Robert & Holly #33  August 6 - October 30, 1984 - 12 hour original edit, three dvds

DVD #33A  Jimmy Lee and Beatrice are at the spa. He plays the doting son for appearance sake (she is still faking her injuries). Robert brings Holly to the spa. Holly asks for a massage from Leo, then confronts him about dropping Beatrice on purpose. During her massage, Leo tries to take pictures of them, however Josh pulls the fire alarm before Leo can take the pictures. Celia goes to Robert and tells him that she believes her husband, Grant Andrews, is innocent and Putnam has framed him. Robert is completely puzzled by her turn around in attitude. Robert discounts it as wishful thinking, repeating what she heard at the trial. She tells him she went to the sanitariam where Putnam was held, and he followed her there, and had his records destroyed. Celiia is sure that Grant A didn't lie and she begs Robert to reopen the investigation. He tells her he can't open a full scale investiagtion but he will snoop around a little. He reminds her that Grant was supposedly knocked out when Putnam took her to the lake and made it look like he was trying to kill her. Robert reports that Grant was knocked out long enough to cover that amount of time and questions why Andrews lied? He asks her not to tell Holly as this could be dangerous and she has a nose for danger. Celia agrees and tells him that she is going to have to get engaged to Putnam and convince they have a sweeping romance until they can get the evidence of his guilt.

Robert is at the hospital checking up on Grant A.'s alibi. Robert questions Tony and asks if it is possible that someone is knocked out for four hours and wakes up with only a little grogginess? Tony says no that would mean a more serious head injury to be out for that length of time. Robert seems disappointed as with no explanation for Andrew's blackout, then if he is lying about that then he is lying abot the whole thing. Robert is at the nurse's desk and overhears Jesse taking to a young nurse, she is explaining that He figures out that Putnam used phenobarbitol to knock Andrews out on the day of the boat explosion and this explains why Grant was out of it for so long. He is then convinced of Andrew's innocence.

Holly is shocked and saddened to receive an invitation to Grant P. and Celia's engagement party. Celia goes over to Robert's who tells her that he now convinced of Andrew's innocence. Robert tells her that he has to uncover every lie that Putnam has told! Celia insists on helping Robert as it was her testimony that put Andrews in jail! Robert doesn't like the idea and warns her that Putnam is obviously very dangerous and Robert urges her to be discreet and only report back to him. Holly comes home and is upset with Celia for rushing into this. She questions shouldn't Celia at least wait till her divorce is final before celebrating her engagment. Following Robert's orders, Celia can't explain to Holly why she is going through with this. After Celia leaves, Grant P. calls the Scorpios looking for her. Holly tells him she has gone to the university. Robert has gone to the travel agency and gotten the real story about the ski trip that Putnam bought. He tracks down the travel agent who is now working for Putnam and has been sent to Morrocco to house hount for him. He then visits Grant A. in prison and tells him that he believes that he is innocent.

Dr. Borden is at Dr. Cambell's fishing cabin and receives a package from Dr. Campbell containing an audio tape. On the tape, his message says that if someone else is hearing this that means he is dead and that means he has been murdered by Grant Putnam! The doctor urgently calls Celia and tells her of the murder and that she is in grave danger. He also tells her that the tape indicates that Putnam also killed Ian. Later that night as Grant is sleeping, Celia slips out to meet with Robert and fill him in. She tells him that Borden is on his way to the US with the tape and all evidence that he can gather.

Holly does not want to attend Ceilia and Grant's engagement party. She tells Robert that she thinks Celia is being downright callow towards Grant A's feelings about proceeding so fast.  Robert asks her to reconsider and tells her that he can't possibly consider going without his gorgeous wife on his arm. Ceila makes the mistake of trying to talk to Holly about her engagement and Holly lets her have it for how wrong she thinks this whole thing is and how upset she is with Celia over this. She thinks it is inappropriate and incredibly premature. Robert and Celia take a moment to check in with each other. She tells him she is still waiting to hear from Dr. Borden when he will be arriving. Holly wants to know about Robert's conversation with Celia but of course he doesn't give her the real details. Robert suggests a nightcap at the Port Charles Hotel which saves Celia from spending the night with Putnam.

Celia visits Robert at headquarters. They discuss how to refute evidence from Grant A's trial. They decide to work on getting a set of Putnam's footprints by tricking him into leaving a fresh set at the park. The plan does not work. Celia shows up to see Robert and as she talks with Robert, Celia laments her role in Andrew's imprisonment. Holly interrupts Celia's conversation with Robert and wants to know what the two of them are talking about. Holly says it is obvious that something is going on between them, a four year old could see that! Celia makes her excuses and quickly leaves. Holly accuses Robert of having an affair with Celia! He tells her that she knows him better than that. He tells her he loves her to much to give her information that will put her in danger. She is tired of being treated like a china doll and vows to prove that she is a good detective as Robert is and she plans on proving it to him! She goes to the spa where Josh tells her that Mrs. Barrington had a fight with Leo. Holly engages Mrs. Barrington in a conversation and asks her what is bothering her. Leo interrupts. Meanwhile, Burt suggests to Robert that he distract Holly with a little romance. Robert brings Holly a bouquet of roses but Holly gets upset again when they are interrupted by a phone call from Celia. Celia tells Robert that Putnam left footprints in the sand near the Quartermaine boathouse and she asks him to retrieve the footprints.
Celia is in her attorney's office in New York and breaks the heel of her shoe, and this causes her to be late to meet Dr. Borden. She asks the secretary to call Dr. Borden and leave a message at the hotel for him that she is running late. A suspicious Putnam follows her to NY. He arrives at her attorney's office looking for Celia, the secretary assumes that he is Dr. Borden. Putnam learns that Borden is at the Park View Hotel and goes there. He kills Borden, stuffs his body under the bed then takes his bags. Celia is disappointed when she arrives and Dr. Borden cannot be found. Putnam pretends that he is Borden and leaves a message for Celia that he was unable to meet her so that Celia will not be suspicious. He then throws everything but Borden's papers away.

The NYPD calls Scorpio about Dr. Borden's death. Robert urges the detective to locate Celia Andrews as she went to NY to meet with Dr. Borden and is in grave danger. He suggests putting out an APB on her if necessary. When Holly questions him about it, Robert evades her questions causing Holly to be very frustrated with him. He tells her that this is a very dangerous situation and he doesn't want her involved. Robert goes to New York to talk with the police. He becomes very worried about Celia. Leo accuses Holly of sending him mixed messages. He wants to know if there is a chance for them and he wants to take her to dinner; she says no. He tries to convince her that she is special and that she should have a massage.
Holly is at the spa, swimming. Josh comments to her that he loves watching her (it is so obvious that he has a crush on her. She has made a massage appointment with Leo. Holly talks to Leo about the power that he seems to have over women-his sex appeal! Holly then reminds Josh to interrupt her massage session every 10 minutes. Unfortunately, Lorena sends josh on an errand for Beatrice. Therefore, when Leo gives Holly her massage, he is able to put her in a compromising position and take pictures. Since his camera is behind the mirror, Holly has no idea that the pictures are being taken. Holly runs out, mortified that Leo made a pass at her. Leo then gloats to Lorena about getting the pictures of Holly. Robert returns from N.Y. Holly calls him but he blows her off. He tells Burt about the evidence connecting Grant to the murder of Dr. Borden. They are both worried about Celia. They don't know where she (or Putnam) are. They call Quinton (Celia's dad) who tells them that Celia is at the cabin with Grant. Robert tells Burt that Celia is in big danger! Robert then tries to convince the local sheriff to go up and check on Celia. When the sheriff tells Robert he can't do this, Robert rushes out.

Meanwhile, Grant P. has tricked Celia into coming up to his cabin.  Celia is obviously scared. Grant tells Celia that they will be spending the night there. Celia tries everything to get out of it. She tells him she needs clothes, overnight items but he will not relent. Peggy and Chuck knock on the door. At that point Grant pulls a knife on Celia, telling her that he will kill her if she doesn't do exactly as he says. Peggy keeps asking Celia wedding plans (she is so annoying!). Chuck and Peggy leave thinking that Grant and Celia want to be alone, which of course is the last thing that Celia wants.

At the spa, Leo confronts Holly with the pictures. He demands that she quit spying on him. She agrees. Beatrice talks to Holly, trying to get her to talk about Leo. Holly says that there is a personality conflict. Holly later has to tell leo in no uncertain terms that she will not have dinner with him. Grant has a knife on Celia at the cabin. She tries to convince him that he doesn't really want to hurt her. Grant accuses her of lying, he should have let her die on the boat! He tells her that it is over and it is obvious that he intends to kill her. She tries to escape but Grant stops her, wielding the knife. While this is going on, Robert is desperately trying to reach Celia by boat in the middle of a severe storm. The boat he is giving won't start, he loses patience and tells the guy that he will be crossing the lake in five minutes even if it means he has to strap the guy to across the back and make him paddle! He tells the guy how urgent it is that a woman is probably being murdered across that lake! Scorpio finally convinces the boat's owner to help him get across the lake to the cabin.

Meanwhile at the cabin, Grant order Celia (at knifepoint) to put on a nightgown. He chases her around the cabin. She does a good job of evading him as the suspense builds as to whether Robert will reach her in time. She tries to explain to him that he is sick. She also tries to convince him that she still wants to marry him. He tells her to prove it, sleep with him. She manages to escape to the bedroom, locks the door behind her, and tries to break out of the cabin. Grant breaks into the room, but she sprays perfume in his eyes. Just as it looks like it is the end for Ceilia, Robert rushes in! Putnam holds her at knifepoint and demands that Robert give up his gun. Robert throws it into the fire. When the gun goes off in the fireplace, Robert engages grant in a fist fight as Celia grabs the knife. Robert knocks Putnam out and ties him up. Celia is shaken up but okay.  Holly is having dinner by herself. Leo and Mrs. Barrington show up. Leo demands the Boolean stock from Mrs. B. Holly tries to sneak out of the restaurant and a waiter keeps hitting on her (James DePaiva, Max Holden, OLTL).  She decides to hide out until they leave, but can't make it away before Mrs. B sees her and accuses Holly of hiding from Leo. Mrs. B knows that Holly has trouble with Leo. Holly protests and then leaves.

Celia is filling Holly in on the adventure. Robert arrives and tells the ladies that Putnam confessed to everything. Celia and Robert then apologize to Holly for keeping her in the dark. Holly is very cool to Robert, but Celia encourages her to forgive him. Robert goes to his office, where he receives a call from Tania. Tania is thrilled that Grant A is coming home and she wants to go to the prison with Robert. Robert tells her that Celia will be going to the prison. Jake shows up at Robert's office and they discuss how manic-depressive Putnam is. They agree to go to the prison to tell Grant A. that he has been released. Celia goes to the prison with Jake and Robert. Jake and Robert give Grant A the good news, Putnam has confessed and Andrews will be released but not for another 24 hours.

(low sound for the next 20 minutes or so of scenes) Robert and Celia bring Grant home to the gatehouse. Robert tells them that Grant Putnam will never stand trial for his crimes because he “went completely off his rocker.” Grant Putnam is now in the psycho ward of Mercy Hospital. At Kelly's, people are showing up for the Labor Day party. Robert is dressed up in 1890's police uniform. Holly tries to warn him against wearing the outfit and marching in the parade. Robert doesn't listen and when he shows up at Kelly's, he is sweaty and exhausted. Leo is there along with all of the women he blackmailed (including Holly). The next day, Robert wakes up in pain but Holly has little sympathy as she had warned him. His feet are covered with blisters. She is distant, giving him the cold shoulder. He wants to know why? Robert soaks his feet. Alan drops by, treats his blisters and gives him painkillers. Holly is unable to convince Robert that nothing is wrong. Beatrice cracks the safe and is able to get her hands on the pictures, stocks, and money. Leo thinks Holly might have robbed the safe so he heads over to her house to confront her. Leo arrives to accuse Holly Robert is at home and Holly is afraid that he will come downstairs and find Leo as Leo presses her about her spying and she swears that she hasn't been snooping. 

At the Scorpio's, Robert is out of bed but walking very slowly and using a cane! Mrs. Barrington comes by and talks to Robert and Holly about a “friend” (the friend is really Holly) who is being blackmailed. Robert advises Mrs. B to tell her “friend” to go to the police. After Mrs. B. leaves, Holly almost tells him her predicament but they are interrupted. Then Robert has to leave to go to Albany. Robert, Holly, Grant and Celia then have a celebration dinner at the Versailles room where Leo shows up, distracting Holly. Beatrice sends Holly a telegram (she has also sent telegrams to Leo's other blackmail victimes, Q's, Mrs. Barrington, and Silvia). At the Scorpios, Holly tries to explain the telegram to Robert. When Robert later tries to kiss her, Holly pulls away. He wants them to spend the day together, but Holly can't and runs off.  She goes to Beatrice, who tries to blackmail her for $25,000. Holly refuses to pay up and threatens to tell Robert about her blackmail effort and that Beatrice will go to prison! When she returns home, she steals two pills from Robert vile of pain medication. Beatrice tells Holly to come to the charity benefit at the spa on Friday night to settle up. Lorena takes pills from Monica's medical bag. Holly makes sure that she has Robert's pain pills.

DVD #33B  September 7, The Charity benefit:  People begin to arrive at the spa for the benefit. The Q's arrive, Mrs. Barrington, Celia and Grant, Robert and Holly. Edward gives Beatrice a drink (she is also blackmailing the Quartermaines). Frisco sings, “All I need.” Later, Holly runs into him (think this is their first scene together) as he picks up a gold ring at the charity auction (part of the Aztect treasure). Mrs. B insists on getting Beatrice a glass of milk (nice considering she is also blackmailing Mrs. B). Sylvia also successfully give Beatrice a drink (she is also blackmailing Sylvia). Beatrice is getting very tired! Alan and Monica distract her while Edward snatches an envelope from her purse. The Q's celebrate feeling they have retrieved the blackmail material. Robert and Holly talk by the pool. He's worried about her. She tells him that there is something she has done that she is ashamed of. When she won't tell him what that is, he leaves upset. Holly gives Beatrice a canopy (laced perhaps with the pain medication?). It is very spicey and as she gasps for water, Holly also raids her purse finding yet another envelope that she takes. Later, Beatrice meets up with Lila at the pool and the two argue. The Q's come in as well as Sylvia and Mrs. Barrington, Lorena and Leo as they hear the commotion. Beatrice drinks Lila's water (which contains her heart medication) and begins to lecture them all about their “sordid business.” Then she collapses and the Scorpios rush in.

Monica pronounces Beatrice dead, sending a chill to all of her blackmail victims who tried to drug her to retrieve the dirt she had on them. Lorena tells the guests that there has been a terrible accident and the police want everyone to stay put. Rick tells Robert that nothing obvious caused Beatrice's death. Robert won't let anyone leave. Jimmy Lee rushes in and holds Beatrice in his arms. He is devastated. Robert takes statements from all. Jimmy Lee lays into the Q's about his mother's death, saying that they will go home and toast her death. Mrs. Barrington and Sylvia open their envelopes, the envelopes are empty. The coroner calls Robert, telling him there was a package taped to Beatrice's body. Q's open their envelope; it is empty. Holly arrives home and is devastated to find out that the envelope she has does not contain the pictures. Meanwhile, at the coroner's, Robert opens up the two packages found on Beatrice: one contains money, the other contains Bible page, stocks and pictures, including the ones of Holly; he is devastated as well.

Holly comes by the spa and discovers Leo tearing the place apart looking for the pictures. She agrees to help and he lets her. Mrs. Barrington and Monica also come by and search. Robert comes home very tired and talks to Holly. She questions him and he questions her. He is obviously suspicious and trying to get information out of her. He is sure that Beatrice did not die of natural causes. Does she have any ideas? She loves to play detective. Did she figure out what was going on at the spa? She tries to avoid all of his questions but he knows that she has inside information. Jimmy Lee drops by to talk with Robert. He wants to know what killed his mother. He tells Robert about the Bible page and Beatrice's blackmail of the Q's. Holly shows up at police headquarters and questions Burt about the autopsy report. She wants to know if Beatrice died of natural causes. The autopsy report shows that Beatrice died of a drug overdose.

At the police station, Holly asks Robert to go to lunch. He doesn't have time but he does offer to tell her what is in the autopsy report. Beatrice died of a drug overdose. Holly is stunned, especially when Robert suggests that he believes that it was murder. Robert questions Holly, she feigns ignorance then asks Robert if she is being interrogated. She then leaves to go get a manicure. Burt comes in and Robert tells him that he believes that Holly is hiding something. Robert goes to the morgue. He wants to know more about the drugs that were in Beatrice's system. At the Scorpio's, Holly confides in Celia that her marriage is in trouble. She then reveals her stupidity (Leo and the pictures) to Celia who insists that Holly tell Robert immediately. Robert comes home and discusses his theory about Beatrice's murder with Holly. He believes that more than one person gave Beatrice's the pills. Holly goes into the kitchen and reads the label on Robert's painkillers. Robert finds her and he is definitely suspicious. 

Robert is sitting on the couch looking at the pictures of Holly and Leo. She comes down, ready to talk but just cannot seem to get it out and talks around the issue. They are interrupted by Burt and then Holly leaves. Robert and Burt discuss the pictures (not the ones of holly but the ones of Mrs. B and Sylvia). They assume that Leo took the pictures and that Beatrice stole them. Burt reveals that Lila had given the ultimatum to Eddy that she would leave town if something was not done about Beatrice. Robert goes to the spa. He talks to Jake about Jimmy Lee wanting to search Beatrice's suite. Robert tells Jake that he has the Bible page that Jimmie Lee is looking for. Robert then talks to Holly, who tells him that she has forgotten what she wanted to talk to him about. At police headquarters, Lorena tells Robert that she had been robbed and the she has suspected Beatrice. Robert tells Lorena that he has her stock certificates. Beatrice's funeral is being held today and Eddy Q intends to go.  Robert figures out that two of his pain pills are missing. Holly tries to sneak out of the house without seeing him but he catches her and tries to resume their conversation. He wants answers, she avoids his questions. He leaves angry, but immediately after he leaves, she comes to her senses and calls for him to come back. When he does, she tells him about Leo and the pictures. He presses her, is that all she has to tell him? She says yes. At the funeral, Robert informs Edward that he has the Bible page and asks why he gave Jimmy Lee one third of the Q trust fund and asks him about Lila's ultimatum.

Holly hides the rest of Robert's pills in a plant. When Robert comes downstairs, he asks for his pills and begins to look for them while Holly nervously tries to hide that she knows anything about them. She tries to deflect his questions. He doesn't like the idea of prescription drugs “falling into the wrong hands.” At the police station, Burt tells Robert that they will be able to get a breakdown of the drugs in Beatrice's system. The DA informs Robert that each person who gave Beatrice drugs could be charged with involuntary manslaughter. Robert arranges for all of the suspects to meet at his house. He presents the facts but cannot convince any of them to confess. Holly just looks on with all the life drained out of her.

At the Scorpios, Holly wants to talk but she can't get the words out. She asks about the pictures, “What will happen to them?” Robert speaks harshly with her and she clams up. He leaves frustrated. Holly calls Grant. She needs information about the medication Robert was taking, she asks him if it could it kill someone? Yes, if combined with other medications. She realizes what she did! At the police station, Robert and Burt question Mrs. Barrington and Sylvia separately about the pictures. They both tell the same story, Leo took the pictures and was blackmailing them but they did not know how Beatrice got the pictures. Mrs. B then call Leo and lets him know that they told Scorpio about him blackmailing them and leading  him to believe that he is the main suspect in Beatrice's murder. When Scorpio calls Leo in, Leo “warns” Robert not to pursue the blackmail and Robert knows that Leo is referring to the pictures of Holly. When Robert returns home, he asks Holly again if she has something to tell him. She replies no and the two of them go their separate ways. She goes into the kitchen and cries.

Holly and Robert discuss Beatrice's murder as well as the photos. He tells her that they are a motive for murder. She continues to lie to him. After he leaves, Holly begins to get her affairs in order anticipating going to prison. When Celia comes by wanting to go shopping, Holly refuses to go. She breaks down and tells Celia about giving Beatrice the pills. Celia insists that she tell Robert. Meanwhile, Scorpio is having lunch with Lee and he tells Lee that he may resign due to being burned out. Lee refuses to accept the resignation. When Robert returns home, Holly is vacuuming. He accuses her of trying to go on a holiday and tries again to get her to talk. He asks her to please tell him what is bothering her but she just can't bring herself to convide that she thinks she is guilty of murder. He notices the dirt on her hands and looks towards the plant, and quickly figures she has buried something there (the pill bottle for his prescription). Disappointed, he walks upstairs.

At police headquarters, Robert and Burt look at the drugs found in Beatrice's system as well as a list of people who had access to the drugs. Alan and Monica (and later Sylvia and Amanda) so Robert goes to the Q's to question each of them about the pills. Alan is missing two pills and Monica is missing one pill from their respective medical bags. Holly is cleaning the closet at home, trying to get the house organized. Robert demands to know what is going on NOW? She says she is just organizing, but he doesn't believe her and he is ready to have it out. Is she about to move out? They fight about who is keeping secrets and he leaves. Back at headquarters, Robert talks to Sylvia and Amanda, confronting them about their prescription drugs. The women won't cooperate with him. Robert lets them leave and Burt wants to know why? Robert says is waiting for the final coroner's report. Robert comes in and discovers Holly writing out her will and he demands an explanation. Holly tries to evade his questions, but he accuses her of lying. She finally comes out with the truth. At first he is distant and harsh but later he tenderly tells her that he loves her.

Holly wakes up after a restless night. Robert is gentle and kind to her. She believes that she needs to turn herself in, but he disagrees. He's working on a plan! He tries to use humor to comfort her and promises that he will  “find a way out of this mess.” Robert gets upset with the coroner for not having the final report ready. He's unusually cranky and also gets upset with Burt. Holly comes by but he won't let her make an official statement. She wants him to renounce her and let her confess. Jimmy Lee burst in and accuses Robert of “being bought” by the Q's. Robert questions JL about the stocks and money found on Beatrice's body and explains that the Q's are not his only suspects. JL leaves and Holly wants to know if she is the reason why he is not arresting the other suspects. Robert and Holly head home and talk. He tells her that all he ever wanted was to keep her happy and safe.

Holly comes to police headquarters. While she waits in Robert's office she listens in (over his speaker phone) to a conversation between him and the DA. Robert is stalling the DA who wants to proceed against Leo. The DA sends for Leo and questions him about the blackmail, which, of course, Leo denies. The DA then calls in Sylvia and Amanda. He wants them to make formal statements against Leo for blackmail. Sylvia and Amanda deny that Leo ever blackmailed them. Josh tells Holly that Leo is planning on leaving town and she confronts him. Leo fires back, “I hope your husband is smart enough to get you off the hook for murder.” Sylvia and Amanda show up and say they will not incriminate Leo if he stays in town and works to pay back the money he took from them. Holly goes back to police station and tells Robert that there will be no more stalling, tomorrow she gives her full confession.

Robert is trying to convince Holly to delay her confession (he wants to wait until the final autopsy report comes in), but she is determined to go through with it. He tells her that he loves her. She needs his strength and he promises to be there for her. He will find a way out of this. They go to the DA's office where Robert finds out the final coroner's report is almost done. They have found a fifth drug in Bea's system, a heart medication. More tests are being done. Holly begins to confess when Robert gets a phone call about the explosion at city hall. They go the hospital, where Robert tries to figure out why more of the wounded are not being sent to Mercy Hospital. Holly and Robert head back to the DA's office where again Holly starts to confess. They are interrupted by the arrival of the final autopsy report which states a fifth drug, a heart medication, was the drug responsible for Bea's death. A very relieved Holly and Robert quickly excuse themselves from the DA's office and go home where they celebrate her freedom and profess their love for one another.

Holly drives Robert to work. She is very amorous. Robert wants Holly to stay out of trouble and out of his investigation, but she believes that she can be a great help to him, especially since she works at the spa. Robert complains that he has nothing “on that sleazebag Leo.” She leaves and goes to the spa, where Josh shows her the cameral that Leo gave him. Holly goes to the massage room and discovers where Leo had hid the camera to take the pictures. Leo discovers her, grabs the camera and roughs her up a bit. He threatens to get rid of her. Meanwhile, Robert talks to the DA, the charge against the murderer can now be Murder One. The Q's are the main suspects especially when Robert traces the heart medication to Lila. Robert begins to suspect Lila. When Robert arrives, he tells them about the heart medication and confronts them with the information that the heart medication killed Beatrice. Edward interrupts Robert and confesses that he killed Beatrice!

DVD #33C  October 1 - 30, 1984:  3 hours At the spa, Leo has Holly cornered in the massage room. He threatens her and throws her around. He needs to get rid of her, she begs for him to let her go. Josh comes in just in the knick of time. Leo punches him and runs out. Robert arrests Eddy for Beatrice's murder. He takes him to police headquarters and books him.  Lila and Stella come to visit Edward in jail, complete with martinis and a picnic dinner! Robert lets Lila spend some time with Edward. Robert then goes home and shares his day with Holly. He lets her in on a secret, he doesn't believe that Edward killed Beatrice! He spots the bruise on her arm and she comes clean about her run-in with Leo. (They are finally talking again!) He is concerned but obviously not too mad. She talks about what a good team they make and he declares that “all good teamwork starts in the bedroom” and they go upstairs.

Holly and Robert slowly wake up until duty calls. The coroner says it took Beatrice three minutes to die. They decide to recreate the murder scene. Everyone gathers at the spa, Robert plays the part of Beatrice and has everyone stand in their places while Burt takes a photo. Edward is too far away to have been the murderer.

October 9, 1984 - Sound Quality poor during these scenes. Holly comes to police headquarters to talk about the murder. They have narrowed it down to one killer, Lila. Robert can't believe it and Holly is very sympathetic. Scorpio drops by the Q's to talk to Lila. He finds out that on the night of the murder Ginny's crew might have filmed something important. Ginny and Rick are interrupted by Robert who wants to see the footage her camera crew shot from the night of the murder. Ginny agrees to show it to him.

October 10, 1984 - Reduced Sound Quality.  Robert calls and gives Ginny the go ahead for her exclusive story and tells her that Beatrice's death was an accident. The heart medication that caused her death was Lila's but Beatrice drank it accidentally.

October 12, 1984 - Reduced Sound Quality At Scorpios, Jimmy Lee wants Bea's belongings. He doesn't care about the pictures, only the Bible page. He gives Robert permission to destroy the pictures. Robert and Holly, with great relief, burn the pictures. Too bad they can't catch Leo. Holly goes to the spa and happily hears Amanda and Sylvia giving Leo a hard time! Later, at home, she an Robert laugh about Leo. 

Grant and Celia show up at the Scorpio's with Mrs. Porchenko, the wife of Grant's former professor from the “motherland.” The Porchenkos want to defect. The Scorpios agree to help (even though Celia really doesn't want to). They take Mrs. Porchenko to the hospital to hide-out and then the foursome head to NYC to get Mr. Porchenko.

In NY, Celia is nervous as she, Grant, Robert and Holly set out to rescue Dr. Porchenko. The foursome go to a restaurant. Dr. Porchenko shows up followed by two DVX agents. Holly comes up with an idea and she is able to distract the DVX while Grant whisks Dr. P away. They all head back to PC.

At the Scorpios, Grant and Robert discuss their next move.  Jackson, a representative from the State Department, shows up and gives Robert a hard time. The SD is upset with him. Robert agrees to let the DVX interview the Porchenkos. Grant and Robert then talk to the Porchenkos and try to reassure them as well as Holly and Celia.

At police headquarters, Jackson convinces Robert and grant to cooperate with the state department. The Porchenkos are worried about meeting with the DVX. The DVX tries to convince the P's to return to the “motherland.” The P's refuse, but the State department nonetheless orders Robert to turn over the P's.

At the Scorpios, Grant and Robert formulate a plan to keep the state department from returning the Porchenkos to the DVX. When Jackson and the DVX arrive, Mrs P feigns hysteria. Holly takes her upstairs where she ties Holly up and “escapes” out the secret exit. Mr. P “knocks” Robert out and “escapes” out the secret exit in the communication room. When questioned by the DVX and Jackson, the Scorpios are innocent victims of the Porchenkos!

At the Q's, Grant and Celia bring two large crates to store in the Q basement. The crates contain the Porchenkos! Q's catch Celia sneaking water into the basement and ponder her peculiar behavior. At the Scorpios, Jackson wants the Scorpios to confess. Jackson goes to Mayor Baldwin and demands Robert's suspension. He threatens to bring the State Department down on any one who supports Robert. The Scorpios go to see Lee. Lee gives Robert a severe reprimand and Robert sincerely offers his resignation but Lee again refuses to accept it. Later at home, Robert and Holly discuss the possible consequences of their actions. Celia and Grant come by to tell the Scorpios that the P's are safe in the Q basement.

At the Scorpios, Robert and Holly discuss the Porchenkos over breakfast. The Mayor calls Robert for a meeting and Robert is worried that maybe Lee has reconsidered accepting Robert's resignation. But when Lee and Robert finally meet, Lee reassures Robert that he has every confidence in Robert as his police commish. Robert suggests that maybe it is time for him to take a vacation, to which Lee heartily agrees. Robert wants to be out of town when the Porchenkos are sneaked out of PC. After Lee leaves, a jubilant Holly drags Robert out to a travel agent to plan a trip to Paris; meanwhile Luke Spencer is trying to call Robert! He is in obvious trouble, as he is being chased by the Mexican federales (and winds up with a bunch of cactus thorns in his backside!).

At the Scorpios, Holly is excited about their trip. Robert has made the arrangement for the Porchenkos escape. Grant drops by and Robert gives him the instructions. Robert and Holly then decide to start their vacation early and go to bed. Meanwhile, Luke is still trying to get in touch with Robert. He finally gets through (interrupting Robert and Holly) and tells Robert that he is in trouble running from a murder charge in Mexico! Robert tells him to head to a friend's villa (Sean Donely) in Mexico City. He will meet him there tomorrow. Robert starts packing. Holly of course wants to go, but he manages to convince her to go to Paris and wait for him there. This should only take a day or two! After he leaves, Frisco comes to the Scorpios and tells Holly about Felicia. They put two and two together (that Luke and Felicia's stories are related) and Holly packs up and heads to Mexico! 

Since I had an hour open on the DVD #33C (only three hours of GH scenes), I went ahead and added some interviews to finish off the dvd:

AM San Francisco on location in Hawaii 5/87?, Tristan & Emma-she’s on Dynasty - 11 mins
Home Show 1984 - Tristan
Breakaway - 2/84 - Tristan
Morning Show with a very young Regis - Tristan, at the Sheraton, NYC, 1984
Good Morning America 1/84 with Joan Lunden. Steve Bond (Jimmy Lee), David Groh (Brock), Tristan
AMLA 12/10/84 - Tristan re: Aztec Adventure
3-3-0, Tristan 9/7/84
AMLA 5/25/84 - Tristan
Photo Play  overview, Robbie Benson, Mary Frann, Jackee, John Beradino, Steve Bond, Finola Hughes, Emma Samms, John Stamos, Chris Robinson, Stuart Damon, Jed Allen - strong GH emphasis
12-1-85 ET -  GH segment with Jackie, Stuart, "Jade", "Jimmy Lee", "Edward", Gloria Monty, Finola, Kimberly, Leslie

**The End**

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