Holly's 2020 Death & 2022 Return: 4 hour dvd

Holly’s Death April 20 - September 25, 2020
4/20/20 Robert receives a call and his face falls. Later, Robert arrived at Anna's. She jokingly informed him that the cleanup was done, but she asked what was wrong when she saw the look on his face. "I got terrible news. Holly's dead," he revealed, and Anna embraced him.

5/6 Anna received a phone call from Felicia, who revealed that she was at the Floating Rib with Robert and Mac. They had been reminiscing about Holly, but Felicia was worried about Robert. Anna assured Felicia she'd be there shortly. At the Floating Rib, Felicia rejoined Mac and Robert at their table. Mac suggested that Robert slow down on his drinking, but Robert felt that it numbed the pain a little. Anna arrived, and separately, Felicia informed her that Robert had been drinking lots of beer. Robert recalled that he'd forgotten to text Luke but assumed that Luke might be busy with Ethan.

Robert and Mac talked about Holly, and Robert confessed that he'd really loved her. Anna kissed Robert hello. Felicia noted that Holly would have wanted them to celebrate and not mourn. Just then, Maxie and Peter walked into the bar. Robert called out for them to leave because he didn't need them. His words were slurred. Maxie sat down with Anna and Robert and extended her condolences. Peter stood with Felicia and Mac and said that he was sorry for their loss. He knew that they had been close to the late Holly Sutton. Robert overheard and proclaimed that Holly wasn't really dead but late. He was barely able to speak coherently. Anna clarified that Peter hadn't meant that, but Robert laughed. He said that Peter always meant well. Robert stood up. "Tell me, Henrik," he began. He asked why Holly had died while a "dirt bag" like Peter got to live. Everyone sat back down awkwardly except for Peter. He excused himself and went outside. Maxie admonished Robert for talking to Peter like he had.

Robert said that he hadn't been ready for Holly to die, and the group expressed their feelings. Outside, Peter sent a text message to someone. It read, "Need answers. NOW." Maxie found him and apologized for Robert. She blamed it on his grief and the beer he'd been drinking. She made it clear that it wasn't Peter's fault that Holly had died. Inside, Anna and Felicia grabbed coffee for everyone. Robert insisted that he hadn't said anything bad, but Felicia suggested that he owed Peter an apology. Robert stated that he hadn't meant it as it had sounded. Maxie returned and announced that Peter had gone outside for some air.

Outside, a man showed up, and Peter threw him up against the wall. "Distract Scorpio, I said. Not kill Holly Sutton," Peter growled. The man insisted he had had nothing to do with Holly's death, and he swore it was the truth. Peter let him go and informed him that there was no longer a need to distract Scorpio. "Fate seems to have done it for me," he added. Peter returned to the group as Maxie and Mac shared a hug. Peter said he felt better, and he understood that Robert had suffered a tragedy. Felicia told Anna that they needed to prepare a memorial, although she noticed that Anna seemed preoccupied. Anna admitted that she'd read a WSB report, and she disclosed that sometimes Holly had done contract work for the agency. She believed there was more to the story of Holly's death.

5/13 Robert was asleep on a couch until he rolled over and right off the edge. He demanded to know where he was as Laura descended the stairs in a robe. She got him some coffee and suggested that they pick up where they had left off, making him worry that they'd slept together. She laughed and informed him that he'd shown up "falling-down drunk" the night before, and she'd put him on the couch and gone to bed. She wondered why he'd been in that state, and he told her about Holly. He revealed that Holly had been doing some classified work for the WSB, and she'd been on a ship that had gone down in a storm. Robert continued that the last few times he'd seen Holly hadn't been under the friendliest circumstances. Laura knew that Holly had broken his heart, and he'd hoped to have another chance with her. He wondered what he was supposed to do. Laura answered that he was supposed to grieve and say goodbye to Holly, and she hugged Robert.

5/14 At Charlie's Pub Finn and Anna shared a kiss as Robert approached. "Isn't this cozy?" Robert asked as he arrived. He went off on Anna and Finn for living life as usual, and he berated Anna. "You've got to stop running around telling people what I can and cannot be told," he ordered. Finn stood and told Robert to "tone it down." Anna suggested that Finn get Robert a cup of coffee, and Robert sat down. Robert wanted to know why Mac had divulged suspicions about Holly's death instead of Anna. Anna declared that the WSB had continued to look into the incident, but there had been no proof of foul play. She added that Robert would be the first to know if she learned anything. Robert assumed that Anna meant there was positive proof, but she insisted there was no proof of anything either way. Finn returned, and Robert guessed that Anna believed that Holly was still alive. Anna denied it, and she accused Robert of jumping to conclusions, which would lead to him going off to chase down the truth.

Robert spoke of another time that Holly had been presumed dead, and Finn pointed out the coincidence of something similar happening again. Anna reminded the men that many other people had been on the ship, and Holly was not the only one missing. Robert thought there were many discrepancies, but Anna had discussed them with his brother. Finn didn't want Robert to get his hopes up, and Robert stood suddenly and announced that he had calls to make.

5/21 At Metro Court, Laura spotted Robert at the bar and grabbed the seat next to him. She maintained that he looked as though he hadn't gotten much rest and asked if it was work-related. Robert replied that the reports of Holly's death had been greatly exaggerated, and his gut instinct told him that she was still alive. Robert explained that he hadn't heard the entire story, but the report had suggested that the boat that Holly had been on had been intentionally sunk. He stated that no one knew Holly like him, and he needed the bureau to release more information in order to locate the people who had Holly. He suspected that Laura thought he was nuts.

Laura replied that she had been proven wrong when Nikolas had shown up alive, so she wouldn't try to dissuade Robert. She asked about evidence, but Robert told her he had to find it. He had been unable to reach Luke and wondered if Laura had a more current phone number. He quickly apologized, but Laura assured him it was okay. She had no contact information but suggested he get hold of Tracy. Robert arrived at the Quartermaine’s. Robert told Ned and Olivia about Holly's death and the fact that there had been discrepancies in the report. He wanted to pursue it, and he wanted help from Luke. Ned offered to put in a phone call to Tracy, and he left to make the call. Robert and Olivia walked into the living room area, and Robert could see that Olivia was already tearful on her own. He guessed that she had something going on in her life, too.

Olivia served Robert some coffee and sat beside him on the couch. She told him about the earlier scene and that Ned and Brook Lynn felt that the psychic was a scam. Robert noted that the Aboriginals that he'd spent time with had been spiritual, and they believed it to be a regular part of life. He asked what she wanted to hear from the psychic, and Olivia told him that she wanted to know that Dante would be okay. Robert grabbed Olivia's hand, and she placed her other hand on top of his. He told her they shouldn't give up hope on either Dante or Holly, and there was nothing crazy. Ned returned and frowned as he spotted their comforting pose. Ned cleared his throat, and Olivia and Robert separated. Ned had spoken to Tracy and had obtained the number for Luke's latest burner phone. He was expecting Robert's call. Robert appreciated it, and he told Olivia to look out for herself. He left, and Olivia admitted that she felt better. "I guess you never know who's gonna come up with exactly the right words to say," she said.

8/7 Robert approached the table and demanded to know why Peter had exploited Holly's death for an article in the Invader. Peter read an excerpt from Peter's article about how Holly had been "colorful" and "dangerous." Anna thought that sounded like Holly. Peter promised to consult with his editor and put out a revised article. He walked off to sit at the bar, and Robert sat with Anna in Peter's place. Anna hated that Robert had never given Peter a fair chance, and she added that the article could have been much worse. She thought that it was easier for Robert to take out his anger on Peter than deal with his feelings. She informed him that there was a memorial service planned in England, but he revealed that he hadn't planned on going. "Why should I mourn an empty grave?" he wondered. He still had a lot of questions about Holly's accident, so Anna suggested that he get answers instead of directing anger at Peter. She reminded him to RSVP to her wedding, and she left.

8/21 In the Metro Court lobby, Robert asked to talk to Olivia. He disclosed that he had a connection at the WSB who could get Olivia in to see Dante. She excitedly asked for the details. He informed her that Dante was at a WSB facility in Geneva, where civilians were not allowed, so he would have to go with her. He continued that they had a very narrow window to get in, so they had to leave the next morning. Ned looked on as Olivia threw her arms around Robert and thanked him profusely. He excused himself to go see Anna, as he knew that she would be annoyed that he'd missed her speech, and he left.

9/2 Robert approached Anna and figured she'd be happy to hear that he would be attending Holly's memorial service. He wanted to talk to her about Peter, but she refused to listen, as she already knew all of his talking points. She rattled some of them off, and Robert instructed that she could either avoid the truth or "step up and face it." He had a flight to catch, so he left, and she glared at him as he walked away. Later Robert arrived at the Q’s, and Olivia brought her luggage downstairs. Robert took her bags to put into the car.

9/3 Robert and Olivia entered the plane, and Olivia talked about how grateful she was to Robert. He informed her that he had a couple strings left to pull before she could see Dante, but they wouldn't be a problem. They sat down, and Olivia wished Ned wasn't so upset about her trip. As a stewardess set drinks down in front of them, Olivia explained to Robert about Ned throwing Brook Lynn out, and then her attack. She thought that Ned didn't understand that Brook Lynn needed time and space to heal.

Robert agreed that it was crazy when a loved one refused to see what was right in front of them. Olivia wondered who Robert was really talking about. He replied that Anna was forcing him to go to Holly's memorial service. Olivia related that she'd read Holly's tribute in The Invader, and she sounded like the perfect woman for Robert. He told Olivia how he'd married Holly to help her stay in the country, and they'd slowly fallen in love. "No wonder you're afraid to go," Olivia observed, but Robert countered that she was also afraid to visit her son.

Olivia repeated to Robert what Ned had said about going all the way to Geneva just to get her heart broken. She feared that Dante would want nothing to do with her, but Robert urged her to stay positive. "As long as you let me support you, too," she replied. She decided to go to the memorial service with Robert. "I've heard worse ideas," he said, and they clinked their glasses together and drank.

9/10 After Holly's memorial service (wasn’t shown), Robert thanked Olivia for keeping him company. He maintained that it didn't feel right having a memorial when no body had been found, but Olivia advised him that memorials were mostly for the living. He thought back to some of his time with Holly when they'd been married, and he called the woman "one of a kind"  as he had flashbacks. Olivia hoped that his memories eased his grief. Robert suggested that he and Olivia find a decent restaurant and toast to Holly. Olivia walked off to look for a restaurant on her phone. Just then, Robert's phone rang, and he answered the call from a blocked number. He heard a garbled voice begging him for help. "Holly?" he inquired. As he asked for a location, the call cut off.

Robert made a phone call and told someone about the mysterious call. He asked the person to trace the call as soon as possible, and he added that he owed the person a favor. Olivia returned when he hung up, and he reluctantly told her about the call. Olivia believed that his mind had "filled in the blanks" with Holly's voice during the badly connected call. Robert insisted that it had been Holly, whether it had actually been her voice or her voice on a recording. He thought she was alive, and he needed to know either way. Olivia understood.

Robert's phone went off, and he answered, immediately asking if the call could be traced. After listening for a few moments, he hung up and informed Olivia that the call had originated in Monte Carlo. He thought there was a good chance that he could find Holly there, so he instructed Olivia to get a flight back to Port Charles. Olivia insisted on going with him as he walked away to make arrangements. She called Ned and left a voicemail telling him that there was a "situation," and she would explain in person. Robert returned and asked if she'd made her plans to get back to Port Charles. "I'm coming to Monte Carlo with you. End of story," she stated.

9/14 In Monte Carlo, Robert and Olivia entered the honeymoon suite of the hotel they were staying in. He explained that it had been the only room available, and he'd had to put it on her credit card. She replied that she could write it off as a business expense. Robert told Olivia that Holly's call had originated a mile from their hotel, and he believed that it had really been her. Olivia just wanted to make sure that he was facing all of the possibilities. Just then, Olivia's phone went off, and she saw a missed call and voicemail from Ned.

Robert wondered what Ned had said to Olivia about their trip, and she admitted to leaving out "a few details." She added that she and Ned technically hadn't even made up from their last fight about the trip. Robert could relate, as he hadn't told Anna about the trip because he didn't want another lecture. Just then, he got a text and exclaimed, "Bloody hell!" He revealed that Holly's call had originated from the nearby casino Le Lucien, which had been owned by Cassandra Pierce. Olivia knew that the WSB had denied him back-up, and she refused to let him go by himself, so she insisted on accompanying him.

Robert refused, as she was a civilian, but she shot back, "Last time I checked, so are you." Olivia thought it would look better if Robert had a date, and she could also create a diversion so he could snoop. He agreed but only if she would leave the casino as soon as he told her to. She agreed, and she figured that she would need a dress. She advised Robert to get a tuxedo, and she left.

Later, the two had changed into their nicer clothes, and he called her a good friend. He advised her to call Ned, and he left the room to pull the car around. Olivia called Ned but only got his voicemail. She informed him that she would be gone a couple more days, and she would explain when she saw him. She told him that she loved him and hung up. She left the room, leaving her phone behind.

Holly’s Return October 18 - November 30, 2022
10/18/22 Victor proposed Lucy meet him for a sunset cruise around the harbor. Victor had said he would tell Lucy about his mysterious plans if she agreed to the cruise. Victor proposed that the two meet at Pier 55 on the Waterfront District. Lucy recalled that one of the serial killer's victims had been stabbed at Pier 55. Victor assured Lucy that she would be safe, and Lucy agreed. Afterwards, Victor made a cryptic phone call to someone. "The lady said yes, as I knew she would. Now it's your turn. You know what to do," Victor instructed.

Anna was desperately trying to locate Lucy and her assistant reported that Lucy was scheduled to board a cruise at Pier 47. Anna grabbed her coat, and she left the house in a hurry. Lucy waited at Pier 55, and she remarked that she had gone to the wrong pier. Lucy turned to leave for Pier 47, but she stopped when she heard the sound of someone approaching her from behind.  "What are you doing here?" Lucy asked someone she seemed to recognize. The person pointed a gun at Lucy. 10/19 On Pier 47, Anna froze when she heard two shots ring out in the direction of Pier 55. On Pier 55, Lucy saw a familiar person. "What are you doing here?" Lucy asked. The mystery person aimed a gun at Lucy and fired two shots.

A short time later, Anna was on her cell phone, reporting the shooting, as she arrived at the pier from a back alley. Anna looked around, but she didn't see any sign of an injured person. Anna's eyes spotted Lucy's designer shoe on the edge of the dock just as Victor arrived on the scene. Victor claimed to have heard the shots as he'd arrived, and he had raced to the pier because he'd been concerned about Lucy. Victor saw the shoe and feigned concern, but Anna wasn't fooled. After Victor left, Anna confided in Dante that Victor might have been behind Lucy's disappearance. She filled Dante in about Lucy being enlisted to help uncover Victor's secrets and about Lucy's refusal to back down when Anna had expressed concern about Lucy's safety. Anna revealed that she suspected Victor had learned the truth about Lucy, and he had taken matters into his own hands.

Anna also feared that if Victor knew the truth about Lucy, he also knew the truth about the investigation. Dante realized the investigation was tied to Luke's murder. Anna worried that Victor would get away with his crimes if the investigation had been compromised. Anna regretted getting Lucy involved, but Dante reminded Anna that if anyone could survive Victor, it was Lucy.

Meanwhile, a weak and bedraggled woman in dark clothing slowly crawled out of the water. Moments later, she collapsed on the rocky shore.

10/20 Jordan returned a few minutes later with the drone footage cued up to the right spot. They watched as a person crept onto the docks and shot  Lucy twice, leaving Lucy to fall into the water. They were shocked to see that, when the person turned toward the camera, it looked like Anna. Dante and Robert approached the boathouse, and Michael and Willow left. "Is it Lucy?" Robert asked, and Olivia informed him that it wasn't. However, Olivia warned him to prepare himself for what he was about to see. Dante and Robert entered the boathouse, and Ned was tending to the woman. "Hello, Robert," Holly cheerfully greeted a shocked Robert.

10/21 In the boathouse at the Quartermaine mansion, Robert was stunned to find Holly alive. Robert told Holly that everyone had thought Holly had died, and he asked where she had been for the past two years. Holly shared that she thought she'd been on a boat. Robert wanted to have Holly examined at the hospital for a possible concussion, and Dante called for an ambulance.

At the hospital, Robert told Austin that Holly had been experiencing memory issues. Holly reluctantly agreed to let Austin examine her. After the exam, Robert asked Holly what had been the last thing she'd remembered before waking up in the boathouse. Holly recalled that she had been working a case for the WSB in Monte Carlo. Robert shared that he and Ethan had searched Monte Carlo "up and down" for Holly. Holly was surprised that Robert had gone in search of her, but Robert said he would do it again. Robert wanted Holly to stay in the hospital overnight, but Holly refused.

In the lobby of the police station, Anna, Jordan, and Martin watched a video of Lucy's shooting. The three were stunned to see that the person that had shot Lucy had the same face as Anna. Anna firmly believed that Victor had been behind Lucy's disappearance, and she angrily marched into the interrogation room to confront him. Victor swore he'd had nothing to do with Lucy's disappearance, and he acted emotional when he was told that something had happened to Lucy. Anna became unhinged, and she tried to physically attack Victor. After Jordan returned to the lobby, Arden told Jordan to tell Victor that he was free to leave. Afterwards, in the parking lot, Anna searched her car for evidence that she had been framed. In the hatchback of her car, Anna was shocked to find a gun, which she picked up with a gloved hand.

10/24 In the parking lot at the police station, Arden arrived with a cop and announced that she had search warrants for Anna's car as well as her house. She stated that Anna was the prime suspect in Lucy's disappearance. She added that Jordan wasn't judge and jury, and Dante quickly pointed out that neither was Arden. Anna opened the trunk.

Scott and Felicia were in the Metro Court gardens and were taken aback when they spotted Holly and Robert sitting at a nearby table. There were hugs all around as Scott and Felicia ran to the table. Holly disclosed that she couldn't remember anything from the past two years. Scott and Felicia sat down and got around to revealing the information around Lucy's disappearance. Holly wondered who would have done such a thing. "Why don't we ask him?" Scott said as Victor walked in. Victor walked right over to the table and apologized for interrupting. He asked if Robert had had any updates on Lucy. Scott was perturbed as Victor announced his willingness to help out if needed.

Victor headed to his own table, and Holly was filled in with facts about Victor. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, since he had seemed so nice and was dressed so well. Felicia declared that they believed that Victor had been behind Lucy's disappearance, but Robert stopped her before she said anything else about Victor. Arden wanted Anna arrested. Mac refused and cited the fact that Anna had been framed. He couldn't believe that Arden couldn't tell, and he suggested that Arden was on Victor's payroll. Arden threatened him, and reluctantly, Jordan placed Anna under arrest. She read Anna her rights.

Victor took a phone call at the gardens, learned about the warrants, and told the caller that he would be willing to contribute to Arden if she ever ran for office. At the other table, Robert suggested that he get Holly home to bed, but Holly insisted that she hear more about Victor. Felicia revealed that Luke was gone, and it was believed that Victor had been responsible. Scott deemed it premeditated murder. Holly glared at Victor.

Dante rushed in and announced that Anna had been picked up as Lucy's shooter. Scott thought that Arden was always jumping to conclusions. Holly stood up and headed for Victor's table. He stood up to introduce himself, but Holly slapped him. She declared that the slap had been for Luke, and the next one would be for Anna and Lucy. Robert pulled her away, while Dante and Felicia assured Victor that they hadn't seen anything. "Your day is coming, tick-tock," Scott said.

Victor received another phone call. He smiled and told the caller that the "surprise package paid dividends." He asked the caller about the house and confessed to almost feeling sorry for Anna. He thought it a shame that what would be found in the house would put Anna away for life.

10/26 At the salon, Holly sighed with delight as her feet soaked, and she conceded that Felicia had been a genius for suggesting a little pampering. Felicia smiled because she had been worried that Holly had been humoring her by agreeing to go to the salon. Holly confessed that she had been, but the pedicure had changed her mind. Felicia was pleased because she had hoped it would help Holly after everything Holly had been through. Holly made light of her ordeal, so Felicia asked Holly to stop pretending everything was okay. Holly argued that it was the British way, but she acknowledged that she felt confused, scared, angry, and a little embarrassed because she had always prided herself on being able to take care of herself. Felicia admitted it frustrated her how Holly, Mac, Robert, and Anna saw themselves as invincible and responsible for saving the world.

Felicia conceded that she'd had her moments, too, but Felicia had learned to accept that she was not alone. "And neither are you," Felicia said. Holly appreciated Felicia's concern, but Holly deftly changed the subject by asking about Felicia's life. The distraction worked because Felicia gushed about her family, and she revealed that she had gotten back into private investigation. The conversation turned to Luke's death, and the investigation into the possibility that Victor had orchestrated it. Holly admitted that she had trouble believing that Luke was really dead, but Holly wanted to help uncover the truth about the cable car crash. Felicia chuckled as she recalled the slap Holly had given Victor. "Trust me, I'm just getting started," Holly said.

At the Port Charles jail, Anna rested on a cot as Mac arrived to check on her. Anna stood up as she admitted that she'd been going stir crazy, while Victor had been getting away with murder. Moments later, Robert walked up. Robert beamed with joy as he shared the news that Holly had returned. Mac was happy for his brother, and Anna was eager for news about her friend. Robert explained that physically, Holly was fine, but she had no memory of the past two years. Anna felt bad for Holly, but Anna was curious if Jordan had called Robert to tell him about Anna's arrest.

Robert confessed that he hadn't received any phone calls because the ringer on his phone had been turned off. Mac scolded his brother for being unprofessional, but Robert explained that he had no idea how it had happened. Anna was desperate to get out of jail, but she conceded that the police had incriminating evidence against her. Mac confirmed that the shell casing recovered from the pier had been the same caliber as the gun found in the trunk of Anna's car. Mac couldn't believe A.D.A. Arden couldn't see the obvious attempt to frame Anna. Robert revealed that he had to recuse himself from the case, so Anna would have to wait for her arraignment. Anna implored Robert to call Valentin to let Valentin know what had happened. Robert was reluctant, but Anna explained that she was concerned because all her calls had gone to voicemail, and Victor had made Valentin's travel arrangements. She suspected Victor had intended to keep Valentin from interfering in Victor's efforts to frame her for murder. After Robert left to make the call, Anna took the opportunity to warn Mac that Deputy Mayor Ashby was in cahoots with Victor.

Robert returned to report that his call to Valentin had gone to voicemail. Anna's concern mounted, but Holly's arrival offered a brief respite. After Holly exchanged greetings with everyone, Holly passed along a message from Felicia for Mac to meet his wife at the hospital. Mac wanted to postpone the DNA test, but both Anna and Robert insisted it was too important for Mac to miss.

Mac left, so Robert and Anna filled Holly in about the damaging evidence against Anna. Robert confirmed that a box of bullets had been found in Anna's home that had matched both the brand and caliber of the casing recovered from the pier. Holly agreed that it sounded like a setup. Anna revealed that she had recognized the trench coat worn by the shooter, which Anna suspected had been taken from her home, along with Anna's gun, when the bullets had been planted. Robert admitted that forensics had found gunpowder on the trench coat.

Anna was certain Victor had arranged everything. Holly pointed out that the WSB might intervene, but Anna explained that she'd been digging into Luke's murder privately because the case had been closed when someone had confessed to sabotaging the cable car that had killed Luke. Holly was curious why Victor would target Luke in the first place, so Anna told Holly about Victor's search for the Ice Princess. Shocked, Holly asked how many people had to die for the infamous diamond. "Far too many," Anna said. Holly recalled that Luke had once mentioned a curse that Helena Cassadine had put on the Ice Princess. "Cassadines are toxic," Robert said. After Robert stepped away to find out about Anna's arraignment, Holly and Anna shared a private reunion. Anna told Holly how devastated Robert had been when he'd been told that Holly had died. Moments later, a furious Robert returned to let Anna know that her arraignment had been pushed back to the following day. Robert promised to get Anna out of jail. Anna was confident Robert would succeed, and together, she and Robert would go after Victor. "Count me in," Holly said.

10/31 Robert arrived at Holly's room with a latte and croissant for her breakfast. Holly was still in her pajamas, and she leaned over to fix his tie before he departed for court. Holly admitted that her second night in town had gone much better than her first, and she was most appreciative of Robert spending the night on the sofa. Robert quipped that she had deserved the bed after slapping Victor. Holly disclosed that she had no plans to back down, and Robert proclaimed that he couldn't lose her again. He added that he had never stopped caring about Holly. He asked if she had remembered anything, and Holly promised to tell him if she did. She announced that she would be going to court with Robert.

Olivia ran up to Robert and Holly at the courthouse to tell him about Heather being taken to GH. Robert replied that he had been unaware of Heather being sent to the hospital. Olivia was afraid that Heather would escape because it wouldn't be the first time.

Anna walked in and spotted Victor. Her cuffs were removed. Victor approached prosecutor Arden and told her that he hoped Lucy's killer wouldn't go free. He suggested that Arden's job was a stepping-stone. Judge Walsh took his seat, and Arden presented her case. Scott objected and made mention that the evidence had been planted and that everyone knew it. He made a motion to dismiss the case, but it was denied. The judge denied bail due to Anna's past. Scott vowed to prove that Anna had been framed, and he thought that Arden would look like a "patsy." Felicia informed Anna that they would fight, and Holly was ready to bust Anna out. Jordan said she was sorry to place the cuffs back on Anna's wrists. Anna and Victor glared at each other.

11/1 Back at Robert’s office, Holly questions what is the plan to break Anna out of jail, without actually creating a jail break? He declares that now she is being denied bail, he is running low on options. She observes the Robert she knows would never give up. He snarked that he said he was low on options, but assured her he is still the Robert she knows. Holly worries that Anna will be a target at Pentonville. She admits she was hoping that Lucy would have been found by now.

Holly watches curiously as Robert says he has to take an incoming call and walks out of the office to talk privately. Robert wants to find someone to go over the judges head on the denial of Anna’s bail. Holly worries that Robert getting involved could jeopardise his career and Anna is going to need him not just as a friend but as the DA. He admits it wouldn’t be good if he got caught doing Anna a favour as he knows the assistant DA is on Victor’s payroll. When Holly feels faint, Robert suggests they take a break and get outside for some fresh air.

Robert entered the festival, arm in arm with Holly. Sonny spotted Holly, and he marveled that Holly was alive and well. Sonny introduced Holly to Nina, and the two women exchanged pleasantries. Holly said she wanted to get a cup of cider, and she left. Afterwards, Sonny asked Robert how Anna was doing, and he was shocked when Robert said that Anna was scheduled to be sent to Pentonville the following day.

Sonny said he knew the charges against Anna had been orchestrated by Victor, and he offered to help Robert, who asked what Sonny had in mind. Sonny said there was a way to keep Anna from going to Pentonville. Robert said he had things under control, but he didn't seem confident in his words.

Out of sight, Holly placed a call to someone. "I have an update for you. Robert is making moves on Anna's behalf. Right now, he's planning to intervene with the judge and get Anna another hearing. Yes, I'm sticking close to him," Holly told the person.  After she hung up the phone, Holly looked visibly upset that she had been lying to Robert.

11/3 Robert walked Holly to her room at the Metro Court. He apologized for being overprotective, but he didn't want to lose her again. She reminded him of his meeting with Mac and Felicia to figure out Anna's situation, and he suggested that she help. She answered that she was tired, so she went into her room. She waited at the door for a few minutes until she knew Robert was gone, and she slipped out the door.

A short while later, Holly arrived on the footbridge, and Victor approached her. He asked what news she had for him. She reluctantly revealed that Robert was trying to get Anna in front of a more lenient judge, and Victor thought that that situation was easy to handle. He made sure that Holly's friends didn't suspect her of lying. She assured him that they didn't, and it was torture.

"Not as bad as that cell," he replied, and he warned her to be good and do as she was told. She wondered what he would do if she didn't, and he answered, "The same thing I did to Lucy." Holly informed Victor that Robert wasn't easily deterred, but Victor reminded her that she was there as a distraction for Robert. He mentioned how he'd bought her freedom from Winston Rudge, and if he hadn't, she would have died in that explosion. He promised that Holly would be free as soon as Anna was convicted of murder.

"Remember who you left behind," he warned.
"If you hurt him, I'll kill you myself," she shot back.
He warned her to watch her tone, as "his life is in my hands."

Robert arrived to see Mac and Felicia. He revealed that, while there was no new evidence against Anna, A.D.A. Arden believed she had enough evidence to get Anna convicted. Felicia feared for Anna's safety in Pentonville while she awaited trial. Robert told them about Sonny offering his help, but Robert had turned it down. Robert mentioned that there had been something off about Holly, and he was worried about her. Felicia replied that they would all be there for her. "Did you tell him?" Felicia asked Mac. Mac finally told Robert about Cody, and Robert hit Mac. "That's for not telling me. You know I hate secrets," Robert said.

Diane got into the elevator at the Metro Court and was pleased to see that Robert had gotten in behind her. She offered to buy him a drink for the support he'd given her while she'd been in the hospital. He asked for a rain check, as he was on his way to see Holly. Diane was happy for him, and he replied that he was grateful. She hoped that the reunion was everything he wanted. When he got off the elevator, Diane had tears in her eyes.

Robert arrived in front of Holly's room and received no answer when he knocked. He turned to walk away and bumped right into Holly. She claimed that she'd gone for a walk for some fresh air before bed, and he took her cold hands in his. They shared a kiss, and she admitted that it was unexpected.

"There's something I haven't told you," she confessed, and he insisted that she could tell him anything. She informed him that, while she didn't remember much from the previous two years, she knew that the thought of seeing him again was what had kept her going. She was suddenly exhausted and promised to talk to Robert the next day. He kissed her on the cheek, and she went into her room.

At the footbridge, Victor's phone rang. "Did you convince the bank manager to release the information?" he asked. He smiled and looked at a picture of Peter's necklace on his phone. "This might finally be it," he muttered.

11/7 While Holly sat in Robert's office, she received a text message from Victor, who asked what she'd learned about Arden's case against Anna. She replied that she was "still gathering intel." Victor muttered that his patience was wearing thin.

In the Wyndemere study, Victor finished up a phone call to Johann, telling him that the necklace that is in Britt Westmore’s possession may be just what he has been looking for his "final act.”

Back in Robert's office, Holly finished off her text message to Victor just as Robert walked in. She asked if he had any leads in Lucy's case, and she suggested that they work together like old times. Robert frowned. Holly continued to press for details, but they were interrupted when Deputy Mayor Eileen Ashby barged in. She snapped that she'd heard that Robert had been trying to get Anna out of prison on bail, and she accused him of trying to pull strings. She warned him that she would have to demand his resignation. Robert replied that he had recused himself from the case, and he pointed out that he was an elected official, Ashby was not the mayor, and he couldn't resign. Ashby pointed out that the election was in a matter of days, and if she went public, he would not win. She added that she would run the office the way she saw fit until the mayor "graced the city" with her return.

"Well, here I am, Eileen, gracing you," Laura announced as she stepped into the office. Laura made it clear that she wasn't happy with Ashby's falling-out with Robert because she trusted him. She hugged Holly and told her how Robert hadn't given up hope on her return as quickly as others had. She wondered where Holly had been. Robert informed her that Holly had had a lapse in memory, and Laura suggested that Kevin could help. After suggesting it more than once, Holly shouted a resounding no.

Holly apologized, and Laura announced that she wanted to check in with her family. She also wanted Robert to accompany her out into the hallway. Ashby accused Holly of almost getting them caught, and Holly claimed to not know what Ashby was talking about. Ashby revealed that she was aware that Holly was working with Victor, and he was the one who called the shots.

Out in the hallway, Laura wanted details from Robert. She couldn't believe that Holly had just shown up, and she wondered if Holly was even telling the truth. Robert reminded her that Holly was the victim, but Laura declared that Holly had been known to mix it up with unsavory people in the past. Robert said that he trusted Holly, and Laura replied that she trusted Robert. They shared a hug.

Robert returned to his office and announced that he had city business. Ashby left, and Holly guessed that Laura had had her doubts about Holly. Robert thought that Laura was just less inclined to trust people, but he trusted Holly, who thought that was all that mattered.

11/8 A police officer escorted Anna to the parking garage. Dex, posing as another officer, donned a black baseball cap and a matching black jacket and pants. Dex introduced himself to Anna, and he said he would be Anna's ride for the trip ahead. Dex started to unlock Anna's cuffs, but the two were interrupted when another guard brought a different prisoner to him for transport. Anna was alarmed when she saw the prisoner was Heather.

Once inside the van, Heather started to ramble. Up front, Dex was forced to ride with the guard who had dropped Heather off because the van the guard had used to transport Heather had broken down. Heather's guard remarked that Dex had missed the turn for Pentonville. Dex replied that he would drop the guard off at D'Archam with Heather first. The guard demanded that Dex turn around, but Dex insisted the guard let Dex do his job. The guard made a sudden move, and he reached for Dex's gun. The van began to swerve, and the tires screeched as Dex and the guard fought for control of the gun.

11/9 Route 31, the transport van had skidded off the road and crashed. Both Dex and the guard were unconscious in the front seats. However, Dex slowly opened his eyes when a dispatcher on the police radio asked for the transport van's status. Dex glanced at the unconscious guard and reached out to check the man for a pulse. He was relieved that the guard was alive. Dex slowly slid out of the van from the driver's side, clutched his injured side, and made his way to the backseat on the passenger side to check on Anna, who was sprawled across the bench seat and unconscious. After checking for a pulse, Dex gently shook Anna awake.

November 10-16 no scenes

11/17 Inside Haven Bistro, Robert and Holly were glad for some private time together. He talked about how worried he was about Anna, who he hadn't heard from since her escape. Laura arrived and sat down with them while she waited for her take-out order. Laura updated Holly on her discovery of two brothers, and Martin's relationship with Lucy. Laura continued that Martin was convinced of Anna's guilt because of the video "evidence." Holly went on a passionate tirade against gaslighting. When she calmed down, she claimed that she knew what it was like to lose someone, and how many ways there were to lose them. She said she just knew that Anna wasn't responsible.

Laura commented that Holly sounded sure of herself, and she wondered if Holly knew something that they didn't. Holly abruptly excused herself to get some air. Laura was suspicious of Holly, but Robert thought that it was a big jump to think that Holly was working with Victor. Laura knew that Robert loved Holly, but she believed that he knew deep down that Holly was hiding something.

Outside, Holly thought back to Lucy getting shot. She thought back to shedding a wig and the clothes and gun that had later been found in Anna's car. She shivered and shook her head in regret.

11/18 At Metro Court, Robert wondered why Holly looked so morose. Holly said that Lucy and Anna were both on her mind. Holly told Robert how much it had meant to her that Robert had never lost hope in finding her, and the two kissed. Robert asked what had prompted the kiss. Holly said that she had gotten caught up in the moment. Holly changed the subject back to Lucy and Anna. Robert said he knew that Anna was somewhere safe. Robert's phone rang, and he asked the caller to text him the address to Anna's safe house.

Holly spilled her drink, and she asked Robert to bring her club soda. When Robert left, Holly looked at Robert's phone, and she saw the address that had been texted. Robert returned, and Holly left with the excuse that she had made an appointment with Kevin to help treat her memory issues. On an elevator, Holly phoned Victor to ask for a meeting.

Later, Holly met Victor at the pier, and she reluctantly gave Victor the same address that had been texted to Robert. Victor was surprised by how easily Holly had volunteered the information, and he said that Holly would have to alert the police to Anna's whereabouts herself. Victor left after he received a text.

At the safe house, Anna had been surprised when Valentin had appeared. After Valentin entered, Anna pulled him close for a kiss. He warns her that she is no longer safe there and they have to leave. Witten entered the interrogation room with Laura. Witten announced that he had a lead on Anna's whereabouts, and he offered to let Mac and Dante ride with him. Mac and Dante left with Witten. Afterwards, Felicia asked how worried she and Laura should be about Anna. "Very," Laura said.

Felicia received a text from Mac, and she shared that Witten's van had pulled up outside the suspected safe house. Felicia added that Witten wouldn't hesitate to "take Anna down" if Anna refused to surrender willingly. Laura hoped that Mac and Dante could get Anna out of the house safely.

In an outdoor area near a house, Witten announced to his men that he had two SWAT agents stationed near the back of the house, and he instructed Dante to get in position to take a shot if necessary. After Witten walked away, an uneasy Dante asked if Mac was ready. "Let's just hope we all make it out in one piece," Mac replied.

Mac and Dante grabbed their guns, and Witten's team entered the house with a battering ram. Once inside, Witten was stunned to find the room empty. Witten yelled for his men to find out how Anna had escaped. Mac asked Witten what he thought had happened. "Either the anonymous caller got it wrong and gave us a bad tip, or they got it right and we got here too late," Witten snapped. Dante wondered who had called in the tip. Mac said that regardless of who had made the call, Witten had learned not to underestimate Anna.

Alone at the docks, Holly flashed back to the sound of two gunshots. Holly was startled when she turned to see Robert. "You've got some explaining to do," Robert told Holly.

11/21 At Pier 55, Robert shouted at Holly. He yelled that he had baited her with a phony address for Anna, and Whitten had appeared there after an anonymous tip from Holly. "How long have you been working with Victor?" he demanded to know. Holly admitted it was true, although she insisted it was not by choice. She grew hysterical and informed him that he would be a target if she told him anything. Robert replied that everyone was a target with Victor around, and he wanted to hear all of it.

Holly proclaimed that she'd been lying. She remembered the past two years. She took a deep breath and explained that she had been investigating Rudge and his casino, and she'd heard that he'd been working with Victor. She went on to say that her cover had been blown, and she'd been taken captive. She recalled being able to phone Robert for help, and he remembered the call. She said that Victor had threatened her, and he'd forced her to watch as he killed her sister, Paloma.

Robert recalled Paloma's body being found on the casino grounds. He noted that she'd resembled Holly. Holly recounted that Paloma had been wearing Holly's wedding ring, and dental records had been falsified. She continued that she'd been moved from Crete to somewhere else and then to Port Charles. She explained that Anna had been in the way of Victor's plans, and she had also been ordered to distract Robert. Holly admitted to being the one to have shot Lucy, although she maintained that she'd used one rubber bullet. She added that a second bullet had been fired into the water, leaving behind residue and casings.

Lucy assured Robert that Lucy wasn't dead, and he was incredulous. She said that Victor had never wanted to hurt Lucy. She explained that she had been wearing prosthetics when she'd committed the shooting, in order to resemble Anna. She said that Victor's guards had retrieved Lucy from the water. She cried that Victor couldn't know that she'd told Robert anything, or her son Ethan would be in danger.

Holly wasn't finished, as she told Robert that Ethan had learned she was still alive, and Victor's people had caught him. At that point, she received a phone message that Victor was on his way. She made it clear that Victor couldn't be provoked, or he would do to Ethan what he'd done to Paloma. She cried that she had been trying to save everyone. "Something has to give," she said. "You're right. Something does," Robert replied. Victor showed up at the pier and told Holly that Eileen had informed him of Anna's escape. He knew that Holly had given out the address, and he thought that Robert was onto Holly. He wanted her to be on her guard. He informed her of an upcoming assignment with an old friend.

11/22 Robert appeared at Britt’s office with a police officer. Robert asked what Cody held in his hand, and Cody said that it was none of Robert's business. "If it's a $35 million necklace recovered from Peter August, yeah, it's my business. I have a warrant for it. Hand it over," Robert shot back. Robert said the police had reason to believe the diamonds contained in the necklace had been illegally obtained. Britt had to physically grab the necklace from Cody's hand to give it to Robert, who confirmed that it was the same necklace that fit the police's description. Outside in the hallway, Robert asked the officer to cuff the briefcase to Robert's wrist.

At Pier 55 on the Waterfront district, Victor yelled for Holly to stop lying to him. Holly said that she had no reason to lie to Victor, given that he was holding Ethan hostage. Holly wanted to speak to Ethan to make sure he was really alive, but Victor refused. Victor said that Holly would have to trust him.

After receiving a tip from one of his goons at the hospital, Victor told Holly that Robert had a briefcase handcuffed to Robert's wrist. Victor instructed Holly to bring him the briefcase. Holly wondered how she would get the briefcase away from Robert. "Oh, I don't know. Let Ethan be your inspiration," Victor said coldly. Victor told Holly to leave before the WSB got its hands on the briefcase. At that same moment, Robert walked into Metro Court with a briefcase chained to his wrist.

11/23 In the restaurant area at Metro Court, Robert waited for his WSB contact to appear. Diane joined Robert, who shared that the briefcase that was handcuffed to him contained diamonds from the Ice Princess. Nearby, Holly phoned Victor. Holly said she needed Victor's help to get the diamonds from Robert. Diane gushed about the legend of the Ice Princess. Holly joined them, and Robert introduced her to Diane. Robert said that Holly was someone he trusted with his life. Holly said that she and Diane had both cheated death, and she excused herself for a moment. When Holly was away, Robert ordered a round of tequila shots.

Nearby, one of Victor's goons slipped Holly a vial. Holly returned to the table, and she drank a shot. Holly asked Robert to join her. Robert shared a story about being on a cruise with a woman from Orange County, California, and as he did, Holly quietly replaced a saltshaker at the table with a different one.

Robert recalled that he and Holly had a ritual when it involved drinking shots. Robert then licked salt from the back of his hand, and he followed it with the tequila shot and a bite of lime. Robert wanted Holly to do the same, but Holly claimed she had to watch her salt intake. Holly and Diane had a conversation, and Robert grew quiet. Diane asked Robert a question, and Robert's head fell to his chest. Diane was concerned about Robert. Holly claimed that Robert could no longer handle heavy alcohol. Robert appeared to have been drugged, but he said he needed to stay at Metro Court to wait for the WSB contact. Holly convinced Robert to leave with her.

After Robert and Holly left, Diane left a voice message for Robert. Diane shared that she hadn't had a good feeling about Robert being alone with Holly. Diane hung up, and she was stunned when Robert stepped through the elevator door. Robert stumbled, and he appeared to have a busted lip. The suitcase that had been cuffed to Robert's wrist was no longer attached.

At an undisclosed location, Holly opened the box in the suitcase that had contained the necklace. Holly held the necklace in her hands, and she stared at it.

11/28 At General Hospital, Robert awakened, and Diane sat by his side. She refreshed his memory and mentioned the tequila shots and the trip to his room with Holly. Diane added that she had given the WSB his message. Robert suddenly noticed that his briefcase was missing from its handcuff, and he demanded to see Jordan. Laura and Scott chatted while standing at the Perks cart in Rice Plaza. They talked about family, and Laura noted her intention to locate Lucy's real shooter to bring them to justice. Holly sat on a bench nearby and overheard. Laura and Scott made their way to the bench, and Holly exclaimed about seeing a woodchuck floating up into the air. She noted that she was waiting for a ride-share because she had business to tend to. She said she hadn't expected to see so much activity around her.

Scott and Laura were surprised that Holly would have any business the night before Thanksgiving, and they mentioned that the activity was all related to the upcoming holiday parade. Holly replied that some business couldn't wait, but she was certain that Laura could understand that. Laura agreed, although she made it clear that she would be spending time with family. Scott received a phone call and walked away. He was annoyed that it was Heather, who asked him to visit her. She was sure it would be worth his while.

Laura and Holly couldn't believe that Scott decided to see Heather and agreed it couldn't be good. Holly announced that she had to go out of town, and she was in disbelief that her ride had never shown up. She explained that she was doing contract work for government agencies, and Robert didn't know because he wouldn't approve. Laura offered to drive her, and Holly accepted.

Back at the hospital, Robert tried to unhook his tubes while T.J. sat with him. Robert was desperate to find the necklace and Holly. T.J. told Robert that he couldn't leave. Diane and Jordan arrived, and Jordan announced that some footage from Metro Court had been reviewed, and Holly appeared to be fine. She asked why Holly would do such a thing. Robert appeared to want to say something, but Jordan received a phone call and left. Diane guessed that Robert had something on his mind. She stated that Holly had stolen the necklace and drugged him. She added that he was in trouble, and her rates were exorbitant. Robert denied everything, but Diane hoped that Holly wouldn't drag him down.

In the car, Laura chatted to Holly about her mother and the fact that Kevin was working. She thought that Holly's memory would return, and she asked what agency Holly was working for. Holly responded that it was classified. Just then, Laura received a phone call from Jordan, but before she could tell Jordan who she was with, Jordan began to talk over the speakerphone.

Jordan said that the attacker had the missing necklace that was made with diamonds from the Ice Princess. Holly quickly disconnected the call and trained a gun on Laura. Laura admitted that she had known that Holly couldn't be trusted. She told Holly to put the gun down. She guessed that Holly was working for Victor. Laura refused to follow any of Holly's directions.

Soon after, Holly and Laura stood on the road by the highway exit. While Holly held her gun in Laura's direction, she grabbed Laura's phone and called Kevin. She tossed the phone on the ground and fled. Laura picked up the phone and told Kevin where she was. She said that she needed help, and Holly had stolen the car. She also wanted Jordan to know that Holly was armed and dangerous.

11/29 At the police station, Laura approached Jordan, Mac, and Robert. Laura was curious if there had been news about Holly, but Jordan was concerned about the mayor after what Laura had endured. Laura promised that she was fine because Holly had been careful not to hurt Laura or to leave Laura stranded for long.

"How considerate," Eileen Ashby said in a sarcastic tone. Laura assured Eileen that it hadn't been necessary for Eileen to give up her holiday, but Eileen claimed that she preferred to be kept in the loop. "What an understatement," Robert said to his brother.

In the squad room, Mac told Laura and Eileen that he and Robert had tracked the GPS in Laura's car. Eileen was curious if Mac knew where Holly was headed, but Laura cut him off from answering. To get Eileen out of the squad room, Laura gave her an assignment. After Eileen left, Robert asked how much longer they had to put up with a traitor in their midst. Laura explained that she hoped to use Eileen to gain incriminating evidence against Victor.

Later, Eileen hovered in the background as Robert told Laura that Holly had abandoned the car near Baylor Woods, and Holly was on foot. Mac reported that police officers had found a water well in the vicinity. Laura pointed out that the well might be an indication of a nearby dwelling. Eileen quickly pulled out her phone and sent a text message update to someone named Gavin.

"Eileen?" Laura asked. Startled, Eileen turned around and saw Laura standing behind her. Laura asked if Eileen had taken care of Laura's request. "I relayed the relevant information," Eileen answered.

When Laura returned, she was grateful for the generous bounty that Felicia had provided. However, the festivities were cut short for Jordan, Mac, and Robert when they were called to Baylor Woods because police officers had found a cabin located near the Canadian border. Laura made it clear that she wanted things to end peacefully.

In Baylor Woods, a man approached an area cordoned off by the police. A police officer stopped the man, and the man asked what was going on. The police officer informed the man that it was a restricted area, and the man had to leave. The man recalled hearing about a manhunt for a jewel thief in the area, so he told the police officer to stay safe. After the man walked away, he stepped out of view of the police and sent a text message.

Later, Jordan, Mac, and Robert arrived as police officers made preparations. Mac handed Robert a bulletproof vest, but Robert insisted that it wasn't necessary because Holly wouldn't hurt him. "Hasn't she already hurt you?" Mac asked. Mac demanded that Robert put the vest on. Jordan picked up a megaphone to begin negotiations, but Robert explained that he had the best hope of getting through to Holly.

Earlier, Holly looked out the window of the cabin as she listened to news reports about the search for her. She turned off the radio and opened the briefcase to retrieve the necklace. After she spent several minutes admiring the diamond necklace, she put it on. After she walked around the cabin to get warm, she spotted a map. Holly sat down and studied the map until she heard a noise outside. Alarmed, she looked outside, quickly locked the door, and closed the curtains.

Holly checked her loaded gun just as Robert called out to her over the megaphone and told her that the cabin was surrounded. "It's over. There's no escape this time," Robert said. Holly ran to the door and called out to Robert to ask if Laura was okay. Holly promised that she had never intended to hurt anyone, especially Robert. Robert told Holly that he wanted her to walk away unscathed, and he was certain that Holly knew what to do to make it happen. Holly grabbed the briefcase, and knocked over a kerosene lamp. As she approached the door, she was unaware that a fire had started near the wood-burning stove. Outside, Mac squeezed Robert's shoulder to offer his brother support. Seconds later, a fiery explosion rocked the cabin. Robert watched in horror as Holly ran out of the cabin, engulfed in flames, and collapsed in the front yard.

11/30 At the cabin in Baylor Woods, Robert watched in horror as the cabin was rocked by an explosion and Holly emerged engulfed in flames. He grabbed a blanket and raced to her aid. Mac was close behind him. Robert's worst fears were realized when he lifted the blanket and saw Holly's injuries. Mac sprang into action and dragged his grief-stricken brother away as the paramedics raced to save Holly. Eventually, a paramedic informed Jordan that Holly had suffered extensive burns and needed to be medevacked out. Robert insisted on going with Holly, but Mac wanted to drive Robert to the airfield. Jordan objected because she needed Mac to stay and help her with the crime scene.

A short time later, Jordan told Mac that a preliminary investigation suggested that the explosion had been caused by a faulty stove. Mac showed Jordan an evidence bag with a piece of Robert's briefcase that had been recovered from the fire. Jordan wondered where the necklace was. After Mac and his team searched the cabin, Mac reported that the necklace remained missing. Jordan advised Mac that they would need to make certain that no one had walked away with the valuable necklace. Mac agreed, but he reminded Jordan that it was possible that Holly had ditched the necklace or that Holly had turned it over to Victor prior to fleeing. Mac assured Jordan that he would check with Robert, but Mac warned Jordan that the necklace might have been destroyed in the fire. According to Mac, diamonds turned to ash if the heat was high enough.

Meanwhile, Holly's ambulance had stopped on the side of the road. A paramedic approached the back of the vehicle and opened the door. Felica warmly greeted Robert, who returned her smile. Holly popped up, pulled off the bandages and shook out her hair. Robert asked if Holly was okay. "Right as rain and all fired up," Holly replied. After Holly had changed into clothes provided by Felicia, Felicia handed Holly a passport with a new identity. Holly felt bad about what she had put Robert and Mac through, but Felicia reminded Holly that it had been necessary. As Felicia, Holly, and Robert discussed the events that had unfolded, it was revealed that Robert and Holly had planned everything that had transpired at Metro Court's restaurant and that Felicia had been waiting for Holly at the cabin.

Felicia had given Holly fireproof garments and flame-retardant gel, and Felicia had used her phone to look up how to rig the stove to explode. Robert acknowledged that luring the police to the cabin had been necessary because they had needed credible witnesses. Holly realized that Ethan's only chance for survival had been for Victor to believe that Holly was of no further use.

Robert handed Holly a set of car keys to an "untraceable" car that Holly would drive to Canada. Holly worried about Victor finding her, but Robert assured Holly that it had been taken care of. Felicia explained that Felicia would take Holly's place in the ambulance, but Felicia would be dropped off on the outskirts of Port Charles. Felicia revealed that records would show that Holly had been flown to a burn clinic halfway across the world for treatment and that Holly was in a coma. Robert was certain that Victor would quickly lose interest in Holly. Holly regretted that Mac hadn't been told about the ruse, but Felicia insisted it had been necessary to give Mac plausible deniability. After Holly and Felicia hugged goodbye, Holly recalled a meeting with Selina.

Holly had met Selina on the pier and gave her a diamond from the necklace. Selina admitted that she would have preferred the entire necklace, but Holly explained that it had been the only available piece. Holly had handed Selina a small vial and instructed Selina to make certain that Victor ingested the substance. Selina had been reluctant to kill Victor at the Savoy, but Holly had assured Selina that the substance would not kill Victor. Holly had revealed that Victor would only feel the effects of the drug if circumstances arose. Selina had been curious what Victor had done to earn Holly's animosity, so Holly had told Selina that Victor had been holding Holly's son hostage.

Holly had admitted that she would never get Ethan back if Victor was dead, but a dose of the drug in the vial would pay Victor back in kind. Selina had told Holly there was a special place in hell for men like Victor. "The ninth circle," Holly had said. Selina had given her word that she would take care of Victor. Holly pushed the memory away and focused on Robert. Holly apologized, and she admitted that she wished there had been another way. "This isn't our moment," Holly said. "It never is," Robert replied. Holly turned and started to walk away, but Robert reminded her that she had forgotten something. Holly smiled, ran into his arms, and kissed him passionately.

Afterwards, Robert admitted that he'd been referring to the necklace. Holly pulled the diamond necklace out of her coat pocket and handed it to him. She was curious why Victor was desperate to get his hands on it, so Robert explained that the necklace had been made from the Ice Princess diamond. Holly suggested the infamous diamond had a way of destroying those who coveted it. She told Robert to be careful, but he assured her that he always was. "Except with your heart," Holly said. Robert and Holly gazed at each other with longing, but Robert was the first to break the spell. "Be seeing you," Robert said in a sad tone. Holly turned and walked away, but she stopped to blow him a kiss. Robert watched as Holly disappeared into the fog.

At the Savoy, Victor was served a drink, compliments of Selina. He nodded his thanks as she watched him from the bar. "My word is my bond," Selina said to herself. Victor took a deep drink and checked his cell phone when he received a text message from Gavin. Gavin reported that Holly had been disabled, and the necklace was missing. Furious, Victor smashed the nearly empty glass on the table.

**The End**

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