Robin Returns  Oct 12th - December 6th, 2005 - 3 1/2 hours

In a French hospital, we caught near glimpses of a beautiful French doctor. The unknown doctor went home to a cupcake, lit a candle and got a call from her Uncle Mac wishing her a "Happy Birthday." When she blew out the candle, we saw it was Robin. Dr. Scorpio consults on a surgery taking place. She tells the surgeon that she doesn't think his patient needs surgery and that the medicine they had him on was starting to work. The surgeon disagrees with her opinion and performs the surgery anyway. Robin stays in surgery to watch. The patient ends up dying on the operating table. The French surgeon apologizes to Robin for insisting on doing the surgery and not listening to her advice. Robin tells him that he had a right to his own opinion and that she really thinks that they should have given the medicine a chance. Robin goes home to an empty apartment and finds there are no telephone messages for her. She takes out a glass and some wine and sits down to look over her files and work. She is surprised when she hears a knock at her door. She opens the door to find the French surgeon she just talked to on the other side of the door. She invites him in and he notices she was busy working on paperwork. He lectures her on leaving time for recreation instead of working all the time. Robin tells him that she enjoys her work and doesn't mind spending a lot of time and that what she does is very American. The surgeon invites her to take a walk with him and seems interested in her romantically. Robin turns down his offer but the man is very persistent and wants to take her out for coffee at a nearby cafe. Robin tells him she thinks he is attractive but that he needs to know that she is HIV-positive.
     Robin explains to a sympathetic colleague how she contracted HIV from her very first boyfriend.  Robin's fellow doctor suggests that her reluctance to re-enter the dating scene has more to do with a broken heart than with her viral load. Robin has flashbacks of her life with Jason.
     Tony calls Robin and asks about her research. She tells him the drugs are still experimental and they carry a lot of risk. He explains that his patient doesn't mind risk, and reveals that his patient is Jason. Robin asks Tony to e-mail her Jason's file and she will see what she can do to help. She asks about Jason, and Tony tells her that he seems content. Jason and Sam have been together about a year and she doesn't seem to mind his business. Robin seems happy that Jason found someone. As she reviews her old flame's medical records, Robin recalls happier days with Jason. Tony calls Robin with the news that he has emailed her Jason's test results.
     Robin calls Jason to try and help him, but he tells her he doesn't want her help. Robin calls Sonny and tells him she needs his help with Jason. He says this is Jason's decision. Robin tells him that Jason could die if he doesn't get treatment and she believes she can help him. Robin receives a phone call asking if she can speak at the annual AIDS conference in New York. She agrees, since she's been wanting to visit someone in New York anyway. Robin speaks at an AIDS conference and talked about her life with HIV and about Stone. There were flashbacks to when she found out she was HIV-positive and to when Stone died. She talked about all the children in Africa afflicted with this disease and urges people to help. When she was done speaking, she met Sam and they discussed Jason. They boarded a train to Port Charles. Robin told Sam that there is no guarantee but, this is Jason's best hope.
     Sam and Robin talk about Jason. Robin asks Sam why she can be with Jason knowing she could very well lose him to the life he leads. Sam tells her all about how she met Jason and how she was pregnant with Sonny's child and how Jason told everyone it was his to keep Sonny and Carly together. Robin tells her that Jason never lied like that before but that Carly could manipulate him into doing anything to protect her. Sam agrees with her about Carly but informs Robin that Carly had a nervous breakdown recently and is in a mental hospital right now. Robin feels like a jerk for criticizing Carly. Sam understands that Robin was just being honest about how she feels about Carly. Neither of them are aware that Carly has escaped from the mental hospital and is on the train with them sitting right behind them.
     Robin decides to give Sam some privacy while she is on the phone and goes to another empty seat to do some reading. Someone bumps into her hard while leaving her seat, Robin turns around in annoyance but doesn't see the person as she walks away. It turns out to be Carly who knocked into her without saying sorry. Robin returns to her seat next to Sam. Sam tells her about Jason being sent to the hospital after Michael found him lying unconscious. Sam and Robin see Manny. Sam and Robin go to the driver of the train and warn him that Manny is on their train and that he is psychotic and a fugitive from the law. The driver asks Sam if she is a cop but she tells him she isn't but knows what she is talking about. They plead with the driver to call the authorities to let them know the situation. He agrees to do that. However, Manny kills him before he can do anything. Suddenly the lights go out on the train and Sam and Robin notice that the train is going way too fast suddenly. They go and find the driver sprawled out over the controls of the train. They try to stop the train but can't move the gear shift at all. Suddenly they see headlights coming at them and the other train controller calls out a warning over the radio that they are going to collide with his train. Sam and Robin both scream when they realize what is about to happen. They also don't realize that their train is about to collide and crash into the train carrying people they know like Sonny, Alexis, Ric, and Jax.
     In the wake of the train collision, Max and Sam attempt to pull Robin free but she remains pinned beneath a large chunk of steel. Jason receives word that the train carrying Robin and Sam has crashed. Jason arrives at the tunnel to find search and rescue teams working feverishly to reach the trapped victims within. Jason heads down a ventilation shaft in hopes of effecting a rescue. Jason cuts the rope Luke tied to him and rushes off to find Sam. Jason spots Robin lying in the floor and thinks it is Sam. She wakes up and he realizes its Robin. She tells him that Sam went off to get help and wants him to go find her. Jason hesitates but runs off to find Sam. He finds her not too far away, buried in the ruble. He uncovers her and she wakes up. He helps her stand up, despite her protests that he's not in the hospital. They go back to try and help Robin get out from under the seats that have her pinned inside the train car.
     Sam and Jason finally manage to free Robin. As they leave the train car, Robin remembers her medicines and research are still on the train. Jason heads back to get it, but the train explodes before Jason can find the briefcase. He jumps out of the exploding train and knocks himself unconscious. When he wakes up, Robin assesses Jason's condition and realizes it's much more serious than she realized. Jason still thinks it's no big deal, but Sam erupts at him. Jason asks her what's bothering her besides the train wreck, and she explains that today would have been their little girl's first birthday. They all agree that the best way to help Jason is to find a way out. The three of them find a path up on a ledge, but as they try to walk across Robin slips and falls. She clings to the side of the ledge, while Jason begs her to grab hold of his hand.
     Robin is hanging from the ledge and Jason pulls her to safety. Robin wanted Jason to rest and not to stain himself, and Sam agreed with Robin. Jason claimed he couldn't rest because there might be another cave-in. Robin told Jason that he hasn't changed that he still doesn't listen to people. Jason admitted that he was having another headache, but wanted them to keep moving. Jason, Sam and Robin find Alexis, Ric, and Emily. Alexis is in labor and asks if Robin could perform her C-section. Robin told her that she is HIV-positive, but, yes, she can do it.  They moved Alexis into the train car. Robin needed a knife for the C-section. Jason had one. Robin said that some things never change. Emily and Ric found a sewing kit, a fishing kit and alcohol. They had Alexis drink some of the alcohol and used it for sterilization. Alexis and Ric talked. Alexis told Ric that she is going to die. Ric told her that she won't die. Alexis made Ric promise to take care of her children if she does die. Ric made the promise. Robin and Emily talked about what was about to happen. Robin told Emily that they could get both Alexis and the baby out alive. Alexis is out. They began the C-section. Robin told Ric not to panic, to stay calm and to follow all of her directions.    
     Robin performs the C-section on oo big and can't fit through her initial incision. Ric gives the okay Robin gets the baby out and tells Ric that the baby is a girl. Emily wraps the baby up in a blanket and hands her to Ric. Ric tells Robin that the baby isn't breathing. Robin tells him to breathe into the baby's nose like a straw and cover both nostrils while he does it. He does it but the baby doesn't respond or cry. Robin tells him to make sure to breathe into the baby's nose and cover both nostrils so no air goes out. Ric tries it again and the baby starts to breathe and cry. Ric is elated that it worked. Robin tells him that she needs to sew Alexis up right now or she could hemorrhage. Ric cares for the baby and takes a walk while Robin and Emily work on her. Robin examines Alexis by touching her fingers and asking her if she feels her touch. Alexis doesn't feel anything. Robin touches her stomach and presses down and asks Alexis if she feels any pain or discomfort. When Alexis tells her she feels fine, Robin becomes more concerned. She approaches Ric, who is holding the baby. Ric thinks Alexis is getting better and will be fine. Robin tells him that Alexis is not getting better and that if they don't get her medical help soon, she could die. This news stuns Ric. Ric refuses to accept Robin's dire prediction about his wife's weakening condition but Alexis realizes that she's close to death. Sonny is reunited with Robin as he and Reese help Jason through the tunnels. Robin manages to elude Manny, who proceeds to plant his explosives along the debris path. Sonny, Robin and Sam go back into the wreckage to search for Jason's medication and run smack into Manny.
     Manny holds Sonny, Sam, and Robin at gunpoint. Sonny provokes Manny and suggests that he let the ladies go and if he is looking to shoot someone that he should shoot Sonny. Jason goes looking for them and hears a shot as Manny shoots randomly. Sam tells Manny she's not afraid of him. Unfortunately, this provokes Manny and he shoots Robin in the arm. Jason comes to the rescue, though and he knocks Manny out. Robin insists before anything else happens that Jason take the medicine she brought for him. Sam quickly injects Jason. Sonny asks Robin to remain mum about Carly being down in the tunnel. A rescue team arrives, and Manny tries to convince them that he was the one being threatened. Robin sets the story straight, though.
     Robin is escorted out of the tunnel and sees her Uncle Mac outside. He's grateful to see her, but is very worried about her gunshot wound. She assures him it's just superficial. Felicia, Maxie, and Georgie arrive to greet Robin while Mac gets back to work. He sees Manny being carried out on a stretcher and tells the officers to cuff him as soon as possible.
Robin goes to the hospital to get her gunshot wound treated.  Maxie keeps Robin company and she is happy to have Robin home. She hopes that Jason and Robin will fall back in love so Mac will leave Georgie and Maxie alone about their love lives. Robin tells her it's a nice theory, but Jason is in love with Sam now. Robin talks with Nikolas and admits to him that she still loves Jason and that no man has compared to him since their breakup years ago.
     The police inform Sam and Robin that they have called off the search for Jason in the tunnel. Sam goes ballistic on them and insists on going back into the tunnel to look for Jason. The police try to restrain her to keep her away from the tunnel. They try to explain to her that it isn't safe to go in there and that Jason is probably dead. Sam won't listen to them and insists they let her go back into the tunnel. Jesse tries to reason with her but she punches him in the face because he won't let her go. Sam is arrested for assaulting an officer. Robin shows up at the police station just as one of the cops tells Mac why they arrested Sam, to keep her away from the tunnel not because she hit Jesse. Sam comes out of the interrogation room to argue about the tunnel again. Robin offers to be the one who Sam is allowed to go home with. Sam tells Robin that she is thankful to her but that she is going back into the tunnel to look for Jason and won't be able to stop her. Robin whispers to her that she is going to go with her. When they arrive back at the site, the cops and firemen have already been give orders to seal the entrances to the tunnel and to blow up the rest of the inside as well. Sam and Robin talk to Maxie, who tells them there is no way to go in now. Sam and Robin start to cry. Jason comes back to the site of the tunnel and sees Sam. He calls out her name and she turns around in disbelief when she sees him. She runs to him and he holds her in his arms. Robin sees them together embracing.
     Jason miraculously appears at the tunnel-site as Sam is crumbling with the weight of losing him. They hug hard and happy and long while Robin watches jealously. Robin interrupts and asks Jason if he's ready to go with her now for treatment. Jason wants to see Sonny first. Robin's waiting for Jason and Sam when they arrive. She is thrilled that he actually showed up. Robin explains the course of medication and the necessity of the restraints during treatment. Jason asks that, if he absolutely has to be in restraints, Robin allow Sam to do it. As Robin starts the treatment on Jason, Robin cautions Sam that Jason will be drifting in and out of consciousness for several days. Later, when he has fallen asleep from the medication, Robin admits to Sam that this treatment is not going to be pleasant. Jason will be disoriented and reliving old memories intensely. As they talk Jason calls out for Robin.
     Jason starts to have a violent reaction to Robin's medication, a stronger reaction than Robin has seen before. Sam is very upset and asks for a guarantee from Robin that they won't lose Jason, but Robin can't promise that. Jason wakes up and asks for water and for the restraints to be removed. Sam tells him she can't do that, so he asks for her to do whatever possible to keep him awake. An outraged Sam threatens to remove Jason from the torturous drug protocol unless Robin can guarantee that her treatment will be successful. Robin fills Alan and Monica in on their son's condition before proceeding with Jason's protocol over Sam's frantic objections. Robin struggles to restore Jason's vital signs after he goes into cardiac arrest. After stabilizing Jason, Robin tells a fuming Sam that her boyfriend needs to finish his treatment but Monica insists that the drugs be discontinued at once. Dreaming about their earlier romance, Jason pulls Robin into a kiss just as Sam and Sonny walk in.
     Sam explodes and accuses Robin of taking advantage of Jason. Sonny takes Robin out of the room and tells her he knows her and Jason's past. He knows they loved each other, and she's taking this opportunity to save him. Sam listens as Jason relives Robin's betrayal. Robin comes in to check on Jason and Sam goes outside to talk with Sonny. Robin comes out and tells Sam that Jason is calling for her. Sam is relieved to see that Jason is waking up. Tony comes in and examines Jason. Much to their relief, Jason is showing great sign of improvement. They all leave so that Robin can run some more tests. When they exit the room, Jason tells her he always knew she would be a brilliant doctor. Sam comes back in when Robin is done with the tests. Jason tells her he remembers everything since his accident 10 years ago. Sam is relieved, and they revel in the moment. Robin and Tony discuss Jason's test results, which are not as good as they expected. Robin is afraid that Jason's memory returning still has not solved the problem.
     Robin comes in and tells Jason and Sam that Jason seems to be improving, but she's still concerned that the test results were not as good as they should have been. Robin assures them both that Jason is on the road to recovery. When she leaves, Jason suggests that he and Sam get married tonight. Sam does want to marry Jason, but she wants the wedding to be someplace special for both of them. Sam questions Robin some more. Robin is concerned about a relapse and intends on keeping Jason at the hospital for at least another week under close medical observation. Jason takes an abrupt turn for the worse and decides to discontinue treatment and refuses brain surgery. Robin explains to Sonny that there is nothing more that she can do for Jason. Dr. Tony won't operate on such a risky patient and Jason would never agree to surgery anyway. Sonny tells her that he expects her to do what is necessary to save Jason. She has to find a doctor who will operate and he will make sure Jason shows.
     Sonny arrives in Hawaii and lets Jason know that he is hurt that Jason wouldn't trust him to cover his back. He always trusted Jason even when Jason couldn't remember him to do right by him. Jason needs to trust that he will do right by Jason also. Should Jason's greatest fear (a permanent vegetative state) come true, Sonny will end his suffering. Tony tells Robin about the one neurosurgeon who might be able to give Jason the miracle he needs. Robin goes in search of Noah Drake and is surprised to find the once esteemed doctor face down in a seedy bar. Robin pleads with him to help her to save Jason's life. Noah says; "Take a look at me, I am in no condition to operate or face Bobbie, Monica, and Alan." He does take a look at the x rays of Jason's brain ,and tells Robin: " This brain belongs to a dead man." He finally gets sober somehow, dresses neatly, and goes to GH with Robin.He thinks he can operate successfully, but it will be risky.
     Robin goes with Dr. Drake to his apartment. It appears he is drinking his life away. Robin shows him an x-ray of Jason's brain anyway. Noah is surprised the scan is that of a living person. He doesn't think it's hopeless, though. Surgery can be done, but it will be difficult. Robin is hopeful that he will perform the surgery, but he says he can't return to Port Charles. Robin asks him if he remembers the oath he took as a doctor to help those in need. He reminds her of the oath to do no harm. He tells her she's never known what it feels like to lose a patient, a patient she loves. Robin counters back and says she will experience that if he doesn't help her. Dr. Drake agrees to help her and perform Jason's surgery. Robin takes him back to General Hospital where Alan, Monica, and Bobbie greet him. Robin happily tells them all that Dr. Drake has agreed to be Jason's surgeon.
     Robin sees Dr. Drake attempting to spike his morning coffee and asks him if this is how he prepares for surgery. He doesn't think he's capable of performing the surgery, though. Robin tells him she is confident in his abilities, as are Monica and Alan. Just then a patient is wheeled in, convulsing. The nurses are talking about how they don't have another surgeon to work on the patient. Dr. Drake interjects and looks at the brain scan. He immediately takes the patient into surgery. Robin looks on as Dr. Drake performs the surgery and saves the patient's life. When he is through, she tells him how impressed she is with his performance.
     Jason and Sam meet Dr. Drake. Robin tells them she just witnessed him saving a man's life and she has all the confidence in the world that he will do the same for Jason. Jason goes to his room, while Sam goes back to find Dr. Drake and question him. She finds him spiking his coffee and tells him she won't allow him to operate on Jason. Dr. Drake tells her the surgery isn't until tomorrow, but Sam doesn't care. He explain how Robin found him in a bar in New York. Just as Sam says she won't allow him to come anywhere near Jason, Robin interjects and says that Dr. Drake is their last hope. Dr. Drake says there is another surgeon, though. He is younger and more capable - fade to bodies of two people making out and the previews show Robin walking in on the new Dr. Patrick Drake.

**The End**

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