Robin & Stone #2 March 2 - October 4, 1994: 9 hour original edit on three dvds

Note: Bonus RS #2C :50 min dvd added

DVD #2A 3/2 Sonny and Stone talk about the big plan for Frank Smith, Sonny wants to impress Frank. Later, Jagger tells Stone that something big is going down and he needs his help. Stone is getting nervous as Jagger sounds so serious. He then asks Stone to be his best man for his wedding next Saturday. Stone hesitates when he realizes that is same day Sonny asked him to help him. 

3/3 Robin and Brenda learn that Karen and Jagger will be married next week and they are leaving PC. Karen asks Robin to stand up for her. Sonny comes in, Robin is concerned about Stone working for Sonny. 

3/8  Rhonda and Ruby throw Karen a surprise shower at Kelly's. Sean and Jagger crash the shower with his good news about his acceptance into the police academy. Jason crashes the party and gives Jagger a gift. 

3/9 Robin and Karen have a girl’s night with Karen the night before her wedding. The men of PC take Jagger out to The Outback for his bachelor party complete with strippers dressed as cops. Karen, Brenda, and Robin crash Jagger's bachelor party. Stone tells Robin that he has a job to do before the wedding. Robin and stone dance together, Karen & Jagger, Brenda and Jason. Robin and Stone share a kiss outside of The Outback.

3/10  Robin warns Jagger that Stone told her he had a very important job to do today and she is worried about him. Jagger wants to go looking for Stone and finds him at The Paradise Lounge. Rhonda gives Karen a bracelet she got from her mother. Jagger presses Stone to hang with him before the wedding. Stone tells him he can't. Not believing Stone when he says he is just going to get him a wedding gift, Jagger tails him. Stone is supposed to meet Sonny and Luke after the break Frank Smith out of jail, he's the driver. Robin helps Karen get ready before the wedding. Stone learns Jagger has followed him.

3/11 Jagger wants Stone to tell him what he is doing. Jagger wants Stone to leave with him but he refuses. Robin tells Karen that she is worried about Stone. Jagger and Stone get into a physical fight and Stone is knocked unconscious temporarily.  Jagger manages to convince Stone to get on his motorcycle and leave with him. The guards are alerted to the phony transfer and sirens go off at the prison, the guards and Luke/Sonny exchange gunfire. Sonny is hit but insists Luke and Frank leave him and make their escape. Jagger losses control of his motorcycle in the snow and he and Stone hit the deck.

3/14  Stone wakes up after the motorcycle crash but Jagger is still unconscious. Stone gets help for Jagger and he is taken to GH. Karen waits at the conservatory for her groom. Robin tells Karen she thinks Jagger went to help Stone and that is why he is late.

3/15 Steve treats Jagger. Steve questions Stone about the accident.  Audrey informs Karen of Jagger's accident. Karen arrives at GH still wearing her wedding dress. Jagger is unconscious and in a neck brace. Karen demands to know what happened? Stone tries to tell her that he was just doing some pre-wedding stuff and there was a bike accident. Karen knows that Stone was doing a job for Sonny and demands to know exactly what he was up to? 

Stone admits that he had to deliver a vehicle for a job. Karen tells him that he sounds like a hood. Stone says Jagger stopped him and decked him, and Stone was so out of it that he couldn’t stay upright on the motorcycle. Karen warns him that Sonny chews people up and spits them out and he is going to wind up busted or dead! Karen is furious that Jagger was supposed to marry her tonight and instead he had to go bail Stone out of trouble. She tells him he is pathetic and still Jagger puts his life on his line for him at every chance and yet Stone puts his faith in Sonny, who will destroy him.

3/21 Jagger confronts Stone about being the getaway driver for a mob boss. Stone insists he did not know what was going to go down. Karen and Jagger invite Stone to move to Chicago with them. 

Sonny was shot night of breakout, he's recovering. Stone goes to see him, Sonny is not happy that Stone wasn't with the van. Sonny wants to know from Stone what happened with the van.  Sonny tells Stone about how the Smith jailbreak went wrong. Sonny is upset Stone left the van and Stone is upset Sonny didn't tell him the whole truth about how is life was in danger and what he was getting involved in. Sonny orders Stone out but he refuses to leave, he wants to take care of Sonny.

3/29  The wedding is rescheduled for Kelly’s.  Everyone gathers to cook an decorate. Karen receives notice that she has received the Northwestern scholarship. Stone comes into Kelly’s and Robin says, “Hi, stranger!” She comments that she hasn’t seen much of him since the bachelor party. He says he has been busy. She comments that it seems like some serious stuff he is into. She tells him that he is a smart guy and asks what he is doing? He tells her that he isn’t sure any more. Jagger tells Stone that the best wedding present he could give him would be if he stopped hanging out with Sonny.  

Jagger gives him a pep talk that he straightened himself out and he can do better than hanging out with Sonny, to which Robin says, "Amen"! Brenda brings Lois to Kelly’s for the wedding and she meets Jason. The guests arrive for the wedding.

3/30 Nice musical moment as Karen walks down the aisle as Daniel Lavoie plays piano. Karen and Jagger get married. Daniel Lavoie plays while Jagger and Karen dance their first dance. Jagger wants to make sure Gina and Stone come to visit him in Chicago often. Stone gives a toast to the bride and groom. Alan gives Jagger and Karen a motorcycle as a wedding present. Many happy wishes and loving farewells, hugs and kisses, and then Karen and Jagger ride off into the sunset as they leave Port Charles.

Robin has a welcome home party waiting for Maxie. Stone shows up to see Robin and asks her out Friday night. Mac questions him again and really dislikes Stone because he has no plans to finish school and he works for Sonny. Mac doesn't want Robin seeing him. Kevin shows up and annoys Mac, its Maxie's welcome home from the hospital day. Mac is annoyed with both Stone and Kevin and wants them both to leave. 

Robin goes with Stone, they go to the park and have their first kiss. The next day, Robin tells Brenda about Stone asking her out and Mac not wanting her to see him. Brenda offers to be her cover story. Sonny is making Brenda dinner and she invites Robin and Stone over. Brenda and Robin con Mac and tell him they are having a girl's night out. 

At dinner, Robin sneaks some wine. Sonny gives Stone his car keys so Sonny can be alone with Brenda. Stone lets Robin drive, she gets pulled over for speeding and is arrested on a DUI. Stone tells Robin that she can tell Mac it was all his fault. Robin is freaked out that Mac and Sonny will run into each other at the police station. Sean confronts Robin and offers to help her. Sonny and Brenda arrive at the PCPD. When Mac arrives, he lays into Brenda for lying to him. Sean breaks up a screaming match between Mac and Sonny. Mac then reams Robin and Stone. Sean wanted to help her out but Mac says no way she has to face the legal consequences. 

Sonny gives Stone a lecture about letting Robin drive his car. Back home, Mac and Robin get into a fight about her getting arrested. Mac is angry that Robin would have anything to do with Sonny and Stone after what happened to her friend Karen. Mac grounds Robin for 6 weeks and she can't see Stone again. Robin thinks Mac is unreasonable, but he's worried about her. Later, Robin breaks down in tears with Felicia. She cries that Mac is treating her like a ten year old and asks if she has to take this? She complains that Mac has no respect for how she feels about Stone? Robin calls Stone telling him that there is no way Mac can stop them from seeing each other. 

Another day, Stone returns home and hears Brenda crying for help, she tells him that two goons broke in and took Sonny. Stone wants to contact Luke and Brenda wants to go with him. Stone and Brenda tell Luke about Sonny being napped and ask for his help. Sonny meets with Cusak and is released to go home. Stone is relieved to see him home safe. Stone tells him about asking for Luke’s help and asks if that was okay? Sonny is proud of Stone for making the right move. Sonny asks Stone to call Luke and let him know that everything is okay.

Maxie goes back to the hospital and Robin's upset. After Robin tells Stone about Maxie, he comes over to comfort her. She wants to know if Sonny is upset with him for letting her drive his car. He says no that they worked it out, that Sonny trusts him. She is annoyed that Mac doesn’t trust her. Brenda shows up and is surprised to find them alone together. Stone heads out, leaving the girls alone to talk. Robin tells her that she is in heaven! 

Brenda tells Robin about the night before, when the goons took Sonny and she warns Robin to stay away from Stone. She advises Robin that she doesn’t want to be in the position that Brenda was in last night. Brenda tells Robin about Sonny being bad news. Brenda comments that Robin really likes Stone. Robin says it is more than that, that Stone is different. She knew it the very first time he touched her hand, she felt electricity and she has never felt anything like this. She says she knows that Stone feels the same way about her, its incredible. Brenda says its worse than she thought. She and Robin lament over falling for dangerous guys. Brenda asks her if she is afraid? Robin says no that this is it, its her turn. Brenda says she hopes that she is right, if they make are making a mistake they will be in big trouble.

4/27 Miguel comes by to pick up the “Frisco Bear” for Maxie. She tells him about the problems she is having with Mac and that she is grounded. He encourages her to go to the hospital and takes her over with him. Mac is glad she came.  Robin calms Maxie down after she gets upset about the oxygen tent that she is in.

5/11 Robin finds it impossible to concentrate on her homework as she worries about Maxie's deteriorating condition. She sadly calls Brenda who isn’t home. Choking back tears, she phones Stone. She tells him that she is afraid that Maxie isn’t going to make it. He asks if she is home alone and says she shouldn’t be. He hurries over to keep her company. She tells him how open and trusting Maxie is and she is in big trouble. Robin tells him that everyone she loves ends up dying and she doesn’t know if she can take it again. Stone agrees that someone dying doesn’t get any heavier than that. He tells her about Crystal’s death a year ago and how that messed with his head. She tells him about her parents being killed in a boat explosion. Mac arrives home to find Robin with Stone. Mac tells Stone to leave and scolds Robin for breaking the rules again and they argue. 

5/12 Later, Mac and a relieved Robin meet in the ICU and call a truce to put an end to their latest squabble. Robin hugs Frisco who has arrived to see his daughter. Robin proudly praises her uncle for bringing Frisco back to Port Charles at precisely the right moment. Felicia cries after learning that the heart that became available for Maxie’s transplant came from Bobbie’s daughter, BJ. 

Back home, Mac tells a shocked Robin that he and Felicia aren’t getting married. At the hospital, Mac tells Robin and Felicia about Miguel saving the kids from the bus accident. She realizes that Maxie wouldn’t have received the transplant had it not been for Miguel’s actions. He suggests they have a welcome home party for Maxie at the Outback and he agrees to sing.

DVD #2B  5/27 Mac rises at B.J.'s memorial service to share with the other mourners his fondest memories of the little girl they all came to know and love.  Following the service, Bobbie invites everyone back to the house for a short reception. Later at the brownstone, Robin tells Kevin about Mac and Felicia breaking up. She says her problems are nothing compared to what Bobbie and Tony are going through. 

Afterwards, Robin sees Miguel in the park and tells him about the funeral. He asks her about her boyfriend? She gets a big grin that Miguel thinks Stone is her boyfriend but cautions Miguel not to call Stone her boyfriend in front of Mac.

5/30 Brenda tells Robin about Sonny being hauled down to the PCPD. She wants to know if Robin has seen Stone? She says not for a few days. Brenda says that Sonny swore that he isn’t doing anything illegal. Brenda is concerned as he wants to invest in L&B. Robin informs Brenda that Sonny can’t just walk away from the mob even if he wants to. She tells Brenda about her stepfather, Duke.

6/1 Stone visits Robin at GH while she is visiting Maxie.

6/8 Stone stops by to see Robin. She tells him it has been rough lately. Felicia walks in on Robin and Stone kissing. Felicia questions why Robin keeps disobeying Mac. Robin is uncomfortable when Felicia wants to have a very frank talk with her about sex. 

Mac later suggests that Robin should work at The Outback for the summer to pay for her DUI fine. Robin agrees and then asks Mac to give Stone a chance. She doesn’t understand why he won’t as it isn’t like Mac, she asks why does he hate Stone so much? Mac says he doesn’t hate Stone but the kid isn’t any good for her. He tells her that when he looks at Stone that he sees himself 20 years ago when he was a punk and didn’t care about any but himself. He doesn’t want to see her first experience with a boy to be with a jerk who will break her heart. Robin asks how she is supposed to stop loving Stone just because Mac doesn’t like him. 

Mac is shocked to find a condom on the coffee table and demands to know where it came from. She insists it isn’t hers, that it is Felicia’s. Robin tells him that Felicia wanted to have a conversation about sex even though Robin didn’t. She says this day wasn’t embarrassing enough and now it got worse. Mac asks her directly if she is sexually active. Robin tells him she isn’t. Mac wants her to come talk to her about sex. Robin says she can’t have this conversation again today and embarrassed goes up to her room.

Robin starts work at the Outback, she thinks it will be the summer from hell since she is on “parole” with her uncle. Mac suggests that she finds someone together like Miguel. Robin later suggests to Miguel that if she pretends to have a crush on him that maybe Mac will get off her case. He tells her about Lily.

6/21 Robin suggests to Stone that they do a scene from Romeo and Juliet for the Nurse’s Ball. He doesn’t think Mac will appreciate this. She assures him how impressed Mac will be as he admires someone who isn’t afraid to try difficult stuff. He agrees and they begin reading their lines. Stone is a bit thrown by Shakespeare.  

When Stone returns home, Sonny is trying to buy a table for the Nurse’s Ball. Stone continues to study his lines and groans to Sonny that he is going to embarrass himself, and Mac will think less of him, and he has to wear tights! Sonny helps him run his lines. 

Mac comes home to find Robin studying her lines. Mac thinks Shakespeare is very classy. He wants to know from which play, but she tells him it is a surprise. He tells her that Lucy roped him into doing standup comedy and then does a series of very old and tired and unfunny jokes. She looks at him in horror and he tells her that he is just kidding.

6/22 (note a scene is missing between Stone & Sonny as there was a national pre-emption for a few mins aired on 6/22/94 before the NB). 

6/23 Robin meets a nervous Stone backstage at the Nurse’s Ball. She promises him that it will be fine. They begin running their lines, and practicing the kiss. He keeps forgetting them, but she assures him she knows all of his lines and will help him if he needs it. He says that Mac will kill him and put him out of his misery. They practice the kissing part quite a bit. Stone is nervous, doesn't think he will remember his lines and says he never should have agreed to this and wants to know if they can get out of this.

6/24 Robin and Stone perform the Romeo and Juliet death scene. Kevin congratulates Stone on his performance and says he could have a future in the theatre. Mac comes backstage and yells at Robin for going behind his back to see Stone. Felicia tries to intervene but Mac tells her that she isn't part of this family any longer. Kevin then steps in and starts psychoanalyzing Mac, which just annoys him. Mac is called out on stage for his comedy performance and he goes off on psychiatrists. 

Robin tells Stone that he was wonderful. When Kevin starts in on Mac again, Mac turns around and throws a pie in his face! Robin is hurt over Mac's reaction to their performance, Mac only sees Stone's attitude and none of his kindness and gentleness towards Robin. Miguel sings a Spanish ballad and receives the only standing ovation of the night.

6/27 At home after the ball, Mac and Robin argue over her performance. Mac is upset that she went behind his back to see Stone. She is disappointed as she wanted him to see there is another side to Stone besides the tough guy that Mac sees. He defends that Stone is irresponsible and aggressive. Robin argues that he is kind and sweet, that he has had a tough life. Mac argues that he doesn’t buy the sob story as he decided to hook up with Sonny. Robin is hurt that Mac is so distrustful of her. Mac assures her that it isn’t her that he distrusts.

Stone, Brenda, Sonny arrive home as well. Stone says he must be nuts to have agreed to it. Stone and Robin talk on the phone later and agree to see each other as soon as possible.

6/30  Robin goes to court for the DUI. Mac is less that thrilled when Stone and Kevin show up at for her hearing. Robin’s license is revoked until she reaches 18. After the hearing, Robin is angry after the hearing as she blames Mac for forcing her to go through this. He suggests they go back to the Outback. Robin says she wants to scream and cry and tells him she has to get out of there. He wants her to come with him but she refuses and tells him she is going for a walk in the park with Stone.

7/1 Robin and Stone go to the park after the hearing. Robin is embarrassed about how she acted after the hearing with Mac. Stone pushes her to work things out with Mac but she needs someone to talk to whom she trusts. Robin talks with Felicia and Kevin about Mac. Kevin thinks that maybe a third party mediator would help Mac and Robin, maybe Gail. Mac tells Robin no dice on going to therapy.

7/6 Maxie’s welcome home party at the Outback. Robin and Mac agree to bury the hatchet for Maxie’s sake during the party. Miguel sings “I Can’t Live Wtihout You” to her, very sweet, not a dry eye in the house. Robin notices that Brenda has been with Sonny all night and comments to Jason that she thought Brenda came with him? Jason says that he could do without Sonny, especially when Brenda and Sonny are together. Robin understands how it feels to be crazy about a guy and have to hear how wrong he is for you all the time.

7/7 Robin goes to see Stone and tells him about Mac refusing to go to therapy. They snuggle together on the couch. Robin tells Stone that her and Mac would have problems no matter what as this is about her growing up and Mac can’t stop that. Stone suggests maybe they shouldn’t see each other for awhile. She says the one thing that has opened her eyes is that she wants to be with Stone. It is her life and she gets to have a say in how she lives it and she wants him to be a part of it. He says he doesn’t want to be a complication for her. Robin tells Stone she thinks she loves him. He doesn’t know what to say, its a word that he hasn’t heard in a long time since he was a little kid. She tells him that he is the first guy friend that she can just be herself with. They both agree they are not ready for sex yet.

7/8 While babysitting for Maxie, Robin invites Stone over.  They have a popcorn fight and kiss on the couch. Robin sends Stone out to the patio when Felicia arrives home early.  Mac arrives to pick her up and she snarkily gives him her babysitting money. Stone is behind the bushes, jumping up and down, behind Mac’s back but he does succeed in making her laugh.

Stone and Brenda talk about Sonny. Sonny is mad at Brenda and she turns to Stone for help in getting Sonny to listen. Stone tells her that Sonny is the definition of stubborn. He comes in and tells her that they now own Miguel, he is under contract with L&B.

7/19 Tiffany tries to help Robin and assures Mac that true love is the business of any romantic and Robin and Stone belong together. She comments on how hot that kiss was during the Nurse’s Ball performance. Sean tries to stop her from making it worse. Sean encourages that perhaps Stone isn’t as bad as Mac thinks he is, and perhaps Mac can give Stone another chance. Mac says he knows what true love is and Robin and Stone aren’t it!

7/25 Stone surprises Robin when she is taking out the trash. She tells him that they are the hot topic of conversation. Stone laughs that Mac never gives up, he is like the bunny that keeps going and going. Stone asks if she doesn’t get tired of the hassle? She says that Mac has a new case and with any luck maybe he will have to go out of town. Stone asks her if she would like to go for a hike in the woods. She says she can’t as Mac would hit the roof. Stone suggests that they just sit outside together for a little bit. They go outside, Robin tells him that every day takes an eternity to pass while she can’t see him. They kiss and Jason and Miguel interrupt. She tells them, “Not a word!”

7/26 Mac asks Sean and Tiffany if Robin can stay with them while he is out of town. He then tells Robin. She says that she is fine staying by herself. She says in the past that he just left her with the housekeeper. She is annoyed that he didn’t consult her before he made arrangements for her care and feeding. Miguel sings and Robin and Stone dance together.

7/27 Robin has a talk with Sean and Tiff about how Mac treats her like a child. Sean tells her if she keeps sneaking out to see Stone behind Mac's back, he has a right not to trust her. Robin asks Sean’s permission to go hiking and on a picnic with some friends. Then, she calls Stone and tells him they're on.

7/28 Robin packs for her picnic with her “friends”. Tiffany suspects that Robin is lying. They have some girl talk about men. Robin helps Felicia do some digging on Katherine. Robin and Stone enjoy their campfire.

7/29 Robin and Stone picnic by a campfire out in the woods. Robin and Stone talk about their respective future plans. They hear some local bikers and quickly pack up to leave. The bikers "suggest" that Stone leave and Robin party with them. Stone tells her to run and proceeds to punch out several of them before they deck him. In the commotion, Robin escapes. The bikers rob the unconscious Stone, but decide not to bother with Robin who by now has gotten lost running around. Stone awakens to find Robin missing and frantically calls out her name. She hears his voice, but as she runs towards him, she trips and hits her head and gets knocked unconscious.

8/1 Felicia arrives and quizzes them about where Robin said she was going and with whom. Felicia calls Sonny to see if Stone is at his apt; perhaps Stone knows where Robin is. Stone shows up at the penthouse and Sean demands an explanation. Stone tells him about attack by the bikers. Felicia seems to be the only one impressed by Stone's heroic behavior. All four of them leave for the Nature Preserve after Sean calls out the rescue team to meet them there. Robin escapes a hungry bear by climbing up a tree. The search party finds evidence of Robin. They find her backpack all chewed up. Eventually, they find the tree she was in and examine the bear's claw marks.

8/2 The search for Robin continues, as they are yelling for Robin in the woods. Felicia is frightened after they found Robin’s backpack shredded. Tiffany reassures her and reminds her that she is Robert and Anna's daughter that they should have seen this coming. They hear shouts as Sean finds her hoisted up in a tree. He is so relieved to have found her and grabs her up in his arms, as does Tiffany and Felicia. There is a tender reunion between Robin and Stone when she is found as they both feared for each other's lives. Sean is ticked at her for lying. Touching scene as Robin talks about how devastating the loss of her parents was to her and how much Stone means to her. 

Sean starts reaming Robin and Stone starts defending her. Stone starts arguing and giving Sean lip. Sean is really angry and Felicia manages to send Stone off. Sean eventually gets around to giving a lecture to Robin. Robin misses the point (of why he is upset) and lashes back. Robin says she has had enough tragedy in her life and she found someone in Stone who makes her feel good. Sean tries again and tells her straight out that until she starts acting like an adult no one will treat her as one.

8/3 Back to Sean's, Mac arrives and has now lost all trust in her. They argue about her lying to Sean and Tiffany. Mac tells Robin he wants to find a solution that both he and Robin can live with when it comes to Stone.  Mac pays Stone a visit and asks him to a meeting with him and Robin. At their meeting, Mac offers Stone a job at The Outback, which he turns down. Mac is worried that Robin and Stone find trouble whenever they are together but he agrees to lift the ban on them seeing each other.

DVD #2C 8/12 Robin suggests to Mac that they test their new agreement. Stone wants to take her to a nice dinner, with good music. Mac looks wary, Robin assures him at the Outback that night. He says okay. She also says that as part of the agreement he must "back off." He agrees. Stone arrives at the Outback and is politely greeted by Mac, but he hesitates as he's about to kiss Robin hello in front of Mac.

Melissa Manchester arrives at the Outback to see Mac. They banter like they might have had a thing going in the past, but now she says she's happily married. Robin tells Stone that Mac helped her in Paris when her purse was stolen. Mac introduces her to Robin and Stone. Robin asks Melissa to sing Melissa's new song which Robin says is now her and Stone's song “In A Perfect World”. She agrees and sings.

8/31 Robin and Stone want to go to a rock concert for which Sonny can get tickets. They lay out their plans for Mac.  A bus to Corning where the promoters have shuttles to the concert site. Mac figures it's their version of Woodstock,

he missed Woodstock, born too late, and agrees to let them go. An amazed Robin goes off with Stone to make reservations. Unfortunately, Robin and Stone discover the seats on the shuttles have been sold out for weeks. Robin is all for taking a bus to Corning and hitching to the concert. But that's a no go for Stone. He's not about to lie to Mac when they've come this far. He suggests they go for a walk in the rain to blow off steam.

9/7 Lily finds out from Robin that Miguel is to sing on Friday and if she wants to see him she should make reservations.  Lily does, in the name of Lopez.  Robin also tells her Miguel is due in to start work. 

9/9 Robin and Stone talk about the Smashing Pumpkins concert and how they will have to be sneaky to get there. Stone is concerned about lying to Mac, but Robin figures what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Stone is concerned about lying to Mac about how they will get to the concert, but Robin says what he doesn’t have to find out.

9/13 Miguel asks Mac if Lily has called, she hasn't. Robin finds the reservation Lily made, under name of Priscilla Lopez.  Miguel call hotels and finds that a Lopez just checked out of PC Hotel and is headed to the airport.

9/21 Stone and Robin still have no way to get to Lollapalooza concert. Robin turns down Mac’s offer to drive them. Stone shouldn't even borrow a car since after 9 pm he needs to have a guardian with him when driving. They decide to chance it and still ask Mac. He says no way. Then Mac suggests that he will drive them. No thanks says Robin, they'll figure out something else. 

9/23 Stone tells Robin they need $300 to hire a driver so they won't be able to see the concert.  Robin suggests they lift Mac's spare keys and "borrow" his car. She says if he won't come with her then she will go alone.  Stone is very wary but agrees to distract Mac so she can get the spare keys. Stone strikes up a dumb conversation with Mac about returning to school. Robin returns and says they must leave to catch the bus since seats were now available. As Robin and Stone drive to the concert in Mac's car, they run over something. They soon become aware of a foul smell in the car. They decide they must have run over a skunk. Robin and Stone sit dejectedly in the skunk stench. They are worried that the car will never smell the same. Stone and Robin return home reeking of skunk. Stone tells her he turned back the odometer, so she should go home, and he'll return the keys. 

9/26 At Robin's house, she's on the phone with Stone. They congratulate each other on pulling off their "skunk job". Robin hangs up hurriedly when she hears Mac coming downstairs. Mac tries to pin the skunk smell in his car on Robin. He accuses her and Stone of taking his car, driving it to the concert, hitting a skunk and re-parking the car in the Outback's lot. Robin gets huffy at his accusations and storms off to school.

9/28 Mac is very sweet to Robin, he apologizes for jumping all over her about the skunk. He says they were communicating and actually starting to trust one another. He tells her the car is in the shop getting deskunked. He says he will cost, “But hey, Skunk happens right?” He insists that he does trust her and Stone has gone out of his way to be decent to him. He wants to invite Stone to the Outback for dinner as an apology. He hugs a completely shocked Robin while Tiffany and Felicia look on very puzzled. When Robin walks away, Tiff wants to know what that was all about? Mac smugly replies, “Guilt”.

Robin calls Stone and tells him about the alternate reality Mac who invited them to a free dinner. She thinks Mac is onto them taking the car but he decided to let it go as there wasn’t proof. Stone agrees its pretty weird but the kids decide to take him up on the free dinner.

A mournful Robin sits alone at a table, Felicia approaches and asks what is going on? She says she feels guilty as Mac is being so nice. Felicia asks what does she feel guilty about? Felicia tells Mac he can be a smart little stinker sometimes. He advises to never underestimate the power of guilt! She observes that this could be very interesting! He says just watch as he is just getting warmed up!

9/29 Felicia informs Mac that the DNA test results will be in later this week. Startled, he drops a glass. Stone arrives to join Robin at The Outback for the dinner Mac invited them to. Mac apologizes to both of them and tells them how unfair he was and gives them both presents. He shocks Stone when he has a gift for him as well. Mac admits that he was just as unfair to Stone as he was to Robin. He gives them a Smashing Pumpkin dvd as it was so unfair that they couldn’t make the concert.

10/4 Robin comes in a bit late due to the homework and assignments she has finished for the week. The great guilt trip trick is working wonders. Robin is as Mac says, "Acting as if the old Robin is back.” Robin asks if she can help with anything? Mac says no, there is something he wants to tell her. He tells her about Frisco being the father of Felicia’s baby. Robin asks how could Frisco be the father, its been months? Mac gives her a look, and then tells her he knew for a while but that tests had to determine if it was his or Frisco’s. Robin feels sorry Mac who admits that he feels awful about it. The two of them bond.

(Missing a minute: Stone comes by and Mac lets him stick around. Robin tells Stone about Felicia’s pregnancy). Scenes resume as Robin admits to Stone how guilty she feels about lying to Mac. Stone says he is willing to “take the heat” if she wants to tell Mac the truth. She says it is too late that he would be furious. She does commit that she will never ever lie to Mac again!


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