Robert & Holly #35  December 12, 1984 - February 7, 1985 - 8 hour original edit

In Mexico, the Scorpios wake up to their last day at Sean’s villa. Robert orders a special breakfast, Huevos Rancheros and Mexican lemonade. They procedd to get very tipsy together, drinking a bottle of very good tequila. They both lament having to go back to PC and the “daily grind.”

Sean offers to pay Felicia's tuition to PC University. He also admires her ring. Mariah is hesitant about the tuition. What is Felicia's motive? Sean also wants to photograph Felicia's ring and get a wax impression (so that he can make a copy). He uses the search for the treasure to convince Felicia. Later the group has dinner together and toast Felicia's decision to go to PC. When the girls leave, the men talk about their dull lives.

Holly calls Celia to tell her that she is home. Celia comes by and Holly tells her all about Mexico; Holly wants lunch at the Versailles room, but Celia begs off as she is having lunch with Grant. Robert and Holly return home. He says that he is content and has everything that he could want, but he hopes Sean comes soon. He laments the paperwork that is laying on his desk. Holly is concerned that their life will be boring, but he assures her that “life with her is never boring.” Grant and Celia come by for cocktails, but do not want to go out. Robert and Holly are puzzled by this. In Mexico, Donnely heads out to the treasure; he has the duplicate ring so that he can open the door to the treasure.

Sean calls Robert from Mexico and tells him that he is coming to PC. Robert insists that he stay through Christmas. Mort, Donely's associate, worries about Sean spending so much time with a “good cop.” Robert Scorpio is Sean’s cover. Later, Sean's team comes over. He tells them he is moving. He warns them to be careful and then tells them his master plan. Robert and Holly discuss how to convince Sean to move to PC and plan on throwing him a welcome party. At Police HQ, Robert is drowning in paperwork. Holly drags him off to the spa, which is opening its doors to the men of PC.

In NYC, Sea meets with a buyer for the treasure, but he has a couple of the treasure pieces that he wants to keep. The federale Paco goes into the crypt in Mexico. He intends to send a report to the University of Mexico.

Robert is sore from his morning workout. Holly is planning a Christmas party; she plans to cook but Robert suggest catering! He wants to impress Sean. He hopes to convince him to move to PC. Meanwhile, Sean's man (Vann) is trying to reach Sean. He ends up at the PC Hotel talking to Slater (alias Hines). Robert and Holly also end up at the Hotel, eating lunch with Frisco and Josh. Frisco wants to interview Robert. Later, Robert and Holly watch his interview.

Vann calls Slater, then goes to his hotel. Paco has been nosing around the treasure in Mexico. Slater orders Vann to lay low. In Mexico, Paco is visited by one of Donnely's men who claims to me a professor at the University. he manages to convince Paco to turn over to him the letter to the University which tells them about the crypt. 

Felicia spots Vann coming out of Slater's hotel room and screams for Frisco. Van knocks Frisco down as he races out of the hotel. Frisco plans to call Scorpio, Slater overhears and tries to contact Sean.

Someone kills Vann, his body is found at the Croyton Hotel. At the Scorpios, Holly is preparing for the party. Celia comes by to help. Burt calls to tell Robert that a dead body has been found at the Croyton. Robert meets Frisco and Felicia at the hotel and they identify the man as the one who has been stalking Felicia. Meanwhile, Sean has come by the Scorpios. He meets Celia who finds him charming. He then goes to the Croyton to find Robert. Robert asks him for his help and shows him the dead body. Sean is clearly shaken as he sees his associate. Sean finds Slater and lays into him for killing Vann.

At the Scorpio party, Sean is introduced to Monica. Slater brings JL to the party. Felicia arrives as do Gail and Lee, Brian and Claudia. Sean toasts Robert and Holly, his very dear friends. Then he announces that he has bought the shipping company and he intends to stay in PC.

Christmas Eve at the Scorpios, Robert and Sean discuss the Croyton murder. Holly gets onto both of them for talking detective work on Christmas Eve. Sean leaves. He goes to see Slater, he has a plan to throw Robert off the murder trail. Frisco calls the Scorpios; he has a plan to surprise Felicia and needs their help. Felicia laments not being home for the holidays. Tony and Josh take her caroling to the Scorpios. SURPRISE! Mariah is there.

On Christmas, Holly is making sage stuffing for the goose. Sean shows up bearing gifts, including a piñata, which Felicia later smashes. Holly's Christmas present arrives from Mexico, a silver tea set. Tania and Tony, Grant and Celia come by, while Frisco and Felicia sneak off to have some time alone.

Sean, Robert and Holly discuss Christmas. Burt comes by with info on the Croyton murder. Vann was a communications expert who had fallen off the face of the earth for the last year. Sean offers to help solve the case. He and Scorpio head over to the Croyton. They search the lobby and “find” Vann's wallet (Slater had hidden it where it could be found). Robert goes back to his office, where he discovers the phone number Sean had planted in the wallet. He takes the bait and calls the number, it's Peter's. Robert goes home and calls Sean and tells him he has solved the case!

At the Scorpios, Burt shows up with info on Vann. Holly, Mariah, Felicia, Burt and Robert discuss Vann being the one who was spying on Mariah in Texas and they now believe that Felicia is safe. Frisco comes by to take Mariah to the airport. Robert is preoccupied and Holly wants to know what is bothering him. He can't figure it out, but something is wrong. At the PC Hotel, Slater still wants to go downstairs but Sean won't allow it until Mariah has left town. Sean calls to wish Mariah a safe journey. Holly and Robert have a romantic lunch just the two of them. Holly is surprised to see Sean having lunch with Monica. After Monica leaves, Sean comes over to Robert and Holly’s table and interrupts them kissing. Robert updates him on Vann’s murder.

At the Scorpio's, Robert and Holly discuss the attack on Celia. Sean comes over to catch a ride with the Scorpios to the Quartermaine New Year’s Eve party. At the party, Robert and Lee discuss the increase of crime in PC while Gail and Holly discuss women being attacked. Robert pulls Holly away from Gail to dance with him, until Sean cuts in. Robert and Sean share a drink just the two of them and talk about old times. Robert flashes back to the last mission that Sean sent him and O'Reilly on, the Cassadine Caper which brought him to PC. He and Sean then ring in the New Year together.

At the PC Hotel, Sean talks to his man, Saura, who is in Mexico. Sean agrees to meet him. At the Scorpios, Robert teases Holly when she says she wants to buy a British car. He makes a crack about her family. Just then, her Cousin Algernon shows up. A suspicious Robert pesters him with questions. Holly wants to know why he is being so rude to her cousin. Robert leaves for work with the warning that he will be back later, maybe sooner rather than later. He states that he trusts there will be no trouble in his absence? He tells Algernon not to unpack just yet. This annoys Holly who points out that she has had Felicia, Mariah, and Sean as guests at his request. Algernon and Holly talk over old “con” times. Algernon tells Holly that he received a ticket from her and that is why he came to PC. Holly did not send the ticket. He becomes quite nervous. He's desperate, a “dead man.”  Sean meets with Saura, who pretended to be a professor in order to get a letter about the finding of the crypt from federale Paco. He gives Sean the letter and then the two of them discuss moving the treasure and how to deal with hot-headed Slater.

Robert comes home and grills Algernon. He wants to know what Algernon is doing in PC. Algeron tells him the story. He was in Paris on New Years Eve and got drunk at a party. When he awoke the next day in his hotel room, someone had planted the Cassadine broach on him. He also found a plane ticket from Holly for travel to PC, only Holly did not send it. Robert calls Sean, who comes over. They find out that Mikkos' cousin, Petros, is now the leader of the Cassadine clan.

At the spa, Holly and Algernon are going to a coed aerobics class. Algernon is paranoid, always thinking someone is trying to kill him. He also has no sense of rhythm. There is a big Greek man also that keeps popping up everywhere he is. Ceila calls Holly and decides to go to the new aerobics class. JL overhears the conversation and decides to go also. At the class, Algernon is partnered with the big Greek man, who knocks him down, while Celia is partnered with JL who flirts with her.

Later, Holly talks Celia into leaving so that Celia is gone when JL returns. A scared and wimpy Algernon is just hanging around the spa annoying everyone. Sean stops by to discuss the Cassadines with Robert. How do they return the broach to the Cassadines? Robert knows that Cassadines have vanished and wants to know what they are up to. Meanwhile, Sean intends to use the situation to help with his treasure smuggling. He tells Robert that he is trying to open up some of the smuggling lanes between the US and Europe so that they can smuggle the broach back to Europe and to the Cassadines. Later, Holly tells Robert about Algernon's paranoia and he tells her about the smuggling plan.

Robert tells Holly that he is going to Paris. Holly is upset, she doesn't want Robert to be in danger. Sean drops by, the old smuggling ring will come thru soon. Sean tries to talk Robert out of going to Paris. Robert starts to leave for the airport, but when he opens his door, Petros is on the doorstep.

Robert comments on the resemblance between Petros and Mikkos (played by the same actor, John Colicos). Petros wants his broach back, and Robert promptly gives to him. Petros does not buy Algernon's story. Robert wants to know what other business Petros has in PC. Later he calls Burt and orders a tail on Petros. Petros heads to the hospital to see Steve hardy and find out how the Cassadine money is being spent. Later at Sean's office, Sam Morgan (Sean's associate) comes by. We learn that Sean arranged for the Cassadines to come to town. He was the one who arranged for the broach to be stolen. Sean is ready to move into Phase Two of the operation.

At PC Hotel, Sam lures Petros into a trap to buy a ship. Petros vows to buy the ship, an ex-WSB spy ship. This is Sean's plan. Petros gets a call from his man in Paris who assures him that Algernon is too much of a bumbler to be able to steal the broach. Petros goes to visit Algernon. Scorpio is at Sean's office, they are watching Petros' ship. At the Scorpios, Algernon is acting paranoid. He is letting his imagination run wild. Holly suggests that he take a walk. Petros shows up and questions Algernon, wanting to know who lured him to PC. Petros leaves and the women from the English Language Society come over, they all love Algernon. Robert meets with Petros and tells him that he believes Algernon's story, but he still wants to know who tricked him into coming to PC. Robert thinks Petros is making the whole thing up because Petros has plans for PC. Petros vows not to leave until he gets answers. Later at home, Holly finds all of this exciting, but Robert just wants to get to the bottom of everything.

Slater calls Robert and anonymously says, “The Venture is on its way to PC.” The Venture is a WSB spy ship that is being sold. Sean arrives for a “date” with Holly, but Robert pulls him aside for help. They surmise that Petros came to town to buy the ship. Petros is at Donnely's office getting Slater to secure a new crew for his yacht. Slater goes to Scorpios. Robert is suspicious as the pieces are falling into place too easily.

Sean comes by the Scorpio’s. Robert is also expecting Ballantine. Holly gets onto them for shutting her out. After Balantine arrives, the three men go to Sean's office where they decide on a course of action. Ballantine is to get an injunction against the sale of the “Venture: while Sean and Robert stall Petros. Robert has lunch with Petros at PC Hotel. Petros assures Robert that he will not harm Algernon. Robert then invites Petros to dinner with he and Sean, where the three of them talk over old times. They are seemingly having a good time until Ballantine comes in and announces that he has the injunction. Petros is furious and vows that he will be back. Meanwhile, Algernon is getting on Holly's nerves. He has a party with some women, one of whom invites him on a cruise. Holly tells Algernon to get rid of the women. She tells him that it is safe for him to leave and gives him travel brochures (hint, hint!).

At the Scorpios, Algernon is finally leaving. He is going on the cruise with Sybil. After he leaves, Ballantine and Sean arrive. They speculate as to Petros' motives for coming to PC. Sean suggests that the WSB put a man in PC. Ballantine wants Sean to be that man. He declines, but later offers to allow whoever the man is to use his shipping company as a cover. The three meet again and Sean accepts the offer. Holly wants to be his assistant and even after she tries to seduce Robert he still says no. Of course, he still allows her to seduce him! Sean tells Slater that he wants to assemble his team in PC.

Saura, Morgan and Slater are in Sean's office talking about moving the treasure when Felicia walks in without knocking. She recognizes Saura as Professor Estevez from Mexico, though she did not overhear any of their conversation. After she leaves, Sean sends Morgan and Saura to the warehouse telling the men to “leave the girl to me.” Later, Sean's men resume their meeting. They decide to use a helicopter to move the treasure.

At the Scorpios, Robert and Holly get ready for the studio party. Sean comes by and Robert declares that he will have no police duties for the night. They are the three musketeers. They decide if the party is dull, they will split. Robert wants to get away from police business.

At the party, Derrick presents plaques to Ginny and Frisco. Brock arrives and Ginny is so shaken that she drops the plaque. Frisco sings and dedicates “Lady of my Heart” to Felicia. Brock corners Ginny in private. He plans on telling Ian (the newspaper reporter) and use the power of the press to destroy her. He claims that her fake marriage to Rick drove Rick to steal his wife, “I could kill you for that.” He shows her the rap sheet. She begs him to leave her alone, she was only seventeen when all of that happened. He tells her that tomorrow, everyone will “know the truth about Ginny Blake, or should I say, Virginia Gellar.” Brock leaves Ginny and discovers Bobbie dancing with Rick. He goes berserk, yelling at Rick. Security and Robert Scorpio have to escort him away.

Ginny gets a prop gun from the prop cabinet, then manages to sneak out of the studio without being seen.  He is out of control, pulling a gun on them. Bobbie sends Teri out to get help. She ends up taking the stairs because the elevator is tuck on the 6th floor; she gets stuck in the stairwell. Meanwhile, Bobbie tries to get the gun away from Brock. She grabs it and as they struggle, the gun goes off. Brock knocks Bobbie out. Ginny enters the building through the basement and then the penthouse through the back door. She walks into the penthouse and pulls the prop gun on Brock, begging him to give her the rap sheet. He grabs the fake gun from her, then pulls a real gun on her. One shot is fired as they struggle, hitting her dress, purse and plaque.

At the studio party, Ginny's interview on gun control is playing. In the penthouse, Ginny shoots Brock. She takes the rap sheet out of his coat pocket and slips out of the penthouse while Teri is banging on the door. Ginny hides from security in the basement and slips away unnoticed. Bobbie wakes up and picks up the gun. Teri walks in to see her father lying dead and Bobbie standing over him holding a gun. Ginny arrives back at the studio, where Holly sees her and talks to her as she puts up her coat. She goes for a drink, realizes that she has blood on her dress and arranges for Ian to bump into her so that she spills wine on her dress to cover up the bloodstain. Derrick calls her up on stage and she covers well, as if she has not just shot someone. Ian even makes a big deal over being the one to spill wine on her dress.

At the penthouse, Bobbie calls Robert who is still at the party. He tells her to “sit tight, touch nothing.” Robert tells Alan that he is going to need his help with a corpse. Robert and Alan go to the penthouse. Teri is quiet and Bobbie is grieving. Robert questions Bobbie, who tells him what happened. Meanwhile at the studio, the news of Brock's shooting begins to spread.

Holly watches the early morning news. Robert comes home after a long night of work. He is exhausted. They talk about the case. Robert then goes to see Bobbie at the PC Hotel. She is in bad shape, but she wants to give her statement. She wants people to know that she is innocent, therefore she doesn't have a lawyer. Bobbie says that “even with all of our difficulties, he was my husband and I didn't kill him.” Robert goes back home. Burt arrives and tells Robert that only two of the three bullets can be found. An officer arrives with an envelope they found at Brock's office with Robert's name on it. It is cut out letters from magazines. Brock was about to compile a message for Robert.

Ginny goes to see Robert to ask him details about Brock’s murder. He can't give her any info, but he likes the way that she works. He will work with her, especially off the record. Robert calls Teri down to the station for her to give an official statement: she saw Bobbie holding the gun over DL's body. She breaks down. Burt interrupts, DL's lawyer has arrived with an audio tape, on which DL claims that if anything happens to him, the police should look at two people, his wife Bobbie and her lover Rick Webber. Robert calls in Rick and Bobbie; he plays the tape for them. Ginny is still there and sees Rick; he tells her about the tape. Bobbie wants to know if Robert believes what is on the tape. He advises Bobbie to get a “damn good lawyer.”

The press gather as Burt gives the the details of Brock’s shooting. Commissioner Scorpio is looking into the possibility of a third party being involved.

Holly comes by to see Robert at his office. He is mulling over the latest newspaper headlines. He doesn't believe that Bobbie killed Brock but if she didn't, who did? Right now it doesn't look good for Bobbie. Later, after Holly leaves, Burt pushes for Bobbie's arrest but Robert his hesitant. He wants more solid evidence, which Burt thinks he has. Why is Robert stalling? People from Wyndam’s come by and relate the scene that Brock created between himself and Rick Webber, after which Bobbie yelled out that she could kill Brock. Bobbie is in trouble as the DA is insistent that Robert arrest Bobbie.

At the Scorpio’s, Holly believes that she might have a clue; she is making headway on the anagram, “ex-con dupes daily.” Robert worries about what Luke will say to him. Bobbie is innocent, she doesn't deserve this! They remember the times that Bobbie has helped them in the past and vow to help her. Celia comes by and tells Holly about her art show. They talk about Grant but Celia doesn't tell Holly what is going on. At HQ, the DA is pressing for Bobbie's arrest, but Robert defends Bobbie.

Later Bobbie is alone in the penthouse, when Robert comes by to arrest her on “suspicion of murder.” They put the handcuffs on her. Ginny conducts an interview with the DA and Robert in which the DA swears to get a conviction. Later, Robert pulls her aside and asks for her to do a private interview with him.

Holly is working on the anagram. She won't even stop to have breakfast. Robert goes off to interview Brock's enemies, one of whom is Ginny. She is good! and manages to convince him that she “chooses to put Brock and everything that he represented out of her life.” Robert also talks to the DA who is convinced he has a great case although Robert still wants to know where the third bullet is. Meanwhile Holly figures out the anagram says, “Ex-con from FLA dupes Port Charles daily.” She calls Robert with the news. Ginny is there when she calls and we can see the worry on Ginny's face. Robert calls Bobbie and asks if Brock went to Florida recently? She tells him no but that he did have a recent business trip that he said was to New York. Robert talks to Holly and decides that they should make a trip to Florida.

In Florida, Robert and Holly are asking questions at the airport. The woman at the car rental place remembers Brock, he wanted a road map to show him the shortest way to Miami. He drove to Miami and turned his car in at the Miami airport. Scorpio calls Burt, the phone call that Brock made to Miami was to a private investigator. Robert calls the investigator and leaves a message; he and Holly worry about what Brock was looking for. They go back to PC and to police headquarters. Jake comes by. Robert explains his Miami trip to Jake and Jake tells Robert that the psychiatric profile indicates that Brock was psychotic. Holly goes to see Bobbie. She comforts her and asks her about how much Brock new about her past. He knew all about Bobbie's past and he was in wonderful spirits after his trip to Miami. Holly leaves and goes back to talk to Robert.

Sean makes it clear to Saura that he maintains his relationship with Felicia so that he can sabotage her. The WSB show up at Sean’s office to install communication equipment. After they leave, Sean and his men discuss moving the treasure to PC.

At the Penthouse, Holly talks to Bobbie. Jake comes in, he wants to figure out if a third person was in the penthouse. Jake discovered out that a man was arrested in the vicinity of the penthouse. He thinks maybe the thief was robbing the penthouse. The DA storms into Robert’s office and demands a report on Robert's trip to Miami. Robert refuses and tells him that Brock went to Miami and hired a Private Investigator. The DA wants the dirt on Bobbie's past. Burt and Robert try to get in touch with the PI in Miami. Robert calls Ruby and asks her if Brock possibly went to Miami to get dirt on Bobbie. The PI finally calls Robert back, but refuses to tell him what Brock wanted. Robert goes home and tells Holly that by the time he is finished with Garvey, the PI, he will “nail his pelt to the wall!”

Jake comes into Robert's office. He wants to talk to the thief to see if he was in the penthouse on the night of the murder. They talk to the thief, but the officer who arrested him clears him of suspicion in the murder. Robert tells Jake that the coroner's report on Brock should be in soon and that Garvey, the PI from Miami, is coming to PC soon.

Saura bursts into Sean's office and tells him they have to move up their plans to get the treasure out. Sean says that isn’t possible. Saura says it has to be or they risk losing the treasure. Saura finds out that University officials are sending a team to the crypt in less than three weeks. Therefore, Sean moves up the timetable and plans to go to Mexico.

**The End**

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