Robert & Holly #36 February 8 - April 9, 1985: 10 1/2 hr original edit
Dvd #36A Robert worries about Bobbie’s fate as the evidence begins mounting against her. Holly is sure that Bobbie isn’t guilty and reassures Robert that he will prove it. They arrive at GH for Tony and Tania’s wedding in the hospital chapel, same place her and Robert were married. Frisco sings as “Lady of My Heart”. Afterwards, Robert suggests they skip the reception and head home for their own honeymoon. She laughs, “Another one?” He says, “2005, 2006? Whose counting?”

At home, Robert pours the champagne as Holly worries about losing the spark that happens when couples start taking each other for granted. He tells her she keeps dressing like that and he will never take her for granted. She observes that they don’t have the problem of keeping each other interested. He tells her if he was anymore interested, he would be following her around all day. She says that might be fun. He comments that for them, marriage has stoked the fire rather than put it out. She asks why they are wasting so much time talking? He leans in to kiss her.

February 11: Garvey, the PI, shows up from Florida to see Robert. He reluctantly (after a day in a cold jail cell) tells Robert and Burt about his meeting with Brock. He claims to have never read the rap sheet but he knew that Brock was going to blackmail Virginia Gellar. Robert and Burt discuss the case, nothing makes sense to them.

In Mexico, Sean meets with his team, and they discuss moving the treasure tomorrow. Sam is nervous, but Slater insists that everything is set. Saura rushes in: the University expedition is headed to the crypt. They set a plan in motion to stop the expedition.

The Florida police call and tell Robert they need about 3-4 days to find the Gellar file. Jake tells Scorpio that Bobbie remembers a woman being in the penthouse. Ginny drops in and talks to Robert. Robert gives her an off the record angle.

February 13: Sean and his men sabotage the University expedition to the crypt. Holly and Robert discuss the case. Robert doesn't want anyone to know about “Virginia Gellar”. The file on Virginia Gellar comes in to Robert's office. Robert is shocked when he learns that Virginia Gellar is Ginny Blake! He goes home and talks to Holly, telling her that Virginia Gellar was just 18 when she was arrested, “Did Ginny Blake kill Brock?”

February 14: At the Scorpios, Burt, Robert, and Holly discuss the case. Holly speculates that the third bullet went into a lady's purse. Burt and Robert leave. Celia comes by and confesses about her affair with JL. Celia is confused; she has a chemistry with JL. Celia leaves, but as she runs out, Holly remembers Ginny the night of the studio party hanging up her coat. She surmises that Ginny had left the party and she was also carrying an evening bag. She and Robert go to the studio and find out that although Ginny's plaque is hanging on the wall, Frisco misplaced his.

Sean and Saura discuss the successful sabotage of the university expedition. They gather their team to discuss the next part of the operation.

2/15: At the crypt, Donely and his men move the treasure. A university professor shows up and the rest of the men hide in the second chamber while Donely tries to explain why he is there. The men are worried, especially when the air starts running out! Professor makes Sean leave with him and closes the crypt (taking the lever with him.) Someone is watching all of this from behind the jungle trees, it's Peter!

2/18: Robert discusses the case with Holly at headquarters. They call Josh as well as the valets from the studio party in for questioning. Josh says that he tried to find Frisco's plaque but couldn't; it was in an unlocked dressing room. The valet tells Robert that the Webber car was moved sometime during the evening of the studio party. Robert and Holly compile a list of the evidence that they have against Ginny and lament what has happened to Rick Webber. The janitor from Brock's building comes by and tells Robert about the scrapbook incident.

In Mexico, the men in the second chamber are panicking. Sean manages to get away from the professor and open the crypt and chamber to let the men out. Peter comes behind them and locks all of them in the crypt.

2/19: Sean and his men try to force the door open. They fight amongst themselves, until Sean figures out how to use the ring to open the crypt door from the inside. Meanwhile, Peter goes to a doctor, who tells him he could die if he doesn't get to a hospital. He speculates on the best way for people to suffer and die.

At the Scorpios, Robert is upset about “Bobbie” slashing the scrapbook. Holly gives him a newspaper clip of Ginny from the night of the studio party. They begin to speculate about her dress, could the wine stain have been a blood stain. What about her purse and plaque? Robert doesn't want to get a search warrant because it might tip his hand. Holly decides to sneak into the Webbers and search the house. She almost gets trapped by Amy and then drops her brooch before she leaves. Robert meets with Jake at the PCPD. They talk about the scrapbook and the fact that Bobbie now wants to plead guilty. Robert is emphatic that that cannot happen. Holly comes in and reports that she did not find anything, but she did lose her brooch.

2/20: In Mexico, Sean finds out that Felicia is in Mexico. He and Slater discuss the movement of the treasure. Sean is worried. He tries to contact Felicia only to find out that F&F have checked out of the hotel. He arranges for someone to “intercept” them. Meanwhile, F&F travel toward the crypt. They stop to eat at a cantina and then are waylaid by some bandits who kidnap them and lock them in a barn. Felicia begins to panic. At the Webber's, Ginny finds the brooch and Rick surmises that it might be Holly's because it is the initials HS. Ginny goes down to HQ to turn it in to the police.

Jake and Bobbie meet with Robert. Robert asks Bobbie all sorts of questions. Ginny sees them as they leave. Robert tells Trixie to call him, day or night, if she remembers anything about the day Bobbie slashed the scrapbook. He leaves and Ginny comes in. When Trixie sees Ginny, she remembers that Ginny offered to take coffee to Bobbie that day. Ginny tries to talk her out of it, but Trixie heads off to see Robert. Afterwards, Robert orders Burt to find the dress, purse and plaque.

2/21: In Mexico, Sean and Slater are worried. The weather is not cooperating and they can't move the treasure. They are also worried about F&F, who are being held hostage. Morgan surmises that the Aztec gods are against them. Frisco and Felicia are still tied up in the barn. They get a goat to chews off their ropes! They are then able to escape from their captors. Meanwhile, the storm passes and Sean's men celebrate. At the Scorpio's, Robert and Holly discuss the case over breakfast. Burt comes by. Holly surmises that Ginny threw the dress away. They decide to go to the city dump and look through the garbage. They miraculously find the plague (with the bullet still in it!), her dress and purse. Robert has an idea on how to get Ginny to confess. Ginny goes to HQ and overhears that the dress, etc. have been found.

2/22 Not included In Mexico, Donely and his men move the treasure. Frisco and Felicia can't get to the crypt because the bridge is washed out. They try an alternate route and get lost in the jungle. By the time Frisco and Felicia get to the crypt the treasure is gone and they assume that the treasure never existed. They hear a helicopter (the treasure is in the copter!).

At HQ, DA pushes Robert for a report. He tells DA that he can forget his case against Bobbie. He shares the latest evidence and that he has a plan to get a confession from Ginny!

Back in PC, Robert goes to the studio. He pretends that he wants to pinpoint Brock's movements the night of the studio party. He puts the plaque with the bullet hole on the studio wall; he wants to play with Ginny's mind. She is shaken up when she sees the plaque. She takes it and leaves. Robert is pleased!

2/25 Robert has a new lead and will not share the info with Bobbie, so she is frustrated. She needs some hope, so she goes to visit Holly. Robert plans some new tricks to push Ginny over the edge. He has a new plaque on which he puts Frisco's name. He leaves and Bobbie arrives. She talks to Holly who reassures her but can't tell her anything. Robert goes to the studio and hangs the plaque on the wall. Ginny sees the plaque and then Robert baits her in a conversation. Robert then goes to the dry cleaner and persuades him to call the Webber house pretending that Ginny's dress (the one with the blood stain) has been cleaned! When the dry cleaner calls, she turns grey and slams down the phone.

2/26: At HQ, Robert's “gaslighting” of Ginny is working but Ginny is “one tough cookie.” Bobbie is worried that Robert is trying to pin the murder on Teri. She arrives at police headquarters and ends up talking to Holly, who assures her that Teri is not the new suspect. They go back to the penthouse, where Jake gets Bobbie to calm down.

Rick comes home and notices a man hanging around outside the house. He calls Robert who tells him that there has been some robberies so this is a cop watching the neighborhood (This is a lie; the cop is watching Ginny). Robert stops by the Webbers while Rick is out and gives Ginny her purse and the plaque, he is just returning her things! This pushes Ginny over the edge. When Rick returns, she breaks down, screaming, “I killed him; I killed Brock!!” Rick is stunned. At first he doesn't believe her. She is distraught and worried about what she will be putting Rick through. She confesses that DL was blackmailing her and tells him the whole story, exclaiming that she was trying to preserve what she had, her marriage, family, Mike. Rick calls Robert and arranges for Ginny to come in the next day.

2/27: Sean walks into his new office at the shipping company with Saura. They are worried that Sam and Slater will walk off with the treasure. They call from Oklahoma and say they will be in PC in 48 hours. Ginny, Rick, and Brett Madison go to HQ, where Ginny very coolly confesses. Rick is especially angry when Ginny confesses what she did to Bobbie. She signs the confession then is taken away to be booked. Later, Robert tells Bobbie and Jake that Ginny was the person who shot Brock.

2/29: Robert and Holly discuss Ginny's case. Ginny can plead justifiable homicide and possible get off. At the Shipping company, Slater and Morgan arrive with the treasure. They want their share in cash but says no. He intends to use the medical ship to transport the treasure all around the world. The guys inspect pieces of the treasure. Robert and Holly drop in. Sean shows Robert his WSB equipment. Later, Alan and Grant come by and Sean informs them that he wants controlling interest in the medical ship.

Dvd #36B March 4: Robert laments that his job is always affecting his friends. He has “after case” let down. Holly agrees to drop everything and move to Australia even if he wants, but he insists that he loves PC. Lee calls. He and Robert meet and Lee stresses to Robert that he really wants him to stay on as PC police commissioner. He even gives him the limo back. Holly and Robert decide to stay in PC. She even brings up the idea of children.

March 5: At the warehouse, Sean and his men inspect the treasure. They are looking for two pieces that Sean wants to add to his personal collection. Sean shows Saura the crown from the treasure that he will keep for himself.

March 6: Robert catches Holly snooping! He yells at her, then apologizes. He shows her his new “briefcase” which is actually spying equipment. He talks about the good ol' days in the WSB. This worries Holly, who thinks he might be getting bored. Robert drops Sean’s office. He brings his briefcase and uses the equipment to listen in on Sean's conversation with the WSB. Sean tries to convince Robert to go undercover with him again.

March 8: The DA tells Robert that he has an easy case, this should give him a boost as he runs for the state senate. Sean comes by and gives Robert a hard time about the funny hat that he is wearing, to hide the very short haircut! He is still trying to get Robert to get back in with the WSB. Robert testifies at Ginny’s trial.

March 11: Holly wants to go to court as she is worried that Bobbie will not testify truthfully. At the courthouse, Bobbie takes the stand, testifies that “my husband was in a homicidal rage the night he died.” He was “primed to kill” and anyone could have set him off. She also declares that “DL hated Ginny Blake.” The court room is shocked, especially the DA. The judge convinces the DA to drop the Murder Two charges against Ginny. Everyone is proud of Bobbie. Ginny can't believe that Bobbie testified for her. She tries to thank Bobbie, but Bobbie declares that she will never forgive Ginny, she simply told the truth.

March 12: Lee wants to add more paperwork to Robert's life. Grant drops in and talks to Robert about Celia. He feels that if he loses Celia, he loses his identity. They go jogging. Robert and Holly plan a dinner to try and get Grant and Celia back together. Robert goes to see Sean; he is jealous of Sean's involvement in the WSB. Later, Robert and Holly, Grant and Celia have dinner. After G&C leave, Holly asks Robert what was bothering him today. She noticed he seemed sad this evening, even though he hid it well from his guests. He admits that two things set him off today, talking to Grant today and he identifies with missing the danger.

He then went to see Sean and he is envious that Sean is being called up to Albany to work on a survelliance case. He says that Sean came alive after that phone call. She points out they are both lonely men who need danger to feel alive. Robert comments on how wise she is and how beautiful she is and gazes at her. He tells her that if it wasn’t for her that he too would be feeing some of that same despair. She tells him that he will always have her. He says that when he is with her that he is totally alive. She climbs into his arms and kisses him.

March 14: Peter then goes to Sean's warehouse, where Slater catches him trying to break into “Bay C” (where the treasure is hidden) and throws a knife in his back. A wounded Peter calls Felicia and tells her that he needs her help. At first she hangs up on him but when Peter calls back she tells him to meet her at the old Pullman car. She runs out of Kelly's, not knowing that she is being followed by Slater.

March 15: Robert is trying to locate Sean who is not picking up his phone. Robert is concerned about where Sean is. Holly is annoyed that all Robert can think about is Sean and the WSB and asks what about her and their marriage? She turns around and huffs off. He assures her that she comes first, but she expects him to leave her eventually and go after the danger. She leaves and he searches for her. The DA comes by to discuss the Ginny Blake case, which is not on Robert's priority list. He thinks that the DA should just leave Ginny alone and let the case be over. Holly shows up at Kelly’s, she and Frisco talk. He comments on how he admires her and Robert's marriage. She goes home where she and Robert make-up.

At the Pullman, Felicia searches for Peter, who has passed out. She finds him then leaves to get help. She calls Tony, who comes and upon seeing Peter's wounds, sends Felicia away for the paramedics. Peter mumbles to Tony, “Donelyl treasure, Felicia's treasure, Port Charles”. When Tony stands up and looks out the Pullman, he sees Slater, who shoots him! Peter manages to get out, before Felicia gets back with paramedics.

March 18: At the Scorpios, Robert and Holly receive news of the shooting. Holly rushes off to the hospital and Robert to the Pullman car. Robert examines the crime scene. TV crews arrive and interview him. Holly arrives at GH and sympathizes with Tania because she also was pregnant and lost the father of the baby (Luke when he was presumed dead in the avalanche). She cautions Tania to take care of herself. After Robert arrives, Felicia finally tells Frisco what happened. Frisco can't believe it, his brother was shot because of the treasure! He tells her, “I never want to see you again, ever!” Robert convinces Felicia to give a statement and a sketch of Peter. Tony comes through the heart surgery, but it doesn't look good for him. Meanwhile, Slater watches the news from a local bar.

March 19: Sean wants to know what happened? Sam can't locate Slater. Sean thought Peter was dead. When Slater shows up he tells Donely the whole story. At HQ, Felicia comes by to see Robert. He questions her again. Frisco bursts into Robert's office. He wants to find Peter and he blames Felicia and her greed for the treasure. Sean shows up and learns that Peter went to Canada.

March 21: Burt calls Robert from Canada. Peter is somewhere in the vicinity. Robert's theory is that Peter was followed from Mexico by an enemy and that Tony stopped the bullet that was meant for Peter. Holly doesn't buy the theory. Sean comes by, Robert then tries to connect Tony's shooting to Van's death. Sean leaves. Sean tells Saura that he has a plan for if Peter is caught. Slater offers to go in and take care of Tony, however, the men receive news that Peter has caught a plane to Brazil. Sean then goes back to Robert. Should they go to Brazil?

March 22: Holly and Robert have lunch. Robert now believes that the bullets were meant for Tony. Holly believes that this must have something to do with the treasure. Sean comes by and says his contact has spotted Peter in Rio. Sean agrees to go to Brazil “for Tony.” Sean then talks with his team. He tells them to let nature take its course as far as Tony is concerned. He believes Tony will eventually die. After Sean leaves, Slater proposes getting Tony Jones out of the way. Robert goes to GH to see Tony. When he hears that Tony is rallying (he moved his eyes), Robert orders extra security and a ban on information about Tony being released.

March 25 Tony has opened his eyes, which signals that he might be coming out of the coma. Tania and Frisco are excited about this latest breakthrough, but Robert is concerned; he wants to move Tony to a new hospital. Robert goes home and tells Holly the good news about Tony, but when Sean calls from Brazil, he lies about Tony's condition and tells him that it doesn't look good for Tony. He also tells Sean that he wants him to find Peter and bring him back alive. Slater, Morgan and Saura then plot to go after Tony.

Slater, Morgan and Saura go over the hospital floor plans and figure out how Slater can sneak into GH and kill Tony. They will use magician's crystals, which cause smoke, as a diversion. At GH, Robert and Burt inspect security. Robert is concerned when he learns that Tony is doing well. At HQ, Robert believes something is going to happen to Tony. After seeing Ian's headline, he rushes to the hospital to check out everything and discovers a loose window grate to the basement. This was to be Slater's route into the hospital. Plan foiled!

March 28 At PCU, Frisco is filming an alumni rally. Robert shows up but he doesn't have the manpower to cover the rally. He talks to Frisco then Felicia about Peter. At the shipping company, Slater plans to use a viral outbreak to “get sick” and be admitted to GH.  The plan is Slater and Frisco will both get sick, as well as a whole bunch of other people down at PCU.

Dvd #36C Sam and Saura make coffee, laced with poison, and take it to PCU. Frisco and crew, as well as Felicia, will drink the coffee. They all start to get stomach cramps and  Slater pretends to also be sick. At HQ, Robert surmises that there is a connection between Van, Peter and Tony's shooter.

March 29 At GH’s ER, people, including Frisco, Felicia and Slater, are pouring in, all with stomach cramps. Slater sneaks away and lets Sam and Saura into the basement.

At HQ, Robert calls GH and finds out about the epidemic and rushes out. Sam and Saura put smoke into the vents and accidentally turn off the power. Robert, who is in Tony's room, is concerned. The power comes back on but the smoke throws GH into chaos. Robert looks for the source of the smoke and figures out that someone is after Tony. Tony, as well as all of the other patients, is being moved out of ICU. Slater spots him and draws his knife.

April 1: Slater throws a knife into “Tony,” but really it is a dummy that Robert replaced Tony with. Robert sees Slater's red boots (the same ones that Luke boat for Laura in Mexico and the ones that he wore in Texas). The fire chief tells Steve hardy that the smoke was just a hoax. All of the hospital exits are sealed off. Frisco attacks a police officer who is won't let him go after Slater; this allows Slater to get away. Frisco gets belligerent and Robert orders him to be arrested. Sean returns to his office, Sam and Saura explain everything to him and he is furious! Slater comes in and gloats about killing Tony. Sean is especially concerned about Slater being in the eyesight of Robert, wearing his red boots and using old WSB tricks.

April 2: At Kelly's, Holly comes by because Felicia called her also to help get Frisco out of jail. Felicia tells her that she has taken a long, hard look at herself and she is a user. She never really learned to trust men. Frisco was the first man to crack her shell. Jake and Holly explain to Felicia that Robert doesn't want to charge Frisco, he just wants him to calm down. Sean tells Slater that Tony is alive and to stay away from him. He also orders him to dump the red boots.

April 3: Frisco talks to Robert who makes him promise to not go after Tony's shooter. Frisco tells Robert that he reminds him of Tony. Robert lets him out of jail and he goes to see Tony where he promises to take care of Tania and the baby. Sean demands that Slater, Saura and Morgan tell him what happened, he's afraid that Robert is too smart and figure the whole thing out.

At HQ, Robert learns that magician powder was used at the hospital to create the smoke diversion. Sean comes by and tries to find out what Robert knows. Ted Ballantine also drops in. He tells Robert that (back in January) Petros Cassidine was on the up and up, he really was interested in the ship for business reasons. Robert gets mad at Sean who knew and did not tell him. He goes to see Sean. Why didn't Sean tell him? Also, the attempt on Tony's life stinks of a WSB scam. They play darts and Robert notices a knife hole in the dart board (put their earlier by Slater).

April 4: When Holly arrives at GH, Frisco tells her that Tony’s doctor is not optimistic about Tony’s recovering. Holly advises Frisco not to tell Tania until she is a little better. Felicia comes into Tony's room and begs him to forgive her; she runs into Frisco on her way out. At the shipping Company, Slater throws his knife into the dartboard. Sean yells at him, telling him that Scorpio noticed the cuts in the dartboard. He orders Slater to leave town, but Slater does not want to go. Sean tells Morgan to find a fence for the jewels.

April 5: At HQ, Robert snaps at Holly. He doesn't want to accept the mayor's accommodation for public service. Holly goes to the mayor's office for him along with JL, Celia and Brian to accept the award. Holly goes back to HQ, where Robert is playing with a new dartboard, but he won't tell her why. Burt advises her to be patient with Robert, he's going through a tough time (we know that he suspects that Sean has something to do with Tony's attempted murder!). Morgan tells Sean that Slater bought his knives in PC.

Slater overhears Sean give Morgan the combination to the safe and tell him to stay away from the NYC fence Anna Devane. After they leave, Slater steals money and jewels from Donely's safe. Morgan talks to the knife shop owner who remembers Slater's red boots, while a cocky Slater throws his red boots away in the office trash can. Robert drops by to see Sean and discovers Slater's boots and that “Matt Hines” (aka Slater) left town. Robert goes into Sean's communication room and begins to track Slater. When Sean returns, he confronts him!

April 8: Robert confronts Sean with the boots that he found in the trash can. Sean lies; he fired “Hines” this morning for stealing money. Burt calls; Slater is in NYC. Sean and Robert “make-up” and Robert leaves. Sean talks to Sam and Saura and warns them that Scorpio must not lay his hand on Slater. At HQ, Holly tries to convince Burt to give her info about Tony's case. He tries to convince her to leave, but she “makes herself at home.” Robert comes in; Burt, Holly and Robert talk about that night at the emergency room and Robert shows Holly the boots. Holly remembers that Mariah talked about similar boots while they were in Texas.

Robert and Holly go to Kelly's and talk to Frisco and Felicia about “Matt Hines.” Felicia explains how Slater got into the emergency room and Robert asks them to start writing a log detailing all of the interactions that they had with Slater. Robert goes back to the shipping company and checks out the work log for the afternoon of Tony's stabbing. He discovers that Slater was not working. Robert then goes home and enjoys a sauna with Holly who credits him with being sentimental trying to get Frisco and Felicia back together by getting them to work together.

**The End**

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