Robert, Holly & Anna #4  July 26 – August 28, 1985 - Wedding Train - 8 hr original edit

Robert asks Mayor Lee Baldwin for six weeks off to take care of personal business. Lee assumes it has to do with his separation from Holly and agrees. Robert tells Anna that he believes that Grant is the fourth player, that once an agent, always an agent that the deception is second nature. Robert asks her if an ex-agent can ever have an honorable relationship? Anna follows Grant, and Robert sneaks up on Anna again. She warns him if he does that again he will get a karate chop!

Holly takes a different tack and decides to be the model prisoner and begins cooperating though Prescott is suspicious of her sudden cooperation, she assures him that she just wants to see her husband again. Later, Holly fakes sleep while Prescott and Marty discuss the plans. When he goes out to the observation platform, Holly tries to escape again and Prescott stops her. He warns her that if she keeps it up that she will never see her husband again. On the other train, Robert and Anna search it and find Grant also searching. Robert suggests he lift the trap door and Grant is shocked to find that the secret compartment is empty! Grant tells Robert that he saw Sean hide the treasure there and he has been doubled crossed. Robert offers him a way out and asks him why he did this? Grant tells him he did this to get Celia back, that he still has hope and he needed money to finance it. He felt that stealing from Sean was okay since he is a thief. Grant agrees to work with Robert and Anna and play along with Sean. Robert tells him that Frisco and Felicia are also in on this. Grant is surprised at this as they are babes in the woods. Robert says they couldn't keep them out of it but they agree that the couple needs protection. Robert agrees that he never would have thought Sean capable of murder but now he thinks he would even kill Felicia and Frisco if he had to.

Grant calls Sean and tells him the guard was knocked out. Sean heads over to question the guard and he gives a description of Felicia and Frisco. Sean is furious and says he wants the jewels back that Frisco has stolen. Sean tells Grant that he is a key player in the next phase and he wants Grant to retrieve the jewels from Frisco as he lives in the same building and has better access and won't be suspected. Grant has told Robert and Anna were the audio tapes are stashed at his apartment, he recorded the conversation between them and Sean about their past. Robert and Anna begin to believe that Grant is on the level with them when the tapes are where he indicated. Anna comments that he sold his soul to the devil to try to win back Celia. Grant tells Robert and Anna that Sean knows Felicia and Frisco were the ones who attacked the guard. They worry about the danger the kids are in but Robert says they have to remain on the team or they will work on their own and be in even more danger. Robert suggests they send them off to NY to track down the lead on Prescott and if they can link him to Sean that they will be a step closer to putting them both away.

Sean calls Prescott and tells him to move the train off the main tracks as an Express train is headed their way! The train stalls on the tracks and they have no way of telling the other train they are there. Marty is able to get the train moved at the last moment and the other train rushes by them. Prescott starts to have a melt down and rips into Marty for almost getting them killed. Marty could care less what Prescott thinks, so he turns and starts venting at Holly. Marty intervenes and tells him to knock it off that Holly has a lot of guts. He later tells her that he met her husband once and knows what kind of many he is.

Frisco calls Robert from NY and tells him that they haven't found Prescott in any of the police mug shots. Frisco suggests they search the WSB database to see if he was an agent. Robert approves of the idea. As he holds, Anna asks why didn't Robert just use his computer? Robert comments that when he was a young agent, he remembers how he felt when he put a lot of work on something and then his superiors would jump in when a lead was about to pay off. Frisco comes back and tells Robert that they found that Prescott was an ex-agent and gives him his history. Robert commends Frisco's idea and that he is going good work.

Sean suggests to Grant that perhaps Felicia and Frisco and working with Robert. Grant says he isn't so sure of that, he thinks perhaps they doubled back to search for the treasure after knocking out the guard. He suggests that Sean check on the treasure. Sean says he doesn't have to as he shipped the treasure by river barge to Nag's Head two days ago. Grant is very unhappy at this obvious lack of trust on Sean's part. Sean says he isn't sure that Grant has double-crossed him and isn't working for Robert, he points out that Grant started this partnership by stealing from him. Grant reports back to Robert who has the barge searched. Sean gets a call that the shipment will be delayed due to the search and he calls his friend in the harbormaster's office and learns that Anna Devane had been in the office. Sean orders a 24-hour a day tail put on Robert. Grant reports all of this back to Robert. Frisco suggests that they suggest to the TV station that Frisco does a live remote from the wedding train to keep the spotlight on Sean.

Robert wants to fool Sean into believing that Robert is still in Port Charles while he heads to Washington DC to fill Valentine in on the events in Port Charles. Robert has arranged with Grant for him to cut through the park when he and Sean go to lunch. Robert rushes Anna over to the park and at the last moment tells her to think of their last mission, hostage, romance and he starts kissing her and nuzzling her neck. Sean and Grant observe them, Sean doesn't realize this is a ruse and thinks Robert and Anna are resuming their romance. Robert and Anna leave and go to the hotel bar and continue their pretense of romance while Sean and Grant enter and have lunch. Back in her hotel room, Anna tells Robert that she wishes he had given her more notice about his plan to pretend they are lovers. He is sorry that he wasn't more sensitive to how difficult that pretense would be for her.

Robert rappels out the window of Anna's hotel room to avoid detection by the goon Sean has stationed outside her hotel room. Sawyer reports to Sean that he believes that Robert spent the night in Anna's hotel room. Sean is annoyed with Sawyer and wants to know for sure where Robert is at all times! Frisco and Felicia show up at Anna's and make a big show of being there to do a background interview for with them for the upcoming wedding train festivities. As they leave, they make a big show of saying goodbye to both Anna and Robert to try to fool Sean's detective (meanwhile Robert is long since on his way to Washington). Sean is surprised when Sawyer reports that Robert did spend the night in Anna's hotel room and is still there. Sean is surprised that Robert would be so unprofessional as to let go of the quest for the treasure to take time out for romance, it doesn't feel right to Sean and he knows better than to underestimate Robert. Sawyer eventually admits that his man didn't actually see Robert. Sean is livid, as he must know where Robert is as he figures out that the treasure isn't on the train, he is trying to stay a step ahead of Robert. Anna calls the front desk and reports the stranger lurking in her hallway and he is removed. Sawyer reports this to Sean and this makes Sean even more suspicious as why would Anna have the tail removed if they weren't up to something.

The train sequences begin with the cast in Gay 90's period costumes, with a barbershop quartet singing in the background. Frisco keeps Sean busy with a live remote interview, and when Sean tries to cut it short and get away, Frisco calls over Celia and Jimmy Lee. Frisco is frustrated when the TV cuts the interview to go to commercial break. Sean uses this as an opportunity to leave. Amanda Barrington saves the day when she insists that Sean do a tour of the train with her for the TV station, complete with an interview with her. Sean disappears afterwards and the gang realizes he is on his way to the hotel to see if Robert is really there. Grant calls Anna and warns her. She seems nervous when Sean shows up asking to see Robert. She has the shower running and uses that as an excuse for Robert's absence. Sean refuses to leave saying he will wait for Robert to get out of the shower as Anna continues to delay, Sean warns her that using the same ruse more than once is not wise. He reminds her that Robert used Holly as a cover the night of Celia and Jimmy Lee's engagement party. He then insists on seeing Robert and goes to enter the bathroom over Anna's protest. Robert exits the bathroom at the last minute in a towel, seemingly just out of the shower. Sean is satisfied with Robert's presence and leaves. Anna is truly amazed to see him (exactly how did he get into the bathroom? LOL!). She tells him that Grant brought him clothes, after she got Sean's goon tossed out of the hotel.

He fills her in that he believes Sean has put together a crack team of ex-WSB agents. He reports Prescott is a former agent and Sawyer and Morgan were WSB informants. Anna observes if Robert is right then they are up against a highly trained team led by an expert, Robert grins that he likes those odds. He continues that he asked Valentine to put together a list of all ex agents on the eastern seaboard and wants to know their current whereabouts. Frisco calls and Robert requests their presence at the hotel ASAP. Robert tells his team that he is going to be the hunter and they are going to play some mind games with Sean and he knows Sean's weaknesses. He warns Frisco and Felicia that this will get very dangerous and gives them an out which of course they don't choose as they are in this all the way. Grant calls and tells Robert that Sean has demanded the jewels that Frisco has stolen before the train leaves. Robert tells Grant where the safe deposit key is to the box that holds the treasure and instructs him to give the key to Sean. Frisco is flabbergasted at this plan. Robert gives Frisco they duplicate key and tells him to move all of the pieces except for the crown. Frisco is still unhappy at letting Sean have access to the crown but Robert assures him the jewels is their weapon against Sean and that is his weakness, his desire to have the entire treasure and he assures Frisco that Sean will be busted with the entire collection.

Grant gives Sean the key and he is very pleased with Grant's success. He reports back to Grant that he can't get access to the bank as they have extreme security measures but at least with Frisco and Felicia on the train he will know the treasure's location. Robert, Anna, and Frisco arrive on the train and all of the guests gather as Sean proposes a toast to Celia and Jimmy Lee. The train departs, and as everyone begins to celebrate, Felicia arrives wearing the Aztec necklace! Sean is shocked to see her wearing this piece! He comments on her necklace and she says that her grandmother gave it to her. Felicia gives Anna the necklace and swears it for a bit then passes it back to Felicia further making Sean nuts. Robert and Anna continue their romantic pretense on the train acting quite cozy, Holly's friends are disturbed by Robert's attention towards Anna and begin giving her the cold shoulder. Celia is very unhappy with Robert's behavior and lets him know what she thinks of him two timing Holly.

Holly continues to try to work Marty's admiration for Robert. She suggests that he allow her to escape and that they could make it look like Holly is ill and he would run off to get Prescott and then Holly would escape. Unfortunately, Marty doesn't go for it. Prescott overhears as Marty tells her that she isn't going to sucker him into any plan as he works for Sean. Robert plans to set Sean up by having Felicia drop the bracelet where Sean can pick it up. He plans on then being able to arrest Sean once he has possession of the jewels. Sean doesn't fall for it and returns the bracelet to Robert. Robert informs him that he sleeps with the jewels every night and Sean will have to kill him to get to the jewels but warns him to leave the ladies alone.

They stop in a town along the way, and Robert receives photos of all of the ex agents he asked about. He leaves a photo of Prescott on Sean's bed, his message that he knows about Prescott. Grant identifies another one as a man he just met with Sean at a hotel room. Robert tells him the guy is an explosive expert and the fact that Sean is bringing someone else in indicates that perhaps he doesn't trust Grant. There is a party at the hotel and Robert asks Frisco and Felicia to put the radio on and make noise in his hotel room to make people think he and Anna are in the room. Sean makes arrangements with a group of goons to detain Robert, Anna, Felicia and Frisco in the town for four days. Sean asks them to be careful and be gentle with their captives. Frisco and Felicia are making out in Robert's room when the goons burst in, take them captive and tie them to chairs. After the goons leave, Grant comes up and hits the one left guarding the door behind. Meanwhile, the goons try to take Robert and Anna captive and are in for a rude awakening from our black belt heroes. Anna whips off her costume skirt and takes on the bad guys in her bloomers and her and Robert make quick work of them. Sean is shocked to see Frisco and Felicia saunter back on the train and even less pleased to see Robert and Anna rejoin the party.

Holly continues to try to ingratiate herself with Marty, and continues to try to mess with Prescott's mind. She continues to plant seeds with both of them of Robert's tenacity and experience as an agent and how much jeopardy they are both in. Holly also tries to play on Prescott's fears of a train collision, of something going wrong with their plan, of any delay in between Sean's calls as Prescott is not allowed to call Sean. Robert has picked up a device and is now able to listen into Sean's cell phone conversation. Unfortunately, the transmission is garbled and there is so much noise on the train that Robert has a difficult time eavesdropping especially when the Q's start playing music and singing! Frisco is sent into action, dancing Felicia into the Victrola, knocking it off the table. Sean is calling Mr. Woo about selling the treasure. They all realize that if Sean gets to the treasure and sells it they will never be able to get it back. Sean learns that Frisco and Felicia had help escaping his goons and gets a description of Grant, blowing his cover. Robert tells Grant that he has to be very careful and Sean is very dangerous when betrayed and he doesn't want Grant in any additional danger. They agree that Robert and Anna have to have a falling out that is believable enough that Sean will then take Anna onto his side and trust her. Robert has Burt plant an article about the Aztec Crown in the local newspaper and Sean sees it when they stop for a picnic in another town along the way. Robert has a telegraph sent from NY to Sean supposedly from Mr. Woo saying that he saw the newspaper article and that the treasure has to be intact with all pieces including the crown or there is no deal.

Robert tells Anna that he has an idea for a fight that will convince Sean that they are really through. He won't tell her what the idea is as he wants her to act spontaneously and he tells her just to follow his lead. While they are picnicking, he tells Anna to act like she has something in her eye. He draws her close and while trying to wipe it out, he very dramatically pulls off the scar. Robert makes a good show of his shock and betrayal. He says she knew he felt responsible for her scar and used it to play on his guilt and get his sympathy. He accuses her of being a compulsive liar and that she has destroyed his life, stole him from his wife and broke up his marriage. Sean tries to intervene and Robert tells him to butt out. He says he is fed up with her lies and asks if she was going to tell him about the fake scar before or after he divorced Holly? He tells her it doesn't matter as he will do anything to patch up his marriage and there isn't going to be any divorce! He tells her he wouldn't be with her if she was the last woman on earth. Even though she knows he is acting, she is hurt and her eyes fill with tears at the cruel words. Robert tells Frisco to stall the train so that the telegram has time to be delivered to Sean. Frisco is very quiet and tells Robert that he really plays hardball (referring to his treatment of Anna). Frisco and Felicia are successful and the telegram arrives for Sean just before the train is finally going to be departing.

Monica and Gail are commiserating over poor Robert and Monica says she wouldn't trust Anna as far as she could throw her. Edward loves seeing someone get the drop on Robert and admires Anna. Anna enters and the ladies coolly exit the room. Edward offers to make her a drink, she refuses and says she would just like to sit and collect her thoughts for a moment and they leave her alone. Buzz Stricker enters and is very kind to Anna. He says that while he doesn't know her very well, he doesn't believe what Robert said about her and offers a sympathetic ear should she need someone to talk to. After Buzz leaves, Sean enters and apologizes to her for Robert's behavior, he says that was quite a shocker even for Robert. She doesn't want to hear it and says that Sean was just as capable of ripping the scar off of her face. She determines they are both just alike, that neither of them cares who they hurt or how they do it. She has never been so humiliated in her entire life! He asks her why the fake scar? She tells him she did it out of guilt and out of love for Robert. She was still in love with Robert up until the moment he ripped her scar off of her face. She said she wore the scar as a penance but that is now over. He encourages her that perhaps when Robert has a chance to think it over that he will reconsider. She doesn't care as she is over it. She says a love as passionate as theirs could only end in hate. He wants to know what her plans are now? She asks why would he care? He offers that they could resume their business partnership. She asks if he could really trust her again? He says yes under certain conditions. She offers up that Grant is no longer loyal to him and has gone over to Robert's side. He tells her nice try but he already knew that. She then offers up the jewels that she bought from Slater to return to his collection. This appeases him and he says if that happens that would be one of the conditions. He tells her that he needs to make a call that he doesn't want Robert to overhear. Sean calls and checks in with Marty who reports everything is going fine. After the call, Holly continues to beg Marty for his help in her escaping. She pleads that without her help that she may never return to her husband. She has told him that Prescott has hinted that he tends to kill her when this is over and repeatedly asks him for help. He ignores her pleas though we get the sense that he is weakening and that he would act to protect her if needed.

Felicia and Frisco also comment that his actions rocked them. He points out to them that the point was to rock Sean. Robert runs into Anna and she is truly hurt and angry with him. She can't believe he would rip off her scar in front of everyone. He apologizes to her and tells her it was one of the most difficult things he has had to do in his life. He tells her that her reaction had to be genuine or Sean would have seen through it. She tells him that it worked that all she has to do is to give Sean the jewels she bought from Slater. She believes Sean will want the whole collection including the bracelet and the necklace. Anna with tears in her eyes, she is feeling sad and quite friendless. Robert is sorry about all of this. Anna lets him off the hook and tells him that he has to be ruthless in this. They both worry about what Prescott is up to, as they believe he is doing something on Sean's behalf and can't imagine what it is. They are right as when Anna returns to Sean with the jewels from Slater, that Sean tells her he also wants her to get the necklace and the bracelet and if she does this that she will truly be his partner. Celia stops Anna and tells her she wishes Holly could have seen the big reveal about Anna's scar. She dearly hopes that it is not too late for Robert and Holly and that he will win his wife back. Anna tells her she has it all wrong but Celia doesn't want to hear it.

They arrive in Love's Hope, the wedding location. On the morning of Celia's wedding, Felicia gives her Jimmy Lee's necklace as a wedding gift and agrees with Celia that she should wear his gift. Celia gives her back the necklace and bracelet and thanks her for the loan of her family heirlooms. Robert slips into Anna's room, surprising her. He tells her he has a tracking device for her and asks her where she wants to wear it? She suggests somewhere that Sean won't find it. He slips it into her bust and drops it inside her bra. Sean arrives and Robert hides in her closet. He begins searching around the room and almost opens the closet but Felicia and Frisco arrive and distracts him. Felicia slips her the jewels that she has retrieved from Celia. They all go down to the wedding breakfast and Anna says she will finish dressing and join them shortly. Grant comes over to Sean and Anna's table and tells Sean that he is going back to GH and back to his life as a doctor. That surprises Sean but Grant tells him that their partnership is over, that big business isn't for him. After Grant leaves, Anna observes that is probably his way of making his exit as Robert believes the treasure will be moved during the wedding. Anna scoffs at this that she believes the treasure is probably hundreds of miles away by now and he agrees that she is right!

Anna gets a message to Robert that the treasure is hundreds of miles away. Celia and Grant's wedding in the park begins as Felicia and Frisco nervously wait for Robert to arrive. Robert has received six of the digits of Prescott's number and is trying to figure out the seventh number. He reaches Prescott and as he picks up the phone, Holly starts screaming for help and Robert recognizes her voice. He runs to the wedding as he realizes that Sean is holding Holly hostage and that he knows where she is. In the meantime, the wedding ends and Sean immediately whisks Anna off by helicopter. Frisco and Felicia do their best to delay their departure, as Anna's tracking device is only good for 300 miles. Robert rushes off. As Marty and Prescott make preparations to leave the train, Marty leaves Holly a key to her handcuffs so that she can get free after they have left. He throws it just out of her reach.

They are all instantly transported back to Port Charles by the next episode, many discussions of everyone flying out last night. So there was no wedding reception as so much partying had gone on before the wedding. Luke calls Ruby and tells her that he and Laura have had a baby boy.  Robert is back home worried sick about Holly, Luke also calls him to tell him about Lucky's birth, and then Bobbie receives a phone call from her brother (no Tony Geary is not seen in any of these phone calls but nice the show thought to fill the viewers in). Felicia and Frisco arrives at Robert's, Felicia tells Robert that she has received a call from Sean telling her to bring the crown to a meeting place or else Anna would die!

Robert tells Frisco and Felicia to not answer the phone today, as he needs time to find Holly. He further instructs her that the more time they can delay Sean the more time they will have to also find Anna and this will stall Sean from selling the treasure. Frisco insists that Felicia will not be going to the drop alone and Robert agrees.  Anna had told Robert she had dealings with Woo and she recalled him mentioning a home in Canada. Robert orders a helicopter search north towards the Canadian border and to be on the lookout for a train traveling illegally by night. Robert gets a couple of reports of an old Pullman car traveling by night and the reports come from towns along the way towards the Canadian border. Sean sends Robert a telegram telling him to back off that Sean has Holly!

Later that night, Felicia and Frisco are making out and are interrupted by the call from Sean's man telling her to come to the waterfront tomorrow at midnight with the crown and to come alone. Frisco assures her that he will never let anything happen to her. Robert arrives the next morning and interrupts them making out again, he wants the full report on the phone call. Robert tells them that the delivery will not take place that night but tomorrow. Robert tells them that they will get the crown out of the safe deposit box and give it to Sean. Frisco doesn't like this plan at all! Robert tells him that they will use the crown as bait and follow the messenger (I don't understand why he doesn't trade the crown for Holly?).

Sean hits on Anna and begins kissing her and finds the homing device, she grabs it and throws it out of the window. He isn't worried as he says there is no way Robert is going to pick up on that signal as Robert has no idea where they are and the best homing device in the world only has a range of 300 miles. He asks her if she would like to pick up where they left off? She tells him to just try it and he will be dead!

Holly has struggled for two days to reach the key and is finally successful and is able to get free. Robert gets word that on of the search helicopters have picked up a Morse code signal from a heavily wooded area and knowing that Holly knows Morse Code he is sure that it is from her. Grant has Frisco dress up in a sailor's suit but he leaves the room in the sailor suit and Sean's man spots him and cancels the drop. When they return to Felicia's room, Sean's man is there waiting for them and he holds Felicia at gunpoint. Holly wanders in the woods, and collapses from dehydration. Robert has arrived via helicopter and rappels down into the woods and begins searching for her. Robert finds a barely conscious Holly and holds her tenderly. He tells her that he will never let her go. She says that they left her to die in the wilderness. Holly shakingly tells Robert about her desperate effort to escape and that Sean did this to her!

Sean tells her that Robert used Frisco and Felicia as bait and they are being brought to him now along with the crown. Anna doesn’t believe that Robert would use Frisco and Felicia as decoys. Anna believes its all a setup, that Robert is setting a trap for Sean. She says everything she can think of to undermine Sean’s confidence in his plan.

At a local hospital, Robert is told that Holly will be okay but she needs to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days. Holly wakes up when she hears the homing device go off. She asks Robert if Anna is in great danger? He confirms that she is, and Holly hopes that Anna will be okay. He has filled her in on Grant’s actions and she says he must love Celia very much to do all of this for her. He tells her how much he loves her and that it took this whole ordeal for her to realize how much Robert does love her. He tells her that he doesn’t want to leave her but she understands that he has to go after Sean and find the treasure. He tells her that he doesn’t care about the treasure that he just wants Sean for what he has done to Holly! He holds her and tells her that when this is all over that they will do whatever she wants, even go to the moon. He asks her if she is sure that she wants to be his wife again and she says more than anything!

She tells him about Marty and how kind he was to her and that she doesn't know if she would have survived without him. He promises to help him if he can. The goon arrives at Sean’s with Frisco and Felicia in town and he delivers the crown. They are reunited with Anna and they are relieved to learn she is safe. Sean believes that he has won!

Burt arrives in the woods and tells Robert that Frisco and Felicia have disappeared from Port Charles the day after the drop failed. Robert gets a signal from the homing device and begins to follow it. Prescott finds it and brings it to Sean who can’t believe that they haven’t already destroyed it and he does so immediately cutting off the signal to Robert who has already tracked them to the hotel.

Robert grabs Marty and pulls him into a linen closet. Robert tells him he has had a good day and so he will do Marty a favor and wants to know if he will deal with him? He says that Marty is supposed to be an understanding and reasonable guy according to his wife. He asks how Holly is and Robert reports she is alive and well. Marty responds that is thanks to him. He wants to know why he should work with Robert? Robert says that he will beat Sean and he will make sure Marty gets a fair deal on the other end when he is facing prison time. As Robert holds the gun on him, he asks Marty if he will work with him? He agrees not having much other choice. Robert congratulates him for now joining the winning team. He tells Marty that he needs 15 minutes alone with Anna later that night.

When Robert arrives, Anna is so relieved to see him and beings babbling about throwing the bug out the window and Sean finding and destroying it. Robert tells her that he can’t make any move against Sean until he can catch Sean with the treasure. Anna tells Robert that the treasure has already been taking over the border and is near where the transfer is to take place. She tells him that it is in a chalet just over the border that is reachable only by tram. Anna can’t wait to see Sean behind bars. He tells her that he can’t even begin to pull it off without her help. Robert assures her that Sean is going to pay for everything that has happened.

Anna tells Robert that when he arrests Sean that he also has to arrest her as well! He refuses but she says she started out on the wrong side of this and she has a conscience. He tells her that they will sort this out together, the treasure will go back to Mexico, they will go their separate ways. He tells her that she will build a new life because, “Darling, you have earned it!”  He tells her that he is going to build a life with Holly. She agrees. Sean returns as while Robert is still talking to Anna in the room. She worriedly tells him that there is no other way out of the room.

Anna lies in the middle of the room in a pretend faint. Sean comes in and is immediately concerned about her and goes into the bathroom to get water and Robert (who is hiding behind the door) sneaks out of the room. Robert fills Burt in on everything he found out. He also tells Burt that he will be resigning from his job when this is all over.

Sean is still impatiently waiting for contact from Mr. Woo. Anna tells him that his wait is over as his emissary is sitting at a table across the restaurant (it’s really Robert in a great disguise). Sean wants to approach him but Anna tells him to wait for him to approach. Mr. Wang leaves a fortune cookie on their table with a message to take the treasure and go to the chalet and he will meet Sean there. To avoid detection, Robert gives assistance to an elderly woman and the goons don’t spot him as he enters the tram and begins his journey up the mountain.

Anna and Sean take a later tram and arrive at the mountain top chalet. Frisco and Felicia have already arrived with Prescott, Sawyer and Morgan. Sean is nervous about Robert and orders Sawyer and Morgan to patrol the grounds as Sean and Prescott nervously watch through the window. Anna tells Sean that Mr. Woo is very careful and he has to be very patient when dealing with Mr. Woo. Anna freaks them all out when she tells them that Mr. Woo is likely to keep them waiting for days.

Robert is outside and hides in a storage shed to avoid detection. When Marty sees him, he trips and fakes an injury to his arm to get Sawyer out of the shed.

Burt stays behind at the hospital to watch over Holly. He and Robert stay in touch via walkie-talkies and Burt tells him they can’t hold Mr. Woo much longer. Holly begs to talk to Robert and tells him how much she loves him and urges him to be careful. Afterwards as Burt tries to reassure Holly, she tells him that she knows how much her husband thrives on dangerous situations. Burt tells Holly that he contacted Celia in Bermuda and she is cutting her honeymoon short to return to be with Holly. He comments on what a good friend she is and Holly is thrilled to hear that Celia will be with her and is glad she didn’t know of Burt’s plan as she would have told him not to contact Celia.

Celia arrives to see Holly and they enjoy a happy reunion. Holly tells her about her captivity. Celia cannot believe that Sean was holding her hostage while he was playing the perfect host. Celia starts to tell her about Robert’s romance with Anna. Holly stops her and tells her that it was a pretense to make Sean think that Robert was more interested in Anna than in the treasure.

Holly tells Celia about Grant stealing the treasure from Sean. Holly reports that he hoped the money would help him win Celia back. Celia is devastated that Grant thinks that she will go to the highest bidder. She feels responsible for Grant’s actions but she is relieved that he didn’t have anything to do with Holly’s kidnapping. They share a good cry together.

**The End**

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