Robert & Holly #31  March 5 - May 25, 1984 - 8 hour original edit

#31A  Robert grills Ginny hoping to trip up her story about the bribe against Rick.  Holly tells Robert that she's bored to tears.  Holly tells Robert she wants another investigation to sink her teeth into. (some discussion here about Robert wanting Holly to have his baby). Robert questions Grant P on the Campbell disappearance. Holly has lunch with Tiffany and Claudia. Mrs. Barrington shows up with a proposition for Holly. Will she take over her annual British Club Charity? Holly gladly accepts! Grant goes to Robert and asks him to run a check on a guy named Boris to see that he is not a DVX plant. Robert and Burt discussing the Campbell case. They both believe he was murdered and Putnam is the prime suspect. Robert questions the desk clerk at Putnam's hotel trying to find out if Grant could have sneaked out the night Campbell disappeared. Another false lead as the clerk cannot say for sure that Putnam was not in his room that night. Robert next questions a usually snobby Jackie about her relationship with Putnam. Jackie only tells him that unlike Robert, Grant is a total gentleman. Robert and Holly snuggling.

Lee and Robert discussing how they can breakdown Ginny to confess to setting up Rick. Robert arranges for interviews with all involved. Robert tells Armestede that the bellhop and chamber maid both verified that Putnam was in his room the night of Campbell's disappearance. Robert and Holly snuggling by the fire at their Townhome. Robert confronts Ginny with being an actress, but Ginny provides a list of Delice employees that will testify that she works at Brock's plant. Robert tells Grant that his check on Boris turned up nothing. He is exactly who he says he is. In fact his daughter Tanya is working at GH as a therapist. Celia and Holly discussing Putnam's offer of putting her in his will. The cold weather has turned all the roads to ice.

Robert and Holly show up at GH after Leslie is killed in car accident.  Robert trys to reach Luke and Laura to tell them about Lesley.  Robert has not been able to reach Luke and Laura. When Robert tells Rick that he still can't reach Laura, Rick decides to have the funeral without her.  Robert and Holly discuss what would happen if they lost each other. They both reaffirm their love for each other. 
Bobbie tells Robert that Brock was behind the Ginny Blake case. He researched her whereabouts from the local Library.  Robert arrives with news for Rick. Bobbie told him that Brock is in cahoots with Ginny. Robert urges Rick to be with him when he questions Ginny. Hopefully they can break her story. Ginny is escorted by Burt into Robert's office. Robert confronts her with the knowledge that he knows Brock tracked her down with the help from old yearbooks at the Library. Ginny finally breaks down and confesses. She says she never knew that Brock was going to frame Rick. She thought she would go along with it for Mikey's well being. Ginny agrees to a full confession but Rick shocks Robert when he tells him he won't press charges. If Ginny stays far away from her son, that's good enough for him. Ginny agrees. Robert brings Brock to his office and confronted with the truth, Brock smugly admits it's true but he only framed Rick because he was left with no choice. Robert let's Brock off with a stern warning. Rick won't press charges if Brock will retract everything in the press about the bribes from Delice.

Holly asks Lorena if she can use her spa for Amanda's charity auction.  Robert is getting a cold so he is going to have to miss the concert. Holly and Robert eat Chinese food in bed and watch an old Charlie Chan movie on TV. The next day, Holly intercepts an urgent message concerning the Campbell case on Robert's computer. Scorpio is irked to find his wife taking notes. Finally, Holly informs him that Campbell's overcoat was found to contain "traces of marine life" Caught off guard, Robert decides to re question Putnam. Putnam and Celia hash over old times just as Robert arrives. Wanting to talk with Grant privately, Celia leaves, but not before Putnam filches her scarf. Putnam explains to Robert of Campbell's love of fishing, which might have led to his accidental death and explain the marine life on his clothing. Robert doesn't buy it, especially when he learns the debris was of local origin.

Celia is filled with jealousy when Holly and Claudia go out to a fancy luncheon with Lorena. It seems Celia is "forced" to have lunch with Grant and his blue collar friends Boris and Tanya. Holly and Claudia at the spa, discuss the Claudia's pregnancy. Claudia and Holly observe Putnam Celia  and Grant P. chatting up a storm. Robert arrives to pick Holly up at the spa. Burt interupts Robert and Holly's romantic interlude. After cleaning some fish that the cops confiscated from a local Poucher, Burt shows Robert a key that they found in the stomach of one of the fishes. The key belongs to DR Campbell! Robert and Holly discussing the newly turned up key and what might be Putnam's involvement. Putnam joins Robert and Holly at the Hotel Restaurant and Robert shows a stunned Putnam the key they recovered from the fish.

Robert and Holly are called about Lou's death. Robert arrives at the ER.  Rick and Robert arrive at Headquarters and are stunned that Blackie signed over a confession of guilt. Robert questions Frisco of Lou's death. (This is Robert and Frisco's first meeting). Josh talks to Robert about his stolen song. Robert and Tiffany discuss the case, when Rose bursts into Robert's office with an annoying Jackie in tow. Robert tosses her out of the office. Robert allows Mikey to see Blackie. Jake tells Robert and Tiff that the DA has pushed for first degree murder. Holly is working for Lorena at the spa. Holly gets a call from a man named "Leo" who is calling for Lorena. When Holly mentions to call to Lorena she gets all nervous and jumpy. Holly later reports to Robert about this, but Robert shrugs it off as maybe a bill collector.  At the courthouse, Jake points out to the judge that Blackie became a victim of his own success, Jake delivers a fervent plea for leniency. The Judge finally comes back with his decision. Blackie is sentenced to two years, six months in Prison, followed by 1 1/2 years of rehabilitation. Blackie says his final farewells to  Robert.  Holly overhears an argument with Lorena and Leo over the phone.

Robert opens his door for the morning paper and smack into a sign proclaiming him a male chauvinist Pig! The sign was left by the WIB. Robert learns the WIB stands for "WOMAN IN BLUE" and his female officers are pushing for equal rights that the men get.  Ramsey tells Robert that he was presented with a list of female officers demands many months ago and he ignored them. Now the female officers are on the uprising. Adding to Robert's frustration is Holly, who has heard the WIB's demands and decides to join their group!  Holly tries to convince Robert that he needs to bend to the WIB's demands.  Ramsey tells Robert the WIB is serious in their demands.  The WIB toss PC headquarters into a frenzy. Robert tells them they are disrupting working conditions and if they persist they will be tossed in the slammer!  Having been locked out of the police files by Bertha, (leader of WIB) Robert enlists the aid of a thief from the local jail to break into the files. But even he can't open it! Robert arrives at the Spa looking for Bertha, but Holly has her disguised. Robert mistakes Mrs. Barrington for Bertha in a comic mishap. Lorena introduces everyone to Leo, her new massuer. Holly recognizes him as the man arguing with Lorena over the phone.

Holly and Robert acting cold toward each other due to Holly's involvement with the WIB. Holly's loyalty to Robert is strained even further when Crystal and several other WIB members accompany her to the Rib where Robert is having lunch with Lee. Also along is nosy reporter Ian. Robert is stunned to see his wife marching into the Rib with the WIB in tow. After exchanging angry words, Ian notes the whole thing for the evening edition of the paper.

#31B  Ramsey and Robert discuss the supposed fire at Brock's company. Robert's convinced Brock has something to do with it. But DL's insistance he was home with his wife at the time. But a determined Scorpio learns from a factory workman that Brock's business was in trouble.  Holly comes up with a way to solve the WIB problem, she will train the women in the art of self defense with the help of a teacher.  Celia unloads her problems with Grant on Holly. Burt tells Robert that the WIB has agreed to return to work provided Robert review their demands in 30 days. Robert tells Bobbie the truth about her husband's factory.  Robert arrives home to find Holly and Bertha practicing self defense which Holly tries to pass off as a new excersise. Robert is sleeping alone until Holly is honest with him about her involvment with the WIB. Holly has been conducting self defense classes with the WIB at home. However, Robert comes home unexpectedly with amour on his mind, he surprises Holly in the sauna but finds she's with the WIB! Robert stalks out as Holly calls him back.
Robert comes home from work early with a bad case of the flu. Comic mishaps occur as Holly tries to aid a sick Robert, while Mr Chu comes by for the martial arts lesson.  Later, Holly and Robert are getting amorous with Robert planting kisses on her cheek. But exhausted from her running around on errands for Robert, she falls asleep on him! With Robert recovered and back to work, Holly is at the spa. While she and Bertha are preoccupied, the robbers confront Claudia with a gun and take her necklace. But as the crooks attempt to flee, Holly and Bertha come out of the back room and disarm the pair with karate! Robert promises to put similarly skilled policewomen on street patrol. Later at home, Holly challenges Robert if he is keeping up with his own self-defense skills and points out he hasn't been working out much lately. He challenges her to try to take him, Robert gets the drop on her and she winds up on the bed with him kissing her.
Holly and Robert are at the Spa. Holly happens at the vincinity when Leo waves a deck of Tarot cards in front of Lorena. Panicky, Lorena grabs the cards and is relieved to note that they are not hers. Holly insists to Robert that Lorena fears Leo for some reason. Scorpio passes it off as nothing.  Holly finds a solitary Robert making paper airplanes in the living room. Scorpio is still distant to Holly for her WIB involvment. Dan reveals a plaque at GH as a memorial to Lesley Webber. Mike and Rick as well as Robert and Holly all attend the unveiling.  Scorpio runs into Ginny and wonders why she is still in town. Robert and Holly attend a party at the Quartermaine's Q. Robert makes a strange discovery at the Q boathouse. A piece of fabric hanging from a rope tied to the docks. Robert gives the fabric to the Burt for analyzing.  Robert plans a surprise wedding anniversary for Holly. Celia calls Holly to meet her at the airport as her plane has been delayed for 4 hours.  Burt interrupts Robert and Holly's anniversary to tell him that he found out the fabric is of European origin, similar to what Dr Campbell used to wear. After Burt leaves, the couple return to each other (cute scenes as Robert is dressed in a tux and Holly in an evening gown).
Robert tells Holly that he thinks Dr Campbell was murdered near the Q boat house.  Andrews tells Robert about the message from Dr. Campbell and swears that Putnam is out to get him. Robert questions Putnam and mentions Grant's accusations that he's out to get him. Robert conducts a search of Putnam's room but turns up nothing.  Robert and Holly going over the Putnam case.  After a check with the WSB computer shows that Andrews is clean, Grant drops by the Scorpios and walking into the computer room is horrified to find that Robert has been checking on him. Andrews becomes unglued, yelling at Robert for not trusting him and being on Grant's side.  Robert wonders to Holly if Andrews' American identity might be collapsing under the strain. Holly walks in on Leo as he is installing a hidden camera in his massage room but she doesn't see what he is doing.

After dragging the lake in the Q boathouse, the divers come up with a belt buckle and present it to Robert. Thinking he's wrong about doubting Grant Andrews, Scorpio tells his wife as they leave for dinner.  Monica, Lorena, Celia, Holly and Leo at the Spa. At the Hotel, the maid accidentally drops Putnam's case filled with Dynamite. Putnam becomes enraged, then later calms down with the frightened woman. Seeing Putnam walk into the dining room, Celia convinces him to check his case and join them. But when Robert retrieves his briefcase, he picks up Putnam's by accident. Grant flings open the other case before Robert finds the hidden dynamite in Putnam's bag. Back at his room, Putnam begins to assemble the bomb.
Robert and Holly discuss how easy it would be for Putnam to impersonate Grant. Holly offers to help Josh get a job at the Spa. Holly notices an expensive necklace Leo is wearing that Mrs Barrington gave him. Why all the fuss over Leo? Holly wonders. Leo invites her to find out with a massage. Leo gives Holly a massage rather forcefully and she can't understand why all the woman keep coming back for more. Later she's all sore when Robert comes home for a little romance. Robert and Holly kiss at the Spa. They both decide to go to the St Basil's Day Festival. Robert spots Grant and Tania kissing at the festival.

Dressed as Grant, Putnam sneaks around making sure the neighbors see him. He then makes muddy tracks to the boat with Andrew's boots, then hides the time bomb on board the boat. Back in his room, Putnam hacks up Grant's clothing and shoves them in the maids cart.  Andrews heads to the alleyway where he is bushwhacked by a waiting Putnam. Grant lays unconscious for hours. While Putnam and Celia are at his cabin, as Celia steps out of the boat the bomb goes off sending the two of them falling to the ground.  When Robert is notified of the bombing, he questions Grant, then suggests that Andrews have his head checked out and the possiblity that he might have been drugged. Because it doesn't seem that type of injury would keep him dazed for hours. Putnam is out to get him Grant keeps pleading. Medical tests show that Grant sustained no drugs in his body. Furious, Grant walks out. Holly comforts Celia who is staying at the Scorpios.
Robert and Holly arrive at the cabin with Putnam and Celia for some investigation. A plaster cast of Grants boots are presented to Robert by the local authorities. The nosey Nielson's tell Robert that Grant is capable of violent outbursts since they heard an argument between them in which Grant proclaimed that he could kill Celia. Celia is staying with Robert and Holly. Burt drops by with news that only Grant's fingerprints were on the piece of wood found in the alley.
When Robert and Burt ask Grant for his work boots, Grant claims he lost them. But he does give them his keys and allows them to search away and find them if they can.  Beatrice enlists Holly's help in finding out why her cosmetics are getting a bad name. Robert and Burt produce Grant's boots found in the trunk of his car.  Holly is poking around Leo's room when she almost finds the hidden camera. Leo arrives just in the nick of time. Robert questions some local residents who swear they saw Grant prowling around the boat area before the bombing. Scorpio thinks the mounting evidence is too pat.

**The End**

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