Robert & Holly #32  May 25 - August 3, 1984 - 8 hour original edit

DVD #32A  Leo puts the moves on Holly at the spa. Grant  becomes his own worst enemy when he drops by the Scorpio's. Grant has sneaked in using a secret passageway that he learned about through is DVX training. Celia heads for the computer room and begins punching buttons alerting Robert.  Bursting into the house, Robert and Ramsey drag Grant off Celia and bring him to Police headquarters. Putnam in his hotel room smiles in delight as his plan is working out wonderfully. Celia collapses in tears to Holly. She knows that Grant and Tania are lovers. Celia admits to Holly so he had a motive for wanting her and Putnam dead. Grant insists to Robert that he only wished to talk to his wife not hurt her and then denies being intimate with Tania. Scorpio isn't prepared to arrest Grant so he is released. Knowing that Celia can tell him more about her husband's private lives, Robert tries to question Celia but she runs upstairs in tears.
Celia is staying with the Scorpios. Ramsey and Robert organize a police lineup and after it's over, Grant is positively identified by several of Putnam's neighbors as the man seen prowling around the cabin. Tension mounts at the Spa when Leo lashes out at Holly for accusing him of slandering Beatrice. Standing her ground, Holly threatens to bring her husband into this if Leo persists.  Robert confirms with Jimmy Lee that the dynamite used on Grant P's boat was indeed stolen from the construction site. Determined to unearth the truth about Andrew's possible motive for murder, Robert presses Celia for info. Celia tells him about Grant and Tania. Pushed to the limit, she suddenly explodes, "I saw them making love!" Later, Robert and Holly discuss the Grant case. Robert and Holly in bed. Robert's being forced to arrest Grant by the DA. Robert knows that he has no choice. Following the DA's orders, Scorpio arrests Grant for the attempted murder of Grant Putnam and Celia Andrews! Robert takes Grant into the PD for processing and fingerprinting. Jake meets them there. Robert tells Jake that Grant is being booked on suspicion of attempted murder. Robert and Jake discuss the damning evidence against him.

At the spa, Leo presents Slyvia with the "compromising" photos of the two of them making love. She's appalled when Leo demands $125,000 for them or he will mail a copy to her husband! Holly notices Sylvia's attitude with Leo. While Holly waits for Sylvia, Josh shows up for his first day of work at the spa.  Robert tells Grant that the judge could put a huge amount of bail on his release.  Holly convinces Sylvia to meet her at the Rib. But the frightened woman clams up when she sees Leo come in with Lorena. Twisting the knife in further, Leo walks over to her table and during the chat, Sylvia becomes so unglued that Holly has to take her to GH! Robert and Holly at the spa.  Holly persuades Robert to check out the masseur Leo's record. Robert tells Grant it's judgement day.  Robert is intrigued by Meyer's theory that Grant is innocent especially since Robert is still grappling at Dr Campbell's alleged murder.  Grant pleads to the judge that he's not guilty but the DA assures Robert that Grant doesn't have a chance. Later, the DA and Robert discuss Grant's case. Robert and Holy going over the evidence in the Andrew's case.

Holly comes across Sylvia shrieking in front of Leo. Holly convinces the troubled woman to come home with her and talk. As Sylvia starts to cry, a pawn ticket falls out of her purse which Holly notices. Just before Sylvia is about to spill the beans to Holly about Leo, Robert walks in and the woman clams up. Robert and Holly at the spa. Holly takes delivery of a package for Beatrice. Confronted by Leo at the spa, a frantic Sylvia tries to stall for more time, but the masseur won't hear of it. Panicking, the woman screams drawing the attention of Josh and Holly. Jake and Robert question the janitor and the man assures them that "Grant" gave him the note to give to "himself" at the Festival.
(cable glitches during much of these scenes fades in and out over the next few minutes, still very watchable) Josh reports to Holly that a very nervous Sylvia is waiting to speak to Leo. Robert, Grant and Jake in the courtroom. Holly fails to get Sylvia to confide her troubles to her. Jake persuades Holly to get Celia to at least hear Grant out. Holly talks with Celia and she weakens when Holly appeals to the love that she and Grant once shared. Putnam tells Robert and Ballentine that it was Andre (Grant) along with Natalie and Fletcher who knocked him out 8 years ago. This won't help Grant's case Robert says. Celia staying at the Scorpio's. Robert takes the stand for the DA during Grant's trial. Robert and Jake meet the press outside the courtroom. Jake tells the reporters that the prosecution is in trouble and things will get worse for them.

Robert and Holly in their sauna, going over the Putnam case. Holly tries to get Syliva to admit that she pawned her jewels but the woman acts superficially casual about it.  Noting that Leo has a vacancy on his massage schedule, Holly asks for a rub down. Wondering if he might be dealing with a lonely police commissioner's wife, Leo starts coming on to Holly and readies his private camera. Leo is quite suggestive and offers "special services" and suggests that her husband is neglecting her. He tells her if she wants a seductive massage, she only has to ask. He tells her what a beautiful back she has and kisses her neck. Just as he's about to get some compromising pictures, Josh shows up with a well timed call for Holly. Back at the Scorpio's, Robert and Holly sip champagne, and eat caviar in the sauna and Robert tells her about his day. When she thinks he is holding out on her, she reminds him they have a pact that anything said in the sauna stays in the sauna. Holly spreads the caviar on Robert's hand and then sucks it off! Robert wants to know how much caviar they have!

Mira the gypsy fortune teller from the St Basil Festival meets with Robert with some news on the Putnam case.  Robert informs Celia that Tania takes the stand today. Robert arranges with Ballentine for a meeting with Fletcher to confirm Putnam's "accusations." Ballentine and Robert meet with Fletcher in prison. Fletcher confirms that it was he and Natalie that abducted Grant Putnam and tried to kill him.  Robert informs the DA that Fletcher admitted that Andrews was in on the kidnapping/attempted murder of Putnam. Holly and Celia at the Spa. Robert pays a call to Grant and informs him that Fletcher did indeed admit that Andrews had a part in his memory loss 8 years ago. Putnam smiles secretly to himself, (He only guessed that was true). When Robert wants him to testify, he flatly refuses.

DVD #17B  Robert and the DA are waiting out the mystery witness that is provided by Ballantine of the WSB. Holly is miffed at Robert for trying to railroad Grant. As Grant's trial resumes, Ballantine leads a hooded man into the courtroom. When Jake objects to the mystery man, he's overruled. The DA's witness is a former DVX agent, now shielded to protect his identity. The man states that he knew Andrei Chernin and that the DVX agents were trained killers. However under Meyer's cross examination, the former spy admits that he never actually saw or met with Chernin.  Putnam seeks out Robert and Holly's help in keeping Celia out of the courtroom while he testifies. After Putnam testifies for the prosecution, Jake can't bust through his armor.  Next, Scorpio makes a futile attempt to link Grant to Fletcher's accusation that Andrei Cherin assaulted Putnam, but Jake shoots it down as basic revenge. At that point knowing that she's the DA's last hope Celia agrees to testify. Robert tells Holly that Celia wants to meet with her. He thinks that she is having doubts about testifying. Robert and Holly are both present during Celia's testimony, while Grant agonizes all the way through it. She documents everything her husband tried to do to her and that she saw him kissing Tania. Though he tries his best, Jake can't attack Celia's insistance that her husband tried to kill her. The DA rests it's case.
At the park on Fourth of July, everyone shows up for some celebrating! Robert and Holly chat with Claudia and her mother.  Mayor Lee gives a speech.  Frisco sings "American Girl" and is the hit of party. Robert and Holly spend some quiet time alone on their blanket in the park. Holly points out to Robert that Leo is getting very chummy with Mrs Barrington.  Leo takes advantage of Robert's absence to hit on Holly. Robert returns and says, "Red light, hubby has returned". After Leo walks away, Holly challenges Robert to see that she is right about Leo. Robert just says that he is just over enthusiastic masseuse. She is annoyed that he won't take her suspicions seriously and tells him she hopes he gets a horseshoe stuck in his mouth! Robert strolls into Kelly's after taking first prize in the horseshoe competition. Holly is there with her friends and Robert gives her his medal as a token of his undying love. Holly is surprise as Robert had said he had never played horseshoes before. He tenderly makes amends and tells her that he is nothing without her, she melts. He invites her to come home and tells her she can be the boss!
Grant Putnam angered at receiving another court order to testify unsuccessfully tries to find out why from Robert.  As the trial winds down, a nervous Grant Andrews takes the stand in his own defense. Andrews insists that he was framed. When Jake calls the real Grant to the stand, Andrews slips out with the guard and then returns a few minutes later with his hair greased back like Putnam's! The defense rests as the court goes into pandemondum. Andrews knew that only such a drastic move could underscore the possiblity of confusion between himself and Putnam. Holly calls Robert to say that Celia is missing, that she has disappeared without leaving a note. Celia turns up at the Courthouse. The DA presents his closing statements, as Robert sits listening.

Jake then presents his closing statements and the jury begins deliberating.  Holly and Celia waiting out the jury verdict. The jury comes back with a guilty verdict!  Robert visits Grant. Robert expects that Grant wants to tell him off for arresting him and helping to get him convicted. Grant generously tells Robert that he doesn't blame him, that Robert is just doing his job. Grant knows that Putnam set him up and the evidence against him is what cGrant just hopes that someday Robert will learn the truth and go after Putnam.  asks Robert to do him one last favor. Would he convince Celia to visit him in jail?  

Holly provides Celia comfort as she takes refuge from the barrage of reporters at the Scorpio home. Celia tells Robert and Holly about escaping from reporters camped out at the Quartermaine's that morning. She tells them that she has no desire to see Grant again. Celia is hurt that Grant wants to divorce her. Grant sits numbly as the judge passes sentence. Grant gets 15 years in prison! After a heartbroken Celia leaves, Jimmy Lee shows up looking for her. Next Putnam shows up looking for Celia. He thanks Robert for his professionalism during the case as he knows Robert was friends with Andrews. Holly tortures Putnam by telling him that Celia has friends to help her through this, why Jimmy Lee was just there looking for her and he has probably found her by now. After Putnam leaves, Robert commismerates with Holly about the harsh sentence that Grant received. The next morning, Monica calls Robert with concern when Celia doesn't return home.  Robert tries to assure Holly who's frantic with worry over Celia (she spent the night with Jimmy Lee).

A man named Alistair (played by CHARLES SHAUNNESSY who later played "Shane" on Days) arrives in town to visit his friend Beatrice. It turns out that Allister is a cousin of Holly's! Holly offers her relative a room in her home for his stay. But Robert is dubious of Alistair's redemption and runs a check on him on his computer. Holly insists that her cousin Alistair is harmless but Robert is not so sure. Determined to unearth Crawford's past, Robert makes several attempts to Secure Alistair's fingerprints and he eventually gets them from his shaving kit.  Mrs. Barrington stops by and is very much charmed by Alistair! 

The fingerprint report comes in but only tells Robet that the odd Alistair has a ton of fake names and has been frequently arrested for botched scams! Holly takes Alistair to the spa where the young Englishman becomes a hit with the ladies. Robert finds more incriminating evidence against Alistair on his WSB computer. Learning that Alistair's expecting a very important package, Robert instructs the postmaster to send it over. The mysterious package arrives for Alistair. Robert opens it and is stunned to discover a jeweled necklace inside! A result of Alistair's con job that finally went right! Running a trace Robert finds out the gems were indeed stolen. When Alistair returns home, he eyes the package and greedily opens it only to find it contains jelly beans! The crook immediately knows that Robert is on to him and makes a hasty getaway. His first ever "perfect crime" bungled. Both Robert and Holly chuckle to themselves. Holly is trying to rush Alistair out of the house because Robert is having the insurance agent retrieve the jewels. But Holly is shocked when Robert doesn't turn her cousin in. Instead, Robert turns over the necklace to the agent and let's Alistair go free. Holly and Robert snuggle on the couch and playfully have fun with the jelly beans. 
At the spa, Holly notices Leo fidgeting with Mrs. Barrington's purse, but the wily masseur retrieves a tiny stuffed lion, it's only a gift he innocently tells her. Not buying any of this, Holly orders Josh to spy on the two. Josh overhears Amanda and Leo arrange a tryst in the massage room. Holly steals a bug which Robert was going to use for Alistair and plants it under the table of the massage room. While Mrs Barrington and Leo are locked in a private embrace in his massage room, Leo by chance finds the bugging device under the table. Holly panics when Robert starts looking for the bugging device unknown to him that she is using it on Leo.  An angry Leo accuses Lorena of double crossing him. But she has no idea what he's talking about. When Leo demands proof of his partner's loyalty, the Tarot Cards. Lorena insists that she burned them. Frustrated, Leo wonders if Holly is behind it?

Holly is in the massage room retrieving the bug but when she hears Leo coming she tries to hurry out and takes a fall. Robert arrives to take Holly home, where she will be staying until she recovers. Once home, Holly relaxes on the couch with her foot elevated, per the instructions from the doctor that Robert consulted with. He suggests she stay on the couch as it will be easier for him that running up and down the stairs. Holly points out she did that for him. He carries her upstairs as she begins with her list of demands, first a cup of tea, then some baked chicken. Turning the tables, Holly has Robert wait on her hand and foot!  The next morning, Holly is in bed with a sprained ankle. She is making Robert crazy, as he is having to take care of her. He points out that this payback for when he was sick. She protests that she hadn't even thought about that, "not much you haven't" he grins. She wants tea and magazines. Later, she calls for him and tired of running up and down the stairs, he rigs up an intercom system. Robert hires a British cook to cook “Kedgeree” for Holly. Robert is disgusted to find out it is a dish of fish and eggs. Robert instructs the cook not to come out of the kitchen (he doesn't want Holly to know she is there). Later, Robert brings up a tray of English dishes and amazes Holly and he takes credit for cooking the dishes. 

Holly insists on coming downstairs, so Robert carries her to the couch. She is amazed at the elegant lunch. She begins questioning him about the Eggs Benedict and if he made the Hollandaise sauce from scratch? He doesn't answer any of her questions. He is eager to get her back up to bed but she says she is lonely up there and wants to stay downstairs to be nearer to him. A loud bang is heard from the kitchen and Holly demands to know what is going on? Robert fesses up and calls the cook from the kitchen. Holly thanks her for her work and says she is now fine and dismisses her. Robert becomes very domestic and Holly runs him ragged. Alan comes to visit Holly and tells her that she should start using her ankle. Robert is relieved. Robert takes Holly to the spa. He warns Holly against being involved in the spa spy business. Leo and Lorena plot to expose that Beatrice is faking her paralysis. Leo is “helping” Beatrice into her wheelchair and drops her. She falls and threatens to call her lawyer if he tries a stunt like that again. Leo tries to convince Holly that his dropping Beatrice was an accident.

**The End**

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