Robert and Anna and Robin #9  1992 - 12 hours

#9A  February 6 - April 1, 1992

Holly's meeting with Faison continues. She believes he is an annoymous buyer and doesn't know his real identity. Faison expresses frustration when Holly refuses to continue to with the project. Barry shows up and they both try to convince Faison that Barry can continue with the project. Faison threathens to call her uncle and call off the whole deal. Barry asks to have a moment alone to speak to Holly. She doesn't understand the pressure "Martin" (Faison) is putting on her to continue with the project and what difference it makes if she is involved or not.  She begins snooping through his desk and insists that Barry go in the other room to distract him while she snoops. She finds the same play bill "Scorpio Descending" by Faison and tucks it into her blouse. She also finds a letter addressed to Faison and becomes very concerned as she reads it. She suddenly changes her mind and agrees to his project for an additional $50,000 and she will go to Port Charles. After they leave, Faison looks very satisifed as he looks into his desk drawer and says, "As expected" (obviously having expected her refusal to go to PC and planted the evidence which would convince her to go).

Bill arrives at Robert's office and finds him listening to the tape of Anna saying she wants to be with Faison. Bill cautions him not to listen to that tape as he is playing into Faison's hands, that is exactly what he wants. Robert acknowledges Bill is right but he is so desperate to find Anna, this is driving him crazy. As Mac and Dominique are taking a guy into the PCPD and someone shoots him. Robert hears the gunshot and alarms go off at the PCPD. He rushes outside as Dom frantically tells him they suspected Harry was taking a payoff from Faison and so they placed him under a citizen's arrest. Robert asks Harry if he works for Faison. He dies before he can tell Robert anything. Robert tells him this was not a coincidence that this was all a setup as someone was tipped off that they were bringing the guy in. Mac tells Robert the guy worked as a messenger for Faison and Robert listens to the latest Faison tape which is a message that if they want information about Faison to come to room #780 at the Port Charles Hotel. Robert muses that Faison is still pulling the strings.

Holly and Barry arrive at the airport and Holly tells Barry that she is going to England and not continuing with the project. When he tries to stop her, she calls for help and Barry is taken away. She then books a flight for Port Charles as she looks at Faison's "Scorpio Descending" playbook.  Once in Port Charles, Holly has a series of flashbacks to her past romantic life with Robert. She arrives at Kelly's and Ruby thinks she has seen a ghost! She stammers that Holly died in a plane crash. Holly hugs her and tells her that it is imperative that she speak with Robert immediately. Ruby tells her that Robert just left with his sandwich and he is on his way back to the police station. Holly says she can't go there as she can't risk anyone seeing her. Ruby tells her that Robert is now leaving at the old Webber house. Holly thanks her and asks her to please not tell anyone that she has seen her.

Robert is surprised to find Holly waiting for him at home. She asks if he is upset that she is there? He says no and asks if she is in trouble? She says that she wasn't entirely honest about why she came back to NY. She admits to running a scam for her family. She tells him about the rare stamp that Leopold stole from her family  but when she found out that Mac was dating Leopold's widow that she tried to get out of it after learning that Mac is Robert's brother. Robert is disgusted that she has continued as a scam artist. The buyer insisted she stay involved. She thinks that the buyer is the man who has Anna. She describes him and he realizes it is Faison. She shows him a book she found in Faison's room while snooping, “Descending Scorpios”. Robert calls in the calvary to head over to Faison's hotel room. He hopes this will finally be an end to it. He asks what prompted her to snoop? She says that there was something about him that was very familiar, and she believes that Faison is Nanny McTavish's son! Robert looks like he got punched in the gut, and tells her that Nanny McTavish was also Anna's nanny so she has also known Faison since they were children. Holly tells Robert more about the stamp scam. It was a rare Egyptian stamp that is worth $5 million and Taub had stolen it and Faison was out to retrieve it from him. Dominique just found it in an antique box as Robert called and asked about the stamp.

Sean arrives at Robert's and is reunited with Holly. Mac and Dom arrive with the stamp, but Dom tells Robert that it is only worth $100K. They all realize this was another ruse on Faison's part to draw attention away from his plot to take Anna. Bill arrives and Holly cries out, “Luke!” He corrects her that he is Luke's cousin, Bill Eckert and she marvels at the resemblance. He jokes, “But I'm better looking!” Robert asks Holly if Nanny is still alive and asks her to bring Nanny over from England. He plans on using her to lure Faison out. Robert tells his friends that this whole thing could go on for awhile and he expects will get even more dangerous. He gives them the freedom to drop out and go back to their lives. No one wants out and all vow to continue to work with him. He offers to deputize them all, Mac, Sean, Dom, and Holly though the ladies pass on the firearms.

Nanny arrives and has a joyous reunion with Holly, that is until they fill her in on Faison's dirty deeds. They ask her to go on the air to make a plea to Faison to release Anna. She is so upset about her son's evil deads that she doesn't know if she can do so as she is shaking so badly. Holly offers that she will go on camera instead of Nanny to make the plea, that it might even be more effective due to the shock factor. Robert says absolutely not as this will make her a target. Nanny agrees to go on television to plead with her son for Anna's release. Sean later asks Robert if he is absolutely sure that Anna doesn't have feelings for Faison, that she did know him as an impressionable teenager. Robert is adamant that Anna could never love a man like Faison.

Robin is upset when a letter arrives from Anna telling her that she is happy where she is and wants Robin to join her, that she should be with her mother. Robin cries no and runs out of the room. Robert heads over to talk to Robin and they show him the letter. He asks Mac and Sean not to tell Robin about Holly's arrival as she has enough to deal with, without being confused by his former (actually current wife) showing up. They get proof that the letter is a forgery and track the forgerer. They set up for him to call Faison and they trace the call. They are minutes behind catching Faison on NY, in his haste to leave he left behind credit card receipts and passports with Robin's picture in it, obviously intending on taking her out of the country. Robert returns to Sean's and tells Robin that he believes they are closing in on Faison and will have her mother back very soon. Robert seems very encouraged that he is gaining on Faison and will use this new information to entrap him. Bill goes to see Bruno the forgery, pretending to be a friend of Nick Barnes. He wants a letter forged from Anna, so Bruno calls Faison to tell him that someone is cutting in on his action. Robert taps and traces the call and is able to get a location and the gang rush over there. Unfortunately, once they arrive Faison is gone. Mac searches the place and finds several fake passports with Robin's picture but no sign of Anna. Bill, Mac, Sean, and Robert go over the evidence found at Faison's. Mac located a list of Faison's priorities which included revenge against Bill, Paul, to kidnap Robin and kill Robert.

Nanny and Holly arrive at the TV station. As Nanny makes an on-air plea to Faison, she breaks down as Holly watches. Holly rushes to the rescue and joins the live interview. Holly comforts Nany and instead makes the plea on behalf of his mother. Robin turns on the tv and is shocked to see Holly alive! Dominique is with her and she tries to explain how it is that Holly is alive. She explains that Holly wasn't on the plane but she was in a terrible car accident and was in a coma for months. When Holly woke up, things were different. Robin doesn't understand why Holly didn't come back to Port Charles? Dom assures her that Holly returned to help Robert find Anna. Robin doesn't believe this as runs out of the room saying she hates Holly.

Robert is asked for an interview by a national news crew to help him get the word out about Anna's abduction. He is blindsided when the reporter starts asking him about Holly's return from the dead, and if they are still married, and is he now a bigamist? He is told that Holly did the local news plea instead of Nanny. Robert is furious and throws them out. Robert heads over to the sation and he vents at Holly that when he gets an order that he expects it to be followed! He tells her that she has further complicated the issue. She snarks back that she doesn't take orders from him. He reminds her that he is looking for his missing wife! She reminds him that SHE is still his wife unless he has gotten the divorce they discussed. Holly runs out crying, and Nanny defends that it was her fault as she got stage fright and Holly did the plea on her behalf. Robert runs out after her.

Holly arrives back at Sean's building and is headed upstairs in an elevator. At the same time, Robin sneaks past her guards to get in the elevator with one of her friends. Robin tells her friend that she can't stand being in that prison any longer. Faison had lured her out of her guarded seclusion with a message from Roger. The elevator Robin is in stops at the 5th floor and they are trapped. A seemingly helpful man opens the hatch on the roof of the elevator and offers to rescue her that the elevator has a problem. Holly climbs up her elevator and screams no to Robin who drops back down into the elevator. Robert hears the commotion in the stairwell and comes running to rescue Holly and the goon falls to his death. Robin later apologizes to her father for the risk she took. He knows it was an innocent prank but that Faison intends to put her with her mother and her actions could have had disasterous consequences. He points out that Holly stuck her neck out for her and he hints that it would be nice if she thanks her. Robin asks why Holly is there? Did she come back because mom is gone? Holly overhears and says yes, she did return because of Anna being missing but not for the reasons Robin might think. She came back to help Robert get Anna back as she knows how much he loves Anna and how much Robin loves Anna. The next morning, Robin is borderline rude to Holly and Robert is indignant as Robin has never been rude particularly not to someone who has saved her life! Holly intervenes and tells him that it is very normal for Robin to feel uncomfortable around Holly. Later, Robin seems to warm up to Holly, determined to make the best of the situation.

Robert meets with Paul and tells him that Faison is out for revenge against him as when Paul changed sides, he dealt the cartel a mortal blow. A somber Robert sits alone lost in his thoughts. Holly comes into the living room for her purse, wearing only her nightgown. She comments on how extraordinary Robin is. He tells her that she is also extraordinary, which surprises her. He tells her that what she is wearing reminds him of their past life together. He sadly tells her that he is losing this battle and he is so tired. He lays his head back on the couch and falls asleep. Holly gently covers him up, then sits beside him or a moment and softly brushes the hair back from his forehead and kisses briefly as he sleeps.

Robert is upset over how close Faison came to kidnapping Robin. Robert knows that Faison will come back again, and again, and again, until Robert kills him! Sean cautions him that he doesn't mean that, he can't kill Faison yet (a subtle reminder that they have to find Anna first). Holly, Dom, and Tiffany make breakfast for everyone. Robert is disturbed when Robin is rude to Holly. She assures Robert it is fine, and she follows Robin into the kitchen to talk to Robin. She assures Robin that she has no intention of trying to come between her parents. She realizes that Robin might resent her, thinking that she was trying to take her mother's place. Holly tells Robin that Faison was using her to try to distract Robert from looking for Anna. She points out to Robin that Faison was obviously wrong as nothing will stop her father from looking for her mother. Holly tells Robin that what was between her and Robert was a long time ago. She reminds Robin how much fun they used to have and that Robert would like it if they could try to be friends again. Robin agrees saying that after Holly helped her yesterday, the least she can do is try. Robin apologizes and they hug. When Nanny and Robin watch the movie “Rebecca”, Holly has flashbacks to her early marriage with Robert, and their first kiss after watching that movie. Robert returns and remembers that Holly wanted a house like Mandalay (the home in the movie) and he tells her that he hopes she finds that someday. He thanks her for all of her help.

Bill and Mac go down to the docks and ask the dock workers for help and tell them the situation with Robin and the threat against. The dock guys agree to help. Mac asks them to on the watch for any unusual sounding names like Faison, McTavish, and gives them some names to watch out for of different combinations. They get a lead on a passport forgery and meet with him. Faison also has a contact on the dock and continues to stay one step ahead of Robert as his contact calls him and feels him in. Faison is happy as he continues to get nearer to his goals and gloats that he is very close to getting everything that he wants. Robert asks Sean if he will take over for him as Police Commissioner as Robert anticipates having to leave town to track Anna. Sean agrees to cover for him as long as he needs but hopes it isn't necessary. Bobbie shows up at Robert's office and asks him about Holly's return. She would like to see Holly and he tells her that he will arrange it. One of the dock workers tells Mac that there is a special container being prepared for a C. McTavish. Sean tells Robert that the WSB is convinced that the tape from Anna is legitimate. Robert doesn't believe it and if it is Anna's that she made the tape under diress or she was hypnotized again.

Mac calls and tells Robert that he found a receipt under the name C. McTavish down at a container warehouse on the docks. Robert confirms that is a name Faison would use. Robert tells Mac he will meet him there with a search warrant. Robert examines the crate with airholes that Faison has ordered, like the kind an animal would be shipped in. Robert and the gang are sickened when they realize this is how Faison is planning on getting Robin out of the country. Robert gets the warehouse guy to promise to inform him when Faison orders the crate ready for shipping.  When Robert gets the call that Faison wants the crate ready in 24 hours, the guys kick it into high gear sure they will be ready for Faison this time. Robert tells Sean that he wants someone he trusts with Robin at all times until this is over. Robin gets a call from Anna who tells Robin that she has escaped from Faison and to meet her at the cannery. She warns her that both guards are working for Faison and for her to get out of there and hurry! Sean shows up at the PCPD and asks Robert why he demanded that he come down there? Robert insists that he didn't call Sean.  It dawns on Robert that they have been set up. He rushes back to the house and discover Robin gone and the guards were knocked unconscious. They say that nanny knocked them out! Robin arrives at the cannery and Faison traps her in a net. She cries for her mother as Faison emerges and tries to reassure her. She orders him to stay away from her. Nanny arrives and tries to rescue Robin. When Robert and Mac arrive and try to get to Robin, Faison takes Nanny as a human shield and leaves Robin behind. A very shaken Robin insists that her father take her home. Everyone is relieved to see Robin home safe and sound.

Faison is furious with his mother for blowing his plan. He tells her that Robin is the key to his plan. He seems desperate. He comments how soon Robert arrived and begins to believe that Nanny told Robert about his plan. He is upset that something went wrong with his plan. He says that she promised to help him. She says she did, that she followed his orders as he asked. But he had promised that he wouldn't hurt Robin. He begins to lose it that he doesn't have Anna's daughter because Nanny betrayed him. Nanny sobs in anguish over the man her son has become. He notices the earrings that Nanny is wearing and demands to know who gave them to her. He thinks it is Robert, believing they have a tracking device in them and that is how Robert found them so quickly. She is devastated as she cries that Holly is the one who gave her the earrings. Mac arrives and moves in but it is too late as Nanny and Faison have already moved on, leaving the earrings behind.

Robert listens outside the door as Holly comforts Robin, reminding her how strong her mother is and that her father will find her mother. Robin seems comforted and Holly makes her exit as Robin enters. He sits on Robin's bed and tells her how sorry he is for everything that has happened. She assures him that she knows he is trying to get mom back, but she wishes this was all over! Robin admits that when Holly first arrived that she thought she was there to take Robert away from her and Anna but she knows now that won't happen. She admits to liking Holly. She remembers how much she enjoyed living with Holly. She asks her father if she can go back home, she wants to be back in her room, with her own things. He tells her that he is doing everything he can and will go out of town if that is what is needed to get her mother back. She asks if that happens if maybe Holly can stay with her at home? He is surprised by this request and says he will consider it. She tells him how much she loves in and they hug.

The Search for Robert & Anna #9B  February  25 - April 1, 1992 - 4 hour dvd

Faison seems unusually shaky as his mother tries to urge him to leave. He refuses saying he hasn't accomplished everything yet. He laments everything he hasn't done, such as Robin and even missing the stamp. She suddenly remembers the box that the stamp was in. He is elated to see it but annoyed when it is empty. Then he realizes that the microchip he wanted is embedded in the box itself (which held the stamp) not on the actual stamp. Robert tells Holly how badly that Robin wants to return home. He pauses as he tells her that Robin suggested that maybe she could stay with Holly. She says she wouldn't mind, that being with Robin makes her think of the kind of relationship she might have had with her own child had fate been different. Robert ponders how long all of this might take, to find his wife and return his life to normal. Once again an exhausted Robert falls asleep on the couch and Holly covers him up and gently kisses him again.

Faison tells Nanny that she has to do one more thing for him, to call Holly. Nanny calls and begs Holly for her help that she has escaped from Faison, even though he is standing right beside her. Holly tells Robert about the call and he orders her to give him the information though he won't let her go with him. She says that Nanny is involved and she will go with him or she won't give him the information. He reluctantly agrees but warns her that it could be a trap. Holly assures him that Nanny wouldn't do that, Robert agrees not willlingly. Holly enters to find Faison with Nanny. He is dissapointed to not see Robert there riding to the rescue. Robert is coming up behind him. Of course it is another set up and he enters pointing a gun at Nanny. When Robert draws his gun on Faison demanding to know where Anna is, Nanny tackles him to keep him from shooting Faison. Robert's gun drops in the process. Faison picks it up and is gleeful at the irony that he will shoot Robert with his own gun. Or perhaps he will start with one of Robert's old friends first and waves the gun towards Holly. Robert steps in front of Holly and Nanny steps in front of Robert to also protect Holly and Nanny is shot. Faison screams like a wounded animal after having shot his own mother and he runs out. Robert chases him and we hear shots fired but Faison escapes via helicopter. Nanny dies as Holly holds her in her arms.

Robert tells Holly that he has to go after Faison. He asks if she meant what she said earlier about being willing to stay with Robin? She says yes of course and goes up to talk to Robin about the idea. Mac and Bill come in and tell Robert that they think they have a lead on where Faison is headed. Bill wants to go with him but Robert says no and thanks him for being a good friend. Bill offers to buy him a drink when he returns to town and heads out. Robert tells Sean and Tiffany about his plan to leave town and that Robin wants to return home and Holly is going to stay with her. Sean tells Robert that the WSB has confirmed that the call from Anna is legitimate and that she is with Faison on her own free will. They are concerned that he will be able to retrieve classified information from Anna while she is under hypnosis and that they have put out a hit on Anna in a “black box” operation for termination on sight. Sean says that they are concerned that Anna has classified information that Faison may be able to get access to if he has some kind of control over her. Robert realizes he has to get to Anna before the WSB does. Sean warns Robert that if he gets in the way that the WSB will not hesitate to take him out as well. Sean gives Robert a list of ports that the ship was expected to stop at, a place for Robert to start searching. Robert tells Sean he will be incommunicado and that Sean won't be able to reach him. He doesn't want Sean involved as it will put him at risk with the WSB. He tells Sean that if he doesn't return that Sean will have to tell Robin that her parents are dead. Sean asks how much time he should allow before telling Robin? Robert says that Sean will know or the WSB will tell him when the deed is done. Sean asks what about Mac? Robert is adamant that he doesn't want Mac coming after him, that he needs him to stay there and look after Robin. The guys hug goodbye and Sean promises to keep his chair warm.

Robert next says goodbye to Mac and asks him to move into the house and help Holly take care of Robin. Robert tells him that he loves him and he is sorry for the time they missed together. Mac promises to take care of Robin and of Holly. They trade bracelets, Mac will wear Robert's and Robert will wear Mac's. Mac demands that Robert promise that he will take care of himself. They hug goodbye. Then Robert heads up to say goodbye to his little girl. Holly is telling Robin how Faison got away. When Robert arrives, Robin asks if Nanny is dead? He says that yes that she died saving Holly's life. He tells her he has to go after her mother so that they can have a chance of being together again as a family. He tells her that he has arranged for her to go home and that Holly and Uncle Mac will stay with her. He asks her for a big hug as it will have to last him or awhile. Robin begins crying and Robert tears up as well, this cues a series of flashbacks of them meeting and their early relationship when she was a little girl. Robert heads back downstairs and tells Holly that Mac will help keep an eye on her and Robin. She promises that they will take good care of Robin. He asks if he really has to go? He tells her that Anna is a large part of his life and the mother of his daughter and he has to try to bring her back. Robin comes downstairs and tells him that she loves him. He tells her that he loves her more than she will ever know. He asks them to be good to one another and he walks out of the door (sob!).

Holly takes Robin into Kelly's and Ruby is thrilled to see her. Ruby tempts them both with waffles. When Robin sees Holly looking at Bill Eckert, she asks if he really does look exactly like Luke? Holly says that yes he does. Bobbie arrives to see Holly and gives her a big hug, thrilled to see her again. Bobbie asks where she has been and Holly fills her in on her car accident and that she was in a coma for almost two years. Bobbie fills her in on her life and then asks Holly if she is happy? Holy dodges responding and goes off to make some tea. When she returns, Bobbie tells her that Luke & Laura are in Texas and they have a child. Holly admits that a part of her is hoping that Robert doesn't find Anna even through she does want Robert to be happy and have his family back. She also wonders if Anna went with Faison willlingly. Bobbie tells her that she still loves Jake and that doesn't take anything away from her love for Tony.

Mac works on Robert's computer, trying to break a code on the computer chip that Nanny gave to Holly just before she died. Holly tries also and pulls up a screen with a list of intriguing names. She excited calls Mac to join her. He is puzzled by the list of names, she identifies them as nursery rhymes. They puzzle over the rhymes, not understanding how to decipher the codes. Mac calls Sean and tells him that they have come across some information that might help Robert and Anna, Sean heads right over. Meanwhile, Mac surprises them with pizza. They have a moment of lightness as they laugh over their dinner (he looks quite cute in his little apron!). Sean arrives and Robin makes her excuses to get out of doing dishes. Mac tells Sean about the chip and he is annoyed that they didn't tell him about it immediately. Mac excuses that they didn't know if it would be of any help but they were able to open the file but can't decipher it. Sean suggests they take it to the WSB as they have state of the art equipment and have experts in the field. Sean sits down at the computer to view the files and see what he can make of it. Sean remembers the WSB informing him that they are eliminating Anna, that too many of the cases she worked on and had info on may have been connected to later successful DVX operations, indicating her status as a double agent, and that she now has to be eliminated.

Mac and Holly agree that Robin should be with her parents but until she can be, that they should make the best of the situation and might as wel have some fun with it. Mac intends on pouring over the "Nanny files" all night as he kept a duplicate file.  Another night when Mac is headed off to the club to check in and Robin suggests that he take Holly with him. They meet Sean & Tiffany. Steve and Audrey are thrilled to see her and stop over to say hello. Classic moment as Steve and Audrey get into their grove and dance as everyone claps. Steve then dances with Holly.

Sean talks to a WSB agent who warns him that Robert shouldn't have taken off after Anna as he might pay a heavy price for it. The agent asks if there are any new leads? Sean lies and says no, not telling them about the file. Mac has picked up the dry cleaning and Robin is upset when she sees her mom's dress and runs out of the room. Holly finds a somber Robin sitting in her dad's chair. Holly understands that Robin misses her parents. Robin looks so sad, she says that seeing the cleaning was so normal and it reminded her of when they were all together and they were a family. Holly assures her that they will be together again, that Robert will find her mother. Robin admits that she is so afraid that something will happen to them and she won't ever see her parents again.

Mac makes headway in breaking the code and tells Sean about it. Sean is surprised that Mac continued to work on it as he thought they had turned it over to the WSB. Mac wants to know if he has received any update from the WSB? Sean says no and he hasn't bugged them as he knows they are working on it. Mac senses something is off with Sean and asks him about it? Sean insists he is just as impatient as Mac is to help Robert and Anna and have them home safe. Holly begins working at the Outback, and runs into Scotty who flirts with her a bit. Lucy becomes very jealous and interrupts when Scott suggests that he and Holly get together. Next, Bill Eckert arrives and introduces Holly to Paul. Later, Mac compliments Holly on how well she did at the club. She tells him that she isn't sure the job is right for her.

A sad Robin comes downstairs after hearing voices, imagining she heard her mom and dad. Mac tries to call Robert on the number he gave him and he isn't able to get through to him. Mac reminds Robin that it has only been a week and Robert has a lot to do establish an identify, check on all of those leads and it takes time. Holly is impressed with her savy, Robin reminds them that she grew up with two undercover agents. Sean calls a friend who is a code breaker for the WSB, he tells her the sequence of the code he is trying to break. She gives him a tip on what to use with that particular sequence and he reads "Ladybird, Ladybird fly away home! Your house is on fire, your children are all gone, all but one and her name is and she crept under the pudding pan. Anna Devane  Then it opens to her double agent file, with Cesar as her contact, her agent name was "White Rose". Sean shakes his head at this evidence of Anna's life as a double agent.

Holly receives a package to Mrs. Holly Scorpio from a law firm, she is shaken to realize it is her divorce papers that Robert requested. Mac notices a sad Holly and asks what is bothering her? She lies and says it was a letter from home and tells him she is just home sick. He assures her that Robert will be home soon and she can get back to her life. Later, she talks to Tiffany about Robert and tells her about the divorce papers. Tiffany reminds her that they were friends and encourages her to talk about what is going on. She asks Holly if it is really over between her and Robert? Holly is disturbed that her marriage can be ended with just a couple of pieces of paper. Later, Mac asks Holly why she doesn't want to help him at the Outback. She admits that she feels like she would be abandoning Robin. He points out that Noriko is there to help out with Robin. He asks her to consider working part time as he really needs the help. She finally tells him that she doesn't think Dominque wants Holly in the job, that she thinks Dom would want the job. Mac says he doesn't see it, and he needs Holly as she is the only one he knows that has the talent to step in and manage the club right now. Holly says she would like to do it but she doesn't want to offend Dom. Holly picks up her divorce papers and has more flashbacks to her past with Robert. Robin is all excited about going to a concert. Holly doesn't want her to go and Robin firmly points out that she is NOT her mother, that uncle Mac is in charge so she will just ask him.

Mac goes over to Sean's and tells him that he received an "Access Denied" message when he tried to call Robert and wants to know what it means. Sean tells him that means that Robert doesn't want to be contacted. Mac doesn't like it and says that maybe Robert can't be contacted. Mac is very worried and warns Sean that if he doesn't hear something soon that he will go after Robert himself and storms out. Sean calls Mac over and shows him a message that he faked from Robert to appease Mac from going after Robert. When he returns home, Holly tells Mac about the concert and asks his opinion. Mac thinks it is okay to go to the concert as long as she is heavily guarded. Holly tells him she is going to come out as the bad guy in this. He tells her they just have to stick together and support each other and they will make this work.

Tiffany confronts Sean over the message he received from Robert and questions why he didn't tell her about the message? He snaps at her and she is puzzled as if he heard from his very best friend that he would be estatic. Suddenly it dawns on her that Sean faked the message. She can't believe it and tells him that it doesn't help to give them false hope. He tells her that he just needed to calm Mac and stop him from going after Robert and ease their fears. They are both very worried about Robert and Anna.

The night of the concert Robin and her friend come downstairs, ready to go to the concert. Robin apologizes to Holly for the things she said to her and acknowledges that she knows she is trying to help. Mac and Holly share a quiet moment and he asks her about being jealous? She realizes that he is talking about Dominque. He thanks her again for helping with Robin. Dom watches them together at the club and doesn't look happy about it.  Bill Eckert stops into the club and compliments Mac on hiring Holly as she definitely adds something to the club and promises that he will be stopping in a lot more often. Mac grins as he remembers that Bill and Julia broke up. When the topic turns to Robert, Mac tells him that he has a feeling that he isn't going to see his brother again. Holly stops at the juke box and plays a song that reminds her of Robert and she stands there sadly lost in thought. Bill goes up to the bar and noticing Holly's sadness, he tells the bartender to give the lady anything she wants. She tells him that wouldn't be possible (meaning she wants Robert!).

Mac flirts with Holly as she works out. Robin teases that Mac is trying to give her a compliment but he isn't too smooth about it. After Robin leaves, Mac continues to flirt with her about her shapely legs. Later, he comes in with an idea about a code being buried within the nursery rhyme they found on Robert's computer. While looking for his codebook, he finds Holly's divorce papers. He tells her that he is a good listener. She says she knows he is but she isn't ready to talk about it yet.

Over at GH, Jason talks to Audrey and Tom about the teen volunteer program. Robin is thrilled when Jason remembers her and asks her to get involved as a class president in getting more teen volunteers. She is surprised that he remembered meeting her. When she returns home, Holly asks if there were any cute guys at the hospital. Robin tells her about Jason Quartermaine. She tells Holly about a party at Kelly's for St. Patrick's Day and asks her if she would like to go with her and they bond over clothes. Over at Kelly's, Holly and Ruby talk about Robin. Holly tells her about Robin's crush on Jason. Holly joins the teens and shows them how to dance and Irish jig as Bill walks in and joins them.

Back home, a shirtless Mac is doing push ups. Holly overhears as Robin and her friends discuss the father/daughter dance. Robin sadly says she doesn't think she will go. Later, Holly talks to her about it and suggests that she consider going with Mac. Robin really only wants to go with her father and feels wierd about going with him. Holly points out that her friends will all be checking Mac out. Mac comes downstairs and tells Robin that he understands that it was presumptious of him to even offer, that he knows he can never take her father's place. She sincerely tells him that she didn't mean it that way and she would love to go with him. He offers to brush up on his dance steps and then demonstrates his moves. She tells him that the Roger Rabbit and Cabbage Patch are old but they shows her his hip hop moves and she is impressed.

Holly admires Mac for going with Robin and the flirting continues as he tells her that he has depth that she can't begin to fathom. She seriously tells him that she does know he would do anything for Robin. He says that Robert and Anna did a great job with Robin. Holly says that she always thought she would have a daughter with Robin. Mac cautions her that when Robert and Anna return that Robin belongs with them, not wanting to see Holly get hurt. Mac continues to work on breaking the code as Holly watches. When Anna's name appears inside a rhyme for Ladybug Ladybug fly away home, he is excited that they must be getting closer. Mac finally breaks the code and the information indicates that Anna was a double agent. He doesn't believe it and thinks that Faison planted this information. Holly doesn't say too much and claims she is anxious to get to work and brushes him off. He can't believe that she would believe that Anna is a double agent and perhaps it suits her to believe the worst about Anna. He tells her that she is decieving herself and she says that maybe he is just wrong. Robin interrupts them.

A WSB agent visits Sean and he tells him that if the WSB finds out that he told Sean about the black box on Anna that they are all in trouble. He is visiting him there to avoid suspicion and he can't be sure his office isn't bugged. He warns him that if Robert calls that Sean should tell Robert to come home. With the hit out on Anna, it will be very dangerous for Robert. Sean points out that Robert isn't going to come home without her. Mac confronts Holly and wants to know why she thinks Anna was a double agent. She tells him that she knows it is true, that Robert told her when Anna first arrived in Port Charles. She says that it was really wierd when this mysterious woman from his past arrived. She tells him that Anna set her up and had her put in jail for a couple of days. She thought Anna was a threat to her marriage so Robert told her about their past, and that Faison was Anna's contact at the DVX. She says that when R&A got married that Anna swore she was working on her last assignment. Mac is shocked that this is true and that Robert knew. He asks if Sean knows about that? Holly doesn't think he does, so Mac heads over to tell Sean, worried that Robert is walking into even more danger.

Mac tells Sean that Robert is in worse danger than they thought. Mac tells him that Anna was a double agent. He says that the cracked the code and Holly confirmed it after he came across a laundry list of Anna's old assignments. Mac is surprised that the WSB hasn't deciphered the code yet. Mac realizes that Sean never turned over the microchip to the WSB. He can't believe Sean kept this information from him and thinks he learned it from the microchip. Sean admits that he has known for years. Mac is disgusted with him. Sean insists that Robert didn't want anyone knowing, that afterall Anna is Robin's mother and Robert acted to protect her. Sean tells him that Robert didn't want Mac going after him and Robert's best chance is to go after her alone. Mac tells him that Robert is working on sheer emotion and he had a right to know what is going on with his brother. Mac wants to go to South America and try to find Robert. Sean admits to him that he never received a message from Robert. Mac is puzzled, Sean tells him that since Mac was desperate for answers that he provided him some. Mac is irate over this further deception and slugs Sean, knocking him down. When Mac goes to attack Sean again, he quickly deflects his attack and subdues him as he grabs his arm and twists it behind his back. He demands to know if Mac wants him to break his arm? He tells Mac that he did not betray his friendship with Robert. He agrees to let Mac go if he doesn't make any sudden moves. He lets go of Mac and reminds him that he goes way back with Robert and Anna and that he would never do anything to put them in danger. He tells them there was nothing he could have done to have kept Robert from going after her and Anna's best chance is Robert. Sean reminds him that Robert entrusted Mac with his daughter and that is how he can best help his brother.

It's the day of the Father & Daughter dance, Robin comes downstairs carrying a gardenia. She tells Holly that Robert gave it to her from the dance last year. When Mac returns home, he privately tells Holly about his confrontation with Sean. She can't believe that Sean agreed to Robert going off on his own. Mac then tells her the message was faked. Holly is very worried over his safety but tells Mac they have to respect Robert's wishes in this that obviously this is what he wanted. He knows that taking care of Robin is important right now. Holly comments on how much she adores him and she is looking forward to him taking her to the dance. Mac just worries that she will catch on about her parents. Holly tells him that Robin knows that they are in a lot of danger and him taking her out will be good for her. He remarks that Robert taught him to dance and this will pay him back. Holly suggests that he get Robin a corsage, he thanks her for reminding him as he hadn't thought of that. She suggests Gardenias as Robin loves them. He thanks her and asks her if she would like to dance (as music blasts from Robin's room upstairs). She smoothly makes an excuse not to and says she will let Robin try him out first and wait for her report

Mac uses Robert's computer and discovers a notation of "Black Box" on both Anna and Robert's names. He calls Sean and asks what it means? Sean asks him if he is sure about that notation under Robert's name? He tells Mac that he will meet him after the dance and doesn't want to discuss it. Sean is so upset and finally he tells Tiffany that his two best friends have been marked for elimination by the WSB and they are as good as dead. Sean blames himself for hiring Anna when she was so young, that she got in over her head. By the time he found out, Robert and Anna had already been married. Meanwhile, Mac comes down dressed in a tux and a proud Robin tells him that he will be the best looking guy there. She asks Holly to take lots of pictures so they can have them developed so she can show her parents when they come home. She loves the gardenia Mac gives her and asks how he knew? They have a great time at the dance together as Mac shows her more of his hip-hop moves.

A couple of WSB agents show up to take Robert's computer as it has been used without clearence. She demands to see a warrant? They ignore her and take the computer while she tells them they will have to answer to Robert Scorpio when he returns. One of the agents cryptically remarks that Robert won't be needing the computer any longer. A worried Holly strolls down the foggy docks and she is startled when Bill emerges. They talk about Robert and Anna, she tells him that she has a wierd feeling that something bad is going to happen and if she doesn't go home it won't happen. When Mac and Robin return home, they find Sean and Tiffany waiting for them. They say they wanted to see her all dressed up. Robin promises they took a lot of pictures for her parents. Tiffany changes the subject and offers to go upstairs with Robin to press her coursage while it is still fresh. After Robin leaves the room, Sean tells him that the term "Black Box" means target for termination. The next day, Mac and Sean head to the WSB to confront them over the order to terminate Robert.

Holly and Tiffany wait for word from Sean and Mac. Holly knows something is going on and asks Tiffany to tell her what "Black Box" means. Tiffany tells her that it means that Robert and Anna have been marked for termination and the WSB plans on killing them both. Sean forces his way into seeing the head of the WSB. He threatens if he doesn't tell him what is going on that he will go public and reminds him that his wife owns a news station. They are told that they are both dead, that Robert was marked for trying to protect a known double agent. They are shown the photos of R&A on a ship just before it blew. There is a time code on the pictures showing the sequence of time followed by the explosion. Mac doesn't believe it. Sean points out that Robert's face is clearly visible as well as Faison's cigar. Mac wants to know where the bodies are? Sean believes they couldn't have survived that explosion. Holly receives the photos of the dance and finds one of Robert and Anna together, taken before they left.

Back at GH, Karen, Jason, and Robin talk to Audrey about volunteer work. Jason wants to do more to help out and Audrey suggests starting a teen hotline.
Tiffany arrives to offer Robin and her friend a ride home. Jason offers the new girl, Karen, a ride home. As they go off together, Robin sarcastically mumbles "Thanks Tiffany" as she cost her a ride home with her new crush. Back home, Robin and her friend dish about Jason and his cute friend and rag on Karen. Sean tells Mac that Robert wanted him to tell Robin that he had died if he didn't come back. Mac opposes it as he won't believe Robert is dead until he sees his body.

Mac and Sean arrive and tell Holly and Tiffany that Robert and Anna are dead. Holly is crushed and cries, "No!". He tells them that they got to the WSB too late and they have to face the fact that it is over, both Robert and Anna are dead. He tells them that they were on a ship and Robert was getting Anna away from Faison. There was an explosion and the ship sank with no survivors. He tells them that the WSB had photos, and Holly realizes that the WSB was behind their deaths. Tiffany sobs as she hugs Sean, grieving for her friends who loved each other so much and just found their way back to each other. Tiffany tries to dry her tears not wanting Robin to see her like that. Tiffany cries as she thinks of telling Robin the news. Mac tells them that he doesn't believe it and sees no reason to tell Robin. Holly cries that Robin has a right to know and she can decide the truth for herself. Sean agrees and tells Mac that if he doesn't tell her that Sean will. Robin's initial reaction is also one of denial. Sean comforts her with the knowledge that her parents were together, that her father had found her mom and they were coming home to her when the accident happened. Mac doesn't say anything during this. Robin, Tiffany, and Holly all cry.

Mac shows up at the Outback and tells Connor and Dominque the news. Dom hugs him and tells him how sorry she is. Mac shares that he doesn't believe the news. He refuses Dom's comfort and wants to sit alone in the dark. Back at the Scorpio's, Sean and Holly promises Robin to be there for her. Robin realizes she doesn't have any family. Holly reminds her that she has her uncle Mac. Tiffany tells her how much she loves her and how special she is to them. Robin cries that she thought she was finally going to have a normal life with a family. Robin runs upstairs to be alone. Sean stops Tiffany from going after her, telling her that Robin needs some time alone.

Robert & Anna's Memorial and Ghostly Returns, AMC Reunions #9C  March 30, 1992 - October 8, 2001 - 4 hours

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