Robin & Stone #4 May 22 - August 28, 1994 - 8 hour original edit

DVD #4A5/22 Robin calls Mac and tells him that she is spending the night in the hospital with Stone. He is worried and she promises that they will talk real soon. She goes back to Stone’s room and gives him a kiss. When he is hesitant, she reminds him that you can’t get AIDS from a kiss. She makes a bed next to him and snuggles in for the night.

5/23 Stone and Robin are in his hospital room.  Alan comes in, Stone is really feeling the effects of the AZT.  Once again they wonder if there was a mistake, could the lab have screwed up?  Robin wonders how the disease could have progressed so far in such a short time.  Alan says he's got a particularly virulent strain of the virus.  After checking the bullet wound in Stone's leg, Alan says he's going to release him. Stone immediately panics.  He now has to face the world and worries about being rejected, outcast, etc.  He's sure everyone will shun him once they find out he has AIDS.

Robin spends the night by his side at the hospital. Stone is released and goes home. Robin and Stone head over to Sonny's apartment. When Stone and Robin arrive, Sonny thanks Robin for taking care of Stone. Once Robin leaves, Sonny talks to Stone, thinking he freaked out because of the impending mob shootout. Sonny still has no idea why Stone was acting crazy. Sonny tries to reassure Stone it's alright, everyone gets scared now and then. Sonny wants to know where he has been? Stone begs off that he is tired and asks if they can talk about it later. Sonny says sure as long as it isn't anything serious. Stone doesn't respond and its obvious that something is terribly wrong. Sonny tells him that he is scaring him now and insists he tells him what is going on, that there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Stone is crushed, and with tears tells Sonny that he is embarrassed. Sonny is looking very concerned and puzzled.

After leaving him in Sonny's hands, Robin stops at the Outback to see Mac. Mac is supportive but makes it clear they need to talk about Robin getting mixed up in a shootout. He talks about how young people think they're immortal. Robin may be young, but she's sure learning about mortality.

Stone bursts into tears and after some difficulty admits to Sonny he has AIDS. Sonny is barely able to speak coherently but manages a few questions along the lines of, "you were just tested recently," and "we'll get a second opinion." Anything to grasp at a hope it's not as bad as it sounds. Stone assures Sonny it's true and he does have advanced AIDS. Stone asks Sonny not to tell Brenda. He then offers to move out. Sonny probably doesn't want someone with this awful disease living with him. Sonny says absolutely not.  Stone will stay there. Sonny tells Stone he loves him and they hug. 5/24 Sonny and Stone share tender moments at the apartment.  Stone doesn't want Brenda to know his diagnosis yet, he wants to keep it quiet. Stone is surrounded by bottles and bottles of medicine, the AZT makes him nauseous. Stone (looking hopeless) complains about taking the medicine, missing Ned and Lois’ wedding and life in general. Sonny comforts him, makes him take his AZT and the two share their special bond. Robin wanders into the Outback, and Mac says all the wrong things. 

5/25 Robin is pacing at GH. She stops Alan, what are her test results? He's already called the labe, but he will call again. He calls the lab and bullies the technician into giving him the results. The results are negative. Robin goes incandescent with relief. After Doc Alan kisses her on the forehead, he warns her that she must have another test in six months, and more later, too. She can hardly wait to tell Stone.

Stone is nauseous. Sonny comes in and wants to know how he's doing. Robin comes to see Stone and tells him her good news. She says, "We've had all the bad news we're going to have for a long long time." Robin doesn't want to leave Stone to attend the wedding, and convinces him that he should go. The only one he's ever been to before was Karen and Jagger's, which astounds Robin. Robin comes out and says hi to Sonny. She tells him her results. They agree to try to trust each other for Stone's sake. Sonny even tells Robin that he loves Stone.

5/26 Sonny and Stone arrive to Ned and Lois’ wedding train. Ned starts in on them about the shooting, but Lois interrupts and changes the subject. When Robin and Stone are seated at Mac's table, he makes some pointed comments to Sonny who restrains himself and heads for the bar leaving Brenda standing at the table. Mac continues to rag on Stone and once again offers him a job at the Outback. Eventually, Stone splits to take his pills secretly, and Robin tells Mac to leave him alone.

5/29 The gang is dockside in NYC, ready to board the Quartermaine yacht. A happy group has gathered: Lois, Ned, Brenda, Sonny, Miguel, Lily. Stone gives Sonny permission to tell Brenda about his condition. Sonny says he'll let her know but not until after the wedding. Brenda goes up to the deck (great location shots of the New York harbor). Sonny joins her and says he will tell her the secret after the wedding. 

The boat is nearing Coney Island and Edward tells the Captain to swing close to shore. The captain tells Edward that it's dangerous to get too close and he'd rather not endanger the yacht or his license. Edward, showing off, insists that his orders be followed. The captain complies and soon there's a satisfying "crunch" as the boat lurches onto some rocks.

5/30 Edward calls down to the captain who tells him that the boat has hit some rocks. Edward makes a preliminary announcement. The Q's and the Captain look at the damage, it is bad. The flooding is over taking the bilge pumps. The captain decides to pull off the rocks and make a run for Sheepshead Bay. They decide to start bailing water and go upstairs to get a dozen people to form a brigade. The boat lurches and Edward enters and informs his guests what is happening and to recruit bailers. As the guests bail, a concerned Stone tenderly cradles Robin in his arms. They make it to Sheepshead Bay. Everyone gets off to head to their respective domiciles for the night.

5/31-6/1 The guests arrive at the church. When Stone worries that not having been in church for a long time or thinking about God could be the reason he's sick Robin disabuses him of that notion. Mac offers Robin a post-Prom after party at the Outback. Ned and Lois exchange their vows in a beautiful, traditional wedding. At the reception, Robin says it's the most romantic wedding she's ever seen, except for her mom and dad's. Stone remarks on the solemnity of it. There is dancing and cake cutting. Later, Ned and Lois leave in a hail of confetti, and the party winds down.

6/2 Brenda babbles to Sonny, Stone, and Robin about her trials and tribulations getting Ned and Lois back together.  Stone starts to get ill as Brenda eyes him suspiciously. Stone finally gets so ill he needs to go out on the train platform for air; he and Robin leave under the careful scrutiny of Brenda.

6/5 Stone and Robin discuss his illness. He says he dreads telling Mac because he just knows Mac will try to keep Robin from seeing him any more. Stone also says the wedding made him realize all the things he's going to miss, things like exchanging wedding vows, walks in the park. Robin runs and gets a lace mantilla that belonged to Anna when she got married. She tells Stone about Anna and Robert getting married in Italy. She and Stone recite mock wedding vows to each other. She makes him promise to never push her away or try to cut her out of his life, no matter how tough the going.

Sonny and Brenda drag themselves back to Sonny's apartment. They're both exhausted but she wants him to dish the big secret he's been keeping. Sonny claims he's too tired to deal with it but she presses him until he blurts out, "Stone has AIDS. Okay, are you satisfied!" Brenda is in shock and disbelief about Stone. She collapses to the floor in agony, and wraps her arms around her knees, rocking in pain. She's worried about Robin and even though she tested negative she's going to have to be tested every six months for a while until they're sure she's clear. Brenda is totally upset and Sonny sits her down and tells her the facts.

Brenda apologizes for beating the secret out of Sonny and bursts into tears. Sonny tells her to tread easily around Stone because he doesn't want everyone to know. "How sick is he?" she wants to know. Sonny replies that it's an advanced case of AIDS. "What does that mean?" she wants to know but Sonny doesn't have an answer. Brenda asks what they can do for Stone. Sonny says he had big plans for the kid; he was going to give him the breaks that Sonny never got as a kid. "It's not fair" he murmurs.

6/9 Robin tells Stone about some health information she found out about HIV and AIDS. He is not optimistic, but she scolds him for his fatalistic attitude. They embrace, but he says they can never make love again; it's too risky for her. She tells him she refuses to consider never making love to him again. Stone tells Robin he's been thinking about death a lot.

6/13 Brenda arrives to see Robin. Robin is despondent and down in the dumps. Brenda naturally asks if the problem is with Stone and that whole thing. Robin wishes it was just that. No it is what she will wear to the Prom? Brenda is relieved, this is something she can help with. Robin is a bit worried about the prom and the future. They set the groundwork for the shopping spree and Brenda leaves.

6/15 Brenda arrives to help Robin get ready for the Prom. Robin is a nervous wreck, but beautiful. Brenda is at her best as the "big sister" to Robin and she's brought an engraved bracelet to always remind Robin that she has people who love her.  "You can always count on me." Felicia goes up to see Robin and Brenda leaves. Robin's hair is up and looking very pretty. 

Stone comes in, looking uncomfortable in his tux, and Sonny points out, "if you let a woman in your life, you can expect complications."  He hands Stone the keys to the Jag, after ascertaining that he has his meds with him. 

Stone arrives, looking scared. Mac straightens his tie without strangling him, and goes up to get Robin, who looks wonderful in a blue dress. They make peace. Mac comes down and announces with fanfare, Robin! She makes an entrance on the stairs. Maxie takes pictures, Stone gives her a corsage and she gives him his boutonniere, and they're off, to return for breakfast at the Outback.

6/16 At the prom, Stone and Robin flit around talking to various friends. Robin and Stone jam around the after prom party at the Outback. At Robin and Stone's table, one of the guys tells a couple of crude AIDS jokes. Robin, like a lioness defending her cub, verbally eviscerates him in front of everyone loudly calling him a disgusting, stupid, bigoted pig and finally ordering him out of the party while Stone sits quietly looking more embarrassed than insulted.  After the outburst, Mac comes over bewildered as usual to see what happened. Robin just says that she doesn't have to take that ignorance. Stone suggests they go outside for some air. As everyone continues to party down at the Outback, Robin apologizes to Stone for what happened. He says not to worry because he has to get used to it, and even though AIDS will rob them of their future, they can't let it take their present.

6/19 At GH, we learn that Stone is responding to the AZT, his T-cell count is up 25%. Alan is pleased with the state of his health. Stone's also making progress with his dyslexia, much to Doc Kevin's delight. Mac runs into Stone at the hospital. Mac is on his way to donate blood. He offers to give Stone a lift to the Outback after he's finished and Stone tentatively accepts. Later on, talking with Robin outside the club, Stone says Mac asked him about the disturbance during the prom night party. He told Mac a reason and Robin says she told him another reason but neither told him what really transpired. 

6/21 Lucy opened the Nurse’s Ball with a fine speech about the purpose of the ball. Lucy, in an amazing floor-length, high-necked, tight sequined dress that made her look like a walking rainbow, introduced Jean White, Ryan's mother (a little boy who died of AIDs and his mom created a foundation in his name). They discussed the Ryan White Foundation. (when Jean began to cry as her speech ended and Lynn Herring, as Lucy, hugged her, I don't think there was any acting going on, it was a poignant moment). Lucy then introduced Eddie Main and the Idle Rich, who performed "Over the Rainbow."  

Next we were treated to the Oz crew (Kevin is the Tinman, Alan the Cowardly Lion, Emily is Dorothy) in their performance.  "If I Only Had a Brain/a Heart/the Nerve", "If I Were King of the Forest", and the gang skipped out while singing, "We're Off to See the Wizard".

Lucy, in an indescribable green dress reminiscent of a peacock, introduced Jon Hanley (a real life AIDS patient), gave an emotional speech about discrimination against AIDS patients. Stone tells John that he has AIDS. Lucy then introduced Mary Mae and the Pips (Justus, Luke, and Lucky). The Pips, clad in purple double-breasted suits, strode on stage carrying their microphones and proceeded to completely upstage Mary Mae with their choreography. At the end of this song, Lucky burst into a hip-hop number, soon joined by Luke.  

Miguel joined the table occupied by Alan, Monica, Jason, Keesha, Robin, Stone, Lily, and AJ. Robin commented on Jon Hanley's eloquence. AJ responded by questioning the level of attention and funding received by AIDS compared to other diseases. He insisted that the only people who get AIDS these days are irresponsible gays, IV drug users, and stupid people who "deserve to get it". Stone objected, and AJ asked, "So when did you become some big expert on AIDS anyway?" Stone responded, "When I found out that I have AIDS."

AJ doesn't believe what he just heard, and Stone reiterates, yes, he has AIDS. AJ offers a sincere apology. The table sits stunned as Robin's situation sinks in, Robin and Stone leave to go to Ned and Lois, quick before someone else drops this bombshell. Both are supportive, both hug him. Stone is tired and he and Robin decide to leave.  But they discuss telling Mac. Robin doesn't think anyone will tell him tonight because not even AJ is that insensitive. Later, Sonny and Stone, Brenda talk about everyone knowing.

6/23 Robin finally told Mac about Stone. As expected, he was panicked for her, and demanded she tell him they were responsible. She reluctantly admitted after she started on the pill, they got sloppy. Mac is furious that Stone would endanger her life. She tries to defend him saying he was tested and was trying to get his life together. She begs him not to hate Stone and feel compassion like others have. He ends up saying he'd really rather rip him apart with his bare hands. Robin resolutely tells him if he did she'll never forgive him.

After the confrontation with Robin, Mac, at wits end storms over to Felicia's and pounds on the door. He angrily drops a blame bombshell on Felicia blaming her for encouraging Robin and Stone's relationship and suggesting Robin go on the pill. Felicia defends herself saying she never expected Robin to stop using condoms but to use them in addition to the pill. Felicia is devastated by the news and Mac's accusation; finally, Mac admits he was just looking for someone else to blame, but he is the one who could have prevented it. When Felicia asks, "How?" he can't answer, and she embraces him comfortingly.

Dvd #4B  6/26 In the Scorpio kitchen, Mac and Robin continue to thrash. Robin confesses she didn't sleep at all the night before after she told Mac about Stone. Mac admits that he was wrong to yell at Felicia about advising Robin to go on the pill. Robin insists Mac feel some empathy for Stone; he replies he can't forgive him just yet. Mac tells her that he can only focus on Robin and her health right now. He beats himself up for what happened and says he's the one to blame for what happened. Robin assures him that as an uncle, he's been the perfect and she loves him dearly.

Luke tells Stone that he's got a job for him. Stone asks him if he heard the news? Luke says "what news?" Stone can't believe he didn't hear about it at the Nurse's Ball the night before and he breaks the news about having AIDS. Luke is stunned by the news. Stone said he was afraid Luke would be angry with him. He explains about Robin testing negative but that she has to get retested in six months. He figures since Luke was Robert Scorpio's best buddy that he would be upset with him. Luke asks if Mac knows yet? Stone says yes. Luke assures him that he still wants him to work at the club. 

Later on, Robin arrives looking for Stone and finds Sonny and Luke together. Alone, Robin and Luke discuss Mac and his reaction. She starts to berate herself for being a stupid kid but Luke interrupts her and says he understands and she's not irresponsible. Luke tells her that the most important thing is to make Stone's life better from now on. Robin is touched and says that sounds like something her Dad would say. Luke offers to be a safe haven. Stone returns from his errands and he and Robin agree that Luke is a good guy. Stone has an upbeat, positive attitude and tells her that he wants to take his medicine and eat right so he can be around for a long time.

6/27 Robin visits Felicia and apologizes to her and says that her advice was not at fault. After she leaves, Tony enters to find Felicia crying.  She explains about Stone having AIDS and that he and Robin didn't always go the safe sex route. As Tony takes Felicia in his arms, Bobbi enters. She stops in her tracks when she finds Felicia in her husband's arms. Tony tells Bobbie about  Stone. Luke tells Laura that Stone has AIDS and that they won't know if Robin's been infected for many months. This tragedy proves just how tenuous life is.

6/28  Jason shows up at Sonny's to see Stone (after the AJ debacle at the ball). Sonny is suspicious of Jason's motives and points out that he has never showed up at his door before, great to see them interact before the accident. Sonny doesn't want to let him in, thinking he is there to give Stone grief like AJ did. Stone comes to the door and tells Sonny that he will talk to Jason. He seems braced and expecting to be attacked. Jason says he wants to apologize for AJ's behavior. Jason offers Stone his support. 

When Stone mentions exercise as an important part of him staying healthy, Jason invites him to work out with him at the gym at the Quatermaine mansion. Stone, Miguel, Jason and AJ work out lifting weights at the Quartermaine’s at Jason’s invitation. AJ freaks when Stone's sweat drips onto his forehead. Jason assures AJ that he can't get AIDS through sweat. 

Jason decides to have a picnic at the boathouse to boost Stone's spirits. Robin is at gatehouse with Brenda, Ned, and Lois (it's so great to see them all together). Robin arrives for the picnic, everyone is there except for AJ (for obvious reasons) and Sonny.  Brenda wonders why everyone is standing around and suggest they all dance. Miguel and Brenda are going through their video routine and are dancing at the edge of the lake.  Sonny arrives at the party just in time to see Brenda and Miguel fall into the water.  A dripping wet Brenda greets Sonny and he suggests that she cover herself because of her wet t-shirt. They start to argue and Sonny leads Brenda away from the picnic crowd into the boathouse. Miguel starts to intervene, not liking the way the Sonny was treating Brenda, but Stone advised him against making such a move.  

6/30 Stone arrives outside the Outback and confronts Mac who at first tries to leave, but Stone calls for him to stop. Mac strongly advises Stone to leave. Stone tries to get Mac to talk about Robin saying they both love her. Mac finally explodes, bitterly saying, "You may have signed her death warrant. That's how I feel," and storming off leaving Stone standing alone.

Stone arrives home and Sonny instantly picks up on his mood. When Stone tells him about the exchange with Mac, Sonny angrily stomps out. Sonny confronts Mac at the Outback. Sonny takes issue with how Mac treated Stone. Mac fumes about how Stone may have infected Robin and killed her. As they approach coming to blows, Felicia arrives to defuse the situation. 

7/3-7/4 Robin appeared at the club and Mac told her about his run-in with Sonny over Stone. Robin was furious at Mac and gave him the cold shoulder. Robin and Stone go on a picnic for the Fourth of July. Mary Mae sings "America".

7/6 Stone comes into Kevin’s office really happy. Kevin shows him colored plastic sheets to put over the page and they hold the words down. This is, according to Kevin, "scatopic light sensitivity therapy." Stone can read numbers correctly! Alan knocks. The test results are in and Stone's T-Cell count is back to 80. This could actually be good news, the last-ditch effort of the virus to rise above the medication (but Stone knows who wins this fight in the end). Alan wants to have him take 3TC. Stone is flattened. He goes back home and is deeply discouraged, things couldn't be worse. Stone is devastated and tells Sonny and Robin. Stone shows Robin the "magic" of the plastic sheets. 

Robin tells Sonny that she's glad he's Stone's friend.  Depressed, Stone comes in and he and Robin go look at pretty colored plastic. Katherine corners Robin at the Outback to talk to her about Mac. Katharine helps Robin to see where Mac is coming from, how he's lost his family too, and is afraid he will lose Robin, and in many respects already has, as she's so invested in Stone. Robin goes into the Outback and apologizes to Mac.

7/12 Stone is attempting to read "Huck Finn" with the colored sheet when Robin arrives with new, supercharged vitamins for Stone. However, it's one of Stone's bad days and he is feeling sorry for himself. Finally, Robin vents her anger toward Stone, for always thinking of himself and not of her. But the words are barely out of her mouth before Robin is apologizing. She doesn't want to waste any of the time they have in anger. 

Stone tries to remind her she still has a life, and reminds Robin that she is due to head off to Yale next month. Robin tries to switch the subject to their lack of lovemaking but Stone turns the subject back to Yale.  Robin isn't worried about that, only spending all her time with Stone. Later when Robin heads down through the club, she talks with Lucy. She innocently asks Robin how Stone is? Robin mentions Stone is on AZT and Lucy realizes that Stone has AIDS.

7/17 Luke and Stone mess around together. They discuss the experimental drugs Stone is about to take. Luke tells the kid to remain optimistic. Stone confides in Luke how hard it is to keep up a positive front. Series of scenes between Stone and Luke about AIDS and the lack of education. 

7/18 Stone comes down to Luke's Place on his way out to the hospital to see if he made it into a test group and sees Sonny having morning coffee at the bar. Stone makes a crack about Brenda and is stunned when Sonny tells him that Brenda is outta there. Sonny tells him the whole story about Brenda wearing the wire and how it didn't turn out the way he had hoped, with him and Brenda laughing about the whole thing. Stone comments that this puts him in a strange position as his girl is Brenda's best friend and he works for Brenda. Sonny tells him not to say a word to anyone about what happened.

Stone goes on his appointment with Alan, Robin in tow. Alan tells him that he is in the test group. Stone then tells Robin that Brenda and Sonny split and that someone had tipped off Sonny about the wire. Robin questions Brenda about it. 

7/21 At Luke's, Stone arrives and tells them about the new drugs he's taking. When Lucky arrives, Luke reminds him that the club is off limits to him. As Stone leaves, he almost collapses, and Lucky asks if he's sick again? Later, Lucky asks about Stone. Luke tells him that Stone has AIDS. Lucky is shocked and asks if Stone is going to die. Lucky asks him the how, where, when, and why, and Luke tries to give him the straight truth. Lucky says he's not ready for any of this stuff yet.

7/25 Robin comes with some food for Stone. They start having an argument about Brenda and Sonny’s breakup. Stone finally has enough and doesn't want to talk about it anymore. Robin persists and keeps on pushing Stone's buttons till he gets so upset that he gets ill. Luke comes up looking for Stone, Robin asks him about Sonny. Luke says that there is no black and white here, but shades of gray. After all, Ned Ashton, who is opposing Sonny, is an admitted public liar. Robin tells Luke that she has a dark spot for mob stuff due to her step-father. She tells him the story of the end of Duke’s life and the sacrifices her mother made.

7/28 Felicia visits Stone and assures him how many people care about him.

8/3 Robin comes into Luke’s with sugar and stuff for Stone, she's read that it will help if he takes it twice a day, and he gets annoyed because she's hovering over him. They start to squabble. Luke tells Stone that he shouldn't take out his anger at the disease on Robin. He tells Robin that Stone doesn't need a mother now. Jason comes in looking for help on tomorrow's AIDS walk. Luke will sponsor a team, and they head across the street to order some cute t-shirts. 

Later, Robin and Stone are talking.  Stone complains about mood swings. He doesn't know who he's going to be any day. Robin tells him that she will not be going to Yale this semester. They argue about this, but she is determined, and has already asked for delayed admission. She hasn't told Mac yet, but she will.  When she does, hee blames Stone of course, but she convinces him that it's her own idea.

8/4 People mill around before the AIDS Walk-in-the-Park. Stone spies Brenda and Miguel kissing and comments to Robin who says they are just friends. He says think again, the body language tells a different story. Robin strolls over to ask Brenda about her and Miguel, but Brenda changes the subject to why Robin's not going to Yale. Jason approaches Robin about Yale, but she soon converts him to her position. Robin angrily confronts Mac about her giving her Yale plans a rest and tells him to stop lobbying everyone to try to dissuade her. Two women ignorantly complaining about the park being used to benefit "those people."  Stone confronts the narrow minded about their ignorance and AJ has a look in a bigoted mirror. 

8/7 Robin and Stone talk about not being able to make love. The kids are frustrated that they can't show their love for each other in a physical way. A new worry, Stone has blurred vision. AJ writes Stone a letter, apologizing for being such an insensitive clod. Stone is touched.

8/10 Lucky is working on a go-cart and Stone arrives with gears and a chain.  He admits to Sly that he has AIDS. They're cool with this. While tinkering, Stone cuts himself and screams, "DON'T TOUCH ME!!" Laura calms him and just happens to have her handy pack of latex gloves. She bandages him up quite calmly and goes for the bleach to clean the go-kart and area.  Both Stone and Lucky are impressed.

8/11 Stone arrives to have Alan check out his cut. Alan gives him the good news that his T-cell count is up to 140, Robin and Stone are jubilant. Then Stone tells Alan his eyes have been tired and blurry. Alan looks like he has been kicked in the stomach but hides it. Stone tells everyone the good news about his count. Stone asks Luke if he can work that night. Luke happily agrees.

8/15 Stone sees an opthamologist who tells him he has a CMV infection in his eyes which will lead to blindness in three months. It is a virus which is attacking his retinas due to his decreased ability to fight off infections. Treatment has to start now in order to save as much vision as possible. Stone is really ticked off and refuses to cooperate at first. Another moving scene between Stone and Alan. Kevin then comes by to talk to stone and he tells Robin the news. Robin and Stone hold each other after this devastating news. Sonny visits Stone in the hospital. Stone tells Felicia about the CMV.

8/16 Sonny comes to visit Stone. After Sonny's heartfelt comments about not knowing what to say or do, Stone thanks him for all the money he's spending on his medical care and asks what it is costing? The money is no big deal to Sonny and explains about moving from Luke’s. Stone thinks it's a good idea. Moving will get Sonny away from the space Sonny shared with Brenda. However, Sonny is having second thoughts thinking it would be disruptive for Stone. But for Stone not to move would be giving in to AIDS so he encourages Sonny to find a new place.

At the Foundation offices, Robin explains the latest development with Stone to Jason, AJ and Keesha and asks for their help. Since AJ's letter was much appreciated by Stone, to Jason's amazement, Robin wants AJ, Keesha, and Jason to help her put together a memory book for Stone. She wants Stone to feel his life meant something and that he touched people.

Jason visits Stone and offers his sympathy. Stone is bummed out that he won't be able to get the next experimental drugs till it is too late. He wants to try any drug no matter how experimental since he's going to die anyways. Jason tries to play the other side but Stone silences him when Stone says if he's a rat, at least he'd be running.

8/22 Stone and Robin are in the hospital room, practicing reading when the door opens and AJ in total surfer dialect says, “Hey, dude”. Since Stone has been cooped up and unable to enjoy the weather AJ, Keisha and Jason have brought the beach to Stone. Later, the gang saunters into the Outback still dressed up in the beach gear.

8/23 Brenda and Miguel arrive to visit Stone. They talk about Stone's billing on the video but as the "closeness" of the duo is apparent the conversation becomes awkward. Stone has a problem, anyone who hurts Sonny hurts Stone.  Brenda tries to let Stone know she has "put herself and Sonny in the past" and it has nothing to do with Stone. She actually understands Stone's feelings but claims she's been hurt too. Miguel offers to step aside to make things easier.  They would like Stone to be able to accept their friendship. Stone admits holding grudges isn't good for his karma. 

Miguel notices the sand from the beach party and they laugh about the fun until Sonny arrives.  He offers to come back later, Brenda follows him out into the hall. She suggests they call a truce for Stone's sake when they are around him.  Sonny would rather they avoid each other so Stone can have some peace of mind. Sonny walks off to return later and she returns to Stone's room. She puts on a happy face saying she told Sonny they have to be civil around Stone and that Sonny agreed.  Later Sonny visits an obviously tired Stone and tells Stone not to fight Sonny's battles, Stone has much more important ones. It's okay with Sonny for Stone to be friends with Brenda and Miguel. Stone notes that Brenda still gets to Sonny, he can't be in the same room with her. Sonny claims that's not the case and suggests Stone get some rest.

8/25 Jason comments to a tired Robin that she looks ill. Jason finds Robin has a sore throat and fever, so he immediately hauls her off to GH. Alan examines Robin and suggests she stay away from Stone for a couple days since she may have a strep infection. He also feels they should run an HIV test to be sure. As Jason walks Robin out, she suddenly feels woozy and asks to sit down. They talk about Stone and AIDS and just getting through each day.

8/28 Robin phones Stone, whose vision seems to have stabilized under the influence of the new AIDS drugs.  He wants to see her and she explains about having a sore throat, etc.  Stone is upset, he's scared that this is the begining of AIDS for her. He insists that Robin tell Mac about being sick. She says she'll tell him tomorrow.  Mac returns home later on to find Robin in bed.  He asks her why she's not working at the Charles Street Foundation.  She lamely replies that she's taking a day off.  Mac spies the antibiotics and Robin explains that she's got a sore throat.  "It's not what you're thinking" she tells worried Mac.  "Probably not" he agrees.

Stone goes to Alan's office to ask him directly, he finds Mac there with the same questions. Mac fills Stone in on what he learned but that they all have to wait until the HIV test results come back before they can breathe easy. In a touching conversation with Mac, Stone lays his emotions bare to Mac about how he feels about Robin. Stone admits to Mac that he feels like Robin's executioner and is consumed with guilt about what he might have done. In his grief, he pours out his fear to Mac who for the first time is touched by Stone who starts to cry. Wordlessly, Mac embraces him and Stone cries into his shoulder.


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