphany's ex-boyfriend.

In the candlelit chapel, Elizabeth set a large arrangement of red roses on the dais. She looked around the room where several arrangements of red roses had been set out. In the corner of the chapel was a large framed portrait of Epiphany displayed on an easel. Elizabeth's expression filled with sadness. Later, guests began to trickle in as Elizabeth stood before a large board filled with photographs of Epiphany throughout her life. Finn walked up to check on Elizabeth, but she was worried about the placement of the picture board.

Finn assured Elizabeth that everything was perfect, and he admitted that he had been impressed with how quickly she had pulled the celebration of Epiphany's life together. Elizabeth reminded him that she hadn't been given a choice, since Epiphany had requested in the will for Elizabeth to organize everything. Elizabeth pointed out that Epiphany's will had been written before Elizabeth's transgressions with Nikolas had been revealed. Elizabeth felt guilty that Epiphany hadn't been able to focus on Epiphany's future at Johns Hopkins. Finn and Elizabeth talked about Epiphany's tragic death during the drive home, when Epiphany had stopped to help at the scene of an accident. "She was being the Epiphany we all knew and loved. I just wish I could have made it right with her," Elizabeth said. Finn wrapped his arms around Elizabeth and hugged her. Later, Elizabeth told Finn that she had decided to skip the readings and leave more room for people to speak.

Finn promised Elizabeth that everything was beautiful. She insisted that it needed to be perfect because she wanted to make it up to Epiphany. Elizabeth admitted that she wished she knew what Epiphany had been thinking before she had died. "Maybe I can help with that," a woman said. Elizabeth smiled at the woman, and she asked if the woman had been a friend of Epiphany's. The woman revealed that Epiphany had been her guardian angel. "Your dear friend Epiphany died saving my life," the woman said. The woman cradled a bandaged arm as she apologized for intruding, but Elizabeth was eager to hear about what had happened. The woman explained that she was a nurse, and she had been driving home after a shift. According to the woman, the roads had been a mess, and visibility had been awful, so the woman hadn't seen a downed electric line until the very last second. The woman explained that she had swerved to avoid the downed line, and her car had crashed into the pole.

The woman said she had barely managed to crawl out of the car, but there had been a fire and a lot of smoke. The woman revealed that Epiphany had arrived on the scene, immediately sprung into action, and called 911. The woman credited Epiphany for saving her life by attending to the woman's grave injuries. The woman explained that Epiphany had promised to stay by the woman's side until the paramedics had arrived. The woman revealed that once she had arrived at the hospital, she had been told that Epiphany had collapsed at the scene and died from smoke inhalation and complications.

Elizabeth told the woman that Epiphany had had a preexisting heart condition. "And she didn't even think twice about risking her own life to save a stranger?" the woman asked. Finn explained that Epiphany had been a healer. The woman offered to leave, but Elizabeth insisted that she stay for the service because Epiphany would have wanted it. After the woman walked away, Marshall approached Elizabeth and asked who the woman had been. Elizabeth told him that the woman had been one of the countless people who owed their life to Epiphany.

Later, Elizabeth thanked everyone for attending the service to honor Epiphany. She talked about the impact that Epiphany had had on the people gathered, and she described Epiphany as firm, tender, pragmatic, and someone who had been full of compassion for the nurses that had worked under her. Elizabeth admitted that Epiphany had been her mentor, her best friend, and someone they had all considered family. Elizabeth's thoughts drifted as she remembered Epiphany insisting on taking Elizabeth out for a drink the night before Elizabeth's wedding to Franco. Elizabeth pushed the memory away. Elizabeth admitted that she had been filled with gratitude to have known and been loved by Epiphany.

Deanna spoke next. She talked about how helpful Epiphany had been. Deanna said she had arrived at the hospital with credentials in nursing, but Epiphany had taught Deanna how to be a nurse. Portia followed Deanna. Portia spoke about Epiphany risking everything to protect Trina and Trina's father. Portia admitted that Epiphany had become a good friend and a member of Portia's family. Sonny talked about Epiphany's kindness when Epiphany had helped him through some of his darkest moments. Sonny's thoughts briefly drifted to Epiphany helping with physical therapy and how happy she had been when he had finally been able to stand on his own. "If that's the measure of true friendship, then Epiphany was my best friend," Sonny told the mourners.

After Sonny sat down, Emma spoke about how Epiphany had been a part of the hospital for as long as Emma could remember. Carly was the last to speak. Carly admitted that Epiphany had been a truth teller, and if Epiphany had liked someone, then they were worth knowing. Carly explained that Epiphany had allowed for growth, and Epiphany had believed that people could change. Carly confessed that she had been one of those people, and Epiphany had rescued Carly countless times. A short time later, Diane announced that Epiphany had had one final request. Diane asked everyone to follow her to the rooftop.

After everyone filed out of the chapel, Elizabeth sat alone and looked at the portrait of her friend. Moments later, Elizabeth's phone rang. It was Monica. "Am I disturbing the memorial?" Monica asked. Elizabeth explained that the service had just ended. Monica felt bad that she had missed it, but she hadn't been able to back out of her commitment because Monica had been the keynote speaker. Elizabeth was certain that Epiphany would have understood. Elizabeth was shocked when Monica revealed that a few days earlier, Diane had dropped off a letter that Epiphany had written with the intention of hand-delivering to the ethics committee. Monica read the letter to Elizabeth, which spoke of Elizabeth in glowing terms as a talented and dedicated nurse. In the letter, Epiphany had said it had been a privilege for Epiphany to watch Elizabeth grow from a rookie to a leader amongst her peers. Epiphany acknowledged that Elizabeth had made a mistake, but Elizabeth had taken full accountability. Elizabeth was stunned when the letter concluded with the admission that Epiphany had intended to recommend Elizabeth take Epiphany's place as head nurse when Epiphany stepped down.

Monica revealed that she intended to honor Epiphany's final request and present the idea to the board at the end of the month. "Having another Hardy/March run the tenth floor sounds right, don't you think?" Monica asked. On the rooftop, Diane read a brief letter written by Epiphany. "Even in the darkest times, I held on to the joy whenever I could, so be sad if you need to be. But I would much rather go out with a bang," Diane read aloud. Diane directed everyone to look up.

Elsewhere, Liesl smiled as she lit the fuses of several large fireworks. "Safe travels, my worth adversary," Liesl said as bright fireworks illuminated the night sky. At the hideout, Anna stood outside as she watched the fireworks show. As flashbacks of Epiphany Johnson were shown, Sonya Eddy's voice sang, "You're Not Alone."

March 30th Josslyn and Trina were rehearsing for their Nurses Ball performance when Maxie walked in on them. Maxie was not optimistic about how the ball would turn out, but the girls reassured her. When she was gone, Josslyn asked about Spencer. Trina revealed that they were not going to the ball together. She continued that things between them were fine but complicated. She felt like they needed to take things slow, and Josslyn thought that that was a good idea.

Trina wondered if Josslyn was seeing anyone and offered to fix her up with someone. Josslyn finally admitted that she was seeing someone, but she apologetically stated that she couldn't say who yet. She promised to tell Trina everything when she could. Trina advised Josslyn to call if she ever got into any trouble. Just then, Dex arrived, and he and Josslyn flirtatiously talked about the Nurses Ball. When Maxie pulled him out of the room to go to wardrobe, Trina knew that it was Dex that Josslyn was seeing.

March 31st At Metro Court, a reporter named George broadcast a news segment from the red carpet on the eve of the Nurses Ball's festivities. Maxie claimed that the Nurses Ball would be its best ever. As Maxie spoke, Lucy watched the broadcast on a TV at the safe house. Lucy phoned someone to say that she needed a car. After chatting with George, Felicia met Maxie on the red carpet. Felicia said that Maxie had to find a replacement for the Magic Wands act. Felicia's phone rang, and she left to answer it. Maxie was startled when Lucy sneaked up behind her. Maxie asked what Lucy was doing there. "What I was born to do!" Lucy said boastfully. Maxie scolded Lucy for having escaped the safe house again. Just then, a man who appeared elderly approached with a walking cane. The man claimed to have lunch plans with his niece, and he mentioned that the garden patio was deserted. Maxie said the garden patio was closed because of the Nurses Ball, and she asked Felicia to escort the man to the main restaurant upstairs. The man left with Felicia. Afterwards, Maxie asked why Lucy was unable to stay away from the Nurses Ball.

Lucy admitted that she knew people saw her as "vapid, silly, and selfish," and she grew emotional as she gave a long and impassioned speech about what planning the Nurses Ball meant to her. "The Nurses Ball, when I'm putting on that show, that's the one time of year that everybody takes me seriously -- despite all my business success. When I'm running that show, I feel like I have a purpose, like I'm fulfilled, like I'm needed, and I'm useful," Lucy began.

"It's magic, and it's so incredible that every single person in Port Charles is somehow putting on the show, or performing in the show, or donating to our cause. It's like that one moment we all come together. You know there is nothing else like it," Lucy added as she fought back tears. Maxie agreed that the Nurses Ball was special, and she added that it was mostly due to Lucy. Maxie said she knew someone who would be perfect for the Magic Wands. Lucy tried to press Maxie for a name, but Maxie kept Lucy in suspense.

Back at Metro Court, the elderly-looking man with the walking cane stepped over the velvet rope of the red carpet after Maxie and Felicia had walked away. The man tossed the cane to the side before he pulled out his phone to place a call. On the other end of the line, Victor asked if the man had any information for him. The man said that he had tailed Felicia and that he had spotted Lucy at Metro Court. The man added that Lucy had left in a luxury car. Victor thanked the man for his information. Afterwards, Victor told his goon that Lucy had proven herself invaluable. "I've got them! Anna and Valentin can hide no more," Victor declared.

April 3, 2023 Backstage at the Nurses Ball, Bobbie and Maxie excitedly announced that the ball was about to begin. Maxie received a call from Lucy at the safe house and promptly hung up on her. Bobbie and Maxie left for the red carpet. Afterwards, Chase approached Brook Lynn backstage. Chase complimented Brook Lynn for having encouraged each of the performers to sing to the best of their ability. Linc approached, and Chase left to change into his tuxedo. Linc continued to harass Brook Lynn. Linc grabbed Brook Lynn's wrist, and he warned that she would lose everything if she broke the nondisclosure agreement she had signed.

In the gatehouse at the Quartermaine estate, Michael and Willow watched the red carpet ceremonies on TV. Drew entered in a tuxedo. Michael said that Carly and Josslyn needed him there to stand up for the two grown women. Drew had to remind Michael that Carly and Josslyn didn't need anyone to run interference for them, and he left. Michael and Willow watched the event in each other's arms.

On the red carpet, Sydney Val Jean returned as the emcee of the red carpet ceremonies. Sydney said that the night ahead was dedicated to Epiphany and Lucy. "And remember, at the Nurses Ball, anything can happen," Sydney boasted. In a dark vehicle parked at an undisclosed location, Victor watched Sydney's remarks from a laptop. As Sydney said that anything could happen, Victor's smile widened. "Oh, you have no idea!" Victor said to himself. The first people to walk down the red carpet were Bobbie and Maxie, who wore the same matching black, sequenced dresses as Sydney. Maxie said that she and Bobbie had followed the example set by Lucy, who grew teary eyed as she watched the event on a TV at the safe house. Lucy scoffed when Sydney said that it would be the "best Nurses Ball ever."

Next to follow on the red carpet were Carly and Josslyn. Carly boasted that she had always gotten whatever she had wanted, and she added that she didn't expect that to ever change. Josslyn acknowledged that she mostly got whatever she wanted, too. Sonny was the next to appear on the red carpet. Sonny smiled when he saw Carly. Sonny introduced Dex to Sydney as his bodyguard. Sydney asked Sonny where Nina was, and they seemed surprised when Nina entered arm in arm with Curtis. Sydney complimented Nina on looking "flawless," and she boasted that Curtis ran the "hottest night club in Port Charles."

Spencer was the next person to walk down the red carpet in a tuxedo. Victor boasted from his car that Spencer was what the future would look like. Sydney asked if someone would be joining Spencer. Just then, heads turned as Trina appeared on the red carpet in a gorgeous pink dress. Sydney said that Trina looked "nothing short of spectacular." "Took the words right out of my mouth," Spencer added. Sydney asked if Spencer and Trina were together. The two clarified that they were "good friends." Ava appeared on the red carpet with Austin. Ava said that she was single, and she added that she was fortunate to be able to attend the Nurses Ball after the tumultuous year that she'd had. When asked for comment, Austin remarked that he considered himself the lucky one. Jordan appeared on the red carpet, and she remarked that she was happy to be off the clock. Portia was the next to appear, and she joined Jordan in the hallway at the end of the red carpet.

Dante and Sam followed Portia, and the two walked the red carpet together. Dante saved Sam from a fall after Sam tripped. Sam said that she was lucky to have someone to catch her fall, and the two largely ignored Sydney. Drew appeared, and he gave a brief interview with Sydney before Chase and Finn appeared. Elizabeth approached, and Finn stared at her. Chase left, and Finn stayed behind solely to follow Elizabeth. Finn asked if he could escort Elizabeth, and she agreed. Sydney wrapped up her presentation from the red carpet while reminding everyone that the Nurses Ball was about raising money for HIV/AIDS research.

After the red carpet, Sonny and Nina complimented each other in the hallway on how well the two looked. The couple fondly recalled their dances in Nixon Falls. Nearby, Trina joined Josslyn, who remarked that Spencer and Trina had been giving each other looks on the red carpet. Josslyn yet again warned Trina about the possibility of being hurt by Spencer. Trina dismissed Josslyn's latest complaint.

Elsewhere, Bobbie harped about Nina again when she saw Nina with Sonny. Carly said that Sonny was dealing with a "situation." Bobbie said that Carly deserved someone to treat the way she "deserved." Carly smugly boasted that Bobbie might get her wish. Maxie used a PA system to welcome everyone to the Nurses Ball. The doors to the Metro Court's ball room then opened, and the attendees filed in.

Back in his car, Victor was told by a henchman that they had traced the car that had driven Lucy to and from the safe house. "Well, now we know where to find Lucy Coe. And where we find Lucy, there we find Anna and Valentin. Time to teach them a lesson, don't you think?" Victor said rhetorically. The henchman handed Victor a gun, and he remarked that Victor was the boss. "Yes, that's right. I am. It's showtime, folks!" Victor said with an evil grin.

Note: PREEMPTION: General Hospital did not air Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Wednesday, April 5, 2023Victor's henchman approached Victor's limousine. The henchman reported that Lucy had been dropped off by a rideshare at "Marigold and Chestnut." Victor doubted that Lucy had been foolish enough to be dropped off at the hideout's front door, but he was confident that it was close. Victor instructed his henchmen to discreetly search the area. However, Victor didn't want anyone to make a move on Valentin and Anna's safe house until Victor gave the order.

Victor's henchman joined Victor in the limousine as Victor spoke to "Ambrose" on the phone. Victor was pleased when Ambrose reported that everything was in place. "Now, it's just a matter of time," Victor said. After Victor disconnected the call, he explained that Ambrose had been given a special mission backstage at the Nurses Ball. According to Victor, he intended to take someone with him when Victor left town. Victor's henchman reported that they had eyes on the hideout, so Victor instructed him to have the men surround the house. Victor made it clear that he needed Valentin and Anna alive. "Lucy Coe is just a nuisance. Eliminate her," Victor said. Victor made a quick phone call. Afterwards, Victor smiled. "Now," Victor said.

At the secret hideout, Valentin and Anna ran into the living room when they heard Lucy cry out. Lucy pointed to the television as she announced that the Nurses Ball was about to begin. Anna and Valentin sat down with Lucy to watch the ball, but Lucy became emotional. Lucy insisted that she was proud of everyone, but it broke her heart that she couldn't be there. Valentin reminded Lucy that their lives depended on them staying away from the ball. Annoyed, Lucy assured him that she was well aware of what was at stake.

After Lucy grabbed her flute of Champagne and marched to her bedroom to watch the Nurses Ball, Anna confessed that she felt bad for Lucy. Anna opened up about how the ball had always made her feel closer to her daughter, Robin. Anna acknowledged that going to the Nurses Ball would jeopardize their safety, but she wondered if Victor was really looking for them. "One hundred percent," Valentin said. Valentin was certain that his father would stop at nothing to get his hands on the Ice Princess necklace.

Later, Valentin entered the living room, carrying a toy grand piano that he had found in the attic. He joined Anna in front of the fireplace and suggested that they have their own ball. Anna was touched when he serenaded her with a love song that spoke from his heart. As Valentin sang, Anna became lost in a fantasy where she wore a glittering ballgown as she and Valentin danced in a candlelit room. After the song ended, they shared a tender kiss. The fantasy was shattered when Anna's phone pinged with a text message from Sonny reporting that Victor had checked out of Metro Court.

Moments later, Lucy appeared in the doorway. Lucy praised Valentin's performance, which she had overheard when she had slipped out of her room for a snack. Anna asked how Lucy had been holding up, so Lucy began to talk about the chaos on the red carpet. Confused, Valentin and Anna wanted how Lucy had known what was going on at Metro Court. Lucy was forced to admit that she had slipped out earlier.

Lucy blamed her reckless decision on Maxie being in over her head, but Lucy promised that she had only gone as far as the lobby, and she had taken precautions with the car service. Valentin and Anna realized that they had been compromised. "We have to leave now," Anna said. A short time later, Valentin opened the door and stepped outside while he waited for Anna and Lucy. Lucy defended her choices, but Anna ignored her as she dragged Lucy outside. Anna suddenly screamed for Valentin to move when she noticed a small red dot from the laser of a gun pointed at the center of his chest.

At Metro Court, Maxie, Bobbie, and Brook Lynn were backstage as they prepared to kick off the Nurses Ball. Maxie asked Bobbie to make certain that everyone was ready for the opening number. As Bobbie walked away, Nina approached. Maxie warned Nina that she didn't have time to chat because there was a lot left to do. "Save the drama for the llama," Nina said in a teasing tone. Maxie wasn't amused, so Nina told Maxie to "break a leg." At Sonny's table, Gladys admired her sparkling bracelet. Sonny was curious where Gladys had gotten the expensive piece of jewelry. Sasha explained that the bracelet had been on loan for a photoshoot, so Sasha had decided to let Gladys borrow it for the night. Gladys thanked Sasha for the beautiful gown and jewelry because it had made Gladys' first Nurses Ball special. Sasha insisted that no one had helped her more than Gladys had. Sasha conceded that she still had difficult days, but she was ready to start her life. Sonny was confident the court would soon revoke Gladys' guardianship, and Sasha would be back on her feet.

At Dante and Sam's table, Cody was curious who had paid for the evening's festivities. Sam explained that vendors donated generously and that all the money raised would go to charities devoted to HIV and AIDS. Sam admitted that she had been impressed that Cody had agreed to perform. "Every once in a while, I do the right thing," Cody said. Cody's eyes locked on Gladys across the room.

A short time later, Cody caught up to Gladys as she made her way to the restroom. He snidely asked if she intended to head to a pawn shop to see how much she could get for the bracelet. Gladys resented the question, but she admitted that the bracelet wasn't hers. "Yeah, Brando's garage wasn't yours, either, and you sold that," Cody said. Annoyed, Gladys informed Cody that it was none of his business, so he agreed to leave Gladys alone if she told Sasha the truth.

"And if I don't?" Gladys asked in a defiant tone. "I'll tell Sasha that you can't stay away from the poker tables, and you're using her assets to settle your debts," Cody replied. Nearby, Sam noticed Sasha looking around the room. Sasha admitted that she had been looking for Gladys. Later, Sasha found Cody at the bar. She mentioned his performance and asked if he was ready for the spotlight. Cody joked that he and the spotlight were old friends. Gladys ran over when she saw Cody and Sasha together, and she asked what they had been talking about. "Old friends," Cody said.

At Curtis' table, Nina tried to broach the subject of Portia, Trina, and Jordan, but Curtis was unwilling to discuss his troubled relationships. Curtis suggested that he and Nina just sit back and enjoy the festivities. Nina agreed.

At Austin and Ava's table, Ava advised Austin that it would be best for them to act casual and enjoy the evening. Austin nervously glanced over at Mac, but he followed Ava's advice. All eyes turned to the stage as Maxie and Bobbie walked out and welcomed everyone to the 2023 Nurses Ball. After a round of applause, Bobbie thanked everyone for attending, and she reminded the audience that the purpose of the ball was to find a cure for HIV and eradicate AIDS. Maxie promised that the night would be spectacular because they had turned things up a notch to celebrate General Hospital's 60th anniversary. "So, expect some surprises," Maxie teased.

T.J., Felix, Deanna, Amy, some nurses, and some doctors performed "Lovely Day."

At Elizabeth's table, Chase told Elizabeth that she looked stunning. Finn stood next to his brother and smiled. Elizabeth admitted that she looked forward to Chase's duet. She shifted gears and thanked Finn for saving her on the red carpet. Finn assured her that he had been glad to be of assistance, but an awkward silence followed. Elizabeth smiled politely and told both Finn and Chase to enjoy the evening. As soon as Finn and Chase reached the bar, Chase asked what had happened between Finn and Elizabeth at Cameron's goodbye party, but Finn refused to tell him. Later, Finn was standing at the bar when Chase walked up and made another attempt to find out where things stood between Finn and Elizabeth, but Finn seemingly ignored his brother until Chase tapped Finn on the shoulder. Startled, Finn pulled an ear pod out of his ear and explained that he had been listening to a voicemail message from Violet. When Chase repeated his question, Finn popped the ear pod back in. "Good talk," Chase said and marched off.

Finn's eyes found Elizabeth across the room. They exchanged a smile, and Elizabeth made her way to the stage. After Maxie introduced Elizabeth, Elizabeth talked about the tragic loss of Epiphany Johnson. A photograph of Epiphany appeared on a large screen behind Elizabeth. "So, tonight we dedicate this ball to our friend. Epiphany, we love you, we miss you, you will never, ever be forgotten," Elizabeth said.

At the bar, Spencer confessed to Trina that he regretted not arriving with her on the red carpet. Trina feared that he saw her as an accessory. "No, you're no one's accessory," Spencer said. Trina was curious why Spencer hadn't asked her to attend the ball with him. Instead of answering, Spencer reminded Trina that they had both told Sydney that they were just friends. Trina pointed out that they had been put on the spot while on live television. "What were we gonna say?" Trina asked.

"Did you mean it?" Spencer wondered. Trina turned the question around on Spencer, but Sonny walked up before Spencer could answer. Sonny complimented Trina, and he asked for a moment to speak to Spencer privately. After Trina walked away, Sonny asked Spencer to answer him honestly. "Where is Victor?" Sonny asked. Spencer explained that he had expected his uncle to attend the Nurses Ball, but he hadn't seen him. Sonny was curious if Spencer was aware that Victor had checked out of Metro Court. Spencer was stunned, but Sonny asked if Victor had mentioned leaving town.

A short time later, Dex was standing at the bar when Josslyn walked up. "You look amazing," Dex said. Josslyn beamed, but Dex reminded her that they shouldn't be seen together. Josslyn pointed out that they were just two people waiting for the bartender. Dex smiled as he slid his hand across the bar and stroked Josslyn's fingers. Meanwhile, Spencer caught up with Trina in the hallway. He apologized for the interruption, and he admitted that he had wanted to talk about their kiss. Spencer confessed that he had hoped it was something they both wanted to do again. "Yes," Trina said. Emboldened, Spencer asked Trina to clarify that they were together. "Yes, together," Trina said in a shy tone. Spencer was delighted, but the moment was ruined when Josslyn walked up and let Trina know that they had to get ready for their performance. "Damn it, Joss, you have the worst timing," Spencer said.

At the bar, Dante checked in with Sonny. Sonny talked about losing Epiphany, and how devastating the news had been. Sonny fondly recalled that Epiphany had been able to put anyone in their place. "Jason, me, and even Carly. I miss her," Sonny said. Dante assured his father that he was there if Sonny needed to talk. Sonny hugged his son.

At Jordan's table, Jordan raised a glass and praised T.J.'s performance. Molly chimed in, but Jordan noticed that neither Molly nor T.J. was drinking alcohol. T.J. explained that he and Molly were abstaining from alcohol because they were trying to get pregnant. Jordan was overjoyed.

In Blaze's dressing room, Linc let himself in. Startled, Blaze asked him if he ever knocked. "Where's the fun in that?" Linc asked. Blaze told him that she had to change. "Don't let me stop you," Linc replied. A short time later, Brook Lynn knocked on the door and entered the dressing room. She was not pleased when she saw Linc. Linc ignored Brook Lynn's scowl as he asked how his favorite "former songbird" was. He was curious if the dressing room had been the scene of the crime when Nelle had slit Brook Lynn's throat, but Brook Lynn demanded to know where Blaze was. Just then, Blaze walked out from behind the changing partition. Linc started to talk, but Brook Lynn had had enough of him. "Get out," Brook Lynn shouted. Unapologetic, Linc claimed that Blaze had needed help with her zipper, but Brook Lynn refused to let him stay. Linc argued that he was Blaze's manager, but Brook Lynn stood firm until Linc left. Afterwards, Brook Lynn asked if Blaze was okay. Blaze insisted that she was fine, but Brook Lynn didn't believe her.

Brook Lynn offered to accompany Blaze to all meetings with Linc that weren't in public. Blaze thanked Brook Lynn, but Blaze pointed out that Linc was Blaze's manager. Brook Lynn reminded Blaze that Blaze and Chase were collaborating, so Brook Lynn had a vested interest in the meetings with Linc, since Brook Lynn was Chase's manager. "That's a stretch," Blaze said. Brook Lynn argued that it was better than going alone. Blaze agreed to think about it. Just then, Chase knocked on the door and entered. He immediately picked up on the tension in the room and asked about it. Blaze excused herself and rushed out, so Chase asked Brook Lynn why Blaze had been upset. Brook Lynn assured him that Blaze was fine and to leave it alone. "Do you want her to live her life the way that you do -- everyone for themselves?" Chase asked.

Brook Lynn insisted that she didn't want to be alone, but sometimes life worked out that way. She assured Chase that she regretted signing Linc's nondisclosure agreement, and she knew it had been a selfish choice to make when she had signed it. Brook Lynn acknowledged that she had let Chase down, and -- worse -- the women who were left to deal with Linc. Chase explained that what had hurt him most was that she had let herself down. Before Brook Lynn could reply, Blaze returned. Blaze asked Chase if they could rehearse one more time before their performance, so Brook Lynn excused herself.

Backstage, Maxie barked orders. Amy handed Maxie a bottle of water and praised Maxie for the wonderful job that Maxie had done, but Maxie became alarmed when she noticed that one of the three chainsaws was missing. Meanwhile, Bobbie introduced Josslyn and Trina. The young ladies sang "The Middle." Afterwards, the audience applauded. Elizabeth approached Portia and praised Trina's performance. Portia agreed that Trina had done a fantastic job. Elizabeth was curious if Portia had made any progress with Trina. "Just a little," Portia said. Elizabeth was certain that Portia and Trina would repair their relationship. Portia agreed because Portia had no intention of giving up on her daughter.

Backstage, Bobbie congratulated Josslyn on a great performance. After Bobbie returned to her hosting duties, Linc approached Josslyn and told her that she had talent. "In my hands, you could go all the way to the top," Linc said. Josslyn thanked Linc for the compliment, but she admitted that she wasn't interested in a career in music. Linc gently stroked the side of Josslyn's arm as he tried to change her mind. Nearby, Brook Lynn stopped short when she saw Linc with Josslyn.

Elsewhere, Spencer gushed about Trina's performance. Trina smiled as Spencer hugged her. Carly walked up and congratulated Trina. Afterwards, Carly looked around and asked where Josslyn was.

Thursday, April 6, 2023Backstage at the Nurses Ball, Brook Lynn looked on as Linc got close to Josslyn and told her that she was a born performer. Brook Lynn marched over and spilled a drink on Linc. She sweetly apologized, and when she went to help him clean up, she stomped on his foot. Brook Lynn advised Josslyn that Carly was looking for her, so Josslyn left. Linc was livid that Brook Lynn had interrupted while he'd been recruiting new talent, and he stormed off to go track Josslyn down.

Mac, Felicia, and Bobbie talked about how proud they were of Maxie for running the Nurses Ball, and they reminisced about their own performances in past years. Minutes later, Mac ran into Jordan, who asked if he could "talk shop" about Eileen. She revealed that Eileen had definitely been killed by her fall. He decided to check into Eileen's known associates, and Jordan advised that he start with Victor.

Outside the ballroom, Sasha and Cody had a drink together, and he asked how things with Gladys were. She didn't know what he meant, and he referenced Gladys selling the garage without telling Sasha. Sasha explained that, while she was still a little bothered by it, Gladys had had good reasoning. Gladys listened in as Cody made Sasha realize that she didn't know any details of the sale, including the new owner. Gladys interrupted the conversation and informed Cody that Dante was looking for him, so Cody left. Gladys made sure Sasha was all right, as she'd heard that Cody wasn't reliable.

Cody sat down with Dante and Sam, and he wondered why Dante had wanted to see him. Dante didn't know what Cody was talking about, and Cody revealed that Gladys had given him a message about Dante wanting to see him. Dante admitted with a laugh that he tried to avoid Gladys, and he muttered something about not being able to choose relatives. Sam wondered why Gladys would do that.

Portia sat down with Finn and Elizabeth. She observed that Trina was having a good time, and she didn't want to put a damper on the night by trying to force a conversation. Elizabeth promised that things wouldn't always be like that. Finn related that he'd been estranged from his father for many years, but Gregory hadn't given up on trying to reconnect. He didn't think that Trina would take as long to figure out that she needed Portia. Deanna appeared in the spotlight with the microphone, excited to announce the next performer. She talked about the next performer having given up her career as a public defender in order to follow her dreams in music. Deanna introduced Danielle Ponder, who sang her song "Someone Like You."

After the performance, Maxie thanked Danielle for performing, and she commented that Danielle had blown everyone away. Danielle said she was happy to lend her voice to the cause. Carly slipped backstage, excited to meet Danielle. She commended Danielle on her courage to follow her dreams, and Danielle intuited that Carly knew a thing about following dreams herself. "I've never regretted it," Carly replied, and Danielle agreed.

Back at their table, Gladys confided in Sasha that she'd overheard Maxie talking about how Britt had dumped Cody after finding out that he was "no good." She was concerned, as Sasha was just getting her life back on track, and she didn't want Sasha to get "derailed" by a con man. Dex was ordering a shot at the bar as Spencer strolled out of the ballroom. Spencer demanded to know why Dex was drinking on the job, as he was supposed to be guarding Sonny. As he talked down to Dex about being an employee, a stunned Josslyn and Trina approached. Dex mumbled that he was due onstage soon and left. Spencer justified the way he'd been talking to Dex by explaining that Dex was there to protect Sonny.

Trina lashed out at Spencer for acting like "an ugly, entitled jerk lording your privilege around." She stormed off, and Josslyn observed that he'd again hurt Trina. She told him that he'd done nothing but cause misery since his return, so she advised him to go back to Europe and stay there. When she was gone, a man approached Spencer with a message. He informed Spencer that Victor would be contacting Spencer soon. "Be ready when he does, and do exactly as you're told," the man said, and he left.

Dex approached Cody, who was sitting with Dante, Sam, and Jordan. "Cody, it's time," Dex said. "Time for what?" Sam wondered. "You'll see," Cody replied, and he followed Dex out of the ballroom. Backstage, Sonny approached Bobbie. He revealed that he wanted to start a scholarship fund in Epiphany's name for nursing students. He handed her an envelope to add to his donations for the Nurses Ball in Stone's name. She opened the envelope and looked at the check. While she'd never been all right with the way he'd treated Carly, she reasoned that he'd always been very generous. She thought that Stone would be proud.

"Wish me luck," Finn told Elizabeth and Portia, and Elizabeth wondered why. He commented that there were things one would do for family that they wouldn't do for anyone else, and he got up from the table. Maxie handed him a microphone, and he stepped into the spotlight. He talked about being amazed at how much the city showed up for the hospital. He welcomed Chase and Blaze to the stage, and they sang "Arrest Me."

After the performance, Blaze announced that their new single would be out soon. Linc took the opportunity to get onstage, which made Blaze noticeably uncomfortable. He hugged and kissed her, and he talked about how amazing Blaze was. Brook Lynn stormed onto the stage and demanded that the "creep" get his hands off Blaze. She talked about how Linc latched on to young talent in order to exploit them financially and sexually. Ned rose from his seat, but Olivia held him back.

Brook Lynn continued that Linc had told her that he would kill her career if she didn't sleep with him, and she'd signed an NDA forbidding her to talk about it. However, she was breaking the NDA because she refused to remain silent about the sexual predator Linc was. Linc believed that no one could corroborate her story, and Maxie got up onstage to clear the disturbance. Linc called her a jealous has-been who needed to make up stories to feel relevant.

Just then, a crying Blaze grabbed the microphone and insisted that she knew Brook Lynn was telling the truth because Linc had done the same thing to her. Mac jumped out of his seat, and Gladys took the opportunity to slip out of the ballroom, unnoticed. Chase tried to get Linc off the stage, but Linc reminded Chase that he was no longer a cop. "I'm a cop," Dante said as he stepped up, and he escorted Linc out of the ballroom to applause for causing a public disturbance. Spencer sat down with Sonny and Sasha, and Brook Lynn sat down with Ned and Olivia as Gladys' bracelet's bodyguard slipped out.

Gladys creeped around backstage but hid when she heard Dex and Cody talking about their nerves for their act. When their voices faded away, she entered the dressing room and found suits hanging up. She found the one marked "Cody." She took her bracelet off and slipped it into Cody's jacket pocket. Nina appeared in the spotlight and thanked everyone for being there. She was excited to announce the next performers, Georgie, James, and Liesl. The kids put on a magic show with Liesl as their assistant. She first took out an empty tube. James tapped on it with his wand, and he pulled a long string of streamers out. He handed them to Liesl, and she put them around her neck.

Next, Georgie announced that they would make water disappear as Liesl wheeled out a cart with a pitcher and two cups. Georgie poured the water into one of the cups, and she asked what Liesl's favorite color was. "Blue!" Liesl replied, and as Georgie poured the water from one cup to another, the audience was amazed to see that it was blue. James tapped the cup with his wand, and when he turned the cup over, no water spilled out.

Next, Georgie announced that they would make their assistant disappear. Liesl wheeled out a large box and opened the door. She got inside, and Georgie closed the door. When she tapped on the box and opened the door, all that remained of Liesl were the streamers from around her neck. Georgie closed the door and tapped again on the box to make Liesl return, but when she opened the door, Liesl was nowhere to be found. Outside, the man who'd given Spencer the message from Victor closed an unconscious Liesl in his trunk. He got into the car and drove away.

In the safe house, Lucy, Anna, and Valentin ran back into the house. Valentin turned the lights off, and he and Anna drew their guns. Anna demanded that Lucy escape through her window like she had so many times, but Lucy didn't want to leave them. Valentin ordered Anna to go with Lucy, but Anna refused. Lucy finally agreed to go, and she promised to get help. When she was gone, Victor's men got into the house, and Anna and Valentin shot at them. A few minutes later, Anna and Valentin were standing with their hands in the air as Victor entered. One of his men returned and reported that Lucy was gone, and her bedroom window was open. Victor figured he would deal with Lucy later. Valentin warned that they were in the suburbs, so a neighbor had probably already called the police. After all the trouble he'd gone through, Victor refused to leave without getting what he was there for. He demanded that Valentin give him the real Ice Princess necklace.

Victor went on about how much he'd helped Valentin in life from behind the scenes, only to be repaid with rejection, lies, and manipulation. He decided to give Valentin one more chance to redeem himself and "step up as a Cassadine." He again demanded the necklace. Valentin revealed that no other Cassadine cared about whatever Victor's "grand plan" was, and he informed Victor that he was wasting time and energy. He stated that he did not have the necklace, so Victor decided to take a different approach.

One guard grabbed Valentin and held him back, and another grabbed Anna with his hands around her head. Victor threatened that if Valentin did not give up the necklace, he would have his guard break Anna's neck, leaving her paralyzed for life. He wondered how long Valentin would love her when she couldn't stand. A few minutes later, Valentin returned to Victor with the necklace, and Victor satisfactorily inspected it. "We could have done this together, father and son," Victor said wistfully. He revealed that he'd had to choose another heir to carry on the Cassadine name. He continued that Valentin's betrayal had broken his heart, so it was only fair for Victor to return the favor. He took out his gun and shot Anna.

Friday, April 7, 2023At the safe house, Valentin rushed to save Anna after Victor had shot her. Victor left, and Valentin dialed for help. Valentin pleaded with Anna to stay awake. On the ground and in severe pain, Anna said she didn't know how she had been so lucky to have met Valentin. Valentin said that plenty of people would disagree with Anna. Anna said that people didn't know Valentin's heart the way she did. Anna told Valentin that she loved him. Valentin heard the sound of ambulances approaching, As Anna closed her eyes. Valentin pleaded with her to wake up. At the Nurses Ball, everyone wondered where Liesl had disappeared to. On-stage, Maxie introduced the Magic Wands act, which featured Milo, T.J., Cody, Dex, Yuri, and others. The group performed a dance version of "Devil in Disguise" to loud applause.

Backstage after the Magic Wands act, Maxie asked if Nina had seen Liesl. Sonny appeared, and Nina told him about Liesl's disappearance. Nina grew worried as she recalled that Liesl had been scheduled to have the stem cell transplant the following day. Nina added that Willow couldn't afford to wait. Sonny assured Nina that they would find Liesl and that everything would be fine.

At a table near the stage, Sasha asked Gladys where the expensive bracelet had gone. Gladys feigned that she had been robbed. A security guard appeared, and he asked when Gladys had last seen the bracelet. Gladys flashed back to moments earlier when she had slipped the bracelet into a coat backstage. Gladys and Sasha headed backstage, and the security guard announced that the bracelet had been found. Just then, Cody appeared. The security guard said the bracelet had been found in Cody's tuxedo jacket. Gladys falsely accused Cody of having stolen the bracelet. Cody insisted that someone had planted the bracelet. Mac appeared, and the security guard asked Mac to arrest Cody, who swore that he hadn't stolen anything. Cody pleaded with Mac and Sasha to believe him, but Gladys said that Cody had followed her. Cody admitted that he had followed Gladys, but he continued to maintain his innocence. Mac placed Cody under arrest. As Mac started to escort Cody to the Port Charles Police Station, Sam asked what was going on. Cody told Sam that he had been framed and that he was innocent.

Back on the stage, Carly took to the microphone to honor Bobbie's 45 years at the hospital. A montage played of Bobbie through the years, including when Bobbie had told Monica that Monica was likely in remission from breast cancer, when Bobbie had donated B.J's heart to Maxie, as well as when Bobbie had comforted Elizabeth on the morning after Elizabeth had been raped. After the series of flashbacks, Bobbie received a standing ovation from the audience. A large mural of Lucy appeared on-stage, and Bobbie prepared to pay tribute to Lucy. Bobbie recalled that she and Lucy had never been friends, and she referenced some of the ways the two women had clashed over the years. Lucy stood backstage, and she grew incensed at Bobbie's remarks. As Bobbie spoke unflattering words about Lucy, Lucy grew more irate, and she rushed toward the stage. Lucy crashed through the mural of herself, and everyone was stunned that Lucy was alive. Bobbie welcomed Lucy home, and everyone gave Lucy a standing ovation. Lucy beamed as everyone applauded.

At a table by the Nurses Ball stage, Josslyn lied to Trina when she said that she wasn't seeing Dex. Josslyn yet again labeled Spencer "entitled," but Trina observed that something else was bothering Spencer. Trina vowed to find out what was wrong.

Soon after, Spencer found Trina. "Please tell me I haven't already screwed up the best thing that's ever happened to me," Spencer asked Trina. "Okay. Tell me, Spencer, what is going on with you?" Trina asked. Spencer said that Dex was not a good guy. Trina countered that whatever was going on between Josslyn and Dex was none of Spencer's business. Spencer recalled that Cameron was his best friend, and he said his friendship with Cameron made it Spencer's business. Trina said that Cameron had nothing to do with why Spencer had sparred with Dex, and she lectured Spencer again about his "entitlement."

Spencer apologized, and he said that he was trying to do better. Trina told Spencer that he should apologize to Dex. Just then, Spencer received a call. "Are you really going to answer that call right now?" Trina asked. Spencer said the call was from Victor, and he stepped away to answer. Victor told Spencer to meet him at the Haunted Star, and he cautioned Spencer to tell no one. Spencer left the Nurses Ball to meet Victor.

At Laura and Kevin's house, Esme watched the Nurses Ball on TV with Ace. Laura entered, and she noted that Ace looked tired. Laura reached for Ace, but Esme told Laura not to touch him. Esme quickly apologized for having snapped at Laura, and she said that she felt everyone was trying to stake a claim to Ace. Laura's phone rang, and she grew alarmed by what she heard over the phone. Laura told Esme that she had to leave immediately. At the hospital, a distraught Valentin told Laura and Robert that Victor had shot Anna in the abdomen. Valentin said the bullet was still inside Anna. Laura assured Valentin that Anna was strong. Robert asked about Lucy. Valentin shared that Lucy had managed to escape the safe house.

Robert and Laura pressed Valentin for any clues that Victor might have left. Valentin recalled that Victor had mentioned that he had chosen a "new heir" to the Cassadine throne. Just then, a surgeon appeared, and he told Valentin, Laura, and Robert that Anna was in critical condition. The surgeon added that his team would attempt to remove the bullet, but he said the damage to Anna could cause severe organ damage. Laura stepped away to call Esme, and she pleaded for Esme to pick up the phone. Back by the nurses' station, Robert said that it was Valentin's fault that Anna had been shot. Felicia appeared, and she told Robert not to take out his frustrations on Valentin. Valentin conceded that Robert was right, and he recalled that Victor had only shot Anna to get back at Valentin.

Later, at the hospital, Jordan marveled that Valentin was alive, and she asked where Victor was. "I don't know. But I do know that whatever insane plan he has been hatching, he will be unleashing on all of us very soon. So, we need to stop him," Valentin cautioned gravely. On the Haunted Star, Victor learned from a henchman that Holly was not at the burn clinic in Switzerland. Victor said it was proof that the fire had been staged and that Holly was alive and searching for Ethan. Victor said it was time to "offload" Ethan "at a profit." Victor asked the henchman to make sure the staterooms of the ship were appropriately prepared for their guests. Later, Spencer appeared, and he swore that he had followed Victor's instructions to the letter. Spencer asked for an update on Ace, and he asked if there was something Victor needed. Victor praised Spencer for having done as Victor had asked. Spencer asked Victor what was next. Just then, the sound of the ship's engines began to be heard. At the same time, Laura returned home to find that her home had been ransacked and that Esme appeared to have been knocked unconscious. Laura didn't appear to see any sign of Ace.

Stone Memorial Edit
These four episodes cover from Stone's death through his memorial. I highly recommend the Stone #6 as it is a 6 hour edit of his final weeks of storyline.  This is another option for someone who only wants his scenes around his death and memorial. This would make a nice companion to the Nurse's Ball dvds. Please note the daily episode descriptions come from the daily recappers on Soapzone.com! Click here to read the full edit description.

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