Robert & Anna #8  December 4 , 1991 – February 6, 1992 – 8 hours

#8A  Mac shows up for breakfast at the Scorpio's. He is feeling a bit let down now that all of the excitement is over. Anna and Sean head over to GH to visit Paul. Sean appreciates the price that Paul paid in order to get them a copy of the virus. They fill him in on the demise of the cartel and the incarceration of the Taub and Faison. Paul says he owes them both and he won't forget it. He is relieved that this is finally over! He asks if Robert will be filing a criminal indictment against him for helping the cartel? Anna tells him not to worry about that. Tony assures him that he will make sure his daughter gets the medication to keep her healthy until he can find the cure. Tiffany shows up and they decide to throw a party to celebrate at the Outback.

Anna meets Robert back at home and they are both so relieved that everything is back to normal. She suggests they go up to bed for the afternoon. Lewis calls and interrupts and Robert tells him something urgent has come up and he has to go. They race back upstairs and are interrupted by a ringing phone again. Anna reluctantly goes off to answer it. She responds that the bureau is sending agents to the PCPD to meet with him. They begin kissing again and this time they are interrupted by Robin's unexpected arrival home. She tells them that she is going out on another group date. He doesn't want her to go if "that little fiend from the other night will be there?" He comments they got a bit too close. She is horrified that he was spying on her.

Anna tries to stop him and says it was just an innocent little kiss. This makes matters worse as she realizes that her mother was watching as well. Robin smugly says it was no big deal, "I have kissed him hundreds of times all over Port Charles!" Robert is stunned and declares he didn't know anything about this! She doesn't care and turns her back and flounces upstairs. Anna tries to follow her, but comes back down and tells Robert that she is very upset and won't even answer her door. Robert really doesn't want to go into the office. Anna says that its because he doesn't want to turn the cartel case over to the FBI. He says that it was really Anna's deal; he was barely in the credits on this case (not true!). Robert doesn't want Robin going out, as she is only 14! Anna assures him that it is just an innocent movie.

Robin comes downstairs and sees Anna looking at a photo album of her baby pictures. Anna tells her that she has to give them a chance to get used to her growing up that they are used to her being a little girl. Robin sees a picture of her crying and asks why she was crying? Anna tells her a story of Robert dressing up like Santa Claus and he scared Robin and she cried.  (I don't mean to be picky but Robert didn't meet Robin until she was six in 1985. This brave little girl had goons chasing after and trying to steal her doll. One jerk actually pushed her down while she was skating to try to steal her doll! She sneaks into GH, steals back her doll, hides out in GH, sneaks into the medical van, makes her way to the Asian Quarter and hides out with the Ancient One. When she realizes how valuable the black pearls are to the Chinese population she generously gives the pearls back, which had been the eyes for her treasured doll, Cindy. This is hardly a child who just after this is going to cry at the sight of anyone dressed up as Santa. When she found Robert tied up, she thought it was a game and played along! )

A WSB agent arrives at Robert's office to take Faison into custody. Faison is brought into Robert's office to say goodbye and he tells him that Robert will never break him. They exchange barbs about each other's hair and Robert has him taken out. Anna is unusually quiet and tells Robert that she will see him back at the house.

Robin stops by Robert's office and he apologizes to her. He calls her "Pumpkin" and she tells him that is the problem, that she is no longer his little "Pumpkin". He promises to try to accept her growing up. It doesn't last long though. Later that night, she wants to go out and he says no. He knows too well what trouble teens can get into. He doesn't know this boy she wants to date and doesn't feel comfortable with her spending so much time with him. Anna suggests that he allow Robin more freedom, as she isn't sneaking around behind their back. Robert finally gives in and agrees.

Robin comes down the next morning, unsure about her outfit, wanting her mother's opinion. She goes back upstairs to change again. Robert doesn't understand this obsession with what she will wear to school. Anna tells him its not about school, its about impressing Roger. This information doesn't help him; he is disturbed to learn this kid has this much power over his daughter. He says that Robin is beautiful and Roger is lucky she even looks at him. The morning routine is interrupted when Robert gets the news that there was a jailbreak. Taub was shot and killed but Faison escaped! Anna is furious and starts throwing things around, as this NEVER ends! Robert arranges police protection for Robin. He observes if this doesn't impress Roger that nothing will!

Tony tells Tiffany and Sean that there is no trace of the virus left and she is completely cured! When Roger arrives and compliments Robin on her appearance, both parents crackup when Robin responds that she just threw on something quickly. Roger comments on the police car in front of the house. Robin tells Roger that she can't walk to school, she has to ride in the squad car. He is welcome to come with her but she understands if he would be embarrassed to do so. Robert tells him that will also be their mode of transportation that evening as well. Roger thinks it's very cool and offers to take her out to breakfast the next morning, if they can also ride in the squad car.

After they leave, Robert fumes a bit about their breakfast date. But says that he might actually owe Faison on this one (them having police chaperon). Anna turns the tables and suggests he's being overprotective because of his behavior as a teen. She asks about his first date? Robert pleads the fifth.  Tony, Bobbie, Sean, and Tiffany begin celebrating with champagne. Even Sean gives Tony a big hug. Anna and Robert arrive to share in the celebration. When Robert and Sean have a private moment, Robert asks if Sean has heard the news of Faison's escape. He says yes but Tiffany doesn't yet know. They agree not to spoil her party.

Robert's furious after Anna gets a videotape from Cesar saying they'll be together and that he will be coming for her soon!  A shaken Anna tries to reassure her worried hubby that Cesar could never come between them. An orchid is delivered to Anna's doorstep emphasizing his words.
Robert calls Mac and tells him about Taub's death and also about Faison's escape. They later tell Mac about the video which unfortunately didn't leave them any clues as to his location.

Robin's police guard arrives at the Scorpio's and tells them that Robin gave him the slip at Wyndham's. Robert is furious and wants to put out an APB on her! Anna stalls him, grabs the walkie talkie and gets ahold of Robin and wants to know where she is. She assures them she is on her way home and is only a few houses away. Anna tells her to get home immediately. When Robin arrives, Robert reams her for sneaking away from her guard and how serious this situation is. When he leaves the room, she quietly confides in her mother that she had to buy a bra. Anna understands her need for privacy but makes her promise she will never do that again. Once Robert learns the reason, both he and Robin embarrassingly avoid the reason and pretend nothing happened, though Robin agrees not to ditch the guards anymore.

Robert meets with Mac and they have some brotherly bonding over drinks. Robert tells him that he feels uneasy and wants to assign a police guard to Mac so that Faison doesn't have a chance to screw up his Christmas anymore than he already has. Mac doesn't like the idea of police protection but admits he also feels uneasy. They remember Tanganeiva's words about trouble coming for them in many faces. Anna sits alone watching Faison's tape. When she finds another orchid on her doorstep, she loses it and smashes the flower.

Bill returns to town and Robert tells Bill the bad news about Faison's escape. He also assigns a police guard to Bill. He doesn't think that is necessary as he is sure that Faison is in another country by now. Robert says no he isn't that Anna has already received a videotape from him. Robert admits that Faison's obsession with Anna scares the hell out of him.

Later that night, while Robert appears ready for some "hanky panky", Anna is not in a joking mood. She tells him about receiving an orchid from Faison. Robert is even more concerned at further evidence of Faison being so close. She excuses herself to get ready for bed. She comes out teasing Robert by wearing a flannel nightgown buttoned up to her neck. He is less than impressed, she defends that it is cold. She slips out of it, revealing a black negligee, which he appreciates much more. She climbs into bed with him and he questions her socks. She says her feet are cold. He dives under the covers to remove them saying, "I will be right back!"

In the scenes from Finola's last 1991 episode, the Scorpio family return from their trip to Washington D.C. Mac is at the house and has been worried and tells them next time to let check in with him. They decide to start celebrating the holidays and make plans to spend the day together and get their Christmas tree. Robin asks if Roger can come to? Robert is not thrilled at this idea, the doorbell rings and of course its Roger with perfect timing. Robert invites him to accompany them to get their tree.

Later, they return and debate where to put the tree. Robert and Roger bond over putting up the tree. When they are alone Anna teases that she thinks Robert is starting to like Roger. She laughs that he is a lot like Robert as he likes to boss people around. She marvels that they are in their own home, with Robin, decorating the tree, having Mac over dinner that night and she is enjoying their new domesticity. When Roger compliments Anna on her cooking, Robert chokes and says, "If you only knew. Hopefully her only contribution is to put them on the plate!"

Anna tries to get Robert to admit that he likes Roger, he hems and haws and she tells him that she likes him. Mac arrives at the door and has brought a date, Charlotte. She is a psychiatric nurse and Robert jokes, "You will do well in this town!" When he gets Mac alone, he grills him about his feelings for "Charlie" and is happy that he seems to be getting over Dominique. Mac comments on the interrogation and Robert reminds him that he is a cop.

The Scorpio family, with Roger and Mac and Charlie, all sit down to enjoy a holiday dinner. Robert toasts to their future and enjoying many happy Christmas' in their new home together (don't we wish!). Charlie tells them about her life, then asks about Roger. He talks about playing basketball and then being in a garage band. He and Charlie banter a bit and he invites her to come see him play sometime. She laughs whether he is asking her to watch him play basketball or his band? When he passes the mustard to Robin he spills some on her and she gets up in a jealous huff and walks off. Anna follows her into the kitchen to give her some motherly advice.

Later that night, Anna puts Christmas ornaments on her ears as earrings. He is curious about her advice to Robin and she says she just told her to never mind how he was behaving in front of Charlie. Robert kisses her sweetly. (Finola's Last Scenes as Anna Devane until 1995).

In the very next scene, Camilla Moore begins as Anna Devane on December 20th. Anna and Robin wrap presents together and Anna starts singing Christmas carols. Anna tells Robin about Olin's cousin, Noriko who will be filling in for Olin while she is visiting her brother (yep not only do we have fake Anna but a fake Olin!). Robin accuses Anna of snooping over her Christmas present from Robert. Anna denies it but Robin points out that being a detective is in her nature so Christmas snooping is to be expected. Robin asks Anna whether she should have to get a Christmas present for Charlie. Robin doesn't really like Charlie very much, she liked Dominique and thinks Mac belongs with Dom.

Down at the PD, Gus and Robert are going over case files. Gus is relieved that the cartel case is closed. Robert stops him as there are some lose ends to close up first. Remy comes bounding in wearing a Santa hat singing Christmas carols, Robert teases her that she is out of uniform. Sean arrives grinning with good news. They discuss Robert's Christmas present for Anna. Robert is worried about the condition, Sean assures him that it is reportedly in perfect shape. Robert is thrilled and says this is the best gift he could give her. Robert offers to spring for lunch. Sean begs off and says he has errands of his own to run with his anniversary the next day.

Remy brings in a present that was delivered to Robert. It is the letter "S". Sean tells him that he also received a letter "I" that same morning. Robert wonders what the point is of these strange gifts. Mac, Paul, Tony, and Bill each receive a wooden block with different letters of the alphabet. They're all wondering what Anna will get. Robert tells Anna about  the mysterious letters that they have all been receiving. Sean arrives and Robert tells him that Remy has collected all of the letters and she soon arrives. They set the letters our and soon realize that the letters spell "Faison". Anna is curious that she didn't receive a package and didn't receive a letter.

Robin comes downstairs and tells Anna that a messenger has left a package for her and gives it to her. Robin hurries out to meet her friend. Anna opens the box and finds other letters which she puts with the others to spell out "FAISON KILLS." The group's chilled, and worried when and how Faison will retaliate against them. Robert wants to go searching for Faison. Anna begs him to wait and spend Christmas with his family before leaving. Robert tells her that the police department are all working hard to protect everyone who received letters. He claims that he feels guilty for his staff who are working on Christmas while he enjoys time with his family. She knows him better and says this thing with Faison is personal. He says that he loves her and Robin so much and wants to protect them. Robin comes in and wants to go shopping and promises to take her guard with her. She wants to get her father another present. He says no and tells her to draw him a picture as she is the only present he wants.

Sean tells Robert that Connor asked him to find his father, an American who went by the name "El Patron". Sean tells him that he is El Patron as Robert laughs at this tale. Robert congratulates Sean on being a father. Sean says he doesn't know, that he was a bit of a hero at the time and that many women would have liked to have said that El Patron was the father of their baby. But there was one woman that he had an affair with but they didn't exchange their real names. He confides to Robert that as El Patron he did do some things that could still come back to him, things he isn't proud of , and this could be a trap to get revenge on him.

On Christmas Eve, another delivery arrives and Robin places it under the tree. Anna is checking all of her packages to see what Robert brought her. Anna picks up the package and realizes it's ticking. Thinking fast, she orders Robin to leave the room and get Robert, who's in house office. Robin cries for her father. Anna believing it is a bomb, runs upstairs. Robert runs in and tells Mac to get out of the room as he calls after Anna and rushes  upstairs where she has dropped the package into the toilet. A chagrined Robert's not pleased when the package turns out to be an antique clock he bought for Anna for Christmas.

Dominque surprises them with a return to town and shows up at the Scorpio house. They all comment on how beautiful she looks (new actress in the role). They all head over to GH for the annual party complete with carols and Steve Hardy's reading of the Christmas story. Afterwards, they all return to the Scorpio house for a party: Sean & Tiffany, Robert & Fake Anna, Mac & Dominique, Charlie & Connor. Sean is surprised that Robert has invited Connor, but Robert defends that the poor guy had nowhere else to go. Robert gives Anna a jade Buddha, (the one from the Asian Quarter storyline in 1985). She is shocked and thrilled and asks where he got it. He is vague and says that he and Sean put their heads together. The holiday scenes end with a nice music montage of various scenes as Connor sings.

Robert drops by Sean's after Christmas and tells him he got a picture of Connor's mother. When Tiffany leaves the room later, Robert comments that it is obvious that Sean hasn't told Tiffany about Connor possibly being his son. Sean doesn't want to tell her anything until he knows for sure. Robert recommends that he might want to prepare her for the possibility of having a new step-son. Sean disagrees and doesn't think it will help his marriage to start talking about a former love. Sean is moved when he sees her picture, Connor's mother is the woman he loved.

Sean tells Robert about his affair and how one night she didn't show up. He now realizes she was married. Robert asks if he now believes Connor is his son? Sean is still not sure, it could still be a set up as he was involved in some shady deals, gun running, and this could be a revenge plot. He wants to see Connor's birth certificate. Robert offers to help him with that.

Robert meets with Paul who has been brought up on charges for his involvement with the cartel. Robert tells him he has testified that Paul helped them bring down the cartel, and got a copy of the virus at great personal risk to himself. Robert then meets with Connor and offers his help with Connor's immigration problem. He asks for a copy of his birth certificate but Connor doesn't have one.

Robert is investigating a stalker who attacks brunettes. Anna is out at the moment and Robert is relieved when she arrives safely at his office. He shows her a sketch of the stalker. Anna tells Robert that Dominque thinks that Charlie is stalking her, she has been getting phone calls and then hang ups. Anna tells Audrey that she also received an odd phone call from Charlie. They get a lead and rush over to Dom's and find Charlie attacking her. The boys quickly over power him as Anna comforts Dom. Robert seems itching to shoot Charlie and hauls him off as a relieved Mac makes sure Dom is alright.

It's New Year's Eve, Robin and Anna are getting ready to go out. Robin is having a party and they warn her that she is only to have six girlfriends over. Sean, Tiffany, Robert, Anna, and Bill all gather at Mac's club to celebrate. Robert and Anna dance and he asks why they are still there when they could be home alone together. She reminds him that Robin is having a party.  Back home, boys arrive at Robin's party bearing pizza. Olin has also been replaced with her cousin. She comes downstairs and seeing the boys there shoos everyone out of the house.

In January, Roger shows up and asks Robin if she will accept the nomination as class president for the Freshman class. Anna loves the idea and reminds her of what a good job she did as a 7th grader. When Robert goes into the office, a WSB friend shows up and tells him that the Chief is retiring and offers him the job as the head of the WSB! He tells him he is the old man's one and only choice. The agent tempts Robert that he will have complete control over staffing and hiring. He continues that Robin could go to the best school and all of the cultural opportunities in Washington. Robert is flattered and begins weighing the pros and cons.

Robert arrives home and tells Anna about his job offer. He entices her that she could resume her job as an agent. Anna is worried about uprooting Robin, but Robert points out how adaptable Robin is. Anna reminds him that the WSB is an all consuming job and is very dangerous. She asks if this is the best thing for Robin right now and doesn't want to make a snap decision. Anna accuses him of being drawn to the power of the position. He disputes that and says this position would allow him to control the investigation into where Faison is and that is something he feels the need to do.

Robert arrives at the Quartermaine's and has to arrest Paul. Tracy has a meltdown. Robert promises Paul he will do what he can for him at the arraignment and try to help him get bail. At the courthouse, the DA tells Robert that regardless of what Paul may have done later on, he tried to have both Robert and Mac killed! Robert tells the judge that Paul has had the chance to leave town had that been his intention. The judge grants bail with a million dollar bond. Paul thanks Robert for his help and Robert asks him to honor his word as Robert went out on a limb for him.

Robin is preparing for her campaign and Anna coaches her, though Robert is concerned about her liberal leanings. When the poster she ordered arrives from the printer, it is a picture of Faison and Anna! Robert demands to know where this comes from and begins trying to track Faison. Roger arrives to await the election results with her. He is curious about the dartboard with Faison's picture in the middle and thinks it is very cool. Robin arrives and excitedly announces that she won! Later, Robert and Anna stop by the Outback to find it closed for a private party. They return home and enjoy time alone together, hugging and kissing. She tells him the WSB would be lucky to have him and takes him off upstairs.

Robert calls from out of town and tells Robin that he is sorry he can't be there for her acceptance speech. Robert tells him the WSB wants him to take the job big time. He reports that the search for Faison is ongoing but no results yet. He warns her to continue to take precautions. Anna goes shopping and runs into Julia Barrett. They wind up going to lunch and make peace. Julia assures her that she is moving on past her father's death and things are going well with Bill.

Robin is at school hanging out with her friends after her speech. They congratulate her and tease her. The bell rings and as the kids head off to their classes, Robin stops to get something from her locker. A new kid grabs her and pushes her out of the door and shuts the door behind her so she is locked out. She pounds on the door demanding that he let her back in. Later when she gets home, Robin tells Anna about what happened. Anna asks if she reported it? Robin says no and asks her mom to just let it go as the kid was just someone who voted against her. The next day, he hassles her again. He throws her books down and when she picks them up, he pushes her down and they start fighting.

Anna testifies at Paul's trial. Then Tony tesitifes, Paul is eventually cleared as the judge deteremines he acted under exreme duress. Anna gets a call at the courthouse about Robin's fight. She meets Robin at home and she fills Anna in on the situation. Anna finds it very peculiar. Robin tells her she hasn't known him long enough for him to dislike her. Robin tells Anna that she was just defending herself after he pushed her down and if she hadn't she might have been more seriously hurt. Anna is upset and calls the principal's office to discuss it as she can't believe that Robin is being suspended when Frankie started the fight. Mac calls and invites Anna to attend the birthday party Dom is throwing for him in New York. She thanks him for the invite but says she can't leave and tells him about the problem Robin is having at school.

Robert calls, still very worried about the safety of his family. Anna assures him that they are fine and she will take care of this problem with the boy at school. Anna suggests that he stop in New York for Mac's birthday party before heading home. Sean stops by and they discuss Robert's job offer at the WSB. Anna is worried that he will take the job only to have the resources to hunt Faison. Robin arrives and fills Sean in, getting defense, until he stops her and tells her that he is on her side!

Anna meets with the principal and they wait quite awhile for the Taylor family to arrive. Anna puts the blame squarely on Frankie. The principal tells her that no one saw how the fight began and she felt she had no choice but to suspend Robin as Frankie said she started the fight. Anna completely believes her daughter and tells the principal that this boy is a bully and is jealous of her being elected class president. The principal reports the boy swears that he didn't start the fight. Anna vows to meet with the Taylor's, who she feels sorry for as he is obviously has some very serious problems (which I'm sure Anna intends to point out to them!).

Anna paces as she waits for the boy's parents to arrive, the principal apologizes for keeping Anna waiting so long. Anna is disgusted that they have blown off the meeting and she demands the principal give her the Taylor's home address as Anna wants to go over there and settle this right now. The principal refuses and then makes the mistake of leaving Anna alone in her office to go get her appointment calendar. Back home, Robert calls Robin to check in. (Note: Holly returns at Mac's birthday party and Robert sees her for the first time. These scenes are on the start of the #8B).

Anna arrives at the Taylor's and asks Frankie's mother why she blew off the meeting, suggesting that perhaps she condones her son beating up on a girl! The woman is shocked and doesn't know anything about this situation or any meeting. Anna assures her that her husband, the police commissioner would not be happy to hear that her daughter has been attacked. The woman leaves to get her husband. As Anna waits, Faison enters the room. A shocked Anna asks what he is doing there? He says that he had to do something as she is never alone.

Faison eats dinner though Anna won't and she sits woodenly at the table as he compliments his own cooking. He says that she is welcome to leave anytime. She tries to get him to listen to reason that they have no future together. He tries to get her to admit that she does feel an attraction for him, that she does have feelings for him. He tells her that no one has challenged her as he has. She tells him that he has an obsession for her. He tells her that he is still obsessed if that is what she wants to call it and he will have her! He tells her that her marriage to Robert is not a match made in heaven. He says that he is the only one that can make her happy. She turns to leave telling him that it is time to end this now. He says that it does give him some pleasure to take the woman of his dreams away from Robert. She tries to get out of the house but the door is locked. She demands the keys. He reminds her of how it was in Europe and it will be like that between them again. She denies it and tries to get away from him and turns to take him on. He grabs her from behind and chokes her into submission and carries her unconscious body upstairs, saying "now you are mine!"

#8B  Holly runs into Mac in NY. She introduces herself as Sabrina. She is taken by Mac's eyes and sees Robert's eyes as she looks at him. Mac runs into her again and introduces Dom to her as one of her neighbors. Dom invites Holly to attend Mac's party. Dom promises the party will be full of surprises! Robert soon arrives and Mac is thrilled to see him. Mac is wearing a tux while Robert is wearing his suit. Robert snarks that since he wasn't going to the White House that he didn't pack his suit! The boys tease each other about their ages and just miss seeing Holly on their way out.

Later at the party, they mingle with the guests. Robert leaves to call home to check in and talks to Robin. He just misses running into Holly again! They continue to have near misses throughout the evening. Robert is bothered by not being able to reach Anna. Mac wants details but Robert brushes it off as a school issue that Anna is dealing with, not wanting to spoil Mac's birthday with his worries.

Suddenly the lights go out and the staff scramble to light candles. Robert goes into Dom's bedroom to get more candles and comes across Holly Sutton Scorpio who is there freshening her make up. (Robert and Holly had separated and he believed she had died in a plane crash several years earlier.) He stares at her in shock and disbelief. (not seen: The partygoers enter the room, creating a distraction, and when he turns back towards her, she has disappeared). Holly rushes out as Robert chases after her. Robert questions Mac if he saw a woman? Mac teases Robbie that there is a room full of women! They are distracted by the arrival of Mac's cake.

However, he leaves the party to look for Holly. Mac and Dom find Robert searching and notices how distracted he is. Robert mumbles something about bad lighting, and muses it must have been a ghost as Holly listens in from the other side of the door. Mac wonders if Robert is talking about Dom's new neighbor, Sabrina? Robert doesn't make any connection there.

But Robert can't let it go and questions all of the staff and describes her. He gets a room number and heads up to her apartment. Holly has quickly packed up and is waiting outside the elevator with her bags packed, then impatient takes the stairs just as the elevator doors open and Robert steps out. When she doesn't answer the door, he picks the lock and searches the apartment. He finds a bottle of bubble bath and flashesback to when he joined her in Australia in 1985 and knows that the mystery woman is indeed Holly!

The next morning, Sean arrives at Anna's disturbed to find she hasn't been home and tries to contact her guard. Mac asks Robert about the ghost he thought he saw last night. Robert explains that she is his wife, Holly!  Robert and Mac meet at a diner. Mac asks if Robert is still be married to Holly? Robert admits yes, he is. Dominique tracks them down and tells Robert that Anna didn't come home last night and Sean wants him to return home immediately.

Holly is telling her male companion that she saw Robert. He is surprised that she didn't stay to talk to him. She reminds him that when she came out of the coma that he was engaged to Katherine Delafield, and then later he married Anna Devane! (that must have been some coma as he wasn't supposed to marry Katherine till 1990!) Holly was afraid that he wouldn't love her anymore and couldn't bear that, so she decided not to disrupt his life.

Robert and Sean interview the principal and she fills them in on the fight between Frankie and Robin, and Anna going over to the Taylor's. Robert questions her about the Taylor's and she says that he just transferred to the school after Christmas and he was a good actor as he got the lead in the play. Robert looks knowingly at Sean at the news that the kid is an actor. They then question Robin and she was puzzled why the boy started picking on her for no reason.

The guys then head over to the Taylor's house which is completely empty and the phone is disconnected. Robert knows that Faison set this situation up and has kidnapped Anna! Robert begins the search, poor Robin is worried sick about where her mother is. Robert promises her that he will do everything possible to bring her mother home! Robin hangs out with Sean and Tiffany, they take her to lunch at Kelly's. Tiffany assures her that they will find Anna and she will make Faison's life miserable!

Back home, a worried Robin asks her father if he has any clues, any leads at all? He says that he won't lie to her that he has no information at all. He does promise her that her mother is taking care of herself and that she will be okay. Robin offers to help any way she can. She says that Tiffany suggested that she come down to the news station to help answer the tip line. Robert promises her that he will do everything possible to bring her mother home.

Meanwhile, Holly sits and stares at an old picture of her and Robert and suddenly she sees Mac's face in front of her and realizes that he and Robert are related. She later tells her cousin her suspicions. He suggests that she talk to Robert and ask him? She points out that Robert thinks she is dead! She wants to go home and call of the mission! He tells her that they can't just walk out on this as there is a great deal at stake and their target is still Dominique. She calls her uncle Clive and reports that Dom has ties to someone related to Robert and she saw Robert! He puts her off and says he will contact the buyer and gets her to stay with the mission for the time being. She warns that she won't wait for long.

Sean and Robert examine the Taylor's phone records and Sean recognizes the number to Spoon Island. Robert calls the number and Faison answers the phone. When Robert grows his name, Faison says, "Anna, it's him." And the line goes dead. Robert knows they won't be there for long. Robert finds a recording and knows that it was a set up to lure him there. Robert insists that Anna was there as he can feel it. Sean warns him that they need to be careful while searching as there must be a reason Faison lured them there. Faison has left behind a family portrait of him, Anna, and Robin. Sean reminds him it is a fake and not to go nuts. Sean reminds Robert that Faison is crazy and he is playing games with Robert.

Holly is stands over her suitcase, debating leaving. She can't continue with this scam knowing that Mac's connection to Robert.  Her cousin talks her into staying. She tells him that he doesn't understand, that she lost her responsibility to do this the moment that she saw Robert. Sean and Tiffany go to Ned and Jenny's engagement party. They are approached by many of the guests who express concern over Anna's whereabouts and safety and offer to help.

Holly has decided to leave and packs her bags. She is at the airport and her cousin suggests that she can't continue to run from Robert as he has seen her now. She has to go back and face him. Mac goes into her room (suspecting she is Holly) and finds her note with her flight info and tracks her to the airport. She pretends surprise at seeing him and tells him she is going back to England. He calls her Holly and tells her he is there to bring her back! Shocked that he knows her identity, she asks who he is. He surprises her with the revelation that he is Robert's brother.

Holly insists that she has no place in Robert's life and she has to leave. Mac tells her that she can't run from Robert any longer now that Robert has seen. He tells her that he has never seen Robert so shaken and that he spent all night looking for her and sent Mac looking for her as well. Holly knows he is remarried and is happy. Holly tells Mac that she never meant to hurt Robert and that is why she doesn't want to see him. Mac urges her to face Robert, that he has a right to hear what happened from her. Mac and Holly go back to Dom's, and they all discuss the cover up that Sabrina is really Holly Sutton.

Robert questions the drama teacher about Frankie and is thrilled that she has a photo of the student. Robert goes to the Donnelly's to see Robin. She tells him that all she can think about is her mother. Robert tells her that Faison is so obsessed with Anna that he will look after her so Robert is sure she is safe and Robert is determined to find them. Robert is off to NY to look for Frankie.

Sean and Tiffany return and Robert tells them that he ran into Holly in New York. He says he never caught up with her, but he is sure it was her. Mac is trying to track her down. He tells Sean that him and Holly's separation was due to his work schedule and the blame for their problems was his. But its obvious that she didn't in a plane crash! Robert is worried now about both of his wives. Later, Holly paces restlessly as Mac tries to reach Robert. He finally gets through and tells Robert that Holly is alive. He is shocked to finally hear her voice. He tells her that he will be in New York and asks if she will be there, she says yes that she will.

Barry asks Dom to go to a stamp auction with him and she agrees. Mac is suspicious about this offer and thinks something isn't right with the Barry situation. Holly can't believe that he is going through with the plot to steal the stamp. She doesn't want anything to do with the plan. He tries to guilt her with the reminder that they are the family's only source of income.

Robert arrives in NY and gets a lead on Frankie and is told that he will be coming in for questioning with his mother. Robert confronts Frankie about beating up Robin. He says he never left NY. Finally the mother confesses that they auditioned for the role and that the man said this would help him get his woman back. (Note: Look closely Frankie is played by none other than a VERY young Tobey Maguire, Spiderman!). They tell him about the audition taking place at the motel.

Holly paces as she waits for her meeting with Robert. Holly comments on how much he looks like his brother. She says that his eyes are exactly the same. She says that he looks exactly like Robert did when she married him (huh? LOL!). He tells her that Robert hadn't told him about their marriage. She fills him in on how Robert married her to keep her in the country when she was pregnant with his friend's child. Holly talks about living together and overcome by emotion walks out to the patio just in time for a flashback of R&H early years. Mac fills her in on his own reunion with Robert and how Robert tried to kill him several times! This makes Holly very nervous and she is really dreading the confrontation. She tells Mac how happy they once were. He is curious what made it all fall apart? Just then the doorbell rings.

Robert finally comes face to face with Holly. He can't believe this final confirmation that she is alive! He looks at her in awe and wonderment. He asks where she has been all of this time? He realizes she was never in the plane crash. She tells him that she needed time to think as they were having problems in their marriage as he was so obsessed with his work. He can't believe that she faked her death just to be away from him. She says that she didn't, that her family wanted to see her and then she was in a terrible car accident.

She asks him how he felt about her? He cries that he loved her! He searched every inch of the crash site looking for any sign of her. He becomes angry at her deception and asks why didn't she just get a divorce if she didn't want to be with him? Why did you dismember me, pull me apart, destroy me, to destroy the thing I loved more than life itself. She runs out crying that this is exactly why she didn't want to see him.

Later, he finds her and apologizes for his reaction. She points out that he didn't grieve for very long that he was engaged to the pianist, Katherine Delafield (okay he first kissed Katherine in May, 1989). She continues that then he married Anna Devane AGAIN (okay he didn't get back together with Anna until Feb, 199!). She asks if Anna was the love of his life? Robert points out that he never pretended to be anything that he wasn't and all of that happened after he thought she was DEAD! Mac calls and tells him that the WSB called with a lead on Anna and he is to go to Washington ASAP. Robert asks Mac to go over to the hotel where Frankie met with Faison and see if he can get any info. Holly is disappointed that he has to leave, he tells her he wants to see her again, soon.

Robert soon meets up with Mac at the hotel. Robert didn't get any information from Washington, nothing but dead ends. Mac wants to know what his next step is? Robert doesn't know, he just wants to find Anna. Robert tells Mac what lowlifes he thinks Holly's family is and can't believe she is back with them. Robert questions the hotel manager and he remembers Faison. He tells him that he did find something in the room. He shows him a playbill with the title "Scorpio Descending" and knows it is a message from Faison, yet another taunt.

Holly continues to fidget now that she knows Robert is back in NY as she waits to see Robert again. Barry shows up for a date with Dom, she begs off and asks to postpone. He is eager to see her late husband's stamp (the scam is to steal the stamp). Holly doesn't want anything to do with Barry's scam now that Robert is involved. She says if he is even a bit suspicious that she is out! She can't believe that uncle Clive didn't know that Dom was tied to Robert's brother. Robert gets a fingerprint report that confirms Anna was at Wyndemere.

Robert meets Holly later and they resume catching up. She tells him about the car accident and that she was in a coma for two years. When she came out of it, he was engaged to Katherine. She asks if they are still married and he says yes. She asks if Anna knows that she is alive? He says no and tells her about Anna's dissapearence and Faison's involvement. Holly says maybe that things worked out for the best, for the way they were meant to be, for him to be with Anna. He doesn't want to hear that and doesn't believe in fate, he swears he loved Holly! A package arrives with one of Faison's orchids letting Robert know he is lingering nearby. When they meet again, Holly tells Robert that she is returning to England and she feels its best for them to go their separate ways and Robert sadly agrees. Holly cries as they part again.

Tiffany tells Robert that Robin is refusing to go to school and won't talk about what is bothering her. Robert talks to Robin and she is upset about never seeing him, she declares that she might as well be an orphan! He tells her that he is trying his best to find her mother and that is the only reason he isn't with her. He tells Robin, Sean and Tiffany and updates them on the continuing threat from Faison. Robin is worried that means Faison wants to take her too. Robert has the security increased on their building as Robin is staying with the Donelly's.

Sean gets a call that an audio tape from Anna was delivered to headquarters. She tells him to stop looking for her, that she wants to be with Faison and is sorry to hurt him. Robert is furious and tries to destroy the tape though Sean stops him as it is evidence and may lead them to Faison. Sean tells him about the night that Anna visited Faison in jail and he saw her crying. At the time, he thought maybe it meant that she was relieved he was in jail. But now looking back, she was crying as though grieving for someone she really cared about. Robert refuses to believe that Anna is with Faison willingly and wants the tape analized to see if it has been doctored as Robert believes Faison had spliced that together or used brainwashing again.

Robert goes to question Tom about their hypnosis sessions and if she could still be under his control? Tom can't tell him much due to patient confidentiality. Robert is irate as she has been kidnapped and demands to know if it will it take her death before Tom will provide any information? All Tom will say is that there is something about Faison that makes Anna susceptible to him. Robin is sleeping on the couch that night and he gathers her up in his arms and promises that he won't let anything hurt her!

Robert, Sean, and Mac go over all of the evidence. Robert tells them about Faison's messages at the hotel and the orchid he left when Robert was with Holly. Robert is very worried about Robin's safety. He points out the family picture that includes Robin with Faison and Anna, and that Faison knows how crucial Robin is to Anna's happiness. Bill shows up to help with the Faison investigation. He finds a note telling Julia to contact Nick Barnes and suspects it might be about some hidden money. They surmise if Faison knows about it that he too might be headed in that direction and they agree to pursue that lead.

Julia shows up to entertain Robin while Sean and Tiffany are out. Robin enjoys her company and hopes she will come back. Sean knows that she is tired of being cooped up and offers to play chess with her. Later, Tiffany comforts Robin who is very scared.

Barry is supposedly cataloguing Dom's stamp collection while they look for the one stamp. Barry gets Holly to continue to help him search for the stamp. She is more and more reluctant as she begins bonding with Dom over a few conversations as Barry lurks waiting for his chance. Barry finally determines the stamp must be in Port Charles, and Holly adamantly refuses to go to PC! He continues to guilt her but she says that it would bring back too many memories and wouldn't be fair to either Robert or her. Holly says she won't blow anything or him, she will meet with the buyer and then tell him that she is headed back to England and leave the sale in Barry's capable hands. Holly can't believe that anyone would pay $5 million for a stamp!

Guy, Remy, and a group of officers come in. They all have offered to suspend any scheduled vacations, and offer to work double shifts without pay until Anna is found. Robert is moved and strangely quiet. Remy points out that Anna was their boss too for awhile and this is the first time she can recall him being speechless. He thanks them all and tells them how much this means to him.

The lab tech can't tell him whether the tape is real or a fake. Bill listens to the tape, and observes as Robert is starting to meltdown. Bill tells him not to doubt Anna and give into what Faison wants. He urges Robert not to give up on Anna. Robert promises him that he will never give up on finding her.

Mac arrives with a huge bouquet of flowers for Robin. He picks up some messages and finds a note saying to meet for information about Anna's whereabouts to go to room #780. Faison calls the hotel manager who wants to know when he will be paid? Faison instructs him to go to the same hotel, room #780.

Holly arrives to meet with the buyer, who turns out to be Faison! This time he is going by the name, Martin. He isn't happy that she wants off the project. She says that is correct that she doesn't want to play anymore. She assures him that her cousin, Barry will continue with the project. She says that she won't be going to Port Charles, that when she thought the stamp was in New York City that things were different. Now the stamp could be anywhere and she is out. He assures her that the stamp is in Port Charles and asks why she won't go there. She sharply tells him that is her business.

**The End**

Note: Sadly, this is the end of Finola’s time on GH during the 19991-1992 time frame. Rumor has it there was a spat between Gloria Monty and Finola and she was suddenly fired later that day, being told she had just taped her last scene. Anna had made a guest appearance in the movie “Soapdish” and appeared on the sitcom “Blossom” in 1991. I noted while editing that there were periods from August-November that Anna is not around or appearing on a reduced schedule. Finola went on to do “Jack’s Place” in 1992. My guess is that there was a conflict over scheduling the Gloria not wanting to work around it? Who knows? Anyway, ABC soon fired Gloria as a result of her firing such a fan favorite. Anna is next scene again a few days later with the announcement that the role of Anna is being temporarily played by another actress (Camilla Moore). Read more about Finola’s history on “The Scorpio Files’ web site at:

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