Stone #1 July 22, 1993 - March 1, 1994: 8 hour original edit

Note: Robin's scenes added from Feb, 1994 when her and Stone began having storyline together.

DVD #1A Jagger is searching for his brother, Mike (Stone). He meets with Stone’s foster mother and gets a picture of Mike. Stone meets Karen at a rave (she tells him her name is "Cari"). He sees some guys slip something into her drink. Karen is feeling the effects of the ecstasy but Mike is able to step in and save her from leaving the rave with the two shady guys.  Mike takes Karen back to his place and she still wants to party. 

7/27 Karen wakes up on Mike couch with no memory of the previous night. Mike introduces himself as “Stone”. Karen learns she was drugged. 

7/29  Jagger tells Brenda about a postcard that Gina received from Mike with a Port Charles postmark and he believes Mike is still in PC. Karen runs into Stone again at the rave. 

7/30 Karen and Stone hit the rave together. Karen and Stone flee when the cops bust up the rave.  Stone follows Karen. Stone sees Karen at another rave and gets her out when cops raid it. 

8/2 Stone continues to follow Karen around. Stone follows Karen home but she takes off again when she hears Rhonda and Ray inside. Karen runs into Stone outside her apartment she tells him never to come there again. Stone shows up at Kelly’s and Karen shuffles him out telling him it was uncool to follow her. 

Stone and Karen make plans to meet later on the pier. Brenda sees Stone and wants to know who he is? She comments that he looks like someone she has seen before. Jagger gets a fairly recent photo of Mike from his foster mother in the mail. Brenda doesn’t appear to recognize Mike, but she reassures Jagger that this is a good sign this picture showing up out of nowhere.

Stone tells her about another rave on Friday night. Stone tells Karen about splitting on his foster parents and living with Sonny. He tells her that maybe she has a good reason for not trusting anyone, but points out that he could have taken advantage of her when she was drugged and he didn’t. Stone gives Karen a number at The Paradise Lounge where she can reach him anytime. Brenda and Jagger just miss seeing Stone on the pier. Stone is at the video arcade racking up the points. Jagger searches the arcades and starts to notice Stone's name on the machines (but doesn't know that Stone is Mike). 

Karen meets Stone outside of Sonny's strip club, "The Paradise Lounge". She asks if this is a strip club? Stone says no, it is THE strip club. He invites her to come inside and see a show. He tells her that he is a hawker to bring people into the club and asks her if she wants to give it a shot, that he will cut her into the action. She doesn’t think she can do it, a guy comes up and tells her if she is selling, that he is buying. Stone gets him to come into the club. Karen is spooked and going to head home. Stone talks her into coming inside and promises to protect her.

Stone takes Karen up to Sonny's apartment above the club. He tells her that Sonny is like a brother to him. He tells her how protective Sonny is with all the girls, and doesn’t allow anyone to disrespect the girls. He says that if a guy does that he then has to deal with Sonny and no one wants that. He makes a big deal about how protective Sonny is and that is a good thing to have someone like Sonny protecting you, that seems to really appeal to Karen. She is intrigued by the dancers at the club. He tells her a little about the running of the club and what he does. When she heads out, he asks if she will be back? She says maybe yes, maybe no. He says to himself he thinks she will.

Karen comes to The Paradise Lounge again. She is curious who Sonny is? He tells her that Sonny is still out of town. He asks her what she thinks of the current dancer? Karen says it is better than the last one she saw. He is surprised to hear the new girl being so critical. Stone tells Karen that all the dancers are regular people with regular jobs, one is a married dental hygenist with a kid. Stone knows “Cari” likes to dance, he has seen her at the raves. 

Crystal warns Stone that someone is looking for him, that she said she was his sister. He describes Gina, red hair, 13. Crystal says no that this girl is older. She asks Stone for money, she needs a fix. He won’t give it to her, but then leaves to take care of her. He tells “Cari” that he is leaving her in Susan’s hands and she will take care of her. 

When Sonny spots Cari he goes up to her and asks her what time she goes on? She tells him she isn’t a dancer. He thought she was performing for amateur night. Cari blushes and says she would be too self conscious to do that. Sonny explains to her that it's all about power and there is no reason to be self conscious because when you are on stage you are the one in control. Cari is intrigued. Stone comes up and formally introduces his friends Cari and Sonny. Stone has told Cari a lot about Sonny and she is excited to meet him. Karen, Stone, and Sonny watch the strippers. Cari is lured into the amateur stripping competition by not only the $300 prize but also the idea of control. Cari takes the stage to the sounds of "Prince" as Sonny stands by and eagerly watches. Cari comes off the stage ecstatic and she wins the competition. Later that night, Stone takes her home. Stone tells Sonny that Crystal told him that a woman is looking for him. Sonny assures him that if anything comes up, he will handle it.

Mac and Felicia come into the Paradise Lounge to ask questions about a young girl named Crystal (Stone’s ex-girlfriend) who used to work at his club because she overdosed on drugs and Mike Cates (aka Stone) who is a runaway. Sonny tells them that Crystal got hooked on drugs and left the club 3-4 months ago and he hasn't seen her since. He also lies and tells them he has never heard of Mike Cates. 

Sonny tells Stone that Crystal is dead (she was an IV drug user and the following year we learn this is who he contracted AIDs from). Stone tells Karen that he blames himself for Crystal's death. She reassures him that he fed her and took care of her. Stone takes money from Sonny to pay for her burial. 

Karen has dinner with Sonny, Stone interrupts and they talk about Crystal’s death which Stone is taking hard. Brenda and Jagger at the video arcade looking for Stone, he comes in but they don't see each other. Jagger gets all the high scores from the arcade machine in the photo. Stone and Jagger just miss each other at the arcade. Stone sees Felicia on the surveillance camera questioning the staff and showing his picture around. Stone learns that Felicia was indeed looking for him and the staff at the club covered for him. Stone is tortured over Crystal’s death and discusses her with Sonny, how beautiful and fun she was before the drugs. He asks Sonny what he thinks about Cari? He tells him all he can do is give her a shot and see what she does with it. 

Karen watches the video of her stripping. Stone comes in and finds her. They talk about Crystal again. Stone feels a lot better about it because he went to the morgue and claimed the body and is going to have a small funeral for her. Karen asks what Crystal was like before she got hooked on drugs?  Sonny walks in and Stone takes off. 

Jagger joins Mac and Felicia at Crystal's burial to stake it out to look for Mike. Sonny wants to make sure Stone was careful when he made Crystal's burial arrangements. Sonny tells Stone to lay low so he isn’t found by the PIs looking for him. Karen tells Sonny that she is beginning to trust him.  Stone brings flowers to Crystal's grave and is reunited with the waiting Jagger. He tells him that he is a hard guy to track down. Stone wants to know what he is doing there? Jagger says he has been searching for him, that he never stopped looking for him from day one.

Jagger explains how be found Mike. Jagger learns that Mike calls himself “Stone” now. Stone tells Jagger he does not do drugs but Jagger wants to know if he is any kind of trouble. Jagger invites him to lunch. Jagger takes Stone to Kelly’s where he meets Brenda. She recognizes the name “Stone” from the arcade games. Brenda starts with a million questions. Jagger stops her and warns her that if she keeps it up that Stone will leave. Felicia and Mac come in and Jagger introduces them to his brother. Mac thinks that Stone is hiding something. Karen enters and comes face to face with Stone at Kelly’s.

Karen learns that Stone is Jagger's brother. Jagger offers Stone a place to stay and a job. Stone tells Karen that he does not want to move in with Jagger. He does not fit in Jagger's world and suspects Jagger would not be too happy about what he has doing with Sonny. 

At Sonny's apartment, Stone tells Sonny that the people that were looking for him have found him. It's his brother, Jagger and he want's Stone to come live with him. Sonny tells Stone he doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to. Sonny is firing a stripper who isn't making enough money. Stone tell's him that now they will be one dancer short but Sonny says he's got someone in mind, “Cari”. 

Jagger takes Stone to work out at Lenny's gym. Marco wants Jagger to turn pro with his boxing. When AJ and Jason enter the gym, Brenda happily announces that Jagger is going pro! Brenda introduces Stone to AJ and Jagger. AJ eggs on Jagger and Stone by calling them a couple of street punks. AJ accuses him of turning pro so that Jagger won’t be able to fight AJ. Jagger wants to fight AJ in one last amateur fight before he turns pro. 

When Stone comes into Kelly’s, he comments that Brenda is hot and is obviously into Jagger. He asks if Jagger isn’t interested then he must be into someone else. Jagger says that the only hot relationship is with his boxing. Stone says its obvious that nothing is going on between him and Karen as there is nothing but ice between them. At Jagger’s silence, Stone figures out that they were involved at one time. Jason tells Alan that AJ is fighting Jagger on Friday night. Jason wants to know what AJ is trying to prove?

Stone tells Karen that he will hang out with Jagger for a bit but eventually he will go back to Sonny’s. Brenda tells Stone that she is glad Stone is there as she knows how much it means to Jagger. Stone and Robin meet for the first time at Jagger’s fight. They argue over who will get the isle seat that they both want. He is a bit rude to her and she thinks he is a jerk.

Jason is in AJ’s corner. Brenda gives Jagger a pep talk and Marco tells her to take a seat. Jagger wins the fight with AJ. Stone is impressed with Jagger's skills in the ring. Robin tells Stone that he is nothing like Jagger. Robin has to bail on celebrating with Jagger as she has dinner plans with Sean. 

Jagger wants to find Stone a job and wants him to go back to school. Stone calls Jagger a hypocrite for telling him to go to school when he got kicked out and never went back. Jagger is angry with Stone for staying out all night after their fight. Jagger and Stone get into another fight when Stone accuses him of trying to change him. Jagger says that is that how its going to be, everytime Stone doesn’t like things he is going to threathen to leave? Stone walks out, and Brenda stops Jagger from going after him. She tells him to let him cool down that if he goes after him now, it will just make it worse. 

Karen goes after Stone and tries to warn him to be more careful because Jagger is starting to get suspicious that he has a secret job (the one with Sonny). Sonny tells Stone to just tell Jagger anything he wants to hear and then just do what he wants to do anyway.  Stone apologizes to Jagger. He tells him that if he is going to be late that he will call but asks Jagger that if he forgets to call that he doesn’t go off on him.

Jagger and Stone make plans to go to a pool hall. Stone calls Sonny from Kelly's and cancels plans they had because of Jagger, Sonny plays it off but is mad. They run into Gina on the pier. Stone and Gina are less than thrilled to see each other. Gina and Stone get into it and he storms off.

Jagger has some questions about how Stone makes his money. Karen turns down Sonny's offer, as there would be too many questions from her mother and she doesn’t want to leave her alone. Sonny insists Karen take a key to his place just in case and assures her she can use his place anytime she would like. Cari tries on her stage outfit for Sonny. It's a school girl costume. Sonny loves it and so does Stone. Her debut is going to be on that night.

Stone lies to Jagger so he can be at the club and see Karen's first performance as a regular. Jagger decides to tail Stone. Jagger arrives at The Paradise Lounge just as Karen takes the stage. Karen sees Jagger before he sees her and runs off the stage. 

Jagger sees Stone at the club. Jagger is under the impression that Stone is just there for fun so he tells him that's he's been to these places before too. Then the stripper Sonny fired comes up and blows Stone's cover. Jagger realizes that Stone works at the club and is not just a patron. Jagger gets pissed off. Sonny intervenes and is introduced to Jagger, which only pisses Stone off more. Jagger wants Stone to quit but he won't. Stone convinces Jagger to step outside. 

Stone tells Jagger exactly what he does at the club. Jagger is dismayed when Stone sings Sonny's praises. Jagger tells Stone that anyone can see that Sonny is a hood and he doesn’t want to see Stone end up in trouble. Stone tells Jagger that Sonny is more of a brother to him than he will ever be. A broken hearted Jagger walks down by the dock and remembers a childhood Thanksgiving with his siblings.

Sonny and Stone talk about Jagger. Stone says that Jagger cramps his style, big time. Sonny sees that Jagger is getting to Stone and it makes Sonny mad. Stone is back in with Sonny but he feels guilty about how he treated Jagger. Sonny tells Stone that he is the only brother he has not Jagger. 

At the Paradise, Karen is talking to Stone and Sonny and is very high. She goes backstage to get ready. As she takes the stage, Jagger punches the bouncer and before Stone can stop him he sees Karen on stage stripping.  She doesn't see Jagger, and she comes off the stage high. Jagger blames Stone for bringing her into the club. Stone tells him that Karen is exactly where she wants to be. Jagger confronts her backstage about her stripping, she's heartbroken. Sonny breaks it up.

Stone and Sonny talk about Jagger and “Cari”.  Sonny promises that if Jagger bothers anyone Stone or anyone else there, that Sonny will get involved. He says that “Cari” is now one of them and she belongs there. Stone relaxes “Cari” before another show, they sip champagne, dance. Sonny and Karen make love. Jagger shows up at Sonny's apartment and finds an undressed Karen in bed there. Jagger tells Karen he made a mistake, he thought she needed help. He asks her to come with him but she refuses. Jagger and Sonny get into a physical fight, and he knocks Sonny out.

Sonny comes to and Stone helps him on the couch. Sonny tells him that his brother is an animal. Karen apologizes as this is her fault, that Jagger had no right to do this to him. Karen insists on taking him to GH as she thinks he might have a concussion and he needs stitches. Karen and Stone take Sonny to GH. Robin and Jason find Brenda working at Kelly’s to help out since Karen quit. 

DVD #1B  Stone tells Sonny that Jagger doesn’t listen to anybody. Sonny warns that Jagger will listen to him, and Stone looks worried. Alan comes into treat Sonny. Karen feels guilty and responsible, but she assures Stone that it is over with her and Jagger. She just wants Jagger to leave her alone. Sonny is released and will be fine. 

Stone is worried what Sonny will do to Jagger after Sonny tells him he's going to get Jagger back. Stone tries to defend Jagger that he is still hung up on “Cari”. He doesn’t think Sonny needs to teach Jagger a lesson. Sonny agrees that Jagger understands the situation but he doesn’t think he will be back so no retaliation, he promises. Stone is relieved to hear it. After Stone leaves, Sonny immediately makes a call.

Karen overhears Sonny making arrangements to retaliate against Jagger. Karen tries to stop Sonny, she is frightened for Jagger. She interrupts as Sonny is giving instructions. He tells her that Jagger will learn a little something about control. Sonny pulls her away and tells her she is to never disagree with him like that, especially in front of his people. She is scare about him going after Jagger. Sonny tells her this is an issue of respect. Karen says that only her and Stone are the only people that know about it. Sonny says he has two scores to settle, Jagger not only disrespected Sonny but he also disrespected Karen.

Karen tells Stone and he defends Sonny’s actions. Karen can’t believe that he is just going to stand around as his brother gets beaten to a pulp. Karen heads to Kelly’s determined to find Jagger. Stone also tries to discourage Sonny from going after Jagger. Sonny isn't happy with either of them for their interference. He tells Stone he has to choose, that its an issue of loyalty. Jagger is taken from Kelly’s by Sonny's two men at gunpoint.

Brenda is frantic and tells Ruby what happened. Karen comes back into Kelly’s looking for Jagger. Karen and Brenda start screaming at each other, neither telling the other what happened. Marco comes in and Karen takes him outside and tells him that Jagger is in trouble. Marco wants to know the whole story. She says that Jagger didn’t want his brother working at Sonny’s club. Brenda comes out and asks Marco what is going on? He tells her they are fight promoters, which she doesn’t believe. Marco and Ruby both tell her she has to stay at Kelly’s. 

Jagger is taken to the basement of The Paradise Lounge. Later, Stone finds him tied up and beaten. Jagger challenges him to give him his best shot. Sonny comes in and once again forces Stone to choose, Stone walks out rather than choose Jagger over Sonny. Marco and Karen show up at Sonny’s and ask him to release Jagger.

Stone unties Jagger when no one is there but when Jagger hears someone coming, he tells Stone to back off. Jagger covers for Stone by acting like he was hurting him instead of helping him. Marco bargains with Sonny for Jagger’s release. Karen and Stone watch the negotiations on the video monitor. Stone tells Karen he should never have brought Marco to the club. Karen seems real nervous about what Sonny is capable of doing. She asks Stone for reassurance that Sonny wouldn’t really hurt someone they care about, would he? Stone doesn’t answer. 

Marco makes a 50/50 deal with Sonny on Jagger's future boxing endeavors in exchange for Jagger's release with the stipulation that Jagger can't know anything about their deal. Sonny releases Jagger, and tells him never to come to the club again and to stay away from “Cari”.  He tells his guards to take him out with the rest of the trash. Marco brings a contract for Sonny to sign. Sonny wants to see the contract Marco has with Jagger first.

Karen tells Stone that she wants to cut her hours at the club but he tells her that Sonny is not going to like that. She says that her life is falling apart. Karen is desperately looking for pills when Stone comes in. She tells him that she lost the pills that Sonny gave her. He says he can’t help her as he doesn’t have the connection. Stone is worried about her and suggests she lay down and try to get some sleep.

Stone apologies to Jagger for “the other night” right in front of Brenda. Jagger wants nothing to do with Stone as long as he is connected to Sonny. 

Brenda tells Robin that Mrs. Wexler came in and read Karen's report card out to everyone and that Karen is almost flunking every class. Robin says that doesn't sound like Karen at all. Brenda vows to find out what secret Jagger is keeping for Karen and tells Robin that she is going to follow Karen.

Brenda wishes Robin a happy 16th birthday. Brenda and Robin follow her to The Paradise Lounge and figure out it is a strip joint. Brenda figures out that is where Stone works but why is Karen there. Robin says Stone is a jerk. Brenda revels that this is scandalous beyond her wildest dreams. Brenda thinks they should go in and see what she's doing in there but when they try only she can get in but Robin can't so Robin goes home. Brenda goes inside (in disguise wearing a hat and glasses) and this is where she sees Sonny for the first time and he kisses Karen. Brenda says to herself about Sonny, “Who is that!” (this is the first time she lays eyes on him).

Karen tells Stone that she is having a time working the club. She says it used to be an escape from her life but not any longer. Stone tells her not to talk about this with Sonny and warns her that he wouldn’t understand. Karen goes backstage to get ready. Stone comes in to see her and finds her popping pills. She tells him she just needs them to get through the night. She is really shaky and in bad shape. He wants to know where she got them from? She lets him think she got them on the street. He picks up the bottle and realizes that she stole them. He yells at her, tells her to save herself and get out if she can’t handle working there. He offers to handle Sonny and he will take her home. and quit the club. 

Sonny walks in and Stone says that she isn’t feeling well. Sonny asks Stone to leave them alone. Sonny convinces her stay and perform at the club. Karen takes the stage and Brenda watches in shock with her mouth hanging open. Karen, drugged out, hallucinates that her step-father Ray is in the audience, she runs off stage frightened. 

When an angry Sonny tries to go after her Stone stops him. Stone tells Sonny that she is speeding, wired out of her mind. Stone says he tried to tell him earlier that she was in no shape to work tonight. Stone offers to go find her and calm her down. Stone asks Sonny for once to let him to something for Sonny.

Stone follows Karen back to her apartment and tells her that Sonny is not going to just let her go, that he is madder than he has ever seen Sonny.  After Rhonda and Karen argue, she leaves with Stone. Stone takes Karen to a cheap motel room for the night to sleep off the effects of all the pills. He holds her and she says that is all she wanted her mom to do, to just hold her. She says she feels like she has lost everything that was important to her. 

When Stone returns to the club alone, a furious Sonny wants to know from Stone where Karen is. Stone says there is a lot of stuff going on that Sonny doesn’t understand. Stone tells Sonny that Karen isn’t like the other girls and he doesn’t think she will come back. 

Stone suggests to Karen that she lay low for awhile where Sonny can't find her as he is madder than he has ever seen Sonny. Karen is too tired to care. Stone doesn’t know if she is either really brave or really crazy?

Sonny requests that Stone get Karen to come to Jagger's fight. Stone invites Karen to Jagger's fight. On fight night, Brenda, Robin, Karen, and Stone come in. Sonny sits by Karen and Stone. Brenda asks Robin what she thinks of Karen's new boyfriend Sonny? Robin says they don't look much in love to her. Jagger’s fight against O’Reilly begins.

Jagger does not take the dive and wins. Sonny is ticked. Sonny grabs Karen by the hair and starts pulling her out of there. Jagger punches him, and he and Karen run out. Karen and Jagger go to Sean for help with Sonny. Sean has known Sonny is a small time racketeer but has been unable to build a case against him as of yet. Sean wants to lean on Marco and he wants Karen to testify against Sonny as she was underage when she stripped at the club. 

Stone shows up to see Jagger but he tries to shut the door in his face. Stone stops him and asks him to give him just a minute. He asks how Karen is doing? Jagger abruptly says she is fine. He tries to tell Jagger that Sonny had been very good to Stone. Jagger points out that Sonny had him beaten up and threatened Karen’s life if he didn’t take a dive in the fight. 

Brenda intervenes and suggests that they don’t discuss Sonny since they will never agree on that. Jagger asks what he has been doing since the club closed? He says working on some stuff, another club. Jagger figures he is still involved with Sonny. Brenda suggests they get together and do something fun, spend some time together. Jagger still does not like Stone working for Sonny. After Stone leaves, Brenda remarks that they had made some progress.

Sonny tells Stone they have a new job, but this time its with the mob. Stone assures Sonny of his loyalty but is resistant to the new job. Sonny asks if he has other job offers lined up? Sonny dangles lots of cash in front of him.

Sonny and Stone are waiting to meet someone and gets cold and wants to go into Kelly’s to get coffee. Stone tries to stop him and tells him that Jagger works in there. Jagger refuses to serve Sonny at Kelly’s. Brenda hurries over and takes their order. Frank's men come in and tell Sonny and Stone that Luke has now moved his family to his sister’s brownstone. 

Jagger stops Stone on his way out. Jagger tells Stone he suspects Sonny is now getting involved in some heavy stuff, that those guys he just met with are big time. Stone says he can’t just give up on the person that has always been there for him. Stone asks how is he supposed to pay his rent? Where is he going to be able to get a job? Jagger says he can stay with him. Irritated, Stone says that the only way they can be friends is if they stay away from each other and storms out.

Stone stops by to see Jagger. Jagger shows him the Christmas card that he received from Gina. Jagger tells Stone about Gina wanted to get together with Jagger and Stone for his birthday. Stone agrees to join them for the birthday celebration and he wishes his brother a Merry Christmas. Christmas at GH. Steve reads the Christmas story to the children. 

Gina, Stone and Jagger gather to celebrate his birthday. Gina and Stone argue in front of Jagger because they can't stand each other and who was better than who. Karen showed up and Gina asked how she knew her brothers. Karen tells her that Mike really helped him. 

Stone goes to Jagger and tells him there is trouble and he needs a place to hide, Sonny told him to go to ground. Jagger starts lecturing him and Stone turns to go. Karen stops him but Stone says he isn’t sticking around for a recycled lecture. Jagger agrees but says he has to know what is going on? Stone doesn’t know but from what Sonny said, it is bad, real bad.

Brenda is surprised that Stone is hanging out at Kelly’s and Robin admits Stone is kinda cute. Brenda notices Karen's ring but all she will say is that the ring was a gift. Brenda quizzes Stone if he knows about Jagger and Karen being engaged. Robin learns that Stone is somewhat involved in the mob war. He likes her being straight with him and wants to see Robin again. Jagger and Karen tell Stone about their engagement. Robin confronts Brenda about telling Stone to stay away from her. 

The Day of Felicia and Mac's wedding.  Scenes of the bridesmaids arriving at the church, Stone makes an appearance at the church much to Robin's delight. Everyone freaks out when Kevin arrives at the church.  Kevin and Ryan get into a physical fight right in the aisle of the church. Ryan is posing as Kevin, the real Kevin comes in and tackles Ryan. Ryan breaks away grabs Felicia and shows the wired dynamite set to go off. Mac gets Fe away from Ryan, gets the bomb and throws it to Paul who tosses it outside. After the commotion, Ryan tries to make a break for it and escapes upstairs, Mac follows him, they both fall off through the second floor balcony railing while fighting. Mac has a broken arm and their wedding is off. Mac suggests that Paul and Jenny get married in their place. 

Paul gives a beautiful toast to Jenny. Stone flirts with Robin at the reception. Robin's upset about Ryan and Stone cheers her up. Dave Kotz plays while Jenny and Paul's enjoy their first dance.

Stone shows up to see Robin at the Scorpio house. Stone meets Mac and he is not too thrilled to see Robin with Stone hanging out together. Mac immediately dislikes the Stone and asks him to leave. Robin is embarrassed and angry with Mac for not trusting her judgment. She says that this is the most horrible thing that he has ever done to her! Stone comes back and he and Robin sneak out her bedroom window together. Robin and Stone shoot some pool at Jake’s. Even though they are not drinking they get carted and the bar owner calls Mac. 

Mac grounds Robin for a week. Robin tries to appeal her grounding but Mac does not change his position. Felicia reminds Mac that Robin is a teenager and that if he forbids her to see Stone that will only make her want to see him more. 

Sonny asks Stone to be apart of his next “major operation”.


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