Robert & Holly #30  December 2,1983 - March 5, 1984 - 8 hour original edit

#30A  Robert agrees that Laura would have been killed had she not married Stavros. Rick wants them all arrested but Luke doesn't think that is a good idea as the marriage will make it look like Laura cooperated. Robert offers to kill them himself! Luke tells them that one of Stavros' goons have already followed her to PC. Luke suggests that the spread the story that Laura has amnesia as it might placate the Cassidines that she isn't going to press charges. Tiffany understands the Cassidine threat from her days with Victor. Robert points out that Stavros might not back off but Luke says Laura is his! Robert returns home and tells Holly the good news. Luke calls with the news that Stavros is in town.  Luke goes to see Robert and tells him about his meeting with Stavros. Robert tells him that Burt will be tailing Stavros for the duration of his visit in Port Charles as a deterent. Robert doesn't believe that Stavros will ever accept that Laura is Luke's wife and Robert tells him he will do anything possible to protect them both. Robert arrives at GH and asks to talk to Stavros and inquires his business in Port Charles.

Robert calls to update Luke. Robert and Burt take Stavros to the airport and make sure they get on the airplane. He continues watching until the airplane taxis down the runway and takes off. Robert calls Luke and tells him that they are indeed gone! Luke calls for an immediate party! A quiet moment when Laura is introduced to Holly, as both women look at each other silently. Laura breaks the ice when she tells Holly how much she was looking forward to meeting her. When Holly mentions how much Luke has told her about Laura there is a moment of awkwardness and Luke suggests drinks. Luke goes outside to put some meat on the barbeque grill, as Stavros stands off to the side watching, obviously not having left town. Holly comments that she doesn't think she has ever seen two people to be so happy together.

The next day, the gang gets together again at Tiffany's to celebrate some more, Rick, Leslie, Amy, Blackie, Claudia, Brian, Bobbie, Brock all gather. Holly arrives and tells them Robert will be there later. Holly and Laura talk, get to know and to accept each other.  Luke and Robert attend a city council meeting, Luke looks so bored.  The reception at the mayor's mansion is held, and the town arrive, Robert & Holly, Lee & Gail, Dan & Ruby, Brian & Claudia, Audrey & Steve, Rick & Leslie attend and Luke's staff is introduced. Stavros' goon fixes the back door and after all of the guests have left, he is able to re-enter and let Stavros and his men in. Later that night, Stavros fires a shot at Luke and Laura but collapses and then falls down the stairs.

Robert and Holly in fun scenes as they return home together both tipsy as they stopped for drinks after the reception (for the first time they are truly free to love one another with no guilt over betraying Luke). Robert wants to call and tell Luke something he had forgotten. Holly assures him that Luke has better things to do at this time of the night rather than talk to Robert. She comments on how happy Luke is and she seems suprised at how much she likes Laura. Robert assures her that Laura is wonderful though not quite as cute and cuddly as Holly is. She dances around and they go up to the sauna together. Luke calls and interrupts them and tells Robert that he needs help cleaning up. Robert laughs its a bit late for that thinking he means after the party. Luke tells him it involves a body and fills him in. Robert tells her not to wait up as he thinks this will be a late night and heads out to meet Luke and Laura at GH. 

Grant goes to see Robert and asks him about getting rid of the bodyguard. Robert is against it and tells him this could be just the weakness the DVX would take advantage of. Grant points out that if the DVX wanted him to be dead that a bodyguard woudn't stop them. Robert understands that taking a bodyguard into the neighborhoods that he will be working in could be a problem and he agrees to try to intercede on his behalf. Robert then receives a return call from Helena, and he tells her that Stavros was died. Holly and Robert have breakfast together, and she suggests that the press conference is going to be rough on them and wants to invite them to dinner. Robert agrees that is a good idea. Robert and Lee arrive to lend moral support as well. Robert congratulates Luke for pulling off the story he spun at the press conference. Luke thanks Robert for his help, that he chimed in at just the right time. Robert receives a call that the plane carrying Stavros' body has landed in Greece. Luke hopes that this time it is finally over. Robert and Holly have dinner with Luke and Laura at the mansion. Robert receives a call informing him that the Cassidine jet has taken off for the United States. Luke is very concerned but they all decide to put aside their fears. As they all discuss their travels, Luke says he feels like a hick as he hasn't been anywhere except Victoria and the Cassidine Island.

Laura attends another luncheon and Holly is there. Holly offers Laura a ride to her next appearance, but Laura says there will be someone there to get her. Laura has a few moments to wait and she asks Holly how she does it, being a public officials wife? Laura and Holly have tea and talk.  Luke has decided to resign as mayor and Luke says goodbye (accompanied by flashbacks) to Holly and then Robert as he prepares to leave town. Holly comes by to take Celia to lunch and finds her sitting on the floor with Jimmy Lee, with his arms around her, laughing and Holly makes a snarky comment. Celia rips into Holly and Holly suggests that perhaps Celia shouldn't be taking up with Jimmy Lee again. Holly leaves on bad terms but comes back and apologizes that it is none of her business. Celia also apologizes that she has been short tempered lately. She is glad Holly returned, as she doesn't have many friends these days. Holly tells Robert about putting her foot in her mouth, and he suggests they invite Celia and Grant out for a night on the town.

Holly is making arrangements on the telephone and when Robert comes up, she quickly hangs up and acts nervous and suspicous. He wants to know what is up and why she is acting so mysterious? Grant arrives with Carla having made arrangements me for her to use Robert's equipment to work out on. Holly stops by to see Celia and tries to smooth things over. Celia is cool and distant and Holly confronts her about her still being angry with her. Celia denies it and claims Holly is being overly sensitive. Holly apologizes again and says she knows her remarks were uncalled for. This time they do truly make up and all is forgiven. Holly says this calls for a celebration and invites Celia and Grant to join her and Robert for dinner.

Robert and Holly dine with Grant and Celia at Kelly's. Grant A is worried that he will have his medical license revoked. Jake joins them for a strategy lesson. Unfortunately, the nosy reporter Jackie interrupts to dish out her poisonous barbs. Robert tells her to practice her yellow journals elsewhere.  Lee starts putting pressure on Robert because of his association with Grant. Holly hearing about Robert's pet as a child in Australia and surprises Robert with a real live Wallaby! Robert decides to donate it to the local zoo. 

Holly is bored and Robert is shocked when he sees his wife take up cooking! Holly is making a mess of things in the kitchen with piles of food all over the counter. Robert doesn't help with is sarcastic comments. All dirty from all the cooking, Holly gets a call to go to a ladies luncheon. Later, Robert comes home to have a hearty lunch, and Holly serves him a wet soggy salad and cold soup! Robert comes home reviewing his boring list of complaints he got during the day. Holly is intrigued by one of them, a complaint from a woman who claims she was ripped off by a dancing scam.

Holly is making another mess in the kitchen when she shows Robert an ad for dance lessons in the morning paper. Holly thinks this has something to do with complaint she read about in his police files. Holly and Celia find Jackie badgering Lee and then hear her comments about Holly being an ex con and Celia's ex lover a spy. Bored, Holly calls the dance ad and makes arrangements to come by for an audition. Robert gets tangled up with Holly's messy cooking in the kitchen.

(Poor picture quality next :20 mins) Holly comes down in her dance outfit ready to meet Hannibal the dance scam artist. Robert has hesitations about letting his wife take on this assignment. Robert is informed by the state department official that the real Grant Putnam is alive and well and in NY.  Holly posing as "Mrs Mctavish" auditions for Hannibal (Barry Williams of the Brady Bunch). After watching her perform, Hannibal tells her she has talent, and makes promises of a Broadway show. Later, Robert tells Holly about the real Grant and that the State Department wants to give the fake Grant a new identity.

Robert gives Holly some marked bills to fool Hannibal with. Robert gives Holly a tracking bracelet in case she runs into trouble with Hannibal. Holly pays Hannibal his first installment. The State Department and Robert inform Grant A that the real Grant is alive. Grant A is stunned beyond belief.  Holly overhears Hannibal on the phone trying to enlist one of his students to invest more money in his class. Robert is not happy that Holly is getting deeper in the dance scam. He shows her how to use the electronic bracelet. Robert calls the Broadway promoter that Hannibal is claiming to be referencing, but Robert is informed that he has no connection with Hannibal's dance school. Holly watches as Hannibal promises more visions of stardom for a potential client Melissa. Later, Holly watches as the woman sells some of her jewelry to Benny the fence in order to get more cash for Hannibal. After Melissa leaves, Holly buys the ring back from Benny. Holly tells Robert that she plans on giving the ring back to Melissa once she busts Hannibals dance scam. 

Armasted tells Robert that the real Grant left NY to parts unknown. Holly meets Melissa during a break at the class and the woman is complaining her lesson is over too quickly and she has to come up with more money for the teacher. A hysterical Celia bursts in on Robert and Holly telling him the real Grant is in town. Celia is upset about the fact that everyone knew the real Grant is alive except her. 

#30B  Robert and Jackson from the State Department meet with Grant P. Jackson wants to know what Grant is doing in PC and why he went to see Celia. Grant tells them he lost eight years and he couldn't wait any longer. Jackson wants to arrange a press conference to reveal the whole story. Holly visits Celia at the cottage. Jackson and Robert visit Grant A to inform him that he needs to accept his offer, and start over with a new life and name.

Holly tells Robert that Hannibal knows how to run a con game. He is having Holly audition for a Broadway show later today for Matthew Irving. Robert gets a call from a Broadway producer, and he informs Scorpio that his friend Matthew knows nothing about Hannibal's supposed Broadway connections. Robert worries that Holly is getting involved too deeply in the con since Hannibal has an accomplice in crime. Hannibal asks Holly for more money for the "audition". Robert and Holly get into a spat over her involement with Hannibal's scam. Furious, Holly locks her husband out of the bedroom overnight. The next morning, Holly emerges in her sweet forgiving mood and plants a big kiss on Roberts lips. Promising she will stay away from Hannibal, Holly keeps her fingers crossed behind her back. All dressed up for lunch with Tiffany at the Versailles Room, Holly is stunned to run into Mellissa, her fellow student who is waiting on tables. Quickly, Holly claims to have won her clothes and meal in a contest. Robert and Jackie get into a shouting match in front of her editor. Robert pleads with Ian to not let her print photos of Holly in the paper since it could endanger her life in a secret assignment she is working on. Robert promises Ian exclusive rights to the story, and Ian agrees. Ian informs a furious Jackie that he sides with Robert on this issue.  Robert again tries to get Holly to drop the case. He doesn't want her in danger. 

Holly is secretly planning to see Hannibal and continue with the case. Robert comes home midday in a frisky mood and the two make love. However, when her alarm bracelet goes off she removes it to the nightstand. After Robert leaves, Holly sneaks out to see Hannibal but forgets her bracelet. (News interrption). Suspicious, Melissa mentions to Hannibal that Margaret, (Holly) seems to be well off since she saw her at the Versailles Room. When Holly meets with Hannibal he is graciously handing his student her dance bag when a tape recorder falls out. Hannibal and his partner demand to know what she is up to. Robert returns home and finds Holly gone but her alarm bracelet is on the table! Flustered Holly convinces Hannibal and his associate that she carried around the tape recorder to help her practice. After Holly erases the tape and promises not to bring it again, the men appear convinced. At last, Bert and Robert think they have found a woman who can pass as a dance student but the undercover agent is not very agile. Suspicious, Irving makes Hannibal give back the prospective students money. Elated to learn of the Police department's failure, Holly slips away to her next class. 

Robert forbids Holly to leave, he suspects she is going to see Hannibal. Holly sneaks away from Robert to her next class. Hannibal wants another $500.00 to pay for an audition he says. Locating Melissa at the Versailles Room, Holly asks the other girl for help in finding a job.  But Mrs. Scorpio is horrified to see Robert and Lee dining there. Robert remains silent, until Holly gets home. Then he demands an explanation for her still seeing Hannibal. When Holly tells Robert about the new high stakes in the con game, Robert reluctantly permits her to stay on the case. Bert and Robert at another of their Chinese lunch pigouts. Holly arrives to collect her $500.00 for Hannibal. Holly gives $500.00 to Hannibal and she is given the details of her so called audition in NY. Happily reporting the set up to Robert and Ramsey, Holly is dismayed to be told she's not subject to the Police's plans for catching the con men. 

Robert and Ramsey ready the snare of the trap toward Hannibal and Irving. Holly is enlisted to set Hannibal up, and then the police will move in. Outwardly going along with Scorpio's schedule, Holly instead tells all the dancers about Hannibal's scam. When Holly returns Melissa's pawned ring, the girls believe her story. Bravely accusing Hannibal and Irving of being crooks, they begin to tie her up. Just then the door bursts open and the other students pile in and turn the tables on the crooks. Robert is stunned when Holly's alarm goes off too early. Robert signals Burt and they decide to meet at the school. When they arrive they find the con men tied up and his proud wife triumphant.  Holly gloats to Robert her victory at Hannibals arrest.  Holly promises no more dangerous cases in the future.

Robert and Holly dine with Celia and Grant.  On Valentine's Day, Holly finds a teddy bear valentine from Robert in the kitchen. Holly gives Robert a bright red sweater. The two happy lovers go back to bed. 

Armistead calls Robert and tells him that he is concerned about Dr Campbell, he's disappeared. When Robert invites Putnam over, he anxiously calls the NY police department and again anonymously complains about the airport derelict. Now self assured, the real Grant easily responds to Scorpio's questions. Sure enough, when Robert contacts a former WSB colleague now in the NYPD, the cop tells him about Campbell's mugging report. Discovery of the derelict with Campbell's watch soon follows, just as Putnam planned.  Holly warns her friend Celia to be carefull around Putnam.  Robert calls NYPD and wants to fly down to aid in the Campbell investigation. Robert and Holly running over idea's on Campbell's disappearance.  Holly and Celia dining at the rib notice a smirking Jackie is there too. Holly and Celia discuss the idea of having children with their respective spouses. Robert in NY, makes plans to talk with the vagrant. During the talk, the vagrant claims he hit no Dr. Campbell's luggage turns up but yields no clues for Robert either. Robert informs Holly that he is going to be staying the night for further investigation. Grant panics when he learns that Robert is en route to NY.

Robert returns from NY to a delighted Holly. He fills her in on the findings regarding Campbell's disappearance.  Grant dines with the Scorpio's and Brian and Claudia. Robert hits the roof when he reads Jackie's expose and summons the reporter to his office. Robert doesn't expect cooperation nor does he receive any from an icy Jackie. He then orders Ramsey to bring in Mr Brock, who maintains that Ginny told him about the bribe after the fact. And with Ginny unreachable for now, Rick's innocence cannot be proven.  Holly wants to take a few days off with Robert but he can't because he's tied down with the Ginny and Campbell case.

(NEWS INTERUPTION 3 minutes missing from this episode) Celia showing Holly some ski moves she learned. Celia wants Robert and Holly to join them on the ski trip. Robert, Grant, Celia and Holly try on ski equipment at the sports shop. Robert later gets a call from the NYPD concerning Dr. Campbell's tape recorder and a note that refers to him! Robert can't possibly go off on the ski trip now, but to soothe Holly's disappointment, he invites her to come along to NY. Jackie overhears Robert mention his trip and passes the news to Putnam who acts concerned about Dr Campbell's safety but inside he is very glad. Robert and Holly are in NY investigating Campbell's disappearance. Robert and a NY detective question one of Campbell's former patients. Robert and Holly go over the clues to the Campbell Case. She sits on his lap feeding him room service, and he grabs her and kisses her as they laugh.

**The End**

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