Robin & Stone #3 October 11, 1994 - May 22, 1995: 8 hour edit

DVD #3A 10/11 Robin and Stone come into Kelly’s with the balloons for Ruby’s surprise birthday party. Lucky comes in with Ruby and she is surprised by Luke, Bobbie, Robin, and Stone. Sonny and Brenda stroll in, Sonny has an armful of roses for her. Eventually the place fills up with guests, Jason, Keesha, Mary Mae, Miguel, Lily, Kevin, and Lucy.  a cake comes out and Ruby looks pointedly first at Bobi then at Tony before blowing out her candles.

10/12 Outside Kelly's, Stone and Robin talk about how guilty Robin feels about the skunk incident and lying to Mac.  Robin tells Stone that every time Mac says something nice to her, it is a dagger in her heart. Stone suggests she just go ahead and tell Mac the truth and take the punishment.  She would rather suffer through her guilt as Mac would lock her up forever and they would never be able to see each other.  Stone can't understand that Robin can't just forget the guilt, she's got all the buttons that can be pushed, ones that Stone never worries about. She wishes she could but she just isn’t built like that. Stone then tells Robin about the blues club Luke is opening with Sonny on the site of the Paradise Lounge. It's supposed to be a secret but Stone figures since Luke's involved maybe that'll make her feel better about his connection to Sonny.

10/14 Robin talks to Felicia about her pregnancy. Robin is concerned about Mac, who then arrives and once again suggests Felicia contact Frisco.  Felicia reacts defensively at his perceived interference. Robin whispers in Felicia’s ear that now she knows how Robin feels. When Brenda goes to talk to Robin, Lily pounces on Sonny to thank him for coming to PR. He asks how she's doing, and she says okay. She also suggests that Sonny let Miguel do a concert in Puerto Rico. He says it's a great idea, and they'll consider it. Meanwhile, Brenda glares at them, and Robin accuses her of being jealous. She denies it, but heads back to the table to break them up.  Sonny calls her on it, and she confesses, much to his delight.

10/31 Halloween: Mac and Kevin dressed up as insects to complement Maxie in her worm outfit. They're dressed up for Maxie's Halloween/birthday party. Felicia is dressed up like a pumpkin, Robin as Dorothy. They are joined by Sly and Lucky. Sean as a giant Toto, Tiff is Glenda, Robin as Dorothy, Stone and Lucas arrive at the party, then Tony wanders in.

11/24 Thanksgiving: At the Brownstone, Tony and Bobbie and Robin and Stone are getting ready. Robin and Stone are creating their own magic in the kitchen.  Mac comes in and discovers them together. He is of course annoyed, the more so when Robin announces they kiss all the time in the Outback. Mac goes to get Robin and Stone for dinner and loses his temper. Robin finds out Mac had known about the skunk, and she is amazed at how duplicitous he is.  The two have a loud, screaming, public fight.

12/13 Sonny goes back to the apartment and tells Stone that big things are coming. Stone calls Robin to reaffirm their date. Robin arrives after Sonny has headed out. Stone shows her the money that Sonny gave him and Robin gets the jitters and doesn't like where things are headed. 

1/6 Robin gets some papers from college. Mac is excited to have her open them, but she balks. Robin finally opens the college reply and finds she's been accepted to Yale. Mac is thrilled, but Robin is not happy. She says she doesn't want to leave Stone. Mac finds that unbelievable. Mac announces to Stone that Robin was accepted to Yale. Stone, taken by surprise, and Robin exchange words about her going to Yale. Robin tells Stone she'd say no to Yale if he asked her to. Amazingly, he says he can't do that, because they are from different worlds. She says she loves him, and he says he loves her. Finally, she asks him to make love to her. They talk about protection, she isn't worried about AIDS as he's been tested. 

1/9 Stone and Robin are alone in the Scorpio house, talking and necking. She wants to be with him while she still can.  Stone interprets this to mean "before I go off to college and have a real life". Robin wants to have sex with him before Mac can pack her off to Yale. Stone, however, declines because they don't have "protection". Stone is afraid that Mac will catch them. Robin wants to make a date with Stone to have sex.  Then she tries to convince him to accompany her to New Haven but he delicately points out  what would he do at Yale?  He tells her he's hooked himself to Sonny's star and wants to get involved in the music scene with Luke's club and L&B Records. They talk a bit more before he decides to split.  

Stone takes his leave but runs into Mac on the way out.  They exchange brief unpleasantries then Mac and Robin get down to a real fight.  Mac is ticked off that Robin ignored the "no Stone" rule at the house and he tries to ground her for a month but Robin flings his threats off. Later on, they try to make up and discuss things calmly. Mac believes that Stone is a bad influence; Robin defends him and says she's in love with him.  More fighting before Robin announces that Mac can lay down any rules he wishes, but she'll do exactly as she pleases.  Mac replies, "not without a fight from me!"

1/12 At the Outback, Sean is talking to Mac about impossible Robin when she arrives. Sean attempts to jolly her into talking to Mac, "I suppose a career in table setting is an alternative to an Ivy League education." Robin says the whole thing is a power struggle. Sean compares it to the sports strikes. Just as Robin is beginning to talk to Mac, in comes Stone, with the exciting news that B.B. King is going to be at the opening of Luke's Club. Too bad Robin is grounded.  Sean mumbles something about how he and Tiffany could chaperone. Mac would like to go himself, and Robin flares "If you go, I don't!"  Stone suggests that he and Robin can watch from Sonny's apartment and be all alone for a really exciting night. Robin will sneak out for this.  

Stone meets Mike, who brings in some sides of beef as a gift to Luke. Robin is ticked at Mac over his attitude towards Stone. Mac is afraid she won't go to Yale. Then when Mac hears about the shooting at Luke's, he's afraid that Robin will get caught in the crossfire. Stone wants Robin to go to Yale but she doesn't want to leave him. Stone tells Luke he wants Robin to go to Yale. 

1/16 At the Idle Rich concert, Brenda supervises Stone at the souvenir booth. They are inundated with screaming fans after the concert it's a total mob scene and everyone's throwing money at them!  After the human flood ebbs, the gals are elated that all of the merchandise was snapped up by the Eddie's adoring groupies. Lois warns them to head for the hills at a dead run when all the tee-shirts and junk have been sold. Meanwhile outside, crazed fans are laying siege to the Idle Rich van. Ned and Lois are interrupted by Brenda and Stone at the door, jabbering about how much money they made.  Brenda quickly sees that they are interrupting and splits with Stone.

1/18 Two bodyguards hover around the club while Sonny barks orders to have something done now to someone on the phone. Stone has been sweeping and when Sonny gets off the phone, he asks Sonny what's really been going on. Sonny informs Stone of the power struggle between him and Cusak after he warns Stone not to breathe a word to Robin. Sonny warns Stone to keep his eyes open but that this should blow over.  Sonny heads off with his bodyguards.

Robin arrives home from school and Mac presents her with the newspaper account of the firebombing and gunfire at the club. Robin is relieved to hear the time of the incident as Stone was in Buffalo with the Idle Rich. Mac is surprised Robin isn't more worried and questions Stone's involvement with Sonny. After voices are raised, Mac and Robin decide to take a break from each other. Mac wants Robin to think about about bombs and bullets, what one gets when your close to Sonny.

Stone arrives to see Robin. Robin is relieved he is okay but gets worried when he says that he wishes he had been there for Sonny. Robin doesn't quite buy that it's old business of Sonny's. Stone defends Sonny for having been there for Stone when no one else was. Robin refuses to ask Stone if he's in danger because she doesn't want him to lie to her.  She remembers Duke lying to her mother when Robin was young. Stone claims he'll be okay and when he leaves he lets Robin know he won't be able to see her for a few days.

1/19 Mac is at the Outback when Stone comes in and asks if Robin is around. She isn't, and Mac reverts to the heavy-handed uncle role. He questions Stone about the explosion and Sonny and says, "if anything happens to Robin, I'm holding you responsible."

1/26 Luke and Mike are dealing with paperwork at Luke's when Stone comes in and remarks that they should have the inventory on computer. He tells them that Mac does, and maybe he will lend the software to Luke. Mike will go to pick up the software from Mac.  Mike introduces himself to Mac and sweet talks Robin. He asks Robin to come back to Luke's with him, but she decides against another confrontation with Uncle Mac at this time and pleads a French assignment.

1/31 Robin comes to Luke's club with chicken soup for Stone. Luke comes in and tells them that BB King is coming. He asks where Sonny is? Stone tells him that Sonny went to Ruby's. Luke seems perturbed by this. He asks Robin about Yale and she tells him she's thinking more of PCU. Luke is flumaxed, and basically tells her to think again. Robin tears into Stone about blabbing to everyone about her going to Yale. Stone counters with a rather strong argument for Robin going to Yale. They leave to escort her to school and in saying goodbye to Luke, lets it be known that Mac doesn't approve of Luke's choices of business partners. Later, Stone asks Luke for advice on handling the situation. Luke tells him the only thing to do is advise and suggest to her, but not force the college issue.

2/3 People start arriving at Luke's to hear B.B. King. Stone makes plans to be with Robin in Sonny's apartment to watch the concert. Robin shows up outside the club where Stone is parking cars. They head up to Sonny's apartment. Stone and Robin start to make love. As Robin and Stone reach for their respective protections, they hear noises at the door and make a desperate grab for their clothes.  Luke is the first one in and quickly sizing up the situation, excuses himself, and leaves, locking the door behind him. Mac wants to know what's up, so Luke discreetly says it was occupied.  When Mac presses him, Luke reveals it was Stone. Mac immediately demands to know if Robin was with him, but Luke says he didn't see and strongly suggests they leave. When Luke balks at unlocking the door Mac kicks it in to confront the semi-clad Robin and Stone, who are just buttoning up.

2/6  Mac wants to tear Stone apart. Luke hustles Stone out of sight into Sonny's kitchen area and calms him down. Meanwhile, Robin and Mac start to fight. Stone is upset because Mac won't give Robin a chance to explain; he wants to assure Mac that he loves Robin and would never hurt her. Luke advises him to stay out of it, "this is about Robin and Mac, not about you" he tells the kid. Eventually, Stone leaves the safety of the kitchen and confronts Mac, who's raring to go at him. Luke separates them and Stone hustles out. After a few more verbal barrages Robin huffs off, too. 

Downstairs, they hail a cab and leave Mac in their dust. Robin tells Stone that Mac tried to take something beautiful and turn it into something nasty; she still wantsto make love to him and is he willing?  Stone gulps a couple of times and agrees to give it another shot!  The kids eventually end up at a motel. Robin is dismayed at the creepy room. He asks her if she wants to go home or something. She tells him this is where she wants to be and he is the person she wants to be with.  

2/7 Robin and Stone are cooling off after the confrontation with Mac. Robin says she is not sorry about anything she said to Mac. Stone says it drives him nuts when Mac gets Robin upset. Stone feels he has followed all the rules that were laid down but that Mac kept tightening the vice. Robin doesn't want what happened to spoil the moment for them. The two start talking and coddling. Robin was first attracted to his eyebrows, Stone to her eyes. They start discussing in more details what they like about each other and eventually make out for real.

2/8 Brenda is doing sit ups when the door opens and Stone returns. He's amazed that Sonny already had the door fixed. Stone tells her that Mac had walked in on him and Stone and that if it weren't for Luke, Stone would have been torn limb from limb. Brenda is dismayed that Stone took Robin to a motel but is relieved that they did use protection. When she learns Robin is facing Mac alone she is concerned but talks Stone out of having it out with Mac.  

At the Scorpio's, Robin and Mac have a verbal battle over Robin staying overnight with Stone. Robin lets Mac know in no uncertain terms that they did the nasty.  Mac blows his top and seethes when Robin tells Mac she loves Stone. In the midst of their argument, Robin informs Mac she has accepted Yale's offer but that it was Stone who convinced her to accept. That doesn't really calm Mac down as he is concerned she's throwing her life away over a stupid adolescent infatuation. The verbal battle continues over Robin's feelings until there's a knock at the door and the doorbell rings. It's Felicia and she calls time out. Felicia suggests Mac take a walk while she and Robin talk. Before Mac leaves he tells Felicia what happened the night before between Robin and Stone. 

Once Mac leaves, Robin admits that everything Mac said was true. Felicia is concerned that Robin and Stone used protection and questions if Stone had been tested for HIV, considering his lifestyle before he met Robin. Oh,yes, he had been tested and it was negative. Felicia is still concerned that Stone had been telling the truth, that test was a while ago. She also suggests Robin see her gynecologist since condoms aren't perfect protection against pregnancy, Felicia is an example of that. She tries to convince Robin to try to get along with Mac, he's only trying to do what he thinks is best for Robin. The doorbell rings, it's Brenda to see Robin. Felicia leaves and Robin and Brenda talk about Robin's experience and the picnic afterwards. Brenda advises Robin to stop worrying about Mac and concentrate on loving Stone.

2/9 Mac interrupts a moment between Brenda and Sonny.  He yells at Sonny, who tells him "You don't come in my door and start giving me orders, Scorpion."  Stone and Mac have an unsatisfactory discussion in the hall.  Stone returns to Sonny, who tells him, "If I had a daughter I'd be proud to have you come calling."

2/10 Stone comes to see Robin. She is thrilled to see him and he asks if she is okay? She tells him that she is different, a wonderful different. As they hug, she tells him that she isn’t going to let anyone tell her this isn’t right. She asks how his throat is?  “Don’t worry about that, he replies, “How bad was it with Mac?” She admits that it was pretty bad. He regrets not going with her. She observes that would have made their confrontation ten times worse. She puts her arms around him and tells him that she loves him and starts kissing him.

Stone fills her in on his confrontation with Mac. He told Mac that if he wanted respect from Robin that he would have to treat her like an adult. Robin fills him in on what she is going to say to Mac. He advises that she should wait a few days for a cooling off. She says no that she is going to set some rules, like groundings are no longer acceptable as that is punishment for babies. She continues that whether Mac likes it or not that she is a woman now but she refuses to sneak around. She is not ashamed of being with Stone and will not act like she is.

She promises the most important thing is that she is not giving him up. Stone looks happy, and relieved but also concerned. He asks her to give it more time before she confronts Mac. He mentions that she might find someone more appropriate for her at Yale. She denies that such a person could possible exist. She tells him that he is HER SOULMATE, the part of her that has been missing her whole life. She finishes so there is nothing to think about. They make plans for tomorrow night to hang out and study as he is still beat from this flu thing. He then worries that maybe they shouldn’t as she might catch it and she laughs that it is a little late to worry about that.

Mac returns home to Robin and she immediately warns him that she will not stop seeing Stone. She offers to tell him where they are going and where she is and will be home by whatever time they agree upon. She sets the ground rule that giving Stone up is out of the question. Mac admits he had already figured that out. Robin asks him to show respect for her feelings. He points out that respect is a two way street. He wants her to understand that he isn’t fighting with her to make her miserable. He is simply trying to the best of his limited abilities to keep the promise he made to Robert and Anna. He knows they would want him to keep the lines of communication open so he will try it Robin’s way. He says he does respect her feelings and her right to have them. In return, he asks her to respect his instincts and his fundamental good judgment. He asks her to consider that there is something to what he has been saying all along about Stone and Sonny. He warns her that crowd is trouble just waiting to happen.

2/13 At Luke's club, Stone and Mike talk about Sonny. Brenda fills Stone in on the Sonny-Mike connection when they are alone. Mike tries to explain to them why he was irresponsible toward his wife and son in the past. Stone tells Brenda that Robin is coming over.

At the Scorpio house, Robin is busy packing a picnic basket for her visit with Stone.  She loads in plates, cups, napkins, a thermos of homemade soup for his sore throat, cookies, ect. Mac comes in just as she's closing the picnic basket and the two manage to have a conversation and remain civil, even after Robin outlines her plans for the evening. Later on, in Stone's room above the club, he and Robin have their picnic, and make love.

2/16 Robin has also come down with the flu.

2/23 Robin hangs out with Stone in his room, he still isn't feeling well. She tells him that her and Felicia discussed birth control and that maybe she should be on the pill. Mac has flashbacks of Robin (her parents funeral and at happier times). Mac tells Robin that Sean was shot and is in critical condition. She rants how its not fair! Stone comes over, Mac looks on as Stone comforts Robin and for the first time he has a glimpse of what they share and what Stone gives to her. Stone promises that he isn't going to die and he isn't going anywhere. Mac still is pushing her to stay away from the club as he's worried about Scully and Sonny. 

2/24 In a goodbye scene, Mac, Robin, and Felicia pay a farewell visit to Sean at GH before he leaves town for good (he is shipped off to another hospital for surgery and an extensive recovery).

DVD #3B  3/2 Robin comes in looking for Stone. Stone comes in, in a bad mood, and will not listen to anything Robin or Mac have to say about how dangerous Scully is. Stone huffs out.

3/8 Robin arrives at Luke's to see Stone, making the first move since Stone stormed out of the Outback. She's decided to take a risk visiting him at Luke's although the only risk Stone sees is if Mac finds out she was at Luke's. Mike is in the background as they argue over Joe Scully and the danger Robin sees. There's no agreement so they finally agree to disagree about the danger. Robin leaves and Stone agrees to call her since she won't meet again at Luke's, better not to worry Mac.

3/10 At the Outback, Robin begs Mac to allow her to be an Idle Rich groupie and to help Lois at Ned's concert. After heavy lobbying by Brenda and Lois, Mac relents and gives his permission.

Lois and Brenda take R&S to an Idle Rich gig, the gang on the road in the band van, the gang backstage. Robin and Stone with Ned and Lois after the concert, then in hotel where the gang is staying. They sit in the hallway and talk and smooch.

3/14 Stone takes a ten minute break from L&B, and they spend the time sort of dreaming of the possibilities, then some necking.

3/15 Robin returns home from Ned’s concert. As she walks in, she overhears that Ryan has kidnapped baby Georgie!

3/16 Felicia is worrying at Mac, Robin, Lucas and Bobbie. Lucas and Robin go off to color. Then Robin heads over to the Gatehouse, where Stone is attempting to deal with the L&B inventory but the numbers keep dancing around. Stone tells Robin how words look to him when he reads, she realizes he is probably dyslexic. He decides to go see Kevin.

3/17 Robin tells Stone all about dyslexia. Lois bursts in demanding to know about Ryan, and Robin fills her in on the basics. When Lois asks about the unfinished inventory, Stone tells her about the dyslexia idea. Lois launches into a story about her friend with dyslexia. Robin tells Mac and Felicia about Stone. Mac is almost sympathetic.

3/23 Mac is off chasing Ryan, leaving Robin home alone. She brings Stone to her room, he meets her dolls, looks at the picture of Anna and Robert, and promises not to leave her. They order pizza, dance together, and make love.   

3/27 Stone tells Luke and Sonny about the end to the Ryan saga. Stone visited Doc Kevin and they made plans to test the kid to see if he's dyslexic.

3/29 Brenda tries to get information about the party out of Sonny but he doesn't bite.  Brenda finally agrees to let herself be surprised once in her life but she does have one favor to ask.  She really wants Robin there and figures Mac may need to be convinced to allow Robin to attend.  So Sonny agrees to help.  At the same time at the Outback, Robin and Stone are trying to figure how to approach Mac about the party. Finally, Robin decided to use the "it doesn't really mean a whole lot" approach and Stone leaves her to try that tack.

Robin has been doing the low-key, "I really should make an appearance" bit to Mac and it looks like Mac might bite when in comes Sonny. He wants to make sure Robin will be at the party and as an aside invites Mac. Mac would not miss it for the world. Robin goes off to call Stone with the good news.

4/4 Robin drops by Stone's to escort him to the hospital and his appointment with Kevin. Once there Kevin asks about insurance. When told that Sonny will cover everything but is not the legal guardian, Kevin tells him that Stone will be his research project. After doing a verbal and mechanical test, Kevin tells Stone to write down a sentence. Stone writes, “I don't like taking tests.” He drops a couple of letters and transposes a few. Kevin doesn't let on and proceeds to the next test. After the test, Stone complains about his headache. Kevin asks more about the headaches and is told that they have been occurring more recently since he got a flu he can't shake.

4/6 Stone and Robin come to help set up for Georgie’s birthday party, but turns out Stone has a fever and a sore throat so Robin and Tony send him home.  He is worried about the tests with Tony tomorrow. At the party Ned, Mary Mae, and Miguel sing Happy Birthday to Brenda. Stone is nervous about the test that Kevin is giving him. 

4/11 Stone bumps into Tony by the elevator bank. Tests results show the problem is not physical, like a tumor. Tony tells Stone that there are no neurological problems. Tony assured Stone that his dyslexia was not caused by nerve damage. He suggested that Stone have a physical after he complained he has a flu bug that he cannot shake but Stone isn’t interested in having anymore tests. Stone goes to Robin and tells her the results of the tests. Robin tells Stone about the Mac-Cerulo fiasco. Robin then asks him about his flu. Robin and Stone talk and cuddle in her room (sweet scene). They make love again. Later, Stone asks Robin if they should be worried about his not using a condomn. She says no, she is on the pill.

4/18 Stone is reading in Kevin's office. He is having some problems but is advancing, with Kevin giving full support. Stone does get frustrated but keeps on plugging. Kevin tells him that if Stone really wants it, the dyslexia will be overcome. Stone keeps on going. He gets back to the apartment and buddies up with Sonny. Sonny boosts Stone's esteem and tells him that he never doubted his intelligence. He then tells Stone to take the night off and go to sleep, since Stone looks like heck.

4/20 Robin calls Stone, who is still sick, but bored out of his skull. He has a killer headache. Robin comes over and finds him reading a "graphic novel". He has to read to Robin before he can have a treat, ice cream. Later, he tries to help Sonny, but Sonny tells him to get back to bed and get healthy.

4/25 Stone comes into get a drink, Sonny and Brenda both notice how awful he looks and insist he goes to a doctor.

4/26 When Stone stops by to tell Luke he's going out, Luke sees that Stone looks really bad. He suggests Stone head back up to bed. When he hears Stone has a session with Kevin, he suggests that Stone have Kevin check out Stone. Then Luke asks how the "dyslexia" is going? He offers Stone incentive,  Stone can help him with booking acts for the club when he's made enough headway.  That's "cool" with Stone. Kevin ends Stone's session when Stone is frustrated with "but." When Kevin asks about the headaches he learns both Luke and Sonny have told Stone it's time he see a doctor. Stone feels bad about letting Luke and Sonny down so tells Kevin about how bad he has been feeling. After hearing Stone's symptoms, Kevin orders up some tests including ones for Epstein-Barr, mono and hepatitis. Kevin includes HIV.  Stone doesn't think that is necessary since he was tested three years before when he left the streets. The result was negative and Stone hasn't been exposed since.  Kevin still orders up the test.

4/28 Tony and Felicia blather incessantly about pizza and Frisco when Robin shows up, and they start talking about Stone. Robin beams on and on about Stone and how happy she is.  After she devours all their pizza, she splits. Tony and Felicia express their beliefs that Stone could make it.

5/1 Robin checks in on the still ailing Stone on her way home from rehearsal. She tells him that she can’t stay but wanted to see how he is feeling? He admits that he is feeling lousy. He will be relieved to get his blood work back and find out what drug he needs to knock this bug out of him. She lays in bed with him and they cuddle. He is positive about how many good things are happening right now, it is spring time and the flowers are in bloom. He would like to go down to the river and lay in the grass and just watch the clouds go by. She promises they can do that as soon as he feels better. They snuggle, talk and kiss. Robin has a flashback to their Romeo & Juliet scene at the Nurse’s Ball as she dresses as Stone sleeps (they made love?). When he wakes up, she tells him how happy he makes her. She offers that they have so much ahead of them! She asks him to be her prom date in five weeks and after that school will almost be over and they will have the whole summer together! She tells him to get well and she will see him tomorrow and kisses him goodnight.

Kevin sees Stone at Luke's and asks him to come into his office the next morning.

5/9 Stone arrived for his appointment with a sad, pensive Kevin. Stone asked about his blood tests. We were not shown Kevin's answer, but when we returned to their scene, Kevin was closing the file of test results, and Stone was fighting back tears and insisting that it couldn't be.  Kevin insisted that the tests were accurate, he had them run three times. Kevin offered to make Stone an appointment with a doctor at GH, but Stone said no, he doesn't want anyone to know. Kevin reluctantly asked, "What about Robin?" Stone, in utter horror, cried, "Oh, God!" and ran out.

Later, Stone came into Luke's club looking for Sonny. Luke had not seen him yet, but pointed out that Sonny was at the hospital most of the night. Luke asked Stone to keep a lookout for trouble with Scully's goons.

Stone next appeared at the Scorpio residence. Robin asked what was wrong, and Stone started to leave, saying he shouldn't have come, but Robin stopped him and more or less dragged him inside. Stone started to try to tell her, but could not find the words. Robin told him that she has been worried about him with all the trouble going on, and doesn't know what she would do without him, she would die.  Stone said, "Don't say that!", but Robin insisted that it is true. But, she continued, he is safe. Poor Stone, unnerved by what she said, pulled away from her and said that it was a mistake to come to her, she will not understand, and he cannot tell her. He ran out of the house just as Mac arrived.

Robin told Mac about Stone's behavior. She was upset that he is shutting her out. She asks, aren't they supposed to share everything? Mac, in an amazing display of sensitivity, told Robin to go after Stone. He added that either Stone will tell her, or else if he won't, she will find out that Stone is not the person she thought he was. Robin thanked Mac for being an all-around wonderful guy and headed off to find Stone. Mac, sitting alone, asked himself, "What am I doing?"  

Stone returned to Luke's. Robin arrived and begged Stone to let her help him.  He said that nobody could help him, and that she should go away and leave him alone. Robin, stunned by this, hugged Stone and said that she loved him. Stone pushed her away, shouting for her to leave him alone. She should go far away, and then ran out of the club, leaving Robin and Luke to look at each other, shell-shocked.

5/10 Stone is in the park, beats his hand on a bench then desperately tries to clean it off when he notices he's bleeding. He watches as Frisco and Felicia and the kids are frolicking, happily in the park. Stone later is stretched out on the grass and cries out "Robin." Stone flashes back to all the loving times with Robin.  Robin waits at Luke's for Stone to come by. She jumps on Sonny as she thinks Stone is upset because of Sonny. He tells her no, that nothing is going on. The next day, Sonny calls Robin, neither of them have heard from Stone and he didn't go home that night.

Robin turns up at Kevin's office hoping to get some answers. She tells him that Stone hasn’t told her anything and ran away from her. He disappoints Robin by telling her he can't give her any information because of doctor-patient confidentiality. That just makes Robin assume there is something wrong. Kevin urges her to allow Stone to tell her when he's ready and to keep an open mind and an open heart.   

Robin arrives at Luke’s looking for Stone again. Luke has no idea what is with Stone but Luke allows Robin to wait for Stone. When Luke heads out for a quick trip home he warns Robin to stay from the good stuff behind the bar.  When Robin says she'll behave, Luke tells her not to say that, otherwise she wouldn't be her father's daughter.  Later at the park, Felicia sees Stone and tries to find out what is wrong but he just runs away.  

Back at Luke’s, Sonny comes in. Robin thinks Stone's problem has to do with Sonny but Sonny tries to convince her that he's been steering Stone into L&B and Luke’s to keep Stone away from trouble. He assures her that she and Sonny are on the same side where it concerns Stone, perhaps Stone is just in a bad mood.

5/12 Sonny tells Robin that Stone hasn't shown up for work. Robin and Mac try to figure out where Stone might have gone. Robin calls around looking for Stone to no avail. Mac tries to reassure her and be optimistic. Just as she's somewhat calmed down, Felicia shows up and blurts out, "What's going on with Stone?" Robin says she's going to personally search for Stone all over PC.  Mac says he will call Garcia just to have them watch for him too.  

Robin goes to visit Brenda, but is stopped by two guys guarding the door. Eventually, they let her in. Robin worries to Brenda over Stone. Brenda counsels her to calm down. When Stone resurfaces outside Sonny's, Robin intercepts him and begs for an explanation, but he yells at her to go away.

In a great montage scene, as Laura sings a lullaby hypnotically to LuLu, Joe's people strike at Sonny and Luke. Outside Sonny's place, Stone quickly pushes Robin down behind a car and covers her as gunfire erupts around them. After taking out the guards, the assailants make their way inside where Brenda is showering. Hearing a suspicious noise, Brenda takes evasive action just as the hit men spray the shower stall with bullets. Back at Luke's house, everyone hits the floor as hot lead peppers the room. Suddenly, a bomb blast rips through the front of the house. 

5/15 Stone huddles with Robin who tearfully asks,"What happened?" He warns her not to move. Both Robin and Stone were injured; he by a bullet to the leg and she by flying glass. She is worried about his wound; all he can see is his blood on her.  He frantically tries to wipe his blood from her hands and yells "NO! NO!"  Stone keeps babbling at Robin that it's HIS blood that got on her. She doesn't understand why he's so upset about his blood being on her and tries to embrace him.  He winces as if in pain, "don't touch me!" he pleads.  Then he runs off into the night. Harry comes up then and asks if she's okay. He's headed upstairs to check out Sonny's apartment. Harry leaves and tearfully Robin looks at the street, Stone has disappeared.

Upstairs in Sonny's apartment, the camera slowly pans the shot-up shower and the piles of safety glass. The water is still beating down on a prone Brenda. We see her legs (no blood) then a close-up of her arms and head.  Looks like superficial cuts on her head. Brenda slowly awakens, she tremblingly crawls out of the shower and grabs a bathrobe. Slowly she makes her way to the kitchen and grabs a phone. She's just (presumably) dialing 911 when Harry and one of Sonny's boys burst in. Brenda screams in terror.  Harry comforts her and tells her Sonny is at Luke's house. Brenda is shocky and Harry tries to calm her down. He leaves to fetch Robin upstairs. 

Robin finds a cut up Brenda and tells her that Stone was shot. Everyone is worried about where Stone is. When the girls see each other they tearfully hug. Robin explains about Stone then calls Mac.  Mac arrives later, relieved that Robin is okay.  As he hugs Robin he says, "I'm just glad you're alive, both of you" he stares at Brenda.  He offers to take Brenda to their house but she declines, saying she wants to wait for Sonny.  The police arrive to take the girls' statements. Robin wants them to search for the wounded Stone.

5/16 Robin is sitting on the couch the next morning when Mac comes down. Robin thanks Mac for not saying 'I told you so'. Stone can't be found and hasn't showed up at any of the hospitals. Mac goes out to see what he can find out from the cops. Robin calls the hotel where she and Stone stayed and found out he was there.When she tries to help him, he screams at her to get away and tells her that he is HIV+. 

5/17 Stone tries to get Robin to leave but she won't go and when she tries to look at his wound he pushes her away.  No one can help him.  He tries to tell her she's putting her life in danger but Robin won't leave him.  It doesn't matter to Stone since he's going to die anyway. Robin has no clue when Stone says those at the hospital can't help him.  Finally, he tells her he's HIV+ but Robin can't believe it. They don't understand how he can be HIV+ after the previous test was negative. Robin understands about false positives but Stone has realized his "flu" symptoms match. Robin is still in denial that HIV+ means Aids for Stone. Stone doesn't understand because he bolted before Kevin could explain.  He tells Robin she needs to get tested since they've had unprotected sex since she went on the pill. Robin continues to deny that she could be infected.  She wants to go to GH to get his wound treated.  Stone still wants no help and doesn't want to tell anyone.  They'll think he's dirty, which is how he feels about himself.  

Robin convinces him to allow her to call Kevin to meet them at GH so they can find out what Stone's options are. Kevin meets them in the ER. Kevin explains how Stone could have tested negative before and yet be positive now and finds out that while Stone hasn't used needles since he tested negative but that he has had unprotected sex recently. Stone's lack of knowledge is apparent when Kevin wants them to get medical attention.  Stone wants no parts of any more doctors knowing he is HIV+. Steve comes in to attend to his leg but before he does Stone tells Steve his test results.  Steve has to assure Stone that his HIV status will make no difference on how he is treated, all GH folks take precautions.  As the scene fades, Steve and the nurse are putting on gloves.  Once Stone is treated, Steve wants to discuss long term care and management of Stone's disease but Stone doesn't see that he has options.  

Kevin gets Steve to recommend Alan for care but Stone files off the handle, he doesn't want anyone else to know.  They try to reassure Stone it will be confidential and finally Robin convinces Stone to see Alan.  Kevin wants Robin to get tested but she wants to delay until after Stone is taken care of.  When Kevin leaves to make a call Stone sees the bin that Steve and the nurse put the gloves they were wearing says “Bio-Hazard Infectious Agent” (which Stone needs help from Robin to read). Stone says that's him.

5/18 Stone is really unhappy when faced with two doctors, but Kevin tells Alan the story, and Alan is very calm and collected.  Stone doesn't want to even think about options, and Robin asks to talk to him alone.  She lays down the law.  The doctors come back in the room and Stone is willing to listen to the medical remarks. They want Robin to get tested and she refuses.  Stone will not stay in the AIDS ward. They will tell Sonny and Mac is that he is in for exhaustion.  Robin leaves with Alan and Kevin, who keep telling her to get tested.  Alan points out she gave Stone good advice, and that she should give herself the same.  She says she doesn't want to know.  Then she admits she's scared.  Kevin looks her in the eye and tells her she needs to know.  She agrees and Alan prepares to draw blood.

5/22 Robin tries to comfort Stone. He urges her to dump his infection-riddled self and find some guy who isn't crawling with microbes. She declines and says she's signed on for the long haul. Robin even chirps that if Stone is feeling better maybe they can bop around on Memorial Day.  Stone replies that he doesn't want to think about the future. Alan and Kevin blow in with the test results. Alan breaks the bad news. Stone has advanced AIDS.  Stone, in tears, hears Alan prescribe the drug AZT.  He tells Stone that there is no alternative treatment. Stone says to go ahead with the AZT.  Kevin tries to comfort Stone and tells him that he mustn't lose hope; he tells him to keep an upbeat attitude. Robin insists they're in this thing together; "I hope not" Stone replies.


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